#glad that fucker left for twitter
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
selamat-linting ¡ 8 months ago
the most annoying types of tumblr users will never accept that no matter what their fave is still a white man, and a rich one at that who wouldn't get where they are without ignoring the bigotry and shittiness that their mentors and peers are doing. instead, they'll be doing body language analysis and making "joke" posts about how their guy totally pulled back when this super problematic guy wants to shake his hand and he's totally hates working with XYZ and he's acting friendly just for show, never mind that they've been working together for years. bonus if they acknowledge their fave is stupid and yet they still do this shit as if being self-aware of your biases yet doing nothing about it means youre absolved from parasocial stupidity.
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icharchivist ¡ 11 months ago
sorry, this is really random and probably hella weird, but there's something really comforting and nostalgic about your blog and i love scrolling through it. i've know about gbf since the paralost event and was on twitter when wmtsb was at its peak popularity and i had a bunch of gbf player friends (all of us were wmtsb fuckers lmao). since then i haven't been paying attention to gbf as much and i left twitter, so that era's behind me, but something about your blog really brings back memories of that time and it feels really nice :) again sorry if this is weird, but i just wanted to let you know your blog makes this random ass stranger happy ✨
aaah anon that's so sweet 😭😭 thank you very much for this message, it is so touching
I'm so glad you feel this way over my blogging on here. It's mostly me rambling and all so it is just, really sweet to hear it fels like that.
Paralost was so long ago... a true veteran i see.
It makes me very happy to hear all of this <33 thank you anon
wishing you all sort of good things and i hope all of this can still bring you some happiness <333
take care!
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xoxovampira ¡ 3 years ago
Tumblr X Twitter enemies to lovers based off of this post
Part One
This is loosely inspired by the post that threatened twitter users. I can't find it so I apologize if it's inaccurate.
The Tumblr Migration of 2022 = Twitter becoming Tumblr's new asshole roommate
Tumblr rolled their eyes as their roommate rambled on and on about why they were switching dorms.
- Tumblr, you are literally insane! Being your roommate is simply unbearable. I mean, come on, you made my life living hell! I can't stand the sight of you anymore. Goodbye.
- See ya, bitch, go to Eeby Deeby for all I care!
- Are you seriously saying that you've never heard of Eeby Deeby? Dude, what is wrong with you?
Tumbr opened their mouth to respond, but they were interrupted.
- YOU KNOW WHAT? I DON'T EVEN WANNA KNOW. BYE, MOTHERFUCKER! - They shouted as they stormed out of the room.
A small sigh of relief left Tumblr's mouth. Seriously, they were glad that their roommate left. The guy didn't even understand Horse Plinko references, for Christ's sake! Tumblr didn't understand how some people's brains worked. To be quite frank with you, they weren't too eager to find out.
Hopefully their new roommate wouldn't be so bad.
A couple of days had passed after the incident. Tumblr was exhausted. They had just finished writing the most stressful exam of their entire life, and they felt like they were going to pass out. It was as if someone had dropped a hundred car batteries on top of their body.
They put on their headphones and started playing We Didn't Start The Fire on loop to get their mind off of the exam. They couldn't wait to go home.
Upon arrival, just as Tumblr were about to plop down on their bed, they realized that someone was already there.
- 'Sup? Nice to meet you, I'm Twitter.
- Oh, um, - Tumblr eyed their new roommate up and down. Twitter was undeniably very attractive, but they gave off Spoiled Rich Kid vibes, - hi, I guess. I'm Tumblr.
- Dude, you look like shit. Are you alright?
- Geez, thanks for the compliment, - Tumblr winced at the reminder of their current state, - 'm fine, just exam stress and stuff.
They stopped for a minute as their brain finally caught up:
- Wait, what the hell are you doing on my bed?
- I was waiting for ya. Got tired of sitting on your stiff ass chair.
- Excuse me? Get lost before my bees sting the shit out of you.
Twitter laughed as if it was a joke:
- What the hell, mate? Ya think imma just believe your bullshit? What am I, 10?
Tumblr was really getting tired of this. They were already having a bad day, and now this fucker wasn't even taking them seriously:
- You fucking asked for it.
A swarm of bees came through the window at Tumblr's shrill whistle. Twitter looked taken aback. Tumblr couldn't believe the audacity of this dude.
- AH! WHAT THE FUCK? BRO, I THOUGHT YOU WERE FUCKING WITH ME, HELP ME!! AJSJALEJL HELP THEY STING AAAAAAH! - Twitter cried out as they ran out the room, the bees chasing them.
- Be reasonable next time or I'll be tossing your rotten flesh to them! - Tumblr called after them in a sing-song voice.
They were trying their best not to laugh. Sure, it crossed some lines of morals and ethics, but, surely, this level of entertainment oughtn't be criticised!
Tumblr visited Twitter in the ER.
Despite Tumblr's messed up perception of well-being, Twitter looked awful. They had a comically large amount of bee stings dotted all over their body, and Tumblr couldn't help but giggle a little.
Twitter glared at them:
- What's so fucking funny? I didn't expect you to be this much of a psycho. No but seriously, what the actual fuck was that?
Tumblr raised an eyebrow as if the question was utterly ridiculous.
- My Brother in Christ, you were being annoying. I simply offered a reasonable response.
- Yes, and?
Twitter's eyes were as huge as saucers. Tumblr could see a tinge of fear and concern in their expression, but they couldn't figure out why.
- Bro. You can't be serious.
Tumblr just shrugged. Twitter furrowed their brow:
- You need help.
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makeste ¡ 4 years ago
BnHA Chapter 306: the beginning of the WHAT
Previously on BnHA: Nana and the Gang were all, “hey Deku, we can read your thoughts and feelings so we should already know the answer to this, but for some reason we want to quiz you on whether or not you’d be down to kill Shigaraki Tomura.” Deku was all, “um okay, well tbh, probably not seeing as Saving People has been my entire thing since literally the start of the series.” The Vestiges were all, “yes that makes perfect sense and again we already knew that, but well, good for you buddy and I’m glad we had this talk. Anyway I guess we should ask these two cryptic fuckers in the corner to finally turn around now before we run out of -- ” and then the chapter ended. Because OF COURSE IT DID.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “YOU DON’T NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, WOULDN’T IT BE SO MUCH BETTER IF I GAVE YOU A CONFUSING CHAPTER WHERE EVERYONE FINALLY LEARNS ABOUT OFA, AND GOES BACK TO THE DORMS, AND THEN THE CHAPTER ENDS WITH DEPRESSED NOMAD DEKU STANDING ON A PRECIPICE WITH GRAN TORINO’S TATTERED CAPE FLOWING IN THE WIND.” Everyone is all, “???????????” Horikoshi is all, “also the parents are moving to the U.A. campus, and Jeanist’s neck is two and a half feet long, for everyone that was wondering.” Everyone is all, “WHERE ARE KACCHAN AND TODOROKI AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHO ARE THE SECOND AND THIRD USERS”, and Horikoshi is all, “:)” and fades away into nothingness like the fucking fae he is. Like a fucking imp who’s kept his end of the cursed bargain. What, the, fuck.
okay guys, so after the longest Thursday of my fucking life, during which I was secretly hoping that my spoiler containment net would be somehow be breached, inadvertently exposing me to theta spoiler radiation, so that I could be all “oh no... spoilers... there’s nothing I can do... I have no choice but to look” (which sadly did not happen), it is finally Friday and the chapter is finally out. so I’ve got my clown kit at the ready and other self-deprecating memes on standby, and I’m ready to go. and I should note that I’m also ready for Horikoshi to pull some absolute bullshit and be like, “oh you know what, we haven’t checked in with Rat Principal in a while have we” and spend the entire chapter on nonsense like that. I’M READY FOR FUCKING ANYTHING so bring it
(ETA: it would be nice if this man wouldn’t call my bluff every now and again.)
oh, right, we were due a color page! wow look at this
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isn’t this supposed to be the future?? what’s with all of these staticky CRT TVs
anyway, so! is this the first time we’ve seen Tomura’s stylish finger prosthetic glove thingy in color?? because I didn’t expect it to be red. also, at some point you just have to give in and change your pants into cutoffs or something, Tomura. start a new trend of stylish villain capris
meanwhile Deku is dressed like he’s going on a journey into the desert to find a mystical oasis. actually this cape looks a lot like Gran Torino’s. I have to go back and see if Gran’s is all raggedy like this
(ETA: it wasn’t before but APPARENTLY IT IS NOW. I also forgot that Horikoshi had showed it sitting on a side table in the hospital a few chapters ago.)
lastly, AFO looks like someone’s thumb after they’ve been washing dishes for twenty minutes. you are just the ugliest dude in history, and as always, fuck you
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oh, Twowy McTwoface is finally starting to turn around? better CUT BACK TO DEKU’S HOSPITAL ROOM THEN. wouldn’t want to accidentally ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS or SOLVE ANY MYSTERIES, god forbid
well, whatever. whatever!! anyway so now someone’s knocking at the door. I say “someone” but we all know it’s Hawks
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they were actually standing outside the door for a while hoping they’d overhear another juicy plot conversation, but no such luck this time
lmaooo Jeanist wtf
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acting all embarrassed, but you’re really just as curious as Hawks is. making him do all the dirty work for you huh
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so like two seconds after Katsuki gets dragged away you open the door for the rest of them!! well, fine!! I really want it to be a more private/personal moment between the two of them anyway so let the other kids check in on Deku first then
and in the meantime, time to see Hawks put the thumbscrews to All Might’s resolve lol
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I wonder how much of it Hawks has already put together in the last five minutes. One for All is something connected to All for One that Tomura seems to want. Tomura was apparently targeting Deku. that’s more than enough to make a few deductions right there. I wonder how much Hawks knows about Deku’s quirk. he did watch the sports festival, and he ran into the kids interning under Endeavor that one time
okay well maybe he hasn’t put the rest of it together just yet, but Hawks is making a pretty reasonable pitch here to All Might
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also this is a pretty spectacular view. is this a hospital or a hotel??
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( •̀_•́ )
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[sitting cross-legged on the ground pulling up little clumps of grass and letting them fall from my fingers one by one] yeah. sure. okay. fine. sure
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everybody better hold tight cuz I’m about to pick up this whole chapter and yeet it into the ocean like a fucking frisbee lol
-- OH
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well okay then. proceed. though lord help me if they’re about to reveal the secret of OFA to the whole fucking world skdkj
oh snap
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well, there it is. pretty much what I expected, but it’s good to actually get to see this moment with him taking responsibility
though at the same time, thank you Horikoshi for not forcing us to sit through the rest of that
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their fucking faces omg. okay but seriously, what nation doesn’t secretly love a good scandal
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the Endeavor Pamphlets, part two. thank you for giving the country something to opine about on twitter in these trying times, Enji
so now they’re asking about Hawks and Jeanist but I cannot even focus on anything all of a sudden because what?!
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is Jeanist even a real actual human being you guys?! are we sure he’s not three kids sitting on each other’s shoulders?? are you related to that one guy with the really long neck from the Jedi Council?? are you Orochimaru, bro??
so now Hawks is apologizing for the murder of Twice, and for hiding the connection with his dad
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the fact that he has to give this serious formal apology and beg forgiveness for the shameful crime of Having An Abusive Father is really something else, though. just. it’s realistic, but I still hate it
moving on now to the one thing he actually does owe the public an explanation for
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not to go all “Hawks did nothing wrong” on you guys yet again, but seriously. 100% facts. fandom can (and no doubt will) debate this until the end of time, but if Twice had gotten away they wouldn’t be having this press conference right now because there wouldn’t be any heroes left to give one. anyways though, I’ve already said more than enough about that in previous posts
so now some severe-looking lady with the weirdest fingers I’ve ever seen is saying that her mother was injured during Machia’s rampage
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and she’s basically all “a fuck lot of good ‘I’m sorry’ does us all about now.” true true
wow she’s really getting fired up
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and now Enji is basically saying that he understands that an apology isn’t enough, and what they really need now are solutions. okay, well! SO THEN WHAT IS THE PLAN THEN
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this eloquent PEZ dispenser makes a good point you guys
wait, hold up
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CERTAIN citizens?? um excuse me, what??
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit
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holy shit. well, this will go over well
okay! so this tells me a number of things, though
basically the minute that Hawks learned about One for All, he realized that anyone connected to Deku (e.g. Inko) would be a target for AFO. AFO wants OFA, meaning AFO wants Deku, and one of the easiest ways to get to Deku would be to target his family
Hawks therefore realized that Inko needed to be placed into protective custody
but the fact that ALL of the hero course students’ families (and is it only the U.A. hero course, or all of the hero course students across the country?) are being given protection tells me that Hawks and co. don’t want to single Deku out as being important. so then it looks like they’re not going to tell everyone about OFA (or at least not the public. which, good). so rather than drawing suspicion by saying “we’ve got to protect everyone connected with this one kid”, they’re making it seem like all the U.A. kids’ families are getting this treatment
but since the heroes are now spread so thin, they can’t just send a protective detail to each and every family, so they’re bringing all of the families to the same place instead to better keep an eye on them
so that’s all well and good, and a very smart move. except that idk how all of this is going to go over with the general public, all of whom are probably feeling unsafe at the moment, and who will probably see this as preferential treatment -- basically just the heroes looking after their own and leaving everyone else to fend for themselves
(ETA: okay so @hanashimas​’ translation clarifies that U.A. is offering their services as an evacuation shelter for everyone who wants it, not just the families of the U.A. students. that’s much more appropriate so I withdraw my previous “wtf” reaction lol.)
anyway though here’s Mitsuki and Inko
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can we take this as confirmation that the two of them really are friends? that’s one piece of fanon that I’ve always hoped was true, so I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s confirmed
(ETA: also this means that Hagakure’s parents (or maybe “parents” in quotation marks) will supposedly be moving in as well. sure am curious as to how that’s going to go.)
now someone in the press crowd is asking whether U.A. can provide adequate security, which is honestly the LAST thing I expected these people would be outraged about lol. shows what I know I guess
(ETA: again though, this makes sense if the “certain civilians” thing was just a translation error.)
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you tell me, Dabi! weren’t you the one who said that wouldn’t be enough to kill him? what even is your endgame here. I’m starting to worry about the villain brain cell supply you guys. I feel like Compress took most of them with him when he left
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“when asked about One for All, Endeavor fucking lied through his teeth.” well, well, well
( ⁰ ⌂ ⁰ )
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(ETA: 9. also if he really wrote every kid in his class then that means the U.A. traitor -- or Hagakure as we like to call her around these parts -- also knows about OFA, and knows that Deku has run the fuck off and isn’t at U.A. anymore. so that’s just great!)
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the hell does that mean, you must leave. leave to go where. son you are not up and leaving to go power up and lead us all into a timeskip. and I swear to GOD, if you left Kacchan too...!!
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y’all I’m not even gonna waste your time with more keysmashing, JUST ASSUME THAT I AM DOING IT NONSTOP, FOREVER. and let’s just jump RIGHT IN HERE
okay so here I thought that All Might and co. had taken him away somewhere to train, but that is CLEARLY not what’s going on here. this kid is standing here in his Apocalypse Aesthetic hero costume which has CLEARLY seen better days, with Gran Torino’s cloak (GUESS THAT EXPLAINS THAT, THEN?? SO DID GRAN FUCKING DIE EXCUSE ME WTF), and a fucking backpack. this little green idiot has RUN AWAY FROM HOME. this is the absolute LAST THING ON EARTH I ever expected to happen so PARDON ME WHILE I SCREAM CONFUSEDLY INTO THE VOID
he does not look okay. you guys he doesn’t look okay at ALL. he has NEVER looked like this. this isn’t just a “I’m sad because I’m leaving all my friends behind” kind of look on his face, or even just a “Gran Torino died maybe and I’m still having emotions over it” look. this is an EXHAUSTED, dead look in his eyes. something terrible has happened
love how this random building is just straight up collapsing, like that’s just a normal thing that happens every day now. lovely
did he go with Deku?? did he get a chance to talk to him before he left?? did he get his own private letter which he read and then promptly blew up in a fit of panicked rage?? is he going to go after him?? DOES HORIKOSHI KNOW WHAT HE’S DOING TO ME RIGHT NOW?? OF COURSE HE DOES, DON’T BOTHER ANSWERING THAT
omg. though actually the fact that we’ve already jumped a few weeks forward makes me hopeful that there won’t actually be another timeskip, or at least not much of one. I’m sure that’ll be the big debate of the week, but I don’t think we can jump too far forward here. for starters because of that All Might prophecy I mentioned. and also because TomurAFO isn’t just going to wait around for months. and also because I’m 100% sure that Deku’s running-away backpack is just filled ENTIRELY WITH NOTEBOOKS and this asshole cannot possibly survive more than 3 days on his own. UNLESS SOMEONE COMES TO HELP HIM THAT IS. OR SOMEONES, EVEN. OMG. omg omg omg. fuck this chapter lmao
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fangirl-writes ¡ 4 years ago
Kiss and Tell
5sos x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): swearing probably
Notes: the quarantine chats are dangerous. I could have made this fic so much longer than I did and I really wasn’t sure how to end it tbh 😅
Summary: You've kissed all the boys at some point or another so they call upon you to settle an argument.
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“What.” You deadpanned when your face popped up on the screen.
You narrowed your eyes. They were all smiling at you a little too sweetly.
“Why do you assume we want something from you?” Calum asked.
“Because you never fucking let me into these things unless you want me to do something,” You replied and they laughed. “So what do you want?”
“We need you to settle an argument,” Ashton said.
“About what?” You asked, taking a drink from your water bottle.
“Well, you know how you’ve kissed all of us at one point or another?”
You choked on your water and they burst into laughter again.
“Great, yeah, I could be dying over here and you fuckers are laughing. I feel the love.” You said, face heating up.
“Sorry, Y/N,” Luke said through his laughter.
“Who’s the better kisser, Y/N?” Michael asked, swaying back and forth in his seat.
“I’m not answering that!”
“Come on, Y/N!” Ashton encouraged. “The fans want to know!”
You groaned, burying your face into your sweater covered hands. “Couldn’t you have asked someone else?”
“All the other girls we know are biased! Plus you’re the only one who has kissed us all.”
“Oh,” Michael interjected, looking at the chat. “Speaking of, the fans would like to know the story for each of these kisses.”
You let out another loud groan that set them into another fit of laughter. “None of you fuckers told me this was live.”
“I can vouch for some scenarios,” Ashton said. “One of us was obviously present for each kiss, um” - he cleared his throat - “she kissed me...actually, some of you probably saw when she kissed me during a- aaah, what’re they called?”
“Keeks,” you said, coming out of your hiding.
“Shit, yeah, that’s right. It was a joke to a one direction song or something.” he replied. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, chat’s right. It was in a car and ‘kiss you’ by 1D was playing. So I puckered my lips towards her, as you do,”
The other boys and you laughed.
“And, uh, she let me kiss her. Like the song says.”
“And I regret that decision every day.” You said.
“Ouch,” Ashton said, smiling. “That- that was only a peck though, you didn’t even get the full Ashton experience.”
You wrinkled your nose and stuck your tongue out at him. He stuck out his right back.
“She kissed me in a game of spin the bottle,” Michael piped up.
“When we were fifteen,” You said. “And I remember you used way too much tongue.”
Michael blushed a little bit. “Hey, I didn’t hear you complaining,”
“You were fifteen, bro, she was just happy to be kissed,” Calum said, making the group laugh.
“Yeah, imagine having to watch that,” Luke said. “It was pretty gross but Y/N seemed to enjoy it at the time.”
You laughed. “Like Cal said, I was just happy to be kissed,” you said, winking at Michael.
He rolled his eyes with a grin. “Ouch,”
“I think you kissed me during one of the old music videos, right Y/N?” Luke asked.
You nodded. “Yeah, but I think it got cut from the final thing. I don’t remember which one it was.”
“Was it She Looks So Perfect?” Calum asked.
“No, I don’t think so,”
“Oh my gosh!” Michael exclaimed. “Remember when we tried to get Y/N to run into the shot in her bra and a pair of American Apparel underwear?”
The group erupted into laughter.
“Oh my god, yeah!”
“And she would jump into Luke’s arms at the end?”
“Yeah, yeah!”
“I couldn’t believe you guys even had the guts to ask me that.” You said. “I told them no, of course, but they didn’t drop the subject the entire time they were filming.” 
“So it definitely wasn’t She Looks So Perfect.”
“Was it Don’t Stop?”
"Nah, she kissed Calum on the cheek in that one,”
Calum giggled, a small blush spreading across his face.
“Wasn’t one of the recent ones was it? Not No Shame or Easier?”
“No, definitely not, we’d have remembered that.”
“Fuck was it something from Youngblood?”
“Not Girls Talk Boys was it?”
“No, no, no,”
“Jesus, how many music videos am I in?” 
“I think you’re in them all.”
“I’m in all of them?” You said, shocked.
“You didn’t know that?” Ashton replied.
“No, I didn’t know that. I mean I knew I was in a lot but I didn’t think it was them all.”
“Yeah, you always have some sort of cameo,” Luke said. “Even in Try Hard though you refused to ride the Rollercoaster.”
“Fuckin’ hate those things,”
“Oh, found it!” Michael exclaimed, a video playing in the reflection of his glasses. “It was in Good Girls, but it was cut.”
“Thought so,” You replied.
“It was during that slowed down, echo-y part.” Michael continued, dragging the video back a little bit.
“Oh, yeah, they had you jump up on stage and just, like, aggressively kiss Luke,” Ashton said.
You all laughed.
“Yeah. I remember that now. They wanted me to be one of the bad girls which I am absolutely not-”
“What do you mean? That song was about you.”
“I think the fuck not Mr. Irwin.”
That brought on more laughing.
“Yeah, don’t go looking that up,” You said. “Let’s just say there’s a reason it was cut.”
“It’s really not that bad,” Michael defended.
“I disagree, I’ve seen it.”
“I’m not sure how to feel about your strong emotions about this, Y/N,” Luke said with a laugh.
You laughed in return. “Trust me, Luke-ster, you were not the problem.”
“We’re getting off topic here,” Ashton interrupted. “How was the kiss, Y/N?”
You rolled your eyes, a small blush creeping across your cheeks. “It...wasn’t that bad... Better than Michael’s anyway.”
You laughed and Luke shot you a wink through the camera.
“From the video it looks like you were enjoying it, Y/N,” Michael said with a smirk, getting you back for the comment.
“Fuck off Michael it was acting,”
"Mm hm, whatever you say,”
Your face was hot as you remembered it. The director had wanted it to be hot and intense. Wanted you to act like the girl from the song, which was hard for you on its own but you also had to full on kiss Luke in front of a whole bunch of people.
You were glad it got cut.
“The chat says it was hot,” Ashton read with a laugh.
You groaned. “After that behind the scenes video was released fucking (You + Luke’s Ship Name) was all over the place.”
Luke laughed. “I got tagged in a shit ton of Tweets, too.”
You nodded in agreement. “Not that I haven’t been shipped with all of you at one point or another,”
“I bet there’s still some fanfiction out there,” Michael said.
You laughed. “You would know,”
“When’d you kiss Calum?” Ashton asked.
“Drunk at a party,” Calum answered for you, sheepishly.
You gave him a lopsided grin. “That’s super dumb, Cal, I’m sorry.”
He laughed. “It’s okay,”
“You’re apologizing for kissing him?” Luke asked, grinning.
You blushed, laughing. “I guess?”
“That doesn’t totally count, you were drunk!” Ashton said.
“What you want me to kiss him again?”
You were all sent into a fit of laughter.
“See? Why do you guys even need me here? You know the stories.” You said, wiping your eyes from laughing so much.
“Because we can’t say who the best kisser is! And neither can any of our girlfriends. You are our unbiased party.”
“How do you know I’m unbiased?” You teased, putting them into a talking-over-each-other frenzy. You laughed. “Seriously, guys, all of those kisses were so long ago. I can’t give a good answer.”
“We just all need to kiss you again,” Luke joked.
“No way!” You protested.
“Why not?” Ashton asked.
“Because you have girlfriends! And that’d be weird...”
“I gotta agree with her,” Michael said. “She’s our sister from another mister, it’d be weird.”
“Sister from another mister?”
“Shut up, Luke,”
“Okay, well, now that I’ve slacked off you with guys for a while I should get back to work,” You said.
“You work for us, what could you possibly have to be doing right now?”
“Unlike you boys, I actually do work.”
They laughed.
“This is our work! We’re catering to our audience.” Michael said.
“Whatever you say,” You replied with a smile. “See you, guys.”
“Bye Y/N!”
You left the meeting and opened your twitter.
‘I’m not kissing them so don’t ask’
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comfyswitcherblanketfort ¡ 4 years ago
could you pretty please write something like... 👉🏻👈🏻
(streamer Geralt au) years later, geralt is playing, suddenly he is killed by an enemy and screams (everyone thinks it's funny how geralt gets so involved when he is playing)
then the baby starts crying and geralt soon gets up in a hurry and grabs him in his arms, laughing a lot and feeling guilty because he forgot that jaskier left their son sleeping next to him before going to take a shower
(I'm sorry if this is confusing, I used the translator)
me: I’m stressed af and probably not going to be posting as much also me: posts ficlets two days in a row me: Never did I promise consistency
Nonie this is a fucking delightful prompt and I'm so glad you sent it to me.
Warnings: swearing and a crying baby that is quickly soothed. its pretty soft if I do say so myself
“Nah, guys. No new merch yet. I’m still looking for something other than “Hi fuckers” to put on a sweatshirt,” Geralt laughed as he responded to the chat box on his stream, “Shit, you’re right. “I don’t get paid enough for that” could work. Just not sure the merch company would be cool with insinuating porn? I’ll check though.” 
He continued setting up his game and responding to whichever messages caught his eye as he went, throwing a, “I’m too damn old for this,” out to the few trolls before he blocked them. As he started the main quest Jaskier ducked in the room, carrying their three-month-old baby boy. Jask could just barely be seen in the frame but being a regular fixture he was on the channel, Geralt’s fans instantly picked him up. Geralt had reached a difficult section though and was thoroughly ignoring the chat in favor of not dying. 
“Babe, I have to shower. Eric is sleeping, I’m just going to set him in the bassinet for a bit, m’kay?”
Geralt looked over at Jaskier setting the baby down, a disgustingly sweet and fond look on his face, “M’kay. Love you.” 
Jaskier made a little detour to place a kiss on the top of his head before he left, mumbling a little, “Love you too,” that the mic couldn’t pick up. 
Geralt watched him go and was only reminded of his game when a monster came right up and attacked, making his controller vibrate in his hand.
“Oh, fuck,” he muttered before getting back to the task at hand. 
Minutes passed and he was completely engrossed in the game, getting grumbly as things got more difficult and his character nearly died twice. When he finally got snuck up on and the screen cut to black he shouted and swore. There was about a two-second delay where Geralt knew he fucked up before the crying started.
Eric made a few confused whimpers before he all-out wailed. 
Geralt tossed his controller onto his desk and launched out of his chair to scoop him up, “Hey buddy, Papa’s sorry. Oh, I know you were sleeping so well too, weren’t you? I’m sorry, baby boy. I’m sorry.”
He walked in little bouncy circles and rubbed Eric’s back until he stopped whimpering and was snoring on Geralt’s shoulder. 
“Hey guys, I gotta go. We’re still trying to get him back on a sleep schedule after the trip to Dad’s. I’ll post on twitter when the make-up stream will be,” he whispered as he settled back into his chair and save & quit his game. Before he signed off he caught a couple comments about playing with the baby on his chest. Something about how cute it would be and how sweet he was, “No, my brother’s a biopsychologist. No screens or video games for the little tyke, even asleep. Eskel would kill me. But he’s pretty fuckin cute isn’t he?” 
Geralt beamed as he turned sideways so the viewers could see Eric’s chubby little cheek squished against Geralt’s collar bone before whispering, “Bye fuckers,” and ending the stream. 
He gingerly stood and picked up the baby blanket out of the bassinet with his foot, a move he learned came in handy with a little one, and bundled Eric up as he walked down the hall to their usual nap spot. Settling into the recliner was a production when he had to move slowly and keep the spring from popping too loud, but he was soon laying back with Eric centered over his breast bone so he wouldn’t fall one way or the other. 
When Jaskier finished with his shower both Eric and Geralt were snoring away. 
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thedawnofcrime ¡ 2 years ago
As soon as I left Twitter, the person I was suspended for harassing, chose to hack a teenager’s discord server, scream a shit-ton of slurs, and ban everybody from it. This is ignoring the many, many violations of Twitter’s TOS, and attempts to track down a child’s home address, and expose it to over 1000 grown adults that want that child dead.
Twitter is downright DYSTOPIAN, and I am so fucking glad I left. I hope I’m wrong about Christianity, so that fucker can rot in hell.
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nomadicism ¡ 4 years ago
I am SOOOOOO GLAD that Tumblr shat the user base bed with the pr0n ban.
Totally worked.
Because I’m totally not seeing bot accounts posting “see me naked” spam links to Facebook bot accounts cluttering up the Lotor tags.
Nope. Not at all.
They nuked all those fap stash accounts and everything is just sparkling family friendly. Except for the N*zis. For some reason they are still allowed.
How out of date are these bots to be posting in the tags of a show that’s been done for years where much of the active fandom left for IG and Twitter (guess why everybody left?).
What part of “Lotor” says: “Yes. This is the tag for porn spam featuring basic European women.”?
Honestly if y’all gonna spam the tag, at least figure out that most of the remaining horny Lotor fans on this hellsite are either alien fuckers, monster fuckers, fujoshi (here for mlm Lotor ships), or Lotura shippers. Their fap aesthetic is very far from whatever it is y’all bots are trying to sell.
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madamebaggio ¡ 4 years ago
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I don’t know how many of the non-latins here will get this reference, but I’m sure Brazilians -such as myself -and if there’s any Mexican around will. I can’t say about other Latin countries, or any of our northern neighbors and everybody that’s beyond that…
Have you guys ever heard about the Mexican band RBD? That’s a good way to start this conversation.
Back in 2004 (if I’m not mistaken) there was this Mexican telenovela called “Rebelde”. It was a remake of an Argetinian telenovela (“Rebelde Way”), and it told the story of a bunch of rich kids in a boarding school. Well, not all the kids were rich, but you get the idea.
From the telenovela came the band (RBD), which had six members, who also played characters in the telenovela.
I was 14 at the time and I was absolutely mad over it. It was great, cheesy and corny in the best possible way. I have many fond memories of the telenovela and great regret that I never got the chance to see RBD playing live.
Anyway, the band broke up around 2009, but many fans still love them (maybe it’s just us Brazilians, we have a hard time letting go of stuff…)
Recently their albums finally were made available on Spotify and it got me thinking and…Well, this is the result.
I’m not saying that this is what happened to the actors after the band/telenovela was over. It was just another crazy idea that popped into my mind and wouldn’t let go until I wrote it down.
So… Yeah.
Chapter 1
Arthur was passing by Catia’s room when he heard it.
“You’re such a hooligan.”
He knew the voice, he knew where that sentence came from. Before he even noticed what he was doing, he’d pushed Catia’s door open and caught her watching TV.
He saw himself on the screen, much younger -God, so much younger -talking to the pretty redhead.
“And you’re a brat. So what?”
“I didn’t know you liked this show.” He said, startling Catia.
“Arthur!” She paused the scene, and turned to him. “I’m sorry. Did you…”
“I didn’t know they had that on Netflix.” He spoke before she could finish her sentence.
“Oh.” She looked at the TV like it was guilty of something. “They put it on it last week.”
Arthur hummed his understanding.
He didn’t really mind seeing himself as Michael Rivers, the poor student at High Tower Academy. It’d actually been his first role in TV, many years ago. The show (which was cringely called ‘Rebel Way’) was about an exclusive boarding school, and he was the underdog who fell in love with a rich girl.
Oh yes… They also sang. They made it cool before High School Musical came along. The show wasn’t actually a musical, but his character and a few friends were part of a band in it and in ‘real life’.
The show lasted three seasons -their time at the Academy -and the band still lasted two years after that.
“I can turn it off if you want.” Catia offered quietly.
Arthur shook his head. “No. It’s okay, Catia. You can watch it; I just didn’t know you liked the show.”
“It’s fun in a silly way.” She confessed with a giggle.
Arthur chuckled. “I know. I’m not embarrassed by it or anything.”
He left Catia to her show, and tried not to think about his time spent on it.
His mobile rang; it was Bedivere, his agent.
“Olenna Tyrell called me.” Bedivere told him without preamble. “She wants to talk to you.”
Sansa sat there as the hairdresser fixed her hair for the shooting. George was an artist, and he was making amazing curls on her hair.
Brienne was sitting on the couch nearby, checking her phone as they prepared and Sansa was talking about a new restaurant with George.
His new assistant kept throwing nervous glances towards Sansa, and the woman wondered when she’d get the courage to ask what was on her mind.
“Oh Seven, Lindsay. Just ask her already.” George told the girl, rolling his eyes when her fidgeting got on his nerves.
“I’m sorry!” Lindsay blushed terribly. “I didn’t want to bother you, Miss Stark.”
Sansa gave the girl a gentle smile. “It’s fine, Lindsay. What did you want to ask me?”
Lindsay bit her lower lip, clearly worried about saying what she had on her mind. However, she seemed to find her courage.
“I… I’m a big fan of Rebel Way.” She finally said. “I know it’s been a long time and all… But your character, Mia, was my first fashion icon.”
Sansa chuckled. “I’m glad to hear that. I loved her clothes.”
Lindsay seemed excited by it. “I made a uniform by myself when I was eleven.”
“Which uniform?” Sansa asked. “I liked the one in the first season better.”
“Me too!”
“Sansa.” Brienne cut in gently. “It’s a call for you. You might want to take it.”
Sansa frowned, wary of Brienne’s tone, but took the phone her agent was offering her.
“Sansa speaking.”
“Hey, Stark.” Margaery’s sugary sweet voice called from the other side. “We need to talk.”
Margaery knew Sansa wouldn’t be happy with the idea, but she’d promised her grandmother she’d do this for her.
Olenna was the only person that could get Margaery to do absolutely anything. She’d hide a body for her grandmother.
It took some convincing, but Sansa eventually accepted coming to the meeting. A part of Marge had wanted to hide some things from Sansa -like who was going to be there -but she knew it was unfair. They’d been friends for a really long time, and Marge wouldn’t risk it just to make her task easier.
She was in a peculiar position: on one hand, she was really happy with her life now, on the other, she genuinely thought that her grandmother’s idea was a good one.
When Marge entered the cast of Rebel Way, she was supposed to be the star of the show. Her grandmother was producing the whole thing, so it was a given.
She hadn’t liked Sansa at first, because it was clear that she’d get a lot of attention too. Their characters -Mia and Rosalie -were rivals for a big part of the show -they only became friends at the end of the second season. 
Marge and Sansa managed to become friends much earlier. Probably because Marge started dating Sansa’s brother, and Robb wanted them to get along.
It was very difficult to say ‘no’ to Robb Stark.
Which reminded Marge…
He’d be there as well.
Oh hell…
With the years, people stopped recognizing Robb as Daniel Cross from Rebel Way. He’d been way younger then, and now he had a beard so most people didn’t recognize him.
Some of the old fans still could, and he never changed his name; but generally he lived a pretty normal life.
“Mr. Cross.”
Some people were just fuckers. “Can I help you, Jon?” He glared at his long-time friend.
“Sansa’s on the phone.” Jon informed him, offering his own mobile. “She said she needs to talk to you and your phone is turned off.”
Robb frowned. Sansa was supposed to be in Madrid for a photoshoot. Why would she be calling him in the middle of the day?
Robb’s phone was dead, and he’d forgotten to recharge it, but if Sansa had called Jon looking for him, it should be serious.
“Hey, princess.” Robb said softly as he picked the phone. Jon waved at him, before leaving the room so they could talk.
“Hello, Robb.” Her voice was warm. “Do you have a minute?”
“For you? Always. Is something wrong?”
There was a pause. “Not exactly.”
“This doesn’t sound promising. What happened?”
“Margaery called me.” She sighed. “Olenna wants to meet with us.”
“What does Her Majesty want with us?”
Sansa took another long pause. “It’s about the show. Margaery just wouldn’t say what exactly.”
Oh shit. Robb did the math quickly in his head. He was almost certain that the show was about to reach its 15th anniversary. If he was correct, this couldn’t be just a coincidence.
“I really hope this isn’t a revival.” Robb joked softly. Lord, no!
“I don’t think it’s about the show, to be honest. I think it’s about the band.”
Robb cursed under his breath. “If it’s about the band…”
“They’re all going to be there.” Sansa finished for him.
“Shit. I’m going to call Theon.”
“That’s why I called you.” She confessed.
Robb sighed. “Thank you for the heads up.”
“Just be ready when you get the royal call.”
Robb snorted.
“Thank you for coming, Theon.”
Theon shook the hand of the man. “It’s always my pleasure, Tom.”
“You bring a lot of comfort to those kids. You make them realise it’s possible.”
Theon gave Tom a vague smile. “I’m glad to be of help.”
He waved and started leaving the room. Theon had mixed feelings when he heard things like this. On one hand, he was very proud of himself; it hadn’t been easy to get sober and remain sober. On the other hand… He didn’t feel like a good example, like he was someone any of those people should aspire to be like.
Yes, he’d been sober for almost seven years now, but it had been one hell of a messy journey.
When he reached the parking lot, he was shocked to see Robb there, leaning casually against his car.
“What’s up, Stark?” He called.
Robb looked at him and grinned. “Hey, Greyjoy.” They hugged it out. “Listen… Have you checked your phone?”
Theon was immediately wary. “No. I turn it off during meetings.”
“Right…” Robb cleared his throat. “So you’ll probably have some missed calls.”
“Robb, you didn’t come here to play the answering machine to me. What the fuck is going on?”
“Olenna is calling all of us.” Robb admitted. “Called Sansa, then me… And probably you.”
“Sansa thinks she wants to get the band back.”
“Why?” Theon repeated, this time disconcerted.
“I have no clue, but we’re getting close to the show’s anniversary.”
“Oh shit.” Theon grumbled. “I knew there was something weird going on.”
“What do you mean?”
“You should start checking Twitter.” Theon told him dryly. “Last week they put the show on Netflix. ‘Rebel Way’ is trending.”
Robb groaned. “Now what?”
“I’ll be honest… I want to know what the Queen wants.” Theon confessed. “Let’s see if I have a message waiting for me.”
“Have you heard? Sansa Stark is going to be exclusively with Versace this year.”
Maggie ignored the gossiping assistants and tried not to sigh.
She couldn’t escape Sansa’s name, since they were basically in the same industry, but it was never easy to hear it thrown around so casually.
Fashion Week was almost upon them, and people had often questioned the lack of interaction between the two former band mates.
Maggie was used to people asking her why Sansa -one of the highest paid models in the world -never worked with Maggie -the rising star of the fashion world.
Maggie wished she had a simple answer to that. She normally said that their schedules never worked out, and she knew Sansa had answered the same a few times.
The truth was Maggie resented Sansa a bit. She didn’t hate the model or whatever some people thought, she just…
Those years working together hadn’t been easy on Maggie. That was it. She wasn’t ready to just get back to it.
Her phone rang and when she picked it up, she saw a strange number calling. She ignored the call and was ready to put it away when it rang again, and Arthur’s name flashed on the screen.
“Hello, Arthur.” She said as she answered it.
“Oh you answered, great.” Arthur let out a relieved sigh. “Listen, Olenna Tyrell is going to call you. I’m calling first to warn you: she wants a meeting.”
“Oh. Slow down.” She asked, her head spinning. “What meeting?”
“A meeting with all of us; the whole band.”
Maggie had to sit down. “You can’t be serious.”
“I talked to her myself a few hours ago.” He told her. “The old witch wouldn’t tell me exactly what’s on her mind, but if she wants to see us all…”
“Are you sure she wants to meet with all of us at the same time?” Maggie pressed, desperate for a negative answer.
“She said that. ‘Get the kids back together’.” Arthur copied -poorly- Olenna’s voice. “Bedivere thinks it’s about the songs, but I think it isn’t that simple.”
“It never is.” Maggie grumbled, massaging her temples.
“Listen, if you don’t want to go, I’ll stand by you.” Arthur said, and she knew he meant it. “We don’t owe her anything.”
“Well, technically…”
“No ‘technically’, Maggie. We don’t need to do this.”
Maggie sighed. No, they didn’t, but she needed to. Some things had to be discussed, some problems had to be solved, and this was the only way she’d get some closure.
She needed to face the music -and the band.
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shes-got-the-best-stories ¡ 5 years ago
y’all i am fucking SEETHING.
mostly because i get these type of dude’s in my mentions on twitter all the fucking time. the ones who will say dumb shit, not expecting you to reply because your a woman and god forbid that stand up to a man. and then you do and they immediately go “wasn’t trying to start an argument, geez!” to make you feel guilty and like them the victim.
well guess what, happened on instagram today.my instagram i try to keep positive AF, i love positive quotes and post all the time. with this, i’m also posting more uplifting things about things coming from covid-19.
i post about how a mother and 44 other people are volunteering to test a vaccine and show gratitude from them. (it was a post from goodnews_moventment i was sharing, not like i actually wrote it.)
and this asshole goes “don’t worry they’re being compensated” (immediately i knew what he was gonna say.) and i replied with “why would i be worried?”
the first thing he says? “did you read what you even posted?” FIRST WAY TO PISS ME THE FUCK OFF. and then proceeded to say i agree we should show them gratitude but “they get paid alot of money to do these test”(his grammar not mine)
so a quick google search will tell you that volunteers could make $1,100. to which i told him that among the fact that that’s not really “a lot” because there are risks when you don’t know how the vaccine will really work.
to which he said (ready to want to punch this fucker?”
“its def not 1100 dollars lol
i wasn’t looking to argue
some people are so unhappy in this world i guess and want to pick a fight?”
so i politely reminded me that he messaged me first and that i didn’t appreciate how he went about this. i also broke down that volunteers have to check in 11 times for doctor visits, getting paid $100 per visit which amounts to $1,100. and ended it with “i did my research” BECAUSE I AM PETTY.
and if you think it stopped there NO. he tried to emotionally manipulate me into feeling guilty and like i attacked him. here is his full response:
“i’m not even going to read this negative energy” (excuse me what?) “i would be glad to prove you wrong in your arguments, in which you are.” (THE FUCK??) “but i’m currently on the way to the hospital to visit my mom who is potentially dying from pancreatic cancer. best wishes to you. i hope the best for you in this difficult time.”
so maybe i shouldn’t have responded but this felt severely emotionally manipulating considering he came to MY dm’s not the other way around.
so i replied respectively saying i was sincerely sorry about his mom but he should unfollow me because i’m not going to be manipulated into looking like what i said was wrong or negative. and that i don’t need him to prove my arguments wrong (since i fucking researched it, left that out but still) maybe you should think about how your messages could be interpreted before sending them. again apologized for his situation he was in and said i would be muting him.
“you must’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed?”
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medea10 ¡ 5 years ago
Medea Plays Animal Crossing New Horizons: Part III
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Man dude, how you gonna wreck my perfect record with the ATM?!
Hey look, Mabel’s in town.
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After you spend a certain amount of money or times you see her, she’s going to set up shop in your town.
In the meantime...
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I’m getting along with my cheerful neighbors. This is my first time with many of them and they’re the most thoughtful...
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Goddammit Maddie, why’d you have to get me a freaky-ass garden gnome?
Yeah, I’m not a fan of gnomes.
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Get on with it Nook-boi. You know what I want.
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That’s right, you do. BRING HER OUT!
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THERE WE GO! Now island life is complete.
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The gift that keeps on giving.
Seeing Isabelle first thing in the morning is just so...blissful.
With the addition of Isabelle and the new building, Tom Nook is making it his mission to make this island absolute perfection.
As soon as you get this feature, you’re able to build bridges, make inclines/stairs, and make your own town theme and town flag.
You know, I think it’s best I dig deep and do something different.
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OR I can just do what I did in New Leaf and have The Simpson’s theme.
Yeah, this is The Simpsons theme. Have fun with it.
Although, I almost leaned into using Old Town Road, Careless Whisper, or Funkytown. You can find a bunch of youtube videos with samples.
Anyways, Tom’s biggest goal is to...
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Yeah, that would be nice.
Speaking of K.K., my first night on the island, WHAT DID YOU PUT IN MY ORANGE JUICE, YOU RACOON BAST...
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I want to stay mad at you for possibly drugging my drink on the first night, but now I’m just imagining Tom Nook in a karaoke bar with a drink in hand and a necktie around his head.
So let’s christen this new building and...
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No originality to be found with me.
Oh well, I still love my Homer flag.
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Damn Isabelle, sleeping on the job already.
And now Part IV of Medea vs. Evil Fucking Tarantulas.
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Hey, I’m getting better at this!
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Ah, feels like old times.
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Wow, that was fast! Like...2 days?
Thankfully, you don’t have to fetch materials again since there’s enough material left from building Timmy and Tommy’s store. It’s just gonna take another two days.
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Oh, she’s so adorable. Especially when she was trying to remember everything her gram-gram told her to say.
And yes, I was right. Daisy Mae was trending on Twitter.
Rightfully so.
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Just look at her! She’s the perfect hybrid of a Swinub and a Cubchoo.
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Hey, I found Mr. Resetti.
Forgot to mention, with the new building comes a bunch of new crap you can buy using Nook Miles.
The next morning came with a few surprise visitors.
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First, we’ve got C.J.
With my first interaction with this social media’d fella, if you give him three of the same fish, the next morning you’ll get a stand of that fish (in my case I gave him 3 sea bass). Second, he’ll ask you to do a challenge. Today’s case was catch three fish in a row that are smaller than a Surgeonfish.
After that, he’ll just buy any fish you give him at premium prices.
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Oh, Imma get some moolah to pay for them inclines.
And my next visitor was a camper.
In order to get K.K. to come to town, we have to have more villagers. And in order to get more villagers, we need to have a campground so random passerbyers can come and maybe consider moving to your Podunk island.
My first camper is...
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OH. MY...
Okay, calm down. I know you’ve been waiting for Olivia and/or Papi, but this is kind of a golden ticket.
Plus it’s a kitty. And I love kitties.
In case you haven’t seen Twitter recently, Raymond has kinda been...
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That. He’s been that.
I don’t know if I’ll jump on the maid uniform bandwagon or not.
For now, I’ll let him be.
But he’s staying in Pallet.
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Sable and Mable are in my town. No word on Labelle...I think she might be much later in the game’s progression.
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Don’t let that familiar line fool you.
Sable actually speaks more than Red from Pokemon.
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I am loving their dressing room.
Yeah, this is exactly how I look in real life now. Except work doesn’t allow face masks yet.
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I wonder if I keep talking to Sable day after day, she’ll acknowledge me like in the other games.
Back in the center of town, a new system is set in place for reviews of the town.
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Because of course fucking Yelpers.
On a positive note, I am now allowed to invite campers through the amiibo cards. I’m glad I held onto the amiibo cards I gained when I purchased Happy Home Academy five years ago.
Let’s have some fun with this system.
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I know she’s literally right in front of me, but I have to see what happens.
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That’s fine. You’ve got enough on your plate working under Tom.
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Let’s see if I can add Isabelle’s brother Digby.
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Worth a shot.
Okay, let’s be serious. Who can I invite? OH! I’ve got a kitty. It’s not Olivia, but he’ll do just fine.
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So in order for an amiibo to stay as a resident, you have to invite him to the campground for three days in a row. AND you have to speak to him and build a DIY whatever he wants for all three days.
I’m sure Bob and Raymond will get along just fine...
Okay, got an idea. Give Bob a tuxedo and Raymond a wedding dress and have ourselves a good old-fashioned gay cat wedding.
Who’s with me? Yay or FUCK YAY?
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As I head towards the final day of the month, I reflect on all the fish I’ve caught and those I haven’t caught. All the balloons that popped and flopped in the water. What to dress Raymond in. Lament on not catching a stringfish before the end of the 31st and now having to wait until December...because me fucking dumbass.
Time to say goodbye to March and say hello to April.
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Yeah, it’s that special time where my island is going to have a visit from...
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I meant Zipper.
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Zipper made sure to work out extra hard to dance a jig and make sure no one’s taking a peak at his backside.
There’s a fucking zipper there. What are you hiding, rabbit?
So we have to find eggs. Eggs are everywhere. They’re in the ground. They’re in the trees. They’re ON the trees.
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They’re in the sky!
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And even in the sea!
Collect eggs. LOTS OF EGGS. And recipes. LOTS OF RECIPES. So we can have an egg-tastic Easter...Bunny Day.
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And when you’re out of sight, Zipper stops dancing and takes a smoke break.
I tried sneaking up on him, but he’s a fast fucker.
Back in the neighborhood...
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I want Maddie’s donut.
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Diva is still stylish, even on her evening walk.
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I built a Sakura watching lunchbox.
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I take pictures of cat butt.
Hey, that’s tame compared to the rest of the internet. So many bad and lewd things happened to Raymond’s asshole in the last week.
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Look at him studying his flowers.
He’s a keeper.
Okay, I’m done for now.
To be continued.
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cruddyborderlandstheories ¡ 5 years ago
“i had a dream about the Borderlands are Yours trailer last night for like the 7th time so i guess i ought to do the analysis before i have a breakdown”
find the trailer here
~discussion of the cloth map spoilers occurs in here, but nothing else. if you’re worried about those spoilers do not read~
non-spoiler tl;dr: we discuss why rhys’s head implant is yellow instead of blue in this one particular scene and also go thru a bunch of theories as to what tf is up with Zer0. and some other stuff about giant space lasers
so the intro is pretty much the same as the we are mayhem trailer so we’re gonna ignore that since we figured out where sanc-iii was
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pretty sure this scene has been shown already too, in the official announce trailer, i remember taking note of the pink shots
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another cov camp on pandora (see elpis in the back). ive said it before and ill say it again i adore amara’s as animations
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seen this a bajillion times as well
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from we are mayhem near the end. also im still lowkey convinced that robot directly to the right of moze is jakobs. i know i’m probably wrong but... i want to believe. it reminds me of a cowboy
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The Are. this is directly below Sanc-III (u can see the wall in the background)
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eden-6!!! im interested in the signs in the back there
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Prison, Reliance, Jakobs Estate, and... amoe kyuri??? wtf does this say?? idek.
This A Way (glad to know Claptrap will haunt us from beyond Sanc-III)
im interested in the Prison. i wonder if that’s any of those concrete structures/buildings we’ve been seeing across eden-6. i was under the assumption those were like testing facilities, but a prison would also make a whole hell of a lot of sense.
given this sign here over the bridge to the left of the above shot
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and the fact we see this concrete structure on the far left in this coming shot
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that might actually make some lick of sense...
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also can i just say i love the aesthetic of this supply line
so there’s a lot of shots here we’ve already seen and gone over multiple times, im not going to do that again. sorry but... eh.
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maliwan = cultists confirmed
i mean if the cult-themed t-shirts being maliwan colored didn’t already cue us in on that, this definitely should lol
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and speaking of this shot, i wonder if this has anything to do with Rhys’s building? the one his office would be in. it looks like there are multiple levels to the right of this robo
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ah maliwan working with the cult why am i not surprised
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rhys gets fucking annihilated (TM)
in all honesty... given this quest name
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“Space-Laser Tag” and the subsequent quest “Atlas, At Last” makes me honestly think rhys is about to seriously get fucked up
which sucks. i like rhys. we’ll talk more about this in a second, but i don’t think its coincidence the VHs have come up to the asteroid belt to stop the giant space laser and thus are not on Promethea where the laser is going to hit
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better look at this shot, that definitely looks like a rampager to me. i get it, i think. gearbox is hyping up this rampager fight to be super awesome, show it in all the promotional material, have a kickass fight with it, then the twins come in and steal the kill from you. they steal the satisfaction from getting to kill this super hyped-up vault monster.
im picking up what you’re putting down, GB. 
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did not realize fl4k actually snaps. how the heck do they do that?? gotta be hard with metal caps as their fingers tbh
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404 space station not found
we’re back on the asteroid
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... why this gun shoot tentacles :|
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this is art
wheres his head going
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i was so distracted by the razor blade status effect (??? zeroes??) i didn’t notice the giant-ass A on this banner
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OwO what’s this for
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also this which... looks like it could be an amara skill. maybe the one that releases elemental projectiles after an enemy is damaged? feel like we would’ve seen that one already tho.
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thinking of this one, im pretty sure we should’ve seen this in one of the many, many gameplay videos (im so jealous) already available.
so if it is, baller, if it’s not, im not too surprised.
it does also seem to be targeting the double cause its shield becomes visible after being hit
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i thiiink this is eden-6? in which case it may be that facility tina, brick, and mordy are in (the windows). which may, in retrospect, be that prison we’ve been hearing about
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cool angle of the HBC. im pretty sure we’ve seen this shot before, too.
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before we get to the actual best part of this scene
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this looks very Athenas-like. possibly eridian? although the lights are throwing me off. i suppose the order or someone from the order could’ve built these structures... but what for??
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also this fucker has those rocks growing out of his head, too
the ones from the alien guns
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somewhere outside the RC
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back at it again in the space station
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also this maliwan thing looks so fucking cool
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duuuude looks like the cult got their hands on more than just maliwan hoverwheels, check out that dropship on the left!!! looking cool asf
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the cars are STUNNING
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holy shit this skin is amazing
very siren-esque
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we’ve gone over this clip already but given now that we know the maliwan base thing is on the asteroid, it’s fitting to re-address it i think
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a look at one of the metal bois (that im still convinced are jakobs lol)
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i love the way this thing looks
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the portal seems to be giving off the same blue sparkles we’ve seen on pandora
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[edit] we also see them in the newest new trailer as Sanc-III zooms off into space. which is interesting.
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dunno wtf that means, but yeah. they exist
probably some weird eridian/other dimension shit.
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more eden-6
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goliath looking amazing. not red and is wearing a helmet, so that’s interesting
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looks like a part of the space station
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biggggg hallway. im honestly loving how huge these maps seem to be
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geniviv! i love her boss fight sooo fucking much.
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honestly looks like so much fun
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more c a r s
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this fucker
probably eridian
i mean it seems to be absorbing the pink-ish energy from the moving stones so i assume its got some sort of link going on
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also comparing the mask and arm bit to what we’ve seen rhys hand us on promethea
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this thing???
but yellow instead of pink
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u kno all this
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then again it does sorta ruin the eridian tech so maybe... it’s not lol
honestly my other guess is this is part of that ‘experimental forest’ we’ve seen signs for during the eden-6 demo. dunno why it’s destroying the eridian ruins tho. maybe those pink b e a m s are hurting it? entirely possible. some sorta... life succ ability like Tyreen.
but i don’t think it’s coincidence this thing has shown up right on top of some Eridian ruins/buildings/whatever. the leftmost part though looks like it could be human technology, which is weird. maybe some weird sort of mish mash. human tech that trees/plants grew onto and eridian ruins accidentally powered up. iunno man. im tiored.
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rhys’s implant is glowing orange/yellow-ish which is very new
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this is from the dev trailer (not glowing at all in the darkness)
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from the promethea twitter trailer
and honestly that’s pretty wild to me because in tftbl rhys’s implant glows blue 
shown when he’s in the vault next to fiona
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in bl3 during the We Are Mayhem trailer while using his ECHO eye
oh also since i just noticed
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from the promethea demo
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this scene
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also from the promethea demo
they’re missing their monomolecular edge!
we’ll get back to zer0 in a secco
anyway you know who else’s head implant glows?
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im not saying katagawa is replacing rhys because their implants are on opposite sides of their heads, but i am saying Katagawa WANTS Rhys in Maliwan and... well, Rhys’s forehead implant isn’t glowing yellow in any other shot we see of him
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idk gamers i just think its sus
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also rhys is holding onto that thing we see him handing to us in the Promethea trailer
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this thing?? you know?
the eridian thingie majig
tho these look like two different areas... unless there’s like a very drastic wall change between angles (which there may be- these fans look identical)
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which makes sense that Maliwan would want it (for the big laser thing maybe?? since we know they’re going for activating said laser)
... but honestly i get the feeling this is in some way related to... after the laser. especially since we know that that eridian thingie matches up with this one on pandora
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in which case... wtf is the laser for? it definitely looks like its destroying stuff on the surface...
rhys also seems to have knowledge about the eden-6 vault key since he projects it during the dev trailer
me thinks someone got h a c k e r o n i e d
alright galaxy brain theory time:
rhys gets hacked by maliwan not only bc they want a merger, but also because he has info on the vaults/giant space laser, forces zer0 to be maliwan branded now since atlas is joining maliwan, zer0 finds out rhys is not willingly joining maliwan and is instead under maliwan control and tries to forcibly take the key away from him, we stop zer0 and save rhys from both the assassin and maliwan control
Alright but in all seriousness there’s only 2 ways this can go
1. that’s actually our zer0
2. that’s actually not our zer0
and there’s a lot of theories running around about that and i guess we ought to address them
so for 1 there’s a few possibilities:
1. zer0 is a robo/cyborg and got hacked by maliwan (i personally don’t like this one bc i don’t want to know what zer0 actually is. it is a ~m y s t e r y~)
2. zer0 got paid more money to eliminate rhys and is doing so
3. zer0 decided killing their boss would be the ultimate challenge and thus decided to try it out... by joining maliwan
4. they’re faking rhys’s death and/or zer0 is infiltrating maliwan
5. zer0 got the brainwashed/their bodysuit got hacked (i would be interested to see if the monomolecular edge tech caused them to get captured or smth. i mean if there’s a tracker on it, then zer0′s decepti0n wouldn’t exactly work cuz they turn invisible... but they’d still be seen)
6. rhys got the brainwashed/hacked and zer0 is attacking him to get the eridian thingie/key/relic/whatever back
personally i’m curious how they’d play off 1-3 given Zer0 and Rhys are both shown on sanc-iii and zer0 even has crew challenges
im saying idk if the crimson raiders would appreciate zer0 attacking/trying to kill an ally without very good reason.
which is why i’d imagine 4-6 are the more reasonable answers?
also given the explosion of Promethea (what we’re assuming is Promethea) is green and also the laser we see maliwan controlling is purple, i wonder if that’s some brainwashing juice instead of... other stuff. cuz like.
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this is elpis’s giant space laser. very radiant and like... ribbon-y? and has all that blue stuff and orbs and mm.
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THIS is Promethea’s very solid and has circles and just. looks straight up like a death laser.
and yeah again it could be modified by that human-looking (?) tech around it to be like a brainwashing b e a m or something
or just more precise. that too.
and honestly idk if this could destroy a planet like how we see the planet (that we are assuming is promethea bc of the asteroid belt) in the sanc-iii article
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it’s a solid ‘yeah that’s more likely than my theory’. might take a lot of time tho. or maybe those energy rings power it up or deal more damage when they hit the planet...
oh also given Tina literally says “WE blowing up this whole mother humpa”
and the reason im questioning the human-looking tech around it is because
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typhon and leda 100% noticed something here. i guess if it was altered by humans after typhon and leda found it then that would make sense?
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we’ve also got this from the tree guy, so i don’t know for certain.
anyway number 2
(2. that’s actually not our zer0)
i love these ones
1. that’s 0ne (zer0′s assassin’s assassin from the son of crawmerax dlc)
2. maliwan made a/hired a copy of zer0 and it’s easy to copy their voice/way of speech bc of the modulator (that’s just a fake implanted into atlas to steal all their secrets)
and all of these have the idea that the real zer0 shows up to save rhys at the end of this scene (explaining the blue light)
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i personally disagree on that being zer0′s sword. tbh it looks more like a maliwan weapon or a laser or smth to me. that said it could be a weird effect because they’re in decepti0n or smth.
most of these theories have the idea that the real zer0 is either off with Fiona or Lorelei or just off on their own and only show up later. i wouldn’t even be surprised, given their line at the end of Tales. you know the one where they diss rhys like “i was talking to her” lol
so i don’t really have much to add to these. personally i believe that’s our zer0 up there, but i wouldn’t be shocked if something happened with the monomolecular edge that allowed maliwan to create a copy of zer0. or brainwash/control them. whichever. 
i do like the reintegration of 0ne into the story, that’d be a hilarious call-back, but i worry it’d be too obscure (a side quest in a headhunter dlc) for the majority of players. we’ll see
it’s weird if brainwashing or mind controlling thru the maliwan tech is the case bc the monomolecular edge isn’t present on their maliwan sword. or their future sanc-iii sword (but that part DOES make sense bc why would they keep that).
(alright also so i just took a bunch of nyquil cuz im sick as a dog so if this devolves into incoherent rambling im so sorry)
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ah aurelia
i love her to bits but i don’t trust her because i mean... she worked alongside Nisha and Wilhelm and Alistair dislikes her. there’s like a 50-50 shot she’ll become evil
i would not be surprised if this is a boss fight (door looks frozen over on the left there) but also i would not be surprised if she’s helping us fight off waves of enemies given it looks like we’re in the jakobs manor
like i said 50-50
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her attack does make the camera wiggle a bit, usually that happens if the attack injures the player viewing it (with the hud off) cuz it will give a stagger effect
so take that with a grain of salt. also we don’t see aurelia on sanc-iii when hammerlock and wainwright are both there in the group shot in the launch trailer
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this fucker i already talked about a bunch in my reddit post on the eridium subject so im going to link that here. i might have already spoken about it on here tbh... i can’t remember lol
anyway here’s the copy and paste from there to here
you can see a huge Tink with Eridium growing out of his head and what look to be Eridium horns. And he's being elementally charged from an Eridian floor tile (in one of those temples, probably the Pandoran one but it could be Athenas, I guess). Kind of like how Bloodwing (also bigger) becomes elementally charged by Jack using element-throwers to change her element. i know it's a cultist tink because on his right shoulder (our left) he has those glow-y pink/purple tubes that are on the CoV guns and other cultists (like goliaths). and while i'm not sure if this is solely Eridian stuff (since they're in a temple) or because of the twins, it's definitely something that should be talked about. 
wait no yeah i did talk about this because of the athenas post. i just remembered lol
uhhh whoops. double dipping i guess lol sorry
still not sure if this is Pandora or Athenas. kind leaning towards Pandora atm
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i like how this guy is able to make a cryo wall thing
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he goes to smash it but we don’t get to see what happens cuz it cuts to another rampager
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dishing out corrosive/radiation (??) attacks while someone shoots it with a fire weapon
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this bamf which i KNOW i discussed in that athenas post
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also something i haven’t noted is that his roar seems to be activating something here, like a spiral light of dooooom. also more blue sparkles. maybe summoning an assist? or a debuff/attack aoe. 
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there is also this weird light near its legs that moves with the camera and sorta reminds me of the weird real-life face talky siren thing. you know the one
very curious as to what this is cause i haven’t seen it in any other scene with a rampager in it. maybe some sort of connection to the spiral/whirlwind thing it’s making?
oh wow im tired now lol
well bl3 is fully downloaded on my computer gamers, so we can officially say it’s happening!!!
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caroline18mars ¡ 6 years ago
A Man On Fire - Chapter 44
“Don't ever do this to me again, because I don't know if I would survive” was the last thing she heard him whisper before sleep finally overpowered her, he just heard her sigh the cutest sigh in reply and then seconds later her deep, soft breathing, hopefully that hangover wasn't gonna be too painful in the morning. His eyes became heavy too, finally he could give in to this motherfucker of a jetlag that had been stalking him all evening, his adrenalin constantly pumping through his veins for hours had worn him out completely, she was safe, so was he, he had more than he could've asked for with her head resting on his chest and her body firmly glued to his, his eyes obeyed his mind and fell shut, let go, give in..the moon threw its' mysterious veil over their exhausted bodies at the closing of this weird, dramatic day. Come on, woman, pick up, where the hell are you? Surely that prick must have left hours ago, knowing you, he's probably being carried onto a plane, crippled or kicked black and blue because you're the wildest cat I know. “..'llo?”, what? it was fuckin' 7AM and that nitwit answered her phone with a sleepy voice? Fuckfuckfuck! “Jared?..hey! uhm, I was just checking up on Harper, is she ok? I was so worried about  her when you carried her out of the club..” his voice like honeygold syrup while he kicked the wall in frustration. “Sean..just a second” Jared reluctantly pulled his arm from under her but stopped when she started to stir, nonono don't move, only when she was completely still again, he whispered in the phone “Sean, I can't talk right now..she's ok..really..she's sleeping now and I don't want to wake her, I 'll call you later, ok?”. Sean heard the dry click in his ears, what the actual fuck? Oh she's sleeping, blablabla, she's probably exhausted from the hard fucking you gave her, bweeghh, his stomach squeezed uncomfortably together, she was his and he would get her..eventually..one lost battle wouldn't make him lose the war. “Who..phone..what time is it?..owww” Coco put her hands on top of her head and closed her eyes in pain “owww, my head..”, Jared groaned a little, she was awake, that stupid fucker had woken her, “it was Sean..checking up on you..here..” he turned to the nightstand and picked up the glass of water and a tablet. “I thought you might feel like you do this morning, so here, take that and go back to sleep” he handed her some paracetamol and the glass. She pushed the medicine between her lips and quickly swallowed it before she put her head back down on the pillow, “better already” she smiled carefully up at Jared, “good, I'm glad” he slowly twirled a strand of hair between his fingers and let his lips caress her aching forehead. “Will you just..?” her hand reached for his head and pushed it back down on the pillow as well, stop that Leto “thanks, I was getting a bit dizzy”, he shuffled his pillow a little closer until it bumped against hers, “you're..breathtaking” there was such an honesty in his eyes that she almost believed him. “Calm down, Leto, flattery is not gonna get you anywhere..that's not what it's gonna take, that is not what I need” she whispered “I don't need to hear all that beauty bullshit..that would be selling me short, like all I am is a pretty face to you, nothing more..I mean, think about it, just because you're very easy on the eye, doesn't make you any less of a bastard”.
Ok, time to face the music “true..” he squinted his eyes a little, indicating to her that her words made impact “I just can't take back what I said, can I? It was stupid and totally uncalled for, I wish you would believe me..when you put that knife into that painting yesterday, I felt it physically..I know that sounds ridiculous but I think you're the most talented person I've ever met”. Yeah sure, whatever, she rolled her eyes “the most talented person with absolutely no career.. pathetic? Was that the word you used to describe me?” she huffed but he stopped her from rolling over on her back again. “Don't, Harper..come on, you seem to forget that your paintings was what drew me to you, I didn't even know what you looked like and I couldn't care less, I was just so blown away by your work that I just needed to get in touch with you and buy something, which I never received by the way..” he smiled. She shot up and jumped from the bed, rummaging through some paintings and then returned to the bed “here, all yours” she pushed the painting in his hands “nobody else wants them”. He took the painting and shook his head “they just haven't seen it yet, hang on” he put the painting on the nightstand and took a picture, fidgeting around on his phone immediately after, “what are you doing?” she frowned, “I'm showing it to the world” he grinned as he pushed down on the screen “there! On instagram, facebook, and Twitter” he showed the picture to her, “what? But..I don't want..” she stammered, “too late, I'm not deleting it, it's high time the world sees what a talented painter you are..oh look, the first likes are flooding in..soon you'll be the most famous one of us two”. Harper snatched the phone out of his hands, oh god, he was right, that heart thingy popped up every 2 seconds “what the..?” she breathed as he pulled her between his legs, her back resting against his chest “your career is about to skyrocket, that's what” he kissed the side of her head. “How do I know they're doing it for my work and not because you put something on social media?” she didn't understand much of how social media worked, so far she had managed to stay far away from it after all the horror stories about stalking and screenzombies she had heard, artificial friendships, artificial lifestyles, filters, and all that crap. “Well, you can never be a 100% sure I guess, but it's all about the tags right? #artist #painter #art #HarperCocoRobianoDarby “loveofmylife #talentedasfuck #artsavestheworld #girlfriend #love #lover #mywoman” he rattled with a huge smile “look at all those comments! 'wow Jared, she's so talented', 'it's breathtaking, can we see some more work?', 'is it for sale?', 'I have a galery and want to exhibit her work, where can I contact her?”. Dumbfounded she stared at all the messages on the screen as he slowly scrolled through them “I guess you have your answer right there, it's all about you, not about me, you kept your work hidden for far too long” he pushed a kiss in her hair, “huh? You posted it only a couple of minutes ago..so this is social media..it's scary” she stammered while her eyes whizzed over the screen. “No, it's not, it can be fantastic, like right now..in just a few clicks you're famous, people keep asking to see more of your work, look..you keep saying that I'm only trying to flatter you, but this is proof that it's not flattery but the truth, if others are seeing and saying it too”. He felt her go to jelly in his arms while she just stared and stared, “you were right..and your parents are wrong, they always were..wrong not to see and support all that amazing talent their daughter has, wrong because they are too blind and jealous of their own child”.
Harper finally took her eyes off the screen and turned to look at him over her shoulder “and you? What about you?” she whispered, “Me? I was wrong to say all I said about your career, I still don't know why I said it, it must be to do with jealousy as well..jealous because you're gonna have a bigger and better career than I have or could ever have and you did it all with your own talent, which is something I can't always say about myself” his hand caressed her cheek, pushing a kiss on the tip of her nose. What he said about her parents made her pulse race “I want to believe you..I really do, but jealous? My parents? Of me? Why would they be? They're rich diplomats, and their kids need to follow in their footsteps and be all perfect and conservative, not throw some paint around and..”, he immediately stopped her “exactly..but they have no power or control over you, they've probably never had..and that's something they can't stand..I know, because I talked to them after you had left..I called your Dad and..well, I gave them my honest opinion on whose fault it was that there's such bad blood between the two of you”. Harper's eyes grew wide as saucers, had he really done that or was he just saying that to get back into her good books? It wasn't exactly like she could call or contact them and check! “oh..and what did he say?” she raised her eyebrows, “well..ok so I should probably say that I lost my patience and basically called him a cold, heartless idiot if he denies his amazing, talented, wonderful, creative, perfect child just because she follows her dreams and her heart” he scrunched up his nose “I may or may not have said bastard instead of idiot though..hmm, guess that won't score me any points and I can kiss my invitation to the next family barbecue most definitely goodbye, but fuck that! Someone needed to tell him what was up”. He watched her nostrils flare a little while she stared at him with those big, amazing chocolate eyes of hers, oh god no..she wasn't gonna cry, was she? Coco just couldn't hold back any longer and she let her muffled snigger burst out into a hiccuping laughter. She rolled over the mattress clutching her chest “you didn't, you so didn't” she snickered and flapped her eyelashes at him, oh god woman, drive me completely crazy, why don't you? “I did..I'm sorry” there was a sudden shift in energy when her eyes drilled into his looking up at him. “No apologies needed, none whatsoever..” she whispered, he leaned in, he had to, he just was drawn to her like gravity, before she could do or say anything, his lips crashed down on hers.
Demanding, hot, apologetic, reassuring, this kiss was all of the above but most of all it was..needed, it was time to bury the hatchet, she needed to be with this weirdo, this was THE ONE, she didn't even know what that actually was supposed to feel like, but she just felt it in every fibre of her being. Jared felt her deepen the kiss, thank god, please let this war between her and me be over, I don't want to fight anymore, what she did next, had his skin on fire in a split second. Her hand reached for his face, her warm hand caressing his cheek, only to venture southbound over his chest, their lips still glued together when he felt her hands sneaking into his underwear, cupping the perfect round globes of his butt. Reluctantly he disconnected the kiss and closed his eyes, his face still hovering over hers, “what? What is it?” she tapped the tip of his nose to get his attention, what? He didn't want this? “nothing..it's just..” he didn't even open his eyes, he leaned his head back, “it's just what? Jared” she asked anxiously, goddammit..men! Always so unpredictable. When he felt her shift uncomfortably underneath him, he finally looked at her “I don't want you to do anything you're not ready for yet..I just know that if we keep going like this, I'm not gonna be able to stop..” he breathed. Sweet, stupid, considerate, at times unbearably romantic Jared..”who said anything about stopping? I just want this pent-up frustration and anger fucked out of me, and since I can't do that on my own, you'll need to get to work, Leto, and fast before I change my mind” Harper's hands urgently traced down his shoulders, his chest, his abs, her fingers hooking behind the front of his underwear whilst she bit her lip, and looked up at him with those not so innocent bambi eyes. “God, you're not exactly a hopeless romantic, are you? But that's ok, because I prefer my sex-crazed kitten” he grinned, his mouth got to work and bit her shoulder, pulling the strap of her bra down with his teeth, seconds later his warm, hot tongue circled around her hard nipple, touchdown! God yes! She sighed in bliss while her hands ran through his long hair.
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kyluxtrashpit ¡ 6 years ago
Hello naughty children, it’s 1 am rant time
So! My brain is slightly more together now than after the trailer first dropped and I’ve had some time to process all my Feels. I’ve settled on cautiously hopeful, with a hint of apprehension and a strong dose of ‘oh my god, this is really the end’. But overall, I think I feel pretty good about it, though it really raises more questions than answers. They meant it when they said ‘teaser’ lmao
(Rant is mostly positive, includes explicit discussion of what we’ve learned from the panel and the trailer. Some reservations and negative thoughts, plus a lot of speculation and touching on such controversial subjects as Reysky, Kylo redemption, and Hux in TLJ. Cut for length because I have no idea how to just use fewer words lmao)
I especially liked that it was so focused on Rey and that it’s a very clear torch-passing. Which, tbh, probably should’ve happened before now and did a little bit, but this really felt like the true moment of it. She’s the hero. She’s going to be a legend. I love that. Also that flip? Holy fuck. Slammed in the face by the reminder of how gay I am lmao. I have some Thoughts about it I’ll get into below, but from a visual point of view, it’s RAD AS HELL. I also love Finn and Poe featuring heavily and that the trio really does seem to be together for most of the movie. Which is nice. I think we need that. JJ said something in the panel about it being an ‘adventure’ and I think that feeling was captured well in the trailer. That part really excites me
Also! My boy! Kylo’s looking like a right hot mess and tbh I’m here for it lmao. I still have a strong urge to bathe him and kinda hope he doesn’t look like a depressed wreck of a human being for the entire movie, but still. I love my big messy boy. Also him just yeeting that dude into the ground? DAMN. I sometimes forget that Kylo is like… b i g. It’s a nice reminder. I also LOVE that the broken helmet rumour was real. That’s my fucking boy. I frequently tag him as ‘my precious disaster boy’ for a reason and I’m glad to see more of that. I would honestly probably lose interest in Kylo completely if he was ever like, calm and composed and not a complete fucking mess lmao. I kind of wish we’d seen just a touch more of him, but I know there’s more info to come and I still like that it focused heavily on the heroes for the first one. I imagine we’ll see more of him later
I’m… not really sure what to think of the Palpatine reveal. If he’s going to show up as a cameo of some sort, say as a Force ghost or something, then that’s pretty dang cool. If he’s going to show up as a ‘hello naughty children, it’s Force lightning time’ and take over as the main threat, I’d admittedly be disappointed. As much as I think a Kylo redemption is likely (and whether people like that or not, I’m indifferent and have made my peace with it as long as it’s done in an okay way) in no small part because Disney likes money, I still feel like replacing him with Palpatine is just… it feels derivative. We’ve had Palpatine before. A lot. 6 movies of him plus his appearances in the side materials. Do we really need more?
Now, there’s been heavy suggestion that there is some unknown threat that comes into this one and if that’s Palpatine, it would match up with the rumours. But I’d much rather it be something from his legacy with him only having a cameo. Because the really terrifying part about Palpatine is he had a plan for the continued survival of the Empire even in the case of his death. The Aftermath novels are really well done that way and tbh, especially with Chuck Wendig’s hinting on twitter, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see something from there come up. I mean, technically the entire First Order is Palpatine’s legacy. Something from his legacy could truly be anything and I like that possibility a lot more than just ‘oh damn, time to kill this asshole again’. Idk. We’ll have to see how that plays out
The title is also curious because it really confirms one of 2 possibilities: either Reysky, Kylo redemption, or both. Which, again, both of those are huge spoilers, so it’s an interesting choice to play for a title. That said, we don’t know which, so it doesn’t tell us definitively, I suppose, but still. And no, I don’t buy the theories about it referring to Luke or Anakin somehow returning; that would be stupid. We have new characters for a reason and they need to be the central focus. This is the same reason I’m not fond of Palpatine being the big bad; let the new villains shine. I also don’t believe it’s Leia because I doubt they had enough left over footage of Carrie to make that work
Of course, I would’ve enjoyed having a nice 0.2 seconds of the back of Hux’s head lmao, or even any info on the dark side characters at all because I’m a filthy villain fucker, but I’m not super upset about it. I’m kinda sad that Phasma is confirmed as dead, but I also expected that. My biggest hope for Hux is really that he gets to be scary and not treated as a joke, so I hope JJ really leans in to that. Let him have his moment. Let him be a credible threat because, really, he is. Tbh, I’d be more afraid of him as my nemesis than the vast majority of Star Wars villains. He’s got a higher kill count than anyone in all of Star Wars except maybe Palpatine himself (exact number of deaths due to the Clone Wars, the Empire’s rule, and the rebellion combined are unknown, but are probably in the billions, which would put him and Hux, terrifyingly, on the same level). It still throws me for a loop how often that’s forgotten, both by fandom and, sometimes, the official material. Hux is what happens when ambition, intelligence, ruthlessness, and fervent belief in a cause converge. I know he’s going to fail and he’s going to die in this one but, fuck, please let him die as the Starkiller instead of a ‘miscast tinkerer’. He deserves that much and, more importantly, so do I lmao. And Domhnall does too, tbh, because he’s a great actor who deserves better than being sidelined completely
(Another reason not to like Palpatine coming back: basically guarantees Hux has no role and gets completely forgotten because there’s a new big bad in town. I might actually cry if that happens)
I also know we will get more on the villains later, so we’ll just have to see how that pans out. As for other new stuff, Naomi Ackie’s character looks rad as fuck and I love her already. I’m also ECSTATIC to see Lando back. I fucking love Lando. And he finally got the Falcon back! Tbh I hope his role is rather significant and it’s kinda in line with Han’s role in TFA. I’m excited by that possibility. Also the Leia scenes… fuck. That hug with Rey fucked me up hard. I can’t believe we’re doing this without Carrie and it breaks my heart tbh
Another curious note: so we see a tie fighter that looks like a modified Silencer flying at Rey. We also see Kylo in a cockpit that definitely does not match the Silencer’s from TLJ. So it’s possible that was not actually Kylo flying at her, which raises some interesting questions. I saw some people saying they could see Poe’s jacket in the window but I think they’re full of shit and just seeing something they want to lmao. It remains to be seen who is actually flying it. The context of that scene is also odd: in what fucking universe does it make sense to use a SPACE craft with GUNS capable of atmospheric flight to run someone ON FOOT over from like 3 feet off the ground? It doesn’t. That’s stupid. That does make me think it’s possible it’s some sort of really risky training exercise, no matter who is behind the controls. I suppose it is possible that perhaps the guns were disabled somehow and the pilot is just going for broke, but the ship looks undamaged and that strategy still doesn’t make a lot of sense. The correct thing to do would be to come from above and crash it into the person while ejecting moments before impact, not chasing them like you’re driving a car. It’s dumb. I really hope that’s not real combat because it makes no damn sense to me lmao. Another reason lending to the training exercise idea: if I were Rey, I would’ve gone below, not above. She’s small. A tie fighter hovers. She would’ve fit under it easily and been able to slash from below without having to jump into the damn sky. Though, counterpoint: she has her lightsaber ignited and is turning to slash at the cockpit. Not really a nice thing to do to an ally of yours helping you train, hm? Idk. The scene looks cool as fuck, but the more I think about it, the more it bugs me tbh lmao
As a last thing… it’s really hitting me that this is it. This is the end of the Skywalker saga. Even though I know they have other stories planned with new characters at some point, imo, this is really the end of the true part of the franchise. How much am I really going to care about Star Wars without the familiar faces? After decades… this is really it. That’s… very bittersweet. I have loved these movies, always, but especially so in recent years (as evidenced by the existence of this blog lmao) and they’ve been a big part of my life. Yet here we are. And I just… I’m feeling melancholy about that in and of itself, but I also really, really want this to be a satisfying ending. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but I want it to fit. I want it to feel right. I want closure and I want this ending to do justice to these characters, including the main ones, the side ones, and the ones who came before but aren’t featured in this trilogy. That’s really what I’m aching for here. And I am cautiously hopeful, but I am also nervous. This is a very tall order and, while JJ is probably the person best qualified to give that to us, it doesn’t change how much of a challenge that is. It’s a lot. And… I am definitely sad about this being the end. Even if I love the movie and it’s amazing and lives up to all of my dreams, it will still end and this will be it. I honestly don’t know how I’m going to feel when that actually comes and it kinda scares me a little. But a satisfying ending would help soften the blow, so we shall see. Idk. I’m sad and a little scared just because of that, all other reservations aside
I think that’s all I’ve got for now? I’m excited for more and I don’t know if we’ll get much over the rest of celebration, but there might be snippets. I’d still like to see the Knights of Ren too, given that we’re pretty sure they’re in the movie but like… where? Lmao I want to know. Anyway. This is mostly word vomit, so don’t take it too seriously. My predictions could be way off base and we won’t know for a while so yeah. If you read this far, congrats and thanks for reading my rambling!
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space-rangers-on-ice ¡ 6 years ago
World Building and Chara Backstories!
So, this is for a lovely on Twitter, anyone who still follows me on this pretty much dead account (i love and appreciate you if you do, you da real mvps lol), so ignore this if you want :) If you still wanna follow me, you can find me, my art, and my ramblings @TheSnarkanist on Twitter <3 
So, Dominic and Casimir. Dom and Cas. My precious OC’s. Here’s their story and a bit of the world they live in! 
Before I go into detail about them though, let’s start with a bit of world building first so some stuff later makes sense! 
So, in this Universe, there is a huge plethora of Gods, think Greek or Japanese Mythology style, just tons of gods everywhere! Anyway, there are two overarching categories of Gods. Elemental Gods, and Empathetic Gods. Elemental Gods (pretty self-explanatory, but will elaborate anyway lol) govern over the elements of the universe and the mortal world, such as the basics of Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, etc, as well as the broader elements such as the concepts of Dark and Light, among many others. Most of the elemental Gods tend to be more powerful than Empathetic Gods, so they make up the majority of the upper tiers of the Hierarchy of Gods. Empathetic Gods govern over human emotion. Not to say that they control how people feel, absolutely not, humans have Free Will, the Gods cannot control any humans unless absolutely dire situation requires it to keep the Universe in balance. Empathetic Gods essentially require human emotion to remain in existence, and the more people feel a certain emotion, the stronger the gods of that emotion will become. The major downside of Empathetic Gods that Elemental Gods don’t experience is that they literally rely on mortals to maintain their existence. Empathetic Gods wink into existence when a certain emotion becomes widely felt across many people, and Empathetic Gods fade from existence when a certain emotion is no longer as widely felt by people. For example, if there is war and strife, where fear, anger and hatred are the emotions running wild through the people, then gods of those emotions grow stronger, more gods of those emotions wink into existence, and gods of emotions such as happiness, love, and compassion, will begin to weaken and/or fade from existence, and the reverse is true in times of peace (think of the anime Noragami, if you’ve seen it, to get an idea of how Gods and their powers work). Due to this constant change in power among the Empathetic Gods, most of them make up the majority of the lower tier of the Hierarchy of Gods. 
And that wraps up the important aspects of my World Building to explain my OC’s and their story!
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So, I’m gonna start with my problem child, Dominic AKA Dom. Below is his Godly Form!
So, Dom is 20 years old. He grew up in an orphanage after having been found wandering the streets at the estimated age of 8, with no memory of who he was or where he came from. He was an angry, closed off child, and so he bounced from foster home to foster home, nobody willing to keep a child with the issues he had. He ran with a pretty bad crowd, and spent quite a bit of his adolescence in and out of juvie. He picked up the habit of smoking cigs at 14, dropped out of school at 16, and then when he aged out of the system at 18, he began bouncing from crappy min wage job after another just to afford the crappy run down apartment he barely lives in. He developed a habit of dying his hair wild colors, and he is currently sporting purple and green (as shown above), and he has quite a few piercings as well. One thing that has remained a constant for him though, is his passion for photography. Specifically, he loves sneaking into old abandoned places and photographing them. He feels a kinship with these places that have been forsaken by the world and lost to time, just like him. He feels the need to preserve their memory, so at least one person will remember them. Because of his childhood memory loss, he obsesses over photography so that he never forgets anything ever again, it’s one of the things he fears the most. Dom is a good guy though, he has a good heart, he’s just been fucked by society and has a lot of issues to work through. He’s better since he’s grown up a bit, but he’s still pretty angry at the world and has issues with authority, he hates being told what to do. Now, how did he lose his memory exactly? Well, I won’t go into detail about how or why, because I don’t wanna spoil much, but I will give this interesting tid-bit away. Dom is actually a former Minor God of Compassion, and something happened that caused him to flee from the heavens to take refuge on Earth. He reverted his form into that of a child, locked away his powers, and erased his memories, so he would grow up as a human and forget about his Godly troubles. 
Now, for some information on Casimir AKA Cas! 
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Cas is the Dragon God! The Dragon God is the God of Creation, he rules over everything within the Universe, and is the King of the Gods. He has been the current Dragon God for over a thousand years now. The Dragon God is not all-seeing and all-knowing, however, and can make mistakes just as easily as anybody. The Gods are not perfect beings by any means, though some may try to act like they are (lol). Cas is a kind and benevolent Dragon God, he treats everybody equally, and is stern when he needs to be. He is fiercely protective of those he cares about. He can be stubborn and impulsive though, and doesn’t always realize his own faults, so sometimes he has to get knocked around a bit to realize when he’s being stupid. Anyway, so poor Cas here, just being a good Dragon God, minding his own business, just trying to do his job, suddenly gets taken out by some unknown entity out of nowhere. By taken out, I mean that this strange black entity shows up randomly with no warning, steals Cas’s powers, puts him to sleep, and then basically just fucking YEETS the fucker down to Earth. And it all happens so fast that the other gods around Cas, his Inner Circle mostly, have literally no time to act and stop this entity in time, so they lose their King, but before the Dragon God’s powers can fully manifest within the entity, Cas’s Inner Circle are able to restrain and seal away the entity so that it can’t do anymore damage. Since they have no clue what it is or where it came from though, they can do nothing more but keep it sealed until they can get some information. So, the Inner Circle splits, half researching the entity, the other half trying to find their fallen King. 
That wraps up my OC’s! Now....
So glad you asked! So, one day, Dom snuck into an old abandoned mansion to check it out and mark some good spots to come back and photograph. So, while he was carefully picking his way through the rickety old building, he gets startled by a damn pigeon of all things! As a result, he accidentally missteps and falls through the floor to the room below. There’s no light in the room except for his dim flashlight and what little light is shining in from the hole he made above him. As the ceiling starts to collapse on him, he suddenly gets yanked out of the way by...... Cas! (Because who else would it be? Lol) Casimir has been asleep in this mansion for the last 12 years, and Dom basically falling on his face is what finally woke him! So, Dom helps Cas get out of the mansion and lets Cas stay with him for a few days while Cas brushes up on the current state of the world today, and tries to communicate someone from his Inner Circle with no success. Once Cas has his bearings, he thanks Dom for taking care of him, and goes on his way. From there, Cas uses his charm and intelligence, as well as a little bit of what small dredges of power he has left to build himself into a successful businessman (because how else are you gonna afford the lifestyle of a GOD and have the power and connections to do questionable Godly things?) and searches for a way to contact his Inner Circle to find out what happened up in the heavens and find a way to get back up there. And that’s how Dom and Cas meet!
Now, of course Dom and Cas will meet again and all kind of craziness will ensue, but if I talk about all that here, that’ll spoil the fun and then what will be the point of writing my story at all? If you wanna know more about them, you know how to contact me! I’ll be posting  more art pieces of them over time as well, and my hope is to eventually turn their story into a comic, so if you want to keep up to date on how that is going, follow me on Twitter~! 
Thanks for reading! <3 
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madamebaggio ¡ 5 years ago
Hot night for Sansa Stark and Arthur Pendragon.
Things just got pretty serious between Rockstar Arthur Pendragon and Pop Princess Sansa Stark. The couple was caught in a very intimate moment during a party at Producer William Hart’s house. Inside sources say they “were all over each other the whole night”, with Arthur introducing Sansa as his girlfriend to his friends. After a few moments in a dark room, the couple retired for the night, clearly for a more intimate moment. 
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Chapter 10 
It was Shae’s frantic knocking that woke Sansa up. She had a bad feeling before she even got to the door, because this wasn’t normal. Shae didn’t go around knocking on her door like the house was on fire. Something had happened.
“Sansa…” Shae spoke softly as soon as Sansa opened the door.
“What happened?” Sansa demanded.
Shae just sighed and passed her the tablet. It was a picture of her and Arthur, clearly taken from inside the house. Someone -one of the guests -had found them kissing and taken a picture. They had just kissed, because Arthur was serious about respecting her wishes, and she’d liked him even more for it.
However, she had been sitting on his lap, and -as nobody knew what happened after that -it was easy to assume it had been way more heated that it’d actually been.
And it was what the headline suggested.
“Hot night for Sansa Stark and Arthur Pendragon.”
“Sansa…” Shae called softly.
“Does Brienne already know?” She asked.
“She called me.” Shae admitted. “She isn't happy. She wanted to kill Bedivere, because it was a private party, this shouldn’t have happened.”
“It’s not his fault.” Sansa sighed. “How about Arthur?”
“He didn’t call me, but he has your number.”
Yes, he did, and if he hadn’t called, something wasn’t right. “I’ll call him.”
Arthur had gone out for a long run that morning, and that was the reason he didn’t have his phone and didn’t know what was going on.
However, as soon as he got to his apartment and opened the door, he knew something had happened, because Bedivere was there and he wasn’t happy.
Arthur ignored him and went straight to his phone, because if Bedivere was looking at him like that, the chances of it having something to do with Sansa were big.
“Don’t talk to her until I speak.” Bedivere asked.
Arthur paused, the phone in his hand. He could see that Sansa had already called him four times. “Then talk fast.”
“Someone took a picture of you two kissing at the party.”
“How? The curtains were pulled closed.”
“It was from inside the house.” Bedivere admitted.
“What?” Arthur growled. “Who was it?”
“I don’t know yet…”
“Then find out!” Arthur snapped. “This is unacceptable, Bedivere, and not only because of Sansa. Everybody that was invited was a friend, people I thought I could trust.”
Bedivere pressed his lips together, like he wanted to say something, but then he just nodded. Arthur didn’t even bother in continue this conversation -but, fuck, he’d need to apologize later, Bedivere didn’t deserve to be treated like this -he pressed the button to call Sansa.
She answered on the second ring. “Arthur! Where have you been?”
“I’m sorry, Sansa, I was running.” He pressed the heel of his hand against his eye. “Are you fine?”
“No.” She sighed. “I hate this. Have you seen the picture? Have you read the article?”
“No, and neither should you. I know…” He pressed when he heard the beginning of a protest. “I know this isn’t…” He sighed. “This is my fault.”
Sansa sighed. “That took a turn. Arthur, it’s not. I don’t blame you, ok? I don’t know if you think I do, but I don’t. It’s just that… After everything with Cersei and Joffrey, I hate to be featured in a tabloid like this.”
“And you aren’t wrong. I hate this too.” He took a deep breath. “I’ll find out who did it, okay?”
She sighed once again. “Ok. Call me.” And she hung up, leaving Arthur with a whole on his chest.
It didn’t take long to find out who was responsible for that. Bill had a lot of contacts, and through that they found out what happened.
Rubio -the boy from the comics -had been invited to the party. He took the picture and send it to a friend, and this friend sold it.
The boy insisted he didn’t know his friend would do that, but it wasn’t the point. He took the fucking picture, and this was the main problem. It was such a breach in privacy that Arthur told Bedivere to cancel the comic. He didn’t care if he had to personally pay some kind of fine, if he was sued or whatever.
Even if it hadn’t been a picture of them together, even if Sansa wasn’t involved, this was unacceptable.
And the tabloids were having a field day with it. This was what Arthur hated the most: the supposed ‘close friends’ telling what was happening, people talking about them as if they knew them, fuckers who had the nerves of calling themselves ‘specialists’ evaluating their relationship.
Besides all of that, there were still fans from both sides giving their opinion about it, as if Sansa and Arthur were their property and they had rights to their relationship somehow.
He was so fucking pissed that Bedivere had confiscated his phone, worried that he’d start some sort of Twitter war with everyone.
His bandmates were supportive, and they were also angry about the situation.
And Sansa… After the story got traction and became more than just one picture on a tabloid, she became distant, sending less messages and hardly ever answering her phone. Arthur was getting concerned that this whole circus would make him look like too much trouble to her.
So when he called Shae to ask how things were and she told him that Sansa had gone to visit her parents, he had a minute of panic.
Then he decided that fuck it, he was going after her.
Sansa hadn’t meant to run away from the situation. She really hadn’t, and she wasn’t proud of herself.
However, as the days passed and the subject wouldn’t die she fell into a spiral. She started remembering how were things right after she left Joffrey and broke her contract with Cersei, all the people analyzing her situation and giving opinions and saying terrible things about her.
Those flashbacks took her to a dark place: the days when she was convinced she was fat and needed to lose weight urgently, the days when she was worried Joffrey might slap her, but still worried he’d leave her, when she wanted to please Cersei so badly she’d talk shit about her own family.
She didn’t want to run, but she had to. She felt like a mess, and she worried that Arthur would give up on her because of all that. She called her therapist and tried to calm down, but she realized she needed her mother. Desperately.
Catelyn was waiting for her with open arms when she went to Montana. She let her daughter cry on her shoulder.
“You know… I had my doubts about that boy, but…” She gave a resigned sighed. “He doesn’t seem so bad. Why don’t you call him?”
“What if he thinks I’m too much work?” Sansa asked, for the first time voicing that fear.
“Then he doesn’t deserve you.” Cat told her simply. “And I know it’s easy for me to say this, I know.” She insisted. “But you deserve so much love, Sansa. It really hurts me to see you thinking you don’t.”
Sansa had nothing to say to that. She’d worked so much on herself, her therapist had been so good and patient, but she didn’t feel like she was better. She was still running, wasn’t she?
Sansa and Cat turned to Ned, who was hovering by the door. “Yes, dad?”
“That Pendragon boy is here.” He told her, like he couldn’t believe it himself.
“What?” She almost fell from the couch.
“He is here.” Her father repeated. “He didn’t come in, he told me he’d wait to see if you wanted to talk to him.”
Sansa looked at her mother. “The choice is yours, darling.” Cat indicated. “But, for what’s worth, he deserves an answer too.”
Sansa sighed and got up, thanking her dad.
Arthur was outside, leaning against a motorcycle, looking so much like the bad boy he was supposed to be, that Sansa couldn’t hold back a smile.
“This is turning into stalking.” She said as a greeting. “How did you find me?”
 He shrugged. “Your sister.”
 “Traitor.” She grumbled, but it was without heat. ‘What do you want?”
 “To give you a ride, Red.” He offered her a helmet. “Hop on.”
She didn’t hesitate to grab the helmet and climb on the bike. If there was one thing Sansa knew, it was that she could trust Arthur.
“I know where we can go.” She offered.
Arthur nodded and drove away. She’d point turns to him, but they didn’t go that far. Her parents’ state was big, but she had a favorite spot.
Once they got there she took off her helmet and climbed off. Arthur did the same.
“I’m glad you decided to see me, Sansa.” He told her honestly.
“I’m sorry I left.” She told him simply.
“I’m not angry or anything. It’s okay that you need space, sometimes I do too.” He told her. “But… If we… If this happens… Can you please talk to me before taking off?”
Her heart stopped for a second. “You still want to do this?”
“Of course I do. Nothing changed, Sansa.” He took a deep breath in. “Unless you’re actively fighting against it. I gave up a long time ago.”
 Sansa snorted. “Can you imagine the headlines? Princess of the Pop and Bad Boy of the Rock?”
 “I honestly don’t care. Do you?” There was real concern in his voice now.
“I’m afraid of disappointing you.” She admitted.
“Why would you?” He asked kindly.
“Because you’re so brave, and I’m here hiding.”
“I’m not brave, Red.” He came closer and picked her hand up. “I’m fucking terrified. I flew all the way here…”
“Rented a bike…”
“I have a reputation to keep.” He agreed smoothly. “Just because I was scared that you were about to ditch me.”
Sansa seemed horrified by the thought. “Me? I thought you were going to realize I’m a mess.”
“Well, you are a mess -a hot one, by the way…”
Sansa snorted, but Arthur didn’t stop. He cupped her face. “But I’m nowhere near perfect. I’m also a bit of a mess. And I don’t care if you need time, if you need space. Whatever you need, if I can give it to you, I will. I want to be by your side. I just hope you want me there.”
“For chrissake!” Her voice was teary. “Why do you have to be so good?”
Arthur chuckled and rested his forehead against her. “I’m not, don’t feed my ego. It doesn’t require help.”
Sansa’s chuckle was a bit watery. “So you want to try?”
“I do.” He told her honestly. “Can we do this together?”
“One condition.” She told him seriously.
“Name your price.” He replied immediately.
“A duet.” She grinned up at him.
Arthur barked a laughter. “You want us to sing together?”
“Yes, and I already have the song.”
His grin became a thing of beauty. “Whatever you want, Red.”
Notes: So this was supposed to be the last one, but I felt it’d be too rushed if I kept it that way.
As it has been a looooong while since I updated this, you can check the full work on my AO3 page.
We’ll have a short chapter to close the story and talk about the duet ;)
Also, I used Rubio like this, because he clearly gave the resistance up on the movie, so he’s clearly not to be trusted.
Fine, I might be bitter about that.
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