strangersatellites · 2 months
i'm not even kidding i've been thinking about this tweet all day.
so walk with me here - rivals to lovers steddie
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Steve Harrington, son of U.S. Ambassador Holly Harrington and only grandson of former U.S. President Steven J. Harrington, is the newest political correspondent at Vogue.
He's got an ivy law degree, a knack for vibrant journalism, and more charm than he knows what to do with.
He's got everyone at Condé Nast wrapped around his finger.
Everyone except creative photographer Eddie Munson.
Another rookie with a flair for the avant-garde, Eddie'd joined vogue only a few weeks prior with a spread that catapulted him to household notoriety.
If his eye rolls and cold shoulder are anything to go by, he doesn't take well to losing his spotlight.
That's okay. Steve is happy to keep them both in the limelight.
What's a new hot-shot job at the wtc without a whirlwind romance and the subsequent scandal anyway?
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fan-of-chaos · 3 months
I love how freaked out the Doctor was in every scene in this episode since Maestro appeared.
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ginsakatoki · 2 years
Heeeey, welcome to DMC fandom! Can I request general relationship headcanons for DMC boys? Just some fluffy stuff, like what kind of dates they are into, what kind of partner each of them are, into PDA or not, etc. But it's all up to you :)
Thanks in advance!
Hey there! I’ve actually been lurking in the fandom for a couple of years and only recently decided to write about it. Thank you for this request and enjoy!
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gif by @rainbow-cadenza
• I mentioned in a previous headcanon of mine that despite his loud personality, Dante is actually a shy lover. By this I mean: at first Dante will take quite a long time to acknowledge and address his feelings and even more to actually ask you out. You’ll need to be patient with him because he’ll shamelessly flirt as a joke but get flustered if you flirt back. Or expect you to understand that if he is standing next you in a specific way, he’s flirting for real and not joking.
Expert at not taking the hint. He’s used to people and things wanting to kill him so there is no way you’re interested in him that way, right?
He’s a weird unblended mix of an experienced womanizer and a teenager that has no idea what he’s doing.
It will be awkward at first not gonna lie.
When you manage to become a couple though, it becomes much much easier. All of a sudden all those weird moments and interactions vanish and the relationship starts flowing like you’ve always been by each other’s side.
Dante would want to go out on a date at least once or twice a week. He’s one of those guys that pretend not to want to be around their S/O all the time, but actually do. (He acts like a sad puppy when he doesn’t).
That said, due to his lack of money, he would prefer simple dates over anything else. A walk in the park, window shopping or cheap dates like cinema and bowling. 
He’s a sucker for mundane things. His life is full of adrenaline rushes and violence so he truly cherishes the few moments of daily life he gets. This, however, doesn’t mean he’ll just settle for calm activities. He would definetely drag you to an amusement park at least once to go on rollercoasters.
If you don’t handle scary stuff well, be ready because he’ll force you to go to haunted houses or watch horror movies just so you can cling to him and tease you about it.
He’s a really fun partner to be with and he feels more like a friend you can go on adventures with than a safe home to return to. 
He’s very protective of his loved ones so if you were ever in a pinch, he would come help you out any way he can. He’s not very book smart though, so you might not want him to help you with your studies.
His love language is physical touch so he loves, and i mean, loves PDA. He doesn’t care if other people are staring, let them be. If he wants to kiss you, he will. If he wants a hug, he’ll get it. No questions asked.
When walking in public he always has his arm around your shoulders, hips or holding your hands. He wants to feel you by his side, especially since he never knows whether it might be your last.
When holding hands, he runs small circles on the back of your hand with his thumb. It feels very intimate to him.
He adores kisses. Mouth, forehead, cheeks, neck, hands, wherever. He loves it.
Speaking of kisses, he is very intense when he kisses you. His lips will blend on yours stealing your breath away and he’s greedy, so he’ll always ask for more.
"Just one more… No no that didn’t count, one more"
Cuddles on the sofa are a must. He is a literal human heater so he’ll gladly warm you up in winter.
If you tend to have cold hands or feet he will warm them up for you but you have to warn him first.
That one time you put your cold feet on his legs without telling him first he literally screamed.
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gif by @CAPCOM
Vergil is a cold and diffident man. It will take him a long time to trust you and if he develops feelings for you, he’ll be in denial for the longest time. When he accepts his feelings, however, he won’t act on them and would consequently become grumpier with everyone. There would be a huge contradiction between what he feels and his behavior.
He might look at you like he wants to kill you and be thinking that you look very pretty with the clothes you’re wearing, for example.
His inner struggle wouldn’t really be caused by a disgust for feelings rather his intrusive thoughts take control  and start sabotaging him. For example he might believe that no one would ever love him so he isn’t allowed to love anyone. Or that he doesn’t deserve happiness because of all the pain he’s inflicted on others.
He would start ignoring you and crave your presence. If he saw you at Devil May Cry, he would go the other way but stay close enough to be able to see you.
Things would change if you asked him if he hates you. It is obvious to him that the answer is no and that his behavior is clearly misguiding you so he would try to be around you more.
Communication about feelings with Vergil is complicated so it seems unlikely that he’d confess them and get into a relationship. It’s more likely for you two to slowly get closer to each other until you both realize you’ve been acting like a couple without explicitly saying so. 
It starts with Vergil always be around for one reason or the other.
“That seems heavy, I’ll take it for you.”
“I just had a commission nearby, that’s all.”
“Didn’t know you would be here” “Vergil… I work here”.
He gets so flustered it’s cute. He turns away immediately though, so you never truly see him blush.
Like Dante, he likes mundane life so he loves walking around the city with you, going to theatres and museums and, obviously, visiting libraries and bookshops. 
He doesn’t speak much but he listens to everything you say and remembers every little thing. There’s a book you mentioned you like? He reads it and tells you his opinion. There’s an event you keep forgetting about? He reminds you of it, and so on.
His love language is complicated to pinpoint. I’m pretty sure he loves physical touch but, being the touch starved man he is, too much of it would make him short circuit. Same with words of affirmations. He grew up surrounded by hate so loving words are new to him, they would make him feel vulnerable and he hates that. 
It would take a lot of trust and time but he would learn to love cuddle time on the sofa or on the bed. He would even find comfort in laying on you and hearing your heartbeat.
Vergil as a partner would show his vulnerability to you and you only once he truly trusts you as in: he will allow himself to cry in your presence, but don’t expect him to allow you to see him cry. He will hide his face on your shoulder or keep his back turned on you. 
Besides his hurtful past and his feelings, Vergil worships you. You see in his eyes how much he cares for you, suddenly his grey eyes don’t seem so cold anymore. His touches are very light and delicate like he’s afraid to hurt you. 
Not his kisses. He usually has a lot of self control around you, but when he kisses you it all vanishes. They’re deep and passionate, like he’s trying to merge his soul to yours, and will hold you impossibly close. Because they’re so intense, kisses with Vergil aren’t that common and they definitely don’t happen in public.
PDA is a big no for Vergil. What’s between you two is no concern for other people and, as such, it must stay indoors. He will allow you to hold his hand or circle your arm around his but he won’t initiate.
Overall Vergil is a man you’ll need a lot of patience with but he will make sure you feel as loved as he feels.
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gif by @BlinchixOfRivia (Tenor)
Out of the three Nero is the most normal when it comes to relationships. If he’s interested he will show it, spend time with you and ask you out on a date. He’s pretty straightforward and honest so you really won’t have problems understanding if he likes you or not. 
He’s had experience in relationships before with his ex-girlfriend Kyrie (they’re still on good terms) so he knows how to act around a lover and is not the least worried about his feelings.
Despite acting and looking like a punk, Nero has a clean and mostly sorted out inner world. He has his good amount of issues, obviously,  but at least he isn’t as emotionally constipated as his father and uncle.
When in love, Nero smiles and laughs much more than usual which makes his interest pretty obvious. 
He has a specific tone he only uses with his S/O and I think that’s beautiful. It’s not really a puppy or lovesick one but his normally gruff voice becomes gentler and his words soft-spoken.
Nero would most likely enjoy going on interactive dates like cinema, concerts, skating or paintball.
Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT go to watch horror movies with this man. He might be a devil hunter but he’s terrified of ghosts. He will scream the girliest scream you’ll ever hear and tell everyone it was you. 
Dates with Nero are pretty frequent and spontaneous, but he’d like to go on a fancy date either once every two weeks or once a month. He likes eating good food and wants to spoil his partner.
During normal dates he probably takes the two of you to eat at Taco Bell or something.
He’s not exactly romantic or one for cliches so you’ll never see him serenade you or buy you flowers, but he’ll always show he cares in his way. For example he will always bring you a snack at work or help you clean your apartment.
His love languages are acts of service and quality time. He isn’t the best with words and physical touch is pretty neutral to him.
He doesn’t mind PDA, he’ll honestly go with the flow. If you like PDA he will drap an arm around your shoulders, hold you close to him and occasionally kiss your forehead. If you don’t, he’ll just hold your hand or pinky finger.
Inside jokes. A lot of inside jokes. People might say something about shoes and you’d start laughing for apparently no reason after throwing a look at each other.
He gives the best hugs, whenever you’re sad or not feeling well he just grabs you and hugs the problem away. You’re actually surprised by how well it seems to work everytime.
Being in a relationship with Nero means having Nico tease you all day, all week. They’re a 2 for 1 deal. You might be casually speaking or joking that she would come out from nowhere and tell you to go get a room.
Arguments with Nero happen pretty often because he has a short temper. However you found a nice way to end them quickly: pillow fights. Whenever you see that you’re having a disagreement you both grab a pillow and start hitting the other while stating out one of the reasons you are right. The one who wins the pillow fight, wins the argument.
Obviously, if it’s about an important matter, you’ll be responsible and talk it out as calmly as possible.
Some people see your relationship as childlike or teenage-like but it’s really healthy and it works for you, plus they don’t know how serious both of you can be about it.
Kisses with Nero are always surrounded by giggles, for some reason. You have so much fun with each other that even kisses can’t seem to be serious.
One of your favorite activities together is playing videogames. You once showed him Mario Kart and now he’s obsessed. Every Sunday you must have a Mario Kart tournament or he will get grumpy. 
You’re the only person he doesn’t mind losing to.
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Thank you for reading this, let me know what you think about it! I ended up writing a lot about this lol.
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carnivorousyandeere · 2 months
do you have designs for your jesters so i may draw them with my jester if you're cool with it
I would love that!! Thank you so much!!
I don’t truly have specific costumes in mind for them, besides their color palettes and masks— Gin’s being red, black, and gold; Tonic’s being green, white, and silver. Gin’s mask looks a little angrier, a little less-taken care of; the eyebrow ridges have a different angle to Tonic’s, and the paint is cracked with age. Tonic’s mask is neat, freshly painted— a slight downward slope of the eyeholes adds a touch of sadness. Their masks and costumes cover most of their “skin”— the shape of the clothing helps remind them of what humans might be shaped like. Both of them are also rather short and slim, like some gymnasts. Their true forms are more amporphous; out of the corner of your eye, you may see that what looked like wavy human hair moves like a snake or an underwater anemone, but when you blink and look at it again… it’s just hair. Though you usually won’t even see their hair, as they both wear the jester hats.
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arti-st-gallery · 10 months
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Happy with my collection so far 😀 dusting it isn't fun though.
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lexalovesbooks · 11 months
My controversial amazing devil opinion is uhhhhhh marbles > fair
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"Aya helps a cult open a portal to hell and disappears for 6 months when demons rain on Tokyo. Haru and Gin in this time know nothing and Gin is in full denial and has completely overwritten her memory of her as his manic pixie dream girl. Haru and Aya were in a band together and he helps Haru as her manager but he pretty much ignores her mental health. She is actively suicidal because she believes the demons are her fault, her savior (Aya) disappeared mysteriously after making her the lead band singer and leaving an unfinished song. Aya is canonically dating Gin but has an implied gay thing with Haru. Haru who has this awful fucking dress that doesnt fit her thats implied to be Ayas. Aya who did not communicate with anyone because she was too busy being put on a pedestal by her loved ones when she was majorly fucking up without their knowledge and Haru and Gin who were too sucked into their grief to rely on each other and no one communicates. In some routes this ends with Gin joining the cult to find out what happens and dying, or Haru suicide ideation letting herself get killed by demons. Also in the linked images only Haru and Gin get official designs. Aya gets a manga cameo design that is only semi-official due to the contested nature of the manga." - Anonymous
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"Game starts w his gf having been missing for 6 months but he's in extreme denial about it to the point of almost letting his gf's gf commit suicide bc she blames herself for demons destroying the city. He only speaks abt her like she's his manic pixie dream girl and actually it's discovered it's totally his gf's fault demons invaded the city to find this out he sometimes ends up joining the cult that his gf joined and trying to beat up some teenagers over it out of desperation. And once he finds out she causes demons ans then died abt he's like well 🙂‍↕️ she would want to protect this city. So yeah tldr he would he so less insufferable if he was butch abt his support of women's wrongs." - @benevadeca
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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cacklefrendly · 29 days
yknow what'd be two really messed up animals to turn into mermaids?????? frogfish and bobbit worms.
.....................................................SO WHAT IF GIN AND VODKA—
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elendsessor · 11 months
my favorite thing in megaten is doing everything you can to get one ending yet once you’re finally about to get an ending/the option appears for which endings you can do it’s none of what you were aiming for. idk why it’s just the ultimate “oh shit well guess i’m doing this now” feeling only this franchise can do with multiple endings.
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devilsnocturne · 1 year
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Read page from Right to Left
Pg 61 - 69
Chapter List
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strangersatellites · 2 years
ask and you shall receive !! part two of tarot-verse !! read part one here !!
“Robs, do you really think this is going to work?”
“Well normally I would say yes. It's pretty straight-forward and I don’t think you’re leaving a lot of room for misinterpretation. But at the same time, Eddie has been demonstrating some particularly impressive levels of obliviousness when it comes to the way you go all goo-goo eyes at him.”
Steve opens his mouth to dispute her claim, he does not go all goo-goo eyes at him, but gets cut off.
“That and the fact that he’s all in his head over a scenario he literally made up. So I don't know, it might be hopeless.”
Steve just blinks for a second.
“Wow. Thank you, Robin, for that very motivating pep talk.” He runs a hand through his hair. “I am feeling much more confident now, that's really great.”
She huffs on the other end of the line. “Well, I just mean that-”
He holds up a hand even though she can’t see him. “No, no. I got it.” He perks up at the sound of a door slamming in the driveway. “Hey, he’s here Robbie. I gotta go.”
Robin's screech has him pulling the phone away from his ear. “Good luck, dingus!”
“Thanks Robs. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
He hangs up and wipes his, now clammy, hands on the front of his jeans and psychs himself up.
“Come on Steve. Be cool.”
A musical knock that Steve would know anywhere sounds through the foyer and he has to tamp down the smile threatening to split his face. This is serious.
He swings open the door just as Eddie’s hand is poised to knock again and cuts him off before he can even start to speak.
“Okay. I know I asked you to come over so we could smoke and watch that movie you like but can I show you something first?”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrow but his smile doesn’t drop.
“Course, Stevie. Why so serious? What did you do, rob a bank?” He asks, shouldering his way past and making his way to the living room and hopping over the back of the couch.
Steve knows the moment Eddie sees them. His shoulders stiffen up and his breath catches. Steve hurries to placate.
“Hey, I know. I’m sorry just-” If he runs his hand through his hair again it's going to go flat but he can't break the habit. “Just let me show you?”
Eddie settles back into the couch and gives Steve a quick nod.
Steve takes a breath and grabs his stack of cards from the coffee table and settles on the other end of the couch.
Okay, Steve. Just like you rehearsed.
Another deep breath.
“Two summers ago Robin told me she wanted to learn how to read tarot. She bought a deck and tried to learn on her own, but she had a hard time memorizing what all of them meant.”
Eddie huffs a quiet laugh. “No shit. Shit’s hard.”
Steve laughs too. “Yeah, I know that now. But, she had a hard time with it so I told her I would learn and help her practice. And I did. And she got really good at it and she brought them everywhere and she did readings for people constantly. But then she eventually got bored and stopped.”
Eddie shifts and uncrosses his arms. Finally looks less like he’s ready to bolt.
“What, do you just have like a rolodex of stuff you’ve learned for Robin that she doesn’t care about anymore?”
“I think of it more like an old toybox.” This gets a laugh out of Eddie. “But this one– this one stuck with me. I forgot about it for a while but a while back, a few days pre-vecna oddly enough, I pulled a reading for myself and I wanted to show you.”
Eddie’s eyes dart between his own for a beat. He tilts his head a bit.
“I would love to see it, Stevie. But I’m not understanding what was so urgent about this. I thought it was gonna be about the whole,” he waves his hand around while he talks, “you watching me make myself look stupid the other day.”
Steve hates the dejected tone his voice has taken on behind his false bravado.
“It is! I mean, I’ve never thought you looked stupid. But, I mean I kind of goaded you into it, just– just let me talk you through this and I promise it’ll all make sense.”
Eddie sits back again. “Okay sweetheart. Wow me.”
Steve takes a deep breath because this part is a bit like baring his soul to Eddie.
“So when I pulled this reading. I was feeling really confused about what was in store for me. I decided to dust off my cards and see what happened.”
He pulls four cards right off the top of the deck and lays them out face down. Flips the first one.
“I got judgement first. Now, I know you know what it means, but I’m going to tell you my interpretation.”
When Steve looks back up at him, Eddie’s got his chin propped in his hand and the stars back in his eyes.
“Judgement told me to stop looking for things in the same places I’d always looked. That I should look somewhere different. Now granted I didn’t know what that meant yet, but it was just the start.”
Flips the second card.
The Moon.
“You would think that maybe I would’ve taken the hint with this one. It’s the one that tells you, ‘Hey! Stop lying to yourself! Listen to your intuition!’ But still I didn’t know what that was supposed to mean either.”
He skips ahead and flips the last card and Eddie looks confused and goes to flip the third card himself.
“Call me crazy, Stevie, but I think you skipped one.”
Steve bats his hand away.
“Shut up. I know that, but there’s an order to this story.”
Eddie puts his hands up in a gesture of innocence and Steve taps the fourth card.
The Lovers.
“This one made me finally start to piece this one together. Maybe I needed to start looking for a different type of girl, ya know? Clearly I was gonna fall in love and I needed to start looking in new places for whoever it was.”
He brings his eyes up to meet Eddie’s.
“Maybe a farmer’s market.”
Eddie throws his head back in a laugh.
“But this last card had me so confused because it didn’t fit into this lineup at all. In my experience, when a card doesn’t really fit, it might need to be read more literally. And I found out later that this one was meant to be taken very literally. Like, very.”
He flips the final card.
The Devil.
“Because a few days later, I met you.”
Eddie squints at him, but he's smiling.
“That feels like an insult, babe.”
Steve can literally feel his cheeks flush at Eddie’s effortless flirting.
“Okay, well I can only think of one person who was accused of devil-worship in this town, so.”
“That’s fair,” Eddie nods.
“And I had this stupid big crush on you before I even remembered the reading. When I did it got so much worse. And then, last weekend, I saw your cards and I thought it would be fun to see what kind of reading you would pull for me. Thought maybe that would be my chance to tell you how I felt. I was going to wait for you to tell me about whatever you pulled and then tell you I knew that already.”
Eddie shifts to sling an arm around Steve’s shoulder and lets him finish.
“But then I saw those cards and I knew you were making stuff up and I thought it was because you didn't want it to be you.”
Eddie’s face falls for a second before Steve bumps their noses together.
“But then you were being so weird at the farmer’s market so I talked to Robs about it and she told me we're both stupid.”
Steve feels more than he hears Eddie’s laugh.
“I would have to agree with Birdie on that one. Steve, has anybody ever told you you have an insane poker face?”
Steve hides his face and laughs.
“No, that's a new one.”
Eddie puts on his most dramatic voice again.
“Well allow me to be the first. Because that was a phenomenal performance. I had no idea that you knew I was talking out of my ass.”
“Well you do that a lot anyway, so.”
Eddie squawks and shoves Steve to fall backwards until he’s in his space, looking down with a blinding smile.
“So, cards tell you anything about a first date?”
Steve’s hands settle around Eddie’s waist and his eyes dart around his face.
“We could ask. But I can think of a better way to spend our time.”
Eddie bends down and nips at the side of Steve’s jaw, hums.
“Yeah? Hm. I think it might be worth an ask.”
Steve huffs and brings his his hands to either side of his face to tug him down.
“Shut up.”
Eddie’s laughing the first time their lips meet.
He bites and tugs at Steve’s bottom lip to get his attention.
“I can’t believe you called me the devil.”
Steve’s eyes are hazy and his smile lazy.
“Yeah but you’re my devil.”
Eddie laughs and leans down to peck at the corner of his mouth.
“And you’re my magician.”
tag list: @henderdads, @mightbeasleep, @gothbat99, @hotluncheddie, @steddie-there, @thefreakandthehair, @steddieasitgoes, @gayngerthings, @grapefruitgalaxy, @orangeandthefairroadkill, @hardboiledleggs, @corrodedcoughin, @punkharringtxn, @mackdaddyofheimlichcountyy, @ottokajiyehett, @toobluebrunette, @e0509, @booksandsience, @lohthus, @chaoticlovingdreamer, @4nemo1egend, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @adelicioustragedy, @wearelosersyoudumbfuck, @lightwoodbanethings, @trikigirl271, @initforthereadz, @dontwasteyourchances (if you got skipped or added, my apologies🫶🏼)
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alliedn · 1 year
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Gin casts Fire Bolt! (please open the image for better quality)
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ginsakatoki · 2 years
Can I request a Headcanon with Vergil and Dante (seperately) with an Umbra Witch Reader (if u know Bayonetta) if not, even just a Witch Reader is fine
Yes my dear, you can. I know of Bayonetta but I haven't had a chance to play it yet, so I'll write about a witch reader. I wrote this as a female reader (since you said witch) but let me know if you preferred it to be gender neutral.
Dante and Vergil with a Witch!reader
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gif by @rainbow-cadenza
Dante would be thrilled with a witch around. He's a curious man and he sure loves to understand how the supernatural works. Especially since he's seen pretty much everything, but a witch? He still has to meet one.
So when you burned a demon that was going to attack him when he wasn't looking and realized you had no weapons, he had to know how you did it.
"What was that? It almost looked like magic! Wait what?"
It took him very little time to accept that witches are real and showed you off to all his friends. Especially Nero, Lady and Trish.
Would definitely ask for the dumbest things though.
"So hey. Can you trasform this into gold? What. Bills won't pay themselves pretty lady!"
He also would ask you to use your powers to pass him the remote when he's too lazy to get up and get it.
He would be very disappointed to learn you are "just" a fighting kind of witch.
Other than that he would treat you like a normal person, he has his fair share of misfit friends so one more isn't a problem for him.
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gif by @CAPCOM
Vergil would be academically interested in your powers. Whether it be the demonic or human part of him, he would be intrigued and would want to know exactly how and why your powers work the way they do.
You met at Magoo, a shop that sells supernatural and occult books and materials you both were interested in. He noticed how you were struggling to get a book that seemed stuck between two others but, as he went to help you out, he noticed that the book started floating on its own into your hands.
He stared at you with a frown for a moment, conflicted whether to ask you about it or not. Thankfully for him, you asked if he needed anything.
"Show me that again... please"
He walked around you as if to check that there were no tricks.
"How did you do that?"
And that's how you started meeting each other trying to teach him the basics of magic and little spells.
He is so bad at it but don't tell him, he WILL get offended.
At first he only wanted to know about your magic to gain more power, but with time he realized that he enjoyed your company and the fact that you were not completely human allowed him to get out of his shell a little.
Out of the two, Vergil is probably the most interested in your magic and would even go out buying materials and books with you.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! I apologize if you preferred a more a combat oriented witch.
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carnivorousyandeere · 2 months
The Jesters.
Heavily inspired by Mr. Devil’s ( @heartfullofleeches ) work, so they are the Jesters’ godparent (devilparent?)
@hana-no-seiiki @sophiethewitch1 since y’all seemed interested in the Jesters too~
You’d heard tale of the twin jesters, Gin and Tonic— their ability to make the stoniest of people laugh, their incredible acrobatic talent, and, most curiously of all, their aversion to being seen without their masks.
Their performance is everything you’d expect.
Their bodies bend and contort in the low light of the tent, music and fog filling the air as they perform. People of the court laugh and jeer at the pair’s antics as one trips the other, then ooh and aah as they smoothly recover and land in improbable positions.
The pair begins to look throughout the audience for a volunteer. Gin— you think that’s her, the red outfit and almost angry smile on the mask— tiptoes behind you, and leans over. This close, you see cracks in the paint of the mask, the eye paint she wears under the mask clumped in her eyelashes as she stares into your soul. Tonic skips over from across the room, and reaches a green and white glove to you. Their eyes sparkle with a mirth and warmth that Gin’s don’t.
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animationismycomfort · 9 months
people demonizing Elliot on YouTube and the mischaracterization of Elliot in the second movie is not what I thought was gonna make me mad today but here we are
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