#gi Joe storm shadow
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phonyphreaker · 10 months ago
These two
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That’s all. Just them
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blade-liger-4ever · 2 years ago
In accordance with @gritsandbrits’ permission, I now present to you...
(Also, I censored the swears. Sorry, I don’t believe in using vulgarities to be funny.)
Steeler: What's worse than a heartbreak?
Spell-Lunky: Stepping on a cat's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
Law, about Steeler: He’s speaking some kind of French.
Spell-Lunky: Let me handle it. I speak Spanish. It's the same thing.
Law, touching a figurine: Why? What’s wrong with touching a doll?
Steeler: THAT IS NOT A DOLL! This is a figurine, thank you very much.
Spell-Lunky, from afar: IT’S JUST A STIFF DOLL!
Steeler: I hate all of you. That is a limited edition figurine I got from a conventio— Steeler: *Drops figurine on the ground*
Steeler: —n. It was $100; all my money just went down the drain.
Genevieve Colton: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
Duke: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks, I don't want to hear squat.
Duke: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Genevieve Colton: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Duke: ...
Duke: You mean ring bearER, right?
Genevieve Colton: ...
Duke: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Genevieve Colton: Duke is playing hard to get.
Genevieve Colton: Little does he know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Gung-Ho: What are you getting Siren Call for the holidays?
Tunnel Rat: I don't know. It's kind of hard buying a gift for your partner when they already got everything they could've ever wanted when they married you. So I'm not sure yet.
Nitelite: I'm getting Siren Call a divorce lawyer.
Nitelite: I'm so happy, I could kiss you!
Ripcord: Um...Neat.
Ripcord, lying face down on his bed: I said "Neat," Siren Call. Who says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm stupid.
Siren Call, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, Ripcord. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Tunnel Rat confessed his love for me?
Ripcord: Didn't you thank him?
Siren Call: *closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I stupidly thanked him.
Nitelite: How is the most beautiful person in the world?
Tunnel Rat: *blushing* I—
Gung-Ho, butting into the conversation: Siren Call is perfect, thanks for asking.
(I am now suddenly shipping Gung-Ho and Siren Call XD)
Storm Shadow: I think I'm falling for you.
Risa: Then get up.
Storm Shadow: Hey, Risa, what do you think it would be like if we had kids?
Risa: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly.
Storm Shadow: No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?
Risa: Can't really say I have.
Storm Shadow: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring sometimes.
Risa: Sorry, Storm Shadow. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
(Man, this generator is savage...)
Risa: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Storm Shadow: I wrote you a poem.
Risa, already crying: You did?
Storm Shadow: I’ve been dropping her the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.
Risa: Wow. She sounds stupid.
Storm Shadow: But she’s not. She’s really smart actually. Just dense.
Risa: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”
Storm Shadow: I guess you’re right. Hey Risa, I love you.
Risa: See! Just say that!
Storm Shadow: Holy *Japanese swearing*.
Risa: If that flies over her head then, sorry Storm Shadow, but she's too dumb for you.
Storm Shadow: Risa.
(They use ASL for these next few)
Silent Knight: How high are you?
Snake Eyes: Mm, I don’t know how to say it in feet.
Spirit: No, she’s asking what drugs are you on.
Snake Eyes: Oh, antidepressants, why?
Snake Eyes: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare.
Spirit: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great.
Snake Eyes: Not when you’re playing with Silent Knight, it’s not. She puts in words like “ephemeral” and I put in “dog.”
Silent Knight: Which way did Snake Eyes go?
Spirit: Well, based on the direction of the wind, the broken sticks in the corner, and the slight disturbance in the dirt, I'd guess he went left.
Silent Knight: You could really figure it out from that?
Spirit: No, you idiot, Snake Eyes sent me a text. See?
Roadblock: Guys, Shawnee is missing.
Heavy Duty: Good.
*Casually in the Middle of a High Stakes/Dangerous Situation*
Heavy Duty: How do you eat pickles?
Roadblock: What do you mean?
Heavy Duty: I mean, there's a whole process. It's not like you can grab them from the jar with your hand, because it's cold and the juice burns if you have a cut, plus, it's pretty unsanitary. And you can't use a spoon because you'll have to scoop it out, and it'll be way too difficult to grab more than three or four without taking 10 minutes along with half the brine in the jar, even if it's one with holes.
Roadblock: Yeah, that's why you use a fork.
Heavy Duty: Okay, sure, but what if you don't have one of the big ones clean? It's weird to use a small one. But there is always one of those smaller sharp knives clean.
Roadblock: But the straight edge doesn't really fit the cylindrical shape, and you have to make sure you don' t break it, it's too much work.
Heavy Duty: It makes me feel like I deserve the pickles though. Like, "Yeah, I did it. That's right. Good job me." It's empowering. But even after that, it's not like you can use a bowl.
Roadblock: I get that, it's not ascetically pleasing.
Heavy Duty: Exactly! And it looks weird if you don't entirely fill the bowl, but you also can't eat that many. My solution: Use a mug.
Roadblock: *Nods in agreement*
Heavy Duty: Sheesh, okay.
Roadblock: Quit yelling at us already.
Store Worker: Would a “Heavy Duty” please come to the front desk?
Heavy Duty, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker, pointing to Shawnee and Roadblock: I believe they belong to you?
Shawnee and Roadblock, simultaneously: We got lost.
Heavy Duty: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me—
And that’s all for now! We’ll see what I can scrounge up - another day!
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eeboyysworld · 2 months ago
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Genre: smut
Storm shadow X Male!reader
Contains/Warnings: corruption kink , public sex , cream pies, anal sex , coming untouched, uniform kink. Vry short❕
‘This suit is uncomfortable..’ sighing, rolling your neck, satisfied as you crack it.Papers scattered across the desk, pens and pencil out of ink and dull to the tip.
Rubbing the sleep out your eyes, fixing posture, ready to tap away as the computer screen shined along your face.
Few minutes in, close to finish this report your superior needed, a hand slapped your back, flinching, preparing for the worst as you swing the chair backwards, ready to catch whoever was messing with you.
“Relax.. it’s just me!” Sizing the man you called your boyfriend , who was nested in a bright white suit , new scratches littering his face, grin plastered on his mouth.
‘Looking handsome.’ you didn’t admit that out loud , instead ,standing up and questioning him. “ Shouldn’t you be working?” No response. With all the stress you were put under and having no way to release it from the amount of paper work you had, it ticked you off that he didn’t say anything.
Turning around , ready to throw fury for no reasons, you were met with the other’s face, inches away from yours. “Your ass looks great in those pants.” Wow.
Barely pressing his lips against yours, whispering into you, “ I need you right now..” gripping your hand, slowly bringing it down to his closed crotch, feeling his hard on. “ Look what you do to me baby..” quiet groans left his mouth, forcing your hand to grope onto him.
“It’s only right you help me fix it.” Unsure, as you guys were in a very public place, biting down your lip, face flushed from his eyes lingering on you. “I-i.. there’s p-people here!” Your own eyes flickering across the room to watch out for anyone who may walk in.
A forceful hand gripped your jaw , making you look into the other’s eyes.” People won’t come in-“ the warmth of his hands left momentarily before they were on you again , switching from your jaw to your thighs, pushing you on-top the cluttered desk.
“If they do.. I might let them watch..” shaking your head rapidly, shame filling you up, “I’ll make you feel good.. you know that right?” It wasn’t a question, at the end of the day you were a mess under the man as he loved every inch of your body.
Nodding, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.His hands rubbing down your back, “Words, please?”
As soon as the words left your mouth, you found yourself on your stomach, feet on the ground , pants messily pooled around your ankles. No prep, no nothing, the man leaving marks on your neck , murmuring ‘sorry,’ ‘he couldn’t wait to be inside you’
The stretch hurt, the pain as soon as it was there was gone, the burning sensation brought tears to your eyes. But it felt so good.
Setting a Brutal pace, this is what you get for dating a ninja. Hands searching for anything to hold on to, arching for more access , pleads spilling out your lips.
Hitting the right spot , the ache between your legs bobbing up and down from impact.
Biting down your hand , muffling any noise escaping you, leaving teeth marks behind, worried that anyone could see you two.
A slap bounced off the walls, the rough hand hitting back and forth, red imprints left behind , “f-fuck!”
Sweat dripped down your temple, extra hot as your dress shirt was still on, barely hanging on a thread. Hips rocking into you, dick leaking beneath you , tip a soft hue of red as it was left unattended.
“That suit , l..looked so good on you,” finding your hips bringing you up and down,” hugged all your curves.”
Whimpering, his heat twitching inside you, your own flopping around, it was enough to make you release onto your own desk.
No warning, only the mutters of nonsense leaving the other’s mouth , thrusts becoming sloppier, before liquid filled you to the brim, dripping down , the sound filled your ears as he slowly pulled out.
Pulling your pants back up, helping you stand up , knees wobbly, fixing your disheveled hair , kissing the tear stains away. “ You look so beautiful..” rolling your eyes,”You’re saying that after I’m fucked out?” Playfully pouting.
No response as his soft lips clashed into yours, tongues slipping past. Lasting for a minute before you pulled away , knowing you guys had work to attend and couldn’t get carried away again.
What your coworkers didn’t know , was that you guys were one freaky ass couple.
As you squirm in your seat.Not only the suit pants bugging you, cream spilling out your hole, left to stick to you. Reminding you off what happened not too long ago.
A/N: short but i wanna post something today 🤗
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sweetascherry1 · 25 days ago
I’ll be watching you — Lee Byung-hun
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Description: Over the years your fans has slowly watched you and Lee Byung-Hun fall in love. They finally get to see you guys working on a project together for the first time since G.I. JOE. What even better? The promotion for the Netflix hit Squid Games.
Parings: Lee Byung-Hun x Actor F!Reader
Warnings: Some use of Y/N.
2013 G.I. JOE Retaliation Promotion.
The bright lights of the cameras shined on you and your co-star, while the interviewer asked you basic questions.
“So how did the two of you feel with this new casting. Mr Lee who had already played in the original G.I. Joe movie and you who has just now made her debut.”
You look to Byung-hun silently pleading for him to take on the question first. Luckily one look your way and he knew your silent question. Something you had found yourself grateful for.
“The entire cast is full of amazing actors, who are so caring and gentle.” Slowly you felt your nails picking at your cuticles as you thought of your answer. “I had a lot of fun working with these guys — and everyone on the crew makes it so fun.”
You didn’t noticed at first, and honestly neither did the interviewer. He was so slick with the way he slid his hand into yours, stopping your bad habit. Giving your hand a gentle squeeze before you answering as encouragement.
Your voice didn’t waver as you let the warmth of his hand bring you back to earth.
“Working on a project this big, with these actors who I truly admire is something I’m so excited about. This my ‘debut’ and it’s crazy to me that this is all really real.”
Before the interviewer could ask his next question Byung-hun didn’t think before keeping your conversation going. Helping your nerves.
“Going Hollywood is definitely something that is nerve wracking. I remember how crazy the whole thing was for me.”
Your little smile at him made the fans go crazy when the video came out. The hand holding, and little gentle reassurances he would do throughout the entire thing was something fans couldn’t get enough of as they would re-watch it over and over.
Photos flashed everywhere, blinding you as you stepped onto the movie premiere. Your dress was gorgeous, just like you. Your hair and makeup styled perfectly, you had honestly felt like a princess.
And in true prince fashion, Byung-hun stepped in when he saw you picking as your nails again.
Smiling at the photographers, he grabbed your hand. Leaning down to whisper in your ear; “your hands are too pretty to mess up. Squeeze mine instead.”
When he straightened his posture, and smiled once again for the cameras, as if nothing happened, you couldn’t help but think maybe that’s when you first felt it.
Devotion, wrapped in admiration.
He had helped you so much with your anxiety, some would say it was inevitable to favor him. “Thank you.” All he did was simply squeeze your hand back.
The blinding lights going crazy over the hand holding. Surely it would cause rumors, but for once you didn’t let it get to your head. Simply holding his hand instead.
For Lee Byung-hun, he had only thought of you as a co-worker. While your admiration for the man was so obvious, he couldn’t help but thing it was a silly crush you had because he helped you in tough situations.
He kept it professional, denying at friend invites you sent him, or any drink you’d offer him. Though he changed perspectives after watching you most recent single interview.
“Many of your fans are interested with your relationship with your co-star Lee Byung-hun. Can you elaborate on it?”
Truth was you felt nervous at this question, you didn’t know the right way to answer. Though you knew you wanted to be honest and not let the rumors continue, even if it may disappoint some.
“Ah, well truth be told there is no relationship I can really explain. This movie is the first time I’ve had such a big role.
While filming, it’s true I had quite a few scenes with Storm Shadow, more often than not. While filming those scenes I’d watch the way Lee Byung-hun embodied his character.
It was something I was truly impressed about, and so since our characters were so intwined with each other — we were paired for most promotional videos.”
You took a deep breath before continuing, grateful that the interviewer didn’t interrupt.
“During our first promo video, I was extremely nervous. This is such a big film and I was so in my head — seeing this my co-working held my hand to help with my anxiety.
People who support me loved it. Was all for it, but all it was, was him helping a co-worker out. The same thing happened at the movie premiere.
While on that carpet my heart was pounding and he was there to offer support. That’s all, the rest is rumors. I simple just admire him and someone to learn from.”
You felt a little shaky but ultimately felt better after clearing air. In your eyes Mr Lee Byung-Hun was uncomfortable about the rumors. That’s why he wouldn’t ever socialize much with you, so you had felt proud of yourself for putting an end to it.
On the other hand, him hearing you say you only admire him from a person to learn from had hit him hard. A person he knew actually looked up to him. It was an honor, one he had became proud of.
So when he saw you next, he didn’t beat around the bush.
“I’m a person you admire?” You didn’t have a crush on him like he originally thought, and that’s the moment he wanted you be your friend.
That’s the moment he had devotion towards you. Devotion wrapped in friendship.
Your final cast interview. It was a long experience, but an unforgettable one. This whole movie had became something you truly loved, cast included.
“Each of you will read out a card, and say the answer within ten seconds. If you get it, you’ll gain points. Whoever has most wins.”
A simple game to finish it off. Easy peasy.
To the right of you, Dwayne went first. “In ten words, explain the film.” He read off before hurrying to put ten words out.
“Cobra.” One finger up. “Escapes.” Another. “While. Joes. That. Are. Left. Fight. Back.” One last word, but just before he could think of it — getting stuck the timer went off.
The whole crew laughed at his disappointment, and then next was your turn.
“I’m nervous.” You gave one deep breath before reading out your card. “Why should you watch the new movie.”
One. Two. “Have you seen this cast?” Five. Six. “Just look at Dwayne’s muscles.” Everyone laughed.
Dwayne got a little red, causing a little teasing. It was a good moment, a happy moment. So why was Byung-hun laughing?
In fact as it was a viral clip, not you teasing Dwayne, no it was Lee Byung-hun reaction that was viral.
“Have you seen this cast?” Byung-hun kept his entire focus on you, not even looking away once when you spoke. In fact throught most of the interview, he barely paid anyone else much attention. “Just look at Dwayne’s muscles.”
A bitter feeling bubbler under his skin, as he felt his blood hot. His jaw visibly clenched, as he glared at the man in question. Before looking you up as down, his fist the next to clench. Not a single laugh leaving his lips let alone a smile.
It went very viral, and Lee Byung-hun didn’t even try to deny what they were saying. Jealousy, yes. Though it wasn’t because he was romantically interested. He just felt a sense of belonging over you. Not in a toxic way, or at least not in his eyes.
Truth be told you only mentioned to him simply because you didn’t want him to be mad at you.
“What that video going around about?” A simple question. He was in your living room, laying down on your lap, eyes closed while you mindlessly scrolled through instagram.
Instantly he knew what you were talking about and once again he didn’t defend himself.
“I didn’t like how you mentioned him.”
“His muscles.”
A scoff slipped past his lips, “I have those too, you know?” He sat up, and didn’t hesitate to lift his shirt up to show you. His abs briefly capturing your full attention.
“Yea but there’s already enough rumors about us.” That was true, and he knew that but he just didn’t care.
“Let them talk.” He brushed a hair out your face, ���we’re friends, and friends go over co-workers.”
Friends, neither of you doubted the word. But we’re friends so devoted to one another? So admirable to the other? So protective? Yet the word was never doubted.
Over the years
Over the years, neither of you worked on a project again. That didn’t matter, your friendship was still so ever strong.
Often at each other’s house, getting food, attending events. All your fans had was an occasional post about the other.
Once you posted putting a pretty pink bow in his hair, his face was in complete annoyance.
“Byung-hun. Look at me!” He knew you had your phone recording and he debated on weather or not to snatch before looking at you. Ultimately he settled for a glare.
“My pretty princess.” Oh he just might kill you. His head tilted as suddenly you felt a little hotter as he look up at you. Like he was going to devour you alive. “Princess? I’m the one that pampers you—“ before he could continue the video went black.
It was a fond memory of your and you had posted it. As expected whenever a post involving the other popped up it blew up.
Though his comment made even more chaos. As he so much loves to do. No joke, before he made the comment he laid on your bedroom floor breaking silence as he watched the video.
“How can I make this more chaotic.” You couldn’t help but sigh at him.
I dream so often of shutting your mouth. Any ideas?
It went crazy. Then again you’ve done that before, comment a wild thing on his post.
For instance, he posted a picture of himself sweating. Chain dangling (one you got him) and a devilish smile.
Have my kids, I’ll never talk back.
You had purposely also sent him a private audio message, cat calling him.
The uproar your fans had, oh well let’s just say many articles broke out.
It was honestly fun, watching your fans want something so bad and just dangle it. Made the two of you feel euphoric on the power.
Yet that wasn’t the only thing you two had found euphoric.
Eventually at one point the two of decided to drink and drink. None of you think before you both crossed a line that was already so faded.
You kissed, and then kissed. Until you ending up the next morning both naked in bed.
The two of you decided for the best that none of it ever happen again, but even though you didn’t — it doesn’t mean you two forgot. In fact neither of you can look at wine the same.
Though, y’all’s restraint fell apart eventually as the two of you kept ending up in each other’s bed.
Most people wouldn’t be shocked if they knew, but oh the two of you were dumbfounded on why you guys could resist each other.
So began your friends with benefits era. A classic.
As that era ended, you both realized you had wanted more, so eventually causal dating was the next step for the two of you. In private of course.
Promotion of squid games
You and Byung-Hun both sat in front of cameras. Each looking at fan made videos. It was nice to see such creativity, or that what you thought going into this.
As the first video played, with weird dancing and animation, you couldn’t understand how Byung-Hun could keep a straight face.
“That was for sure… interesting.” The side eye you gave him, and then the camera was definitely clipped.
“I feel wrong.” Is all you had simply said. Which was true. “Definitely love the work put into this, and I think it’s cool how people made this. Just… not my cup of tea.”
A few more weird videos broke out, and some nice one with people singing the theme song, and etc.
The next fan video was an edit of the two of you. Simply just watching each other as the lyrics in the video played. Romantics clearly intended.
It didn’t surprise the two of you. Byung-hun turned his head to you, laughing a little.
“You know, a lot of our fans watched this show for us being in a film together. Yet our characters actually despise the other.” Your smile felt contagious to him as you laughed back.
“Are we the problem?”
The man simply nodded his head back before the two of you watched the next video.
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Liked by byunghun0712 and 345k others
yourusername Coming soon! ⏰
Username1 Ah! So exciting
Yourbestfrienduser MOMMY?!
byunghun0712 is this how I find out?
Liked by Yourbestfrienduser
Username2 OMFG 😭
Username3 so proud to Stan her
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Liked by Yourusername and 455k others
byunghun0712 how come you never buy? @ yourusername
Yourusername cause I’m spoiled.
Liked by creator
Username1 see how me and him both eat McDonald’s? Meant to be trust
Yourusername honestly you’re so real for that.
Username2 AH, I love you in squid games
Username3 Frontman ❎ Hotman ✅
Lie detector interview.
“We are going to give you a set of questions, please answer yes or no.”
Nerves picked at your skin as your watch Byung-hun opposite from you.
They would start with true or false trivia, before going into more detail questions. He gave you a reassuring smile before reading out the first words.
“Is your name really Y/N?” Easy. “Yes.” The detector person gave a thumbs up and he went onto the next question.
“Is it true that you play in squid games season 2?” Another easy one. “Yes.” One more true or false. “Is it true you are very nervous?” The look you gave him was the most ‘duh’ bratty attitude ever.
“Okay, now onto the actual questions.” He looked down at his card, almost laughing before reading it out to you.
“Have you ever injured yourself on the set of squid games?” You knew exactly what he was thinking about, and it took you a moment not to laugh as well.
“During one of my earlier scenes, I was drinking wine, that I thought was grape juice.” Byung-hun placed a card over his growing smile as you continued. “Well no one actually thought I was drinking actual wine. Nor did I. So I ended up getting a little flushed and tripped off my chair spraining my ankle.”
Amusement wouldn’t even began the joy your co-star had as he remembered the day he carried you back to your trailer.
“Did you have to learn Korean for this film.”
You tilted your head as you thought about it. “I didn’t learn it for this film, but I had learned it a while ago to surprise you because I felt bad you had to translate your thoughts before saying them.”
Lee Byung-hun remembers the first time you spoke to him in Korean. In fact he thinks that was the moment he fell in love with you.
You two had become the definition of she fell first but he fell harder.
You use to mess up so much, and he always loved it. Now you’re pretty fluent but he loves the moments where you ask him for help.
“Tell me more about your character.”
“I play a foreign player, that is intended to remind Gi-Hun about Ali. When I get into the games lots of drama, funny and stressful things begins to happen. I don’t wanna spoil it.”
“Well you passed!” As your began to unhook yourself from the machine, “not a single lie.”
“Not like I could.” You would rather be seen as the honest person you were anyways.
You had asked your co star similar questions but one was a heavily asked fan question.
“What’s your relationship with Co-Star Y/N L/N.” Even you began to feel nervous. Dating. You two were dating and had went a very long time keeping your confirmed relationship private.
But, as you both looked at each other you both knew there wasn’t a point in keeping things a secret.
Let’s just say the PR for squid game was better than gold.
A/N: I have so many WIP, but no motivation to finish them 😭. So this is my very half attempt to get out of this writing slump! Otherwise I might go insane.
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sloaneispunk · 1 month ago
“jealousy jealousy”
stormshadow (lee byung hun) x you
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“i told you i’d kill him if he touched you again”
✶ ──── 🀀 ──── ✶
when you joined cobra, you had to take up different missions with different objectives. this time, you had to go undercover as the baroness, earning the trust of the baron so you could infiltrate the secret code for weapons.
“y/n, this is stormshadow. he’s assigned to keep you safe during the mission, i need you two to work together.” your employer said.
your first impressions of stormshadow was that he was reslly goodlooking. he had the perfect facial harmony that somehow complemented his physique as a whole.
“my pleasure, ms y/n.” stormshadow greeted, subtly bowing down as a sign of respect.
“you’ll start in a few hours, you have a date with the baron at 7 sharp! don’t be late!” your employer shouted from a far as he walked off, leaving the two of you behind.
“i’ll come back at 6:30 to pick you up.” the man in front of you reminded.
you nodded and gave him a smile before heading off.
back in your room, you found a box already waiting for you on your bed.
‘picked out a dress for you’ the note said as it laid perfectly on the box.
you opened it, finding a silk, white dress. it was beautiful.
funny enough, it seemed like a total coincidence that stormshadow’s suit also happened to be white.
a while later you were ready for the mission. you looked in the mirror one last time and headed down.
then came a ring of the doorbell.
6:30pm sharp. what a gentleman.
as you opened the front door, you were met with a familiar face, stormshadow. he seemed to had been in awe as you waited for his reaction.
“how do i look?” you asked nervously, biting your lip as you waited for an answer.
“give me a twirl.”
you spun on your heel, watching as the dress flowed almost magically with you.
“beautiful.” he smiled, extending his arm for you to take as he led you to the car.
✶ ──── 🀀 ──── ✶
when you reached the restaurant, your jaw dropped. it was the most luxurious place you had ever seen.
the walls were pitch black, decorated with sleek lights that dimly lit the whole place, causing you to stand out.
“i feel stupid.” you told him as you walked.
you were never used to such affluence. but ever since you had taken this job working with cobra you had been exposed to more and more richness. still, it was like a fever-dream.
“you’re far from that, y/n…” he replied, “now, just entertain him for the night, keep him interested but don’t let him push it too far. if anything goes wrong, i’ll be right there.”
you looked towards where he pointed, it wasn’f too far from your table. he was stationed at the bar.
and with that, the mission had begun.
you tried your best to stay intrigued by the things the baron was saying, you really did. but in all honesty, you couldn’t be bothered. often, you eyes wandered to the bar, hoping to catch s glimpse of stormshadow.
when you did happen to see him, he would give you a reassuring smile. almost as if he was letting you know that he still had your back. and that kept you going for the night.
when the excruciating dinner finally came to an end, the baron asked to send you home. however, you politely declined.
he didn’t take it well.
“c’mon, we can have a little fun at your place to.” he tried but failed to sound seductive.
“oh, no, my driver’s picking me up-”
the baron grabbed your arm.
“i think i’ve earned it.” he insisted, pulling you closer as you gave him a nervous chuckle.
stormshadow watched as his grip on his glass tightened. he thought of interfering but he knew it would compromise the mission, so he sat still, holding back whatever anger he was feeling inside.
“seriously, i shouldn’t. my driver’s outside.” you told the baron in a strict tone, making him finally stop insisting. instead, he put on a fake smile, bringing your hand up to his lips.
“i’ll see you soon, y/n.”
you put on your best geniune fake smile and took off.
once you got into the car you felt like you could breathe again. you let out a loud sigh and kicked off your heels.
then, the door opened, stormshadow swiftly got in to the seat beside you as the driver drove off.
✶ ──── 🀀 ──── ✶
the car ride was painfully silent, stormshadow hadn’t uttered a single word since he stepped in.
you took it as a sign that maybe he changed his mind, wanting to keep things more professional from now on.
when the car stopped, you picked up your heels and left without a word, heading back to your room.
“what do you think you’re doing?” stormshadow called out to you as he chased you down the hall.
“going to bed.” you said, not stopping.
“y/n, wait.” he jogged up to you, stopling you in your tracks just before you could enter your room.
“what are you doing?” it was your turn to ask now. he shook his head as a smile appeared on his face once more.
“is something wrong?”
“yeah, what’s wrong is you acting all sweet and nice to me since we met but right after dinner you’re like a whole new person!” you almost shouted, throwing your hand up in the air in defeat. “do you want to be professional? we can ditch the whole first name basis then and-”
“i didn’t like seeing the baron touch you like that.” stormshadow admitted, looking away embarrassed.
“but i’m okay, i got away.” you said softly, cupping his face to face you.
“i’ll kill him if he ever touches you again.”
your eyes widened, surely he didn’t mean it.
“you shoulder get some rest.” you told him, taking it as a joke. you brushed the now messy strays hairs away from his eyes. “thank you.”
you slowly leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek before you entered your room.
stormshadow laid awake that night, his mind replaying how the baron had touched your delicate skin. he wanted to be the only one that had gotten close enough to do that.
that night, he made a silent promise to himself that from then on, no one would even come close to touching you unless it was him. he would eliminate anyone that got in his way.
✶ ──── 🀀 ──── ✶
a while later, he had been assigned once again to accompany you to yet another date with the baron.
he was thrilled to be able to see you again, but the thought of you spending time with someone else while he sat there watching helplessly angered him.
the entire time as you were there with the baron, he sulked in a corner, eyes practically shooting daggers into the man that sat across you.
but things took a turn as you followed the baron back to his place.
to you, it was merely so you could gain access to his house, studying the layout and figuring out where he could possibly have kept the secret codes.
but to stormshadow, you were in danger. he knew what men like the baron could do to a pretty woman like you and he was going to do everything he could to prevent it.
“come, let’s go to my bedroom.” the baron said as he took your hand, leading you.
as the two of you got to his room, he started being more touchy with you. his hands wandered from your arm to your waist and to the back of your dress.
but before anything else could happen, he stopped. you cocked your eyebrow as his face suddenly contorted in pain, his mouth agape as he let out a silent cry for help.
then, he had fallen onto the floor at your feet. that’s when you saw it. a knofe was sticking out from his back, blood pooling and seeping into the million dollar carpet.
then, stormshadow came out from hiding, stepping out into the light.
“jesus! did you do that?!” you cursed, seeing the now dead baron at the foot of his own bed.
“i told you i’d kill him if he touched you again.”
you looked up at him in shock, he wasn’t joking.
before you could comprehend the situation, stormshadow grabbed your neck, pulling you flush against him as his lips found yours.
you easily melted right into the kiss, deepening it as he let out a low groan.
the kiss was messy, with teeth and tongue as both your mouths fought for dominace. but before you could’ve taken it further, there was a knock on the bedroom door.
“sir? is everything alright?”
✶ ──── 🀀 ──── ✶
( g.i. joe: rise of cobra - 2009)
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blade-liger-4ever · 2 years ago
I always thought Snake-Eyes was cool 😎
Dang Storm Shadow, I texpected you to have better balance!!
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After the boat crashed the ninjas are thrown into shark infested water.  The next couple pages are the pinnacle of human achievement.  Of particular note:.
-Snake-Eyes rides and stabs a big shark
-Beach-Head calmly shoots up a bunch of sharks that are an arms length away
- Snake-Eyes rides and stabs a big shark
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When I was a child there was nothing I liked more than sharks and G.I. Joes.  Needless to say, this is the greatest panel of all time.  
-G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #47 (Hama and Whigham)
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daz-zey · 1 month ago
I love it when the actors and hopefully more Korean actresses speak in their language to everyone… mostly the people in Hollywood.
I really love it when Lee Byung Hun speaks both Korean and English. I hope he gets to speak English more. When I heard about him being bullied, I was like what do you guys mean??? He speaks English well, he just has an accent and needs to articulate his next thoughts in another language 😭😭 what the actual hell?
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magnetic-maverick · 1 month ago
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blade-liger-4ever · 2 years ago
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peach-teea · 1 month ago
I need Andrew Koji. Seriously. Like it's not healthy but I can't stop thinking about this man and the lack of fanfics for his characters is CRIMINAL.
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yatzstar · 9 months ago
I know you didn't work with that in a while but do you have any G. I. Joe headcanons? I'm curious.
I'm assuming you know exactly who my headcanons will be about, judging by what I have on my blog lol. I know it's been a little while, but I'm still working on another story, albeit slower because I have other projects going on as well. However, I do have many little Snakescar headcanons that I haven't put into a story (yet) and I'm glad for the chance to throw them out there! (Side note these are all based on Renegades)
The first time they met, Scarlett held Snake Eyes at gunpoint because she thought he was Cobra. It left quite an impression lol
Scarlett can handle spicy food better than Snake can.
If Duke were ever to find out what Snake looks like, I think his mind would be blown a little bit that the ninja looks like him (blonde hair, blue eyes).
If Snake could talk, he would talk at 500 miles an hour because Japanese is the fastest language in the world and that would carry over to his English as well. He signs fast instead, and sometimes Scarlett can't keep up.
Scarlett made him learn sign language. He didn't want to at first, but he caved as he grew more attached.
Snake has very calligraphy-styled handwriting.
Snake is good at cooking. Once he warmed up to the others, he and Roadblock might trade recipes.
Scarlett, who is very tech-savvy, is physically pained when Snake leaves a thousand tabs open.
Scarlett sometimes sings to herself while she's working, and Snake likes to listen, to her mortification.
Snake primarily gives Scarlett weapons as gifts (some of which he fashioned himself).
She hunts down genuine Japanese food to give him.
In a future where they are on better terms, Jinx would tell Scarlett embarrassing stories about Snake Eyes. He insists she's exaggerating. Storm Shadow would back her up.
In that same vein, there is a long standing semi-serious promise between Snake and Scarlett about going to Japan one day. When they finally do, it's to get married.
Storm Shadow would begrudgingly accept being a brother-in-law to Scarlett. He acknowledges he royally screwed up Snake's life, and she accepts Snake with his scars and makes him happy.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head, though this got pretty long regardless! Hopefully you weren't expecting more widespread headcanons over the Joe roster because these two are my major brainrot fr
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ree-duh · 10 months ago
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Repressed Asian representation my beloved
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sloaneispunk · 2 months ago
“the calm before the storm”
stormshadow (lee byung hun) x you
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stormshadow had been hired by cobra commander to retrieve the warheads from the gi joes. but they failed to inform him that he had to work with a partner… someone he had grown very fond of
༒ ──── 𖣘 ──── ༒︎
“stormshadow, this is y/n. you will be working together to retrieve the warheads.” the commander said, leaving you and him both in shock as he walked off.
“i’m sorry, i wasn’t told i was working with anyone.” you said, breaking the silence.
“me neither.” he replied, “that’s alright, ms y/n? i presume?”
he extended his hand out as he the other slipped his sword back into its sleeve, not wanting to scare you away.
“yeah, stormshadow right? i’ve heard stories about you.”
he nodded, bringing your hand up to his lips as he placed a gentle kiss on it.
“i’m honored.” he smiled.
“c’mon, people! planes taking off!” the pilot announced, making stormshadow take your hand, bringing you to the private jet.
once you were on the jet, you took your seats, stormshadow sitting right beside you.
“so is it true?” you blurted out before you could stop yourself.
“what is?” he cocked an eyebrow.
“you have those little star throwing thingies.” you tried to hold back your laughter, making him roll his eyes playfully.
he pulled something out of his pocket, holding it up with two fingers as your mouth dropped.
“it’s beautiful!” you gasped, admiring the shuriken.
stormshadow watched with pride as you were in awe of his weapon, it was so easy to get your attention, he loved it.
for the rest of the flight, he showed you one by one each weapon he had in him, even giving you one of his shuriken as a gift.
༒ ──── 𖣘 ──── ༒︎
when you landed, the two of you headed straight to the location the g.i. joe’s were camping at.
sneaking into the facility was easy, but for stormshadow he was having a hard time, he couldn’t for the life of him focus. maybe it was the similar white suit you had on that perfectly hugged your body, showing off your curves. or the fact that he was supposed to be doing a mission with the best girl he had ever met.
in-and-out. easy.
naturally, the joe’s had caught on quickly, causing the entire mission to take a dangerous toll. stormshadow was a professional, he knew what he needed to do, and most of the time, he did it all for the money.
little did he expect himself to actually enjoy this particular mission. he stole glances from you whenever he could, making sure you were okay.
when you had gotten your hands on the breifcase of warheads, he guided you every step of the way as the two of you escaped.
however, there was a complication just as you could step out of the facility. the guard must have been hiding, because stormshadow had almost ran right into his arms.
you thought quickly, taking the shuriken he had given you and tossing it right into the guards abdomen, causing him to fold over, lesring your path.
stormshadow halted, making you crash into him.
“where did that come from?!” he asked frantically as he looked around.
“what? what?! that was me!”
“yea! how could you not have seen him! he was practically hiding in plain sight!”
“we’ll settle this later, we gotta get out of here.” he lightly scolded, grabbing your arm as you took off.
༒ ──── 𖣘 ──── ༒︎
when you got back to cobra base, you were greeted at the front gate by the head commander.
“ah, y/n! i knew i could count on you!” he said, pulling you into a hug as his hand got dangerously low behind your back.
stormshadow didn’t leave his action unnoticed.
“well, i had help.” you awkwardly chuckled as you pulled away.
after some small talk, you retreated back to your room, throwing yourself onto the bed as you let out a sigh of relief.
“if he touches you again, i will kill him.”
you jerked up from the bed, letting out a loud scream as you grabbed your gun, aiming it at the voice.
“whoa, whoa.” it was stormshadow. he stepped into the light, making you throw your gun aside.
“jesus… you scared me.” you chuckled, hand on your chest as you sat back down.
“i thought you were a professional?” he teased, stepping in front of you.
“and by the way, you don’t have to kill him, everything’s fine. he’s just touchy.” you shook your head.
“we’ll see if he dares to lay a hand on you again.” stormshadow replied. “you know, that was some impressive skills back there, you saved me… i feel like i should owe you something.”
you grinned. “it was an easy throw, you’re just getting soft on me.”
“maybe.” he whispered, staring deep into your eyes. “i can’t focus with you here…” he admitted.
“that’s too bad.” you told him. “maybe you should find another job.”
“i don’t think i want to.”
you were now inches away from each other, you could feel his breath panning on your skin, his eyes still never leaving yours.
before you could stand a chance to seal the deal, the door flew open.
“who’s ready for another mission?”
༒ ──── 𖣘 ──── ༒︎
i’m not kidding when i say i’ve watched 3 movies that lee byung hun had starred in in the past 24hours. i am losing my mind.
the movie this is based on is g.i. joe, go watch!
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icemankazansky86 · 27 days ago
My ✨Muse✨ List (New and improved) This man and his characters have me in a chokehold istfg—
Hwang In-ho AKA Frontman
Verse: Squid Game (2021-)
Genre: Thriller/action/suspense/survival
Pairing(s): Seong Gi-hun/Hwang In-ho
AU friendly
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Han Cho Bai
Verse: RED 2 (2013)
Genre: Thriller/action
Pairing(s): N/A - OCs welcome
AU friendly
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Captain Eugene Choi
Verse: Mr. Sunshine 미스터 션샤인 (2018)
Genre: Historical drama
Pairing(s): Lady Go Ae-shin - OCs welcome also
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Storm Shadow
Verse: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009) - G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)
Genre: Thriller/action/science-fiction
Pairing(s): N/A - OCs welcome
AU friendly
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fuckyeahesadribic · 1 year ago
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Snake Eyes vs Storm Shadow commission by Esad Ribic
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fandoms-run-my-life · 3 months ago
Question for GI Joe fans
Does Cobra Comand have a benefits package? They have to have normal jobs like accounting, tech support, mechanics, teams of people building their evil base.
Basically evil versions of corperate/government jobs that keep everything running. It can't all be soldiers.
What is their pay like? Do they get dental? Insurance? What's the vacation policy like?
Do the soldiers get paid better? Do you make more money working for Cobra than the Joe's? There has to be some incentive to work at an evil terrorist organization bent on taking over the world
These are things that keep me up at night.
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