#i also need to stop complaining in the ta gs
jaegerln-blog · 7 years
knowing your partner well makes writing together a lot easier .  tag this with the people you enjoy roleplaying with but want to get to know better. (  REPOST , DO NOT REBLOG ! )
name: oana. age: 20 ( turning 21 in less than a month !! ) pronouns: she / her. sexual: bisexual, but i prefer girls. zodiac sign: aries. taken or single: i am dating my playstation 4, & my laptop, we’re very happy. three facts: 1. i am kinda addicted to cappuccino, i drink way too much of it. 2. i have a bunch of animals, exotic things, mainly -- a spooky noodle, a leopard gecko, quite a few eight-legged fuzz balls, giant african land snails, a praying mantis & like .. a cat & two bunnies.  3. i was born & raised ( until i was six-ish anyw ) in italy, but the only italian i still speak is .. very, very limited. i understand a lot but speaking ?? nOPE.
platforms you’ve used ( in writing ): gosupermodel ( hAH ), facebook, twitter, tumblr.  best experience: tumblr, for sure. i’ve met quite a few amazing people over the years, & while tumblr is sometimes not so great the good outshines the bad.
female or male: i don’t really have a preference, but my male muses tend to not stick around too long. least favourite face(s): i don’t have any, i think. i’m okay with every faceclaim, mostly. multi or single: single, i’ve tried multimuse two times & it always ended in me having like 500 muses because i don’t have self control, but still only feeling like writing like five of them -- & then the feeling that i can’t get the muses the spotlight they deserve which they’d have on a single blog. 
fluff, angst or smut: fluff & angst, but every fluff turns into angst eventually because i’m terrible. smut can be fun, too, with the right partner. plots or memes: i LOVE plots, but i also enjoy memes since you can get creative & maybe even approach people you’re too shy to approach for plots. long or short replies: it doesn’t shine through on claire ( yet ), but i usually go for long threads, not necessarily because i prefer them but because once i have a grip on my muse i just go .. overboard with the writing. 
TAGGED BY: no one, i just felt like doing it. :^)
TAGGING: YOU !! if you see this & want to do it, feel free to tag me.
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