#go send your blogs in
realpokemon · 4 months
rotomblr: reblog with the worst injury you’ve ever gotten from a pokémon, wild or domestic
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buglaur · 1 year
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🔖 pictures from the family photo album
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malenjoyer · 4 months
Good morning 🙏🏼
I want to thank everyone their support with reblogging my stuff over the years and reblogging some of the context of the situation.
Tumblr and Instagram is filled with the most supportive people I’ve ever had the chance of meeting. The last time something like this happened, I didn’t have much support, not even from people I thought were close to me. It took me a year or two to be okay with being perceived again in fandoms. So I’m very grateful for everything.
I just wanted to post that I appreciate all of the asks and I’ve been reading all of them. I actually get anxious I’m spamming everyone too much so I probably won’t reply to everything. Please don’t feel pressured to support me financially, there’s is a free option on patreon to follow. I’ll post future project plans and occasional updates because I still love comics and I still love DC/Marvel. I do enjoy having people following along for my art/reading journey so I would always be okay with people just following for free. My brain is telling me this post is too long now so I will go 🙏🏼😭
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tossawary · 8 months
Having written a lot of complete, novel-length fics at this point... I want to say that it's a lot of work and that it's not weird to struggle to complete a creative project. I don't think it's a moral failing to have WIPs or abandoned works or ideas that just don't pan out for whatever reason. It's not a Bad Thing that you've done to yourself or to anyone else.
Like, I don't want to position myself as a big fandom authority here, I just want to speak from my experience and maybe reassure someone by agreeing that completing any creative project is not easy. I have WIPs and abandoned works you haven't seen. I have ideas that I know I'll never follow through on, both achievable and unachievable ones. Writing takes time and effort that has to be taken from elsewhere, and sometimes work is too exhausting and dinner still has to be made and decent sleep is too important, so you just can't do it. Dedicating time to any one hobby means less time for others and that kind of sucks sometimes. Sometimes, I just don't FEEL like writing and I'm not going to "suffer for my art".
It's flattering to be held in high esteem sometimes for writing long and complete fan stories (I have other fan creators I personally admire for similar reasons), but I do want to make it clear that it's a lot of work (writing is work no matter what you're writing!), I'm pretty lucky to be able to do that work more frequently than many others, and I personally don't think anyone should hold it against themselves (or against anyone else!) if circumstances get in the way. Sometimes, things just don't work out and we need to give ourselves time, or even just move on. I appreciate people's slow-to-update WIPs and abandoned works and stories on lengthy hiatus and fic ideas that will never be written.
So, like, if anyone is feeling a little down because they have a story that they're struggling with... I feel that. I don't think it's weird if your fanfiction is important to you or to feel like you've fucked it up somehow. I don't think you're a bad person or a bad writer if you take years to finish a story or if you have to give up on one because you've outgrown it. I think it's cool to share what you have if you want to share it. I think you're cool.
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trashhole · 5 months
Another tfe discourse post but I have a crappy gift at the end
I wasn’t going to say anything more about the tfe situation because I know some people are just haters but…
If you’re upset Robbie, a main character, is getting screen time and development, you’re in for a rude awakening because spoiler alert: shows develop their MAIN CHARACTERS
I for one am ECSTATIC they’re trying to develop the main cast and not have Robbie be like every other human kid (absolutely nothing burger). The fact he can actually fight along his siblings is fucking cool.
All this negativity because earthspark isn’t tfp is making me piss out shit bricks like what were you expecting??? It’s a different story.
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Anyway here’s a starbee sketch I made so we can end this with love as much as the parasites want me to send hate. Spread love, be kind, give your friends a compliment, support a Palestinian charity because paramount isn’t going to, be good.
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evansboyfriend · 2 months
sorry to my followers who are long time 911 fans and/or multishippers but... to me, the buddie fandom is the most toxic one i have seen, personally. and honestly... didn't anyone see this coming? the crowd who cries about queerbaiting when there was none, talks shit about other canon LIs and the actresses who played those roles, and harasses cast and crew on social media - and before season 7/bucktommy happened - demanding their fanon ship becomes canon? like. you can't be surprised. yeah, now they've turned against queer fans who are enjoying a canon queer relationship, because it's Not Buddie (therefore it's bad and wrong!) but this has been a long time in the making. sorry.
i just don't fucking understand how one ship can brainwash people to turning against their own community. and ok, straight people being openly homophobic, what else is new.. but fellow queers? over a fictional show with made-up people.
i'm not trying to call out anyone and this is not a vague post. this is based on my observations as a fan who started watching in april. feel free to tell me if i'm totally wrong about anything i said.
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exhuastedpigeon · 2 months
It's truly wild how different each person's fandom experience is. Sometimes I see someone talking about the shitty things they've seen in fandom and I'm like, yeah unfortunately fandom is a microcosm of society and unfortunately that means some people in every fandom are shitty. You can avoid those people by blocking them on sight.
Because yes, sometimes fandom can be a pretty terrible place where people's biases and prejudices are on full display and they're doing real harm, but sometimes fandom is a place where people simply have different, completely innocuous, opinions than yours and if you don't like them, you never have to see them again. Just block them baby, it's easy and it's free and it will make your life so much better.
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blakbonnet · 6 months
I'm so tired honestly I'm just so sick of mean people, the world is shitty and depressing and children are dying and volunteers who are trying to do some damn good in the world are getting their trucks blasted, and you live in this world and you choose to be unkind. It's beyond incomprehensible to me.
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murder camel shouldnt be in sushi!
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They are the secret ingredient that makes it good!
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valtsv · 2 years
okay fine i'll read homestuck. whatever. i've cracked i can't take it anymore i need to fuck around and find out.
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deoidesign · 2 months
I’m a trans man that recently got diagnosed with hyper mobile eds, so now seeing Steve makes me extra happy, because cool disabled ftm rep. Thanks for making the radical dude bro, he’s funky.
same disability (waving hand emoji)
Always extremely fulfilling to know my work makes people happy in some small way, it means a lot. Thank you for sharing with me
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 10 months
just a little psa: sending me negative anon asks is pointless because i’m never going to share them here. this space is for fun and enjoyment and these two ridiculous little men, and that’s the way it’s always going to stay 🥰
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Mod Worm here!
Please read below! Its kinda a read but its important
I can't believe I have to post this, but seriously if you want to send Lewis hate, don't make it extremely graphic. Its not so much worry for myself, I am an adult I can read it fine, but more of its a silly pixel guy and i dont want to respond to that. There was an ask sent earlier that really did cross the line, so heres a quick boundary for you guys
DO NOT Send graphic hateful violence, if its in a joking manner thats fine but if I can't tell if you are joking or not then its an automatic no pal DO NOT Send extreme vulgar hate, I get it Lewis gets haters. Thats fine with me, I knew what I was getting into when I started this. But seriously you guys, be creative, its honestly boring if its just a bunch of nonsense hate
I know some people see anon and figure they can send whatever they want, but seriously mods a person.
This isn't to hate on any asks I have answered, y'all are great and I genuinely appreciate you sending in asks for me to answer! Everytime I get an ask notif it makes me smile. Do not let this deter you! It was just the one earlier (an anon ask, no I will not go further) that went too far. I'm not as upset in the person, as I am just disappointed.
On that note ask box is empty! If you sent an ask before the last hour and didn't see it answered tumblr eated it so feel free to send it back!
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valyrfia · 7 months
i'm like n1 lecfosa but i have to say some of the anons i've seen in other people's inboxes because they think that charles could've driven better today or that carlos deserved the win....have not been it. if you have an opinion to say, please just post it on your own blog and put your own name to it rather than going to terrorise and spit on someone who doesn't agree with you while retaining the luxury of hiding behind an anonymous icon. or even better, if you're upset, stick to the blogs that you know share your opinions.
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briarrolfe · 8 months
I wanted to find a reference image of a photographer holding a camera sideways yesterday for my graphic novel pencils and it was SURPRISINGLY CHALLENGING... until I found this guy.
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His powerful vibes have made me feel like... maybe I should just draw him into my book?? Look at this.
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His name is Bruce Lovelace and he runs a totally free photography website to help other photographers learn because he wants to make an impact on the world after receiving a cancer diagnosis. A legend of a man!
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sciderman · 5 months
Hi, I would love to ask more in the "ask blog", I just need to know, what are the current events that are going on?
Are they still on the plot on St Valentin, or is the theme with Harry the main conflict?
the main theme in the blog is whatever you ask about ! that do be how it works
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