#gimli is my favorite
I can’t remember if I ever posted this before but I absolutely think about it all the time:
So the history of Tolkien’s world is absolutely riddled with threes, especially in regards to elves and the light of the trees (which is thematically tied to the time of the elves the way the sun and moon are tied to the time of men). There are some earlier threes, like the three Valar who contributed most to the creation of the physical world, (Manwe, Ulmo and Aule), and he corresponding three elements they represent (Air, Water, and Earth/fire). (One day I’m going to edit and release my rambling thoughts on the elemental symbolism in the Silmarillion and then they’ll all be sorry).
There are also three main races in Middle Earth, the Elves (who first had three awaken), then the Dwarves (who had seven, a number unrelated to three, but that makes sense since they are the adopted children so being ever so slightly out of tune with the rest makes sense) and then finally the Men, (who had nine originally awaken, aka three times three).
Then there are the groups of powerful artifacts that reflect those elements, first the Silmarils, which are fated to be lost to the sky, the fires of the earth, and the ocean. These obviously contain the light of the two trees, which is the light of creation. And then of course the three Elven Rings which parallel the Silmarils, not containing the light of the trees, but based in those same three elements and crafted by Feanor’s grandson: Vilya the ring of air, Nenya the ring of water, and Narya the ring of fire.
But here’s the thing parallel story beats also tend to happen in threes. A great example being “significant character held captive by the enemy in tower/tall place is rescued by a loved one who finds them by singing a song and having them answer” which happens first with Maedhros and Fingon, then Beren and Luthien, then Frodo and Sam.
So… where’s the third instance of three powerful artifacts based in the elements of creation in the story? It feels super weird that there isn’t a third instance of this.
My completely out there answer to this problem I just created is there is about to be.
Because one character just received three of something with the light of the trees in it, and has stated that he is going to make objects that sound extremely similar to the Silmarils with them;
Gimli is about to make the Silmarils 3.0 with Galadriel’s hair.
So let’s go back to the years of the trees real quick. Feanor asks for Galadriel’s hair, which she refuses to give him. He asks three times. Why does he want it? Well, we can assume it’s because the light of the Two Trees is said to be captured in Galadriel’s hair, and Feanor is obviously interested in figuring out how to capture the light of the Trees in physical objects, because he’s about to undertake the forging of the Silmarils, which are literally just physical objects with the light of the Two Trees in them. In at least one version Tolkien wrote that Feanor was inspired to make the Silmarils by Galadriel’s hair.
It isn’t a leap to think Feanor believes studying her hair can help him figure out how to make the Silmarils, or even that he originally intended to USE her hair to make the Silmarils. He obviously figures it out without whatever knowledge he would have gained from it, and he captures the light and puts it into imperishable crystal that according to the translation of elven history we are technically reading, no one else knows how to make.
But the elves don’t know the secrets of the dwarves. Who the hell knows if they have created a similar material. We do know that when Gimli is asked by Galadriel what he will do with her hair if she gifts it to him, he says he will encase it in imperishable crystal.
Which… to me… sounds like he’s about to make some imperishable crystal with the light of the trees in it. And that is basically a goddamn Silmaril. That is what a Silmaril is. HE JUST DESCRIBED A SILMARIL. Gimli is planning on making Friendship Silmarils.
And it makes sense that the last iteration of three powerful objects in the vein of the Silmarils would happen in the dawning of the age of men, because the significant number for Men is three times three. This would be the third instance of three powerful artifacts being made- three times three.
Also just going to point out that breaking into Valinor without permission is explicitly shown to be made possible with a Silmaril. And Gimli is the first dwarf to go to Valinor. Hmmm. That’s interesting.
I personally believe he’s the first dwarf to ever want to go to Valinor, and similar to Tuor, the Valar just straight up hadn’t set up a rule against it yet and that’s how he gets in. But crafting three Silmaril-esc items and bringing them to the Valar has so many juicy possibilities for what it would do for the world, especially the elves of Valinor, who at their strongest relied on the light of the trees that would be reflected in these objects.
Needless to say, whatever Gimli makes will be super powerful, but in the theme of Tolkien’s work, not as powerful as the objects they are reflections of. Power trickling down through the ages and being increasingly watered down is a constant in this world.
Also this is obviously a stretch. But I do think about it.
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maalidoesart · 4 months
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ruins of the past
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nathsketch · 1 year
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In 1954, on this exact day, The Fellowship of the Ring, the first part of The Lord of the Rings, was published for the first time by George Allen & Unwin, and the rest is history. I read it for the first time around the same time the movies were about to be released, in 2001, and I'll continue to revisit these beloved characters and wonderful places until the day that I die.
Happy 69th anniversary to our dear old friends 🧝🏻‍♂️🍃
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entishramblings · 1 year
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The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Art by Ise Ananphada
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pinemangoart · 9 months
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Hiiiiiii I just finished reading + watching the LOTR trilogy n wanted to draw my designs for the fellowship, they’re pretty similar to the movies tbh but it’s w/e :0
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tollundmen · 1 year
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rewatched lord of the rings and remembered about Them. more to come (perhaps).
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tathrin · 1 year
So we talk about Third Wheel Aragorn a lot, and that’s good because he is one of the Classic Third Wheels Of All Time, and the period with the Three Hunters running around Middle-earth while two of them are falling head-over-heels for each other is just perfection. In fact, we should have more Third Wheel Aragorn stuff, because it’s frankly the best of his many (many) identities, imo.
But. We do not talk enough about Third Wheel Éomer and Faramir.
Because think about it! These two dudes were running Rohan and Ithilien when Gimli and Legolas were establishing their new dwarf and elf colonies. Which means that while Aragorn was busy being The Shiny New King Of Gondor, the Prince of Ithilien and King of Rohan (who yes was also busy being king, but surely had less Shit To Deal With because Rohan didn’t have a whole bunch of Huge Social And Practical Changes when Éomer got crowned like Gondor did, now did it?) took over management of his Two Idiot Friends In Love.
And depending on how long it took Legolas and Gimli to figure shit out...well. Just picture Éomer and Faramir meeting-up periodically to talk about political logistics and brother-in-law stuff...and eventually the conversation is going to turn to mutual friends, as it does. And one of them has this absurd poet dwarf running around waxing euphoric about pretty caves, and the other this weird half-feral tree-elf gremlin prancing around singing to the flowers. And both completely and absolutely obsessed with each other...and seemingly unaware of it. Would they commiserate? Absolutely. Would they try and wingman it? Ooh, probably. Would they somehow find a way to make things even more awkward, somehow? Almost definitely. And when Legolas and Gimli finally do get together, they can commiserate over that, too.
Just. You canNOT tell me that there isn’t bucket-loads of potential here for shenanigans and nonsense. And we need to see more of that, I think.
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frodo-cinnamonroll · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about a LotR-HTTYD crossover. It would be crazy but awesome.
Gandalf and Gothi would argue about who knows what (probably about whose staff is better and other random things)
Merry and Pippin would get in trouble with Ruffnut and Tuffnut
Boromir would probably make friends with Snotlout and he'd convince him to visit Gondor sometime
Gimli would challenge Astrid to an axe-throwing contest. He would also argue with Stoic about whose beard is better
Legolas and Sam would learn about all the different dragon types from Fishlegs and Valka
Aragorn would enjoy talking with Stoic and Valka
And I can just see Frodo and Aragorn and Hiccup getting along. They'd probably talk about their burdens as ring-bearer and king and chief. I have a feeling Toothless would love Frodo and all the hobbits and would lick them 'till their curly hair was dripping but they'd still be terrified of flying on a dragon because hobbits don't like heights
*suddenly comes up with a bunch of ideas for fics and drawings...*
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coveredinsun · 3 months
what a thing to choose
In the case of Gimli Elf-friend and Legolas Dwarf-friend, certain questions might be posed: How many Dwarves had ever received a strand of hair from the Lady Galadriel, much less three? How many Elves had ever attended a celebration of Durin’s Day, much less one-hundred and fourteen?
Such was the way of the world that their love was fabled from the very beginning, and it would be ‘til the very end. Yet neither cared a smidge for the stories; they could live and die without a word ever being said nor written of them, and they would do so in perfect peace if they lived and died alongside the other.
CRAP i never made this promo post despite publishing this fic 3 months ago. anyways they sailed away together and galadriel vouched for them and im not even making that shit up i got the rotk appendix a “durin’s folk” on my side. so here’s some of that vouching. and also something of an exploration of anticipatory grief, the subtle nagging of time passing, etc etc. but also. Get Luthien’d Idiot.
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glitteringaglarond · 2 years
'We do not shape stone with battle-axes, nor with our finger-nails,' said Gimli. 'But I will help as I may.'
In which Gimli continues to prove himself thee funniest and wittiest character in these books with the most hilariously sarcastic response possible
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hereditary20l8 · 2 days
so funny how i dont really care about legolas. my mom loves him. and i was just watching a booktuber after she had watched the first two movies of the trilogy for the first time and she just mentioned how she cannot stop thinking about him. like ig i get the appeal bc hes an elf and he rarely talks and when he talks hes soft spoken. and he looks cool while using his bow and arrow. still words cannot describe how much i just don't think about him
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this is the ideal female body. you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.
(art by matt stewart)
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shrikeseams · 11 months
Please join me in contemplating noldor tool-maintenance culture.
You know whose assholes are just buck wild about things like keeping sharp edges on scissors and keeping mechanisms greased and clean of dust.
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bagheerita · 2 years
JRRT: And what gift would a Dwarf ask of the Elves?' said Galadriel, turning to Gimli.
'None, Lady,' answered Gimli. 'It is enough for me to have seen the Lady of the Galadhrim, and to have heard her gentle words.'
'Hear all ye Elves!' she cried to those about her. 'Let none say again that Dwarves are grasping and ungracious! Yet surely, Gimli son of Glóin, you desire something that I could give? Name it, I bid you! You shall not be the only guest without a gift.'
'There is nothing, Lady Galadriel,' said Gimli, bowing low and stammering. 'Nothing, unless it might be – unless it is permitted to ask, nay, to name a single strand of your hair, which surpasses the gold of the earth as the stars surpass the gems of the mine. I do not ask for such a gift. But you commanded me to name my desire.'
The Elves stirred and murmured with astonishment, and Celeborn gazed at the Dwarf in wonder, but the Lady smiled. 'It is said that the skill of the Dwarves is in their hands rather than in their tongues,' she said; 'yet that is not true of Gimli. For none have ever made to me a request so bold and yet so courteous. And how shall I refuse, since I commanded him to speak? But tell me, what would you do with such a gift?'
'Treasure it, Lady,' he answered, 'in memory of your words to me at our first meeting. And if ever I return to the smithies of my home, it shall be set in imperishable crystal to be an heirloom of my house, and a pledge of good will between the Mountain and the Wood until the end of days.'
Then the Lady unbraided one of her long tresses, and cut off three golden hairs, and laid them in Gimli's hand. 'These words shall go with the gift,' she said. 'I do not foretell, for all foretelling is now vain: on the one hand lies darkness, and on the other only hope. But if hope should not fail, then I say to you, Gimli son of Glóin, that your hands shall flow with gold, and yet over you gold shall have no dominion.'
Me: this fucking scene 😭❤
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tathrin · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Friends, if I send you this but you already answered it, please forgive me; now that the icons are gone, I have no idea who has posted what anymore thanks tumblr.
Anyway anon, thank you so much for the chance to talk about some of my favorite stories!
Star Wars VII: The Dark Reborn — this is literally the best thing I have ever written, I love it so much. I could not adore this story more. I genuinely want to get it made into a paperback and just like. hand it to people or stash it in those little free libraries, I don't know. It's the best damn thing. I'm so happy with it, I love it, I can't even articulate how happy this story makes me, seriously. I should really get back to work on the sequel shhhh.
Five Times Gimli Died (And One Time He Didn't) — this is probably my "objectively best" LotR fic, and I love it for that. I also love it because it was a stretch from my usual sort of thing, and I really love it because it pushes my "mortals don't die in Aman unless/until they decide they want to" headcanon, and thus furthers my "Gimleaf Has The Happiest Ending Of Anyone In Middle-earth And That Was On Purpose" agenda. Also I just really love writing from Gimli's POV, he's such a delight. No wonder everyone who meets him adores him.
To Live In Undying Lands — this story is my current fixation. I was really tempted to put the Zombie Story here instead, but ultimately I decided that at this moment, I actually like this one more. It's another one that's a bit of a stretch for me (I don't generally write "ongoing snippets" without an over-arching plot, and I definitely don't often write stuff that's this domestic) but so far it's been really satisfying. I'm worried that I'm on the brink of running out of steam on it, but I hope I'm not because I really do adore both the concept and the results, and I have a lot more ideas I'd like to do for it if I can keep the motivation/focus engaged!
Twin Faces Of Destruction — I love Boba Fett. I love Boba Fett. The original flavor, "he's no good to me dead," "this is my face," "as you wish" cold heartless hunter Boba Fett, the one who never takes off his helmet and has no interest in anything beyond the job and will walk straight through an Imperial Garrison to get his quarry if he has to. The one who donates money to orphanages (it's canon! wtf!!!). The one who will betray every single partner he's ever had, but who still showed-up to be best man at Dengar's wedding because he doesn't go back on a deal. The one who has literally one moral code, and that is "do the job." No matter what that means. And the honorable helmetless dad-guy we got in the tv show is...not that. Frankly, neither is a lot of the post-AOTC stuff with him. But one of the joys of a bounty hunter who never shows his face and has a lots of other folks out there who have that same face is that it's real easy to find ways to reconcile things like that...and even pay homage to canon (Ailyn Vel! Jodo Kast! Spar/Alpha-Ø2!) in the doing. So this story? This story is just fucking fun.
The Story of Kijimi — there's honestly not much to this one, but I like it more than it probably merits just because I really love paving canon plot-holes, and the "we've made Poe a Spice Smuggler Out Of Nowhere Even Though It Contradicts Our Own Existing Canon Because He's Clearly The Han Solo Of The New Trio, Because We're Stupid And Don't Know How Star Wars Works!" bullshit from TROS is just...so fucking soul-killing and racist and unnecessary. So here's the real story behind that. You're welcome.
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madqueenalanna · 14 days
lotr thoughts: smeagol should've shown that nasty thing. i don't care any of the elves and i wish they'd cut them entirely. aragorn has more chemistry with eowyn than arwen and i support that. faramir is nothing to me. i would absolutely die to live in the shire, smoking fat bunts and eating feasts. rivendell is nothing. gandalf is nothing. let's get fucked UPPPPPPPPP in here
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