#ginny and Luna
dracosmoons · 2 years
luna: *rambling on about wrackspurts*
ginny: i have no clue what you’re talking about but you are the most amazing person i’ve ever seen and i love you very much
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lucien-calore · 2 years
every good ship is made of an ADHD'er and an autistic person
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weasleymoon · 2 years
If you ever need linny fanart hmu i got a whole collection
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onewizardgirl · 5 months
Love of my life.
The story of a redhead quidditch player falling for a peculiar blonde that didn’t care about fitting in.
Ginny Weasley knew when she got to Hogwarts she was not straight. Even at 11 years old she knew she felt something more for girls than she did for the guys her mother kept trying to set her up with. She was so scared to say anything about being a lesbian that she made her crushes her best friends, because that’s better than not having them at all. But one girl in particular made Ginny’s head spin and that was looney Luna Lovegood. Everyone called her looney because she talked about the creatures no one saw and only theorized about.
Luna Lovegood, an oddity even at Hogwarts, thought she’d find love by her 3rd year, not even a chance. All of the boys were garbage and she was so deep in the closet she was basically bordering on Narnia. She’d rather keep her friends, just that, friends, even though she had her heart set on one ginger in particular. Ginny Weasley was a broody redhead with a love for quidditch, joining the team when she was in her 3rd year after one of the chasers graduated. Luna made it a point to attend every Gryffindor match and cheer her friend on even if the thought of her muscular body made Luna’s head spin out fantasies she had to shove into the depths of her brain.
It was their 7th year, the war was done, Voldemort was dead. And they were not only helping rebuild the school, but trying to finish their education. Harry had run off to Romania with Draco to study dragons, those two were madly in love just like how Ginny wished she could be. For a short time during the war she fancied Harry; they even dated for a short time. But Harry confessed that he and Draco were falling in love and that he was gay. This didn’t bother Ginny as much as it should have but she had her heart in other places besides Harry. She was still scared but she needed to tell her love how she felt before it was too late.
Throughout the year the girls grew closer than they had ever been, they helped rebuild the castle and add charms they wished they had to help future students through their time boarding at Hogwarts. By the end of the year Ginny had sent her parents an owl telling them she was spending the summer at luna’s to help her rebuild her home after her father’s death. She got an owl back on the day they were supposed to leave telling her to bring Luna to the Burrow for the summer and she’d get Arthur to put a team together to rebuild in the fall.
“Cmon Luna, let’s go.” Ginny said ushering Luna out of the school toward the cairrages that were towed by thesterals to the Hogsmeade station.
"Are you sure Gin? I don't want to impose on your family." Luna worried
"it's no problem Luna, really. My mum would have never offered you a place to stay while we help rebuild if she didn't want you there." Ginny told.
"ok Ginny, I trust you." Luna said. She suddenly realized that she would being close proximity to her crush all summer long and even after that because of the rebuilding process.
It was going to be a long summer.
Ginny was excited, nervous, scared, and panicking all at he same time. She was about to host her crush for the summer, in her bedroom. She was going to share a bed with her crush and pray she didn't do anything stupid to ruin their friendship. She knew a relationship wouldn't work with Luna because said blonde was simply uninterested. Luna had her own loves to follow and Ginny wanted so hard to respect that. Little did she know.
A month into her stay at the burrow Luna almost blew her cover when she was watching Ginny work out. Her face had a bright red tint to it that contrasted greatly with her pale skin and Fred noticed Luna's look.
"oi Luna, you alright? Your face is awfully red," he asked approaching the blonde.
"oh it's nothing Fred, but thank you for asking." Luna smiled embarrassed.
As soon as the ginger man was out of sight she sighed frustratedly. She just wanted Ginny to love her the way she loved Ginny. She was tired of this game of chicken she was playing. She found herself walking outside to the workout bench Ginny was perched on without even thinking twice.
"Ginny, can you come in for a bit, I need to talk to you." Luna said trying to avoid looking at Ginny anywhere other than her face. She wore a sports bra that was dark green that accentuated her ample breasts and matching shorts that hugged the curve of her hip and rounded the swell of her bum. Her toned stomach was shiny with sweat and her hair was tied into a messy bun to keep it out of the way from the bar.
"course Luna," Ginny said. Upon entering the house she followed Luna to the bedroom and sat on her bed looking up at the blonde.
"Ginny, I'm tired of playing chicken with myself. I'm sorry if I ruin our friendship by saying this but it needs to be said. I love you, not like a friend, but like a partner," Luna told avoiding Ginny's eyes.
"oh thank God. I was about to die keeping that secret, now come here my little star and give me a kiss." Ginny said reaching for the blonde.
"wait... What?" Luna asked shocked
"I was too scared to say but I've liked you since second year and i made friends with you just so I could have you in my life even if I couldn't truly express my love for you like I wanted to." Ginny said "I'm so glad you said something because it was quite literally eating me up inside spending so much time with you and not saying I love yoy or calling you gushy pet names."
"that's a relief," Luna said, she took her opportunity and grabbed the gingers chin and crashed her lips to Ginny's.
Ginny quickly took over and grabbed Luna by the back of her neck while the blonde moved her hands to grasp Ginny's hips.
When they pulled away there was feeling of relief in the air between the two.
"I'm so fucking glad we did that." Ginny sighed.
"Me too," Luna smiled.
After everything they've been through this has to have been the hardest for both girls to admit.
Upon entering the house after their first kiss and official beginning of their relationship Molly approached the two.
"Mum, before you say anything; Luna's my girlfriend now and I plan on one day if she'll let me putting a ring on her finger. She deserves everything and more and I could not be a happier woman than I am with her by my side." Ginny told
"it's about time you two, I was wondering how long it'd take." Molly smiled at the pair.
"What?" Ginny said confused "you knew? I was so deep in the closet I was in Narnia. how could you know?"
"I'm your mother, I have a sixth sense for this type of thing. I knew you were gonna turn out gay the first time you picked up a broom. It's genetic, I'm bisexual and I played quidditch, Charlie is genderfluid, and he played quidditch. Fred and George are both asexual panromantic they played. Then Ron turned out to be pansexual and he played. Then you started playing quidditch an it was only a matter of time. I'm surprised it took you this long." Molly explained
"it didn't really take me this long to realize, it just took me this long to work up enough gall to admit it to the low of my life," Ginny told wrapping a protective arm around Luna.
"go on and do lesbian things, I have to make dinner for everyone, Harry, Ron, Draco, Hermione, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, and George are coming to spend some time together before the summer bustle." Molly said, basically permitting the two to do as they pleased.
"ok mum," Ginny smiled dragging Luna off to a nearby broom cupboard.
"Ginerva Molly, don't you dare even think about defiling my broom cupboard especially not for your first time. Go to your room and cast some silencing charms, I'll send a patronus when dinner's done," Molly scolded. "Nonsense I swear, your brothers already defiled that broom cupboard enough."
"eww mum!" Ginny grimaced.
"it's the truth though," Molly responded.
Ginny took Luna and hauled her over her shoulder and took off for the stairs.
"don't do anything dumb" Molly called after the two.
Finally a happy ending for the two longing lovers.
Hope you enjoy ❤️
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blvnk-art · 1 month
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Harry, Ginny and Lily Luna!
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ziggystqrdust · 3 months
the sillies
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wizardemotions · 7 months
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the question came to mind of "in your ship, how might the larger/stronger party pick up or carry the smaller one?" and these were the answers i came to
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lilbeanz · 4 months
The madness continues ...
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charlie-jl · 9 months
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I dont know if I've ever posted sketches here but I might as well
Lotta Sapphic ships
2024 is for the girls
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maxyaps · 9 months
Bill: I don't think I'm straight
Charlie: I'm definitely aroace
Percy: I've been with Oliver Wood for one year, 5 months, 3 days and 7 hours.
Fred: I only slept with Diggory a few times, and snogged a few times... I'm still straight, right?
George: Okay, I'm totally in love with Lee
Ron: I don't really... Swing that way, of being straight- ya know?
Ginny: In my defence, I was straight before I met Luna
Percy: *sighs* We're going to end this bloodline, aren't we?
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meemoop · 5 months
The Paralysis
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Oh well
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dracosmoons · 2 years
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luna, my beloved <3
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wordsarelife · 3 months
—so high school
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: he knows how to ball, you know aristotle and your friends know you’re a perfect match
warnings: a tiny bit suggestive, but mostly just cute fluff
note: this was so fun to write :)
"you're already on page 200?" you didn't even hear the voice beside as you were so concentrated on staring at the slytherin table.
it was a rather warm thursday morning in november as you sat at breakfast with your friends. the hall was bustling with the excited chatter about the upcoming quidditch game between slytherin and gryffindor and it seemed like the team had never been fitter.
slytherin was a strong opponent, even the most stubborn gryffindor had to admit that.
"earth to y/n" hermione waved her hand before your eyes and you focused your eyes on her.
"ron asked you something" hermione nudged your arm softly and your head turned in ron's direction.
"yeah" you nodded, absentmindedly "what was your question?"
harry and hermione giggled, while ron looked a bit offended at your lack of interest.
"if you would stop staring at our biggest enemies, maybe you could hear what i'm saying"
"calm down" harry rolled his eyes "it's just a quidditch match"
"funny that you of all people are saying that" ginny spoke up from next to the boy "as if you weren't the one reserving the quidditch pitch every single afternoon for two weeks straight for practice"
"well, they're not bad at what they do, are they?" harry said defensively and ginny shrugged.
with a sigh, and a piece of paper in the middle to mark your page, you closed your book, having lost the last bit of interest in continuing.
"you just started this yesterday" ron resumed to the question he had asked you a few minutes ago "how come you're already so far in?"
"i'm just a quick reader"
"yeah, sure" hermione laughed "or maybe because reading a book gives you an excuse to stare at theodore nott from time to time, while he is doing his homework in the library"
"i'm not" you said rather loudly, before your voice returned to a whisper "i'm not staring at theodore nott"
"sure you aren't" hermione leaned closer over the table and send you a teasing glance. "i never even saw you so much as glance in his direction"
"yeah, right" you nodded, not catching the obvious sarcasm in her tone.
"eh, ladies?" harry asked with a turned head "he's coming right this way"
"what?" you and hermione asked at the same time as ron asked "who?"
"nott" harry quickly whispered, before said boy laid a hand on the tabletop right in front of the chosen one, his eyes clearly on you.
"hey" theodore nott said friendly and your eyes widened. he was wearing his usual slytherin uniform, but his tie was loosened as it was hanging around his neck. you had the sudden urge to fix it, but had the strength to hold you back from it.
"hi" you were quick to answer.
before he could explain what he was trying to do, ron interrupted your very short conversation "quite bold coming here" he raised his eyebrows at the boy.
"ron" hermione quickly scolded, but theo shook his head laughing.
"he's not wrong" theo said and then smiled at you "i'm rather bold"
hermione noticed that you and the boy were too busy staring at each other, so she did what she could to help you. "were you trying to ask y/n something, theodore?"
"yeah, actually" theo nodded and your heart was thumping so loudly, you feared he could hear it. "are you coming to the quidditch match next friday?"
ron groaned, which was quickly followed by a cry of pain as hermione kicked him under the table.
"sure" you smiled at the boy.
"great" theo smiled and his smile was so dreamy, you feared you would simply pass out. "i'll see you then" he tapped his invisible hat, before he turned around and walked back to the slytherin table where his friends were waiting for him.
you rested your chin on your hand, as you watched after him.
"is she coming to the quidditch match?" harry repeated confused.
"yeah" ron added, rolling his eyes "that is the stupidest question i've ever heard, i mean her own house is playing and her brother is captain of the team"
"maybe he doesn't know that" you muttered.
"doesn't know what?" hermione laughed "that you and harry are siblings? i highly doubt it"
"then why is he running around asking stupid questions?" ron crossed his arms. he was clearly not liking the way both you and hermione seemed so fond of the slytherin boy.
"good point" harry pointed in ron's direction.
ginny and hermione exchanged a look, before the latter began to speak. "you guys clearly don't get it. he wanted an excuse to speak to y/n"
"why should he want to speak to y/n?" ron seemed like he had made it his personal mission to sound like an idiot.
"ron!" ginny scolded before she hit the arm of her older brother "he wants to speak to y/n, because he's clearly in love with her"
you head spun around so fast, that harry almost choked on his pumpkin juice. "he's what?" you and ron asked at the same time.
"oh this is so romantic" ginny muttered while she stared at you dreamingly.
hermione couldn't help but smile at your horrified facial expression. "aren't you happy about that?" she laughed.
you shook your head. "happy?" you repeated "this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me"
"i thought you liked him?" harry asked and you couldn't help but smile at the compassionate tone in his voice. he normally hated when you would speak about boys.
"i do" you admitted almost silently as your cheeks turned rosy. "but staring at him was so much easier than actually talking to him. him liking me back possibly means that we could get into a relationship. this is way too real"
"women" ron cried helplessly. "you never know what you want"
"oh i know what i want" you laughed sarcastically.
"and that would be?" harry asked and he seemed just as confused as ron.
"for that boy to stay far away on his side of the hall" you nodded, before you gathered your book and stood up from the table. "now, please excuse me, i have to go get my things before class starts. on top of that i spent enough time today talking about boys"
your friends smiled as you waved goodbye at them and left the great hall.
"she can't be serious, right?" harry asked hermione and ginny.
"i don't even know" hermione shrugged, before she quickly changed the topic, knowing you wouldn't appreciate them talking about you behind your back.
you walked through the corridor and in the direction of the gryffindor common room. it wasn't that you didn't like theo, it was more that you really liked him that was the scary part.
you had liked him since the beginning of the year and you were scared that reality couldn't come close to the fantasy you had build around the boy.
you admired so much about him. his interest in quidditch and that he, even when slytherin lost, was never unfair. he was smart, without being unkind to people when they were wrong. he liked silence as much as he liked talking to his friends. and sometimes when his eyes would fall upon you, there was a friendly glint in them which would make your heart flutter.
but maybe theo wasn't all that. maybe he was different than anything you had observed about him. you would prefer to always just imagine things, rather than having them destroyed. it wouldn't be his fault if he wasn't like you had imagined him to be, it would be all yours, but you would also hurt his feelings in the process and that just wasn't fair.
later, after the first few lessons of the day, you didn't go to lunch as you normally did, but sat down in the library, starting your potions essay.
"i see you're already on that, huh?" you shrieked at the sudden voice beside you. theo was leaning on the shelf next to you and raised his eyebrows at your expression. "i didn't mean to startle you"
"you didn't" you shook your head, but he could clearly see through your lie. "why are you here?" you asked, quickly distracting from what you had said.
"i was looking for you" theo said matter of factly as he walked around the table and sat down in front of you "you weren't at lunch so i came here"
"how did you know where i was?"
"i often see you reading or doing homework here, so i figured it was worth a try"
you nodded at his words. "and why were you looking for me?"
he laughed at your persistency "i fear i made an idiot ouf of myself at breakfast this morning"
"i don't think that's possible" your argued.
"it happens more often than you would think"
"does it now?" you laughed and theo closed his eyes as embarrassment flooded his features.
"i'm sorry" he said "i never seem to find the right words when talking to you"
you had to smile at the honesty with which he admitted that. "i don't think you're an idiot" you said softly and theo smiled relieved.
"i'm glad you don't" he stood up "it would be too bad if i already lost all my chances with you after two conversations. assuming i even have a chance with you?“
you watched his features closely. the lips that were turned upright in an unsure smile, the flushed cheeks and the glint of hope in his blue eyes. you thought for a moment, deciding that there was no reason for you to be afraid. the boy had clearly proved that he was as kind as you had imagined him to be. "yeah" you smiled up at him "you do"
"great" theo smiled "good luck on your essay"
"thank you" you watched him walk out of the library before you rolled up the parchment and took out your novel, deciding it was the right time to continue reading it, while your heart was fluttering inside your chest.
the next morning your were sitting at the gryffindor table as usual, turning the pages as you read your book and ate breakfast at the same time.
"you guys must be so excited for friday" luna said when she sat down next to ginny and harry. "this is your first game, right ron?"
ron eagerly nodded his head, the nerves playing inside his mind these past few weeks.
"he's a bit nervous" harry smiled and luna nodded understandingly.
"morning" a voice behind harry said and all your friends turned their heads.
"y/n?" ron asked at your lack of reaction.
"i warn you, if you're interrupting me to ask something unimportant again..." you mumbled, your eyes still fixated on the book in front of you.
"i don't think that's what he was planning to do" hermione giggled and you looked up, then turning your head in the direction in which she was looking, only now seeing theo standing next to you.
"good morning" theo repeated and you smiled.
"may i?" he pointed at the empty spot on the bench beside you and you nodded.
hermione and ginny exchanged a look as harry and ron did the same.
theo muttered something into your ear, which none of your friends could hear, making you laugh and nod.
then he began eating like normal. occasionally he would whisper something at you, waiting for your answer, before the both of you referred back to eating and reading in your case.
your friends watched with wide eyes how quickly you and theo had fallen into a simple rhythm in which both of you were biting down at your toast and he would turn the page of your book anytime you nodded.
"is this the twilight zone?" ron whispered.
"how do you know what the twilight zone is?" hermione whispered back harshly and ron shrugged.
theo and you had finished eating, when he muttered something to you once again and you nodded, gathering your book as you both stood up.
"wait, where are you going?" ron asked.
"uh, doing our homework" you quickly excused, before you followed theo out of the hall, both of your giggling.
all of your friends had been watching you with dumbfounded expressions. and to their horror, the days of unexpected absurdities did not end there.
theo came to sit with you and your friends every day of the following week. engaging in friendly conversation and spending much time around you in general. on two mornings your friends had even seen you sitting with theo's friends.
theo even came to sit with you on the day of the quidditch match, going as far as wishing harry and ron luck.
later that day, when they were all sitting around in the courtyard, draco malfoy, followed by the rest of his friends, walked closer. you and theo had been nowhere to be found, as usual for this past week.
harry, expecting the usual kind of insults, sighed when his eyes fell on malfoy.
"malfoy" he greeted.
"potter" malfoy nodded and the gryffindors perked up at the lack of hostility in his tone. he looked to his friends (mattheo, lorenzo and blaise) and then back to the dark haired boy, before he sighed. "seems like your sister and our boy are in love now or something"
harry quirked a brow while him and hermione exchanged a look.
"and as much as i hate that, i think we'll have to expect some sort of—" he stopped, searching for the right word, while spotting a disgusted expression "involvement with each other"
"we don't need to be friends" harry shrugged and hermione nodded. ron rolled his eyes, annoyed that they were even talking with malfoy in the first place and ginny just seemed confused, as blaise raised his hand and waved at her, blowing her a kiss in the next second.
"i agree" draco nodded "but theo is, sadly, too kind for his own good"
"yeah" mattheo added as he saw the confused look on harry's features "he wants to make sure that there is no animosity between us and y/n's friends, as he put it"
"well, that's nice" hermione nodded impressed.
draco send her a tortured expression. "yeah, whatever"
"we just wanted to make sure that all of us agree to be respectful of theo's and y/n's relationship" enzo smiled and immediately received an elbow from draco to his side.
"no need to be so cheerful about it" the blonde boy muttered.
"anyway" hermione concluded, with a stern undertone in her voice, as she stepped next to harry, "we should all do what is best for our friends, right guys?" she turned around to also receive ginny's and ron's agreement.
ginny nodded "of course" before she nudged ron, until he reluctantly nodded his head as well.
"great" draco nodded, before he outstretched his hand to shake harry's "potter"
"malfoy" harry replied as he shook the boys hand, agreeing to give their rivalry a rest for the sake of their friends. "we're still going to destroy you in the game today"
"wouldn't expect any less" draco almost smiled.
the boys turned around to leave, blaise hitting harrys shoulder in a friendly manner, before they were interrupted by theo and you coming around the corner, laughing.
"hey guys" you greeted and to the gryffindors surprise, the slytherins replied to your greeting, which didn't seem as forced as them talking to your friends before.
theo nudged your shoulder, saying a quick goodbye, before he left you with your friends and followed his friends out of the courtyard.
"what the fuck?" ginny said the moment the boys had been far enough away and you had sat down in the grass beside her.
"i can't believe what just happened" hermione seemed just as surprised and harry nodded. even ron did not say anything.
"what?" you laughed as you looked between the stunned faces of your friends.
"i think draco malfoy just apologized or something"
"he did?" you wondered as you turned in the direction in which the boys had disappeared.
"i don't know what you did" harry said "but it's clearly more powerful than any kind of magic i've ever witnessed"
"i think theo really really likes you" hermione muttered "at least enough to have a stern word with his friends. it's important for him that they behave"
"we hung out with them a few hours ago" you explained "they're friendly and quite funny. even draco, when he wants to"
"i can't grasp this" ron mumbled "just a little more than a week ago you said theodore nott speaking to you was the worst thing that's ever happened and now you're both basically married, blending your families like in that adam sandler movie"
"what is it with you and muggle television references?" ginny muttered confused, while ron just shrugged once again.
"well, i don't know" you smiled "i had feared that he would be totally different than what i had expected, but he isn't. he is even better than that. he's funny and kind and speaking to him is so easy"
"you're really like him, don't you?" harry asked and you softly nodded as your cheeks turned red.
"i do" you looked between your friends "is that okay with you guys?"
"if even draco malfoy behaves himself just because theodore told him to, i fear that he can't get any more perfect for you" hermione joked "so of course it's okay with us"
"harry?" you asked hopeful as all eyes turned to your brother, not even ron dared to protest.
"i just want you to be happy" he shrugged "and it seems like that's all what nott wants too"
you smiled while you hugged him. "i'll have to change before the game, are you coming with?" you asked ginny and hermione, who excitedly giggled at the possibility to hear all the details on your and theo's afternoon.
you took your time getting ready for the game, loudly singing along to your favorite songs as you looked for the perfect outfit and did your make up.
ginny and hermione exchanged glances anytime you would speak about theo and your smile was so big you looked like you could've burst.
you arrived perfectly on time to the game. it took longer than any other one you had watched, both gryffindor and slytherin being strong teams and constantly cancelling each other out.
finally the game ended, when draco caught the snitch and the points of the slytherin outweighed the gryffindors.
the mood in the gryffindor stands was quite sour, but you couldn't help but be a bit excited for theo, who had thrown a lot of goals.
"hey" you smiled as theo came out of the slytherin changing rooms. his hair still dripping from the shower he had taken moments prior.
"hey" he answered "where are your friends?" he looked around you, noticing the almost empty gryffindor stands. it was cute that he worried they had just left you here.
"oh, i told them to go without me" you shrugged "i wanted to wait for you" theo smiled as that.
"then lets go" he outstretched his hand and you took it, like it was perfectly normal for you both to hold hands. "there's a party, at the slytherin common room"
"are you inviting me?" you laughed and theo nodded.
"yeah, i thought maybe you'd like to come"
"ron was right, i am absolutely fraternizing with the enemy"
theo shrugged, but nodded "looks like we're both going to hell"
you laughed at that, but quickly stopped when he let go of your hand. you looked up at him in surprise, but he did not say anything. instead he used his now free hand, to open the castles door for you.
you turned around as you waited for him to enter and close the door too.
“well, and they say chivalry is—“ he turned around joking, but was quickly interrupted by you pressing your lips to his. his bag hit the ground with a thud, as he pulled you closer by your hips.
the world seemed to fade away as you melted into the kiss. theo's arms tightened around you, his fingers pressing into the small of your back as if he never wanted to let go. the warmth of his touch and the intensity of the moment sent shivers down your spine.
breaking the kiss, you rested your forehead against his, both of you catching your breath. theo's eyes were darker, more intense than you'd ever seen them. "i've wanted to do that since you made draco trip in our third year" he whispered, his voice husky.
"what?" you laughed.
"i think he said something stupid like he normally does, but you had that expression on your face, like you wouldn't just let him get away with it and before i could finish thinking about what you planned to do, you raised your foot and draco fell over"
"oh, yeah" you giggled "i remember that"
"he whined for weeks about you and your stupid gryffindor friends" theo explained "and all i could think about was that you were the most beautiful girl i had ever seen. i wanted to speak to you ever since then, but never had the guts to"
"what changed your mind?" your voice was just above a whisper as you looked up to him with big eyes.
"my friends and you"
you furrowed your brows, confused how he meant that.
"well, my friends always tried to get me to just speak to you, but what really got me to do it, was when you started seeing me. back in third year i wasn't even sure you knew my name and then you had that boyfriend for two years and i thought everything was over, but then we ran into each other at the start of the year, do you remember?"
"i do" you admitted truthfully. you remembered it so clearly, it was the moment you had begun to like him, as he went to grab your book, that had fallen out of your hands and smiled up at you with such kind eyes.
"you thanked me for getting your book" theo recalled "and you actually knew my name"
"i didn't know you liked me for that long" you said "i thought i was just having a one sided crush on someone i could never have a relationship with"
"it's very far from one sided" theo smiled "and i promise i'll be better than any boyfriend you have had before"
you smiled at him, before you once again connected your lips. he walked you backwards, until your back was pressed against the wall. you were sure you had never met someone that was so good at kissing.
"no ones ever had me" you mumbled between kisses and catching your breath "not like you, theodore nott"
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dream-with-a-fever · 22 days
i love the silver trio so much but it always grinds my gears when i remember that while neville and luna still don’t have that much screen time, you still get an essence of who they are as people. their personalities, their morals, their relationship dynamics with other characters (like harry) and yet ginny, despite being a bigger character than both of them, and being harry’s future partner, mother of his children, most important person in his life (to name a few), ginny has exactly ZERO opportunity to shine. unlike her pals, she gets little to no screen time, let alone scenes one-on-one with harry (which both neville and luna have), her entire personality is erased. everything that makes ginny who she is is removed.
it’s absolutely infuriating to watch. as an audience, how are we supposed to get to know her? to understand her? to understand why she is the woman harry wants to spends the rest of his life with? like i love luna and neville, they’re wonderful characters and additions to the story, but prioritising them over ginny in the films (and giving them additional scenes like luna and harry in the forest alone?? it’s a sweet scene but also??? harry & luna don’t interact like that in the books, not to mention luna is much more eccentric and unintentionally amusing in the books, more so than she is perpetually wise and friendly… like we couldn’t have the library scene or the ‘lucky you’ scene in ootp - arguably the most important scenes for ginny (and harry’s) development but we have time for luna to share some nice slightly ooc wisdom with harry? again, i love luna, and i love that scene too, but cutting other important scenes…?)
i could go on and on about this. but i just hate that she is so sidelined, and discarded in the films, despite being such an important character as an individual and in relation to harry. i’ll never understand you david yates. ginny, sweetie, i’m so sorry.
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artbymaranne · 1 year
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my lord and savior: Ginny Weasley 
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blvnk-art · 10 months
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just another sunny day for the Potter family
Ginny: James, if you hurt your brother... Harry: Albus! James: It's my turn! Albus: La la la I can't hear you Lily L: Am I or am I not your favourite daughter?
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