#glorified babysitter
chiliger · 10 months
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Feels like it’s been a whole month.
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twistedappletree · 10 months
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sunshine-gumdrop · 3 months
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lenaboskow · 4 months
eddie really just jumps at the chance to hang out with anyone but his girlfriend huh
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acepumpkinpatrick · 1 year
Ineffable Husbands and Their Wards
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searenbound · 10 months
Ok but who else has line cook energy?
Oh hands down Kirishima.
He has “knows their face, not their name” energy.
The type who sees you walk in looking like you just dragged yourself out of bed and calls out to you specifically and makes you feel so special.
Calls you gorgeous and tells you he’s got a thick slice of cheese cake with your name on it. That he kept the other guys from snagging it before you could get it.
If you’re his favorite regular, he’s definitely taken early “breaks” when he sees you and returned later with your panties in his back pocket.
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chirp-a-chirp · 2 years
Emma: You seem angry Sariel. What’s the problem?
Sariel: *Gestures to 8 princes descending into chaos* I don’t have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem.
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phoenix-arts7 · 7 months
You can fight anyone no consequences, who and why?
My biggest bully for 4 years during grade school. That person caused a lot of long lasting trauma for me and she's one of the only people I legitimately despise.
This was a teacher, btw.
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So I have a firm enough grasp on fanfic to understand that it's relatively normal for Jackson Wang to be throwing a party and it be a normal, everyday event.
But I low-key wanna know how many of y'all are gonna fit Jeff Satur into this now👀
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mediocreanomaly · 1 year
i am IN LOVE with your vashwood x reader pt 2.
ngl id totes sock ww with the thickest medical book within my reach and enduring the headache that comes with it bc he deserves it 😭 cue me irately lecturing them long after dark about getting injured on purpose and medical malpractice. the latter specifically towards vash when i find out how he's been patching himself up, without proper training....ww wouldn't be able to escape either when i find out about his miracle drug. that isnt a valid excuse to let himself get hurt, and in turn hurting not one but two others in the process!
speaking of malpractice........i'd take a chance to have full vengeance on them. by making them study everything i had to, and learn everything i learned, bc lets face it. accidents happen. they may be dumbasses, but they are my dumbasses, and im evidently the only one who can take care of em so i will, damnit. 😭
so true....
Can you imagine seeing Vashs body for the first time? "oh my gosh...who stitched up your wounds?" "oh uh...me? usually I just use floss and-" "YOU DO WHAT?"
and then after getting through that headache you turn to Wolfwood and you're like
"Can you believe that?" "I know, when I get injured I just use this little beauty" he says holding up the regenerative drug, "Wolfwood...for the love of god what is that?"
Cue both the boys with their heads bowed as you go on an hour long lecture about "no wonder my life's shit you guys have been holding yourself together with tape and glue!"
It's hard being paired with two idiots who have about as much self preservation as a moth flying into a flame
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mk-nightrider · 1 month
Had a realization that the kids are likely to get assigned handlers once they're integrated into the Black Dragon and now I'm eyeing everyone else's OCs 👀👀👀
I will probably develop some fodder OCs to be their initial handlers because theeeey probably don't survive The Raid.
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thechosenanubis · 2 years
This is how I imagine the Chosen Duo dynamic:
*something dangerous appears*
Sibuna: *glares at the Americans*
" Don't fucking move, because if you do, I swea-"
Nina: *runs towards danger*
Sibuna: "Nina NO! "
Nina: " Nina YES! "
Sibuna: *stares at Eddie*
Eddie: " What? Ugh... fine! Nina wait for me!"
*joins Nina in the dangerous situation*
Sibuna: Wha- NO! Eddie you have to stop her! Not join in!
*runs after them getting involved in the dangerous situation in the process*
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highlifeboat · 7 months
Mia notices Melony's interest in Madison and she passive-agressively presuades her into becoming Mel's friend.
She basically goes "Either you became my daughter's glorified babysitter or... I don't really give you a choice, so that's your only option".
Mads agrees, because she enjoys living, but she isn't happy about it.
Like she'll hang out around Mel, but she isn't exactly being convincing about wanting to be there. Mel doesn't seem to care, she's too focused on trying to figure out why she was drawn to Madison at all. Because, from Melony's side, Madison isn't really all that great either.
Melony probably knows that Mia threatened her into being there, too, because Mads just flat out ignored her before. So for her to suddenly want to hang around Mel, but not really engage with her at all... it's kind of obvious (even more so if Mads does try to act engaged when Mia is around, Kind of like an actual shitty babysitter). And if Melony cares, she really isn't showing it.
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emystic · 8 months
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Doodled a Zeki, Null, and Yela seeing their Earthling brethren a frog
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You mean teachers don’t make millions?” Regulus teases. 
“We should for all the bullshit we deal with, but alas. I’m just a glorified babysitter to most parents.” 
Regulus hears the sadness layered in his words and stops what he’s doing to put all his attention on James. “Hey, look at me James. You’re a hero, you know that right? Teachers are some of the most impactful people in our lives. I still get messages from my voice teacher in middle school every time I release a new album and they ever fail to make me smile. And knowing you, I’m sure you’re every student's favorite teacher. You most certainly would have been mine.” 
And in the Death of His Reputation He Felt Truly Alive - reggiesreputation
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kenziedrawz · 2 years
Shards AU - introduction
hoo boy first tumblr twst post let's go
Anyways, welcome to the Shards AU, an AU inspired by Land of the lustrous( or Hoseki no kuni), Steven Universe and other things.
The Shards au is an AU in which our lovely TWST cast are 'Shards'. but those will be explained under the cut. We've got some mentions of dismemberment, death and Human experimentation I guess. So read on if you wish to involve yourself in all that!
Hey boss, we've found more information on what those 'Shards' you wanted to know about are.
Shards are man-made bioweapons created for celestial war-fare. However they were proven 'ineffective'(Read; Uncontrollable) and left on an island to hopefully die out. This was only partially effective in getting rid of them because yes, they were out of the governments hair, but they were still alive and therefore a liability if any potential enemies got their hands on them. Hence they hired S.T.Y.X. in order to monitor the Island and study the remaining shard cores.
But how were Shards made? I'll tell you.
In order to make a shard, you must combine a Shard Core and a Gemstone of any kind. Then they are planted in the ground to absorb nutrients and minerals to form bodies. The conditions of the ground and gem can affect the shard physiologically and physically.
Now, there are two distinctive types of shards( there are also multiple shard types), your regular shards, and then there's your Titan shards. Titan shards are much bigger than regular shards, and also tend to lead shard colonies. Titian shards are able to 'compress' themselves into a smaller form to look like a regular shard. And there are currently seven shard colonies known to exist on the island, and I'm sure that you can guess what they are.
Now, I currently don't have much access to the files that S.T.Y.X. had on the island of Shards. But I'll try my best to relay the information I have access to now.
The first Colony, seated in the more floral and twisted parts of the Island of shards. It almost looks like a scene from 'Alice in Wonderland'.
Riddle, the Titan of the colony, is one of the shortest titan shards recorded to date.
Cater, a Shard within the colony, seems to have a strange ability to create multiple copies of himself via cutting off limbs and growing another body from the cut off limb and restoring the severed limb on his own body.( Shards have no organs, their insides look more like geodes.)
The Heartslabyul colony follows some strange practices, like hosting tea parties, painting the local flora and playing croquet using flamingos and hedgehogs of all things( nobody knows how those got on the island)
The colony has a sea of rules that all colony members are expected to follow, surprisingly these rules have managed to keep majority of the colony safe. As Heartslabyul is the colony with the least amount of causalities or corruptions out of all the colonies.
I never talked about corruption, did I? Corruption is found in all Shards, if a shard gets fully corrupted then they turn into a monstrous form. If a shard stays in that form for too long then there is no chance of returning them to their previous state. Though, some shards are able to seemingly 'corrupt' but be fine for however long they are in that form. We should get back on track
The second colony, found in the more safari-like areas of the island.
The members of the Savannaclaw colony are able to shift into a second, centaur-ish like form. Though they aren't necessarily horses, most of them tend to be more like animals you'd find in a savannah of some kind.
For example, the Titan of the colony, Leona, has the lower half of a lion in his centaur form.
The shards within the colony also tended to have animal features present upon their bodies.
The third colony, found near the beach and ocean surrounding the island.
Like the Savannaclaw colony, shards of the Octavinelle has a second form as well. However they look more like Merfolk than centaurs.
Azul, the colony's titan, has minimal recorded examples of his second or titan form. However by looking at the blurry images we have of it, it can be assumed that he looks like an octopus mer, or cecaelia if you wish for a fancier term, when in those forms.
Jade and Floyd, essentially the right hand and left hand's of Azul, are a very interesting case of Shards. During their creation they were originally one singular titan core, but during the growth the gem the core was inserted into broke in half but continued to grow them as regular shards. Perhaps the fact they came from a titan core explains why they are much taller than other shards.
Floyd seems to be more, unhinged than his twin, and fond of 'squeezing' anything organic that he finds, including on island researchers.
The fourth colony, found in the desert areas of the island.
I would not be lying to you if i said this was the colony with the most casualties. You see, the titan of the colony is rather fond of celebration and parties. So much so that they had make, well, a half titan to be able to essentially guide the titan, Kalim, in the right-ish direction.
Jamil, the aforementioned half-titan, is speculated to have a second form due to being partially made out of a titan core. Though nobody has ever seen it.
The fifth colony, found in the lake areas of the island. ( how diverse even is this island?)
The Pomefiore colony seems to value beauty a lot, seeing as they are the most visually stunning to look at with the way their 'skin' sparkles when the sun hits it.
During the research phases, reports would suddenly turn up about the shards upon the island all filled under the anonymous name of R. We never found out who or what R was. But the reports usually detailed the 'beauty' of the island's residents, about every colony as well. but the most were about the Pomefiore colony's Titan, Vil.
For on Island researchers, it often felt like they were being 'watched' or from some accounts, 'hunted'. We have no proof to really back up these claims except these accounts.
The sixth 'colony' on the island, i say colony in quotes because this elusive colony exists only in rumour. It's said they reside in the cave systems upon the island.
Now then, the rumors state that during S.T.Y.X.'s research of the shards. The youngest son of the Shroud's, Ortho, perished during an encounter with a corrupted shard. Then they go on to state that his elder brother, Idia Shroud, revived him through placing a shard core within the corpse of his brother.
Then, the incident in which Ortho died would repeat with Idia as the victim, with Ortho reviving him in a way similar but with a Titan shard core.
I personally find this rumour quite ridiculous as it was never proven that shard cores can revive people as shards. but if you wish to believe it, then I won't judge you.
The last colony on the island, said to reside in the forests of the island.
One of the most elusive colonies on the Island if you don't count the Ignihyde colony( which i doubt exists). The Diasomnia colony consists of almost Fae-like shards.
Diasomnia has one of the most powerful titans we've ever seen, however it seems to be plagued by some kind of loneliness.
Diasomnia is also the colony in which the first shard the government made is located. Lilia, the aforementioned shard, seems to be that of a mischievous caretaker of the colony. But do not be fooled by his cuter appearance, he was an absolute monster in the beginning of his lifespan and was going to be a general of the shard army the government planned to have.
The members of the diasomnia colony seem to be very adept at controlling their surroundings with what appears to be 'magic' of some kind.
And that was all the information on the colonies I could find, but I do have one more patch of information to share.
The shards can use weapons named 'Synthwaves', they respond to some kind of aura that comes from the shard cores. Humans are unable to use synthwaves as they are made to respond to the shard cores only.
Now then, we've truly run out of information on the shards. Myself and my team do plan on going to the island to investigate these shards, but we have no idea if S.T.Y.X. is still operating there.
We also have to report that we have no idea where the shard cores came from either.
End of reporTWFja2VuemllIEFsaXN0aWVyIG91dC4=
Hoo boy! finally getting this out into the wild! And, if you stuck around to this point then thanks! And as some extra thanks, i've got some art of Riddle's compressed form and his Synthwave in this au!
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Now then, I'm sorry that some of the dorms have more or less lore vise, but that's most likely because I'm biased or something.
And as for that little bit of glitching out at the end? Hmm, don't worry about it. I'm sure that whatever it is, it's probably nothing.
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