#give weapons to ukraine
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herukapadmajungiansworld · 2 years ago
Decolonisation is beautiful.
Here’s just one example from one small corner of one small Estonian town, Viljandi.
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Picture 1: An ugly communist party building and car park, built by the soviet occupiers on top of a memorial they demolished for local people who died fighting for independence.
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Pictures 2 & 3: The memorial, lovingly recreated down to every last detail, is back at the heart of a public square.
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There are some commentators abroad who like to lecture russia’s neighbours not to “erase history” by removing the scars of occupation.
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It’s weird because this kind of thing is normal everywhere else in the world. In fact, the very same people who get particularly upset about occupation monuments being removed here also tend to be very articulate about the importance of removing statues to ousted oppressors elsewhere. They just think russian imperialism gets a free pass.
Newsflash: It doesn’t.
Rather than erase history, plenty of occupation junk across the Baltic countries has been transferred to museums so that future generations can learn about it in its proper context. But it doesn’t belong in our public spaces. Local people here hated that brutal communist party building, which desecrated the memorial in a way so symbolic of the wider ugliness of russian imperialism.
Public spaces belong to the people who actually live here and should reflect the kind of free, modern, open, independent countries that we are - and which remember those who made it possible.
The other bad take on this issue is to constantly frame this kind of thing as a ‘reaction/response/message to russia’. That, again, is imperialist thinking. We make decisions for our countries based on what we want our countries to be. We’d want to remove this kind of junk even if russia had ceased to exist in 1991 or if it had flourished into a friendly democracy.
In fact, here in Viljandi, it took three decades of planning and sculpting to recreate the monument based off grainy photos of the original. The building was finally knocked down a couple of years ago and the memorial unveiled this midsummer.
In the interim, the building was expanded after the occupation to serve as Tourist Information, which was pretty ironic considering the communist aim was to keep us closed to the world. But that has a new home and the time has come to return the space.
There was quite a debate locally about whether to recreate it exactly or update it with some kind of modern reinterpretation. Both are legitimate, interesting ideas.
In the end, the only difference is that the materials are now of a much higher quality. I think they made the right decision.
And the fact that it was recreated in perfect detail by people who never saw the original but emerged from occupation with the same determination to live free does send its own new message from our time too. We will continue to exist.
Decolonisation can suffer setbacks, horrendously painful as we see in Ukraine, but the long term trend is unstoppable. The special protection that russian imperialism still enjoys in the minds of many around the world is starting to shatter.
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I stopped by to take a photo of it for you all and a rainbow appeared. 🙂
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korin-selery · 8 months ago
doctors from Ochmatdit clinic, that specialized on treating children with cancer and was struck by missile during the attack this morning, are helping with cleaning up the rubble and getting the children from under the building, even though they themselves are hurt
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lesmotsquinousmanqueny · 8 days ago
I will support Ukraine, Ukrainians, and their (democratically elected and totally legitimate) representants through whatever disinformation campains russia and Trump will launch (I've already noticed an uppeak of it on social media). I will remember the truth, I will remember who started this (and countless wars prior), and no amount of fake news and distorting narratives will change my mind.
That said, I will protest in support of Ukraine this weekend, and you can, too. You can find protests in your country at
A lot are programmed for the 23rd and 24th of February, as it is the anniversary of the full-scale invasion.
It is a perfect opportunity to show Trump and our own leaders what we think of backstabbing a country that is fighting for its survival and democracy, as well as threatening and undermining its legitimate representants.
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sicheslavchyk · 2 months ago
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Sometimes i truly wish that this world would stop existing all at once. I can't fucking take it anymore, really
Like, hello 2025, 111k people are openly supporting this person. Who knows damn well that the money they will pay for the game will be used to kill Ukrainians. It is kinda surreal, you know. So many people at once (many of whom are not russians) wishing you death.
I know that it might be musk and his bots, but damn, you can't make 111k likes by just using bots. Some real people saw this post and liked it. Many real people
I am sick and tired. Let this world burn — it is impossible to save at this point. I will gladly burn with it
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vasilsblog · 10 months ago
Biden Stop Verrat! Gib der Ukraine eine Waffe! Biden stop betrayal! Give Ukraine weapons!
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llatimeria · 1 year ago
This survey is actively unhinged lmao. it really needs an "i don't know/i'm bald/any other infinitely nuanced answer" button for every other question
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medicinemane · 1 year ago
I will say that until russia withdraws all troops and ceases all hostilities in Ukraine I'm kinda a single issue voter
Like I just plain can't vote for someone that's not pro Ukraine, cause apart from it being what's right I just can't fucking trust them with anything else
Not saying there's not a whole complex host of shit... not saying I particularly like... fucking any of them really (like any US politician), and not saying it'll make a damn bit of difference given that like... the dumb asshole that's got my district's house seat is almost certainly gonna win again despite being a dumb asshole who I really don't like... but that's how it is for me
Just can't stomach politicians that block Ukraine aid, and a lot of people who I slightly respected despite not liking their politics made my blood boil with how quickly they turned when it was politically convenient
If they flip in a heartbeat from literally going to Kyiv and pledging our support to blocking aid... what else'll they flip on me with?
You do what you want with your life, hell I'm not even saying voting'll solve much. Just mostly saying that if you can vote you should (and try to vote by mail so it sucks less) cause maybe if enough of us do it can lean on those scum in office, but much more than that I'm saying I'm just in a pissed off mood right now and wanted to complain about one of the things pissing me off
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herukapadmajungiansworld · 2 years ago
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sepdet · 2 months ago
at least give that woman a bazooka
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("Mother Ukraine" statue in Kiev facing towards Russia; she's so tall 3 men can stand side by side on her shield) 🇺🇦🌻
This was published 100 years ago
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endosexual · 5 months ago
I caved and commented on a tik tok.... Lets see how much i get shit on
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taiwantalk · 1 year ago
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medicinemane · 6 months ago
Julia Musakovska
And just like that, in the broad daylight, Russians hit Kharkiv with five guided aviation bombs, killing 5 people, among them a 14-year old girl on the playground. 47 wounded, 20 people are in the critical state, some with amputations…
The news is suffocating, my heart breaks for the loved ones of the victims. How do Russians live with all this, you might wonder? But they don’t even love their own children. Only military defeat and heavy retributions could be sobering. Our army must be allowed to strike back at their territory with any provided weapons, otherwise it’s fighting with one hand tied behind our back. Against a Goliath. While Ukrainian children are being killed with missiles that Russians aim at playgrounds.
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lesmotsquinousmanqueny · 16 days ago
Since Trump wants to abandon Ukraine completely, refusing any NATO integration, and "no longer prioritizes Ukraine's and Europe's defense", it's time europeans realize Putin IS our enemy, as much as Hitler once was.
The US just gave him the green light to invade more european countries, and there is no universe in which Ukraine's defeat will end Putin's war path, he's literally extending his army right now.
Europan leaders and countries are saying statements and donating weapons in response, and that's good, but that's forgetting citizens can also send a message.
You can donate to united24, and give a massive fuck you to Trump (and Musk), on top of actively helping Europe's defense.
Europe is not for them to hand over. Europe is not for grabs. Each European nation is sovereign, as is our Union.
Vive l'Europe, Vive l'Ukraine, and fuck Trump
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soon-palestine · 11 months ago
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The driver and translator for the foreign delegation that was targeted
the martyr Saif Essam Abuta
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The western aid workers' murder by Israel may be a deliberate slap at Biden. They were there for his pier project. WCKitchen is very much a Clinton/Biden linked NGO and selected for that reason. WCKitchen ran a Biden get the vote out operation in 2020 including giving food to voting lines in Democrat neighbourhoods. They did photo opportunity projects specifically for Bill Clinton in Africa. Their murder by Israel is a real problem for Genocide Joe.
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Today @WCKitchen lost several of our sisters and brothers in an IDF air strike in Gaza. I am heartbroken and grieving for their families and friends and our whole WCK family. These are people…angels…I served alongside in Ukraine, Gaza, Turkey, Morocco, Bahamas, Indonesia. They are not faceless…they are not nameless. The Israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. It needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and aid workers, and stop using food as a weapon. No more innocent lives lost. Peace starts with our shared humanity. It needs to start now.
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thyinum · 9 months ago
It's so wild to me to see under that Xiran Jay Zhao's post about the bombed ukrainian printing house comments like "I hope everyone is safe." And I get it, people are saying this out of kindness and pure consern, there's nothing wrong with it. It just shows how little coverage our war has abroad.
No, no one in Ukraine is safe. No one in that printing house was safe, in fact, 7 people died. No one in a huge hypermarket in Kharkiv on Saturday was safe, in fact, there were 18 killed and 48 injured. And all this happened in the span of only a few days.
No one is safe in territories occupied by russians because the whole family can get killed by refusing to give up their home to russian soldiers. And every time ukrainian army liberates some region, they find mass graves and torture chambers there.
No one is safe even far away from the front line and the border with russia, because missiles and drones fly all over Ukraine, and you never know when the next one will land on your house.
Hell, ukrainians aren't safe even abroad, because there's always a chance there will be some crazy russian or russian supporter who will decide to beat or kill us. And I'm not making this up.
I'm aware that I'm more safe than the people close to the front line and the border with russia or in occupied territories. I don't hear explosions every day, unlike my friend from Kharkiv. But that doesn't mean I'm completely safe. Missiles and drones fly by at least several times a week, especially at night, when I don't hear the sound of an air raid siren simply because I'm asleep. 
I am not safe.
My family is not safe.
My friends all over Ukraine are not safe.
We're not safe until russia is gone from our territories. That's why we need all that ammunition and aid. War won't magically stop if our allies stop sending us weapons; that's not how it works. We'll just be more unsafe, because russia won't stop unless it is forced to.
Here's ukrainian news sources you can follow that report daily:
United24: Instagram, YouTube, Twitter
Svidomi: Instagram, Twitter
WeAreUkraine: Instagram
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herukapadmajungiansworld · 2 years ago
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