#glands of external secretion
gianttankeh · 1 year
TFEH presents: Glands Of External Secretion / Lovely Honkey / Puppet Midnight at Fruitmarket, Edinburgh: 27/7/23.
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We've telt ye before, but we're telling ye again! Sadly, Yol has had to pull out on this occasion , but loveable local Lothians bass bumbler Puppet Midnight has stepped in to restore the balance. Also present will be "Yorkshire's funny man" Luke Poot AKA Lovely Honkey and a special one-off version of the Glands Of External Secretion ensemble comprised of/ compromised by Barbara Manning, Buck Campbell, Firas Khnaisser and the Brothers Usurper. Buy tix here or regret it forever!
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fidicusbartholin · 19 days
Call : +917997101303 | Whatsapp : https://wa.me/917997101505 | Website : https://fidicus.com
Importance of Bartholin Glands | Homeopathy | Treatment Cure Medicine Bartholin Cyst Abscesses
Bartholin glands play a crucial role in female reproductive health. Homeopathy offers a safe, effective, and affordable treatment for Bartholin gland issues. It helps prevent, cure, and relieve symptoms naturally, providing lasting relief without side effects, ensuring overall well-being.
Dr. Bharadwaz | Bartholin Cyst Abscesses | Health & Fitness | Homeopathy, Medicine & Surgery | Clinical Research
#UterusAnatomy #reproductivehealth #BartholinGlands #womenshealth #anatomyexplained
#DrBharadwaz #Helseform #Fidicus #Clingenious #ClingeniousHealth #HelseformFitness #FidicusHomeopathy #ClingeniousResearch
#FidicusBartholin #Bartholin #BartholinDisease #BartholinCyst #BartholinAbscesses #BartholinSurgery #Treatment #Cure #Prevent #Relieve #Medicine #AlternativeTherapy #AdjuvantTherapy #AlternativeMedicine #AlternativeSystem
Specialty Clinic
Fidicus Bartholin
highest success with homeopathy
Quick Relief | No Surgery | Permanent Cure
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adaginy · 9 months
The Big Guide to Humans
Introduction: We cannot call this the "Complete Guide to Humans" because there are so many varieties and differences that it would be a lie. We are attempting, however, to make this as complete as we can, and that does make "Big" an accurate description.
Below is an image of humans that many species will be most familiar with. When the humans sent out a probe intended to leave their star system, they included it as part of an introduction to their species. Although humans reached occupied space well before their introduction did, this is inexplicably the most well-known image of them, despite being so simplified and culturally skewed as to be nearly inaccurate. That said, it provides a starting point. If your species does not use vision or cannot extrapolate a 2-dimensional drawing into 3 dimensions, please seek out a Pioneer Plaque Reconstruction attuned to your species' needs. Words presented in bold will have chapters with further detail.
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On <- this side of the image is a man, or male human. On -> this side is a woman, or female human. We are already deeply oversimplifying things and will explain human sex/gender better later. A man is on average approximately .7 LocalDistanceUnits high, and a woman approximately .6, but this varies widely. The humans rendered in the image are likely in the second quarter of their lifespan, and considered to be fully adult. Both are usually approximately symmetrical bilaterally, less so if your species can see internally. Their external surface is covered with skin that is mostly pliable (areas that experience impact or motion stress may turn harder) and sensitive to touch. We will start from the bottom due to image alignment reasons, but the most important parts of a human are near the top. At the bottom is their feet. Most humans have five "toes" at the ends of them. Though analogous to their more familiar hands and fingers, the toes are usually not particularly dexterous. Each foot is attached by a rotating hinged joint to a leg. The legs make up approximately half of the human's height, with a hinged joint in the middle, called a knee, and a rotating joint at the top that connects them to the torso. The legs are used for locomotion. The torso contains most of a human's internal organs, including the reproductive organs, which are attached to external organs between where the legs meet the torso. !! Humans almost never have these exposed as in the image. If their external reproductive organs are deliberately exposed to you, they are likely offering to mate with you, on the expectation that you want to mate with them. !! The small dot a little less than .1 LocalDistanceUnit above the reproductive organs is a "navel," an artifact of their birth process. It is unimportant except as a visual landmark. The area around it is often somewhat soft, and a human in distress may fold its legs upward to protect the area. The two dots further up the torso are "nipples." In women, they are the secretion point for glands that offer nourishment to humans in the earliest stages of human development. In men, they are an artifact of the development process. Women are less likely to have their nipples exposed casually when not nourishing young humans -- refer to the previous warning about external reproductive organs -- although some human cultures do not differentiate between male and female nipples, allowing both to be exposed. However, they are not to be deliberately touched outside of mating. Near the top of the torso are the rotating joints that attach the humans' arms. The arms are somewhat longer than the torso and end in hands, which themselves end in fingers: Four in alignment and one at an angle so it can be brought to meet the others. Humans use their hands and fingers to move, lift, or manipulate objects both light and heavy, to gesture in ways that add to language and communication, and as the focal point of their sense of touch. On a column above the torso is the human's head. It contains, from bottom to top, the organs for their sense of taste (the large single opening), their sense of smell (the small paired openings), their sense of vision (the two semi-contained moist balls), and their sense of hearing (a hole on each side of their head, surrounded by a flap of stiffened skin). Above the eyes, hidden in a productive shell, is the human brain. This is the organ that processes sensory information, thinks, and remembers. Humans would say this organ stores humanity, which we will adopt as a catchall term for the sort of thing you're likely reading this book for, if you aren't interested in their physical bodies. At the top of the head is a human's hair. Most of a human's skin has hair on it, and some humans having much more noticeable bodily hair, but the hair at the top of their heads is often thicker and longer than hair elsewhere. Many humans style this hair in cosmetic display.
--- As I write things, I will try to edit the original with links. Maybe. Every time I edit, I have to fix the bold text.
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melanorhynchus-side · 4 months
the 51 post
I'm so sorry for not OC posting on tumblr. I have decided keeping my funny things in my friends' DMs only is actually maybe not the best if i want to continue talking about my OCs, so during the summer I will be posting about them more. but for now we will start with this thing! I will post about this in parts because i am slow. smiles !! Please note it uses it/its only. BIOLOGICAL LOG UPDATE [* You are currently here.] PSYCHOLOGICAL LOG UPDATE [wip] - ADDENDUM: STRESS [wip]
[subsequent logs and art will be reblogged to this post.]
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art by @eggtomatosoup
T-05-51 - The Bloodbath
[These records continue off the information present within the Manager's Manual. Please consider [re-]reading it for information about the abnormality during its existence within Lobotomy Corporation.]
[...And don't comment about that last part around it, alright? It's already going through quite a bit as it is.]
Somehow, this abnormality has managed to bring itself into a superficially human form. This form appears to shift variably depending on when and how it is viewed, but it generally appears to look like a young female adult woman with waist length hair of a blue-grey color with bright red eyes. It bears an uncanny resemblance to the Library's Director and.... someone else, and tends to resemble an 'in between' of the two people [though the specifics, such as the way its face is built or its hair color fluctuate from one end of the scale to the other. Many have remarked this as unsettling, though it seems the abnormality cannot control this in any way.] Even with this appearance, its internal [? external?] anatomy seems to diverge greatly from the body it is attempting to replicate.
The greatest physical differences appear to affect the torso- it has a small duct, supposedly to screw on a showerhead, where its manubrium should be located. Underneath this, its torso opens up into a large basin similar to its original form. It appears to be shallow from a distance, but in reality it seems to have a depth inconsistent with its appearance- it typically is much deeper than it seems. The bottom of this basin along with its palms are lined with a soft, porous silicon-like skin [resembling a traction mat] that secretes the blood[*] that gives the abnormality its name.
[*NOTE - This blood is not actual blood. While it has similar behaviors to/has the properties of blood, such as coagulating in contact with air, it is not human blood. Instead, this substance is more like a digestive fluid, similar to gastric acids secreted within the stomach. This fluid allows the abnormality to digest its victims after dragging them into itself.]
[Because of this, in human form, its digestion is severely modified compared to both a human body and its original form to compensate for its lack of "proper" stomach. The abnormality can simply hold onto something organic, and start digesting it in its hand with the 'blood' secretions. The digested material gets absorbed into the glandular skin, which is naturally porous.] [Please be cautious with interacting with it physically because of this.]
Its skin is also strange in a similar manner - It is shiny, almost like porcelain or glass, but is still warm to the touch and appears to thermoregulate like a mammal.[*] It is clearly flexible, but under contact with high pressure, it appears to crack and shatter [though it is very sturdy either way]. It can be put back together without adhesives and appears to fuse back together naturally.
[*NOTE - The ins and outs of how it is able to maintain homeostasis is still unknown; however, it is hypothesized that the 'blood' that constantly leaks from its body keeps it from overheating from whatever method it uses to generate body heat- concentrations of glands can be found on the back of head releasing blood as well, despite there being no reason digestion-wise for it. It instead is used to dispel heat trapped by its hair. We can't know this for sure despite our best guesses, however, and it appears that the abnormality doesn't understand its own body much itself.] [Trust me, we asked.]
From what is given, it does not appear to have any other internal organ systems [and seems hollow], but can still vocalize [though with a very husky voice - most often compared to rattling, echoed piping overlaid on a feminine voice] and feel pain [though it seems to have a higher tolerance to pain than the average human being]. It is very clumsy with its new human body, and is prone to stumbling and tripping on itself- It tends to walk slowly to compensate for this lack of coordination. However, It has surprisingly good fine motor skills in its hands.
Some diagrams under the cut too though theyre OLD. so they may be slightly outdated but theyre servicable
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anyway thanks for reading so far, because god damn. i have a lot to say. uhhh i'll be updating this in waves because i'm too excited to share and dont want to wait to compile everything in one place, but I also dont want to overwhelm people with too much information at once. hee hee....
youre free to ask any questions as I go, by the way! I love answering questions about my guys, especially from their bilogical standpoints. its just fun ok..... okkkkk... anyway [runs off] [ill be back with more soon]
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immoren · 1 year
"The vast majority of people are also born with greatly altered glands housed within their central nervous systems, usually referred to as 'drug glands'. These secrete - on command - mood- and sensory-appreciation-altering compounds into the person's bloodstream. ... An elaborate thought-code, self-administered in a trance-like state (or simply a consistent desire, even if not conscious) will lead, over the course of about a year, to what amounts to a viral change from one sex into the other. ... To us, perhaps, the idea of being able to find out what sex is like for our complimentary gender, or being able to get drunk/stoned/tripped-out or whatever just by thinking about it (and of course the Culture's drug-glands produce no unpleasant side-effects or physiological addiction) may seem like mere wish-fulfillment. And indeed it is partly wish-fulfillment, but then the fulfillment of wishes is both one of civilization's most powerful drives and arguably one of its highest functions; we wish to live longer, we wish to live more comfortably, we wish to live with less anxiety and more enjoyment, less ignorance and more knowledge than our ancestors did... but the abilities to change sex and to alter one's brain-chemistry - without resort to external technology or any form of payment - both have more serious functions within the Culture. A society in which it is so easy to change sex will rapidly find out if it is treating one gender better than the other; within the population, over time, there will gradually be greater and greater numbers of the sex it is more rewarding to be, and so pressure for change - within society rather than the individuals - will presumably therefore build up until some form of sexual equality and hence numerical parity is established. In a similar fashion, a society in which everybody is free to, and does, choose to spend the majority of their time zonked out of their brains will know that there is something significantly wrong with reality, and (one would hope) do what it can to make that reality more appealing and less - in the pejorative sense - mundane."
Iain M. Banks A Few Notes on The Culture
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mcatmemoranda · 9 months
A chalazion is a type of internal eyelid cyst. Also called meibomian cysts, they form when oil glands inside the eyelid called meibomian glands become clogged.
A chalazion looks like a lump or bump under the eyelid. The clogged gland is on the inside surface of the lid, so there is usually no external lesion. 
The lump is usually a little above the lash line (on the upper eyelid) or below the lash line (on the lower eyelid). The lump is not typically in the lashes. 
Chalazion vs. stye (hordeolum)
Chalazia and styes are similar types of eyelid bumps, but they aren’t the same thing.
A chalazion forms when a specific type of gland inside the eyelid, a meibomian gland, becomes clogged. The fatty secretions (lipids) produced by these glands normally help lubricate the eye, but they can no longer drain out. This blocked material eventually becomes a rubbery cyst inside the gland. A chalazion (or meibomian cyst) is not an infection.
Styes (hordeola) are also caused by clogged glands, but they are clogged glands that become infected rather than forming cysts. This happens if bacteria are trapped inside along with the oils, dirt and debris blocking the gland. 
Styes can develop internally, in meibomian glands, or externally, in oil glands in the eyelash follicles. External styes are much more common than internal styes and chalazia. However, an internal stye can sometimes turn into a chalazion once the infection is gone if the gland fails to drain.
Styes are often painful, but they heal quickly — within just a week or two. Chalazia do not usually hurt, but they last a lot longer. A chalazion may last several weeks, even with medical treatment.
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diaryofamaniac · 1 year
Glands Of External Secretion – Neck Pillow(2022)
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 可能、不可能と現実の透目に立つ不可解な音のかずかず、多面的な音楽作品、似通う作品群は記録から保管され、CD、レコードやインターネットで聴ける様々な媒体がある、一貫している共通は最初から非情の最後までの音の通過に他ならず、そこで可視化される音とは何なのか、それは言葉と何か密接し記憶や過ぎ去った陰謀、妄想するゴーストの動物、閃光が切り裂く時間、先日起こった印象的な偶然、イメージが脳内からはみ出そうと錯乱を始める。本作は90年代から活動する分類不可能なミステリアスなデュオGlands Of External Secretion。あやふやなデッサンが目的に適し始める。
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fuguovaries · 2 years
Female Reproductive Anatomy + Physiology
*Cracks knuckles* alright, let's go (If there are any questions you want to be answered or any topics you want me to cover, just lmk!)
Righty-ho, can't get much explained without anatomy, so we'll start with that!
As in both sexes, the reproductive system is split into 2 sections, internal and external organs, for females, we generally split internal again into the vaginal canal and the uterus (referring to the fallopian tubes and ovaries as well) in everyday language.
External/Vulva - - Mons Pubis (In front of the pelvic bones) - Counts as part of the vulva, supposed to be for cushioning, or for pheromonal purposes, much like other areas that grow hair after puberty. - Labia Majora (Outer, larger skin folds of the vulva) - In most women, it covers and protects the other structures (for some, it's the labia minora, primarily). - Labia Minora (Inner, smaller skin folds of the vulva) - '' as above. Joins together at the top, forming the clitoral hood, and at the bottom forming the fourchette. - Clitoris (Erectile tissue [corpus cavernus]) - External part is the glans clitoris, the majority of it (the body) is internal, highly innervated and highly vascular (insert 8k nerve ending factoid here). - Vulvar Vestibule (Area bordered by the labia minora, below the glans clitoris) - Contains both the urethral and vaginal openings, - Vestibular Bulbs (Erectile tissue [corpus spongiosum]) - Due to its close proximity, it's supposed to exert pressure on the clitoris during arousal. - Bartholin's Glands (Greater vestibular glands) - Nearby the vaginal opening, secretes mucus into the vagina and the labia minora, primarily for lubrication or moisture (different to vaginal discharge btw!). - Skene's Glands (Lesser vestibular glands) - Nearby the urethral opening, similarly secretes mucus into the urethral opening, but rather than for lubrication, it's primarily for anti-microbial properties. - Vaginal corona (Folds of membrane at the entrance of the vagina) - Forms the opening of the vagina and helps with elasticity.
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Internal -
Ovaries (Female Gonads) - Made of the outer cortex, and internal medulla. The cortex contains follicles (made from oocytes [premature egg] surrounded by granulosa cells [hormone releasing, surrounds the oocyte to form membranes when the follicle matures]) and the medulla contains blood vessels and nerves. - Epithelial (lining), granulosa, theca (present in prenatal follicles to also form membranes) and oocyte cells can all be present at various stages of the maturation process of follicles. - Follicles form as a type of vesicle, with granulosa and thecas surrounding an oocyte, before rupturing and releasing an ovum. The follicle then regresses as corpus luteum tissue before degenerating completely. - They primarily secrete estrogen and progesterone, alongside androgens. - Held in place lateral to the uterus by broad suspensory ligaments which contain the ovarian artery and vein, and nerve plexus.
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Fallopian/uterine tubes - Made from flattened mesothelial (protective lining), epithelial, secretory (glands) and intercalated (like stem cells) cells, forming 2 tubes on either side of the uterus. - Fimbriae (the thin, finger-like tubes on the end) around the ovary leading onto infundibulum (wide section at the end, 'catches' released egg cells) ampulla (the longest section, where fertilisation usually occurs), and then into the uterine body through the fallopian isthmus. - Externally, they're covered by the peritoneum (which covers all your abdominal and pelvic organs and body wall), which is in turn supported by the way it's folded. Internally, they're lined with smooth muscle, ciliated (the little fleshy hairs) to sweep a zygote towards the uterus, with the mucosa providing nutrients to oocytes.
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Uterus - Behind the bladder, with 4 'areas', the fundus (the top of it), uterine body, uterine isthmus (narrowing between the main body and the cervix), and the cervix (where only the external side dilates and thins during childbirth). - Anchored to the sacrum (ligaments) which help attach the uterus to the round ligaments of the body wall. - It's all supported in place and protected partly by the cardinal ligaments (which attach the uterus to the pelvic wall) and the mesometrium (protective lining). - The uterine wall is made from 3 tissue layers, the perimetrium, the myometrium (the smooth muscle layer that contracts during your period or childbirth), and the endometrium (a highly vascular mucosal layer that builds with the menstrual cycle).
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Vagina - Extends from the uterus, and opens into the vulva - Split into 2 main tissues, the outer muscular wall containing rugae (folds in the tissue), and the inner mucosal membrane of the same cells as your skin (stratified squamous epithelium).
Refs: https: Zdilla MJ. What is a vulva? Nguyen JD, Duong H. Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis, Female External Genitalia. osms.it/female-reproductive-system R.S.F.U., Vaginal Corona - Myths around Virginity Utiger RD, "ovary". Encyclopedia Britannica
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medicalyogapune · 17 days
Tratak Meditation: The Art of Voluntary Eye Fixation for Inner Peace
The right and left orbits are the bony depressions located at the front of the skull, which house the eyeballs. Each eyeball functions much like a camera, equipped with a lens that captures images of the objects we see. These images are projected onto the retina, the light-sensitive inner lining of the eyeball. The retina converts these light signals into nerve impulses, which travel through the optic nerves to the visual areas of the brain’s cerebral cortex, allowing us to perceive the objects.
Join our Online Yoga & Human Physiology Course in Pune to experience the transformative power of Tratak and unlock the connection between yoga and human physiology.
Enquire now to begin your journey toward better health and deeper knowledge!
Anatomy of the Eyeball
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Muscles Controlling Eye Movements
The movements of the eyeball are controlled by six muscles, divided into three pairs:
Four rectus muscles (Superior, Inferior, Medial, and Lateral Rectus)
Two oblique muscles (Superior and Inferior Oblique)
These muscles enable the eyeball to move in various directions — up, down, inward (medial), outward (lateral), and in torsional movements such as intorsion (inward rotation) and extorsion (outward rotation).
Nerve Supply for Eye Movements
Three cranial nerves are responsible for controlling the muscles of the eye:
Trochlear nerve (4th cranial nerve): Controls the Superior Oblique muscle.
Abducent nerve (6th cranial nerve): Controls the Lateral Rectus muscle.
Oculomotor nerve (3rd cranial nerve): Controls the remaining muscles, including an additional muscle called Levator Palpebrae Superioris, which keeps the upper eyelid lifted. This nerve also carries parasympathetic fibers responsible for narrowing the pupil (via the sphincter pupillae) and adjusting the lens for near vision (via the ciliary muscles).
Central Control of Eye Fixation
Eye fixation is regulated by both voluntary and involuntary mechanisms. Involuntary fixation helps maintain steady vision during movements of the head, neck, and body, as well as in response to auditory stimuli. This is achieved by connections from the visual cortex to the brainstem nuclei of the oculomotor nerve, which controls the eye muscles.
Voluntary eye fixation, on the other hand, is governed by a specific region in the posterior area of the prefrontal cortex. Signals from this region are sent to the brainstem nuclei via separate tracts, allowing us to consciously control eye movements.
Tratak: The Yogic Practice of Voluntary Eye Fixation
Tratak is a purification technique (shuddhikriya) described in Hatha Yoga, where one gazes steadily at a small object or flame until tears form. According to Hatha Pradipika II-32, this practice helps cleanse the eyes, and II-33 notes that it can cure various eye conditions and eliminate sluggishness.
In Tratak, voluntary fixation of the eyes — whether at a small point or candle flame — stimulates the brainstem nuclei of the oculomotor nerve. This fixation often involves downward convergence (gazing at the tip of the nose) or upward convergence (gazing at the center of the eyebrows), actions that may increase parasympathetic tone.
Yogic Practices and Parasympathetic Activation
Practices like Tratak, along with gazing at the tip of the nose (as described in the Bhagavad Gita 6–13) or the center of the eyebrows (Shambhavi Mudra), activate the parasympathetic nervous system. This activation occurs via the oculomotor nerve, leading to a relaxation response and promoting bodily homeostasis.
The Role of Lacrimal Secretion in Tratak
The lacrimal gland, situated in the upper part of the eyeball, produces tears to keep the cornea moist and protect it from external irritants. This gland is innervated by the trigeminal nerve (5th cranial nerve), specifically by secretomotor fibers originating from the pterygopalatine ganglion. During Tratak, the flow of tears might further stimulate the parasympathetic system, enhancing the relaxation response.
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gianttankeh · 1 year
TFEH presents: Glands Of External Secretion / Lovely Honkey / Yol at Fruitmarket, Edinburgh: 27/7/23.
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TFEH are the champions. Come see us parade our Experimental Music trophies by purchasing tickets here.
Barbara Manning will expose us to the side of Glands of External Secretion that Seymour Glass dare not and she'll be assisted by the Brothers Usurper in what will be their penultimate performance together. All this and Luke Poot and Yol!!!
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fidicusbartholin · 23 days
Call : +917997101303 | Whatsapp : https://wa.me/917997101505 | Website : https://fidicus.com
Structure of Bartholin Glands | Homeopathy | Treatment Cure Medicine
Bartholin Cyst Abscesses Bartholin glands are small, located near the vaginal opening, and help lubricate. Homeopathy offers a safe, effective, and affordable treatment to relieve discomfort, prevent complications, and cure issues like cysts. Choose natural remedies for long-term wellness and prevention.
Dr. Bharadwaz | Bartholin Cyst Abscesses | Health & Fitness | Homeopathy, Medicine & Surgery | Clinical Research
#UterusAnatomy #reproductivehealth #BartholinGlands #womenshealth #anatomyexplained
#DrBharadwaz #Helseform #Fidicus #Clingenious #ClingeniousHealth #HelseformFitness #FidicusHomeopathy #ClingeniousResearch
#FidicusBartholin #Bartholin #BartholinDisease #BartholinCyst #BartholinAbscesses #BartholinSurgery #Treatment #Cure #Prevent #Relieve #Medicine #AlternativeTherapy #AdjuvantTherapy #AlternativeMedicine #AlternativeSystem
Specialty Clinic
Fidicus Bartholin
highest success with homeopathy
Quick Relief | No Surgery | Permanent Cure
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joonbh · 27 days
Top 5 Ingredients in Kamea Emollient Foot Cream and Their Benefits | JoonbH
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Kamea emollient foot cream is renowned for its effectiveness in treating dry, cracked, and callused feet. The cream’s formulation includes a blend of potent ingredients that work together to hydrate, heal, and protect the skin. In this article, we will explore the top five ingredients in Kamea emollient foot cream and their benefits.
1. Urea Benefits: Urea is a naturally occurring substance found in the outer layer of the skin. It plays a critical role in maintaining skin hydration by attracting and retaining moisture. In Kamea emollient foot cream, urea serves several important functions:
Hydration: Urea helps to draw moisture into the skin, providing deep hydration to dry and cracked areas. Exfoliation: It acts as a gentle exfoliant, softening and dissolving dead skin cells, which can help to reduce calluses and rough patches. Penetration Enhancement: Urea enhances the penetration of other active ingredients in the cream, increasing their effectiveness. How It Works: Urea breaks down the protein structure in the outer layer of the skin, which allows it to exfoliate dead skin cells while simultaneously drawing moisture into the deeper layers of the skin. This dual action helps to smooth and soften rough, dry feet.
2. Lanolin Benefits: Lanolin is a natural wax secreted by the sebaceous glands of wool-bearing animals, primarily sheep. It is known for its excellent moisturizing properties:
Moisturization: Lanolin creates a protective barrier on the skin’s surface, preventing moisture loss and keeping the skin hydrated for longer periods. Skin Softening: It penetrates deeply into the skin, providing long-lasting softness and smoothness. Healing: Lanolin aids in the healing of cracked and damaged skin by maintaining a moist environment that promotes faster healing. How It Works: Lanolin’s emollient properties help to restore the skin’s lipid barrier, which is essential for retaining moisture and protecting the skin from external irritants. Its ability to mimic the skin’s natural oils makes it particularly effective in treating very dry and rough skin conditions.
3. Aloe Vera Benefits: Aloe Vera is a succulent plant known for its soothing and healing properties. It has been used for centuries to treat various skin conditions:
Healing: Aloe Vera promotes wound healing and has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce redness and swelling. Hydration: It provides deep hydration to the skin, helping to restore suppleness and elasticity. Soothing: Aloe Vera has a cooling effect that can soothe irritated or inflamed skin, providing relief from discomfort. How It Works: Aloe Vera contains compounds called polysaccharides, which help to retain moisture and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin fibers. These fibers are essential for maintaining the skin’s structure and elasticity. Additionally, Aloe Vera’s anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce irritation and promote healing.
4. Allantoin Benefits: Allantoin is a compound that is often derived from the comfrey plant. It is widely used in skincare products for its soothing and healing properties:
Skin Protection: Allantoin forms a protective barrier on the skin, shielding it from irritants and promoting a healthy skin environment. Healing: It stimulates cell regeneration and promotes the growth of new tissue, which can help to heal wounds and reduce scarring. Soothing: Allantoin has anti-irritant properties that can calm and soothe irritated skin. How It Works: Allantoin promotes the shedding of dead skin cells and the growth of new, healthy tissue. It helps to keep the skin smooth and soft by maintaining moisture and reducing irritation. Its protective barrier function ensures that the skin remains hydrated and shielded from external aggressors.
5. Vitamin E (Tocopheryl Acetate) Benefits: Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is essential for maintaining healthy skin. It offers several key benefits:
Antioxidant Protection: Vitamin E protects the skin from oxidative stress caused by free radicals, which can lead to premature aging and skin damage. Moisturization: It enhances the skin’s natural moisture retention abilities, keeping the skin hydrated and supple. Healing: Vitamin E promotes skin healing and reduces the appearance of scars and blemishes. How It Works: As an antioxidant, Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals, preventing them from causing damage to the skin cells. Its moisturizing properties help to maintain the skin’s natural barrier function, while its healing properties accelerate the repair of damaged skin and reduce the visibility of scars.
Uses This medication is used as a moisturizer to treat or prevent dry, rough, scaly skin, itching and minor skin irritations (such as diaper rash, skin cream from radiation therapy). Emollients are substances that soften and moisturize the skin and reduce itchiness and itching. Some products (such as zinc oxide, white vaseline) are used mainly to protect the skin from irritation (such as that caused by humidity). Dry skin is caused by the loss of water in the top layer of the skin. Emollient/moisturizer they work by forming an oil layer on the skin that traps water in the skin. Vaseline, lanolin, mineral oil and dimethicone are common emollients. Humectants, including glycerin, lecithin and propylene glycol, draw water to the outer layer of the skin. Many products also contain ingredients that soften the corneal substance (keratin) that holds the top layer of skin cells together (including urea, alpha hydroxy acids such as lactic/citric/glycolic acid, and Allantoin ). This helps the shedding of dead skin cells, helps the skin retain more water and leaves the skin smoother and softer.
How to use emollient cream Use this product as directed. Some products require preparation before use. Follow all instructions on the product packaging. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.
Some products must be shaken before use. Check the label to see if you should shake the bottle well before use. Apply to affected areas of skin as needed or as directed on the label or provided by your doctor. The frequency of application of the medicine depends on the product and the condition of your skin. To treat dry hands, you may need to use the product every time you wash your hands, applying throughout the day.
If you are using this product to treat diaper rash, clean the diaper area thoroughly before use and let it dry before applying the product. If you are using this product to help treat skin burns from radiation, check with the radiation therapy staff to see if your brand can be applied before radiation treatment.
Conclusion Kamea emollient foot cream is formulated with a powerful combination of ingredients that work synergistically to provide superior hydration, healing, and protection for dry, cracked, and callused feet. Urea, lanolin, aloe vera, allantoin, and Vitamin E each play a crucial role in ensuring that your feet remain smooth, soft, and healthy. By incorporating this cream into your daily foot care routine, you can experience the transformative benefits of these ingredients and enjoy healthier, more comfortable feet.
Source URL :- https://medium.com/@info.joonbh/top-5-ingredients-in-kamea-emollient-foot-cream-and-their-benefits-joonbh-256045b765da 
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roberg8951 · 28 days
The Mystical Significance of the Pineal Guardian: Unlocking the Secrets of the Third Eye
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The concept of the “Pineal Guardian” has gained significant attention in recent years, especially among those interested in spirituality, mysticism, and the ancient wisdom traditions. The pineal gland, often referred to as the “third eye,” has long been associated with spiritual awakening, intuition, and a deeper connection to the universe. The Pineal Guardian, in this context, is a symbolic protector or guide that aids individuals in unlocking the potential of their pineal gland, leading to enhanced spiritual insight and consciousness.
Understanding the Pineal Gland and Its Role
The pineal gland is a small, pinecone-shaped endocrine gland located deep within the brain. Despite its size, it plays a crucial role in regulating various biological functions, most notably the production of melatonin, a hormone that influences sleep patterns and circadian rhythms. However, beyond its physiological functions, the pineal gland has been revered in various spiritual traditions as the seat of the soul or the “third eye.”
This concept of the third eye is prevalent in ancient cultures, particularly in Hinduism, where it is symbolized by the “Ajna” chakra, located between the eyebrows. The third eye is believed to be the gateway to higher consciousness, allowing individuals to perceive realities beyond the physical world. The Pineal Guardian, therefore, is an archetype or spiritual entity that is thought to safeguard and guide the awakening of this gland, helping individuals to navigate the complexities of spiritual growth.
The Role of the Pineal Guardian in Spiritual Awakening
The Pineal Guardian is more than just a symbolic figure; it represents the internal and external forces that protect and nurture the pineal gland during the process of spiritual awakening. Awakening the pineal gland is believed to lead to heightened intuition, clairvoyance, and a deeper understanding of one’s purpose in life. However, this process is not without its challenges. The Pineal Guardian is thought to shield the gland from negative energies and influences that could hinder or distort this spiritual development.
Many who pursue spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, or the use of certain herbs and supplements often invoke the Pineal Guardian as part of their rituals. The guardian is seen as a protector that ensures the pineal gland is activated in a balanced and harmonious way. This protection is vital because an unbalanced or premature awakening of the gland can lead to confusion, anxiety, or a disconnection from reality.
Activating the Pineal Gland with the Pineal Guardian
For those seeking to activate their pineal gland, the concept of the Pineal Guardian serves as both a guide and a protector. Activation of the pineal gland can be achieved through various methods, including meditation, visualization, and the use of specific sound frequencies, often referred to as binaural beats. During these practices, individuals often visualize the Pineal Guardian as a radiant being or force that surrounds the pineal gland, providing it with energy, protection, and guidance.
The use of specific crystals, such as amethyst or lapis lazuli, is also common in rituals involving the Pineal Guardian. These crystals are believed to resonate with the energy of the third eye and are often placed on the forehead or around the body during meditation to amplify the connection with the Pineal Guardian. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and exposure to natural light can support the function of the pineal gland and enhance the effectiveness of the Pineal Guardian’s influence.
The Pineal Guardian in Modern Spirituality
In modern spirituality, the Pineal Guardian has become a popular concept among those exploring alternative healing practices, consciousness expansion, and personal transformation. The idea resonates with individuals who seek to deepen their spiritual practice and achieve a greater sense of inner peace and understanding. The Pineal Guardian is seen not only as a protector but also as a guide that helps individuals navigate the often-complex journey of spiritual awakening.
As interest in holistic health and spiritual practices continues to grow, the Pineal Guardian is likely to remain a central figure in discussions about the pineal gland and its significance in human consciousness. Whether seen as a literal being, a symbolic force, or an archetype within the collective unconscious, the Pineal Guardian represents the innate wisdom and protective energy that is available to all who seek to explore the depths of their spiritual potential.
In conclusion, the Pineal Guardian is a powerful symbol in the realm of spirituality, offering protection and guidance to those on the path of awakening. By invoking the Pineal Guardian, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, unlocking the mysteries of the third eye and accessing higher levels of consciousness.
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molianno · 2 months
How to Deal with Enlarged Pores? Tips to Rescue Your Pores
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When it comes to battling pore problems, the most frustrating issue besides enlarged pores is the accumulation of dirt, which often appears as black spots. In fact, what's clogging your pores is a combination of sebum, dead skin cells, and external pollutants, forming what is known as “keratin plugs.” If these impurities are not effectively removed, they will gradually build up over time and lead to the formation of blackheads.
To address keratin plugs, in addition to regular exfoliation, the best daily skincare routine involves using products containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or salicylic acid. Apply a thin layer every night, and within about a week, you should see improvements in your skin. These products not only help with exfoliation but also make your skin appear smoother, which in turn helps reduce the appearance of pores.
Once your pores are clean and unclogged, the next step is to shrink the enlarged pores. For pores that have become larger due to excessive sebum production, it’s essential to address the root cause by reducing sebum secretion. The goal is to transform your overly active sebaceous glands, often likened to a “volcano,” into a “dormant volcano.”
The most common ingredients found in pore-tightening skincare products include cooling agents such as alcohol, menthol, or seaweed extract, which help to tighten pores and regulate oil production.
Many people overlook this aspect during the hot summer months when the skin is more prone to oiliness and shine. The first reaction is often to blot away the oil, but in doing so, you're not only removing excess oil but also stripping away moisture.
Hydration is a crucial step in improving enlarged pores. You should focus on deeply moisturizing your skin to restore the balance of water and oil, helping your skin regain a healthy texture. When your skin is adequately hydrated, the moisture helps to refine your skin's texture, naturally reducing the appearance of pores.
As we age, one of the most common skin issues is enlarged pores due to sagging, particularly around the nose area where the pores can take on an oval, teardrop shape. This happens because the dermis, which was once firm, loses collagen and elastin fibers, making it unable to support the weight of the underlying fat, causing the pores to stretch out.
To combat enlarged pores caused by sagging and aging, the solution lies in tightening the skin. Products containing ingredients like vitamin A, L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), peptides, and yeast extracts can help stimulate collagen production, rebuild the connective tissues in the dermis, and maintain the elasticity of the follicle walls, restoring a youthful, tight appearance to the pores.
Despite your best efforts at skincare, you may still feel that you're not quite reaching your ideal "porcelain skin" look. In this case, you can use a pore-filling primer or concealer with light-diffusing properties to optically blur and cover the pores, making the skin surface appear smoother while filling in the indentations.
When using these products, be mindful of the technique. It's recommended to apply a pore-filling primer after your skincare routine but before sunscreen. Squeeze a small amount onto your fingertip and, using a circular motion, gently press the product into the areas where you need to cover the pores, allowing it to fill the pores effectively.
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jeremywinston123 · 2 months
Ceramides vs Hyaluronic Acid: What’s Your Choice for Skincare?
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The skincare industry is always flooded with varied ingredients offering a range of benefits. However, in recent times, ceramides and hyaluronic acid have taken center stage when it comes to skincare. Well, both these skincare ingredients provide a range of skin-related benefits. Importantly, they both help to retain moisture to keep the skin hydrated. However, these ingredients work differently. Also, if you are deficient in either ceramides or hyaluronic acid, your skin becomes dry. Let’s learn more about the differences between ceramides and hyaluronic acid in the following details.
Ceramides and Hyaluronic Acid                                                                       
Ceramides and hyaluronic acid are natural substances that help to maintain skin hydration. Both these ingredients are produced in the body, although they work in different ways to protect the skin.
Ceramides are lipids (or fatty acids) that are secreted by the sebaceous glands. Besides moisturizing the skin, ceramides play the role of emollients while protecting the skin against pollutants, harsh weather conditions, and other aggressors.
On the other hand, hyaluronic acid is produced in the skin along with other parts of the body. However, its concentration in the skin is quite high. In its role as humectant, this transparent, gel-like liquid reduces the loss of skin moisture.
Ceramides and their Role in Skincare
Ceramides are vital, naturally occurring fatty acids that act as a skin barrier, imparting protection to the skin from external aggressors. Along with retaining moisture in the skin, these lipids reduce transepidermal water loss to leave your skin looking youthful. In addition to that, ceramides aid the skin healing process, benefitting people with eczema, dry skin, sensitive skin, and sun-damaged skin.
The Contribution of Hyaluronic Acid to Skincare
The market is swarming with Hyaluronic acid serums and creams. Even so, before you go about purchasing such products, you must understand how this powerhouse ingredient benefits the skin. Being hygroscopic in nature, Hyaluronic acid can hold large amounts of water, which can go up to 1000 times its weight. It is present in the skin’s dermis layer and the skin’s natural moisturizing factors. With its humectant properties, it draws water molecules to the skin’s surface to maintain hydration.
Decoding the Reasons for the Lack of Ceramides and Hyaluronic Acid
An array of factors affects the levels of ceramides and hyaluronic acid in the skin. These include lifestyle patterns, environmental considerations, age, and skin disorders.
The natural aging process can cause a shortfall of ceramides and hyaluronic acid in the body. The body produces less of both these ingredients after the age of 25 years. Studies have found that low ceramide levels can cause aging skin or dry skin, which can lead to wrinkles, fine lines, and other skin imperfections. Nevertheless, these effects vary from person to person.
People with acne, rosacea, and eczema also have depleted ceramide levels, leading to dry, itchy skin and other skin issues.
Lifestyle and environmental factors are other reasons for low concentrations of hyaluronic acid and ceramides in the skin. Cold temperatures can also result in low fat production by the sebaceous glands, which is why the skin becomes dry during the winter months.
Ceramides Vs Hyaluronic Acid: Which Makes for a Better Choice?
Before you go about choosing between ceramides and hyaluronic acid, it helps to understand their similarities and differences. Although they both have moisturizing properties, they maintain skin hydration in different ways. Whereas hyaluronic acid plays the role of a humectant, ceramides maintain the skin’s barrier by functioning as an emollient.
Subsequently, you must consider your skin concerns when making your choice between ceramides and hyaluronic acid. If you have skin conditions such as Psoriasis or eczema, your pick should be ceramides. Coupled with other lipids and fatty acids, ceramides form a barrier to safeguard the skin. When ceramide production reduces in the body, the barrier weakens and the skin is unable to retain moisture, resulting in dehydration, sensitivity, and redness.
Conversely, if you are seeking anti-aging formulations, you should go with hyaluronic acid. This vital skin ingredient maintains the hydration of the skin’s epidermal layer, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other skin blemishes.
Skin Products with Ceramides and Hyaluronic Acid
If you want to treat your dry skin, you can try Kosmoderma’s Moisture Boost Cream containing various natural ingredients, including Ceramides, for skin protection from environmental stressors. This wondrous cream has a soothing effect on the skin, which helps to prevent skin dryness.
Kosmoderma’s Hydra Boost Gel contains hyaluronic acid that offers deep cleansing benefits. This non-greasy skin moisturizing cream hydrates the skin to prevent dryness, ensuring your skin remains soft, smooth, and glowing.
So, we have seen that both ceramides and hyaluronic acid are beneficial for skin care in different ways.  If you are unable to take your pick between both these ingredients, talk to our skin specialists at Kosmoderma to devise a personalized treatment plan for youthful-looking skin, among other skin-linked benefits.
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mcatmemoranda · 9 months
Adrenal androgens – The adrenal glands are a prominent source of androgens. In fact, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and DHEA sulfate (DHEAS) are the most abundant products of the adrenal glands. The major determinant of their production is corticotropin (ACTH). Less than 10 percent of DHEA and DHEAS are produced by the testes or ovaries.
DHEA and DHEAS have little, if any, intrinsic androgenic activity. However, small amounts are converted to androstenedione and then to testosterone (and to estrogen) in both the adrenal glands and peripheral tissues, including hair follicles, sebaceous glands, the prostate, external genitalia, and adipose tissue. Thus, while excess secretion of DHEA and DHEAS defines adrenal hyperandrogenism, the hirsutism and virilization are, in fact, caused by the more potent androgens androstenedione and testosterone.
●Primary adrenal causes of adrenal hyperandrogenism
•Premature adrenarche
•Adrenal tumors – Adenomas and carcinomas, and bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia
●ACTH-dependent causes of adrenal hyperandrogenism:
•Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (common forms such as 21-hydroxylase deficiency, as well as others)
•ACTH-dependent Cushing syndrome
•Primary glucocorticoid resistance syndrome
●Other causes
•Exogenous DHEA intake
•Placental aromatase deficiency
●Management – Management of adrenal hyperandrogenism depends upon the underlying cause.
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