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fantastic-nonsense · 1 month ago
Taliesin Jaffe I am on my knees please write a book about the De Rolo family
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utilitycaster · 5 months ago
okay watched Cloak and Dagger and here are my thoughts in brief
I don't think showing Ripley's backstory is bad. Part of why Ripley is an interesting character to me in a way that, to use my favorite punching bag, Otohan, is not, is because we had hints of what made her this way - fleeing the Empire; a list of names on Animus that included Bertrand Dwendal. Part of why I mock Otohan relentlessly is because she is a one-dimension villain, and Ripley never was that, which is why she's an interesting villain. Tragic backstory, in my opinion, enhances one's villainy, rather than reduces it: what sort of monster suffers and decides to do the same to others, rather than is driven to work to improve the lot of others? That's essentially why Caleb is in the end a heroic character and Ludinus is the culminating BBEG more so than Predathos.
Glintshore is one of my favorite battles of Campaign 1 and it also would not, in my opinion, translate well to animation. There was a great line in the Midst Messages from Xen in reference to Moonward about how in most rules-heavy TTRPGs, when you enter a big battle, time stretches out significantly, but in a systemless game like Moonward, it goes very quickly, which gives it a very different vibe and makes players make very different decisions. The emotional weight derives largely from how the party enters combat already heavily drained and never regains their footing, and how the cast is well aware and the sense of dread (and belief that Percy might be permanently dead and Taliesin will have to roll up a new character) sets in long before the battle ends. [long tangent about good parasocial vs bad parasocial in actual play put off until I have time to actually read Watch Us Roll, but this is Good Parasocial]. It's actually an interesting test of the challenge we face for the finale of the series: you are not going to get as efficient an emotional punch as Sam saying "Nine" in a show that doesn't have a concept of spell levels. I had struggled with how one might recreate the Glintshore battle and the answer is "you don't".
Ripley's speech was great no notes, love her being fucking awful and consumed with vengeance to the end. I think just as the theme of "your resentment will destroy you" is an enduring one throughout Critical Role, so is "every mortal is in theory someone who could change and become better, but if you shoot the hand that's trying to help you, well, get rekt lol"
The music over Percy's death is corny as hell. However, I am already on the record as someone who mutes It's Thursday Night for being corny as hell and who pokes fun at Matt's more purple prose and I seem to have stuck around regardless. I have made my peace with the fact that a good chunk of the cast spent their formative years just absolutely immersed in anime, and given the Extreme Anime Vibes of Percy in TLOVM I can't say I love it, but I also can't say it's not sort of fitting. Please do cut that scene with different music though, because it would be funny as shit.
I need to watch episodes 8 and 9 (going to now!) but much as I love the glintshore fight, you know what I love more? Episode 1x69 (nice). Real Tragedy Enjoyers know the proof is in the aftermath. If 8 and 9 also suck then I'll be back here in like an hour but if they're good then it's whatever.
Grog is always on some level experiencing a Sitcom B Plot and if you ever find yourself disliking a TLOVM episode, remember you're watching a sitcom where Grog is dealing with a Bird that is Very Here (metaphorical).
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tangent101 · 2 years ago
Orym and Laudna
Recently I've been rather critical of Orym (or hinting that Imogen might be less-than-pleased that Orym didn't stop Laudna). But after seeing a couple tagged comments... well, there's something that should be addressed. Orym did not use Laudna in seeking vengeance against Bor'dor. He just let her know he would not stop her in killing the broken young man.
First and foremost, this is an action that Marisha Ray chose to take for Laudna. And her hating this action was not in hating what she was having Laudna do. It was that she was about to kill a good friend's character in an act of vengeance.
The moment that Laudna cast Hunger of the Shadows, the connection to Delilah was reawoken. And it made sense for Laudna to do this, to lash out at betrayal. She did it to FCG when our silly little robot-man went nuts and lashed out at everyone. And she did it to Bor'dor with his screaming at the Hells for their actions. Each time it was a loss of control, of slipping into Delilah's grasp. It was a deeply traumatizing moment for her.
It was also a moment very much out of Orym's control. Orym had done what he always does in these moments... he put himself between a threat and a friend who was in danger. What's more, he gave a potion to Prism and possibly saved her life.
Prism was the next to attack Bor'dor, of her own free will and volition. Emily didn't realize that her attack would result in two failed death saves - in fact, she was shocked to learn that. But with Bor'dor's spell still burning her flesh, it made a lot of sense for her to attack his unconscious form.
Everything after that was people giving Laudna her choice. It was letting her have some semblance of autonomy. And ultimately? She chose a spell that created new life and beauty out of old. Wither and Bloom. In a way, it was a denial of Delilah, of crafting new life instead of just using Hunger of the Shadows again to further feed Delilah.
Orym chose to not act. But this was not an act of murder-by-proxy. He chose to let Laudna know that he approved of her. He would not take her autonomy away. He would not shame her actions. He accepted her, he loved her as the strange spooky older sister she was and always would be.
If Laudna had ultimately chosen not to kill Bor'dor, I think Orym would have accepted that. The damaged young man would end up bound and gagged and likely brought to Jrusar to face justice... and who knows.
I've been doing a lot of talking about Laudna here, and there's a reason for that. Laudna was hurt deeply by Bor'dor's betrayal. But what of Orym?
One thing that stands out was something Marisha said, that Liam and her had theories and were partly right. They suspected that Bor'dor was not a simple sheepherder. But this was them as players guessing, while Aimee used her own suspicions and built upon it in-character over a couple of games. (Delightfully, Taliesin, who played the suspicious one of the crew, never suspected a thing. I love that!)
Neither Laudna nor Orym had guessed at Bor'dor's perfidy. Both of them were open and accepting. Orym just sat ten feet away, listening and seeing where this was going to go. Laudna made and gave him tea to help him calm down. Ashton offered him booze for his nerves. And you know something?
If Bor'dor had said "I was a member of the Ruby Vanguard, I believed in Ludinus because of what happened to me in the past... but you are not the monsters I envisioned you of being. I cannot fight you" then I see those three accepting him and letting him go his own way. It was because of this act of spitting on their friendship and hospitality with an actual attack that left one of their new friends unconscious that had them fighting Bor'dor.
One other thing that comes to mind is this: Ashton struck Bor'dor twice. He weakened the half-elf to the point that Laudna's spell left him unconscious. But afterward he pulled Prism away and Taliesin said Prism doesn't need to see this. In short, Ashton chose to let Laudna choose what she would do. This is despite the mourning veil starting to form, the purple from Delilah's influence visible in her eyes.
Orym's inaction is not having Laudna murder the treacherous young man by proxy. It is his letting Laudna know that he will not try to control her, he will not try to guilt her or shame her, he will accept whatever she does. He will be there for Laudna. And afterward he took his personal feelings and views of these being damaged people who deserve a chance, folded them up carefully, and then put them away because even when shown friendship and love, even when given acceptance and a place of family, they still chose violence.
Bor'dor chose his fate. When he smoked Ashton's pipe, his proudest moment was when his new friends built him a target so that he could practice his magic. And despite that, he tried to kill them. Despite that, he embraced hate and anger and death. He intended on killing them, attacking them as they were teleporting away.
There were only three possibilities with Bor'dor. One, he murdered all of the Hells, looted their corpses, and fled. Two, he attacked them when they were teleporting to Jrusar and then fled so their reprisals would not hit. Three is what we saw... with him dead by the hands of the Hells. If Ashton had knocked him unconscious with his two blows it would have likely played out the same, with Bor'dor dying.
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dent-de-leon · 1 year ago
If Molly is as short as his silhouette appears, then the wall pin in the sewers is even funnier tbh. Remind me of those viral Japanese memes of people recreating the kabedon in ridiculous ways. Like having a really short person do it. 🤣
Yes!! I love their height difference it's just so fun to me. I've just always headcannoned Molly as being shorter for some reason so seeing his little silhouette makes me happy. Even with the added height of Molly's horns, he's still shorter than Caleb, I can't get over it.
Please imagine Tealeaf being this small when Molly leans up to give Caleb a tender kiss on the forehead, helps Beau carry him back out into the sun. Or Caleb calling Lucien a good boy. Molly holding onto Caleb when he's still bloodied and exhausted, helping him walk while his Magician gives him a fond little pat on the cheek and says, "The only magical thing here is you, friend."
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And man, that one moment...I'm so curious to see how they play the sewers scene, because it is this instance when Molly deliberately gets up close in Caleb's face, gives him a little warning about hiding loot from the group. Caleb doesn't look up at him, doesn't say anything at all in response. I remember it was interesting to hear Liam and Taliesin talk about that scene after; they both referred to it as being one of their favorite moments of the campaign at the time.
And I'm pretty sure Tal said that Molly thought Caleb concealing coin was something he could "just fix" with their little talk. Like how he tells Nott not to steal from them, or tries to convince her that she and Caleb need to trust the rest of the party more. It's this moment where he and Caleb are at odds, where Caleb maybe resents Molly a little for it. But. We also have all these moments like the forehead kiss, Molly helping Caleb to his feet when he's injured, Molly gently telling him, "Mr. Caleb. There's only so many burdens we can bear, before we're asking for failure."
Mollymauk is someone who often seems to think he knows what's best for someone, and he'll tell them so. But I think it's also a character flaw that stems from a place of care. The sewers incident might be petty, but then there are moments when he sees a glimpse of just how self-destructive Caleb can be--and you can see Mollymauk just hates having to watch it. Molly telling Nott, "So do you think it would be a good idea to explain to him that he almost got himself killed tonight? Turning on a bunch of people he was working with, he almost got himself killed tonight. For nothing."
I really wonder how the scene would translate to animated nein, especially since everything is so condensed for time. Would they keep Molly more teasing and playful? Or would it focus on Caleb's perspective, and come off as more intimidating? Would we get little glimpses of Caleb's conflicting feelings on the Circus Man--charming, but at times abrasive? Caleb being so closed off and hiding away, not knowing how to react to such an outgoing, affectionate peacock. Being bitter after their encounter in the sewers. Thinking back fondly on a warm forehead kiss and gentle words.
I'm just so excited to see them both interact again, I really hope we get enough time with Molly to really explore their dynamic ;; More than anything, I'd love to see some implication of the moment when Molly started thinking of his Magician as, "softness and light--"
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quicksilverdrabbles · 2 years ago
Morana: *staring at the gates of Whiterun from the stables, noticeably maskless and anxious*
Xelzaz: *was unable to find her mask in the river* And so come the consequences of your own actions.
Morana: Shut up..
Kaidan: *worried* We don't have to go into Whiterun today, Morana. We can put it off until we can get you a replacement.
Morana: *frowning as she writes in her notebook, mouthing the words while she does* We have stuff we need to do in Whiterun. Getting another mask will take too much time.
Inigo: ... It is strange seeing how you act under the mask, my friend. Not unwelcome, but unfamiliar.
Morana: Oh. *turns to Inigo* Do I make a lot of faces? I'm sorry, I'm not used to having to manage my expression..
Inigo: Hehe, it is fine.
Morana: .. Let's just go. Get this over with and get out of the city before too many people notice.
Team Dragonborn: *walking past the city guards at the gates*
Whiterun Guard: *nods at them as they pass into the city*
Whiterun Guard (2): ... Hey, that was the Dragonborn's group, wasn't it? I didn't see her.
Whiterun Guard: D'you think something happened?
Whiterun Guard (2): And who was that Dark Elf with them? Had a sick look about her.
Whiterun Guard: Maybe they're escorting her to the Temple of Kynareth. They do those sorts of odd jobs often enough.
Whiterun Guard (2): Ah, maybe.
Immediately after they walk through the city gates
Idolaf: Hm? Oh, it's you lot again.
Kaidan: Idolaf.
Idolaf: Who's this?
Morana: *trying to walk past Idolaf without having to speak to him*
Idolaf: *stepping in front of her* I asked who you are, lass. I don't just let anyone in my city.
Taliesin: Who she is is none of your business, human.
Lucien: Please stop calling people that.
Idolaf: I'll ask her whatever questions I deem necessary. Any suspicious characters are a danger to Whiterun, and she's about as suspicious as they come.
Inigo: I wonder if you are making such accusations because she is a Dark Elf. You do not have to be a Stormcloak to be a racist bigot.
Idolaf: Say what you will, Khajiit.
Morana: *rolls her eyes, mouthing a repeat of his words mockingly*
Idolaf: Huh? Are you mocking me, Elf?
Morana: *eyes widen, staring at him in shock* Shit.
Kaidan: *standing behind her, crossing his arms* I don't know what you have against my companion, Battle-Born, but I suggest you walk away now before I get angry.
Idolaf: Hah! No way, not now that this little one has insulted me.
Morana: *walks past him, avoiding his attempt to grab her arm*
Kaidan: Oi, Morana-
Inigo: Wait for me, my friend!
Taliesin: *grabs Idolaf as he tries to chase her* If you wish to continue your pursuit of my raven, you will find out very quickly what actually happens to prisoners and offenders of a Thalmor Justiciar. Do you want that, Battle-Born?
Idolaf: I-I-
Taliesin: That's what I thought.
Morana: *hiding crouched behind Carlotta's stall, covering her face with her hands* Gods just kill me now.
Lucien: Oh, there you are! What happened, Morana?
Kaidan: You scared me, I thought he hurt you when I wasn't looking-
Morana: I forgot I wasn't wearing my mask.
Taliesin: What on earth does that have to do with this?
Morana: *lifts her head up, cheeks flushed red* I.. Find that I make a lot of faces at people that irritate me. And I mock them when they can't see. I'm not used to having to stop my expressions.
Lucien: I suppose you could say you have a horrible poker face, haha.
Morana: *deadpan stare* Ha.
Farkas: Ah, there they are.
Kaidan: Farkas, Vilkas! How are you gits?
Vilkas: Better than your frostbitten arse, I'd say.
Kaidan: Oi!
Farkas: Hello, Morana.
Morana: ...? You guys know it's me?
Vilkas: Aye. Your scent hasn't changed, despite your lack of mask. Vanilla and honey.
Farkas: And river water. That's new.
Morana: I jumped in a river.
Vilkas: Ha! I'd love to hear that story. Care for a drink, friends?
Xelzaz: Maybe later. We've a few errands to run first.
Kaidan: Actually that gives me an idea. Farkas, Vilkas, d'ya mind tagging along with us for a bit? Idolaf's got it out for us right now and I'm really not in the mood for his bullshit.
Farkas: The Battle-Born whelp? Count me in.
Vilkas: Aye. Lead the way, raven.
Morana: *nods* We can stop at Jorrvaskr when we're done. Thank you two.
Farkas: Don't mention it.
Morana to Idolaf:
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sbrn10 · 1 year ago
Look, I apologize for being the hyperfixate on Laudna and Imogen all the time person (actually, I don't, sorry not sorry, this is my whole personality now) but:
Marisha has fucking weaponized the phrase "I like/love children" and I want her to stab me with it 37 more times. It's the most fucked up, precisely because her (Before Imogen state) idea of appealing to children is so horrifying, of course they run from her.
Can you BELIEVE that the primary thing standing between Laudna and Delilah's manipulation is Laudna's extremely low sense of self-worth? The fact that Delilah tries to tell Laudna "you deserve it, take what's rightfully yours" and Laudna refuses because it's not meant for her -- nothing is meant for her. Even Imogen isn't meant for her -- after all, she's a dead end, and Imogen should be able to live. The fact that Delilah still doesn't know any other way to entice someone than offering power because it's the only thing she understands -- and Laudna doesn't want it.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make everybody worry. *weak laugh* This is the second time you all have trotted through these woods to save me." vs. "the crippling obligation that [I] feel to everybody for risking themselves to save [me] ... still haunts me." (From fucking e49 when Laudna and Ashton were having one of their "Ashton is projecting their experience onto Laudna super hard" conversations, fucking christ) Excuse me, I'm going to go scream into the night.
"What did he do to you? Did he hurt you? Did he manipulate you?" Laudna's immediate assumption that Ashton somehow coerced Fearne in order to take power meant for her, because she's lived with a voice in her head doing nothing but that for 30 years. I am lying dead in a ditch.
Look, I know everyone has already said it. I know. I know. But. Laudna: Will you hold me? Delilah: Always. "You swear you feel the shadows around you in this corner grow a little thicker, like a cloak of darkness that wraps itself around you." "You wake up cold and alone." Laudna: I miss Imogen. Laudna: Love is pain. But it is also warmth. I was so cold last night. Imogen: I go hug her again. Marisha. Girl. What the FUCK.
Laudna: You can give [the doll] whatever voice you want. Ashton: I'm not good at voices. Laudna: You can find a voice. What if I just died. Right here. What if, Marisha.
Can we talk about Imogen going through Laudna asking her to move on if something happens to her, like she's readying herself to leave, and then she left for real and didn't come back. Can we talk about how fucked up that was for her. Can we talk about how she didn't even get to be angry at Laudna for it because Laudna was visibly fucked up so bad it was something she'd never seen before. Somebody please give that girl a hug, like so many hugs, also my kingdom for Imogen getting to be angry at Laudna at some point (please also read Time Running Out).
Ashton: I thought it would make me better, and I thought a better me would-- [help you]. Imogen: You don't need power to be better, Ashton. Imogen is just so fucking tired, my god. Imogen is the Ben Affleck smoking meme about the people she loves being stupid.
Okay, a few not Imogen or Laudna things: - My god, Travis, what an episode for Chetney. "Plus, if you need it, just say you need it." / "Okay, I kind of need it." That is my emotional support old man and I just want to give Chetney and Fearne so many hugs. - Percy and Ashton being mirrors for each other across 30 years and 3 campaigns: truly the most Taliesin of all time. - FCG was so good at talking Ashton through his decisions and pushing back on the surface-level excuses to dig deeper but also staying open and trying hard to allow Ashton some grace despite it all. Growth dot gif. - FCG as a counselor at Wildemount Wildlings when.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year ago
The loved & the forgotten pt28
Part 27 here
Vivienne: *wrapped only in a sheet after waking to the commotion and his husbands both running out of the bedroom* c-can you at least move your leg?!
The lurker blocking the door: *groans and nudges him back into the manor with its leg*
Vivienne: *huffs and peers past it’s other one to see voryn and nerevar both step into view before the lurker suddenly stands aside, and Taliesin walks past it* l-love what’s going on out there? I-
Taliesin: *gently scoops him up bridal style* shhh, don’t worry yourself over it darling. Voryn and nerevar have this covered. *smiles reassuringly at him as he carries him back down the steps to their room*
Vivienne: don’t worry?? I woke up to the ground shaking, miraak shouting, mannimarco crying, and you and Kaidan running out of the house with your weapons drawn!! I watched inigo get flung past the door before the lurker blocked me from leaving! Please tell me what’s happened? I want to-
Taliesin: *lays him on the bed and unfurls the sheet as he leans down pressing his lips to his, his dark hair draping over the pillows and tangling with Vivienne’s soft white locks* Please darling… it’s our wedding night. We’ll talk about it in the morning once voryn and nerevar know what’s going on…
Vivienne: *face flushed staring up at his husband* you- you don’t know who attacked? It was an attack right-
Taliesin: *silences him with another kiss* no, I don’t know who they were. But voryn didn’t seem bothered by them, nor did nerevar. Please my love, don’t worry yourself over it…
Kaidan: *steps into the room wiping himself clean with a wet towel* Voryn and the guards are handling it now, they think it’s just a group of reavers that thought our place would be a good target. *tosses the towel aside and walks to the bed, smoothing his hand up Taliesins back and tucking his hair to the side as he reaches his neck, planting a soft kiss there before laying on the bed and giving vivienne a kiss too* are you alright love?…
Vivienne: *blinks hearing the tone to their voices and realising they’re both telling the truth* I… yes, just… just startled I think… *reaches up his hands gently pulling Taliesin down for another kiss before pulling Kaidan in for one too* I was scared it was something worse…
Kaidan: *smiles kissing his cheek* hey, no matter how bad it might be, I know we can take ‘em~
Taliesin: *chuckles and lays beside them both* don’t encourage him ro run into trouble again~
Vivienne: *pouts* I said I’d stop doing that… intentionally at least…
*meanwhile outside*
Miraak: *dismissing his lurkers and seekers before heading back inside after the others to comfort mannimarco knowing full well the state the high elfs still in*
Nerevar: *watching him go* should we ask him to keep some of those beasts active until we’re certain the stragglers are taken care of? *glances back at voryn as the remaining cultists are thrown before his feet*
Voryn: *face bearing a stoic expression as he stares down at the mer before him, his assassins forcing them to their knees and holding their heads back by their hair to face him* no need… *quietly sizes each one up before settling on the one in the middle and gesturing to his men, smirking slightly as they cut the throats of all the cultists minus them* judging by your armour and defiant disposition im inclined to believe you’re the one heading this operation, this, plan, to attack the home of my student and attempt to kidnap him? Rape him? Murder him? All because you believe him to be vivec? Correct?…
Cultist: *bloodied and bruised but glaring up at him with a defiant hatred in his eyes as he spits at him* how dare you speak to me whore! We came here to save him from you! From the bastard who dethroned our lord and claims himself king! We’ll return him to his rightful seat of power! The tribunal will rise again and we’ll dance on your corpses as we cut your faces of-
Nerevar: *watches his head roll away slowly after cutting it off* …
Voryn: … *nods to his assassins, dismissing them before walking to nerevars side and smiling as the Hortator pulls him into his arms by his waist* shhh. It’s alright my lo-
Nerevar: *cuts him off with a deep and strong kiss, pulling away only after he’s sure he’ll leave voryn breathless* I won’t allow anybody to speak of you like that…
Voryn: *panting softly and following after his lips as he pulls away from him* it’s fine love… I was more insulted of what he said of you… and more concerned on their intent towards vivienne… *glances over watching captain Veleth and his men clean up the bodies* captain, have your men found anything noteworthy on their bodies?
Captain Veleth: not yet my lord. I’ll inform you once we do. We’ll work to get this cleaned up before the morning.
Nerevar: *nods* thank you captain… *looks up at voryn before gently ushering him back to the councillors estate* what do we tell vivienne?…
Voryn: the truth… he’s still in danger.
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kagedbird · 2 years ago
TESSDE AU (+Taliesin teehee)
Team Dragonborn (Kaidan, Inigo, Lucien, Taliesin, and Allora) walking through the forest west of Morthal after checking in with the Jarl; suddenly hear a dog barking
Taliesin: Gods, that sounds far too close. Mangy mutts are everywhere in Skyrim.
Allora: I'm not the biggest fan of dogs myself, but that sounds especially harsh. What if someone is in trouble?
Taliesin: Of course they are! They have a dog. There's bound to be trouble with that.
Kaidan: *nudges Taliesin roughly with his arm, smirking* Afraid of a simple hound, ey? I'll be sure t'keep that in mind next time you start spoutin' off some heinous shite.
Taliesin: Do anything of the sort, and I'll sooner feed you to one of those disgusting creatures.
Lucien: *leaning close to Allora* Did you want to go check it out?
Allora: Yes please. Be my guard?
Lucien: Erm... of course! But, uh, perhaps Inigo would like to join us?
Inigo: *meanders closer to the two, ignorining Taliesin and Kaidan's bickering* Gladly. Those two are giving me a bit of a headache. Not that the barking is much better.
Allora: Sorry. Let's see what the puppy is up to. Hopefully it's not injured...
The trio make their way into a shack, and see a long (?) dead individual on a bed, with a journal nearby. A dog sits at the side of the bed, whining and barking at its previous master to get up.
Lucien: Oh, poor thing... wonder how long he's been alone like this.
Allora: *gently picks up the journal and reads through it, flinching a little as the dog noses her leg* A-ah, hi... puppy... one second, okay? *awkwardly smiles at the dog before reading and frowns*
Inigo: Is something the matter?
Allora: No, the owner just mentions something called Rockjoint. I don't know what it is, but it seems to have killed him. The dog's name is Meeko, I think.
Meeko: Bark! *happy tail wag, noses her leg again*
Allora: *awkwardly laughs and just as awkwardly pats Meeko's head* Hi... Meeko. I'm sorry to say, but your owner... isn't getting back up.
Meeko: *sad dog whines*
Allora: *beyond stunned* ...Can you understand me?
Meeko: *tilts his head curiously*
Allora: ...huh. Well, uh... *turns to the boys* I don't feel right leaving him here...
Lucien: I'm sure we can find some child in need of a trusty, flea ridden companion!
Inigo: *frowns* Yes, and the spot for this group has been taken.
Allora: *laughs momentarily before freezing* ...you're not joking are you?
Inigo: Not at all. We... are friends and companions, yes?
Lucien: I think she meant the fleas...
Taliesin: *shouting outside* We are not taking the dog!!
(Narrator: They took the dog. Both he and Inigo got a flea bath from Allora. They were very fluffy and poofy afterwards.)
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captainsspnanon · 1 year ago
C3E75 - reaction
WHAT an episode!!!
Starts off 'strong', what with the party trying to figure out how to get to a cave entrance....that turned out to be 150-200 feet away. XD AKA - like 30 seconds of walking, a minute if it's consider difficult terrain. Obviously it was more than that considering the vertical climb, but the reveal of the distance was very funny to me.
Honestly, the climb down the tunnel ended up being easier than I expected it to be! I was expecting a few more checks at least, but there were good tactics to get down.
I appreciate that Sam is using Message the way it's intended. I remember at the beginning of the campaign he used it to just send a feeling, rather than words. I think the latest 4SD may have helped him feel more comfortable with reusing things that previous PCs have done without feeling like he's stepping on their toes. I definitely don't think it was WRONG the way he was doing it before, but it's also good that he doesn't feel like he has to Do It Different, even if it makes things More Difficult.
The little fire creatures were so adorable, I can't wait to see the fanart of it! (My mom likened the voices and short lives with Spurt, RIP 11 days)
They got the shard of Rau'shan! Seems like the cast has a similar idea of having Fearne be the one to integrate the shard, but they've got a bit yet before they figure out how to do it (and especially how to awaken both of them).
I miss the more devastating consequences of lava/magma. Vax melted his foot after just a brief dip, meanwhile Ashton is absolutely fine after 18 seconds being fully submerged, same with Fearne even though she was only in for 6. I wonder if this was discussed out of game as feeling too punishing, but I would have loved to see some long term consequences for the trip, rather than just losing some clothes and briefly superheated skin.
I will admit, I do not understand at all why Ludinus is here. What does he need the shard for? The Hells are getting it because of Ashton backstory purposes, how does it tie in to the Ruidus stuff? Also why was Ludinus scrying on the party to begin with? Aside from at the initial combat, they really haven't done anything else to mess with his plans, right? This totally might just be a me thing of missing something obvious.
EPIC combat!!! Liam's turn with the pushing attacks deserved all the table energy it got, and the counterspell-off was PERFECT. (Side note, I'm a bit sad that I know the rules better now. Ludinus didn't need to roll at all for his counterspell, right? Because Laudna only cast at third level, so it should have instantly worked. BUT IT WAS STILL AN EPIC MOMENT even if I'm pretty sure it's against RAW)
also LOL Ashton's just fully Donald Ducking the combat XD I am also looking forwards to fanart of this.
I really appreciated the fact that the table was very tactics heavy with this combat, even if it didn't all play out the way they wanted. Actually, Travis seemed a bit off this entire episode - being a lot more against the first whole initial journey down the tunnel and into the cavern way more than expected, and then getting very upset once he realized he was trying to do two bonus actions. Nothing bad about this, but just off from him typical behavior.
The bit below is going to be a bit negative towards Taliesin, so only click if you want to read it. It definitely gets a bit discourse-y.
Sadly, this episode ended up hitting a lot of my personal pet peeves with Taliesin's play style. Please note that these are my PERSONAL SUBJECTIVE feelings, not some objective truth. They are play style aspects which very much clash with how I play, and so bother me even though I'm not the one playing at the table.
First - I rewatched the section to make sure I didn't miss something. Going down the tunnel, Marisha talks to Matt that she's using Spider Climb, rolls, and gets a bad result. Then Matt turns to Tal to get his number, Taliesin gives his idea of using rage and widening the tunnel (a great idea, don't get me wrong!), Marisha indicates that she's already climbing, and then Tal goes "I thought I was going first"
No. He didn't say before that he was going, I watched the second again! He saw Marisha go, get a bad roll, and then try to make it so that he actually went first so her bad roll wouldn't have impact. I've said this during my C2 rewatch for stuff with other players, including Liam, but if he wanted to go first, he should have interrupted at any point BEFORE Marisha announced her result of failing.
Second - Someone sees something, I think it was Orym with his 31 passive?, but Ashton/Taliesin is the one to react about seeing it. Matt even shut it down this time, making it clear that Ashton didn't see it. He's done this now every campaign, and I'm pretty sure multiple times. It just really hits me the wrong way.
Third - He has Ashton just stand up and go to the lava pool on his own without getting input or waiting for the other players. 100% fine! Everyone does this, and it's in character to do so. BUT then he's like 'i'm doing it, i'm just going off on my own and doing it! but if you wanna help! yeah i'm going off on my own no waiting but yes help me help me cast spells and benefits but i'm just going off of my own no waiting'. Yes, that is clearly exaggerated, but when players go off and do things on their own, I want them to be going off and doing things on their own! Multiple times in all three campaigns, a player will have their PC go off and do something, and usually the verbal conversation is "too late i'm doing it" or "can't stop me I already said it" or something to the equivalent. This? Honestly it doesn't feel like a PC going off and doing something on their own, it feels like Taliesin interrupting the stuff going on at the table and demanding front and center.
And the thing is that Taliesin has had MANY times in the campaigns where his PC has gone off and done something on his own WITHOUT this feeling! But just how it was portrayed here really got to me.
I recognize all of the above is personal nitpicks, and it is their table, and many people will disagree with me. But I just wanted to vent.
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peach-the-owl · 2 years ago
Good grief that last post! So cute! I NEED more Matt interacting with the child reader that dynamic seemed so cute and wholesome. So if your comfortable I'd like to ask please, please for a Matt x child reader. Maybe just little kiddo being a regular crew member, attending comic con and being asked who their favorite cast member is and almost everyone at the panel responding with Matt. When Matt's like um?¿? They remind him of cute moments that support their claim. Like a clip show. Just an idea, really I'd be happy with anything. Thanks! Love your writing.
I had fun with this one 😊 Now is this an older ask? Yes. Is this cheating because Matt is a real person and not an npc? Well, Matt’s the DM which by extension means that he plays every npc so therefore I’m saying it counts.
Who’s Your Favourite?
Crit Role Cast & Child!Reader
(Mostly Matt & Child!Reader but you get the idea)
Disclaimer: I do not speak on behalf of any of the actual cast. This is just a fictional scenario meant to be for fun
You loved Comic Con, the sights, the cosplays, the merch, the panels, just everything. You skip around the con taking everything in.
“Hey, don’t be wandering off too far without me.” You hear Matt chuckle as he walks over to your beaming face.
“I can’t help it! Look at all the cool stuff.” You gesture to everything around you.
“I know, believe me I know, and we’ll have plenty of time to look around but we need to set up for our panel.” Matt reminds you.
“Oh yeah! Let’s go! Let’s go!” You bounce in place. Matt let’s out another chuckle as Marisha finally joins the two of you.
“Whhaaat, are you two having all the fun without me.” She teases.
“No, never… maybe a little.” Matt teases back. The three of you finally making your way to where you’ll be holding your panel. You sat and watched while everyone scrambled around preparing the last few touches for your panel, being joined by Matt who sits next to you acting over exhausted.
“Whew! Boy am I beat!” He sighs, you giggle at his antics.
“No you’re not, the staff did most of the work.” You point out matter-of-factly.
“And it was exhausting watching them.” He jokes. You give him a light shove, the both of you laughing before having to be called back while they open the theatre for fans to be seated. You wait in impatient anticipation to start, and finally, once the audience was seated you all took your seats at the table to start the panel.
The panel had be going really well and it was now time for any audience members to ask you guys any questions they had, you listened to fans questions and answered any as best as possible.
“Uhh hi, I have a question for (y/n).” You perk up and look to the dark auditorium. “So I was wondering, who is your favourite member of the cast.” You hesitate, genuinely trying to think of how to answer, you liked everyone and being put on the spot like this made it extra hard.
“It’s Matt!” Everyone says in near unison, except for you and Matt himself.
“Ummm… what?” He looks to everyone confused.
“Don’t act like it isn’t true. (Y/n) follows you everywhere around the studio.” Liam starts.
“Not to mention that time when they came running to you first during a blackout. (Y/n) could’ve gone to anyone else but they specifically sot you out.” Taliesin adds.
“And I haven’t forgotten when they shared their snack with you and not me.” Travis ‘accuses’, some people in the audience giving a soft laugh at the memory.
“This goes both ways just so you guys know.” Laura jumps in, talking directly to the audience.
“Yeah, don’t think we didn’t notice the rolls you’ve fudged for (y/n)’s sake. There have been plenty of times you gave them a free win.” Marisha gives Matt a smug side eye.
“You mean those cool moments weren’t real?” You speak up confused and everyone quickly goes a into a little bit of awkward silence.
“Of course they were kiddo, they’re all just jealous they couldn’t be you in that moment.” Matt encourages, giving a small but playful glare to the rest of the cast. A few more fans got to ask some questions before the panel officially came to a close and you were free to roam the con again, getting some food to re-energize yourself before going around and admiring the different cosplays people had.
After a few more scheduled panels and meet and greets with fans the day was coming to a close and you were exhausted. You try and fail to fight back a yawn rubbing your eyes in an attempt to shake the feeling away.
“Someone tired?” Marisha asks, you shake your head stubbornly. “Awww, I think you are.” She crouches down to meet your eye level, seeing the obvious exhaustion in you eyes. You look away from her with a small pout, you didn’t want the day to be over just yet and you certainly didn’t want to miss any fun activities that could take place. Marisha gives Matt a side look.
“What?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Well you are the favourite, so do something.” He gives her a playful eye roll followed by a chuckle.
“Am I really your favourite?” He asks you. You don’t respond, instead lifting your arms up to him and making grabby hands, he lets out a content hum. “Alright, alright. Come here.” He lifts you up and adjusts you so your head is resting on his should, instantly you pass out. The two adults almost laugh at how fast you gave up trying to stay awake.
“Told ya so.” Marisha lightly teases.
“Yeah yeah.” Matt waves off. “You head over to restaurant with the others, I’ll drop them off at the hotel and meet you all there.”
“Sure thing.” With that the two head in separate direction.
You’re placed in bed and handed your favourite plushie you unconsciously snuggle into, Matt whispers a quick goodnight to you before heading out leaving you to dream away in wonderland.
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councillor-roland · 7 months ago
Clearly this was not what Adrasia had expected. He gave off a sense of unease and almost wariness, though Roland thought he might have proven by now that there was nothing to fear from him. Well, apart from giving into his own desires. The thought normally would have made him smirk but it had very little impact on him now. He sighed instead at Adrasia's wariness. "You have nothing to fear. You should know that." It was dull as chastisements went, more weary than truly annoyed or flippant. Would Adrasia be so disconcerted that he couldn't take him to bed either? Roland sinceerely hoped not. He needed...well, he just needed.
The vampire walked over slowly, pulling his hands from his pockets. The first time had been a rather slow, drawn out seduction. The second, with Taliesin, Roland had been mischievous and playful though still in no hurry to rush things along. All of that was forgotten this time as he cupped Adrasia's face, slid an arm around him and leaned his forehead lightly against the celestial's. "I would have you." He murmured softly in response, his thumb tracing Adrasia's chin and his bottom lip. It wasn't planned, it wasn't coy or manipulative, just a desire for contact more than anything, even maybe a desire for tenderness that had been denied him with Rhys' departure. "Please." There were hints of feeling that broke through the dullness with that word, traces of sadness and longing. Roland moved his thumb down and kissed Adrasia, soft and almost sweet, like he was asking permission, though behind it there was a desperate sort of need. In a way, he supposed he was asking. He'd turned some of the other slaves away because he didn't have the energy to seduce and he couldn't stand the thought of just being endured for however long, not right now. Any other time he could rile up desire in just about anyone, even the initially reluctant, but right now? He longed to be wanted without all the work, to be touched and desired, to fill the void for even a few moments with someone else's lust, with pleasure that chased away the other things for a time. He pulled back after a moment, head tilted slightly, an almost pained look in his eyes. "Let me?" He clearly needed the answer to be yes, though it seemed at the same time like he was asking for so much more than just that.
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After two very memorable encounters, Adrasia's feelings on Belgium's councilman had evolved into tangled, contradicting things. Being summoned to Roland's suite still brought with it the typical trepidation, but after the past few weeks Adrasia would have liked to think he had settled into his own steel again, not so easy to bait or shake. That, at least, was his hope -- and with Roland unlike many of the other masters, the celestial thought he knew what to expect. He had reluctantly grown to trust the vampire's mystifying personal code of conduct. Looking beyond his coy manipulations, Roland was perhaps one of the best masters any slave at Krovs could hope to fall into the hands of, Adrasia was willing to admit that. Keeping that in mind, he approached the councilman's suite that night resolved to hold his own this time around - for the sake of his pride, if nothing else.
Adrasia's first steps into Roland's rooms undid some of that determination, however. Even had there not been the obvious mess on nearly every surface, the celestial would have known something was wrong just by the scent of smoke and ash hanging in the air, not to mention a truly concerning amount of old, dried blood. Adrasia knew many of the slaves, himself included, could lose a shocking amount and still live if allowed to heal, but... he had not thought Roland the type to make such a scene. This not even mentioning the crunch of broken shards underfoot as he was marched through the sitting room, Adrasia's eyes widening as he took in the full extent of the disarray, remembering how immaculately the place had been staged when last he had stood there.
The guards didn't linger long after herding Adrasia into the bedroom, perhaps a bit disquieted themselves, leaving the two men to stare at each other in brief silence. Adrasia was only further confused as he took in Roland's rumpled appearance, the celestial almost neat by comparison: hair pulled back for the rest he'd expected before his summons, issued clothing clean and nondescript. "Hello..." Adrasia replied, calm but cautious, brows furrowed in deepening uncertainty, "Here I am." He felt somewhat on edge considering the scene he'd witnessed walking through Roland's chambers, but there was little suggesting potential violence in the flat look in Roland's eyes. After all the celestial's mental preparations, he found himself thoroughly thrown off-guard again. "What would you have from me tonight?" Perhaps the safest question.
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night-market-if · 2 years ago
Paper Moons Part 4
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Remember, we are thirteen parts ahead over on Patreon. Join the Courtesan tier ($10) to get the rest of the story, or the Baron tier to get access to all of the choices.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
“Wait!” My heart thudded in my chest as I stepped around Gabriel. There was a wildness to the goblins eyes. A sense of amusement at our predicament that I knew was only a mask for sinister intentions. “Just wait,” I said, placing my hand on Gabriel’s arm. It shook with the effort to keep the blade leveled at the intruder. “I will go with you.”
Gabriel’s arm faltered as he turned to look at me.  While the blade still hovering in the air, he blinked at me, confusion clearly filtering through the muzziness of his mind. He really shouldn’t have been out of bed. Not so soon and not with how sick he had been.
“Interesting,” the goblin said. “You would freely sacrifice yourself when this man so clearly wishes to sacrifice himself for you?”
Turning back to the goblin, I raised my chin. “It is my job as a Graceling to protect the children of the Knowing.”
“He is fallen,” the goblin pointed out.
“Yet he is no less deserving of care.” Stepping forward, I placed myself between the goblin and the blade. “You may take me. If this is to be my last act as a Graceling, then so be it.”
The goblin cackled loudly, not waiting for another opportunity before it lunged forward. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the rough embrace and when its glass nails scraped across my skin in razor edged lines, I felt myself cry out. Because even though I expected it, it still hurt and I was still terrified. But this was what was required of a Graceling. The Knowing had deemed me worthy and I did not want to disappoint.
My body was lurched forward, and I could smell the rotting scent of peaches upon the goblin's breath as it laughed in my ear.  “If I had known it would be this easy to catch a Graceling I would have volunteered to get one of you years ago.”
Opening my eyes, I looked towards Gabriel, trying to tell him how very sorry I was.  This was the last thing he needed to see and I could only hope that the grace I had given him was enough to ease his pain. At least for a while.  He had collapsed backwards against the night stand, holding his blade limply at his side while his other hand pressed against his chest. I could see his dark skin turning grey and cracked once more. Even this was exerting far too much energy.
“It’s okay,” I tried to assure him. I wanted to say something more, something to ease the guilt that I was sure would come with a child of the Knowing, but the goblin was already dragging me through the open window.  And really, what was I supposed to say to this man I had just met?
Out in the dew misted fields, I stumbled to keep up, the goblin dragging me with a bruising grip around my wrist. The cottage was shrinking on the horizon as I was taken from the small house, trying to keep our movements as quiet as possible. I wanted no trouble. With any luck, this little family would be able to find another Graceling within the Market. But when I fell, my feet stumbling on an odd rock, I cried out. The goblin sunk its claws into the locks of my hair, twisting gnarled hands into the unwashed strands and pulling me across the wet field. I clawed at their skin in hopes of making them release me or at the very least loosen their hold. Sticky wetness was gathering at my temple and I knew that chunks of hair were being torn from my scalp.
“Lord Taliesin will be most pleased,” the goblin said.  “He doesn’t have a Graceling in his collection.” They yanked hard and black dots began swarming my vision. “I’m sure he’ll put you up all pretty on his pedestals first. He does like looking at his wares.  You’ll do so nicely. That pretty silver glow of your hand will amuse him for years to come.”
My foot slipped in the mud beneath me as I tried to gain purchase, giving some relief to the grip they had on me as they continued to drag me across the field. I could feel my breath stuttering in my chest and tears streaking my cheeks as small whimpers escaped me. I wasn’t even going to die.  I didn’t know if that was something I should be relieved of or fear more than anything.
When the pressure released from my scalp I fell flat on my back. Above me, the goblin screamed. Blinking, I tipped my gaze upwards, seeing the creature holding his now bloody stump of a hand.  Frantically I searched my surroundings, wondering if the Knowing had seen fit to save me once more.
A bright light appeared though, bolting across the field and slashing across the goblins face.  Looking up, I watched as Gabriel tore from the cottage, his skin shifting in the moonlight as he held out his hand, a pulse of silver light emitting from him. His eyes were lit pewter, his steps even and sure, and I knew with a sinking feeling in my gut that this was going to be far too much for him.
When another bolt shot out, it tore the goblin in two, bisecting it in slow motion as it fell to the grass, its eyes wide and staring up at the sky above.
Scrambling away, I stared at the now dead creature. Blood clouded my vision and the pain that bloomed against my scalp left me dizzy. But as I turned to where Gabriel was, I watched him standing there, the light of the Knowing vibrating across him as he stared, unseeing, at where the goblin had been.
Then, as if a candle had been snuffed out, the light disappeared, and slowly, he fell to his knees.
Scrambling forward I maneuvered him, so his head laid in my lap.  The cracks in his skin were worse than before, ripping across him in a web of fissures.  The color drained from his lips and his eyes turned pale and milky as he began to crumble in my hands. Dying breathes rattled in his chest.
“Why did you do that?” I asked him frantically. He was going into shock. I could feel it in the rigidity of his body. In the way he felt brittle in my hands.
“Because it was the right thing to do,” he croaked back.
“I can’t heal you, though. I can’t…” The door to the cottage banged open and immediately I began to yell. “We’re here! We’re over here!”
Elias was the first to our side, dropping to his knees and staring at the man in my lap.  Skin began to peel away like beautiful fractals of light, dissipating on the wind.  I looked at Elias, the raw pain crashing against his eyes as he tried to gather the pieces to him and press them back to Gabriel’s dying form.  When Reese appeared behind him, he was nothing more than a shadow looming over the three of us.
“Heal him,” he told me.
“I don’t have enough grace for that,” I told him quickly. Tears tracked down my cheeks. How could I have failed so quickly?  “I used it already. I–”
Elias leaned forward, his eyes glowing in a flickering silver.
“Elias!” Reese snapped. “No!”
“It’s not her responsibility,” Elias whispered, brushing twisted locks of hair from Gabriel’s face.  “He’s our boy.  I’ll save him.”
Part 5
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dent-de-leon · 1 year ago
Screaming and yelling at Taliesin Jaffe about always throwing his characters directly at death cuz it gives me a heart attack and cradling King so tenderly in my arms and telling him if he wants to avoid old mistakes then to maybe realise that he is LOVED and treating himself like he's expendable is hurting the people who love him and risked their lives so he could be born
I can at least take some comfort in other little moments--King saying in the reunion he doesn't like risks--which is very different than how he was before. And even the way he fights--the dueling style of fighting as opposed to duel-wielding, the levels of rogue that allow him to easily disengage from combat and make a quick escape. King saying he's trying to learn a bit from the past and, "make different mistakes." I think he does have a bit more self-preservation now, which is a little more comforting.
But I still wish he'd realize that he will always be loved by the Nein--even though he's still trying to reconcile with the past, and even though he's worried he can't be what the Nein need him to be--uncertain if he even deserves their affection. "Thank you, I--I'm looking forward to the future, and I hope I deserve to have woken up surrounded by such people."
And then, later on, he's plagued by nightmares of, "when your heart found the strength, giving all that you are to help those who gave you purpose in return. It was worth it. It was worth it. Yet, on a rare occasion, that odd memory continues to return. The moment you gave yourself and broke your prison." The fact that Kingsley remembers being Molly, and choosing to sacrifice himself, fully believing that it was all worth it.
I hope that, as memories start to return, he realizes he's still worth as much to the Nein as they always were to him. That he still has so much time to grow and adventure and explore this world he fell so in love with. That his life is nothing short of a miracle, and he is so beloved. The fact that Caleb told Tealeaf, "Please don't give up. You can still find your own life again--there'll be time for that later." I hope he knows how true that still is. And I hope he's been able to make peace with his lives and memories over the years, open up more to the Nein and realize that they will always want him to be a part of their lives--
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quicksilverdrabbles · 2 years ago
To embrace your blood, and give you your voice (2)
Morana: *panting, watching as the dragon finally falls while bits of its flesh begin burning and flaking into the air* What..?
Mirmulnir: Dovahkiin?!
Kaidan: Dovahkiin??
*the dragon falls dead, its eyes focused on Morana as its soul is ripped from its body in multicolored streaks and absorbed by the plague doctor. Streams of yellow light bind themselves around her neck before disappearing*
Morana: ...???
Whiterun Guard: Dragonborn..
Lucien: E-hexcuse me, what?
Whiterun Guard: Ancient dragonslayers.. They could kill a dragon by stealing their very souls.. That's what you just did, right?
Morana: I don't know. It's certainly never happened to me before.
Kaidan: Take a moment to calm yourself, your handwriting's shaking.
Whiterun Guard (2): Eh? Are you sure she of all people is the Dragonborn? Dragonborns are supposed to be able to Shout.
Whiterun Guard: Oh, you're right.. That would be a problem, wouldn't it. A Dragonborn that can absorb souls but not Shout. It's.. kind of funny, in an ironic way.
Inigo: I would recommend you do not speak about this situation being humorous unless you want to lose your tongue.
Whiterun Guard: Huh? And what are you gonna do about it, huh cat? You would really threaten the guard?
Inigo: I will make good on my threats to you and every other person in Skyrim if you continue to insult my friend like that.
Morana: Blu.. Please stop..
Ingio: ... Grr.. You are lucky this time.
Whiterun Guard (2): Can you really blame us, though? She can absorb souls, but without The Voice, is she really Dragonborn?
Kaidan: You shut your fucking mouth right now.
Morana: *tries to write in her journal. Her hands shake, and she drops her pencil. Kaidan won't understand if she signs* ... P-Please stop..
Whiterun Guard: If you people are so eager to defend her, then let her prove she's Dragonborn. Shout for us.
Taliesin: *glaring, dagger drawn* She doesn't have to do anything for you lowlives.
Morana: F-Fus.. *Her breath comes out like a gust of wind, noticeable, but quiet and ultimately powerless*
Whiterun Guard: Ha! Was that your attempt at a Shout?
Xelzaz: Morana-
Morana: F-F-Fus- *coughs, reaching a hand to her throat*
Lucien: Morana! *runs to catch her as she kneels to the ground* Don't force it, please. You don't have to prove anything to these people!
Morana: *trembling* I-I know the word. I can hear it in my mind.. I just- I can't-
Lucien: You're only going to hurt yourself, though!
Morana: Why the hell are people only ever concerned about me getting hurt?? Why am I unable to do things without having to worry about how much it would affect me? Why can't I do this?!
Lucien: Because we care about you-
Morana: You shouldn't! With the way things are going, I'll be dead before the year ends anyways!
Inigo: ... What?
Morana: You shouldn't put a dying woman's wellbeing over your own! You shouldn't have to make accomodations for my weakness! I- *sobs* I don't want that! I don't need it!
Morana: *stands up, pulling away from Lucien* Just once, I want to be able to put my pains aside and do things without suffering! Just once, I don't want to be a liability!
I will lend you my voice, Thuri..
Morana: Just once, I want to be able to aid you all instead of forcing you to worry about someone who should have died years ago! Just this once- even if it's only once- I.. I don't want to be weak anymore!
Whiterun Guard (2): Hey, is she actually saying something right now?
Whiterun Guard: I dunno. Can't hear her, haha.
Morana: SHUT UP!
Whiterun Guard: ?! Shit, she actually spoke-
Lucien: She's been speaking this whole time, you idiots!
Kaidan: Morana..?
Morana: SHUT UP!! SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP- FUS! *the shout leaves her throat in a much deeper pitch, hoarse and growling, almost like an actual dragon's cry. It knocks the two guards off of their feet.*
Whiterun Guard (2): Gods above- let's get out of here!
Morana: *falls to her knees, coughing and spitting up blood*
Kaidan: Morana! *crouches down, trying to wipe at the blood soaking her mask*
Taliesin: *kneeling next to her* Gods- Hey, come on, let me see.
Morana: *shakes her head*
Taliesin: Don't be stubborn, they're already gone. I need to see how badly you're bleeding.
Morana: *shakes her head again. She tries to speak, but only wordless rasping comes from her throat*
Xelzaz: How much damage did that Shout do??
Mirmulnir: *a spectre of the dragon rises from its bones* It was not The Voice that injured her.
Kaidan: Oh for fuck's sake, not you again. We killed you.
Mirmulnir: And so I have recognized the power within the Dovahkiin. A dovah without a voice is, mm.. Aan dilon dovah. A dead one. And so, to counter her.. nahlot Thu'um, her voice which has been silenced. She absorbed my voice, as well as dii sil, my soul.
Lucien: How is that even possible?
Mirmulnir: Mm.. Many things about this one are.. folaas. Things that should not be. It is only right that they are.. righted.
Inigo: So.. You are a good dragon now?
Mirmulnir: My voice will remain in the Dovahkiin's possession. However, this form is quickly.. fading. It is possible this will be the last I will ever speak, of my own accord.
Xelzaz: Oh. Well, thank you? For giving her your Voice.
Mirmulnir: It was not my choice.
Xelzaz: ... Right.
Kaidan: Er, hello? Can we maybe focus on the fact that Morana's spouting blood from her throat?
Taliesin: *removed Morana's mask, wiping at the blood properly with a cloth* We need to get you to Danica. We'll have her meet us outside the Temple, don't worry.
Kaidan: Up we get. *lifts Morana with ease, ignoring her silent struggling* Need to cover her face for her before we go back to town. That mask won't do until it's clean.
Taliesin: Use this. It's a veil we got for her a while ago.
Kaidan: I don't even want to ask where you got that thing. Fine.
Xelzaz: Here, let me at least give her a potion to try and stop her bleeding-
Inigo and Lucien: *trailing behind the group*
Lucien: ... Do you think we should tell them?
Inigo: ... Perhaps not. I do not think anybody else heard what we did, not clearly.
Lucien: They have a right to know, I think. If what she said is true..
Inigo: If she told us, she will probably tell them sometime after. Still..
Lucien: Do you think there's anything we could do?
Inigo: ... I do not know.
Inside the Bannered Mare
Danica: *sitting next to Morana on a bed in the private room* Gods, you've really done it this time, Morana. What on earth did you do to injure your vocal chords like this??
Morana: ... I got angry. And yelled. Tried to.
Danica: *sighs* Well, you won't be able to speak at all for the next few weeks. Not even whisper.
Morana: Damn. Thank you for your help, anyway.
Danica: Don't mention it. Although I would like if you would come for a check-up every now and then. It seems like your health declines more and more every time I see you.
Morana: ... It's nothing to worry about. I would rather you don't waste your time. You still have so many patients.
Danica: Right. Well, I'll go let your friends know you've been healed the best you can be. They'll be in in a moment.
Morana: Thank you.
Danica: *stands and leaves, clicking the door shut behind her*
Morana: *raises a hand to her face, catching a tear that fell* (No matter how I tried... I was still weak.)
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purpleshaded15 · 3 years ago
AU: If Percy’s re-captured instead of Cass...
A/N: I've always thought what it would be like... if instead of Cass, Percy was re-captured. Of course it wouldn't play into our C1 narrative & Taliesin playing Percy. But the alternative story playing in my head is that I think Percy’s hate is so strong the compulsion just won’t work all the time. He’d rather die than submit. I think he’ll be too hard-headed and too smart to believe any lies like his sister left him to die, etc. Stockholm Syndrome won’t happen to him. Instead, they will have to use their last resort: vampirism.
Percy has awoken in a familiar dungeon. A dungeon he wished to never see again. He remembered several arrows on his back, and him yelling to Cassandra, "Go! Don't look back!" With the piercing pain in his chest and blood spilt from his mouth, he thought he'd already die. But at least, he died knowing his sister escaped. Remembering her running away was a relief to him, even when he was brought back into this nightmare.
He coughed up blood. He was back in his cell in the dungeon of Whitestone Castle, his own castle. The only relief was that Cassandra wasn't here.
I'm sorry, Cass... was all he could think of. Feeling so much hopelessness and weakness that he couldn't escape with her.
He was allowed to rest for the days to recover. But it was soon that the torture was restarted again to him by Dr. Anna Ripley. He already told her and the Briarwoods everything he knew and that the knowledge of any Ziggurat was not passed onto their generation. But the doctor insisted to continue his torture.
The doctor kept talking to him. She read of his notes, his research, his design for a clock, even his grades and knowledge from his tutor. To say she was fascinated was an understatement. One of the days she said, "Percival, you know, we are not very different."
Percy stifled a laugh while in pain. "You mean we're the same? You and I?"
Anna Ripley looked at him crazy. "Yes!"
Percy scoffed, though he had little energy to show it. "You must be joking. I'll never be you."
Anna laughed in response, "You think that now. But you will see it, the way I see it. I can take you away from here."
"Who hurt you, Anna?"
The question was a surprise to Anna Ripley that it sparked quite a rage and she backed away from him.
"I pity you. Poor Anna Ripley," he whispered in mockery. He purposely was riling her up so she would, by the grace of God, finally kill him. 
Anna Ripley was quite enraged that she tortured Percy more on that day. He should know not to provoke a person who has power over him. But she also remembered her past, and everything that she was doing to him, was done more or less to her in the past. And that she was ultimately trying to make him become 'her'.
"Anna, this needs to stop," Delilah's words entered Percy's head while he was on the brink of unconsciousness.
"Give him to me. I will make sure -" Anna Ripley said before getting cut off by Sylas.
"The rebellion has been stoked, and only a de Rolo can quell it."
"We need him." Delilah looked at Sylas and gestured. "Would you please, my dear?"
Percy was out of sorts. He was tortured in pain that he didn't really care anymore about his future until a set of fangs bit through his neck. He couldn't even croak or say anything because Sylas has held his neck in lockdown until he died of blood loss.
But he thought that moment he was freed. At least, he thought he died. And he welcomed it. Freedom at last...
So when he opened his eyes, he couldn't quite comprehend why... how...
He's still alive? How come? 
But it doesn't matter now... He’s suddenly overcome by an insatiable thirst that it’s all he could feel and think about. 
So hungry...
A resistance spy who was tasked to find the last de Rolo stumbled onto his cell. Being a rogue, she was able to open the lock and tried to wake him up while seeing all the blood and gore on his neck... She thought he was dead when she felt no heart beat. 
“My lord... I’m too late.” 
She gasped in shock when he opened his eyes and looked at her. His eyes glowing blood red, as he pushed her on the wall with his mouth open and sharp fangs protruding.
“I’m so hungry...”
He bit her on the neck with no remorse. Not realizing that he crushed her windpipe so she wouldn’t scream. He couldn’t remember the last time he wanted something so much. So delicious and addicting. So lost in the taste of blood, he didn’t realize he’d already killed her. He drained her dry and all the wounds also healed up by then...
He whimpered at the sight of what he’d done and the realization of what he had become.
This time, the door opened and in came Sylas and Delilah Briarwood.
He was so angry that they took death and freedom away from him. He growled and with his bloody fangs and hands, lunged to attack Delilah. 
Sylas told him, "Stop!" His body stopped like a puppet, and he attentively looked at him. Sylas was smirking back at him, "I am your lord and master. You will do as I say."
He didn't want to, but his body. It felt like he had complete control and power over him, he couldn’t disobey. He felt himself kneel in front of Sylas and say, "Yes, my lord and master..."
He couldn't believe himself. He was so sickened by himself inside. How he could lose his family, his friends, himself and be in servitude to his family's killer. Sylas and Delilah used him to quell the rebellion of Whitestone. He became the figure head to show that the de Rolo’s are still there and put complete control of the militia and castle into the Briarwood’s hands.
Standing atop the throne room and Percy now cleaned and given freedom to roam around so long as he comes at Sylas’ beck and call. 
Sylas grabbed his face and smiled right at him. "You are the rightful heir.”
They knew that Percival would rather die than betray his family. 
“But you know what you are now. Leave your human past behind. Embrace your new reality.”
Sylas knew that the only way to make him pledge undying loyalty was to make him his own. 
“You are my son."
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years ago
Annnnnd another of the Wendy boi to follow the last one
Henwen: *blearily blinks awake, feeling the familiar warmth of another body against his and relaxing for just a moment thinking it’s Kaidan in his tired deprived state, only to vaguely make out the golden hue to the other figures skin in the dim glow of the candlelight* Huh? *sits up and rubs his eyes to see Ondolemar, laying naked beneath the covers* oh… *feels an odd sense of shame run through himself as he recalls the previous evening. It wasn’t unpleasant but it wasn’t the same as it was with Kaidan, he didn’t feel the same giddy sense of excitement, or the joy that’d flutter through his heart like butterflies as his lips found his… instead it felt, empty…*
Ondolemar: *stirs slightly, sharp eyes focusing for a moment before looking up to see the snow elf sitting there looking at him* Henwen?.. my prince?… what’s the matter?…
Henwen: *swallows the shame down, reminding himself that Ondolemar is his best choice for now, even if it doesn’t feel right* … *smiles at him fondly and slowly crawls ontop of him kissing him with soft feathery touches before letting the high elf taste all of him again* mm~ *slides his hand down his torso slowly, letting it tremble ever so slightly to seem shy or nervous*
Ondolemar: *suddenly but gently grasps his wrist and guides his hand to his chest as he pulls away* shhh my prince, you do not need to put in any effort to please me. *slides his hands up the snow elf’s thighs and carefully pulls him back down and lays him in the pillows as he shifts between his legs once more*
Henwen: *shyly looks up at him before hiding his face acting embarrassed* y-you worked so hard to make me feel good I-I wanted to work to please you too-
Ondolemar: *smiles warmly down at the smaller elf and gently hands him a pillow to hug and hide behind not wanting to make him uncomfortable by removing what to him seems like an obvious anxiety comfort* you please me by simply allowing me to serve you my prince… *gently strokes his hands up his sides getting a better look at the bruising covering him and feeling his blood boil believing the mages to be responsible* how could anyone be so careless with a treasure such as you?…
Henwen: *sheepishly places a hand on one of his and peeps out from behind the pillow, looking at him with tired but intrigued eyes, trying to convey a want for him that he doesn’t actually have* …
Ondolemar: … *gently takes his hand in his giving it a soft kiss before slowly lifting his legs up around his waist* I promise to always protect you, Henwen…
*A few days later*
Henwen: *sitting in the understone forge playing his Lyre to help Moth work* I’m starting to think he’s making himself busy on purpose to keep me from going home.
Moth: *looks up from measuring leather* Can’t say I blame him, love can make any man a little possessive. But still, I think you’re right, I noticed he’s picked up a lot more on his workload recently.
Henwen: *sighs and continues playing* I know. But I have a life back in whiterun I need to get back to, and he’s been hinting that with his influence I can get housing in solitude of all places. It’s too hot there for me to live comfortably for long. *pouts*
Moth: heh, I think he just wants an excuse to have you closer to hi-
Guard: Pardon the interruption, your highness, a member of the companions guild is here claiming they’ve been sent to collect you.
Henwen: I? One of my shield siblings? What did they look like?
Guard: male, black warpaint around the eyes, built like a mountain.
Henwen: short or long hair.
Guard: long why?
Henwen: Farkas!! *gets up and hurries out of the forge past the guard to see the companion standing at the top of the steps waiting for him*
Farkas: hey snowbird *holds open his arms letting the snow elf hug him*
Henwen: *giggles and pulls back from the hug* what are you doing here?
Farkas: Taliesin told us what Kaidan did, I came here so you wouldn’t be alone. Vilkas went off to find Kai, and beat some sense into him I’m guessing.
Henwen: I… oh… I’ve found-
???: Wendy. Who is this?
Farkas & Henwen: *both look behind them to see Ondolemar*
Ondolemar: *steps out of his office, glaring down at farkas as he approaches*
Henwen: oh this is Farkas! He’s my guard and shield brother! He’s been teaching me how to fight. And- *sees this as an opportunity for him to leave* he’s come to bring me back to whiterun. There’s some pressing matters I need to tend to.
Farkas: *usually pretty dense when it comes to context clues, but picks up on Henwens desperate cue that he wants an out* *nods* I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but the matter cannot wait, I assure you he’s safe in my hands.
Ondolemar: *glares down at him before softening his gaze as he looks at Henwen* are you certain you’ll be alright with just the one guard? Beyond his- rough, exterior. He doesn’t seem like much of a suitable force.
Henwen: *lets go of farkas and gently takes Ondolemars hands* yes I’m certain. He’s saved my life more times than I can count already. I’ll be okay, I’ll write to you when I arrive home.
Ondolemar: *sighs and pulls him in close ignoring social faux pas for just a moment so he can display his sadness that he’s leaving* very well, please be careful… I’ll arrange a time in the future when we can be together again.
Henwen: *nods and returns his embrace, looking back at farkas with an expression of ‘I’ll explain later’ as he does so* I promise it won’t be forever. Thank you for taking care of me…
*a few hours later*
Henwen: *sitting in the cart leaving Markarth, rubbing his face in exhaustion* I slept with him.
Farkas: *seated across from him* I figured… so you and Kaidan aren’t a thing anymore then huh?…
Henwen: …he doesn’t love me anymore… *looks down at his hands in his lap* I wish I’d listened to him, I wish I never came here, n-now he hates me and thinks I’m stupid. *sniffles as his eyes glaze over with tears*
Farkas: *leans forward and gently takes his hand, spotting light bruising on one of his palms where he landed when Kaidan pushed him* …what happened that night…
Henwen: *sighs and rubs his eyes recounting what happened trying not to just break down into tears again as he relives it* -Then he pushed me away and I fell over… Taliesin picked me up and took me back inside before I could get up… *looks down at his hand before quietly unbuttoning his robe sliding it down and showing the bruising still present up his side where he fell*
Farkas: *pupils dilating and a low growl rumbling from his throat as he looks at it, wishing he could’ve been the one to go after Kaidan now so he could beat his ass* oh wendy… *gently pulls his robe back up and fixes it into place*
Henwen: I know it’s wrong of me to seemingly move on so quickly, I know it’s shameful, but I was scared… I felt so alone, and as terrible of a person as he is he treated me well… I can get information on the thalmor by using him… I know it’s not right but-
Farkas: you’re the last known living snow elf wendy. I’m sure there’s others hiding around, but now the whole world knows you exist. I don’t blame you for deciding to cosy up to the thalmor, there’s a lot of bad people out to get you, use you, sell you, buy you… the security the thalmor would give you alone is worth it… I understand why you made the decision you did… just… he makes me very uncomfortable.
Henwen: he makes you uncomfortable? try sleeping with him. *sighs*
Farkas: what is he that bad in bed?
Henwen: no it felt good just… it didn’t feel right… it didn’t feel like it did with… Kaidan…
*The next day*
Henwen: *resting his head against farkas as the cart slows* hm?… what’s going on?
Farkas: *peers out from the cover and sighs* Rorikstead, guessing we’re stopping to give the horses a rest. You hungry?
Henwen: *yawns* yeah, I’ll buy us lunch and ask for a room so I can change out of- *gestures to the needlessly long robe* this, and into my armour. *climbs from the cart and stretches before grabbing his pack*
???: Well looks like we’re meeting half way after all!
Henwen: huh?
Farkas: *jumps from the cart and looks over to see Vilkas, inigo, and Kaidan arriving as well* Hey. *glares at Kaidan before looking at his brother* talk about good timing.
Vilkas: *looks at his brother then past him to see Henwen looking visibly uncomfortable* good to see you pup, how are you holding up?
Henwen: *looks at him, then at Kaidan before choking back a sob and suddenly climbing back into the cart*
Inigo: evidently, not well…
Kaidan: *heart shattering like glass* …fuck…
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