#giant african stick mantis
unhingedlesbear · 11 months
Assigning bugs to some of y'all bc qusok gave me the idea lmao
@qusok - Rubber ducky Isopod
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@kagoa - black beauty stick insect
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@queerkearney - cherry red centipede
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@kindheartedgummybears - Emerald roach
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@108garys - Giant african millipede
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Myself - praying mantis
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Might make a part 2 but this is all I could think of rn
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Heterochaeta orientalis, L2
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mothfishing · 3 years
all multiples of ten for the ask game!
10) do you have any pet bugs?
sadly no! maybe one day...
20) what's a random bug fact that you tell people whenever bugs come up in conversation?
i tend to tell people whatever bug fact(s) i've learned recently! but for one i tell people consistently...talking about megaponera analis mostly =) so their nursing behaviors and scouting behaviors
30) favorite instance of mimicry?
MAN. EVERY ANT MIMIC. all of them. it would be hard to pick but at random, lobster moth caterpillars! they look so weird
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[ID: A lobster moth caterpillar. It has unusually long legs for a caterpillar, and is reddish in color. End ID]
40) coolest bug created structure
there are so many cool structures out there!
i have a soft spot for weaver ant nests because they're very cool looking to me...i also really love those giant communal cocoons some genuses of african silkworm make! and this would be super incomplete if i didn't talk about termite mounds - and while it's the fungus rather than the termites doing this part, i LOVE that the mushrooms stick out of the mound.
50) a bug that you want to be an emoji?
ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want a better ant emoji first off. second i want a weaver ant emoji, and a megaponera analis ant emoji, and an acrobat ant emoji. and a leafcutter ant emoji. and a
well anyway other than ants, i want a termite, moth, wasp, centipede, and mantis emoji. i want most caterpillar emojis too. and an assassin bug emoji. and
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myth-lord · 6 years
Could you make a post abou the vermin class of creatures?
Your wish is my command :-p
How much creepy crawlers do you need? I have a lot of them in my project, and a lot of vermin-based creatures which aren’t vermin in Mythika, but which do have insectoid/mollusk based features.
I count most creepy creatures as vermin in these lists, like true insects, arachnids, crabs and centipedes.
In the list below this I also added Worms, Jellyfish, Starfish, Leeches and other such non-vermin, but creepy crawler based creatures which could function as vermin. (they do in D&D)
Now for the lists, I’m gonna post a huge list of new-creatures-to-my-project soon with small descriptions of what role/story they have, many of these insect-monsters are in it. For now I only name the vermin they were based on.
Aristotiles (M-European) – Vermin (Medium)(Hostile) – Eurypterid Brucha (Irish) – Vermin (Small)(Hostile) – Locust Cagn (African) – Vermin (Large)(Hostile) – Mantis Choukeshin (Japanese) – Vermin / Swarm (Small)(Neutral) – Swarm of Butterflies Con Rit (Vietnamese) – Vermin (Large)(Hostile) – Ragworm Con Rit, Skolopendra (Greek) – Vermin (Huge)(Hostile) – Ragworm Deathcrawler (Brazilian) – Vermin (Medium)(Hostile) – Centipede Djieien (N-American) – Vermin (Medium)(Hostile) – Solifugid Eintykara (Paraguay) – Vermin / Swarm (Small)(Neutral) – Swarm of BeesGux (N-American) – Vermin (Large)(Hostile) – Toe-Biter Inulpamahuida (Mapuche) – Vermin (Huge)(Hostile) – Walking Stick InsectItzpapalotl (Aztec) – Vermin (Large)(Hostile) – Butterfly Jba Fofi (African) – Vermin (Small)(Hostile) – Wolf Spider Jba Fofi, Aasivarluut (Inuit) – Vermin (Large)(Hostile) – Tarantula Jinshin Mushi (Japanese) – Vermin (Large)(Hostile) – Rhinoceros Beetle Karkinos (Greek) – Vermin (Medium)(Neutral) – Crab Karkinos, Saratan (Arabian) – Vermin (Colossal)(Hostile) – Hermit Crab Kugdlughiak (Inuit) – Vermin (Huge)(Hostile) – Centipede Minceskro (Romanian) – Vermin / Swarm (Small)(Hostile) – Swarm of Carrion Beetles Musca Macedda (Sardinian) – Vermin / Swarm (Small)(Hostile) – Swarm of FliesMyrmecoleon (M-European) – Vermin (Huge)(Hostile) – Antlion Polypus (M-European) – Vermin (Huge)(Hostile) – Lobster Scarab (Egyptian) – Vermin (Small)(Neutral) – Scarab Beetle Scarab, Khepri (Egyptian) – Vermin (Medium)(Hostile) – Bombardier Beetle Scorpios (Greek) – Vermin (Medium)(Hostile) – Scorpion Tcaridyi (Romanian) – Vermin / Vampire (Small)(Hostile) – Caterpillar Tcaridyi, Kranokolaptes (Greek) – Vermin / Vampire (Small)(Hostile) – Moth Tsutsugamushi (Japanese) – Vermin / Parasite / Vampire (Small)(Hostile) – Tick Tsutsugamushi, Nitus (Spanish) – Vermin / Parasite (Small)(Hostile) – Tick Ulagu (N-American) – Vermin (Large)(Hostile) – Wasp Xan (Mayan) – Vermin (Small)(Hostile) – Mosquito Xan, Moskitto (Fearsome Critter) – Vermin / Vampire (Medium)(Hostile) – Mosquito Xan, Alkuntane (N-American) – Vermin / Parasite (Small)(Hostile) – Mosquito / Parasite WaspZarronco (Spanish) – Vermin (Large)(Hostile) – Dragonfly
The following creatures are not vermin-types in my project, but they do have many vermin-features, most of them are Oni which took over the bodies of vermin, or fae/demonic variants of vermin which are called Fey and Fiends.
Adze (African) – Fey / Vampire / Shifter (Medium)(Hostile) – Firefly Amikiri (Japanese) – Aberration (Large)(Hostile) – Mantis FeaturesApocalypse Locust (M-European) – Fiend (Medium)(Hostile) – Locust Arachne (Greek) – Beastman / Centauric (Large)(Hostile/Boss) – Spider HumanoidAsanbosam, Abuhuku (Colombia) –  Troll / Vampire (Large)(Hostile) – Mosquito TrollAtuikakura (Japanese) – Aberration (Large)(Neutral) – Sea Cucumber Awd Goggie (English) – Fey (Large)(Hostile) – Caterpillar Awd Goggie, Okiku Mushi (Japanese) – Fey (Large)(Hostile) – Caterpillar Bisan (Malay) – Nymph / Shifter (Medium)(Neutral) – Nymph (fantasy, not young insect) of Insects, mostly Cicada Bisan, Thriae (Greek) – Nymph / Shifter (Medium)(Neutral) – Nymph (fantasy, not young insect) of Insects, mostly BeesBitoso (Romanian) – Aberration / Parasite (Medium)(Hostile) – Parasite Worm Burach Bhadi (Scottish) – Aberration / Parasite (Small)(Hostile) – Leech Burach Bhadi, Alukah (Israel) – Aberration / Parasite / Vampire (Small)(Hostile) – Leech Cagn, Mandarangkal (Philippine) – Oni (Huge)(Hostile) – Mantis HumanoidDeathcrawler, Omukade (Japanese) – Oni (Colossal)(Hostile) – Centipede Druj Nasu (Persian) – Fiend (Medium)(Hostile) – Fly DemonEk Chapat (Mayan) – Alien (Huge)(Neutral) – Centipede Erymanthian, Bonguru (Solomon Island) – Fey (Large)(Hostile) – Boar which body functions as living hive for HornetsFormica Aurum (M-European) – Construct (Small)(Neutral) – Ant Girtablilu (Mesopotamian) – Beastman / Centauric (Large)(Hostile) – Scorpion HumanoidHeikegani (Japanese) – Fiend (Small)(Hostile) – Heikegani Crab Jba Fofi, Jorogumo (Japanese) – Fey / Shifter (Large)(Hostile) – Black Widow Jba Fofi, Tsuchigumo (Japanese) – Oni (Huge)(Hostile) – Trapdoor SpiderKarkinos, Traicousse (Belgian) – Fey (Large)(Hostile) – River CrabKurage Hinotama (Japanese) – Aberration (Large)(Neutral) – Jellyfish Kurage Hinotama, Muirdris (Irish) – Aberration (Huge)(Hostile) – Jellyfish Lakuma (Chilean) – Aberration (Huge)(Hostile) – Giant Isopod Lakuma, Charybdis (Greek) – Aberration (Colossal)(Hostile) – Giant IsopodMambabarang (Philippine) – Hag / Shifter (Medium)(Hostile) – Hag which controls and summons all types of verminMerrow, Sazae-Oni (Japanese) – Oni / Centauric (Medium)(Hostile) – Sea Snail HumanoidMothman (North American) – Alien (Medium)(Hostile) – Moth HumanoidMulilo (African) – Aberration (Medium)(Neutral) – Slug Mulilo, Lou Carcolh (French) – Aberration (Huge)(Hostile) – SnailMyrmidon (Greek) – Human (Medium)(Hostile) – Humans which were created from AntsMyrmidon, Korybante (Greek) – Human (Medium)(Hostile) – Humans which were created from Queen AntsNocnitsa, Shtriga (Albanian) – Fey / Mara (Large)(Hostile) – Moth Ohdowas, Nuno (Philippine) – Dwarf / Shifter (Medium)(Hostile) – Dwarves which control AntsOlgoi-Khorkhoi (Mongolian) – Aberration (Large)(Hostile) – Worm Pyrausta (Cyprus) – Drake (Small)(Neutral) – Moth Dragon Qinyuan (Chinese) – Chimerae (Small)(Hostile) – Bee / Hummingbird Rhinelapus (Fearsome Critter) – Alien (Huge)(Hostile) – Pond SkaterScorpios, Pioial (Australian) – Fey (Large)(Hostile) – Scorpion Scorpios, Sandwalker (Arabian) – Oni (Huge)(Hostile) – Scorpion Shen (Chinese) – Aberration (Large)(Hostile) – Bivalve Shen, Pua Tu Tahi (Solomon Islands) – Aberration (Huge)(Hostile) – Giant ClamSkolex (M-European) – Aberration (Huge)(Hostile) – Sea Worm Skolex, Lagarfljot (Icelandic) – Aberration (Colossal)(Hostile) – Worm Stella (French) – Aberration (Small)(Neutral) – Starfish Stella, Mooldabbie (Australian) – Aberration (Large)(Hostile) – Crown of Thorns Stella, Decarabia (Demonology) – Fiend (Large)(Hostile) - StarfishTculo (Romanian) – Aberration / Swarm (Small)(Hostile) – Urchin Tlanusi (N-American) – Aberration / Vampire (Large)(Hostile) – Leech Ulagu, Awahondo (N-American) – Spirit (Large)(Hostile) – Parasite WaspWether (M-European) – Beast / Parasite (Medium)(Hostile) – Ram which has maggots in its brainWhowie (Australian) – Chimerae (Huge)(Hostile) – Half Lizard half Insect
Bosses/Friendly Encounters who have vermin-based features.
Beelzebub (Demonology) – Demon / Shifter (Large)(Boss) – Fly Serket (Egyptian) – Beastman / Centauric (Huge)(Boss) – Scorpion HumanoidAnansi (African) – Fey / Shifter (Medium)(Friendly) – Spider Shussebora (Japanese) – Drake / Shifter (Small)(Friendly) – Sea Snail DragonShamir (Israel) – Aberration / Swarm (Small) – Wood Worm
Others who have insect/arachnid/mollusk like features, but which aren’t in my list.
Abatwa (African) – Humanoid / Swarm (Small)(Neutral) – Small humans which ride on AntsAtui Koro Ekashi (Japanese) – Aberration (Large)(Hostile) – Sea SlugHaakapainizi (N-American) – Fiend (Huge)(Hostile) – Locust Horerczy (German) – Demon (Huge)(Hostile) – Giant Demon which spits out swarms of Moths/ButterfliesNozuchi (Japanese) – Aberration (Small)(Hostile) – Hairy WormPelesit (Malay) – Vermin / Swarm (Small)(Hostile) – Locust Sarmatian Sea Snail (M-European) – Aberration (Large)(Neutral) – Snail Schilalyi (Romanian) – Chimerae (Small)(Hostile) – Centipede / MouseUshi Oni (Japanese) – Oni (Huge)(Hostile) – Spider Crab Ah Muzen Cab (Mayan) – Beastman (Medium)(Neutral) – God of BeesApshait (Egyptian) – Undead (Small)(Hostile) – Carrion Beetle Areop-Enap (Nauruan) – Vermin (Large)(Hostile) – Spider Bedudu (Maltese) – Vermin (Large)(Hostile) – Centipede Caballeros Del Diablu (Spanish) – Vermin (Large) – Dragonfly Furia Infernalis (Swedish) – Aberration / Parasite (Small)(Hostile) – Parasite Worm Gadfly (Greek) – Vermin (Small)(Hostile) – Gadfly Gigelorum (Scottish) – Vermin (Small) – Mite Guchong (Chinese) – Vermin (Small)(Hostile) – Assassin Bug Kokopelli (N-American) – Fae / Shifter (Small) – All types of Insects featuresMuhnochwa (India) – Vermin (Medium)(Hostile) – Carnivorous crickets/locusts with spikes?Muryan (Welsh) – Fairy / Shifter (Small)(Hostile) – Faeries based on insectsTi-Sikh-Puk (Inuit) – Vermin (Huge)(Hostile) – Caterpillar Weewillmekq (N-American) – Drake / Sea Serpent / Vampire (Huge)(Hostile) – Leech Ya (N-American) – Vermin (Medium)(Hostile) – Flea
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jaegerln-blog · 7 years
knowing your partner well makes writing together a lot easier .  tag this with the people you enjoy roleplaying with but want to get to know better. (  REPOST , DO NOT REBLOG ! )
name: oana. age: 20 ( turning 21 in less than a month !! ) pronouns: she / her. sexual: bisexual, but i prefer girls. zodiac sign: aries. taken or single: i am dating my playstation 4, & my laptop, we’re very happy. three facts: 1. i am kinda addicted to cappuccino, i drink way too much of it. 2. i have a bunch of animals, exotic things, mainly -- a spooky noodle, a leopard gecko, quite a few eight-legged fuzz balls, giant african land snails, a praying mantis & like .. a cat & two bunnies.  3. i was born & raised ( until i was six-ish anyw ) in italy, but the only italian i still speak is .. very, very limited. i understand a lot but speaking ?? nOPE.
platforms you’ve used ( in writing ): gosupermodel ( hAH ), facebook, twitter, tumblr.  best experience: tumblr, for sure. i’ve met quite a few amazing people over the years, & while tumblr is sometimes not so great the good outshines the bad.
female or male: i don’t really have a preference, but my male muses tend to not stick around too long. least favourite face(s): i don’t have any, i think. i’m okay with every faceclaim, mostly. multi or single: single, i’ve tried multimuse two times & it always ended in me having like 500 muses because i don’t have self control, but still only feeling like writing like five of them -- & then the feeling that i can’t get the muses the spotlight they deserve which they’d have on a single blog. 
fluff, angst or smut: fluff & angst, but every fluff turns into angst eventually because i’m terrible. smut can be fun, too, with the right partner. plots or memes: i LOVE plots, but i also enjoy memes since you can get creative & maybe even approach people you’re too shy to approach for plots. long or short replies: it doesn’t shine through on claire ( yet ), but i usually go for long threads, not necessarily because i prefer them but because once i have a grip on my muse i just go .. overboard with the writing. 
TAGGED BY: no one, i just felt like doing it. :^)
TAGGING: YOU !! if you see this & want to do it, feel free to tag me.
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archonreviews · 7 years
The Archon’s Review of Impossible Creatures
Impossible Creatures is a real-time strategy game developed by THQ Nordic and Relic Entertainment. You play as Rex Chance, a former reporter formerly working on the Spanish Civil War. Rex gets a letter from his father, one Dr. Eric Chanikov. Chanikov begs Rex to come and see him on an island in... the ocean somewhere. Rex does not find his father, but instead finds a monstrous tiger-mantis hybrid in a jar, and then one out of a jar. This horror chases Rex out into the snow, where a group of the hybrid beasts surround him, and he meets Upton Julius, Chanikov’s former partner and professional megalomaniac. Upton tries to kidnap Rex, but Rex is rescued by Dr. Lucy Willing, an action scientist with a flying train-lab. Together, the pair try to find Dr. Chanikov and unlock the secrets of SIGMA technology’s creature combining power.
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Another late review, another RTS review. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this one was made by Relic, the Dawn of War dudes. Seeing as how I really liked Dawn of War, I determined that this one would be pretty rad too! I was more or less right.
To start, the game has this sort of diesel/steam/electric-punk aesthetic going for it, with all the structures looking as though they’re held together by subpar welding and the very eau de la Industrial Revolution; find it today at your local Macy’s. I sort of dig this aesthetic, and thought it cohered very well with other elements of the game.
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^(This is where your creatures pop out...
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... and this is your train-lab-base. Charming, no?)^
Now, as you may have guessed, the core mechanic of the game is stapling creatures together to form crazy-powerful warbeasts capable of the destruction of your enemies, who are doing the same. There are 50 different creatures to combine, more if you play with the Insect Invasion expansion that comes with the Steam release. Seeing as how you can staple together the various parts in different ways, this gives us literal shittons of combinations to pick from.
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^(This is Eric. He’s a Baboon/Cheetah, from before I gave my creatures awesome names)^
And this gives us the role this game plays in our entertainment-sphere. Some games want to tell a great story. Others want to be awesome multiplayer experiences. Still others want to explore newfound game mechanics. Impossible Creatures may be one of the best “for fun” games I’ve ever played. The central mechanic of combining creatures is just plain fun! Like, you could spend a day to a week trying to find the most optimal creature combos for your bed-ridden blueprints, but you could also spend hundreds of time units just sticking creatures together just see what you get. I spent a comparable amount of time just dicking around as I did with the actual campaign. What did I find out? Sticking a fish head on a giraffe body is horrifying, and giant bees with the head of any non-bug is terrifying.
Speaking of that story, it kind of doesn’t make much sense. The antagonist, Upton Julius, wants to use the SIGMA technology to take over the world (insert obligatory M. Bison quote here). But I mean, even if the animals are buff as hell and bigger and meaner and more obedient than they might otherwise be, the armies of the world still have guns, which I imagine would be very effective against animals. In fact, the standard defensive turret, the Sonic Turret, is kind of daft, as I imagine bullet turrets would work just as well. Also, the story makes out that Chanikov’s research (that being SIGMA itself) was largely ignored by the scientific community. Ahem, special message to the writers: Are you lads fucking daft? Do you think that someone could invent fucking animal hybrids using DNA samples and electricity and coal and no one in the scientific community would care? I think not. I think that everyone would care a lot. Because c’mon, fucking animal hybrids! Jegus.
Now, the mechanics of the campaign are actually quite interesting. In many RTS campaigns, you’re given new mechanics to work with piecemeal, just sort of acquiring them for freesies over the course of the campaign. There might be a mission or two dedicated to getting historically or strategically important technologies or troops, but otherwise, they just sort of appear to create a nice, even learning curve. In Impossible Creatures, however, There’s a very real emphasis on discovery and active acquisition of new play elements. You send out Rex to gather new specimens for combining, and Lucy to gather schematics on enemy buildings so that you can build them. There’s often at least one building a mission, and several specimens to find to boot. This is a neat deviation from the norm, at any rate.
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^(Mountain Lion get!)^
Now I do have a couple of issues. The first is that I’m not entirely certain as to whether or not the depiction of the Inuit and African natives of the islands is racist. Like, it seems to get slightly more racist as the game goes on. At first, Rex’s condescending attitude toward the natives is met with a dry wit that I found hilarious, especially since it averted the whole “mighty whitey” thing that I was sure was going on. But then later on, when an African native cried out in a mystical ululation that caused the animals to disperse, I thought, “Yeah... that was almost certainly some kind of racist”. Also, all the natives, no matter the aesthetic or implied ethnicity, have exactly the same face and voice actor. This was probably a side-effect of budgetary constraints, but it creates some unfortunate implications.
Another thing is that because of how the creature combiner is balanced, it is entirely possible to accidentally create a massively overpowered creature (Archerfish head on a Giraffe body). It is also possible to accidentally create a massively underpowered creature (Front half Moose, back half Mammoth). You’ll probably want to look at some guides to figure out the best combinations, but really, just be careful, and look closely at stats versus resource costs.
Ի վերջո, Impossible Creatures is a game for someone who wants to play with an Endless Legend/Space game’s customization, but with a totally different aesthetic and with a completely different story and it’s about combining animals and it’s an RTS. So if that appeals to you... you strange person, this is the game for you! Will I be playing this again? Maaaaybe. I’d need to figure out how do make a decent endgame creature out of a Moose. Because Moose are rad.
Also! I don’t normally endorse mods, because I feel like I should be reviewing the product of the devs, rather than the products of other people. But this time, I will endorse the Tellurian mod.It adds a host of new creatures and balances out some of the other ones. In fact, the devs considered adding the mod as an official expansion, a la Age of Empires 2: The Forgotten, but decided against it because, supposedly, it’d make it harder for the mod devs to update it. Regardless, it’s a great mod for a decent game.
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^(Hey there friendo, you readin a review or somethin?)^
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fbwzoo · 8 years
Hi, I have an empty ten gallon and was kind of wanting to put it to use. The problem is I'm going off to college in a couple of years. Is there any animal (aside from fish) that can fit in a ten gallon comfortably and only live three years at the most? (Love your blog btw!!!!!)
Thank you!! :) 
So most of what I can think of is various invertebrates, I don’t know if that was the kind of thing you were thinking of. Most larger animals are going to live over 3 years, or end up needing more than 10g of space. As far as I know, that rules out lizards, frogs, most rodents, hermit crabs, etc.
However, mice would do well in a 10g if you use the space well, and they tend to only live up to a couple years. You could put one male or two female mice in a 10g. This is the site I had bookmarked, though their forums have closed - http://www.thefunmouse.com/info/index.cfm The forums linked to this other site - https://www.petmousefanciers.com/ (Disclaimer: I have not kept mice and haven’t had a chance to really check these forums out yet, so please make sure you do research in multiple places to ensure information checks out!) I don’t think I’m currently following any mouse blogs to recommend, but I’ll put this in the tag & maybe someone will pop up!
Some invertebrate ideas…
- Beetles: There are some really pretty beetles that you can get as pets, such as sun beetles. Cockroaches would fall under this category too, like Madagascar hissing cockroaches, but those can live up to 5 years according to Wikipedia.
- Praying Mantis: These are one of my favorite insects and one I would actually consider keeping. There are numerous species you can get as pets, some of them are gorgeous (orchid mantis!) and they’re really fun to watch. You may need to keep a young mantis in a smaller enclosure, I’m not sure if there are issues keeping juveniles in big enclosures like with tarantulas.
- Millipedes: Not something I could keep…but there are some really colorful, pretty species of millipedes sold as pets.
- Snails: Giant African land snails are illegal in the US, so those are NOT recommended. But I’m fairly certain there are other species available as pets. I know I’ve reblogged a care sheet for snails before, but I’m not sure if it was just for African land snails, another species, or snails in general.
Those are the main ones that I could think of, but I referred to this website, which also lists katydids and stick insects: https://www.keepinginsects.com/ I don’t know how accurate their care information is - their hermit crab info is a bit off, but that’s the only one I know well enough to judge.
I hope this helps! If any of my followers have more suggestions on animal ideas or places to look for care info, please feel free to contribute! :)
Edit: I thought I remembered seeing a post on this subject and I was right! Scalestails wrote one, but you’ll need to double check lifespans since that’s an added factor for you - http://askscalestails.tumblr.com/post/105318690490/what-could-i-put-in-a-10-gallon-tank-besides
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