#its so hard to write about this thing in depth i always feel like im forgetting to say *something* im just nervous.
melanorhynchus-side · 4 months
the 51 post
I'm so sorry for not OC posting on tumblr. I have decided keeping my funny things in my friends' DMs only is actually maybe not the best if i want to continue talking about my OCs, so during the summer I will be posting about them more. but for now we will start with this thing! I will post about this in parts because i am slow. smiles !! Please note it uses it/its only. BIOLOGICAL LOG UPDATE [* You are currently here.] PSYCHOLOGICAL LOG UPDATE [wip] - ADDENDUM: STRESS [wip]
[subsequent logs and art will be reblogged to this post.]
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art by @eggtomatosoup
T-05-51 - The Bloodbath
[These records continue off the information present within the Manager's Manual. Please consider [re-]reading it for information about the abnormality during its existence within Lobotomy Corporation.]
[...And don't comment about that last part around it, alright? It's already going through quite a bit as it is.]
Somehow, this abnormality has managed to bring itself into a superficially human form. This form appears to shift variably depending on when and how it is viewed, but it generally appears to look like a young female adult woman with waist length hair of a blue-grey color with bright red eyes. It bears an uncanny resemblance to the Library's Director and.... someone else, and tends to resemble an 'in between' of the two people [though the specifics, such as the way its face is built or its hair color fluctuate from one end of the scale to the other. Many have remarked this as unsettling, though it seems the abnormality cannot control this in any way.] Even with this appearance, its internal [? external?] anatomy seems to diverge greatly from the body it is attempting to replicate.
The greatest physical differences appear to affect the torso- it has a small duct, supposedly to screw on a showerhead, where its manubrium should be located. Underneath this, its torso opens up into a large basin similar to its original form. It appears to be shallow from a distance, but in reality it seems to have a depth inconsistent with its appearance- it typically is much deeper than it seems. The bottom of this basin along with its palms are lined with a soft, porous silicon-like skin [resembling a traction mat] that secretes the blood[*] that gives the abnormality its name.
[*NOTE - This blood is not actual blood. While it has similar behaviors to/has the properties of blood, such as coagulating in contact with air, it is not human blood. Instead, this substance is more like a digestive fluid, similar to gastric acids secreted within the stomach. This fluid allows the abnormality to digest its victims after dragging them into itself.]
[Because of this, in human form, its digestion is severely modified compared to both a human body and its original form to compensate for its lack of "proper" stomach. The abnormality can simply hold onto something organic, and start digesting it in its hand with the 'blood' secretions. The digested material gets absorbed into the glandular skin, which is naturally porous.] [Please be cautious with interacting with it physically because of this.]
Its skin is also strange in a similar manner - It is shiny, almost like porcelain or glass, but is still warm to the touch and appears to thermoregulate like a mammal.[*] It is clearly flexible, but under contact with high pressure, it appears to crack and shatter [though it is very sturdy either way]. It can be put back together without adhesives and appears to fuse back together naturally.
[*NOTE - The ins and outs of how it is able to maintain homeostasis is still unknown; however, it is hypothesized that the 'blood' that constantly leaks from its body keeps it from overheating from whatever method it uses to generate body heat- concentrations of glands can be found on the back of head releasing blood as well, despite there being no reason digestion-wise for it. It instead is used to dispel heat trapped by its hair. We can't know this for sure despite our best guesses, however, and it appears that the abnormality doesn't understand its own body much itself.] [Trust me, we asked.]
From what is given, it does not appear to have any other internal organ systems [and seems hollow], but can still vocalize [though with a very husky voice - most often compared to rattling, echoed piping overlaid on a feminine voice] and feel pain [though it seems to have a higher tolerance to pain than the average human being]. It is very clumsy with its new human body, and is prone to stumbling and tripping on itself- It tends to walk slowly to compensate for this lack of coordination. However, It has surprisingly good fine motor skills in its hands.
Some diagrams under the cut too though theyre OLD. so they may be slightly outdated but theyre servicable
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anyway thanks for reading so far, because god damn. i have a lot to say. uhhh i'll be updating this in waves because i'm too excited to share and dont want to wait to compile everything in one place, but I also dont want to overwhelm people with too much information at once. hee hee....
youre free to ask any questions as I go, by the way! I love answering questions about my guys, especially from their bilogical standpoints. its just fun ok..... okkkkk... anyway [runs off] [ill be back with more soon]
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m1sa-w1sa · 5 months
Can you do all the fatui their react to that y/n was hiding traumatised past and that blaming them self and hide it all , and of course they comfort y/n beaxuse they always help the fauti with their problems
(Okie dokie! Coming right up!)
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You are mine and I am yours
•He probably found out if you told him upfront or he found you crying someplace
•when he told you spit it out he was shocked it would’ve been torture to go through that
•even if he might not be the best he would try everything that he has to make you feel better
•If it you were dating he would hold you close by your waist whispering nothing but sweetness in your ears
•If platonic he would make you a cup of tea or your favorite dish letting you cry on his shoulder
“Everything is alright dear..”
•He would know somethings wrong when you started acting distant, maybe slightly sloppy on missions, more sleepy
•If he saw you crying he would quickly ask whats wrong his mask covering his slight worried expression
•If Romantic he would pull you close wrapping you in his coat with him sitting on his lap or just standing with him
•If Platonic he would take you for a walk maybe get you ice cream or something to eat after to make you feel better making sure to check in with you time to time
“You should’ve told me sooner.”
•So you guys had little meet ups when your not with the other harbingers but if you miss that meet up he would go find you himself
•If he saw you in your room he would tilt your chin up as you tell him everything
•If romantic he would stay with you laying your head in his lap while doing his paperwork
•If Platonic he would hug you just really that patting your back soothing you slowly
(Your gonna have to know him for a really ling time for him to act like this towards you)
“Your foolish for not saying anything”
•If you two were by each other sides alot she would quickly notice your different personality she would confront you
•When you tell her either platonic or romantic she would sing you a soft lullaby with your head on her lap as she would just caress your cheek softly
“Poor little you why didnt you say anything?”
•Arlecchini works with kids so its noticed rather quickly
•It doesnt just go away lightly Alrecchibo sits and talks to you
•Romantic she would hold you on her lap letting you talk
•Platonic she would make your favorite food or drink
“You know I care..”
I think I spelt his name wrong
• I dont really know how to write for him so ill try my best
•He is kinda like the cool grandpa that gives you good advice so im not going ti do a romantic for him
•He would make you tae and sit and chat with you letting you cry on his shoulder
•Hes more colder than the others but if your with him most of the time hes going to notice
•When he finds out he would make you speak trying to get every single thing off of your chest, If romantic he would sit and cuddle you, kicking out anyone else that comes in
•A little same with Platonic hut your just next to him holding his hand tightly
•Again with her going in depth is a little hard for me but anyways!!!
•She would confront you immediately asking you questions about it
•Both romantic or Platonic she would carry you with her on her robot holding your hard caressing the back of your hand with her thumb softly
“Quite stupid to not say something..”
La Signora
•She loves you lots Platonic or Romantic
•she knows what pain feels like same with Scaramouche
•Either Platonic or romantic she would play with your hair brushing it out, doing different styles, adding accessories anything just to clam you down
“Your hair is tangled”
•So when he found out he would be worried for you
•He would ask you to tell him every single thing you like to tell him
•Both Romanic and Platonic he would take you shopping, spoiling your rotten only difference if romantic he would also take you on dates aswell
“Pick anything you like darling..”
•He has siblings so he also notices quite quickly so he would find you as soon as possible to sit you down to have a chat
•He would cuddle you for maybe more than a hour as you talk patting your back, caressing your hair
•He would spoil you aswell and if romantic he would take you on dates aswell!!
(Finished!! This was fun but also pretty hard to write but i uope u enjoyed!)
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cripplecharacters · 9 months
hello! so, i currently have an oc in the works. i dont have much for his character yet, and hes kind of a blank slate at the moment, however, whilst trying to develop him i had the idea to give him a disability; its something i dont do with my characters very often, and i feel like it could give some depth and realism to his character. however, i..... dont know where to really start with it? i have the vague idea that i think id like him to have crutches, so some sort of leg disability, but just going off that its been hard for me to find any condition that feels quite right. im unsure about making him an amputee either; seemingly the "go to" for anyone who wants to make a physically disabled character. i want to try and represent a disability thats less fetishized by the general public, and looking through this blog here its definitely apparent that a lot of people are tired of seeing basic half amputee characters with overly functional prosthetics; i wanna avoid that. sorry this has gotten a bit rambly, but basically what im asking is,, do you have advice for what i could use as just. a general starting point in this? im terribly uneducated and lost at the moment and id love some help. thank you :]
It's great that you're interested in writing a disabled character (with care)! I'm always happy to see more writers/artists/creatives do that.
You mentioned wanting to give him crutches, which is cool! Mobility aid users in media make me happy. However, you mentioned crutches as meaning a leg disability, which isn't always the case — and while I don't have statistics on it, I believe that most crutch users do not use them for leg-only problems, and a lot of them have the not-so-fetishized conditions. Here are some suggestions of what you could give your character, which hopefully gives you some ideas. If you need, you can get back to us with a more specific question after you figure out what exactly your character has! :-) (smile)
Cerebral palsy — probably the most common reason for using crutches in non-elderly people, and the most common (physical) disability in younger people in general. If your character has diplegic (meaning lower limbs affected) CP, he could use crutches and if he has hemiplegic (one arm and one leg affected) CP, then he could use a single crutch or a cane. Cerebral palsy is generally extremely underrepresented when compared to how many people have it IRL! Just be aware that there is a lot of research involved just about the condition itself — multiple types (spastic/ataxic/dyskinetic), different kinds of body involvement, tons of different mobility aids and orthotics to learn about. There is also hereditary spastic paraplegia, which is not the same as CP but similar and progressive.
Spinal cord injury — the general assumption is that all people with spinal cord injuries are fully paralyzed below the neck or waist, and that's not the case. If your character has an incomplete SCI on any level or just a very low level injury, he could be using crutches or switch between a wheelchair and crutches. It's essential to research SCIs to have them be more than “legs don't work, but that's literally it”. SCI can come with severe nerve pain, spasticity, atrophy, and a lot of other things. Worth noting that spinal cord injury could be traumatic, but could also be congenital (spina bifida) or illness related (polio, transverse myelitis, spinal stroke, or cancer, for example). You could think that it's overrepresented in media, but SCI is generally just used as a “default condition” for why a character is in a wheelchair, and a lot of these representations are unfortunately very shallow.
Paralysis — in the monoplegic sense here. Much more rare than the rest of the things here, but your character could have a single paralyzed leg, largely due to nerve damage. Could be traumatic or illness-related (e.g., cancer, infection, or multiple sclerosis).
Stroke (and other traumatic/acquired brain injuries) — stroke can cause a million different symptoms and depending on what happens to your character exactly, he might need crutches! A big portion of stroke survivors deal with hemiplegia and could use a crutch on their non-affected side, for example. Some kinds of stroke might cause your character to have troubles with balance and require a mobility aid to not fall. Of course stroke will also cause other symptoms for your character (it wouldn't be too realistic to only have him have problems with his legs) for example speech issues, headaches, or seizures. Stroke can happen to anyone, and it wouldn't be weird to have a younger character with it. Very common in real life but very rarely represented in fiction.
Limb difference — you can definitely write a character with a limb difference or an amputation without fetishizing it! The main concern with the fetishization is the concept of the robotic limb that works just as well as or even better than a meat leg, and thus the character is “fixed”. But your character could just… not use a prosthetic. A lot of congenital amputees, people with limb differences, or with high level (above knee) amputations might do that. He could also have a leg length difference, which could cause him to need crutches (for example, Morteza Mehrzad has one of his legs significantly shorter after a pelvic injury, and he uses crutches among other mobility aids).
Chronic pain — very broad category for too many specific conditions to count. Neuropathy in the legs and/or lower back could be a reason for using crutches, for example. Unhealed, or poorly healed past injuries. Arthritis in knees or hips. Hypermobility that makes him unsteady or dislocate joints. Pain in bones or muscles where he can't fully weight-bear.
Gait disorders — another broad category (sorry). Your character could have problems with his gait and need aids for that. It could be caused by dyspraxia (I have it), ataxia, progressive muscular dystrophy (there is a lot of different types), Parkinson's disease, or a lot of other things! Could also be injury related.
And of course you could have multiple characters that are disabled to make sure that there is some variety :)
I hope that the above list gave you some ideas for your character :-) (smile) if you have more questions, feel free to send another ask
mod Sasza
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blueiight · 6 months
can i ask your thoughts on the fandom’s heavy focus on louis as an object of desire? it sometimes feels to me like people are more interested in other characters reacting to louis than they are in louis himself. i know the “helen of troy” stuff is a joke but it genuinely seems like he’s often rendered oddly passive in his desirability, like we’re looking at him through the eyes of the other characters even though it’s his story (to be clear: in the fandom, not the actual show). or am i being uncharitable? either way, you always have interesting things to say about fandom reception.
i think the focus of louis as an object of desire arose largely in response to a lot of racially-charged nonsense about show louis, namely, where a loud minority of fans tried to deny the abuse and horror of season 1 and frame louis as the primary antagonist/abuser of his own story. which in of itself had the potential to go somewhere, especially considering the feminized role louis occupies in parts of season 1. unfortunately its spiraled off into its own dead end at this point to where now people, a year and a half removed from the release of s1, can box louis's character arc into this tale of getting all the hot boys to look her way. when this is a horror and tragedy series. romance is part of that, but is a piece of the full picture. classic romance is very much horror tbh but thats just me
if we're discussing the show strictly, majority of louis's relationships are antagonistic. even with his lovers, they love him as much as they seek to control him. 'his love is a small box that he keeps you in', trailer louis saying 'i knew who i was without those pieces [of myself?]' . so on and so forth. the first three episodes of season 1 are about louis's struggle to maintain a link with his mortal community, in the midst of increasing racist tensions against the city leaders, all as he struggles to come to terms with his existence as a vampire and how his relationship to lestat fits in relation to all these pieces of himself. doubly so, there is also the nature of the second interview in present time, and the sort of antagonism between daniel + louis as louis eventually pushes daniel into burning the old tape. the latter half of season 1, episodes 4-7 is squarely about the triad of lestat, louis, and claudia, how lestat increasingly tightens his hold over them both, claudia breaking them free of it, and louis's response to such. doubly so, daniel becomes more hostile the less he knows, and the more louis's composed 'master of his instincts' personage collapses to show the broken man thats underneath. armand comes in at the end bc the interview has reached a breaking point once more [as it did in the 1970s]. i know, im looking too hard into the meme, but so much of where louis errs, where his memory falters, where history is completely revised, has to do with the question of claudia. even book interview foundationally was about this grief, though not nearly with the level of depth+ gravity the show has added to the story.
where focusing on louis as an 'object of desire' most impedes analysis has to do with claudia as well, bc if u see louis as that solely, then what is claudia to u if not a 'child interfering in [louis's] romantic affairs'? why are people already seeking to write claudia off as a wayward child unduly 'taking out her anger on louis', when it was louis at the end of season 1 who strangled her against the wall and refused to let her burn lestat? when its louis in the trailer thats throwing claudia's words from season 1 back at her, evading her questions in the cafe? when claudia is having to dress as a baby doll and advertise with a sandwich board for a theater + a coven-master that all want her dead?
i think this is by nature of the fact that iwtv is canonly gay and isnt afraid of showing that, and modern fandom is mainly interested in romance. claudia's relationship to louis is secondary, if not tertiary, to all 'camps' of this tiny tiny fandom bc she is clearly established in s1 as not being a viable romantic option for louis, despite claudia's perspective and her story taking up the second half of the first season, and will continue to be important in the second season. the 'helen of troy' fixation on his desirability in relation to romantically viable vampires [or even men] seems to be another means by which fans can ignore this part of the story, just as the mutual abuse nonsense about louis being clarence thomas the third self hating black man who stole lestat's lunchables and is 'just as bad as the rest' drowned out and continues to drown out any other conversation for the past year and a half. it is very difficult to have conversations on this character precisely bc of this state of fandom, where many people seek to crack the whip over a fictional character for not being mother teresa and having a complex response to trauma, then instead of discussing that, some seek to fixate on the fact that mother teresa can be sexy, actually. when thats not the point. why is modern louis so full of grief and all but suicidal in dubai, if not for the fact that claudia is permanently dead, he still lives, he regrets something, and wants to find the truth under it all? the jokes are cute and all, but lets put our thinking caps on.
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whiteoutzz · 3 days
Please give me your insights/headcanons on whiteout I want to understand her more but I don't really have a lot of headcanons on her. I can't just get a grasp on her character and come up with anything that makes sense (I also don't want to accidentally be ableist when headcanons stuff for her especially since I got into writing and I don't want to write something accidentally ableist.)
Ummm i was not really sure how to approach this one, but ill try! I think its alright to not understand her as a character, as we don't even get to know her that well.
From the surface level things I guess: She is subdued at quiet and had atypical way of speaking and thinking. She likes art and has hard time relating or understanding other dragons, but we briefly see her in comfortable environment, showing that she does have specific confidence to her. And... yeah that is not everything, but alot of it is. Truth be told, we dont know much about Whiteouts internal life.
I think what makes her click to me, is understanding that the text purposefully makes her unknown. If its good or bad writing choice i dont know, but we do get few references to how Whiteout is much more aware of things going on. Depth implied but not explored, left to readers interpretation.
But ignoring what i think of this writing choice, it does serve its purpouse. There is a barrier between Whiteout and other dragons, even dragons she loves. She does not understand them, and might never be able to understand some things, but she is also probably aware of the upcoming doom. She is observant after all, atleast with specific things.
Note. Alot of the things say there this are speculation and im not fully sure if they were intended to be read that way. Because we dont know alot about her, so im just filling the gaps.
Okay so. she watches her brother slowly spiral away, and maybe she always knew that was going to happen. In general her life is pretty miserable, and i dont think she is exactly satisfied with that. With art she creates, while its her interest, its also a coping mechanism, imagining of a better future. Before Thoughtful she doesnt have any real friends beside her brother. (i know that before darkstalker assassination she hangs out within his friend group and plays boardgames but i think while they are on positive relations, i dont think she is fully friends with them. They are friendly but not friends you know?) Id imagine them (Whiteout and Darkstalker) being closer when younger, as they had only eachother, but as Darkstalker is "one going wild" she is left behind in his shadow.
She is used to feeling like not a real person (dragon). She is just an accessory to others, watcher of pseudo god dragons tearing the world apart. Everything is slipping away from her, and soon she looses her family and is left alone with Thoughtful.
Whiteout in general lacks autonomy, both in text and within the story itself. She does not make things happen, but things happen to her. She has no say in the game other dragons are playing.
And i do think she is frustrated by this, it slowly showing overtime.
Also one aspect that intrigues me, but chapter two, before Whiteout hatches. Obviously its biased since its baby Darkstalker pov, but the "Whiteout does not hear the moons" thing. Her either not caring enough or not being aware of the silver right. It shows contrast between her and her brother, with her not desiring power, or maybe feeling apathy towards her place in universe (okay this one might go little far as speculation goes but whatever). It makes you wonder how Whiteout would be if she was 3moons born animus, but that is left for aus to speculate on.
As for heacannons um. Alot of them are mostly minor projections for me, like her having chronic pain or ocd or a lazy eye or whatever. Also shes autistic, obviously, but with her coding its. Yeah she is not canonically autistic but she very much reads as so.
But she also canonically has synesthesia, which i dont have. So um.
Also im sorry but i would need specific examples of headcanons you have for her, but you are probably good, but also i dont know since i dont have any example of that. Umm.
Is this good enough of a response?
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 months
not to come at you with unsolicited praise all of a sudden but im coming at ya with unsolicited but merited praise all of a sudden (or not so sudden i guess the togame piece prompted it but i do think abt this regularly) i really appreciate the way you really underline the humanity in each character you write, particularly with the reader. i think that can be such a challenging element to story and really hard to keep open enough but i like that you get in enough specificity to make them endearing while still broad. they feel human and not cartoonish the way a reader can sometimes come off, and that makes the experience of reading much more enjoyable. i also like that you're not afraid to vary the type of reader that you write, which i think also makes them feel like potentially real people (on par with the characters you're pairing them off with). personally, i really appreciate it. i was reading the ume and suo posts today and got the sense that we would not be a very good fit as a couple like they were real people i'd potentially interact with! (not upset abt it dont worry) and that's really rewarding to me, to have someone put like real measured thought into these things. i know it's just yk silly fun but still!
(also bc you reblogged the bachira fic -- i still cry abt that btw. im also the adrianne lenker anon so everytime "anything" comes on i cry out I WAS SCARED INDIGO BUT I WANTED TOOOO with tears down my cheeks thinking abt him childhood friends to lovers superior trope fr)
dude this is gonna make me cry.... SDKSKJD
the first part of this ask scared the shit out of me but im glad it was so kind and positive!!! i think this is one of those things you get better at as an x reader writer with a lot of practice. characterizing reader can be something of a challenge but it gets easier when you keep in mind that the goal is not to write a relatable story but an entertaining one if that makes any sense.
im really glad you feel a sense of humanity in my readers bc for me that is always the goal. i want these characters to feel less like you're reading a story and kinda like you're watching them since characterization is what i do the best (hopefully dkjsd) so it makes me happy.
!!!!!! im also really glad that you enjoy my varying characterizations for reader archetypes. i know that it can be kind of taboo on here for several reasons all of which i get. but i do like writing things about the way characters lean and what types they are attracted too since it adds a lot of depth. its not that those types or preferences are any end all be all but idk... i think its nice to show variety so u can make assessments like that yk!! or think of how ur personality would interact w them yk...
(ALSO ANON ITS U!!!! i think abt ur ask all the time whenever that song comes on. u are always so kind to me thank you so much!!! CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS BELOVED)
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ben-wisehart · 1 year
hi! do you ever feel like the bingqiu fandom is binghe biased? like a lot of the time its giving.. “wow binghe is our little precious bun who deserves the world and more! ..oh and stinky neet loser sqq is so blessed to have him lul” it feels unfair towards sqq :( it makes me sad hes no ones fave but thats okay like whatever right? but even when its bingqiu hes treated like an afterthought. like we have binghe fans criticising sqq for not doing more, sj fans are frankly delusional, sqh fans think hes “too mean” to their precious hamster, liushen fans only like him bc hes a good hole/dick for lqg (obligatory “not all men” lol) idk i only follow a handful of svsss twt accs because no one seems to like him, he feels either tolerated or treated as a gag character lol 🥹
i just dislike a lot of fanon bingqiu i think? i read all the books before hopping on twitter and i see some absolute rancid takes on there like the woobification of Shaun(tm) qinghua and jiumei.. which is easy enough to avoid tbf so whatever floats their boat idc. but when i follow bingqiu accs, it feels like OC x OC rather than ~bingqiu~ if that makes sense? like i LOVE the manipulative crybaby domtop x flustered thin face subby pillow princess they have going on!! and fanon bingqiu is just.. not it? and obv id never send hate or anything (i just block and keep it moving) but it makes it kinda sucky when the fandom is already teeny tiny and a large chunk of the fandom isnt what i envisioned/expected i guess which is so odd! when they essentially erase canon!! if it’s like some queerbaity ship or whatever, people can characterise them however they want but its like CANON how they act/are in bed/etc and its all taken away!!! idk im probably just whining sorry 😭
(i included all my thoughts here sorry for the spam!!)
hey, thanks for stopping by!! I definitely know what you mean with regards to SQQ, but I will assure you that there are very much still plenty of dedicated "sqq mains" out there. My sphere of influence on twitter is heavily biased toward people for whom sqq is their favourite character, so maybe I'm not getting a representative sample of the fandom overall, but he's definitely a very well loved character and has more than his fair share of people who do him justice in their writing and for whom he's their primary blorbo!! I remember posting this on reddit a while back and more than half of the responses (though admittedly a small sample size) had him as their fave. So, I don't think he's without appreciation!
But with that said, I do get where you’re coming from. I’m not gonna talk about readers who take his actions in bad faith and actively dislike him (HOW??), but as you’ve said, even among people who do like him, we don’t always understand him as well as we could. Most fans do get on some level that he’s an unreliable narrator, but it’s still very common for people to take him at face value and completely miss his depth. He’s a funny little guy with amusing narration, but he’s also kind and selfless, and he’s also smart and witty, and obnoxious and annoying, and frankly pretty insensitive, and deeply, deeply traumatised—and a million other things! He has layers.
I think all popular characters in fandom will inevitably start getting boiled down to a few key traits. And as somebody who’s been writing fic for 15 years, it’s really hard not to let your own biases colour your portrayal? I absolutely do it with SQQ!! I focus on his kinder, warmer aspects and downplay his flaws, I’ll readily admit that. We all get drawn to a favourite character for a certain trait, and that trait becomes the grit around which our interpretations form. If you’re somebody that likes silly characters, you’re going to write SQQ and dial his silliness up to eleven. If you like kind characters, you’ll write SQQ with emphasis on his kindness. None of these traits are OOC in and of themselves, but if you start to only read fanfic and don’t revisit the source material, you can get lost in what’s popular and forget all the depth that actually made them interesting in the first place. And once you’ve grown attached to a particular version of the characters in your head, it can be really hard to let go of it. I don’t really know where I’m going with this, but I'll add that I think protagonists are just particularly prone to this happening because they're usually the one the audience relates to most.
Idk if any of that really addresses the stuff you were talking about. You mentioned dom top Binghe/pillow princess sqq and to be honest I’m kind of reluctant to talk about this in depth because I’ve received negative comments in the past for supposedly being anti-bottom Binghe, when all I’ve ever said on this matter is that I think it’s a bit weird to insist that “I’m scared of hurting you so I might as well let you do it” is proof that Binghe is canonically a bottom. The fact that someone found that statement so threatening to their view of the characters that they would go to my ao3 page, click on the first fic they saw that happened to feature bottom SQQ and leave their holier-than-thou anonymous opinion there is just bizarre to me.
To be honest tho, it tends to be Binghe characterisation that puts me off moreso than Shen Qingqiu. The only SQQ characterisation that truly bothers me is when people write him as willing to hurt Binghe, or willing to do anything with underage Binghe, but there is a LOT of Binghe stuff that I’m sensitive too. Idk if you read this thread of mine but like, even my friends whom I love make “Binghe stalking/imprisoning/"atticwifing" SQQ” jokes and these bother me way more than any random stranger saying SQQ would get off on spanking Binghe.
And like, it’s kind of hard because objectively, Binghe is a very dark character, so it doesn't feel particularly OOC to say he would do those things, but it's about framing. It bothers me when the emphasis is on how fucked up he is and not how hard he's trying, because it implies a level of futility that I just don’t think is there in canon. To me the beauty of him is in how much doing right by SQQ doesn't come naturally to him, but he ultimately decides to do it anyway because he wants SQQ to be happy. (I feel it needs to be said that I don't mean this in a judgy "if you write dark Binghe you don't understand him and are a bad person" way. Just that I myself can't handle that, and I strongly disagree if you think it's where Bingqiu's relationship is headed).
but idk, I've found my corner and I'm very happy here. I actually don't read fic as often as you'd think, mostly because I am sooooo picky, so I totally get where you're coming from :) but the fandom is still decently sized and very diverse, so there are always going to be at least a few people who share your feelings, if you can find them!
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bittybeanie · 2 years
hiiii its been long since i requested anything im general hahaha but how do u think reigen’s f s/o would react on things happening in final arc and the epilogue its so interesting to me plus your writing is so genius i love it! have a nice day love!!
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hiiii! thank you so much!! OH GOD i have so many thoughts and feelings on the final arc let's Jump Right Into It (featuring a teensy bit of "mob is basically your kid" because, well, i have a lot of feelings about that too)
first of all just- worry. you'd probably have a sneaking suspicion that everything going on was because of psychic powers but you might not associate it with mob specifically quite as fast as reigen would. and of course you wouldn't be able to get in touch with anybody so that worry would just build and build until you finally said fuck the evacuation order and went looking at the office.
you and serizawa get there at the same time after reigen sends him away and you're immediately like "where is he." but serizawa sure as hell can't say "well, reigen is currently chucking himself full force into a psychic tornado in an attempt to save the kid you've practically adopted and i just left him there because he told me he had something important he needed to say on his own" so what comes out instead is more like "um. he's. um. reigen. um. kageyama? with kageyama." the vague knowledge that they're together is enough to calm you for the time being and you end up waiting it out in the office with serizawa.
you're not exactly thrilled when reigen shows up covered in blood and cuts after sounding like everything was fine on the phone, but the relief of seeing him intact way overshadows anything else you're feeling when you bolt up to meet them at the door. reigen is pretty sure it's impossible for him to be any more in love with you than he is while he watches you give mob a onceover for injuries and scoop him up into a hug. you're a lot more gentle when you hug reigen because he looks rough, but he squeezes you with everything he's got. all three of you cry, but none of you address it. serizawa graciously looks away, and floats over a box of tissues.
as for the aftermath, treating! his! wounds! neither of you really say anything, there's just the occasional hiss from him when the disinfectant stings a bit too much followed by your immediate response of "I know, I'm sorry, sweetheart." every so often, his hand on your knee will tighten as he tries not to cry again, and you'll take his hand to anchor him as you keep wiping at the dried blood on his face. you'll need to do a more in depth check on him once the two of you get home, but your main focus is getting him cleaned up and into the spare outfit he keeps at the office so he can go back to feeling a little more normal and a little less Vulnerable.
when he finally tells you what happened, he expects you to yell at him for being so reckless, but you just sorta sit quietly until you're sure he's done. you've always admired his willingness to throw himself into situations to save others, to step in where other people probably wouldn't, so it's not like you're upset with him for doing what he thought he needed to do. if anything, you're proud, especially because you know how hard the admission would have been for him. but… you're also not oblivious to the fact that he just walked to the office barefoot. you settle on "I'm glad you're safe." he responds with "me too," and you're not sure even he knows whether he means you or himself. either way, you believe him.
after his confession to mob, it would be easier for his walls to come down around you as well. i don't think he'd start dating you without you knowing the whole Fake Psychic thing in the first place, but mob knowing too just means a whole layer of stress has been taken away from his life and he can breathe a little easier. he still lies sometimes out of… instinct? self-preservation? dramatic embellishment? but by now it's gotten pretty easy for you to tell when he does it, which is less and less as time goes on. the fact that you seem to fall more and more in love with him the more he tells the truth instead of pushing him away like he thought you would definitely helps.
i have a lot of feelings about his birthday in general that i'm having a hard time articulating but i'm also just thinking specifically about the cake incident like… holding his jaw and gently wiping the frosting off his face and laughing with him while all the kids are like "oooooooh!" is a very funny image to me. he's already embarrassed and you feel a little bad but you just can't pass up a chance like this. you give him a lil kiss on the cheek as an apology but it just makes him more flustered because now the kids will NEVER let him live it down.
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definitelynotshouting · 11 months
Hello again! Im so sorry to hear you feeling well when i sent in my ask the other day :( hoping that the life series drop tmrw will provide a much needed distraction for whatever you need it to :)
"I know the, um, this morning didn't go… very well… but… if I could—""
"Good, he thinks, but it's a rote sentiment, not half so vicious as it had been only hours earlier."
- oh??? 👀 i am looking
- Im assuming this is the meeting they had about taking grian back to hermitcraft (and the revelation that grian feeds on emotions to survive)?? Very curious
- Now that metaphor about the childhood coat being stained is a lot more painful
"even stolen energy can't make up for that."
"everything he'd never had the first time he— well, when Grian, the real Grian— had died."
- "stolen energy" omg i am biting ankles over this.
- And the "real Grian" thing. Yeah
- This is one of those moments where grian's whole situation is so much more potent and vivid. Imagining living as myself, but knowing im occupying someone elses body, and having my very lifeforce sustained by others?? Its not hard to understand why grian internalises and hates himself for being "a parasite". Idk thats probably very obvious to everyone else but this is the first time ive really thought about all of what that entails
"Starving hands reach out from the depths of his mind to pull him back, stumbling, under that dark waterline."
- Love how the word "starving" implies that G falling asleep is more of a survival mechanism forcing him under so that his body can feed rather than only exhaustion
"he's pressed a knife to every promise he's ever made since the day he emerged,"
- shaking you
"His existence lies in the shadows of these distorted fractures, jagged hopes and dented dreams, forever fated to cut his hands on the fragments."
- Man 🧍
- Dont have any words. Just tears.
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AAAAAAAAAA SUN ANON I ALWAYS LOVE SEEING YOU IN MY INBOX!!!! Gods im so glad these lines resonated with and interested you, they were a ton of fun to write
I have a brain today so i can actually expand on some of the things youve pointed out instead of just aiming heart eyes at you for the compliments fjsndjsjejke so for the first point, yes!!! Scar and Xisuma returned to the others post chap 6 and were like "Well that sucked!! Wow!!!!" I wouldnt say theyve given all the information to everybody, because they themselves aren't exactly ready to discuss that beyond the immediately required basics, but everyone else was given the gist: convo went badly, Grian is being taken back to Hermitcraft on Scar and Xisuma's insistence. Both Scar and Xisuma feel fucking horrible for how that conversation went down-- nobody had a good time there. So while the plan is to eventually get everyone up to speed, they're sorta taking this time to be miserable about what was essentially a fight that ended in stripping Grian of his autonomy
There's also a little cross-communication happening here in the background, btw: Scar and Xisuma have a pretty big picture now, but Tango, Mumbo, and Pearl have been fed that false info abt the potions being potentially useful. So, yknow :) just smth to keep in mind there haha
Your point about how it almost feels like Grian falling asleep is a survival mechanism is spot on the money. It's essentially him falling into a state of low power mode, where everything but his most basic of functions is shut down for a brief time in favour of preserving energy-- i would honestly consider it more equivalent to a coma than actual sleep. Hence Tango's concern, and subsequent relief when Grian woke up; the entire time he was unconscious, he was fully unresponsive. So, yknow. Real nerve-wracking to see, especially after that prior full week of unresponsiveness as his body struggled to maintain itself.
Tango's role here is indeed deliberate, both on a watsonian and doylist level!! The reason however is the exact same for both: Tango is a little more removed, personally, from this situation. Grian was-- and is-- his friend, ofc, but he's not as close to whats happening. Meanwhile, Xisuma is in 24/7 server babysitting mode, Pearl is not fit to be a caretaker, and Scar and Mumbo were tearing themselves apart by trying to sit and look after him. So Tango got assigned caretaker duties 😂😂😂😂 it was an effective way to divvy up tasks and keep everybody busy, and somewhat hilariously, so far Tango is the only person Grian isnt supremely upset with for one reason or another. And thats why he's continued to stay in caretaker mode lol he is truly just. The only guy who can rn
I also just sorta think of him as a surprisingly emotionally savvy fixer-type, in terms of personality. Like. I think he just gets what people set down in front of him, yknow? Although hell if he knows what to do with it once he's got em. He fumbles a lot, sure, and he defaults to fix-it mode, but he is getting the message when Grian essentially says "i dont wanna talk anymore" without actually saying it
As for Grian and his headspace, rn, theres definitely a complexity at work here where he wants to die and is very genuine in that, but he IS also grateful he's seeing his friends. He cant deny that. As painful as it is, he still loves them very much, and ultimately he's trying to do this for their own good as much as for his own sense of punishment and relief. I think like... now that he's really creeping up on what he has planned, and the pieces are suddenly becoming a reality, theres a bit of dissonance he's fighting against to stay on course. He wants his friends happy; he also wants to die. He's so overwhelmingly tired; he is, as much as he feels he doesnt deserve it, glad to have his friends close. That sort of hopelessness mixed with a warped sense of comfort that he got to see and interact with them one last time. If that makes any sense. Its a bit of complexity i wanted to make sure i added in, because people are so rarely fully decided on any course of action they choose to take, without even a single flicker of doubt (and especially one so final as this). Im glad youve picked up on that, and that you appreciate what i was trying to set down with it!!! :D
This was such a lovely message, as always-- you are very sweet, sun anon, and i appreciate you lots :] i hope you're having an excellent day!!!
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jigenstits · 8 months
huehue all i have is jigen alcoholism, but this isn't that
he's somehow touch-starved and touch-averse at the same time. he doesn't like when people touch him, but he also craves human contact. even the lupgang aren't exempt from this, but they have a higher chance of success, that he'll actually let them touch him. because he trusts them with his life, he's accepted that they have to touch him... and those are the moments he loves. for some reason. i guess he likes when people care about him.
why do i hc that? dunno chief, but i get that vibe from him.
second, goe has a hidden artistic depth(tm). i have sent this as anon to a different blog, i can't remember their name but screw it, i'll stuff it into your ask box too.
he does calligraphy. not the boring european calligraphy, that's more of lupin's domain. no, goemon does eastern calligraphy. there's several styles, based on what i found out. i don't remember them all, but i think goe would do zen calligraphy, as a different form of meditation (drawing a near perfect circle is pretty heccin hard), and cursive. the crux of cursive lies in its fluid form, the kana is simplified, shapes are connected into one elegant, fluid form. like goe's swordsmanship! if he writes haikus, he'd definitely write them as calligraphy too.
i wish i had more to offer, but alas.
p.s. i get really giddy when i see lupin things from your blog(s), i like your stuff (and the asks too!)
YES jigen is very odd about contact... i feel like its partly bc hes afraid of doing physical affection "wrong" somehow.. like he overthinks it so much hed just prefer to avoid it alltogether sometimes (and me being infected with brainrot: the only one really exempt from his whole "no touchy" mood is lupin. that man can touch him all he wants)
and YESSS oml ive always loved the idea of goe being artsy, being good with a sword gives him a surprisingly steady and precise hand for penmanship and general sketching/painting (lupin is secretly very jealous bc that stuff takes so much patience. which. lup is definitely lacking in)
also aaAA im so glad you like my posts?? :00 im- ahfggfhdghdfhgkjdj
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stormyoceans · 9 days
i feel like in bl world it's somehow a no go to talk about why you dislike a show, because people always think it means you hate everyone involved, so it's nice to see that i'm not alone with my feelings about 4m. i was thoroughly disappointed by it and it's even worse considering it's sammon who wrote it. they (ceo and sammon) always went on about how they are working hard on the script and that's why it took 2 years and like... this is what they came up with? i like triage and love mod, but this one doesn't compare at all. the characters were flat and i did not care about them or the relationships at all (i will say, i liked the second couple much more than great and tyme), the mystery was okay i guess, but still lacking anything meaningful and even the chemistry between the actors, not just the pairings, but everyone interacting was so wooden and missing any depth to me. they tried and we know the actors can act, but none of that came across to me. and i 100% agree with you, the ending is so lame, they should have made this a tragedy and not whatever they tried to achieve with the ending they gave us, because that was just laughably bad imo. maybe my expectations were too high because of sammon, but i was just disappointed with this show :(
i honestly understand getting defensive over something you love or even just enjoy, i think that's pretty normal, but i also fully believe it's extremely important to be critical of the media we consume, and unfortunately i feel like over time 'being critical' has started to be equated with 'being hateful' by fandom in general, which couldn't be furthest from the truth: you can love a piece of media AND still be aware of its shortcomings, the two things aren't mutually exclusive. analyzing media and talking about different aspects of it is actually what makes fandom fun to me, so as long as everyone is being respectful im always going to encourage this kind of discussion
ANYWAY. all that aside, i fully understand your disappointment over 4 minutes, anon. it was one of the series i was looking forward to the most this year because both triage and manner of death are two of my favorite BLs, so it's just really weird to me to feel so..underwhelmed by it. i've mentioned this before, but my main issue with the show is that, like you said, i simply do not care about these characters. i wouldn't say they were flat, personally, because there was A LOT of potential that was not used, but it feels like the writing always remained on a very surface level and did not utilize the depth these characters had, and as such it failed to create a connection between them and the viewers (which is also why i think some of the acting may have felt a bit bland)
for example, i think they could have done SO MUCH MORE with the brotherly relationship between tonkladome and korngreat, maybe even by creating some parallels between them. like it's crazy to me that we didn't get a single flashback showing what tonkla and dome's relationship was like (and no, im not counting the one where tonkla killed their dad), or just that we didn't get more of dome's character by himself. 'he was tonkla's brother' is not enough for me to care about him dying or about tonkla's revenge. and now that im typing this out im realizing we never got a confrontation between korn and great about great helping thyme THAT'S INSANE (AND NOT THE GOOD KIND OF INSANE). also not a single scene with tonkla and great other than tonkla shooting him!!!!!! all these characters could have been SO INTERESTING if only the narrative would have given them a bit more insight
and this is already so long so im gonna try to wrap it up, but i have to say this because me actually WISHING we would have gotten a sad ending is one for the history books. tbh i think there is a deeper narrative issue when it comes to great and thyme that im not gonna get into because this post will never end otherwise (to sum it up: they weren't treated as main characters), but MY personal issue is that i didn't want an happy ending for them, because at no point in the show i've been rooting for it. like take triage, for example: you start the story almost hating tol, and then time loop after time loop after time loop you see him go through one of the best character development i've ever seen and by the end of the show the viewers are BEGGING for him and tin to be happy and together. i don't wanna say great and thyme didn't deserve that happy ending, but they also didn't really earn it, which is why that perfectly wrapped up sense of peace we got falls completely flat and feels very out of place
idk sammon's concepts are always incredibly fascinating to me and 4 minutes is no exception, but while all the elements of the show had a lot potential, they just did not come together in a satisfying or coherent way, which is really a pity
at this point im looking forward to spare me your mercy even just to see if maybe these issues are more due to boc or to sammon just not being as good as a screenwriter 🤔
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amoonytalks · 8 days
0.2 - trying to start a conversation about love and failing miserably
It's 3 o'clock (afternoon) as I write this. I have been procrastinating for days now to start putting this post together, even though I have some bits of it well established in my head and the only thing left to do is to actually sit down and write it. Its a mix of procrastination and not at the same time, but I think the context in general is useless here. What matters is that I'm writing now, if it really matters, if someone is really going to take the time to read a random girl complain about love.
Love. Its probably one of or my favorite subject in the world. I cant explain it, but I have always been fascinated by all the issues surrounding love. We tend to be dazzled by what is unknown. Not that love is actually unknown to me. In my depressed daydreams, I sometimes thought that I didnt deserve love, but nowadays I recognize that I have been and continue to be surrounded by it. Love is in the little things. We have a habit of trying to define simple things in ways that are mostly unnecessary, and love is one of those things that, despite being everyday and natural, trying to put a definitive concept on what love is seems offensive, because love can be many things. If I were to ask a group of different people what love is, we could analyze how each person tends to have a unique vision for various reasons. That is what fascinates me. Love is something Im so curious about that I can hardly help the excitement I feel when I'm asked to talk about it, and I even end up stumbling over words trying to put something together that makes sense to others.
On this blog, we'll still be talking a lot about love, in all its forms and colors. You can be sure of that. But the kind of love I want to talk about today is romantic love. I'd also like to make it clear that if you came to this post expecting an in-depth, scientific analysis of love, sorry, but you can leave. This blog is more about the daydreams I have when the night turns into dawn and baseless philosophical theories. It's more about me than anything else. But I still talk because I believe that somewhere in the universe you would read this and identify with it, or at least welcome it. I have a lot to say and little to add, perhaps.
Im 16. Im still a teenager, going through moments that are probably less stressful than the hormonal upheaval that a 13-year-old goes through, but which are still a bit complex. Nowadays I have a group of friends who make my school career less hopeless than it could be, and honestly, even though I'm not the friendliest person in the universe, I feel comfortable with them. Not as comfortable as they probably feel with each other, given the variety and ease with which they deal with certain subjects, but there is still a sense of comfort, I guess. Anyway, whether you are 16 or not, it's not hard to imagine that there's an incessant search by people in this age group for love. My psychologist says that all our feelings are much more intense at this stage, and love is not so different. Passion, fever, everything is much more intense now than for people who have lived longer.
But its just that in this part of life there we have a false feeling that we had experienced every possible emotional level, but love can be seen very new, because you will rarely truly experience it at a young age. As we grow up, our feelings become more complex, but in contrast, we become more & more mature in dealing with them. But, this is in theory. In practice, we are still the same star mass we were when we born, just with more experiences. But experiences dont always form maturity in certain people. Look, its easy just analyze the amount of ignorant and immature beings we find out there, on the streets, on television and even in positions of supposed power (yes, elon musk. I'm talking about you. you're like a cry baby. or as clarice lispector would say: you're like a hair in the soup). This ignorance is projected into various scenarios, affecting the world in a certain way.
Well, we are still talking about love. We all know that immature people end up hurting people, and you probably know (or you are the person) who has already had a major disappointment in love. They say that breaking a heart in love is one of the most painful feelings in the world, just like losing a piece of yourself. That sounds crazy to me. Dont get me wrong, if you are that person with a broken heart, I would never take away the value of your feeling. Its not crazy that you feel bad about having your heart broken, what I find crazy is the fact that someone, in their merely human and mortal existence like you, can hurt something as precious as a heart. If I were to elaborate further, I would add that my perception of romantic love in certain scenarios is closer to pain than to a positive feeling. Im not going to go into depth, at least not in this post. But if you are wondering why my view is supposedly pessimistic (it's not), know that I say this without ever (fortunately) having experienced disappointment. But if you're the person who had your heart broken and found my speech unfortunate, if it makes you feel a little better, know that I've never experienced romantic love. In any way.
It was because of this that I had the idea to start writing this post while doing the dishes. Its not something unknown or that I suddenly discovered, but it still left me in a state of shock for a few seconds. I'm pretty sure that I'm still very young and that love will still come, but it was a strange shock to realize that among all my friends and acquaintances at my age, Ive been lucky (or unlucky) enough never to have been graced by romantic love. On the other hand, whenever people ask me if I ever liked someone, I say yes. But the reality is that I havent really feeling the feeling of what love is suposed to look like. I have come very close to it, so close that remembering the feeling causes me distress. Because it was painful, like I have already say (but I have that pessimistic view of love even before that). It was like having my pharyngeal pathway blocked by thorns. This whole thing about love not hurting is a lie. Love hurts, just like all other feelings. Even joy can be painful, because while you're feeling it you know that it's going to end and one day your happy moments will just become memories. That could be considered pessimism, but I see it as a way of facing reality.
I believe that never having felt love is also a bit of a misnomer. Everything I know about romantic love comes from stories. And trust me, I have heard a lot of them. As I said at the beginning of the text, Im completely obsessed with this subject, and I think part of this interest started when I saw people talking about it so much. Im curious by nature, but for as long as I can remember I've had people around me treating me like some kind of therapist, what creates a feeling that they can be free to tell me their most secret confessions. Also, It must be because Ive always been an extremely considerate girl towards others, in the sense that Ive always been very fond of being silent and consequently thinking too much, what creates in me a feeling of empathy. The more you think, the more you acquire the ability to be a good analyst. Analytical people give good advice, apparently. I leave that as a tip to make life easier. The more you analyze, the more you know, the more you know, the easier it is to deal with the world. But knowledge, like love, can be very relative.
“The more I knew, the more I wanted to know. He had mad appetites that grew more eager as he fed them” - the portrait of dorian gray (book good as hell)
It's already 6pm. I had more to say, but this text has tired me out. Ivee realized that I go round in circles for too long and in the end I dont even know what Im getting at. I think its because this is still my first post, so unfortunately I still feel a bit stuck… But let's get back to it, so you will have to follow me to know what my big conclusion would be.
Actually, you don't have to. There's no big conclusion. Thats exactly what love is. You start trying to fit words together to try to explain it and in the end you get nowhere. Or it would, if I wasnt so tired. Tomorrow I have a chemistry work at school to present, so I could use that as an excuse, saying that Im only going to close my computer to study. But I definitely wont. I hate chemistry and Im going to study what I need to 5 minutes before my presentation. Normally Im very involved in schoolwork, but this time Im not in the mood for several reasons. One of them is that I have lost patience with my more intimate relationships at school. The same subjects tire me out. Talking for a whole morning about love and sex has become quite exhausting… What the hell?
Love… I genuinely couldnt care less. I lie. I genuinely couldnt care more. Because talking and listening about love every day is definitely taking its toll on me. These days I've started to crave love more than anything else, because it seems so good, the new always seems either good or scary. And when it becomes scary, I feel angry, because instead of making fake scenarios like the ones I usually like to make alone in my room, love comes up like a damned curiosity and Im left trying to dismember a feeling that seems impossible to understand, and not knowing something causes me either stress or fear. I know I shouldn't be afraid of love, but just knowing doesnt make me stop feeling it.
Knowledge is relative. Love is relative. And what could be more interesting than relative things? I wish I had more time to study about love, but school drives me crazy with its unfortunate content load. Anyway! As soon as I have more time, I'm going to study love from a scientific point of view and form my own philosophy. And I will write about it. But until then I will write about other things, obviously, but in my view no other post would be cooler than one about love. Or maybe. I have several ideas.
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arunneronthird · 2 years
The Death of Jason Todd is such a weird moment, and for me makes the birth of Tim kinda all the more special
basically the 1980s you see the birth of the adult comic fan, the late 1970s and early 80s sees comics geared at high school and college age guys, the X-men in 1975 for Marvel and the New Teen Titans in 1980 for DC.
Come 1986-87 you have the adult fans, and for Batman two works by Frank Miller, 1987's Batman: Year One and 1986's The Dark Knight Returns, both project a grim serious "for adults" NOT FOR KIDS! Batman who in both cases does not have a Robin (well DKR kinda does but we'll get there) most importantly DKR is presented as the future of DC comics as having taken place in the main timeline and were we're going. And Batman's shift to a darker more serious more adult character is set off by... the death of Jason Todd.
So you have a camp of comic fans, particularly Batman, fans who wanted to be taken seriously as adults and not have their thing their hobby characterized as "for children" you also have fans, who feel like there should have only ever been one Robin, Dick Grayson. Remember Grayson was a main character in the wildly hugely to this day biggest selling ever New Teen Titans. Till Crisis in 1986 Jason Todd had the same word for word origin story as Dick, he was also a Circus kid, his family was the "Flying Todds" who fell to their deaths. it's not till 1987, only about a year before his death he's given his own famous tire stealing origin story (and black hair...)
Any ways its unclear to this day if fans really did vote to kill him, since there's always been a rumor one person set up an automated system to repeat call the line to kill him, the final difference between kill and not was 72 votes.
However I think in so many ways that makes Tim special because the writers saw what the fans did, saw that neckbeard rotten comic fan boy rage about wanting their adult grown up grim gritty solo Batman and said "no you are wrong, Batman needs a Robin" it's not just Tim saying that to Bruce it's the creators saying it to the fans.
okay this is gonna sound a bit weird but bear with me anon, if u ever like, want to expand on this u should write a post and send me the link so i can rb it cause i think its such an interesting read and it opens up so many posible discussions and people wont be able to talk to u if ur an anon! people including me btw
that being said, it is interesting that the writers doubled down on tim after killing jason, knowing the writers hated jason! at least as far as i know, my sources are as unbiased as any dc fans so... probably biased
i think the person who originally wrote tim did indeed believe furiously that robin did not make the comic immature, he gave depth, but tim was always a... more serious robin, the quirky dialogue was cut a lot, imo, which im not complaining about, i do like the more serious batman tone, but its so fascinating to know why that shift probably came to happen
lastly i may be a dreamer but i chose to believe the poll was not manipulated, if only because of the fact that i would probably have voted to kill him off, and dont get me wrong, i love kid jason, but as a reader, wouldnt u wanna know what would happen, what it would do to bruce who was trying so hard? to dick who never trued as hard as he could? would there be another robin? how can u say no to that
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zoropookie · 3 months
tbh im not even that sad that its over cuz the way you wrote the whole thing is just concluded so nicely. ITS LIKE A SCARF U JUST FINISHED KNITTING 😭😭😭 like the whole process might be over but in the end ur left with one whole piece that just brings together everything idk if u understand 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
i usually have a hard time sticking to reading something whether its an ebook or a physical book , too short attention span 😬😬 even manhwas i dont follow updates anymore but ur smau really got me HOOKED its just such a beautiful story it was so fun seeing it getting weaved together and how these characters have more depth in them instead of "just" being genshin characters 💗💗💗
more than anything , thankyou zoropookie for even thinking about writing a smau in the first place. it's been one hell of a ride (and many more rides 👀‼️)
- aether anon
okay i totally agree with the manhwa stuff because when i genuinely try to pay attention to something for more than twelve minutes i start to tweak. i'm genuinely surprised i got through most of the genshin storyline without wanting to flip out but thats Another thing
aether anon you are so hilarious it makes me feel really happy when you take the time to check in from time to time, and i'm really happy i met all of you while writing this. it always felt like we all were just chatting and i'm thankful to have such welcoming anons (even tho i wish yall would talk to me off anon omg??)
thank you aether anon for being here!! i'll do my best not to disappoint further!
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gammagoop · 11 months
my recent fixation has been the wings of fire book series since ive been rereading it, which i feel is not very related to any of my other interests and so i havent posted much about it. but i literally have “post whatever i want” in my bio so i’m not going to let the whims of an audience stop me any longer
all that to say heres some of my series opinions in the form of tierlists
(not including 3rd arc bc i havent gotten there on my reread and i dont remember it very well)
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character tierlist! (added the legends: darkstalker characters manually since they weren’t in the tiermaker version)
mightyclaws is my background character fave. category 10 glup shitto event
i need to do a long post on how much i love whiteout. another day
i realy like clay in the first book and if he retained the same level of depth throughout the series he would be in the top tier-- its just that his writing makes him so shallow in the rest of the books it makes me so sad :[ i was listening (audiobook) to hidden kingdom and like. 90% of his lines/actions were about food and the other 10% were about protecting the other dragonets..... i related so much to his anxiety in the first book and his empathy and his ability to see both sides of things... gah. sad.
jambu is also one of my glup shittos. i love his whimsical ass
foeslayer is a hard one for me because she never did anything wrong she's just..... not as present as i wish she was. she's treated as a very vital character with how many large plot points hinge on her, but she doesnt have much agency herself. its stated a lot that she's extremely important to darkstalker but in the legends book we dont see much of them interacting? idk. i like her but she always feels so uninvolved
the 'beat you to death (funny)' tier is just for characters who i like on some level but are also pathetic and worms. out of that tier i like deathbringer the best and mastermind the worst
tier after that are for characters who i have a positive opinion on but not really a strong one. anemone and sora are more complicated, but i do generally like them. i really just feel bad for them if anything. i think i like clearsight more than the other characters in this tier, but she's not in the 'wonderful :D' tier because i dont think she has a very strong personality
the 'conflicting feelings' tier is kind of a trainwreck because it means a lot of things
obviously riptide is the outlier since he hasnt done anything nearly to the degrees of coral, glacier, and albatross-- but i do have conflicting feelings on him. riptide is completely inoffensive, hasn't done anything wrong, i just dont like him because he has no real reason to be in the story. like you could write him out very easily. his only purpose is to be a love interest for tsunami which is like...... gh. dude. she doesnt need one. if she's gonna have a romance it should come naturally. not "wow this seawing is handsome and also he's the first one ive properly met as well as a guy do im in love with him now" like girl do better
coral and glacier both have done bad things and obviously have bad intentions but also.... theyre not the worst. bad but not the worst.
albatross is a victim of emotional abuse and even though that doesnt justify his actions it does explain how they could have been negated
next 3 tiers are self-explanatory. i forgot to put her on there but queen vigilance goes in 'the grime beneath my shoe'
actually no i wanna talk about scarlet and battlewinner: i think the thing that i like about them is their theatrics. they bot have such a huge presence, like a disney villain. whenever i read scarlet dialogue it almost feels poorly written with how over-the-top she is but. no other character talks like that. its just how scarlet is. and i think thats so good. whereas battlewinner's situation conceptually is just cool as hell. i love how she struggles to speak because of the ice in her throat, her rage, the way she's hinted at but her reveal is completely unexpected...... very very good
no one likes morrowseer
when im in an emotional abuse and classism competition and my opponent is queen lagoon 😧
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ship tierlist! (made on ms paint since i couldnt find any good ones on tiermaker. turned out to be nice since i can mess with the placement more)
top tier is /j i just dont really like how tui writes romance
i was kind of against glorybringer at first for the same reason i dont like tsunami/riptide but honestly it grew on me. their dynamic is so fun
anemome/tamarin is good i just think tamarin could do better if she wanted to. but i understand the "i can fix her" mentality and i do genuinely think tamarin could help anemone
sunny/fatespeaker is kind of a funny concept but also i can totally see it
i genuinely forgot turtlejou was a thing in canon ... it does not make sense to me. who came up with this. in the words of my friend "forced heterosexual on both parts tbh"
i love turtle and peril as friends so so so much if i saw someone romantically shipping them i feel like i could get mad
smolder/thorn is like if glorybringer was bad. mostly just because thorn can do way better than him. smolder and vermilion should kiss each other and bond over being wimp princes who havent actually done anything wrong themselves but bow to tyrant relatives to avoid getting killed
i dont know if this will be an unpopular take but clay and peril is such an awful ship. i like them as friends, i think theyre great as friends, but a romantic relationship between them would be so deeply unhealthy considering their situation. peril would be even more dependent and attached to him than she already is, and clay is not the kind of dragon who has an easy time saying 'no' to things. it would not be a malicious relationship in any way, but it would not be good for them. peril needs to learn how to live for herself, not for the approval of anyone else
okay thats all for today friends. thank you if you read all of my mismatched thoughts if you did ^_^ i love talking
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foreverisntenough · 5 months
I’ve been here since you posted the first chapter of ”you’re mine” and I just want to say thank you! You’re such a good writer and I really think your work deserves so much more attention.
You’ve been keeping us fed with a new chapter every 3 days it feels like and everytime I come on tumblr I check to see if you posted a new chapter 🤩
During ”You’re mine” I thought that we would get some crazy plottwist where T would turn out to be a psycho or smthn because of the lovebombing but honestly I prefer the lighthearted path you choose. I get what people mean with ”only smut and fluff” but tbh I dont mind it at all. I absolutely loooove the way you write the smut and like you said it is a big part of their relationship and the kind of couple they are. And sure, angst can put more depth into their relationship and the storyline by seeing how they deal with it and react but sometimes its just nice to read something that makes me feel happy and at ease too.
The new chapter had me in tears when Trent and Y/n had their mini speeches to eachother after Teddy was born 🥲 Your writing really makes me feel the emotions behind the words.
Since this is such a developed fic I think you have the space to challenge yourself and explore your talent when writing and try new/different things outside of your comfort because you are a really good writer and I truly believe you can only go up from here. Even if it doesnt hit (which i doubt) we will be here and support and keep reading!
Since last weeks event with T (💔😒) Ive been massively put off from him but I will keep reading your fic regardless cause of how good it is and T in your story is our T.
Im sorry if its a bit all over the place 😅 I just wrote what was in my mind so it might be a bit jumbled. And also English isnt my first language so if anything is wrong appologies 🫶🏼
Youre a really good writer, I hope you know that and never doubt it!
Love ❤️
Okay, this took me a moment to respond to because it was so sweet. I wanted to make sure my response got everything. Firstly, THANK YOU 🥰 This was so kind.
Thank you for noticing my posting cadence. I really like to write and it comes naturally to me but it still does take some time. I hope people like how much I post! I don’t get a ton of engagement so it means a lot when people do! (TY if you do!)
I totally see where you’re coming from but I’m not a twist type person or at least not in this fic! I put a warning for love bombing on ‘You’re Mine’ because I know it was there but it also I kinda like that and that’s the whole story is Trent just completely enamored with this girl.
I will keep the smut. Maybe tone its frequency back but I genuinely think it is an element of their relationship that helps them connect. I think it’s a place where Y/N feels love and happy with her body.
I agree about angst. I do like it other peoples fics. It’s really good but also I like that these two stories are a majority of happy scenarios.
The latest chapter was emosh for me too. I am really happy for them 🥹
I definitely want to keep pushing my self and developing the stories I create. Thank you for complimenting my writing.
Yeah, real life T, is only human. It’s hard when we put someone on such a pedestal. I personally really like the fic version lol 😂
Your English was amazing btw! I appreciate you writing this so much. I loved all your comments. I hope you keep reading the stories. If you ever think of any ideas or have any more thoughts always message me 🫶
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