#you r a badass!
feistyvirghoe ยท 4 months
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๐ฉ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž 1 - you guys have such bright, very infectious because iโ€™m just so giddy right now, yalls energy just shines bright like the sun omg, so full of positivity and love, happy as a child fr. i feel like people just like to consume your energy, has them all over the place, like pleading, thereโ€™s a push and pull effect you have, like you can be the most positive, optimistic person full of fucking light but then you have that other side to you that has people on their knees, like they canโ€™t hold it in with you, the focus is on you guys, youโ€™re hardworking and when youโ€™re ready to fucking commit to something and go you just do it and get it started but you also know how to be inclusive and make others feel welcomed. i feel like people just want you to look at them, acknowledge them, you guys can adapt easily and may be spread out everywhere, you canโ€™t just stay stuck to one thing and even within relationships im not saying youโ€™re non-committal but you know your worth and some people and things just arenโ€™t worth your time, youโ€™re like a temptation, watch out for users and takers that may want to swindle you for whatever reason. youโ€™re in tune with your femme side, you truly donโ€™t need anyone to validate you and thatโ€™s a flex babeโ€ฆitโ€™s all you, something about the way you love and care for others, never dim that part of yourself, itโ€™s so beautiful, the way you can own your mfkn power is by not letting bozos or losers come in and try to knock u off ur damn throne, standing up for yourself, believing that youโ€™re fucking powerful just by being your true authentic self, confidently strutting your stuff, not giving away too much of yourself as well, connecting with your innermost self, reminding yourself who you are deep down inside, not being swayed the outside opinions of others, you may be a lil homebody and thatโ€™s okay..youโ€™re sure of yourself and you donโ€™t need anyone up in your face trying to fucking control you and make u feel small, by continuing to protect yourself in a healthy way, strong fucking boundaries is what needs to be set, donโ€™t let these weirdos try to come in and fucking knock down your walls with their hateration and disgusting jealousy, show yourself off, embrace that fire within you, dont second guess yourself or make yourself small to fit in, burn bright baby boo. an affirmation for u - โ€œi am a badass warrior and i conquer self doubt like itโ€™s my fucking job!โ€
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๐ฉ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž 2 - your gentleness makes u fucking strike like lightning and i know youโ€™re like โ€œhow?โ€ babe we need more kind people like you on this planet, this world is so full of hatred and evil people, youโ€™re kindness and compassion and just love for others makes you fucking strike babe, youโ€™re a giver, very generous individual but i can see that you protect your heart as well, you know not to let shady people come and try to steal your energy, yeah thatโ€™s a thing, and you may need to be careful of that too, giving yourself away to undeserving people. youโ€™re so content and just emotionally fulfilled on your own, u truly do not need someone else to fill your cup but im betting thereโ€™s a lot of people that would love to if youโ€™d let them, youโ€™re allowed be taken care of and poured into. but with how abundant your energy is and just how rich you are in spirit, of course itโ€™d attract a bunch of energy vampires, just people with weird intentions. very emotionally mature and also vulnerable as well, well with the right people of course but you donโ€™t hide how youโ€™re feeling, and thats literally okay, youโ€™re allowed to fucking let yourself feel free expressing what and how youโ€™re feeling if that makes sense haha. you may throw people off, itโ€™s like they dont expect YOU, like literally just you, your compassionate self. you donโ€™t chase after people bc you know youโ€™re already secure inside so donโ€™t doubt that. maybe you really second guess yourself and how youโ€™re coming off to others but i feel like people just see such a pure genuine soul, not just a nice person but a very kindhearted soul. you make others feel calm, like just content and chill haha. i feel like yall just make people smile, like smirking to themselves just thinking about you, omg admiring you and adoring you, u could be all up in peopleโ€™s heads, unforgettable, maybe some just want to indulge themselves in you, just be cautious and aware of snakes hidden in the grass. i feel like i could go on and on about you guys, i dont want to make it too long though ;) your sweetness dude, youโ€™re just like a lil fucking teddy bear ahhhh, someone who loves to help others, doesnโ€™t matter what it may be just serving, wanting to be useful to others? maybe ppl have made u feel worthless bc of how kind you are like as if thatโ€™s boring or some shit, ignore those ppl, we need more kindness and love, donโ€™t hide that side of yourself idc, let others who want to appreciate you show you their love. youโ€™re also very in tune with your spiritual side and i feel you may dim that down too as if youโ€™re not gifted i mean youโ€™re here right?? embrace that side of yourself, you donโ€™t even know how helpful you are to others, i feel like your generosity and just your pure loving soul is what puts a smile on others faces, so balanced, youโ€™re just an unforgettable nurturer, a whole sweetie pie, a cutie pie ahhh, just such a sweet soul okay hereโ€™s an affirmation for you <3 โ€œsuccess is my middle name; watch me fucking conquer.โ€ โ€œi choose to surround myself with people who fucking respect meโ€ and to own your power i feel like you just need to see you more, like youโ€™re the one who can stay calm during the stormy weather, a shield for others, very protective over your loved ones and self, stay true to that boo! <33
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๐ฉ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž 3 - i feel like yโ€™all are my glamorous pile, the ones ready to put their feet on the fucking ground and nobody ainโ€™t going to fucking get in your way and stop you lmfao iโ€™m hearing under the influence by chris brown, i feel like you guys got people feeling like they on drugs around you, your energy is intoxicating and addicting, some may even wanna knock u up to keep you as theirs wtf okay anyways hahahaha okay i feel like the way yall strike is like youโ€™re in that empress energy very strong minded, in touch with your feminine side and you know when to cut a bitch off but then with that, the same people you cut off may try to come back and slither their way back into your life omg what the hell, so you guys are like the โ€œheartbreakersโ€ but not really because you just know your fucking worth more than what lames can give to you and not just that how theyโ€™re with you as well, goes for any relationship, you know when to fucking walk away and youโ€™re not taking weird bullshit from anyone, you donโ€™t play, i feel like your anger plays a part in making you fucking powerful, when youโ€™re done youโ€™re done and you can easily see through peopleโ€™s bullshit, their facade, in hearing shit you up, lol u piss people off, idk what youโ€™re truly doing, it could honestly just be you and your awareness, youโ€™re not going to stand down and make yourself a tiny purse dog lmfao, very sassy as well, like no one can fucking control you, even if they wanted to, you guys make people uncomfortable but thatโ€™s there own issue, you may the wrong people for you uncomfortable haha, they try to fucking go and go at you relentlessly attacking you for no reason, so i can see why youโ€™re protective of yourself and u donโ€™t stand down, i mean with weird people like this honestly weird energy like this coming for yโ€™all i understand why, itโ€™s like youโ€™re power makes others want to overthrow you and try and like one up you, just weird, got people competing for u and against you, i feel like theyโ€™re jealous of your fucking success and not just material success but your ambition, your drive, your resilience, never giving up on yourself no matter how hard it gets, youโ€™re your own positive light in your life, you know how to make yourself happy, still shining, blowing out your candles, celebrating your fucking self like you should! yeah your fucking power just makes others despise you lmfao weird as hell, you live life on your own goddamn terms and youโ€™re not sitting around waiting for anyone, a leader on your own, itโ€™s like a natural quality of yours, you just know how to be up in front exuding dominance, like a lion, your walk may just give off CONFIDENCE i mean you have the emperor here, youโ€™re just a fucking natural at it, it comes easily to you so i can see why others may feel offended by your power but theyโ€™re just projecting and not seeing their own power within themself, you look ahead, you donโ€™t look for others, they look for you, goddamn lmfao! affirmations for you guys - โ€œiโ€™m letting go of negative bullshit, toxic people, and self doubt. iโ€™m creating a fucking epic life on my own terms!โ€ & โ€œi am enough, i have enough, and damn right im fucking worth it!โ€
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๐ฉ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž 4 - i can see you guys regenerating in hermit mode, like taking some time to be alone with yourself building your power back up and cleansing yourself of all the weird energies you may have encountered, you like your solitude, my loners here, the ones who donโ€™t mind leaving the party early, ready to go home and chill the fuck out or going on adventures by yourself and taking some time to just connect with your higher self if u wanna say that, just going within and seeing that light within yourself, you blossom on your own, you know how to make sure busy, itโ€™s like when quarantine was around heavy, it didnโ€™t phase this group, maybe it was even like a fuck yeah moment, nobody outside to bother you hahaha, like you guys may love to work out and get back to yourself that way, doing yoga, stretching, moving your body, but you may also be very cautious of the outside world, like you just jumped off the boat into uncharted territory taking time to feel out the place/environment/energy just watching where youโ€™re stepping, or what youโ€™re stepping into, making your way as you go along whatever journey you may be on, weighing out your options, not making hasty decisions, a thinker, maybe even a realist too. calm, balanced people here, like a lot of introspection, a very nostalgic person too. embracing the old memories, in tune with your childhood self, doing things that fuel your soul and what makes you feel the most peaceful, maybe you guys struggle with the mind so grounding yourself and staying away from the crowd is what helps you to stay sane and sharp, for you to be your most powerful self i feel like you just need that time away from everyone. yep itโ€™s like you canโ€™t really count on other people, do people make you second guess yourself, itโ€™s like youโ€™re there for everyone but they couldnโ€™t even be bothered to hear you out, donโ€™t give so much of yourself away to ungrateful people. you matter a lot and i can see this may be draining you as well, probably why youโ€™re very cautious, but remember donโ€™t keep yourself stuck on others weird projections and how they may try to take from you, itโ€™s okay to be alone and regroup, if some one is offended by that then thatโ€™s there issue. the way u, my group four babies can uplift yourself and own your power is by letting yourself fucking shine and put yourself out there, confidently, i feel like people like making you guys feel small and quiet like a mouse, but youโ€™re not a goddamn mouse youโ€™re the fucking cat, and cats do whatever the hell they want to do, use your voice and own that fucking power, your words hold weight, speak more positively over your life and your self, unbiased opinions and being straightforward with your communication, donโ€™t close yourself off from true unconditional love too..you deserve to be recognized and appreciated for all you do!!! keep fucking going, donโ€™t give up on love, that goes for loving yourself too!! every fucking part of you and yes even the ugly bc the ugly is actually beautiful and makes you see the parts of you that you want to grow from and evolve beautifully into a better version of yourself! affirmations for yโ€™all - โ€œiโ€™m unstoppable and nothing can hold me back, not even my fucking fears.โ€ โ€œmy uniqueness shines like a freaking diamond! confidence? itโ€™s my middle name, baby!โ€ โ€œiโ€™m a badass boss babe and i donโ€™t give a damn about what anyone thinks. i rock my confidence like a boss!โ€
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robotsandramblings ยท 6 months
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just some of my favourite shots of Hunter & Crosshair from E09
you have no idea how happy i am to see these two working and fighting side-by-side again ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
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himejoshiangels ยท 7 months
yall cling to duke as "the normal one" like your lives fucking depend on it. like why go to such lengths to ignore everything incredible abt him canonically in favor of kicking him to the side bcs you headcanon him as boring. like do you understand how not quirky cute and progressive yall sound. You would never do that to your faves and frankly I think some of you are just afraid that he might just be more interesting that whatever made up version of your favorite batboy you have in your mind
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byfulcrums ยท 1 year
I could talk about how female characters are almost always watered down to the responsible friend or the voice reason or the badass character with no feelings, etc etc and how it's not only harmful but usually ooc for most of the characters it includes (Nya, Annabeth, literally every girl from PjO, Shoko and Nobara, etc) for hours but I have to sleep
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eldritchamy ยท 7 months
What the shit. Fighting a god in hand to hand combat as a gold dragon using immovable rods goes so fucking hard and itโ€™s the backstory for a character thatโ€™s just in the main backstory???????? AMY???
You know how a lot of people, when making DND characters, make the mistake of having their level 1 PC have an elaborate backstory where they're super badass and already recognized as a hero?
When I made Ash I did the opposite. Her backstory is elaborate, yes, but in very mundane ways that inform her personality and how she perceives the world around her, and build up the logic of how she makes decisions.
I made everyone AROUND my PC a super powerful character who had done incredible things, and I gave Ash anxiety about it.
She feels, constantly, that she is inadequate by comparison. Her entire frame of reference is shaped by a bunch of women in her life that are outstandingly powerful, and she's just a quiet girl who makes leather goods and sells them for a living. She thinks of herself as the NPC in other people's more impressive lives.
Her mother, Lailah, is a nearly seven foot tall divine warrior created in Elysium to destroy Pit Fiends. She's an angel of lightning built like an MMA fighter, and she wields a weapon like piece of a lightning bolt (not stylized, I mean a real, glowing crackling arc of electricity that she holds like a staff and can be used like anything from a polearm to a spear to a whip, and when thrown it acts like a Lightning Bolt spell). She is built, both narratively and in game stats, to be an unkillable holy destroyer, capable of fighting MULTIPLE PIT FIENDS simultaneously, and winning. She's a CR 10+ magical creature (she's a homebrewed mix of Deva and Erinyes stat blocks with some unique flavor) with eighteen class levels, 16 in Zealot Barbarian and 2 in Fighter. She has a strength of 27 and a constitution of 25. She's designed to deal HUGE amounts of damage, tank unfathomable amounts in turn, NOT DROP WHEN SHE HITS ZERO HITPOINTS, and keep swinging until every devil in her way is a pile of dust, then use bonus action Second Wind to bring herself back above 0 so she doesn't incur the auto-death caveat on Zealot Barbarian's Rage Beyond Death ability. One of her attuned items is also the very simple uncommon item "Periapt of Wound Closure" which automatically stabilizes you at the start of your turn, thereby resetting the death saving throws she would theoretically have to make each time she gets hit below 0. Also, as an angel, she's innately immune to auto-death effects like Power Word Kill, which closes almost all loopholes that get around her build. She is UNSPEAKABLY badass. I ran a simulated round of combat with her once, and she could potentially one-shot a CR 15 Skittering Horror (228 HP) in a single turn. Her theoretical maximum damage output is like, 456 damage in a turn (granted this assumes all crits and rolling max damage).
So that's Ash's mom.
Aria is interesting. She was always strongly attuned to the forces of nature, and her magic grew quickly. Where Ash grew up with someone she knew would always be there to protect her from anything, Aria did NOT have that safety net, and spent her formative years learning to be more self-sufficient in terms of relying on her own power. So eventually she got sucked into an adventuring party consisting of herself (a tiefling Witch subclass with very strong druid flavor), a tiefling zealot barbarian, and a couple of elf twins who were an Arcana cleric and a Celestial Warlock. Sometime after they had made a name for themselves, they were tasked with stopping a suspected fledgling vampire who had been kidnapping girls and killing a bunch of people. When they arrived, they met Cass, who was very much NOT a new vampire. She was almost 150 years old and had been protecting women from abusers and overzealous debt collectors, and things had gotten a little messy with one or two of them, leading to a lot more attention than she normally got. They start off fighting Cass (Aria polymorphs herself into a dire wolf and lunges directly for the throat, which Cass found amusing and impressive) but realize in the banter that Cass wasn't the real problem, and she ends up being a sort of a lesson for the group in terms of whose word they trust and who they take jobs from (YES THE BACKSTORY'S BACKSTORY HAS NARRATIVE ARCS AND MORAL LESSONS THAT LEAD TO LONG TERM CHARACTER GROWTH OKAY I CAN'T HELP MYSELF). Cass, having a particular rapport with Aria, ends up joining their party as a dhampir Soulknife Rogue/Shadow Monk.
Yes, that's all backstory that I made up for an imaginary campaign that exists entirely as a set piece for Aria as one of Ash's story NPCs. This doesn't even touch on the fact that I liked Cass so much as a character that I gave HER an entire backstory of her own. I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM.
Anyway the team only makes a bigger name for themselves for handling things that other groups can't. Eventually, they just happen to be in the Tenth District when the War of the Spark happens (major established event in the MTG canon), and I basically added some extra "scenes" to it that didn't violate existing canon so I could have that be the climax of their imaginary campaign. One of Aria's partners was a new planeswalker at the time and her spark got harvested by the Dreadhorde, specifically by the god eternal Bontu.
Gods in Magic The Gathering aren't honestly that special? They don't seem to have THAT much power, all things considered. Ravnica's gods are mostly powerful magical animals, and in the most recent Magic Story one of their gods (Anzrag the Quake Mole) was captured in an "evidence capsule" (basically Magic's version of a Pokeball). The most powerful god in MTG is probably the Ur Dragon honestly, unless you count the Eldrazi, but that's a whole other conversation since neither of those actually have the "God" creature type.
Anyway, Bontu was one of the gods of Amonket (basically a plane based on ancient Egypt), which had been conquered by an Elder Dragon planeswalker named Nichol Bolas. HE was the one who actually killed all but one of Amonket's gods, and then another planeswalker named Liliana Vess (extremely powerful necromancer) raised them as zombies for his army, because Bolas had a ton of complicated leverage over her (magical contract that he could invoke to kill her if she betrayed him). So Bontu was a god zombie.
Here's a reference:
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Well, Aria was a level 18 Witch at this point since this was the climax of their campaign, so she had access to the Shapechange spell, a 9th level transmutation that lets you become any creature with a challenge rating equal or lower than your character level. And the best candidate for that was an Adult Gold Dragon (CR 17). So Aria goes full berserk and stands up on her dragon hind legs and picks a fight with a dead god that she's determined to make deader, and has a Godzilla vs King Ghidorah standoff with her.
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So how do you fight a god that can suck your soul out and instantly kill you with a single touch? You don't let it touch you.
What Aria did was basically inspired by this gif of a Wildebeest trying to charge at a lion:
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Or this:
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And to be clear, yes, I'm saying Aria was the lion in that situation. She basically did a big dragon threat display to get Bontu's attention, and used the Gold Dragon's weakening breath to give Bontu disadvantage on Strength checks and saves. Bontu charged at her, and at the last second Aria dropped to the ground and then shot back up, clamped her teeth around the god's throat, and used her weight to throw Bontu around and knock her off balance, and her superior strength to grab her by the wrists and wrestled her to the ground so she couldn't get a grip on Aria. She had every part of the god that could have killed her pinned, and used the claws of her wings to pull Bontu's armor apart and tear at everything she could reach while thrashing her around. It was Fen, the Arcana cleric, who thought to use Immovable rods to pin Bontu down so that even if Aria lost her grip, Bontu wouldn't be able to immediately one-shot any of them. So Athena (barbarian) and Cass (rogue/monk) as the two martial classes were the ones who got close enough to handle that while Fen and her sister (Gwen) used whatever holy magic they could to help from a distance.
Now CASS had a problem, because she's a DEX based martial class, not a strength based one. She needed a boost to be able to get this job done. So she drank some of Bontu's blood from one of the wounds Aria had left on her arm to give herself a burst of strength. Except. She had to get real close to do that. And Bontu managed to get a loose grip on her, and tried to suck out her soul.
The magic that makes Cass what she is is very old and very powerful. It binds her soul to her body in a much stronger way than any living creature, fusing the two together to prevent her from dying (i.e. by having her soul separated from her body; Cass can recover from almost any conceivable physical injury as long as there's life energy, in the form of blood, for the magic that keeps her alive to feed on and maintain the seal between her body and her soul). BECAUSE SHE WAS FEEDING ON THE BLOOD OF A GOD AT THE TIME, the magic holding her together basically fought against the magic that was trying to rip her soul out, and it had enough fuel to hold on until Aria's thrashing forced Bontu to let go. So Cass survived the Elderspell thanks to a very weird and unrepeatable set of circumstances (which allows something narratively impressive and legendary to happen without being gamebreakingly overpowered and violating the established rules of the world).
Because of how her magic draws energy from other things, though, there was a side effect: she also accidentally took in one of the planeswalker sparks that Bontu had harvested. So when Cass had healed enough for her soul to no longer be dislocated, her spark activated and she became a Planeswalker. (I imagine a soul is connected to a body mostly through the nervous system, because that's how a brain holds consciousness in it, so a "dislocated" soul is like something glued to every nerve ending in your body being pulled on with an enormous amount of force, trying to sever that connection; imagine trying to pull yourself off the ground when every nerve ending in your body is superglued to the floor by something akin to the Strong Nuclear Force. It SUCKED.)
The team ended up being forced to retreat because of Cass' injuries, so Aria didn't actually manage to kill Bontu personally (or die trying, which in her grief-rage she was fully open to). Right about this time, my bottle scene ends and Magic canon comes back into play: Liliana betrays Bolas and turns the Dreadhorde against him, and Bontu ends up being the one who bites him and rips out HIS spark. Due to the enormous rush of energy of consuming all of Bolas' stolen Planeswalker sparks (tl;dr he was trying to become a god), and with the added bit of lore that it was Aria's team that heavily injured Bontu just prior to this, Bontu exploded in the process.
This resulted in Ravnica playing a game of telephone in the chaotic aftermath of the War. Aria fought a god. She's still alive and that god is dead. Rumors spread and now Aria is misremembered as the one who killed Bontu. Half the plane thinks of her as the "god killer." All she wanted was to avenge her lover or die trying.
Neither outcome happened, and now she's credited with the very thing she sees as her greatest failure. And that trauma has haunted her ever since.
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roughentumble ยท 9 months
really into the idea of a daemon with the name iรฐunna/iรฐunner, old norse meaning "very loved".......
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cedricamosdickory ยท 2 years
So, letโ€™s get this straight:
Andrew Tate is unbanned from Twitter
He comes for Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg roasts the shit out of him
He posts a video in attempt to fire back
In the background of that video thereโ€™s a pizza box from a Romanian pizza chain.
The Romanian police use that to prove that he is in the country and find his location
Andrew and his brother are arrested for human trafficking
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dribs-and-drabbles ยท 1 year
Observations on ep 10:
(I'm sure that music was used in BBS...)
I've never really understood that arm/handholding thing that bl characters do...I've never questioned it before but the lingering camera shots on Top and Mew here has made me want to now...I think it bothers me. I find it odd from a body language perspective. Is it a cultural thing? I've never done it to someone or had it done to me - any thoughts from anyone else?
Oh and I find hugs where one person leaves their arms hanging are always awkward. If someone didn't put their arms around me I would break that hug so fast. I don't know how these characters stay hugging someone who doesn't hug them back. *shudders*
I've never heard those bass notes before the opening credits music kicks in! I'm sure it's just been silent before... *runs away to check* Oh, they've always been there but it's definitely louder on ep 10 than ep 1 - I've obviously had my volume too low to hear it before now.
"To solve the problem you must first admit there is one". And "I don't want to sing at your funeral". Sand slapping some truths on the table.
Why do I get the feeling that Boeing is a shit-stirrer?!
Now that it's come to mind, I can't stop thinking about Papang and Poppy together. Sorry Mark (and Pepper) but I'm rooting for a different ship now.
*incoherent screaming* I just love Khaotung as an actor!!
Oh Atom ๐Ÿ˜‚ smh
I feel sorry for Boston tbh.
I somehow knew Mew was going to push Top in the pool. It's what I would have done. ๐Ÿ˜‚ (But also, more bbs music).
Ooops, accidentally liking Boeing's photo. We've all been there Mew, we've all been there ๐Ÿ˜‚
Yeah, Boeing wasn't 'stolen' from Sand by Top. He's a minx who likes to flirt and shit-stir and get around.
(Have I seen that stripy vest in MSP?)
Is that jealous Boston activated?! Me thinks they're not talking about phones and phone cases... OMG I love these two.
Boeing: 'be with someone who won't cheat on you'. Uh Mew...that is not Boeing. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.
ANOTHER KISSING PAIR @ranchthoughts!! (I know you know but I need to shout at you anyway)
THAT'S THE DON'T SAY NO HOUSE @colourme-feral!! The 'holy guacamole' house!
Oh nooooooooo Ray's dad paid Sand to encourage Ray to go to rehab. Now Ray knows and it's going to deter him from going. Noooooooooo.
Oh wow. Oh....... Wow. Just wow. Khaotung and First. I just... WOW. But also, it's Ray's turn to slap some truths in Sand's face.
Oooo I don't trust Mew. I think Boeing got to him.
I do like Mond playing evil though.
Oh, ohhhhhhhhhh Boeing is vindictive. I want to feel sorry for Top but...I need more of their backstory first...and Top's motivations for being with Mew...so, the jury's out for now.
Neo does 'kicked puppy' really well.
Oh Mark is incredible. He does that switch from cocky to vulnerable so well.
Just, *takes a deep breath*, THIS SHOW IS SO FRICKING GOOOOOOOOD *incoherent screaming*
See my other post for an serious in-depth meta essay on this ep.
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kerri-the-skunk ยท 1 year
You know what could make a good TTRPG setting? RimWorld.
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era404-skib ยท 3 months
Character ask bingo: Titan TV. Let's hear from the #1 fan! :D
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I mightve cheated just a liiiiiiiiiitle bit,,,,, /silly
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sonicaspeed123 ยท 1 year
I have to be there for the sonespio enjoyers all 3 of you. They scream-sing Jrock together they watch shonen anime together espio tries to get sonic to watch death note and he falls asleep immediately. They go outside and throw rocks at things and then at each other. Burden of being responsible older siblings when all they want to do is just be kids themselves. Feeling like they cant truly express feelings because they have to be strong and/or positive all the time. Can you IMAGINE the slumber party past-midnight talks these kids would have. Fuckin hell this is all mostly platonic still sorry i cant do romance anymore even when i try lmao
Espio ๐Ÿค Sonic ๐Ÿค Knuckles ๐Ÿค Shadow
Immense sense of duty and responsibility
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hella1975 ยท 2 years
Honestly I would love an atla fic of just vibes, characters doing things that they didn't in the show (being dockworkers! awesome!), so actually pls more descriptions of Zuko and Azula's life. Although of course just write it for yourself, the idea sounds amazing!
THIS IS SO REASSURING like on the one hand yes im aware most of the atla fandom are just utter losers (affectionate) about the universe and want to explore it as much as possible just like me but also ive literally written thousands of words with ZERO canon-relevant plot lmfao. i may be catering to a very niche audience but by god if im not having fun with it
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listen if youre online arguing about what "true punk' is youre already too far gone. ok now that being said i have a secret opinion to share โฌ‡๏ธ
#i know how lame it is to care about ''posers'' like literally who cares we're all adults just do yo thang#but.............. the more time i spend in my local scene(s) the more i become aware of ppl who are like aspirationally alternative#like you wanna be edgy bc you think its badass and counterculture#but you dont have the backbone to do anything for yourself without worrying about how others will see you#like youre so deadset on fitting in to this one subculture but you seemingly dont particularly like anything about it?#all you want is to look cool in front of your peers so you just absorb whatever is popular with them at the time.#opinions music attitude appearance all based on whatevers trendy. which we're all guilty of i know#but why try so hard to fit into this idealistic 'punk' label. it sucks and is so lame and everyone can tell how hard youre posturing#and not to throw stones in glass houses but these ppl r so awful to talk to#seemingly never attempted an original thought in their life. speaks exclusively in twitter/tiktok/tumblr memes or buzzwords#never really listens to you and only factors in your opinion after he's run it by the ppl he wants to fit in with#um i mean they ๐Ÿง#could be thinking of a specific guy i know. maybe#anyways i think im discovering in real time what a ''poser'' is and its making me feel like a cranky old man#always have to remind myself to be empathetic and not judge too harshly bc literally who am i and who cares#but it still gets my goat occasionally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sampilled ยท 7 months
My 11 year old nephew makes capcut edits but I got frustrated and quit trying to learn ๐Ÿ’–
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marklikely ยท 1 year
cishet men have convinced me that im wrong about movies but like do they understand that the reservoir dogs are. big idiot losers
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canonically-a-genloser ยท 8 months
CANONICALLY i have a way to start smth for Secretfate and Quartlet....question do you know what rp is like via dms bc it could start off strong from there
YEAH MY LITTLE BRO DOES THAT- i'd love to try it!! i wouldn't be good though-
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