#ginny sack
scurvyratt · 9 months
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Sopranos text posts… no clue what number I’m on now lmao
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dr-milfi · 1 year
It’s always the Pine Barrens and never the Weight.
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S4E4 the Weight
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vannajamma · 1 year
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starlingflight · 6 months
Ginniversary drabble 15
Prompt: #I19 -- The girl shouldn't have been sacked but if he said anything he'd make it worse.
Read on AO3 or below:
Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes was packed almost to bursting. Harry's plan to sneak under the invisibility cloak was swiftly abandoned; there was no room to manoeuvre. It didn't matter, he slid through the door and was immediately swallowed by the crowd.
The year-long closure had done nothing to dull the shine of the shop. Harry still didn't know where to look, he was captivated by a cacophony of colourful flashes, smoke-plumed bangs, and the sparkling whizz of a hundred different products all fighting for his attention.
His eyes wandered from one bright distraction to another as he navigated the crowd, only stopping when they fell on her.
She was, in his opinion, brighter than any firework could wish to be. The magenta staff robes that he had always thought clashed horribly with the signature Weasley hair, dulled in comparison to Ginny's smile until they were hardly noticeable.
Harry paused by a display of edible Dark Marks (clearance: buy one get one free), watching as Ginny directed a stack of skiving snackboxes onto a free topshelf with her wand.
An elderly woman was talking to her, holding up a fanged frisbee which looked to have been roughly torn from its packaging and now had several fangs missing.
“I'm sorry,” Ginny said, still smiling despite the scowl the woman was throwing at her. “I can't take it back without a receipt.”
“I don't have a receipt!” The old lady practically yelled.
Ginny's knuckles turned white where she gripped her wand. “I know, that's why I can't–”
“Oi, miss!” A middle-aged wizard with a grey beard and two children in tow barged up to Ginny.
The corners of her smile twitched. “I'll be with you in a–”
The bearded wizard shook his head. “I've been looking everywhere for an assistant.”
“Yes, if you could just give me a–”
He interrupted her again, apparently oblivious to the dangerous undercurrent in Ginny's voice that Harry found unmissable. “Does anybody actually work in this shop?”
Even Harry couldn't deny that the red flush slowly creeping over Ginny's face clashed jarringly with the magenta robes now. Her eyes narrowed to slits. “Yes, people do work here,” she hissed. “It might have escaped your attention, because clearly you think the world revolves around you, but we're actually quite busy today.”
The elderly witch gasped dramatically. Harry resisted the urge to grin.
The bearded wizard didn't have the good sense to appear affected by Ginny's tone at all. He crossed his arms defiantly over his chest. “I want three bottles of Otter's fizzy orange juice.”
“I want a refund!” The elderly witch chimed in.
A tiny huff of indignation escaped Ginny. Harry was strongly reminded of the puffs of air he'd seen escape an angry dragon's nostrils on more than one occasion. “Well, I want a lifetime supply of fizzing whizzbees, a pet unicorn, and five minutes free of entitled demands, but it looks like none of us are getting what we want, are we?”
The elderly witch clutched at her chest in a great show of shock. The bearded wizard's hands curled into fists. Harry took a step forward, pushing through the crowd in a bid to reach Ginny before the situation escalated.
George got there a moment before Harry did, appearing smoothly from the crowd and clapping a jovial hand on the wizard's shoulder. “Free of charge,” he said, offering three bottles of luminous orange liquid to the man before turning to the elderly witch with a smile that Harry had previously thought was reserved for Mrs Weasley. “If you go and see Verity at the counter, she'll be happy to refund you.”
“What?” Ginny burst out as both the wizard and the witch, apparently pleased with George's offers, melted into the crowd. “A refund? It's missing half its fangs because her grandchild is more feral than the product!”
George laughed loudly; his fingers dug into Ginny's shoulder pulling her back towards the wall. Harry followed, receiving only a short nod from both of them in acknowdgement of his arrival.
They turned to glare at one another in a way that suggested this wasn't their first argument in the four hours since Ginny had taken up employment in the shop. Harry hovered a few steps away.
“Ginny, you're fired,” George said, immediately confirming Harry's suspicions.
Ginny's eyes flicked to him, but Harry remained silent. He didn't think she should be sacked, but if he said anything he'd make it worse. He knew better than to come into in the middle of a Weasley sibling argument.
“You can't be serious!” Ginny fumed. “Because of a few egregiously rude customers?”
George laughed again, a sound that only served to increase Ginny's ire, judging by her expression. “That wasn't egregiously rude… once I had a woman ask me if I wanted to explain to her child why I'd decided to ruin Christmas, because we'd sold out of aviatomobiles.”
Her arms folded and she glared at the polished wooden floor. “Well, that kid's christmas was probably already ruined by having awful human beings for parents.”
‘Thats not the point,'' George persisted. "You made Wally Dixon cry."
"Wally Dixon cries at everything." Ginny shrugged, looking up at George defiantly. "I can't be held responsible for that."
"And I can't have crying patrons fleeing my shop – its bad for business."
“Fine!” Ginny declared. “I didn't want to work here anyway!”
She didn't wait for George to respond, already taking off into the crowd, her hand brushing against Harry's as she sidled past him, presumably to rid herself of the magenta robes.
George watched her go, shaking his head as he turned his eyes upon Harry. “Is it her charming personality that you're attracted to? Or is there something else I'm not seeing?”
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whinlatter · 5 months
I hope ur not being pressured to write for us💗 beasts is amazing and we’ll wait for as long<3
everyone is being extremely nice and patient and i am very grateful for it! cheers anon ❣️
part of the issue with this next chapter (as you will see when it is finally posted…...) is a Lot Happens in it, in a lot of different plots. this always makes for the trickiest of chapters to write - plot advance is hard! so trying to work out how to weave all the pieces together after big life events and then fending off this cold has made progress very slow (fear my bloodstream is 80% cough syrup atm). it does feels a bit like the old meat sack i inhabit got to the viva, did one last performance and then promptly gave up on itself. which does not make for great writing vibes!
that said, i have made more headway in the last few days and am looking forward to having a big ol write this weekend. i will say i think there is lots of meat to this chapter and (dare i say) a reasonably Big Reveal so i hope you will feel fed enough when it is finally in your hands/inbox!
for your kindness here is the smallest of sneak peeks, below the cut..................
‘Harry, you’re scaring me, can you just tell me what’s going on?’ Up the little upstairs bedroom, facing the sea, Harry sets the wireless on the dressing table. He’s got his back to her: she can’t see his face. His wand slowly turns the wireless dial, setting back the clock. A knock at the door: Ron, pushing open the door, looking from Harry to Ginny, bewildered. ‘What - ?’ ' - needed access, and we had access. The Muggleborns had gone. Only the Purebloods remained. And of the Purebloods, there were certain individuals, of particular interest - ' ‘Should I go - ?’ ‘No,’ she says quietly. ‘Come in and shut the door.’ On the dresser, the wireless crackles.
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Hello 👋
How do you feel about the basilisk from "HP and the Chamber of Secrets"? How do you like the book? What do you think of the theory that the Chamber of Secrets is something like the Temple of Salazar with columns and a huge statue?
The Basilisk
That ain't no basilisk son.
JKR does this a lot, pretty much with every magic creature she's got in her arsenal, but the basilisk might be the most egregious that was also extremely plot relevant.
A basilisk isn't a snake.
It's a rooster, dragon, fuck off lizard, toad thing, with maybe, maaaaaaybe, a hint of snake. It's king of snakes for... reasons.. but it's usually not just a big snake. I have never, in any other media, seen it not looking like some ridiculous rooster lizard/just be a big fuck off snake.
Then we have the movie where it's... an eel?
It's one of the funniest things in the franchise to me.
As for it knowing who to eat and who not to eat... I personally smell that it was carefully directed towards/coincidence helped out in it picking the right victims.
I do not trust in the ability of a basilisk to know the difference between Muggle-born and anyone else/care about the difference when it's been starving in a gutter for who knows how long.
Otherwise I have 0 thoughts on the thing.
The Book
The book was... the thing about HP, especially as I'm now going back to reread them, is it's not good. Now, to my hazy recollection, books 1-3 were worlds better than books 4-7 where JKR a) tried to get very serious b) the plot started falling apart as we had overarching mysteries/events that were supposed to last multiple novels.
What I'm getting at is Chamber of Secrets was one of the better books in the series but it still suffers what most HP books suffer from.
The mystery isn't all that good or presented well, as it's not something you can actually figure out, but it's engaging enough compared to some of the other mysteries of the series that it at least keeps you going.
Most of the book is filler nonsense we actually don't care about and no, Harry, I don't care about Quidditch and I never will so quit spending multiple chapters on your stupid games and I don't care that your school rival Draco is now Seeker too but we're made sure to know he's complete shit compared to you.
We also get the start of... house elves...
Its strengths are typical Harry Potter strength: the shenanigans the gang gets into are hilarious and insane (not limited to Hermione accidentally turning herself into a cat only to almost immediately after be petrified, Harry and Ron trying and failing to impersonate Crabbe and Goyle because they know nothing about them and then learning that 'oh, it wasn't actually Darco :/', Ginny going mad offscreen somewhere and nobody giving a flying fuck, Hagrid's desperate plea for his innocence 'follow the spiders boys' in which he nearly gets two schoolchildren eaten for which he would be imprisoned in Azkaban for that crime and had they been eaten he would not have been exonerated from his current crime, Dumbledore somehow arguing that the ghost of the Dark Lord was possessing a little girl and that's how the Chamber of Secrets got open and therefore Hagrid's not guilty and... winning? Off screen? Dumbledore still not getting sacked, ever, etc.), the magic we get is typical Harry Potter magic and is delightful, fun, and insane (we get Polyjuice and that debacle, evil haunted diaries, flying cars, and more), Dobby showing up just to wreck shit then leave multiple times in the book, and it's just the fun madness people love and are nostalgic about in HP.
My Theory on the Chamber of Secrets
I'm even more heretical, I don't think it's real/I don't think Salazar built it, I don't even think the founders are real.
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di-daydreamer · 3 months
What are your favorite sopranos scenes so far?
Man I'm always the worst at answering these types of questions 😅 but...
I do like the scene in the first episode that cuts between Tony talking to Melfi and Tony and Chrissy chasing down and beating up a guy. Really sets the mood for this story
When Pussy came back and he and Tony argued then hugged, all was good in the world for five minutes at least 😂
The poker game! Tony being all "hey Silvio remember when we used to spy on my dad running poker games, and getting chased away?" That whole "omg we are now the adults doing the cool thing" vibe is funny
Chrissy and Paulie fighting for custody of the brain cell during Pine Barrens 😂
Silvio having weird mouse trap dreams and then showing up at Tony's door all "I had a nightmare can I sleep with you" 🥺
When Tony told Chrissy that he wanted him to bring them into the 21 century and Chrissy is all "but we are in the 21 century" 🤨 and Tony looks like this might not be a good idea after all.
Johnny Sack being on the war path to defend Ginny.
And I have a love/hate relationship about Tony, Silvio, Paulie and Pussy on the boat 🥺 It's so sad and aweful, but at the same time so absurd! Tony with his food poisoning and Silvio getting sea sick.
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maddiwrites · 6 months
The Daughter
Summary: Enemies to lovers, Weasley x Lestrange. Linked is a more descriptive summary with author's notes (: Warnings: None Chapter One can be found here.
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Chapter Two: Fred lounged on the couch by the bookshelf in the Gryffindor Common Room, tossing a hacky sack over his head lazily. He was surrounded by his siblings George, Ron, and Ginny, his best friend, Lee Jordan, and Ron’s friends Harry and Hermione.
Hermione was trying to cheer Harry up after being teased by Draco and his idiot friends who follow him around like a bunch of groupies. Harry was already embarrassed about fainting in front of his friends, and he couldn’t stand the idea of the other students at Hogwarts knowing about it. Especially the Slytherins.
“Harry, you heard Professor Dumbledore. You’re lucky you got off with only fainting,” Hermione said, rubbing her best friend’s back. “It could have been much worse.”
“Yeah, but Malfoy won’t ever see it that way,” Harry scowled. 
“Malfoy’s a git,” Ron said with a mouthful of chocolate frogs he stole from the Great Hall. “Hey, who was that girl who told him quit it?”
Fred sat up. “That would be Kyrie Lestrange. She’s in our year and an even bigger tyrant than her cousin, Malfoy.”
“They’re cousins?” Ron asked. 
“Yeah, haven’t you heard of her mother?” George said. When he read the confused faces of the kids in front of him, he grinned. “Her name is Bellatrix Lestrange, one of the most loyal followers of You-Know-Who. She’s locked up in Azkaban with the other psycho Death Eaters. If you think this Sirius Black guy is mad, who, by the way, is Bellatrix’s cousin, you should be lucky it’s not Lestrange’s face plastered all over the Daily Prophet.”
“Draco and Kyrie are both related to most violent murderers in Azkaban?” Hermione asked. 
“Correct, Granger,” Fred smirked at the bushy haired girl. He felt a certain kind of satisfaction when he was able to tell her something she didn’t know. Hermione was one of the smartest witches at Hogwarts. There wasn’t much that she didn’t already know. “Bet you never get tired of hearing that.”
Hermione stuck her tongue out at the boy she considered to be like an older brother to her. 
Harry’s brows furrowed and silently thought back to when he first met Kyrie Lestrange. It was when he first used floo powder to go to Diagon Alley to shop for this year’s books with the Weasleys. However, he somehow got rerouted to Borgin and Burkes in Knockturn Alley, and he had no idea of the kind of dangers that lurked in that dark corner.
Knockturn Alley was dark and filled with people who looked like they haven’t smiled or seen the light of day in ten years. Harry genuinely felt scared in that part of town and his fear seemed to attract the wizards and witches who lurked there…who also haven’t seen a bath in ten years either. 
“Not lost are you are my dear,” A witch grabbed him by the collar, bringing him closer to her foul breath, her yellow teeth peeking out through her smirk. When he turned, he was cornered by five other witches and wizards. There was nowhere to run. That same witch grabbed his shoulder again. “Come with us. We’ll help you find your way back.”
“No,” Harry said weakly. 
He felt like he was on the verge of a heart attack when he heard his name.
“Harry, I’ve been looking for you.” A girl around his age with pink streaks in her hair descended the stairs of the alley. Harry didn’t recognize her he but in that moment, he couldn’t care less. He saw the way the witches and wizards stepped away from him as she got closer. There was a glint of excitement in her eyes, like she knew the effect that she had on these ghastly people. “I know you bums having nothing better to do than prey on little kids but at least be more subtle about it.” She looked back at the boy with a smile. “Come on Harry. I saw a group of red heads this way.”
Harry swallowed but nodded enthusiastically. He had about a dozen questions but didn’t know which one to ask first. 
When they were finally far enough away from the others, she said, “You know Harry, a boy like you stands out in Knockturn Alley. You should be more careful where you walk alone.”
“Who are you?”
The girl rolled her eyes playfully. “I think you mean to say ‘thank you.’”
“Right. Thanks.”
She grinned. “No problem. My name’s Kyrie.”
“Harry, but you already knew that.”
“Of course. Who in the wizarding world hasn’t heard of the infamous Harry Potter?” She said. Harry clenched his teeth. He was tired of everyone knowing who he was. He felt like a fish in fish bowl. “Look, we’ll keep this between us. Okay?”
“Why? You’re clearly a Slytherin,” Harry said, nodding towards the serpent embroidered on the notebook in her hands. “You know I’m in Gryffindor. You’re not going to tell anyone to embarrass me?”
“No, I won’t tell. Scouts honor,” Kyrie held up her hand. “Besides, I already have enough Gryffindors on my list to waste my time with. I don’t feel the need to add another one, honestly.”
“Harry!” A deep voice called from behind her. They both turned and found the friendly Giant, Hagrid, trudging over to them. They were still close enough to Knockturn Alley to cause suspicion and Hagrid was smarter than most people made him out to be. “What are you doing over here? You shouldn’t be here.”
“I got lost. I was just –“
“Harry saw me with those group of losers and noticed how uncomfortable I was, so he helped me out of there. That’s all,” Kyrie said.
Hagrid narrowed his eyes. “And what were you doing down there?”
“Window shopping,” She shrugged and winked at the Giant. “I should go. It was nice meeting you, Harry.”
Kyrie walked away. 
Hagrid waited for her to disappear completely when Hagrid said, “You don’t want to be seen in Knockturn Alley, Harry. People will think you’re up to no good.”
“I was –“
“I know you didn’t find Kyrie, Harry. Kyrie found you. Isn’t that right?” Hagrid said. Harry looked at his shoes feeling embarrassed. “I know that girl better than she thinks I do. It doesn’t take much to scare her, especially not those kinds of people who hang out down there. It was sweet of her to try and convince me otherwise, though.”
Yeah, Harry thought, it was sweet. 
Harry didn’t understand why the girl he met in Knockturn Alley sounded so different than the one the twins were describing now. Especially now that he knew she shared the same DNA as Draco Malfoy.
Despite his curiosity, he decided to keep his encounter with Kyrie Lestrange to himself. Today was a long day between traveling back to Hogwarts and trying to avoid the Dementors. The last thing he wanted to do was spend his time talking about the Slytherins. 
Fred, however, noticed Harry’s blank gaze, clearly distracted by something running through his mind, and he couldn’t help but feel intrigued. “Where’d you just go, Harry?”
“Huh? Nowhere?” Harry hid his reddened cheeks in his hand. 
“Are you gonna be okay, Harry?” Hermione asked, standing up.
Harry nodded.
“Come on, Fred. We’ve got a little more brainstorming to do. We don’t want our first week to be dull now, do we?” George said with a teasing smirk.
Lee laughed, clapping his hands in excitement, and the three of them disappeared into their dorms, where a list of pranks was already being comprised.
Fred and George walked into the dungeons where their Potions class was held every year. Most of their classmates were already seated with their choice in Potions partners, whispering softly amongst themselves. 
George tapped Fred on the arm and pointed to two seats on the right-hand side of the classroom. They were in the third row, which for the twins, wasn’t ideal, but if they wanted to be partners, it was going to have to do. The only other option was the two seats on the left-hand side, but that’s where all the Slytherins were sitting, and they would rather stand for the entire lesson than be anywhere near those gits. 
About a minute later, Kyrie Lestrange and her best friend Cedrella Copplestone walked in arm in arm. Fred couldn’t help but notice how most heads turned their way. The boys in the class smirked and bumped shoulders with one another while the girls either looked on with envy or intimidation.
It wasn’t any secret that Lestrange and her girl friends were some of the most attractive females in their year. Hell, possibly in the whole school. Like most of the boys here, Fred fell victim to trailing Lestrange’s legs up to her shorter-than-was-allowed skirt, images that he would never dare to share flashing through his head. He’s heard the crude comments other have made, which made Fred realize pretty early on that he wasn’t the only one with those images in his head. 
But despite her extraordinary good looks, Lestrange was still…Lestrange. Conceited, bold, rude, manipulative, and provoking… And her friends were no different. 
“Hey,” Cedric Diggory, a fifth year Hufflepuff, waved to Kyrie and Cedrella. “Over here.”
Kyrie smirked and sat in the aisle seat of the table next to Cedric’s and his partner, Justin Gilbert. 
Fred and George scoffed at the interaction, mostly because they liked Cedric, and they didn’t want him falling into the trap of Kyrie Lestrange and her groupies. 
“How was your summer?” Cedric asked her. 
Kyrie leaned in closer with her elbows on her table. “Mundane.” She replied. She didn’t see her best friend roll her eyes behind her. “And yours? Practicing for quidditch I presume?” Her eyes scanned over Cedric’s upper body. His jawline was sharper, his hair longer, and his arms more toned. Cedric was older for his grade with his birthday falling on September 1st. The first day of school year. So he was already seventeen. And for some reason, that made him even more desirable to the Slytherin girl. 
“Mundane, huh Lestrange?” Fred said from across the room, catching the attention of every other student in the class. He leaned back in the stool he was sitting with a smirk and his arms crossed. “I’d hardly find helping your Dear ‘Ol Uncle Black escape Azkaban mundane.”
Kyrie narrowed her eyes. “Weasley, you never seem to surprise me. Just when I thought your brain couldn’t be any smaller…”
“I mean it makes sense, doesn’t it?” Fred said, the faces around him turning from intrigued to apprehensive. “Why else would he escape if he didn’t already have a plan to reunite with his family and finish what he started – what with You-Know-Who’s name becoming a common topic of conversation again amongst your kind.” 
“Maybe because it’s Azkaban, you git. No one wants to be there,” Kyrie retorted.
Fred’s smirk grew, knowing he was getting under her skin. “Well, you would know that better than anyone else, wouldn’t you, Lestrange?”
“Yeah, rumor has it you’re the first witch to be granted a visiting pass into Azkaban. Tell me, does she look as awful as her mug shot picture? Is she as crazy as everyone says?” George added earning a chuckle from Fred. 
Fred watched Kyrie’s jaw sharpen as she clenched her teeth together. Next to her, Cedric kept his head down, avoiding looking at both the twins and Kyrie, suddenly finding the quill in front of him very fascinating. He was never one for confrontation unless absolutely necessary. Much like the rest of Hufflepuffs, he kept to himself, and avoided the ongoing feud between Gryffindors and Slytherins like the plague.
Cedrella leaned in closer to her best friend and glared at the ginger twins. “If her family was going to break anyone out of Azkaban, why would they start with Sirius and not her own mother?” 
“Maybe that’s their next move,” A Gryffindor sitting behind the twins said. 
“You better hope it’s not,” Cedrella said. “I heard Blood Traitors were her favorite –“
The Weasley twins jumped out of their seats, and Cedrella and Kyrie were quick to follow, stools scraping on the concrete floor. Instantly, the rest of the Gryffindors and Slytherin students stood at their desks. The houses were divided on opposite ends of the room. In the middle sat the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaw students, who looked around warily, unsure if they should get out of the way or stay seated. 
Fred felt his blood boiling under his pale skin, his hand reaching for his wand in his pocket. He was used to Slytherins using his family against him, but it was mostly about their lack of money or his father’s obsession with muggle objects and inventions.
It was hard to get a reaction like this out of the twins, but when threats are made against their family…they’re ready to become lethal.
Cedric was the first non Gryffindor or Slytherin to stand. He turned to face Kyrie and lightly placed a hand on her arm, “Don’t. It’s not worth it.” He looked down and saw how white her knuckles were around her wand. 
“Sit. Down. Now,” A deep voice vibrated from the back of the room. No one moved an inch and no one took their eyes off the opposing house. “I said now!” White light flashed in the dark room and an abrupt force pushed the students in their seat, turning them forward. 
The students grunted and rubbed their stomachs and backs to ease the sharp pressure they had just felt.
“Typical Gryffindors. Nothing but a bunch of big mouths,” Cedrella muttered. 
Fred didn’t pay any attention to the lecture Professor Snape was giving about the importance of O.W.Ls and how he won’t accept anyone into Advance Potions next year without an Outstanding score. Instead, he was thinking of all the ways he was going to hex the Slytherins, focusing mostly on Lestrange and her friends. With the scowl on his brother’s face, Fred assumed George was thinking the same thing. 
“For next lesson, I want a detailed written essay about the potion you would use against your enemy, why you would choose that one, and what will go wrong when you inevitably concoct it incorrectly,” Snape said in his nasally voice, already laced with disappointment on the first day. 
At the mention of the word enemy, Kyrie and Fred looked up at each other, eyes narrowed in a glare. Then, a small grin tugged on the corners of Kyrie’s face and she had the audacity to wink at him, because she knew exactly what to do to drive him mad with irritation, always acting like she had the upper hand in their confrontations, pretending like she couldn’t be bothered by the insults that were constantly being thrown her way. 
And it worked every time. 
“Class dismissed,” Snape said. 
Fred didn’t even bother placing his books back into his bag. He just scooped everything into his arms, prepared to confront Lestrange again before she could disappear into the Slytherin Common Room, but Snape’s voice stopped him. 
“Miss Lestrange. A moment.” 
Fred glanced back at her, but the confusion written on her face made it clear that even Kyrie didn’t have an idea what it was that Snape wanted to discuss. She whispered something to her best friend, who walked out with a couple of other Slytherin students. 
“C’mon,” George said. “She’s not worth it.”
George looked her up and down in disgust as Kyrie passed them to meet Snape at his desk. Fred nodded and followed his brother out. 
Fred and George spent their night hexing the bathrooms near the Slytherin Common Room, causing the toilets to explode right before curfew. It wasn’t their most creative prank. In fact, they’ve done it once before in their first year at Hogwarts. But they were both so angry after Potions that it was the best they could come up with on such short notice. 
Despite their successful prank, Fred was still feeling sour after his encounter with the Slytherins during Potions. The threat Cedrella made still didn’t sit right with him, and Kyrie…Merlin he hated Kyrie. She was a self-absorbed cruel little brat. With her attitude, she was destined to take just after her mother – maybe even follow in her footsteps and share a cell in Azkaban.
“Look, she’s not worth all this energy, mate,” Lee said as they hung out in their dorms. “If you’re going to think about her this much, at least think of her…naked or something. Now, that doesn’t seem like a waste of time.”
Fred pulled his pillow out from under his head and chucked it at his best friend. 
“Not including the naked thing…” George said, walking from his desk to sit on the edge of his own bed, “but Lee is right. You can’t let her ruin our fifth year – at least not within the first week.”
“She threatened our family, George,” Fred sat up, glaring at his brother.
“Cedrella threatened our family with Bellatrix.”
“You’re seriously washing this over with semantics?”
“Of course not,” George said. “For all we know, Kyrie is gonna grow up to be just like her mother. But that girl is a lame excuse to attend all your thoughts to.”
“Unless you’re picturing her naked,” Lee said. 
George closed his eyes and dropped his chin to his chest. 
Fred rolled his eyes. “What do you supposed Snape wanted to talk to her about, anyway?” 
“He was probably telling her what to write her essay on. Everyone knows Snape gives extra attention to the Slytherins,” George said with a shrug. 
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klonoadreams · 8 months
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(Made with these picrews: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1787745
Reintroducing Honey — full name: Bartholomew Honey
She is of Bucaneer lineage and Ginny and Kuma's first daughter, a bit of an accident, bit loved nonetheless. Named after one of Kuma's favorite foods and also fitting a name scheme with Ginny and Bonney.
Very on the fortunate side that she's like average human height (tall end, like around TS Luffy height, maybe even taller), but not too tall cuz the last thing she needs is the WG on her ass when Kuma has enough on his plate.
She absolutely loves her baby sister, Bonney, and is a future pirate with her own goals and that's otherwise prepping for the day Bonney can finally leave Sorbet.
She wants to see her Dad again, like Bonney, but most of all, she wants to keep Bonney safe.
Too bad life has other plans, so she's always on the run, usually hauling ass with Bonney over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes, or scaring people with her massive size when she uses her zoan devil fruit, the Rabbit Rabbit Fruit: model Lapahn
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She a big gorl in Lapahn mode. :V
[Also 100 percent stealing friend @alicitzen 's bit about rabbits, please follow her cuz she'sso cool and amazing :)]
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briarpotter · 4 months
I-19: The girl shouldn't have been sacked but if he said anything he'd make it worse.
His back ached from bending too much. He had a lot of paperwork to finish and his boss wouldn’t let him out in the field until it was. Apparently, he hadn’t filled in the appropriate paperwork regarding a few of his recent cases.
He perked up when he heard a knock on his door. “Come in!” He called. It was one of the interns. “I’m sorry for disturbing you, sir, but Mr. Robards wants you to fill in these forms.” He groaned internally at the sight of a stack of even more paperwork.
He wanted to be in the field! Not be stuck here in the office doing paperwork! He groaned out loud at the pain in his lower back. He sighed, thanked the girl and picked up his quill again. Soon, the sound of his quill scratching the paper filled the room.
He frowned when he heard shouting a few minutes later. Deciding to find out the cause of the sound, he got up and left his office. He opened the door to see one of their interns trembling in front of his boss, Gawain Robards, the head of the auror office. Gawain had a livid expression on his face and he was shouting himself hoarse at the poor girl standing in front of him.
“Can’t you do a simple job right?! You spilled coffee all over the paperwork! You’re fired!” He screamed. The girl let out a sob and ran away, tears running down her face. Harry winced in sympathy and shook his head. Gawain was pretty short tempered, but it was a simple mistake. The girl shouldn't have been sacked but if he said anything he'd make it worse.
Harry watched Gawain storm into his office in a rage and slam the door. He ran his hand through his hair and head into his own office. He arranged the paperwork into a proper stack and head home for the day. He felt guilty, as he didn’t do anything to help the poor girl.
Clearly, Ginny could tell something was wrong, as she asked him as soon as he sat down on the couch, tired. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing.” He said. She only raised an eyebrow at him. He hesitated. “It’s just…. One of the interns got sacked by Gawain. She made a mistake, and he fired her in his rage. It was a simple mistake!” He explained. “And you feel guilty that you didn’t stop it.” It wasn’t a question. Once again, Harry was shocked speechless at how well Ginny knew him.
He nodded. “It’s not your fault, you know?” She said softly, moving to sit next to him on the couch. “I know, but I still feel guilty! I witnessed it happen, and I didn’t do anything!” Ginny laid her head on his chest and ran her hand in his hair, effectively soothing him. He sighed and relaxed into the feeling, drifting off into a content sleep.
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North Star Series
Chapter 40 - The Very Short Engagement
Start here:
Summary: Plot twist 😉
Warning: none that I remember
Someone was knocking at the door.
"Go away, Fred," George muttered and rolled over to pull Y/N close. "We agreed I get the room tonight." He was back at Hogwarts, and it was Thursday night, his and Y/N's night to get the dorm room to themselves.
The knocking continued.
George groaned, rolling back over and rubbing his eyes. "Alright, alright. Gimme a bloody minute." He reached over the side of the bed to grab his pants, only to discover they weren't there. That was strange. He and Y/N always kept their clothes nearby in case they had to get dressed quickly.
George opened his eyes and realized that he was not at Hogwarts, nor was it night. He was instead in his apartment bedroom, and according to his clock, it was almost noon.
That's when everything came flooding back, and a surge of euphoria overtook him. He looked over at Y/N, now his fiancé, and smiled. She was beginning to stir but wasn't yet awake. He was about to lean over and kiss her nose when the knocking started back up.
Except it wasn't knocking. It was tapping. On the bedroom window. He looked up to see Artemis, his parents' new owl waiting outside patiently.
Well, at least he didn't have to get dressed for that. Good thing, too, since his clothes from last night lay in a pile on the floor next to the dining room table.
"You really don't care?" George looked stunned. "I thought every girl wanted the fairytale wedding."
"Not me," Y/N smiled. "The marriage is far more important to me than the wedding. I'd marry you on the side of the road and wearing a potato sack."
They'd talked about being married many times, but it wasn't until the letter arrived that George realized they'd never discussed getting married. He just always assumed, because of her parents' drunken Vegas nuptials, that she would want a proper wedding.
Except she didn't. And truthfully, he was okay with that. More than ok.
"I'd elope with you right now, except..." He looked down at the parchment on the table.
"Same," she picked up the letter and reread it.
Dear Y/N,
I'm so excited! When do you two plan to announce your engagement? Hopefully soon! I can't wait to help plan the wedding!!!
"It'd break her heart if we ran off and eloped," Y/N sighed. "I can't do that to her."
"Me either," George agreed.
Y/N folded up the letter and placed it back in the envelope. "So, when do you want to make the announcement?
Two days later, at the Burrow, George and Y/N announced their engagement. It went exactly as they'd expected. Molly nearly smothered them both. Ginny spent half the night bragging that she knew before her mum. And then everyone else gave hugs or handshakes and offered their hearty congratulations.
"We're actually thinking something small and simple," George said before Molly went overboard with grandiose plans.
"And we'd like to do it as soon as possible," Y/N added.
"How soon?" Arthur asked.
"We were thinking mid-January," George answered. "Everything will be wound down from the holidays, and it'll give her grandma and her best friend time to make arrangements to fly over."
"Are you sure that's safe," Hermione asked. "With everything... going on."
"We'll make it safe. We're not leaving her family out," Molly asserted with such finality that no one else dared to argue.
"Well then, that doesn't give us much time to plan," Ginny said, breaking the silence. "So we best get to it."
Five hours later
Y/N fell face first onto the bed as soon as she and George got home.
"Tired, love?" He smiled, rubbing her back.
"Mmfmhmfm," she answered.
"Sorry, sweetheart. I don't speak muffled pillow."
Y/N rolled over and gave him an apologetic smile. "I don't think I've ever been this exhausted in my life. I can't believe we planned the entire wedding in one night."
"Well, I, for one, am quite impressed," he stretched out across the bed beside her.
Y/N smiled and nuzzled her face into his neck.
"I just don't like having to wait a month," he mummered.
Y/N was quiet for a few moments, then she leaned back and looked at him. "So, why should we?"
"What? You mean cancel the wedding?"
"No," Y/N sat up. "I mean, we could get married tomorrow and not tell anyone. Except for Fred, of course, but he'd never breathe a word of it."
George sat up, meeting her eye to eye. "Get married? Tomorrow?"
She nodded.
"This what you really want? Truly?"
"Yes, truly," she admitted. "I don't want to wait anymore than you do. I want to marry you tomorrow."
He stared at her, searching her eyes for any doubts, before a huge grin spread across his face, and he tackled her. "You are the most amazing woman to ever live," he said. "And I can't believe that tomorrow I get to call you my wife." He leaned in to kiss her, then paused, eyes widening. "We need to tell Fred! C'mon!" He started to pull her up but stopped. "Never mind, you're tired. I'll go get him," he jumped up. "Be right back!"
Y/N giggled, watching him run out the door. Godric, she loved that man more than life. George Weasley was her dream come true.
She leaned back thinking about their long-running "argument" as to who was the lucky one in the relationship and finally decided they were both right.
@milivanili99 @slytherclaw1978 @quackitysdrugdealer @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @fancy-pantaloons @samberriejams @totalwitch2 @aslanvez @mrsgweasley @morally-grey-obsessed @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @junerprsh @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @planetkt @thankyouforanonymity @thatonepersonwhocantwrite @smallsweetvanillabean @themaraudersslut @hanne-montana @greenapplegrass @peachesgaeass @yoursarahg @marvelgirlstories @ceehance
Maybe that's what true love really meant, she thought. Both people thinking they were the lucky one.
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sniperjade · 1 month
Let Your Heart Decide
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They met Harry, Ron, Neville and Padma at the bar. Ron and Padma were already being sickeningly sweet to each other in the way that always made Hermione feel incredibly conflicted. She loved that Ron had moved on from their relationship, with a person that made him so happy. It had been a surprise that the two of them had worked out so well. Padma adored Ron’s sense of humour and the two of them connected through their love of strategy. They were banned from ever teaming up at games nights, because no one else ever stood a chance.
Harry, like her, had a string of unsuccessful romances. His love affair with Ginny had ended up failing, because deep down, he needed someone to take care of and Ginny had baulked at that. His attempts to protect her had gone down like a sack of potatoes. Eventually she’d challenged him to duel and sent him flying because, whilst he had refused to even cast a single spell at her, she had no such compunctions.
It was much better now that they saw each other simply as mates. He didn’t try to stop her from sleeping with whoever she liked, and she no longer hexed him for being a control freak. Overall, it was much calmer and less likely to set the curtains on fire.
After the two women bought their drinks, Hermione sat down next to Harry. He sighed forlornly as he looked out over the bar.
“Tough week?” Hermione asked as she took a sip of her butterbeer.
Harry grimaced. “Yeah. When you sign up to the DMLE you think it’s going to be all daring fights against evil wizards with battles and stakeouts and that sort of thing. It’s not until you’ve been there for a long time that you realise that sort of thing is a rarity. Instead, you are faced on a daily basis with the smaller evils like domestic abuse, prostitution and drug trafficking.” He ran a hand down his face. “It wears on you.”
Hermione nodded sympathetically. Whilst the wizarding world had made great strides in the criminal justice system since the war, it was still decades behind where the muggles were with that sort of thing. Whilst the pureblood families had lost, they were still rich and resistant to change. Hermione didn’t envy the task of the people in charge of trying to fix that socio-political issue.
“Hey,” Hermione nudged him gently with her shoulder. “We’re here to have a good time tonight. Let’s try and take our minds off work.”
Harry nodded glumly and Hermione wracked her brain to try and figure out a topic of conversation that might cheer him up. “Have you heard anything from Teddy?”
In an instant, Harry brightened. The lanky boy was always a surefire way to lift Harry’s spirits. He still lived with his aunt Andromeda, but he attended a muggle primary school and Harry visited him often. In a couple of years he’d be heading to Hogwarts, a fact that never failed to make Hermione feel ancient.
“He’s playing on the local soccer team,” Harry explained, “And I’m going to see a match tomorrow.”
Hermione smiled. Harry prized his bond with the little orphan. He had always wanted family and in Teddy he had found that. In turn, Teddy adored Harry just as much. He loved to hear stories about his parents and Harry loved to talk about them. She supposed it made them both feel connected to them, now that they were gone.
Suddenly, there was a commotion from the other end of the bar and the sound of smashing glass echoed through the room. Several people had gathered around, jostling to get a better look. She rolled her eyes. Whilst bar brawls weren’t as common in the wizarding world and normally involved a lot more magic, they were considered incredibly crass.
“Control your friend,” the bored voice of the bartender boomed out across the room, “Or we’ll be forced to kick you all out.”
Bar patrons were suddenly transported several feet from each other, and she could finally see through the crowd.
She spat out her drink.
Malfoy was squaring up with a large burly wizard. The man had several pounds on the pointy blond, a bright red face, and did not look at all like he was planning to back down. In comparison, Malfoy was glaring at him with such ferocity that Hermione was surprised that he didn’t just incinerate on the spot. His face was deathly pale, and his eyes were like daggers.
With a white grip he slowly raised his wand.
Two men suddenly emerged from the crowd and hauled Malfoy back. The first was slightly shorter than Malfoy and had a shock of curly brown hair, surrounding bright blue eyes. The second was taller and more imposing with rich umber skin and cool demeanour. He leaned into Malfoy and whispered hastily in his ear.
Malfoy glared one last time at the man and stomped into the back of the bar. The large man yelled a few expletives after him as he turned back to the bar, before slipping on the floor and smashing his head into the wood. She glanced back up to where Malfoy was retreating only to see his wand disappear back into his clothing.
“Of course, Malfoy, would be getting into a bar brawl,” Harry murmured in a disgusted voice beside her. “Weren’t you working with him over the last couple of weeks?”
Hermione sighed and prepared to launch into a tirade of how much of an arse Draco Malfoy was when Ginny leaned over the table and pressed her hands over Hermione’s mouth. “No Draco Malfoy talk tonight. We’re having a good time, and we are not talking about him.” Ginny tilted her head and smirked at her. “Unless it’s because you’re going to cross the bar and ask him to bone.”
Harry screwed up his face in disgust as Ginny laughed out loud. “Bone? Malfoy?”
Hermione glared at the cackling red head as Harry sat in stunned silence next to her. “Gin, you broke Harry.”
Read the rest on Ao3
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OoTP, Chapter 7 - The Sack of DA
Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Reader
Warnings: none?
Word Count: ~2,500
Note: it had to happen, Malfoy is still a massive butthead, don't blame me...
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The days following the term resuming were, in a word, horrific. You rose Monday morning and were greeted in the Great Hall by a swarm of Gryffindors passing around a battered issue of the Daily Prophet, and your heart sunk. Ginny was nowhere in sight, but the teachers' table carried the same intense chatter.
"What's happened?" you whispered to Hermione. She said nothing, but passed you the newspaper so you could read the headline. It took a moment to process what you'd read - Death Eaters, an escape from Azkaban, ten Death Eaters. Hermione remained silent, rose abruptly, and hurried out of the Great Hall.
A few tension-filled days later, and you learned that the old toad had put Hagrid on probation. The only thing worse than that was that no one knew when the next meeting of Dumbledore's Army could be. An odd coldness had settled between yourself and Draco, spurred by his smugness and malicious pleasure regarding Hagrid's status. During the Herbology lesson that followed, Professor Sprout beamed through her lecture on Screechsnaps; apparently Draco had done an excellent job with the puffapods over the break. The small victory seemed hollow, though.
Care of Magical Creatures was even worse. Umbridge insisted on interrupting every few minutes to ask a mind-numbingly stupid question, rarely related to the lesson plan, and then Hagrid would stumble through a response that only ever half-answered her question.
You did, eventually, run into Ginny in the Owlery, and managed to ask her how Mr. Weasley was getting on.
“Oh, he’s doing much better, thanks!” she said, grinning. Her breath fogged instantly in the chilled air at the top of the tower. “He’s home now, driving Mum crazy.”
“Well that’s good, I’m glad to hear it.” You looked casually over your shoulder. “Do you know when…?” you trailed off, eyebrows raised.
Ginny caught your meaning and nodded. “Pretty sure soon, he’s been busy with, erm, remedial Potions.”
Your mouth fell open. That was surprising. Harry wasn’t Snape’s favorite, no one was, but surely he couldn’t be that bad. Especially not with Hermione around to whisper corrections every few minutes, which you knew she had a habit of doing since having been paired with her one very, very long DA meeting. “Wow,” was all you managed to say.
Ginny frowned, “Yeah he’s not thrilled about it either.”
You laughed sardonically. “Well if he needs any help in Herbology,” not sure where that came from, you trailed off, uncomfortable.
Ginny looked at you quizzically.
You sighed. “I’ve got a bit of an odd question. What do you think of Draco Malfoy?”
Her face screwed up in disgust. “Why d’you want to know about him?”
“Well,” you hesitated, deciding on a half-truth, “he’s in my Herbology 5, and I don’t quite know what to make of him.”
“He’s a bully, and a git. And an idiot.”
“I was afraid you’d say that.”
She patted your arm sympathetically. “Your determination to like everyone is admirable, but trust me - that one’s a lost cause.” You smiled weakly at the compliment. “I’ve got to go, see you later!”
Ginny trotted down the icy stairs as fast as she could manage, leaving you in the cold with only more questions than before.
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Valentine’s Day came and went, and you and Donna observed with increasing amusement as Herbert attempted on three separate occasions to invite Yvette to Hogsmeade, presumably on a date. The first time, sitting in the Great Hall over breakfast, she attempted to invite a few other people along. The second, after History of Magic, she hadn’t heard him properly and agreed that yes, they should study veritaserum for potions in the library today. The third, from across the common room, she replied that she planned to spend the whole Saturday gearing up for the next quidditch game against Gryffindor.
Herbert watched, dumbfounded, as Yvette moved on casually to discussing the practice schedule with Zacharias Smith.
Donna patted him on the shoulder. “Maybe for the best though. Valentine’s Day is way too much pressure for a first date.”
The Saturday morning of the long awaited match, when you woke Yvette and the rest of the quidditch team had already left for breakfast, so you and Donna bundled up and met Herbert in the common room. At the Hufflepuff table in the Great Hall, the team sat eating in unhappy silence. Devon Summerby sneezed loudly over his breakfast.
“What’s got you lot in a twist?” Herbert asked as the three of you sat down.
Zacharius Smith flinched. “I guess Gryffindor’s last practice was exceptionally pitiful. Which would be great for us, except-”
“Except,” Yvette interrupted, seething, “Summerby caught a cold. What was it this time? Forget your cloak for Care of Magical Creatures?”
Devon Summerby’s voice came out nasal and stressed, “How many times are you gonna make me say I’m sorry?”
“As many times as needed to win the match,” Zacharias snapped. “And I’d ask you to step in, Y/N, but Hooch says he’s well enough to play.”
Then the Gryffindor team sat down at their table in similarly poor spirits.
Adding insult to injury, Draco Malfoy and his gaggle of goonies followed, taking a long and all too satisfied look around. He never met your eye.
“Well,” he said, smug, “this certainly promises to be quite the show. Do try not to embarrass yourselves too much.” Finally his gaze met yours, lingering uncomfortably. He looked away and said to his lackeys, “Crabbe, Goyle, let’s go.”
You scowled at his back as he led his ‘friends’ out to the courtyard. Donna clocked the look and raised an eyebrow.
Across the room, Ron Weasley had turned a shade of green. Ginny patted him on the back in an attempt at encouragement.
The match was nothing to write home about. Yvette, Zacharias and Cadawaller snuck upwards of fifteen goals past Ron Weasley, but Devon Summerby missed the snitch as it passed under his nose twice, eliciting screams of outrage from the Hufflepuff spectators. In the end, Ginny caught the snitch, closing the gap, and Hufflepuff won but only barely.
During the entire match, the Slytherin attendees could be heard singing another insulting refrain of “Weasley Is Our King,” and you didn’t need to wonder who had led the chorus.
After dinner, Donna cornered you in the common room amidst a half-hearted celebration.
“Please tell me,” she began in a whisper, “that Slytherin you were tutoring wasn’t Draco ‘My-Father-Will-Hear-About-This’ Malfoy?”
“I never noticed how perceptive you are, you should really-”
“Y/N. Be serious. He’s insufferable; why are you helping him?”
You shrugged, unsure of your own feelings. “He’s not that bad when there’s not an audience.”
“Oh, so you’ve been spending quality time alone with him too? Don’t tell me you’ve got a crush now?”
Once she said it, you couldn’t unhear it. Was it a crush? Your gut churned; you weren’t sure.
You answered, “I don’t know, ok? Yeah half the time I wanna punch him in the face, but the other half? I don’t know.”
Donna frowned, looked around to see if anyone had been listening. “Look, I don’t care if you’ve got a crush on the rich bad boy, but I wish you’d told me. I wish you’d told me when you started tutoring him. And I wish you’d told me about the study club.”
“I told you I didn’t think I could-”
Yvette threw an arm around each of you. “Whatever it is you’re whispering about can wait. Please help me save this party.”
The argument halted before it could begin, you spent the remainder of your evening enchanting chestnuts to roast themselves and explode into confetti.
The Great Hall was abuzz with chatter the next morning, nothing new, but about halfway through your breakfast you watched as Umbridge stomped over to the Gryffindor table.
“This can’t be good,” Herbert muttered as the whole table tried to eavesdrop.
Whatever it was must’ve been something truly magnificent as, for maybe the first time ever, she was speechless. She sputtered for a moment, then stomped back up the aisle, something tucked under her arm.
Exactly one hour later, a new Educational Decree went up, banning a certain news publication, and Herbert proudly appeared in the common room with said publication.
This edition of The Quibbler featured an interview from none other than Harry Potter himself.
Wanda Clemm and Ezra Roberts corralled him into an arm chair and demanded he read the article aloud. He obliged. It was a tell-all account of what happened during the games last year, so well written it had captivated everyone in the common room who sat at the edges of their seats.
It also named the Death Eaters that had been unmasked by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named himself: Peter Pettigrew, not dead after all; Avery; Macnair; Crabbe; Goyle; and… Malfoy.
So. This is what he’d meant when he said their families went ‘way back.’ That they were more like ‘colleagues’ than friends. Their fathers were all Death Eaters together, like some sick social club. Disgust rose in your throat - but he never seemed particularly fond of them, maybe, just maybe there was still hope?
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In the month that followed, Dumbledore’s Army continued to meet with renewed vigor. No longer were these secret meetings merely a replacement for the joke Defense Against the Dark Arts had become, but something far more immediate. Finally, after months of asking about it, Harry Potter announced it was time to learn the Patronus Charm.
He kept on trying to emphasize the importance of being able to produce it under attack from Dementors, but was respectfully ignored as the wispy white animals took over the room.
Donna had no trouble at all thinking of a happy memory and letting it fill her up to the brim. A massive, slobbering St. Bernard leapt from her wand and nipped at the wisps from failed charms.
Herbert followed close behind. From his wand, an osprey, a fish-hawk, took flight.
You had far more trouble, as did Yvette. You shared a disappointed look. For some disconcerting reason, every happy memory you could think of was overshadowed by some feeling of disappointment. Seeing the dragons during the tournament - Cedric’s death. Hagrid returning with tiny versions of those dragons - Umbridge putting him on probation. Christmas at home with mum and Julien - a painful reminder of your father’s passing. Racing across a frigid pond to a crystalline forest with an unexpected friend - the hot, uneasy feeling you got in the pit of your stomach at the sight of him now.
All tainted, all failed.
Then, Yvette’s patronus burst forth, a beautiful dun mare galloping through the air, and the frustration you felt boiled over.
You groaned, shoved your wand in your back pocket, and stomped over to the edge of the room. There were a few others having equal trouble, like Seamus, but it was his first meeting. He hadn’t been training under Harry’s (and Hermione’s at times) excellent tutelage for months as you had. Harry was across the room, coaching Neville and trying to coax more than a faint wisp from the spell.
This was ridiculous.
You were training under Harry ‘the Chosen One’ Potter. Preparing for an all too possible, almost inevitable, magical war. And your closest friends were doing even better than you; they’d be just fine.
You abandoned fragmented warm and fuzzy memories, and instead tried to let the confidence of watching your friends, Ginny and Luna too, succeed fill you up. Then, you attempted to cast the Patronus Charm, just one more time before giving up.
Slowly, confidently, a grey wolf lined in silver came padding out of your wand. Its head held high, it circled around behind you to stand at your side, content to observe the wandering patronuses around the room. That was interesting.
“Talk about a wolf in sheep’s clothing, eh Y/N?” Herbert joked at you.
Sarcastically, you replied, “Oh, very funny.”
Across the room, a nervous voice stuttered, “Harry Potter… she… she…”
You recognized the house elf - he was always wearing multiple knit hats, gloves, socks, which he was still wearing as he tried desperately to impart some information to Harry, who was leaning over him in concern.
The room grew terribly still and the silvery wisps dissipated along with the images of animals as spells fizzled out. Your stomach sank to your feet once Harry finally deciphered the house elf’s meaning - Umbridge. Your worst nightmare. Everyone’s worst nightmare.
Harry looked around incredulously, then shouted, “RUN!”
Your friends wasted no time - Donna grabbed your wrist to pull you along - and bolted for the exit. In the corridor, members of Dumbledore’s Army scattered like sparrows out of a roost, and Barnabas the Barmy giggled wildly to himself in his portrait. Herbert, at the lead, pivoted hard and followed Hannah towards the library.
Behind you, an unmistakable voice laughed cruelly. Surely, Draco wouldn’t have aligned himself with that toad. Surely.
You didn’t have time to ponder, for a meter or two from the library doors your friends slowed and tried to catch their breath before ambling off nonchalantly, branching into the stacks.
For a moment you thought it may have worked, you’d caught your breath and had picked a book at random to idly page through. Then, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle burst through the doors.
“Really!” Madame Pince exclaimed.
Draco held up a hand, commanding and smug. “We are here by official instruction of the High Inquisitor. I’d hate to have to tell her how you interfered.”
Madame Pince paled at his words, and went back to the papers on her desk.
Then they moved through the library, in almost predatory unison. You tried to keep a subtle eye on Draco, moving when he moved, angling for the exit. This was not a confrontation you looked forward to. But it was all for naught. You rounded a corner you shouldn’t have and came face to face with Malfoy. He took a suspicious step back.
“Tell me,” he said, voice low and threatening, “you weren’t hanging around Potter,” he spat out the name like a curse, like the taste of it was foul, “and that louse Weasley, and that mudblood Granger.”
Oh. Several key pieces of information clicked into place in your head. Ginny’s opinion of him, the Slytherin password, the way he’d said ‘goblins’ talking about Gringotts. So many signs. And you’d missed every one.
You stepped back on a foot, fists held to your sides, and returned his wrathful glare.
The Slytherin girl barged through the doors, stealing the attention. “We’ve got the list,” she purred, “Round them up.”
Malfoy turned back to you, and in the second it took you considered disarming him. Stunning him maybe. You were getting detention up to your ears anyway. And you'd like to see if you could do it.
But then, Crabbe came round the corner with Herbert, Goyle had Donna by the arm, and the saccharine girl caught Yvette as she tried to edge out of the room.
Still looking at you, Malfoy commanded, “Take these to Professor Umbridge. I’ll finish here.”
Fuming, you followed your friends to certain doom, leaving Malfoy behind, certain which side you both fell on.
~~~ Taglist ~~~
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One thing I really like about Dora in Supernova is that she still has that same kindness in her that I’ve seen in a lot of your other fics and I think we see it in canon too. And I think that’s both because that’s one of her core traits and also because her being a daughter allowed Andromeda to be closer with her and have a more warm and loving relationship. That’s not to say that I don’t think Dora wouldn’t still have the same kindness inside if she were a boy, but due to how the Travers family and other upper class pure blood families operate, I feel like that kindness would be more hidden(especially because we know that Andromeda wouldn’t be able to have the same relationship with a son in her current world as she can with Dora).
Aww thank you @puppyduckster!! I don't think I could ever write a version of Tonks who wasn't kind. In every universe, she is a sweetheart (and often a sassy one!). In canon, these are the biggest moments that cinch it for me:
she offers to help Molly in the kitchen, even though she's clumsy AF
she uses her Metamorphmagus abilities to entertain the kids (and shows Ginny how to know if a door has got the Imperturbable Charm by throwing something at it!)
she's cheerful, bubbly, and enthusiastic when meeting new people, including Harry
she gets married to Remus Lupin - who does that??? what kind of person would be willing to marry that sad sack? that dumpster fire of a human/werewolf?? someone with infinitely more patience and kindness than me, certainly.
Based on her canon traits, and the way we see Ted Tonks in DH, I imagine she gets a lot of her warmth from her dad, but in Supernova, she's getting that warmth and kindness from having a really close and loving relationship with Andromeda. I also can't write a bad relationship between Andromeda and Tonks. Even if Tonks calls her mother a fool, she's really got nothing bad to say about her parents, and they're the first people she talks about when she meets Harry the orphan, lol. So I also see her as impulsive and chatty. I love her so much.
I'm going to post a little snippet soon :)
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takeariskao3 · 2 years
i can’t wait for the sophie interaction you teased before. idk why but i LOVE when the exes talk to the main character i feel like they always let something slip and it gives all the angst.
- the sophie stan
crap now i can't remember what snippet i shared. should i share more? should i share the whole scene? no right?
ah what the heck. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
Grinning from ear to ear, Ginny collapsed into the chair across the table from Harry. The music blared loudly from some kind of electric speakers in the corner and the buzz of conversation in the crowded pub added to the noise. She felt alive for the first time in weeks. Blessedly relaxed now that they'd escaped the oppressive silence of a half-dead house.
Harry chuckled from behind his pint. "Yeah, now that you’ve cleaned everybody out.”
“No, not just that,” Ginny waved away her success in hustling darts. “They’ve got no clue, do they? About you, or me, or quidditch or any of it! We’re just people!”
He hummed, downing the last of his ale and pointing to Ginny’s watered down cocktail. “Are you done?”
Ginny swiped at her glass, hoping he didn’t see it was all ice. 
“Come on,” Harry reached for his coat. “You had your drink.”
“Just one more!” Ginny begged and she noticed him bite back a grin at her pleading tone. “It’s not even nine!”
He scowled at her from across the table, but she put on her most saccharine smile and after a couple lengthy seconds his shoulders slumped in defeat. 
“Fine,” He huffed, then held up an index finger. “One more.”
They looked up at the same time to see a girl about their age, with sleek blonde hair smiling down at them. She had a slight gap between her front teeth that didn’t at all detract from her looks. If anything, it added to her charm, offsetting her strong jaw and full lips.  
“Sophie!” Harry visibly swallowed. “I didn’t think you still worked here.”
“Oh, god no,” The girl called Sophie laughed. “I quit ages ago. Just come round to see the blokes and rub it in. How are you? I haven’t seen you since you moved to Sussex…”
Ginny watched in dreaded fascination as Sophie pulled up a chair and Harry launched into a quick story about Teddy. This was followed up by Sophie chatting animatedly about her mum’s salon business and her dog named Clive. 
Harry regarded her with a genuine smile on his face, though he kept shooting Ginny wary glances out of the corner of his eye. 
“Er,” Harry stammered once a story about Clive jumping from a moving motorcar wrapped up. “We were just about to grab another round, do you want one?”
Sophie laughed, looking taken aback. “Always the gentleman.”
“Really,” Harry smiled sheepishly. “It’s no problem…”
She shook her head. “Thanks, but I’m meeting friends.” 
Harry gave her a tightlipped smile and nodded once, then shot Ginny a terrified look before hurrying off to the bar. 
“God, he’s fit,” Sophie groaned, not bothering to hide the fact that she was staring directly at Harry’s arse. “Good in the sack too-”
Ginny choked on the ice she’d been chewing on, sputtering as watered down vodka stung the back of her nose. 
“Oh, sorry,” Sophie winced. “Have you guys not…?”
“N- no,” Ginny coughed. “It’s not… we’re not-”
“Woman to woman?” Sophie continued on, looking at Ginny seriously. “Don’t get too attached. He’s locked up tight, that one. Doesn’t let anyone in, and I don’t mean figuratively. We went out for months, and I never once saw his place.”
Ginny stared, her mouth slightly parted in utter shock.
“I mean it’s thrilling… for a time. He’s a mystery you can’t help but want to unravel, but then you never do and you’re just left with a headache.”
“We’re not together,” Ginny finally clarified, unsure if she could listen to another second without her head exploding. “I’m-” She cast about for anything she could say to a muggle, an actual muggle. “I’m his best friend’s little sister.”
“You’re Hermione’s sister?”
“N-” Ginny blinked several times. “You know Hermione?”
“Crazy hair, bit uptight?” Sophie scrunched her nose. “I don’t think she liked me very much.”
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(from left to right)
Drew as Carmela
Michael as Big Puss
Preston as Fbi agent
Claire as Janice
Oscar (my boyf mwah mwah) as Bobby
ME as Paulie
Milo as Ginny Sack
Cesar as Johnny Sack
literally it was insane, janice went to jail and then right as i was planning the breakout, she broke herself out of jail and then we killed the FBI but then, johnny sack discovered that the titanic sunk and we knew it must have been the fbi so then we resurrected the fbi with a ritual and tortured him and forced him to deliver ginny sack's baby (named titanic 2), and then since tony was dead in this roleplay, we had a presidential election between carmela, janice, and big puss for who was gonna run jersey. puss won and destroyed jersey unfortunately :(
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