*A peculiar robloxian aproaches the stand, a lantern hanging on a staff on his back and seemingly blue fireflies surrounding it.*
"Greetings! May I order something?"
- @Orion-and-the-stars

"Sure thing. You like coffee?"
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*Gently places 30 Tix on the counter*
Hello, may I have a green tea and a macaroon please? :D
"Here y' go."
"You've got 8 tix change, by the way."
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Hiiii!!! Do you have any chai? I happen to have quite a lot of tix left on mi even after ordering quite a few whole pizzas, so I want something calming for a change, hehe!
The angelic entity looked happy and innocent, but clearly a teensy but stressed.
"Sure do."
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hiya auko! nice hat : }
do you keep in touch with your mother?
if something were to happen to her, how quickly would you realize?
"And I better not see you trying to start anything."
#SORRY FOR THE INACTIVITY AGAIN.................. i forgor#ask blog#rp blog#ik this is like 95% likely to be the same person but the thought of possessed twin anon is very funny to me or whatever that trope is calle
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Three identical people walk up, the one in the front asks for a mango smoothie, and dumps what looks to be their whole life savings (965 tix)
"Woah! You don't need all that...! It's like 12 tix..."
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· doode i had this crazy draem whare yooo ware robbed by angry pelicans bro have yooo seen any pelicans???? have yooo???? be cerefool off they draem pelicans
Anon was immediately mauled and dragged away by seagulls.
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Hello sir! Would you like to donate a kidney to a child in need?
"Sorry, uh- I don't have any to spare." "Try asking elsewhere?"
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almost literally caked in dust, looking tired as hell
"yyo- hi, hello, uh... you have anything that's caffeinated to the brim but doesn't taste like shit-?"
-🧹 anon
"I think you'd like black tea."
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Heya, you think I can get anything for 29 tix? It’s not much but I hope I can get at least sumthin’.
"You can, actually! Why not treat yourself to a cinnamon roll?"
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”hey. Lad.”
“Folly is not someone who can truly be a threat. They connect to your dreams, but they cannot effect you unless you let them.”
“do not let them in.”
[[yeah uh, for the mod. Here’s a Moe so that you can draw even more skrimblies >:D

"...Don't let them in? How the hell am I supposed to keep 'them' out? Not sleep?"
"I'm a whole grown man. I can handle a nightmare or two- and I haven't had any recently anyways."
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……I see folly is bothering you again.
would you like some tea yourself? I made them using some very special ingredients.
"...Sure, but...." "...Who the hell is Folly?"
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i get nightmares too, friend, been getting them way too often...
it's alright, though! have a thing I made for you!
*hands you a chocolate sandwich!*
"I... Never had any nightmares, but thank you nonetheless."
"Never had one of these before."
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You don't look good. Maybe a hug will help! :D
"Wait, holl'up--"
"Woah! Thank you...?" "I'm really fine, I don't see what the big fuss is..."
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Puts 15 bux on the counter
Sorry I'm broke-
"That's quite alright, you can get a lemon tea for 12. Here's your change..."
#ask blog#rp blog#drink req#based this one off the ingame sprite#though i feel as though its very Orange compared to jasmine
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*A smiling man with a pink flower on the top of his head walks up to you*
He gave you orange juice !!
@/chemic4l but its his blocktales oc Tool
"Well, would you look at that."
#theyre both orange! wow yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i grip auko by the back of his neck and start walking towards a comically large blender#ask blog#rp blog
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Yo zawg, are you alright? You don't look too good.
"Oh, I just slept on my back wrong, that's all..."
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🎲 ; " Hey dude, you got anything for this much? "
[ He spoke as he handed over 55 tix, slightly calm and levelheaded in mannerisms he did not appear from here, not at all. . He appeared more- wealthier than the average, strange . ]
(Heh. Hey . .whjat if chance just came in and said hi,, crossover when??joke. Joke)
"-Oh! You could pretty much get anything on the menu- just on the right here- with all of that, or I could mix you your own drink. You an earl grey kinda guy?"
#wow hello chance forsaken nice to see you here#the most expensive ingame item is the hot leaf juice actually at 32 tix#forsaken roblox#ask blog#rp blog
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