#give me my good television give me my practical effects give me special effects that are kinda crappy in a charming way
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give me six seasons and a movie or give me death
#post posting#theres nothing i hate more than one pretty good season and two awful seasons with only 6 hour long episodes each#i know this argument is getting old but im going to stab someone#give me my good television give me my practical effects give me special effects that are kinda crappy in a charming way#and dont let harry styles act in anything ever again
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The Greatest Film Adaptation of The Odyssey by Homer is The Odyssey (1997)

I Will Not Accept Any Other, Seriously.
One of the best memories I have with watching movies is me and my dad watching this movie over and over. Actually, I watched it a lot, and he was loving enough to be there. Other than that, it was one of my best introductions to the lore of ancient mythologies and ancient classical literature. I have no idea if I had said this in one of my essays, but I am very much in love with classical stories , I mean ANCIENT. That's also why I still dream of playing the God of War series, even when I can not play Mobile Legends to save my life.
Now, this movie is perfection to me. I had just watched it again because of a subject in my college course, also because the song "Suffering" of Epic: The Musical had been blasting in playlist. I really love this movie for a good amount of reasons that I will be listing down below.
To those who love ancient mythology stories, I encourage you to watch this version of The Odyssey of Homer.
For these reasons:
The Authentic Feel

I think a lot of us were cringing at the fact how blockbuster heavy the "Gods of Egypts" was. I know I was. I don't even remember the plot, I just remember how cgi just dominated that movie. Just animate it, it would have probably been more watchable without that kind of visual assault. It's way too jarring.
High budget was this TV miniseries and they made it WORTHWHILE.
With the 1997 teleplay "The Odyssey," it felt so authentic. Just starting with introducing culture, I have no idea if it was truly authentic to real life, but IT FELT LIKE IT. The soldiers chanting before going to war, Odysseus' maid's way of praying, the clothes looking worn out, the custom of having music played, and Penelope making olive oil or wine(?). It feels like an actual culture being introduced to us. No one explains anything. They just show it like a way of life.
That is how a lot of blockbuster movies differentiate from indie films or television movies. Blockbuster relies on explaining things to you and uses visuals and sounds to give impact to stimulate you to watch it more. Why do you think it's always in theatres? Why drama is more dramatic or action is more action in those kinds of movies. In teleplays, they don't have that kind of budget, so a lot of the times they rely on what they have, which is what I think they did in The Odyssey.
Remember, this is a made for tv miniseries. Despite its high budget ($32 million), they really had to make this worthwhile for whatever they had and whatever they could do. In the making of the Odyssey, I learned that they had a sort of time quota and TONS OF CREW AND CAST. Those people had to fly places with so many people. A lot were literally sick, and they were working over time. I truly think they made something so good out of it. Props to the whole cast and crew for working that hard.
The buildings, shacks, and other structures look like actual ancient things because they probably were, or they were made to look like it. The ships were my favorite, it was small yes, I understand that it would have been bigger and even more ships to really fit the tale and history, but again, they were on a budget that went to special effects, flights (the crew plus cast was 100+) and it was 1997, the technology available to them were probably limited. Also they built that boat, no way are they going to build such a grandiose army boat when people built those for who knows how long JUST BACK IN THE DAY. No way.
The Odyssey just looks so very authentic. It felt wondrous and also quaint. The Cyclops was believable, as well as his home. I applaud the work they did with special effects, practical and cgi. Most worked well, but some lacked, yet I still love it.
Also, is the beggar look of Odysseus? I am so glad they really made him look like an actual old man, with prosthetics and matching worn-out clothes. Beautiful attention to detail and trying so hard to really make it look authentic as possible.
The FABRIC. Excuse me, the linens, the ship's sail was weaved FOR SURE (and they had to tear it for the later scenes, I can just imagine how hurt the props department would have felt), honestly the weaved tapestries were bomb (this is how authenticity really hit home for me, actual crafting like how people did before), by the way if you are wondering why I am praising this specific thing, that's because these natural fabrics are EXPENSIVE, hand crafted stuff like these are HARD WORK AND SUPER EXPENSIVE (for good reason), and outsourcing these for a movie? The industry that doesn't give crap about nuances like these unless they were actually creative and served a purpose? Konchalovsky and his team did that.
The Cast was RIGHT (MOST, including the side characters and background actors too)

The cast was WELL DIVERSE. Now, here is the thing that I need everyone to know about diversity. It's not just casting people of different race and color, also ETHNICITY. That cast was a mix of American, Italian, Greek, and English.
I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE THINKING, and I will explain.
Why was Vanessa Williams the only black person to be casted there? Because of a number of reasons, I will not be tackling today, but I do know that the Goddess Calypso was suppose to look ageless, and it is a noticeable trait in melanin rich skin colored people, (not everyone, I know that because in any race, not everyone ages gracefully, I am Filipino, rumored to look young, I have been told I look mature for my ages, been told I look 27 and I am fucking 22 so yeah). She had the right look for an adaptation of Calypso, a sea goddess in an island. Casting a person who looks ageless and has the aura of royalty and ancientness, you are going to cast anyone who had that perfect look, no matter the RACE.
Just look at the casting for Circe: Bernadette Peters, AMERICAN. Why was she casted as Circe? Probably because they were looking for a seductive feel who looks ageless. Bernadette looks ageless, fine lines and all.
Armand Assante? You kidding me? He looks like he was meant to be casted as any ancient royalty, and Odysseus was just so perfect for him. The King of Ithaca, the witty trickster. That's basically describing Armand.
And my favorite casting of this movie (irregardless of race, I just hate that people nit pick with that kind of thing, especially with older movies), Isabella Rosellini as Athena. I was so in love with her as a kid, SHE LOOKS LIKE WHAT IMAGINE ATHENA WOULD. Vanessa Williams as Calypso blew me away in the movie yes, and so did Isabella. Her accent (she's Italian), her EYES, her wise aura. She is GODDESS, PERIODT.

Now, let met also praise the side and background characters, the kings and their beards. Those beards are perfect, and I want to say, I was introduced to the appeal of good beards in this movie. They look what you would expect people of that time would, and with a beard like that, they better BE KINGS. Those beards were groomed to perfection. The maid of Anticlea (the mother of Odysseus) and Anticlea herself (the actress is Greek) unknowingly carried the authenticity of this film, as well as the soldiers, the other maids, the citizens and even the shepherd who raised Thelemachus in Odysseus' absence played a role in that too. They made me feel Ithaca was a beautiful kingdom rich with culture. Oh how can I forget the casting of Penelope, Greta Scacchi. That woman played Penelope well, a wife missing her husband, a queen who also participates in the daily life of making olive oil or wine, a wonderful and sensitive mother and daughter in law, I understood how Odysseus would long for her in his 10 year journey.
The acting was TOP TIER for me, Armand especially. He blew me away with every scene. My favourite was when he got home. He sat down, slowly sobbed and took in the reality that he was finally in Ithaca as he ate the cheese and wine of his home, his kingdom. You just knew how grateful and just how homesick he was, that he wasnt just missing Penelope and his son, it was his HOME as a WHOLE. Another favourite was when he and Penelope reunite, but him as a beggar. He gawked at her, his eyes just screaming "I love you". He loves her so much, even after Circe and Calypso who are literal goddesses (haha no I do not condone cheating either, this is a story after all and well, he is a man lost at sea for years), she was the only one he could think about and the only one who could take his breathe away.
I Appreciate The Comical Errors and Comedy

Unpopular opinion, I love the funny parts of the movies. Look, mythological or even just epic stories aren't always that serious, okay? The reason why these stories exist because they do have a seriousness to them, but it also included light hearted moments. Shakespeare made Romeo and Juliet a tragic drama, and the comical thing in it was the love of Romeo and Juliet, how absurd and crazy it was that it led to killings exiles. The Epic of Gilgamesh is, in fact, a serious epic, but the ending was comical, as Gilgamesh's pursuit of immortality failed after a long and gruelling journey. In the making of the Odyssey video, Isabella comments how the tale is serious but also comical. The Odyssey achieved that, where at times it can be serious and times just comical.
That's where a lot of mythological adaptations just fail imo. It takes itself way too seriously, of course, that still depends on what the story is too. This is the Odyssey after all, where it was meant to have a lot of comical errors as well as seriousness. If this was the Illiad , adapted in full, it might work JUST on the comedic stuff and not the seriousness of it.
Directors and writers have to remember that these stories are also introducing more than just a story, it's also introducing another society, with a culture, a way of living and that it has jokes too. The God of War Ragnarok succeeded in that and it's a video game. Details people, details.
The Usage of the Shots (The closer shots,the Zooms and the wide ones)

TV movies and dramas can really suck with their use of shots, particularly how close and how far it is. I like how close the shots were here, actually. Yes, I have seen TV shows and movies where they either get too "creative" or are just not trying at all. They use wide shots for specific ones, like the scenes at sea. Closer shots made it feel like I was there, like a ghost just watching what was happening.
The Tale Was Cut But Was Done Justice

I know creative freedom is done here a lot, cutting the tale shorter like leaving out some of important stories and connecting it differently, it's there. It's pretty okay by me, it's an ADAPTATION after all. The essence was much more important and they did that very well.
I especially appreciate that even when they did cut spme of the stories, they made an effort to connect loose ends so that it would still look like a full tale. Adaptations are supposed to be like that.
Conclusion: Watch it.

What makes a hero's journey isn't all glory. It deals with sacrifice, hindrance, learning, wisdom, and cruelty. It took Odysseus 20 years to go home, with the journey of losing men at war, at sea, challenges by goddesses, gods, errors, choices, beings and the challenges of his own ego and humanity. This Hallmark made for tv miniseries gave me that essence of an actual epic. It was sad, happy, comedic, complicated, and worthwhile.
Yes, I love this movie so much but this post is meant to introduce another post I am going to make in the future, which is an in depth review of the original Odyssey tale.
Also because I would also love to introduce many more beautiful, forgotten films that are worth watching.
This movie miniseries is made for TV, got an award at the Emmy's. Yet, suprisingly, it is underrated.
I think you can tell just from my previous essays that I like underrated or cult following movies, whether it be popular or not. Now, I will be continuing that, along with more stuff I really am interested in, like mythological stories, video games (I still don't play those), therapy, musicals and more.
Do watch the movie if you are interested, it is available in YouTube and Archive.org, it has two parts.
#the odyssey#blog#opinion#film#movie opinions#tv movie#the odyssey 1997#armand assante#andrei konchalovsky#greek mythology#odysseus#greek heroes#greek gods#mythology and folklore#greek myth retellings#greek myth art#greek mythology movie
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This is a strong contender for the least comfortable Katrina has ever been in her life. And the presence of her incredibly off-putting stylist isn’t doing her any favors.
Anxious hands pull at the fabric of her dress, thumbs running across embroidered details. Her hair is so pulled and pinned into just the right arrangement that she can already feel the oncoming headache. It reminds her of the way her mother would always pull her hair into too tight of a braid when she was younger. She always hated that.
She hates this.
“And now, from the forests of District Seven, Katrina Brandle!”
The lights are nearly blinding. And hot. There’s a fucking sea of people out there, vague outlines of bizarre figures and bold colors just making it past the glare in her eyes. Applause so loud it fills the room. Everything feels dialed up. But maybe that’s just her.
In this split-second, she’s reminding herself not to look too scared (everyone will think she’s copying Johanna’s strategy from last year), to try and smile (look approachable, likable), to stay steady in her heels (she had never worn them before, the stylist made her practice walking for hours even with her good balance simply because her walk “wasn’t proper enough”), remembering Blight telling them it’s good to be memorable.
I don’t want to be memorable, she had thought. I want to go home.
That thought had made the sixteen year old feel so childish.
Anxiety anchors her so deeply into the present moment that by the time she sits down in the chair, she could hardly tell you what it was like to walk up there. It’ll come back to her later.
As the applause dies down, Caesar Flickerman looks at her with that television smile. His hair is such an artificial yellow it almost makes her think of sickness. “Now, Miss Brandle, how are you finding our Capitol?”
Be likable. Be yourself. Don’t be scared. Be honest. Be entertaining. Be real.
“Um-” don’t stammer “I don’t know. It’s a lot.”
“How do you mean?”
“Well… like, this dress probably costs more than all my clothes combined.” Fuck. Maybe she shouldn’t have said that. That might be uncomfortable.
“Yes, well, with fabrics like these, I should think so!” Caesar says, and laughs. Any tension that may have come out of her response effectively diffused. For this capitol audience, anyways. “Welcome to the life of luxury!”
That laugh sounds so practiced, so intentional, so canned. It makes her want to scream.
“They are really nice, yeah.” It takes almost as much willpower to make that sound anywhere near genuine as it does just to force the words out.
“Now, do you have any particular strategies going into the games? Any knowledge, any special tricks up your sleeves for us?”
If I did, saying them now would make me an idiot. “I know how to handle myself, I think. And I know nature.” Ariane’s voice in those final moments comes back to her in a flash, that last hint of a joke they had shared. “Plus, I hate losing.” Yeah, because she looks like such a winner right now, desperately trying not to seem like easy prey. Every time she opens her mouth, she can’t shake the feeling that what she just said sounded so fucking stupid.
“Ah, a survivalist with a little competitive spirit! I like it!” The brightly-colored host sure knows how to keep the energy of his audience. “And a training score of eight, that’s nothing to scoff at. Being from your district, did that give you any help at all when you were presenting your skills to the judges?”
“Oh, yeah.” Finally, a question she can answer a bit more easily. “I can use tools pretty well. I mean, I’m not an expert, but I know how to swing an axe.” Her grandpa taught her. She’s not letting them have that memory.
“Well, you’re already leagues ahead of me!” His continuous attempts feel at once comforting and deeply disconcerting. Like it would be nice if these weren’t the circumstances, if the purpose of this wasn’t to make her the most sellable product possible. “With these arms, I don’t think I could take down a sapling!” He mock-flexes an arm to accentuate his joke, and the crowd is laughing along with him again.
She should say something here. Anything. Play to the crowd. “Of course you could.”
Luckily for her, Caesar takes her rather matter-of-fact statement and turns it into a compliment. “Oh, you flatter me,” he says with a playful wave of his hand. She wasn’t trying to flatter him. A five year old could take down a sapling with their bare hands.
“Well, Miss Brandle, if you don’t mind, I have to ask.” His tone is a bit less flashy now, leaning in just a bit as he talks. She does mind, and she wishes he wouldn’t fucking ask. “At the reaping, you volunteered for another girl. Why?”
Of course this was coming. Jaw clenches and unclenches, there’s conscious effort not to dig her nails into the chair. Be honest. This will be likable. They can sympathize with this. The need for survival is the only thing holding back the voice in her head screaming that they can take their pity and shove it.
“She’s my best friend. We’ve known each other since we were seven.” The one person who has been with her through everything. She’s miles away now. The audience makes their vague sounds of empathy.
“To volunteer for a friend like that… such selflessness.” Glaringly-yellow head of hair shakes.
It didn’t feel selfless or brave. It felt desperate. “I couldn’t just let her go.” They don’t know how frighteningly true that statement is.
“And you have a brother as well, is that correct?”
“Yes.” By blood, at least.
“And in those last moments, what kind of encouragement or parting words did either of them give you?”
Julien had stood there awkwardly, crying. Told her he was sorry. She had a feeling he meant for more than the games. “They told me to stay strong. That I can’t give up.” Ariane had said something along those lines, at least.
“Well, I for one hope that you take their advice,” Caesar says, taking her hand and giving it what she’s sure is supposed to be a comforting squeeze. “Unfortunately, that’s just about all the time we have, but I wish you the best of luck, Katrina Brandle from District Seven!”
He stands before she does, holding out the hand still on hers, presenting her to the crowd one final time. Again, everything is too loud and too bright. But the knowledge that this is the end feels like a sigh of relief - the smile she gives the crowd this time is the closest to genuine she’s gotten since she left her district. And whatever mistakes she may have made, now it’s Wilhelm’s turn. He can be endearing enough for the both of them.
Glancing out into the crowd, she can see Blight giving her a nod. You did it.
#don't Love the way this ends but fuck it i finally finished it !! HERE U GO#‘ was sind die chancen ‘ - hunger games verse.#‘ märchenstunde ‘ - drabble.
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Sharper Vision, Brighter Days: My Experience with
In today's digital world, our eyes are constantly bombarded with screens. From computers and phones to televisions and tablets, the strain on our vision can be significant. For a while now, I'd been noticing some eye fatigue and occasional blurry vision, especially after long days spent working on my laptop. Concerned about the long-term impact on my eyesight, I decided to explore natural solutions to support healthy vision. That's when I came across iGenics, a vision health supplement generating a lot of buzz online.
A Comprehensive Formula for Eye Health
iGenics appealed to me because it offered a comprehensive formula targeting various aspects of eye health. The blend includes key nutrients like Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and Bilberry extract, all known for their potential benefits in protecting the eyes from harmful blue light, improving macular health, and supporting night vision. Additionally, the formula boasts essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Zinc, crucial for overall eye health and function.
The iGenics website offered clear information about each ingredient and its role in vision support. They also showcased compelling studies highlighting the potential benefits of these nutrients. This transparency and the focus on a science-backed formula instilled confidence in the product's effectiveness.
Easy to Take and Integrate into My Routine
One of the things I appreciate most about iGenics is its convenience. The capsules are easy to swallow and don't require any special storage or preparation. The recommended dosage is one capsule daily, which I seamlessly integrated into my morning routine alongside my usual vitamins.
Gradual Improvement and Reduced Eye Strain
Within a few weeks of taking iGenics consistently, I noticed a significant improvement in eye fatigue. The constant feeling of tiredness and strain in my eyes after screen time began to diminish. Additionally, the occasional blurry vision I used to experience seemed to lessen. Focusing on my computer screen for extended periods became more comfortable.
Perhaps the most unexpected benefit was an improvement in my night vision. Navigating dimly lit environments felt easier, and my eyes adjusted to changes in light more seamlessly. While I can't definitively say it's solely due to iGenics, the timing of the improvement suggests a positive influence.
A Long-Term Partner for Healthy Vision
Overall, I've been very impressed with iGenics. The convenient format, the science-backed formula, and the noticeable improvement in my eye strain, overall comfort, and potentially even night vision have made it a valuable addition to my daily routine. If you're concerned about the impact of screen time on your eyes or simply want to support your long-term vision health, I highly recommend giving iGenics a try.
While the website offers informative text and may even have explainer videos, it's important to note that I haven't personally seen any videos associated with iGenics. Remember, maintaining good eye health also involves taking regular breaks from screens, practicing proper posture, and scheduling regular eye checkups with your ophthalmologist.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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Metalocalypse #42: "Dethmas" | December 7, 2009 - 12:40AM | S03E04
Hey, it’s the Metalocalypse Christmas episode. I don’t have any memory of this episode, and I actually think I may have stopped watching the show at this point? Not deliberately; sometimes I just let a show pile up to a point and realize “huh, I guess I don’t watch that show anymore”; sort of a “one day your mother puts you down and never picks you up ever again” kinda thing, because you kept relying on the same jokes over and over again.
I try to strike a good balance between being positive and being critical but I also feel weird about withholding my true feelings. On one hand, this episode is “just okay”, and if I were to just be doing a simple passive Metalocalypse watch-through I’d probably shrug that this one was indeed “just okay”, and watch the next one with cautious optimism. The episode never really offended me with it’s lukewarm substandardness or rubbed me the wrong way in some uncharacteristic way. As I struggle to find something positive to say about this episode, I find myself realizing that I’m not just giving this student’s paper a C minus and moving on to the next. I’m now conducting an autopsy.
This episode feels sitcommy. That’s okay, as long as it’s very funny. It has a few subplots that all sorta intersect at the end, but it doesn’t result in a huge explosive spectacle. The stories are: 1) Dr. Rockso is out of prison and looking to reconnect with Toki, who understandably wants to keep his distance from him. 2) Toki wants to celebrate Christmas, but the rest of the band isn’t playing along 3) Murderface has a Christmas special in the works. 4) Dethklok’s mothers all come to Mordhaus (and Murderface wants to fuck Skwisgaar’s mom). The episode culminates with the Murderface special being very bad; the main conflict being that it’s sponsored by the church, and the band finds this out as the show is underway, live on television.
A fracas erupts when it’s revealed Dr. Rockso stole Toki’s presents for cocaine money. The presents were going to be used on camera as part of a live gift-swap segment. The rest of the band curses out Murderface for making them look like dorks. Dr. Rockso gets a handjob from Skwisgaar’s mom. Murderface’s grandmother is pinned under a big wooden cross.
It doesn't help that nearly every plot in this feels like a rehash of a different, more effective episode. And, as far as spectacles go, the one that ends the episode is pretty tepid. Usually we expect massive amounts of death and gore and whatnot from this show. The parallel of Murderface trying to play it safe to secure big money from the church and this episode, PERHAPS UNIRONICALLY playing it safe by not going too far or too blasphemous makes me wonder if it was either an attempt at satire or a watering down of what was intended? Did the crew unironically decide to take the sanctity of Christmas into account and make an episode that isn’t too rough? Could it be Turner’s standards and practices at work, which hamstrung other Adult Swim shows in the past? If this is an attempt at satire about that very thing, then that’d be a little better. But that doesn’t magically make this episode funny. I can’t take back my lack of laughter. This one's a dud.
Robot Chicken: The Complete Fourth Season DVD (December 15, 2009)
This was touched on earlier, but it's the only thing notable about this release in my opinion: season four of Robot Chicken included a somewhat subtle gag where each episode’s title was part of a larger whole message. Actually, it’s two messages, mimicking a letter and a response letter. The episodes were aired slightly out of order, but when presented in production order on DVD, they would present the message unscrambled, as if the episodes were named as a way to get a secret message out there.
Help Me. I'm Trapped In a DVD Factory They Took My Thumbs Two Weeks Without Food Tell My Mom I Love Her But Not In That Way Love, Maurice P.S. Yes, In That Way
Dear Consumer We Are a Humble Factory Maurice Was Caught Unionizing Our Labor President Hu Forbids It Due to Constraints of Time and Budget The Ramblings of Maurice Cannot Be Erased, So Sorry Please Do Not Notify Our Contractors Especially the Animal Keith Crofford!
Apparently, Warner DVDs from this era are under scrutiny for being susceptible to disc rot, so please know that the “DVD Factory” in question was in Pennsylvania cutting corners that deprived me of being able to sell my very rare Space Ghost DVD for 150 dollars on eBay.
How much should I charge for that DVD with only one working disc? Some one might want it, right?
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Annnd, that's a wrap on watching this disaster today, so here's my thoughts on episode ten (Keep Calm and Harry On):
reenactment of my reaction to the beginning of the episode:
Me: DRAGON My sister: EVIL dragon Me: DRAGON 😍😍😍
okay, but how the fuck do they know that Morningstar BioTech connects with any demonic plot at all? Parker's demonic reveal doesn't inherently connect to the lab at all, except to the AUDIENCE bc of the Julia Wagner reveal that the sisters shouldn't know about
yeah, they figure out that connection but only after believing there's a connection there for? some reason? bc the show needed it, I guess?
Mel making jokes literally seconds after they think Harry will be trapped forever is not a good look
Also her giving advice to Maggie about heartbreak would be good if it weren't for the fact that, y'know. she literally didn't even grieve for Niko for more than five seconds
why does that page in the book of the shadows look like a bullet journal spread
Macy, babe, ily so much as the only good character, but why are you showing off your telekinesis in a public place instead of like. your house. or the lab. or literally anywhere that is not public and full of people
they are literally prepare for anything but their plan for not getting caught being in the office is pretending to be caught making out in there??? what the fuck is this are they trying to get fired
I... do not like that Macy's virginity is this big of a deal to literally everyone, man. Can we just. normalize being a virgin in your twenties? Not everyone wants to have casual sex. Hell, some people want to wait even in longterm relationships, I don't understand why television (and ppl for that matter) need to be so fucking weird about it
I get why Mel's upset, but babe, there is a difference between Charity being heartless about Harry and being practical about the dangers of releasing the Harbringer of Hell into demonic hands. (Y'know since it cost an innocent his life last time, if you'd wanna remember that, Mel? Since an innocent man is still thought to be a fucking serial killer who killed himself.)
The Dark Master is the dumbest name ever lmao. Also idk why they did his face with CGI when they could've done a significantly better job with like. make-up and special effects
This weird miscommunication tropes is so annoying between Parker and the sisters, like ugh. I don't like how they're doing it even a little.
Jada is so cool, omg. Also I'm fucking obsessed with her style, gimme.
Yes, I did see Niko taking pictures of them and Galvin's reveal to Macy that she and Maggie apparently share a father. I just don't really care.
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Dr Jacob Bronowski

Like Petroc Trelawny, who took time out to praise the programme on Radio 3 today, I watched Michael Parkinson’s interview with Dr Jacob Bronowski recently in a state of transfixed emotion and delight.
Unlike most people, it seems, I was never sold on Michael Parkinson’s prowess as an interviewer. He was particularly and egregiously awful when his guests were women. But his undisguised admiration for Dr Bronowski allowed this interview to become very special television.
This interview was first aired in 1974 (you can find it at present on iPlayer). I honestly believe that it would not be allowed to happen today. It was not so much the content, though there were moments when I found myself almost excruciatingly aware of how easily some of Dr Bronowski’s very carefully chosen words would be misinterpreted in today’s nuance-lite world.
No, it was the pace that struck me. The interview lasted for over an hour. That in itself was remarkable: the screen held for more than 60 minutes by two talking heads with minimal camera movement. But a fair slice of that hour went like this: Parkinson asks a question; Jacob Bronowski, eyes twinkling, looks away; he places one finger against his lips, as if to tell them to remain silent until he is ready; the camera rests on him unflinching as he, very clearly, considers his answer; then, when, he is ready, he turns back to Parkinson and, with such care that you might think he was picking his way barefoot over broken glass, he begins, and then develops, an answer that may take five minutes to deliver. You amaze yourself by your willingness to listen as this impeccably crafted and superbly reasoned response is made. You have been schooled out of paying this much attention over the years. But no, it is more than willingness. You are hooked, compelled to listen, you cannot stop listening. You just want your brain to be good enough to handle this erudite and lucid seminar.
And through it all runs Dr Bronowski’s great and transparent humanity, his love for life and his utter dismay at bigotry, xenophobia and closed minds.
It is like listening to the most exquisitely wrought piece of chamber music.
We live in an age of sound bites and evasions. Politicians and celebrities have no time, literally and practically, for substance or cogency, for argument and persuasion. And yet here, all that time ago, Dr Bronowski was giving a masterclass in answering and it was like being bathed in the balm of reason. Here was a man who believed that every question deserved consideration and a thoughtful attempt at an answer.
Parkinson mentioned towards the end, and immediately I vividly recalled, Dr Bronowski’s piece to camera towards the end of Episode 11 of the magnificent Ascent of Man series (another great endeavour that today would probably not make it to air unless they could get Lucy Worsley to prance around, gurning, in a multitude of silly outfits). Dr Bronowski doesn’t prance or gurn. He simply stands, grey-suited, up to his ankles in a fetid puddle which almost certainly contains traces of his murdered family (the location is Auschwitz), and dares to make a plea to politicians, and all of us, to have the courage to consider what is right and wrong, to consider their – our - fallibility, when they approach the deployment of the fruits of science.
“Every judgment in science stands on the edge of error and is personal. … I beseech you [here quoting Oliver Cromwell], in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken.… We have to close the distance between the push button order and the human act. We have to touch people.”
That scene, filmed, apparently, in one take and effectively unscripted, always moves me to tears. Yes, I want to say, that’s it.
I came away from watching the interview feeling my spirits raised but also with a tremendous feeling of loss. The loss of a wise and profound and, above all, determinedly, avowedly human, teacher. I beg you to watch it.
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I watched Ghostbusters Afterlife (2021)
Yes, I grew up on the original Ghostbusters films. No I didn't see the Paul Fiege Ghostbusters movie. Not because of the lady cast, the previews just never thrilled me. I may watch it someday.
The Daughter and Grandchildren of former Ghostbuster, Egon Spangler, inherit his farmhouse and find he died still fighting the Sumerian God Gozer.
Maybe you didn't grow up in the 1980's and 1990's. Maybe your parents aren't cool and didn't like Ghostbusters and never showed it to you. I'm sad for you, but for the rest of us, the Ghostbusters movies (and the cartoon show) are nostalgia on film. The blend of comedy, spooky horror, special effects and working class ghost hunting are forever etched in our brains. We can quote lines like preachers can quote scripture. We'd give a decade of our lives to own a proton pack. So, when trying to revitalize that franchise, fans can get pretty testy. The all female reboot brought out the worst of the fandom. Showing that incels sometimes like cool shit too, and can make any fanbase look like trash.
I'm very happy that this direct sequel didn't do a full 180° and try and please the incels and women haters. The choice to make the lead a smart young girl, was almost a slap in the face to every silly anti-women post on Facebook. This decision is part of what Ghostbusters Afterlife gets right.
The movie is directed by Jason Reitman, the son of Director Ivan Reitman, who helmed the original Ghostbusters. Jason has directed several good movies, some I like and some I'm lukewarm about. Here, he puts everything into continuing the Ghostbusters legacy, while celebrating the kid in all of us who grew up on the original films. The idea of literally putting kids in the place of the Ghostbusters and sending them on a Spielberg-esque small town adventure was the perfect way to make a sequel. Not replacing the old characters, but allowing these kids to dig into the lore of the Ghostbusters and their original film villain.
The movie looks good, is paced nicely, has solid humor and I really enjoyed the story. Yes, there's a lot of fan service and nostalgia bait. And, while I'm honestly here for that in a lot of ways, the nostalgia is also used to create a new story that's worth my while.
I also appreciate that a lot was done in practical effects. The practical Demon Dogs I'm especially grateful for.
And, I don't think I'm spoiling anything when I say that the old cast gets their small moment, without fully overtaking the story and I think the film as a whole is a nice remembrance of actor and writer Harold Ramis.
While not perfect, and maybe even a bit clunky, Ghostbusters Afterlife actually made me really happy. It feels almost like the condensed first season of a Ghostbusters television show, but thank Gozer it wasn't a television show, because I wouldn't have wanted to watch it.
They're making a sequel, which is probably unnecessary, but we'll see if it's any good. This sort of felt like a nice way to give the fans something and bring the Ghostbusters full circle on its own.
Happy enough with this. And, in this day and age of reboots and sequels, me being Happy Enough is high praise.
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Reflections: Akebi-chan no Sailor-Fuku Episode 7
Guys, I gotta level with ya on this episode. It was long ago I watched this show. I was mostly drawn to it by it’s purely calming atmosphere at first. But as I moved on, it continually impressed me. When it dawned on me that nearly a year later, I still am haunted by the truths this episode made apparent to me, I knew it must have been at least good enough (If not exceptional) far more than I originally anticipated.
It culminates in the scene when Hebimori takes a walk after school, and witnesses everyone practicing for their club. The episode has an extreme attention to detail on the actual first steps of learning guitar. As a guitarist, I’m sure this gives special resonance to me. But even separate from that personal resonance, the message speaks to life as a whole. I’m sure none of us are strangers to lack of determination. Especially nowadays, with so many easy escapes available on the internet, that for many of us, it can feel an extremely difficult task keeping up everyday intensive hobbies, and through this neglect never experience that transformative and valuable joy of fighting for something and getting it.
This is where I’m am so continually amazed by children’s style fiction. In many ways, I think Moe speaks to people because it does capture that calming effect of early children’s cartoons. From having a comfortable and warming color tone, to somewhat predictable plots, driven by very pleasant characters, calming music, everything is designed to evoke peace. It not only calls to mind the effect these early television shows we used to watch, but the state of mind which we were in when our parents sought to calm us down by method of simple, calming, brain numbing audio-video materials. I assumed as I aged, I must have gotten smarter, and the merit once gained from them was no longer applicable to the me today. But realizing this connection between moe and children’s literature and fiction, I realize the relevance it still holds as a valid theme in all artistic works.
A Place Further than the Universe is a masterpiece, in a very different way that Les Miserables is. Yet, they both accomplish conveying an exceptionally deep message, and that’s why they both qualify as masterpieces. However, something like Les Miserables may initially seem more mature, it is rather just the detailed version of conveying some of the same messages. Whereas, much of Moe does the same thing, but in simpler terms. This is where Moe excels, it lowers your defenses. Makes you feel comfortable, safe, and not expecting anything to get too real. Hence, it is very functional for that purpose. However, there is the class of Moe (In my opinion, Quality Moe) that slips in those transformative moments, or in some cases, drops them glaringly in front of your face. Furthermore, since they are presented to such a childlike manner, it puts the deep, complex messages into words that even a child could understand. All of us, still having a piece or memory of what it was like to be that child, have a subconscious response to this. But when you think through your experience, and you realize it’s applicable to your life as an adult, you suddenly illuminate some of those lessons that slipped by you somehow. Or maybe, you just forgot them.
All the time, I try to systematize my life to enhance it. Make a schedule, get more done, think harder. All of these have merit no doubt, but all seek to exploit the bounties of life through third person management. But thinking of this as the more mature way to handle things, we feel somewhat scared to break this rule enough as is healthy. We get too focused on the frills we put in place, but forget to search or keep in mind the fundamental message. That which doesn’t need to be explained to be known. Those lessons you just used to hear repeated by mentors, TV shows and friends. And you always wondered, which ones would stay applicable, and which ones were bullshit made up to manipulate my dumb child brain?
That takes me too the club practice scene. Hebimori is on the verge of giving up, but comes to see so many of her peers and loved ones working so hard for what they’ve dedicated themselves too. From the gorgeous imagery, to the perfectly timed music, each one calls out to her. I always break down during this scene. As one of her classmates looks so distraught, and appears to be suffering so much from running, and it sinks in on Hebimori that she does this every day, and does it with enthusiasm, puts into contrast just how little she’s trying. Then, to the gut wrenching hollers of Akebi and the Drama Club President chanting vowels like drill sergeants, and the courage it takes for them to committing to embarrassing themselves in front of the school to pursue their hobby. Then, a more thoughtful reflection upon her roommate. As the music hangs, we hang in suspense waiting for her to make the shot, and she fails. But the shot doesn’t move on, and resumes for her second attempt, as the ball satisfyingly falls through the hoop, and we see a small token of her pay off from all her hard work. Framed so dramatically by the music and cinematography, yet such a small and seemingly mundane moment of progress. Even when slowed, it only lasts a few seconds at most.
That is the beauty of this style. The lens through which everything is viewed, is so earnestly optimistic that just like Hebimori feels outdone by her classmates, you too feel outdone by the show. Even though fictional, you look at these people and see just how much work they put in every day to build the life of the happy person they have a responsibility to be. They see everything through meaning-colored glasses. No matter the moment, every aspect of the direction is placed in order to convey the significance of the moment through anything but excessive words. It must be able to do so, on a level deeper than language. And if these characters who inspire you and give your day such a sweet nugget of joy, you feel challenged by them to see the worlds more beautifully. Or rather, by the work of art itself. And you think, if the world can look this beautiful, if you’re not seeing it this way for at least 25 minutes a day, then I don’t think you’re really living. Not to the fullest, at least.
Seeing the following arc where they hear Erika play the piano so beautifully. Hebimori is so encapsulated by its beauty, that the animation morphs into an even hazier, warmer version of the art than before, beaming rays of soft light mixing with its seas of blues. She is taken away for a moment, from herself, her surroundings, her worries and her aspirations. She experiences when music takes you out of the body, out of the mind. But then, returning from that after the song ends and the animation returns to normal, she feels so left out and dry after returning to earth, experiencing the double edged sword of transformative art. It’s inspiring, and one of the things that makes life worth living, but it is also so daunting. To know, there are people this much better than me out there? It challenges your validity as an artist entirely, to realize that the people where you’re shooting to reach, are so far out of your league that you can barely even comprehend it. She tries to run away, but Akebi being such a good friend, (in other words, a mad bro) holds Hebimori accountable with her earnest and goodhearted desire to hear her play.
The performance is definitely above average, but it pays attention to still encapsulating that quality of a passionate performance from a novice. That passion that captured, makes irrelevant the lack of otherwise necessary musical qualities. The rhythm is a bit of, the pitch isn’t perfect or the guitar out of tune. There’s not much I can say for this scene, because most of what it has to say can only be said through witnessing the beauty of this scene for the song. All I can really add, is that the cherry falls right on top when Akebi (being yet again a mad bro) claps so enthusiastically (like a child), and as if at a professional venue, that she is so earnestly proud of her friend, that she gives a full, loud, stupid looking standing ovation in the middle of an empty room. The vulnerability this character wears on her sleeve is absolutely endearing and inspiring, and I aspire to someday reach such levels of comfort with myself.
This episode reminds me that I need to seriously work at making my life and the worlds a better place if I truly want to see it happen. Luckily for me, I share a passion with the subject of this episode. So every day, I have the same reminder she does. The rusty stringed old friend leaning against the wall, begging me for my company. Remembering that if I truly love something, I need to invest in it every day. And maybe, if I do that, I really can change some things for the better.
The lessons these shows have taught me, I can never repay.
#anime#essays#music#philosophy#writing#moe#akebi chan no sailor fuku#akebi's sailor uniform#komichi akebi#cute girls doing cute things#sliceoflife#school life#life lessons
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After spending over 30 years in the world of makeup design for film and television, Douglas Noe landed in the time-defying, creative playground of Marvel Studios' Loki. Serving as the Disney+ show's makeup department head, Noe not only designed the characters' individual looks, but continued to be Tom Hiddleston's makeup artist. Noe has worked on Hiddleston's Loki since 2012's The Avengers, carefully evolving the God of Mischief's look over time.
Loki isn't the first time Noe has spearheaded a makeup department for a Marvel Cinematic Universe production. Previously, Noe served as the makeup department head for Thor: The Dark World's additional photography -- making up approximately 20% of the film's final looks. He's also no stranger to the magic of prosthetic work and the intricate details needed for Marvel's epic adventures, having a creative hand in bringing both Captain Marvel's Skrulls and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Kree to life on-screen. In the industry, Noe is also known for specializing in palettes for actors of color and has worked on stars like Jackie Chan.
In an exclusive interview with CBR, Noe discussed what it was like bringing The Avengers-era God of Mischief into Loki and his approach to doing makeup on a production stuffed with special effects. He also shared which MCU stars have graced his chair and his advice for makeup departments looking for practical ways to de-center whiteness.
Loki's Makeup Evolution
CBR: One thing that I noticed -- which I'm excited to pick your brain about -- when we first see Loki, he has a really pale complexion. His hair is greasy. As he evolves, his skin gets a warmer look. Was that an intentional progression from when we first see him as a villain-ish and how he grows within the MCU?
Douglas Noe: Yes, that's a very astute observation. Of course, at the beginning of The Avengers, he's kind of a wreck, isn't he? And as he settles and normalizes, his pallor then indeed calms down. It was very nuanced. It was only a matter of maybe one or two shades difference, but you definitely caught something most people have not.
That was 10 years ago, but it was a very minor detail we decided would be important as the narrative and the dialogue and the intellect of that character evolved into the storyline. It became important to kind of mainstream and refine his appearance.
Since Loki kicks off from that earlier version of Loki, did you think about bringing any more of that paleness to his look? How did you decide on how you wanted to show him from Loki's time period/first episode?
Oh, that's a good question. The truth is, from the end of The Avengers also shot again in Avengers: Endgame, we change nothing.
We did exactly what we did on Endgame that we did for The Avengers. And in turn, that's how we started the Loki series. It was that that look from Endgame, which, of course, is the look from The Avengers. No alterations were made, other than -- and I can already tell we're not getting anything past you -- we did warm him up. We did bring some more flesh into him... The truth is, that was Tom's idea. I get it because it was an unspoken understanding between us that there's greater accessibility to Loki if he looks more like most people. Now, those are my words. Not his. But, he definitely wanted us to warm it up just a skosh.
How Loki's SFX Affected Its Makeup Design
With Loki, there's a ton of visual effects. With makeup, it's so dependent on lighting -- it can change everything. What was the biggest challenge about working on a show like this that has so many special effects being added in post?
What you just said, it's working on a show like this. Marvel gets it and they do it right. There's almost an aspect where we lean into these kinds of things. And we change nothing to take into account the constantly evolving and changing lighting effects. The approach was to keep everybody natural, or naturally beautiful. Whatever happened happened. [We] knew Marvel is going to give it the once over once it's all done. And if there was anything to address that did happen because of lighting, it would have happened in post.
But, to my knowledge, nothing was addressed. We just accepted that. At certain times, people would be pink because of the light. They would be blue because of the light or purple and we accepted that and didn't try to make any attempts to balance it or right it in any way. We leaned into it and accepted it made it part of the story. It was its own character, if you will.
Sylvie's Makeup Was Always Meant To Be "Natural"
Building off what you said about a natural look for Loki's actors, did you always know you wanted Sylvie's makeup to have a natural look?
Absolutely, absolutely. The approach there was less is more. We didn't want to bury her in beauty makeup. It would have been very easy to do, because Sophia Di Martino is gorgeous, of course. But, the idea was let's do just enough to keep her naturally beautiful.
Practical Ways To De-Center Whiteness In Makeup Rooms
You designed Hunter B-15's look, and you're well known in the industry for specializing in makeup palettes for people of color. Since you've been in the industry for so long, what are some practical things that people within the makeup department, or its heads, can do to make it less white-centered?
That's a great question. Get out of the way. You have room for everybody, especially with today's explosion of content. But I would say to those who are going to hold tightly that they may as well just squeeze it out of their hands, "Just understand color theory." And, have it in your head that if somebody wants someone to do their makeup that closer represents how they look, get out of the way. It really is that simple. As you said, I've made it a specialty, a rite of passage to learn the ins and outs of all color tones. For me, I bring that to the table, so I don't have to get out of the way; but I know enough to know when it is time.
I have an anecdote that relates. I just did the Netflix series [True Story] with Kevin Hart and Wesley Snipes for eight episodes. And Tawny Newsome [who portrays Billie in the upcoming series] was our leading lady, a beautiful African American woman. I could have done a bang-up job, but that wasn't the right decision to make. She needed a female makeup artist because it was a modern beauty glam look we were going to do on her. Now I do get modern beauty glam very well, but I wanted somebody that would do it great. So I got out of the way.
What's one, nitty-gritty thing that helped in expanding your understanding of color theory? Any books or makeup brands?
Oh, well, I could talk about makeup brands all day long. But, again, go back to the color theory. Get a color wheel from an art store. If you don't know how to mix colors, how to make primary and secondary colors to get tertiary colors, get a color wheel and be a sponge. I'm, what, 36 years in this career? 31 in film. I've never stopped learning. I'm never closed off to garnering new info. And when I don't, again, I get out of my way. I'm not up to snuff on this contemporary modern book with the square eyebrows, so I hired somebody that was.
But, getting back to your point, there are so many books. I have countless books on this very topic. I would say, "Be patient, learn color theory. And accept that, especially now, we're in an era where you may just have to get out of the way. And let it be what the person in the chair wants it to be." Because, ultimately, that's who we're there for, the actors.
You've been working in Marvel's world for a long time. What's one Marvel character that you would love to do their makeup or prosthetics?
I've never thought about it because, to be honest with you, I feel like I won the lottery. When we started with doing Loki on The Avengers, we didn't know what was gonna happen. I'm trying to think, hmm. On Captain Marvel, I was doing Skrulls -- that was fun. I did some work on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. when they had a couple of episodes with Kree.
They were so cool.
Right? I'm trying to think -- I did mention to somebody before that on The Avengers I was given the choice: [Jeremy] Renner or [Mark] Ruffalo or this new guy called Tom Hiddleston. The makeup was described to me and I was told that Hulk was going to beat him up a little bit and we were going to do a little something-something and they asked, "What do you want to do?" And I said, "I want to do a little something-something." So, I landed with Tom.
I'd have to really think, "Who would I like?" I've done Lizzie Olsen's makeup for the Tom Hiddleston film I Saw the Light. I've done Idris Elba's makeup a couple of times for a couple of Marvel films, but also for a movie called Takers. And I worked with him on a movie called The Reaping. He's a gem, of course... I'm really happy with who sits in my chair at the beginning of every day on these things. I've never thought past that. I garner so much pleasure and we have so much joy together. I'm happy where I'm at... I'm happy with Loki. I love Loki.
Well, Loki is coming back for Season 2, so you never know who will pop in the chair.
I've heard we're coming back, but that's all I've heard. That's all I know. And that's truly wonderful for me because ignorance is bliss. Whatever they dream up, I'm always eager to jump in and be a part of it.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer's "Hush" Monsters Were Hand-Painted
Digging way back into your history, you were once a makeup designer on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which is one of my favorite shows! What's one thing about that era of monster-makeup that you don't think gets enough credit for doing?
I always refer to Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Buffy the Weekend Slayer because we would get off on Saturday morning as the sun was coming up and have to be back to work a couple of hours before the sun came up on Monday... What you see is what you get. You had to be on your game. We were real craftspeople back then and there was no margin for error. The words that go with CGI simply didn't exist in 1999. You really had to be on point with makeup.
I would say what's lost now is the notion that makeup always has to be perfect. We know now it doesn't have to be perfect because we can fix it in post. I think a lot of people would say that helps us, but I think it handicaps those of us that are able to deliver the product without a computer's touch.
I remember I did one of the gentlemen on Buffy's episode, "Hush." My boss, Todd McIntosh, was saying, "You got to do the back of the neck... You never know what's gonna happen. You have to make sure that the back of the neck has makeup on." And, sure enough, the camera goes by and they were supposed to leave the frame, but the camera follows them. We just had to be on point and I think now many artists who came into the business with CGI, don't understand what it's like to be grinding your teeth and clenching your fists on set, hoping it looks okay because there's nothing left to fix it for you.
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Bottom Bitch
Kinktober Day 1: Sex Toys
Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x Reader
Warnings: 18+, tw: drugs, weed/marijuana, sex toys (double edged dildo, vibrator), scissoring, anal, rimming, spit play
Word Count: 3.2K
Summary: Quarantine fucking sucks. And unfortunately, your boyfriend’s birthday just so happened to be in right in the middle of this pandemic. With the end of the world seemingly drawing near, you suggest to do something you two have never done before. Who knew that Oikawa would turn into such a needy bitch when he was high?
A/N: Ahahahaha I’m sorry I haven’t written anything since February LOL. And also, I’m sorry for randomly disappearing for literal months. Uh, please accept this as an apology… I feel like I’ve been a little rusty but I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Happy Kinktober!
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。.
Today was July 20th! Which means that it was Oikawa’s birthday.
Every year, you and your boyfriend usually did what every couple did to celebrate. A cute date, a nice dinner, a rough fucking — you know, the works. But this year you two ran into a bit of a problem. Unfortunately, due to the mandated self quarantine orders, you couldn’t really do that. But you still wanted to make the most of the situation.
Just before all the non-essential shops temporarily closed, you were able to make a stop at your local dispensary. You figured that since it seemed like the end of the world was drawing ever near, why not indulge yourselves in some of mother nature’s best gifts?
The hardest part of this whole thing wasn’t even the fact that you were stuck inside for Oikawa’s special day, no, the hard part was going to be convincing him to get high with you. He knew that you smoked. For fuck’s sake, all of his friends did too. During your high school days, the Seijoh third years were notorious for blazing it up (Matsukawa and Hanamaki, especially). Even as adults, there were times when you would all find some free time just to have a relaxing smoke sesh and catch up on each other’s lives. As they say, old habits die hard.
So, you wanting to get stoned was no surprise to him. He, on the other hand, was not an avid participant.
Currently, the two of you were laying down in bed, watching whatever was on television, not that you two were really paying attention. Your mind was more occupied on how exactly you were supposed to bring up this little idea of yours. Getting Oikawa to agree to anything was hard enough as it is, let alone something that seemed so out of his comfort zone.
“Hey, happy birthday again, Shittykawa. I love you so much, you know that?” You said, looking at him lovingly and nudging him on his side, placing a sweet kiss on his lips.
“Who are you, Iwa-chan?” He scoffed. “But I love you too, baby. And you know you’ve greeted me almost a million times today, right?”, eagerly returning your gesture.
“I can’t help it! I’m sorry that our usual birthday plans got ruined because of this stupid quarantine. I wish I could make it up to you.” You pouted, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
“I have a couple of ideas that would more than make up for it,” he teased, grabbing your ass before giving it a loud smack, “but have you got anything in mind, princess?”
“I actually have something in mind that I really wanted to do with you…”
“Oh? And what could that be? You going to let me eat that cake of yours?” He said, sitting up on his elbow, with a shit-eating smirk plastered all over that pretty face of his.
“Well… I was actually hoping that we could get high today… You know, since it seems like the world is ending and all.” You said, nervously scratching the back of your head. “I thought it would be fun to celebrate your birthday in a way we’ve never done before!”
You sounded doubtful. You had a feeling that he was going to refuse, but his answer came as a surprise.
“Okay, deal.”
Did you hear that right? Did he just agree with you? Did your stubborn boyfriend say yes, with absolutely no hesitation?
“R-really!? Wow, I didn’t expect you to be so on board with it! I thought I was going to have to convince you way more.” You cheered, hands wrapping him in a tight embrace.
“Whatever, it’s not like we can go anywhere anyways. Might as well go wild!” He said with a smug smirk on his face.
You excitedly hopped off the bed and ran towards your closet, grabbing the goodies you bought. You had bought quite a few products — some edibles, a couple prerolls, and a brand new wax pen.
“Jesus christ, how much shit did you buy? You must have spent a fortune.”
“Money is no object when it comes to you, Tooru. Also, you don’t really do this kind of thing, so I just wanted us to have some options. In all honesty, I didn’t even think you’d say yes to doing this.”
“Well, let’s get this party started, princess.”
You smiled eagerly and laid out all the products in front of him, “So, what do you want to try first? Birthday boy gets to choose.”
He immediately went for the wax pen, taking a long drag and inhaling the smoke, making sure to keep it in his lungs for a bit before grabbing the back of your head, and forcing your lips to part open before he exhales the smoke into your mouth, as if he was an expert at it. For someone who didn’t do this often, he sure as hell didn’t look like it.
“Someone seems a bit excited, huh?” You teased, before crashing your lips together in a heated spit swapping session.
You made your way on top of him, mouth never leaving his, running out of breath as he starts sucking on your tongue, drool spilling out the side of your mouth as it dribbles down onto his face.
“Fuck. You nasty bitch, you just spit all over my fucking face.”
“Oh, shut up,” you breathed, “you act like you practically weren’t drinking out of my mouth just a second ago.”
The both of you consistently took turns taking hits off the pen. Inhaling and exhaling the delicious smoke as if your lives depended on it.
The two of you started feeling the effects of the drugs get to your head. Lightheaded. Spinning. Intoxicating. But it wasn’t enough. You wanted to feel more. No, you needed to feel more.
You went for the edible and shoved the cookie into your mouth, leaving half of it hanging out. You fed Oikawa the rest of it. He took it willingly, watching a shiver go down his spine as he shuddered from the bitter taste go down his throat when he swallowed. “That tastes like shit. How the fuck do you eat this crap so often?” You let out a small giggle, admiring how cute his inexperience was. “Oh calm down, it shouldn’t take long for you to start feeling it kick in.”
“So, c’mon birthday boy, let me take care of you.”
You started kissing over his jawline, licking and letting your teeth bite down on the soft skin of his neck. You nuzzled your face closer, leaving marks and bruises painted all over him.
You continued straddling his waist, your clothed cunt rubbing ever so slowly against his growing erection. Teasing, dragging out the sensation of his cock throbbing over your slit, feeling yourself get more and more drenched with desire. “Are you doing okay, Tooru?”
“I feel so fucking good. You make me feel so fucking good.” Hearing him sound so desperate and needy caused your cunt to clench. “F-fuck, can you suck my cock, princess? Can you do that for me, please?” You had never really seen this side of him before, but the tables were turning and you were more than willing to give him what he wanted.
You pulled his shirt up, making your way down his torso, licking and kissing all over his toned abs, sucking on his sensitive little nipples. You slipped your hands under the waistband of his underwear, stroking his hardened cock. You quickly rid him of all his remaining clothes. You followed suit. Now, with the both of you completely naked, the fun was just about to start.
Gently, you licked a stripe along his head paying close attention to the prominent veins that adorned his massive length. His cock was already dripping, the head beading with his precum. Spitting on your palm, you languidly stroked him, watching his toes curl and a small moan slip out of his mouth. You looked up at him and his eyes were screwed shut, he used his free hand to find purchase on the back of your head. Fisiting your hair, he moved it to the side to make sure he got a good look at how well you sucked his cock. He pushed you further down his length, causing you to gag as he hit the back of your throat.
You could tell he was close, but just before he could finish, you pulled away. “Shit. Fuck. W-why’d you stop?”
Aw. He sounded so disheartened.
“Get on your hands and knees, baby. I want to try something new.” You said with a devilish grin on your face. He looked hesitant at first but his head was spinning so much that he just did it with no resistance.
You roughly pulled his ass up in the air, your small hands spreading his cheeks apart, exposing his tight, puckered asshole. You let your spit pool in your mouth, teasingly letting it string in between your lips before allowing it to drip over his ass. You circled the pad of your tongue around his rim, prodding it slowly in and out of his tightness. Continuing your assault, you sneaked your hand in between his thighs, stroking his cock every time you pressed inside of him. Oikawa’s hands were fisted into the sheets and his face looked hot to the touch, a red tint glazing all over his body.
You bit down on your bottom lip, and rubbed your thighs together at the ideas that were brewing in your mind. You reached underneath your bed and grabbed your box full of sex toys, pulling out lube, two vibrators and a thick, purple, double edged dildo. The look of Oikawa getting off to having his ass ate made your cunt pulsate with lust, and so the mere thought of him having him stuffed with a toy had your head fucking spinning. You wanted nothing more than to make a wreck out of his pretty little ass.
Oikawa was still face down on the bed. His mouth was hanging open, panting heavily as he tried to control his breathing. He was so blissed out, his head seemed to be somewhere in the clouds.
“Tooru, hey, are you okay? Lie down for me.” You squished his face in between your fingers to get his attention. When he finally turned to you, you could tell he was high beyond belief. “Mhm. Just feeling weird. It feels like the room is both spinning and still at the same time.” He huffed, moving onto his back, resting against the soft satin sheets. You giggled at how he turned into such a needy little boy, practically begging to be fucked into absolute senselessness.
“Look at me, baby.” You brought one end of the dildo up to your mouth, slowly sucking it off as if it was Oikawa’s cock fucking your mouth instead. He could feel his dick twitch at the sight in front of him, his asshole involuntary clenching thinking about how it might feel to have it inside him. Inching closer to him, you held the dildo in between the two of you and guided the other end of the toy up to his lips. Parting them slowly, he began copying the same movements that you were doing on the other side. Pulling away momentarily, “Shit. You look so fucking hot when you suck cock, baby” you say, letting your free hand roam down to his hardened nipples, pinching and tweaking them, illiciting small moans to escape his lips while he choked on the toy in his mouth.
“As much as I love seeing you suck on that pretty toy, I know a place to put it that’ll make you feel real fucking good.” Taking the dildo out of his mouth, you slide yourself down towards his lower half, spreading his thighs apart to see his hole that glistened with your spit, and his cock that oozed precum. You pressed wet kisses along his length, tongue stroking his balls, allowing yourself to slither over his perineum, causing him to writhe underneath your touch. You brought your fingers up to his mouth, collecting saliva around your digits before gently pressing them against his tight hole, slowly inching them deeper and deeper inside of him.
He winced at the intrusion, making his face contort in pain. But surely, that burning sensation of you prodding your slim fingers inside his tight hole began morphing into a euphoric pleasure. He let out a small moan, bringing his fingers up to his lips and biting down on them to suppress the noises that were coming out of his mouth. You paused what you were doing to him to look up and whispered “Aw, c’mon baby, don’t be like that. I want to hear all those pretty noises you’re making while you act like such a little whore.”
“So be louder for me, sweetheart” you snickered sinisterly as you continued your ministrations on his overly sensitive hole.
If you weren’t high earlier, then you definitely were now. The effects of the marijuana elevating your sense of reality as the two of you drift into a state of pure fucking bliss.
You started feeling more impatient, more needy. You needed to get off and you need it now. And Oikawa felt just the same. The look on his face was confirmation of that. Panting heavily, drool escaping the side of his mouth, and wet tears decorating his red cheeks — he looked like he was about to cum without even trying.
With no delay, you grabbed the dildo and the lube from the side of the bed and began to slather the cold fluid over both ends of the toy. You positioned yourself in front of him, placing one end up to his tight rim while you lined the other side against your dripping wet pussy. You hadn’t even realized how wet you had become because you were so focused on Oikawa — you didn’t notice that your cunt was practically leaking all over you.
“Haaah. Look at you, baby. Your pussy is begging to be stuffed. So wet for me. So fucking b-beautiful.” Oikawa shuddered, his speech slurred as he was still utterly fucked out because of your incessant teasing from earlier. His words caused your cunt to clench, your eyes closed as you shakingly breathed out, “Please, T-tooru…”
You started to ease the toy inside of Oikawa — slowly but steadily sliding the thick purple dildo into his stretched out hole. He flinched as you finally got half of the toy into his ass, letting out a sinful moan as the head involuntarily hit against his prostate. “Ah, f-fuck! That felt so fucking good. Baby, please…”
His eagerness sparked a flame within you, and so you hurried to shove the rest of the toy inside of your own hole. You let out a sigh of relief as your pussy was finally getting some much needed attention, after being neglected for so long as you focused on pleasing your boyfriend.
You started to move slowly, rocking back and forth against each other as the two of you got used to the sheer size of the toy that connected the both of you. To help ease the pain, you grabbed one of the vibrators, held it up to Oikawa and said, “Here you go, baby. Put it against your cock and show me how you make yourself feel good.”
He took the vibrator from your hand and followed your instructions like a good boy, letting out a loud whimper as the strong vibrations on his cock made his head spin. As he let his sense of control run loose, he started rutting faster against you as you placed your own vibrator on your sensitive clit. This caused the toy to simultaneously hit your g-spot and Oikawa’s prostate, and so the two of you both let out a loud moan together.
“F-FUCK! Tooru — shit. That feels so fucking good! Go faster, I need it so bad. C’mon baby, please, I need you to make me cum!” You panted, circling the vibrator faster against your clit, bringing you closer and closer to the orgasm that you craved so much.
“Oh fuuuuck, princess.” Oikawa moaned, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he ditched the vibrator and tightly wrapped his hand around himself so he could fist-fuck his weeping cock.
A collective string of “shit” and “oh fuck” escaping your mouths as the two of you rutted against each other faster and faster, the dildo pounding in and out of your tight holes — each thrust causing the tip of the toy to slam against both of your sweet spots at the same time.
“Fuuuuuuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!” Oikawa groaned as he stroked his cock one final time before he came hard all over himself, his chest painted white as his cum came out in hot spurts.
Seeing your boyfriend’s blissed out face was the final push you needed to set yourself over the edge. Your cunt clenched down on the toy as you came with a loud whine, your juices squirting out of your glistening pussy — making a slick mess all over your thighs and on Oikawa’s lower half.
You were so spent that the whole world felt still, the both of you trying to catch your breath and recover from one of the most intense orgasms you two had ever had.
As you came down from your highs, you slowly pulled the dildo out of your abused cunt and Oikawa’s gaped asshole, lazily leaving the toys on a mess of sheets.
With what little ounce of strength you had left, you got on your knees and crawled up next to your boyfriend. After grabbing a tissue and gently cleaning up the mess you two had made together, you placed gentle kisses along his shoulders and collarbone, wrapping yourself up in his embrace.
Now, whether it was the drugs or the intensity of his orgasm, Oikawa looked like he was about to pass out. And honestly, you felt like you were about to knock out too. Not that you could really blame him.
“Hey, wake up, sleepyhead.” You whispered quietly, gently poking Oikawa on the cheek to nudge him awake. You might have been used to handling your high, but Oikawa was still inexperienced when it came to these kinds of things.
“Did you have a good birthday this year?” You asked him, as if you didn’t already know what he was going to say.
“Hi, baby~ Of course I did! I feel so goooood right now! Best birthday everrrr!” He said sheepishly, a tiny grin spreading across his face as he let out a breathy chuckle.
You decided not to question him anymore, knowing he was too far gone to answer anything coherently.
“I love you so much, Tooru. Happy birthday.” You whispered to him before the two of you began dozing off into dreamland.
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。.
#also i write for haikyuu now LOL#haikyuu!!#hq#hq smut#haikyuu smut#oikawa x y/n#oikawa imagine#oikawa tooru#oikawa smut#haikyuu x reader#kinktober 2020#NOT ME POSTING THIS WITH 14 MINUTES LEFT ON OCTOBER 1ST HDBSHJCB#very sorry#tw: drugs#tw: weed
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Never Satisfied [Chapter 9]
Corpse Husband x Original Female Character
Warnings: Language
A collaboration between Vy & Ashens
“is this what it’s like to be normal?“
After a bit of juggling of paper containers and laughter, Corpse settles into the cushions of the couch with Cora sitting close by. They ordered Chinese food and are now sitting with their feet up on the coffee table, munching away and laughing at the comedy special on the television. That’s where they stayed for a couple hours, her head resting on his shoulder. She joked about laying on his lap again but Corpse shut the idea down quickly, stating he didn’t want to be held hostage again tonight. He didn’t fail to mention that any other night wouldn’t be a problem for him though.
That's what brought them to their current situation. Corpse is standing in his bedroom, making a slight grimace at the clothes that he has scattered on the floor. He conveniently placed his laundry basket over the vomit stain from his panic attack. The mark serves as a reminder, one he’ll have to get rid of eventually to not feel his stomach turn every time he walks into his room.
He’s rather thankful she’s looking around the room and not at the floor. Her gaze, although curious, is in no way judgy. She is simply taking it all in without wondering why it seems so barren or empty like he sees it. He likes it that way and he’s glad she doesn’t have a complaint about it either.
“Would you…” He pauses, making a face as he tries to figure out the best way to voice the question he’s been thinking about. “You can borrow something of mine to wear if you don’t want to wear that.” He vaguely motions to her outfit which seems like it would be a little uncomfortable for sleeping.
“Oh, you bought me dinner so now you want me to take off my pants? I feel like we’ve been over this already.” Cora jokes, eyes sparkling as she nudges him with her shoulder.
He blushes a deep red, looking down as his cheeks burn, “I-I meant...”
“I’m kidding, Cujo.” she laughs, delivering a light smack to his arm that felt more like a caress than anything.
“Cujo?” He repeated the nickname questioningly, tipping his head toward her. She’s called him a lot of things but Cujo is a new one.
“Yeah. I mean, we met because of a collar, and you keep giving me puppy eyes.” She teases, reaching up to run her hands through his hair with a playful, cheeky smirk.
“I do not!” Corpse scoffs defiantly, cheeks a heavy shade of red caused by the embarrassment and wild butterflies in his stomach. Even as he denies her claims he knows she’s right: he absolutely does give her puppy eyes, be it intentionally or not. But he isn’t going to admit it, of course!
Before he could go on with his defense, she pushes up on her tippy toes and kisses his cheek, effectively shutting him up before he even starts rambling.
“You said you had a change of clothes?” She asks sweetly, plopping herself onto the end of his bed. He rolls his eyes fondly and turns around, digging into his dresser to retrieve a pair of plaid pajama pants. He offers them to her and, when she takes them, goes back to searching, pulling out one of his favorite shirts to pair with the pants he gave her. His fingers touch the design on the front of it, looking thoughtful.
Should I really give my favorite shirt to her?, he wonders as he looks at the graphic embedded into the material he’s so used to feeling on his skin and seeing in the mirror. What if she leaves like everybody else. I won’t be able to look at the shirt ever again without thinking of her smiling face when she wore it. He exhales before gripping it tighter and turning, handing it to her. It’s a sign of trust he knows she isn’t able to read. It’s a sign he believes she won’t hurt him. Not intentionally, at least. He just hopes he’s right and he’ll have something good in his life to stay for once.
With the clothes in hand, she smiles brightly and heads into his bathroom to change. She doesn’t close the door, but she’s still out of sight. Her clothes are tossed through the doorway and Corpse can’t help but swallow sharply.
Undressing. She’s undress- oh fuck that’s her bra. His face turns scarlet and he quickly whirls around, yanking off his jeans and changing into a pair of gym shorts before she could come back. He curses his libido, swearing at himself as he tries to think of something that would kill the flush of heat under his skin.
Naked grandma, creepypastas, Jeff The Killer, Slenderman, fuck!
Finally, after quickly looking over his shoulder to make sure she isn’t in the room, he reaches up and slaps himself as if to wake himself from a deep slumber or nightmare.
The impact startles him enough that he momentarily forgets why he had even done it. Turning around once again, he sees her wander into the room, the pajama pants rolled up to keep them from dragging and the shirt clinging to her...just so perfectly.
“You alright?” She asks softly, head tilting curiously as she comes closer. Corpse nods and smiles softly, reaching out to take her hand. She curls her fingers with his and reaches up, her fingers grazing across the side of his face he slapped moments prior, her touch cool against this hot cheek. “You look like you got bitch slapped.” She muses, lips forming a small smile that was a dead giveaway of the fact she was trying her best not to laugh.
“Yeah, um that’s...odd...” He croaks out, clearing his throat before turning to face his bed. “Um...l-ladies first?” He suggests, his other cheek slowly reddening to match the slapped one.
She side-eyes him before deciding the best course of action would be to DIVE into the bed. She tumbles into the blankets and rolls onto her back, laughing softly as she sprawles into starfish formation to take over the entire bed.
“Where are you going to sleep?” She asks him, a mischievous look flashing across her face as she practically claims the bed as her territory for the future undecided amount of time.
He almost says he’ll sleep on the couch if she doesn't want to share with him but when he realizes she’s joking, his eyes narrow into suspicious slits and he leaps in after her, flopping down at her side while a soft squeal leaves her lips. She laughs and her arms wind around his neck immediately, trapping him against her chest. He struggles a bit, managing to pull away just enough to tip his head up, cheeks pink. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable by being face-first in her chest and he’s worried he might’ve. However, just then, as if sensing his thoughts and feeling the need to comfort and reassure him, she simply runs a hand through his hair, looking down at him fondly.
“Comfy?” She asks softly, thumb touching his forehead as she gently and lightly runs her nails over his scalp. He isn’t sure what the best way to answer that would be. Don’t get him wrong, he was absolutely comfortable. Does he think he should stay in that position though? Probably not.
“Yeah...but if you’re not-”
“I can move, yeah, yeah, I know. Corpse, if I didn’t feel comfortable, trust me, you’d know.” She murmurs, cutting off his worried rambling, placing a kiss on his forehead before letting herself settle back, stroking his hair gingerly as he lays his head on her chest. She tightens her grip on him causing him to sigh contently as he listens to the rhythmic thumping of her heart against his ear. He slowly closes his eyes, shoulders relaxing as he slides his arms to wind them around her torso, curling his ankle around hers.
Why and how is she so perfect?
How can one person completely change my life like this?
“Are you still wearing socks?” Her voice comes out of the blue, sudden and a little jarring.
He tipped his head down, following the valley of her stomach to her legs to check. Yep, he is definitely still wearing his socks. “Uh...yeah?” He says, looking back up at her.
“You sleep in socks?” There’s a judgmental and almost pitiful smirk on her face, eyes glittering with amusement.
“My feet get cold.”
“Get a blanket.”
“They still get cold under the blanket.”
“Get a better blanket.”
Corpse snorts softly and pulls his hands free from around her, sitting up just enough to be able to pull his socks off. Instead of tossing them away, however, he leans down and grabbed her ankle quickly. A yell of laughter leaves Cora’s lips as he struggles to put his sock on her foot, fighting with her leg like it was a restress, panicking fish.
“Hold still!” He laughs, trying to pin it down to the mattress without hurting her by accident. “You’re gonna wear the sock! You’ll see my point of view if you just. Put. On. The. So-fuck!” He cuts himself off with a yelp when he finds himself on the floor after Cora’s leg pushed him hard enough to slide him off the bed. A low thud echoes throughout the room as he hits the ground. Before she could even ask if he was okay, he’s jumped back into the bed, grabbing her around the waist and dragging her to him.
“Fine, no socks. But the day you start trying to get me to wear nightgowns we’ll have problems.”
“Oh, for the love of God, if I wear a nightgown please kick me out and never talk to me again.” she groans, head cocked back as she sighs dramatically. He leans forward and kisses her softly. And so suddenly. He can’t be sure where the urge came from, he just knows he wanted to do it. He smiles softly and blinks for a moment before kissing her again when she leans into it, clearly happy with his initiative.
“Thank you.” He whispers through another soft kiss. “Can I save my progress?”
Cora can’t help but giggle, brushing her nose against his affectionately, “Progress saved. Thanks for using the A.S.S.”
@vixenl @annshit @wineandionysus @wiseflamingoqueen
#corpse husband#corpse#corpse fanfiction#corpse fic#corpse fandom#corpse fluff#corpse fanfic#corpse husband fanfiction#corpse husband fic#corpse husband fanfic#corpse husband fluff#corpse husband fanficiton#corpse husband imagine#corpse imagine#corpse imagines#corpse x original character#corpse x oc#corpse x original female character#corpse husband x oc#corpse husband x female reader#fic#fanfic#fanfiction#fandom#fluff#x reader#reader
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Duncan x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1647 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Duncan’s gf getting upset over Courtney so she flirts with someone else to make him jealous
Inviting you to participate in Total Drama Island a few weeks into the show had been Chris' idea.
He thought that it would be an interesting turn of events after seeing all the obvious chemistry between Duncan and Courtney. After all, what could be better for ratings than relationship drama.
Though, now that you were here, you had really started to rethink agreeing to this.
Everything had been on edge pending your arrival, mostly due to the fact that they weren’t sure what the surprise Chris had planned was. Though, when you stepped off the boat onto the deck, the jitters faded...for the most part.
The only person who even looked remotely excited was Duncan, your loving boyfriend who you’d missed dearly since he’d left to film this show in the first place.
“Oh hell yes!” he grinned, making his way over to your side as soon as he realized what was going on. This had to have been some kind of joke or maybe Chef had slipped something into his lunch today.
However, when he actually reached out to wrap his arms around you, all thoughts of strange acid trips faded away to just holding you against him. It had been way too long since he’d been anywhere near someone he could remotely tolerate, and it was nice.
You were his lady, after all.
“Hi baby, you miss me?” you smiled, laughing as he twirled you side to side in his arms, just trying to make peace with the fact that this was reality. He had been dreaming about this since he’d gotten on the boat, and it was really solid to get to see you.
It was nice.
Though,the two of you couldn’t hang out on the dock all day. You had come here for a reason, after all and you couldn’t just ignore that in favor of never leaving Duncan’s side.
As much as you wanted to.
“Of course I missed you. C’mon, I have some people you should meet” he suggested, taking your hand in his own before using that as leverage to yank you toward the rest of the cast.
Not that he got very far before Chris stopped you both.
“Not so fast you two. I think that’s my job” he cheesed, showing off his fake television host persona so aggressively that it nearly snapped your neck. It didn’t match anything of the man you’d spoken to over the phone to start this whole thing in motion.
Still, you did as he suggested, stopping in your tracks to let him do his thing.
“Campers, this is your special surprise...though it’s more of a surprise for Duncan than anything” he laughed, stopping for dramatic effect before continuing. “This is Y/N, Duncan’s girlfriend”
Everyone had put that together by now, but that didn’t stop the chorus of gasps and ‘booyah’s that came from the crowd in front of you. The girls were obviously sizing you up, while the boys were mouthing congratulations to their buddy.
...This was going to be fun.
Duncan'd had plenty of time to get established with these people in the past week or so, but all you knew about them was what you’d seen when the episodes go live every day and that wasn’t saying much.
You had made it a rule to not believe anything you saw until it was with your own two eyes. It was much simpler that way, and let you not have any bias from the jump.
However, that rule kind of disintegrated when you found yourself talking about Courtney.
You weren’t stupid, you had seen the obvious connection between the two of them. It usually wouldn’t have bothered you, of course, because you weren’t jealous in nature and you knew that Duncan couldn’t have been more in love with you.
Still, you couldn’t help yourself in this situation.
You had been at home missing him all this time while he was living it up on some island with some wannabe camp counselor. Anyone in their right mind would have been upset and you wouldn’t apologize for that.
Even though you simply smiled at her as you passed, holding tightly to Duncan’s hand as you did so.
Arguing with her wouldn’t do you any good.
Correction, arguing with her shouldn’t have done you any good. However, that didn’t mean that you were completely helpless to stop whatever it was that was going on between them.
...And there was only one way to do that.
You just had to make Duncan understand what you were feeling, and once he realized how awful it was, he would straighten up real quick. You were sure of it, but having a plan wasn’t enough to fix this.
You actually had to go through with it.
So, you swallowed the nausea building up in the back of your throat at the idea of what you were about to do and smiled. Chris had just told you all about a trust exercise that you would be doing this morning, and everyone got to choose their partner.
Naturally, Duncan assumed that you, his girlfriend, would want to participate with him but instead of meeting him at his side, you bypassed him completely.
Rather than jump into his arms like he’d been expecting, you found your way to Trent’s side.
You two hadn’t really talked in all your time here, but that didn’t matter to you. All you needed was to make a display out of today, and he was going to let you do that.
“Hey Trent, I was thinking that maybe you and I could be partners today” you hummed, smiling at him while also batting your eyelashes at him just for added effect. He looked shocked, as anyone would be at this point.
However, he nodded.
That was the best thing about Trent as far as you were concerned in this moment, because he didn’t think about what you were doing enough to even realize how bad of an idea it was.
...But you could.
You could practically feel Duncan glaring into the back of your head, finding it hard to believe that you were reacting this way. He didn’t get it, but that didn’t change the fact that he shrugged it off and made his way over to Courtney.
Two could play at this game.
Duncan had always told you that he wasn’t jealous, boasting that it wasn’t in his nature but you had never truly tested that theory until now. Though, to be fair, you had never had reason to.
In all the time that you and Duncan had been together, he had never even looked in the direction of another girl but something about Courtney changed that.
She just got to him in a way that no one else did and you hated it.
You weren’t jealous, you just weren’t, but it didn’t matter. All you could really think about was how mad you were over the fact that he didn't even put up a fight over you.
He could just be so frustrating, but that was fine, because you had the perfect partner for this whole thing.
...Or at least, you thought you had.
Everything was going fine until you got to the trust fall portion of the exercise, trying to build up to the final challenge. You closed your eyes and lent back, giving in fully to the process.
However, the second Trent’s hands met your skin, Duncan freaked out.
That just wasn’t cool.
“Hey man! Why don’t you back off?!” he yelled, shoving the scrawny male away from you. The action left you sitting in the sand of the beach but you didn’t care.
Instead, you focused more on the fact that Duncan was now holding Trent down to the ground, content with pummelling his face in for the offense. It was overkill, and everyone knew it, but they also couldn't stop it.
Duncan was, perhaps, the only person here who didn’t have a problem with fist fighting on television.
...But you weren’t going to let that happen.
Maybe it was your fault, you had put this on him after all. Trent didn’t know what he was getting set up for but you did. You knew that Duncan wouldn’t be able to handle it and you’d done it anyway.
In that way, you were definitely to blame.
“Duncan, Stop!” you urged, rushing over to their side to shove the man off. Trent hadn’t even done anything worthy of the shiner he’d have in the morning, not that Duncan cared.
Anything involving him touching you would have been too much.
“Yeah, let’s break it up you two” Chris chimed in, earning an eye roll from you at his late interjection. You all knew he wouldn’t have done anything had it not been for the clear issue it would cause.
Duncan wouldn’t have stopped until they had to cart Trent off to the hospital otherwise.
“Come on, you need to cool down” you urged, knowing that getting him as far away from this situation as possible would be best for everyone. Besides, you two clearly needed to talk.
You should have never done this in the first place. Granted, no one said that Duncan had to go on a punching spree either.
You just needed to clear the air.
Now, Duncan didn’t want to do as you asked. It was clear that no one could have really stopped him from rearranging this poser's facial structure, but it also wasn’t much of a question.
You weren’t asking him to leave and come with you, you were telling him that he needed to, and he was going to listen.
Even Duncan knew well enough to know that you wouldn’t ask twice. He just had to hope that it wasn’t going to be too bad once the two of you were behind closed doors.
#duncan#tdi duncan#tdi imagine#tdi#Total Drama Island#total drama#duncan x reader#duncan x ps reader#duncan x plus size reader#duncan imagine#tdi duncan x ps reader#tdi duncan x plus size reader#tdi duncan x reader#tdi duncan imagine#tdi x ps reader#total drama imagine#total drama island imagine#total drama island x reader#total drama island x ps reader#total drama island x plus size reader
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Don’t Forget
Pairings: Steve x Black!Reader Summary: A look at family life for Steve, Reader and their daughter after reader suffers problems with her memory Warnings: slight angst/ends happy, memory loss due to injury, smut, slightest breeding kink Word Count: 1.8k
prompt: 50 First Dates
a/n: @allaboardthereadingrailroad❣️🧡 thank you for hosting the Diversity Challenge
a/n2: piece is purposely choppy and randomly placed to reflect the reader’s struggle with memory. Also, references to Dark Knight, Love Actually, Say Anything, 50 First Dates.
___ A monetary, momentary impact- cause and effect:
Bank robberies were many things. Successful ones were more. Timing, precision, determination; a well-mapped out plan, and methodical dedication to achieve a streamless end result.
It was that sort of successful robbery that cemented you, an involuntary participant, on a repetitive course of choppy, foggy memories. Despite the jovial clown designs of the robbers’ masks, the severity of the situation was real.
Because things really do play out in slow motion as dramatic events unfold- a deafening crash, a cloud of dusty sunlight pouring in through the bank's broken entrance. Stilted, broken flashes of your life projected themselves on the backs of your closed eyelids.
Unfortunately, you were within the range of the propelling debris when the school bus reversed into the building.
Because of that day, your memory would skip and strip.
Exhilaration- friendly fear of tickle monsters:
The sound of tiny feet slapping the floor drew closer from down the hall, ten little toes against high-gloss maple.
The bedroom door crashed open with no regard to the plaster behind it.
Giggles cut through the room as thirty pounds of mischief in footed pajamas launched itself straight at you.
Your three year old squealed before bombing her limbs upon your stomach, "Daddy’s gonna get us!”
No time for regret, when you’re in the moment of gratitude:
Steve found you standing in front of the vanity, staring at the mirror- unfocused. Frowning slightly, he knew what you were doing to yourself.
“You okay, sweetheart?”
“Steve, do you ever think... it’d be easier if you didn’t ask me out all those years ago?”
“Which time?” Steve tested the waters with the usual joke, gathering time to prepare himself for the familiar, spirit-dampening conversation.
Every few months you’d ask him if all this was worth it- if the extra work to be with you was what he wanted. He’d always reply with, ‘Loving you's a blessing, not a chore.’
You’d hesitate at those words, at his sincerity- until he was able to coax affection back into your field of vision. Because you were worth it to him.
“Steve, come on. I’m being serious.”
“Me too. I’m lucky to be as stubborn as people claim me to be-“
“Oh, it’s a fact," you snorted. "Not a claim. You’re stubborn.”
“Good thing for me then, huh?" Steve smiled, relieved by your humor. "Otherwise, I’d miss out on everything that’s good in my life.”
She’s got jokes:
A documentary splashed itself across the television screen as you sank into the couch next to Steve. Pointing your toes, you rested your legs over his lap and cracked open the fake memory journal's spin.
Watching you from the corner of his eye, Steve hid his excitement that you brought the book out by him.
You usually looked over it alone, too self-conscious to try remembering things in front of others. He always encouraged you to sit and read it with him. He liked resharing the stories you created together, but your underlying guilt for not recalling events easily shut the door on those conversations.
Turning the page, you caught Steve glancing at you before shooting his attention back to the screen with a cough.
Smugly stretching your legs, you bit your lip and rubbed your ankle over Steve’s bulge. Catching the way his thigh jumped and flexed under his thin sweatpants, your eyes darted back to the journal. You couldn’t wait to play out your prank.
Keeping his eyes on the screen, Steve picked up your ankle and rolled his knuckles along the arch of your foot. As much as he appreciated the way you riled him up, he wanted you to open up.
Chuckling, you mumbled to yourself how great that day must have been before turning the page and complimenting another pretend event.
Another faux memory praised, Steve twisted towards you before shaking his head and turning back to the screen. Pressing his thumb harder into the sole of your foot, he was unsure how to proceed.
Delighted by his confusion, you complimented another memory with a theatrical dreamy sigh.
Giving in to his curiosity, Steve paused the television and gave it a shot, “What are we looking at?”
“I thought it might be nice to talk about the stuff we did- like you’ve wanted.”
The smile that spread across Steve’s face almost made you feel bad for the prank.
“Yeah, yes- I’d like that,” he shut the tv off, practically dropping the remote in excitement. “What are you reading, what’s making you laugh?”
“How you asked me out using cue cards you made. The messages you came up with were sweet.”
“...Cue cards?”
“It was special of you, Steve. Taking the time to write out something on each one. Here. Look at this sentence, you called me perfect. Reading what you did and how loved I felt, you’re so wonderful.”
“...Honey...” Steve’s voice cracked slightly, “I don’t, I don't know anything about cue cards-”
“-And then the time you stood outside my bedroom window with that boombox. Holding it obnoxiously high above your head. Thank goodness for biceps, am I right?" You teased, nudging Steve with your elbow. "That gesture might be a little too much for some but reading how you made me feel, it meant so me.”
“You wrote that?” Steve questioned, an edge of concern creeping in. “You think I actually did-... you remember these things happening?”
“My favorite is right here. When you built that little house out of waffles at the diner. Setting up a kiddie pool of syrup for us to dip the roof in and a jacuzzi of hot chocolate nearby. And then your expression- when I said I'm more of a pancake person. You argued how pancakes aren’t sound enough for construction.”
Keeping your poker face intact, you tried not to flinch as Steve inspected you intensely.
Suddenly, he jetted forward and snatched the fake journal from your hands. Sailing it over his shoulder, he knocked your legs from his lap and climbed off the couch to loom over you.
Before regret set in from your play of inaccurate historical accounts, your body snapped backward as Steve yanked you down the sofa by your ankles.
“Hysterical. Pancakes over waffles” Steve scoffed dryly at your teasing, boxing himself over you and settling his knee between your legs. “I know you too well. You’re in for it now, sweetheart.”
Adoration, a promise of tradition and support:
You sat in bed with her snuggled by your side, a little nose peeked out from under her blanket. Her little hand wrapped itself around your shirt, her other held a well-loved, stuffed bunny.
Scooping her up, you cradled her in your arms. Warm security. Peeling a corner of the blanket back, you kissed her cheek.
Between giggles, she raised the rabbit up in the air and you played along- one kiss for her, another for her stuffed friend.
She settled in slowly with a yawn as you hummed the lullaby your mother softly sang to you before bed. The same rich melody draped with the lyrics your grandmother sang to her children.
Tears gathered in your eyes as you willed yourself not to forget this moment.
Gratitude and gratefulness:
“Can’t you see how beautiful you are? Knowing I’m yours- that you’re mine... when you come out of that bedroom each morning, I witness that recognition of love on your face when you see us...” Steve’s body tensed, his shoulders shook as he stumbled over the words. "...getting to see you with our girl each day."
“Hey," You called to him, pulling himself out of his thoughts. "Hey, handsome."
Steve pressed his forehead against yours and tried to push down his anxiety.
Your eyes locked to his as you promised teasingly, “You and our daughter- seeing her each day- that’s my happiness. You're just a bonus.”
Sputtering a laugh, he closed his eyes and relaxed from your fingers threading through his hair. Steve never took for granted how you soothed him, especially during the times when he should actually be comforting you.
“Thank you,” Steve whispered.
“Some things are easier to remember than others for me.”
“Yeah?” His lips ghosted over yourself, a half-smile raising the corner of his mouth.
“Yeah. The journal's a great cheat sheet, makes it easier to recall I have a husband. Now, if only I could pick him-”
Steve moved quickly, cutting off your joke. His mouth trapped your next words when his tongue swept over your lips.
Muscle memory:
“Hold your legs. Spread'em wide for me,” Steve instructed between a husky, broken grunt. “Wider, sweetheart.”
He stroked himself in front of you as you laid naked on your back. Your arms were sandwiched between the fold of your legs and hands locked around your ankles. You provided your husband more access and an even prettier view with your feet in the air and legs parted.
He ran his fingers over your folds, circling your clit. Lining himself up, he thought how these were some of his favorite moments with you, the intimacy and the need.
Caught up in the stretch and sensation of him slowly entering you, you almost missed his next words over your moans.
“Want…” Steve stuttered, “want to be deep in you, beautiful.”
You mewled under him, squeezing him from his words. Releasing your ankles, you grabbed his arms for support as he slowly slid deeper. Steve’s movements faltered with a groan, feeling you tighten around him.
He closed his eyes to concentrate as you felt goosebumps run down his forearms under your palms.
“Fuck,” Steve cursed and praised, thrusting harder. Your legs bounced above your arms from each snap of his hips.
“Free your legs. Give me your hands, sweetheart,” Steve instructed, massaging your breast.
Pulling him down, your hands wrapped around the back of his neck. You inhaled his woodsy shampoo as you dragged your nose along the light shadow of his beard. Capturing his mouth with yours, you tasted salt on his top lip.
With a quick bite along your collarbone, his chest rumbled when you ignored his instructions. Collecting your wrists in one hand, he secured them over your head and ground into you harshly.
“I love you,” Steve said, slowing his pace.
You replied with a roll of your hips, earning a dark moan from him, "I love you, too.”
Steve rocked back on his heels, dragging away his length and slipping out of you completely. Your body immediately began to cool from his lack of touch.
Propping yourself up on your elbows, you called out, "What's wrong?"
“Your empty journal sheets bother me,” Steve stated, running his hands over your knees. "We're fixing that."
His thumbs circled up your inner thighs, looping closer to your core. Spreading your legs further apart, he pushed them into the mattress. Taking himself back in his hand, he palmed his erection and rocked his shaft along your folds.
"Let's have another baby, sweetheart," he smirked, teasing his tip into you. "Gotta fill up all those pages.”
#steve rogers x black!reader#marveldiversitychallenge#steve x black!reader#black!reader#steve rogers x reader#steve x reader#marvel fanfiction
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Points of view – The Interview: Luca Marinelli

How do you approach your characters.
Sometimes I also wonder how I get to the character. For “Non essere cattivo”, I had a very detailed script and a fascinating director at my disposal, so I didn't struggle to relate. It was a very brave script for the way it dealt with reality. At first my auditions went in the direction of Vittorio's character but also knowing the figure of Cesare, more than once I thought I would like to play him. I saw the auditions of others and I stopped to think how I could have done Cesare. Then at a certain point I remember that Claudio looked at Valerio and told him that it would be better to reverse the roles, to let me try Cesare, and so it went. When I read the script of “Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot”, the first thing that struck me, besides the courageous imagination, was to understand how a film of this kind could be made.
In the first part of your career, you brought an image of introverted and staid youth to the screen. Was this a choice.
Absolutely not. Or rather yes, it was the choice of those who met me first. Perhaps a part of my personality has been seen that could best marry the characters in question. It happened both in “La solitudine dei numeri primi” by Saverio Costanzo and later with Virzì in "Tutti i santi giorni", then it can be said that with Casare of “Non essere cattivo” and the Zingaro of “Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot” I was allowed to turn things around slightly, to play a character who had a disposition and behavior that was completely the opposite of what I had faced previously.
What do you remember about your debut with Saverio Costanzo.
He was my initiation into cinema, I came from the Academy and I had no idea what it was like to work on a set. The best memory, in addition to the experience of the film with him and Alba, is the first meeting, the first audition, where I really understood that I strongly wanted to work with him and that if this had happened I would have ended up in the hands of a great author.
With that film you found yourself in the main competition of the Venice Film Festival. What memories do you have of that first time at the lido.
Of a huge confusion and a big headache. We were tossed around from one interview to another and not only that, because the worst thing was always answering the same questions, and I was terribly worried not to make the situation even more boring for the machine operator, who never changed, and I don't think could take it longer to hear the same phrases over and over. Fortunately, Alba was there as well and saved me in more than one interview. The experience helped me because the following times I knew slightly more what I was going through and how to manage situations and keep stress at bay. Or maybe not yet, it's a long way.
I noticed that when you talk about your job you do it using the verb “to play” (giocare). Is it a coincidence or the choice has a precise meaning.
Perhaps it’s not a coincidence that in English the term recite is said precisely in this way because in my opinion to play, or the French jouez, represents the feeling of freedom and fun that is inherent in the job I do, better. As far as I'm concerned, the moment of the take is when the actor has to stop thinking, abandon worries, to be able to bring out the energy of his character. He has to play with the same seriousness and commitment with which a child does. I remember a piece of advice from Carlo Cecchi on the fact that in acting counts listening and the here and now. Being actively present to oneself and to others at that exact moment.
You have a method for achieving this condition.
If someone asked me something about technique, I wouldn't know what to answer, apart from listening. On the set of Andrea Molaioli's film in which I am the father of the young protagonist, the actor who plays him, Ludovico, who is really good, full of talent and very smart, once asked me what was the technique to make the best of the character, and the only thing I felt able to advise him was to try to be present in that moment and then to let go, listen and not think about the rest.
But I imagine that there are also practical aspects in the preparation that precedes the start of filming.
As for me, I try to prepare as much as I can before arriving on set because at the start of the shoot it would be good to be ready. But not everything happens automatically, in the sense that you can’t always find the character immediately. However, I have always been lucky enough to have more or less long periods of rehearsal before starting a film. I remember this moment with Saverio and Alba, where we spent weeks among us and also with the kids who would have played us as children, to try the various scenes and to create a union and harmony between the characters. The same happened with Paolo Virzì, Thony and I, more than once we gather, facing the script, to clarify all the passages and moments of the scenes.
And how did things go with Claudio Caligari.
The same thing also happened with Claudio even though the illness made everything more complicated for him. He asked us to change our bodies, to participate in the auditions of the other actors. This allowed all of us, the cast, to integrate and develop a unity of purpose and a truly rare familiarity. So in front of the camera it seemed to me that the gang, to which Cesare and Vittorio belonged, was really part of my life, that it wasn’t hard to pass from Luca to Cesare, because I had found him. And always to identify with the environment of the story, I preferred a house in Ostia, and Alessandro often came to me from Rome to spend time between the two of us. Claudio, in addition to having reading meetings together, also showed us films that were a source of inspiration for him for this film, such as “Accattone” by Pier Paolo Pasolini, “Rocco e i suoi fratelli” by Luchino Visconti and “Mean Sreet” by Martin Scorsese.
Instead, I wanted to ask you what happens between takes, for example when you come home after a day of work. You stay inside the character as it happens to Daniel Day Lewis, or you put it aside and think of something else like Marcello Mastroianni did.
I try to disconnect from the set. I try. I go home and try to do something else, but the last thought before falling asleep always goes to the next day's work plan and I leave myself a few minutes for the memory and concentration useful for tomorrow and then I close my eyes.
We asked Roberta Mattei and we ask you too. During the processing you were aware of the exceptional nature of what you were doing.
Yes. Let me explain: I saw with my own eyes that what was happening was exceptional, a man who was dying wanted to give his latest work to the public, to his audience, to his people, to people. This has no equal for me. Don't think about yourself in such a situation but about others.

Then it was the turn of Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot.
I shot Jeeg Robot in March 2014, and therefore before “Non essere cattivo”. The fact that Mainetti's film is only coming out now is due to the long post-production period necessary to assemble the shot with the special effects present in the film.
Here as well it was an interpretation and a character who completely overturns the transparent and pristine image of the first part of your career.
To make Jeeg Robot we had to convince each other, Gabriele Mainetti and I, about my success in the character. I pushed him towards a theatricality and Gabriele towards a real madness, a pure pain. In the end, I think we have found the right amount.
The construction of the Zingaro was already very clear in the writing and it was up to us, however, to find its true aspect.
Guiding him is this crazy and boundless ego, and the obsession with having to leave a mark. The Zingaro's eccentricity is partly reflected in his look, halfway between a rock star and a suburban bully. For the costumes and make-up we were inspired by the great rock icons. We dared in some choices, such as the black coat with pink leopard lining that characterize the wardrobe. For the aspects related to the way of performing, his model was Anna Oxa and in particular the video of her at Sanremo, when she sings “Un’emozione da poco”.
In part you have already answered, but I wanted to know how you choose to accept the proposals that are made to you and if you have any foreclosures towards television, or more generally towards commercial cinema.
I choose the proposals on the basis of love at first sight that must happen with the film, with its screenplay. Then figure out who will be leading the film, meet the director. I don't have any kind of foreclosure, let's say that if I don't like something I don't do it and if I like it I do. And it doesn't matter if it's cinema or television.
As a spectator what is the cinema you love.
I like films that have something to say and that I also choose based on who directed and starred in it. Usually when they ask me to name some titles I have a void. Think that the same thing happened to me also during the audition to enter the experimental center, when Lina Wertmuller asked me the title of a film I had seen recently. I was struck by a cosmic void and instead of naming her an authoritative and important film I left her stunned by citing Batman, I think Nolan's first, still a good film, but I still had Wertmuller in front of me... But to go back to what you asked me, I tell you that in general I always like to watch films that come from Sundance, of which I remember, for example “Like Crazy”, which I found disarmingly beautiful, the films of P.T. Anderson, Wes Anderson, the Cohen, there are many, and among the Italians those played by Alba Rohrwacher, Valerio Mastandrea, Elio Germano, Kim Rossi Stuart and directed by Alice Rohrwacher, Costanzo, Virzì, Sorrentino, Garrone, Salvatores. Without forgetting those of the great Joaquin Phoenix. But in reality I look at everything, let's say that I try not to lose anything of these.
Despite the certificates of esteem you have received for your performances, the impression is that of an understatement that almost seems not to be aware of what you have achieved so far as an actor.
Whenever I see a film of mine I always think there is something I could have done better. But basically I'm happy with what I've done so far. Having said that, I think that the films alone should be enough to explain everything and that the interviews don’t add anything new to what there was to say before making them. But when I am in the dance, when I need to promote, I am committed to doing it in the best possible way. I strongly think that in life and at work it’s important to demonstrate that you know how to do and not to show at all costs that you do.
Just wanted to translate this old interview for the non-italian’s fans ^^ (sorry for my English)
#Luca Marinelli#interview#english translation#mine#english#non essere cattivo#lo chiamavano jeeg robot#slam tutto per una ragazza#la solitudine dei numeri primi#Tutti i santi giorni#actor#cinema#film
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Owen doesn't really like horror movies and he gets paranoid pretty easily because of them. He hates that it happens and never tells anyone about it, he thinks its embarrassing for someone like him to be set off by something as simple as a movie. Curt also didn't know, until he proposed watching a horror movie one night. Owen went along with it because he knew Curt wanted to watch it with him and tried his best to sit through it, but Curt picked up on how uncomfortable he was -S
I know this was supposed to be headcanons, but... I had to write this as a oneshot. I absolutely love it.
Genre: Fluff/ Romance/ Angst
Words: 3171
TL;DR: Owen is not a fan of horror movies.
TW: Anxiety/ Triggering, brief mention of violence, panic attack, minor implied ptsd.
"Darling, I'm home!" Owen called into his shared hotel room teasingly.
"What, you're done scoping out the venue already?" Curt smirked, making his way out of his room, already dressed down to just a dress shirt (with a few buttons undone) and dress pants.
Owen smirked at that. Evidently Curt had decided his work for the day was over. They were in the primary stages of a small mission- one that should be simple. Intercept the passing of information from the French to the Russians- no matter the cost. If they had to kill someone, so be it. It may be an easy mission, but it was a crucial one. It was set to happen at the ballroom in one of the biggest estates in London during a gala hosted by its owners- set to happen in two days. The owners weren’t royalty, but they were rich- which probably made them more powerful than royalty either way. The event was going to be massive. Royalty and dignitaries from all around the world would be there- and, of course, the informants they were there to stop. If they didn't intercept this information... well, let's just say the Soviets would have a rather large military advantage. And that wasn't something anyone wanted.
Earlier in the day, Curt and Owen had gone out and met the family hosting the gala- who were in full support of their work. They’d even offered to be so good as to give them a discreet signal when their marks arrived. Of course Owen had turned that down because, even with good intentions, the utilization of untrained assets was always a risk. Once they were done with that meeting, Curt and Owen had done some genuine espionage. They were lucky. Their informant had told them when and where their marks would be in preparation for the gala. So they'd alternated locations to watch their opponents. That way no one got suspicious seeing the same two people watching them everywhere they went. Then Owen, being the keener that he was, had gone to the ballroom and scoped it out. He always loved that part of planning. Plus, the house was practically a castle, and it was old. Owen just wanted to see it. It was a marvel of architecture. But it was at least a productive visit. He had a good sense of the place.
Now, though... Now Owen was exhausted. He'd had a big day preparing for not only his physical game but his mental one. So he was more than happy to be back with the man he loved. And he really did love Curt, in spite of his flaws. Owen was well aware of those. He would have to have been dull not to take them into account when preparing for their romantic relationship. Owen knew he was the more fit spy. He knew Curt could be a bit... careless at best, reckless at worst. And boy, did Curt’s ego ever get the better of him sometimes. But Curt was one of the most affectionate people Owen had ever met. His heart was massive, and he was as loyal as a dog. That was more than enough for Owen. They would follow each other to the ends of the earth. Owen may not have the smartest lover in the world, but... he had never felt more loved by one person. Not even his own parents.
"Already? Love, I was there for nearly three hours." Owen chuckled softly.
"You must be exhausted." Curt rolled his eyes playfully.
"As a matter of fact I am!" Owen scoffed, smirking and setting his jacket on the rack. Curt walked over to him, wrapping his arms over his shoulders and kissing him gently. Owen hummed into it, snaking his arms around Curt's waist. "What are you up to, Mega? Trying to breathe some life back into me?"
"No... I just missed you." Curt blushed lightly, still smirking and trying to play this off as cool as he could. "Am I not allowed to kiss my favourite partner after a long day of work?"
"Oh, you're more than welcome to..." Owen winked, giving him another gentle peck. He rested his forehead on Curt's, sighing. "I would say you could kiss me any time you’d like, but... well... we both know the world isn't quite ready for that."
"I know." Curt sighed. "One day..."
"We can only hope." Owen agreed. He gave Curt one more small peck of reassurance before, pulling away, walking into their room. "So what have we got for plans tonight? I was thinking maybe we could grab a bite at the fish and chips stand down the street. It's quite good. Then... maybe we could go to the cinema?"
"Actually... I was thinking maybe we could stay here." Curt bit his lip. "We've got a television here, and... they're showing Creature From The Black Lagoon on one of the channels we pick up. I missed it in the theatres while we were in Germany, and I've been hoping to see it for a few years now. It's a horror movie, and I've heard the special effects in it are great! We could watch it together!"
"Oh..." Owen bit his lip, breath hitching a bit at that.
Now... there was a bit of a dilemma. Owen came off as very suave, very tough, and impenetrable but... he had a bit of a problem with horror films. That, and films surrounding espionage. He didn't know what it was about the visual medium of storytelling that was becoming so popular, but... it affected him deeply. It was as though it set off something deep inside him, and brought up all his own fears. Even if they weren’t the fears discussed in the movie. As tacky as the movies were with their corny monsters and questionable acting they sparked his anxietes. Even worse to Owen was the irrational paranoia that came with it. The fear of something that didn't even exist. Even the things that very clearly could *never* exist. Like Dracula. Still, if Curt wanted to watch one with him, he would do his best to sit through it. Maybe he could focus his attentions on Curt and not the movie. Or maybe this movie wouldn’t get to him so badly.
"Oh what?" Curt checked, the smallest trace of concern riddling his features.
"It's nothing." Owen chuckled, trying to mask his lie. He didn't want Curt worrying about him for something so trivial. "I would love to. What are we doing for supper though?"
“I didn’t think that through.” Curt admitted. “We, um... well, we’ve got half an hour before the movie starts. Maybe we could grab fish and chips and eat it here while we watch?”
“Sure thing, love.” Owen sighed. “You want me to go and get it, then?”
“That works for me.” Curt nodded.
“And do you want me to get some crisps for later in case you get a bit peckish?” Owen checked.
“Can a get a translation of that?” Curt teased. He knew most of what Owen meant, he just loved bothering him and he knew how much his boyfriend hated Americanisms.
“Do I really have to?” Owen groaned. Curt just raised his brows in expectation. “Fine. You’re lucky I love you... Do you want me to get you some ‘potato chips’ for later in case you get the ‘munchies’?”
“I would love some potato chips.” Curt smirked triumphantly.
“‘Potato chips’...” Owen grumbled, grabbing his jacket again. “Bloody Americans butchering our language...”
“Love you too!” Curt called out the door teasingly as Owen left.
The fish and chips place wasn’t far down the street. It was one Owen knew well- his parents had even taken him there as a child. He remembered those days... Things were simpler. Not nearly as complicated as his life had become. But that wasn’t why Owen was so eager to get out of the hotel room. No, Owen wanted the space alone to brace himself and prepare himself for this movie. Because he’d always been strong for Curt. He didn’t want Curt seeing him weak. So he just needed a bit of fresh air. That’s also why he’d volunteered to get the crisps (no matter what Curt wanted to call them). Extra time to steel himself. He took his time, but even then he only spent twenty minutes out of the house. Still... it was better than having had no time at all to prepare. He took deep breaths, making his way back to the hotel room.
“Alright, darling. I have the food.” Owen called him, taking his shoes off and walking into the hotel. He set the food down on the coffee table. Curt walked out, dress shirt completely gone now. In it’s place, a white tank top. He was in denim jeans now, likely so that he didn’t ruin his dress pants. Owen smirked. “I thought we were supposed to be watching a movie, love...”
“We are.” Curt furrowed his brows, confused. He sat down on the couch, taking one of the meals for himself. Owen shrugged his jacket off, hanging it back up. He then joined Curt on the couch, a teasing glint in his eyes.
“Well... you’re very distracting...” Owen hummed. Curt blushed.
“I can put my shirt back on...” Curt mumbled.
“No, darling. Don’t do that.” Owen sighed contentedly, taking the meal Curt hadn’t taken and setting it in front of himself. Curt had taken out his multi-purpose hunting tool and a pocket knife to eat with, but Owen stopped him. He pulled out the provided cutlery. “Here, darling. We can eat like civilized people”
“Right.” Curt flushed again.
“You’re adorable when you’re all worked up.” Owen chuckled.
“You’re a bully, you know that?” Curt grumbled, getting up and walking over to their in-room television. They were lucky. Not many hotels had them, but... this one did. Their superiors didn’t mind splurging a little on their accomodations, because it usually meant they were better rested for their job.
“I’m not a bully...” Owen chuckled, his heartrate picking up again at even the thought of what he was about to watch. “I’m just a tease, doll.”
“So you admit it?” Curt smirked triumphantly, fiddling with the knobs to adjust the channel.
“Only this once.” Owen rolled his eyes playfully.
“I think I... there we go!” Curt beamed as the television crackled onto the right station. The scoring to a typical horror movie started. Owen gulped, already not liking this. Curt seemed to pick up on that. “You okay?”
“Absolutely fine.” Owen lied. Curt sighed, coming back and sitting down.
Both men sat in silence, eating and watching the movie. Owen tried to focus on his food, blocking out the movie and his surroundings. But... that was unfortunately very hard to do. Especially when Curt was so invested. The man was leaning as far forward onto his knees as he possibly could. He thought Curt might have said something about Owen being right about the fish and chips, but Owen didn’t really hear it. He was caught in his head, in a way. And in many other ways, he was totally and uterly absorbed in the movie, trapped without consent the the saga being recounted on the screen. He didn’t even notice when he finished his food, caught up in everything.
And then... then came the moment Owen was dreading. The one that had his palms sweating and his body tense the entire night. Even with all that awful anticipation it caught him completely by surprise. Just as it was meant to. For some people, that was the thrill of the game. To him, it wasn’t. To him, it was not just truly terrifying, but also... humiliating. Totally and utterly humiliating. Especially in front of his Curt. Curt, who thought he was this suave, impenetrable rock. Curt, whom he was the foundation. Curt got to watch him cower like a child. The moment of dread was, of course, the first jumpscare. And just as Owen had predicted, he had jumped right out of his seat, yelping. Curt saw him and... he started to laugh.
The world caved in for Owen. It was a mix of the genuine fear he’d experienced watching the movie, the fears that fear alone had resurface, and the humiliation. He felt in a way that he was disappointing Curt already. And the laughing... it rang in his ears even once Curt had finished. Because this time Curt wasn’t laughing with him- he was laughing at him. He tried to mask it, but he was far too caught up in his head to have any control over what his face did. He shook a little bit. He couldn’t even fear anything around him. He had tunnel vision, and everything sounded like it was underwater. Owen hated it. He knew then and there that trying to be tough had not been the right move. That he should have said no to Curt. But it was far too late for that realization to be any good.
At first, Curt had admittedly thought it was funny that Mr. Tough Guy Owen Carvour himself had fallen victim to the classic jumpscare. And he would be the first to admit he had laughed a long time- especially when he thought that for once he had been the one to fluster Owen and not the other way around. But then, when Owen neglected to come back with any snide remarks... When he didn’t tell Curt to shut up, or even chuckle along with him... That was when Curt knew that now was not the time to be laughing. That something was genuinely wrong. That was when he finally took the time to notice that his lover was shaking, and the fear that had been in his eyes when he jumped had not vanished- even though the protegonists were safe. Curt took Owen’s hand’s carefully. Owen twitched in what could be a flinch, but put up no fight. That was the final tip-off for Curt that sommething was very wrong. He got in front of Owen carefully.
“Hey... Hey, Owen. You’re okay.” Curt soothed. Owen seemed to snap a bit out of it- enough to see Curt in front of him and look him in the eyes. Curt suppressed his concern and put on a comforting smile for Owen. “That’s right, babe. Look at me. I’m right here. I’ve got you.”
There was a moment of Owen just staring into Curt’s eyes and reminding himself that Curt had his back. That he was safe. Once he had calmed enough to speak, he took a shaky sigh.
“I’m sorry.” Owen mumbled.
“No... no, don’t be sorry!” Curt shook his head, giving Owen’s hands a squeeze. Immediately as thought that had awakened something in him, Owen was squeezing back as if it were the only thing keeping him on the ground. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for.”
“Yes I do.” Owen spat, almost as though the words were poison. Self hatred oozed from his tone. “I’ve been lying to you. I’m a coward.”
“You are not a coward...” Curt stated firmly.
“I bloody well near shit my pants at something I saw on the telly!” Owen pointed out, incredulous. “Something imaginary, on the other side of the screen where it could never harm me.”
“That’s what these movies are made to do, O.” Curt assured him.
“They’re meant to give people a quick fright.” Owen shook his head. “But... that terrified me. Genuinely scared me.”
“Well... we’ve got pasts.” Curt bit his lip. “We’ve seen stuff. We’ve been the victims of real jumpscares where we could have died. Maybe it reminds you of those. Maybe the lines blurred.”
“Curt, it wasn’t anything we’ve been through that scared me.” Owen softened, nearly whimpering, both scared and embarassed but also pleasing for Curt to listen. “It was that that creature was going to show up behind us and do the same, or... take you away. That poorly dressed, hokey monster that could not be any further from being real. I’m not just a coward. I’m a bloody idiot.”
“You’re not a coward, Owen. And you’re not an idiot. Everyone’s brain is built a bit differently.” Curt soothed him. “You want to protect me... just like I want to protect you.”
“From something that could never hurt us either way.” Owen pointed out.
“Sometimes that doesn’t matter to the mind.” Curt sighed. “I don’t know if this happens to you when you read all your books, but sometimes someone will tell me a story and I get so invested in it that I’ll feel like I’ve lived through it myself.”
“I know what you mean...” Owen nodded.
“Well... maybe this movie did the same thing for you.” Curt reasoned.
“I... suppose.” Owen blinked, realizing Curt made a lot of sense.
“Just like you feel things when you read... you’re feeling things watching this.” Curt sighed.
“Right...” Owen nodded, letting that sink in.
“You think you can take a few breaths with me, O?” Curt soothed. Owen nodded, following Curt through a few deep breaths until he had stopped shaking and his grip on Curt’s hands had lightened. Once Curt was satisfied, he got up and changed the channel. I Love Lucy was on. He smirked, sitting back down on the couch. For once, he was the one pulling Owen close to cuddle. “We’re going to watch this channel for the rest of the night, okay? I think it’s got some of the good family shows on it.”
“Are you sure?” Owen checked. “I can go lay down. I know you really wanted to watch this film.”
“Yeah, but... not as much as I want to spend time with my handsome British boyfriend.” Curt teased.
“I love you.” Owen sighed, resting his head on Curt’s chest.
“I know.” Curt winked playfully, running a hand through Curt’s hair. “Hey, if you’re ever uncomfortable with what I want to do... just tell me, okay? No judgement.”
“Alright.” Owen nodded.
And so they spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms. Eventually they did switch and Owen was back to holding Curt. He found immense comfort in that- and that Curt didn’t judge him. It was lovely to be totally and utterly enamoured with someone. And that was what he was with Curt- what he was certain they both were. He didn’t focus on the telly (though it did give him a few laughs- that Lucy was always getting into trouble). Instead, he focused on Curt’s hands running though his hair, or the little kisses he was being adornerd with. In other words, he chose to focus on how much he was loved. And that put him in an entirely better place. There was, at least, one thing they could take away from the whole fiasco: no more horror movie nights. They had enough horrors in their own life without needing to worry about anything on the tv.
#tw: swearing#tw: panic attack#tw: implied ptsd#tw: anxiety#tw: triggers#spies are forever#saf#curt mega#agent curt mega#owen carvour#agent owen carvour#joey richter#curtwen#gay#lgtbtq#oneshot#tin can bros#tcb#tin can bros fanfiction
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