#gluten-free apple crisp
doseofindependence · 3 months
Delicious Gluten-Free Recipes: Your Ultimate Guide
Hello! Discover a variety of delicious gluten-free recipes for every meal, from breakfast to dessert. Enjoy flavorful, easy-to-make dishes perfect for a gluten-free diet.
Discover a variety of delicious gluten-free recipes for every meal, from breakfast to dessert. Enjoy flavorful, easy-to-make dishes perfect for a gluten-free diet. Introduction Gluten-free diets have become increasingly popular, not just among those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, but also among individuals seeking to improve their overall health. If you’re new to the gluten-free…
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fullcravings · 1 year
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GF Apple Crisp
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Cinnamon Apple Crisp in a Mug (Vegan & Gluten-Free)
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clatterbane · 11 months
Currently in the oven, and the smell is driving me crazy. I am also planning on having this more or less for supper, so I was already a little hungry when it went in.
Didn't really follow that recipe, but it looks like a pretty good one. I did use the easy melted butter approach for the oaty crumb topping, and part brown sugar in it for extra yum.
Did we have any great need for a pan of apple goodness? Possibly not. Am I glad that I finally threw something together with some of the particularly good apples waiting in the fridge? You bet.
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Not sure what variety these are, but they are some kind of very fresh Swedish-grown red apples! And seem to be good for both eating and cooking, like I was hoping. This is one of the varieties with eye-catching reddish pink flushing inside, so I can probably narrow it down to try and find more of them. These will probably cook down pretty pink overall, and I do still want to turn some into just cooked apples.
We are in an apple-growing region here, which probably makes it easier to find more varieties even from supermarkets. I sort of missed that after growing up with a better assortment of apples around, even without hitting farm stands. Still enjoying trying different Scandinavian types.
(I did stash the peels in a baggie in the freezer, btw, to throw into some storebought juice cider and/or another batch of vinegar for extra flavor. Seemed kind of like a waste to just throw them in the compost, especially with apples that tasty.)
Anyway, already waiting to go with it:
We don't have any ice cream like I prefer, but Mr. C really loves his vaniljsås with anything like that. Seems to be the classic thing here too. We also didn't have any of the storebought kind but did have ingredients, so I said fuck it and made some. We do have some more cream left, in case I decide I'd rather have that. If I want to, I could even have both.
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scubafox · 1 year
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Gluten Free Apple Crisp Recipe
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maculategiraffe · 6 months
among the baby's many delightful developmental achievements is the development of manners
my mom was making apple crisp and the baby said "I want to eat some of dat" and I said "yeah, nana is making it with gluten free oats so you can have some!" and totally unprompted he turned to my mom and said "thank you nana for doing dat for me"
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vaspider · 9 months
Spider!! Hola :)
So I know I came back way too early this time but with this whole situation we lost sight that 2 of the affected family members will be having their bdays.
So, if you don't feel comfortable with us asking so soon for a boost I do come asking for a fool proof apple pie recipe.
We're short on money so gifts are out of the question, but I could make them something tasty, and they have always wanted to try apple pie.
There are many recipes on the internet but I need one even I, who have never baked a pie, can bake.
Hope it's not a weird petition, I just remembered you have valuable experience in the recipes department.
Thanks for taking time to read our ask, please stay safe!
If you're looking for foolproof, I would actually skip over Apple pie as a starting point & I would instead go for an apple crisp.
A crisp is much easier to make - pastry can be really finicky if you aren't familiar with how to make it, whereas a crisp you just mix together all the good stuff that makes a tasty topping and you are good to go.
Easy Apple Crisp
1/2c butter, cold (do not take out to soften like you would for cookies)
6 apples (Granny Smith, Fuji, Pink Lady, or similar. NOT RED DELICIOUS.)
2T granulated sugar
2t pumpkin pie spice (or cinnamon, if that's what you've got, but I find that using pumpkin pie spice is just... better... if you can)
2t lemon juice
1c light brown sugar, lightly packed
1c old-fashioned rolled oats
1c all-purpose flour (if using gluten-free flour, that's fine - you don't need to add xanthan gum for this recipe)
1/2c chopped walnuts or pecans
1/2c craisins (technically optional, but don't skip)
Pinch kosher salt
2 medium-sized mixing bowls
Sharp knife
Cutting board
2 large spoons for mixing
1 small bowl for butter
Wash hands thoroughly before beginning. You should do this every time you cook or bake, but especially this time, bc we will be handling a lot of the ingredients directly.
Cut butter into small cubes. Put into small bowl and place back into refrigerator to keep cold until needed.
Preheat oven to 350°. Spray 8" baking dish with non-stick cooking spray or grease with butter. Set aside.
Core and chop apples into large bite-sized pieces, about as big across as a nickel. Some people peel the apples. I don't. I think that's a lot of extra work to eliminate a great source of fiber & flavor. Place apples in one of the mixing bowls. Add lemon juice, granulated sugar, 1t of the pumpkin pie spice. Stir until combined, then pour into prepared baking dish.
If you prefer smaller bits, lightly chop the craisins. I like them full-sized, personally.
Put the rest of the ingredients except the butter - craisins, chopped nuts, brown sugar, flour, oats, 1t pie spice, salt - into the 2nd bowl and stir to combine.
Get the butter out of the fridge. Work it into the dry ingredients with your fingers until you have pea-sized crumbs. You can also use a fork or two knives for this or a pastry blender if you're very posh, but I really prefer using my hands. It's easier, and you get better texture, IMO.
Spread evenly over apple mix. Even it out a bit with the back of one of your mixing spoons. Don't leave any big gaps, but also don't press down on the mix at all.
Bake for 40-50 minutes or until the topping is golden brown and the apple/sugar mix bubbles up at the corners of the dish.
This recipe is specifically written with round amounts to make it easy to size up or down! You can halve this or double it. Doubling it should make about enough to fill a 13 x 9 casserole dish.
Make sure to adjust your cooking time if you adjust the size!
If you have small oven-safe bowls or ramekins, you can divide this between those ramekins instead. If you do this, DON'T heap up the topping higher than the top of the dish. It gets very easy to spill.
Like technically you don't HAVE to use the nuts or craisins but ... why would you want to skip those? THE FLAVOR!!
If you really prefer raisins I guess you can use those. I hate raisins, and also craisins add a tart element which makes the dish really delightful and more complex IMO.
You can make a crisp like this with lots of different fruit! This recipe works pretty much exactly the same if you substitute in 4-5c of blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, or pears. You may want to fiddle with the amount of white sugar or the spices, but yeah. Once you know this recipe, it's a good basic dessert recipe that you can use for a lot of fruit!
If using berries, make sure to rinse them very well with cold water and inspect for any spots of mold. Supermarket berries get moldly REALLY fast. If possible, buy berries from chain supermarkets the day you're going to use them, and check berries in the store. Open the containers, don't be shy. Nothing sucks more than wasting money from your grocery budget and realizing when you get home that you bought moldy berries.
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psalacanthea · 1 month
Gluten free apple crisp
here u go I made this. :) u should make it too (u can sub gluten flour for gluten free flour and then it's just um...regular-ass apple crisp I guess)
This recipe is for a 13x9 (rectangular) pan. Halve it for a 9x9 or 8x8.
8-6 apples depending on size (I used honeycrisp cuz a bag of them got dropped and were all bruisey, but granny smith are good too)
1 lemon
Brown Sugar
White Sugar
1 stick butter
GF Oats
GF Flour blend (skippable but changes texture)
1/2 cup crumbled pecans (optional)
nutmeg, cloves, other warming spices (optional)
Peel and chunk your apples. No, not slice, chunks. Small pieces, like inch to 1/2 inch cubes? But they don't have to be perfect; if they're too big you just have to cook them longer
If you like slices you can make them into slices but that is the INFERIOR way to make apple crisp.
Mix apples in a big bowl with 1/2 a squeezed lemon
1/3 cup brown sugar and 1/3 cup white sugar added to the apples
1 tbsp cinnamon added to apples
1/2 tsp salt
Mix, taste. Add more sugar if you like, or more cinnamon.
Add other spices as you like (nutmeg and cloves don't need much, maybe a 1/2 tsp? I added a few shakes of nutmeg and a tiny bit of pumpkin pie spice to mine)
Add 3 tbsp gluten free flour to apple mixture, mix until homogenous and then pour into a 13x9 pan. (i taste before adding gf flour because it tastes gross before cooking)
Flatten apples.
In the same big bowl, because we don't make more dishes than we have to, add 1 cup oats, 1 cup brown sugar, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp cinnamon, and 6 tbsp gluten free flour.
Add ur nuts if you want them (you should it's tasty)
Combine that however. Whisk works fine, or fork. Then take 6 of your 8 tablespoons of butter from the stick. If it's cold, chop it into fine pieces and then rub it into the oat-sugar topping until no hunks of butter remain.
BUT I find a much easier way is to use SOFTENED butter, incorporate the topping all together thoroughly, and then put it in the fridge until the butter solidifies and you can break it up into crumbly bits.
As we're using gluten free flour, the mixture will not develop gluten, and thus cannot be overworked. So, using softened butter is much easier!
Once your topping is ready, crumble it over top of the apples in the pan.
Use your last 2 tbsp of butter, cut up into small pieces and sprinkle over the top.
Bake at 350 for like 40 minutes or until the apples are as done as you like and the filling has thickened and is bubbly. If the top gets too brown too fast just slap tinfoil over it.
eat crimsp
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stardewremixed · 2 years
Thanksgiving headcanon
Alex - the perfect day to toss the gridball around with all his cousins. Wrestling in the leaves. Grass stains. Turkey legs. Crisp fall air. Grandma's famous pumpkin pie.
Abigail - gets up at the crack of dawn to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade. Still is giddy over the floats. Loves the musical renditions. Wishes she could be there in person.
Elliott - a little unusual for Thanksgiving but cranberry sauce and stuffed lobster is his go-to dish. A walk on the beach contemplating what he is thankful for. Bringing apple cobbler to Leah. Don't worry. Willy made it.
Emily - knits socks for everyone she knows with little fall leaves. Makes everyone wear "I am Grateful" tee shirts. Rolls her own dough for apple pie.
Harvey- a hot meal, a day off, a good book, a cup of coffee, plaid house Slippers.
Haley - planning her route for Black Friday shopping. Renting a car so she doesn't have to take the bus. Eww. Leaving Thanksgiving night and staying at a hotel near her mall destination in Zuzu. Checking her list twice to make sure she doesn't forget gifts for anyone.
Claire - a day off from Joja. Sleeps till 1pm. Microwaves some turkey and stuffing. Plops down to watch the dog show.
Olivia - all about presentation. Cornocopia centerpiece. Fall mums on the porch. Perfect magazine masterpiece dinner made by private chef. Candles everywhere.
Magnus - what day is it? A little dazed from staying up late the night before reading ancient tomes. Thankful he isn't invited to Thanksgiving dinner at Marnie's.
Shane - turkey is okay. Chicken? Never! Spends the morning tossing chicken feed, playing tag with Jas, snuggling Charlie.
Leah - a healthy tofurky dinner, fresh cranberry salad, gluten-free rolls, cauliflower rice. Painting on the porch on the crisp autumn afternoon.
Maru - making leaf piles in the yard with sebastian, jumping in them and making a mess, reading a manual about how to operate the oven, taking a plate of hot foods over to Linus.
Lance - traveling again. Enjoys a turkey pot pie at the train station. Thankful for a healthy mind and body. Does a little weight training when he arrives home.
Sam - joins Maru in jumping in leaf piles, games online with Seb until bored, avoids all chores his mom asks him to do, challenging Vincent to a chubby bunny contest with marshmallows and annoys his mom, eats a second dinner at Abigail's because mushroom stuffing isn't his fave.
Penny - strolling JojaMart wondering if she has enough gold to buy ingredients. Wondering why Morris keeps trying to push the green bean special. Manages to make do with what she has on hand at the trailer. Hot turkey sandwiches, instant mashed potatoes, and canned cranberries. Pumpkin cookies were also on sale.
Sebastian - a day of online gaming with friends (getting annoyed at his sister's and Sam's leaf pile mess, laughing and joining the fun), and inevitably writing his Christmas wish list because his mom will be begging for it.
Victor - visiting his bio dad overseas. They don't celebrate Thanksgiving. Running through McD's for a pumpkin shake. Something to remind him of home. He's grateful for the time spent with his father.
Sophia - picking the perfect holiday wine. Making butternut squash soup and cranberry brioche. Spending too much time looking at catalogues, wishing she had more money for presents this year. Doing some house cleaning since she has the time.
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strengthandsunshine · 5 months
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This Vegan Waldorf Salad is the perfect combination of crisp, creamy, sweet, and tangy! The classic 19th-century Waldorf Astoria salad recipe with nut-free, allergy-friendly updates using apples, celery, grapes, sunflower seeds, and a sweet eggless mayo dressing! A quick and easy chilled appetizer or side dish for any occasion and easily customized!
Vegan Waldorf Salad (Gluten-Free, Allergy-Free) https://wp.me/p4UrDz-941
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adorpheus · 1 month
Healthy vegan apple crumble recipe
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I created this recipe this past Fourth of July, when I wanted an apple crumble that didn't include any sugar and/or an entire stick of butter. This is what I came up with and while its not exactly traditional, it is freaking delicious. Applesauce stands in for a stick of butter here, with coconut oil instead of marge or butter to give it just a bit of buttery texture while keeping it healthy. This makes 4 small portions, so if you're really hungry you might want to double the recipe, but I also recommend you top it with ice cream. You could also just eat it all yourself.
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Apple Crumble (or Apple Crisp)
Vegan, can be sugar free and gluten free
2 small apples or one huge apple (about 200 grams) - peeled, cored, and chopped small
3/4 cup of oats (I prefer quick oats, but the rolled kind will work too. Use gluten free oats if you want it to be gluten free)
1 tbsp coconut oil, melted
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp allspice or cardamom
1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 TBSP flour of your choice (I use sprouted spelt, but all purpose or a gluten free blend will work too)
1/4 cup Stevia Baking Blend (or other sweetener of your choice)
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
additional apple slices for garnish (optional)
ice cream for topping, preferably vanilla
Preheat oven to 350f/176c. Peel the apples, core them, and chop them as small as possible. In a bowl, mix all of the ingredients except the last two (duh). Pour the contents of the bowl into a small casserole dish (I used a 6x6 inch one but 4x4 would work and I have made it in a larger one). Top with the apple slices if using and dust with additional cinnamon or cinnamon sugar if you want. Bake for about a half hour, or until the top is lightly browned. Serve warm and with ice cream. I used So Delicious No Sugar Added Vanilla in the above photo, but Wink's Cinnamon Bun would be great on top too and is fat free! This recipe is definitely a keeper for me, I make it all the time now and I hope you love it too!
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comrade-bastard · 6 months
If this apple crisp doesnt turn out right, im blowing something up btw. Its gluten free and meant for my MOM!!!!
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fullcravings · 1 year
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GF Apple Crisp
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morethansalad · 11 months
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Vegan Apple Butternut Squash Crisp (Gluten-Free)
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clatterbane · 2 years
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One thing I did turn out to be extra glad that I went ahead and put together to stash in the fridge last night! 😋
I just subbed in white GF flour blend where appropriate. (Including for the minute tapioca to thicken the apples a little. You can just use like a tablespoon of flour or starch of your choice, or just let it be runnier with none.)
[ETA: That's a mix of nice fresh Aroma and Cox, with the Cox looking tiny. I couldn't resist snacking on half an apple of each variety when I was cutting them up last night, and they were both delicious! Plenty left for the dish.]
That's ready to go into the oven after tonight's hasty frozen potato and meatball delight comes out of there. Looking forward to it! An especially welcome treat after that little kitchen incident and change of plans.
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certifiedceliac · 5 months
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Apple Crisp with Gluten-Free Marizpan Crumble (via Busy in Brooklyn)
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