#getting invested in darkest dungeon
transprince · 1 year
I think if i were to go with a heinoustuck au take, id lean into [at least with the trolls] the fact that trolls want effectiveness? Like... captors full of wires and wall sockets and repeaters and battery screens, leijons of too many teeth and claws and so much more lion than leijon, great big hulking piexes of eldritch incomprehensibility...
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cultofthepigeon · 4 days
you're gonna make me play darkest dungeon if this keeps going
hey dude i think its a pretty fun game 🪤 despite the pretty sparse story in the first game 🪤 ive found myself getting really invested 🪤🪤 in the characters! im really looking forward 🪤 to playing 2 🪤🪤🪤 and i think itd be 🪤 fun 🪤 to have someone else 🪤 figuring out how things work 🪤🪤 cause the fandom is pretty small since 🪤 the og game came out 8 years ago 🪤🪤🪤 come play🪤🪤🪤 this video 🪤 game 🪤🪤 with me disco!
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Darkest Dungeon X Octopath Traveler 2 crossover fic. AKA Sarmenti witnesses the moments before Wellsgrove disaster.
TW for past suicidal thoughts, violence, some eldritch horror that’s going to happen at the end, Wingdings containing disturbing material such as death baiting (but nothing too explicit), and Sarmenti being incredibly unhinged and having some disturbing thoughts —————————————
Contrary to popular belief, Sarmenti does take things seriously. People thought that his personality was one that takes nothing seriously but really, it’s one who took everything seriously and then broke into a million tiny glass pieces afterwards. He’s already broken enough so why not have fun with it? Why not take those pieces and throw them at his enemies? Why not take those pieces and make a horrid song?
The point is, is that Sarmenti tries to make the most of life. He’s been dealt with the worst hand and maybe he should have given up there but what’s the point in that? He still has songs to play and stories to weave and annoying little eldritch horrors to stab. Perhaps not the best life but considering he wanted to kill himself before he travelled the world he’ll say this is an improvement.
Wellsgrove is a break to him right now, at least in his neck of the woods. From what he’s heard from Barristan and Baldwin, Throné was busy preparing and about to make herself an orphan, while Hikari is about to intercept a an arms trade. Meanwhile he’s here with Partitio, watching as the man essentially revived a town in under a month.
He wouldn’t be very helpful in the world of business, so he was outside singing incomplete songs stuck in his head while people quietly tipped him.
Maybe if he was with the others he would have traded sharp words and love ballads for knives but alas. He was not with their group. No blood shall be spilt today by him.
What was surprising though was the fact that all of them were here. Usually they would all go and debate with themselves on which Travelers needed their help before going off with them. Even then, not all of them truly stayed around to help the Travelers actively. Some people, like Audrey and Boudicca, only really tagged along to see the sights. He knows those types would eventually leave at some point, but he also knows that they’re aware that it’s not a good idea to leave when you have no idea where you are.
They still helped, don’t get them wrong. Some just aren’t exactly as invested as the rest of them. He knows who’s staying for a war if you put Audrey and Barristan side-by-side.
(But then again, Audrey stayed with all of them in the Hamlet and the rickety old Wagon all that time ago. Even gave some of her spoils to those poorer folk so who knows. Maybe they were all a bit kinder than they give themselves credit for.)
The fact that all of them were here was surprising. Something that Kazan even expressed surprised in when they all insisted on traveling together.
Then there’s the fact that Damien, Tardif, and Josephine were here. 
Damien was…well he was a bit of an odd ball, even by Sarmenti’s standards. He knew that flagellation was approved by the Church of the Light but he’s also pretty sure that it is not to the point of their skin peeling off and septic rot. Last he saw him, he said that he was going to travel the world to revel in this new kind of pain. Real fucking weird if you ask Sarmenti but who’s he to judge? He went and killed an entire royal court using a cursed song. At the very least though he’s polite to everyone in town, even if they found him disturbing, and thank fuck Damien has enough sense to avoid Junia lest they start stirring up old memories.
Tardif was a Bounty Hunter and well. Sarmenti supposes he wanted to get back to the business as soon as possible. The man said his farewell in Flamechurch, had a…private conversation with William, told them all that he won’t hunt bounties on them out of respect, and then left. At the very least he tried to keep contact with all of them, mostly in the form of obscure baking recipes he found. Him being here was a coincidence, one that was fueled by the simple fact that Throné’s Mother Dearest has a bounty on her but a lovely coincidence at that.
Josephine was…
She was here, lured by the promises of wealth from Partitio’s little business venture. She said she won’t cause any trouble and that was enough for him right now. Whatever quarrel she has with them doesn’t matter to him right now. The others may disagree but if she says she wants to keep the peace, she’ll keep the peace. Besides, starting a fight with the others is bad for her business.
…Sarmenti does have to admit though, having everyone here was nice. If he closed his eyes long enough, he can pretend it’s the Hamlet. He can pretend it’s the Hamlet and they were all free of the horrors that tormented them in the Darkest Dungeon. That the people tipping him were people he’s seen every day and that the people joining in were the other Bards that wandered into the Hamlet’s horrors.
This of course means that things are going to go to shit soon. He knows this. He knows that pattern.
He hears a melody.
Sarmenti blinks and sits up.
He hears it again.
(D-Low A-D-A-A flat-D-B flat)
“…Who played that.”
Sarmenti stood up and looked around. The bards all freeze and stare at him.
“Who. Played. That tune.”
It plays again.
Sarmenti jerked to the left to see a violinist, bow on strings and a blank look on their face.
(It sung to him and it sung until it was drilled into his head and nothing but that cursed song remained.)
He tackled the musician onto the ground, grabbed their throat and squeezed.
Distantly, he felt someone try to pull him off of the musician. He refuses to let go and kept squeezing.
He squeezed-
And squeezed.
“Sarmenti let go!”
And s q u e e z e d.
Someone roughly grabbed him and pulled him off. “Sarmenti what’s gotten into you!?”
Don’t they know? Doesn’t they know that song means death? Snuffing it out is the only way to stop it from driving another mad. He has to snuff it out. He has to silence it. He has to he has to hehastohehastohe-
“How do you know that song?” Someone said. Or was that him? His voice sounds oh so far away now. An echo in the sea of madness. “That song is dead. I killed it. I made sure it was forgotten. How do you know that song?”
The musician only stared at him, keeping the blank look on their face and offering nothing but silence.
“Answer me Light damnit!”
The musician blinks and opens their mouth.
���☠👎 🕈☟✌❄ ⚐☞ ✡⚐🕆 💧✌☼💣☜☠❄✋
🕈☟✡ 👎⚐ ✡⚐🕆 💧❄✋☹☹ ☹✋✞☜ 🕈☟☜☠ ❄☟☜ ☼☜💧❄ ☟✌✞☜ 👎✋☜👎
✋❄’💧 ☼🕆👎☜ ❄⚐ ☜☝☝ ❄☟☜☠ ⚐☠📬 🕈☟✡ ☠⚐❄ ☹☜❄ ✌ 💧❄☼✌✡ 💧🕈⚐☼👎 💧❄✌👌 ✡⚐🕆 ✌☹☼☜✌👎✡ ⚐☼ 👌☜❄❄☜☼ ✡☜❄📬 👎⚐ ✋❄ ✡⚐🕆☼💧☜☹☞📬
Sarmenti steps back. Several people around him start exclaiming in fear.
🕈☜☹☹ ☺☜💧❄☜☼📬 🕈☟✌❄ 🕈✋☹☹ ✡⚐🕆 👎⚐✍ ✋ ☞✋☠👎 ✡⚐🕆☼ 😐☠✋☞☜ ☹⚐⚐😐✋☠☝ ✋☠👍☼☜👎✋👌☹✡ ✋☠✞✋❄✋☠☝📬
What are they saying?
✡⚐🕆 😐✋☹☹☜👎 👌☜☞⚐☼☜📬 ✡⚐🕆 ☺🕆💧❄ ☠☜☜👎 ❄⚐ 😐✋☹☹ ❄☟☜ ☞✋☠✌☹ 💣✌👎💣✌☠ ✋☠ ❄☟✋💧 👍✋☼👍🕆💧📬
Why can he understand it?
Why does he know what its saying?
The musician grinned and grinned and grinned. Several people are running now and oh? Is that burning? What’s burning? Was it his flesh? Is it theirs? What’s burning?
“The Iron Crown will be revived.”
The musician takes out a knife and cuts themselves open, snapping Sarmenti out of trance. He looks to the left and sees Partitio recoil back and put himself in front of everyone else.
The musician falls onto the ground unceremoniously. Everyone stared, because what the hell are you supposed to do after that.
“…Well shows over for that guy,” he said awkwardly.
Alrond and Misha looked at him in horror while Partitio’s scrivener friend gives an awkward cough. Partitio only gives him a disappointed look.
“Hm. Tough crowd. Now what are we going to do with the body?”
If anything that only makes the group more appalled. “I don’t think this is a time for jokes Sarmenti,” said Partitio.
He knows that, but what else is he going to do? Look dumbly at the body and try to explain what just happened? Yeah right. Everyone is way into shock to do that right now. If he can joke then that means things aren’t as bad as it seems to be and that seems about right for him. Worked well for Dismas and Audrey, and if anyone in their little merry band of adventurers were bothered by it then they would have told the three of them by now.
Oh wait, the rest of them. They probably are freaking out right now.
And on cue, Sarmenti sees the rest of the gang come up and oh. Oh isn’t that some of Ku’s warriors? Weren’t they supposed to be getting weapons and then being stopped from getting weapons? Hm. He supposed this little stunt went and changed some things then. No one wants to do business when the town is in disarray.
“Nothing to see here folks!” He announce, much to everyone’s horror. “Just a dead body in the middle of the street! We’ll clean it up soon!” 
Dismas groans and out his head in his hands.
“What the fuck Hikari? Where did you even find this guy?” Said a Ku soldier with a bandanna tied around his head.
“Oh that’s easy fellow war criminal!” He answered. “You see Prince Hikari found us poor souls after we went and-“
A snap is heard from the ground.
Sarmenti looks down.
The musician started to contort into itself. Its skin turning grey and bones snapping out of place.
Oh no.
“Get behind me.”
Partitio blinks. “What?”
Sarmenti took out his knife. “Get. Behind. Me.”
Muscles spasmed and grew. Bones creaked and groaned. Arms growing. Legs growing. Head contorting. Laughter. Laughter. Laughter.
(First the brain, then the lungs, then the eyes, then the hands, and then finally the body.)
(Denial, Resentment, Obsession, Ambition, Cowardice. All fought and defeated but it never is over. It’s never over. It’s never never never never over.
The musician speaks. It somehow speaks despite the distortions and it’s familiar. It’s familiar and that’s what terrifies Sarmenti.
A trumpet is heard. Someone screams in pain. He feels blood from his ears.
(Flesh upon flesh being played together. The body becoming an instrument. The body is an instrument.)
It speaks.
🕈☜ ☞✌✋☹☜👎 👌☜👍✌🕆💧☜ ✡⚐🕆 💣⚐✞☜👎 ⚐☠📬 ❄☟☜💧☜ 🏱☜⚐🏱☹☜ ☟✌✞☜ ☠⚐❄📬 ❄☟☜✋☼ 🕈⚐☜💧 🕈✋☹☹ ☜💣🏱⚐🕈☜☼ ❄☟☜ 👍☼⚐🕈☠📬 ☞⚐☼ 🕈☜ ✌☼☜ ✌☹🕈✌✡💧 ✌☼☜ ✌🏱✌☼❄ ⚐☞ ❄☟☜ 👍☼⚐🕈☠📬 🕈☜ 🕈✋☹☹ ☠☜✞☜☼ 👌☜ 💧☜🏱☜☼✌❄☜👎 ☠☜✞☜☼ ☠☜✞☜☼ ☠☜✞☜☼ ☠☜✞☜☼ ☠☜✞☜☼
He looks around. Several of Ku’s soldiers fall in terror. Hikari pales and starts to shake. Reynauld, Barristan, Boudica, and Missandei all look at the creature what Sarmenti can only describe as pure, utter, terror.
The Scrivener took a step back. “No. Nonononono. I left you.” She took a shuddering breath in. “I left you.”
If Sarmenti closes his eyes, he can hear the Ancestor the Heir the Academic the Scholar someone tell him what it was.
(“Gaze upon the Shackled Resignation. The thing that prolongs wars and drives men to hopelessness.”)
A being of bones and flesh, all contorted and twisted in ways one can only imagine. Restraining itself using their its innards and choking itself in its misery. It could probably fix itself if it really looked and tried to untangle the spilling chain-like innards.
It wails and lunges.
Sarmenti takes a deep breath.
(There is always an encore. And unfortunately for him, the people always crave for more.)
(Well. The cosmic beings that like to end the world crave for more.)
He looks behind him and meets Dismas’ eyes. He holds up three fingers. The man nods.
He nudges Partitio back.
He takes a deep breath.
(The thing about encores is that it really does depend on whether the performer wants to perform a bit more or wants to wrap it up.)
(And the thing is this.)
(Sarmenti wants to fucking wrap all of this up.)
He swings his knife.
Dismas fires his gun.
The being screams and stumbles back. Sarmenti does the one thing he can think of.
He grabs Partitio, pulls him forward and gets them to run.
I love your writing style! You'll have to translate the wingdings for me though.
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bardofhype · 9 months
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hello darkest dungeon community. behold my guy who came to me in a vision Darkest Dungeon 2 does not allow multiples of the same unit anymore. So I decided to be funny and create a little fan-character who can temporarily re-introduce such a mechanic EXTRA DETAILS BELOW THE CUT (bc yes I was invested enough in this little guy to make actual gameplay mechanics for them)
Max HP: 29 Speed: 5 Resistances: Bleed: 45% Blight: 25% Burn: 25% Disease: 40% Stun: 30% Move: 30% Debuff: 30% Death Blow: 60% Movement: 2 forward, 2 back
Elaboration on Permanent Condition: Essentially, if either their allies or enemies get a crit, they'll get buffed in some way that relates to said ally/enemy. A list of examples is as follows: - Highwayman/Pillager enemy: 1 Crit Token - Grave Robber: 1 Stealth Token - Man-at-Arms: 1 Block Token (75%) or 1 Block+ Token (25%) - Hellion/Fisherfolk enemy: +25% Bleed Resist (2 Rounds) - Jester: 1 Speed Token - Duelist: 1 Riposte Token - Plague Doctor/Swine enemy: +20% Disease Resist (2 Rounds) - Runaway/Fanatic enemy: +25% Burn Resist (2 Rounds) - Leper: +20% Stress Resist (2 Rounds) - Occultist: +20% Debuff Resist (2 Rounds) - Vestal: +15% Healing Received (2 Rounds) - Flagellant/Plague Eater + Gaunt enemy: +25% Blight Resist (2 Rounds) - Bounty Hunter/Cadaver enemy: 1 Strength Token - Creature enemy: 1 Dodge Token (75%) or 1 Dodge+ Token (25%) - Cultist/Cosmic enemy: +15% damage when Torch <75 (2 Rounds)
Skill Descriptions (Starting Skills):
Backdrop – Ranged Ranks 3 and 4, hits Ranks 3 and 4 (Enemy) (AoE) DMG: 3-5, Crit 5% Self: Gain 1 Stealth token / Mastery / DMG: 5-7, Crit 5% Self: Gain 2 Stealth tokens Targets: Gain Combo token
Choreography – Buff Any Rank, Any Ally Cooldown: 1 Turn Self: 1+ Speed next Round Target: 1+ Speed next Round / Mastery / Self: 1+ Speed next Round, 1 Dodge token Target: 1+ Speed next Round, 1 Dodge token
Comic Relief - Heal Any Rank, Any Ally Cooldown: 1 Turn Requires: Target 5+ Stress Target: -2 Stress, 10% Stress Resist / Mastery / Target: -3 Stress, 20% Stress Resist
Gestus – Debuff Ranks 1, 2, & 3, All Targets (Enemy) Cooldown: 3 Self: Gain 2 Taunt Tokens, 2 Dodge Tokens / Mastery / Self: Gain 2 Taunt Tokens, 2 Dodge Tokens, 1 Riposte Token Targets: Gain 1 Vulnerable Token
Improvisation – Melee Ranks 1 & 2, targets ranks 1 & 2 (Enemy) (Single Target) DMG: 3-9, Crit 10% Self & Target: Gain a random debuff (50%) / Mastery / DMG: 4-10, Crit 15% Self: Gain a random debuff (25%) Target: Gain a random debuff (50%) (1/2 because tumblr apparently has a character limit and i tried to fly too close to the sun with it)
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art-of-monkan · 1 year
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Getting invested into Darkest Dungeon pairing - Damien giving Tardif a taste of.. Light. 🔥
*edit* I messed up Tardif’s visor thingy, so I fixed that!
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fvaleraye · 1 month
decided to boot up Black Reliquary again bc we got tired of refusing to play it until the 1.0 update and just wanted to play it. we completely forgot that the difficulty spike from apprentice to veteran quests is a wall, and that we have... very poor opinions of how punishing the bosses are. don't get us wrong, we get it's supposed to be hard and it's probably just a skill issue, but we genuinely believe that specifically enemy damage needs to be toned the fuck down. we do not think regular enemies should be able to hit for 30+ if they get a good roll at a level where tanky characters have around 100 HP and squishy characters are lucky to break 60. we also call bullshit on the idea that "the third spot is typically safe in most fights except in the caverns", bc literally every area has SOME basic or specialist enemy in every fight that can nuke the third row, it's not just the caverns. third row will get hit by a 56 crit damage flying guillotine or a 30+ crit damage trained slash and there's nothing you can fucking do about it. we love Black Reliquary, but the second we decide to go above apprentice, or god forbid fight a boss, it stops being fun and starts being frustrating, because it feels like every enemy has enough damage to just kill you, and every boss is tuned to be completely unbeatable if you don't bring a perfect team to counter everything they do and still completely ruin you anyway even if you do bring a perfect team because fuck you. Darkest Dungeon, even at its worst, has never given us this feeling, not even on Stygian/Bloodmoon difficulty. it's always the early game that lulls us into a sense of security, bc the early game, once you get used to BR's flow, is WAY less punishing than DD's early game(you start with more money, the prep round gives you time to think, heroes have more health and damage overall, basically all items have larger stack sizes and you get more money overall and you start with everything unlocked, as opposed to DD's early game; where you start with basically no money, money is incredibly scarce for a while, you do not unlock everything until a few quests in, and every hero is generally useless until enough investment is made), but then the second you hit the mid game, or even the late early game, and try to start fighting bosses and doing harder quests, the game stops fucking around and you suddenly live in a constant state of everything being able to kill you in two turns, sometimes one turn if they focus you hard enough, with no warning and no way to really ever stop them, because no healing is going to outpace barbarians hitting your front AND backline for 14-36 multiple times a turn, especially if they roll high and god help you if they crit. we understand that we're probably just not good at the game, but unless you have actual advice to help us get better we don't wanna hear it.
#Faye Complains#not letting this breach containment bc lord knows we don't need to hear it. we just needed to complain.#black reliquary is good and if you like darkest dungeon you should try it; especially if you like playing on stygian/bloodmoon#but we have problems with it. we've only fought the janissary and the warhawk matron out of all the bosses so far and killed neither.#and we have major complaints about both of them. for the janissary; like...#we think the idea of a boss with insurmountable dodge that can only realistically be hit by someone he challenges to a duel is a cool idea#in practice; he has way too much health for someone who can only realistically be hit by one person at a time-#-does way too much fucking damage; and if he happens to mark your support/healer before you can kill him; that's it just close the game.#because that character is dead. because he's dead-accurate; will deal more than 20 minimum damage every attack and has permanent riposte.#oh and if the guy he's targeting dies before the duel wears off; he takes a free potshot at someone before turning his gimmick back on.#and the warhawk matron hides behind 3 invincible ammo crates; loading her cannon and moving closer every time she does; and has 3 actions#meaning that if you can't hit the back row you basically have ONE turn to do damage. to a 375 hp boss with 35 prot AND dodge.#because when she finally gets to front; she hits your entire party with a melee attack that flings her back to position four-#-AND *shuffles* your party. for *some* reason it also shuffles you. on top of hitting everyone and dealing a non-negligible amount of damag#we don't imagine the other bosses getting better. we're waiting for 1.0 and the easier difficulty. fuck this.#long post
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wearepaladin · 2 years
Pally! Do you play Darkest Dungeon? If so, do you have any tips for a new player?
Not in a long while to be honest. Make sure you have multiple teams to cycle through, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Unless you’re really confident with how to best utilize the characters and leveled difficulties, I would take the time to experiment with the relative strength and weaknesses of your characters and your enemies. If you know what kind of fight you’re getting into, you can craft a crew designed to annihilate them, but more often than not you’re going into the dark, so invest in something strategically flexible.
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fridge-reviews · 2 years
The Best Games of 2022
Welcome to the my personal list of games I enjoyed this year. That’s right it’s my list, feel free to disagree with me but it won’t change anything. Anyway here are the rules;
1. These are games that I’ve played and reviewed this year. 2. The only order to this list is the order in which I reviewed them, its not a top 10, these all feature because of how good I consider them to be. 3. The games don’t have to have been released this year.
With that all said, lets get into it.
Psychonauts 2
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This was a long awaited sequel for me, I loved the original (and lacked the tech to play the VR one) and loved this one even more. Everything the first had this iterated on and improved. Great characters, wonderful humour and I love the art style.
A Hat in Time
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Yet more platforming goodness. I enjoyed my time with this so much I introduced it to my nephew (and I don't usually do that because he makes any game I do that with insufferable). Bright, colourful and full of character.
Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition
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I really enjoyed my time with this game and I'm waiting as patiently as I can for the sequel to finally land on PC. This game ticked boxes I didn't even know I had. Hunting mechanical dinosaurs (and other creatures) it turns out really is my jam.
Death's Door
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A recursive game... I like that as a term and its a term that fits this game perfectly. This was a game that I liked the look of and loved the feel of playing. The combat is meaty but manageable as long as you don't allow yourself to be swarmed.
Iratus: Lord of the Dead
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It looks and plays similiarly to Darkest Dungeon in a lot of ways, but not so much so there isn't anything unique about it. However the ability to enhance your units by adding body parts that you harvest from successful combats gives this game a unique feeling. Go on play it, be the bad guy.
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This was such a feel good game, I believe I said this game felt like a Cartoon Holiday Special and I stand by that statement. It's saccharine sweet at time but sometimes thats exactly what you need.
The Outer Worlds
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I do love a nice chunky RPG sometimes, one where you can really get your teeth into the mechanics and fiddle with numbers etc. The Outer Worlds gave me exactly what I wanted. I would suggest investing in the DLC's though, they're very unique and entertaining... perhaps more so than the base game.
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Play this game. PLAY IT. It's not overly long and the mystery is great. That's all I can say. So...
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Screenshots do not do this game justice. This game is frenetic and and a joy to control. It seems boomer shooters are back and are taking no prisoners.
A Plague Tale: Innocence
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This game is just so damned good, its gorgeous and grotesque to look at. The story... well it's interesting. We'll see if the sequel can match what the original did. Stealth your way to victory and stay in the light!
—————————————————————————————————— I'm so glad that unions are rising within the games industry. This can only lead to good things, sure the games may take longer but the talent used to create them will now finally have some real protection from their corporate masters. With luck more and more of these unions will spring up and really affect some long lasting change for the better.
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beantothemax · 1 month
Darkest Dungeon X Octopath Traveler 2 crossover fic. AKA Sarmenti witnesses the moments before Wellsgrove disaster.
TW for past suicidal thoughts, violence, some eldritch horror that’s going to happen at the end, Wingdings containing disturbing material such as death baiting (but nothing too explicit), and Sarmenti being incredibly unhinged and having some disturbing thoughts —————————————
Contrary to popular belief, Sarmenti does take things seriously. People thought that his personality was one that takes nothing seriously but really, it’s one who took everything seriously and then broke into a million tiny glass pieces afterwards. He’s already broken enough so why not have fun with it? Why not take those pieces and throw them at his enemies? Why not take those pieces and make a horrid song?
The point is, is that Sarmenti tries to make the most of life. He’s been dealt with the worst hand and maybe he should have given up there but what’s the point in that? He still has songs to play and stories to weave and annoying little eldritch horrors to stab. Perhaps not the best life but considering he wanted to kill himself before he travelled the world he’ll say this is an improvement.
Wellsgrove is a break to him right now, at least in his neck of the woods. From what he’s heard from Barristan and Baldwin, Throné was busy preparing and about to make herself an orphan, while Hikari is about to intercept a an arms trade. Meanwhile he’s here with Partitio, watching as the man essentially revived a town in under a month.
He wouldn’t be very helpful in the world of business, so he was outside singing incomplete songs stuck in his head while people quietly tipped him.
Maybe if he was with the others he would have traded sharp words and love ballads for knives but alas. He was not with their group. No blood shall be spilt today by him.
What was surprising though was the fact that all of them were here. Usually they would all go and debate with themselves on which Travelers needed their help before going off with them. Even then, not all of them truly stayed around to help the Travelers actively. Some people, like Audrey and Boudicca, only really tagged along to see the sights. He knows those types would eventually leave at some point, but he also knows that they’re aware that it’s not a good idea to leave when you have no idea where you are.
They still helped, don’t get them wrong. Some just aren’t exactly as invested as the rest of them. He knows who’s staying for a war if you put Audrey and Barristan side-by-side.
(But then again, Audrey stayed with all of them in the Hamlet and the rickety old Wagon all that time ago. Even gave some of her spoils to those poorer folk so who knows. Maybe they were all a bit kinder than they give themselves credit for.)
The fact that all of them were here was surprising. Something that Kazan even expressed surprised in when they all insisted on traveling together.
Then there’s the fact that Damien, Tardif, and Josephine were here. 
Damien was…well he was a bit of an odd ball, even by Sarmenti’s standards. He knew that flagellation was approved by the Church of the Light but he’s also pretty sure that it is not to the point of their skin peeling off and septic rot. Last he saw him, he said that he was going to travel the world to revel in this new kind of pain. Real fucking weird if you ask Sarmenti but who’s he to judge? He went and killed an entire royal court using a cursed song. At the very least though he’s polite to everyone in town, even if they found him disturbing, and thank fuck Damien has enough sense to avoid Junia lest they start stirring up old memories.
Tardif was a Bounty Hunter and well. Sarmenti supposes he wanted to get back to the business as soon as possible. The man said his farewell in Flamechurch, had a…private conversation with William, told them all that he won’t hunt bounties on them out of respect, and then left. At the very least he tried to keep contact with all of them, mostly in the form of obscure baking recipes he found. Him being here was a coincidence, one that was fueled by the simple fact that Throné’s Mother Dearest has a bounty on her but a lovely coincidence at that.
Josephine was…
She was here, lured by the promises of wealth from Partitio’s little business venture. She said she won’t cause any trouble and that was enough for him right now. Whatever quarrel she has with them doesn’t matter to him right now. The others may disagree but if she says she wants to keep the peace, she’ll keep the peace. Besides, starting a fight with the others is bad for her business.
…Sarmenti does have to admit though, having everyone here was nice. If he closed his eyes long enough, he can pretend it’s the Hamlet. He can pretend it’s the Hamlet and they were all free of the horrors that tormented them in the Darkest Dungeon. That the people tipping him were people he’s seen every day and that the people joining in were the other Bards that wandered into the Hamlet’s horrors.
This of course means that things are going to go to shit soon. He knows this. He knows that pattern.
He hears a melody.
Sarmenti blinks and sits up.
He hears it again.
(D-Low A-D-A-A flat-D-B flat)
“…Who played that.”
Sarmenti stood up and looked around. The bards all freeze and stare at him.
“Who. Played. That tune.”
It plays again.
Sarmenti jerked to the left to see a violinist, bow on strings and a blank look on their face.
(It sung to him and it sung until it was drilled into his head and nothing but that cursed song remained.)
He tackled the musician onto the ground, grabbed their throat and squeezed.
Distantly, he felt someone try to pull him off of the musician. He refuses to let go and kept squeezing.
He squeezed-
And squeezed.
“Sarmenti let go!”
And s q u e e z e d.
Someone roughly grabbed him and pulled him off. “Sarmenti what’s gotten into you!?”
Don’t they know? Doesn’t they know that song means death? Snuffing it out is the only way to stop it from driving another mad. He has to snuff it out. He has to silence it. He has to he has to hehastohehastohe-
“How do you know that song?” Someone said. Or was that him? His voice sounds oh so far away now. An echo in the sea of madness. “That song is dead. I killed it. I made sure it was forgotten. How do you know that song?”
The musician only stared at him, keeping the blank look on their face and offering nothing but silence.
“Answer me Light damnit!”
The musician blinks and opens their mouth.
✌☠👎 🕈☟✌❄ ⚐☞ ✡⚐🕆 💧✌☼💣☜☠❄✋
🕈☟✡ 👎⚐ ✡⚐🕆 💧❄✋☹☹ ☹✋✞☜ 🕈☟☜☠ ❄☟☜ ☼☜💧❄ ☟✌✞☜ 👎✋☜👎
✋❄’💧 ☼🕆👎☜ ❄⚐ ☜☝☝ ❄☟☜☠ ⚐☠📬 🕈☟✡ ☠⚐❄ ☹☜❄ ✌ 💧❄☼✌✡ 💧🕈⚐☼👎 💧❄✌👌 ✡⚐🕆 ✌☹☼☜✌👎✡ ⚐☼ 👌☜❄❄☜☼ ✡☜❄📬 👎⚐ ✋❄ ✡⚐🕆☼💧☜☹☞📬
Sarmenti steps back. Several people around him start exclaiming in fear.
🕈☜☹☹ ☺☜💧❄☜☼📬 🕈☟✌❄ 🕈✋☹☹ ✡⚐🕆 👎⚐✍ ✋ ☞✋☠👎 ✡⚐🕆☼ 😐☠✋☞☜ ☹⚐⚐😐✋☠☝ ✋☠👍☼☜👎✋👌☹✡ ✋☠✞✋❄✋☠☝📬
What are they saying?
✡⚐🕆 😐✋☹☹☜👎 👌☜☞⚐☼☜📬 ✡⚐🕆 ☺🕆💧❄ ☠☜☜👎 ❄⚐ 😐✋☹☹ ❄☟☜ ☞✋☠✌☹ 💣✌👎💣✌☠ ✋☠ ❄☟✋💧 👍✋☼👍🕆💧📬
Why can he understand it?
Why does he know what its saying?
The musician grinned and grinned and grinned. Several people are running now and oh? Is that burning? What’s burning? Was it his flesh? Is it theirs? What’s burning?
“The Iron Crown will be revived.”
The musician takes out a knife and cuts themselves open, snapping Sarmenti out of trance. He looks to the left and sees Partitio recoil back and put himself in front of everyone else.
The musician falls onto the ground unceremoniously. Everyone stared, because what the hell are you supposed to do after that.
“…Well shows over for that guy,” he said awkwardly.
Alrond and Misha looked at him in horror while Partitio’s scrivener friend gives an awkward cough. Partitio only gives him a disappointed look.
“Hm. Tough crowd. Now what are we going to do with the body?”
If anything that only makes the group more appalled. “I don’t think this is a time for jokes Sarmenti,” said Partitio.
He knows that, but what else is he going to do? Look dumbly at the body and try to explain what just happened? Yeah right. Everyone is way into shock to do that right now. If he can joke then that means things aren’t as bad as it seems to be and that seems about right for him. Worked well for Dismas and Audrey, and if anyone in their little merry band of adventurers were bothered by it then they would have told the three of them by now.
Oh wait, the rest of them. They probably are freaking out right now.
And on cue, Sarmenti sees the rest of the gang come up and oh. Oh isn’t that some of Ku’s warriors? Weren’t they supposed to be getting weapons and then being stopped from getting weapons? Hm. He supposed this little stunt went and changed some things then. No one wants to do business when the town is in disarray.
“Nothing to see here folks!” He announce, much to everyone’s horror. “Just a dead body in the middle of the street! We’ll clean it up soon!” 
Dismas groans and out his head in his hands.
“What the fuck Hikari? Where did you even find this guy?” Said a Ku soldier with a bandanna tied around his head.
“Oh that’s easy fellow war criminal!” He answered. “You see Prince Hikari found us poor souls after we went and-“
A snap is heard from the ground.
Sarmenti looks down.
The musician started to contort into itself. Its skin turning grey and bones snapping out of place.
Oh no.
“Get behind me.”
Partitio blinks. “What?”
Sarmenti took out his knife. “Get. Behind. Me.”
Muscles spasmed and grew. Bones creaked and groaned. Arms growing. Legs growing. Head contorting. Laughter. Laughter. Laughter.
(First the brain, then the lungs, then the eyes, then the hands, and then finally the body.)
(Denial, Resentment, Obsession, Ambition, Cowardice. All fought and defeated but it never is over. It’s never over. It’s never never never never over.
The musician speaks. It somehow speaks despite the distortions and it’s familiar. It’s familiar and that’s what terrifies Sarmenti.
A trumpet is heard. Someone screams in pain. He feels blood from his ears.
(Flesh upon flesh being played together. The body becoming an instrument. The body is an instrument.)
It speaks.
🕈☜ ☞✌✋☹☜👎 👌☜👍✌🕆💧☜ ✡⚐🕆 💣⚐✞☜👎 ⚐☠📬 ❄☟☜💧☜ 🏱☜⚐🏱☹☜ ☟✌✞☜ ☠⚐❄📬 ❄☟☜✋☼ 🕈⚐☜💧 🕈✋☹☹ ☜💣🏱⚐🕈☜☼ ❄☟☜ 👍☼⚐🕈☠📬 ☞⚐☼ 🕈☜ ✌☼☜ ✌☹🕈✌✡💧 ✌☼☜ ✌🏱✌☼❄ ⚐☞ ❄☟☜ 👍☼⚐🕈☠📬 🕈☜ 🕈✋☹☹ ☠☜✞☜☼ 👌☜ 💧☜🏱☜☼✌❄☜👎 ☠☜✞☜☼ ☠☜✞☜☼ ☠☜✞☜☼ ☠☜✞☜☼ ☠☜✞☜☼
He looks around. Several of Ku’s soldiers fall in terror. Hikari pales and starts to shake. Reynauld, Barristan, Boudica, and Missandei all look at the creature what Sarmenti can only describe as pure, utter, terror.
The Scrivener took a step back. “No. Nonononono. I left you.” She took a shuddering breath in. “I left you.”
If Sarmenti closes his eyes, he can hear the Ancestor the Heir the Academic the Scholar someone tell him what it was.
(“Gaze upon the Shackled Resignation. The thing that prolongs wars and drives men to hopelessness.”)
A being of bones and flesh, all contorted and twisted in ways one can only imagine. Restraining itself using their its innards and choking itself in its misery. It could probably fix itself if it really looked and tried to untangle the spilling chain-like innards.
It wails and lunges.
Sarmenti takes a deep breath.
(There is always an encore. And unfortunately for him, the people always crave for more.)
(Well. The cosmic beings that like to end the world crave for more.)
He looks behind him and meets Dismas’ eyes. He holds up three fingers. The man nods.
He nudges Partitio back.
He takes a deep breath.
(The thing about encores is that it really does depend on whether the performer wants to perform a bit more or wants to wrap it up.)
(And the thing is this.)
(Sarmenti wants to fucking wrap all of this up.)
He swings his knife.
Dismas fires his gun.
The being screams and stumbles back. Sarmenti does the one thing he can think of.
He grabs Partitio, pulls him forward and gets them to run.
ouuuguuguguhhffffhhhhh kiwi every piece of darkest dungein content you give me makes me yet more and more curious as to just What The Fuck Happens In That Game. i WILL have to look into it one d
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ay and tell you how it goes. sorry did you hear something
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the-resurrection-3d · 10 months
🔥 -luberto, video games, tv shows/movies/books
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video games
My immediate response was to say "they're gay and I don't play them" but Noah, a certified gamer, has told me that's not new. In all sincerity, I don't engage with video games enough to really know what's hot or not.
If I had to say anything, I would say that people's praises of Darkest Dungeons's stress/virtue mechanic were overrating it. On PAPER yes it gives each character more personality and fits really well with the Lovecraftian themes, but IDK what game y'all were playing where it made you more invested in your team as people when the entire rest of the game is set up to have you view them as tools. I think what broke the illusion for me was how these relationships don't build over expeditions (except for the achievement you get if you bring your original Rogue and Knight into the final dungeon). Obviously that would add a lot of complexity to the game, but that's the only hot take I could think of.
Also the DLC bosses are complete honk.
tv shows/movies/books
Hmm. The only shows I've been watching lately are shows like B:TAS and Invincible with Noah. Far as the latter goes, Noah and I both feel like they haven't figured out what to do with a lot of the side characters -- the non-superpowered characters (except for Debbie) are all having a mid-off, and a lot of the hero characters feel like they should be more effective than they actually are. Glad they finally gave Dupli-Kate a personality trait other than "whore," though!
This is not a hot take because it is factually true information and I'm not taking criticism, but B:TAS Bruce would kill himself in a year or less if his villains all actually become better. A year might actually be pushing it.
As for books, I've been thinking about lately, but I think people miss the point of "authors need to read a lot." I don't disagree, but a lot of this discourse just turns to shaming neurodivergent people without offering any solutions for how to build reading back into your life.
Thanks for asking! c:
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bloodborne-on-pc · 2 years
Me: Man, I wish I wasn’t so obsessed with Bloodborne, a game I can only play at a friend’s house - especially since the semester started and I can’t really go to this person’s place to play anymore.
The Monkey's Paw: *finger curls*
Me: Hm, that Darkest Dungeon game on Steam is on sale for real cheap! I can get the full game and all DLC for like ten bucks! I certainly won't run into any technical issues that can make it unplayable the instant I find myself becoming intensely invested.
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catstailtavern · 3 years
Genshin impact characters as gamers
Characters: Abedo, Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Zhongli, Jean, Hu Tao, and Lisa
content warnings: Childe being kinda an asshole lol.
authors note: I might do more in the future! These are just my headcanons so if you don't agree that cool! Feel free to let me know what you think they're like as gamers!!
what they look for in a game: Albedo seems like the type to enjoy games with vast worlds that involve lots of exploration and puzzles. I also feel like he like more quiet gameplay- if that makes any sense. Very much "Show, don't tell." Likes walking simulators!
things that turn them off from a game: He dislikes when games over-explain themselves/their plots. He likes to be able to unfold the mysteries and plot threads himself instead of being spoonfed. He also dislikes voice chat bc people are mean. If there is a VC he mutes basically everyone even if it makes teamwork difficult.
how much time do they devote to videogames: Albedo really only plays videogames on days off or when alchemy research has hit a lull.
a game or games that I think they'd like: outer wilds, shadow of the colossus, and journey.
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what they look for in a game: Story-rich games with unique art that explore heavy topics or philosophical themes! but also really likes multiplayer games where he can troll lol.
things that turn them off from a game: If he dislikes the art he finds it hard to play or pay attention to. This doesn't mean he demands picture-perfect graphics! He's mostly into unrealistic and eye-catching graphics/art he likes games with style and flair!
how much time do they devote to video games: Kaeya likes to play after a long day of work to unwind and relax!
a game or games that I think they'd like: Disco Elysium and the persona series!
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what they look for in a game: Diluc is a very busy man who likes to be in control of his life and the things that affect it. Therefore I have come to the conclusion that he likes simple and sweet games with low stakes where he is mostly in control if not basically god haha.
things that turn them off from a game: Games that involve him to be emotionally invested or have lots of stressors are not his thing. Games are played to relieve his stress, not make him cry over character death.
how much time do they devote to video games: He likes to play a little bit on his break when he gets the chance or a little bit after work. Doesn't like to play for too long each day or he feels unproductive!
a game or games that I think they'd like: the sims, planet zoo, my time at Portia, stardew valley, and ANIMAL CROSSING!! (I dont care if this is OOC okay. Diluc plays animal crossing on his lunch break. His favorite villagers are the bird ones. His favorite fruits are apples and cherries, and he loves terraforming his island. He finds it therapeutic.)
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what they look for in a game: loves gacha games, he's a total whale, and loves to flex his pulls. Also loves games with intense competitive multiplayer and couch co-op games. Absolutely a sore winner who everyone hates playing jack box with.
things that turn them off from a game: Dislikes the story mode of most games bc they usually fail to keep this attention. He'd much rather be making yo mama jokes and shit-talking n00bs over the mic like the little asshole gremlin he is. The only exception so far is "The Last of Us," because of one time when the internet was shitting out on him during matchmaking. He decided to play the story while his connection got itself together and ended up liking it.
how much time do they devote to video games: Stays up late playing them at night a LOT. They're usually the reason he's tired the next day.
a game or games that I think they'd like: mario kart, smash bros, arknights, mortal kombat, apex, and dead by daylight.
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what they look for in a game: Zhongli likes simple games with cute graphics and easy controls. Mostly a mobile gamer as he finds most console game controls confusing. Loves virtual remakes of classic games that he used to play with other people physically.
things that turn them off from a game: Really dislikes first-person shooters. He finds them loud and disorienting. Poor old man.
how much time do they devote to videogames: Barely ever plays, might play while having a cup of tea or to pass the time while waiting for something!
a game or games that I think they'd like: mahjong, solitaire, candy crush, and those lumosity games for training your brain.
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what they look for in a game: At first when jean thought of video games the only thing that came to mind was "a waste of time." As the acting grand master of the knights of Favonius she rarely has time to socialize or even date. That's when she decided to maybe just maybe give dating sims a shot. She's a bit insecure about it, but they give her butterflies without the strain of a real relationship.
things that turn them off from a game: Really dislikes games that glorify villainy or have you play as the bad guy. She also really hates horror games. Fun fact, she played doki doki literature club but missed the warning somehow and WOW she got really upset-
how much time do they devote to video games: As mentioned previously Jean is a busy gal. So she really only gets to play games on her rare days off or maybe just a little before bed.
a game or games that I think they'd like: I don't know a lot of sweet and fluffy dating sims but I feel like the sweet and fluffy ones are her favorite! I've really only played one dating sim before and that was monster prom so I'm gonna use that for the example lol. I know there's a lot of mischief in that game but she always chooses the more moral upstanding choice even if it cost her a date haha.
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Hu Tao:
what they look for in a game: Hu Tao is partial to games with gothic aesthetics and horror elements! Specifically really loves psychological horror and unique creature design. Enjoys difficult gameplay and feels a sense of accomplishment when she succeeds!
things that turn them off from a game: When a game is too easy to play she gets bored rather quickly.
how much time do they devote to video games: Frequently plays really late at night while listening to a paranormal podcast or other spooky content.
a game or games that I think they'd like: Dark souls, Darkwood, The cat lady, rule of rose.
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what they look for in a game: Like Childe, Lisa likes competitive gameplay. But she's more into fantasy MMO RPGs! She just really loves fantasy things it doesn't have to be multiplayer. Also really likes games with lots of lore and digs strategy turn-based combat! Other game types she likes are visual novels or anything with a good story-driven narrative. Loves being able to discuss fan theories online in forums.
things that turn them off from a game: Mediocre writing, poor/inconsistent world-building, or a lack of lore. She needs a story to sink her teeth into or she just won't play.
how much time do they devote to video games: Probably plays a lot. Really only pausing to correct people's behavior in the library!
a game or games that I think they'd like: World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, League of legends, Darkest dungeon, and slay the spire.
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violet-knox · 4 years
Unspoken Words
Moonie’s Writing Challenge Part 1: Luminous 
Pairing: Young Snape x Slytherin Female Reader
Prompt:  “If we get caught, it’s your fault!”
Summary: With the last few months of your time at Hogwarts coming to an end, you plan a night under the stars with your boyfriend Severus.
Word Count: 5554
A/N: Phew. There were moments where I thought I wouldn’t be able to get this out in time but I’m so glad I was able to do it! It was a bit rushed (it’s been a long month), but hopefully when the semester ends, part 2 will come out a little quicker (and maybe written better >.<). Thank you @moonie-writes​ for your support and your patience! I hope it turned out alright.
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If there was one thing you’d regretted most during your Hogwarts years, it was definitely your lack of adventure. The castle alone held such historic and powerful stories within its walls, it was a shame you hadn’t explored every crevice, every hidden passageway and appreciated just how much magic flowed through every stone the last seven years you spent in this majestic school. You’d missed out on a lot and to make it worse, you were mere months away from graduating, months away from leaving Hogwarts behind forever. All you’d cared about the first five years of school spending each night studying in the depths of the library, was your reputation and your academia. Knowledge is power as they say, but for you, it was much more than that. Knowledge opened doors, kept your options wide. Knowledge was a comfort for you because books could never let you down. Of course, it was no surprise to anyone that you’d found yourself taking as many N.E.W.T classes as you could the last two years, not even your boyfriend who seemed to be the only person to support your thirst for academics. 
Naturally, you were teased within your own house for your obsession with books and your need to expand your horizon, but you knew the Sorting Hat placed you in Slytherin for a reason. ‘Strong mind, a great need to prove yourself. Yes, plenty of potential, indeed…’ You were almost positive you’d be placed in Slytherin and clearly the Sorting Hat shared the same sentiment, but you couldn’t help your doubts rise every time someone pointed out your affinity for knowledge or the fact that your test scores ranked highest of your year, above any Ravenclaw. It wasn’t until you’d met Severus, hidden in the darkest corner of the library with so many books stacked around him, it sort of appeared as if he was using them as building blocks for a wall to separate him and the rest of Hogwarts. He was closed off at first when you started speaking to one another, but you didn’t mind. You were happy spending your time together in silence as you both studied. Severus never knew how overjoyed you were to find another Slytherin just as invested in books as you were. You wouldn’t have minded if you never spoke to each other after that first encounter, you were just happy to know you weren’t alone. The simple knowledge that your passions were shared with one of your housemates was enough to keep you smiling. 
But if neither of you spoke to the other after that evening, you would have missed out on yet another milestone during your days at Hogwarts, one that it seemed Severus had been searching for long before anyone else at this school. Finding someone you could enjoy the company of, trust with your heart, someone to give you hope. It was an experience no one should ever miss out on and you were glad that you’d at the very least managed to find your other half during your time here. Your studies at Hogwarts really wouldn’t have been complete without Severus and tonight, you were hoping to enjoy a very special night with him, a night you’d been looking forward to the last few months as you monitored and studied the stars. 
“This is ridiculous.” The greeting your boyfriend gave as soon as you entered his dorm was really much more serene than you’d expected, or at least, his tone was. Usually when he’d protest, he’d be much more firm and demanding, but it seemed this time, his protests fell a bit short. You suspected that this was likely because he was secretly just as excited as you for tonight. Even if he wouldn’t admit it, you could see that twinkle in his eyes when he looked at you as he prepared for your evening. “Why do you even care so much about this?”
“Because Sev, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!” you said, walking around to stand beside him and take his hands in yours. “Come on! You can’t graduate Hogwarts without sneaking out at least once!”
You began to soothingly rub small circles into the back of his hand with your thumb, smiling up at him and hoping that would be the end of the long string of protests he’d started ever since you’d brought up the idea of spending a night under the stars with him. The first day you’d brought it up, he looked at you as if you’d gone mad and dismissed it. But of course, you were relentless and continued to bring it up until he’d agreed.  
“I don’t see why I have to be there. You should go without me,” he said, pulling his hand away, tugging on the sleeve of his robes too short for his lanky arms. 
“No, Sev! I want you there!” You said, hooking a finger under his chin to bring his attention back to you. His eyes still cared so much misplaced shame, so much regret for the way his life had turned out, but you were determined to help rid him of all that and replace it with nothing but admiration and prosperity. “Please?” 
Your soft tone and pleading eyes pierced his heart, as it always had, and he felt himself letting go of any worry or doubt over the plans you’d made for the night. He wondered at times if you’d somehow managed to discover a spell similar to that of the imperius curse, leaving its victim with nothing but trust and love for the person who’d cast it. It would surely explain a lot about the past year he’d spent thinking about nothing but your happiness.  
With a final reluctant sigh, he grasped at his bedsheets and began folding the topmost layer; a thin green cotton blanket that you’d continuously insisted one of you bring on your little adventure. Despite the fact that he knew you were aware of how much he hated blind risks, you still insisted on keeping it a surprise and it irritated him more than he would ever admit to you that you continued to refuse to share your plan with him. “If we get caught, it’s your fault!” 
“Don’t worry,” you said as you took the other end of the blanket and helped him fold it. “I have the perfect spot for us.”
You finished folding the blanket and Severus took it, holding it over his joint hands. He looked at you and gave a small pout as a final resort which of course, did nothing but make you smile. He knew there was no point in asking, but he just couldn’t help himself. His heart was beating out of his chest in anticipation for tonight and he wanted to feel prepared. “Will you tell me where we’re going now?”
You sighed and rolled your eyes at him. Crossing your arms, you shifted your weight to one side and gave him a scolding look. “I told you…”
“It’s a surprise,” you both said in unison, his tone much more venomous than yours. You frowned, never able to get used to his snarky demeanor even after all these years. You’d especially hated it when he’d poke fun of you like that, but you weren’t about to let that get in the way of what you had planned tonight. You were going to enjoy your time and spend a beautiful evening with your loving boyfriend.
“Please, just a hint?” He tried again, despite knowing the answer. “At least tell me how far we’re going.”
“No! Now, come on! Almost everyone’s left already!” You pulled on his sleeve and urged him to follow you as you left his dorm. You were tired of his nonsense in all honesty. He should’ve learned by now to trust you and know that you’d never put either of you in danger, yet he still continued to doubt you. You knew when you’d started dating you’d have to stay patient with him. He wasn’t one to stand foolish behaviour and at first, you’d found it quite complimented your outlandish humour, but after a while, his sly comments got a bit tiresome and you wished he’d let loose a little rather than take everything so seriously.
“Relax Sev, this is going to be fun,” you said, hooking your arm through his, hugging it to your chest as you walked through the nearly empty common room to the exit. The sun had yet to set which gave you plenty of time to sneak out of the castle without being seen. 
Closing the door behind you, the dimmed lights from the torches illuminating the halls, you began to lead Severus towards the Entrance Hall and just when you’d reached the top of the stairs exiting the dungeons, you heard some rather brisk footsteps heading your way. Quickly pulling on Severus’ arm, you silently rushed toward the door near the staircase leading to the basement. Leaving it slightly ajar, you hid in the unknown room, Severus immediately reaching to grab your hand. 
“These bloody children are acting like absolute buffoons!” McGonagall's voice travelled through the crack between the door you held and its frame. Your heart beat furiously against your chest, praying you wouldn’t get caught when you hadn’t even managed to reach your destination. You could tell Severus’ concern was growing larger than yours as he anxiously squeezed your hand. He’d trusted you and you bloody well was not about to turn around and listen to him whisper ‘I told you so’ when you hadn’t even been caught yet. “Start with the basement and dungeons Filch. I suspect none of us will find sleep tonight.”
“Of course Professor,” spoke the crinkled voice of the caretaker you’d been lucky enough to avoid getting detention from all these years at Hogwarts. “Mrs. Norris and I will catch any wandering students.”
Looking down at their feet, you saw a raggedy looking cat glaring in your direction, her eyes piercing yours. Jolting back, you pressed your back against the wall, your palm gripping onto the doorknob as your other hand slipped from Severus’ grasp and wrapping around his shoulder instead, pulling him closer to you. Severus instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder, your fear for the consequences of getting caught shared between you as you both held on to one another.
The sound of footsteps followed as you heard Filch and McGonagall part ways but neither of you could move a muscle in fear the cat had stuck around in suspicion. You could feel Severus’ breath quicken against your neck, his grip on you tightening and you knew he was upset about the situation you were in. He likely blamed you for it and was about ready to give you a long lecture about how he didn’t want to sneak out in the first place. While you understood his perspective and shared his worry about getting caught, you just couldn’t bear the thought of missing out on yet another adventure if you hadn’t taken the risk and nor could you stand being scolded by him for something that had yet to happen. 
After a few short moments, you slowly looked back through the crack of the door and saw the hall completely empty. Deciding it was safe to continue on your way, you slowly began to push the door open when you felt a hand jolt over yours, stopping you in your tracks.
“(Y/N), this is a bad idea,” Severus spoke with such vexation in his voice, his hand tightly wrapped around yours like he was about to stop you from making the biggest mistake in your life. “They’re clearly increasing their patrols tonight. We should just head back.”
Taking your hand off the doorknob, you pushed him back, having just about enough of his attitude. It was within his right to protest of course, but you’d never asked him for much before. You’d always been the one to follow the rules growing up and you were ready to have just a bit of fun before graduating. It would do him absolutely no harm just to support you for once rather than try to impose what he thought was best.  
“No! Severus I’ve been looking forward to this all month! Besides, you heard McGonagall, Flich is heading to the dungeons as we speak. We’d be better off going our own way then risking going back now.” 
Turning around, you pushed the door open and walked back out to the Entrance Hall. Without looking back, you marched straight out towards the courtyard and like a faithful puppy, you heard Severus’ footsteps following swiftly behind you. At this point, you had begun to wonder if you truly should have gone on your own but the feeling of his nimble fingers brushing against your palm before his hand firmly took yours reminded you of the joy of sharing such moments with him. You loved him and wanted him there with you as you gazed up at the stars enjoying one of the last nights you would have at Hogwarts. 
You both walked in silence as you continued to lead him around the parameter of the Black Lake, further and further towards the Forbidden Forest. You were fairly certain at this point you were safe from any staff members, but you knew no words had to be said for either of you to understand the other. Silence was your place of comfort. It's where your relationship started and where you’d always find yourselves again regardless of any disagreements. 
The sun had almost set, and the air had begun to cool as the wind settled down for the night. You were nearly there, and the excitement of tonight's event began to settle back into your chest, any worry of being caught melting away as you thought of how you were going to spend your night with Severus under the stars. You were so close to finally reaching your spot when Severus slowed to a stop near the bottom of the hill hidden behind the forest. 
“Our first date?” he whispered, his eyes sparkling with memories as he shifted his gaze from the hilltop to you. You simply smiled and nodded, placing your hand over his arm and pulling him closer. You’d hoped that he’d enjoy a night in the spot where you’d had your first official date atop the hill he’d found years before, secluded from the rest of the school. You’d loved its location the first time he’d taken you there; the view of the castle reminding you of the first time you’d arrived at Hogwarts, staring at it in its entirety from the boats taking you to your new home. You knew how important that spot was to him so you knew going back there too often would ruin its allure. And thus, you waited for the perfect moment to return to the spot where he felt safe and comfortable, where you’d shared your first kiss and declared your love for one another.
Severus smiled back, a smirk appearing on his face wider than you’d ever thought you’d live to see and this time, he was the one to surprise you as he began walking at an alarming rate up the hill. You’d almost fallen over from the sudden motion, your hands still firmly connected as you jogged to keep up with him. Your soft giggles filled the delicate air around you with amour as you stopped and peered over the sun setting behind the castle, illuminating it with a halo. The night had yet to begin and the setting was already so perfect. 
Offering a hand to Severus, you took one side of the blanket and helped him lay it out on the grass. Quickly taking off your shoes, you crawled up towards him and finally settled yourself down with one arm over his chest and your head lying on his shoulder. Severus’ hair sprawled out as soon as he laid down on the blanket, holding you closely as he shut his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of your warmth against the cool chill of the outdoors. He’d never told you how much he appreciated you, but he hoped you knew that he loved everything you’d ever done for him.
After a short moment, you propped yourself up, leaning on your elbow. Your smile grew when you saw his own, complimenting the blissful look he wore on his face. You could hardly push back the urge to reciprocate his silent ‘I told you so’ from before and though you were glad he’d finally approved of your planned evening together, you couldn’t help but make some sort of comment. “Enjoying yourself?”
“Shut up,” he mumbled, lightly rolling his eyes. You giggled at his defensive tone and slowly slid a hand up his chest, resting it over his shoulder. 
“Fine,” you whispered as you leaned forward. You fluttered your eyes, pausing as his lips brushed yours. He jolted forwards in an attempt to connect them, but your hand on his chest kept him down, your lips escaping his as you smiled. You felt his lips tug into a smirk, your breath lightly brushing against his skin before you finally pressed your lips together. You kissed him with a touch so soft, your lips barely moving against his, the sweet taste shared between you so strong that it almost felt like cotton candy melting in your mouth. 
Severus slowly rose a hand to tangle his fingers in your hair as the other lazily found your waist. A moment had barely passed before you felt him pressing your lips closer together, your kiss slowly losing its gentle allure, replaced by a growing need to merge with the other. Without parting, you slowly threw a leg over him, straddling him as your chest lowered itself against his. His hands eagerly went to your waist, one of his legs slightly raising itself as you parted for air. Your lips hovered over one other as you both raced to catch your breath. 
You slowly felt his hands move from your waist, down to your hips, only stopping at the hem of your skirt when you suddenly pressed your lips against his. You could feel him take in a sharp breath with your surprise kiss, his chest frozen when you parted rather quickly. You smirked at him before moving both your arms to rest on the sides of his head, your lips kissing the corner of his mouth before you slowly started trailing them down towards his jaw and following it towards his neck. You left small love marks below his ear as you felt his hands slowly slipping beneath your skirt to find the smooth skin of your thighs. 
Severus let out a sigh, relishing in the contrast of the heat between you and the cool air of the night. You’d switched over to the other side of his neck, shifting down enough to give him a full view of the sky. 
“(Y/N),” he whispered to get your attention. “The sun’s set. Look.”
Pausing your motions, you lifted yourself off him and settled in his lap as you looked up to where he’d gestured. Smiling, you watched the subtle twinkle of the early stars appearing against the darkening night sky. Looking to your side, you saw the moon shining brighter than you’d ever seen before, it’s edges crisp and as white as the clouds on a sunny day.  
“It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?” you said, enchanted by the creamy sky, stars slowly beginning to appear one at a time. With the stress of your N.E.W.Ts coming up, you’d almost forgotten what if felt like to be relaxed. You were happy you’d picked a spot outside to watch the stars tonight, the light breeze you felt was a much needed upgrade to the thick air you’d been used to while cramped in the library these last few weeks.  
“Yes, it is,” Severus whispered back to you. It was hard to look away from the mesmerizing sight but the hands you felt on your thighs slowly slipping down brought your attention back to him only to find he hadn’t been looking at the sky. Instead of reflecting the stars from above, his eyes twinkled with its own allure for you. 
“You’re not even looking!” you giggled, lightly pushing down on his chest to tease him before you removed yourself from him completely and lay on your side, propped up on your elbow. 
“I am!” His tone of course protested your claim, but his eyes still tuck to yours, his smile complimenting the shine they held against those black orbs. You reciprocated his grin and gently settled yourself to rest your head on his shoulder. His fingers immediately ran along your hairline as he tucked a few strands behind your ear. 
It embarrassed you at first, the way he’d spend what felt like hours at a time staring at your face, his eyes roaming over every feature until they finally settled back to match your own. You knew he especially loved when you’d put your hair up though you suspect he’d rather enjoyed the tease of having to push aside your hair when it was down. You’d gotten so used to this little routine of his over the past year, it honestly stopped bothering you a while ago.  
The way he looked at you, you’d never seen anyone look at another human being like that before. It made you feel special, like you were the most important person to have ever walked the earth and of course, to a Slytherin, that gratitude he offered you meant a great deal, especially when you knew how much more he needed such assurance than you. But it hadn’t taken you long for you to return that longing look he gave you because he truly did mean the world to you. He was everything you’d imagined in a partner; loyal, caring, supportive, loving. You’d never imagined falling in love with someone who’d also carried so much baggage with them, but it was his past and his traumas that made him so special and naturally, you were the only one to recognize that. 
“(Y/N)?” The distantly muffled sound of your name echoed in your head as your eyes fluttered open. You took a deep break in when you realized you’d fallen asleep on Severus’ chest. “(Y/N) wake up. Look!” 
Opening your eyes, you slowly raised yourself off him to see Severus pointing at the sky with a smile on his face. Looking up, you searched the stars a moment until you saw it. A quick flash of blue light disappearing just as quickly as it appeared. Not a moment later, you saw another flash; a purple spot in the sky lighting up as it flickered and moved closer to where you saw the blue light. 
“It’s starting!” You exclaimed as you quickly scrambled to sit up and search your robes. You pulled out two objects that looked like muggle binoculars taken from the 19th century and gave Severus one as you laid back down next to him, bringing the other to your eyes. You searched the skies once again, the stars larger and your view much more narrow than before. Your heart beat heavily against your chest, hoping the man you’d bought these mystic objects from during your last Hogsmeade trip hadn’t made false claims when he said they would help you see the Luminous Dancing Fairies set to migrate during the next eclipse. Of course, you didn’t have a reference of what to expect when looking through them since no one had managed to spot them long enough to obtain a proper description, but you hoped you’d at least see more than simple flashes of light. “Wow!”
Fairies began dancing within your view, their wings sparkling with light as they twirled, each with a colour of their own. More and more appeared in the sky as they continued on their way and you noticed the majority shone with blue and purple lights though on occasion, you would spot one with green, yellow or red wings. But the ones with white wings were your favourite. They appeared to be the rarest of their kind yet they shone the brightest of them all, the flashes they emitted almost blinding through those binoculars. 
“They’re much more… Energetic than I’d imagined,” Severus said. He himself wasn’t sure what to expect tonight, though he was happy you’d dragged him along to be a part of history. To be one of the first to get a proper glimpse at the creatures Wizard kind spent decades studying from a far, wondering what sort of stories they carried with them as they flew across the galaxy.
“Really? I suppose they have to be if they have to travel for so long.” You smiled at the sound of his curious tone, happy he’d managed to find some interest in the night’s event. 
“Thanks for planning this,” he said softly, a small bit of reluctancy present in his voice. He’d regretted giving you such a hard time the last few weeks when it came to your plans for tonight, but even he could admit when he was wrong. Truthfully, the inevitability for your lives diverging after graduation scared him, stressing him out more than usual these last few weeks. He’d spent so long trying to hold onto his relationship with you, focused on spending as much time with you as possible, he’d forgotten what it truly felt like to be with you. He finally felt a sense of comfort tonight and all it took was a simple night under the stars away from any worries of the future. 
Setting down the binoculars, you turned over to see his smile shining back at you, his eyes shining almost as bright as the fairies dancing between the stars. You lost yourself in the loving look he gave, hoping the night would never end and he’d learn to let loose a little. Leaning in, you pecked him on his lips, keeping your eyes closed when you parted as your nose stayed an inch from his. You loved the experience of watching the Luminous Dancing Fairies Migrate of course, but sitting here with Severus, watching him enjoy the night with you was what had truly pushed you to plan such a night with him. You knew the night would have turned out perfectly even if those binoculars didn’t work as they were advertised because Severus’ company would have made the night completely worthwhile. 
You could never put into words how much you loved him. He had his flaws of course, everyone did but you just couldn’t help the feeling when you first met that he was different to those you’d spoken to, that he was somehow meant for you. Soulmate was quite a strong word to define it and you knew that if you hadn’t grown close to one another as friends before you started dating, you wouldn’t feel the way you did right now. But when you met, when you first started chatting over absolute nonsense, you couldn’t shake the feeling of comfort, a feeling you’d only get if you’d known someone a very long time.  
Finally opening your eyes, you snuggled into him, your hand wrapped around his waist, your head laid on his shoulder and your pair of binoculars completely disregarded. You had your fill of the stars tonight and all you needed now was a bit of comfort from the boy you cared so deeply for.
“You’re going to miss the fairies,” he whispered, his own binoculars pushed to the side as he peered down at you, his arms snaking around you and pulled you into him as tightly as he could. The air around you settled as you felt his heart beginning to race against his chest, his own disregard for the stars clear as the moon that shone above. 
“I don’t care,” you mumbled back, closing your eyes as your smile stretched wider than before. Severus was hardly one to complain, enjoying the gentle pressure of your weight on his chest much more than watching the fairies dancing in the sky. You both got comfortable as you cuddled together, oblivious to your surroundings and brushing off the subtle sounds of rustling around the edges of the forest to the wind.
“At least two a yer found a spot without disturbin’ half the forest.” You both jolted from your place, turning towards the familiar voice behind you, your hearts stopping as your eyes met with the half giant staring down at you. 
“Shit,” you cursed under your breath as you scrambled to jump to your feet, Severus following swiftly after. Everything had gone so well, you’d enjoyed your time under the stars and completely forgotten you were breaking curfew, letting your guard down and ultimately, getting yourself caught by the gamekeeper. But worst of all, Severus had trusted you and you’d completely let him down. His punishment was to be shared with your own for the mistake you’d made. 
“Come along then. I’ll take yeh back to the castle,” Hagrid said, gesturing for you to follow. The joy you felt not a moment ago shriveled into nothingness as you looked back at Severus to find him folding up the blanket, already saying goodbye to the wholesome night you were supposed to share together. Pushing down the regret you felt, you walked over to help Severus before looking up at him, your brows furrowed and your eyes heavy with shame. 
‘Sorry,’ you mouthed, your heart dropping when he looked away. He was upset with you and rightfully so. You’d promised him nothing would go wrong, that this would be a night worth remembering and of course, it was, you just hadn’t imagined it ending this way. You anticipated nothing more than anger from him if you had gotten caught, but no matter how much you told yourself you could handle it, you just couldn’t bear the disappointment that radiated off of him as you both began to follow Hagrid back to the castle.
The next few minutes went by agonizingly slow and you felt like you were walking to the chopping block, your relationship to be cut in half and killed forever. The agony you felt, each step heavier than the last was unbearable. You wanted nothing more than to reverse time and keep Hagrid from catching you. You would have even settled with going back to the moment you left the common room and just spent the night in there instead of living through this awful moment. The loss of house points and detention you could bear, but you couldn’t come to terms with the disappointment Severus threw your way. You’d offer to take Severus’ punishment and double your detention if you could, anything to keep Severus from suffering through the consequences of a mistake you’d made. 
But how bad could it be if Hagrid was the one to catch you? Your punishment would likely be endless if Slughorn or McGonagall caught you. But the heart wrenching thought that Severus would remain angry with you, possibly wishing to never speak to you again seeded itself in the back of your mind. You couldn’t imagine going forward without him by your side. He was your rock, your support, your best friend and you could hardly go on knowing you’d lost someone so important to you. The spiral you’d fallen into had removed you from reality and you’d found yourself going through the motions once again, trying to keep from drowning in this overwhelmed state you’d known all too well. 
Your body went into autopilot as you felt your breath taken away from you. Struggling to breath, you tried to run from the barrels of emotions dumped into your mind until you felt the slightest brush of a familiar warmth grasp for your hand and pull you to safety. You’d snapped back to the real world just as fast as you’d left it to find Severus’s fingertips brushing against your palm and with one sly move, your hand was in his. Your mind was blank, all thoughts of his anger towards you vanished as you looked down at your intertwined hands, his grip on you tightening as the seconds passed. 
Looking up, your eyes met the softened expression on his face. His eyes gleaming in the moonlight, conveying his love for you. Smiling, your shoulders lightened knowing he wouldn’t let one disappointing night ruin what you’d built together over these last few years. After everything you’d both been through, doubting the bond you had with him was something he could never comprehend, but he’d come to recognize the look of despair on your face and quickly learned that a simple gesture was all you needed to remind you of your inseparable connection. Walking hand in hand, you realized that though your night was over, you’d got to enjoy what little of it you had together as you would finish your journey at Hogwarts together. Nothing could spoil your love for him, and you were happy to face any consequences thrown your way if you were to face them with him by your side.
Part 2
@raven-hopeflyte​ @sleepysnapesnake​ @wanderingtrails​ @darkthought15​ @bush-viper-cutie​ @fluffymadamina​ @dracos-mudblood​ @mitchiesdungeon​
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victoryroadburnout · 4 years
bc ive been playing this romhack which is pretty cool so far its got me thinking abt what a mainline game set in the ncverse would be like, where youre a rookie out on the badge circuit. no real nonsense like evil teams or legendaries awakening actually happen probably, because frankly you’ll be going through enough
it would be kind of like a soft nuzlocke by default; certain incidents can have your pokes die, like if you use a revive and they’re knocked out again before you can get them to a center. 
the trainers of course would be brutal assholes the further away you get from towns. if youre beaten by a trainer you dont just white out and end up in a center, youre still on the road with your knocked out team - not fainted, but with hp in the red - for you to heal yourself. depending on the disposition of the trainer, they can beat you up and take your supplies in increasing amounts is they get stronger and rougher (but they never take all of the supplies out of what scraps of trainer code they have left). some trainers, however, are nicer and heal your pokes/give you spare supplies if you’ve run out of something. orrrr you can rob them and become the raider yourself.
oh, the trainer has a health bar, too. and a hunger bar. you’re out in the wilderness, after all. food management for everyone is an issue, but with your pokemon you’re usually able to forage for extra supplies. your pokes dont get hungry while in the ball, but the more you bring them out to fight the more exhausted theyll get, making setting up camp necessary. it could be darkest dungeon style - its a period of rest to heal, eat, do various actions with your pokes. healing items have a much better effect in this state. the risk of being ambushed is still there, but a pokemon keeping watch will keep that from happening.
supplies are freely given out by the league and centers let you stock up on necessities like food for free, but standard healing items still have to be bought. revives are way more common due to aforementioned nuzlocke mechanics and the center gives out one (1) free one every day.
the farther you go in the circuit, the more attention you accrue, for better or worse. if you sign up for a sponsorship you get access to all kinds of goodies but only for as long as you can keep up a winning streak. the most famous you get, the more likely strong aces will try to beat you for the clout
theres more emphasis on building positive or negative relationships with your pokemon. all of them fall into the standard sapience classes, with class A’s being on the level of humans. whether or not you actually acknowledge that is up to you, but they can still leave your ass if pushed too far. that said, a lot of sapients see being on the circuit as an opportunity, whether its a test of strength, an adventure, or just a business investment. certain natures effect how they see their situation and you. theyre like party members in their own right.
lower sapience classes have their own intelligence thresholds, and that effects their trainability and their willingness to obey in certain circumstances. you can teach some to use practical moves outside of battle.
you’re not involved in some great scheme, or caught up in an evil team’s shenanigans; youre just a kid with their buddies having an adventure. any shady whispers about the true nature of the league are surely just rumors and hearsay :)
maybe don’t catch a ralts early in the game.
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alternis-dim · 5 years
If someone wanted to get into persona, what is the best game to start with?
to be honest, Persona is kind of nice in that it doesn’t matter a whole lot where you start, since each game is a relatively self-contained story which only has brief mentions or cameos of previous entries! some elements of the lore make more sense if you play certain games before others, but it isn’t anything drastic enough to impact your enjoyment. Hell, I started with Persona 5 and was just fine. So I guess I can just sorta talk about the pros and cons of each game as an entry point to the series! I can also briefly describe their premises in case a particular one seems more interesting, which could help someone with deciding where to start.
this is gonna be long, so I’ll put it under a read more.
Persona 1/Revelations: Persona is the only game I wouldn’t recommend playing first. Its mechanics are pretty outdated and not reflective of the rest of the series, and it’s relatively short compared to the others as well. Not to say that it’s not worth ever playing! In fact, from my understanding it has wonderful characterization, an engaging plot, and lays important groundwork for the franchise’s worldbuilding. I just wouldn’t recommend it for getting a taste of what the series is like.
Persona 2: Innocent Sin is the first of the dual entries for the Persona 2 duology. It has some of the same cons I mentioned for the first game; it’s relatively old, so its mechanics are a little outdated, and it plays more similarly to an SMT game than the future Persona entries do (for example, the story is fairly linear and occurs over the course of a few days, whereas later entries are strung out over a year). It is a little more refined, though, and the formula is starting to get there. It also has, in my opinion, some of the best character writing in the series.
P2IS is a story about how strange occurrences are brewing in the city of Sumaru because of a phenomenon where rumors actually influence and/or become reality. A group of high schoolers get tangled up with a mysterious man named Joker, who can supposedly grant wishes and, for some reason, seems to hold a very personal grudge against them. They discover their ability to call upon Personas to defend themselves from the demons at his command, and soon end up teaming up with journalist Maya Amano to get to the bottom of Joker’s identity and the source of the rumors which are warping the city. Over the course of their journey, they slowly start to piece together their past in order to figure out why Joker seems so invested in them.
Pros: - Stellar character writing- An intriguing, interconnected plot which is a bit of a rollercoaster but a lot of fun- Lays the groundwork for lore in the Persona series (most importantly the existence of Philemon and Nyarlathotep, as well as the origin of the Velvet Room)- Incredibly mature takes on the impact of trauma and familial abuse (TW for both of those things though)- Canonically bisexual protagonist with a potential same sex dating optionCons:- Unavoidable random encounters and really grind-heavy, as most 90′s jrpgs go- Outdated mechanics that aren’t really reflective of future Persona entries- One of those wiki-heavy games: it’s damn near impossible to unlock certain character interactions or personas without use of a guide- The second game in the Duology, Eternal Punishment, isn’t nearly as accessible to English audiences
Persona 3 is where a lot of the series formula originates from! It’s also my personal favorite, but I’ll try my best to be unbiased describing it. Small note: I recommend playing Persona 3 FES specifically, since it refines a lot of the things that were clunky in the vanilla version, adds more character content, and features a post-game which answers a lot of questions.
P3 takes place in a coastal city called Iwatodai at the beginning of the school year, where the protagonist moves in as a transfer student after being bounced around in foster care for ten years following an accident which killed his parents. Upon arrival, he experiences the strange phenomenon of the Dark Hour: an extra 25th hour in the day where people are transformed into coffins and monsters roam free. Technology doesn’t work during this hour, and anyone not protected by a coffin is violently attacked and seems soulless the next day, a condition local news dubs Apathy Syndrome. A select few people have the potential to stay conscious during the Dark Hour and protect themselves by use of a Persona, and these people make up a unit called the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (S.E.E.S.). The protagonist joins, and the game follows their investigation of the phenomenon. It’s considered the darkest entry in the series, and for good reason: “memento mori” is right in its introduction. The game focuses heavily on themes of death, what it means to be mortal, how people deal with being confronted with their mortality, what the point of life is, and much more. 
Pros:- Introduction of the Persona formula: school life and dungeon exploration which requires time management on a linear calendar, the knockdown/1-more feature in combat, all-out-attacks, social links. Starting with this game may actually be the best way to go gameplay-wise, since coming back to this game after playing later entries makes it seem clunky.- Dungeon-crawl style of gameplay, which is a lot nicer than random encounters. You explore randomly generated floors and choose when and where to ambush enemies.- Excellent character arcs which enrich the game’s narrative- A dark, mature, and interesting story which explores human natureCons:- Still an older game, so some controls are clunky. One game mechanic in particular that many are frustrated with is the inability to directly choose what moves your teammates will use, instead requiring you to use Tactics to direct how the AI should behave.- Probably has the worst pacing issues out of any game in the series. There’s an entire calendar month where you do basically nothing.- The post-game is grind-heavy and long for the amount of story it offers. Some people just recommend watching a playthrough.- Features an uncomfortable transphobic skit towards the middle of the game.
Persona 4 is a refinement of many of the features of Persona 3. The best version to play is Persona 4 Golden, since it has a lot of extra content, but it’s vita exclusive and I’m stuck with vanilla :( Vanilla’s still fine in my experience, at least!
P4 takes place in the small town of Inaba, where the protagonist has transferred for a year to live with his uncle and cousin due to his parents leaving the country for work. Shortly after his arrival, a bizarre series of serial murderers start to occur where the bodies are found strung up on telephone lines. There’s also a rumor that looking into a turned off television screen on a rainy midnight will reveal your soulmate; this rumor is referred to as the Midnight Channel. The protagonists and friends inadvertently discover a parallel world which exists alongside Inaba, which can be entered through televisions but which can’t be exited without the help of a mysterious denizen named Teddie. They discover that these worlds are linked; people who show up on the Midnight Channel turn up dead in the real world shortly after, and the weather is inverse to Inaba’s. They discover that this is because someone is throwing people into this world, who are then unable to escape, and that the Shadows living in it become violent when the fog lifts (inverse to when the fog settles in the real world). This world also has an interesting quirk: people who enter it end up confronting their own shadow, which is a manifestation of the parts of themselves they repress or deny. Denying your shadow leads to it attempting to kill you, and this is likely what caused the deaths of the first victims. The protagonist and team discover that confronting and accepting your own Shadow, however, turns it into a Persona which you can then use to combat the monsters in the world. Equipped with their unique knowledge, the team sets out to save victims, solve the murder mystery, and learn how to accept themselves.
Pros:- A powerful message about the importance of seeking the truth and accepting all facets of yourself- An absolutely incredible murder mystery with clever plot twists and high stakes: getting the true ending is actually difficult if you don’t know who the murderer is, and you’re expected to understand the themes of the game and the characters in order to get it.- A nice in-between for the mechanics of P3 and P5: it’s pretty easy to transfer to either one after playing this one. (also introduces the ability to control party members directly, thank god)- A TON of spinoff content if you find you enjoy the characters and setting- Probably one of the best games in terms of understanding the overarching lore of the series, since it explains how Personas and Shadows work in much more depth than other entriesCons:- Has sort of a wonky difficulty curve. The first couple dungeons are honestly kind of a pain in the ass because of how level scaling works, and it takes a little while to level out.- The character arcs aren’t quite as well-written as previous games, due to the ultimate personas being associated with social link completion rather than events in the plot.- Oh god, such clumsy handling of LGBT topics. Plays around the idea of a gay narrative for one character (Kanji) and a trans narrative for another (Naoto) but ultimately just ends up playing up stereotypes and then backing out before doing anything “risky.” Another character in the party is pretty homophobic to Kanji for a while too, which sucks.
Persona 5 is the most popular in the series for sure, and for good reason. It’s the complete culmination of the Persona formula, and it adds all sorts of stuff to the gameplay and lore. It has a pretty lovable cast, to boot. Not that it doesn’t also have its problems, imo.
P5 features a protagonist who was falsely convicted of assault after attempting to defend a woman from a drunk man harassing her. His criminal record and probation result in his expulsion from his home school, so he moves in with a family friend in Tokyo where a school will accept him until his time’s up. Tokyo’s been strange for a little while now. Mysterious incidents have been causing disruptions for a while. There’s been a surge of “psychotic breakdown incidents” in which people act out unpredictably for seemingly no reason, and on rarer occasions “mental shutdowns” where people seem to completely break and die shortly after. The protagonist and friends get tied up in nonsense pretty quickly when a mysterious app on his phone transports him to a parallel world in which real locations of Tokyo are warped beyond recognition. The protagonist discovers the power of persona pretty early on, which he uses to fight the enemies there. With the help of a strange creature named Morgana, they learn that this is the “Metaverse”, a space in which the twisted desires and perceptions of people are made manifest. It’s a space where a person’s Shadow lords over a “Palace”, an altered version of real-world locations which reflects how that person views the world around them. They also learn that personas are the result of having a strong, rebellious will, allowing you to control your Shadow in combat. By breaking into a Palace, defeating the Shadow, and stealing the “Treasure” at its core, the Palace will crumble and the person in real life will come to grips with the morality of their actions, effectively outing themselves. This is referred to as stealing hearts, and the Phantom Thieves are born; they quickly become infamous in Tokyo, though their reputation attracts unwanted attention, as well as blame… could those breakdown incidents be related to the Metaverse, too? This game focuses heavily on the corruption of society, the abuse and manipulation of people in power, the ways in which our circumstances force us to hide parts of ourselves, ideas of justice, and all sorts of fun ideas of “rebellion”.
Pros:- ABSOLUTELY the best gameplay in the series. The controls are smooth, the battles and UI are streamlined, the visuals are absolutely stunning. This is the one that’s most fun to actually PLAY, bar none.- More of a stealth/heist game than a dungeon crawler, which is a fun spin on the series.- Excellent social commentary on the injustices young people face in a system stacked against them.- A really lovable cast of characters, and social links which actually grant you access to helpful gameplay features as incentive. Cons:- Sort of a small thing, but one of the game’s twists is a lot more fun to figure out if you’ve already played at least one other entry in the series.- Has some serious writing issues. The game has a very strong first half, but then starts to feel rushed the further along you get after a certain point. You can tell that the developers wanted to fit in a lot, but didn’t quite have the time to refine the ideas they implemented.- On that note, some of the character writing starts to regress or even becomes contradictory.- Has a couple instances of homophobia surrounding the Red Light District.
This got long, sorry, but I hope it’s helpful! like I said, you really can start anywhere, and you don’t have to play them in a particular order. Just pick the ones that seem the most interesting and have fun!
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thevagueambition · 4 years
5 video games! :D
okay I AM going to ramble way too much about each of them haha ;;
the top 3: 
Disco Elysium: I firmly believe the innovations of Disco Elysium are going to affect the future of non-combat-focused RPGs quite a bit. It captures, better than any other video game I’ve played, the non-combat elements of pen & paper roleplaying. It’s so responsive to how you choose to play your character and the idea of thoughts as essentially euipment that gives affects your stats... it’s fucking brilliant. It’s the exact sort of game I love, mechanically, and of course story-wise it’s also very well-written -- if also VERY Old East Bloc Depression(tm) in its disillusioned marxism and the occasional sort of failed ironic sexism -- and the way it used an outside character to motivate the player to act in a certain way/to work as essentially a morality meter and how well that works because everyone loves Kim is also just... brilliant. I love Disco Elysium so much. Even if you don’t normally play games, please play Disco Elysium. The first time I played it I died 2 minutes in because I had put my endurance stat so low that when I failed a roll to grab my tie I died. I love it so much. 
Dragon Age II: The Dragon Age series was a huge part of what got me into gaming in a more... shall we say deliberate sense. I had always played games growing up, but mostly either as a social activity or on a handheld. Dragon Age: Origins was my first “serious” game, so to speak, and I love it a lot to, but Dragon Age II is the one that really owns my ass. I know part of it is when I played it and its role in me figuring out my sexuality -- Dragon Age II is just a group of Disaster Bisexuals with an asexual dad friend and a straight mom friend thrown in for colour -- but certainly also both as a story and in terms of how it did dialogue I also really love it. There’s a real feeling of cammaraderie with the characters and the fact that you essentially play as a refugee is a really interesting way to be positioned within the world. I think, more so than the other Dragon Age games, in making you take on a specific role within the fictional society, you get to roleplay in a much more meaningful way imo since where so many RPG characters are positioned a bit outside society because they’re some sort of chosen one, in Dragon Age II, Hawke is, at least for some of the game, Just Some Weirdo, subject to the same societal rules as everyone else. 
Frostpunk: So, shifting from RPGs to citybuilders, Frostpunk is my favourite citybuilder/management game. My brain finds these types of games incredibly soothing, balancing production with what is needed, managing production chains, setting things up just so... it’s the exact sort of thing that occupies and quiets my mind. Unfortunately, a lot of games like this run into issues in the end-game because at a certain point there isn’t really more to build towards, or maybe building towards it goes so slowly that it ceases to be interesting, etc... Frostpunk escapes those issues by being campaign-based, with a set amount of time to get everything up and running smoothly, with various events and goals throughout. I don’t know why, but a lot of other citybuilders just feel annoying when they set specific goals or use a campaign approach, but for Frostpunk it really works. Actually, where the endless mode is usually the better one in citybuilders, in Frostpunk, the campaigns are definitely better. Maybe it’s a difference of where the focus was put, idk. Frostpunk is also an Old East Bloc Depression game lol, idk if those hold special appeal to me or if it’s just a coincidence. 
Other two:
Sunless Sea: It took me a long time to actually get into this one since it has a pretty steep learning curve and is very unforgiving if you fuck up (ie a roguelike). Still, the core mechanic of sailing around discovering different ports, picking up different goods, progressing different stories... it works.  It’s interesting, how in the beginning so much of your energy is focused on learning to bring the correct amount of fuel and rations for a trip, but once you learn it/have enough money that you can overstock, the focus becomes an entirely different one. It essentially becomes planning out voyages, I found myself sometimes writing down what my plan was between sessions since accomplishing things often takes quite a few trips to different ports. I like the world, as well, the sort of ... absurdist take on a steampunk-ish, Lovecraftian-ish setting. It was super satisfying, finally having discovered most of what there is to discover in it, although given that the discovery of new places, characters and stories in the world is sort of what drives it, it also means that I’m not super likely to go back to it any time soon. 
Darkest Dungeon: Listen I just like some good turn-based combat. This one is actually similar to Sunless Sea in terms of 1) being a roguelike 2) having Lovecraftian-themes, although Darkest Dungeon certainly takes itself a lot more seriously than Sunless Sea does. I think the really cool thing about Darkest Dungeon, though, is how it makes you really care about these people you’re sending into battle by giving them little quirks, letting them experience stress and having them react to that, etc. It’s not actually, from a purely mechanical standpoint, disasterous when you lose one of them, but often you’ve beome very emotionally invested in your favourites and it truly DOES become a thing where you hurry to flee if you’re doing badly because you don’t want to lose them. 
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