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peikonlainen · 2 months ago
My hourly comic I drew today, one day late! Why I always forget it? Well, better late than never 🌟
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estonian-is-horrible · 1 year ago
it's almost December so don't forget to rewatch all the classic recipes for glögi
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clatterbane · 3 months ago
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More tentative plans for tomorrow evening: my own somewhat international take on a largely apple-based glögg!
Not shown: a little out of one of the bag-in-box fresh ciders we still have, which I'll have to ask Mr. C where he stashed. Both for the flavor, and a little alcohol dilution. That batch of homemade apple wine with a little lingonberry and raspberry flavors that I set aside for it came out to around 18% ABV (and has aged and mellowed enough to not taste so alcoholic anymore), before we even slosh in any additional booze. We'll be off our asses pretty quick sipping on that stuff unless we do dilute it some, and I don't think that's what anyone is looking for here.
For the additional booze: some tasty relatively local apple brandy from the same cider place we bought that fresh stuff from this year (close enough to the classic applejack back home), plus whatever is left in that bottle of French-style dark rum and maybe a touch of the other dark rum if it tastes like it still needs more.
A little honey seemed like the way to go here, and we had an open bag of apple glögg spice mix which can go into that little fine mesh brewing bag to avoid needing to strain it. Plus cinnamon sticks and other ginger if it feels like it needs more.
White wine and apple versions are pretty popular, too. I am actually planning to slow-cooker this batch. Keeps it warm, without worrying about boiling it too high.
Was originally thinking to do that tonight, but I still haven't made those cookies which would be nice to snack on with our Frankenglögg.
It can be an extra festive day, with us probably already in a serious food coma. Mr. C did pick up his obligatory Christmas Eve ham, so he's planning to bake that tomorrow with some potatoes and carrots and stuff.
The guy may not be big on celebrating Christmas in general--but, by golly, we are GOING to have a mustard-topped ham and at least one variety of glögg. Plus a good excuse to stock up on various sweet stuff, plus extra cheese and crackers etc. And I'm good with all of that.
Now I need to get cracking on those cookies pretty soon!
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shurple · 1 year ago
just tried glögg and i think we should start reglögging posts
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wanderrealms · 2 years ago
This probably isn't good anymore, but I'm writing a Christmas themed story and need to get the taste of glögg right.
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What the-?
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I guess it is still good.
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phantom-of-the-north · 3 months ago
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Starkvinsglögg ur muminkopp
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floortile34 · 4 months ago
i love glögg. yall should try it. if its not sold near u, make it
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donjohann · 1 year ago
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matmamma · 1 year ago
Godaste glöggen - stort test!
Nu är det den där speciella tiden på året som jag bara älskar och då är det också dags för glögg! Vi har provat tre sorter från Grönstedts och Spritverket, varav en alkoholfri – och vi är så nöjda! Grönstedts starkvinsglögg kom redan förra året och blev så populär att den nu finns i fler butiker och det är vi inte ett dugg förvånade över, för den är fantastiskt god. Klassiskt kryddad, med kanel,…
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chalksoul · 3 months ago
This is my favorite version (Swedish Glögg) You will need: 2 cinnamon sticks 12 whole cloves 2 pieces of dried ginger 1 tsp cardamom seeds 3 bitter orange peels 2 dl raisins 2-3 dl brandy, unspiced 2 bottles of red wine, plain, not decanted 2-3 dl granulated sugar (and some almonds and raisin for serving)
1: Put spices, the peels and raisins in a jar. 2: Pour the brandy until the spices are completely covered. Seal with a tight-fitting lid. 3: Let it sit for four days. Shake the jar occasionally.
4: Strain the liquid into a saucepan. 5: Add the two bottles of red wine and the sugar. 6: Heat gently over low heat until the sugar has dissolved. Taste if you want more sugar.
7: Bottle and store cool.
8: The mulled wine is heated up when serving but don't let it boil. Serve with raisins and blanched almonds.
Mmm I want to make mulled wine (glögg) for the holidays this year. This was something we had for holiday parties back in Minnesota, but I never actually tried my hand at making it myself.
I know there's a lot of recipes out there online I could try, but I'm curious: Does anyone have a favorite?
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misfitwandersdani · 1 year ago
The Top 9 Reasons to Visit Sweden in Winter
Experience the Magic of Sweden in Winter: Enjoy the Snowy Delights, Activities, and Cozy Charm. Discover a Winter Wonderland in Sweden.
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pankiepoo · 3 months ago
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swedish christmas fan
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why-the-heck-not · 3 months ago
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christmas fire alarm count: 2
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theswedishpajas · 1 year ago
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Tried out the customized bōrupen brush again, this time using my fave Astarion faces for reference (and also added a little hint at a guy who reminded me of our favorite vampire)
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denizbevan · 5 months ago
Ficversary day for a sequel!
Stede's still learning how to be a good captain. Ed helps him in more ways than one...
...and for a second sequel, too!
On a cold winter's night, Stede waits for his fiancé to come home...
Title: ...still round the corner we may meet
Author: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Deniz_B/pseuds/Deniz_B
Artist: https://instagram.com/_mahnaah_
Beta reader:https://x.com/Gold_galloon?t=GhDU6GYBnbnvtU7Zrff1xQ&s=09
Characters: Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Israel Hands, Mary Allamby Bonnet, Doug, Fang, Lucius Spriggs, Black Pete, The Swede, Roach, Nathaniel Buttons, Jim Jimenez, Oluwande Boodhari, Frenchie, Wee John Feeney
Relationship(s): Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Rating: E
Additional Tags: written before S2, Walking, Meet-Cute, Stede Bonnet Loves Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Loves Stede Bonnet, Found Family, First Time
Warnings: None
Summary: Stede and Mary moved the family to Switzerland for Mary’s job. The kids were young, and Stede didn’t have a working visa; he stayed at home. By the time the kids started school full time, he and Mary agreed that, for the sake of the children, a divorce was the only option. That way, they might at least preserve their friendship.
A new job, a new apartment, a routine of his own.
Committed to remaining friends, Stede and Mary decide to join a Saturday morning walking club. For the first time ever, for a few hours each week, Stede's free to spend time with adults who aren’t dull-as-dishwater colleagues, equally-exhausted fellow parents, or disastrous dates. He might even find a friend—or more.
Each week, Stede interacts with a different member of the Random Rambles crew, making ever more radical decisions about his life (quitting his job! opening a community centre!)--and growing closer and closer to fellow walker Ed.
Where might he be by summer's end?
Word Count: 37,051
Link to story and art: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51134728
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donjohann · 1 year ago
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