#go you lil weirdos be free!!!
Men should be written being tortured until they are nothing but a whining mess. We need more women in crime. Nbs need to do more tax evasion. Everyone else gets to be wild animals and drink out of hummingbird feeders.
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d3stinyist1red · 1 month
Yandere town?? Live convenience store cashier or mall owner or police officer and paramedics or anything both platonic and romantic like the elders try to get reader married to their children etc
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Yan town who literally is obsessed with everything you do, like u could be drinking water and they'll praise you for drinking it
Yan town who literally has the biggest fanclub of you, they exchange pictures, and items that used to belong to you
Yan convenience store cashier who literally has the sluttiest clothes in his bag just in case you come in
Yan police officer that gets called everytime you try burning the town down, biting his lip while saying "N/n, your being a very naughty girl!~" He playfully slaps,and runs his fingers up and down on your arm.
Yan medic who is lowkey a baddie, litteraly whenever he hears that you have a cut, he puts on the most lil skirt possible, and literally brings out things that nurses would only use if your on fucking life support, acting as if your gonna die just because of a tiny ass cut
yan platonic elderly woman who begs you to marry her son. Her son was very attractive and rich, waving at you shyly as he thinks about the ways you could stroke and suck him off
Yan business man who tries to get you to be his secretary, begging you on his knees and shit. He literally kisses your feet anytime he is in a 5 mile radius of u
Yan farmer who literally is pushing 20 and acting like a middle school boy who barely hit puberty, humping at your shoe and everything. He gives you free fruits tho! Though, he does try to trade with you. Your panties for the fruits of course!
Yan cowboy who let you ride him and save his horse. He literally tells you to get on his horse with him, your in front of him as he guides the horse, his front leaning against your back. He tries to hide his huge boner, and how he's slowly thrusting it against you.
Yan loser who no one likes💀 if ur the angel of the town, he's the devil. He's a total weirdo, whenever he sees you, his hands immediately go for his pants, trying to patt his dick down. "H-hey, do you wa-wanna help me wit-with mini me?"
Yan platonic unc who tries to get you to go on a blind date with his niece. You finally went, and his niece was down bad for u. His niece wouldn't even eat his food, staring at you the whole time with heart eyes, and giggling at you
Yan old man who lets you be his sugar baby. You don't even do anything, all you have to do is sit there and look pretty, and he will give you the money. Very cutesy very demure
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feistyvirghoe · 4 months
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 1 - you guys have such bright, very infectious because i’m just so giddy right now, yalls energy just shines bright like the sun omg, so full of positivity and love, happy as a child fr. i feel like people just like to consume your energy, has them all over the place, like pleading, there’s a push and pull effect you have, like you can be the most positive, optimistic person full of fucking light but then you have that other side to you that has people on their knees, like they can’t hold it in with you, the focus is on you guys, you’re hardworking and when you’re ready to fucking commit to something and go you just do it and get it started but you also know how to be inclusive and make others feel welcomed. i feel like people just want you to look at them, acknowledge them, you guys can adapt easily and may be spread out everywhere, you can’t just stay stuck to one thing and even within relationships im not saying you’re non-committal but you know your worth and some people and things just aren’t worth your time, you’re like a temptation, watch out for users and takers that may want to swindle you for whatever reason. you’re in tune with your femme side, you truly don’t need anyone to validate you and that’s a flex babe…it’s all you, something about the way you love and care for others, never dim that part of yourself, it’s so beautiful, the way you can own your mfkn power is by not letting bozos or losers come in and try to knock u off ur damn throne, standing up for yourself, believing that you’re fucking powerful just by being your true authentic self, confidently strutting your stuff, not giving away too much of yourself as well, connecting with your innermost self, reminding yourself who you are deep down inside, not being swayed the outside opinions of others, you may be a lil homebody and that’s okay..you’re sure of yourself and you don’t need anyone up in your face trying to fucking control you and make u feel small, by continuing to protect yourself in a healthy way, strong fucking boundaries is what needs to be set, don’t let these weirdos try to come in and fucking knock down your walls with their hateration and disgusting jealousy, show yourself off, embrace that fire within you, dont second guess yourself or make yourself small to fit in, burn bright baby boo. an affirmation for u - “i am a badass warrior and i conquer self doubt like it’s my fucking job!”
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 2 - your gentleness makes u fucking strike like lightning and i know you’re like “how?” babe we need more kind people like you on this planet, this world is so full of hatred and evil people, you’re kindness and compassion and just love for others makes you fucking strike babe, you’re a giver, very generous individual but i can see that you protect your heart as well, you know not to let shady people come and try to steal your energy, yeah that’s a thing, and you may need to be careful of that too, giving yourself away to undeserving people. you’re so content and just emotionally fulfilled on your own, u truly do not need someone else to fill your cup but im betting there’s a lot of people that would love to if you’d let them, you’re allowed be taken care of and poured into. but with how abundant your energy is and just how rich you are in spirit, of course it’d attract a bunch of energy vampires, just people with weird intentions. very emotionally mature and also vulnerable as well, well with the right people of course but you don’t hide how you’re feeling, and thats literally okay, you’re allowed to fucking let yourself feel free expressing what and how you’re feeling if that makes sense haha. you may throw people off, it’s like they dont expect YOU, like literally just you, your compassionate self. you don’t chase after people bc you know you’re already secure inside so don’t doubt that. maybe you really second guess yourself and how you’re coming off to others but i feel like people just see such a pure genuine soul, not just a nice person but a very kindhearted soul. you make others feel calm, like just content and chill haha. i feel like yall just make people smile, like smirking to themselves just thinking about you, omg admiring you and adoring you, u could be all up in people’s heads, unforgettable, maybe some just want to indulge themselves in you, just be cautious and aware of snakes hidden in the grass. i feel like i could go on and on about you guys, i dont want to make it too long though ;) your sweetness dude, you’re just like a lil fucking teddy bear ahhhh, someone who loves to help others, doesn’t matter what it may be just serving, wanting to be useful to others? maybe ppl have made u feel worthless bc of how kind you are like as if that’s boring or some shit, ignore those ppl, we need more kindness and love, don’t hide that side of yourself idc, let others who want to appreciate you show you their love. you’re also very in tune with your spiritual side and i feel you may dim that down too as if you’re not gifted i mean you’re here right?? embrace that side of yourself, you don’t even know how helpful you are to others, i feel like your generosity and just your pure loving soul is what puts a smile on others faces, so balanced, you’re just an unforgettable nurturer, a whole sweetie pie, a cutie pie ahhh, just such a sweet soul okay here’s an affirmation for you <3 “success is my middle name; watch me fucking conquer.” “i choose to surround myself with people who fucking respect me” and to own your power i feel like you just need to see you more, like you’re the one who can stay calm during the stormy weather, a shield for others, very protective over your loved ones and self, stay true to that boo! <33
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 3 - i feel like y’all are my glamorous pile, the ones ready to put their feet on the fucking ground and nobody ain’t going to fucking get in your way and stop you lmfao i’m hearing under the influence by chris brown, i feel like you guys got people feeling like they on drugs around you, your energy is intoxicating and addicting, some may even wanna knock u up to keep you as theirs wtf okay anyways hahahaha okay i feel like the way yall strike is like you’re in that empress energy very strong minded, in touch with your feminine side and you know when to cut a bitch off but then with that, the same people you cut off may try to come back and slither their way back into your life omg what the hell, so you guys are like the “heartbreakers” but not really because you just know your fucking worth more than what lames can give to you and not just that how they’re with you as well, goes for any relationship, you know when to fucking walk away and you’re not taking weird bullshit from anyone, you don’t play, i feel like your anger plays a part in making you fucking powerful, when you’re done you’re done and you can easily see through people’s bullshit, their facade, in hearing shit you up, lol u piss people off, idk what you’re truly doing, it could honestly just be you and your awareness, you’re not going to stand down and make yourself a tiny purse dog lmfao, very sassy as well, like no one can fucking control you, even if they wanted to, you guys make people uncomfortable but that’s there own issue, you may the wrong people for you uncomfortable haha, they try to fucking go and go at you relentlessly attacking you for no reason, so i can see why you’re protective of yourself and u don’t stand down, i mean with weird people like this honestly weird energy like this coming for y’all i understand why, it’s like you’re power makes others want to overthrow you and try and like one up you, just weird, got people competing for u and against you, i feel like they’re jealous of your fucking success and not just material success but your ambition, your drive, your resilience, never giving up on yourself no matter how hard it gets, you’re your own positive light in your life, you know how to make yourself happy, still shining, blowing out your candles, celebrating your fucking self like you should! yeah your fucking power just makes others despise you lmfao weird as hell, you live life on your own goddamn terms and you’re not sitting around waiting for anyone, a leader on your own, it’s like a natural quality of yours, you just know how to be up in front exuding dominance, like a lion, your walk may just give off CONFIDENCE i mean you have the emperor here, you’re just a fucking natural at it, it comes easily to you so i can see why others may feel offended by your power but they’re just projecting and not seeing their own power within themself, you look ahead, you don’t look for others, they look for you, goddamn lmfao! affirmations for you guys - “i’m letting go of negative bullshit, toxic people, and self doubt. i’m creating a fucking epic life on my own terms!” & “i am enough, i have enough, and damn right im fucking worth it!”
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 4 - i can see you guys regenerating in hermit mode, like taking some time to be alone with yourself building your power back up and cleansing yourself of all the weird energies you may have encountered, you like your solitude, my loners here, the ones who don’t mind leaving the party early, ready to go home and chill the fuck out or going on adventures by yourself and taking some time to just connect with your higher self if u wanna say that, just going within and seeing that light within yourself, you blossom on your own, you know how to make sure busy, it’s like when quarantine was around heavy, it didn’t phase this group, maybe it was even like a fuck yeah moment, nobody outside to bother you hahaha, like you guys may love to work out and get back to yourself that way, doing yoga, stretching, moving your body, but you may also be very cautious of the outside world, like you just jumped off the boat into uncharted territory taking time to feel out the place/environment/energy just watching where you’re stepping, or what you’re stepping into, making your way as you go along whatever journey you may be on, weighing out your options, not making hasty decisions, a thinker, maybe even a realist too. calm, balanced people here, like a lot of introspection, a very nostalgic person too. embracing the old memories, in tune with your childhood self, doing things that fuel your soul and what makes you feel the most peaceful, maybe you guys struggle with the mind so grounding yourself and staying away from the crowd is what helps you to stay sane and sharp, for you to be your most powerful self i feel like you just need that time away from everyone. yep it’s like you can’t really count on other people, do people make you second guess yourself, it’s like you’re there for everyone but they couldn’t even be bothered to hear you out, don’t give so much of yourself away to ungrateful people. you matter a lot and i can see this may be draining you as well, probably why you’re very cautious, but remember don’t keep yourself stuck on others weird projections and how they may try to take from you, it’s okay to be alone and regroup, if some one is offended by that then that’s there issue. the way u, my group four babies can uplift yourself and own your power is by letting yourself fucking shine and put yourself out there, confidently, i feel like people like making you guys feel small and quiet like a mouse, but you’re not a goddamn mouse you’re the fucking cat, and cats do whatever the hell they want to do, use your voice and own that fucking power, your words hold weight, speak more positively over your life and your self, unbiased opinions and being straightforward with your communication, don’t close yourself off from true unconditional love too..you deserve to be recognized and appreciated for all you do!!! keep fucking going, don’t give up on love, that goes for loving yourself too!! every fucking part of you and yes even the ugly bc the ugly is actually beautiful and makes you see the parts of you that you want to grow from and evolve beautifully into a better version of yourself! affirmations for y’all - “i’m unstoppable and nothing can hold me back, not even my fucking fears.” “my uniqueness shines like a freaking diamond! confidence? it’s my middle name, baby!” “i’m a badass boss babe and i don’t give a damn about what anyone thinks. i rock my confidence like a boss!”
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𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐀𝐂, 𝐢 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢’𝐦 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥, 𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐡𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐢 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐮𝐩, 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟, 𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐟𝐫, 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞, 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐭!! 𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐟 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞, 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐧𝐨 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐌𝐖𝐀𝐇 (^з^)-☆
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hearts-4-vicky · 6 months
a lil birdie told me you wanted some le ssera asks😈m
HEAR ME OUT. mean!dom!chae absolutely bitching you. you would come home from a night out with your friends, but chae was so pissed because kkura was flirting with you so she would just pounce on you once she shut the door! ripping off your clothes so she can get a taste of your sweet fat cunt, she has you cumming all on her tongue and then she starts rubbing her soaked cunt against yours. choking you while she grinds her cunt against yours, saying, “would kkura unnie like you like this? you whore, i bet you want her riding your pretty face or sucking on your tits while i fuck you dumb.” overstimming you until you both are cumming on eachothers cunts! she doesn’t even give you a break because she’s now riding your pretty face, purposely squeezing her thighs around your head and until she’s squirting all over your face and in your mouth :3
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Kim Chaewon x fem reader (plus a special guest)
warnings: mean! dom! chae, bratty! sub!reader (later), brat tamer chae, reader likes older women, degradation, mommy kink, overstimulation, marking, manhandling squirting, tribbing, oral, edging, pussy slapping, regular slapping, face sitting, ppl thirst over reader, secret relationship, they dont know how to hi communicate, a bit toxic… yeah, um idk i think rhats it?
wc: 2.2k (not proofread)
anon we could make out if you want i mean… im not against it or anything… but i had to reqrite this bullshit like three tiems im so fucking done ☹️ (a/n at the bottom as always 💪) oh and thank u @ningvory for deciding the pics for chaewonnn🫶🏼🫶🏼
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“ugh- fuck! chae.. t-too tight-!”
“okay, shut the fuck up weirdo.. god making this sound so sexual..” chaewon was currently helping you lace up the back of your dress, getting ready for your first meeting with her members.
“there, oh holy shit.” finally getting the bow right, she stands back to admire her work.
“hm? whats up? do i look bad or something..” you do a spin in front of the mirror, stopping after seeing your tits. “DAMN I LOOK GOODDDDD”
“huh- yeah, yeah whatever..” chaewon pushes her hair back before covering her mouth, barely muffling a groan.
“oh? whats wrong baby… don’t you think i look pretty? or maybe.. you’re too busy staring at these..?” you grope your tits, a sultry look in your eye. her eyes never leaving the sight of your breasts nearly spilling out of the red lacy fabric, “tell me mommy, which part of me interests you the most?” you pull her closer by her tie, letting her pin you against the mirror. “fuck… your- your eyes..” shes practically whimpering at this point, cant even hold eye contact with you. the light in her eyes shift, starting to droop at your intoxicating scent “mm.. and what color are my eyes baby?” your hand brings her face closer, letting her come up with a coherent answer “red.” she says with confidence, before pulling you impossibly closer by your exposed hips and letting your lips meet. its a messy kiss, shes sucking on your bottom lip, tasting your lipgloss then going back to exploring your mouth. teeth clash as chaewons so desperate for you, all of you. she wants.. no, she needs every part of you, and she needs it now. pulling away from your plump lips, she starts leaving open mouthed kisses trailing down your jaw, remnants of lipgloss stain your skin. breaking out of the trance, you try pushing her away, “ h-hold on.. ! your m-members are waiti-“ “don care pretty girl, need you now..” you gulp as chaewon starts untying the bow she spent oh so long to perfect..
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“CHAEWON ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?!? ugh… we’re half an hour late- huh.. slow down!”
you’re rushing to fix your makeup, and to hide the marks she recklessly left. “well maybe if you didn-“ chaewon feels something poking her neck, “dont.. dont you fucking dare finish that sentence Kim Chaewon.” she nods quickly to not anger you more. fixing your messy hair as chaewon kept honking the cars horn “fucking bitch… WE’RE ON THE DAMN FREE WAY!” her anger issues always made you giggle, but the way her jaw clenched had you folding. you hear her phone ring, she signals you to answer it. unlocking her phone, you see a text from jen “hrry up unnieee manchae alr went to her parents place >:( “ you look over to her, awaiting her response “ugh.. just ignore her.”
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as soon as the car gets in a parking space, chaewons rushing out her door, opening yours and carrying you bridal style to the rest of the girls. “finally! unnie, we’ve bee- woah.” yunjin starts to scold the leader before her eyes land on you. kazuha and sakura observe your features quietly. chaewon places you on your feet, panting from the running. “s-sorry.. fuck- we got.. lost?” the girls weren’t even listening to what she was babbling about. “H-hello.. im gay! wait fuck- im kazuha.. its nice to meet you, uh?” her face flushed as she shakily sticks out her hand to you “ im yn.. wow you’re so pretty.. and those muscles, are you single? ” you jokingly say, grabbing her hand with both of yours, the poor girl stops functioning as shes pushed to the side by yunjin. “ hi tits! um- yn! yeah- oh shit im sorry… wait no- im yunjin and thats sakura over there ” you giggle at her slip up before leaning closer and pulling her down to your level, “ first meeting and you’re obsessed with my boobs already.. ”
“ im so hard right now ”
“ what was that ? “
“ what? “
you move onto the last girl, sakura. holy shit shes gorgeous.
“hi ynnie, you look nice in red” she says with a sweet smile, making you swoon. “thank you unnie.. that suit would make anyone fold!”
the way you interacted with her members made chaewons breath hitch.. you’re hers… why are you whoring yourself out to her best friends? she noticed how sakuras eyes twinkled the moment they met with the sight of your figure.. it replayed in her mind every minute.. her ears perk up at zuhas question ,, so what are you to unnie, yn?”
“oh! sorry, im chae’s-“ she swiftly cuts you off “she’s a friend! a close friend of mine yeah..” the fuck? you want to protest, but stop as sakura responds, “that so? then you don’t mind if shes my date for the night, right?” she places a hand on your waist, pulling you close enough you could smell her perfume, and fuck, its intoxicating. you’re all caught off guard by her boldness “oooou im wet..” you mutter, praying to god she doesn’t hear you. “is that okay with you sweetheart?” she whispers to you, a sincere look in her eye, god she’s breathtaking… you slowly nod much to chaewon’s dismay, even if it was her fault this is happening, maybe if she wasnt ashamed of the relationship you guys have sakura wouldn’t be guiding you away to the restaurants doors. with clenched fists, she follows you and the rest of the girls, not before muttering curses to herself. chaewon hates the way you let sakura hold your hips, how close you’re sitting next to her, practically grinding against the older girls thighs in her eyes (you were a reasonable distance away from her)
she wanted to sit next to you but yunjin basically sprinted to the empty seat, pulling out your chair like the gentlewoman she is. chaewon hated how the girls smile shines at the simple words you spoke to her.
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the room was filled with loud laughter and compliments being thrown toward your direction every 10 seconds. chaewons grip on her fork nearly made it break into millions of pieces, she was so focused on not dragging you out to the car that she didnt even look up at you, making you feel like shit “ ynnie !! are you alright ? you’re shaking really bad.. do you need anything?” not even getting a word out of your mouth before feeling a warmth embrace you, realizing it was kura’s jacket wrapped around you. “here.. though-“ and suddenly you’re up out of your seat and being led to the exit. “chaewon-“ “shut it.”
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your bedroom door slams into the wall, nearly breaking it but chaewon could care less.. “so that’s it? you whore yourself out to my fucking friends? stupid fuckin bitch..” the rest is a mess of curses and degrading names towards you, she throws you on the bed, pinning you to it. she rips that stupid dress off “this wouldn’t have happened if you just introduced me as your damn girlfriend!” you feel her fingers trail up to your panties, “but no! you ju-“ she shoves the garment in your mouth, successfully cutting you off. “you were basically grinding on kkura unnie’s thighs.. you wish you were dating her instead huh?” chaewons hungrily kissing your neck, before trailing down to your pretty tits “maybe if you look like a dirty slut she won’t bat an eye at you” her hot tongue swirls around your perky nipples, hands gripping tightly at your thighs, leaving deep marks. you let out muffled gasps as you squirm underneath the older girl, feeling yourself get wetter by the second. youre clenching around nothing and searching for some sort of relief!! slowly grinding on chaewons exposed thigh, before she slaps your cunt.
she says no words, still nibbling at your sensitive skin, just glaring at you before returning her attention back to the task at hand. you throw your head back, whining into the panties as you plead for chaewon to touch you . she takes notice of how you hump the air so desperately, making her laugh in your face. “pfft- stupid slut.. only thinking about what she wants, huh?” the names she calls you make you scream, this is not something you thought you were into! “i wanna hear the slut bitch and moan, you got that? you’re nothing but my little sex doll i can throw around. ill use you til im satisfied..” she pulls the panties out of your mouth, throwing it in a random corner of the dark room. chaewon’s between your legs now, blowing air onto your needy cunt. “are you this wet because of me, or kkura unnie?” you shake your head in denial, “cmon… use your big girl words..” “n-no! chae- ah!” a quick slap at your folds catch you off guard,
“wrong name bitch.”
you whimper as she starts rubbing your clit “f-fuck! ‘m sorry m-mommy! haa—“ she slowly licks up from your entrance to the clit, making your eyes roll to the back to of your head! she slips her tongue inside, teasing you as she halts all movement. “mmha… mommy… more.. p-please!” she moves her tongue side to side for a bit before completely pulling away. “did you really think id let you get close to cumming you slut? mommy thought you were smarter than that… damn, kkura unnie wouldn’t like a disobedient girl like you..” shes smirking in your face, straddling you and putting one of your legs on her shoulder. slowly, she grinds her puffy pussy onto yours, earning whines and squeals from you. “ghaa! mm- fuck.. m-mommy!!” you drench both of your bottom halves in your squirt, letting out choked moans of her name followed by curses. “cumming so mmgh.. soon? needy bitch, shit!- we’re not even starting yet!” she rubs her cunt against yours faster now, pressing down harder to get her closer. feeling your clits hit each other makes you cry out, bringing you to your second release of the night. chae ups her pace, using your overwhelmed cunt to her hearts content. “mommy! s’too much!! s-stop!-“ your right cheek flashes a new red color, “you’ll take it like a good girl, does mommy have to train your stupid ass again?” she grumbles, focused on squirting all over your sweaty body, maybe then kkura won’t want you. “argh!- fuck!” finally satisfied with her work, she coats you in her scent! shes riding out her orgasm on your overspent, puffy little cunt. you’re busy babbling about something she could care less about, then she gets an idea.
“hey whore, open wide! if you make me cum ill call someone over~”
she gives you milliseconds to react before shoving her glistening pussy on your face. muffled moans vibrate through her core, making her clench her plush thighs around your head. your minds fuzzy, but a pretty girl is using you for her own pleasure ! score in your book! shes cutting off your circulation with how her thighs practically embrace your head in a soft prison but you’re glad you’re a prisoner. “fuck.. making mommy do all the work now? alright then.” she hastily grinds her fat cunt on your open mouth, feeling your nose hit her clit with each motion. chaewons screaming at this point, ‘fuck the neighbors!’ is what she lives by. “ugh!! shit- mmghaa! take it all! drink mommy’s cum!” she squeals before cumming hard on your face, you barely manage to take all of her slick. chaewon slows down her grinding until she halts all movement, finally letting you have some air.
“ugh- fuck.. did you really call over your homegirls?” you groan, feeling like you just got ran over fifty times.
“yeah, just one though. and shes your favoriteee” she says playful before making you look at the now open door
“hi baby.. hope chaewonnie wasn’t too harsh on you..”
“oh suck my fat-“ kkura throws her jacket at her face, shutting the girl up,
“shhh shhut the fuck up.. anyway, got more for me sweet girl? cmon baby, let mommy hear your pretty voice..”
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hi my lovessss i missed you guys :(((( how r you ? wahhh this is my longest post yet😭 im sorry if my last posts felt.. bland? ive been struggling with ideas for these reqs lately, i feel like ive written the same thing just with different idols.. but i really enjoyed writing this one <3 !! ill be more active this week since i really do owe it to you guys
Stay safe and I love you lots !!
- Vicky 💋
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hwaslayer · 5 months
love you in slow motion (psh) | two.
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♡ spotify playlist | series masterlist ♡
—summary: seonghwa will go through hell and back for you, as long as he can continue to see that smile on your face. because to him, that smile feels like a rainbow after the rain, the warmth of the sun on a winter day. because to him, you’re more than just his bestfriend—you’re love. even though everyone seems to see that except you.
—pairing: park seonghwa x f!reader
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) bestfriends to lovers | fluff, angst, eventual smut
—word count: 7.3k
—chapter warning: cussing/mature language, alcohol consumption and intoxication, some drunk crying lol, yacking, lil inkling of jealousy, overthinking and burying feelings, more seonghwa x oc dynamic
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—a/n: hi hi! hope you guys enjoy this update! the next two updates will be quite lengthy lol stay tuned! if you need a lil something fun, i posted after hours last weekend!
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"You know, Y/N. One day, you should sit down and eat with me. I'll pay for everything. It'll be a nice little date." The old man who is a regular at the restaurant smiles up at you while you switch his empty cup with a newly refilled cup of beer. 
"Sure, but you know, my boss is also my cousin. I could always ask her for free food if I wanted it. Wouldn't a date be nicer somewhere else?" You laugh and nod, giving him a wink before walking off. "Mr. Ong asked me out on another date."
"Ou, to our restaurant? How sweet of him. Maybe one day you should actually sit down and eat with him."
"I'm not looking for a sugar daddy, Soyeon."
"He probably just needs company, you weirdo." She laughs. "Aye, might be nice, though. You never know until you try." You roll your eyes. "Unless.."
"Unless, what?"
"Someone else has your heart." Soyeon nudges you behind the counter as you two work on packing some to-go orders.
"Who is someone else?" 
"You know, only your bestfriend of 16 years who does everything and anything for you." Soyeon giggles. But, before she can even indulge in her own little fantasy she's trying to project on you, Seonghwa walks through the front door— black, wavy hair messily framing his head. "Speak of the devil." You glare at her and roll her eyes while she continues to giggle loudly next to you.
"I can't fucking believe you."
"What?!" You look up at Seonghwa and give him a nod. "Hwa! Our favorite person ever."
"Hey." He smiles at Soyeon, giving Junseo a wave as he helps Yoongi in the kitchen.
"What're you doing here?"
"Thought I'd pick you up for Sannie's thing." He looks at you.
"Aw, Hwa. I told you I was okay taking bus."
"I was already in the area." He sits at the bar, watching as you continue to pack the remaining orders. 
"Want anything?" Soyeon asks, making Hwa shake his head in response.
"I'm good, thanks."
"You should get going so you can meet up with everyone on time." Soyeon nudges you.
"Let me give Mr. Ong his check and direct him your way before I go." You grab a new batch of dried squid with the check, pacing over to Mr. Ong with a huge smile on your face. "My dear, I have some bad news. I'm off for the night. Here's a refill of your dried squid and the check. Just pay with Soyeon at the front, okay?" He frowns and playfully protests.
"You can't go that early! What am I supposed to do when my favorite is gone?!" 
"Oh, I know. It's a tragedy. I'm so sorry, Mr. Ong. I'll see you next time!" You give him a sweet smile before walking to the back and hanging up your apron. "Soyeon will take great care of you!"
"I sure will, Mr. Ong. What else do you need?" He continues to playfully protest and partake in cute banter with Soyeon, even as you grab your things and walk out the door with Seonghwa.
"Really got the hots for you. Gonna let him take you out on a date?" Seonghwa adds as he leads the way to his parked car up the street.
"Well, just so you know, he actually did ask me on a date today. For the umpteenth time. He offered to pay for my dinner at the restaurant." You giggle as you step into the passenger's seat of Hwa's car. You always commend Hwa for being so clean and tidy, his car always in pristine condition like a new car would be. You especially love the air freshener that sits on his rear view mirror, Seonghwa always making sure to hang a new one to keep the fragrance alive.
"How sweet of him." He chuckles. "How was work otherwise?"
"Good. Busy." You let out a breath.
"Not too tired to go?"
"Never! I need to see Sannie, are you kidding?"
"I'm just giving you some options." He says, pulling away from the curb to begin the trek over to the bar.
"Thanks, Hwa. I'm perfectly fine and excited." You clap your hands in excitement.
"I think they're all already there."
"They're just waiting for us?"
"Can't wait. I can't believe he went MIA when he was in Barcelona."
"I mean, we heard from him every now and then, but yeah." Seonghwa licks his lips, eyes focused on the road in front of him. "Guess he really wanted to focus on his program. Plus, I'm sure he was just basking in the new environment. Being in a new country and taking it all in."
"Good for him. I strive to be that way."
"Long way to go." You playfully smack him on the arm, making him give off a small yelp.
"I'm glad he did that, though. You don't normally find yourself in a situation like that all the time." Seonghwa nods.
"Yeah. I agree." You rest your head back against the headrest, giving yourself a moment to rest before the chaos begins. Before you could even get a few seconds of peace, Seonghwa is turning at a corner, instantly pulling into a free spot on the street.
"Mind if we walk a bit? I don't think we'll find anything closer to the bar."
"Sure. If I get wasted, it's on you to carry me." You unbuckle your seatbelt and hop out of the car while Seonghwa follows suit.
"Hell no."
"So what, are you just gonna leave me?"
"Yeah." He says nonchalantly, walking ahead of you.
"You're so mean to me." You pout, making Seonghwa look down at you once you finally catch up to his side.
"Am I? Even though I lose sleep to save you from your shitty ex-boyfriend?"
"Hey, I was just kidding." He laughs. "It's not funny. Are you sick of me?"
"Y/N, please."
"Seonghwa, are you sick of me? Cause if you are, then I am too!" You tug on his arm and he shakes his head. 
"We wouldn't be in each other's lives for this long if I was." He scoffs. "Besides, what the hell have I done to make you sick of me?"
"I thought so. Don't get me started." You playfully attempt to smack him on the arm. At this point, the two of you have finally reached the entrance to the bar, Wooyoung being the first to spot you walking over.
"Baby girl and her grumpy bodyguard are here!" He yells, waving you two over. You call out Wooyoung and Hongjoong's name while waving happily, but the individual next to them causes you to pause and almost short-circuit.
Because what do you mean that's Choi San?
You gasp when you finally process that it's San standing next to Wooyoung, his cheeks a rose-tinted color as he fiddles with his hands. He's nervous seeing you for the first time in years, hoping you'd still be the same around him like before.
"Sannie!" You scream, running into San's arms and allowing him to swing you around. When he puts you down, he gets a good look at your face and smiles, sending those butterflies loose in your stomach.
He definitely changed over the years.
It's been about three years since you all graduated, and since you last saw San. Once graduation was over, he felt the need to travel and explore, eventually stumbling into an Art and Architecture program in Barcelona. That's where he spent a majority of his years abroad before coming back home.
To you, your friends, his family.
The familiar.
But the last time you saw San, he was a super sweet, awkward guy who experimented with hair colors and lacked consistency with the gym [even though he said he wanted to be better about a million times]. In reality though, he didn't think too much about his physical appearance and wasn't big on dressing up, was glued to his games and his shiba pillow pet named Shiber— even after graduation.
Now, he stands in front of you— a nice fitting black tee tucked into some dress pants and boots, brow slits, black hair slicked back with strands falling to his face, buff as shit in all the right places. You still smell his cologne lingering on you, on your hair, even as your eyes continue to glaze over his body.
"Wow, you look.. different." You accidentally let out while letting your eyes linger. He chuckles, showing off his deep dimples.
"What is that supposed to mean? I haven't seen you in about three years and that's the first thing you say?" He teases, pulling you into another tight hug, your cheek pressed against his chest while Seonghwa furrows his brows. Because what the fuck is he watching right now? It's so easy to tell when you're feeling some type of way, even if you won't admit it.
"Sorry, I meant that in a good way." You look up at him and playfully tap his chest. "I'm happy you're back home. It's been too long."
"I am, too." Seonghwa clears his throat, breaking the weird, flirty silence between the two of you.
"Can we go inside?" Seonghwa chimes in, looking at anyone for some sort of agreement.
"Okaaaaay!" Wooyoung says, clapping his hands awkwardly. "You didn't have to make it so fucking weird, Mr. Grumpygills." He and Hongjoong snort while they begin to walk into the bar, Hwa's hand coming up to smack Wooyoung on the back of his neck. "Ouch, what the fuck! Joongie laughed too." He whines.
"Shut up."
"I can't wait to hear your stories about Barcelona!" You link your arm with San's as you two trail behind and begin to talk about how he's been lately. Wooyoung, Hongjoong and Seonghwa slide in first before you and San follow suit into the booth.
"Somebody order before he loses his shit watching this." Hongjoong mumbles, eyeing the happy hour menu.
"Tequila? Soju?" Wooyoung yells, already calling the server over. "Both? Fuck it. Seonghwa looks like he needs it anyway."
"I will personally toss your ass out of this bar myself." Seonghwa says under his breath, glaring at Wooyoung before returning his attention to the menu. After a few moments of peace and silence, Hongjoong takes initiative to order for the booth— making sure to include everyone's wants and wishes before thanking the server with a smile and a curt nod.
The soju bottles come out first, and you immediately crack them open to get the party started. You line up all of the shot glasses and start pouring [heavily], passing it onto the boys for them to join you.
"Goodness." Hongjoong says, carefully lifting his shot glass filled to the brim. "Y/N, I love you, but we have all night, you know?"
"Exactly, Joongie! More time to get in more shots!"
"Yeah, that's the spirit babygirl! Don't worry about the grandpas!" Wooyoung yells along, tapping his glass against yours. "Sannie's back!" San shyly laughs, saying a few words along the lines of 'thank you' and 'i missed you guys a lot.' Everyone taps their glasses once more before downing their shots, with you wasting no time to pour the next round.
But the next round becomes the third, the fifth, maybe seventh, tenth? You aren't really sure when it's mainly you, San and Wooyoung taking the shots and requesting bottle after bottle. At some point, the empty bottles are gathered in the middle of the table and Seonghwa is having to play tetris to make the food fit.
"I need to pee. I'll be back."
"Are you good to go by yourself?" Wooyoung questions. "I can stand outside in the hallway until you're done."
"I'm good, I promise!" You slip out of the booth once San has slipped out of the way at the end, taking a moment to get your balance together since the world seems to be spinning a lot more than usual right now.
"Wow, I think I'm drunk." Wooyoung laughs as he plops back down onto the seat.
"Saaaame." San burps a bit before picking at the calamari sitting in front of him. "Y/N's fun. I forgot how fun she is."
"She is." Wooyoung smiles. "That's babygirl."
"Babygirl? Is this a new nickname we're calling her?"
"It's a nickname I'm calling her and Hwa hates it." Wooyoung giggles when he eyes Seonghwa next to him.
"It's just weird."
"Not! You're just mad you can't come up with a cuter nickname for your bestfriend."
"I don't need to." Seonghwa continues to eat, brushing off Wooyoung's drunk teasing.
"Did you guys come from work today?" Hongjoong shifts the topic as he munches on some of the food, hearing the slight annoyance in Seonghwa's tone.
"Yeah. Picked up Y/N on the way over."
"When are Soyeon and Junseo leaving for Japan?"
"In a few days." Wooyoung gasps.
"Does that mean we'll get to see Chacha?!"
"That's right, I never met Charli." San says, cheeks flushed completely to red now that he's 100% drunk.
"She's cute." Seonghwa smiles a bit. "But yeah, Soyeon asked Y/N to take charge in watching Chacha since Yaya's knees have been bothering her." Hongjoong nods.
"She's really cute, dude. She turned three not too long ago." Wooyoung shows San a picture. 
"She's so cute." San laughs at the pictures of Charli.
"I'm back!" You announce, the boys at the end slipping out of the booth to let you get back inside. "What're you guys looking at?"
"Chacha." You smile.
"Aw yeah, Charli! You haven't met her. She'd love you." You look at San.
"Can't wait. She's super cute."
"She's stuck to this one the most, though." You point at Seonghwa. "All she does is cry for Hwa." You pour yourself another shot.
"He's no fun, though." Wooyoung pokes fun and pouts at Seonghwa.
"It's cause mentally, you're the same age as Charli. Of course you relate the most."
"Aye." Wooyoung flips him off while laughing. "Fuck you."
"Am I wrong?" Seonghwa smirks.
"Is she just gonna stay with Yaya when she doesn't have preschool? She only goes three days, right?" Hongjoong asks.
"Yeah, but I'm not sure." You reach across to grab some food, getting in Seonghwa's way. "I know Yaya won't mind, but I might just bring her along to the restaurant. She can color or something. Our regulars don't mind keeping her company, too."
"But, she'll be sleeping with me and everything." You say with a slightly full mouth. You feel Seonghwa accidentally nudge you while grabbing a chicken wing, making your drunk ass glare back at him just as you roughly nudge him. He mumbles a quick 'stop' as he nudges you again, making you respond with an even more aggressive nudge that has him moving in his seat. The childish back and forth has Hongjoong confused, eyes peering over the edge of his phone while he watches the interaction mid-text. "You stop." You groan.
"Seriously?" Hongjoong asks, sometimes unsure how you two have dealt with each other for this long.
"He elbowed me first." You drunkly respond, that last shot of soju finally settling in.
"It was an accident. I was trying to grab food." Seonghwa gives you a look. It's gonna be a long night. "Eat more. Drunk ass." Seonghwa drops a wing onto your plate before continuing to pick at his food.
"No." You pout and he furrows his brows.
"Fine, suit yourself. You're gonna be mad you didn't." He watches as you reach over to grab the soju bottle and pour Wooyoung and San another shot.
"Don't be a killjoy, Hwa. Sannie is back, doesn't that mean anything to you?" You whine, your doe-eyes peering up at him as he eats. He doesn't respond, nor does he keep eye contact with you for long because he can't stand it when you look at him like that. 
"I'm driving, remember?" He raises a brow. 
"Right." You giggle. "I'll take another on your behalf then." You shrug and take one last shot of soju right after San and Wooyoung take their shots.
"She's gonna yack tonight." Hongjoong says while puckering his lips, keeping his eyes glued to his phone.
"Yeah, probably." Seonghwa nonchalantly munches on a mozzarella stick.
"Am! Not!" You direct your response to Hongjoong, but before you can go on and defend yourself even more, a loud scream erupts when the DJ starts to play one of your favorite songs.
"Who wants to dance?!" Wooyoung yells loudly as he stands at the booth, San already ready to make his way to the dance floor. "Babygirl sure does!" San grabs your hand and leads the way, with Wooyoung pushing Hongjoong out of the booth to follow along. "You two coming?" He asks just as Hongjoong and Seonghwa shake their head, leaving him to nod and find you and San on the floor.
"Looks like those two are gonna get extra close again now that he's back for good." Hongjoong takes a turn teasing Seonghwa, knowing the flirty interaction from earlier in the night is still irking the living daylight out of him.
"Mm, maybe." Seonghwa continues to chomp on his food while avoiding eye contact.
"Wow, they're dancing awfully close like that together." Hongjoong lies, watching as Seonghwa's eyes suddenly dart to the dance floor ahead. He tries not to make it obvious but my god, is he hoping that you and San aren't dancing up on each other and are leaving room for the Holy Spirit instead. "See, you're full of shit."
"Dude, fuck off. Why is everyone on my ass about this today?"
"Maybe cause you should do something about it."
"If she wants to date San, then she should go for it. Can't tell her who she can or can't date."
"You're right, by all means. But I'm telling you to be fucking real with yourself." Seonghwa rolls his eyes and shakes his head before looking back out to the dance floor. He's a little irritated that he's had to hear this not once, but twice in one day— though, he knows his boys are only looking out for him and telling him the truth. For some reason, he just can't think about it right now. He refuses to, mainly out of fear. He doesn't want this to consume him, to change things without him even realizing.
He wants you, but he'll have you the way the universe will allow him to have you.
After you, Wooyoung and San are done dancing [a very long hour or so afterwards], the group decides to call it a night shortly after. You're still drunk as hell, and Seonghwa doesn't even know how he's gonna get you home without creating chaos at this time of night. He just hopes he can at least get you to bed in one piece.
At least you're not running off to Mingi.
"I had so much fun!" You giggle. "Choi San." You tap his chest before hugging him. "I'm so glad you're back."
"I am, too."
"We have to hang out more now that you're back. T-to make up for lost—" You hiccup. "—time."
"That sounds good with me." You smile at him before hugging Wooyoung and Hongjoong.
"I mean it!"
"I know, I do too!" He laughs.
"Hwa get home safely, please." Joong says before grabbing at Wooyoung's shirt just as he's about to run to the water fountain nearby. "No, you're not going to the fountain."
"I just wanna make a wish and toss a coin in there! I'm not gonna dive in!" Wooyoung whines while San laughs loudly. "Why are you being like that!" He continues on.
"You too!" Seonghwa calls out, picking up his pace when he realizes you've already started walking off. "Shit." He mumbles to himself.
"Wooooooo!" You skip happily as you and Seonghwa walk down the street to his car. You stumble on your feet a bit that he has to grab your wrist and pull you back towards him before you end up on the busy street where cars are constantly driving up and down.
"Y/N, be careful." He says, almost whining that you can't just stay still next to him.
"Hwa, I'm fine."
"Are you?"
"Y-yes!" You giggle and pose as if he's taking a picture, only to lose your balance and stumble on your feet again. You laugh though, and it makes Seonghwa chuckle a bit when he grabs your arm and holds you close.
"Okay, yeah. You're right! Perfectly fine." He lies just so you're satisfied.
"Aw, see. I told you so." You scrunch your nose at him and continue to let him guide you to the car. "Hwa." You tug on his arm.
"Sannie is so cute." You pout. "He is so, so cute. I m-mean." You hiccup. "He's always been cute but he's so attractive now. Like prince charming." You say ever so smitten, and it makes Seonghwa wanna silently scream and punch the air right now. "Isn't he?!"
"Do you think he'd like me? We're just friends and he probably just—" You hiccup again. "Just sees me as a friend."
"I think he would."
"You're not just saying that because you're my bestfriend, right? You can tell me the truth. You hate Mingi and you tell me all the time."
"I always tell you the truth." He chuckles. "And I do hate Mingi. That has never changed. He's an asshole and doesn't treat you right."
"Would San treat me right? Would you like him? We've all been friends so you know him." Seonghwa sighs.
"He would. He's a really good guy."
"I knooooow." You pout. "But he wouldn't like me."
"He would."
"Would he actually?"
"Why not? You're beautiful inside and out, smart, funny. Fun to be around. You're a headache at times, but everything about you is worth it." He almost mumbles the last part hoping you wouldn't catch it. You do, but it doesn't bother Seonghwa as much knowing you won't remember shit tomorrow.
"Aw, pichu." You stop and look at him while he unlocks his car and swings the passenger door open for you. "You really mean that?" Your bottom lip looks like it's trembling and Seonghwa can't help but furrow his brows in confusion at you.
"Are you gonna cry?"
"Yeah." Your bottom lip pokes out even more and you actually do start crying. 
"That wasn't meant to make you cry, Y/N. I'm just answering your question." He laughs as he wipes your tears, but you continue to cry, even as you drunkly plop onto the passenger's seat.
"It was so sweet, you're always so good to me. Sometimes." You sniff. "Well all the time. I feel like I don't deserve you."
"Don't say that."
"It's true."
"It's not, or else I wouldn't be here, right?" He looks at you just as he finishes buckling your seatbelt.
"Did you know?" You giggle with glazed, hooded eyes. "I wanted to marry you at some point. I couldn't see anyone else in my life the same way that I saw you and thought I'd end up marrying you." You snort and laugh loudly. "Kinda crazy isn't it? We would never date though so how could that even happen?" Seonghwa can't help but continue to look at you, even though at this point you've shut your eyes and started to lean back against the seat.
"Hm." Seonghwa hums. "I wouldn't say never."
"You're my bestfriend. We can't break up, remember? Ever. If we date, then ultimately we could get tired of each other and break up. A-and hate each other. It'll kill me." You mumble. "Even though I love you, I really, really love you, we promised not to break up or go there."
"Yeah." Seonghwa's heart shatters, the pieces falling to the pits of his stomach.
"Listen, even though I have this crush on Sannie, or I think I do, I don't know—" You giggle again as you tap his arm. "I want you to know that I'll always love you more than anyone or anything. Okay? You're always first!" Your eyes pop open to look at him. "My heart belongs to you and only you, Park Seonghwa!" You laugh and point at him cutely, shutting your eyes again to finally try and sleep this off. 
"I love you, too." Seonghwa mutters as he drives off, but you're already sound asleep in the seat— head leaning near the window. He's not sure what to feel right now, and he'll probably never bring this up for your sake. He'll never bring it up though the thought will consume him.
But, did you really mean it? All of it?
He's hoping yes, but what is that gonna do for him? You're drunk. You won't remember this. He won't bring it up. Does this mean it's actually time for him to be honest before it's too late? Before San can sweep you off your feet for good and Seonghwa never gets the chance to tell you how much he truly loves you and adores you?
Before he just has to sit back and bury his feelings for good? All because he decided he couldn't tell you?
He'd hate to say you were the one that got away, especially when a whole new door just opened in front of his eyes. It's just a matter of him taking those steps.
Why do things have to be so complicated?
When he gets to your house, Yaya is sound asleep and all the lights are off. Seonghwa makes sure to open the side door and the door to your suite before coming back to his car to quietly unbuckle your seatbelt and carry you to your bed. You whimper and make a small noise when he lifts you, and he gently shushes you back to sleep— reassuring you that he was putting you to bed and that he'd be around if you needed him.
He lays you down, taking off your shoes and setting them aside before grabbing some clean clothes for you to change into later. He knows you'll probably get up in the middle of the night, especially with how drunk you were. He sets a glass of water near your bed side and places the trash can next to you just in case, before shutting all the curtains and changing into comfier clothes himself [the perks of you wearing his clothes home]. He lays down on your couch and throws the extra blanket over his body, taking a moment to scroll through his phone and text the boys before attempting to get some sleep.
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You do end up yacking that night, and it's not as slick as you had liked.
You abruptly woke up, suddenly feeling warm and like you needed some sort of release, feet quickly padding to the bathroom that you didn't notice Seonghwa asleep on your couch. You shut the door to the bathroom and instantly vomit into the bowl— all the alcohol and things you've eaten coming right back up. Seonghwa is already awake, though. He heard you shuffling over to the bathroom and knows exactly what's happening behind the door. He lets out a breath while walking to the bathroom, finding you head first into the toilet. He gently gathers your hair and pulls it back, rubbing your back as you let out another round into the bowl before flushing it away.
"Fuck." You say. "Really do regret not eating more." You spit into the bowl before flushing it once more and stand to wash up.
"Figured." Seonghwa smirks with a little chuckle. "You alright?" You nod as you begin to brush your teeth and get loads of mouthwash ready.
"I think I'll be okay now. I feel a bit better even though I'm kinda dizzy still." You look at him through your bathroom mirror. "Were you here the entire time?" Seonghwa yawns and nods as he leans against the door frame.
"Took your little drunk ass home and stayed here just in case."
"How many hours ago did we get home?"
"Probably like 2 or 3."
"How drunk was I?"
"Drunk enough."
"I didn't say stupid shit, did I?" You spit out the mouth wash and start to make your way outside to change into comfier clothes, still feeling disoriented.
"No, but you did manage to be all up on San." You gasp and cover your mouth, Seonghwa laughing as he plops back down onto your couch.
"The fuck, Seonghwa! Don't lie!" You smack him on the shoulder.
"I'm kidding. Kinda. You were dancing with him and Wooyoung, and you wouldn't stop talking about how cute he was." You start changing in the bathroom with the door open, listening to him go on about that.
"Did he hear?"
"No, you were still being a flirt though."
"Fucking christ." You mumble, hand to your forehead at the dull headache now present post-yack session. "No, I'm not thinking about this now." You lay back down and toss the sheets over your body. "Are you sure you're okay to sleep there?"
"Mhm. Not like I haven't before."
"We've also shared a bed without issues." Seonghwa pauses, swallowing the lump in his throat. Can he really share a bed with you the same way he used to? Especially after you just blurted out that your heart belonged to him? Whether it was the truth, or for shits and giggles— he can't just share a bed with you and keep his distance.
You fucking blurted out the L word.
You said you loved him; really, really loved him.
"It's okay. You should rest comfortably. You need it more than I do." You hum as you sink into your sheets and let the warmth envelope you. Seonghwa lets out a quiet sigh before returning his attention to his phone, waiting for the drowsiness to hit him again. His groupchat with the boys still seems to be active, so he scrolls through to catch up on the texts:
[hongjoong]: just got home after dropping these punks off
[hongjoong]: can't believe woo and san convinced me to go to another bar
[hongjoong]: hwa did you and y/n make it home okay?
[wooyoung]: did y/n yack her brains out? cause babygirl was drunk drunk
[san]: you guys, speaking of her
[san]: y/n is so fucking cute, i missed her a lot
[san]: she's really not seeing anyone right? because she's so pretty
[san]: maybe she'll finally give me a chance lol
[hongjoong]: you're drunk. sleep it off? lol
[san]: no i really mean it ☹️ she rarely paid attention to me before..
[hongjoong]: what are you talking about, she was always with us lol you guys always hung out??
[hongjoong]: please go to sleep
[wooyoung]: u better ask bodyguard seonghwa first, he might drop kick that ass
[san]: shit hwa i'm sorry, am i overstepping here??
Seonghwa is annoyed and he's irritated, but he won't say it. And he won't take it out on San because it's not his fault. It's not anyone's fault but Seonghwa's own. He chooses to keep this to himself and not do anything about it, so can he really mope around and sulk? You weren't his to claim. It was free game, and if it's gonna be anyone, he would want it to be San. Seonghwa would ultimately support you and San if it ever went down that route. That way, you wouldn't keep hurting yourself over Song Mingi, too.
Despite adoring you and loving you to bits, all he wants is for you to be genuinely happy. That's the most important thing here.
[seonghwa]: don't listen to wooyoung's dumbass, you don't needa tell me or ask me anything. y/n is her own person
[seonghwa]: and yeah joong we're fine
[seonghwa]: she did throw up but shes asleep now
[seonghwa]: i'm gonna take my exit, tired as hell
He sets his phone aside, turning inwards on the couch to try and catch some shut-eye. Though, he feels like at this point, he's probably not gonna have the best rest. He manages to fall asleep for the next couple of hours, tossing and turning every now and then until he finally decides to just call it quits and start his day. He washes up and tries to make himself look a little more presentable after the long night of tossing and turning. He folds the blankets and sets them aside, happy to see that you're still sound asleep deep under your covers. He grabs his keys and phone, deciding to make a run for some pho to bring back and share with you.
"Seonghwa." Yaya says as she waters her flowers in the garden. "You're here." She smiles.
"Mhm." He gestures towards your suite. "Brought her home after we all went out last night for San."
"Oh, that handsome boy. I'm so happy to hear he's back home." She stands and places her hand on her hip. "Was she okay?"
"Yeah, just drank quite a bit. She's okay though. Promise." Seonghwa smiles sweetly. "I'm gonna grab us some food before she wakes up."
"You're the sweetest boy I know." She cups his cheek.
"Do you need anything while I'm out, Yaya?" He asks as he's about to head out of the backyard's side door.
"No, Soyeon, Junseo and Charli are coming over soon. You're gonna be here, right? Charli would be so sad if she missed you."
"Yeah, I'll be here." He chuckles. "Be back." 
With that, Seonghwa heads off to the small Vietnamese restaurant that you, your family and his family have come to love. It's a bit of a drive from your place, but he doesn't mind. The restaurant is owned by a lovely middle-aged couple who has seen you and Seonghwa grow since your high school years. When Seonghwa calls, they know his voice— immediately starting on his order before he could say anything and asking for him to swing by as soon as possible so they can see him.
So, that's what he does.
He sees them as soon as possible, walking into the store with a huge smile on his face while Mr. and Mrs. Dao happily wave him over with a huge bag of food nearby on the counter. He stands near the counter to engage in small talk for a bit, giving them cash with extra tip for all the good food they've packed for him [and you].
"Where is our girl?" Mrs. Dao asks, tying the knot securely on the bag.
"Asleep and hungover." She laughs, handing the bag over. "Gotta make sure she gets some food in her system."
"That's sweet of you." She smiles at him. 
"How's your family? How's Y/N and hers?" Mr. Dao asks him, wiping his hand on his apron.
"They're all good. I'll tell them you guys said hello." They nod.
"I packed some spring rolls and extra peanut sauce in there. I know those are her favorite." Mrs. Dao whispers.
"Thank you." Seonghwa winks before waving one last time and walking out of the door. 
As promised, when he arrives, Soyeon, Junseo and Charli are over. Seonghwa steps out of his car with the bag of food, a screaming Charli running towards him from down the hallway. She barrels through her own mom and dad to get to him quickly, with Seonghwa having to set the bag on the island counter down to appropriately welcome her into his arms and swing her around.
"Uncle Hwa! Uncle Hwa!" She screams repeatedly.
"Charli, please. You don't have to scream." Soyeon chuckles a bit.
"Chacha." Seonghwa taps the tip of her nose before she giggles and snuggles her head into the crook of his neck. "I missed you. Where have you been?" He asks teasingly.
"Preschool! With friends!"
"Aw, you've been making friends? That's good." 
"Hwa, don't let that child lie to you." Soyeon adds. "She's so mean and sassy. There was this kid who wanted to sit next to her and she kicked her foot out so he wouldn't." Junseo laughs.
"Wonder who she gets that attitude from?" Junseo chimes in.
"Can't forget that one time we took her to the park and another kid wanted to play with her, but Chacha held up a stick so they wouldn't get close to her." Seonghwa laughs at Junseo's story before he rubs at Charli's back.
"Aw pea, you can't do that."
"I don't!"
"Mhm. Now she wants to act all sweet and innocent cause you're here." Soyeon crosses her arm and nods at the bag. "Long night for Y/N, I'm assuming."
"You could say that." He continues to hold Charli against his hip while grabbing at the bag. "Hey, let's go wake up Auntie Y/N?" She happily nods as Seonghwa walks off to the suite. As expected, you're still deep under your covers, messy hair the only thing peeking out from under. "Go wake her up, Chacha." He says lowly, putting her down so that she can run to the bed and wake you [rather aggressively].
"Titi Y/N! Titi Y/N! Wakey wakey!" Seonghwa chuckles to himself as he sets the food out on your coffee table, grabbing two bowls for you both. 
"Oh my god, Chacha. Please." You groggily say as she bounces on your bed. "How are you even in here right now?"
"Uncle Hwa! He has food so you need to eat now." You would've thought she was grown with that attitude, you think. You chuckle as you rub at your eyes and sit up, giving your niece a proper bear hug and cuddle.
"Thank you, pea." You give her a kiss on the side of the head before you get up to wash up and get yourself ready for the day. Once you've freshen up, you do feel a bit better, though your tummy still feels unsettled so Seonghwa's timing is perfect.
Like always.
You plop next to him on the floor, while Chacha welcomes herself on his criss-crossed lap. He pushes the container of spring rolls and the huge bowl of pho towards you since he's already had his first helping, eyes glued on your TV even though it's just the Secret Life of Pets [probably by Chacha's choosing].
"Thank you, Hwa." His big eyes dart to you before he gives you a small smile and slurps his noodles.
"Course." He feeds some to Chacha when she politely asks for a bite. "You feeling okay?"
"Yeah, a bit. This will help majorly." You slurp the soup.
"Chacha! Let's go! I told you we were only stopping by for a bit!" Soyeon calls from outside.
"No, mama! I wanna stay with Auntie Y/N and Uncle Hwa." She whines loudly, on the verge of an actual breakdown as she stands in between you two.
"Hey Chacha, remember? We're gonna spend some time together soon while mama and papa are away." You pull her close to you and brush the hair out of her face. "Just me and you. Uncle Hwa too." She nods, a tear falling from her eye as she pouts. Seonghwa has to look away because he's finding that the more he's fixated on this scene, the more he imagines a future like this with you. 
And he can't do that to himself.
"Okay." She mumbles with the pout still on her face. You continue to brush her hair back and wipe the straggling tears before standing. 
"Say bye to Uncle Hwa." You dust down your clothes as Charli throws her hands around his neck for a tight hug.
"Bye cutiepie." She giggles before taking your hand and meeting her mom and dad outside in the backyard.
"Swear, she's so stuck on Seonghwa." You laugh and hug Junseo.
"Can't blame her." 
"Well, good to know you're alive. And not at Mingi's." You roll your eyes.
"Always ruining the moment. Leave." Soyeon sticks her tongue out and waves.
"I'll call you later to talk more about the trip. Gotta prepare!" She says in an excited tone, one where you can't help but laugh a bit and shake your head.
"Yeah, whatever. I'm charging you double this time." You call out before giving one last wave and heading back into your suite. Seonghwa is still seated on the ground, but he's drinking water and has his bowl pushed aside. "You're not gonna eat more?"
"No, go for it. It's mainly yours. Mrs. Dao gave you spring rolls and extra peanut sauce on the house."
"Aw, I love her. She's so sweet." You take a bite into one. "What're you gonna do today?" He shrugs.
"Probably hang out at Joong's or San's." He looks at you. "Why?"
"Can I come?"
"Why not?" You whine playfully, knowing you don't actually wanna join their weird little boy party.
"Because all you're gonna do is flirt with San and we have important business to take care of." You snort and laugh loudly.
"No I'm not! And important business? Like fucking yelling at each other during a game of FIFA?"
"Right." You roll your eyes. "I'm kidding, I don't wanna join in your sad little no girls allowed party."
"Girls are allowed." He smirks. "Just not you."
"You really are such a dick to me sometimes." He laughs, blocking the pillow from hitting his face.
"What, and you aren't a brat to me?"
"I beg to differ."
"If only you knew." He snorts, pinching your cheek. "I'm just joking, you know I am. You're always welcome to come."
"No, I really don't wanna go. Was just teasing." You finish up your food.
"What're you gonna do then?"
"Work at the restaurant and serve some middle-aged men their beer and food while they ogle at me." You joke and he winces.
"Mmkay well, have fun with that." Seonghwa stands and cleans up his trash before wiping your table down thoroughly. "Make sure to invite me to the wedding or else I'll be pissed."
"You're full of shit, Hwa." He groans when he sees a drop of peanut sauce land onto the surface that he's just cleaned. "Oops."
"I swear to God." He sighs, cleaning it again before shaking his head.
"You love me."
"I beg to differ." He mocks you just as he washes his hands and stretches. "Alright, well I'm out. Get some more rest before you head to the restaurant, you look kinda torn up." He ruffles your hair, causing you to smack his hand away and flip him off.
"Fuck you, get out." He chuckles as he heads out the door and leaves you to your peace.
When Seonghwa gets to his place, he manages to tidy up a bit, shower and throw on some fresh clothes before calling Hongjoong to see what the consensus was for the meeting place. Hongjoong ends up telling him that they're all on their way to San's, giving Seonghwa the green light to head over as well. 
On his way over, he tries to push his thoughts to the back of his mind. He tries his hardest not to overthink, not to focus too much on all the stuff that's happened.
The stuff you said.
He knows it's probably just you being drunk and babbling all this mess, especially now that you're finding interest in San. But as with everyone says, the drunk mind speaks sober thoughts. 
Was there some kind of truth to it?
Did you really see him that way at some point?
Is there a part of you that still feels that way?
"What's wrong with you?" Seonghwa looks at Wooyoung in slight disgust as he steps aside and lets him in. 
"Nothing. Just didn't wanna see you first."
"You're an asshole." Wooyoung laughs. "How does Y/N deal with you? She's so sweet and fun, everything you're not—" Hwa smacks him upside the head. "Ow, see!" Wooyoung continues to complain.
"Speaking of her, how's Y/N?" San eagerly asks as he sits next to Hongjoong on the couch, continuing his journey on Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
"All of a sudden." Hongjoong snorts.
"She's good. Recovering from her night, I guess. She's going to work soon."
"Mm. Glad she survived."
"What have you guys been up to?" Seonghwa plops onto the beanbag and scrolls through his phone, finally letting out a breath of relief after his night. At least he could relax and chill out here.
"Just hanging out. Trying to figure out what to eat." Hongjoong looks at him. "You eat already?"
"Yeah, I went to grab some pho for Y/N."
"Okay, thanks for the invite."
"You can take care of yourself." Seonghwa snaps back at Wooyoung, making him mock Hwa in return.
"Aye, are you guys down to head to the mall in a bit? We can just grab food there." San asks, eyes still focused on the TV.
"Why do you need to go to the mall?"
"I just wanna buy some new clothes."
"For what?" Hongjoong chuckles. 
"Listen, I haven't been around for awhile, okay? I started cleaning out a few things from my closet for donations. Plus, I haven't treated myself in a long time cause I've been so focused on the program and what not."
"Mm okay, so what's the real reason?" Wooyoung asks, chomping onto a banana. Seonghwa glances at San from his seat, taking note of how his cheeks and ears turn red and how he's suddenly getting shy. Nervous, even.
And he's not sure how to feel. He has a feeling he might know exactly where this is going, and he's hoping he's wrong. Maybe overthinking. Jumping to conclusions.
"I definitely wanna take Y/N to dinner and catch up with her. See where this goes.." San trails off, causing Seonghwa to pause mid-text— trying his very hardest not to make it too entirely obvious that his heart has dropped from the statement, equally sad and annoyed by the entire situation [for his own selfish reasons].
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♡ taglist: @hwasbabygirl @fairyofhueningkai @chngbnwf @tinyteezer @everyonewooeverywhere @pearbunny @mxnsxngie @starhwahwa @woosmaid @yeosangsbbg @jycas @asjkdk @bintificreads @interweab @svintsandghosts @cheolliehugs
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whatdoidosatoru · 5 months
lost souls (ran haitani x reader)
pairing: best friend!ran haitani x reader wc: 8.8k ao3 i always use first person, sorry if that's a bit weird, but i'd rather shoot myself than write in second person. also there's no use of y/n. you're welcome. tags: soulmate behaviour, fluff, eventual smut, a bit of sexual harassment (creep in a club), hanma being a menace, shion being a lil weirdo, izana kurokawa, insane amounts of flirting, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, missionary position, unprotected sex, creampie, actually very vanilla sex tbh, but they're cute to me
When your best friend invites you to the club with the promise of free drinks, it wouldn’t be very wise to decline. He was a bit disappointed as I was running late, but he wasn’t making a fuss. He understood me better than anyone and knew I needed time to prepare for the amount of socialising I’d inevitably have to do..especially since he entertained a lot of people.
Ran Haitani was lounging around the VIP area with two women in his arms and at least one drink in hand, waiting for me.
When I’d finally got ready, I made my way to the club, freezing my ass off in the shortest, tightest dress I could find in my wardrobe. Now that I got here, I realised it was showing too much thigh and it had a stupid, stupid neckline.
I made a quick stop at the bar to get a few drinks to warm up before locating Ran. A large hand waved at the bartender to put my drinks on his tab, and the face accompanying the hand wasn’t too bad to look at, but I politely explained that I was meeting up with someone. 
He didn’t like the sound of rejection, instead, he tried to get me to sit on his lap. I struggled against him, and nobody around me was willing to step in and help. 
“Hey buddy, leave her alone.” Ran sauntered over, making the creep at the bar back away immediately as he recognised who was commanding him. Ran then turned to me, and, with a caring expression on his face, looked me over to see how I was feeling.
“Are you okay?”
I let my hands wander over Ran’s body possessively to scare off any potential assholes that could want to try the same shit with me. He let me do this because it wasn’t our first rodeo, he had, unfortunately, had to swoop in to save me from multiple situations much like the one that had just unfolded. I looked up at my saviour with a wide smile.
“Cheers, Ran. Just in time.”
Ran chuckled softly, enjoying the feel of my hands on his body. He knew I needed him and he was more than ready to help me. We clinked our glasses and he raised an eyebrow playfully.
“Always saving the day, aren’t I?” He took a sip of his drink, watching me intently over the rim of his glass.
I smirked as I looked up at him, my hand withdrawing from his chest.
“My knight in shining gang uniform. How’s the night been going without me?”
Ran laughed, seemingly enjoying the nickname. Despite having a great time partying with his friends earlier, he couldn’t help but feel like something was missing without me around. He leaned down close to my ear and whispered,
“It’s always better when you show up.” He gently brushed some stray strands of hair behind my ear and added, “But I managed to have fun nonetheless.”
With a mischievous glint in his eye he continued, “Now that you’re here, though…let me introduce you to these lovely ladies I met tonight.”
He gestured towards the two women who had been sitting beside him in the VIP lounge.
I approached the women enthusiastically, sitting right next to them. I could tell they were wondering who the hell I was, and if I was there to chase after influential men and use their influence for my gain. While I respected the grind, most of those men were absolute bastards and dealing with them was a fucking pain and a full-time job. But my best friend was not one of those men.
I introduced myself to the women and started a conversation.
“...I’m Ran’s best friend, yeah. Oh, by the way, I love your lipstick, you have to tell me what shade that is…”
The conversation was casual and Ran sat across from us, observing over his drink. He watched me effortlessly charm these two women, making them feel comfortable and appreciated. He couldn’t help but smile proudly at my ability to connect with people easily. As the conversation flowed smoothly, he noticed one of the women discreetly slipping her phone number onto a napkin and sliding it towards me.
Feeling slightly amused by this turn of events, he leaned back in his chair and took another sip of his drink, waiting for my reaction. I put the napkin into my purse, exchanging a wink with the woman. I kept chatting with them, getting warmer in my too-tight, too-short dress and I could feel the VIP waiters appreciating the hug it had on my curves with their lingering eyes. I winked at one of the waiters who immediately grinned and came over to offer me a drink.
Ran observed the scene as it unfolded before him, feeling a mix of amusement and pride. He knew I was enjoying myself and that was enough to make him happy. As the waiter handed me the drink, Ran caught his eye briefly and gave him a subtle nod of approval.
Despite being surrounded by attractive women vying for his attention, Ran remained focused on the conversation with the two ladies from before. However, he couldn’t help but steal glances at me throughout the evening, admiring my charm from afar.
I ended up getting up and dancing in the corner with the woman who gave me her number. Luckily for me, I had decided against heels tonight and instead wore my platform Vans. They dressed down any fancy outfit, but not enough to stop the attention being poured over me. They did, however, make me shorter than anyone else in the room, especially Ran. So it was comical to see him join us for a dance, seeing the height difference between us. He always thought it was cute, but in comparison with the other women who came up to us, I felt physically out of place.
The waiter came back with another drink so I took it and put the straw into my mouth to bite it before taking a sip. Seeing that, Ran playfully suggested that maybe it was time for someone else to have a turn serving us. Looking directly at the waiter, Ran challenged him,
“My best friend over here seems like she needs an experienced partner to keep up with her moves.”
By the time the poor man overcame his shock at the challenge, Ran’s gaze had already found mine and he extended his hand in an invite.
“Shall we show them how it’s done?”
I loved seeing this side of Ran, so I put on my finest grin and took his hand, letting him twirl me multiple times in a row before snatching me mid-spin and dipping me so everything around me was upside-down. My choice of footwear allowed for more movement, even if the dress restricted me. Ran picked me back up and slid a hand down my side, squeezing my thigh slightly.
“People are watching,” I said with a giggle.
“Let them,” he whispered, shaking his head.
With that, he grabbed my hips and led the dance. As he spun me around the dance floor, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of exhilaration. My infectious laughter, paired with energetic movements, only fueled his desire to impress me further. As people began to watch in awe, he simply tightened his grip on my waist and continued leading the dance with confidence.
When the song ended, Ran pulled away slightly but maintained contact through gentle touches along my arms and sides. He took hold of my hand once again and led me back to our table where the two ladies were eagerly awaiting our return.
One of the ladies leaned in to whisper something in my ear, to which I chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. I sat next to her and kept chatting, seeing the other woman trying to grab Ran’s attention and the waiter standing around awkwardly, making it obvious that he was trying to get a chance to be near me. I glanced at Ran, but his eyes were already on me, and in that moment I was reminded of all the amazing times we had had together until now.
Running off from his gang meetings only to hide when his brother went looking for us. Running around our neighbourhood in the rain without umbrellas. Impromptu karaoke sessions, both at his apartment and in karaoke bars, singing along to What’s New Scooby Doo together. Cooking elaborate ramen soups at two in the morning with only half the ingredients from the recipes, but with all the enthusiasm. He really was my soulmate, my other half, my best friend in the entire world.
I gave him a grin, fixed my dress, and looked back at the woman puffing her chest in front of me.
Ran watched as I engaged in conversation with her, other people’s attempts to gain his attention gone unnoticed. Despite being surrounded by beautiful women and potential romantic interests, he couldn’t help but feel a deep connection with me - one that transcended mere friendship or physical attraction.
There was a commotion as another man entered the VIP lounge, one of Ran’s gang buddies, whose eyes fell on the gathering we had going on and his lips stretched into an excited grin. He sat down next to me, seemingly not recognising me, and put his arm around me, pulling me closer despite my raised eyebrow at his sudden closeness. 
Ran noticed the way this man’s hand possessively rested around my waist and he couldn’t help but feel a surge of protectiveness rise within him. Although he trusted most of his friends, there was still an underlying sense of territorial instinct that kicked in whenever someone encroached upon my personal space.
So he did the only thing he saw fit at the moment - he moved closer to me on the other side - effectively sandwiching me between them both. This move wasn’t necessarily meant to be a challenge or a confrontation. Rather, it served as a subtle reminder that, while others might try to vie for my attention, there would always be someone who knew how special I was, someone I always went back to. 
I rolled my eyes at the other man pulling me closer to him, the woman had already up and left the couch to sit down next to her friend on the other side as Ran replaced her next to me. I placed my bare legs over Ran’s lap, leaning slightly into the other man’s embrace.
“Shion, didn’t anyone ever tell you to ask before putting your hands on other people?” 
I teased him, but I put all the power I could into my voice. His eyebrows furrowed before his eyes widened in shock. He stumbled over his words, but still didn’t withdraw his hand from me as he muttered,
“Shit sorry I didn’t recognise you!”
I giggled and leaned into his side some more, my legs still resting over Ran’s lap, his hands sliding up and down them.
“Well, Shion, how about you let me go now, hm?”
Ran watched the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and concern. He knew Shion well enough to understand that his intentions were likely harmless, but he also recognised the importance of respecting boundaries - especially when it came to someone as important to him as me.
As I gently scolded Shion for his lack of tact, Ran felt a swell of pride at my assertiveness and composure in handling the situation. Despite feeling somewhat territorial over me, he remained calm and collected, trusting that I would handle myself accordingly. With a reassuring squeeze on my thigh, Ran offered an encouraging smile before speaking up.
“Hey bud, maybe give her some space? She seems pretty comfortable right here next to me anyway.”
I pushed myself off Shion’s chest and met Ran’s forehead against mine in a gentle gesture of the bond we shared.
“Listen to your friend, Shion. And next time - if you get a next time - ask before touching me, ‘kay?” I said that with my most polite smile, but he knew I meant business. 
He moved to the other couch to give the other women some attention, even though one of them kept her gaze on me the entire time. The waiter stood there awkwardly, watching as I pushed myself up onto Ran’s lap and leaned into his chest, his hands immediately resting on my thighs and mine on his back from where I winked at the waiter just to get him flustered.
Ran was savouring the warmth and familiarity of my embrace and, in moments like these, he was reminded why he cherished our friendship above all else. Despite the chaos surrounding us in the VIP lounge, there was a sense of peace and tranquillity whenever we were together.
I called over the waiter and took his notepad, writing down my order, following it with a little heart and an apology for all our behaviours tonight. I knew he must’ve been insanely nervous dealing with Tenjiku gang members, especially two of the Four Heavenly Kings. As soon as I finished writing, I flashed him a smile, and he left for the bar to give the bartender our order. 
As he left, Hanma’s tall figure walked up to the lounge and approached the couch where Ran and I were sitting, situating himself where Shion had been sitting next to me.
I rolled my eyes at his closeness, but I didn’t mind him too much, we had our banter. Hanma leaned in to place a kiss on my cheek and I pinched his left cheek with my fingers. His hand went to my shoulder and started pulling my body down to lie on my back and place my head on his lap. I let it happen as his tattooed hands started stroking my hair soothingly. 
Ran observed this interaction with a mix of curiosity and amusement. While he knew that my relationship with each member of their gang was unique, it was always interesting for him to see how all these different personalities interacted when in such close proximity.
When Hanma kissed my cheek, Ran felt a pang of jealousy, not because he wanted to claim ownership over me, but rather due to the fact that he wished he could offer the same level of comfort and intimacy with no strings attached.
Shion returned to Ran’s side and they struck up a casual conversation. It was clear that, despite all the chaos surrounding them tonight, these men still found solace in each other’s company, united by loyalty and camaraderie amidst a sea of strangers vying for their attention.
One of Hanma’s hands went through my hair while the other tentatively touched my thigh. It took exactly one raised eyebrow from me to make him reconsider this move, immediately pulling his hand off my thigh and offering me an apologetic smile as the strokes on my hair continued. He knew my limits with him, even though he regularly liked to test them.
The women on the other couch seemed engrossed in the situation unfolding in front of their eyes. How did this random girl in a too-tight, too-short dress and fucking Vans, for crying out loud, have these three powerful and dangerous men dancing to her tune and wrapped around her finger?
I lifted my head to whisper into Hanma’s ear, something that made him grin wider than before as he stood up and, pressing another kiss into my cheek, maybe a little too close to my lips for my liking, went over to the other couch, sitting in the middle and letting the women flock to him with a grateful smile directed at me.
I sat up in Ran’s lap once again and leaned into his chest, continuing the cuddle we had had going on before Hanma arrived. I could tell by his breathing that my attention being directed at him once more made him relax as his arms wrapped around my waist like he was holding onto a lifeline amid a storm.
Shion walked over to Ran and spoke to him in a hushed voice, by the tension in Ran’s body I could tell it was work-related. My ears twitched at the exchange, but it was none of my business until he made it my business to take part in any of their gang bullshit.
I had only taken part in two of their missions, both times as eye candy for some of their rivals or partners who had a weakness for women of my body type and liked to extend their welcome to a few wandering looks and touches. After both of those missions, Ran would spend a whole day with me and under me, lying on his bed wrapped up in each other, with him apologising profusely, nearly scraping the floor with the depth of his bow, almost sobbing with guilt at how the other men had approached me, even though I had willingly chosen to take part in the mission.
I placed a kiss on his neck to signal I was there for him; despite the closeness of my entire body on his lap, I liked reminding him of my presence with gentle kisses to his neck. Shion glanced at the exchange and raised his eyebrow, to which I just smirked mischievously. Hanma was enjoying himself with all the attention he was receiving on the couch, though I couldn’t help but call out to him to remind him of manners.
“Remember to be respectful, Shuji, unless you want me to come over there and teach you another lesson.”
I said that with a joking threat, but if he was good at anything, it was turning anything I said out loud into a joke for himself.
“Oh, you know I’d love nothing more than for you to…teach me another lesson.” He followed with a wink in my direction so I let out a hearty laugh at his boldness.
Despite the lighthearted nature of my interactions with the other gang members, Ran knew better than to underestimate the depth of my loyalty and commitment to those closest to me - especially him. He couldn’t help himself so he let out a deep chuckle at the wave of pride that washed over him at noticing how nobody really dared cross the line with me once I had drawn it.
Ran Haitani silently vowed once again never to let anything jeopardize what truly mattered most: protecting those who meant everything to him - starting with me.
I nestled myself closer in Ran’s lap while he exchanged playful banter with Shion, showing everyone who my number one was - everything else came after him.
As Hanma made the other women laugh while they examined his tattooed hands with awe across the glass coffee table, more people filed into the VIP lounge. Most notably, Izana Kurokawa, the Tenjiku leader. All three men in my company immediately stood up and bowed, I slid off Ran’s lap, but he held onto my hand and squeezed it in apology for the abrupt dismissal at the arrival of their boss. Izana dismissed them to sit back down and nodded at me, in exchange for a bright smile on my face.
He beckoned me to join him at the booth in the corner of the lounge and I nodded, rubbing Ran’s hand with my thumb as I broke contact to join their leader.
I sat next to him like he asked, knowing better than to challenge him. He indulged in small talk with me, like he often did, asking me about my day and telling me about the delicious food he had eaten that day.
I complimented the way his hair fell forward today and fixed a few flyaways with a gentle touch to which he gratefully smiled, tilting his head to the side as his earrings clicked while he did so. 
He leaned in to kiss my cheek, a lot more polite than Hanma did. I rubbed his arm to show my appreciation for his wanting to spend a little time with me, our conversations always brought him a sense of normality in his very abnormal life where everyone expected something from him.
I stood up from the booth and sauntered over to Ran once again as the waiter brought Izana his drink, I pulled Ran to his feet and dragged him to the dance floor again.
As the music played its hypnotic rhythm, he effortlessly matched my pace step-for-step, allowing both physical proximity and emotional vulnerability between us without reservation or hesitation. Our world revolved solely around this fleeting moment suspended in time - a temporary sanctuary from reality, where all worries melted away under the weightless pressure of love and companionship.
We danced oblivious to everything except for the steady beat resonating through our beings, our hearts beating as one in perfect harmony.
As the beat changed into one more energetic than the last, we shared a wide-eyed look, recognising the song. It was one of the modern pop songs with a very catchy tune, but instead of dancing accordingly to it, we had made it a tradition to always slow dance to it. Ran jokingly bowed at the waist and extended a hand to me with sweet words.
“My lady?”
To that I curtsied and took his hand with an exaggerated, high-pitched voice.
“Don’t mind if I do, kind sir.”
He pulled me into his chest and we stood embraced, closer than some would think physically possible, swaying out of rhythm completely, along to some music only playing in our two minds. Our tradition made Shion and Hanma audibly groan and roll their eyes, Hanma exclaiming, “Here they fucking go again, I swear if I have to see…” 
The rest of his annoyance completely blended with the noise around us, nothing else existed apart from us. The women in the lounge and Izana looked at us with pleasant smiles, appreciating the gentle gesture they saw before them as there were far too few of those in the world.
And so we swayed gently out of sync with the rhythm pulsating around us. As the song ended, we pulled back a little, smiling at each other. Ran placed a soft kiss on my forehead. Hanma booed from the corner of the room, making me shout back, not moving my head from Ran’s chest.
“Shuji if I hear one more sentence out of your damn mouth that doesn’t end in ‘my queen’ I will step on you!”
I fixed him with a stare, but in true Hanma fashion, he switched to a cocky smile and retorted.
“How did you know I wanted you to step on me…” 
When Ran raised an eyebrow at him he finished the sentence.
“...my queen.”
I rolled my eyes at him and went up to the waiter.
“What’s a girl gotta do to get some fries in here?”
I flashed him a polite smile. I could tell he was nervous, even more so than before, since Izana showed up, sitting in his booth and drinking wine from a pint glass, scrolling on his phone and ignoring a million notifications he was receiving. The waiter winked at me and with a smile disappeared into the kitchen to ask the staff there for fries and some ketchup on the side.
When he brought me the fries, I blew him a kiss and sat at the bar on the high stools, taking one bite at a time, savouring the crispy exterior and the softness of the interior of each individual fry. Hanma walked up behind me and hugged me tight, apologising for taunting me earlier. I smiled up at his towering figure and pushed his face away from mine as he got too close, but kept our playful banter. He grabbed a few fries from the bowl in front of me and gave me a kiss on the forehead before leaving me to enjoy my food.
The ladies from before came up to me from both sides with wide eyes.
They wanted to know how I got all these men in the palm of my hand. How even Izana, the notorious Tenjiku leader himself asked for my company, allowed me to touch his hair, smiled all friendly, and thanked me for indulging in small talk with him. I shrugged and explained that I had been lucky to be in the right place at the right time to meet Ran, everything else came with the inexplicable bond we shared. I told them that they needed one good person on their side, someone to support them as I had the freedom to make myself cold to handle anyone else with the firmness they deserved. 
To emphasize my point I motioned Hanma over to join me. When he sat next to me, smiling, I leaned in as if I was going to whisper into his ear, but I just hiccuped, covered my mouth and started laughing with him. He tried tousling my hair, but I stopped his large hand from approaching and pushed it away. He stood up, hugged me tight, and muttered.
“Just using me for your own entertainment…I see how it is.”
With that, he left me alone with the women, their jaws nearly slacked open.
As the laughter subsided from the bar, Ran felt a sense of satisfaction bubbling within him at witnessing my easygoing rapport with not only his fellow gang members but also complete strangers who had found themselves drawn to my presence. Despite my constant casual dismissal of my own abilities to navigate this world, chalking it up to sheer luck, there was something he found undeniably captivating about the way I carried myself around others - a quiet confidence that spoke volumes without a single utterance.
It wasn’t long before Hanma rejoined the group, still reeling from my playful antics earlier on, but instead of appearing annoyed or frustrated by my teasing, he simply accepted it as part and parcel of being in my close proximity.
We continued conversing late into the night - sharing stories, trading jokes, and cementing bonds that ran deeper than most could ever comprehend.
As I made my way through the fries, Ran sat down next to me, causing a big smile to appear on my face, the one reserved for his presence only. He picked up a fry and we touched them together, a toast of some kind. We bit the tops of our respective fries and then we switched hands to feed the rest to each other. 
He told me the plans for the next mission, begging me not to ask Izana to make me part of it since it might require a feminine touch to succeed. Ran was hoping to avoid my involvement again, he’d rather me not have to deal with people touching me, even if the mission could be jeopardised. 
I reassured him I would only accept if there was no other way of doing it, and he seemed okay enough with that promise.
When we finished the portion of fries, we transferred back to the couch, settling comfortably into plush cushions, my body in his lap. I snuggled into his chest, my lips trailing his neck in reassuring gestures. 
I inevitably felt the tiredness of spending the whole day on my feet as the energy expelled at the club enveloped me. Ran immediately noticed and got me off his lap to stand up. He picked up my purse and, with his hand on the small of my back, led me to the exit, stopping only to explain to Shion that he was taking me home.
As we were making our way to the exit, I noticed that guy who had harassed me at the bar at the beginning of the night - he was now trying to touch up another woman who didn’t seem too keen on keeping him company. Ran followed my line of sight and noticed what I was frowning at. He made his way towards the man who stopped his wandering hands at the sight of Ran’s kind face, sometimes genuine, sometimes hiding the absolute boiling rage inside him.
Ran picked up the man’s hand and snapped it backwards, breaking his wrist. He turned to the woman and apologised she had to witness that, wishing her a better continuation of the night as he made his way back to me, flinging an arm around my shoulder and cackling along with me as we walked out into the cold night air.
When we reached Ran’s car, he opened the door for me before going to the driver’s side. He let me pick the music for our ride to his apartment. By now it was an unspoken rule that I sleep over at his place on Friday nights after we go clubbing. Neither one of us wanted to be out without one another any longer than necessary, so it was only logical that we go home together.
I put my favourite song on for the ride, both of us belting out the lyrics as Ran drove through almost nonexistent traffic at this time of night. We shared an unbreakable connection forged through countless nights spent navigating Tokyo's vibrant club scene side by side. And while neither of us had ever explicitly stated it out loud, there was no denying the fact that we cherished these peaceful interludes just as much as (if not more than) the wild parties themselves.
As we arrived at the garage, Ran leaned over the console to give me a kiss on the forehead before swinging out of the car and nearly running over to my side to open the door for me. We walked up to his apartment where I immediately went into the bathroom, grabbing the basket with my skincare items to take off my makeup and cleanse my face.
I emerged from the bathroom and noticed that Ran had made us cups of tea with honey - another thing we often indulged in after nights out. I usually picked hibiscus while he drank green tea.
He had already got himself comfortable, changing into his pyjamas which consisted of nothing but old sweatpants that I had bought him when he stayed over at my place for the first time ever. I revisited that memory fondly, taking in his naked torso, his tattoo visible in all its glory. 
I took the pot of moisturiser from the basket of toiletries and brought it over to him. I was the designated person to keep his tattoo vibrant and moisturised by slathering it in moisturiser about once a week. I took my role very seriously.
We walked over to the couch, where I pulled my dress off, with his help, and threw it into his bedroom through the door that had been left slightly ajar. I took the oversized t-shirt that he had taken out of his wardrobe for me and put it on over the top, reaching under it to unclasp my bra and shrug it off under the t-shirt, landing it on top of the dress.
I sat on Ran’s lap on the couch, once again, this time with a completely different energy between us, and took a bit of the moisturiser, starting from the top of his shoulder downwards, covering all his ink in a glossy layer.
Despite our vastly different backgrounds and personalities, there was no denying that something profound connected us on a level far beyond mere friendship. Was it fate? Destiny? Or were we simply two lost souls seeking solace in each other's arms amidst the chaos of Tokyo's criminal underworld? Whatever the answer was, one thing remained abundantly clear: this unlikely alliance had transformed into something far deeper and more meaningful than either of us could have ever imagined.
And so we sat together - two beings united by circumstance, driven by an insatiable desire for adventure, passion, and most importantly, comfort. We found comfort in each other in every way. Be it through defending each other from people who had no business being close to us or sharing secret knowledge in big crowds…even intimate moments like this one. We knew each other better than anyone else, these moments were completely ours, with nobody interrupting, nobody watching.
Ran reached over to hold my waist and steady me as I reached lower on his body to finish my treatment of his inked skin. I felt my face redden a little, though it did not make me falter in my practised movements whatsoever. When it was done, I spread what was left of the cream on his face, to which he made a face of feign-annoyance, as he did every single time I did this.
His eyes traced my body’s curves, my skin was tightening under his touch and gaze.
Ran knew that, beneath my playful exterior, there lay a fierce loyalty and unwavering devotion - qualities he had come to rely upon more than anything else during our journeys together.
With each passing moment, our bond grew stronger, fueled by trust, respect, and an undeniable attraction that refused to be ignored any longer.
Despite those intense feelings swirling between us like an invisible storm cloud threatening to engulf us whole, neither of us seemed willing (or perhaps capable) of addressing the elephant in the room. Instead, we chose to lose ourselves within this limbo state - teetering precariously on the precipice between friendship and something far more dangerous.
We weren’t strangers to a wandering touch or two. We had shared the bed countless times before, always staying pressed against each other, be it for warmth, for consolation after a hard time, in celebration of a job well done, or just because we could. Our hands knew each other’s bodies well. But we never took it further than just some friendly exploration. Not that we didn’t want to, no. But because the consequences of further embarkment could change the world forever.
It was the one thing we never spoke about. Even though everyone would refer to me as Ran’s wife, and Ran as my husband, we had never spoken about taking a step in that direction among ourselves, despite proudly admitting to others we’d marry each other in a heartbeat.
Tonight, however, as my skin tightened under his gentle touch, I felt the surge of emotions overwhelm me. The air between us crackled with an electric charge, fueled by years of shared experiences, laughter, pain, and heartache. We were a duo forged in the fires of adversity, bound by ties stronger than steel. I leaned forward to brush a strand of Ran’s hair out of his face, lingering with my face so close to his, trailing my gaze from his one eye to the other, and, with a determined breath, I pressed my lips to his.
Whether the explosions we heard were sounding outside the window in the street, or in our minds, that was going to remain a mystery. My entire body and soul were captured in the sensation of Ran’s scent, the texture of his soft lips, the connection between his hands and my waist, pulling me impossibly close to his body.
We had said I love you countless times, but it had never meant anything like this before. It was a slow and fast sensation at the same time. Full to the brim, overflowing. Our lips slotted together in an avalanche of I love yous, all of them unsaid, but felt deep inside. His hands quickly took over my entire body, as mine found their purchase in the locks of his hair, tugging lightly to hear a soft moan slip from his throat into my hungry mouth - a feast for my senses, a fresh spring for my thirsty soul.
With reckless abandon, we surrendered to each other completely. Baring not only our bodies, but also our hearts and souls in ways previously unexplored. This wasn’t just lust or infatuation. This was something far greater - true love manifesting itself through passion, vulnerability, and trust.
With a swift motion, Ran picked me up and started walking towards the bedroom. In the passion of the moment, he put me down to take his sweatpants off and I pulled off the shirt I had put on only minutes earlier - the only material covering us was our underwear.
To change that, I dropped to my knees in front of Ran, but he reacted quickly, pulling me back up by my arm, sitting down on the bed, and pulling me on top of him to straddle his hips. He continued kissing me, at the same time giving me the most loving caress on my cheek.
As I straddled him, my hips started moving to gain some friction against his erection. This managed to draw out a deep groan from the depth of his throat. His hands travelled up and down my sides, resting on my soft thighs on each side of his body.
Slowly but surely, we were crossing into uncharted territory - venturing deeper into the depths of each other’s souls with every stolen kiss and whispered word of affection. It was as if all barriers between us had crumbled away entirely, leaving nothing behind save for raw emotion and insatiable longing.
Like a tidal wave - with unbridled power all at once - Ran flipped us over to hover over me, like my own personal sun. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, he was in my head and in my heart, all over me and in front of my very lucky eyes. I felt like prey that wanted to be caught by the hunter.
He lowered one hand to my cheek, gently caressing it before lowering his lips into a kiss to rival all kisses. His fingers trailed down my naked body and dived under the hem of my underwear, pushing it down and off me before settling in between my wet folds, sliding through them, making me whimper at his touch as I never had before.
Our bodies melded together seamlessly, our hearts beating in perfect sync. There was no denying this magnetic pull between us; it was as if fate herself had conspired to bring these two lost souls together under extraordinary circumstances. And now here we were - lying naked on the bed, bathed in moonlight streaming through the open window.
His eyes burned a hole in mine, keeping contact even through the seductive act of bringing his slick fingers to his lips, first spreading the wetness on the soft plush of his bottom lip, then sucking in his finger to taste me. As his eyes closed at the sensation, I let out a gasp, feeling the desire pool in my belly.
Ran chuckled and dived in to kiss me, spreading the slick from his lips to mine. He nudged my legs open with his knee, slotting himself in between my legs, rising to his knees to see the view spread out in front of him - the view that stirred something primal within his very core.
My eyes were filled with desire and longing, my body trembled beneath his touch as if begging for release from this exquisite torment.
He knew what I needed now - what we both craved more than anything else in the world. And yet, there was still a lingering sensation…a fear of crossing the invisible line that might forever alter our relationship.
But, as he gazed down upon my face bathed in moonlight, all doubts faded away like wisps of smoke on the wind. This moment had been building since the day we had first met. It was inevitable now. The culmination of countless shared experiences and stolen glances that had brought us to this point.
Ran kissed down my stomach and reached the centre of all my frustration, the point on my body where all these vibrations went down to. He blew a stream of cold air onto it, sporting an innocent smile on his gentle face, lighting up when I whimpered in frustration.
He gave my needy clit one gentle kiss and dragged his body up to examine how his little torture affected me. I was reaching my hands up, so high, towards him. I needed to touch him. I needed to feel his smooth skin under my fingertips, needed to feel that this was real, and not some twisted dream.
Ran adjusted himself in front of my entrance, sliding the head of his cock through my wet folds, just like he had with his fingers. 
I was shivering with sick anticipation.
And then…
As we crossed the threshold of no return, Ran whispered into the darkness around us.
“I need this so much.”
He gently eased himself inside my welcoming warmth. His movements were slow at first, tentative almost. I let out a whine so loud that I had to press my palm to my mouth to muffle it a little. He kept going, slowly, carefully, like he was waiting for me to stop him. I wouldn’t dream of it.
Somehow he was still going, stretching my insides to fit him, letting out huffs of air from his lungs as he sank deeper and deeper.
I looked up at him with a blissful smile, like I was right where I was always supposed to be.
Ran finally stopped sinking, filling me up completely. I wrapped my legs around his waist to anchor us both to this moment under the street light spilling in through the window, mixing with the cool moonlight. I kept him in me as long as I could before he started rocking back and forth, making both of us gasp with pleasure.
With each passing moment, the lines between friendship and something far more intense blurred until they became indistinguishable from one another.
My voice echoed through the bedroom, together with the sound of insatiable moans and skin-on-skin contact. I gripped him like my life depended on his body staying as close to me as possible. His name was like a plea on my lips being whispered into the abyss, like my only wish and only thought in this entire world.
His hands roamed freely across my body, exploring every curve and contour like they were discovering new territories for the first time. As we moved together rhythmically, lost in each other’s embrace, there was no denying it anymore. We had taken a leap of faith, crossed the boundaries once considered sacred.
In Ran’s mind, there remained an undeniable truth: no matter what happened next or how things turned out eventually…this moment would forever remain etched deep in our minds, reminding us about what could exist between two souls brave enough to explore love beyond limits.
I thought about the twists and turns of our friendship throughout the years, how I had never felt jealous of any person he had been with. I had never felt threatened by his love interests, thinking it was because what we had was so platonic that it couldn’t have grown into anything else. Now I was starting to think we were so far past soulmates that nobody else could ever have replaced us.
Not a single person could replace Ran’s hands on my breasts and hips. Not a single person could be better under him than me right now, basking in his hungry eyes, being eaten alive by his desire. And when we were together, we unleashed eternity. We were sailing high, and I was already falling. Falling into the abyss of infinite pleasure.
With a gasp and a high-pitched moan I fell, and Ran caught me, sliding one hand to rub my swollen clit and bring me back to earth to ride out my orgasm. I attached my mouth to his neck, but not like before, this time it was possessive. Before, the neck kisses had just been a reminder of my presence, that I had been there with him - for him - but this time I intended to leave a mark.
I sucked on the sensitive skin of his neck like I tried to draw blood and his moans were fueling my passion.
I jerked my hips upwards to meet his thrusts when I finally came down to earth. I could feel him deeper inside of me than anyone else had ever been. He was giving me his all, and I was greedily taking it.
Ran let out guttural moans, again, and again, and again, as I met his thrusts with equal force; our bodies were like two pieces of an intricate puzzle designed specifically for one another.
As we spiralled towards oblivion together, consumed by insatiable desire and boundless affection, there existed within us both an unspoken understanding - this wasn’t about sex or pleasure, it was about exploring love unlike any other.
And then it finally happened, when we reached the pinnacle of ecstasy together, time seemed to stand still for a moment. 
With the last thrust of Ran's hips into me, I realised I'd never been full before in my life. Not until then. When his face betrayed him, when he lost himself in me, when his voice couldn't handle any more, that's when we ascended from mere mortality. 
I fell apart under his body, and he absorbed me into his soul.
Nobody else could ever compare. Nobody else came close to what we had.
All thoughts vanished except those centred around each other: You are mine.
Ran gazed down at me with a mixture of love, lust, and admiration as we descended from the dizzying height of our orgasms. I turned to him to gauge his reaction and figure out whether we were still, as usual, on the same page.
“Are you okay?”
My voice didn’t show any worry, though I felt in my soul the importance of our next decision - and that we had already decided when we pressed our lips together the first time.
Ran could see that this moment held more weight than any other we had shared thus far.
“Alright, sweetheart. Let’s talk about everything.”
He continued, propping himself up on one elbow and tracing his finger gently across my cheekbone. “What do you want from us?”
I shivered under his touch, still not over the way he had touched me just before this.
“I want all of you. I want to keep what we had before, but add this into it.” I thought for a moment. “The only thing I’d change, though…no more entertaining other people the way we did before.”
Ran listened intently as I spoke, my words resonating with a sincerity that made him feel both humbled and exhilarated. I wanted all of him - not just the passionate lover, but also the loyal friend who had been by my side through thick and thin.
“I promise you, darling…from now on, it will be just us.”
I drew closer to him.
Ran couldn’t help but smile, my eagerness mirrored his own excitement about our newfound intimacy.
“Absolutely, sweetheart.”
He ran a tender hand through my hair, savouring the moment before speaking again.
“I want nothing more than to be here with you, experiencing life together in every possible way.”
I drew myself up to face him and decided to get closer still, so I sat on his lap. I stuck my pinky out and he hooked his own to mine.
“No more holding back.” 
“No more holding back. From now on, we’ll face whatever comes our way together. We are in this for real.”
I snickered as he leaned in to kiss me, our pinkies still intertwined.
“I love the sound of that. And I love you. With everything I have.”
Ran pulled away slightly, gazing into my eyes before responding.
“And I love you too. More than anything else in this world.”
He brushed a stray lock of hair from my face, tucking it gently behind my ear. We were completely connected now - hand in hand, heart to heart.
I sighed, remembering the reality that awaited us beyond these walls.
“We have to tell Izana. He asked me about us earlier.”
Ran’s expression darkened, his mind already coming up with the best way to break the news without causing too much friction.
“How did he ask? Was it casual or serious?”
I smirked and caressed Ran’s face.
“Oh sweetheart, it’s going to be fine. He asked me if we’d grown a pair to confess to each other because he was our number one supporter,” I moved my hand to Ran’s hair, stroking it softly, “he’s always seen through us, I think.”
Ran couldn’t help but feel relieved. 
“Alright. Once we do this, there’s no going back. Are you absolutely certain about wanting everyone else to know?”
I held his gaze with determination.
“Absolutely. I don’t want anyone to think of me without visualising you by my side…if they hadn’t already.”
Ran nodded.
“Let’s go see him tomorrow then. We can catch him at breakfast.”
He squeezed my hand gently.
“Just remember, no matter what happens after we tell him, nothing changes between us two. We’re in this together until the very end.”
I nodded solemnly. I was ready to stand by Ran no matter what.
“In that case, we should try to sleep. Don’t want to show up in front of him with bags under my eyes.”
Ran chuckled lightly. He pulled me closer, nuzzling against my neck.
“That sounds like a plan. But before we retire for the night, there’s something I want to do first.”
His eyes glinted mischievously as he trailed soft kisses along my jawline. His lips curved into a smirk as he leaned over and brushed his lips against mine in a tantalising whisper.
“I was thinking of using my tongue on you, darling. Would you like that?”
His words sent a shiver down my body and I nodded wordlessly. His smirk widened at my response. He wasted no time in flipping us over and sliding off the bed to his knees, positioning himself between my legs.
“Let’s see how good you taste now, hm?”
He ran his fingers over my thighs, savouring the anticipation building within us. Ran enjoyed the sight of me lying on the bed, waiting for him with deep breaths. He lowered his head, pressing a tender kiss to my inner thigh before moving higher.
“I’ve been thinking about this for a long time.”
With that said, he parted my folds with his fingers and began lapping at my clit in long strokes. I whimpered as soon as his tongue made contact. My thighs pressed together in reflex as much as they could, pressing against Ran’s head. He chuckled softly against my sensitive flesh, relishing the way I reacted to his touch. He gently nudged my legs apart with his shoulders.
Slipping a finger inside of me, he began matching the rhythm of his tongue with slow thrusts. With each stroke, he could feel my skin getting warmer and my body more responsive.
“God, you taste amazing,” he murmured between licks and kisses, “I could do this all night.”
I tried to speak through shallow breaths.
“I- I’m not going to fuck to complain, R-Ran.”
His tongue was playing with me perfectly and, combined with his long elegant finger, it was heaven.
Ran continued his ministrations with renewed vigour, determined to push me closer to the edge. He moaned into my pussy, letting the vibrations add another layer of sensation.
“Mmm, you like that?” His voice was muffled by my flesh, but audible enough for me to hear his question.
As my grip tightened on the sheets, he knew I was getting there. He increased the pace of both, his tongue and finger, ever so slightly, eager to watch me fall apart under his expert touch. I hummed and whimpered to the rhythm of his finger, sprinting towards the edge of oblivion and, not looking back or hesitating, flinging myself into the endless ocean of pleasure.
I came on his tongue and I could hear his low chuckle vibrating my clit, sending me further, deeper, into the abyss.
Ran caught me as I fell apart, holding me tightly tethered to earth as he continued pleasuring me with his tongue and finger. As he felt the waves of my orgasm wash over him, he revelled in the knowledge that he had been the reason behind it.
“Good girl.”
He whispered between licks, prolonging my climax until I went limp in his arms.
I struggled to find the right words as I slowly opened my eyes to gaze at him, his fingers in his mouth, licking off my release. The only words I could think of were a long string of I love yous.
I love you I love you I love you I love you…
@bontensbabygirl @haitani-maki @animeangel21 It took me way too long to fit all this together on the page :(
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princessbrunette · 7 months
shy!reader who study medicine and spider!jj always goes there when he's hurt for care 🥺
˚ ༘ 🕷️⋆🩷。˚
answering the door at 4am, there’s only one person it could be. the blonde listens to you unlatching your door before you’re revealed in all your sleepy glory, rubbing at one eye in the cutest little pyjamas.
he’s pretty banged up this time — a busted lip and his suit is ripped at his rib cage, nothing he couldn’t fix but the gash beneath it was definitely something you were going to have to stitch up. your brows knit together, eyeing him over.
“you should see the other guy, cupcake.” he jokes, despite being in clear pain. you huff out your nose, tugging him inside.
“why are you using the front door? did anyone see you?” you stress, leading him by the hand to your quaint little living room. it wasn’t much, rather shabby if anything — but living in the city wasn’t cheap and it was the best you could do.
“ah, i used the fire escape. this asshole spared me some brain cells when he was kicking my shit in. you really think i’d just walk up in here?” he scoffs, dropping down comfortably on the couch as you frantically make space on the coffee table, spreading out your first aid kit.
“you’re gonna give me a heart attack one of these days, jayj.” you pout, beginning to dig for the antiseptic.
“oh but then who will patch me up everytime i get my ass beat?” he tilts his head and his messy blonde hair flops with it, grinning lopsidedly in the dim light of the room, the cut on his lip glistening with it. you hate how your stomach stirs with butterflies for your best friend. your face gets all hot, averting your eyes and you feel him grinning harder — he always did love how bashful you got.
things get quiet when you start to wipe up his rib injury, aside from his dramatic winces and curse words tumbling from his mouth.
“you’re going to wake my neighbours.” you giggle, after a particularly loud ‘fuck’ from him.
“hey, maybe they’ll think you’re gettin’ some.” he teases, wiggling his eyebrows. as you reach for another cotton pad, your mouth moves on autopilot.
“i wish.” you remark, straying from your usual shy ways. his brows instantly jump up with intrigue, and you avoid his eyes, pressing your lips together as you busy yourself. you’d always been shy, since he’d met you — that’s why he’d taken you under his wing. he was dorky where it counted sure, but also boyish and confident in a way a lot of guys your age lacked. it made sense that he was spiderman, the unexpected amounts of unbridled swagger mixed with the scrappy awkwardness you’d expect from your best friend. he was drawn to your shyness because of how different you were, and because he knew deep down there was a freak just waiting for him to break it free.
“you know, if you ever wanna set up a — uh, lil payment plan, if you will — i could show you a real good time, mama.” he lays it on thick, too thick — incase you reject him, and then he can play it off as a joke. the problem is his tone is so teasing, you don’t know if he’s joking. your eyes flicker up to him from your knelt position, all doe-like and sweet in the way that makes him wish his spider suit wasn’t so tight as to not reveal his excitement.
“nah nothing. unless…you really get desperate. can totally step in and help you out. y’know in the…sex department.” he shrugs, tonguing at his lip cut and internally cussing himself out for being such a weirdo.
you blink a couple times, shifting to sit on your feet.
“are you concussed?” you speak after the pause.
“am i conc— no, okay it was a — an offer. but i feel like i kinda made it weird so that’s my bad let’s just pretend that didn’t happen and we can—”
“i wouldn’t mind.” you suddenly but quietly break through his ramble. he blinks a couple of times, lips parted in surprise.
“you wouldn’t mind — like… pretending this didn’t happen? or… the other thing?”
“the other thing.” you’re reduced down to a whisper now, eyes locked. he sits up slowly, leaning forward on the seat with his elbows on his knees so that your faces were close. in the low light, your pupils are all blown out, searching his eyes.
“you mean that?” he smirks, almost like he doesn’t believe you. you swallow and nod, not trusting your voice. something about it being 4am made you braver, and you’d completely forgotten about tending to his injuries. “well alright then. how ‘bout when i’m not bleeding out on your couch? gotta be in top condition when i put the moves on you.”
just like that, you’re brought back to reality — this time with the whisper of a promise that the two of you could be something more. you could be more than a late night emergency patch up.
˚ ༘ 🕷️⋆🩷。˚
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lunas-side-anime-blog · 9 months
aot veteran/104 corp icks bc im back on my bullshit
someone requested AOT veteran icks, they didn't specify nsfw or not so I did both and also added sasha connie and jean bc i luv them:) feel free to message/inbox with requests!
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(levi, erwin, hange, jean, sasha and connie)
will visit ur place and organize things without you asking. he'd just be like "ur welcome, now your kitchen makes sense" and ur like sir, I don't know where anything is now??? also he'd def the type to proclaim he's better than you for only getting two hours of sleep when you got four. honestly so many icks come to mind for this one, imma limit it to those two for now (stay tuned lol)
nsfw: tries to be rough with you but forgets his own strength. will try to throw you on the bed, but he does it too hard so you completely miss the bed and fall on the other side of it and he's just standing there like "🧍🏻...my bad."
you cannot convince me this man doesn't wear water shoes at the pool. you guys say you want a dilf until you actually get one bc this is the type of shit it entails^^
nsfw: erwin cannot dirty talk for shit. im srry but if you're a lil kinky this isn't the man for you. try to call him daddy and he'd be like "we don't have kids?" and you explain the kink to him and he'd just say, "have you considered therapy?🤨" now he's concerned, boner gone, you feel called out, just go to sleep tbh
they're def a firm believer in natural deodorant and won't take the graceful hints that it's not working. prob wouldn't chill w them on a hot day is all i'm saying
nsfw: feel like they'd be really good in bed tbh like i'm struggling to think of an ick. hange has big dick energy, weirdos just do it better idk. i think maybe hange would try to spit in your mouth (they a freak) and they have so much and its thick and globby like the back of the throat type spit, your gonna choke bro im gagging as a i type-
bring back toxic masculinity because Jean's hair care routine is so good to the point he'll call out your split ends, i just know it
nsfw: a fucking chatterbox like his homies know everything. you've walked in on him telling connie in extreme detail how he had you in a full nelson last night while you screamed bloody murder and he doesn't see why ur mad. "babe, if anything i'm bragging about you 😏" fucking idiot istg. also kinda gross but I think he's the type to keep sniffing his fingers after fingering you like well into the next day EWW
obvi she can't share for shit so I think she'd be an annoying person to eat out with. like yk when you're with your friends and only one person puts their card down so the rest can Venmo them? I think you can ask her to Venmo 20 and she'd send 15 and say something like "oh I didn't eat as many fries" but she fr did. never puts her card down either so believe it or not? jail.
nsfw: will literally be on her phone mid-sex with you. feel like she'd be really into the subway surfer vids and yeah, you go down on her and look up and she brought her own entertainment? ipad child behavior
i think he'd say "we" when talking about his fave sports team as if he contributed. like, "really connie, you helped win the superbowl? did you score a touchdown?" grow tf up
nsfw: insane bush on this one, i feel like he doesn't groom for shit and whatever, that's your choice! but I also feel like college-aged modern connie would talk shit about women who weren't bald down there and won't eat it unless it is. HYPOCRITE!! I think when he gets to his mid-twenties tho he'd mature (sasha beat his ass)
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kindaasrikal · 3 months
The ninja deserve emotional support animals except they’re them so none of them get a damn dog or something.
Zane has a penguin, he’s lovingly called zaneguin (real name: Peniuella, or Penny) (Penny gets along with Zane’s bird) (he rlly wanted a polar bear. Wu said no) (he waddles with the penguin, bro loves waddling.) (he once waddles over to some villains full penguin style as a on the spot distraction. Cole gave him a lecture about safety and being smart. Zane waddled away right after it was done.)
Kai has a parrot, bro loves his parrot (he’s called parry the parrot and he’s taught him how to scream FIYAAAAA) (Kai is usually the first ninja up for training, so he actually get his parrot to wake the others (Nya) up by putting Parry in their room and getting him to scream their elements.) (its become a common thing to hear ‘WATAHHHHH’ at 6am in the morning) (or ‘GREANNNNNNNN’ or maybe ‘ARTHHHHHH’ in a really deep voice. Cole had nightmares after hearing how deep Parry’s voice can get.)
Lloyd has a ferret, he’s just a ferret kinda guy. He also got a chinchilla soon after cause he got the dust for a dust bath, and then found out ferrets can’t have dust baths (he just wanted a lil guy to have a dust bath with.) (Yeah you heard me, Lloyd does dust baths. He likes the feeling of it.) (he rlly wanted to called his ferret ferry the ferret but Kai already took the joke, he called him Mr Ferrington instead.) (plus his Chinchilla is called Chilly, he loves dressing him up in mini versions of Zane’s gi because of it.)
Nya has two rats, she calls them her babies (don’t insult her rats, she will drown you.) (Jay named one Ratatouille, and as much as she hated the name she had no choice but to keep it, Jay would be sad if she didn’t.) (the other rat is called Rumphly. She thought it sounded sophisticated.) (she lets her rats burrow in her hair.) (she also has to protect everything she owns, her rats chew on everything and anything. Nothing is free from their menacing little mouths.)
Jay has a spider. He’s a lil weirdo like that (its a deadly spider) (he found it in his workshop) (it was 2:54 am and dark) (he almost died from the damn thing) (Pixal almost lost it when Jay literally clung to her begging her not to kill it-sorry, my mistake, her.) (he stays up late at night building stuff and chatting to her and she dances every time Jay goes on an excited ramble.)
Cole has a lizard, and it’s a Chameleon. He named her Lizzy (Kai calls her Queenie.) (he lowkey lost Lizzy on her first day and had a breakdown) (Jay said that defeated the purpose of an emotional support animal) (until at 11pm at night they found out Lizzy was just chilling in Cole’s hair and they just couldn’t tell) (everyone thought Cole was gonna be annoyed, but bro lowkey broke down again because he got emotional about how she clung to him the whole time.) (he got Lizzy because he missed Rocky) (I miss Rocky too)
Morro has a rabbit. Named Chompy (and they’re a ghost) (lowkey Morro has no idea what Chompy is, the lil brat just jumped onto him and went ‘CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP’ and bit him.) (it looks like a rabbit, if oni’s could be rabbits.) (he blames Garmadon, he probably corrupted the damn thing and now he has some weird monstrous rabbit attached to him) (he does like telling Chompy to attack tho. He finds it hilarious when the other ghosts are sent running) (their convos go like ‘No Chompy, you can’t eat my book’ ‘chomp chomp?’ ‘Because i said so.’ ‘Chomp chomp!’ ‘Uh, yes, i can.’ ‘Chomp chomp chomp!!’ ‘Wha-why you little-’) (everyone thinks he’s mentally unstable for thinking he can understand them) (and maybe he is but you can shove it, he deserves to talk to weird monster animals who actually like him, after what ever octopus bull the preeminent pulled)
Skylor has a turtle, she got him from Griffin (he couldn’t take care of him all the time and got busy so he asked Skylor if she’s willing to co-parent) (she had to agree that turtle was giving her puppy eyes) (they love acting like divorcees) (Kai pretends to the new boyfriend who hates the og partner) (the turtle is named Grecko) (Griffin wanted to mess with people who thought he was talking about an actual Gecko when instead he was talking about a turtle named Grecko) (Skylor loved and hated it at the same time) (she calls him Greg.) (she gets Greg to walk small distances over to kids in her restaurant and give them food) (the kids love him.)
Neuro has a mouse, five, to be precise. (Nya got the idea for a rat from Neuro, who has to explain to her the difference between the two.) (he loves letting them hide in random places of his body.) (don’t be surprised when you’re talking to him and a mouse just pops out of his shirts collar.) (he doesn’t even look phased.) (he’s accepted his fate as a climbing tree) (he is also trying to learn how to speak mouse by reading their minds) (its going…somewhere.)
Pixal has her lil robots. She loves mini pix with all her heart thats her baby.
Wu has his damn chicken and his chicken has been around for centuries. Morro also loved the chicken.
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pumpkinsy0 · 5 months
tldr: @buddyaldridge is a 30 year old weirdo proshipper who talks shit about ppl behind their backs, block em and report if you can/want to
just wanna let everyone know theres a omegaverse mpreg dallyboy writer whos been an all around WEIRDOOOOO cause their brain is LITERALLY porn rotted and they cannot fathom ppl actually having fun at all, their @ is @buddyaldridge aka @pelopsides previously known as @madelynprior
in 2020-2022 the outsiders tumblr they used to be @madelynprior and theyre a hardcore dallyboy stan which is already fucking weird, but on top of that, they would make teen pregnancy omegaverse smut fics which??? and im not gonna give you the ss, nigga im givin yall the LINKKK to see it with your own eyes so you know im not crazy
how ik its them is bc on their acc RIGHT before they switched to their buddyaldridge acc, and before that acc was named “pelopides”, they used to go by “madeleinepryor”, how ik its the same person is bc on a good chunk of their post, theyd tag it as “#madeleinepryor dispatches” on top of that, they just straight up linked their ao3 acc😭😭
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heres what the link goes to, they linked their ao3 acc, they just changed their username on ao3 as well from madeleinepryor to greasers
now me calling them a proshipper isnt me talking out of my ass, they say it themselves like ughhhhjjj
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as for them talking about other ppl, i wont share ALL the screenshots bc idk if the ppl theyre talking bad about would rlly feel comfortable w those being posted, if they know, they can feel free to post it on their own accord, so like i said, wont share, but i HAVE seen some and i can conform that they have done it, its ABSOLUTELY NOT above them
for now ill post the ss i CAN post rn which just proves my point
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now ignoring that theyre talking smack, theyre just so odd and obviously didnt rlly think this through bc 1967 is ALREADY IMPLIED in the 60s, youre just incapable of reading things that arent about teen boys getting it on w each other PLEASE get a grip on reality😭😭
theyve talked about 14 year olds and their post on their acc just to shit on them, once again, GROWN ASS PERSON TWEAKIN OVER THE IDEAS OF A 14 YEAR OLD🗣️🗣️
NOW maybe your asking “how do you know the discord user and the tumblr user are the same person” AND I WILL ADMIT, while i DO have strong feelings they are the same person, its not 100% proven, HOWEVER buddyaldridge DOES go by buddy and that discord users name is buddy, so while its not concrete, the link IS there, once again, feel free to come to whatever conclusion you wanna come to about that
but what ISNT disputable is the fact that theyre a proshitter
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additionally just this??? reblog from them????
on its own, not MUCH, bit considering the fics they make this is SO weird like??????
and finally, ive heard that theyve specifically came for me about my haitian shepards and maybe even my heritage, saying that they hated race hcs??????like using me as an example, they ss my acc and talked shit, someone contacted me about it and they dont have ss of it specifically, but they can vouch for it, and im not just gonna dismiss that, bc while they dont have ss, they do have ss and proof of everything else, so i do believe them, and theyve said if they find it they would show them to me, do what you wanna with this info
ANYWAYS buddy, your brain is unironically pornrotted, ur being a lil baby who cant do anything but cry and moan online on discord of all places and ur doing all this as a 30+ year old, and its CRAZIER bc youre doing all this while having “minors dni” in your pinned post, while also writing about minors, in a fandom MOSTLY OF MIDDLE SCHOOLERS!!!! (aka minors!!! ik age is hard for you to grasp) on top of that, literally ANY and ALL race hcs is way more believable and enjoyable than any “ideas” you’ve been cooking up in that odd demented, shriveled up pea brain of urs
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anyways yea, that all i have to say, and im speaking for myself here, but i mean this with every fiber of my being, i dont know how you function in life but i DO NOT want you to go any farther, and i think others would/DO feel the same, ive seen what makes you cheer and i am PROUUUDDD to make you BOOOOO, you shouldnt be near minors at all, fictional or non fictional, you should BARELY be near other adults
plus if you go onto their acc rn, notice how when anon called them out, buddy aint even say they were wrong?? JUST SAYIN🗣️🗣️
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im tagging everything i can tag bc i DO NOTTTT want mfs interacting w their blog, and want as many ppl as possible to be aware, dont say anything to them, dont give them attention bc obviously they’ll think this is funny and post it on their shitty discord server or whatever and giggle like they arent a grown ass nigga w bills to pay, trying so hard to cling onto their high school days, making fics about a canon middle schooler getting banged and pregnant, pls block and report do whatever u wanna do, just plssss dont let this proshitter on this damn sight near kidssss😭😭
dont take this as me WANTING drama, i dont, i just dont want ppl coming in this fandom thinking posting this shit and doing this is ok, youre bullying ppl for doing harmless things meanwhile your just making straight porn about a weird ship left n right, thinking YOUUUUU of all ppl have the place to talk about anyone or anything like your opinion on anything is valid😭😭
you NEED stones thrown at you
if anyone has anymore ss send em to mmeeeeee, but in the mean time ill be doin my own thing wooooo‼️‼️🔥🔥
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ramen8008 · 12 days
Cause everyone is doing this apparently
Apollo: so like I know he's got some banger songs but he killed a bunch of sirens. And who's gonna be my band now?
Athena: hey maybe now they will sing without killing others and being killed?
Apollo: yeah I guess if that's true Ody can go
Hephestus: Trust is not given its FORGED (wink wink). He also betrayed his men
Athena: the men were the ones who didn't trust Odysseus. They betrayed Odysseus and stabbed him tf you mean? Also if you let him go he can still BUILD (wink wink) a future with his family
Aphrodite: Your lil Odysseus might claim to love his mom but was gone so long that she died
Athena: Tf? He was busy fighting a WAR and trying to get back home back to her
Aphrodite: maybe he was just too busy being prideful. He should suffer
Ares: really Athena?
Ares: Don't mess with my girl also Odysseus is a coward trying to be smart. He's just a lil Twink like his son
Athena: OKAY DON'T YOU DARE INSULT HIS SON. HES MY BOY AND HES GOT MORE BALLS THAN YOU! And tell "your girl" that what she said was stupid
Athena: and if you really want bloodshed then let him go and he'll kill all those weirdo suitors he's already in his monster rawr rawr phase
Ares and Aphrodite: geez okay let him go
Hera: *dancing to disco* I just need one reason to let him go but the main challenge is that you have to.....DANCE
Athena: shit
Hera: Now why should your lil Ody get to be free? *Dances*
Athena: *thinks* do I really care about him this much?
Athena: *sighs and dances* he's smart
Hera: hmmm
Athena: he's an annoying lil trickster *dance move*
Hera: ... Girl that doesn't help *dance move*
Athena: uhh he's kinda funny? That has to do something I can't believe I admitted that *dance move*
Hera: eh
Athena: he's not a fucking cheater (like dad) and a total simp for his wife
Hera: *gasps* husband goals *side eyes Zeus* release him
Athena: So I won-
Zeus: Do you not know you I am? I'm a child and imma throw a tamper tantrum cause you aren't allowed to win wah wah *BOOM lightening bolt*
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chai-berries · 1 year
what starbucks™ drinks are the tlou girls ordering?
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ellie has had a frappuccino once even though joel said it’s “not really coffee” (she ordered it just to spite him) only to fucking hate it so she gets random shit but when she needs energy she gets cold brews for sure with extra cream
dina is smart and knows what she likes and what will wake her up — she gets a vanilla latte with an alternative milk ;)
abby says she’s an expresso shots/black coffee all the way but she does enjoy a refresher or a tea with fruit in it on some occasions
abby would totally steal a drink of ur frappe three seconds after teasing you for liking it
out of all of them i think ellie would collect the state cups. she’s so serious about it too like it’s the first thing she HAS to do when y’all enter another state. what a weirdo. she’s just like me!!!
ellie is a chronic straw chewer and those straws look fucked up when she’s done with them. imagine: absentmindedly playing a video game or something and she’s already bouncing her leg. you let it go on for a lil longer before removing the straw and putting your lips against hers. it pauses all her movements.
ellie has adhd (cmon now) and likes studying in the coffee shop cause she can people watch when she’s bored. she has a few pages in her art book of some of the regulars that come in
abby has a routine of surprising you at work with your favorite drink and a pastry on her days off where you still have work. all the people at your job (mostly the older women) think it’s “just the sweetest thing”
abby will NOT study in the coffee shop. she likes it to be completely silent or have light music playing in the background. she doesn’t get much done in a crowded starbucks. especially when you’re playing footsie with her as you innocently drink your chai tea. she loves you but this anatomy exam is like half her grade!!! don’t worry she makes up for it later ;)
dina would have a nice tumbler collection. they’re usually full of only ice water though. you know she stays hydrated!
dina is the only one that actually uses the point system. she will honestly go crazy when she gets a free drink. this is her only flaw (but it’s not really cause i do this… it’s normal right??)
starbucks was ironically how you and dina met. you were there studying or if you’re being honest taking study breaks in between playing games on your phone. it was raining and all you hear is the squeak of her sneakers before she’s asking to share your table with you. she’s the prettiest person you’ve ever seen and you barely let out a sound, nodding your head towards the chair she had her hand on. love drunk already.
original post here
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silvercap · 2 months
for the prompt game: have you done darkness? if I missed it, weak works as well. hell if you do both that's cool too - go off silver!! (i reread a bunch of your drabbles JUST to see which prompts you'd already done - totally didn't get stuck in a lil whirlpool of silver fics there 👀) (if you've done both of these already and i missed it then im so sorry 😭)
The darkness of Leon's small house is almost soothing when he steps through the front door, the late hour leaving him bleary and irritable and slightly nauseous. The medics with the BSAA had diagnosed him with a concussion, he's pretty sure, but Leon isn't in the mood to be poked and prodded and treated like a patient while they interrogate him for mission details. Here, at least, he's free from judgement and watchful eyes; from the ready hands waiting to catch him like a child in case he stumbles. He just wants to sleep in his own bed. Is that so much to ask?
Every part of his body aches, the ankle he'd sprained proving to be a difficult opponent as he limps through the house. The set of lacerations slashed across his upper arm have begun to sting again, throbbing in time with Leon's ragged breaths, and he realizes tiredly that he's still covered in blood and filth. He'll have to shower, first.
He can barely remember the detour to the bathroom, brought back into awareness by the agony that courses through him the moment he begins to shrug off his jacket and jeans, groaning when the fabric rips away from bloody wounds and forces his protesting muscles to twist in ways that make them angrier. Under the bright lights of the bathroom fixture, he looks like a mess, eyes sunken and bloodshot beneath stringy hair and a layer of grime and blood. Not all of it his own---but most of it.
The warm water is a comfort, at least, enough to elicit a sigh as the steam begins to rise around him. It stings the wounds that have begun to reopen with all his struggling, but Leon doesn't pay them any mind. He watches the blood swirl around his feet in ghostly patterns of rusty crimson, too exhausted to do much else. Slowly, the pain creeps back in, his ankle tight with jagged spikes of pain the longer he keeps his weight on it. He's not clean, yet, though, he can't get out. God, it's hard to think.
Leon sits down hard on the cheap shower floor, leaning his head back against the wall. He doesn't have the strength to do anything but sigh, fingers trailing limp in the flow of water as he lets himself sag. That's okay, he can stay here for a while. Relax, take a load off....
He snaps awake with a shiver, aware only of the cold water pouring over him in torrents. For a moment, he thinks he's outside, until he catches sight of the shower handle and it all comes rushing back. Leon shivers again, noticing through blurry, swimming vision the goosebumps that have formed on his bare legs, stretched out in front of him. The cold is enough to make his injuries ache again, the slightest attempt to move prompting a bitten-off whimper of agony. He... he wants to go to bed. He should stand up and go to bed.
Leon's too weak to turn off the spray, though, his hand trembling and collapsing back to his side when he tries. He growls quietly in frustration, the sound trailing off into a whine. A wave of distress threatens to overwhelm him, panic prying at the edges of his awareness.
"Leon?!" The sudden slam of the bathroom door jolts him in place, eliciting a groan as his muscles twinge. Through the glass wall of the shower, he can make out Piers' dismayed expression, an automatic semblance of a smile curving Leon's lips.
"Hey," he says, watching as Piers shoves the door open and throws himself into the falling water to turn it off despite being fully dressed. What a weirdo. Leon blinks as Piers looks him up and down, expression tightening as he takes in the bruises and wounds on his skin. "Fancy meeting you here."
"You weren't answering your phone," Piers says roughly, an edge of some unreadable emotion in his voice. His gaze scans Leon's body again. "I thought something might've happened, your door was unlocked. Are you alright?"
"Couldn't resist checking me out, huh, Nivans?" Leon mumbles. His eyelids fall shut of their own accord, a sigh leaving his chest. Maybe now that Piers is here, he can actually get some rest. Strong hands slip under his armpits a moment later, and Leon groans. "Lemme sleep."
"Get up, Leon," Piers orders, but his voice is softer than before. He starts to lift, and Leon supposes he might as well try to cooperate---except that it feels almost impossible to get his feet under him, knees buckling every time he tries. He whimpers when his sprained ankle twists awkwardly. Piers pushes closer, an arm around Leon's waist, until he's practically supporting all of Leon's weight. "There you go. I've got you."
Somehow, he maneuvers Leon to the closed seat of the toilet, sitting him down so he can lean back against the tank. Leon prises his eyelids apart with effort, just in time to see the fluffy towel that descends to ruffle his hair and swipe gently down his nude body. Piers wraps it around Leon's waist when he's done, the cool fabric making him shiver.
"Just a little longer," Piers soothes when he groans again, "I've got the first aid kit, I'm going to wrap up some of your injuries. You're still bleeding a little bit."
"I am?" Leon blinks hazily. Huh. Maybe that makes a little sense. He winces as Piers begins to wipe down several spots with stinging disinfectant, slipping back into a daze as fresh gauze is secured to various parts of his body. The tensor bandage around his ankle is the worst, but it's not long before Piers is smearing antibiotic ointment on the cut Leon can feel on his forehead and covering it in a large bandaid, and suddenly all Leon can feel is hollowness.
"Piers," he says heavily, tongue thick in his mouth. "I think I'm gonna pass out or somethin'."
Instantly, steadying hands find his shoulders, pressure that draws Leon back into his body. A pair of warm eyes hovers in front of his face when he looks, eyebrows creased.
"Let's get you into bed, okay?" Piers says softly.
Leon staggers once he's upright again, but Piers refuses to let him fall. The next thing he knows, he's being laid out on a soft mattress, the sensation almost heavenly against his aching joints and the sharp pain that flares up every few moments. He buries his face in the pillow. Shivers. It's cold in here, too.
A moment later, a soft blanket is pulled up over his shoulders, Piers' gentle expression visible when Leon peeks out from the cage of his arms where they hold onto the pillow. He smiles, but it seems wan, his flesh hand reaching out to trace over a lock of Leon's hair. That feels nice.
"Get some sleep," Piers murmurs, and Leon nods. The chill is draining from his limbs, pain lost in the fog of fatigue, and it doesn't take long before he's out entirely.
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frango-maconheiro · 4 months
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wow, wow, interaction.
also, there's a stupid meaningless ramble i made out of this incredible petpeeve of mine with EW x reader stuff and it's just down the cut sggkjdfjkk (it's fr just me being extremely salty)
Anyway, hello!
Haha, my curious and lonely ass really thought it was a clever idea to read 'eddsworld x reader' content because it spawned in my timeline.... thinking that maaaybe they actually got good at it and made not too ooc stuff (this is heeeeaavily on matt content)
Now, i am profoundly remorseful of that choice because when i wrote this hours ago woth no wifi, i was arguing with the air.
Like, i won't lie on this. EW x reader.. They have evolved, a loooot since those 2017 fanfics (why were the x yn fics from eddsworld all copy-paste back then???) actually, it really surprised me because i definitely don't have the most cool memories of such fanfics,, Buuuuut, they still have that STUPID FAVORITISM. IT'S SO DAMN APPARENT. YOU THINK WE CAN'T SEE IT???
i get madder from down this line, especially since i was veery hungry when writing this. That's why you should always stay fed, keeps you slightly happier.
nhamnhamnhamm, writes aaall cool stuff for edd, tom 'n tord... maybe with an ooc here and there, but enough to ignore,, but matt? Matt gets so ooc, he can be mistaken for an oc if no name is given.
like,,, did.. did we watch the same dude on screen? i know he was pretty neglected in content, but cmon, what is that?? He's practically a romance repellent with his stupidity (said affectionately)
it's the same 'pipipipopopo just a sweet mama's boy' and 'ooo, he's sooo romantic, look at how much of gentleman he is compared to otheeeers' and 'whaao he so silly ::3 *treats him as if he weren't an adult character' and so much more, all in this weird stereotype
I guess i'm just disappointed,,, all because he just, idk, still feels downright boring compared to how the other 3 are written in these kind of fanfics even thought it's 2024 already and not still 2017-2020 (don't even get me started on the weird fixation on making yn extremely specific which fr also makes me crawl away like a wet cat from EW reader interactive content, they don't even put tags of the gender, aaaaaargh).
y'all definitely have more content of him to write than just the saturation of him painting your nails, or going shopping, or acting like he's the center of the world 24/7, or making him the pure lil' angel, or having his memory issues being downplayed as him acting 'so silly lil' silly', i assure you.
When i tell you i got so invested in this useless anger i mean that i got compelled into writing down a bunch of matt x reader to try and give that man a cooler image,,, and i don't even see him that way (nor any of the characters.) , but GOD ARGHHHV I NEED JUSTICE FOR HIM.
i might be just a lil' hot headed while writing this whole stuff, but this bro got stripped out of BOTH his classic and his modern funky personality in 99% of these fanfics and nobody bats an eye, like, ever, unless they're another fan of the character. Free my ginger rat, pleeeeaaaaseee.
I need any weirdo, edgy, funky, unusual, vampire, zombie(heavily on you zombie matt my beloved), slasher, funny, whack matt written content that is not only interactive BUT friendly to all readers...
i don't even care what Matt is written, modern, or classic. Both types have their own weirdo charm, and i am willing to analyze them for a nice oneshot or spitball post.... where you don't get to a restaurant/picnic and receives flowers and it ends like that, without any more depth of such cute cliche fluff it is, and leaving you like you just licked off the scraps of a dessert from a plate given to you, so damn hungry 'n wishing you had eaten an actual dessert instead of whatever that was.
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anxietysslave · 8 months
What Alastor from Hazbin Hotel would call you if you were dating:
Okay, with the new episodes of Hazbin Hotel releasing and it being a roller coaster of emotions, I've had a thing for Alastor. I personally don't see him as ace, but that's just my opinion. Either way, enjoy!
No. Just no- he's more old-timey, and I feel like to him this is not appropriate.
Again no- Could you imagine Alastor calling his s/o doll?- I just cannot- It's more old timey sure but I just don't see it.
I could see him saying this for sure. I feel like he's said it before to other people in the show, but I can't remember-
Yes. Just yes. He already calls people this in the show, so I know he'd definitely call you this. Although I feel like he'd call you this during sweet moments rather than just random moments.
This is another one he's already called other people, so I feel like this would be the most frequent one.
I personally hate this pet name due to *cough* pedos who have bothered me *cough*. But otherwise, yes. This is one he'd call you. Again it wouldn't be one for random times of the day and reserved for sweet moments.
...Do I even have to answer this one? No. Just no. If you asked him to call you this he'd look at you with the most disgusted look-
Nope, no, and no. This one is even worse to him than the one above. He's an old-timer, so things like this that would be... More modern is already a no, and getting animals involved? No. Just no. Not his thing. He'd give you worse than a disgusted look. And not in a sexual way either-
This is a good one! He uses it more when he's introducing you to people, and maybe if he's speaking sarcastically because let's be honest, he's a lil shit-
Another nickname I'm not fond of thanks to those same weirdos! Either way yes he'd definitely use this one. More for questions like "What do you want to eat, sweetie?"
This is actually a slang pet name-? Either way no. He'd tilt his head and look both disappointed in you and confused if you even suggested he call you that-
Once again, no. I feel like he's the type to hate people having control over him, and this one just sounds like this. Also, it was common to call someone you were cheating with a mistress so bad rep for him.
No. Just no. Sure he'll call people he's teasing a pet or people he has a contract with like Husker. But he doesn't see you as a pet so he's not going to call you one.
This one is one he probably wouldn't hear of and didn't know even existed word-wise, but he'd like it. I feel like this is one of the only ones he'll add to his vocabulary because he likes it
Nope- Reminds him too much of Angel Dust- And he also knows that if he were to call you Angel around Angel Dust, it'd give Angel a perfect opportunity to wait so no-
Yes, this was actually something I found for like a compliment, or if you're trying to pick someone up- Alastor would give you the dirtiest, nastiest look you could imagine. If you're joking with him when there's no one else, he won't say anything but give you the dirtiest glare. If you're joking and you're with people, you're getting the silent treatment for a whole month. And if you're dead serious... No more relationship for you.
I've been bored, so here's this random head cannon. Alastor is living in my head rent-free right now so I hope you enjoyed this! Have a good day/night! Master list: https://www.tumblr.com/anxietysslave/708212002841083904/masterlist?source=share
If you're going to request something, please take a look here to make sure it's something I'm comfortable with:
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boujeebunny8 · 7 months
Lil warning to this post⚠️
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Alright. To start this off, I’m pretty sure we can agree that Chivo and Gran Bruja are the worst characters in the show (unless you have others lol). Chivo gaslighting Rico, Grand Bruja neglecting Rico, their shitheads. But I like to add one more to the plate…
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This fucker.
To sum him up, he was basically responsible for the deaths of many animals including Monkey. So basically he’s a murderer. But I wanna add one more to his list, and this is where the warning comes from. A creep. Or if you wanna go far enough, a pedo (short for pedophile). I’m not going to go into what a pedo is so… ya.
Now this statement can be seen through his and Chimi’s interaction with each other.
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This scene is seen after the other archer’s point their weapons at Chimi. He quickly shouts for them to put their weapons down.
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He than gets up and exclaims that the legend of el monstro blanco is true while clapping his hands. (Real exiting for an old guy, huh?)
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He than goes down to great Chimi. He takes a moment to look her up and down. (My guy, calm down)
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He then gives her the bow that the Tecas gifted (meaning Maya and her family literally gave it to them) and than he calls her his “new pet.”
You could also argue that he’s just a weirdo in some way by calling his other guards pets but he doesn’t.
Pet is a “name” meaning giving someone special treatment.
But why call her a pet? The face says it all.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this “theory” is correct. If you seen Jorge’s posts about cut Matt concepts. Those get pretty dark.
Once again, this is just me.
Feel free to share what you think about this! I’d like to read your guys’s thoughts!
Stay safe out there guys.
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