#give me sibling dynamics
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book-lover85 · 3 months ago
I've said this before but god Ro could be so good if she wasn't just an obnoxious sokeefe shipper
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fantastic-nonsense · 1 month ago
Taliesin Jaffe I am on my knees please write a book about the De Rolo family
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joejhang · 4 months ago
i love you tragic sibling dynamics. i love you doomed siblings. i love you siblings that could've been so powerful together but were forced apart by circumstance (and shitty parenting). i love you siblings born to fight together forced to fight on opposite sides. i love you jinx and vi. i love you sirius and regulus. i love you azula and zuko.
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lizord-lord · 9 months ago
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They are high school mean girls. to ME.
(I will continue to give the distortion a different outfit in every single picture I draw them in it is my RIGHT as an artist)
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yuseirra · 10 months ago
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The journey
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tlou-obsessed · 6 months ago
More of Joel and Tommy being siblings cause why not:
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that is definitely Tommys work, and Joel is just so used to the teasing that it doesn't even faze him, he has a response ready to go ( as an older sibling with little shits you have to have responses ready or else the piranhas will eat you alive) . Tommy is the little shit younger brother who teases Joel to death, que:
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Also this is whats so genius to me, cause which older siblings hasn't felt that. Joel is the older responsible sibling and Tommy is the one who just goes with the flow, which has Joel often picking up after him, which is why the little "He's dependent on me", also I can just imagine Joel staying up with young Tommy, helping him with his homework, studying the material himself again, Joel staying up to find anything Tommy could do instead of going into the army, Joel being absolutely out of his mind when Tommy goes.
Also look at Tommys little smug face, oh he loves annoying Joel but he also so so loves Joel:
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Also the comfort this moment radiates is so heartwarming, Tommy is just scavenging for food, you cannot tell me Tommy doesnt use his key to get food in the middle of the night:
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Uncle Tommy and Sarah teamup is definite cause this little shit waited to tell about Joels shirt until the very last minute so Tommy would witness that too:
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look at their reactions, I feel like they would love to tease Joel alot but the moment he said something about himself they both get all heated up because when they say he's old it's funny, but if he says he's old it's serious and they don't wanna think about Joel being old.
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The warmest family ever
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brianskangs · 9 months ago
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older brother x younger sister dynamics 🥹
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chiquilines · 11 months ago
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Ochako my relatable academically exhausted queen
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lollygaggingloser · 3 months ago
Depth Perception
Varigo brain blerp
Hugo needed to sleep so bad. The team had finished the Dark Kingdom trial and were rushing to Ingvarr thanks to Nuru's insistence that they didn't have time to waste. The blond was in no hurry to return to his home kingdom, knowing what awaited him and his friends after the next trial. Beyond all odds, in a cruel twist of fate, Hugo cared for his team. Yong was his little partner in crime, the two having spent most of their time with new experiments where nothing was too crazy for them to try. Nuru had become his closest frenemy, ever ready to argue with her, but the first to fight with anyone who doubted her genius. What could he say? The only one allowed to bully her was him. And then there was Varian...
The freckled little alchemist had gone from an annoying know-it-all to the kindest, strongest, truest friend Hugo was honored to know. And once the group reached Ingvarr and finished its trial, Hugo was going to lose all three of them. The stress of it was messing with his sleep. It also didn't help that Yong was joining him in his tent to slumber in the last few nights. He couldn't blame the kid for having nightmares though. The firecracker had a close brush with death at the last trial and if it weren't for Hugo's quick reflexes, their group would be a trio. Yong had the habit of moving a lot in his sleep, so Hugo would wake up to the kid accidentally smacking him, stealing his blanket, or kicking his back. He woke up in bed that night, looking over at Yong who cocooned himself in his blanket, lying upside down and diagonally, his legs resting on the blond's chest. Hugo moved Yong off him before sitting up. Yong didn't even stir in his sleep as his legs hit the floor with a thud. Exhausted, but less than willing to lay back down next to Yong anytime soon, Hugo left the tent for some fresh air. Exiting the tent, he looked up to see moon glowing brightly above him. The night breeze was cool and gentle against his skin.
"What are you doing up?"
The engineer nearly jumped, not expecting anyone else to be awake. He looked to his right and squinted, having left his glasses back in the tent.
"Varian?" he asked, recognizing his silhouette, dark hair, and blue hairstripe. The alchemist nodded, carrying some lab equipment in his arms.
"Who else?" Varian asked, pausing to chuckle at Hugo's messy appearance. "Well? What are you doing awake this late?"
"I could be asking you the same thing," Hugo responded, but already deduced that Varian had just finished some late night experiments. "....Yong's in my tent."
"Ahh, I see," Goggles sympathized, putting away the lab equipment. Varian himself had the fun experience of having Yong as a tent buddy before during the beginning of their journey. "Sorry."
"...there's nothing for you to apologize for." Hugo watched as Varian walked back toward him. He wished he had his glasses. He could barely make out the alchemist's face in the moonlight, and couldn't see what expression laid upon it.
"I don't know," Freckles softly spoke. "Maybe if I had been more careful...or kept a better eye on him...I could have kept him from danger and he wouldn't be having these nightmares. He's just a kid after all-"
"Hey, he's okay," Hugo interrupted, placing a hand on Varian's shoulder. He shifted closer, finally able to see the curve of Varian's nose, the shape of his eyes, and his mouth, pressed in a thin line. "Plus, I don't mind having him nearby."
"He's lucky you were there. We're all lucky. I know I can't thank you enough for saving him."
Hugo didn't feel particularly lucky. Soon, the team would realize he was going to be the key to their failure. Ingvarr was only a few days away. If he could, he'd take 100 sleepless nights like these if it meant delaying the inevitable.
"Are you okay?"
Hugo snapped out of his thoughts to look back at Varian who had leaned in closer, concerned.
"Y-Yeah...just tired," he lied. But he could tell Varian wasn't quite buying it. His furrowed brows refused to soften. For a second, he was glad he couldn't see the intense stare Varian had on him.
"If you want, we can switch," Varian offered. "I'll stay with Yong and you can knock out in my tent."
It was a kind gesture, but Hugo had meant it when he said he didn't mind having Yong nearby. The last trial had made him scared for the boy as well, but he wouldn't admit that. Instead, Hugo lazily smirked at Varian.
"Inviting me to your bed? That's rather forward of you."
Even in the dark of the night, Hugo could see Varian's face flush at his teasing. He let out a soft laugh as Goggles lightly punched his arm.
"You must be sleep deprived if you're making dumb jokes like that," huffed Varian.
"Ha, probably," Hugo yawned, watching as Varian tried to regain his composure. He couldn't help but stare at him. A muted blush still covered his face. The blur of Hugo's vision made Varian's facial features softer. But his green eyes longed to focus more in hopes of seeing the spray of freckles across Varian's cheeks and nose. A wave of sleepiness hit Hugo and he yawned once more. He figured he had enough fresh air and was ready to go back to his tent.
"I should go back to bed," Hugo mumbled.
"Yeah, you look like you're gonna pass out. I'm heading off to bed too. I was only up to finish restocking some of our solution bombs, in case we run into trouble soon. Nuru says that we should be-"
Hugo's eyes moved down to watch Varian's mouth move as he spoke, letting him ramble on. He could see his slight overbite peek behind his lips. The sound of his voice soothed him as it escaped his mouth. It was a pleasant sound to hear when it wasn't yelling at him. Hell, even with the yells, Hugo was certain he would miss it. His emerald eyes narrowed at the shape of Varian's lips. Had they always looked that full? Or was it just his bad eyesight? He slightly smiled to himself, knowing one way he could find out. His mind buzzed at the thought.
"Well, I hope you get a good night's sleep," Varian finished, feeling a tad awkward with Hugo staring and smiling at him.
He froze as Hugo leaned down unexpectantly, bringing his face dangerously close to his. The movement was so sudden that he didn't have a chance to react. Painfully, their noses collided, causing both scientists to yelp and groan in pain.
"Ah!" Varian hissed, holding his nose. "What was that for?"
"Sorry," Hugo apologized, looking rather dazed. "I don't have my glasses, so my depth perception is shit."
"What were you even-"
Varian stiffened once more as Hugo placed a hand against his cheek. The heat of his skin sent a small shiver down his back. Varian let go of his nose and looked up to see those green eyes squinting fiercely at him. He couldnt help but feel more anxious than earlier. Slowly, Hugo pressed his thumb against Varian's lips. Unlike before, Varian had time to react, but didn't pull away, curious as to what Hugo was doing. Their faces inched closer together and Varian could feel Hugo's breath. The alchemist glanced at the blond's mouth seeing it creep closer to his. Nervously, he swallowed, his lips slightly parting as Hugo slid his thumb across them.
"Full...just as I thought," Hugo mumbled. For a brief moment, the two made eye contact. Just when Varian was certain that the space between them would dissipate, Hugo removed his hand and turned away.
"Goodnight," Hugo said quickly, going back into his tent.
Varian stood flabbergasted, mouth agape and mind overwhelmed.
Hugo laid back down in his tent, burying his face in his pillow.
Both of them shared the exact same thought.
What the hell was THAT?!
In this tired daze, Hugo almost did the unthinkable. He mentally kicked himself, blaming his sleep deprived brain and hoping Varian wouldn't bring this up tomorrow. Yong shifted beside him, accidentally smacking the back of his head with his stretched out arm.
Hugo needed to sleep so bad.
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months ago
why are people saying Bruce was a teen when he started fostering Dick? he was in his early twenties
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gtcopter · 8 months ago
friendly chill human vs borrower fiercely protective over their little sibling vs said little sibling warming up to the human FIGHT
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theceaselessidiot · 8 months ago
underrated friendship duo, that would have been so cool to explore in the show but alas: Cressida and Simon. They actually have a lot in common:
1. They both had shitty, cold childhoods with a father who made them feel like they're disappointments. Simon had Lady Danbury and that is why he's warmer than Cressida, who only had her mother who is also toxic like her father, but they both know what parental neglect feels like
2. They both kept people at a distance, Simon by being a rake and also aloof, Cressida by being mean and cruel.
3. They both become obsessed with someone challenges them, but is also warm, Eloise and Daphne (ignoring the rapey stuff with Daphne)
4. edit bc @saintdollyparton made an excellent point: They're also both hot and tall and in love with a Bridgerton sister.
I would have loved to see them interact and actually be like 'oh we're similar, lets be friends" and Daphne and Eloise are both like "wtf??" but then they're like "ah you got adopted by this cat proceed"
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finch-drawsstuff · 10 months ago
im alive ive just been sick outta my mind. that said, fuck ass brothers
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cloned-eyes · 2 years ago
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BABIIIEESS the background of this will probably kill me
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tbob-enthusiast · 2 months ago
I like to believe she had to climb out of that cave herself
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For @thecluelessdoctor and their Valentino Family (they bring me JOY)
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fate-defiant · 4 months ago
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