Heart break
This innocence I feign
is nothing but a source of pain
this heartache used for my own gain
this darkness acts as the cruellest chain
I feel myself begin to quail
But bravery alone cannot avail
only pain and sorrow now prevails
heartbreak so bittersweet, like a fairy tale
yet I am here and shall remain
allow the beauty of this world to reign
will this sacrifice be to no avail?
this fragile peace feels too frail
might it be swept away in the next gale?
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Character Flaws
When creating characters, it's all too easy to envision the most perfect people, especially when it comes to creating love interests. Even our loveable morally grey characters are mostly perfect, if only they would stop killing...
So, here are a list of some flaws (based on personality, not appearance) to help round out your characters. While it's nice to be good at everything, it's abnormal. No one is perfect, and your characters will be much more relatable if you knock them down a bit.
Please note, none of these are (specifically) mental disorders, as I don't consider those a character flaw.
The Good (aka little flaw):
Absent-minded, aimless, argumentative, audacious, awkward, blunt, bold, boring, capricious, childish, clumsy, competitive, complainer, cowardly, critical directionally-challenged, dubious, finicky, fixated, flake, flirty, foolish, gossipy, gruff, gullible, hedonistic, humourless, hypocritical, idealist, idiotic, ignorant, illiterate, immature, impatient, impetuous, impulsive, incompetent, inconsiderate, indecisive, indifferent, indomitable, irrational, lazy, lustful, materialistic, meddlesome, meek, mischievious, nagging, naive, nervous, nosey, obnoxious, overambitious, overconfident, overemotional, overprotective, overzealous, passive-aggressive, paranoid, peevish, perfectionist, pessimist, pest, predicatable, pretencious, prideful, rebellious, renege, rigorous, sarcastic, skeptic, seducer, selfish, self-righteous, shallow, slacker, solemn, spacey, spoild, squeamish, stubborn, supersticious, sycophant, tactless, tease, tempermental, tenacious, theatrical, thoughtless, timid, unpredictable, unsupportive, vain, workaholic
The Bad (aka big flaw):
Addiction, adulterous, aloof, anxious, apathetic, arrogant, belittling, belligerent, bigmouth, bitter, bully, callous, deceptive, dependant, deranged, dishonest, disloyal, disrespectful, egotistical, envious, erratic, exploitive, fanatical, fickle, fierce (at the extreme), gluttonous, greedy, harasser, hubris, impious, infamy, intolerant, judgemental, lewd, liar, meglomaniac, morally grey, narcissistic, negligent, obsequious, obsessive, offensive, prejudiced, quixotic, reckless, rigid, self-martyr, self-righteous, short-tempered, spiteful, squanderer, stingy, unethical, unforgiving, untrustworthy
The Ugly (aka cross the street when you see this person):
Abusive, bigot, controlling, cruel, explosive, immoral, inhumane, intolerant, machiavellian, manipulative, murderous, neglectful, oppressive, racist, remorseless, possessive, self-destructive, threatening, treacherous, vengeful, vindictive, violent
The seven chief features of ego: self-deprecation, self-destruction, martyrdom, stubbornness, greed, arrogance and impatience.
Some of these may not even be considered flaws, and some may jump from one category to the next. It's all about how you present these flaws in your characters.
Have any more to add? Did you find this useful? Let me know down in the comments :)
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The night writes you in my veins, beloved. In the silence among the stars I find you. The pale moonlight crowns you like a garland, and the fragrance of midnight twines around your fingers like a caress.
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Terms every writer should know
Here’s a quick cheat-sheet to some common terms you may run into during your writing career!
Alpha reader: A person that reads the manuscript with the knowledge it is unfinished and provides content feedback & support (like a coach, mentor or friend).
Beta reader: A person that reads the manuscript for the purpose of finding plot holes, sensitivity issues, and provide feedback, pre-publication.
Back matter or End matter: Additional content at the end of a book, such as acknowledgements, author bio, afterword, etc.
Front matter: Content preceeding the beginning of a book, such as publication information, dedication, title page, table of contents etc.
House: A publishing house.
Developmental editing: Editing that helps develop the content of a book, point out logic, inconsistencies, and focus the idea.
Line editing: Editing that helps the consistency and concision of the author’s style, finds redundancies, and fixes grammar.
Copy editing: Editing that focuses on grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary.
Passive voice: In passive voice, the subject is the person or thing being acted upon.
Active voice: In active voice, the person or thing performing the action serves as the subject of the sentence.
Flash fiction: Extremely short stories, usually of up to 1,000 words.
In medias res: Starting the narrative from the middle of the story.
Deus ex machina: Term for a common trope where all issues are resolved by a god-like force, typically when one writes themselves into a corner and cannot resolve the conflict in any other way.
Head hopping: A common error in narrative perspective, where the writer gives access to internal thoughts of two or more characters within a scene.
Dialogue tags: Sentences that frame dialogue to let the reader know who’s speaking.
Story beat: A structural element of narrative that signals a shift in tone, plot, or character. Can be used for chapters, scenes, and outlines.
Pacing: The rate at which a story progresses.
Pinch point: An event in the plot that adds pressure to the characters.
Plot point: A major turning point in a story structure.
Logline: The story summary in one single sentence, much like a premise or an elevator pitch.
Synopsis: A detailed description of a story’s plot, for the purpose of sharing with literary agents.
R&R: Revise & resend: A changed or revised manuscript requested by agents or editors.
Manuscript: The main body of an unpublished book.
Shelf time: The time during which you set aside your project to come back to it with a fresh perspective.
Zero draft or vomit draft: A draft written by the author solely for themselves, used to get the story out on the page without external pressure.
Exposition: Where background explanation about the story, world, or characters is provided.
Subtext: The meaning behind the text, the dialogue, the plot, or the characters.
MC: Main character.
Motif: An image, phrase, or symbol repeated throughout the book for thematic significance.
Theme: The moral statement, argument, or question at the heart of a story.
Trope: A cliched story element, particular to certain genres.
Save the post so you can find them easily 😊
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subtle ways to include foreshadowing
one character knowing something offhandedly that they shouldn't, isn't addressed until later
the crow rhyme
colours!! esp if like, blue is evil in your world and the mc's best friend is always noted to wear blue...betrayal?
write with the ending in mind
use patterns from tragic past events to warn of the future
keep the characters distracted! run it in the background until the grand reveal
do some research into Chekhov's gun
mention something that the mc dismisses over and over
KEEP TRACK OF WHAT YOU PUT. don't leave things hanging.
unreliable characters giving information that turn out to be true
flowers and names with meanings
anything with meanings actually
metaphors. if one character describes another as "a real demon" and the other turns out to be the bad guy, you're kind of like...ohhh yeahhh
anyways add anything else in the tags
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What the F even is Show not tell?
Show not tell is a very popular writing advice… But what does it mean?
The amount of advice about showing instead of telling that you’ll find out there can be very conflicting, and most of it focuses on the wrong things.
Really, you can apply the “show not tell” aspect to most elements in your writing.
You can apply it to:
Imagery: The wind was blowing. (Tell) → The branches knocked stubbornly against the window. (Show)
Narration: She was brave for as long as I knew her. (Tell) → Even when we were children, she’d stand up to the teachers who raised their voices at her. (Show)
Emotion: This caused him to feel sad and he didn’t know what to say. (Tell) → This caused his shoulders to sag, and his mouth emptied of any viable words that could fill the silence. (Show)
But you can (and should!) also think about applying the advice on a larger scale. Your chapters, for example. They shouldn’t just tell your reader what happens, but immerse them fully, and show them the moment you’re describing. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that your chapters should be designed as a whole to SHOW a certain point your story is trying to make, through the subtext of its scenes.
Your book as a whole, should also be one big Show not tell!
This means you should have an underlying message of what your story is truly about, and your whole book serves to show us that message → therefore no chapter and no scene is there for the sake of being there, but has a purpose.
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“Is there any point in public debate in a society where hardly anyone has been taught how to think, while millions have been taught what to think?”
— Peter Hitchens
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Is encanto really as good as everyone thinks?
i know it may seem like im a bit late to the party but the truth is when i saw encanto first getting popular it felt strange.
it felt like i watched a completely different movie ngl and i kept my mouth shut back then because i didnt wanna ruin the fun for everyone else lol
but tbh im pissed off at disney and i cant keep my mouth shut for any longer now.
let me just, get to the point-
Encanto is a terrible movie that fails at the fundamentals of story telling
you see, if u manage to see through the tears and actually pay attention to the plot of the film, it is so b a d
now i'll give them credit where credit is due, they had a really interesting concept and very good ideas
but they executed it so poorly its laughable.
you see, this film isnt a film
its a cash grab on the name of nostalgia and emotions
idk abt other peope but to me, encanto felt very empty. From the way i see it, disney just wanted to make the next frozen with touchy feely themes about family and love and healing and runions but it sort of failed.
the characters in encanto seem extremely shallow. the "development" they get (.i.e. isabella, luisa, abuela etc) dosn't really feel like true development. it seemed extremely artificial and almost felt like an act disney was putting on to fool everyone else into thinking that they're actually good in writing characters. i mean sure, they have distinct personality traits, trauma, backstories and everything a character needs to have depth but what undermines this imo is the plot.
now idk if i just have a taste for suspenseful thriller movies or something but i enjoy a nice touchy feely movie alright (for instance Up) but encanto really lacked the substance it needed for it to truely shine.
Im gonna use Up as an example to explain what i mean
in the beginning of up, in the very first few minutes carl and ellie's characters have light years more personality then mirabel or luisa for example. The plot itself enhances it.
In the beginning of up, its very clear that carl is intorverted and uncertain, he wants more from life. he wants to go on adventures but he needs someone to be there for him. he needs someone to provide certainty and comfort even in chaos.
and ellie does exactly that. Her very first impression on carl and the audience makes it clear that she's very much into adventure and is the sun to carl's moon.
now what about isabella and mirabel?
they uh
have sister....problems...
isabellla is a people pleaser i guess?
and what does the plot do to enchance this?
they make the dinner go wrong becuase of bruno's rats and mirabel gets blamed for it so isabella doubles down on her inner flaws???
like i get what they were trying to do with mira and isa's characters and what theme they were going for but it just fell really flat. the writing really failed in making me care about them or their issues. they seem like caricatures of real people who probably exist but they seem very one dimensional and flat.
honestly i think encanto would've been a lot better if it was a show as that would give the writers more time to flesh out these characters and make them loveable.
And this brings me to the most saddening part of this whole thing....
Disney dosn't care
they dont care that their ip would've benefited from being a show instead of a film, or that the final product is trash. All the care about is make touchy feely movies with the same theme and the same messed up message about love and boundaries over and over again with the same highly merchandisable characters that'll have the dolls and dresses flying off of the shelves because that's what it ultimately comes down to.
They don't care because they don't have to
Its simple really. they dont care because they're so absurdly big that it dosnt matter if they keep making terrible movie after terrible movie, uninspired sequel after uninspired sequel (lookin at u, frozen 2) because so many people are attached to the walt disney brand that they'll watch it regardless and buy the terrible quality merch without a second thought for their kids to play with so they can grow up and do the same thing to their kids.
Its tragic that this is what the beautiful medium of animation and film has come down to.
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Can we please make "Dunk on Disney" December a thing? Like we could just bash tf out of Disney for all of their fuckups over the years. From filming part of Mulan 2020 in a place with concentration camps, saying they support the LGBTQ community when they barely have any representation of the community in their films (the little there is being relegated to to side characters making it easy to cut out for places like China) AND cancelled a film that contained LGBTQ rep (Nimona) + killing a bunch of puppies while filming "Snow Buddies". Like seriously, there's so much shit to absolutely clown on the company for.
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Enid: Let's play 21 questions, I'll start! What's your favorite color?
Wednesday, insanely focused: Traingle. Are you interested in women?
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The Golden Child Part III
SAGAU & Impostor AU where the reader is the child of the actual creator.
Warnings: Blood, talks of kidnapping, mention of suicide.
If you haven't read part 2 yet, you can find it here.
Deep down, a dozen meters below the ground, a wounded man awake with a jolt.
The ground below him was wet, undoubtedly thanks to the pool his blood had made. Every inch of his body hurt like hell. There was a gaping wound on his side, his left arm was twisted in an uncomfortable way, and his head felt like it wasn't really attached to the rest of his body, the migraine making a simple job like opening his eyes fill him with absolute pain. Downsides of having a mortal body, he supposed.
Upon glancing upwards, he found that he couldn't see the top of the cave. It was just a large hole that went on and on, but he guessed he must've been deep into the earth for not even being able to see the light of the day. That, or it was nighttime already.
It took him a couple of minutes to stop feeling dizzy. He just concentrated on breathing, trying his best to ignore the sting of his wound every time he inhaled. Once the world stopped spinning, he got up.
First, he tried to sit up, but having the strength of only one arm only made things more difficult. He failed two times but managed to succeed on the third. Now he could see the area better and found that his guess of a cave wasn't entirely wrong. It was just rock, water, and gravel everywhere; with a couple of passages that went beyond what he could see thanks to the dim light his vision offered. What surprised him, though, was to find a lonely patch of grass and flowers below him. The grass was thick and soft, that was what undoubtedly cushioned his fall. The flowers were below his arm and head, so they were supporting his wounded extremities in an attempt to not aggravate his existing wounds.
A groan alerted him, and turning his head quickly, he was able to see another figure with him, laying down unconscious on the ground and doing considerably worse than him. Still feeling a bit dazed, he was able to reconstruct the events that led him to his point.
He fought in The Chasm! Then lightning struck and both him and the other man fell down. So this is where they ended up, huh? He had no idea how to get out or if it even was possible to find an exit.
But he still needed to try. He had to get to you.
He could sense a wall nearby. His only good arm waved all around, trying to find something hard to land on and help him stand. All this darkness was doing nothing to help his migraine.
What he found, though, was not a rocky wall but instead a firm torso of a person. The shock made him recoil with a yelp, trying to get away but failing to do so thanks to the pain in his legs and waist. So, sitting on the floor, he could only look up to try to see who was in front of him. For a second dread took over him, thinking that the other man had woken up and was ready to strike him again; however, he could still hear him breathing heavily right where he found him. So, who was this?
A flicker of light emanated from his vision, and the slight glow was enough to let him stare into the deep, blue eyes of blond man. He wished there was more light to see him, for all he could distinguish was a suit adorned with a cape and a mask covering the right side of his face but letting his eye visible. He didn't know what to make of him. Why would such a man be right there, deep into the underground of The Chasm?
"You..." He heard the stranger say, but couldn't really discern what was said next. It was as if all the blood rushed right to his head, making it impossible to hear anything but muffled words.
His vision blurred once again. And, even though the stranger moved to support him, he still fell down as the world was spinning around him.
And, in just that instant, he lost consciousness once more.
It was only nighttime... It hurt to think that it was only this morning the moment where you lost everything you held dear to your heart.
Your eyes were fixated on the bonfire in front of you, simply watching the flames dance as you tried to avoid having any type of thoughts that could make you break down in front of this group of mercenaries. To anyone who saw you, it would give an eerie feeling. But this was the only way you had to remain strong. If you didn't think about what happened, it would be the same as if it never happened, right?
The party that previously raided Gandharva Ville was strong in numbers; however, the group that you were in now roughly had six people in it. It was just you, the man that carried you in his shoulder throughout the forest, three more guys and two women. It seemed like this was the main group, and everyone else you saw in the ville was just a reinforcement.
Contrary to what anyone could've thought, the atmosphere in the improvised camp was pretty lively. One girl and one guy stood relatively far to keep watch, but the four remaining members were keeping you company around the fire, telling jokes and sharing some pretty interesting stories between them.
Even though you weren't really in the mood to laugh, you still pretended to listen to them. Some of the jokes even made you smile, but it was pretty evident you were feeling a little down.
And so, one of the men sat down beside you, looking down at you with a warm smile. Thanks to the little time you spent with them, you saw him as the most friendly of all.
"Hey there, little one." He said. "Do you feel tired yet?"
It was pretty late. But still, you shook your head.
"I see..." He took a look at the empty tent. "Do you feel cold in there?"
You shook your head once again. "No, it's okay. I just don't feel tired."
"If I were you, I'd be dying to get some rest!" The woman laughed, managing to capture the attention of the group. "When I joined the Eremites, the worst part was getting used to three hours of sleep a day!"
The guy in front of her nodded, agreeing with her.
"Yet you survived. How I wish you didn't."
She threw a rock at him while the rest of the team laughed at them it even managed to make you chuckle. Your companion seemed to light up at this.
"We are just worried about you. I know that we were paid to escort you, but even then we know better than to let a kid be uncomfortable during the night." He ruffled your hair.
"Yes, the original plan was to retrieve you sooner to get you to Lord Sangemah Bay before nightfall. Alas, things happened but now we can deliver you as early as dawn."
You knew that this group of people was more than capable of traveling during the night. However, things were more difficult with you joining them. Part of the deal was delivering you safe and sound, so the best course of action was camping for the night to avoid any confrontation with other possible ruffians or running into some forest watchers.
You hugged your knees to your chest, glancing once again into the fire.
"Who is... Lord Sangemah Bay?" You asked timidly. Your father was the one to say that name, so you guessed that they were somewhat close if he trusted him with you. "What are they like?"
"We don't really know." Said the woman. "We were hired through a third person. We thought this was a simple kidnapped at first, but that butler was really adamant about letting us know that you would willingly come with us once we said that Lord's name."
"But everyone know they are disgustingly wealthy." Hummed one of the men.
"And they love to work, too." She interjected. "They have all that money, a handful of servants, even a big mansion! And yet they're never home. People hang around their house all day long just to catch a glimpse of them."
How could your father even know such a person?
Every new fact you learned about this mysterious lord did nothing to calm your anxiety down.
"But don't worry. Even if they're known for being pretty selfish when it comes to money, you wouldn't know how much they paid to ensure your safety... For someone so frugal, you sure mean a lot to them."
Now you were really curious to see who this Lord was.
For now, it was getting late. And even though you wanted to stay awake, in just a few minutes you were already sound asleep in the arms of the eremite, right in the middle of his explanation of the rules of Genius Invokation.
They didn't have the heart to let you sleep in the tent alone. So, they kept you company all night long, filling the atmosphere with joy and laughter, even at the expense of those who lost on the card game.
Morning soon arrived.
The group was used to spending the night camping, for the moment you woke up everything was already packed and everyone wad ready to depart. They even prepared a little breakfast for you, something light that you could eat along the way.
As you walked alongside the eremite, your final destination drew near.
'The Palace of Alcazarzaray' was how they called it. And surely, the word 'palace' wasn't enough to describe the magnitude and majesty of the construction. You've never seen such a beautiful home before... Your eyes shone like stars, completely entranced by the scenery.
As expected, there were already people gathered in front of the bridge leading to the manor, trying to bribe or persuade the servant there to let them pass. He stood there emotionless, as if this was a sight he was accustomed to see every day.
When your group approached the entrance, the other guests seemed to notice you, for every one of them gasped in shock and fear and moved out the way swiftly. The servant also recognized you and immediately stood aside to let you through.
"W-welcome back!" He said. "The butler is already waiting for you!"
The leader nodded and signaled for you all to keep walking. The passersby now were pretty curious. Why would the mysterious Lord associate themselves with the Eremites? It wouldn't make sense unless... the Lord was using them for some illegal activities.
One of the people present seemed pretty suspicious about this. Red eyes took a long look at the group of mercenaries entering the palace that he himself designed, silently worrying about the whole ordeal. Was this worthy enough to be reported? He didn't have any proof of any possible accusation against the Lord; for all he knew these Eremites were only simple guests (Yes, the Lord doesn't have guests, but there's a first time for everything) or were here to make business regarding trade and commerce.
While debating what to do, he caught a glimpse of another person between them. More than a person, it was a child. They were walking in the middle of the group, the grown bodies of the Eremites shielding the kid from any prying eyes. As if no one was supposed to know that there was a child traveling with them.
If they weren't suspicious enough, now they had all his attention. There was a kid in the middle of everything...
Were they in danger? Kidnapped? Sold to a foreign rich guy? A hundred scenarios ran through his head, maxing him more and more anxious.
In the end, he wasted no time in turning around and starting to run in the direction of his -temporary- house. He had to get there, fast.
The Palace was as beautiful on the inside as it was from the outside. As you all entered, the big reception hall welcomed you, followed by a few servants that immediately started asking about you, if you were feeling uncomfortable, if you were thirsty, hungry, and a large number of etcetera. It got overwhelming pretty fast, so you hurried to find cover behind the lady eremite you spent the night with. She only laughed and ruffled your hair, telling you that these people just were concerned about you.
The butler approached the group and bowed to them. "The Lord is on the way here. We sent the message that you were coming as soon as it arrived here, but the Lord—"
"Insisted on also go looking for you herself!"
The grand doors opened with a loud thump. You looked expecting to find this mysterious and mighty Lord that everyone was talking about...
Only to find a colorful, petite woman standing there and smiling.
"Lord Sangemah Bay, the Eremites you hired have returned. It seems that they were successful." The butler said.
"Of course they were!" She laughed. "After all the money I paid them, that was the less they could do."
The leader of the group approached her and crossed his arms. "Well then, I guess our job here is done. It was a pleasure doing business with you."
The little woman waved at him, as if that was her way of saying goodbye. The Eremites hesitated for a second. So, was this the end? Were they supposed to leave you here and go on with their lives? She raised a brow, inquiring them silently. This alerted the butler who promptly ushered the mercenaries to get out of the house. It took a few seconds, but now you were alone with the Lord and all her servants.
The lady turned to look at you, and before you knew it, she was gripping your cheeks with such force that even the skin was starting to turn red.
"Look at you now!" She exclaimed. "It was such a long time since I last saw you!"
She didn't lessen her grip. It was starting to hurt.
"My Lord, I think that's too much..." The butler advised.
She soon realized that he was right. Your cheeks were set free, at the expense of being drowned in a tight hug. "But I've missed them so much! I deserve to touch them a little!"
Those words were pretty confusing, as you were sure you didn't know this woman.
You raised your head slightly, as she was barely a few centimeters taller than you, and looked into her eyes.
"Excuse me, Lord..." Your voice came out quite shy. "But I don't think I know you."
You thought she would get angry. But instead, she laughed.
"Of course you wouldn't remember! I'm your aunty Dori. You were just a baby when I held you in my arms."
Aunt? Was she a family member? But your father had no remaining relatives, and your parent...
"Of course, not related by blood. I'm just a close friend of your father, we've known each other since we both started our life as merchants." She explained. "I got to know you some time after you were born when I went on a trip to Liyue. You were so cute back then! Of course, you're still adorable now. You big eyes shine with a glow that even the glimmer of mora pales in comparison to them."
Dori rambled on and on. She still held you close to her, telling the story about how she met your father in a business trade and started to exchange letters with him weekly. It was your dad who told her that he was getting married, and even the moment you were born... It sure felt like she was a silent aunt watching over you without your knowing.
During her monologue, the butler and some servants guided you to the living room, where tea and refreshments were served for you to eat.
"... And then I found out what happened yesterday in Liyue."
Ah, those were the words that made your heart drop to your stomach. You were still not ready to assimilate what happened.
"When you have eyes and ears everywhere like me, news like these arrive fast." She shrugged. "I always knew your father was reserved about his partner's origin... Though now I suppose it was all to protect them from those people who labeled them an 'impostor'."
So, Dori thankfully also thought that having the same face as the Creator is not a sin. It helped you ease your heart a little.
"That's why you two fled here. Your dad knew I would help him." She looked into your eyes, frowning. "Word reached me that you entered Sumeru alone, that's why I also hired those Eremites to help me look for you. So tell me, what happened? Where is your father?"
The tea got stuck in your throat.
Tears filled your eyes. A choked sob escaped from your lips, and Dori felt a tug in her own heart at the sight of your small form start to cry.
She scooped you into her arms and tried to soothe you, gently caressing your hair as you couldn't retain your tears anymore and let them fall freely, holding onto the clothes of the woman as tight as you could, hoping to find some comfort.
You didn't have to say anything for her to understand what happened. She wanted to tell you that everything would be okay; those people wouldn't be able to find you here, and she'll be sure to protect you from those that captured your parent and now seemed adamant on capturing you.
However, she remained silent. Amidst the grief and mourning, she couldn't help but feel warm at the touch of your body. She was sure she only felt like this once before, when back in Liyue your father brought you along to meet her and she had the chance to hold you in her arms.
She had no words to console you, for all she could think of was this strange sensation... And if this all had anything to do with your parent and his title of 'impostor'.
A green figure searched through all of The Chasm.
Xiao, though he would not admit it out loud, was worried about the whereabouts of Zhongli.
After the... execution of their beloved and caring Holiness, every inhabitant present was struck by grief. After all, who would want to live knowing they took part in their Creator's death? Were not for the words of Lady Ningguang, he was sure more than one one person would've ended their life.
The fact that the Geo Archon faked his death was completely overshadowed by the main event that transpired. No one cared about Rex Lapis at the moment, they just wanted the child of their beloved Holiness to be back where they belong, to atone for the sins they've committed...
And for that, Morax was the first to chase them.
Xiao and the rest of the adepti were not as fast as him, when they finally managed to reach his location all they could find was a large, bottomless hole and remnant signs of a previous battle all over the place. In a hurry to find him they decided to split up.
Each one took a different route and started searching. For an entire day, they weren't able to find him or sense his aura. They still hoped for the best, though. The Chasm was a tricky place, they could not even feel the aura of their fellow adepti and they were all alive and well not far from each other. So, he had to be alive.
It was during the morning of the next day that Xiao managed to find him, clothes soaked in blood and resting his body in some ‐now- red colored rocks. In an instant, he was at his side checking his injuries and calling for his fellow companions in distress.
Zhongli tried to breathe normally. He was badly injured, his left arm broken from the fall and the wound on his side was still open and bleeding, staining the nature and the arms of Xiao.
"Please resist, master." Pleaded the Yaksha. "We will treat you soon."
"Huf. Huf. No— No..." Zhongli took the wrist of the boy in his hand. "Sumeru..."
His master's breathing became more irregular and labored. "Sumeru— They're in Sumeru...!"
He didn't care if he lived or died after this; he knew his people would do anything to retrieve you safely from that nation, so he at least needed to let someone one know your whereabouts before darkness took over him.
And so, he let himself fall unconscious in the hands of his acolyte with peace on his mind.
You were going to return home soon.
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Tips for Writing Interrupted Scenes
Scenes don’t always happen from start to finish. When you need to write interruptions, use these tips to get more confident about breaking up plot points and stitching them back together.
Pick an Emotional Cliffhanger
When your character gets the phone call about the job that could change their life, they hesitate to answer it.
A new chapter begins on the next page from another point of view.
But what happened with the phone call??
Your readers will keep going through the next chapter because they were left on an emotional cliffhanger with a character they love. The break won’t seem as natural as others, like ending a chapter when your character goes to bed or leaves a venue.
Plot Your Scene Breaks
Write a rough plot line, even if you don’t normally plan any outlines. It helps to know where your story is going so you can insert the rest of the scene more effectively.
Picture your character—they’re running a marathon and they’re starting the final mile. Their focus gets interrupted by something in the treeline to their left. It’s the childhood version of themselves, hanging upside down from a branch and waving. They have to go find out what that is, so the protagonist interrupts their race by sprinting into the woods.
Although the rest of the story may involve spooky moments and weeks or months of drama, the race never gets finished. Maybe the protagonist runs the same last mile after the event is over, when it’s back to being a regular street. They conquer the mile after completing the lesson or purpose of the plot.
That’s much easier to keep track of if there's a rough plotline to follow. Using bullet points can help or try writing a one-sentence description of each big plot moment on a sticky note.
Add More While Editing
If you have multiple moments that get interrupted, like broken dialogue or plot points, you may not remember to tie them together or make the break essential to the plot. That’s okay!
That’s what editing is for.
While you’re re-reading, make a list of every moment when something gets interrupted and another of when those moments get completed or resolved. You’ll easily tell what’s left unsaid that would otherwise feel like a plot hole.
You may not always have interrupted scenes in every story. When you feel like they’re necessary, I hope these tips help you feel more confident about writing and editing them. 💛
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👀 they way this artist renders is amazing holy shi-
he’s finally out of hoyo’s basement!!
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no cuz why does society put so much stress on 'u need to make art appealing to everyone else' and completely ignores the personal side to it which only an artist or a writer will get-
You are allowed to like your own writing. You wrote it, it's tailored to yourself, you should enjoy it. You took plain words and put them in a beautiful order to create an awesome story. Beat that imposter syndrome and be proud.
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