#i feel that shadow and espio would get along but in a much different way
sonicaspeed123 · 1 year
I have to be there for the sonespio enjoyers all 3 of you. They scream-sing Jrock together they watch shonen anime together espio tries to get sonic to watch death note and he falls asleep immediately. They go outside and throw rocks at things and then at each other. Burden of being responsible older siblings when all they want to do is just be kids themselves. Feeling like they cant truly express feelings because they have to be strong and/or positive all the time. Can you IMAGINE the slumber party past-midnight talks these kids would have. Fuckin hell this is all mostly platonic still sorry i cant do romance anymore even when i try lmao
Espio 🤝 Sonic 🤝 Knuckles 🤝 Shadow
Immense sense of duty and responsibility
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tezzbot · 10 months
Thoughts on Big the Cat? Just in general. But if you'd like something specific then I guess, how do you think he'd get along with characters he doesn't get to talk to that often, like the Chaotix or Team Dark?
I LOVE BIG SO MUCH!!!! I love a good gentle giant character. And him being like actually kind of wise despite just bein a humble fisherman hehe Big has everything So figured out ^_^
As for interactions, I feel like Big would just get along with everyone tbh
For Team Dark
I think he would just confuse Omega, like Omega just doesn't. See the point in him as like a person BDJDGD because he doesn't "serve a purpose" he just doesn't get this big extremely chill dude, but Big is okay with that everybody lives differently :] Omega does respect Big teaching those fish who's boss though he's like yesss reverse waterboard thosr fuckers!!!! While Big is like thank you fishy<3 and plopping it back in the water
Rouge and Shadow I think would have opposite. I guess relationships with him? Rouge I think would find him nice to vent her frustrations to he's p much always willing to lend an ear and has learned he's not really gonna get a word in edgewise so he is content to simply sit and listen and nod along when needed
On the other hand Shadow would find it nice to have someone to Just sit with, no obligation to listen or talk or. Just no expectations of him to do really anything except Be there. And it's nice to finally be able to sit with someone who doesn't talk Just Fuckin Constantly LOL and again! Big is content to provide that for him hehe
The Chaotix uummm
Well I think Vector would be cool to just chill with him as well, they both vibe well near water LOL Maybe Vector swims fr a bit then chills out in Big's boat or like next to him on the dock and he brings a little radio to sit nearby to fill some silence. Also that one post with those two smoking weed together was so real actually, 2 big queer men smile
I think Espio wld appreciate his sort of. musings? He's susceptable to fake deep shit online I feel like LOL, but Big tells it straight to the point just as it is and it like blows his little mind, and the stillness and quietness after Big says somethin gives him a moment to meditate on it or whatever, he writes some of the quotes down in a journal and then like doodles and little notes to self around em because I need him to be portrayed as an edgy cringelord teenager so badly HGFHJ but yeah he has a huge respect for Big I think
Charmy. is kind of difficult? I mean, pairing any Extreme Hyper Energetic and Chillest Guy On The Planet characters together isn't ever gonna be easy HJGFH Maybe hanging out with Big after running out of All of his ideas for stuff around them to play with in different ways, he'd decide he was bored and maybe start to get grumpy, but then he notices Big get a bite and catch it and then suddenly is really really into fishing with Big. He asks about every item in the kit Big brings with him and is THE most excited when he eventually actually catches something himself. Vector and Espio come to pick him up and are Shocked to see him sitting in one place not saying anything just intently staring at a pond with his own little fishing rod next to Big QuQ
Oh also headcanon Big, when he's not fishing, makes The Most dad noises of anyone in the cast because I think that's funny GHFJGH
I could probably think of more but I am. Tired now lol
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night-hedgie · 3 years
Hi everyone I am trying to write a shadamy story but I have three ideas that I don't know which one I really want to do. They are suggestive so if you don't like that please read something else...
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Option one
Amy works at a 5 star restaurant, one day she is called to Blaze’s house for a cake delivery and some wine. It seems to be a special occasion, once there she is reunited with shadow who she hasn’t seen since high school. She enjoys her time there and heads home thinking about all the other people she hasn’t seen in high school. As fate would have it the next day the chaotics show up to her restaurant with a blue hedgehog. Sonic, Vector and Espio are at her restaurant doing an interview before sonic heads off to the olympics. As much as she said she hated him for ghosting her after graduation she did enjoy seeing him and ends up going on an “outing”. All the while one of her go to friends might have feelings for her. Amy spends any chance she gets with cream and where she is so are the Chaotics. Vector is there for Vanilla, Charmy is there for cream, Espio just tags along, and Mighty likes Amy’s company. Could there be more? Did i mention it’s mating season?Even though everthing seems to be going well and friendly, as the days get closer to mating season Amy’s scent and hormones start affecting the boys in all different ways. Since she’s 22 it’s getting harder for her to hold in her urges during this season. She wants to fall in love before nature decides what will happen to her, but can she control herself? And if not who will she be with? Will it be out of love? Sonic, Shadow, or Mighty.
Option two
Amy is heartbroken by what has happened. After all the years of trying to get to Sonic, everything has come crashing down around her. Sonic did not love her back, he never did and he never would. Amy devastated by the news she runs away. Through the rain and the woods she loses her sense of direction. Not seeing where she was going she trips and falls down a rather long hill and straight to a lake. During her fall she hits her head and hits the water drifting away to an unknown place. When she comes to, she coughs off some water and opens her eyes revealing she was drifted along the stream, not knowing which way to go, to get back home. She walks to for about two days trying to see if the way she was walking would lead her to her home or anyone in general. Later that day she decides to take a bath at a beautiful spring she found. The water cascading made it really tempting to take a shower after all that had happened to her. As she was enjoying her shower and washing her hair she feels someone’s eyes on her. she blushes madly as a stranger spits out the water he was drinking when he spots her. Amy throws her hammer at him and quickly covers up as she knocks the man unconscious. When he comes to, Amy has her clothes on and was sitting up pointing her hammer at him. She starts asking Shadow questions about where she was and how she could get home. To her surprise she was quite far from home about an hour from the nearest town and three more hours from her home. Being as Shadow could just chaos control her to her destination she thought she was in luck. But something inside her didn’t want to leave, she didn’t want to go back to the town where her hero belonged and she didn’t. And she felt curious as to why Shadow was out so keep in the woods all alone. Would she go back home and face the truth or would curiosity get the best of her?
Option 3
It was finally the day, the day that they had all been waiting for. Finally the day had come where the first married couple would be knuckles and Rouge. After years of them dating they were finally making it official and unbreakable. Amy over the years had become really close with Rouge, seeing as Knuckles saw Amy as a little sister it was only natural for the two girls to end up as best of friends. Of course no one could replace cream in Amy’s life, but Rouge was a close second. Amy had been in charge of all the decorating, she was a wedding planner for crying out loud. Though she was, love didn’t come easy to her. For a while she had been feeling depressed and now with this wedding she was even more so. She told herself after this wedding she would take a break and go in search of her own love. But first the wedding, she was the maid of honor and she had to make sure everything went as planned. Up until the after party Amy was sober, it was 11:30 and some of the guest were slowly starting to leave little did she know Rouge had other plans. Soon the after after party began and the music turned the whole venue into a night club. Rouge couldn’t help but throw a banger party and Amy wasn’t feeling the mood. Rouge on the other hand snuck Amy a few fruity drinks getting the poor rose a little tippy to loosen her up. Probably a little too loose and soon Amy was all over the dance floor. She was having the time of her life until she turned and bumped into a dark hedgehog. It was Shadow, of course he wasn’t going to miss one of his friend’s wedding and it seemed that she had also dragged him to stay for this long. You could smell the alcohol on both of them but the minute their eyes met everything melted and all they could do was stare. That was the last thing she remembered, and the next thing she knew she was in a room very disheveled and clothes partially on right. Next to her a sleeping Shadow with his shirt no where to be found but luckily pants on. The only strange thing was he had hickeys on his neck and one on his chest. Was that from her? What had actually happened that night?
Please comment down which one you would like me to continue! I am trying to make a comic out of the story that is chosen but I will be putting the story that wins on Wattpad if you just want to read it. The comic will come later.
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Headcanons on an AU where Game!Sonic is eight years old and how it would affect his relationships with the other characters? (Who remain their canon ages)
Another 8 year old in the group huh? Alrighty.
I can see Sonic being a bit more hyperactive than Charmy and having the childlike innocence to where he still thinks that the Easter bunny is real and sleeping with a nightlight due to believing monsters were real. Which is mostly due to a traumatic experience that happened during his early years when Eggman attacked his home.
He had first heard of Eggman around the age of 7 when his forces of robots attacked Christmas Island and left him a orphan. Afterwards, He soon left his childhood home and ventured into the neighboring continent, speeding through towns and helping anyone he possibly can from Eggman’s bots.
His fighting style is sloppy compared to his teen counterpart as fighting while also using his speed since he’s inexperienced with using both at the same time.
His relationship with Tails would definitely be a lot more different since they’re the same age now, I think Tails would probably be the more responsible one of the duo. Letting him stay with him and living in their own little spaces in his workshop, making sure both of them get to bed on time and eating more healthier foods other than candy. Which Sonic argues is his natural fuel for running fast.
He looks to Amy, Knuckles and the other characters as role models. Seeing Amy as his brave, sassy big sister and Knuckles as his always moody, sometimes fun older brother. He calls her “Ame” (pronounced the same way as ‘Aim’) while he calls Knuckles “Knuc Knuc” much to the echidna’s annoyance.
He definitely sees Vanilla as a mother figure due to her reminding him so much of his own mom when she was alive, to which he also sees Cream as his adoptive sister in a way.
The chaotix respect him enough to let him not feel like a nuisance like they do with Charmy, but that doesn't mean Vector and Espio are safe from pranks whenever he comes to visit
Shadow just sees him as a random kid that likes to annoy him and follow him around because he "acts so edgy he makes it awesome"
Rouge, I think she wouldn't mind him. She just enjoys seeing him get on Shadow's nerves.
Blaze would take it under consideration that one of the famous and powerful saviors of this world is a mere child that still doesn't like the eat his vegetables and take some pity on him for holding a burden at such a young age, just like she had to.
Silver, I see him getting along with him pretty well. I can see Sonic taking advantage of Silver's naivety and telling him random stuff and saying that it was from the past, like that brooms came to life in the past but are simply sleeping whenever someone is around due to their people being hunted down.
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shadowsfascination · 4 years
Sonamy (YAAU) - coming to terms [Chapter 15-A]
“You don’t have to let this get the best of you, you know?” The words cut the silence like a knife, breaking the vacuum of his daydreams, breaking in abruptly in the tormenting whirlwinds that were his mind lately. 
“What are you talking about?” Sonic asked in an emotionless way.   “Come on, hedgehog. You’re a mess ever since-“ “Don’t! Don’t say it,” Sonic snarled at the scientist.   “So you do acknowledge it?” “I just have to forget about it.”    Sonic turned his head around, just to shift his gaze to another point. He was sitting on a grassy slope, resting on his hands. The wide view over the green hills was amazing and the breeze that brought a gentle chill softly stroked the grasslands like a carpet. It was the most peaceful place Sonic knew and the most rest he could give his mind was here. Eggman kept standing behind him, staring into the open himself now too. It was one of the few times that the hedgehog and the scientist could share a serious moment without any rivalry.  Even while he had not verbalized his thoughts, Sonic could feel he was denying himself and kind of hated that it took someone else to make him realize that.   “Can you do that, though?” “I don’t know”
It had been six weeks and three, no- four, days ago when the team had split up in duo’s to investigate the widely stretched cave tunnels to learn more about their enemy in order to come up with a detailed battle plan against the A.R. Sonic remembered very well how many weeks and days had passed since then because it had awakened something in him that had taken him by surprise. During that particular investigation Shadow had teamed up with Espio, who had enjoyed each other’s quiet working style. Tails and Eggman teamed up, Knuckles with Rouge and Sonic with Amy.   The blue and pink duo had been sneaking around in the tunnels, following some A.R. members but stumbled upon a dead end in one of the tunnels. Similar to the dead end in the Cabbureine warehouse, the A.R.-members disappeared, appearing to use Chaos energy to teleport somewhere. The difference here was that this teleportation act seemed to be working for them only and so Sonic and Amy were stuck in the tunnel when all of the sudden tens of armed A.R.-members showed up in front of them, blocking their way out. They engaged in battle with Sonic and Amy, trying to seize Sonic and teleport him with them, but Amy merged into battle and knocked some of them down. Sonic had known Amy’s strength for so long that there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that she would be able to handle it. That was, before he was introduced to the dark side of the A.R. in person. Sure, he’d seen the destruction they’d created in the cities and all, but their vicious ways of relentlessly hurting the ones in front of them like this… It was new to him and it shocked him to his very core.   Amy was brutally shot in her leg and chained to a rock while being held at gunpoint. With her out of the way, they turned to Sonic, aiming a high-energy gun at him, pressuring him to leave her and surrender to them. If he’d resist, they’d finish her off – slowly. Whatever business they had with him, he still didn’t know. 
They promised him they would torture her before his very eyes until death would befall her if he was playing games with them. And so, astonished by the sight of his crippled dear friend, screaming, bleeding heavily and crying until she passed out, he gave in. They handcuffed him with special equipment that was supposed to block any Chaos energy in his body, but when he was given a preview of their sickening promise, he snapped. Even without any Chaos emeralds near and the energy is his body being blocked, in a split-second the spines on his head and back curled up and darkened while sharp fingernails and teeth clasped into his enemy.  With an uncontrolled, raging roar he smashed big rocks onto the heads of the A.R.-members, scratching their limbs until the blood was seeping out of it, colouring the place violently red. The screams were blocked from his ears while he was raging and attacking everyone one who was trying to destroy the one he loved. After killing all but one, he cornered the remaining enemy and ordered them to report this to their chef, as an example of what would happen if they pulled something like this again in the future. The remaining soldier was in awe of what he had witnessed, but smiled confidently at Sonic. Unnerving and uneasy it had made him feel, doubting whether this had been a set-up all along.  
Sonic rushed over to break Amy’s chains, ripped a piece of her clothes to stop her leg from bleeding and let out a powerless whimper.  The now unconscious woman in his arms was weak from the harm they had intentionally caused her and he was overcome by so much fear at once that it just hurt. His chest cramped and he started to feel this tingling sensation in his fingers. He was going to lose her because he wasn’t strong enough, hadn’t been fast enough. Before realizing it, he was crying like a baby, uncontrollably and loud. He clamped his body against hers roughly, burying her face in his chest, wetting everything with his sobbing. When the sparkly vision between his lashes focussed on the device on his wrist, he pulled back, wiped his tears away and closed his eyes. Tails’ device was able to transfer Chaos energy to heal her, something he’d never done before. Sonic held Amy’s hand, inhaled deeply and concentrated. A strong power and comforting warmth rushed through him. His surrounding slowly faded as he let the light of the Chaos take him wherever was needed, lifting them off the ground into and endless ocean of lights. The lights drew closer to them one by one, each and every one carrying a memory of him and Amy. Some of which he had forgotten they took place. Overtaken by this transcendent experience, his mind became peaceful again and his body relaxed. His heart overflowed with warmth and a confidence so strong: he loved her deeply. And with that confession the peace was gone again, and replaced by a fear that she had been able to feel what he felt, but she wasn’t awake yet.    After that, Shadow had stormed in, alarmed by the many unknown markers that had showed up in the map where Sonic and Amy were. He had had taken her from him and took her home in his arms while Amy looked back at Sonic over her shoulder and he stared into the blooded cave, zoned out about all of it.  
And now everything had changed. Ever since this whole fiasco he had felt it so strong and now it was undeniable: he had romantic feelings for someone! And not just someone, Amy for Chaos’ sake! Amy, who had been crazy about him for years when they were teens. Amy who has been dating Shadow for almost a year now. Amy, his friend. He never pictured his life without Amy, but it now dawned to him that there was this urge to have her with him in a whole other way and he did not know how to act around anyone at the moment. He had just forgotten how he would normally act and therefore avoided most of his friends. Shame fell on him that he was in love with his friend, the girlfriend of his other friend and he was ashamed of the massacre he made in the cave. It left him running in circles through the Green Hills in attempt to clear his mind, but his mind didn’t clear. The fog didn’t lift and so he stared into the wind on this cliff, talking to Eggman.   “It might go away over time.” Sonic sighed. “Can you wait that long?” “What’s the alternative?” “I happened to find this document while we were exploring. I didn’t show it to Tails.” If he didn’t show it to Tails it was sure to be something suspicious. He handed Sonic an old, brown piece of paper that was folded twice and smelled like the dirt of the cave. Sonic unfolded and read it, slowly raising one of his brows in disbelief.   “Do you really believe this crap? That the red emerald can take away my feelings for her? Why would it work like that?” “Not just take away, it would store them inside the gem, forever. You of all people shouldn’t be the one to whom I’d have to explain this to.”   He already knew that the emerald did not only transfer energy, but also could connect with one’s feelings. He’d seen it happen, like when Eggman used the hatred of the Echidna tribe to destroy Station Square with Chaos. In fact, he had experienced it many times himself when he was transformed into his super- or dark form, but this was different and sounded like an old urban legend. A fairy tale. Or maybe, part of him didn’t want to say goodbye to these feelings. Maybe part of him was curious what would happen if Amy knew about his feelings. If it would change anything. If she still loved him. If she would choose him over Shadow. His cheeks and ears coloured slightly pink when picturing him holding her in his arms again, stroking her rosy quills and even kissing her. The second his hopes were rising, the guilt flushed it away like a stormy wave. He shook the thoughts off and rose up to face Eggman, who was holding out the emerald for him. Sonic gave him an annoyed look.   “Don’t you want to get rid of these feelings? She is with Shadow now and hasn’t been in love with you for years. You’ve had your chance, hedgehog.”   The words were harsh and stung a little, but they were true and he knew it. She would never be his.   “And besides that: you’re a complete mess. We’re at war and you’re useless like this.” “Fine, but you can’t tell anyone about this!” Sonic hissed at Eggman and grabbed the emerald.
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cyberramblings · 4 years
Sonic & Tails: Ideas for a new Sonic Plot and Partner System
So, first off, there is a game called Sonic & Knuckles. It is basically just the second half of the overly ambitious Sonic 3. It is not Sonic 4, but it is a standalone game. Anyways, there isn’t a game called Sonic & Tails yet, so let’s make that happen.
Regardless of that, I wanted to talk about my vague conceptualizations of a Sonic game plot. I WANTED to continue my thoughts on other Sonic characters, but my stupid brain can’t stop thinking about “what if Sonic and Tails fought?” Again, this is getting into some borderline fanfiction territory, but I write the blog AND the rules.
Piggybacking off my previous post detailing my thoughts on Tails, I had said that I liked the idea of Tails taking over Robotnik’s lab after he is defeated once and for all (or temporarily, I don’t expect Sonic Team to kill off the main villain, as much as I’d pseudo-ironically love Sonic Adventure 3 to open with Eggman’s funeral while Sound of Silence plays like the overly edgy funeral scene from Watchmen 2009).
Now, this is also getting into some serious Marvel Civil War or Batman v. Superman territory, but stick with me. I feel like one of the most underutilized aspects of Sonic as a series is the cast of characters. Maybe it is just me, but I feel like Sonic fans want to see their favorite obscure character return or see as many characters as possible. Even the most trivial characters have a cult following in the weird Sonic fandom. It was really cool to see the obscure Sonic the Fighters characters return for a boss fight in Sonic Mania, even if they were just an illusion. I am proposing a Sonic game where nearly every characters returns to make up the boss fights.
Now, the first issue with this idea is that typically the “rival” battles in Sonic are a bit hit or miss. Fights against playable characters in the Adventure IMO felt pretty flat and uninteresting. Now, 2D Sonic has some better boss battles against the likes of Metal Sonic and Knuckles and the same goes for Generations, so maybe those could be emulated. Regardless of gameplay, I’d like to see all the weirdies like the playable cast of Sonic Heroes, The Fighters, Emerl, Blaze, Gamma E-102, etc. return at least as boss fights, if not as playable characters, even if they are just piloting the mechs that would typically be piloted by Eggman. I get zero excitement from fighting Eggman anymore, but just put Rouge’s model in the cockpit and suddenly its way cooler with more potential for unique boss dialogue.
So far I have proposed a Civil War-style plot where Tails goes a little bit off the deep end and a Sonic game where the boss fights are all the beloved recurring characters. It should be obvious how these two parts fit together. Perhaps the dual story structure of Adventure 2 is overplayed by this point, but obviously it would fit in with these ideas.
To get into the nitty gritty and provide an example of what I am imagining, consider Metal Sonic. I can easily see a plot that starts with Tails reconfiguring Metal Sonic to be “good”. This bring back a classic character in a new way and allows for a lot of angles for the plot to go, of course borrowing from various Iron Man plots and the Buffy-bot from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
One idea from Sonic Adventure that I would really like to see return is the ever-evolving nemesis concept. Even if Sega never really brings back Chaos, I’d love to see a rival that increases in power as the game goes along. This could totally tie in with my previous idea, with Metal Sonic becoming more powerful over the course of the game, possibly with the acquisition of the Chaos Emeralds like Chaos does. Metal Sonic already has been shown to take on a few different forms, such as at the end of Sonic Heroes.
Another story beat that I’d like to see replicated is the end of Adventure 2 where Sonic and Shadow have to team up. Now, in this hypothetical Sonic & Tails game, that would obviously be Sonic and Tails teaming up, but I’d also love to see them bust out Mecha Sonic as a kind of retconned prototype of Metal Sonic from Sonic 2/3 as a last resort too.
I also love the story beat of all the playable characters at the end of Sonic Adventure bringing the depleted Chaos Emeralds to Sonic for the final fight. I would love to see something like this but a little more weighty. I have a clear mental image of something like the Breath of the Wild loading screen that shows your level of progress though the game, but instead with Sonic endlessly walking towards the camera as the game loads, surrounded by more and more characters walking towards the screen as you rescue/recruit them.
Personally, it seems like Sonic games struggle to balance multiple playable characters, so I’d settle for something like Advance 3 where you pick a partner that enables new moves. I would prefer to find a way to include every possible character as playable, but I would settle for a 3D Sonic game where Sonic (and maybe characters that control near identically like Metal Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Blaze, etc.) is the only playable character, with characters like Tails, Knuckle, Amy, Big, etc. are relegated to the partner role, but swappable.
Playable Characters:
Sonic: Everything normal
Metal Sonic: Just make him control like he does in Adventure 2: Battle, so faster than Sonic but with less moves. I don’t think Metal Sonic has ever been canonically playabe, only appearing as a boss fight or playable in racing games or bonus modes, so that would be my biggest request.
Shadow: Just Sonic but slipperier and please give him a teleport instead of a homing attack
Silver: Again, just Sonic but make his double jump more offensive to represent his telekinetic abilities
Blaze: Her name is BLAZE and she has FIRE POWERS in Rush and Rush Adventure, so please just make her control like Sonic but with a fiery homing attack or her fire hover from Rush
Espio: Just give him some kind of limited invisibility or maybe the tornado attack as a reference to Heroes
Mighty: He could probably be thrown in with his moves from Mania, but this is reaching
Jet: Probably asking too much, but he’s never been playable in non-racing game, so even seeing him with his board in a main game as a kind of joke would be cool
Assist Characters:
Tails, Cream, Charmy: Obviously, limited flight with slightly different characteristics. Cream could alternatively have the Chao attack from Advance
Knuckles, Rouge, Tikal: Either a limited glide or the digging
Amy: Piko Piko Hammer as an attack or as a big jump. She could also maybe be a Sonic-like characters, but I feel like she was shoehorned into the speed role in Heroes
Big: I just like seeing this dumb idiot return. It seems like asking a lot for the fishing rod to be used as a grappling hook, so maybe he could just have a big area attack
Fang/Knack, Bark, Bean: I mean, maybe just show up and fistfight some enemies?
Vector: Something music based, realistically
Chaos: Again, this is reaching, but maybe this ties into Tails taking over Eggman’s research
E-1XX Alpha, Gamma, Omega, etc: It is asking a lot to have all the robots return, but I’d love to see them all as slight variants of “shoot a bunch of missiles” or limited hovering
Omochao: Personally I’d love to see this little guy as an assist who just never shuts up, maybe with some hidden secret-unlocking potential
Vanilla: She doesn’t have a lot of game appearances, I’d take anything
G.U.N. Commander: Again, I just think this would be kinda funny. He could summon robots or just fire missiles
Eggman Nega: Not sure why he would help the main characters, but I’m always rooting for weird stuff like this
Wave, Storm: They could function like Tails/Knuckles or grant a temporary board for tricks or whatnot, maybe like the skateboard powerup from Sonic Generations
Tails Doll: This is dumb, but it would be fun to see as a little throwaway easter egg
So, that was a bunch of random nonsense directly from my brain, but you probably get the idea: find a way to include a lot of characters in the plot and the gameplay. Do I expect any of this to ever happen? No. And honestly, I’d prefer to see another game where I can actually play as characters like Rouge, the robots, Amy, and Cream.
ONE LAST THING: There should really be a Sonic rhythm game. They have so much music, both the classic songs as well as the Crush 40 songs, with tons of remixes of both already existing and even more possible. It would fit perfectly with the gameplay of Sonic, you could just have the notes appear as obstacles or powerup boxes. There are a million different ways to slice it, but it just makes too much sense to ignore. I don’t have enough ideas to make a separate post, though. Maybe I’ll make a playlist sometimes of songs I’d like to see included, but the issue is that it would be way too many songs. As with the main point of this post, I would love to see many different playable characters with very slight changes to their properties.
ONE LAST LAST THING: Since Sega hates localizing Puyo Puyo games, they should just make a new Mean Bean Machine with HD graphics and all the various Sonic characters represented somehow and then release it internationally either as Mean Bean Machine or just Sonic Puyo Puyo. Again, I didn’t have enough ideas for a whole post.
FINAL FINAL FINAL RAMBLES: I kinda wanna play Sonic 06 since I actually just recently found out that Rouge, Omega, and Blaze are playable, but the disc is 20 bucks at gamestop for 360. I also kinda wanna play Unleashed, but not enough to buy it. I really get more excited when more characters are playable, which makes me wish I enjoyed playing Sonic Battle more. I also have my eye on Chronicles if I can ever get the patience to actually sit down and play it. At this point, I should just make my own dang original game or story inspired by the things I like about Sonic.
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kittykatanimelove22 · 6 years
Sonic/Equestria Girls Au Information and Lore
It's finally time to show you all something that I've had in my head for years and I promised myself that this year I would introduce it, AND TODAY IS THAT DAY. This crossover isn't like any other story where "sonic and his friends travel to the world of equestria girls because eggman messed up the timeline or mephiles miraculously came back and sent them there on a magic portal thingie for revenge" Nope, this is vastly different. Before I begin, I'd like to clarify that this takes place in a hybrid universe where the IDW/archie comics/games take place. I love the archie characters too much to NOT let them be a part of it. Basically, it's the IDW/game verse but with archie characters in them, along with a few events that happened and some cities that are in the old comics (i.e Knothole, Meropis etc.). Another note is that some of my ocs, and their species, are in this au as well! The species is called Novians.
Here's a list of the Archie characters: Sally Acorn and her family (Elias, Max etc.) Uncle Chuck (I'm a bit unsure if I want to add Sonic's parents since I'm still figuring things out) Scourge the hedgehog Fiona Fox The Freedom Fighters (Bunnie, Nicole, Antoine etc.) Mina Mongoose Shard the Metal Sonic Razor The Shark Coral the Betta Pearly the Manta Ray Honey the Cat Nack and his gang Hope Kintobor Rob O' the Hedge Some of the Echidna clan (which is honestly a huge maybe because I want Knuckles to have at least SOME of his people alive) Snively Robotnik (Also a huge maybe) ..and that's it so far! I'll update the list if I forgot a character. Some of the character's backstories are a mix of what Archie had and what the post-genesis wave had for them. For example, during the war with Eggman, King Max sent his wife Alicia and their son Elias to Angel Island to escape to safety when Sally was a baby. When they crash landed, and were presumed dead, Max groomed Sally to be the next heir for the Acorn kingdom until her father was banished in The Special Zone years later, he came back though. Alicia and Elias came back the same way they did in the Archie comics. Another thing to know is that some of my ocs, and their species, are in this au as well! The species is called Novians, they coexist with the equestrians. My OC's that exist in this au Isis Minorel Pacifica Catrine Jackson Somber and a few more that I haven't introduced yet! Jack and Isis are not energy vampires in this au but they still have their powers. NOW ONTO THE PLOT!! ~__________________________~ Basic Information: In this au, the Mane 7 are all sisters and Celestia is their mother, Isis is their adopted sister and Derpy is their first cousin, making her Luna's daughter. Celestia is queen of the equestrian humans, while Luna and Cadence are her royal advisors. Jack's father, Fredrick Somber is the monarch for all of the Novian species, he has a good friendship with Celestia. They reside in the kingdom of Equestria on Mobius, while the Seaquestrians live in the deep blue ocean not too far from where the kingdoms reside. They aren't from Mobius originally, they come from their own separate planet but it became uninhabitable. The equestrians are on peaceful terms with most of the species on the planet, especially the Mobians, and do whatever they can to help. Equestrian Human Species Info: Equestrian humans look the same in the original EG movie but the difference is that they have abilities based on their pony counterparts. Pegasi-based Equestrian humans can summon their wings at will, just like how Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy did in the first movie and so on. Magic-based (AKA unicorns) Equestrian humans can use their magical abilities to lift things or use them as a weapon for self defense, they DO NOT have horns. Earth-based Equestrian humans are just like regular humans but with a slight enhance of strength. Alicorn-based is just magic and pegasi mixed together. The Mane 7 and the Elements of Harmony: The Elements of Harmony were assigned to the 7 princesses at birth, much different to how the elements were assigned to their previous users. There are seven elements: Honesty Kindness Magic Laughter Loyalty Generosity Forgiveness There used to be six, but their late father had unleashed the element because of his forgiving nature and heart. Isis doesn't have an element but is still considered very powerful. ALL of the Mane 7's abilities in this au are the same powers they have in the fourth movie and mini series, the only difference is that they don’t transform unless they use their elements. They do have different transformation designs throughout the story, like how Sailor Moon does. I wanted Sunset's element to be forgiveness because she started out as an arrogant and cruel person when she was introduced. After her defeat, she had worked so hard to not only become a better person, but to also receive forgiveness from the people around her, including herself. Sunset is the literal reason why this au exists and I love her for that. An important fact about Sunset is that she has pyrokinetic powers in this au, which she inherited from her mother. It is dubbed, The Royal Flame. Pyrokinetic Abilities - Can control ANY kind of fire - Can breathe in fire - Can control her body temperature in cold weather - Her fire won't burn people she trusts, unless she commands it too - If she gets wet her powers won't work for a little while - When angry or frustrated, her body gets super hot - If she becomes emotionally unstable, she turns into her she-demon form, it happened once Mane 7 Ages and Birthdays (From oldest to youngest) (These birthdays are not canon to MLP, I made them up)
Sunset Shimmer: Age: 19 D.O.B: June 16th Species: Alicorn-based (yes she has wings sHHH-
Applejack: Age: 19 D.O.B: November 29th Species: Earth-based
(Isis would be here)
Rarity: Age: 18 D.O.B: February 14th Species: Magic-based
Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash: Age: Both 17 D.O.B: March 4th Species: Pegasai-based
Pinkie Pie: Age: 16 D.O.B: April 1st Species: Earth-based
Twilight Sparkle: Age: 15 D.O.B: December 3rd Species: Magic-based
((Before you ask, equestrian humans reproduce fast and the gestation period is at least 6-7 months)) Relationships this is what happens when the creator is a huge shipper-
Sunset Shimmer x Shadow the hedgehog (ShadowShimmer)
Sonic x Isis (Sonisis)
Pacifica x Jet the Hawk (Jetcifica)
Jack x Blaze the Cat (Jackaze)
Applejack x Elias Acorn (EliJack)
Rarity x Knuckles the Echidna (Knuxity)
Fluttershy x beret-wearing jackal from the Jackal Squad (Crimshy) 
((Crimson is my headcanon name for him))
Rainbow Dash x Gadget the Wolf (GadgetDash)
Pinkie Pie x Espio the Chameleon (EspioPie)
Twilight Sparkle x Silver the Hedgehog (SilverSparkle)
Celestia x Infinite (Celestifinte)
Derpy Hooves x Scourge the Hedgehog (Derpourge)
Princess Skystar x Razor the Shark (Skyzor) ((I haven't seen the movie yet so please no spoilers))
Zecora x Uncle Chuck?? and many more I have yet to introduce~ ~~~~~~~~~ History: Before they arrived on Mobius, the Equestrian humans weren't just one of Mobius' "inhabitants" and Equestria wasn't just a series of kingdoms. Oh no, it was once an entire planet bursting with life. The Equestrian race and the other inhabitants of the planet, Novians, coexisted together in peaceful tranquility. Throughout the years the two species would adapt and expand, turning villages into towns, towns to cities, cities to kingdoms. With the Novians vast knowledge of elements  and alternative fuel, and the Equestrians intelligent and superb skills in magic, it seemed that it would be perfect... but like all harmonious times, the destructive flames of war will soon come when unexpected and burn it all to the ground. There was another species among the Equestrians, Novians and Seaquestrians. They were the Centaurs. The Centaur race currently has a very rocky relationship with most of the other races from Equestria, the reason why is because of one single Centaur, Tirek. Many years ago, when he was just an organizer at a scroll store, Tirek had a huge dislike towards the Equestrian race, he hated them because the Centaurs didn't have much land nor much help at all. He thought they were selfish and greedy, hogging all the land for themselves and not leaving any for his people. He studied the arts of Dark Magic along with his brother Scorpan who also shared the same disdain for them as he did,  Once Tirek mastered it he had a battle to the death with the Centauran leader with him being the victor, after he disposed of him he took it upon himself to become the new leader of the Centaurs and wage war on the Equestrians and every other race that dared go against him. The Centaur War was the most brutal war ever, countless soldiers were killed, innocents were slaughtered, and kingdoms had fallen.Scorpan, now seeing the consequences of all of this tried reasoning with him. Feeling betrayed, Tirek murdered him out of anger and continued with his plans. For many, many years the Equestrians and Novians had fought long and hard but it seemed that they had reached a stalemate, they started to lose hope. It wasn''t until Galactus Centauri, a vigilante from the Crystal Empire had stepped in to help. Without knowing it, his kind heart and forgiving nature had revealed the lost element of harmony, Forgiveness. With the power of the 7th element, Galactus, Celestia and the other elements of Harmony had forced the Centaurs into submission. Most of them gave up and surrendered to the Equestrians, but not Tirek. Tirek, along with his minions and followers had disappeared. After they left for the time being, Galactus and Celestia married and had seven beautiful girls which would later on be eight when they adopt a 5 year old Novian orphan named Isis. Things seem to slowly get better for the Equestrians.....until Zecora had a horrifying vision. She had quickly told the king and queen that the planet was slowly dying and forming dangerous volcano's everywhere, the reason being all of the magic Tirek took during the war. She stated that in approximately 7 months the planet would become nothing more than a volcanic wasteland. With no time to lose they informed every citizen and species on Equestria that they will be evacuating the planet. Every spaceship was filled with Equestrians, Novians, the animals that were saved, and even some Centaurs. Galactus thought it would be okay, that they would finally be free from the war, and Tirek. Until he heard that his daughters Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer were kidnapped by the centaur warlord. Galactus and a few soldiers went on a rescue mission to save them, unbeknownst to them that the volcano's were coming toward to where they were. In the end, Galactus, Sunset and Pinkie were the only ones who escaped Tirek. When they had reached their home castle the ships had already left because it turns out that planet's core was ready to burst early. After confronting, and defeating, Tirek once again in the castle, the three had reached to a magic teleportation chamber. There was another chamber on the ship that could teleport them back, but it required a lot of magic to do so. Galactus was heavily injured from his battle with Tirek, he didn't have time to heal because a volcano had formed under the castle and would burst any second. He had to act quick, he only had enough magic to teleport two people. So with every last bit of his magic and energy he teleported a heartbroken Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie back on the ship, leaving him to die as soon as they were gone. Equestria had mourned for it's lost king and their lost home, but soon they would find a new home, with new allies and new foes as well. They would rebuild, adapt, expand and help those in need, just like they did all those years ago.... ANNNND THAT'S MY AU FOLKS!! I HOPE TO DRAW IT REAL SOON! I didn't go into full detail on the history part because I want to keep some things secret for now ;3 I really hope you love it as much as I do!! I poured my heart and soul into this au, it's one of the best creations I've ever made ;v; it felt so good to pour out all of this after keeping it to myself for so many years, especially the ships TwT Feel free to ask questions and tell me what you think! ^O^/
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seganerds · 7 years
A few days ago we reported that Sonic Runners Adventure had received a ‘soft launch’ in certain countries, such as the UK and Russia, for Android devices.
To access game, players from the chosen countries need to access the Gameloft store via their smart device and pay for the app either via PayPal or their phone bill. This type of soft launch isn’t uncommon, as it gives developers a chance to refine their games, as users test them out on various devices, before its worldwide launch.
Well, lucky for you, we got our hands on Sonic Runners Adventure and want to bring you our impressions so far. I should note that this is a ‘preview’ of the game – as it’s not been officially released and no doubt it’s not the final release build that we have been playing.
Tapping in:
Anyone who listens to the Nerdcast will probably know that I’m not a big fan of mobile games, especially endless runners – I feel they have no real purpose and I enjoy games that have end-goals.
So, I’m happy to see that Sonic Runners Adventure is not an endless runner, players are treated to various levels across different zones and boss battles.
Building on the original Sonic Runners and, I assume, hoping to gain some better success on the back of Nintendo’s well-received Super Mario Run, SEGA (or rather Gameloft) has created Sonic Runners Adventure to be more like a classic Sonic title, mixed with typical mobile phone runner games.
Like the original Sonic Runners and Super Mario Run, Sonic runs along automatically and it’s up to the player to tap the screen at the right moments to avoid obstacles, kill enemies, collect rings and reach their goals.
I didn’t get much of a chance to play the original Sonic Runners, but I can instantly tell this game is an improvement, at least in concept.
As mentioned, rather than running endlessly, you now have levels, each with their own goals (i.e. pickup X number of rings or kill X number of badniks) – you receive up to three stars per level, depending on how well you do with your goals. To me this feels much more satisfying than just trying to ‘get as far as you can’ in a typical runner game.
Adventure time:
Along with the levels, there is a story to this game too – told through speech boxes next to still characters. You (Sonic) receive a scrambled message from Tails telling you that someone (obviously Robotnik, I mean c’mon) has kidnapped the animals and for you to come help. Well you then go through various levels trying to find Tails, save the animals and get Robotnik.
Yes, it’s flimsy, but it’s a classic Sonic story and it serves its purpose – I don’t think anyone complained about Super Mario Run’s story where Peach was once again kidnapped by Bowser (along with a cake she was baking for Mario) – so I can’t see why they are going to complain about Sonic’s story.
At the time of playing, the game features four worlds/zones: Green Hill, Desert Ruins, Lava Mountain and Sky Sanctuary – each with 10 levels, plus a boss battle and bonus stages – which are unlocked through pickups during levels.
As you progress, you see Sonic make his way across a map of hexagons and you are free to return to earlier levels to try and beat your previous score, or earn more stars – which go to help unlock new zones.
The downside is that during the brief moments of story progression, where Sonic and friends are commenting on the events in the game, they will make refences to things around them like a factory where the badniks are being built, or a fortress – but these never appear in the levels. The levels remain very much ‘Green Hill’ or ‘Desert Ruins’ etc. and the backgrounds and platforms you run on never stray from their initial designs.
In fact, the further you progress, the more often you will see repeating sections of levels. Not just ideas from a level being reused but literal carbon copies of one section of a level being plastered into another, maybe with a lick of new paint to pretend it’s a different zone. It’s a shame, because It just feels like lazy programming.
The heroes return:
As you progress through the game, you also unlock new characters across three ‘teams’, similar to those found in Sonic Heroes. Each team has three playable characters who have slightly different play styles: Speed, Fly and Power.
Team Hero: Sonic (Speed), Tails (Fly) and Knuckles (Power)
Team Chaotix: Espio (Speed), Charmy (Fly) and Vector (Power)
Team Dark: Shadow (Speed), Rouge (Fly) and Omega (Power)
So far, I haven’t earned enough rings to buy Team Chaotix or Team Dark, but I can assume they all play very similar to the Team Hero counterparts.
Tails is a little slower than Sonic and he can’t jump as high, but he can fly for brief periods. The flight is something you need to get used to you – because it’s not like the old Sonic games where you keep tapping jump for flight, you have to tap to jump and then tap again and hold, but it’s awkward to always get the right height and instead of dropping to the ground when you want him to, he will glide down, until he’s tired and then drop like a stone – usually into a pit for me.
At the time of writing, I have only progressed far enough to unlock Tails and the second zone, Desert Ruins.
If you’re wondering why I haven’t gone further, let me explain…
Not a final build:
So, as I said above, this is a first impressions or preview, because the game is not in its finished state. By the looks of it, all the content is in place, but the game is far from perfect playability-wise.
I’m running the game on my Asus Zenpad, which should be able to handle the game well, but I’m receiving varying frame-rate issues.
At times the game is running so damn fast it becomes jerky and it hurts my eyes – I can’t really keep up with what’s happening and neither can the game at times it seems. There are moments where it looks like there’s a bottomless pit, only for the ground to suddenly pop-up just as you are stepping on it.
There are also times that the game literally throws you into obstacles, such as certain spring boards and boost rings – that you have no control over – and they fling you into the sides of spikes or enemies, causing you to lose rings.
On my first play, I got to level 5 pretty quickly and I was really enjoying my experience, even with the dodgy frame-rates. But level 5 seems to be a bit of a bitch and the worst example of the bugs I found so far in the game; I’m constantly being thrown into obstacles, or the game gets so jerky that I’m missing things and falling into pits: ultimately resulting in my death and the need to restart the level. I played the level 10 times before I gave up – each time I felt as though I was getting better, but would suddenly die and (usually) it felt like it was not my fault. The level is virtually unplayable at times.
Obviously I progressed further than level 5, but the bugs continue and on some levels Sonic will be running so fast, frames will be skipping as the game tries to keep up with the action. Tails’ levels appear to have fewer bugs though – I think it’s because he tends to run a little slower and the game is more able to keep up with him – but there are still issues of being forced into obstacles and enemies against your will. And there have been the odd level when even Tails’ gameplay will speed up causing framerate issues.
Also, the load times are a little longer than I’d like – varying from 10 seconds up to 30 seconds. But, at the moment, they are manageable and by far not the worst problems in the game.
Signs of hope:
The good news is, that despite the game’s current buggy state, I do see signs of this being a really fun game!
The levels are enjoyable and while they aren’t as complex as the classic 16-bit Sonic levels, they do offer multiple routes (yay!).
When the game is running smoothly, Sonic is very easy to control and (I’m so happy about this) the game has no ‘lock-on’ attack and I feel there is more skill involved in this game than other Sonic titles. If you successfully jump on one enemy, Sonic tends to bounce along across other enemies – but you have that initial jump that requires some skill.
The way levels play out is different too, adding to gameplay variety. Some levels you go from point A to point B and need to achieve a goal in order to earn stars and unlock the next level. But some levels have you run laps, where you repeat the level 3 times – now wait – on paper it sounds bad, but it works really well, as it offers you a chance to explore new routes on each lap and any rings you previously picked up are no longer there, making it more of a challenge to seek out the different paths a level might take.
Another plus are the unlockables and upgrades. As mentioned you can unlock up to 9 playable characters and along the way, upgrade your teams and use special booster items: such as invincibility or lining all bottomless pits with springs, so you don’t die.
Final thoughts:
Ultimately, I’m impressed with Sonic Runners Adventure. I don’t tend to like mobile games, but this is one that I can see myself playing, enjoying and completing.
Right now, though, the game is far too buggy to be released commercially. I’m not sure when SEGA/Gameloft intends to officially launch the game, but I do hope the team is able to fix the frame-rate issues and unfair deaths that I experienced.
So far, it’s definitely a title to watch out for and has the potential to be a thoroughly enjoyable Sonic the Hedgehog experience.
Expect a full review of the game when it is finally released worldwide.
Could @gameloft's #SonicRunnersAdventure be a great #Sonic #mobile game? Watch our preview & find out! #SEGA A few days ago we reported that Sonic Runners Adventure had received a ‘soft launch’ in certain countries, such as the UK and Russia, for Android devices.
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