#gif: pete barton
stormqueen · 5 years
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summer fate
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thewoolieweekly · 5 years
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The Woolie Weekly GIF of the Week
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noramachwitz · 6 years
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Emmerdale in 2018: New Couples
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thisdamndesire · 7 years
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requested by @memorieswarm​ // ♡
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teamsugden · 6 years
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Finn never dies.
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mchellesvanity · 6 years
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Rhona + Pete (What’s wrong with me that I loved them tonight?)
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Yo! Wassup? I read far away today and boy is it awesome like you totally slay as sis .. btw when is part 2 coming ? Not tryna rush you or anything.. Take your time
Far too long - P. Parker (Part 2)
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Read Part 1 here
(gif is not mine)
TW: Mentions of blood, grief, injury, abandonment, fear, angst, childbirth. If any of these themes may trigger you then, please, do not read for your own good. Your wellbeing is far more important.
My inbox is always open.
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
It would be a lie to say that Peter hadn’t been in horrible situations before. However, with the development of his powers came the growth of thicker skin and stronger shoulders to bear the weight of his choices and others.
He fought, day after day, to withstand everything life threw at him. Heartache, mistakes, the one time he frosted the tips of his hair when he was 12 - Y/N knew that he would be alright.
He had to be alright. He had to be alive. She needed him. They needed him.
Y/N had watched him grow as a man, and watched him overcome everything. Then he was finally hers. She had everything she had ever wanted in him, and she was going to bring new life into the world with him by her side, until the missions came between them.
Now, she had been away from him for over 2 months and he was missing in action. Every news station was reporting that he was gone, but she refused to accept it. She knew Peter. She knew the strength he had. She knew that no matter what, he wanted to be a part of his baby’s life.
The minute she saw the broadcast her shaking fingers dialed Tony’s number and he was there to take her to the compound as soon as he could be.
Another three months passed.
Three agonizing months.
She gave birth in the medical bay of the compound, May by her side, welcoming her daughter into the world with a broken heart
Rosie May Parker was welcomed into the world, but the one person who was meant to be there wasn’t. She had her fathers eyes, his ferocious brown curls - but she didn’t have her father.
Y/N didnt have much knowledge of science outside of her computer mechanics degree, nor did she have any means to be a powerful superhero like the avengers, but she had fierce determination. Tony had ordered her to stay at the compound until they found peter - he was also determined that his faux-son would be okay.
Y/N harbored no intentions of leaving, more so, now that Rosie had joined her. May was there as well, watching Y/N fall in love with the small child over and over again, every day, helping where she could.
It was when they neared the day that her daughter would turn two months old, that it all happened.
Y/N had taken up residency in the lab. She was a computer science major at university, and she was able to pick up the workings of the technology Tony and Bruce utilized to keep track of mission data and surveillance measures for MIA operatives. She had spent nearly every day that she had been there inspecting every program, every website, keeping track on news outlets.
The world said that Peter was dead, but she refused to give up. He wouldn’t go down without a fight. Spider-Man wouldn’t submit.
If her eyes weren’t glued to a screen, they were on her daughter, both keeping her connection to peter alive. She monitored his Karen program for any inconsistencies, any sign that the program was online.
Karen had been offline for so long. The minute the building went down on Peter, the only thing letting Y/N and Tony know that he was alive was gone with it.
Rosie would sleep soundly in a bassinet set up next to her chair. There was a strain in Y/N’s head that hadn’t waned for weeks. Each day her head felt heavier, the harsh blue lights from the computers creating a constant reminder of her naive determination.
She was beginning to consider the possibility that he was gone, but something always made her thoughts shift in the other direction whenever the idea graced her cortex.
Her days had been filled with bouts of despondency, but the small babe that she cradled against her chest throughout the day brought light back into her life.
But still, nothing
Not until that day.
Rosie was sleeping in her crib I’m their room, recently fed, changed and cuddled - Friday monitoring the baby in all of the ways that the baby monitor she had with her couldn’t. The clock had just hit 2:38am and her eyes were heavy. She considered submitting to the crushing weight of her exhaustion, until Tony burst into the laboratory with Bruce and Natasha in tow, the woman suited up and heading towards the hallway leading to the quinjet hangar.
“Tony?” Y/N blinked, eyes darting to the baby monitor to determine if the commotion was linked to her daughter. Rosie hadn’t moved, her small chest rising and falling with each breath. “What’s wrong?”
Bruce had rushed over to the computer she was sat at, rebooting various programs that Y/N could barely recognize in her bleary state.
A vein in Tony’s forehead protruded - a clear sign that his stress levels were at a high. Bruce had been attempting to monitor his blood pressure as of late, knowing that his anxiety had been peaking with the disappearance of two of his team members.
Y/N had felt a overwhelming sense of duty to the man who had taken her in. She wanted to calm him, help ease his worries as he had done for her. He was as much family to her as he was to Peter.
His brown eyes were frantic, but there was something else hidden in the warm irises that seemed constantly framed by bloodshot sclera. Hope.
“Take off in 30, Nat.” Bruce spoke through an earpiece, connecting directly to the quinjet she assumed the Russian was boarding.
Y/N focused her gaze entirely on Tony, rising to her feet carefully and stepping towards him slowly, as one would a spooked animal.
The minute she was within arms reach, his hands were grasping her shoulders. There was no pressure under his hands, but there was comfort. “A few minutes ago, a transmission came through.” Y/N felt her eyes widen, mind racing with possibilities. The smile she received from the older man told her everything she needed to know before the words left his lips. “Pete came though. He’s with Barton, they’re safe. Romanoff’s on her way to pick them up.”
Y/N was in disbelief, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, “The building,” she breathed. “It came down on them-“
“The kid will explain when he gets here.” His hands moved to her cheeks. “He’s coming home, Y/N. For the most part, he’s alright. I got his vitals from the Karen program and he is stable, may need some work when he gets home, but he is okay, physically.”
Tears slipped from her eyes, running down Tony’s fingers but he paid it no mind. The smile that split his face was enough of a pardon.
It was another two hours until the familiar sound of the quinjet hangar opening graced her ears.
Bruce had ordered her to get some rest while they waited, but she opted to spend the time watching her daughter. Rosie had woken for a feed, but her big brown eyes stared up at her mother with a knowing look. Y/N could do little to push down the excitement of Peter’s return, but the overwhelming fear quickly resurfaced.
They left on horrible terms. They were no longer a couple, nor did she have the chance to take back the horrible things she said about his faithfulness to their family dynamic. But there was a lingering part of her mind that pushed her to think he would want nothing to do with them.
She left her room, placing a kiss to Rosie’s forehead and asking Friday to keep a watch of the baby, clipping the monitor to her waistband and rushing for the laboratory.
She arrived in time to see the compound medical staff trailing alongside a stretcher, Barton sprawled on it with a smirk on his face and an IV cannula in his arm.
Moments later she saw him.
He looked as much a mess as he felt, he knew so. Soot and dirt coating his skin and his suit, his leg aggravated and aching from an incorrectly set break. He hadn’t expected to see her face, but when he did, it felt as if a building was falling down on him once again.
She caught his eyes darting down to her stomach then back to her face. She smiled at him softly with a nod, hoping he could grasp her meaning across the meters between them.
She hadn’t the chance to say a word to him, nor he to her. Bruce led him to the medbay, offering support where he could for the pain in Peter’s leg, and Tony went to Y/N, cradling her as the pent up grief escaped through her eyes. She wanted to follow after him, so badly.
Tony held her against his chest, sharing the grief that had been building over the months. They were beginning to think they had lost Peter, but to see him alive and standing in front of them - it was overwhelming for both.
“I, uhm,” Tony cleared his throat, his voice wet from tears. “I’m gonna go help Bruce out. I’ll send for you when he’s all fixed up. I promise.”
With a nod of her head, Y/N let him go.
Minutes after, Friday alerted her that Rosie was awake and she took her leave to sit with her baby.
Her heart was pounding in her chest as she cradled the babe to herself. She had decided that even if Peter didn’t want to see her, she would at least hand Rosie over to Tony to introduce father and daughter. Despite her previous words, she just knew that Peter would be entirely smitten with the small human, just as much as she was.
As such, it came as a surprise when Friday chimed through her P.A. System requesting her presence at the medbay.
Her feet shuffled to stop at the door for the room they were in before she knew it, and Tony had opened the door to allow her entrance. He and Bruce took their leave, allowing the former lovers to have the space to themselves.
Peter felt the air drain from his lungs and he looked at her. He had sat up on the bed, leg bandaged and healing at an accelerated rate now that it had been set correctly. He was bruised and battered but he still smiled wider than he had in so long when he saw her and the small bundle she cradled.
She was the first to speak, “You’re alive.” Her voice was choked. The past months had been hard on him, but he couldn’t imagine the pain she felt thinking he was dead. Especially when they left things so horribly.
“The building... it wasn’t meant to go down like that,” he sighed, his smile shrinking. “I took most of the brunt because I can handle more than Clint. But we managed to get out and get our target... eventually.”
His eyes were darting to the bundle in her arms, but he didn’t dare to say anything about he baby. At this point, he didn’t even know his baby’s name.
Y/N noticed his gaze, and the unspoken question that his eyes held. Without warning, she took a seat next to him on the bed, unwrapping Rosie and placing her in Peter’s arms. She silently adjusted his hands to ease his fear and discomfort in holding an infant, and she could see the emotion forming in his chocolate orbs.
“Her name is Rosie.” Y/N whispered, eyes stuck on her daughter. “Rosie May Parker.”
“You named her after ‘Love, Rosie’,” he smiled, feeling a tear slip down his cheek. He had a daughter, and she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
“It’s my favourite book. Two best friends who fell apart, only to come together and repeat it until they could finally be together.” Her fingers fiddled in her lap, picking at her cuticles. Her body was alight with nerves, her toes electric within her boots. “And I had to name her after May. She’s the only mother I have.”
“Rosie,” he tried the name on his tongue, noticing the way the baby scrunched her nose in her sleep. Her mother did the same thing.
Y/N sighed deeply, breathing out through her nose as she held back tears. “Peter, I’m so -“
“You have nothing to apologise for, Y/N.” He ran his finger over Rosie’s cheek. So soft, scared to stir her from her sleep. “Everything that happened, happened because of me.”
“My list of discretions are unending. What kind of fiancé was I?” He let a soft chuckle fall from his lips, a humorless one, soaked from the sob he refused to let rip from his chest. “What kind of father was I? Who did I think I was, to keep you waiting on me, day after day. Every important event, I missed.”
“I never meant to say those things to you, Pete. To accuse you of not loving me, not wanting to be a father... it was uncalled for. But,” she sniffed, turning her head upwards to gaze at the ceiling. “I felt so alone. And then, you left, and I was alone.”
After what felt like eternity, his eyes met her face. Her skin was blotchy from tears, eyes bloodshot and red-rimmed. She was the most beautiful thing he had seen, apart from the angel in his arms. He felt almost complete, with the two girls by his side. His heart hurt a little less.
“I know. I’m probably the biggest jackass on the face of the planet, and I know that I can most likely do nothing to change that. It’s far too late for me to even begin to say the things I have wanted to say, but I can’t stand the thought of another day without telling you what’s been on my mind since the minute I left.” His body shuddered with a heavy breath, his lips kissing the small fist that rose towards his mouth as Rosie stretched in her sleep. “I have loved you for as long as I can remember. Every second I was away, I wanted nothing more than to run home and apologize for every disgusting thing I had said to you, to put my hands on your belly and promise our baby that I would never leave either of you.
“Then the building went down. I helped Clint get out, but I was stuck there for a few days. Some of our operatives were working as hard as they could to find a way to clear the debris so I could go, but it took a while. The entire time, I had convinced myself that I would never be able to see you again. It was like, like, I knew, that I couldn’t breathe until I saw you again.”
Her hand moved slowly, resting against his cheek to thumb away a tear that trailed his smooth skin.
“I didn’t know how many months had passed while I was gone, but when I got out from under the building, I realized that you were all alone to have our baby.” The sob finally broke through his chest. “I left you all alone. The small little baby that would see the world for the first time without their father.” He rubbed the side of his face onto his shoulder to not drop tears onto Rosie. “I’m a horrible father. I was so horrible to you.”
His breaths were staggered, and Y/N took the baby from his arms holding her against her own chest as she pressed her body to his side. Her free hand turned his face toward her own, but he kept his eyes squeezed shut, tears flowing rhythmically.
“I love you so much, Y/N, and I’m not going anywhere. I promise you,” he caught the way her hand tightened on his arm as he spoke. She was terrified of losing him again. “I would do anything, anything at all, to have you forgive me, but if you can’t then I understand. Just don’t make me leave your life, please.”
She felt her breath hitch, “I said horrible things to you. I told you to never come back, but I can’t stand another day without you. I need you here, with us. We need you Peter, like I told you all those months ago.” She felt his lips kiss the palm of her hand, the same one she used to brush away his tears. “I love you so much, and I don’t want you to leave. Ever.”
He pressed his forehead against hers, his lips pouting from the strength it took to resist pressing his mouth on hers. He didn’t know if she would welcome the contact. He had done her wrong.
“I’m not leaving you anymore, baby. I’m not leaving either of you, ever again.”
Y/N knew that Peter would be alright. His resilience was unmatched, his love ferocious. Y/N had began to think she would never see him again, but the image of him perched in front of her, eyes locked on the child that looked so much like him was one that she would never forget.
The tears falling were no longer out of fear, or sadness, or anger. Her tears fell out of love and happiness. She had the final piece of her family back, and she would do everything she could to see the two people in front of her smile.
“I’ve been far away, for far too long, baby. I’m never leaving you again. I’ll spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you and Rosie. I’ll make you Mrs. Parker and buy a house in the suburbs and do everything boring house husbands do,” Y/N snickered, forehead still against his. Peter was rambling, but she knew she would never force him to give up what he loves, so long as he came home to his two girls at the end of the day. “I will love you, both, until the day I die and beyond that.”
She leaned her head forward slowly, allowing him to reject her intentions, but when he didn’t, she poured her emotions from the last half year into the kiss. The love, the fear, the anger, the uncertainty.
When they broke apart, one thing was on her lips, “I love you, Peter Parker.”
Tag List: @starshonerose @snookiebrookie @mantlereid @theanswertoeverythingisl0v3 @another-lonely-heart
@uwucorpse @timeless-crow @eridanuswave @prettysbliss @amydancypants @allycat449-blog
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robertjacobsugdens · 7 years
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Emmerdale, 2017.07.20
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
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💫 AU | 🖤 Angst | 💚 Angst With A Happy Ending | 🎄 Christmas | 🐻 Familial | 🌟 Fave | 💛 Fluff | 🎁 Gift | 🎃 Halloween | 💙 Hurt / Comfort | 🏳‍🌈 LGBT+ | 👤 No Reader Insert | 🌼 Platonic | 🌈 Pride | 🎵 Songfic | 💕 Soulmate AU | ❗ Trigger Warning | 💘 Valentine’s Day
Marvel / MCU Masterlist Part 2
Fantastic Four
PS4 Spiderman
Raimi Spiderman
Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse
The Amazing Spiderman
A Place Where I Belong [Steve Rogers x OC] [WIP]
Tony Stark
Gif Imagines
Tony Comforting You When You’re Upset 🎁
Tony Taking Care Of Titan Reader
“Stay with me tonight, please”
Peter Parker
Gif Imagines
Comforting Peter After Tony Dies 💙
Telling Him You’re A Lesbian 🌈
Stargazing 💛
Peter Worrying You’ll Get Hurt Because Of Him 💚
Spending Hanukkah With Peter & May 🎄🕎
Loss 🖤
Stress Relief 💙💛
Dating Peter Parker 
Dating Peter Parker Being Tony Stark’s Daughter 
Peter Parker In Relationships 
Peter Parker’s Weird Animals Lover S/O 
Spidey Saving You 
Peter/Liz Love Triangle 
Peter Parker’s Nurse S/O 
Peter’s Bubbly S/O 
Peter’s S/O In Infinity War 💕🖤
Crushing on Peter Parker/Spiderman 
Spending Halloween With Peter 🎃
Spending Valentine’s Day With Peter 💘
“I brought food”
“That’s my twin sister, you idiot”
“You look so perfect standing there” “Are you quoting a song?”
“Am I cute enough? Can I get a kiss? Please?”
“I wish it didn’t have to be this way…”
“Maybe it would be better if I just dissapeared”
“Sometimes home isn’t four walls, it’s two eyes and a heartbeat”
“I can’t let you go because what if something happened to you?!”
“Don’t roll your eyes at me!”
“I think you make a cute Spiderman… But Iron Man is still the cutest”
“You’re Spiderman? Wait, you’re Spiderman!”
“Are you really taking his side against me?” “Go then, leave! See if I care!”
“It’s you!” 💕
“Not you!” 🖤
“I will never be more than a friend to you, won’t I?”
“We never know what we have until we lose it”
“I miss him so much, Y/N…”
“I’m your Spider-nurse”
So Much For The Genius 💛
Special Like You 💚💛
Spider-Pal 💚💛
Peter Parker
Steve Rogers
Gif Imagines
Steve Looking After You When You’re Sick 💙
Steve Comforting You About Your Powers
Being An Avenger With Wings & Dating Steve
Teaching Steve How To Use His Phone
Badass And Beautiful
You’re Beautiful 💙💛
Biggest Fan 💛
Dating Steve Rogers
Steve And Videogames 
Steve’s Shy S/O 
Steve’s Caring S/O 
Steve’s Artist S/O 
Steve Crushing On Reader
Hugging Steve
Steve Taking Care Of Your Broken Leg
“You got in a fight?! Are you okay?!”
“Let me hold you for a bit longer” “I love your laugh”
“I’ll keep them safe” “And I love you, don’t you know?”
Speak To My Heart 💛
Priority 💙
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
“And when the clock struck 12… I was erased from his memory”
Natasha Romanoff
Gif Imagines
Natasha Teaching You Self Defense
“We all know I have a hard time trusting people, but I trust you”
“Kiss me now”
Truth Or Dare 
Clint Barton
Gif Imagines
Cuddling During A Thundersdtorm [Deaf!Clint]
Dating Clint Barton
“Guess I should have knocked”
Clint Barton Hufflepuff 
Bruce Banner
Gif Imagines
Helping Bruce Control The Hulk
Dating Bruce Banner 
“Come back to me, I know you’re in there!” 💚
Wanda Maximoff
Gif Imagines
Accidentally Calling Wanda Pretty 
Going On A Date To Theatre With Wanda 💘
Wanda Loving Your Buzzed Hair
Wanda’s Insecure S/O 💙
Wanda Maximoff 
Bucky Barnes
Steal Your Pain Away 🌟💚
No Hope 💛🖤
Sick Cuddles 💛
Pumpking Carving 🎃
Dating Bucky Barnes
Dating Bucky Barnes Being Tony’s Sibling 
Jealous Bucky 
“You still find another way to amaze me, and I love you for it”
“Go back to sleep”
“Stay awake!” “I won’t loose you too” “I need you to wake up”
Bucky Barnes 
Soft/Morning Bucky
Loki Laufeyson
Gif Imagines
Being Welcomed Into Asgard By Loki 
Coming Out To Loki As Pan & Genderfluid 🌈
Loki Comforting You About Your TVA Job
Loki’s Autistic S/O 
Loki’s Genderfluid S/O 
Loki Falling For Artist Reader 
“Need help with that?”
“Shut up, Loki” “Make me”
Loki Laufeyson 
Stephen Strange
Dating Stephen Strange Being Tony’s Daughter 
Stephen Strange’s Sweet S/O
Stephen Being Vulnerable About Reader
Stephen Strange 
Dating T’Challa
“Y/N, don’t worry. I am alright, I promise”
“I actually feel the same way”
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” “I don’t feel so....” 💙
Peter Quill
“I think you’re falling for me”
Maria Hill
Being Maria’s Mutant Child 🐻
“I don’t hate you, if anything I hate myself for hurting you”
Michelle Jones
“You’re a nerd” “You’re so cute”
“Can you do that again?” “I thought you didn’t like affection” “I don’t mind it as much from you”
Gif Imagines
Vision Helping You With Homework
Scott Lang 
Gif Imagines
Scott Showing You His Magic When You’re Sad
Carol Danvers 
Gif Imagines
Reuniting With Carol & Helping Her Get Her Memories Back
Pietro Maximoff
Pietro & Speedster Reader
“I think I’ve fallen in love with you“ “You’re blushing”
Sam Wilson
“Don’t give me the puppy eyes”
Yelena Belova
Gif Imagines
Comforting Yelena 💙
Being Natasha’s Adoptive Child & Meeting Yelena 💚
Accidentally Confessing To Yelena
Your Life With Yelena After The Red Room
Alexei Shostakov
Gif Imagines
Reuniting With Alexei
Gif Imagines
Steve Reuniting You With Bucky 
Reuniting With Bucky And Peter 
Sharing Music With Peter & MJ 🎁
First I Love You  💛
Dentist Visit 💙
Affectionate Gestures 💛
You’re Badly Injured 🖤💙
Scars 🖤💙
Bad Relationships 🖤💙
Smoking Habits 
Fainting Spells 
They’re Jealous 
Asking You Out  💛
They See Your Scar 
They Cheer You Up 💙
They Walk In On You Changing
They React To Your Pixie Cut
They React To You Not Taking Your Meds
Their S/O With Fire Powers
Bucky And Steve’s Short S/O 
Avengers Hogwarts Houses
Tony Stuck In A Closet 
Avengers Reacting To British Shield Agent
Thor & Loki’s Self-Conscious S/O 
Avengers Reacting To Reader With Anxiety 
Avengers Reacting To Badass Reader 
Reader With Powers Creating Scary Creatures
“What did you do?!” “I’m sorry, I panicked!” “So you hit him with a wrench?!”
"Congratulations Tony, you finally have the child prodigy you wanted so much”
The Power Of Love [Thor & Loki]
Cousin Pete [After Endgame] 💛👤
He Was My Son [Infinity War, Irondad] 🖤👤
Dead Or Alive [Endgame] 🖤👤
Father [Endgame] 👤
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stormqueen · 6 years
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thewoolieweekly · 6 years
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The Woolie Weekly GIF of the Week!
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noramachwitz · 6 years
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Emmerdale Meme • [4/6] Quotes:
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thisdamndesire · 6 years
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#when your purse isn’t practical with your Look™ but your bf is there
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