#ginneo ardana
Everyone in this doomed SBURB Session wants me carnally.
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Alpha Trolls Highest Kins
Damara Megido: Tatsuya Souo
Rufioh Nitram: Jake Long
Mituna Captor: Tatsuya Soudo
Kankri Vantas: Berdly 
Meulin Leijon: Sarah (Gumball)
Porrim Maryam: Makoto Nijima
Latula Pyrope: Cloud Strife
Aranea Serket: Wakaba Ishiki
Horuss Zahhak: Ayato Kamina
Cronus Ampora: Ginneo Ardana
Meenah Peixes: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Doc Scratch (he counts for, reasons): Alfred Pennyworth
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Batori Logaro and Ginneo Ardana from Alabaster the Doomed Session are Moirails.
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Batori Logaro and Ginneo Adarna from Alabaster the Doomed Session are moirails!
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flowercrownsylveon · 12 years
Help I'm getting feels over my friend's Homestuck fan adventure
Over characters who were meant to be terrible and hated and the worst fantrolls ever
But then somewhere along the line they suddenly character development and now I am gonna be SO SAD for the rest of the adventure omg Batori baby when did you grow up so much Gin look at that huge goofy grin come here let me hug you both and keep you safe
This is why we shouldn't let actual authors write adventures where they were never meant to win ;~;
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Ginneo is on the other end of the Equius Spectrum from Dirk.
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Tried to do a SBURB Session Simulator using the Alabaster cast.
It was Vamuin, Ginneo, Batori, Crossover, Renart, Sectra, Copycat, Ophiuchus, and Mnevia as the players.
It went like shockingly well, considering my previous game with my OCs (who are all mostly nice, semi-stable people) was an endless game of going insane, murder and the grim reaper killing you over and over and over again.
This went like, shockingly well.
Perhaps the funniest part was Renart just instantly stopping being a serial killer.
Probably the biggest piece of drama was that Ophiuchus and Batori dated for a while but then Batori cheated on Ophiuchus with Copycat.
I think Ophiuchus's hope powers helped a lot, he basically stopped the other characters from freaking out by existing, which I think helped. Also there were no outside threats like the first one where the Invincible Grim Reaper showed up in the first 10 minutes of the session :p
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Alabaster the Doomed Session Text Posts
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Ginneo: I'm a th-thirsty little flower. You have to water me. You ha-have to use your pee.
Crossover: I'm noT doing ThaT.
Batori: And just let hym fuckyng dye!
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Anyways here's the link to the session.
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Alabaster the Doomed Session Funions
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Batori is like, that one scene is RGU (I haven't seen RGU so don't judge me on this) where Saionji goes "Were all in coffins". That's her, that's Batori. Batori is aware of the ways everyone's basically doomed on some level, she's one of the few characters implied to have some form of knowledge about what's truly going on (beyond Renart and Ophiuchus), she's the one with the wall scrolling on her wall.
She's also the character who knows what going on with Ginneo (the character in the story who is most trapped in their metaphorical coffin). She's the one who saves him after she realized how screwed he is.
But i spite of this, she's the one who invites Renart, the doom of the session. Without her it never would of happened, but Renart really was already there, it couldn't have not happened.
Anyways Batori should pitch flirt with Crossover more.
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List of Alabaster Characters Based on Whether of not you can take the uncomfortable sexual tension out of them and still have them be a character.
You can take it out and they still work: Ginneo, Batori, Renart, Ophiuchus
You can't take it out of them: Vamiun, Sectra, Crossover, Mnevia, Tozy
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Lost One's Weeping is a Ginneo song.
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The Alabaster Cast are funny bc they'd all end up in the dream bubbles if Vamiun wasn't a moron.
Ginneo Ardana, painting a beautiful and sensitive portrait representing his inner turmoil: i had no idea (inserT planT) was an invasive species in the brooding caverns
Batori Logaro, painting a photorealistic rose: zey are! zey’re so vydespread that yt's almost ympossible to contayn, and yt really hurts my heart
Tyanha trying so fucking hard not to call them homophobic slurs because Mnevia told him she’d get extra dice rolls if he behaved for once in his fucking life:
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