Hannah, 30, bi af, South England, fic writer, poor giffer, Robert Sugden lover, and robron shipper. Like and follow from robertdeservesbetter. Formerly robron-til-the-end. Anti vanity, anti Iain.
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Super Soap Week 2016 my beloved. ❤️
What could have been with Robron if it wasn't destroyed by that bald man [sorry I am still bitter]
I actually think ssw16 has a LOT to answer for. While I loved it and thought it was brilliant tv, I didn't like the precedent it set. Like ed has to have a bang of a week in mid October no matter what.
And yes, still as anti IM as ever. I still think wrong decisions and choices were made by him, and time hasn't changed my opinion.
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The way that I have not watched Emmerdale since Ryan left [literally have no idea what has gone on since] but would switch on the moment I saw the dash say he's back.
Isn't that a mood and a half. Honestly so gone for those two.
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Good to know that four years have done fuck all for my ability to cope with fandom stress. One tiny whiff of it and I'm sucked back in.
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What happened to the scrap yard?
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If nothing else it might inspire a one shot from me....
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Why does this feel different?
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So I'm massively out of the loop and know (quite frankly) fuck all about what's going on.
What do we think the odds are of the other 50% coming back?
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Hello hello hello??
Am I waking up?
What have I missed??
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I loved "Read all about it" - and even though I think it was perfect, I'd really be up for reading a new draft of it. It'd be great if you could do it. Also: I miss your hotel shananigans. They were great.
Thank you! I still work in a hotel, just a different one now. If possible, people are even more stupid than they were before covid tbh. Hat, or my ability to deal with stupid has fallen off a cliff. Could be both tbf.
As for RAAI, I've reread the whole thing over the last few days and can see places that I could have improved. Most of it is because I don't really plan or plot anything beforehand, just post what I'm in the mood for at the time. It's amazing I made as much sense as I do in the first place!!
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Just finished re reading Read All About It. The desire to redraft it and give it a serious rewrite is strong. I really feel I could write it better now, but I just don't have the time!!
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It's really nice to see some people still reading my old fics!
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Robron reunion Ch 2
A surprise bonus chapter!
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Robron reunion Ch 2
A surprise bonus chapter!
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Welcome back!! How are you?
Mostly tired! Just posted a sneaky little one shot over on ao3 and thought I'd say hello again!
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PLEASE don't make a hotel booking with booking.com.
If you do, you're not a customer of the hotel, you're a customer of booking.com.
And you're relying on them to pass the booking to the hotel. Guess what, they don't always do that and the hotel is fucked, because the booking is non existent to the actual hotel you want.
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On the one hand, having a mechanic as my step father is a good thing.
On the other, he just looked at my car in its parking spot and informed me that I need a new tyre. So that's a hundred quid gone.
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