#give tim drake his skateboard back
Tim Drake owns dress shoes, however he make it a point to wear Vans with his suit in every meeting out of spite and hoping that it will convince Bruce to take his goddam company back from a 17 year old
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suzukiblu · 10 months
Day twenty-three of fic NaNoWriMo, obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon.
So alright, Tim may have made some miscalculations here. Or at least one very serious miscalculation, anyway. Kon is a hopeless flirt who always wants attention and to be the most interesting person in the room, and so perhaps inserting Tim Drake into his life as a person determined to give him attention and treat him like the most interesting person in the room while also flirting back was not, in fact, the best plan.
Or, more succinctly: Tim is a fucking idiot. 
After the mall, where Tim nearly fell off that bench twice more and Kon showed him everything he’d picked out to try on and Tim bought him literally every single piece of it that fit, some of it in multiple colors, and Kon, the bastard, then decided to wear the strap-covered leather pants and S-shield crop top out into actual public for the rest of their not-date, because he is, again, a bastard who Tim had to eat lunch with in the food court while he was smugly preening and peacocking in his stupid leather pants and crop top–after the mall, Tim realized he had a problem, and that problem was a) everything about Superman and Cadmus but especially actually-claimed-to-be-a-decent-person Superman and also b) Kon might actually like him as a person. Like. Genuinely and actually like him. 
That is definitely not something Tim planned for. Not in one single solitary contingency plan did he ever even consider “Kon actually liking Tim Drake as a person” as being a potential issue. Kon should have better taste than that, for one thing. Tim Drake is a photography nerd and a nerd-nerd and he's not all that interesting or attractive. He has weird taste in video games and only likes the role-playing games that literally nobody actually plays. And he isn't even that good at skateboarding! 
It has occurred to Tim, perhaps, that while Kon definitely is and always has been a flirt, he may have been basing his previous personal assumptions about how "serious" any more focused forms of flirting have been less on Kon himself and more on other people's reactions to said flirting. That it might not be Kon who's getting bored and moving on at the drop of a hat. 
Meaning, for all he knows Kon only really hits on people he's actually interested in and is simultaneously absolutely attention-starved enough to devote himself to anyone who so much as implies any kind of reciprocal interest. 
So that's . . . something to take under consideration, possibly. And be wary of, possibly. 
Except . . . 
It's kind of bad that Tim wants to just lean into it, isn't it. That he wants to–wants to encourage it. 
That he wants to devote himself back to that devotion in turn and see just how far it goes. 
Yeah, that cannot be a healthy thought process to be having, under the circumstances. 
But Tim's having it, all the same. And it wouldn't be that bad, would it? He actually does like Kon, for starters. He's not trying to use him or take advantage of him. Manipulate him a little, yeah, obviously, but Tim is pretty sure he's literally incapable of not manipulating the people he cares about at this point in his life, so . . . 
Possibly he should work on that? Like, come to think. 
But that's a later-problem. Somewhere between now and supervillainy. 
Anyway, Superman decided it was perfectly fucking fine to leave Kon in a literal fucking lab that wasn't even paying or educating him or anything, so Tim feels pretty secure in his current moral high ground. He is the Obi-Wan Kenobi of this situation and he has absolutely no reservations about that fact. 
At least as long as Kon's happy, anyway. 
Tim could maybe make him happy, he's realizing. Like . . . if Kon really does like him like that, he means. He could get him a homey little place in Gotham, like a studio downtown or maybe a small estate in Bristol, and he could take him on dates to actually nice places, and he could hang out with him on the weekends and play whatever video games he's into. They could actually spend time together where Kon doesn't think he has to be either “cool” or just like Superman, and where Tim doesn't have to be professional and emotionally distant. Time where Kon could be a normal guy and Tim wouldn't have to wear a mask. 
It's . . . tempting. 
Really, really tempting. 
Anyway, that's why Tim is currently planning the nicest and least-ethical date of his life while on patrol with Nightwing. Japanese food is still probably his best bet, since neither Gotham nor Metropolis is exactly spoiled for Hawaiian food and actually flying Kon all the way to Hawaii might be coming on a little bit too strong for a first date, and obviously he's not going to make Kon fly him there. He's the one planning this date, and he will not be cheating said planning or skimping on the budget by taking advantage of anyone's superpowers. 
Besides, Kon still doesn't actually have superspeed so it'd probably take like eight hours to get there. At least six, depending on the weather and the headwind. And it wouldn't exactly make for prime small-talk time, either. 
So yeah, Japanese food is sounding better and better. The only Hawaiian food Tim's actually tracked down around here with decent reviews is a food truck, and that's just not “nice first date” vibes. He promised Kon someplace nice for their actual official first date, and he is gonna deliver on said “nice” or die trying. 
Possibly literally, considering. 
“You seem a little distracted, baby bird,” Dick says as he pulls him up out of the filthy waters of the Gotham River. Tim considers explaining Kon's thighs to him, then resolves to never, ever explain Kon's thighs to him. 
“Sorry,” he says. “I have a YJ-related op to plan and I'm having trouble keeping my mind off it.” 
“Understandable,” Dick says, then yanks them both behind a dumpster as Two-Face's latest crop of dichotomous thugs catch up again and bullets start flying. “Maybe right now is not the ideal time for that, though?” 
Tim wonders if Bludhaven has decent Hawaiian food. 
“Valid,” he says. “Hey, do you think a planetarium is a stupid date idea?” 
“That depends entirely on who the date is with,” Dick says, pulling out his escrima sticks. Tim takes the cue to grab and extend his bo. “Nothing’s stupid if it'd make the person you're taking happy. Four o'clock.” 
“Thanks,” Tim says as he whips a birdarang into the gun hand of the guy running up behind them. Dick has a point, really, but unfortunately not a point that is helpful when planning a date with a teammate Tim actually still doesn’t know all that much about the interests and hobbies of. He knows Kon is interested in Krypton, but that doesn’t mean he’s interested in astronomy or space in general. It’s likelier he only cares about Krypton because of Superman, and maybe his own DNA. 
Tim remembers Kon saying he’d never seen anything from Krypton but kryptonite before, which means he is in fact the person who introduced Kon to the first piece of Krypton he ever saw and he did it in an attempt to take him out while Kon was under Poison Ivy’s influence, which is frankly terrible but not as terrible as the fact Superman only just introduced him to anything else about Krypton. 
On that note, Tim needs to work on those plans for weaponized red sunlight this weekend. Maybe after he gets Japanese food with Kon and embarrasses himself by taking him to the planetarium. 
Would he like the aquarium, maybe? It might remind him of Hawaii, and Hawaii probably still feels more like home to him than anywhere else does, so it’s at least a valid hypothesis. Then again, he probably preferred the beach and sky to the marine life. Admittedly, Tim doesn’t actually know that, so it’s still a possibility. 
“I didn’t know you were seeing anyone,” Dick says. 
“I’m not,” Tim only technically lies, whipping another series of birdarangs around the corner of the dumpster, along with a few smoke pellets. They take the cover and run for better positions. “I’m theorizing, that’s all.” 
“Theorizing a date you don’t have anyone to take on?” Dick asks in amusement. “Is that a thing you do a lot of, baby bird?” 
“No,” Tim definitely lies. “I was just thinking about when I used to go out with Spoiler and how to translate that to civilian dating. It’s . . . an issue. Especially after how things went with the last civilian I tried to date.” 
Not that Kon’s a civilian, obviously, but he needs to keep thinking Tim Drake is one. Therefore, patrol dates are still out. And really wouldn’t count as taking him anywhere “nice” anyway, really. Tim needs to step up his game. At least, like, undercover at a gala or something. Or maybe on a yacht. 
Actually, maybe Kon would like to go to a yacht party? Does Kon like boats? Did he do boats in Hawaii? Was that a thing? 
Possible option to research, again. Note to self. 
“Not dating civilians helps,” Dick offers helpfully, then leaps into the air with the kind of height most people couldn’t get off a rocket-powered springboard and comes down in the middle of a cluster of disoriented goons with his sticks already electric and crackling. Tim is both incredibly jealous and duly impressed. “Just in my experience, mind!” 
“Please explain to me who in the community you think I could possibly date when B won’t even let me tell Young Justice my first name or be seen in public with the team at all,” Tim says dubiously, following the path he’s cleared and sweeping up a few stragglers with his staff as he does. It’s one thing not to tell a civilian you’re a superhero, but to not tell another superhero about your civilian life . . . “Any suggestions. Go right ahead.” 
“. . . maybe you should just go ask Spoiler to take you back, buddy,” Dick says with a bit of a wince, not unsympathetically. 
“That would incredibly stupid of me, seeing as we came to a mutual agreement that we shouldn’t date specifically because B wouldn’t let me tell her my name,” Tim says dryly.
“So anyway, civilians!” Dick says brightly, doing a very complicated and fancy-looking backflip that somehow ends up in a roundhouse kick that takes out three guys at once and then landing feet-first on a fourth’s head, because Nightwing is a terrifying badass like that. Tim, again, is jealously impressed. “I hate to say it but you need to case-by-case basis this, Robin, there’s no ‘one size dates all’, you know?” 
“That’d be a lot more convenient,” Tim sighs, jabbing his staff into a few joints and then tripping one of the more dogged grunts with it. She hits the ground face-first with a yelp and the distinct crunch of a breaking nose. Tim might feel a bit bad about that if she and her whole crew weren’t actively trying to murder them for the crime of inconveniencing an arms deal. That seems like a very disproportionate response to him, honestly. When he’s running the Gotham underworld, he’s going to make it very clear to his foot soldiers that unnecessary escalation is not actually a useful long-term survival strategy. It just doesn’t go well, historically speaking. “What if I just throw money at them? Is throwing money at them a valid strategy?” 
“Not even slightly,” Dick says dryly. 
Tim thinks that’s probably not true under these specific circumstances, though he supposes offering fiscal security isn’t the best first move in flirting. Probably not romantic enough or whatever. 
Tim thinks taking care of someone for the entire rest of their life is perfectly romantic, actually, but fine, he’ll buy some damn aquarium tickets and then do the bank fraud. 
Nobody wants to commit these days.
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methoughtsphantom · 8 months
not me thinking about imaginary scenarios of ten year old Tim Drake in the ghost zone (pariah’s castle)
where Tim thinks it’s strangely soothing that despite being the only one whose steps connect to the ground, there’s not that eerie silence that befell drake manor
strange blob creatures chitter softly and nip at his hair and swooshes and wisps of wind betray the presence of an invisible ghost
which after following he realizes it’s almost like he’s trailing after the black dark shadow that is batman again
which gives him the idea that, maybe, just this one time, he can play the part of robin
that in mind Tim makes out a game of sneaking to the side of ghosts that look like they’re brooding and if they can spot him he loses
most just grunt in response (very in character) while others fuss over him and ask questions which Tim uses to infodump
he also politely asks the ghost that always asks him how he’s doing to instead say the word “report”
(the ghost looks at him weirdly but humors him and besides the answer would be the same anyways)
Tim also(!!)
gets on the case of why the walls lack tangibility when he is the one leaning on them (he doesn’t live down the time he wanted to look cool only to fall through the wall)
hyperfixates on how gravity works in the ghost zone because he couldn’t do a skateboard trick he has pulled off many many times and he’s salty about it
tries to figure out where they are getting human food from (cause it’s hot enough to be homemade but also there’s no kitchen —so how could it be) (also he wants coffee)
finds out the dude that often gives him a side eye when he finds that Tim knows how to do something (math homework), is next in line for the throne and yet doesn’t have a single “mingle and talk people up” bone in his body. (despite it his networking is a solid 7/10)
gets a ghost horse to adopt him what
discovers pretty quickly that there are rooms to which he can’t phase through (a.k.a. he’s not allowed entry) to which he begrudgingly backs off even though that stands in his way of doing a very thorough layout™ of the place (robin would)
sulks over the lack of extreme sports in the place
(Danny takes him to the Far Frozen where they go tire sliding in the snow and where tim learns how to use a skateboard skate and also that ghost ice cream is just as good as normal ice cream)
sulks again cuz he caught a common cold
also because there’s no sun or moon poor Timmy’s already screwed sleep schedule gets more messed up to the point no one knows when or where he will fall asleep
(ghosts find him in the most unhinged of places with a signature purple cloak draped over him every. single. time.)
overall, be a menace
see-> the time he threatened to build ghost weapons he’d somehow memorized the blueprints of cause Danny wouldn’t let him visit the radium girls factory but yes the renaissance period
see-> that time he went through the whole ghost energy and how to work with it book section in the library and half an hour later had a prototype of a star wars laser beam made
(note: bribing only works for hot chocolate, not for letting him keep cool-looking guns)
just tim having the time of his life
clockwork being no help at all (the ghost loves being a cryptid)
and danny trying not to get attached while he progressively gets more concerned over this chaos child he emotionally adopted as his little brother
(to fit canon cause i want it to this would just be until Danny finds the dimension little Timmy is from, then they can safely yeet the child back to the moment he first went missing)
anyways before anyone knows it’s been three months
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Please just stay with me tonight (and please don't let tomorrow come)
and I will do the best I can, with the little that I know - series masterlist here
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pairing: tim drake x reader x conner kent
length: 1.2k
genre: fluff, comfort, light light angst
warnings: coming of age story babey. timmy and kon are trying so hard to grow up well. so is reader. they're falling in looove but they're all stupid
a/n: oh look another new verse cool cool cool
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It's summer in Metropolis; the sun is beginning to set, slowing down over the horizon to bathe the world in a pink, hazy glow. You, Kon, and Tim are slouched on the couch of your new apartment, boxes piled high around the three of you.
"You know…" you begin, sagging against Tim.
"We can always unpack tomorrow," Kon finishes for you. You hum in agreement and roll your head over Tim's shoulder to look up at him.
"Yea," he huffs tiredly, "yea, I'm good with that."
"We should go out," you say, sitting up and ignoring the grumbled complaints of Kon as you jostle him where he was settling in against your shoulder. "The fair is best this time of day. Come on, please?" Kon and Tim exchange a love-struck glance as you look up at them - a glance that maybe you would notice if you weren't so busy pouting at them. A glance maybe the two of them would be aware of if they weren't so busy each trying to hide the fact that they're so in love with you.
"Alright," Tim says, pulling himself off the couch. "I'll figure out which of these boxes we put our boards in…"
By the time the three of you were skateboarding down to the boardwalk, you were all trying desperately not to think of the mess you'd left while you tore through boxes trying to find what you needed, and you were giggling quietly to yourself at the whole ordeal.
"Stop laughing like that," Kon says, but his voice gives away his own laughter, "it's not funny, we're going to have to clean that up later."
"Yea, yea," you say, waving your hand dismissively. "Tomorrow, though. Tonight I get to just eat funnel cakes and drink slushies until I can't stand anymore and need you to carry me home." Tim snorts at your words.
"Oh, yea, that's romantic," he says sarcastically, but neither he nor Kon misses the blush that spreads across your cheeks at his words, although you do your best to hide it as you pull up to the fair on your boards.
"Hmm, nope, not quite. Try again - you never know, maybe the eighth time it'll work," you comment lazily, taking a bite out of your funnel cake as you watch Tim and Kon fail spectacularly at one of the fair games.
"You try it then," Kon quips back, trying to shove the ball at you. You dodge him, though, moving to hide behind Tim.
"Nuh uh… they're rigged, Kon. That's why neither of you can win." You laugh as Tim scoffs at your words, snatching the ball from Kon and aiming at the stack of pins. 
"We'll win," he says stubbornly. When the ball misses yet again, he turns to you, hands on his hips. "How many of those have you eaten?"
"Beautiful subject change, Timmy. This is my last one, I promise," you say, curling your hand around Tim's elbow so that you can drag him away from the game, Kon following behind. "Here, Kon, help me finish this. It's almost dark out and we need slushies." Kon grins at you and takes the rest of the funnel cake from your hand, letting you continue to pull the two of them through the fair.
"Cheer up, Tim," he says, mouth full. "You know this next part is the best."
"You were right, Kon… this is the best." Tim's words are quiet, his eyes trained on the horizon where the last light of the sun dips over the water, blanketing the three of you in darkness. You rub your hand on your jeans, the condensation from your slushie making your fingers cold. 
"Aw, you getting all sentimental on us?" Kon croons, slushie straw still in his mouth as Tim scoffs and jostles his shoulder, mumbling a shut up under his breath. You lean back on your hands, feet swinging over the edge of the pier as you listen to the other two.
"Do you really think this is a good idea?" You ask softly. The other two look at you.
"We said we'd do this when we all finally moved in together. We sat right here on this pier when we agreed that the next time we all met up in Metropolis, it would be to build a home together. Of course this is right," Tim says pointedly. You huff, keeping your eyes focused on the rippling water underneath the three of you, watching the way the waves hit the wooden supports and dissolve back into the darkness.
"No, I mean… are we doing the right thing? Like, being here, I mean, and - and doing all of this together… how do we know we're growing up right?" The two of them are silent in response, Tim frowning, eyes forward, while Kon stares intently at you. "I feel like we're standing on our own feet for the first time," you continue, "and if we trip ourselves up - or, even worse, if we trip one another up… I just - I don't know if we're doing this all wrong."
"I don't know if there's a right way to grow up," is Kon's quiet response, his voice more serious than you're used to. "I know that's… not the response you want. I know you take a lot of pride in squaring your shoulders and planting your feet and knowing that you're doing the right thing and headed in the right direction - and that's something I love about you. You always know… you know who you are and what you're doing and where you're going. Honestly, I… I really envied you for a while because of that. But… I think this might just take some stumbling. That's why we're doing it together - if you fall, we'll catch you. If one of us falls, you'll catch us. We've got each other." Kon smiles after his speech and you think, for a brief moment, that the sun's come out again, reversed time just to shine on you one last time before you're all adults. But it's just Kon - Kon with his sunshine smile and unwavering faith. Kon, with his feet planted so firmly and his posture so steady - and you realize that you envy him for the very thing that he envies about you. Funny how that works.
"What if we do trip one another up?" Tim says, hands clenched in his lap. "What if you're right and when one of us stumbles, we just take the other two down with us?" You reach over at Tim's words - at the tense strain in his voice, and tangle your hand in his so that you can silently coax his fingers to relax.
"Maybe Kon's right…" you say softly. "I'm sure we will mess up. We'll make mistakes and we'll argue and then we'll make up again. None of this is going to be perfect - we're not perfect, despite our best efforts. Maybe it's time we learn to make some mistakes." You smile gently, squeezing Tim's hand in your own. Kon grins at your declaration and Tim sighs, tipping his head back to stare up at the sky, the stars beginning to shine ever so slightly through the haze of the city lights.
"Yea…" he says wistfully. "Maybe it is time for us to learn how to make some mistakes."
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This post (link) has bewitched me!
I can't get the idea out of my head!
A timeline of fuckery
Pre twins birth the Drakes come up with the idea to be the Fentons in college, Janet had a fake name because she didn't want her family to know she was studying ecto science instead of the medicine they wanted her to, and Jack didn't bother changing his first name because Jack is a very common first name, he used a last name from a few generations back as his fake name in college, met up with Maddie, figured each other out, decided to commit to the bit harder with each other, they met a third guy, Jack's roommate, who was genuine about his name and interest, they became best friends, and then the accident happened to Vlad.
They have two weddings, one in Wisconsin as their fake names, and one in Gotham as their real names.
They move away to a new home that's a thin spot in the veil for them to experiment on to their hearts content, and Jazz is born in Amity and hidden from the paparazzi of Gotham.
They have the twins and begin their twisted nature vs nurture experiment.
Tim is left behind in Gotham and the housekeepers and nannies are paid extra to avoid giving him unnecessary touch, he's the nature variable.
Danny is raised in Amity and smothered with love and affection and constant surveillance, he's the nurture variable.
Some things they'll always have in common are:
Being vigilantes when given the chance and enough negative supervision.
Bo staffs.
Throwing hands with the undead.
Always winning from a combo of luck and preparedness.
Mad science.
Ghost friends.
Love of fast vehicles.
Tinkering with gadgets and improving them.
Timestream shenanigans.
Fruitloop villain obsessed with them.
Everyone they love dies eventually while they stay the same forever, unaging and lonely.
Jazz figures it out young because she has her parents' smarts and Tim has to learn the stalking from somewhere.
She arranges a meet and greet for her little brothers using their parents' neglect to her advantage.
They decide to fuck with their parents' experiment, as all gremlin children do.
Bruce is in for an adventure when the time comes.
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gremlin-bot · 2 years
One (1) New Reply
I finally wrote my prompt I sent to @stealingyourbones back in November! well part of it. This is just chapter 1, so this gets a summary @dpxdcshipweek
Edit: forgot to say that I got help with the usernames from the wonderful @tourettesdog and @half-dead-ham! (If I'm wrong it's bc I'm not at home rn to look at my notes)
Ao3 link: Here Master List: Here
Summary: Danny has always had more internet access than a child really should have had. He tended to spend that time on game forums and different websites dedicated to space. Everyone once in a while he'd venture onto one about heroes and villains. That's how he met Tim Drake-Wayne or BatShadow as was his username back then.
Chapter 1: Blorbo Supplier
Danny just wanted to see uncommon pictures of Superman. It really shouldn't have been this hard. He's an alien, there should be a lot of pictures of him. Frustrated with his lack of results he resorts to looking for the pictures through unpopular social media websites that should have new pictures. His first look didn't meet his goal, and before he could even think of trying again he was distracted by a post. It was a picture of a figure swinging between skyscrapers, backlit by neon light all against a smog filled sky. It was stunning and made all the more captivating by the identity of the subject in the photo. A picture of Batman, The Batman, taken in a way that you couldn't deny it was him. That was impressive on its own, but the quality is what made it shine. Danny had to see if the account had more pictures of Batman, or even other heroes. Looking at the blog, hoping it wasn't a deactivated user, he finds the posts of BatShadow. 
The blog is a gold mine of pictures of Batman and Robin with some villains the duo we're fighting. All with stunning quality, with each subject undeniable as who they were but still giving a sense of privacy. Sadly, Danny couldn't find any other heroes pictured, but Danny could live with that. Batman was his third favorite hero, he blames Sam and all her knowledge on the edgy and obscure. She would be ecstatic about these photos, too bad he wasn't going to tell her. He was being petty. Sam should have known better than to say he couldn't keep a secret, so this is his secret now! Pettiness aside, Danny was going to message BatShadow to see if they had pictures of other heroes they hadn't posted.
Messages begins with BatShadow
Hey, sorry to bother ya
I just saw your posts and was wondering if you have any pics of superman
I don't know. I would have to look. I don't usually go to an area with him in it much, so no promises.
Thanks!! And that's fine really, it's just that your pics are amazing
Thanks! Sorry, I have nothing for Supes.
It's fine 
I wasn't really expecting much
I'm just surprised at the quality and quantity ya got there
It's super hard to get them without being caught but so worth it!
Danny continued talking to BatShadow about pictures and superheroes. Eventually switching to personal interest. Danny learns that BatShadow skateboards and in turn he tells them all about the stars. By the end of their conversation it was well into the night, Jazz wasn't going to be pleased. It was worth it though.
Danny ended up messaging again the next day, and the day after that. The other user was interesting and he was just so broad. Especially during these long summer days where Sam was off at some gala trip and Tucker was on vacation with his family. His parents being busy in the Lab at all hours and Jazz working a summer job didn't help. Even with Jazz trying to get him out of the house but it never really was worth it. Not with Dash and his gaggle out. Not without his friends there.
It's not like anyone besides Jazz would care about what he was doing online. Their parents were too caught up in drawing out plans and blueprints for a ghost portal or something. He doesn't care, it's more of the same for him. Don't get him wrong, he loved his parents and they loved him. They just pay more attention to their inventions, and this one happens to be one Danny can't help out with.
He's getting distracted. Danny was supposed to be cleaning the lab, not thinking of long gone days. It was taking way longer than he thought it would. His parents really aren't as careful with their samples as they really should be. After cleaning spilled ectoplasm from the vent grates he will finally be done, then he can get on the computer and add BatShadow on Steam. They were going to play Portal 2 together later.
Tim didn't think he would still be talking to ConstellationCruiser. It was unexpected, but not unwelcome. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, (if there was anyone to talk to in the first place), but he was lonely. So, sue him if he got attached to the other kid with too much free time on their hands. They may not have told each other their ages but it wasn't hard to figure out, they talked too similar.
It was nice to really connect with someone his age. ConstellationCruiser was smart like him, just in different areas. He had learned more about the stars and space travel in the last handful of months than he ever had in his 12 years of life. He knows he wasn't any better, going on about hacking and maybe the new murder mystery that came out. It was fun, learning about the other's interests and different things than what's normal for them. 
ConstellationCruiser's parents seem to have some type of lab in the basement of their house, which was cool in concept but concerning in practice. There have been times where they had to stop in the middle of a game they were playing together to check on an explosion they heard. It happened more than Tim was comfortable with but there's nothing he can really do about it. It's not like he was anyone better about certain aspects of his life either. He avoided the topic of food as much as possible, though it seems ConstellationCruiser is doing the same thing with the topic.
Tim just hopes the other won't worry over him not responding the next couple of days. He probably should warn them but this is time sensitive. Batman needs a Robin. The man is running himself into the ground. His new found grief choking him and by extension Gotham. He has to convince Nightwing to come back, no matter what it takes.
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punkeropercyjackson · 24 days
Tim Drake is genuinely such a good character.He's such a positive role model for traumatized teenage boys because he's not idealized or a power fantasy.Tim's dad is rich,sure,but he's neither cartoonishly abusive nor the perfect angel,he's just kinda........there.I firmly believe Jack Drake was a bad parent but that was out of stupidity,not active malice although he was definitely hostile and neglectful often enough that he qualifies as abusive at least passively.Tim's part of the dead moms club and he loves and misses Janet so much.He's got ego problems and no manners or class and is downright mean but he also has so much boundless kindness and optimism and hope and extends his hand and everything he can offer to everyone,everybody,anyone who needs it and he gets so upset when he thinks he could've done more no matter the circumstances.He has troubled taking care of himself to the point he developed narcolepsy and he's skapunk because he's a skateboarder and a Green Day fan and mouths off to authority figures and even commits crimes all the time both heroic and mudane and respects women contrary to what fanon tells you and his favorite food is pizza with canadian bacon and he's a lifelong Nightwing fanboy and he's undiagnosed audhd anxious/teen trans boy-coded and he's bisexual and has pulled so many people without even trying most of the time and was just being a dumbass kid with no idea how to do date but has insane rizz too and he has goth energy without even dressing it and his best friends are a punk trans girl named Wendy with grooming trauma who chose her name after a 90s girl power show protagonist but also after Wendy from Peter Pan,a short kiddy chaos weirdboygirl who's her boyfriend and has a complex family situation and a greek bruh butch dating an ex-child star femme lesbian in their friend group who kissed Tim once out of nowhere back in her comphet phase and he's been sa'd multiple times in ways that're so normilzed they're not recognized as sa so he dosen't even know he's a survivor.He's not flawless by any means but it's not his fault because so many adults in his life screwed him over and treated him like shit and didn't give him what he needed and he's not toxic or abusive or a fuckboy,he's just a normal traumatized 17 year old trying his best and that makes him inherently lovable.Tim Drake you mean so much to me little dude and triffling ass Jaybird uwu fuckers could never make hate you.'Nobody cares about Tim Drake!!!'I CARE ABOUT TIM DRAKE BITCH,I CARE!!!!!HE'S MY LITTLE BROTHER
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starwarsmum · 16 days
Day 5 of the Maribat BioFam Sept prompts! Trust Fund
A short fluffy one today ❤️
“You know, now that we've done the DNA test, we should talk about how to split up the Drake inheritance,” Tim said casually, sipping the coffee he had freshly brewed for them. When Marinette gave him a questioning look, he launched into a brief discussion about Drake Industries. “So, yeah, since you're one of us, you should be getting half of the inheritance.”
“Oh, oh no no no, that's all yours,” Marinette said, waving her hands frantically. When he looked put-out, she started to splutter and squeak. “It's just that, Maman and Papa are the only parents I've ever known, it seems greedy to just show up and take half of an inheritance from you, who was their actual kid.”
“Nettie, it's fine,” Tim reassured her, taking another sip of coffee. “I have more money than I know what to do with, especially as I have a trust fund from Bruce after he adopted me. Splitting the inheritance with you would make me feel better about not being there for you our whole lives.”
“Tim, that's really not your fault,” Marinette complained, burying her head into her arms. She looked up with a glare when he laughed, which only made him laugh harder. She grumbled something unintelligible before sliding off of the stool to grab her own mug of coffee.
“Good morning, Drake, Marinette.” Time groaned internally when he heard Damian’s voice behind him, wishing it was anyone else. Marinette had been visiting for two weeks by this point and Tim felt like Damian had spent more time with her than he had. “Marinette, did you still wish to see the manor’s gallery today, or was there something else?”
“Morning, Dami,” Marinette chirped, pouring another cup of coffee alongside her own. “I don't really mind, but I did promise Tim that we could go skateboarding today, and he said we were doing that after lunch. So whatever we do has to finish at lunchtime.”
“I did not know you were interested in skateboarding,” he replied, hovering close to Marinette as he accepted his cup of coffee. Tim was very much beginning to feel like a third wheel and coughed loudly to remind them that he was still there. Damian ignored him. “We shall do the gallery today then, as it ensures we shall not be late.”
“Thanks, Dami! So, where are you teaching me the basics of skateboarding this afternoon, Tim?” She turned back to him, cheeks lightly flushed as Damian didn't step away from her. Tim fought to keep the grimace of his face while she was looking at him.
“Bruce built a skate ramp and half-pipe on the grounds, so I thought we could head there,” he said, smiling when her eyes went wide. He waited for a beat before turning to Damian and deciding to try and be civil. “If you want…to join us, you're welcome to.”
“I shall give it a miss this time, thank you,” Damian replied stiffly, though there was an undercurrent of surprise in his tone. He then turned to Marinette and offered her his arm so they could walk to the gallery. Tim might not like the attention Damian was showing to Marinette, but he couldn't deny that it was doing a lot of good for Damian to spend time with her.
_ _ _
Looking through the gallery with Damian was a dreamlike experience. She loved how thorough he was in pointing out the different pieces, the techniques used, and his own personal thoughts on them. So when he offered to show her his works, she jumped at the chance. Which is how she found herself in his workshop, gazing at a piece he had created of her.
“It is not as true a likeness as I would like,” Damian said, and Marinette could hear a note of anxiety in his voice. She touched the canvas reverently, speechless. He had captured her in a creative snit, head bent over her sketchbook and her eyes focused. 
“You're right, you've made me look pretty,” she whispered. She was pretty sure she had stopped breathing. How had he made it look like her and yet she knew she didn't look this beautiful. She turned to look at him when he huffed in annoyance.
“Tt, so you see the issue - I was unable to capture how beautiful you truly are, downgrading it to ‘pretty’. Pretty is a wholly inadequate word to describe you,” he said disgustedly. And now he had stopped her heart dead in her chest. She felt heat rush to her face as he looked at her, his fingers brushing her flaming cheeks. “Precisely like that, I do not know how I could accurately paint how transcendent you look when you blush.”
If she could have made a noise, she's pretty sure she would have whimpered. She could only stare up at him, eyes wide as he moved closer. They were almost nose to nose and she could feel his breath fan across her face. It smelled like the coffee they had drunk that morning.
“I would like to kiss you, Marinette,” he murmured and suddenly she realised that her heart hadn't stopped, because it was beating so loudly she was sure it would leap out of her chest. Somehow, she managed to move enough to make her lips meet his.
It was wonderful but over much too soon. Clearly Tikki's luck was rubbing off on her because how else had she managed to catch the eye of the greatest guy she had ever met? He was sweet, sarcastic, funny but serious and his straightforwardness meant that she never had to guess his meaning.
“Unfortunately, we must head down for lunch,” Damian said at last, sighing into her hair. Marinette pulled back slightly and gave a mischievous giggle as she looked him in the eye.
“Oh, I think we can be a few minutes late.”
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are-uwu · 7 months
Ok while my computer is getting fixed I decided to write something from the TSQ au to put some lore about it.
The Au relates that Jaime and Jay were part of the second YJ team after the team from the first season of Young justice.
The two of them were very close. They went from teammates to friends quickly because of similarity in age and because they basically had each other literally. Jay being compared to Dick when he made somewhat abrupt decisions on missions. While Jaime has to learn on his own how to be a hero as he has no proper mentor (Here Jaime would have the help of Peacemaker, Guy Gardner and Ted Kord's notes) and those who try to help him don't give him what he needs in regards to Khaji Da.
So when they feel abandoned or overwhelmed, they would go to each other. Thanks to that closeness they became friends outside the team, to the extent of knowing each other's true identities.
This closeness helped them to improve in many cases.
Jaime's calmness helped Jay not to explode many times with Batman or make risky decisions in missions. Alfred is thankful that his grandson's friend keeps him from coming back with more bruises and stitches than usual, besides teaching him how to skateboard.
And Jason's strong character influenced Jai to be more confident in correcting someone when they call him by his old name or refer to him by his wrong gender (Jai is a trans guy and here I want to explore the complications of his transition socially like Blue Beetle and Jaime Reyes. And before you assume, here the reyes and khaji unconditionally support and love Jai throughout his process) and also help him with school homework from time to time.
As time went by, their friendship grew stronger and new feelings arose in both of them. Love.
They knew it, everyone knew they loved each other.....
Too bad they couldn't confess to each other... because Jay after a failed mission to find his biological mother, ended up dying at the hands of the joker.
Jai came back to see the person he loved inside a coffin. In shock and tears, Jaime Reyes whispered "I love you" over and over again during the funeral, while his father held him so he wouldn't collapse from the pain and loss.
Jaime left the team some time later. And the following years he dedicated himself to being a solo hero in palmera city. And in his civilian life he dedicated his time to his family and studies.
On the altar of the reyes family there is a photograph of him and Jay that was taken after their first outing as friends.
That relative calm changed when Nightwing found him and asked for a life-changing favor (and boy, was he not wrong). That's when Blue Beetle met Tim Drake, the third Robin.
The proposal was for Jai to help train the new team and they believe that someone with the experience of having been a fairly young hero the new generation would better understand him.
In short, he would be a nanny in armor.
To begin with, Jai was going to refuse as he was still feeling some negative feelings and mostly homesickness. But when he saw Tim in the uniform, the robin symbol, the excitement of meeting the Blue Beetle and hearing about how Tim discovered the identity of batman and basically took the suit and called himself robin. He couldn't help but agree not only because of that but this time he wanted to make sure that this time no kid like him and...Jay.. go through what they went through.
The new team consists of:
Tim Drake (Robin)
Cassie Sandmark (Wonder girl)
Kon-El (Superboy)
Bart Allen (Impulse)
At the beginning they had their difficulties, but with time they became very close. The team went from seeing Blue Beetle as a babysitter to a mentor and ultimately as a cool older brother who takes the time to be there for them, takes the trouble to listen to their daily routines, memorizes everyone's likes and dislikes, becomes their first defender when a League member berates them after missions, is their shoulder to cry on. Basically he is always there if they need him no matter how far away he is.
This also helped Jaime in his healing journey. After leaving the yj he became more reserved, sullen and only gave tired smiles.
But when he met these children he began to have small noticeable changes in the way he was. He was smiling and laughing more, he started to be more extroverted and to go back to being the Jaime he was before Jason's death and he realized that.
And from then on he promised himself that he would be the hero and person that he and Jason wanted to be when they grew up. He would do it because it would honor the memory of the boy he would still love in spite of everything.
Unfortunately, the crime lord Red Hood would come to bring instability as he came to Gotham to hunt down those with whom he has unfinished business and Jaime is one of those targets.
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megaaceofspades · 1 year
Drop the hcs please 🙏🙏🙏
so imagine… a young duke thomas during no mans land… young as in 11 or 12. stuff isnt too bad for him, but thats HIS city. his PEOPLE. so he scrambles around, gathers a bunch of kids from the narrows, and form WE ARE ROBIN. because people trust robin right? he trusts robin.
now picture tim drake, dads in a coma, little 14 year old asshole. we know him, we love him.
1) yk how people are always like “jason was tims robin, tim loves him so so so much” which is not real to me yk what is real to me? tim being dukes robin. i want hero worship as far as it can go.
2) now, duke thomas meta powers may be light manipulation, but it’s also figuring people out. one of my favorite duke thomas lines is when he tells damian, after dami is like “ you think YOU know ME?” and instead of rising to the bait duke clears him with a “ kid, i don’t think YOU know YOU” i want him to bring that energy to tim drakes manipulator vibes. duke thomas can see through tim’s lies, he always can figure him out undercover, because that’s his robin.
3) that doesn’t mean duke thinks tim is flawless. tim may have friends who aren’t his family (dig on steph and jason as robins) and have pants (dig on dick and jason) and he might even ride a skateboard (SO cool) but he’s also a weirdo. i can see duke finding tim’s civ persona annoying as hell, and the white boy music? waterparks comes on while tim takes him somewhere and duke doesn’t talk to him for a whole day.
4) YOUR MOM JOKES. duke “cass, everyone thinks your mom is hot” thomas and timothy “whore” drake absolutely go too far on your mom jokes. ex. “ i’d do your mom with the joker venom tbh” “ TIM WTF”
5) duke gets tim’s skate stuff and his red bird when tim graduates from robin officially.
6) in my au, half the reason tim is so pissed damian is robin is because in his head duke deserved it and had earned it. duke wouldn’t have taken it, but the biggest misunderstanding they have is that tim believes in the concept and role of robin whereas duke just believes in heroes and thinks tim was a particularly good one.
7) back in no man’s land (which i am writing the fic for so not TOO many stephs- i mean spoilers) tim gives some throwaway “robin believes in you speech” to some kid that he doesn’t know is going to be his baby brother soon in a gang doing real good for gotham, and maybe shit is getting better, who knows- and duke memorizes it. i mean he lives his life by this, it’s fundamentally shaped him. he ends up giving this speech to damian and this is where tim’s like “fuck… baby brother has a baby brother. “
8) to tim, baby brother means duke and little brother means damian. because of this almost everyone mistakes duke for the youngest.
9) nicknames from tim to duke include “lightening bug” “ nightlight” “bug”
10) duke just calls him tim, or by any of his many aliases depending on how fond he is of tim at the moment. once tim goes too far on the “i’m making sure you’re okay” line of thinking and accidentally lowkey locks duke up and duke calls him drake.
this is all for now but i’m going to continue this vibe in the fic i’m writing
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confusedhummingbird · 6 months
🔥 Tim Drake
Original 90s Tim is the best Tim. He was a complete dork who liked to play D&D and rode a skateboard and loved a children's show mascot that was a giant crocodile.
New Tim that's meant to be the best hacker,best detective, etc is boring!
Give this boy back his skateboard and crocodile plushie!
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radioactive-earthshine · 10 months
Rated: Gen
Pairings: Bart Allen/Tim Drake
Word Count: 1161
Tim can never say 'no' to Bart, even when it might be the most sensible thing to do. But, when he tears up his hand while skateboarding and Bart is VERY insistent on being his White Mage, what else can he do?
“Oh!” Bart fished around in the kit until he found a white and yellow very aged tube of Neosporin. Both their eyes met in uncertainty before he took the cap off to reveal a wax memory of what the ointment once was. “Woof! Madame Tussaud called and she wants this on display!”  “How old is this medical kit?!”  “Uhhhh,” Bart looked it over and frowned when he found the date. “It’s from uh… 1992.”  “Bart, that’s from thirty one years ago!” Tim put his palm back in his mouth protectively. “Well, you know how old people hoard things. This isn’t nearly as bad as the can of beets I found in Max’s pantry, it was from the 1960s!” Bart laughed a little then at the memory. “I suggested we give it to Dr. Morlo for a chemical analysis, he might be able to make a cool gas out of it or something but, well, you know how he was.”  “I don’t actually,” Tim said as he pulled his palm out of his mouth, the wound had finally stopped bleeding. “I didn’t get to spend much time with him.”  “Right,” Bart sighed and he put his memories and feelings about Max away for later, he couldn’t deal with them now. “Anyway, the ointment is no-go but the band aid should be good, right?”  
For @melonlthawne
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spookyprime · 1 year
Okay I Love your hometown au and now have a vision of Tim doing some absolutely stupid shit on his skateboard and losing his spleen that way.
actually why not? I don't have a reason for him to have met Bruce initially so far and this gives me a decent reason for them to meet in the hospital. Especially if his parents aren't in the country and he's trying to take care of it himself?
I can see Tim fucking around on his way home from school and falling bad and landing on something and just. Like. Dealing with it by not dealing with it. Calls his mom and she tells him if it's bad to call the doctor but he's like..."naw it's fine I'm sure it's fine." But it's very much not fine lmao. I don't really care for when the Drakes are portrayed as just horrible monsters but it can definitely be a home alone type situation where there's just no way they could get home even when they're trying their best.
Tim's freaked out he's dying. Bruce is freaked out this hurt kid in his surgical center doesn't have direct parental supervision. The drakes are freaked out the next flight back to America isn't for another 4 days. No one leaves this situation happy about It lmao.
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When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
I have been sitting on this for like a month oops.
I don't honestly know that I have a top 5, but I'll give you a general 5 of the ones I look back on most fondly / enjoy rereading most:
From my newer stuff, there's this t4t Danny Fenton/Tim Drake fic I wrote for the @haunting-heroes-creative-games Olympics Who Wrote That:
Can I have your autograph? | Rated T | 5k words, complete Dick Grayson really wasn't trying to set his little brother up with his favorite skateboarder when he asked the guy for his autograph. In all honesty, this worked out even better than it might have in Dick's wildest dreams.
I am also very soft for this Fox/Bail/Breha fic I wrote (which was also podded by @kbirbpods HERE)
without any strings attached | Rated: T | 2k words, complete Time spent on Alderaan with Breha always feels like a vacation.
Just all of the False Confidence series ngl (also podded by @kbirbpods HERE)
My winterhawk Tarot Sequence AU is still my best attempt at a plot-driven multi-chapter and includes GORGEOUS art from Soapyquartz
(would you) rescue me | Rated: M | Length: 26k, complete
“Why you?” James asks. “Why me what?”  “Why did Natasha ask you?”  Clint wants to say, Natasha always asks me, but it’s better if less people know that than more.   “Because I’m good at what I do.” - an urban fantasy au (inspired by KD Edwards' Tarot Sequence series)
one of my later short winterhawk fics, a Vampire AU for my friend @shatteredhourglass
blood & sunlight | Rated: T | Length: 2k, complete
This human does not appear to have heard the rumors, or if he did, he clearly chose to ignore them. Bucky doesn't think he has a healthy self-preservation instinct, either, because everyone in the diner goes still when he walks in, and he doesn't turn tail and run.    He just walks up to the counter, casual as anything, and drops into a seat.      In the moments it takes for him to get that far, Bucky notices one more important detail.     He's bleeding.     The smell of it is fresh and sharp in the air, and Bucky has to put focus into keeping his fangs from descending in response.     Fuck.  This might be the stupidest person Bucky's met in centuries. 
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/1mwgWIq by NEOCULTUREDAUS The first time Dick gives Tim a skateboard is right after his Redboard gets blown up. Okay “blown up” is an exaggeration but somehow Dick thinks that being shot at whilst chasing after a car that has your kidnapped friend (in civvies no less) on a skateboard isn’t any better. It’s just an average skateboard– nothing that goes over 70mph because Dick actually wants his brother to stay alive regardless of the kid’s natural ability to have disaster finding him everywhere. It’s not that Tim doesn’t have other skateboards (of course he does) but when Dick saw it in a shop window across the road from where he was working on a case, he couldn’t help but think of him– sue him for missing the kid. Or; The 2 times Dick gives Tim a skateboard and the 1 time Tim gives one back. Words: 5538, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Red Robin (Comics), Robin (Comics), Nightwing (Comics), Identity Crisis (Comics) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Jack Drake, Janet Drake Relationships: Tim Drake & Dick Grayson Additional Tags: Tim Drake-centric, Protective Dick Grayson, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson-centric, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, And Gets One, Two Actually, alot, dicks a hugger, Hurt/Comfort, not that much angst, Character Death, dw theyve been dead awhile, spoiler its jack drake, Skater Tim Drake read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/1mwgWIq
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jessfandrawer · 3 years
Tumblr media
After seeing these outfits, I’m convinced these 90s goobers would be super fashionable right now.
While the main figures are my art, the background is the reference. From Detective Comics #648 and credit where credit is due for that:
Writer: Chuck Dixon
Penciler: Tom Lyle
Inker: Scott Hanna
Colorist: Adrienne Roy
Letterer: John Costanza
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