#ghana video
bootyandgeekeries · 1 month
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apennyforurthots · 3 months
Bikini szn ready
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kemetic-dreams · 3 months
Kente comes from the word kenten, which means "basket" in the Asante dialect of the Akan language, referencing its basket-like pattern. In Ghana, the Akan ethnic group also refers to kente as nwentoma, meaning "woven cloth". Ashanti folklore includes a story where weavers invented kente by seeking to replicate the patterns of Anansi the spider.
West African cultures have been weaving textiles for thousands of years. Archaeological evidence for the oldest form of handloom weaving in Southern Ghana has been discovered at Begho and Bono Manso. Spindle whorls and dye holes discovered in these sites have been dated to the 14th–18th centuries. At Wenchi, spindle whorls have been dated to the 16th–17th centuries.
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Asante oral tradition give the origins of Kente to an individual from Bonwire who introduced a loom among the Asante from Gyaman during the reign of Nana Oti Akenten in the 17th century. Another oral source states that it was developed indigenously by individuals from Bonwire during the reign of Osei Kofi Tutu I, who were inspired by the web designs of a spider. In the 18th century, Asantehene Opoku Ware I was documented by Danish agents Nog and L.F. Rømer, to have encouraged expansion in craft work. The Asantehene set up a factory during his reign to innovate weaving in the Ashanti Empire. This was the early stages of Kente production. The Danish agents described the operations of the factory as;
Some of his subjects were able to spin cotton, and they wove bands of it, three fingers wide. When twelve long strips were sewn together it became a “Pantjes” or sash. One strip might be white, the other one blue or sometimes the was a red among them...[Asantehene] Opoke [Ware] bought silk taffeta and materials of all colours. The artists unravelled them.
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— Nog.
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akonoadham · 1 year
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wondergirlmoliy · 1 month
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msclaritea · 5 months
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"Tyler Perry is going to hell. He genuinely hates black women. He despises black women. I have no doubt that he spends his time trying to figure out how he can depict harm coming to black women. There is ZERO reason to show that type of violence happening to black women." Twitter
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spaciebabie · 2 years
i wish my family actually spoke ga ta me and my brother when we were younger instead of just speaking it around us b/c i am existing in this weird middle ground between bilingual and monolingual where i can understand most of what they're saying but i cant speak it back ta them and its frustrating
like i know why they didn't wanna teach me and my bro it, when my family first moved ta america my mother had a hard time in school growing up b/c she didnt speak english so she couldnt talk ta any of the kids and she was lonely for awhile and they didn't want that ta happen ta us but. we were born here sjkfdskf we would've learned english anyway
idc if it would've been hard i already feel disconnected from my culture as it is, i just want this small part of it yk? its such a cool language too!!!!!!!!!!!! its so expressive and dramatic its literally perfect for me!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sk2lton · 2 years
we have a guest speaker in math class to talk to us about coping w stress as if this class isn’t the reason i felt like shitting myself this morning😭😭
#chant 𖦹 d’oiseau#‘what r things that stress u?’ THIS FUCKING CLASS THIS CLASS BRUH LET ME OUT OF HERE#I WANNA CRY CZ I GOTTA DO A STUPID FUCKING ONE ON ONE TALK WITH MY MATH TEACHER AFTER THIS SHIT AND SHE’S GONNA TEST ME ON SHIT#on the fuxking spot too. it’s like girl is it not enough that i finished ur fucking stupid assignment that made no sense#there’s literally videos there of me doing each fucking question too and i explain it while doing it#teachers who are like ‘i don’t wanna stress u guys’ then continue to fucking stress u the fuck out should burn i hare them#i js wanna watch the brazil vs switerland match#football is unfortunately my current hf if that’s not obvious and within the past week i’ve memorized most leagues and the teams within them#most players in these leagues. at least the notable ones. and it’s encouraged me to get back into football because growing up i really had —#— a talent for it but then my mental health came in and ruined everything#i was too anxious to do shit anymore so that’s such an L tbh but this isn’t meant to be depressing vent or anything i js wanna say i love fb#ive watched the wc and fb like since the day i popped out of the womb and i rmb the first wc i could rmb#i cheered for argentina so hard but got so upset when they were knocked out by brazil. now i’m cheering for brazil (argentina on the side)#so i feel like a trader to my younger self😭 little me would surely NOT appreciate me cheering for brazil#sk vs ghana was crazy cz i didn’t expect sk to comeback like that in the second half but it’s sad they didn’t tie. good game nonetheless#i’m so mad at team canada ngl cz we had good players but our defense was invisible😭 it doesn’t matter how good our midfielders or strikers r#as long as our def is shitty our team is shitty😭 that’s like building a house on poor foundation#it won’t last long and it’ll cause problems😭 davies goal was such a W and we have so many players from great clubs but i feel like—#— wasted them. i could go on and on and on and on about football#different teams. leagues. who fucked up by doing what😭 speaking of which… mexico’s fuckinf coach set them up idc#i rlly wanted to see lainez play. he’s a fucking game changer but mexico’s coach was like ‘how do i set us up…’ 😭#mexico was robbed by their own coach.. canada was robbed in the canada vs belgium match jts crazy 😭😭😭
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thousandsaresailing · 2 years
staying cool in the water <3
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albertayebisackey · 2 years
The Atlantic
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apennyforurthots · 2 months
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Earthy 🍃🌷
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kemetic-dreams · 2 months
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akonoadham · 1 year
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tractorspk · 1 year
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hungrigbuffel · 2 years
Ghana NT before Ghana vs Uruguay (02.12.2022).
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kwakurichblogger · 1 year
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It is not about numbers of followers on social media or the number of monthly listeners on Spotify o. See the guy that Burna Boy's Love Damini loses too at the Grammy Awards 💀 @kwakurichblogger | 🐤: #grammys . . . #entertainment #music #video #celebrity #kwakurichworld #fashion #hiphop #dance #trending #party #news #artist #media #Ghana #nigeria #viral #events #photography #explorepage #music #sport #explore #actor #kwakurich #kwakurichblogger #album #update https://www.instagram.com/p/CoXS8YnoeXU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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