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8re3yv8u97 · 7 months ago
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1794 · 26 days ago
fuck I love dressing like myself. we need to kill the sun and abolish summer so I never ever have to wear short sleeves again
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thydungeongal · 4 months ago
Gnomish Gnights making Gnowledge checks
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larval-tear · 6 months ago
in this life there are gnowns and ungnowns
how are you so gnowledgeable in our ways?
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ftafp · 1 year ago
Gnomish Religion
Gnosticism: The predominant gnomish faith. It is gnotable for being a misotheistic religion that encourages mystical pracitices and values inner gnowledge and escape from the material world above all else
Gnormies: A race of dimwitted and soulless conformists often equated the the idea of a philosophical zombie
Gnobody: A cunning folk hero who was born wit gno arms, go legs, gno head, gno torso, and gno hat. He used his invisibility to sneak up on and slay the mighty cyclops polyphemus
Ungnome: Either the spirits of letters said to have created the gods, or a gnomish bogeyman said to be a mad chocolate maker who lives in your walls. It depends on which sect of Gnosticism you ask
Gnomann: A legendary sentient island that could control the flow of time and the tides. Is said to be a lawless place that consumed the Witch-King of Angmar
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fox-daddy · 2 years ago
Incorrect quotes/edited posts I've seen in a pm seymore video.
But not as the arcana characters but as Arcadia fallen characters.
I know the player character has a name but I refuse to refer to them as anything other than player character. I also threw in my oc once in a while because why not.
Player character: pins an image of a galaxy on the notice board saying 'all my best fights happen here' as a joke*
Ann's writing underneath it: that isn't even our galaxy. Who, let alone how are you fight out there?
Michael's handwriting underneth: wouldn't you like to know?
My oc Hunter specifically @ Elizabeth in a joking tone: 'show your awnser' and 'explain how you got your awnser' and any other similar thing are the worst! Dont make me explain myself! I dont know! You taught me how to do this, you should already know.
Mime: I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy
Vil the character I made purely to be a jerk: I would. Pussy
Michael: I'm not going to sink to their level
Vil: I will. Coward
Victoria: I'm the bigger person
Vil: I'm 150cm tall. Give me the knife.
Ann: please retire the 'we are made from stardust' phrase. I'm so tired of it.
Michael: stars are made of flesh
Ann: I've changed my mind go back to the orignal phrase
Player character: just learned about history. Appalled.
Mime:already drinking the pond water* wait we're not drinking from the pond?
Some villager: I want to decompose in a bog
Quinn: well you clearly dont know the first thing about bogs.
Player character: being in the bog is like the opposite of decomposition. Get pickled idiot.
Michael: 'Get pickled idiot?' You know I might actually try and remember that one
My oc Kyle trying to be a bard; I once bought four sausage rolls, but little did the chasher realize I actually had five in my bag. The universe of course tried to fix this imbalance by causing a tear in my bag causing me to drop a sausage roll, but not so easily defeated I eat it anyway. The universe's counterplay? I got food poisoning. Total equilibrium.
The sparrow who just wanted to sing about the sparrows in:
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Michael: is it route or route?
Mime: is it caramel or caramel?
Player character: is it either or either?
Ann: is it read or read?
Victoria: I hate all of you right now
Kaidan: your language is weird
Michael: you don't seem content with this content
Ann: how smart are you?
Player character: I mean I'm an alchemist appreciate so- *about to say pretty smart but gets interrupted*
Ann: I'll go ask Quinn
Player character internally:
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Player character: 'apprentice acts like it's a job' was a sentence I did not expect to find looking up reviews for the shop.
Player character: every word that starts with n should have a silent g infront of it. Gnorway, gnuclear, gnervous system and most importantly gnipples
Michael: at some point my brain decided based on the word knee that body parts starting with n should have a silent k infront. Particularly the word neck. So I disagree with gnipples whole heartedly and think it should be knipples
Player character: how about a compromise? Gn words and kn words get switched. So now it's gnowledge and gneecaps. But also knome and knosticism
Ann: the problem with that is that it doesn't account for the orignal dilemma which is gnipples vs knipples. I for one think it should be pnipples like pneumonia
Michael: okay but what about mnipples like 'mnemonic'
Mime: this is the kind of discourse I enjoy watching from this group
Michael: female presenting gkpmnipples
Victoria: what the fuck are you guys doing, trying to invent neo-french?
Player character: dont you mean, gkpmneo-french?
Victoria: no, I don't.
~~~ the only modern day ones because it was too funny to me not to add~~
Player character: imagine if all the talking mirror tropes came from someone seeing a time traveler talking to their smart phone?
Michael: siri, siri in my phone, how the fuck do I get home?
Player character: I can't find my headphones and target is closed, this is a nightmare
Mime: just put an ant in each ear and they will sing to you
Player character: not a half bad idea actually
Michael: I read that wrong and thought you were still in the target after closing time and your biggest concern was lack of music instead of the creature
Player character: t-the creature?!
Ann: let's face it even when the video game says press any button to start you still push the start button
Kaidan: I once knew someone who would push the z button and they still scare me
Player character: I press the X button
Michael: I once pushed the power button
Ann:... do I even need to ask why
Michael: It is one of the many buttons is it not?
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third-new · 1 month ago
World Number 1 Gnowledge accepts three months restriction to eliminate the scary
The long doping gatha of Jennic Sinner has ended after the three-month of tennis, which is a positive test for the trace of traces of the trace of traces last year. Source link
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newtras · 1 month ago
World Number 1 Gnowledge accepts three months restriction to eliminate the scary
The long doping gatha of Jennic Sinner has ended after the three-month of tennis, which is a positive test for the trace of traces of the trace of traces last year. Source link
0 notes
satrthere · 1 month ago
World Number 1 Gnowledge accepts three months restriction to eliminate the scary
The long doping gatha of Jennic Sinner has ended after the three-month of tennis, which is a positive test for the trace of traces of the trace of traces last year. Source link
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has this all happened before 7
did we see this? 4
have we heard it in dreams? 6
I think we did 4
but I don't quite remember 7
isn't that the way of things 7
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starlightswitch · 2 years ago
Live and In Person
(for Writer's Month day 12 prompts lemonade and band. AU for my WIP That One Night)
He was back on tour, and coming back to town.
Claire had met him two years ago, by accident or by fate. She’d been hanging out in the plaza because she’d wanted to try this fancy sparkling lemonade from the coffee shop, and a cute guy had come up to her and glanced at the stage and said, “Is there a show happening here later?”
She’d told him probably, since the stage was set up. They frequently had concerts here although she thought they were normally on Thursday and Friday since it was so busy on Saturdays. Proving her point, there wasn’t an empty table in the plaza.
He sat with her.
He asked about the lemonade, and she told him about the coffee place, which in the summer was really more of a general cold drink place. It turned out he was performing at the music venue down the street. She’d never been there but from what she’d heard of artists performing there, there was a small chance she’d have heard of him and a bigger chance she hadn’t. She asked, trying to make it sound less awkward than it felt, who he was, and he said the band was called Gnowledge, spelled with a G. She had only heard of them when she’d seen their name on the sign of upcoming performances outside the venue– come to think of it– and wondered if the name was a joke she didn’t get. She wasn’t brave enough to ask.
He went and got a beer from the brewery, one of the many other places in the plaza, and came back to sit and talk some more until he had to go get ready for the show.
He gave her his number before he left, but she never texted him because… well, because she wasn’t sure it would go anywhere with him touring. She told herself she’d get tickets if he ever came back to town, but then there was a pandemic and nobody was touring at all.
It must have been because she’d looked up the band on Facebook that one of their posts was recommended to her. She recognized Dylan immediately. The post said he was going to be doing a live concert from home that night. Claire set a reminder.
The stream went on for two hours, Dylan relaxed and friendly, carrying on a conversation with the chat and taking requests, picking out the chords on the keyboard for songs he didn’t know. He said he’d do it again next week if people wanted him to, and they all wanted him to. So he did it again every week for months, and Claire was almost always there. She felt a little weird about watching him without telling him she was there, but it seemed weirder to point it out. We kind of know each other… We met literally once…
The livestreams got less often as the pandemic slowly eased. Claire kept track of Gnowledge and of Dylan, who had now made his own solo public page. She wondered if he might release an album on his own.
And then Gnowledge announced they were doing a summer tour. And when she went to their website for the full list of tour dates, there was her city.
And as if they knew she might have overthought whether Dylan was still in the band, he was mentioned by his solo page on the tour announcement post.
Claire set a reminder to buy a ticket.
2020 day 12: Who You Want to Sit By (meet cute)
2021 day 12: Bringing Someone Home (time)
2022 day 12: Just What She Needed (leak + roommates x Flash Fiction Friday #163 splash of waves)
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lesferatu · 2 years ago
First time drawing my favorite ocs in forever!
I know I've posted them before but meet Dorothea Kneecapper, 3'2" gnome barbarian, and gno shytt, the 2' tall gnomish gnowledge cleric, with Gnot Opossumable, their awakened "cat" familiar (keyblade and opossum aren't mine. I just didn't want to draw them)
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My friend Holly (@hollyfrosty) was running these fun, very meta games (its a long story that I don't know most of) and thusly Dotty's outfit is based on a yugioh card so she could beat up a yugioh boss (special points if you can tell me what card!) and gno showed up to meet Michael Mouse in his own clothes (plus an ab window) with his keyblade in the kingdom hearts world (gno has a long history of antagonism against Disney characters. They beheaded Goofy in one session of their game and has attempted and succeeded to set him on fire on multiple occasions and ran a different version of Mickey over with a car in a Mario Kart like race. It be like that sometimes)
(Also obligatory "art commissions open" comment. Info in my pinned comment!)
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concoctionboy · 8 months ago
@jimkinnz, you seem fairly knowledgeable about gnomes (I almost wrote "gnowledgeable" for some reason but stopped myself in time); do you have any advice about how to get rid of a gnome infestation?
Other than eating them, which, uh... I don't think liches can do. Although I'm not an expert on the undead; I could be wrong.
Just saw a gnome run past me, in my own goddamn lair!
I thought the advertisements were kidding when they spoke about a gnome infestations but I saw the little fella quickly scatter into a hole in the wall after it noticed me.
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gnomegnowledge · 6 years ago
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when a gnome dies - some bits and pieces fall off or decay slightly when rigor mortis sets in, like the insides do, hence why most “lawn gnomes” (hollow gnome corpses) look so nonthreatening. along with the decay reshaping things like ears and fingers and rounding the face, discoloration is what causes the typical ‘blue and red’ coloration and the ‘rosy cheeks’. the pupils shrink down to a more classically dinural size as well, hence why most ‘cute lawn gnomes’ do not have haunting black blinkers.
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teratosapphic · 6 years ago
i spent the last week in the french quarter of new orleans and i gained two pieces of gnowledge
a) fuck bourbon street
2) fuck american airlines
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Also, they could have just brought up a different event?
Like Loki could have just brought up Sifs hair ... which makes more sense
A) a lot lower stakes, so more aptopriate for the situation
B) topical, both are about not respecting someonce bodily autonomie
Also, yes you can explain it away in universe, but that is not like it is acted shot and directed
Thing is ... characters can lie very obviously, and still get away with it becasue the other characters only know what they are supposed to know, that way the audince can be told pretty blatantly
But that is not whta is happening ... we don't see Loki hesitate ... use his bulshit voice ... give a sad half smile ... clearly struggle with the topic while also beeing smooth and suave ...
Nope ...
Again, as player knowledge is not in game gnowledge, audience knowledge is not character knowledge.
If teh plot demands it no level of badness will keep the obvious lie from beeing beleived.
And Tom Hiddleston is a master of micro exprecions ... he could have pulled the balance of easily ...
Also also,
We don't know when exactly Loki realized that the mind stone was influencing him.
Yes we do, we see exactly the momen it dawns on him what he has to do
After the other threatens him he has a little sit down to ruminate over the situation
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and after that he proceeds to fuck up Clints very nice and flawless plan to execute his mission to open that portal
And Loki has been established in the first movie as the brains of the operation ...
Like ... what gives ... Clint is an excellent henchmen ... without meddling Loki would have won ... his meddling and pissing of the avengers foiled his plans ...
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Like at that moment he is still 11 eggs short of a dozend, but he is clear enough to know
a) he must not win
b) he needs someone to hit him really hard in the head
Captain was not strong enough
Natasha wasn't even considered
Thor refused
Tony was resistant to his persuasion
Leaving the hulk
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who oblidged ...
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Like, this isn't the face of someone who has just lost and is furious
This is the face of someone who has just woken up in some chared remains and dimly recalls drinking with a stranger ... and maybe some fire ...
Like he even makes a god damn joke
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But we've seen in other MCU movies/shows that removing mind related magic in most cases also needs magic.
Or a hit on the head ... it is the swiss army knife of pop culture ...
and while the way clint was influenced may or may not have been different
-> They look pretty similar ... both have these almost bluish eyes and bags under their eyes ... I mean ... it's a fucking infinity stone ... it propably just takes a bit more work to anchor the influence in the mind of a powerfull mage
And Clint didn't take long to get his head srewed on straight and neither did Selvig.
In the main timeline Loki spends a year and half in a cell, where he had access to his magic. Being away from the scepter, having the use of his magic and nothing but time, Loki sooner or later have realized what happened.
I'd argue he had a pretty good grasp what was happening once the hulk had a go at him s.o.
Especially considering that he didn't even try to get away, despit beeing able to become invisible and may or may not be able to teleport
(it's not clear how exactly he pulls his signature move of leaving a double of himself and attacking his enemy from behind ... it works without teleportation but could also be achieved easier via teleportation so ... *shrug*)
Something he propably stil would have been capable of, considering that he looked better after the hulk then after ariving on earth
Considering he stayed and let his brother shakle him and take him to asgard without even putting up a token fight tells me, that he has already found teh other 11 eggs of his dozend and has decided that asgard has very thick walls ... maybe tick enough to protect him from thanos wrath until he comes up with a plan to defeat him.
Like even Thors shove is mostly ignored becasue, Loki has bigger fish to fry, toxic family dynamics didn't even make the cut on the 100 most important things on his mind
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TL,DR: it's a lot less likely that Loki would actualyl belive that he attacked new york out of sheer pettiness, becasue his memories are still scrmbled and much more likely that he says it (and may or may not believe it) becasue of the TVA's ... "therapy" methods ...
“Sometimes a rage builds up and you just gotta let it out. Do you remember that time I was so angry with my father and my brother, I went down to Earth and I held the whole of New York city hostage with an alien army? Tried to use the mind stone on Tony Stark? It didn’t work so I threw him off the building. It wasn’t tactical. I lost it. Sometimes our emotions get the better of us.”
Is this a retcon? Is Loki saying he wasn't tortured or mind controlled and he attacked Earth because he was angry at his family?
Well, let's analyze the situation.
They went to interrogate X-5 who according to Mobius is an asshole that knows them and their tactics. Mobius tells others to not let X-5 get under their skin with a emphasis on Loki, thinking he is the one who most probably is going to lose his temper. But that's not what happens.
Loki does not lose his cool. On the contrary he plays the role of a villain(which is not really convincing tbh) and tries to intimidate X-5. Mobius is the one who gets so angry and hits Brad within a minute after X-5 turns his attention to him. Mobius storms off trying to convince Loki that it was a tactical action and he could play the heavy keys. But when he calms down he confesses that wasn't the case. Then Loki says those lines.
Now let's remember some similar situations we've seen Loki doing sth like this. Before the coronation when Thor was nervous, Loki makes jokes, gives him confidence, tries to calm him down. And after that when Thor is angry, Loki again tries to calm him down, agreeing with Thor saying he is on his side. When Odin saves them from Jotunheim and is furious with Thor, Loki tries to intervene and stop the situation from escalating. In TDW after their argument on the boat, Loki again tries to light the mood with a joke. So this is a typical and in character behavior for Loki.
Should Loki's words be accepted at face value? MCU Loki lies sometimes but he is not the god of lies like comics. He mostly speaks the truth, but not the complete truth. Half-truth is what he mostly uses. He shapes the sentences in a way that people interpret them how they want based on how they think. Especially when it comes to the things that he doesn't want others to know. Things that he was taught were weakness.
Moreover there are undeniable proof in canon that Loki was tortured (his physical state in Avengers, threats of pain by the Other…etc), and his mind was influenced by the mind stone(confirmed by Marvel). There are even moments in S1 that confirm Loki didn't want or enjoy to hurt people. He's had to. And miss minutes offered Loki to kill Thanos, which affected Loki more than any of her offers.
"Unbeknownst to him, the scepter was also influencing him, fueling his hatred over his brother Thor and the inhabitants of Earth."
Unbeknownst to him
Remember in S1 Sylvie tried to enchant him but couldn't? Loki said it's because his mind's too strong. For other magic users? Yes. For mind stone? Maybe. Since we know he wasn't mind control like Selvig and Clint. But the Other had a connection through the scepter to his mind and his negative emotions was being amplified. Which Loki didn't know. His memories were clearly tampered with too as he remembered Thor tossing him into an abyss which didn't happen.
In the main timeline Loki spends a year and half in a cell, where he had access to his magic. Being away from the scepter, having the use of his magic and nothing but time, Loki sooner or later have realized what happened. We don't know when exactly Loki realized that the mind stone was influencing him. But we've seen in other MCU movies/shows that removing mind related magic in most cases also needs magic.
TV Loki on the other hand, right after his escape got arrested in a place that he couldn't use his magic, spending his days either running from or after somebody and trying to fix a disaster. He probably hasn't that realization yet. And even if he had, do you think Loki would talk about it? I don't think so. Just like he never talks or wants to talk about his torture.
There are more than enough clues in canon to confirm that Loki was tortured and his mind was influenced and nothing can retcon all of that.
Back to the scene in 2x02, Loki is trying to calm down Mobius through sympathizing with him. He can't say "Hey remember that time I fell into Thanos clutches after I committed suicide, then he tortured and brainwashed me through my hatred and anger, and sent me to take over the Earth and when I got away you found me and tortured me and now you can't handle one minute taste of your own medicine?" That would have been counterproductive. So instead Loki is telling the truth but not all of it. He was angry at Thor and Odin and his emotions got the better of him. But those emotions, those thoughts and words were influenced. That's what Loki's not telling because he wants to sympathize with Mobius through a similar experience.
Could the topic of New York invasion handled better? Certainly. Otherwise there wasn't a need for this meta. But Loki's behavior can be explained in-universe and through his canon characterization without retconning any other proof and clues.
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