#gia campbell
soapsudsblog · 8 months
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superghfan · 7 months
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Marisa Ramirez (Gia Campbell).
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anyathefandom · 10 months
Have u ever watched Nik and Gia’s journey? I looooved their angst.
I haven't yet but their story is definitely something I plan on getting to since people have compared them to Sprina at times.☺️
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jewelrychic88 · 1 year
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I love the way that Nik always moved Gia’s braids back from her shoulder or her face. It was very sweet.
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hot girls love leopard print🐆💘
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westeroswisdom · 1 month
Five HotD cast members play Guess the Emoji.
If you come up with any new combinations related to House of the Dragon, please post them!
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p-redux · 1 year
Here's a second video of Sam Heughan and the MPC crew, and blue bikini lady, Susie Nicole Evans posted on Tik Tok by Melanie Raymond. Melanie is the Digital Content Manager for My Peak Challenge. It's from the same day as the first boat video a few days ago.
Click here to watch the video. 👇
Here is Susie with Marina et al. 👇
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Here is Sam, also with Marina, but it seems Susie is sitting in between them. I'll show in other screenshots. 👇
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See the yellow drink can Sam is holding and his black cell phone next to it. 👆
Well, they're right next to Susie in the screencaps from the previous video. And you can see Sam sitting verra close to her. His leg is hanging down under the table.👇
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In the second video, you can see Sam's from behind on the right and Susie's leg/foot below the table. I lightened it up for better view. 👇
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They are sitting verra cozily IMO.
BTW, the name of the yacht is Zanzibar 👇
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Anyhoo, let's see if they're seen on vacation together...or not.
PS. As for her age, some are saying late 30s, others are dating 41 ish. Ancient for Sam, but hey, Gia Marie was 40, and he spent WEEKS with her in Hawaii. Sam is getting closer and closer to getting cougarized and I'm SO here for it. 🤗
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matysiameow · 5 months
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I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
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annarexcouture · 7 months
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soapsudsblog · 1 year
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84 notes · View notes
superghfan · 2 years
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In 2001, Nikolas and Gia got engaged.
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
Also that "everyone in fanfic has these jobs" thing is making me laugh bc I know it's just a silly thing about common tropes but like:
Rae is a translator/linguist
Robin is an opera singer
Madison nearly became a pro swimmer, later becomes a woodcarver
Ophelia is a biomedical engineer working in prosthetics
Gia runs a florist's shop
Jasper is a trauma nurse
Katherine is an artist for museum exhibits
Kestrel is effectively a wildlife biologist (but for magical creatures)
Jimmy was a zookeeper, specifically in the aviary
Vivienne is/was a sailor, mainly on schooners
Indigo and AJ are mechanics
Spider is a foley artist
And while these aren't exactly legal jobs: Quinn's a pickpocket and Nikoletta runs a voodoo scam for gullible tourists in New Orleans.
No lawyers, waiters, or coffee shop jobs. Technically Rae and Robin both do a bit of teaching while at the X-Mansion, but neither are teachers by trade.
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jewelrychic88 · 1 year
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I’m so grateful for the Sprina fans to mention Nik and Gia. I didn’t know about them because when I started watching GH both of these actors were already gone. It has been cool going back and seeing the story. 🥰🥰
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uconnposter01 · 2 months
Chapter 2
4.1K words
  October 2021, Third-Person POV
Nuveah is struggling; she's never struggled this much in her life. The constant thought of saying, Forget this and attempt going to the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL) crossed her mind daily. Don’t get her wrong, the schoolwork is easy, and she loved being here with her sister and friends, but her insomnia has gotten so bad this year that she’s considering leaving it all behind. 
Three major things consistently ran through the soccer player’s mind. If she is even good enough to make it to the NWSL, trying to balance her friends and school. Finally, the person who occupies her mind the most is Azzi Fudd. Nuveah couldn’t get her mind off the girl, no matter how hard she tried. Unfortunately, Nuveah knows she will never tell Azzi how she truly feels, so she will just have to admire from afar. 
Trudging tiredly to her self-assigned seat in the back of the lecture hall, Aniyah puts her head down on the desk, hoping to catch some sleep before the curly-headed girl arrives. Nuveah hopes to get a quick five-minute nap before the basketball player arrives. She is not up for conversation but she doesn't want to ignore Azzi when she does show up for class, so Nuveah is hoping that resting her eyes will help her from being as irritated.
Azzi eagerly approached the soccer player as she entered the lecture hall, Giving Nuveah a light tap on the back of her neck. Azzi's smile disappeared as she saw Nuveah's weary face staring up at her.
“When’s the last time you've been to sleep?” Azzi asks softly.
“Like two days ago, I think,” Nuveah lies while laying her head on Azzi’s shoulder.
 In reality, it’s been three going on four days, but Nuveah didn't want the girl to worry, so she figured a little white lie wouldn't hurt.
“You need to smoke,” Azzi says
“Can't I wanna be sharp for the rest of the playoffs” Nuveah says, tiredly rubbing her eyes.
“But you aren't. You know you can call me if you can’t sleep, right? Azzi says softly.
“I can't do that; you need your rest, too,” Nuveah responds.
“I mean it, Nu. Call me anytime, okay?” Azzi responds just as Professor Flanagan begins her lecture.
Nuveah laid on Azzi’s shoulder, half asleep, the whole 45 minutes of class; it was the closest she had gotten to sleep in the last couple of days. Azzi would have a light dusting of pink across her cheeks if she weren't so concerned for Nuveah and her lack of sleep. She thinks the girl is too hard on herself, an act that causes major anxiety for Nuveah, which in turn causes her to stay up.
Nuveah's movements are sluggish and halted after class. She was not the first person to leave the classroom; in fact, she was one of the last few to leave. To ensure the girl does not fall, Azzi trails closely behind her.
“Do you want me to walk you to your dorm?” Azzi questions 
“Nah, I should be good,” Nuveah mumbles.
“Let me know if you have trouble falling asleep,” Azzi says
“Az, I can't do that to you,” Nuveah says.
"Yes, you can. I made my mind up already, and I'm preparing to stay up if you need me to, so like I said, call me if you can't sleep, okay?” Azzi says once more, cutting her eyes over at Nuveah.
"Okay,” Nuveah mutters, relenting.
“I’ll see you later,” Azzi says, hugging Nuveah.
After departing, from Azzi, Nuveah slowly walks back to her Dorm. Hopefully, she can take a quick nap. Her eyes burn, and she's hallucinating a bit because she could've sworn she heard her roommate Gia talking when she first came in, but after looking around the dorm apartment, she's not even there.
Laying down in her bed, Nuveah prays she can catch a few hours of sleep. Unsurprisingly, she doesn't fall asleep, but resting her eyes feels excellent; the burning, aching feeling coming from them has finally stopped. Hearing the front door slam, Nuveah sat up in a panic. Hopefully, it’s Gia.
Nuveah walks towards the living room, checking to see if Gia or Aniyah came in. Checking the dorm apartment, Nuveah notices that it is empty. 
“I need to go the fuck to sleep,” Nuveah mumbles. Making her way back to her room and lying down.
Closing her eyes, Nuveah rests her eyes once 
more. She's unsure how much time has passed but hears the door slam again.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Nuveah grumbles as she gets out of bed.
"Wassup,” Gia says, eyeing the girl before her.
“Nothing; I just heard the door slam earlier, and I'm trying to make sure I'm not going insane,” Nuveah says.
"Dude, you look like shit. When's the last time you've been to sleep?” Gia Questions.
“I don't know; I think it's been three or four days,” Nuveah said, rubbing her face.
“You need to get some sleep, Nu,” Gia says softly. 
“Don’t you think I fucking know? Don't be dumb, Gia; I would if I could,” Nuveah snaps.
“My bad,” Gia mumbles.
Nuveah instantly feels awful; she didn't mean to yell at her best friend. She's just so irritated and tired of people telling her she needs to get some sleep. If she could, Nuveah would be knocked out right now. 
“I’m sorry, G. I didn't mean to snap at you. I‘m just really irritable, and I'm kinda hallucinating, and I'm so tired, but I just can’t go to sleep, and it's fucking sucks,” Nuveah explains.
“It's okay, I get it, Pook. I just want the best for you,” Gia says, smiling widely.
 “Okay, you wanna do anything?” Nuveah says, changing the subject.
“I mean, we can play Back 4 Blood; I heard it's pretty good,” Gia said 
“I’m down,” Nuveah says, yawning.
The duo ends up playing the zombie game for three hours. Azzi stayed on Nuveah's mind throughout the entire time. She wonders what the girl is doing—if she ate or was busy—and honestly, Nuveah wishes she was there with the girl right now.
Nuveah knows Azzi said she can call her whenever, but she’s nervous. What if Azzi is only being nice because they have class together? Nuveah refuses to let her feelings sabotage their budding friendship. 
“What’s on your mind, dude?” Gia asks, looking over at Nuveah.
“Azzi,” Nuveah shamelessly admits.
"You down bad for real," Gia teasingly remarks.
“I know,” Nuveah groans, running her hand down her face 
“Why don’t you just tell her?” Gia questions.
“You sound like MoMo. Speaking of young bul, lemme call her. I wonder if she gonna go food shopping for us. We don't got shit, bro.” Nuveah says she is trying to change the subject 
“Don't try to change the subject, Pook,” Gia says, rolling her eyes.
“I ain’t ever gonna tell her; you and Niya know this,” Nuveah responds.
  “Wish you would. Shawty may like you,” Gia said.
“I can't risk it.” Nuveah quietly says.  
 Personally, I think she likes you, so you should go for it. Gia says, glancing over at Nuveah.
“Sometimes I think so, but Azzi is flirty with friends, so I genuinely can’t tell if she's just playing or not, so I’m not saying shit,” Nuveah explains.
“Write her notes,” Gia suggests
“What you mean?” Nuveah inquired, slightly confused.
“Be her secret admirer or some shit,'' Gia says.
“GG, that’s smart as fuck; I'm mad as shit I didn’t think of it, but ion think imma do it,” Nuveah admits.
“Why?” Gia asks, rolling her eyes
Nuveah didn't respond; she had no reason other than being anxious about the outcome, and she knew that was not a good enough reason not to write the anonymous love notes.
“Bro, why?” Gia asks once more, only to be met with silence.
Gia quickly realizes that she’ll have to use alternative methods to motivate Nuveah to write to Azzi.
"Yo, bro, I just peeped some shit,” Gia said, looking over at Nuveah.
“Wassup?” Nuveah asks, not looking away from the screen.
“You low-key a bitch,” Gia says.
“You sound dumb right now,” Nuveah says 
"Yeah, you are; that’s why you don’t wanna write her,” Gia says.
“You know I ain’t no bitch,” Nuveah says, sucking her teeth.
“Matter fact, shawty pretty as shit; I know niggas and bitches are gonna try to talk to her if they don't already, so don't write her letters and let one of them scoop her up. Ya, ass would be sick,” Gia says, laughing slightly.
"Aight, stop dick-eating; I know what you doing, and imma do it. Just chill.” Nuveah pleads.
Gia smirked, glad that she and Nuveah were both from the Philadelphia area. She’s unsure if that would’ve worked if Nuveah was from anywhere else.
“Azzi knows my handwriting, so I must type it, Nuveah says.
“Aight, you need help with what you gonna write?” Gia asks 
“Nah, I should be good. But put Mortal Kombat on; I wanna whoop your ass real quick,” Nuveah says, smirking.
“You stay talking shit” Gia says, sucking her teeth.
The duo played the fighting game for the next hour and a half, with Nuveah winning 75% of the matches.
“Aight, I’m done; I’m starving,” Gia complains, rubbing her stomach.
"Yeah, me too, where you wanna eat?” Nuveah questions.
“I’m feening for some Chick-fil-A; are you cool with 
that pook?” Gia asks  
"Yeah, that’s cool, but can we doordash that shit? Ion feel like leaving,” Nuveah admits.
Her body feels so tired; Nuveah’s not even sure if she can move from this spot on the couch. Even though she feels extremely exhausted, Nuveah’s mind can’t stop her mind from racing. She wasn’t even thinking of any in particular, but she couldn’t stop thinking. Honestly, Nuveah feels like she is going insane.
“Aight, the food will be here in like 30–35 minutes. Imma play some Fortnite. You wanna play?” Gia asks.
“Nah, imma watch,” Nuveah says.
"Aight,” Gia says, turning on the game.
Nuveah watches Gia win the first two rounds before there is a knock on the door.
“I'll get it,” Gia says, standing up.
"Wassup, Azzi,” Gia says once she opens the door.
“Azzi” Nuveah repeats sitting up.
Nuveah anxiously rubs her sweaty hands on her pants. She isn’t prepared for Azzi to come over, which makes her incredibly nervous. Being as sleep-deprived as she is, Nuveah isn’t sure she can contain her feelings for the girl now.
“Sike, gotcha dickhead. Look at ya face. I wish I took a picture of that shit.” Gia says while bringing in the food. 
“That shit was not funny. I should smack you.” Nuveah grumbles angrily.
“Ah ha, that was for earlier,” Gia says, handing Nuveah her food.
Nuveah stayed silent. She couldn’t blame Gia; she had yelled at her for basically no reason earlier. So Nuveah just munched on her tenders and scrolled through her phone.
“You tryna watch some shit?” Gia asks, looking over at Nuveah.
“Like?” Nuveah asks.
“Hunter X Hunter cool?” Gia asks.
"Yeah,” Nuveah responds.
Gia smiles to herself as she turns on the anime. It's only 8 p.m., and she's hoping that around 10, she can convince Nuveah to fall asleep. Gia is absolutely concerned for her best friend. As long as she's known Nuveah, the girl has always had issues with insomnia, but the soccer player has never been up for four days straight before.
After two hours of watching the anime, Gia decides it's time to call it a night. She's not tired yet, but she knows Nuveah needs the rest, even if she doesn't go to sleep. She's worried about her eyes; she needs to rest them.
“I’m getting tired,” Gia fake yawned.
“Aight, my eyes are starting to burn again, so imma try to go to sleep; I'm scared to be up for another day,” Nuveah admits softly while standing up.
“I love you, Pook; try to get some rest,” Gia says softly.
“I love you too, G,” Nuveah mumbles, walking into her room and lying down.
Nuveah stared at the clock in annoyance after trying to fall asleep for the last 4 hours. The clock 1:30 AM, the time stared back at her like it was taunting her. Azzi’s words ran through her mind again; surely Nuveah couldn't call her right now. 
Even though Azzi gave her the go-ahead to call her at any point, no matter the time, she couldn't bring herself to do so. In Nuveah's opinion, she felt as if she would be incredibly selfish. Even though Nuveah thought Azzi’s voice would help lull her into a peaceful sleep, closing her eyes, Nuveah tried to fall asleep again but was unsuccessful in her efforts. 
“Fuck it,” Nuveah mumbles, calling Azzi.
Azzi stayed up way past her bedtime today; it’s a Friday, so she knows she can do so and not completely regret it in the morning. She hopes Nuveah calls her soon or at all. Azzi wants to be here for the girl; hopefully, Nuveah will let her. Drifting off slightly, Azzi is startled by the sound of a Facetime call coming through.  
"Hello,” Azzi answers.
Nuveah’s breath caught in her throat. Azzi looks so beautiful, her glasses perched on her nose. A pink bonnet covered her thick, curly hair. She looks gorgeous. It makes Nuveah feel somewhat self-conscious; Azzi is a queen, and Nuveah isn’t sure if she is good enough for the basketball player, which is another reason for her hesitation in revealing her feelings for Azzi.
“Did you hear me?” Azzi says, bringing Nuveah out of her thoughts.
“Nah, can you repeat it?” Nuveah says, clearing her throat.
“I asked if you were okay,” Azzi repeats.
“Yeah, I’m good; it’s cool that I call, right?” Nuveah asks.
“Yes, I told you earlier that it was okay,” Azzi says her tone is light and teasing.
"Right, uh, I ain’t gonna hold you ion know what to talk about,” Nuveah admits this while rubbing the back of her neck.
“We can talk about anything; it doesn’t matter to me,” Azzi says, smiling. 
“What did you eat?” Nuveah questions cringing.
The conversation feels awkward, and the silence is deafening; she’s unsure what to say or do. Nuveah is starting to regret calling Azzi, feeling as though she’s bothering the girl.
“Nu, where did you go just now?” Azzi says this once again, bringing Nuveah out of her head.
“I’m not bothering you, am I?” Nuveah quietly asks.
“No, of course not, I promise; I just want to talk to you until you fall asleep,” Azzi quietly explains.
“My bad for being so awkward,” Nuveah mumbles.
“You are sleep-deprived, Nu. I’m not expecting you to be able to keep up a full-on conversation. I promise everything is okay,” Azzi says, smiling. 
“I really appreciate you, Az,” Nuveah says, also smiling.
“Aw, I appreciate you too,”  Azzi answers, her smile growing wider.
“How was your day?” Nuveah questions. 
“Good, what did you do today?” Azzi inquiries
“It was okay; I just played video games, you? Nuveah says, glancing at the camera.
"I went to the gym and then worked on my shooting and just relaxed,” Azzi mindlessly explains.
“Sounds eventful; glad you had a good day,”  Nuveah grins.
 “Got any plans this weekend?” Azzi cordially asks.
"Tomorrow, no, but I have a 1 pm game on Sunday against Villanova,” Nuveah explains. 
“On campus?” Azzi questions.
"Yeah,” Nuveah said, closing her eyes.
The shooting guard makes a mental note of the game and time, knowing that she won’t miss the game.
“Do you wanna hear about practice? Maybe it could help you fall asleep,” Azzi offers.
Nuveah opens one eye and glances at the screen, making eye contact with the basketball player.
Of course, she always wants to hear Azzi talk, knowing that Azzi’s soothing voice could help lull her to sleep.
“Yeah, of course, Nuveah said, closing her eyes.
"Okay, so Geno isn't as bad as Paige said he was gonna be, he yelled, of course. But it wasn't awful; overall, it was a pretty good practice,” explains Azzi.
“Mhm, sounds good,” Nuveah responds, half asleep.
"Nu, you can go to sleep,” Azzi says, removing her glasses.
“But I'm listening to you,” Nuveah says, pouting slightly.
“You’ve been up for two days; I wasn’t expecting you to stay up,” Azzi says.
"Yeah,” Nuveah mumbles out.
“Go to sleep, Nu,” Azzi softly states.
“Are you leaving?” Nuveah asks softly.
“When you go to sleep, I will,” Azzi says 
“Okay, keep talking,” Nuveah says after about five minutes.
“I did pretty good in practice; Nika is a monster on defense-,” Azzi trails off.
Hearing the soft snores coming from the other end of the phone, Azzi smiles to herself, feeling extremely proud that she helped Nuveah fall asleep. 
“Good night, pretty girl,” Azzi mutters softly, hanging up.
Nuveah slept most of Saturday, only waking to use the bathroom and eat. On Sunday, she woke up feeling refreshed at around eight a.m. After showering and putting on her practice gear, the soccer player walked to the kitchen to make herself a protein shake.
“Yo, wassup, sleeping beauty,” Gia says, coming out of her bedroom.
"Wassup dude,”  Nuveah says, finishing up her shake.
“I’m glad you finally got some sleep,” Gia says, smiling.
“Me too; I was going insane and getting sick as fuck.” Nuveah admits.
“True, don’t tire yourself. I know how important this game is to you, but don’t do too much.”  Gia advises.
“I’m not; I just have to win today,” Nuveah says.
Gia can see the hunger in Nuveah’s eyes. She knows how important this game is to her and how determined she is to win. 
"Aight, bro, I’ll see you later at the game,” Gia says, dapping up Nuveah.
After finishing her shake, Nuveah leaves and walks the 10 minutes over to the Riazza Performance Center to see if she can get a ball and some cones to warm up with some shooting and dribbling skills. 
"Waasup, coach,” Nuveah says
“Hey, kid, I just got done setting up the pitch for you,” Susan says.
“Thanks; I'll see you soon,” Nuveah responds, smiling.
Susan will never be impressed by the raw talent that oozes out of the girl. Her dedication to the sport is so impressive that it doesn’t matter the weather; Nuveah will be practicing and working on her craft, rain, snow, or shine. The girl has the potential to be one of the greats; Nuveah just has to believe it herself.    
The weather is still warm for the middle of October, so Nuveah strips out of her hoodie and begins her drills, weaving in and out of the cone Nuveah kicks the ball and it flies into the back of the net. She does these drills a couple more times, sinking the ball in the back of the net from every position on the soccer field. 
Pausing for a bit, Nuveah down some water and scrolls through her phone. It’s already 11:45, and seeing that the game is only an hour and fifteen minutes away, Nuveah is becoming anxious. Nervous butterflies began to erupt inside of her stomach. Her team desperately needs to win, and Nuveah is determined for them to do so. 
“Dude,” Her teammate Hailey said, running over.
“Wassup dude,” Nuveah says.
“How long have you been out here?” Hailey asks in astonishment.
“I think like two hours,” Nuveah said while drinking more water. 
“Damn,” Hailey mutters.
“You wanna do some drills with me?” Nuveah asks
“As much as I would love to, coach asked me to come and get you so we can regroup before the game,” Hailey explains.
“Aight,” Nuveah says as she gathers the equipment.
“You can leave that there. We still gotta warm up, remember?” Hailey says, laughing.
“Oh right,” Nuveah says, embarrassed.
As the duo walks towards the Performance Center, Villanova’s team gets off their bus, and their players immediately start glaring hard at the pair. Confused, Hailey looks over at Nuveah and sees her grimacing at the players.
“You good?” Hailey questions concern in her voice.
“Yeah, I just don’t fuck with them no more,” Nuveah grumbles. 
“No more?” Hailey asks, her eyebrow raised. 
“Let’s not get into that shit right now; it’s a long story,” Nuveah complains, picking up the pace. 
Hailey, confused, trails behind the girl back to their coach and the rest of their team.  
The team gets geared up and ready for the game; Nuveah has a chip on her shoulder, which all her teammates have picked up on. The usually awkward girl isn’t cracking jokes or laughing; she’s sitting, listening to music, and ignoring the world around her.  
Soon, it’s time for the game, and Nuveah will be more than locked in. This is a must-win for Nuveah; this is a chance for her to prove herself.
The game starts very physical; the entire Villanova team is trying their hardest to injure Nuveah. Azzi nervously watches as Nuveah goes down again, this time even slower to get up.
“Why are they going after her so fucking hard? They need to chill.” Azzi nervously says.
“They got beef,” Gia vaguely answers.
“Why?” Azzi questions.
“Cause she chose Uconn over them, they heavily tried to recruit her too. She gave a verbal yes, but obviously, she didn't go”, Gia reveals.
“Well shit,” Azzi mutters 
Nuveah is growing extremely frustrated. Her defender is actively trying to break her ankles, which is tiring. Nuveah hopes she can get a free kick or a goal soon. The score is 0-0; she believes her performance today is not good enough for her standards.
Finally, Nuveah got fouled badly enough that she earned a free kick. Walking up to the ball, Nuveah nervously wipes her sweaty hands on her shorts. Noticing Azzi after looking around and making eye contact with the basketball player, Nuveah gained brand new confidence. Twenty seconds are left in the game, and Nuveah is determined not to let the game go into OT. Nuveah aims the ball to go left, but at the last second, she kicks to the right, which confuses the goalkeeper; the ball hits the back of the net, causing the entire stadium to break into loud cheers. The Villanova players hung their heads down in defeat, getting beaten by the player they needed and wanted the most.
Nuveah honestly didn’t care about any of the cheers and chants of victory. The only person’s cheer she cares about here is Azzi’s. It makes her feel prideful and happy to see the girl cheering loudly for her.
After the game, Nuveah didn’t want to party or go for drinks; she just wanted to write this letter to Azzi and sleep. 
“Nu-Nu, I'm so fucking proud of you,” Azzi said, hugging Nuveah tightly.
“ Thank you, Az. How did you get back here?” Nuveah questions, not wanting to let go.
“I got my ways,” Azzi says, smirking. 
Hugging Azzi again, Nuveah ushers the girl out quickly. She showers and gets dressed in under thirty minutes so she can go home and write the secret admirer letter. Azzi showed up to a game that Nuveah talked about to her once, making her feel special. Hurrying up and leaving, Nuveah returns to her dorm in record time. She sits down at her computer and begins typing the short message.
After finishing, Nuveah makes her way to Azzi’s dorm, slipping the note under the door and ringing the doorbell. She runs like hell so no one from the basketball team can catch her in the act. 
Azzi got home feeling disappointed. She wanted to go out and celebrate with Nuveah, but after leaving the locker room, she waited for the girl, only to realize she had disappeared and hadn’t responded to a single text from Azzi.
Hearing frantic buzzing, Azzi opens the front door, only to see no one there but a letter. Confused, Azzi sees that it is addressed to her, so she opens it and begins to read. 
                                       Dear Azzi,
        You are the most beautiful girl I have ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on. You are the most generous and selfless person I have  ever met. There’s so much more for me to say, but I don't think I can begin describe how wonderful you are. You simply light up every room you walk into. And you put a smile on everyone’s face, especially mine.
                    Love, Your Secret Admirer, 
Azzi read the letter repeatedly, wishing she knew who this was. It’s sweet, and it makes her feel so special. However, she wouldn’t put aside her feelings for Nuveah; this letter is sweet, and all but the shooting guard is determined to make the soccer player hers. For now, she would just appreciate the letter and not focus too much on who it’s from.
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bearterritory · 7 months
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#8 Cal Wins Opening Weekend
Bears Are Flawless in Dispatching Four Opponents
BERKELEY – The No. 8 ranked California beach volleyball team closed out its opening weekend at the Clark Kerr Sand Courts with straight wins, beating all four opponents by a score of 5-0. In fact, with their victories over Saint Mary's, Santa Clara, American River and San Jose State they only dropped a single set.
"It was really exciting being able to open at home this year in front of our fans and supporters," Cal head coach Meagan Owusu said. "It was fun to see a bunch of new players in the lineup. It's a new squad, so we're just growing and getting to know the strengths that this specific group has and rolling with that."
Cal 5, Saint Mary's 0 The Golden Bears (4-0) got out to a fast start to the day as their first two pairs flew through their opening sets. Sophomore Portia Sherman and junior Ella Dreibholz started with a 21-11 win. After falling behind 13-8 in set two, they quickly rallied and pulled away late to take it 21-17.
Across the way, junior Ella Sears and freshman Kendall Peters cruised to a 21-12 opening-set victory before dropping set two 24-22. They broke a 9-9 tie in the decisive third set with three straight points, closing out the Bears' first nailbiter of the season with a 15-12 win.
Kicking off the next set of matches, sophomore duo Marilu Pally and Gia Fisher rallied from five points down in set one and never looked back, claiming a 21-17, 21-9 victory. Senior Brooke Buchner and graduate student Lara Boos broke out of a pair of close sets, holding off a pair of SMU (1-1) comeback attempts in a 21-19, 21-16 sweep.
The No. 1 pair of Emma Donley and Alexandria Young-Gomez finished things off with a dominant 21-10, 21-13 win in the final match against the Gaels.
1 Emma Donley and Alexandria Young-Gomez (CAL) def. Sedona Sherman and Sadie Shipman (SMU)  21-10, 21-13 2 Marilu Pally and Gia Fisher (CAL) def. Hannah Couch and Hawley Harrer (SMU) 21-17, 21-9 3 Brooke Buchner and Lara Boos (CAL) def. Allie Cataldo and Angie Bour (SMU) 21-19, 21-16 4 Portia Sherman and Ella Dreibholz (CAL) def. Karmin Brown and AJ Slojkowski (SMU) 21-11, 21-17 5 Ella Sears and Kendall Peters (CAL) def. Paola Peralta and Nya Crump (SMU) 21-12, 22-24, 15-12
Order of finish: 4 5 2 3 1
No. 8 Cal 5, Santa Clara 0 In their afternoon matchup with the Broncos (0-2), the Bears comfortably handled every set by at least four points. Pally and Fisher went 21-8, 21-17 while Sherman and Dreibholz won 21-15, 21-17.
None of the Bears' final three pairs gave up more than 13 points in a set. Donley and Young-Gomez won set one 21-13 and finished things off on a cheeky bump winner to take set two 21-11. Sophomores Amelia Vugrincic and Jenna Colligan jumped out to 16-6 leads in both sets en route to a 21-13, 21-11 victory. Buchner and Boos ended the day with wins of 21-12 and 21-9.
1 Emma Donley and Alexandria Young-Gomez (CAL) def. Katie Kishton and Elena Radeff (SCU) 21-13, 21-11 2 Marilu Pally and Gia Fisher (CAL) def. Ella Duffner and Noelle Niederman (SCU) 21-8, 21-17 3 Brooke Buchner and Lara Boos (CAL) def. Casey Campbell and Sveva Munneke (SCU) 21-12, 21-12 4 Portia Sherman and Ella Dreibholz (CAL) def. Jordan Bennett and Hailey Benesz (SCU) 21-15, 21-17 5 Amelia Vugrincic and Jenna Colligan (CAL) def. Alexie Epstein and Alexia Gallegos (SCU) 21-12, 21-9
Order of finish: 2 4 1 5 3
Up Next The Bears will now head south for the weekend for their road openers in the Battle For L.A. at Mapes Beach. Cal takes on UCLA and Cal Poly on Friday, March 1. The following day, the Bears face Concordia University Irvine and Loyola Marymount.
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fcrtnite · 2 months
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dc comics
arden waverly. thirty-three. a gotham street kid who left home at sixteen. has ties to an elite group of hackers that use their expertise to steal from the rich & give to the poor. professional hacker. lesbian. fc ; kristen stewart
brooke larson. mid-twenties. lives on the fringes of society rubbing shoulders with gotham's criminal underworld. childhood best friend of jason todd a.k.a. red hood. has a strong dislike for cruelty towards women, children, & the less fortunate. high end escort. bisexual. fc ; sophie cookson
emilia 'emily' wayne. late-teens to early-twenties. she was an unplanned pregnancy, conceived at the height of bruce wayne & vicki vale's whirlwind romance. they became engaged soon after finding out the news, but the marriage didn't last long. the weight of bruce's secret was too much for vicki, constantly worried about their daughter's safety, and they amicably divorced when emily was six. she spent weekends with her father and attended an all girl's private school in the city. the experience there along with anger towards her parents' separation caused emily to become stubborn & rebellious, rejecting the rules that were set in place for her own protection. the only person she really listened to was alfred & her brothers when they entered her life through bruce adopting them. after graduating, emily began attending gotham university to be in social work, despite vicki wanting her to go into journalism. because of growing up with her adoptive siblings (especially jason), her empathy for impoverished children grew and she was determined to make a real difference in gotham. she sits on the board of a children's charity with bruce and uses her popular social media presence to raise money (and regularly donates) to other charities locally and globally. emily learned about bruce's secret in her late teens and gained a greater understanding of what went wrong between her parents. she's very close with her mother, alfred, & half brother damian, but still struggles to emotionally connect with bruce, who tends to treat her like she's made of glass. pansexual. fc ; abigail cowen
gia tedesco. late-twenties. the only daughter of the most prominent mob attorney in gotham. knowing the in's and out's of the criminal & legal system has given her a unique perspective & lots of street smarts. real estate agent. bisexual. fc ; danielle campbell
jenna wilder. early-twenties. a certified sassy diva princess & damsel with a heart of gold. born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but being in the limelight because of her famous family has come with its challenges. hotel heiress & trust fund baby. bisexual. fc ; sabrina carpenter
larken forrest. mid-thirties. a mysterious single mom on the run from her abusive ex-husband. she changed her name and relocated to the last place he would find her: gotham city. deals with severe ptsd that includes night terrors & overprotection when it comes to her eight year old son, jake. bruce wayne's assistant at wayne enterprises. bisexual. fc ; dakota johnson
amelia thomas. early-twenties. a royal princess from the uk that made the decision to attend college in new york city. she's very sweet & naive & not what most people would expect a royal to be like. tends to blend in well with the crowd & makes friends easily. royal princess & college student. heterosexual. sub. fc ; elle fanning
antonia 'toni' flores. late-twenties. a resilient, ambitious, risk taker addicted to getting herself into dangerous situations. pushes the envelope when it comes to her relationships. stripper. bisexual. switch. fc ; alexa demie
ariana ford. early-twenties. an innocent, soft spoken, trust fund baby trying to make her own way in the world. her gullible nature usually causes her to be easily manipulated by people, especially men. fashion design student & coquette beauty influencer. bisexual. sub. fc ; cailee spaeny
astrid brooks. mid-twenties. a bubbly, sweet, social butterfly with a dark fantasy life. bakery owner. bisexual. switch. fc ; sydney sweeney
aurora gray. early-thirties. a social butterfly that thrives on organizing people's lives for them while having no life of her own. professional organizer. bisexual. switch. fc ; laura harrier
bella corday. late-twenties. an adventurous girl friday always after the juiciest scoop. highly ambitious and isn't afraid of jumping head first into sketchy scenarios if it will help her career. reporter. bisexual. switch. fc ; lili reinhart
birdie clark. eighty-four, appears early-twenties. a wise, well spoken, somewhat psychotic (when provoked) vampire. tries to keep the peace, but her temper usually gets the best of her. vampire & office receptionist. bisexual. sub. fc ; bailey bass
brynn crawford. early-thirties. a married stay at home mom who presents as a woman that can do it all. not a hair out of place, always well put together, keeps up appearances. little does everyone know that she's living a double life. social media manager by day, high end prostitute by night. bisexal. switch. fc ; blake lively
carmen ortiz. early-thirties. a charming femme fatale that always goes for what she wants - and gets it. has been on the run for the past decade pursuing marks & moving from city to city to evade capture. con artist. pansexual. switch. fc ; adria arjona
corey mason. early-twenties. based on her upbringing and bank account, most would consider her trailer trash. corey is the middle child of six siblings and was raised in a tiny farm house in the sticks. she had a lot of big dreams in high school that never came to fruition & regrets not doing more with her life. very friendly & empathetic with a calm demeanor. gas station attendant. bisexual. sub. fc ; taylor russell
devon taylor. mid-twenties. a kind, good hearted, beta werewolf afraid of her own shadow. she's not interested in hurting humans & just wants to live a normal life. werewolf & uber driver. bisexual. sub. fc ; chloe rose robertson
eliana hirsch. early-fifties. when her twin daughter left for college, she left her husband to live in a small seaside town & pursue her dream of writing children's books. best selling author. bi-curious. sub. fc ; jennifer connelly
estella greenwood. early-thirties. a sweet, good hearted, feisty restaurant owner who entered into an arranged marriage with a billionaire ceo in her twenties. she grew up with family money & resisted the idea of settling down (for appearances) with her father's business associate's son at first, but the marriage of convenience eventually turned into a loving toxic partnership. restaurant owner. heterosexual. sub. fc ; phoebe tonkin
felicity carter. mid-twenties. an uptight, hard working, anal retentive, perfectionist that has worked her whole life to be the best of the best in figure skating. has no time for a personal life & tends to throw people off with her direct nature. professional figure skater. lesbian. switch. fc ; phoebe dynevor
freya mancini. mid-thirties. the brutally honest, intimidating, power hungry wife of a mob boss with two young sons. she is the daughter of a long time mob enforcer and has lived with violence around her since birth. stay at home mom. heterosexual. switch. fc ; megan fox
gabriela rajković. mid-twenties. an opinionated, sex crazed, fun loving cam girl who loves being in the spotlight. goes by the name cherry deluxx online. she went from being homeless to making six figures in less than a year when a friend introduced her to the cam girl lifestyle. cam girl. bisexual. switch. fc ; mirela balić
gemma morgan. mid-twenties. a reckless, indecisive, party girl with a nasty drug habit & checkered past. bartender. bisexual. switch. fc ; adèle exarchopoulos
gwendolyn hope. early-thirties. a spiritual, shy, open hearted, natural witch who wants to bring good to the world and those around her. bookstore clerk & youtuber. pansexual. sub. fc ; lucy hale
hannah parker. mid-thirties. an awkward loner that moonlights as a serial killer. she is methodical about choosing her kills & takes the process very seriously. spends her days working in a doggy day care. relates more to animals than people. dog day care employee & serial killer. bisexual. switch. fc ; aubrey plaza
harlow gatlin. early-twenties. a determined, driven, career oriented, swim captain with dreams of making it to the olympics. daughter of a seasoned fbi agent. college student. lesbian. switch. fc ; madison bailey
hazel wells. late-twenties. an outgoing chef that marches to the beat of her own drum. curses like a sailor, makes friends wherever she goes, & loves creating unique menus for her high end clientele. private chef. bisexual. switch. fc ; florence pugh
india hayes. late-twenties. a street smart, anti-social, empathetic writer who bounces from job to job. only has direction if she's working on an interesting story & tends to go off on tangents. blogger, freelance copywriter, & sometimes novelist. pansexual. fc ; zazie beetz
ireland cardoza. mid-twenties. an aspiring actress & micro influencer trying to make a name for herself in los angeles. she works as an extra on tons of tv shows & has scored parts in a handful of indie horror films. though lately has found more success in the tiktok realm, creating beauty & fashion content. actress. lesbian. switch. fc ; camila mendes
isabel jackson. early-thirties. a hyper focused, womanizing, type a personality ex-tennis pro with a taste for luxury. tennis instructor. lesbian. dom. fc ; camilla belle
jaclyn prescott. early-forties. a successful, pit bull divorce attorney known for scoring big wins for her clients. isn't against cutting corners or burning bridges with colleagues to succeed. attorney. bisexual. switch. fc ; jenna dewan
josefina delgado. mid-twenties. a sweet, internet famous, up & coming pop star making her way up the ranks who adores her fans. singer/songwriter. pansexual. switch. fc ; maia reficco
kitty moran. mid-twenties. a soft spoken stripper with big dreams that's always out of place in her environment. she comes from the midwest & other than her job lives a very boring life watching cooking videos & going to movies alone. roommate & co-worker of quinn. exotic dancer. bisexual. sub. fc ; ashley moore
leia holt. mid-thirties. a methodical vampire slayer who takes no prisoners. her parents & siblings were killed by a family of vampires when she was a child. ever since she's been on a mission to massacre every last one of them. vampire slayer. bisexual. fc ; genevieve padalecki
liliana gregory. early-twenties. a successful, bratty model with a huge chip on her shoulder. enjoys the finer things in life & very aware of people noticing her. will step on anyone to achieve her goals & doesn't know the meaning of the word no. model. heterosexual. switch. fc ; barbara palvin
lorena silva. late-twenties. a tarot card reader with visions. comes from a long line of female family members with supernatural abilities. psychic. pansexual. switch. fc ; barbie ferreira
maggie simmons. early-forties. a charming, articulate, femme fatale notorious for dating (seducing) younger men. college professor. heterosexual. sub. fc ; natalie portman
mai hayashi. late-twenties. a small time drug dealer turned supplier that demands respect from anyone who crosses her path. she effortlessly navigates her way through the criminal underbelly & keeps a low profile. drug dealer. pansexual. switch. fc ; anna sawai
miranda westbrooke. early-fifties. a high powered advertising ceo who has literally knocked people down to get where she is. she's been with her husband for over twenty years & they are both notorious cheaters. though, they manage to keep up appearances on the outside. advertising ceo. bisexual. switch. fc ; rachel weisz
naomi taylor. early-twenties. the quintessential hot nanny who works hard & plays harder. she's works for several wealthy families & spends most of her nights off clubbing with friends in the city. prefers one night stands & fuck buddies over serious relationships. nanny. heterosexual. switch. fc ; kaia gerber
odesa aquino. late-twenties. an always curious, fun loving, travel junkie, romantic who makes friends where ever she goes. known for attaching herself to bad boys & then leaving them in her wake. flight attendant. bisexual. sub. fc ; kathryn bernardo
paige cole. early-twenties. a cunning, manipulative, well connected, hustler allergic to monogamous relationships. there's nothing much she wouldn't do to get ahead. dj & sometimes sugar baby. bisexual. switch. fc ; khadijha red thunder
piper drayton. late-nineties, appears mid-twenties. a chaotic, flirtatious vampire with lots of energy. has a strong need to be liked. vampire & yoga instructor. bisexual. switch. fc ; dove cameron
quinn strauss. early-twenties. has been a hustler her entire life, doing what she has to do to get by. very confidant & isn't afraid of anyone. protective of the people she cares about, especially other women. has a habit of getting involved with bad boys - mostly criminals. roommate & co-worker of kitty. exotic dancer. pansexual. switch. fc ; bella thorne
ripley ashford. early-thirties. an ambitious weather girl getting her first taste of local fame. she's a positive, bright, ray of sunshine that is very aware of her effervescent beauty & effect on men. loves to flirt & have a good time. on air meteorologist. heterosexual. sub. fc ; margot robbie
rosalyn suarez. early-thirties. a direct, bossy, domineering alpha werewolf. she became the leader of her pack after the death of her husband & tends to be feared. werewolf & entrepreneur. heterosexual. switch. fc ; eva de dominici
ruby harding. late-twenties. a hard working, driven, burnt out medical student determined to change the world. struggled with a severe cocaine addiction in her teens. med student. bisexual. switch. fc ; grace van patten
sienna ledger. mid-twenties. a socially awkward, semi-well known final girl who survived a serial killer at age twelve. she suffers from debilitating ptsd & has violent thoughts about killing. retail slave & camp counselor. pansexual. switch. fc ; maika monroe
sutton barnes. late-thirties. a fast talking, obnoxious, publicist with a flair for the dramatic. because of work, she's always out of town & doesn't mind ordering takeout & living out of a suitcase. publicist for a major league baseball team. bisexual. switch. fc ; katie mcgrath
tinsley palmer. mid-twenties. a mousy, unassuming, small time thief. she has a soft exterior, but a tough interior & sassy attitude, working with a group of other criminals that rob banks. between jobs she pick pockets & steals credit card numbers, doing whatever she has to do to survive. thief. bisexual. switch. fc ; ella purnell
valentina alvarez. mid-twenties. a sweet, empathetic, girl next door that radiates warmth. she goes above & beyond for her students & is constantly fighting the school system for better working conditions for herself & the other teachers. would give anyone the shirt off her back & is easy to confide in. kindergarten teacher. heterosexual. sub. fc ; camila marrone
willow donovan. early-twenties. a hippie-ish barista & college dropout, her only real goal is laying out at the beach & hanging out at house parties with friends. she always has a joint in one hand & a beer in the other & goes through men (and women) like tissues. barista. bisexual. switch. fc ; madelyn cline
zoe french. late-twenties. a wealthy, vain, attention seeking television star desperate to stay relevant in hollywood. famous actress. bisexual. switch. fc ; dua lipa
zya fox. mid-twenties. a fun-loving, witty, fashionable, makeup artist that works with celebrities & on film & music video sets. she loves being around influential people & will boast about it to anyone that will listen. her life is a roller coaster & she wouldn't have it any other way. makeup artist. bisexual. switch. fc ; coco jones
fandomless / period only
elizabeth thornton. mid-twenties. a naive, rebellious, hopeless romantic curious about life outside of the castle walls. royal princess. bisexual. sub. fc ; lea seydoux
genevieve berry. early-twenties. the youngest daughter of a royal family that hasn't married yet by choice. she is a free spirit & hates being told what to do. royal. heterosexual. sub. fc ; alisha boe
rose fitzroy. early-twenties. an overly curious princess that dreams of one day being queen. easily manipulated & naive. royal princess. heterosexual. sub. fc ; holliday grainger
samira patel. mid-twenties. the daughter of a blacksmith with pirate lineage. she works as a seamstress with her mother to help the family make ends meet. commoner. bi-curious. switch. fc ; anya chalotra
house of the dragon
eloise belfron. late-teens. a commoner that was chosen to be helaena targaryen's lady in waiting to settle her father's debt. has a strong dislike for aegon due to his cruel tendencies. isn't afraid to speak her mind & is very loyal to helaena. heterosexual. fc ; rose williams
law & order svu
maricela velasco. late-twenties. an overly dedicated detective working in the narcotics division in manhattan. has made it her personal mission to keep drugs off the streets & has a strong dislike for dealers. cousin of svu detective joe velasco. bisexual. fc ; eiza gonzalez
sylvia becerra. early-forties. a no nonsense, svu detective that cares deeply about her job and often brings it home with her. she spends a lot of time in the gym working off her aggression & works overtime to solve cases. detective. bisexual. fc ; jessica alba
the musketeers
mary turner. mid-twenties. childhood friend of constance that was always interested in medicine. she became the assistant to the town doctor & is often criticized for it by the locals. heterosexual. fc ; gugu mbatha-raw
savannah reacher. mid-forties. older, estranged sister of jack reacher. she was cast aside as a child in favor of her brothers & learned to develop a thick skin & fend for herself. was recruited into the fbi training program out of college & became an fbi agent. married in her thirties & had a son, patrick. he drowned in a swimming pool at eight years old & her marriage fell apart. she divorced & dedicated her life to her job, shutting down emotionally. maintaining a relationship with jack is difficult because he's always moving around, but tries to keep in touch. pansexual. fc ; rosamund pike
sons of anarchy
thea montgomery. mid-twenties. works at her father's auto body shop that has been operating for decades. she grew up around the samcro crew as the shop is their go to for bike repairs & went to grade with jax teller. very sweet with a side of spice, loyal, & a closet drug user. bisexual. fc ; riley keough
clementine roy. mid-twenties. logan roy's illegitimate daughter, the product of a long time affair with his secretary. he never acknowledged her birth with any of his kids & supported her mother financially until she pressured him to leave his wife. then the visits stopped. after her mother died of a drug overdose when she was twelve, she was brought into the roy family and sent to the best all girls school in the city. she excelled in academics & sports, determined to please her father, but never could. he always saw her as an indiscretion. she went away to college & became involved in an abusive relationship with a wealthy classmate. on a whim, they eloped & were only married for a month before he beat her so badly that she was hospitalized. the roy family rallied around her and it strengthened her bond with her half siblings. logan threatened to get the police involved if her husband & his family didn't agree to a divorce & cease all contact. they agreed & after she recovered & finished school, she went on to become a successful interior designer. she avoids the spotlight that comes with being a roy for the most part & tries to live a peaceful life. heterosexual. fc ; alexandra daddario
tess reddick. mid-twenties. has the ability to see people die before it happens. when tess was six years old, she had a nightmare that her father fell from a roof and broke his neck. the next day, he was doing work on a client's roof and fell to his death. she kept the secret from her mother and siblings, but through the years kept having the premonitions. during her senior year of college, she had a vision of her best friend rachel's death, and could tell something wasn't right about it. there was a supernatural element that she couldn't explain. despite her best efforts to stop it, rachel was found murdered by an unknown entity. sam and dean winchester came across her obituary and came to town to try and solve the murder. when they realized that tess had seen the murder happen before it did, they let her help them with the case. after stopping the demon responsible, she begged the brothers to let her come with them to help solve cases, wanting to use her abilities for good. abilities include: seeing visions of a person's death in nightmares or while she's awake, touching something that belongs to the person and seeing more visions of the incident. she can see visions of unsolved, past crimes by touching a missing or dead person's belongings (often causes severe migraines). pansexual. fc ; odessa a'zion (alt: selena gomez)
abigail barrett. one hundred & fifty, appears mid-twenties. a trouble making vampire with questionable motives. she's known the cullens since relocating to forks. carlisle took her under his wing, but she rejected most of his teachings, opting out of eating animals instead of humans. she is constantly at odds with them, but when push comes to shove, isn't their enemy. pansexual. fc ; madelaine petsch
the x-files
zelda mulder. early-twenties. the daughter of dana scully & fox mulder. she grew up in the middle of the back & forth of her parents' relationship, but it doesn't faze her anymore. she was diagnosed with autism early in childhood & looks at it as a gift rather than a hindrance. she runs her own paranormal private detective agency & aligns with her father's persistence & sense of belief in extraterrestrials. pansexual / borderline asexual. fc ; margaret qualley
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