#getting 6h to revise
namelessdeceased · 1 month
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.🎻 D-45 ✧ fri ✧ 9.8.24 ✧ sawc day 9
happy national day! i did a bit more than i honestly expected last night, so i'm a bit more relaxed. late post though cause i was out and taking a nap..6 30 ish now. i need to stop thinking though...too many things in my head and it'll give me a headache at some point i swear. tuition tomorrow; grinding that out.
.🥟 academic
T2B rev ex 12
T2B ex. 10D corrections
partial MM2 T10
partial MM2 T12
maybe a revision paper if i have the time
.🍯 personal
lower priority
revision timeline
check hw due monday
plan tmr
.☕ sawc goals
sleep: alr had a nap for like 3h, so total 5, 6h and left is 3h
routine: getting ready for studying
deep focus: 2h
body: shower later at night
reading: honestly im grinding out tonight but schrodinger's eqn if i can
.📜 goal productive time: 4h? 6h? any
.🌙 ? honestly whenever im tired and am satisfied w my work
.☀️ 04 30 (?)
.♬ ~ undercover martyn 〢 two door cinema club
.🤎 positivityposting
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will update.
╰ theo 🥯
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dearestkong · 4 months
cool with you // get up challenge d4
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🎧currently streaming:
🎵it’s cooo-ool with you: do something fun with others^^
went for an long morning walk to get coffee w a friend. summer’s coming and the wildflowers are so pretty🌸
ate dinner with friends in the garden. peonies are blooming.🌿
ditched my work in the evening to play lazy tennis and sing karaoke until 11 with my housemates🐰 (it's not like I was working before that anyway...)
🎶and I think I like your point of view: 1h of thinking outside the box during project research
2.5h in fact … perhaps a little Too out of the box. sent myself down a not-so-nice rabbit hole and now I feel kind of freaked out, but it's cool how vast this subject is. i want to know every corner of it.🐇
🐇sleep: 12:30-6:30 (6h) screen time: 5h32m
❌can you tell from the screen time how angry I am with the day? basically only 30 minutes (or even less) of actual studying for the momentous exams which are barely two weeks away. i'm going to be behind on my revision timetable, which is making me furious at myself. get your head in the game, kong!🫠 but at the same time i had a lot of sweet conversations and it Was kind of a lovely day if you don't count the middle section (rotting in my bed / fighting the broken laundry dryer)... that's life, I guess.
🐰lying to myself to say this is ok because cool with you is my least favourite on the album. my overall fav newjeans song is hype boy🕺
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panda-studiesmed · 5 months
LAST Day Till Med School Entries
Heyaaa, just here for a quick update.
Last 2 days were not so productive, even tho I studied for about 6h a day. My mind was all over the place, I couldn't concentrate at all and that's pretty much it.
Today's plan is to just chill and maybe revise the things I'm most unsure of.
I hope for the best tomorrow and I know that God has a plan! 😇
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P.S (off topic rant) Am I the only one who's getting s3xuall stuff on my fy page? Wtf Tumblr 💀
Even tho I've blocked that kind of posts they still come up occasionally. Why is this even allowed on here 😭
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thevenusianwho · 1 year
transit notes: sidereal mercury rx in leo
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*notes for all the sidereal signs*
merc rules 11h and 2h
hold off on decisions about money or family
know that your self worth is not about the actions of the people around you at this time, even if they disappoint you or say things they don’t mean towards you.
don’t react rashly to what people say, esp when merc is combust.
merc in 12h rules 10h + 1h
could be good time to rethink career moves, meditate on this
might get burnt out in career esp once combust
will experience fatigue at this time and should look after their health
merc in 11h rules 9h and 12h
friends and networks may not satisfy you at this time and one may need to look inward instead
focus more on creating things alone instead of with people
might feel burnt out with education if a student and that it feels like too much or too hard but will ease up after combustion
merc in 10h rules 11h and 8h
shady job offers and shady friends rn will become seen
will want to clean the car/ get it fixed but should wait
do not make rash decisions as one should research fully
don’t listen to other’s advice rn
merc in 9h rules 10h and 7h
business trips may have some issues
business contracts may have to be revised
make sure everything is written down to be looked over again for minutiae
could be hard to trust the words of ppl, bosses and gurus
merc in 8h rules 9h and 6h
def health issues but source can be figured out finally after combustion
might realise that you’ve been going about research on occult studies wrong or on education wrong, etc.
merc in 7h rules 5h and 8h
would not advise dating rn and one should focus on oneself
partners may be hiding smth that could now come to light, cheating etc.
business deals may fall through and go nowhere so will have to rethink but should wait before going ahead with partnerships
merc in 6h rules 7h and 4h
could get into arguments, become more argumentative but should think before they say anything they may regret
one must not fight with competitors rn esp in combust period, nor should they give advice if ppl come to you until rx ends
drive carefully
merc in 5h rules 6h and 3h
could be hard to reach siblings rn
might be thinking dropping out of education but this will get easier after combustion
might get bad results on essays etc.
losing energy for education
merc in 4h rules 5h and 2h
might want to make changes in home or vehicles get serviced but wait
issues with family and disagreements so might prefer working outside of the house rn, not ideal for working from home situations
learning more about family origins or homeland
merc in 3h rules 4h and 1h
crisis of expression, losing energy to be oneself
burn out > health issues and bodily exhaustion which will chill after combustion
be careful driving and not sleeping at the wheel
merc in 2h rules 3h and 12h
issues with family trips
do not indulge in careless spending or gambling
think carefully with purchases
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neonhairspray · 10 months
Get To Know Me!
I was tagged by the ladies @sihtricfedaraaahvicius and @gemini-mama. Thank you and let's gooo!
Nickname: Luna.
Sun sign: Cancer (with Sagittarius moon and Virgo rising)
Height: 5'7 or 170cm
Last thing I Googled: Definitely something related to knee joint,because I'm finishing slides for my class.
Amount of sleep: Not enough. In all seriousness: usually around 6h, but I know I need more (and I can feel it).
Dream job: Professional Depeche Mode fan/Eurovision expert (On a serious note: I don't really know.Not sure if I even have a dream job)
Favorite song: I could make a playlist of my top 10 or 20 favorite songs ever. So this shall be my favorite song by my favorite band: Higher Love by Depeche Mode.
Movie/Book that Summarises Me: As I'm going to mention it later, I have many layers & don't think there is one specific movie/book that sumarises me. Let's say a movie: Amelie, tv show: Dark, cartoon: Daria, book: any of Banana Yoshimoto's books (that are translated into English).
Favorite Instrument: A's hands, his long fingers in particular. Ok pretend that you did not read the first sentence. I guess it is old fashioned synths. Like the ones that were mostly used in the late 70s and through the 80s.
Aesthetic: I call it "Depends on my mood and season if the year" haha. But if we let the girl dream it is: 80s /cottagecore/goth or just so called "dark" aesthetic. What can I say? Human onion with many layers lol.
Favorite authors: Banana Yoshimoto is my number one. I also like Taylor Jenkins - Reid, Aimee Bender, Jurga Ivanauskaitė, Gillian Flynn.
Random Fun Fact:
* I can't swim.
* I went to my French exam totally unprepared (without any revision) and got 80 points out of 100. It was an A level exam, by the way. However, after graduating from high school I've been rarely using the language so I don't know about the state of my skills.
* Twice while traveling I sat by a random person & started a convo just to pass the time. Both times, after like half an hour we realized that we're Lithuanians... who were speaking with each other while thinking that we're foreigners.
Tags to my mutuals @wander7ust and @theold-ultraviolence (no pressure! only if you want to)
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catchmewiddershins · 3 years
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wewontdieunbloomed · 2 years
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Today really was a low after yesterday i had a big breakdown and just was in a slump until mid day today when i tried to get my shit together but was falling asleep a lot because as part of my breakdown yesterday (2 days ago?) i slept late. got about 6h of work done by way leaser than what was planned and so things are Not Going Well like my revision status is once again not there and even in term 1 it was always like this, being on task but not able to do revision. I have to buck up because competition season right now is already taking so much time when im not training im thinking about the field and the ball and wha ti need to do and thats saps away a lot of time i could be doing work. and also a lot of general time wasting on my phone and stuff which i attribute to the rushed schedule i have in the day so when i get some semblance of me time i just go limp which is terrible as long as i manage it well. sleeping really late right now its past midnight which i absolutely hate sleeping past midnight but theres nothing i can do but go sleep now and hope tomorrow(later? 7h later?) is better.
today’s positivity is doing well on a lit essay i got back and also watching kim possible again after like a week or more i missed it
things are only going to get busier from here and im kind of stressed at not knowing my schedule proper because nothing is set but oh well. im dealing with it
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outsassing-nero · 4 years
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210122// 14/100 days of productivity
didn’t feel the best today, but at least i still managed to get some things done :)
studied korean
revised and added some things to the plan of a chapter i’ll be writing tomorrow
drops & duolingo
sent out the homework exercises for my students
wrote another 1000 words in footnotes (haha oops)
planned my final presentation i’m having next week and drafted the powerpoint i want to prepare
read and annotated another journal article
22nd January - Ice skate or rollerblade?
i suck at both, but i believe ice skating is more fun (even if you’re bad at it!) :))!
today’s focus: 6h 30min
listening to: taeyeon, wildfire
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riinajournal · 4 years
How to be ready for finals
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”  - Aristotle.
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Given the trajectory of this year, everything shifted to online. We are all trying to adapt to this online life and it is safe to say it is way easier than a few months ago. The hardest thing we have to do right now is not only taking school online and committing the same way as actually going to class, but also having to take finals online, not sure who to go to if you have questions and be sure you’re leaning the things right. All we have to do is to be sure to be the best ready for our finals. This is what I personally do.
1- Stay Organized
At the beginning of my semester, I brought a 2020 agenda that I have been using this whole semester. I write what I have due in one list and on the other list what I can start or do if I have spare time. And this is what I do to be sure I don’t simply forget about a final or be caught up in something and forget the others since I have a whole two weeks of things to submit and online exams. If you don’t have an agenda you can use a normal notebook or even stick notes and stick them on the wall in front of your desk.
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2- Devide Your Time
What I personally did is that I looked at how many exams and projects and estimate the time each thing could take then I take my agenda and divide the exam or project on several days. For example, if I have an exam that I know would take 4 days to study, I pick 4 days and write in my agenda “study page 1-25 for example,” in that day. I do that for each thing so I fill my week for the things due next one. 
(Personal advice: if you were able to finish what you estimated for the day, try to do more if you have time because maybe the other days you won’t be able to study as much so if you can do more in one day, give yourself the opportunity to do less in another)
3- Be Realistic
For the staying organized and deviding your time, remind yourself to be realistic and gentle with yourself. Don’t overestimate yourself. We are not machines. If you know you are not able to study 6 hours a day then don’t put in your agenda, study 6 hours. Don’t put in your agenda 6h full of study with no breaks because you will not do that at the end and you will end up feeling discouraged that you didn’t finish what you had to do.
(Personal advice: when you finish something do a check next to it or color over it, don’t erase it or if it is a stick note don’t throw it away. Because for example, if I look at my agenda and see that I have 2 whole chapters to finish today, I could say “damn, I will never be able to finish all that today”. But if I see that I crossed over 2 chapters that I finished yesterday, it will make me feel “okay, well I did it a few days ago, I can do it today”.)
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4- Give Yourself Breaks
It is okay if you give yourself a time off. In this time of this specific year, we hold on our shoulders stress that is heavier than in normal life so remember to keep it easy on yourself. So remind yourself while studying, dividing your time or organizing your days to give yourself free time. You won’t be able to study without having a break. There are no brains to be able to function 10 or more hours a day especially if you don’t take breaks. I personally know that every two hours, I have to leave the space that I have been studying in for at least 10min. I go get myself a cup of water, I go sit my parents for a little bit or even walk around the apartment for a few minutes. It really helps. 
Also, do never take away from your sleep to study. I know a lot of people that do the overnight study and sleep after the exam. I have never done that and I’m doing fine. I personally think that losing sleep make you lack concentration and also stress you and make you tired to do the exam correctly. If you organize your time correctly, you will never have to be the overnighter.
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5- Take Notes
This is a very personal thing but I am more of a practical person. I have to take notes to learn so even if I don’t need to use these notes in the exam, I still take notes to make sure I learn the information. This also help in online exams. When you have just one hour to do so many questions, you have to at least know where to quickly find your information without having to search for it 2h in the book. When I take notes, I write the page number on the side just in case I didn’t write down an information that was mentioned in the exam. 
Also, in your notes, don’t keep it boring. Highlight important information with a color, the title with another. Use arrows or stars. Keep it dynamic so when you’re looking for the information your brain will remember what the page looks like because you will remember the colors. But if all your pages look the same, it will be harder.
6- Choose a Good Atmosphere to Study
Since we all have to be home because of thing dear ms Rona, we are stuck with our younger siblings crying, with our parents talking loud or watching television, with siblings playing or just being loud. Try your best to be able to study in a calm place. Close your room door or tell them to keep their voices down or even play a lofi so it hides a bit of the noise outside.
Try to always switch places. Don’t always study in the same place. Study on your desk once, on your sibling desk, in the living room when no one is home, on the kitchen table when you want a snack, etc. That will help you stay focus and not get bored of studying.
One more thing, try to read out loud your readings. Reading louder will get you engaged to the text and will make the information stick in your head.
7- Relax Before the Exam
Since I was in high school, I was told by my friends and my parents to revise before the exams and it personally would stress me even more when I am studying something and don’t remember it so when I get into the exam, all I can think about is that “I didn’t study well because I didn’t know this question”. So when I got in college and still do in university is wake up relaxed on the day of the exam, with nothing left to study and take a time off until the time of the exam. I get into the exam confident that I studied well and am ready. And since I started doing that all my grades started to get up. I started to be able to be calm during the time of the exam and concentrate better since I am not panicking and reading the same question six times because I couldn’t understand it from all the stress.
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I REALLY HOPE THAT HELPS EVEN A LITTLE BIT!! I wish you all good luck in your finals and final papers. Manifest for good grades, everyone!
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littletinydaydream · 4 years
Don't you just love it when you're in quarantine and have to do online school, but your parents or grandparents don't understand the fact that you have school and still have to work? I be waking up 3h earlier every day than I normally would on a day off, I do schoolwork for 5-6h, then I get sleepy bc I'm 3h of sleep in dept, but I can't take a nap bc it's "dad comes home" o'clock and if he sees that I am sleeping, he will call me lazy from downstairs while pretending to talk to himself and say how I never do anything and how he is sick of having children and will ridicule me in front of my little sister until she starts mocking me for sleeping too, but he's always making sure that I can hear him. He will come home, point at the dishes and go "You could've at least done them" and when I tell him that I literally just finished schoolwork he makes it look like he didn't hear me.
Then, weekend rolls around and I catch up on sleep. Then he says that guests will come over and I have to entertain them bc he doesn't have time, although he could've simply said "no" to them. I ask why I have to do it and he says: "You've sat on your ass for the entire week, do at least something useful."
And I just stand in the middle of the room, unable to speak bc I'm a high school student and I've studied every day for 5-6h, washed the dishes when I could, kept an eye on my sister when I could. I've cried bc I try to understand some classes, but I just can't and I'm stuck and I keep missing deadlines purely because I can't fucking remember what I did even 2 minutes ago and he just decides not to believe the fact that I HAVE SCHOOL EVERY SINGLE DAY. So I ask why he didn't say no to the guests and he tells me I have a child's brain and I don't understand how anything works.
A few days ago I had to spend 6 extra hours behind the computer bc of an incompetent teacher who couldn't revise my assignment in time and kept leaving and coming back as she wished while I had to wait. I was in a call with some people who were helping me out and my father came, was mad at me for still being behind the computer although he knew what was up, but decided to ignore the reason. He turned up the TV volume bc I was speaking with people and he couldn't hear the TV.
I couldn't hear what the others were saying anymore and the sound of the TV was disturbing them as well. I couldn't ask him to turn down the volume bc he would have snapped at me.
Then mom came home, saw me still behind the computer and went: "You couldn't have done your stuff earlier??"
...fuck you.
I'm so fucking tired. I know I'm a shit child, but I'm tired for being put down and backstabbed by my own parents just because I fucking SLEEP and bc they choose to IGNORE the fact that I have work to do. Why am I not allowed to even sleep...
"But you could go to sleep earlier."
No, I will only go to sleep when I'm so tired that I will pass out in 15 seconds bc I don't want to stay with my anxiety and thoughts while desperately trying to fall asleep.
I'm so tired and sad because I'm constantly put down. I know I deserve it, but it still hurts and sometimes it just overwhelms me.
Anyway, how is y'all's quarantine going?
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littleteacupdragon · 4 years
I think the education system took a completely wrong approach to taking notes. (I'm saying this after spending 6h over the last three days on re-doing half of my notes from geography because I thought it'd be a better way to revise than just reading them).
What I mean is, the whole "write down all you can from the lecture as the teacher speaks" is so impractical. And quite a few teachers in my life demanded them to be word-for-word, or at least when they were asking questions they demanded completely identical answers to what they said.
And that's bullshit? And it doesn't help you learn?
It's basically equal to writing something down straight from the book, just with added stress that ohmygod they're taking so fast I can't write fast enough ohmygod. And it leaves most students focusing entirely on getting the words on the pages, without any understanding of what they're hearing, not actually. Just like a lot of people can't read something out loud and then actually remember what they read - the focus is in an entire different place.
Lectures are for an actual human being to explain completely new concepts or variations and details of a concept. They're there to help people understand, because brains are just weird like that, when someone explains something, they remember better. Not to mention that an actual human being can alter the way they explain things, depending on the group. And that's something you can't find in books.
For example, my geography teacher used the fact that a few students in my class were from this one town that's in "rivalry" with the one he's from, you know, the usual "one is better than the other" thing. It was all jokes! But he used the fact that we all were aware and amused by it to give examples for some geographical phenomenon. This was after we were done with writing down whatever was on the board.
With this current arrangement, the work of a lecturer is almost pointless. And if they're there only to recite the book, the presence of them is only more pointless, not to mention a waste of time for both sides.
It results in students leaving the classroom and already having forgotten what the lesson was about. It results in them not understanding the notes they took and being overall more confused about the subject. It makes it harder to learn, and it makes it take much more additional time to learn.
Maybe if it was more so that the lecture going on and the student's were required to note only the basic points/titles/words needing definitions and then when they came home they could use the knowledge and understanding they obtained during actually listening to the lecture and work with a book as an assistant to write down those certain definitions or add some details they know would help their personal type of learning better...
Just, conscious, present, engaging with the topic once more. Making those memory links stronger. Making going to school actually worth the time end energy.
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namelessdeceased · 21 days
.🍪 D-23 ✧ sat ✧ 31.8.24 ✧ sawc day 31
god im so. im so tired now. like i cant do shit...
im going to try and pull an all/half nighter cause im not physically tired i just want to curl up and die so hopefully catching up on revision will cure. something eh? i cant even post this in one shot. dysphoria depression catches up hahah. if yall have any tips to get myself up theyd be much appreciated :)
i'm also beginning to plan a dnd game with my friends! my first dnd and im the dm (prolly a bad idea but i LOVE being game master). very excited!
.🍮 academic
geography chapter 1 mindmap
geography chapter 2 mindmap
some MM2 T11
admin prep for some other subjects
.🐚 personal
plan for today
plan for tmr
shower tonight
.☕ sawc
sleep: less tonight. 4h?
routine: night
deep focus: 2h
body: shower
read: c&p
.📜 goal productivity: 6h
.🌙 24 30
.☀ 04 30
.♬ ~ rhinestone eyes 〢 gorillaz
.🤎 positivityposting
you are not what you used to have done. you are what you want to do now and it's okay! your reminder that it is okay!
good evening!!
╰ theo 🪐
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gear-project · 5 years
ARCLive GP Notes!
L1 is roman cancel, L2 is taunt
P,K,S,H (PlayStation Face buttons)
Dust is R1 (You have to be in Neutral to use Dust, otherwise Throw input or air throw input will come out)
Dash is 66 or 6+L3 (Instant Airdash Macro like BBTAG)
Roman Cancel is still P+K+S (not sure if other RC configurations are possible, but probably any 3 buttons except Dust?)
Psyche Burst is H+Dust (not sure how it works with directionals held, still air throwable), Gold Burst/Blue Burst work the same as before
Blitzshield is Gone ( @dvd2heart)
Dead Angle is Gone (replaced with Roman Cancel on Block)
Roman Cancel does different things in different situations (has a clock timer indicator), can also dodge attacks or create airdash options?), YRC and PRC also returned for various situations.
Stats Menu for character attributes in Character Select (has a Chimaki animation easter egg)
Button Settings/Button Check can be tested at Character select menu
Dust Attacks launch on hit but cannot be combo’d from unless it’s a Counterhit (i.e. player is caught pushing buttons or has a high Risk Gauge), 
Faultless Defense (meant to alleviate Risk Gauge) at cost of Tension, otherwise everything is blockable now in mid-air (not sure about crossups yet)
Risk Gauge seems to rise faster than previous games under different circumstances (more emphasis on counters and risky attacks).
Slash attack is considered a universal Gatling starter for combos (but mostly in corner situations or counter launched combos)
Punch and Kick are meant for neutral pokes with low reward (don’t get many combos off them anymore, Self cancellable or shift in to anti-air or other unique character-specific functions) in exchange, they come out easier/faster (reminds me of Samurai Shodown neutral game actually)
Zepp-like Winter Stage (with a Blizzard)
Sol Badguy:
Air Bandit Bringer (seems to replace Breakdown dive kick?)
Fafnir unchanged relatively
Ground Viper Night Raid Vortex (seems to be based on Accent Core Ground Viper Clean Hit launcher?), not sure if other followups are going to be added to it (why call it a Vortex otherwise? lol)
Ky Kiske:
New 6H animation (3H appears to be gone/not added yet)
Stun Edge/Stun Edge Charge Attack/Sacred Edge all look different but still function the same.
Nameless move appears to be Needle Spike (might get a different name later, also appears to be air-useable)
Dire Eclat (214+S) Lightning Slash debuff boosts Risk guage (Lightning debuff seems to work on block on characters, effectively increasing Ky’s advantage over time)
It appears that Counterhits can strike at mid-screen and still launch you in to a new section of a stage even if you weren’t hit from the corner.
Announcer says something vague “Positive ____” (I can’t make out the rest, might be something similar to Active Flow in the BlazBlue games)????
Negative Penalty still exists.
Game analyzes your playstyle post-match (not sure if this will be shown during single player matches or not, but it would be nice).
New 6K Overhead animation
New Overhead Kiss Animation (bounce state)
Mister Seal (ball tail spike) is currently “nameless” and will be added later.
Mr. Five Rivers (Goshogawara-san) is May’s new “Reversal Overdrive” (seems to replace Ultimate Whiner)
Axl Low:
Sickle Flash has a new Explosion Followup*
(Moves still do chip damage, but can’t chip K.O. yet)
Rashousen (Spindle Spinner) is the Clothesline animation
Nameless 214+H appears to launch on hit (looks like Dototsu? Dust move?)
214+S appears to behave like Air Chain (Kokuugeki) but is an evasion move.
Sickle Storm has new animation/input (236236H)
(Seems every character has their own vocal theme and new battle stances for everybody.)
Chipp Zanuff:
Alpha Blade crosses behind if he’s nearby
New Alpha Plus Followups (Horizontal/Diagonal), not sure if they’re replacing Invisibility or Teleport moves (they don’t appear to be present in his current build)
Gamma Blade acts like a Shadow Clone (not sure if it has any other properties besides taking damage when someone hits it), might get variants in the future.
New Misty Illusion Slash (Genrouzan) Animation
Has a new Corner Wall Run with different followups (not sure if it has wall stick or wall jump properties for overheads or not)
New Overdrive Animations for Banki Messai (Thousand Ogre Destruction) and Zansei Rouga (Star Slash Wolf Fang)
6K causes knockback/roll on hit (not sure what it does on counterhits, if you can grab from counters)
Potemkin Buster looks bulkier/slower on activation? (Still the same monster damage though.)
Heat Knuckle can be blocked in the air (despite behaving like a grab), but it’s plus frames on block.
Slide Head has Armor now (behaves more closely to old Graviton in animation effect).
FDB projectile is faster on reflected projectiles.
214+H is an Unblockable (1-inch punch move, similar to K’ or SSGSS Goku)
Heavenly Potemkin Buster is still air unblockable.
ICPM and Trishula appear to be missing.
Giganter Kai is different (hits 3 times like Aegis Reflector), not sure of other properties (might reflect projectiles even???)
Not sure if Giganter Kai has a rush followup either.
Overall Potemkin feels bulky but doesn’t have a lot of range in his normals (or so it looked to me).
Gratuitous Fonts (Beat Gauge is weird, very neo-futurist)... HUD may change in the final game hopefully.
Counterhit text fills up the WHOLE SCREEN (seems distracting but isn’t???)
Movelist has video demonstrations (nice for beginners)
No Air Techs (Knockdowns automatic when a combo drops)
Less Okizeme/Set Play (Universal Wakeup animations)
Throws take less priority over attacks (1 frame instead of 0, have wiff animations similar to BlazBlue)
Danger Time is also gone (not needed when revising)
No Stun/Stagger as yet.
More emphasis on Corner combos (not sure if I like this feature)
No Crossplay or GGPO yet (take it easy on the Developers, cut them some slack guys!)
“Mankind knew that they could not change Society, so instead of reflecting upon themselves, they blamed the Beasts.  Heaven or Hell: Duel 1: Let’s Rock!”
(Very text heavy, has a very Under Night In-Birth feel to it for an intro.)
Song “Smell of the Game” will be on Spotify very soon (someone get me this, as I don’t have Spotify account)
Much of these notes are in early stages, and pending feedback (AND THERE BETTER BE LOTS OF IT).
Octopimp is said to be doing an exhibition match during ARCRevo events later too.
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ajeevan · 4 years
5:54 AM
On my way to the gym.
6h of work today. 8h tomorrow.
This month might have the most hours I've worked at this job.
2 days left. Should revise everything. Get into that mindset. Go through everything in my head. Gotta pass.
0 notes
oldguardaudio · 8 years
A few more Low Intelligence Individuals wanting to raise the Minimum Wage -> Workers coalition pushes for $15 minimum wage and surtax on millionaires
I never got a job from a poor man!
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Guarantee minimum wage for gig economy workers, says Frank Field
Labour MP wants government to set up national standards to cover self …
The Guardian8h
Frank Field
Student workers not part of minimum wage increase
TEMPE, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) – Arizona State University labor managers said student workers won’t be getting a minimum wage increase. An email …
Yahoo Finance7h
Student workers
ND House committee gives thumbs down to $2 minimum wage increase
BISMARCK—A North Dakota House committee voted against a bill to …
West Fargo Pioneer5m
minimum wage increase
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Workers coalition pushes for $15 minimum wage and surtax on millionaires
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WWLP 22News47m
H-1B visa reform bill introduced in US, minimum pay doubled to $130,000
This is more than double of the current H-1B minimum wage of …
minimum pay
Update: Wyoming House Votes Against MInimum Wage Bill
UPDATE: The Wyoming House has voted against a minimum wage bill that would have brought the state minimum up to the federal level of …
Wyoming Minimum Wage
State House rejects raising minimum wage
CHEYENNE, Wyo. — A proposal to raise the state minimum wage in Wyoming to the federal level of $7.25 per hour has been defeated in the state House. House Bill 140 failed on a 40-20 vote Tuesday. Wyoming’s …
The Republic2h
State House of the Gambia
Black Hawk County to review setting local minimum wage
WATERLOO — Black Hawk County will begin reviewing whether to adopt a countywide minimum wage. Members of the county Board of …
Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier4h
local minimum wage
Local businesses not cheering new minimum wage
The new minimum wage doesn’t seem to be popular with local businesses — even those that don’t pay minimum wage. You don’t have to pay minimum wage to feel the pinch, said Sandy Kelsey, vice …
pay minimum wage
H-1B Visa woes: New US legislation proposing twofold hike in minimum wage could hit Indian cos
In a move that could come as a warning bell for Indian tech companies …
India TV5h
Visa woes
Should Minimum Wage Be Raised?
“Many people who have little experience get their start at places like fast food restaurants. But if wages are higher, employers are less likely to …
Teen Ink11h
British Online Grocer Debuts “Fruit-Picking Robot” In Latest Blow To Minimum Wage Proponents
In the latest sign that low-skill jobs are doomed to the inevitable, …
Online Grocer
German companies ‘flouting minimum wage‘
Millions of Germans are being cheated out of their right to a minimum wage, a new study has shown. Trade unions say the authority for …
mini jobbers
New minimum wage demand in a recession
AFTER its tepid declaration last year, the organised labour has rekindled its interest in a new national minimum wage for workers. From the …
U.S. consumer confidence eases off 15-year high; wage growth modest
While the quarterly data continues to show moderate wage growth even …
wage growth
Wyoming Minimum Wage Bill Rolled Back to Federal Minimum
CHEYENNE, Wyo. — A proposal to raise the minimum wage in Wyoming has been ratcheted back to match the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. The amended wage change cleared its first hurdle at the state …
Meet the Inevitable Effect of a $15 Minimum Wage — The “Big Mac ATM”
Article first appeared at The Free Thought Project. Everyone who’s seen …
Bill in US proposes more than doubling minimum wage under H-1B
The proposed legislation could have serious long-term implications for …
Money Control14h
Poverty study finds high housing need in Trail, minimum wage far below living wage
In partnership with Selkirk College, the Skills Centre is releasing research to support the development of a poverty reduction strategy for the Lower Columbia Region. The Surviving, Not Thriving report covers several …
The Castlegar Source2h
poverty reduction
Minimum wages of Meghalaya Raj Bhavan employees hiked
SHILLONG, Jan 31 – After the ragging controversy over former Governor V Shanmuganathan’s resignation based on staffs’ allegations and a woman candidate, Governor Banwarilal Purohit today revised the minimum …
Assam Tribune3h
The Assam Tribune
Two Mass. legislators to push for $15 minimum wage
While lawmakers quickly turned attention this session to their own paychecks, advocates are hoping to build momentum behind a bill that …
Gonzalez backs $15 min. wage, would explore single payer
Let’s aim high,” he said. For Gonzalez, that means supporting a $15-an-hour minimum wage and an income surtax on millionaires to raise …
Worcester Business Journal4h
Gov’t to sanction employers who fail to pay minimum wage
Minister of Employment and Labour Relations designate, Ignatius Baffuor-Awuah has stated that employers who pay their workers below the …
Ghana Broadcasting Corporation3h
Go/no go gauge
El Salvador governor highlights benefits of increasing minimum wage
Increasing the minimum wage in El Salvador will help reduce poverty, …
Central Banking8h
El Salvador
Maine municipalities, health care brace for hike in minimum wage
AUGUSTA — Municipalities and advocacy groups for home health care and long-term care workers say they’re bracing for the impact of a minimum wage hike approved by Maine voters last fall. Leaders of the health …
Portland Press Herald1d
health care
Black Hawk County may form minimum wage committee
It’s about to be discussed in another eastern Iowa county. At tomorrow’s Black Hawk County Board of Supervisors meeting, they may form a …
Black Hawk
Demonetisation impact: 65% of Firozabad’s glass industry still shut, wages fall
Summary: Taking advantage of the surplus in unemployed workers, …
Lynn Horsley at City Hall: Keeping an eye on minimum wage, Kemper Arena
After a couple of very hectic weeks, maybe this week provides some …
The Kansas City Star1d
City Hall
H-1B Reform Bill Introduced in US, Doubles Minimum Salary of Visa Holders
This is more than double of the current H-1B minimum wage of USD …
Outlook India9h
Visa Holders
Public hearing Monday on raising PA’s minimum wage
Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Share on Facebook (Opens in new window) …
Public hearing
Software majors face wage blow on US visa move
The Bill’s crux is that it doubles the minimum wage requirement of H1-B visa holders to $130,000/annum. Currently, an average on-site worker …
The Hindu Business Line7h
visa move
Just in: New deal gives musicians $100,000 minimum wage in St Louis
The St. Louis Symphony and the American Federation of Musicians …
St Louis
A Reminder on the Increase in the Minimum Wage and Best Practices on Taking Tip Credits
The Florida Constitution requires employers to pay employees wages no less than the minimum wage for all hours worked. As we initially reported in our October 2016 Employment Law Newsletter, beginning on …
JD Supra1d
tip credit
Report: Wages don’t cover high cost of living for 33% of San Diegans
A family with two adults and two children needs almost $89,000. Read …
Fox 5 Sandiego5h
State Rep. Patty Kim lays out plan to increase minimum wage
The debate continues over minimum wage which has many divided across the Commonwealth. Monday, State Representative Patty Kim …
21 News22h
Patty Kim
Eight states with the highest minimum wages
The White House recently announced President Obama’s support for a Senate bill that would increase the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. While it remains to be seen whether the bill will make it through …
USA Today3y
Raise minimum wage; working people should not live in poverty
(CNN)– No one who works full-time — in this, one of the wealthiest nations on Earth — should have to raise a family in poverty. That is the fundamental principle behind our work to increase the national minimum wage. …
A few more Low Intelligence Individuals wanting to raise the Minimum Wage -> Workers coalition pushes for $15 minimum wage and surtax on millionaires A few more Low Intelligence Individuals wanting to raise the Minimum Wage -> Workers coalition pushes for $15 minimum wage and surtax on millionaires…
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namelessdeceased · 1 month
Tumblr media Tumblr media
.🧉 D-41 ✧ tue ✧ 13.8.24 ✧ sawc day 13
posting after classes. i feel good today, not as great as ystd but still pretty good. all homework for tmr is done as well, js got a bunch of revision to do. im gna be sleeping less today (hopefully) to fix up my sleep schedule, so don't do like i do today ok
.🕯 academic
science act bk pg 77 + padlet
history admin work
math admin work
english admin work
science admin work
bumrush MM2 T10
.🏺 personal
plan today
plan tmr
fix headphone paddings
try and clean maybe
.☕ sawc goals
sleep: 4h (like i said this is js to get myself ready. dont)
routine: morning
deep focus: 1.5h
body: shower + maybe choreo
read: crime and punishment
.📜 goal productivity: 5, 6h
.🌙 01 30
.☀ 05 30
.♬ ~ lawnmower 〢 lemon demon
.🤎 positivityposting
Tumblr media
fun fact: the LHC (large hadron collider) has a canister of hydrogen (about fire extinguisher size i assume) that contains enough protons to fuel the LHC for a billion years.
i own my future. will update ~
╰ theo 🍻
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