#gettin nice to try out some brushes tho
amiryllisthorn · 1 year
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did some more art of Ezarae, wanted to try out some color and brushes and am pretty happy with the choices I think
wasnt really meant to be something super long, just trying to get into the swing of this scale again
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Leona Kingscholar🦁
From the series :Asking dorm leaders to be your fake boyfriend for I week
@lovleyyuikomori here you go bhie❤️
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(Credits goes fully to the owner of the pic, i just found it on Google and thought it looked nice)
Upon arriving at the school ground, you immediately made your way back to your dorm but Crewel had called for you
He made you sit through a bunch of things to be done and sorted out
By the time you were done, it was already dark
That damn crow
Sighing to yourself, you made your legs take you back to the dorm
Only to see a sleeping lion at the front of your door
"Go back to your sender, i didn't order a 185 foot tall lion"
"Very funny" Leona slowly opened his eyes only to find you looking at him with scrutinizing eyes
He immediately stood up and brushed himself off
You quickly opened the door and went in, with him trailing behind you
"Did you need something?" you asked
"Actually, i was here to annoy you, but seeing THAT (while pointing at your face) i rethinked my decision"
You could only sigh
Leona was quick on the uptake that you're not in the mood for any bullshit
And he thought he could finally have some time to mess with you
After all he did escape his responsibilities for the annual sports festival just to see you
Poor ruggie
Hell it's been too long since he last seen you
And you're here welcoming him not so enthusiastically
While he was busy mulling over his thoughts, you spoke up
"How do you kill a psycho?" you asked rather serious
Should he laugh or be concerned
"No that's wrong, i mean how do i get a boyfriend" you corrected
Is something clogging your brain, what's up with these questions
"Herbivore, did you take the wrong medication" he asked slightly messing around
"no, what do you take me for" just as you were about to add a sarcastic remark, a light bulb flashed in your head
Turning your now full attention to the lion, you slowly paced towards him with big sparkly eyes which he knew wasn't a good sign
"what...what is it" he immediately asked not wanting to hold that questionable gaze any longer
"Leona san, will you be my boyfriend?" you asked holding his hands rather affectionately
Were you serious
"s..sure, I'll humor you on that" he said trying to look composed but heck yeah
His herbivore just asked him out
And it's a lie if he said he didn't like the situation
He was feeling giddy inside not that he intend to let it show
"Only for a week tho"
You swear you could hear something shatter
Oh right, his heart
You looked at the poor lion and you swear you could see his eye twitch
"you damn herbivore, what game are you playing here" he huffed obviously irritated as he took his hands away from your hold
You sighed and explained to him the matters about the stalker
And just as you finished explaining, he's looking at you with an eyes that says "how dumb"
Why the heck did you keep it to yourself he could have just gettin rid of him if you just asked
"so why are you just asking me this now, oh wait right, you're backed against the wall, that's why you fed him a lie"
How badly you wanna toss him out for making that sly remark
Seeing your expression, it's best to let it end there before you lose your shit
He agreed, eventhough he thought it was dumb since he hopelessly bought his hopes up only for it to shatter, it impaled his ego he still liked the idea of you being his
At first leona wasn't treating you any different, so you whacked him and told him to act better
And he did
He started to make an effort
He always gets you after classes ends, he clings at your side whenever and wherever
He stopped going to the botanical garden and only went to wherever place you were at
Rumors was starting to go around how you're marrying the second prince of the savanna
You can't help but be flustered about it since how can they jump to marriage already
Leona was different though, he encouraged those rumors, the prospect of him and you marrying just seems right
Now you're out shopping for essentials, of course with your hubby lion at your side
It didn't take long for that stalker of yours to emerge
"You said you were only dating, how come you're getting married" your stalker seethed
You can't help but be flustered at the accusation
But the lion beside you was just grinning at the said accusation
"You're not invited tho" Leona said, seriously just adding fire
That definitely didn't sit right with the stalker since he tried to pounce on Leona, though the lion easily fended him off,, breaking a few bones while doing so
Knowing he had no chance of winning, he scurried off to who knows where
Life for you became peaceful again
You lost your stalker but now you're gaining a husband
Cause now you are face to face with the king of the Afterglow savanna Farena Kingscholar
The ever so energetic king was inquiring about the wedding lol
You eyes darted towards the other in question but he was just grinning and smirking at your state
"take it easy farena, we'll get there soon" he said coming towards you and hoisting you up, now completely in his arms
"i still have to make her mine, for real this time" he said placing a kiss on your forehead
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maximumcheese · 2 years
Dance of the White Tiger - A Snow Flurry at Dawn 1
Season: Winter
Location: Outside Seisou Hall
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Subaru: We’ve arrived ~ ☆
Gami-san, thanks for coming with me to the convenience store! Thanks to you, the trip really wasn’t so boring.
Koga: I really didn’t do a hella lot. Just chatted with ya on the way back from Seisou Hall, that’s all.
Ah, and after, we ate those meat buns in front of the store, huh? They were pretty tasty ♪
Subaru: Yeah, yeah! Well, they were the same except for the “Happy New Year” branded on them, but they were still pretty tasty!
It’s really been a while since I went out with you, Gami-san. It’s more fun when you eat together with everyone ☆
Could be because we’re already three days into the month, but the town’s already so quiet. Ugh, I didn’t even get the chance to savor the New Year…
Koga: I was so busy at the end of last year, I had no time for New Year’s. Also for a few days, I was caught up in digesting those New Year dishes that everyone made for me.
Well anyways, it’s just quiet ‘cuz it’s really early in the morning, right? It’s winter break, so things’ll start getting busy around noon.
Subaru: Ah, I see! Then I can still be in the mood for New Year’s!
I wonder what we should do today~ Does Gami-san already have anything planned?
Koga: Today? We’re gettin’ together for somethin' at night for Undead.
Subaru: For Undead?
Koga: Yeah. I think the person settin’ things up was Hakaze-senpai…? Anyways, the four of us are havin’ a New Years’ party.
Which reminds me, I was told to think 'bout my resolutions for this year. Shit, I didn't think of anythin’~
Subaru: Resolutions, huh? If it’s Gami-san, I think something like "Live to Rock!” is enough, right?
Koga: That’s suitable, but lazy as shit. Well, it does sound like me, tho'.
Subaru: Right, right. If Gami-san says so, it must rock ☆ That’s nice~ I want a New Years’ party, too!
Koga: Trickstar ain’t doing one? I thought ya guys were all buddy-buddy.
Subaru: Ye~ah, I wonder? I feel like we don’t talk about that sorta thing.
Ah, but yesterday, we had a small good-bye party in the dressing room. Everyone was tired, so we disbanded right away.
Anzu, too, was with us, we had fun…☆
Koga: Anzu, huh… That girl, is she gettin’ enough rest? If she’s careless, she’ll be working at ES while the rest of us are on break.
Subaru: I think she's doing okay? She just said she had some errands to run. Anzu is Anzu so I'm sure she’s enjoying her New Year's break.
I wanna enjoy myself too~ So, Gami-san, Gami-san, let's have a snowball fight!
Koga: Huh? Two people throwin’ snowballs at each other ain’t gonna be much fun, is it?
Subaru: We won’t know unless we try ☆
Here I go~! Out with the demons, in with the fortune~☆
Koga: Uwahph!? Don’t just start like that~! Anyways, that’s somethin’ we say in Setsubun~!~!
Subaru: Then I’m out and Gami-san is in~☆
Koga: I don’t give a shit if yer out!
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Tsukasa: (...Hah, I can finally see Seisou Hall again. It's not a good idea to go too far on just a casual walk.)
(Because it was early in the morning and there were no people around, I just kept walking without thinking about the return trip.)
(But, well, it's a good thing. It was a good exercise.)
(...I accidentally ate too much of the oshiruko served at the Sweets Fan Club last night.)
(I was so elated by the deliciousness of the food that I used the fact that it was New Year's Day as an excuse.)
(I’m not supposed to. I’ve got to burn some calories before Sena-senpai can say something like, “Have you gotten fat again?”)
(Hm? Over there is…)
Good morning, Oogami-senpai. I see that you are participating in a snowball fight—
Koga: Hey, hey, don't talk to me out of the blue. Ya got hit, didn'tcha?
Tsukasa: I’m very sorry. Ugh, it appears that I have gotten snow on my clothing.
Koga: Stay still and I’ll brush it off ya’. …See, there ya go, how’s that?
Tsukasa: Thank you very much.
Oogami-senpai, behind you!
Koga: Behind me?
Subaru: Fu, fu, fu. I got your weak spot…☆
Koga: Waongyah!? That’s cold! Ya little shit~, don’t put snow in my jacket~!
I’m gettin' my revenge! Hey, red-haired rich shit, back me up here!
Tsukaa: Me, as well? Two against one is against the spirit of chivalry!
Subaru: I’m cool with it! The thrill gets me all fired up~☆
Cathy, Gami-san, come towards the sound of my clapping~♪ [1]
Koga: Do it, you bitch. You there, follow me!
Tsukasa: Yes. Although I don’t know the details of how you got into this snowball fight.
We will win regardless. ♪
Time: A short while later
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Subaru: Ahaha! Gami-san, Cathy~ You two are really coming together rather quickly!
But if you're not careful, you might get hit by a snowball anyways ☆
Koga: Tch, he dodged again. Quick bastard…
Red-haired rich kid, is yer stamina okay? Don’t push yerself too hard, ya know.
Tsukasa: Don’t worry. I can still move just fine…
Hm, Oogami-senpai, that is—
Koga: Huh?
Subaru: ……
Koga: That Akehosi bastard, why’d he just stop?
…Nah, doesn’t matter why. This is our best chance. Hey, turn around, let’s do the pincer attack.
Tsukasa: Understood, I’ll get in position.
Subaru: ……
Koga: (What's the matter, Akehoshi? You've got a lotta openings. Now we can aim as much as we please ♪)
(...Looks like that red-haired rich kid is ready to go. Now, one~two!)
Tsukasa・Koga: Hey!
Subaru: …Alright, let’s go ☆
Koga: Hah!? Ugyaa!?
Tsukasa: Hiyabu!?
Subaru: Hmm, Cathy and Gami-san, why’re you hitting each other with snowballs? Aren’t you supposed to be teammates?
Koga: Hrahgn, there’s snow in my mouth… It's yer bastard’s fault. I was just dumbfounded, that’s why.
Subaru: Dumbfounded? …Ahh, you were looking at that.
Tsukasa: By 'that', do you mean the truck parked at the end of the sidewalk? …Ah.
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Rinne: ……
Tsukasa: That guy is Amagi Rinne-senpai, but…Who is the other one?
Koga: Not sure but, I don’t think they’re affiliated with Seisou Hall. They look sketchy as fuck.
Subaru: Yeah. As far as I know, I've never seen them in the dorms. I'm sure they’re an outsider.
...So, an outsider and Rinne-senpai are hurriedly packing the cardboard boxes from Seisou Hall into the back of a truck.
And this early in the morning? Seems suspicious, doesn't it? Aren’t you guys curious about it?
Koga: Well, a bit.
Subaru: Right? So let's go sneak out and check it out ☆
Uwah, there’s a lot more boxes than I expected.
Umm~. I can't really tell what's inside it 'cause there's nothing written on them. Alrighty, let’s hop in ☆
Tsukasa: Huh? You’re just going to ride on the luggage portion?
Subaru: It’s fine as long as we don’t get caught! Rinne-senpai doesn't seem to be around, so you two, come here~
Koga: C’mere, c’mere, sheesh, we ain't yer property, ya know…
I dunno what’s in there, but don’t break it.
Subaru: Got it ☆ Cathy, too, hurry up!
Tsukasa: M-Me too? Umm…
Subaru: Aren’t you curious about what’s inside these boxes as well?
Tsukasa: I understand. Well, just small peek then..
If only for a little while, Akehoshi-senpai. After checking what's inside, let us quickly depart.
Subaru: Okay, okay, I knooow~
…Wah, I hear footsteps! Hide, both of you!
Rinne: —'Aight. That’d be everythin'. I'd better get outta here before someone finds me.
Adios, Seisou Hall! I’ve stripped ya of all of yer treasures, Gyahaha ☆
This is a reference to a song titled ​​手の鳴る方へ
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proofing by: mia/@nenosuns
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navegandoaciegas · 4 years
Broken Wings {2/2}
Pairing: Lee Bodecker x Reader
Summary: You’re a small town girl with big city dreams, set on leaving Knockemstiff and its Sheriff behind for good. Lee Bodecker would do anything to make sure you stay with him.
Warnings: smut, explicit language, non-con, breeding kink, unprotected vaginal sex, creampie, overall dark themes, kind of a slow build up to the nasty.
A/N: Sorry for the delay, I’ve had an eventful couple of days. This is part 2, read part 1 here.
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The adrenaline that rushed through your veins blocked out the pain in your body and the noises around you. Your breathing came out in short, panicked huffs as you sprinted through the woods, Lee hot on your heels.
You thought back to the past 12 hours, and how they’d changed your life.
Leaving Knockemstiff and boarding a bus for New York, with your big dreams and a small bag. Almost reaching Pennsylvania’s border before your hopes were snatched away. Lee chasing said bus, blasting the sirens of his patrol car and pulling the driver over. The dread that settled in your stomach when you met his enraged stare, your hopes of a better life shattering in a million pieces, the anger and humiliation that had filled you when he’d dragged you, kicking and screaming, out of the bus, under the judgemental or pitying stares of the passengers.
“You can’t run from me, dove.”
His voice echoed in the woods, tantalizing and terrorizing you all the same. You’d managed to bolt away and hide in the woods before he could handcuff you, but you hadn’t made it too far before he’d found you.
In the event that he’d ever caught you, you’d imagined that he’d fall on his knees and beg you to stay. Lee dragging your ass out of the bus like any drunk bastard he’d escorted home after a fight was certainly not the reaction you’d expected.
You pushed the branches out of your face, feeling a new tear in the skin of your cheeks whenever you’d barrel through a bush. You had no idea where you were going, all you knew was that you had to keep running until your feet bled. Hide. Disappear.
Just a couple more miles and you’d find another town, you could catch a bus then, and maybe you’d be safe-
One second you were sprinting through the trees, and the next your foot was caught in an exposed root, and you tumbled down the slope with your arms stretched out to protect your face.
You hissed in pain when you lifted your palms from the ground. Debris stuck to the abrasion, and it burnt and stung when you flexed your hands. You tried standing up, but fell back among the leaves, feeling lightheaded.
You registered some more cuts on your knees, but you couldn’t tell whether it was blood or tears that streamed down your face.
The branches contorted around you, and the shadows they casted danced around the edges of your vision.
New York, new life, new beginning. Your mom’s smile in her Sunday dress when she’d waved you off. The stench of alcohol in Lee’s breath when he’d caught on the bus.
You thought you’d heard a voice call your name in the distance before your vision went dark, and you let the void envelop you.
The sky had turned dark when Knockemstiff’s rusty welcome sign came into view, and he hadn’t spoken a word to you since you’d woken up in his car, with his dark leather jacket draped over your shoulders and bandages on your bruised skin.
You’d stopped sobbing, and you’d run out of pleads, apologies, and tears.
For the first time in your life, you were afraid of him.
His car pulled to a stop in a deserted parking lot. He killed off the engine, and clenched his jaw, inhaling a deep breath before he spoke.
“What was goin’ through that dumb head of yours, sweetie? What made you think you could up, and fuckin’ leave me like that?” he bit through gritted teeth, chest heaving. “One of the boys called me this morning, said he heard your mother talk about you to one of her old hags, babblin’ ‘bout leaving for good, New York, a job.”
He let out a bitter laugh, gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white.
“He thought she’d finally done lost her goddamn mind. Ain’t no sheriff’s girl leaving town for good, he said.”
“I’m sorry, Lee, I should've told you, I was selfish-”
“Yes, you fuckin’ were, fuckin’ selfish is what you are.” he screamed, and you jumped in surprise, because he’d never raised his voice at you.
“I’m sorry, I can’t give you what you want. I don’t want that. You know I don’t belong here Lee, just lemme go, forget all about me.” you pleaded once again, voice small and broken.
He stayed silent for a moment after your little rant, before bursting into a fit of laughter. His body shook with the vibration, and he clutched his stomach, as if no joke had ever sounded so fun in his ears.
“Forget about you? Sweetie, you know I can’t do that. I love you too much.”
“If you love me, let me go Lee, I’m begging you. Please.” you sobbed, gripping his hands in yours, hoping your wobbling lips would move him.
He sighed, and enveloped your hands in his warm ones, bringing them to his lips. He left a trail of kisses from the inside of your wrists to your knuckles.
“Come with me, then. Leave this shitty place behind for good, Lee. Ain’t nothing good’s come out of ‘ere anyways.”
You thought you’d seen his resolve break. You thought he’d choose you for once. Choose you over his thirst for power.
“You know I can’t do that,” he snapped, raising his voice again, “I’m so close to gettin’ myself elected, the campaign is going well, I can’t give up now.”
“Can’t or won’t?” you pressed, anger hardening your stare.
He held your gaze for a moment before looking ahead, eyes unreadable for the first time since you’d met him.
“You know I’m selfish too,” he shrugged.
He reached for his belt, and held up the metal handcuffs, wordlessly securing them around your wrists, ignoring your protests.
“Just stay here.” he grumbled before swinging the door open.
The cold, unyielding cuffs dug in your wrists as you attempted to tug them free from the metal hook on the dash where they were attached to.
It was useless, but it made you feel like you were actually trying. You were mad at Lee, of course, at whoever had tipped him off, and at yourself.
Especially at yourself for your wistful thinking, for convincing yourself that Lee would have given up on you as you’d had on him. For not running fast enough, being strategic enough.
You huffed in annoyance when the metal hook refused to give in, and fell back on the headrest with a groan.
Your calves and shins were sore from your crazy sprint in the woods, and the palms of your hands were scraped from your fall. Lee had cleaned the cuts, but they still stung when you’d inadvertently brush them against each other.
You were mostly unscathed, except for your wounded pride.
You wished your glare could incinerate Lee on the spot when he opened the door to the driver’s seat with a smirk on his lips. The car creaked and swayed when he sat down.
“Fries and vanilla shakes, your favorite.” he announced, opening up the brown paper bag on his lap.
“I’m not hungry.” you mumbled, turning your head to observe the diner’s feeble neon lights in the distance.
Your stomach chose that moment to betray you, and let out a growl when the waft of fried food reached your nose. You hadn’t eaten since breakfast, and you were starving.
“Your tummy seems to think otherwise, dove.”
You used to think that his cocky loopsided grin gave a youthful glow to his face, but now you couldn’t help but hate the satisfaction it oozed.
“Open up.” he chirped, a handful of fries in his hands.
You rolled your eyes, sighing to yourself. “You’re not actually going to do that, are ya? Just uncuff me, Lee.
“I won’t uncuff you until I’m sure I can trust that you won’t run off on me, dove. Might take a while, tho. Now open up.”
You parted your lips, deciding that this one wouldn’t be the hill you’d choose to die on. Glaring at him, you took a bite out of the fries. He hissed when your teeth snapped hard against his fingers, but let out a chuckle seeing you in the state you were in, amused by your pathetic struggle.
“Good girl.” he praised you, feeding you some more like you used to do on those long nights patrolling the streets. Back when feeding each other was an act of love, not a humiliating punishment.
“So how was your little trip in Ohio, sweetie? Enjoyed the fields?”
He hummed when you refused to speak, and brought the milkshake to your mouth, studying your lips as they closed on the striped paper straw, and your cheeks hollowing when you sucked.
“Could’ve drove you myself if you’d asked. Could’ve brought you somewhere nice on holiday this winter. Someplace outside of Ohio.” he continued, taking a sip for himself, “Maybe we can go to a beach on our honeymoon, whaddya say, huh?”
You snorted at his audacity, almost inhaling the milkshake.
“What honeymoon are you talking about, Lee? Ain’t no way I’m marrying you now.”
He shook his head again, a small smile forming on his lips.
“Yes, you are, dove. You are marrying me.”
Your eyes almost bulged out of your head as you gave him an incredulous look. Had you been blinded by love, or was he showing his true colors now?
“What, you’re gonna drag me by the hair and force me to sign the papers? Don’t think the preacher or the fine citizens of this shitty fuckin’ town are gonna like that too much.”
You scoffed, feeling your vision blur with tears again.
Lee levelled his face with yours, eyes darting between your own. You’d never noticed the darkness in him, and it made your heartbeat spike for all the wrong reasons.
“I don’t need to drag you, dove. You’re gonna come to that altar with a smile on these pretty lips. And you know why?” he whispered in your ear, and you felt a shiver go down your spine.
His calloused hand caressed your thigh, slowly hiking up your pleated skirt. “Because I’m finally gonna put a child inside you tonight, and nothing’s gonna stop me.”
Before you had time to react, or panic, he’d climbed to the passenger’s side, caging you in with his large body. He slanted his mouth against yours, forcing his tongue between your lips that you’d parted in a surprised gasp.
You pushed your shoulders against his, trying to pry him away, but he groped you relentlessly. Panic gripped you when you realized you were bound and at his mercy, and he wasn’t joking about his intentions.
“Gonna keep you chained until I knock you up, dove. Keep you in my house, can’t trust that mother of yours,” he huffed between kisses, hands roaming over your body.
“Stop, Lee, have you lost your goddamn mind? Don’t fuckin’ touch me, you asshole. Lemme go.”
You managed to kick his stomach, but in the frantic haze that had overcome him, he barely took notice, continuing his exploration of your body.
You shrieked when his hand dipped in your panties, and to your utter shame, found them soaked.
“You really want me to stop? Because your pussy is telling me a whole ‘nother story, sweetie. Feel how wet you are for me, you like this, don’t ya?”
He brought his finger to your lips, forcing your mouth open until you’d sucked him clean of your juices. He hummed when he dipped down and kissed you again, tasting your arousal on your tongue.
Your teeth snapped on his bottom lip until you’d drawn blood, and he released you with a hiss. His hand gripped your jaw, and tears began blurring your vision.
You couldn’t find adoration, love, and care in his eyes, only cruel determination.
The screams you let out sounded like a muffled gargle.
“Scream all you want, no one’s gonna hear you, and if they do, what’re they gonna say to me? I’m the sheriff sweetie, I’m the law. You were just stupid enough to think you could escape me.”
You pushed, kicked, screamed, thrashed until the metal cuffs had scrubbed your skin raw, fighting the hands that were pushing your bra down until your tits spilled out.
His fingers grazed your heated skin like they’d done a million times before, staining your loving memories forever.
“Fuck sweetheart, you’re gonna look so good with my baby inside you, all round and swollen.” he groaned, nipping at the juncture between your neck and shoulder, sucking on the skin hard enough to hurt you, “All the men in this town are gonna be jealous of me. Might have to keep you locked up all the time.”
You couldn’t deny the throbbing in your core when his tongue licked a stripe behind your ear, nor the arousal soaking through your panties when slid his hand over the hair on your mound, teasing you.
“Gonna keep these tits full of milk for a long time sweetie.”
You moaned when his thick fingers breached your entrance, feeling the pressure build up as he kept pumping them in and out of you. He kept his thumb on your clit, the way he knew you liked, until you were so sensitive and overstimulated that you couldn’t tell pain and pleasure apart.
“You can never leave me, never again. Don’t you understand, I’m nothing without you. I need you.”
He played your body so well that it made you sick.
“Please Lee,” you panted, clenching your jaw to suppress your wanton sounds, “Don’t do this. There’s no turning back from this. Please.” you pleaded, lips wobbling.
“That’s the point,” he huffed, struggling to fit in the space between the passenger’s seat and the dashboard.
He forcefully spread your legs open, making a quick work of ripping your cotton panties to shreds. Bringing his face down to your glistening cunt, he inhaled a deep breath before delving into your folds, tongue lapping at your juices. The lewd, slurping sounds soon mixed with your moans that you could no longer keep in.
By that point you didn’t know if you were fighting to keep his head where it was or to rip it out of his neck.
“You taste like heaven, so fuckin’ sweet.” he grunted before latching onto your bud, hollowing his cheeks arount it as he sucked you off.
Fireworks went off in your lower belly when pleasure exploded inside you. Waves of pleasure crashed through your body, rendering your limbs limp and heavy.
All rational thoughts thrown out the window, you melted into his body when he surged forward to slant his lips against yours. He swallowed your moans with his hungry kisses, cradling your face like the most precious artifact.
It felt wrong, yet so right. He was still Lee. Your Lee. The one who’d drive and sing with you, who’d found your dad a job after he’d lost it, who’d made love with the most care unlike any other man who’d ever laid a finger on you.
At least, that’s what you tried telling yourself when he pushed his hard, leaking cock inside your swollen cunt, and your body welcomed him in your warmth without any fight.
You both snarled when he sheathed himself inside you.
“I love you so much sweetie, I can’t lose you again.”
It was wrong and dirty, but it was okay to feel good because it was your Lee between your legs.
He hoisted your legs over his shoulders and slumped against the seat. His cock reached deeper than you thought possible, and you felt every ridge and veins slide over your walls.
Teeth clattering, bruising touches. You ached to touch him, maybe claw his eyes out or caress his chubby cheeks.
Electricity jolted every nerve ending on your body, and the next words he whimpered in your ear would have been a cold shower, had you not been so far gone already.
“I’m gonna fuckin’ cum inside you, dove, fill you up with my cum over and over again until I’m sure I’ve put a baby in you. Fuck-”
He snapped his hips harder against yours, thrusting his cock in and out of you. Your cunt quivered around him, gripping him tightly. He pushed you over the edge over and over again, until you were a drooling mess who couldn’t form coherent thoughts anymore.
“I told you sweetie, it’s only a matter of time.” He punctuated each world he panted in the crook of your neck with a harsher thrust of his hips. “Ain’t no more parking lots, just a big ole bed. Yeah, people like me in this town, you know that, dove. I’ll get myself elected-, get a- cushy place up on Brewer Heights. We’ll be happy, have kids and all. My pretty wife, fuck- every man in this shitty town will envy me.”
You bucked your hips against his, wildly chasing your release. He could feel another one of your orgasms near by the way you clenched around him.
“Fuck-, God, you’re squeezin’ me. Fuckin’ cum on ny cock dove, I want to feel you come all over me, make a mess on me.”
You pushed out the muscles of your pelvis, and the intensity of your pleasure almost blacked you out again as you gushed all over him, soaking through your skirt onto the seat.
His cock swelled and twitched, and he released himself inside you, painting your walls with his hot spurt. The feeling was unlike anything you’d ever felt before, a fullness you never thought you could experience.
Your chest heaved as you slumped on the seat, arms aching and wrists scrubbed raw.
His cock softened inside you, and he watched enthralled his seed spill out of your cunt, your abused hole still clenching around nothing.
“Jesus, I hope it takes, dove.”
He droned some more, but you’d stopped listening. You kept staring ahead, letting him dress you back again like a motionless doll.
Had you been more aware, you would have seen the shadow of guilt creep on his face, soon replaced by cool determination when he blinked the tears away and hardened his stare once again.
Your body didn’t feel like your own anymore.
Static noises interrupted his actions.
“Any cars around-...got a call from Hawk at the bar- anyone can check that out?”
“Fuck,” he groaned, picking up the radio, “I wanted to go at it a few more times, just to make sure.”
Minutes, or maybe hours, passed by in a blur. You had no idea where you were, or how long it’d been since he dragged you back in this hellhole.
New York, a new job, a new beginning. It all seemed so far.
There was only one thing you knew for sure.
“I’m getting out of ‘ere again, Lee.” You murmured in a daze, “I’m getting out and God himself couldn’t stop me if he tried.”
Drained of all energies, you let the soothing sway of the car lull you to sleep.
Lee sighed to himself, watching you so defensless, bound at his mercy. He’d take care of you until the end of his miserable life, and protect you from everything, even yourself.
“I'm the only God here, sweetie, and I can assure you, you’re not going anywhere.”
Afterall, his dove couldn’t fly away from him with broken wings.
I hope you enjoyed this! Please, leave some feedback. It means the world to me! 💓
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discoclubofvenus · 4 years
Morning Haze
Morning Headcanons w/Hinawa, Victor, & Maki
Warnings: None~
Genre: Fluffier than cloud 9
Attributes: gn reader
Type: Request
A/N: This was such a cute little request omg, but I finally got around to making some banners! I’ll make more as I write for different characters
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He is getting up at the ass crack of dawn to be productive and no you cannot get him out of this routine
Sometimes he’ll just be reading a by the window and watching the sun come up or he’s cleaning  or cooking breakfast
Mans said “I will be up to have a peaceful moment before dealing with those damn hooligans” 🗿
He mainly gets up early due to it being a habit from his military days 😗
He always gives you a smooch before leaving for work
(I swear he stay havin a shit load of paperwork)
On his days off..he would definitely sleep in
He would still wake up pretty early (like 8-9am) but not at the ass crack of dawn
He would be the type that’s completely awake after 2 minutes of being awake
Weird af but it’s that military trainin in him hun
However you can easily convince him to stay in bed by giving him a massage
If you wake up before him you should 100% get/make some breakfast so you two can have breakfast in bed
He would appreciate it sm
Also hinawa without his glasses is so hot??? But when he put them glasses on?? Phew chile..this man a snack
If he wakes up before you he’s most definitely staring at your sleeping form
He’d snort at you for drooling too but never make fun of you
He looks at the way the your expression is just so serene
100% will lightly joke about your snoring
He’d definitely make you breakfast in bed
Hinawa makes his way to your shared room in careful but hurried footsteps. In his hands sat a tray  that carried plates full of food. He already put the glass of (f/d) stop of your nightstand, so all he had to do was deliver the food. Which he did, successfully. He placed the tray on his side of the bed and gently ran his knuckles along your face. Hinawa could barely focus on anything but you. His love, his pillar, his ribbon. The scene in front of him was one he’d commit to his memory forever. Alas, you needed to wake up before the food got cold. So, with little to no hesitation Hinawa gently shook you awake along with a peck to your nose. “Good morning my darling”
If you’re still sleepy he’ll pet your head and let you rest on his chest while he reads
Hell he’ll even kiss your forehead sometimes
You guys would take a shower together with jazz or soft piano playing in background
Give this a man a massage while he’s contemplating whether he wants to get out of bed
He’d most definitely appreciate it and give you a token of his appreciation in kisses
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You two will either wake up at the same time or you’ll wake up before her
Baby gorl will stay asleep till the cusp of noon (11am-12)
Her sleeping face is so adorable, kiss her cheek for me wouldja?
She wont have an iron grip around you if you try getting up, however, she will slowly start to wake up if you’re not beside her anymore
She’ll get pouty if you don’t come back soon
Give her around 10 minutes or so to adjust coming to reality
I recommend running your hands through her hair
She has such a tiny voice in the morning aodlfuebwuweb
Will appreciate you sosososososo much if you give/make her breakfast in bed
She would love to help with making breakfast! That’s one quick way to completely wake her up
Doing yoga in the morning together (if you both wake up early enough and this is another way to get her completely up lol)
Once she’s fully awake tho??
Homegirl is definitely finding excuses to stay in bed and skip the day
“Why don’t we stay in bed for a few more minutes? It’s not everyday we have such a peaceful awakening.” Maki states as she takes a sip of her steaming green tea. You give her an incredulous look as she closes her eyes--whether to ignore the stare she knows you’re giving her, or she’s savoring the moment within her whole being. You’re not sure, but if the serene smile on her face is anything to go by you would say the latter..if she weren’t adamantly trying to stifle her laughter. You sighed, with a small smile stretching across your face and a shake of your head you made your way to the closet. “You know Hinawa would kill the both of us if we skipped out on our duties--mostly me because he thinks I persuade you to stay in bed.”
You both help the other choose their outfit and you also have a little routine when it comes to your individual morning routines
While you’re in the shower, she would be doing a face mask and washing her teeth. While she’s in the shower, you’re washing your face and outside the bathroom doing your hair.
Please sing with her if you’re in the bathroom at the same time she’s in the shower
Before you guys leave your room for the day, she’ll give you a kiss and 1 reason as to why she loves you
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He does not want to get out of bed, he dont so he won't
He will LITERALLY whine if you try getting him out of bed
He likes getting up around afternoon when he has days off because he will spend all night researching
Has you tangled all up in his limbs
RIP if you gotta get up to do anything cuz if he feels you move he’ll grip tighter
Will definitely tease you if he wakes up before you (just as a way to cover up how gorgeous he finds you in the morning)
“Eeewewew your morning breath is awful (n/n)”
“Oops looks like your bonnet/scarf travelled on a journey without you last night”
Someone beat his ass
That doesn’t stop him from giving you a nice gentle and slow smooch
Will drag you out of bed and get you up and ready
“I’m not going through this whole day without my stress reliever”
You guys brushing your teeth together
You wiping his face and him giving you kisses as appreciation
I’m soft
All of that only happens if you guys have a productive day ahead of you
He ain’t gettin up you can hang it up (and if he ain’t gettin up NEITHER ARE YOU)
You are gonna be the one to get up first because this man will sleep the whole day away if you let him
It’ll be the only way that his brain ACTUALLY takes a break
Unless he dreams about his research….
He prolly does if we’re being honest
Petting his hair while he sleeps (this man has an afro, therefore he has curls, which entails that this is a MAN WITH MELANIN. I’m not sorry, I made this rule and I’m gonna follow it)
Your dream slowly started to shift away to uncover spots of light trying to gain your attention. Soon your eyelids peeled open and your face was dotted with the sun’s rays. Looking to your side you spotted the curtains having a slight opening, wasn’t it time that you changed that? Black out curtains were made to block out the sun from waking you up after all. At a leisurely pace you attempted to get up and close the nuisance--YOINK. Letting out a squeal you were pulled back into the arms of your lover, Viktor Licht. When he got such strength to pull you back like that, you couldn’t find an immediate answer. Which pegged another question….how is he still asleep after such a stunt. Hearing the brunet groan beside you answered your question..he was only half-awake.
In bed you guys will talk about any and everything, your voices won’t be above a certain level to keep the atmosphere around you peaceful 
He would definitely tickle you to break that unspoken rule 
The only way you could get this man to get out of bed is if you’re making food 
Or have it delivered bc he’s not leaving the crib on his day off
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ame-fanapprentice · 4 years
Werewolf AU headcannons
There’s so many variations of werewolf stuff out there so for consistency's sake I picture werewolves having the ability to change at will except for on full moons, where they're forced into their werewolf form.  Lots of these are more for when they’re transformed whoops
Thick, white, Semi-Curly fur.  Looks more like a big dog than a wolf
He can still do magic so you bet he tries to make himself look smaller/cuter for food
Was born a werewolf, grew up with Muriel acting more wolf-like than human.  Now that he’s fully grown he’s trying to catch up on learning human behaviors.  
Because of this he acts like a wolf in a human’s body most of the time.  He’s gettin there!!
Has figured out a recipe for wolf-safe chocolate he only entrusts to his friends.
Will put his head on your lap or shoulder when he wants attention.  Likes when his limbs are played with.  Enjoys when you mess with his paws and let them flop around.  
Runt of a litter of were-direwolves
And before you start asking why a runt, direwolves in fiction are described to be as big as horses while in real life they’re the size of African lions. Either way, they’re big heckin boofers
Has his ear chipped off, walks with a slight limp, lots of battle scars that poke out of his fur.
Only Asra is allowed to groom him, maybe MC if they're gentle enough
Almost always in wolf form.  He’ll only transform if he has to go into the city.
If you scratch behind his bad ear he does the leg shake thing.  He will only let you pet his head...maybe his neck if you’ve reached a high enough friendship level.
Wasn't a werewolf at first but got turned into one by Asra
He got them long lanky doggo legs.
Very pretty pelt though: nice, healthy, and fluffy
Can't howl. I'm sorry. He was a bad singer as a human even though he had fun doing so, as a wolf he just sounds like one of those huskies screaming
Still getting the hang of transforming, so don’t be surprised if you see him with his ears/tail popping out of his clothes on occasion
Gained a desire for tummy rubs.  He still doesn’t understand why.  Please this mans was already touch starved as a human give him a good ol’ head scratch when he’s a wolf and he’ll love you forever.  
She's. So. Smol.
Put her next to Asra when they’re both transformed, you’d think she was still a puppy
Has such a beautiful howl you'd think she was just singing normally
Like Asra, somehow managed to have curly fur. Though hers is a lot more wavy instead of small loose curls
Like Julian, was turned into a werewolf instead of being born one.  She’s got a way better grip on transforming though and really only lets her features pop out when she starts to get really stressed.  
Her favorite thing to do is lie on her back in her garden and sunbathe, tummy out
She sploots.  
Only other werewolves know that Nadia is a werewolf. She takes the days before, during, and after a full moon to work on various projects and while many people are suspicious no one can really confirm or deny her being a werewolf.
Is very beautiful! Nails well kept, fangs hardly yellowed, somehow still kept a lil bit of her lashes while transformed, long, red, carefully groomed fur.  
Thinks being forced to change on a full moon is dumb. Has a million and one contraptions to keep her life as normal as possible for when she's a wolf.
I think she was turned into a werewolf by Lucio?  Definitely by accident if so.  
Loves being groomed!!  Brush her fur, file her claws, add some lil scritches while you do it.  
On rare occasions, if you catch her at the right time, you’ll see her blep.  Only a lil blep tho..
She’ll always deny it but she’ll lick her paws when she’s anxious about something.  Nail biting isn’t something she’ll do publicly, but when she’s by herself her old habits come out.  
Dresses for wolves?  Dresses for wolves.
He's the reason why so many people are suspicious of Nadia being a werewolf
Has a cape specially made so that he can wear it while he is and isn't transformed.
When he gets angry he transforms into a wolf.  He’s gotten better about it over the years, but his ears and snout begin to poke out of his face when he starts getting mad still.  
Albino??  Maybe??  He’s got very pale fur that’s super thick.  Like, if you put your hand through it it ain’t comin out without a fight thick.  
He sheds everywhere.  Starts his day off with a bath just to get the loose hair out and it still doesn’t help.  
He’s also always super hot.  His body is build for the tundra, not Vesuvia.  And yes, he will make sure everyone knows this.
Is still wobbily on three legs.  His prosthetic is mainly designed to be a human arm instead of one that can be used for both forms.  
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secret-realm · 4 years
Up to the Human World
I've been gone for soooo long. I'm kind of getting caught up in my assignments, but I really wanted to write something so here it is.
Also, hello, if you are just passing by I hope you have a wonderful day. Remember to take some time to do something you like!!, even if it's for a brief moment. It will help you to feel at least a little bit better.
It had been a pretty unusual day, and you still could not explain to yourself what was that feeling that had accompanied you during so many hours. For example, you remembered getting that feeling of making a mistake that morning, however, what could you possibly have done wrong when you had just woken up? It was very odd, to say the least, but you tried to brush it off since you could not recall actually making something that could cause trouble to yourself or to someone else.
At that exact moment in the Devildom, an amazingly fast demon that considered himself to be an absolute genius because of his plan was trying his best to succeed taking away an ancient artifact to sell it later. Of course, he knew that they were not allowed to go around taking each others belongings, but what was the problem if no one was using it anyway? He thought that it was very nice of him to find a use for the almost forgotten item, and what could be better than getting some cash because of that?
When you went on with your day, the odd feeling from that morning was replaced by nervousness. Not that you never felt that way. You had felt nervous many times in your life, probably more than you would like to admit, but it was the truth. Whenever you had to face unexpected situations, or even expected ones such as presentations, you could not help the way in which your heart beats increased. However, it was different this time. What you felt was similar to being afraid of getting caught while doing something that you were most certainly not supposed to do. But, why would you be afraid of getting caught if you were not trying to hide anything?
Even though the second oldest had done his best during the whole day to hide his intentions from the rest of his brothers, he was not that good at refraining himself from sharing too much information that could get him caught. That was exactly how he accidentally mentioned that he would be getting some cash after selling some old stuff to some other demons. Then he found himself sprinting toward his room as to save himself from the punishment he was  going to receive from his older brother.
Mammon could hear Lucifer's heavy steps approaching his door dangerously, and he gulped down his bitter remarks to prepare himself and beg his brother to forgive him once again. He was now definitely scared for his life. In other circumstances, you could have helped him when Lucifer would hung him upside down. Now, however, he was on his own, and there was no way one of his other brothers was going to help him.
The weird sensation in the pit of your stomach then was making you feel very uncomfortable. It had been almost the whole day going through those emotions that you could not identify as yours. Then it hit you. What if Mammon needed your help? What were the chances of him getting in trouble? Well, the chances were pretty high indeed.
You were quick to walk toward your desk and then you leaned down to grab the keychain he had lent you to summon him to the human world. You held the keychain between both your hands, closing your eyes and repeating carefully the words Solomon had told you months ago.
"... I PROMISE I'LL PAY OFF MY DEBTS WHEN I GET THE MONEY-"  Mammon shouted, and by the time Lucifer tried to catch him a bright light had engulfed the younger making him disappear right after.
When almost blinding light appeared in your room, you opened your eyes instantly. You blinked a couple times, surprised by the fact that summoning the demon had actually worked. When your eyes met his, he forced himself to rub his eyes to make sure he was seeing you for real.
"Did Lucifer knocked me out this time?" he asked so softly that you were barely able to hear him. He could not believe his eyes.
You started walking in his direction, and your hands reached to him "Mammon?" you asked, carefully placing your hand over his cheek.
He then lifted his hand and placed it right over yours "... Human?"
"So it was you, huh?, " you asked him, and he frowned once he saw that one of the corners of your mouth raised.
"Whatcha talkin' about?"
"I've been getting this weird feeling of something going on during the whole day, and I thought maybe you were in trouble. Looks like I was right, huh?" after hearing your statement, he scoffed, clearly unhappy.
"Trouble? The Great Mammon is never in trouble-" then he removed his hand from his face.
"Should I send you back then?" you asked lifting your hand as well, but before you could bring your arm to your side again, Mammon held both your hands between his.
"Oi, human! Ya didn't even greet me properly and now ya sendin' me back?" he said, looking to the side so you could not see his eyes, but leaving on full display the cheek that had turned red because of his embarrassment.
"Sorry. I won't try to send you back right away if you stop lying tho" giggling, you took your hands away from him and held his arm to make him follow you to the small couch in the room.
"Anyway, didn't I tell ya that if ya go calling me up here I would stay?" he mentioned sitting next to you but still avoiding your gaze.
You had to cup his cheeks between both your hands to make him face you, "You did say that, but you know it's not possible. Your brothers need you back there"
"Doesn't seem like it to me" he added, and you frowned.
"Don't ya want me to stay?" this time he was the one frowning at you, and you shook your head.
"I would love for you to stay, but-"
"I ain't taking any but" Mammon interrupted you, and then pushed your hands off his face.
Quickly standing up, he started walking around the room "This place is really small"
"I mean, it's only me living here, so I don't need that much space" you shrugged, standing up as well and making your way to the window. He nodded stopping right in front of your desk.
"I see... So ya spend a lot of time on your own here, huh?" he turned around, but he did not want to face you. It was not hard to tell that he was upset now.
"Not really. I mean, I have my classes, and then I have my job you know? So, then I also have to do my work from college and sometimes I get some time to sleep. Occasionally, I watch some live performances from my favorite groups to treat myself. So like, yes. I guess I do spend a lot of time here, but it isn't as if I were free to do whatever. I'm very busy most of the time"
"Hey, hey. Ya started ramblin' all of a sudden" Too lost in your thoughts, you did not notice when Mammon made his way toward you.
"Sorry. "
He was now standing in front of you, finally deciding to maintain the eye contact without running away. "I know ya always busy with boring stuff, ya don't need to convince me. Such a goody two-shoes."
You scoffed rather loudly after hearing him say that. You a goody two-shoes? Just for being smart enough to not get yourself in trouble? As if.
"Oh, are you damn serious? I just don't have time to go around getting in trouble when I could use that time so much better. And just so you know, if I weren't good at analyzing situations, you would be hanging upside down right in this moment."
Mammon eyes were as big as they could be, "Hey, where did all of that come from?" he asked, still blinking to understand what you had just said.
"You were getting on my nerves" you simply said, and he rolled his eyes.
"I'm gettin' on your nerves? Ha! I should be the one to say that. Like, I've been here for a while now, and ya still won't greet me properly"
"Again with that, what is it that you want?" but of course, instead of giving you an answer he just turned his face to the side and crossed his arms.
What is it? What could it be? You kept staring at him, and once again his cheeks that had returned to their natural color had started heating up, the red blush evident for anyone to see.
"Oh, I see..." You smiled, trying your best to refrain yourself from giggling because of his adorable behavior. "My baby wanted to get a kiss, didn't he? How could I be so oblivious?"
"I don't know. Weren't ya sayin' you are all smart and whatever?"
"I can make it up to you though" you said bringing your hands behind his head to pull him closer. "Would it be okay if I kiss you now?" you asked softly, your lips ghosting over his.
"Just do it. But just so ya know, one ain't enough. Ya gotta pay your debts with extra kisses for treating me like this"
"Okay, okay. I will" you nodded, before finally letting your lips meet. Mammon sighed after he finally got what he had wanted since getting to your place. He lifted you up from the floor effortlessly, and waited for you to cross your legs behind him. Then he started walking toward your bedroom, his quick steps making you feel that you were definitely going to fall at some point.
"Wait, wait. You're going to drop me" you said hiding your face in the crook of his neck, barely talking properly due to your laugh.
"I won't" he simply said, and while one of his arms was wrapped behind your back to keep you in place, his other hand was lifted to your face to bring your lips together once again.
Pulling away from the kiss for the second time, you held Mammon's face in place to talk to him, getting nothing but his whining in response.
"So like, about sending you back later so that the rest doesn't start freaking out about you disappearing..." you asked, and you could swear his eyes were practically shooting daggers at you.
"Oh, shut up"
"But I need to know! Just in case something goes wrong or who knows" you laughed at how he was barely listening to you, his eyes just following your lips.
"I won't leave just yet, let's talk about it tomorrow" he said, finishing the discussion, at least momentarily.
At the sight of him pouting you could not help but to nod your head, right before pulling him closer once again "Fine, but stop acting like an annoying baby"
"How dare you call The Great Mammon an annoying-"
"Baby, will you let me kiss you or not?"
I mentioned it at the beginning of this post, but you really should take a break from time to time. If you don't, you might feel overwhelmed and that's definitely not cool.
So please, take care of yourself and stay healthy. Have a lovely day!
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paininanime · 4 years
Naruto Classic Whumplist Seasons 6-9
Naruto Classic Whumplist Seasons 1-5
6x4 | Jiraiya gets poisened by a cut he recieves, and his vision becomes blurry, and he can't really fight against the enemy.
6x5 | Naruto is in a lot of pain due to Kagero squeezing his heart. He screams in pain and looks close to death. He is more than fine shortly after tho lol.
🩸 6x6 | Naruto gets stabbed deep in the back by Kamikiris scissor thingies. Blood dropples on the floor. 5:30, Naruto gets slammed to the wall and slides down, quite injured. He holds his arm and makes pained noises. Sakura tells him that he is heavily injured, but he brushes it off. 6:55, he pushes Sakura out of the way and gets captured in Arashis Fuuma ninpo Jubaku mandara Jutsu. He pushes the cage smaller and smaller, therefore squeezing Narutos whole body. He screams in pain. 13:32, nice scene of Naruto walking a few steps and then half collapsing in pain, Sakura catching and supporting him. 15:00, Cute, bandaged, hurt Naruto scenes, carried bridal style by Jiraiya. 19:00, Mummy-Naruto in Hospital bed.
6×7 | Kurenai and Asuma are seen lying on the ground after being beat up by the prisoners.
6x8 | Asuma and Kurenai seen again during field treatment, in Hospital beds awake and well.
6x9 | Iruka gets a few cuts from Mizuki. Naruto gets thrown hard against a tree, passes out, comes to.
6x10 | Shikamaru has to visibly strain to keep enemies in his shadow hold. He is shaking violently. / Iruka is overwhelmed. He fights Mizuki in the dark, gets punched and sliced a bit. He is breathing heavily. Later, he is caught in a big explosion.
6x11 | Iruka is found bursting out of the debris, he is in pain and coughing and dirty, but even though they mention wounds, there aren't really any to be seen. :/
6x12 | Iruka gets neck chopped (he is fine tho) and later hardly kicked into a tree (we don't see the aftermath tho). Naruto gets stomped into the ground in the stomach by Mizuki. Later stabbed in the back while jumping in front of Iruka (just like Iruka back in ep1). Iruka sensei thrown hard, Naruto beat up nicely by Mizuki. (They are still fine tho damn -.-)
6x15 | Short scene of an exhausted, heavy breathing Kiba, his chakra after one of his moves is being sucked out (along with Naruto and Shino)
6x16 | Kiba passes out elegantly, Naruto follwing a second after. Narutos face gets stomped on a with a lil fox face action, still unconscious Kiba gets a knife to his throat.
6x19 | The Team (Lee, Naruto, Neji, Tenten) get struck by lightning, unconscious on the ground. Lee still fights in an unconscious state. Cute shot of Naruto coming to, getting up and falling flat again. Lee then comes to, tries to get up, but utters a pained grunt. Naruto gets struck by Raiga's lightning multiple times, pretty scenes, screams in pain but gets right back up.
6x21 | Neji and Naruto get struck by a very thick lighting bold from Raiga and collapse. Very pretty shot of Lee gettin the shit electrocuted out of him, Neji and Naruto are seen on the ground in the rain, again a scene of Lee being electrocuted, but he still stands!
6x22 | Lee gets comedically whumped (rolls down a cliff, unconscious VERy pretty shot if him unconscious), after fight with Raiga he is unconscious and on the ground in a drunk state. Neji is fed curry of life, but comedically passes out from it instead of it helping, very pretty looking.
6x24 | Kiba gets a sword to the gut and passes out face first (Naruto too). Later comes to with the others. (minor whump)
7x9 | Naruto gets his chakra extracted underwater, and he slowly passes out. He is seen drifting facedown in the water, later gets sucked down in a watertornado to the bottom of the sea, hits his head on a rock and breathes out the last air he had in his lungs.
7x10 | Naruto comes to in a house where Isaribi takes care of him, seems out of it, passes out again shortly after. Later wakes up for good.
7x11 | Naruto is caught in an explosion, seen on the ground and roughed up, gets thrown and squeezed by the enemy, screams
7x12 | Naruto gets pulled underwater, gets back up, breathes heavily, then beat up by enemy, gets swallowed by a "water monster" and can't breath, starts to black out.
7x13 | After Naruto beats the enemy he transforms back to his normal self and collapses backward into the water. He sinks under the surface but gets saved by Isaribi, breathes heavily. Shino gets out of the water, seems exhausted and breathes heavily. He almost gets attacked by the enemy but bitchslaps him and then collapses face first.
7x15 | Kiba gets hit over the head.
7x16 | Kiba is seen unconscious on the ground and bound like Naruto and Hinata. Comes to though and is fine.
7x21 | Naruto gets attacked by the special Peacock? Jutsu, falls down into a valley filled with poisonous gas.
7x22 | Naruto is unconscious in a bed and gets healed by Somaru's mother. He comes to with blurred vision and sits up when recognising her, instantly gasping in pain. Flashback scene of them falling and limp, unconscious Naruto being caught in the air.
7x23 | Tenten, Neji and Lee land hard after being blown back by a blast. Naruto gets thrown hard onto rubble by enemy. (Very short scenes tho)
7x24 | Kiba gets attacked by a feral Akamaru, but we only see the aftermath, both of them laying bandaged in hospital.
7x25 | Naruto passes out and gets carried on the back by the Anbu. (He is fine)
8x3 | Naruto gets hit in the stomach by flying rocks and slams against the cliff wall. He gets up holding his stomach to tell Hinata to stay away, and then collapses mid sentence face first. (Lovely roughed up appearance, earlier he wipes blood from his mouth, grinning).
8x4 | He gets up and gets slammed again against the wall with rocks. Gets caught in an explosion and buried under rocks. Hinata pulls him out, he is breathing heavily and very roughed up. Hinata goes to fight the villain, he calls her name to stop her, but utters a pained noise and squeezes his eyes shut. Few scenes of Naruto buried under the rubble, weak and in pain. +Hinata Whump / Naruto gets freed by Choji, needs help to sit up (pain). Gets up quickly and a little wobbily to search for Hinata.
8x5 | Naruto gets hit by multiple (I mean it) blasts and explosions, also in order to save the Princess. Nice scene of where he protects her and a small drop of blood falls from his cheek onto her face, explosions going off around them. He is in pain.
8x9 | Lee has missed many doctors appointments. Lee does many hardcore pushups and then passes out on the floor due to his still injured body. Naruto and Tenten are by his side, telling him to rest, but he insists on being fine, his face pain ridden. Later he fights against "Yagura" and gets his leg painfully hit. He screams in pain and falls to the ground, insists on being fine but utters pained noises. Later seen with crutches. Some emotional whump.
8x10 | Lee tries stepping on his injured leg, but it hurts. He still kicks a wall with full force, but that hurt even worse. He holds his leg in pain, shivering.
8x17 | Naruto gets hit over the head, kinda passes out?
8x21 | Kiba gets suddenly engulfed in flames. Naruto is able to save him, he is fine 3 secs after. -.-
8x24 | Lee has trouble staying overwater after "falling" into rough waters, splashes around, gets pulled to land by Sakura.
9x5 | The sand siblings have trouble fighting against their enemies. Kankuro gets bitten in the shoulder, collapses to his knees, sweaty and breathing heavily.
9x6 | Naruto remarks from afar how exhausted Gaara looks. Gaara falls hard on his back from very high, can't use his sand anymore. He tries to get up, but stumbles back onto his knees, in pain. Gets healed by Sakura. Birdview Lee getting hit by enemy. Gaara fights the enemy in a still inzured state, pants and collapses to his knees.
9x7 | Lee gets healed by Sakura. Gaara struggles to fight wothout chakra, gets a nasty soulder scratch, grunts in pain and holds his wound. He barely dodges the attacks, he is still exhausted. Collapses onto his butt, rests there. Uses some of his Chakra to protect Naruto. He gets captured in a dome, collapses to his knees screaming in pain and holding his head, his face is pain struck, continues screaming and struggling in agony, starts to transform into Shukaku. Naruto gets slashed in multiple spots trying to get to Gaara, scratches his fingertips bloody trying to get him out of the dome. Naruto gets roughed up pretty bad, gets hit by multiple invisible forces, slams against a stone wall, his head slumps against his chest. He still gets up, looks very roughed up. Gaara continues losing control. Finally begins transforming.
9x8 | Naruto gets up and walks a few stubborn steps, Sakura remarks how injured he is, forbids him to fight until she has done first-aid. Gaara manages to push back Shukaku, but he is weak and exhausted. He tries do dodge attacks, but gets slashed. He lands, shaking in pain, holding his new wounds. He wins the fight, but utters a pained noise and collapses like a plank. Cute scenes of Naruto (+Gaara) in hospital bed, bandaged up.
Naruto Classic Whumplist Seasons 1-5
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redvelvetreel · 6 years
Red Velvet Reel 9.3: Blue Ain’t (Usually) My Color
           [Fic Directory]
Pairing: [Married] Spicyhoney (Underfell Papyrus x Underswap Papyrus)
Summary: Stretch receives conflicting advice on how to go about fixing this. He decides to go the middle ground of big, heartfelt gestures that say ‘sorry’ without actually saying it. What could possibly go wrong?
Characters: Stretch (Underswap Papyrus) & Red (Underfell Sans)& Blue (Underswap Sans)
Contains: Mpreg/Skelepreg! Different monster cultural traditions between universes!  
Rating: Teen and up! (I guess?)
Note: Sorry this took me forever! In hindsight, I should have finished this part before starting my event, huh? I got like an ask or 2 left for that! I kinda wanna keep it up for fun tho, in case y’all have any other questions, but hmmm... idk! idk~
“Huh?” Red looked at him like he grew another head- that devious bastard was actually trying to act dumb! “Fuck ya talkin’-“
“I hurt Edge’s feelings, bad, so I gotta make all of this up to him.” Stretch shifted restlessly, “How do I apologize to him? What would a Fell monster do?”
“Fell don’t apologize, ‘cause Fell ain’t got no feelin’s! Just act normal ‘n like there ain’t nothin’ bad.” Red mimed brushing dust off of his jacket, “Ya forget? I forget. S’easy!”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Blue crossed his arms over his chest, looking pensive, “You’re not Fell, and Edge won’t expect a Fell-style apology from you. Actually, he might be more hurt by the fact it looks like you don’t care.”
His face must have fallen, because Blue immediately continued, “So, I think you should just talk to him! Say you realized you hurt his feelings, apologize, and that you want to make it up to him!”
“Is this like a dungeon puzzle?” Stretch put his head on the table, “I don’t know. What question do I ask so I know which of you is lying and which of you is telling the truth?”
Distantly, he heard Blue explain over his head, hand patting his back, “It’s a movie reference.”
“Ok, whatever, we don’t got all fuckin’ day.” Red must have leaned on the table, because he sounded a lot closer in an instant, “Why don’tcha do both? Sorry by gettin’ Edge somethin’ nice ‘nstead a’pologizin’, yeah?”
“Like what?” Stretch turned his face onto the side of his arm with a dejected sigh, unable to muster the strength to lift his head. Trying to fight against biology was too much work- he was just gonna be an emotional mess for the rest of this quarter. Thanks a lot, Pancake.
“From you?” Red squinted at him, hand drumming on the table, “Uh, sing. One ‘a them cowboy songs.”
Stretch sat up abruptly, whacking at where his ears should have be. “Huh?!”
“Ya made a mixtape one Gyftmas, yeah?” Red knew about that?! Why did Red know about that?! “S’favorite gift ya ever gave. Goddamn brat listened to it fuckin’ thousand times.”
“That was a gag gift!” Stretch couldn’t believe it, a weird mix of touched and embarrassed and confused. “He wasn’t supposed to like it!!! I- I yodeled, man! There was a banjo- I don’t know how to play the banjo! I play the harboneica! I put so much ‘twang’ into the first like 3 songs I kept coughing throughout ‘I’ve got Spurs that Jingle Jangle Jingle!’ And you’re telling me he liked it?!” He dragged his hands down his face, wishing he could sink into the floor. (and still kinda weird pleased) “He listened to it! More than once?!”
Blue laughed lightly, turning his face away as though that were any less humiliating for his poor, embarrassed, put-upon brother, “I remember.” Why did Blue remember?! What did he remember?!
“Sorry, Papy,” Blue didn’t look or sound apologetic enough, “But you were singing at the top of yours lungs and you kept crashing into things. You were laughing almost the entire time, though, so I assumed you were having a good time.”
“Ughhhh...” Stretch tried to slide down the cushioned seats and onto the floor as Red and Blue snickered. Laughing at his expense. Traitors. “Is that what Edge liked about it so much? Making fun of me?”
“Ya damn well know that ain’t true.” Red wasn’t quite as smiley anymore.
“Then why-?”
“ ‘Cause he’s sappy as shit!” Red was at the end of his patience, bringing his hands down hard enough to shake the table, “He likes bein’ able to be soft with ya, ok?! All them singin’ bad ‘n dancin’ in the kitchen kinda shit! So pick yer noggin fer somethin’ sugary as hell ‘n just!” He gestured, articulating something Stretch could barely understand. “Fuckin’! Don’t apologize like a bitch! Seduce him like a nerd!”
“Ok!” This was sounding like a better and better plan! Be as charming and goofy and lovable romcom protagonist-y as possible, sweep Edge off his high heels, and get everything back to normal! With the added bonus of making Edge super happy and letting him know he was deeply, truly loved! Brilliant!
“Blue!” He turned to his brother, an excited twinkle to his eye, “How do I do that? What are the best romcom tropes and treats?”
“Um.” Blue’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment as Red leered at him, but he soldiered on, “You could leave him cute voice messages of you singing for him. Uh, he’s more of a savory person, so some biscuits or something from the Barkery might be nice. Balloons? Flowers? Everybody likes flowers!”
“Y’ain’t ever get me flowers.” Red teased, grin sharp.
“Stuffed animals are popular too.” Blue ignored him, “But make sure you’re tailoring it to his interests-“
“He likes dancin’!” Red moved his torso to some imaginary beat, but with that snickering, Stretch wasn’t sure if he was being serious or not. “S’Latin night somewhere! Merengue ‘n Salsa ‘n cumbias, nuerito! Real heat up with a bachata!”
“Yeah, ok! I don’t! Know! What half of those are! But ok!” This was going to be great! Stretch pulled his brother into a hug, kissing the top of his head, “You’re a genius, bro!”
He turned to his brother-in-law, “Red-”
Red backed himself into a corner when Stretch turned to him, holding his hand out, “Ain’t gonna letcha kiss me ‘fore buyin’ dinner, Honey.”
Stretch laughed at that, Soul feeling light and suddenly incredibly happy, shaking his brother-in-law’s hand... before clanking a kiss to the back of his hand anyway. Had to practice being as charming as possible, after all!
“Thanks guys!” He was up in a moment, bouncing on the heels of his high tops excitedly, “I’m gonna hit up the Barkery to get a special order in before they close! And the flower shop! And see what other cool stuff I can find!”
“Papy-“ Blue called out, “You still need to tell him why-“
“Don’t be givin’ all at once- draw shit out!” Red was louder, obviously riling Stretch up even further, “Keep ‘im guessin’!”
Stretch was already out the door, phone to his head and waving cheerily as he ran- literally ran- off. Blue sighed deeply.
“Whatcha wanna bet on?” Red was gleefully devious, worrying at a piece of g like the caricature villain he liked to project himself as. “How’sit gonna blow? Who’s gonna blow?”
“It’s rude and in poor taste to bet against your brother and brother-in-law’s happiness.” Blue told him primly, “So, I’ll bet a compliment to Edge, on a topic of your choosing, that Edge is going to contact me to ask what’s wrong with Papy-“
“I ain’t gonna take those odds!” Red crossed his arms petulantly, “S’fuckin’ rigged, tramposo!”
“Before he rips into you for outing his cowboy kink to my brother.” Blue finished with a coy smile, laying his hands flat on the table with a shrug. “But if you’re too chicken-“
“Hah!” Red’s smile was excited and bright as he put his own hands down, palms up, “That’s good! Hell if I know! I’ll betcha...” His fingers drummed on the table pensively, “Hm... Betcha an paternal encouragin’ fer Honey. Tell ‘im he’s gonna be a good Papa.”
“Yeah, okay,” Blue reached for the hand Red offered him, turning it carefully to make sure it wasn’t booby trapped. As soon as they shook on it, Red kicked him under the table- and he got a joy buzzer to the knee.
“I hate you!” Sputtering angrily, Blue rubbed at his knee, obviously trying to dispel the lingering numbness, “You’re such an asshole!”
“Love ya too, baby cakes.” Red blew him a kiss as he stood up, stretching his arms over his head. “Now hurry up ‘n grab ‘em napkins! Game’s comin’ on at 1:00, and I ain’t gonna miss it ‘cause you’re bein’ lazy.”
Red was already at the door, walking into a shortcut before he had to hear Blue cussing him out again.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [ Part 3 - Here! ]  
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bytemycupcakes · 6 years
How I do my sprite edits!
This is long so!! Read more
First things first. Ya gotta open up this lil dohicky
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(Can be replaced by other art programs, dw)
Once ya got this bitch open, you’re gonna open a new heccin canvas
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“why tho? we’re doing a sprite edit! shouldnt we open the sprite??”
Well I’ll fuckin tell ya why you silly lil bastard.
We gotta design our bloodswap frist silly!
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Now I got this old request, so we’re gonna be makin a cerulean Amisia today.
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Get out your trusty sketchin pen (this is mine) and start sketchin!
Important things to remember!!
1. This is a bloodswap! We are not switching Amisia erdehn with an existing cerulean! we are takin out Amisias blue blood, and givin her cerulean instead!!
2. The only time you need to change a swaps horns is if they’re bein turned into a goldblood, or they are being switched away from a goldblood
3. While changing a sign is optional, it always feels more complete when ya do! Leaving the sign the same (imo) makes it seem like you just slapped the new colour onto the troll. In Amisias case, instead of giving her Sagira, we will be giving her Scorra.
Alright now that ya got your sketch (I forgot her glasses-)
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now you can open up the sprite.
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Now, granted I didn’t change much about her- and thats cause Amisia has one defining character trait (being/atempting to be an artist) thats obvious in her design, that can apply to every caste
It’s what she does with this trait that really changes from caste to caste.
But because of it, this may seem a bit overboard for how simple changin Amisias sprite seems, but when you get more complicated swaps (i.e: purple Tagora) it becomes pretty necessary
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Now open up a new heccin layer
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colour it cerulean (I change the colour based on the swap m doin, like purple goras background was purple), and lower the opacity. This seems a tad useless, but trust me it makes thing alot easier to make out when you
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Also lower Amisias opacity!!!
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Selet a pen that you can use to replicate the line style, I use this at different sizes for all of mine
Now you’re gonna line everything in the sprite that doesn’t, or just barely changes- In this case, I’ll be lining everything but the hair, and eyeballing the arms to make them the right size
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Now that we got this lil bald cutie, we gotta draw in her hair
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So open a new fuckin layer n go in and just fuckin draw that shite in, you can sketch it if you’d like, but I tend to just... draw it in
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Now look at that, aint  she cute? The hair is where your own personal style is gonna show the most- if you’re like me and learned to draw hair from homestuck, it’ll be barely noticeable. It’s always important to try to replicate the style as much as you can.
Now she needs her symbol, and since this is a simple one, I’m gonna draw it. If you’d rather not, it’s really easy to save/get a screenshot of the sign and remove the background from it, if you want I’ll do a mini tutorial on that but I think it’s self explanitory.
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This is the brush I use to draw symbols, it’s a nice, solid square brush
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I usually draw it off to the side, then position it where it’s gotta go, use the base sprite to help you position it if you didn’t change it’s location
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Now that all the lines are done! we move onto shading and colouring
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Now show the base sprite again, and make a new layer set to multiply, you can try to mimic the shading style (like I did with vikare’s sprites) but I prefer not to
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While you’re doing the shading, pay attention to the spots you’ve changed, and take a guess at how the original artist would’ve shaded those areas. Successful sprite edits are all about mimicing styles, which can be surprisingly easy.
Now ya get to colour it! (shading and colouring can be done in any order, I just like doing the shading first)
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You’re gonna fill that in with grey, and adjust the shading til it looks good against the colour. I find this is easier to do with the cooler colours, but for colours like yellow, I usually have to change the colour of the face shading to a grey (Like yellow Gale)
Now preserve the opacity of that fucker, n colour it all in, using the sprite and your original sketch as a guide
While you’re colouring, you might see that you need to double up the lines, at least I usually need to- So do that if you think ya need it
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There we go!
Now gettin the paint splaters, you could just trace em all from Amisias normal sprite... But I don’t think Cerulean Amisia would have that much paint on herself, so I’m just gonna draw it in on my own.
Now once you’re done, you’re gonna crop (if desired) and save it (make sure its transparent!)
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And there ya go! We got a lovely Cerulean Amisia!!
Now if you want, you can start thinkin of some slight story for her- though you may have been doin that along the way (Like I usually do) Some stuff I thought of is:
She actually produces art!! But it’s by making lowbloods do it for her!
She doesnt have much paint on her cause she’s rarely doing the painting, and most mess is cleaned up by her lusus
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First short story: A Simple Change pt 1
A/N: hey guys I thought I'd try a short story first just to give you guys a lil somethin' to see if you'd like to follow me haha, fluff is my life tho for real.... I love this type of stuff. Pls let me know if you want this to turn into something longer or if you're fine with it just being a short story. Y/N= your name and H/N= his name 🖤 I SUGGEST LISTENING TO THE SONG "CHANCES" BY THE THE BACKSTREET BOYS BEFORE, WHILE, OR AFTER YOU READ THIS, IT IS VERY !!!!. Although I wrote the story before I heard the song it's perfect. Ok enjoy~
Summary: She had no idea her perfect schedule would be thrown off course from the simple change of a song, an untied shoe lace and a little wind....neither did he for that matter, bus schedules and sleeping in don't mix...
Warnings: none unless fluff makes you combust then I suggest being careful 👀
Comfortable. Yet, lonely. Those were the perfect words to describe her day so far. It all started off pretty nice. She had no idea her perfect schedule would be thrown off course from the simple change of a song, an untied shoe lace and a little wind....
She woke up at 8:00 this morning and had her usual routine:
Open eyes....check phone.....stay on phone longer than intended..... Use the restroom....Drink morning tea and eat blueberry muffin....brush teeth....attempt to brush hair.....fail.....wrestle hair into a ponytail....grab any old outfit (today it happened to be a white T-shirt tucked into a yellow skirt just above the knee, some knee high white socks and converse), grab her book bag and rush out the door. *Mustn't forget headphones!*
This all lead her to where she was now. Walking to the beat of one of her favorite songs playing through her headphones. There was just something about the fact that no one else could hear the song but her that she loved. She hummed along to The Backstreet Boy's newest song Chances, when she realized her shoe was untied. Bending down she quickly and lazily tied it up and continued walking...
🎶"Is it love? Is it fate? Where it leads, who can say, maybe you and I were meant to be.."🎶
That's when the wind started to pick up, the weather was perfect earlier, but now it seemed to wanna play as the leaves blew gently down the sidewalk. There weren't too many people out today, just enough where you had to watch where you were going..
Suddenly she heard a song she very much did not like start to play, what song even is this? She thought, irritated. Stopping again she scrolled through her playlist and replayed Chances, making sure to put it on repeat. Smiling, she continued to swiftly avoid colliding with people walking different directions. Today's gonna be a good day, right when she thought it, the wind picked up and her hair whipped around like a lasso.
Grunting, she stopped in front of a store window to see her hair had come undone and was now worse than her bed head this morning. She grumbled as she combed her hair roughly with her fingers Chances still echoing in her ears..
🎶"What if I'd never run into you?"🎶
She yanked her hair into a ponytail again..
🎶"What if you never smiled at me?"🎶
Murmuring grumpily she finally managed to wrangle it into a semi decent hairdo..
🎶"What if I hadn't noticed you too? You never showed up where I happened to be.."🎶
Then she turned around just in time to smash right into someone. She yelped as she lost her balance swinging her arms in an attempt to try and catch herself, ultimately failing and falling along with the victim of her flails, and collided with the hard concrete.
She looked up to apologise but froze when she saw the boy on the ground in front of her, wincing as he made eye contact with her as well, following suit with her as he just stared....what...just...happened?...
🎶"I coulda just walked by...who woulda thought?"🎶
*beep beep beep*
"Hungh, just five mooore minutesss" he curled back up into his covers, welcoming the warmth.
*beep beep be- slam!*
"I said shut up you stupid alarm! I couldn't sleep at all last night!! Just have mercy on me!!!" He angrily threw it across the room wincing slightly as it smashed into the wall and landed on the floor..then he just glared at it and put his head back under the covers, falling asleep again.
Sunlight poured into his room as he slowly opened his eyes. Grunting sleepily he sat up and rubbed his eyes, hands rubbing his head and mussing up his hair as he yawned. He glanced at his phone.
He jumped out of bed and stumbled to his dresser quickly yanking out a pair of black jeans and a worn out green sweatshirt, pulling them on as fast as could he grabbed some socks and his sneakers then ran out into the kitchen.
I'm gonna be so late, he thought as he grabbed a granola bar and poured some orange juice into a bottle. He sat on the couch and tied his shoes while stuffing his breakfast bar into his mouth. "I'm so late, I probably already missed the bus," he muttered, standing up and grabbing his backpack along with his phone and headphones. Then he hurried out of his apartment, locking the door heading to the bus stop.
"I knew it!! Dang friggin ghsirhafwiabdi rbshdbejsbdjs!!!" He stomped and jumped up and down in frustration, until he realized he probably looked crazy. The bus had just pulled away when he ran up. He straightened out his hair and thought calmly to himself, ok, I'll just walk, I can get there in time anyway, I'll just speedwalk. Yeah. Plans change, it's fine....
Walking all slumped over he decided to put on his favorite song Chances. That cheered him up a bit, but not much. He kicked the leaves blowing across the sidewalk as he hummed.
🎶"What are the chances, that we'd end up dancing? Like 2 in a million, like once in a life."🎶
The wind picked up a little but he didn't mind, walking wasn't too bad. It was nice today, maybe he'd walk more often.... Ah, who was he kidding? This was stupid. Why couldn't he have a life like in the books? Curse his hopeless romantic heart.
🎶"What if I hadn't asked for your name? If time hadn't stopped when you said it to me..."🎶
He just happened to close his eyes as he hummed, walking to the beat. Probably not the best idea.
🎶"Of all of the plans that I could've made, of all of the nights that I couldn't sleep"🎶
He opened his eyes right before the girl turned and slammed right into him, he tried to grab her to steady her but she flailed her arms and smacked him in the face, hard. He was already off balance but that hit took him down. He fell and hit his butt on the hard concrete. He winced and rubbed his tailbone, then looked up to see if the girl was ok. She was staring at him through her hair; her ponytail was over her forehead. It was covering everything except her eyes, but he couldn't help but stare as well....Maybe missing the bus wasn't so bad after all....
🎶"What's a guy like me, doin in a place like this? Gettin close to you...But here we are."🎶
"I.....I-I'm so sorry. Oh...Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I.... I wasn't watching where I was going. Oh I feel t-terrible. Oh my gosh." She stuttered the best apology she could come up with in the moment as she tried to get her hair out of her face. The boy just stared at her in shock. His right cheek started to get red where she hit him, oh no, I-I hurt him! Oh gosh I feel terrible, I probably just ruined his day. Good going.
She started to blush in embarrassment, but bravely took a breath and said shakily, "I'm....I'm really so sorry, is your face ok? I feel so bad, how can I make it up to you?" She wrung her hands.
The boy wouldn't move....this was making it worse....did she hurt him so bad he went into shock?? What should she do?? She started to panic, then the boy smiled....was that a smile or was he gonna cry? Oh no.....no wait. That was definitely a smile....a smirk even.....a smirk? Why on earth was he smirking? She wished he wasn't so cute. That made this so much more awkward...
"Hey, I'm sorry it was my fault too, don't worry haha, here let me help you." The boy snapped out of it and took her hand pulling her up with him as he chuckled softly. "And I needed a good slap to wake me up for the day so thank you" he smiled brightly at her.
Oh help. He's so cute. She smiled and laughed a little at his joke. "Well, glad I could be of some help haha, I hope I didn't make you late, I'm guessing you go to the college over there?" She pointed towards the college.... Why would I say that. How creepy could I be? Oh gosh, I dug myself in even deeper. What is wrong with me??
The boy just smiled, "yeah I do, you too?" She smiled and nodded, thankful she hadn't scared him away. "Well, we could walk together if you want? Its nice to have company." His words shocked her. "y-yeah, yeah, sure!" She stuttered.
After they collected themselves, they walked side by side towards the college, talking about random things and laughing at each other's jokes. All too soon they reached where the girl's class was, and she reluctantly turned to the boy. "Well, this is me, thanks for being so kind, maybe I'll see you around campus?" She was quiet but he heard her and smiled. "Yeah, hey I never got your name, I'm H/N...."
"oh yeah, haha, I'm Y/N...."
"Well, Y/N, didn't you say you wanted to make it up to me for smacking me in the face at 9 in the morning?"
Panic.....he was angry....she knew it...."o-oh yeah. Yes. Um, what can I do to make it up to you?"
He just smirked. "There's a coffee shop on campus, wanna meet up there for a break later? I'd enjoy the company." He had no idea where this confidence he had was coming from but he just played along with it.
She was shocked to say the least.....she couldn't get any words out so she just nodded her head really hard and quick then turned and ran into her classroom.
What are the chances she'd run into a boy like that?? She couldn't wait until break time..
End note: hey babes I hope you liked it! I loved writing it, and I can't wait to write part 2!!!! Reblog if you want~~ 💞💞
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apurpleaddledbaker · 6 years
==> :o* (you can do that now)
(( in which the clown wanted to be kissed >:) ))
You are Gamzee Makara and it's been a few days since Eridan up and revealed his loyalties to the city, a few days since your diamond reacted all kinds of not the best, but that's fine. You're currently in the hideout, leaning on one of the counters in the kitchen. You've got coffee, it's basically just coffee flavoured warm milk and honey at this point, and sandwiches and you're just fine, no body's forgetting no self care in here today, no sir.
Your name is Eridan Ampora, and  it's been a few days since you went up in flames and decide to go up and fuck it up for everyone. You haven't  beat yourself down enough. Lies, you have, not that you will stop. You go up and out of the kitchen just because you are hungry and hey, stress eating in the place where the food is basically always there is in your top 3 preferences. You look slightly messy but nothing telling. And then there he is... Gamzee.  And the fluster of emotions that you have forms and collapses in 3 seconds of less. Fuck emotions. "Gam..." You nod and well huh. What are the leftovers for today.
"Yo Eribro," you return the nod and look him over a minute, feeling a curling of something in your own chest, before you nudge your untouched sandwiches towards him. "Want some?" Yes you are sharing food you'd made just for your own self, or you're trying to. Offers there if he wants it. "Holding together, alright?"
"Yes I would."  You kind go over and reach one of them, and then wolf it down because fuck manners, you are tired. "Pretty good."  Alright so. That isn't a good question for you. "Yes you could say that, like of course there is trouble but you know is whatever for me, Bec has been good of aid, how about you, how have you been?"
You shouldn't be as pleased by that acceptance as you are, or the words you get from it afterwards, but you are so keepin that good feelin in your chest now, is yours. Then he gives you a lot of words to pick over and you blink at him, figuring out what you wanna say. "Not as bad as you obviously," yeah, you're not gonna tell him about that shit, he's got enough for his own things to be worrying over. "Bec's a good woofbeast for stress times, he's good soft."
"Well, that's alright I suppose." You are grabbing another one, you are taking another sandwich.  You kind of  use that as a excuse to scoot a little closer "Say Gam,... " Now think of something good and interesting. It's not that complicated. "So hows the stuff I got for you?" Well that went poorly. "I would expect you to find it pleasurable in some way or I'm afraid we might have to get more if I dared to get you things you don't like."
You'd cocked your head at him, shifting towards him in interest when he'd said your name, only to snort an amused noise at the question he gave ya. "S'good, s'all good stuff don't you be worrying none about how I'm liking them," please give ya a lot more time before bringing ya anywhere near that store again, the first trip was long enough for you, it don't need  repeating yet. "I'm even using it all consistent like, yeah? They's good, ya did good with 'em."
"Ah of course, of course I'm that good at this stuff. Makes all sense  honestly. Why would I ever make such mistakes, you are lucky you have me". That is a huge flip flop from your previous statement and you know this which is why you just focus on eating instead. Your grandeur theatrics heavily go against your worried. Aw fuck .You make a bit of a face. "I'll be the judge of that." You get closer, kind of just to get the smell of him. Does he smell like broke this time?
"I am aren't I?" Ya teasing him a little bit, you're being honest a little bit, s'good. "Messiahs know I ain't knowin no thing about it." You're fine with him gettin close enough to smell you, cause you smell like expensive clean and it's a good smell. "See?" You smile for him, a small proud thing. "Gots me smellin all nice, don't ya?"
"The luckiest." You tease back.  You did kind of expect that, his hair looks great, better than other days, you can already tell without the needing to smell, but you do anyway. "Just what you deserve Gam, you are a nice thing that deserve lots of nice things. You are quite delectable."
"Well... a body did say I had ta try ta 'relish the now', yeah?" You're all kinds of referring to those horoscopes he did a bit a time back, yes, yes you are. "S'a good thing I ain't minding bites none then, else there'd be some trouble there, wouldn't it?" You think that's what that word means anyways, pretty sure.
That gets you to snort and give him a smile, the sort of your face smile which isn't really a smile but you know. You are very amused.  You take back your space again just so you can shove more food in your mouth. "I can't believe you listened to that mess, and here I thought I was smug." Wink. You did kind of say all of this with food in your mouth. Swallow.  Oh GOD  NOPE CHOKE A LITTLE. What a bastard. That took you by surprise. WHEEZE. Okay okay, you are fine this is fine, smug smug. Pick it up. "..." Nope.
You had been about to tell him that of course you'd listened, you always listen to his show, why wouldn't you? But then the little choking and concern and you've set down your mug, hands flittering and not quite touching but concerned all the same. "Ya alright there, bro? Wouldn't do no one good if ya got got by some bread and meat, yeah?" You're watching him close, had that last bit been too much for him?
It wasn't him, it was what YOU thought when he said it.  Literally going out there to hit yourself in the confusion. You take another bite of whatever is left of the sandwich while making eye contact mostly because you need to leave one thing clear for him and for yourself. "Bold of you to think I  can get got ever, by anything. Not even you would be able to."
Confused honk here. "Alright?" Your head's cocked all puzzled woofbeast-like again, your hands shifting back out of his space now that he's ok. "Sure, that's good? Yeah," you blink at him, shifting where you stand as you continue to consider him, maybe... maybe now wouldn't be a good time for that after all? No, no, no if ya didn't soon ya wouldn't ever. "Can I... be askin a thing of you?"
"Yes." That was ridiculous. Why do you keep fucking up so much.  Well could be worse. "Well, what would that be?"
You're here now, time to get your confidence together to keep going, you can do this. You step back towards him, close again so you can lean down, giving him all kinds of time to pull away and stop all of this, ta send ya both off on your ways if that's what he being preferring. "Can I kiss you?" you ask all quiet-soft, waiting, waiting for his decision.
Oh.  You were wondering were it was going to go around that. Wow Hm.  You blink a couple times  and your fins go up and down. "... Of course Gam." So what did you want with him again? Right, quadrants are starting to go on your head again. No pitch but was it flush? 99% flush for sure. RIGHT RIGHT. Do something. "Can I wash my teeth first tho? I don't want to go in our first kiss with my breath smelling of meat" NOT THAT.
It's really motherfuckin hard to be nervous when you're laughing, like really motherfuckin difficult ain't no way to do it. "Nah, nah ya good," you tell him around the genuine thing that being pulled out of you. "If ya said ya couldn't handle a kiss when I smelled broke then I think I can be good with this." You have permission now so you're gonna take it, a gentle-kind thing as you press your smile to his lips.
There is that soft violet on your face now. If that is any indication of anything. At least you made him laugh with your antics, not what you intended but understandable. "Fair." And that is a kiss. One soft gentle kiss One that you have to lean into to be able to get well. Your hands get to his chest and by that point even if its the first with him you melt right into it.  There is something about flushed kisses that makes you die on the spot.  Even when it's done you might be leaning on Gamzee, there are no words to cover the experience, and to be fair you don't need them for once.
He leans into ya and that's the best thing ya coulda hoped for. Sure he's got his hands on your chest and there's instincts telling ya that that's where your organs are ain't safe to be allowing others near, but it's all good, he's a safe one to let near ya like that. One of your own hands is around him, keeping him steady when ya feel him melt and the others keeping him turned up towards ya until you pull away and end the kiss. Pumper racing and stuttering with all of the good feelings you've got right now. You're just gonna keep a hold of him a while s'a good thing going on right now, straight up most motherfuckin blessed a miracles.
"Quite the gentletroll are you." You are glad he is holding you up because otherwise you would probably be a mess down on the floor. You just kind remain there both because you like it there and because you haven't noticed how exhausted you truly were until you were asked to show weakness for 5 seconds and you aren't ready to let go yet so you just put your head on Gamzee's shoulder. "...This is a good place."
“If Imma be anything,” you woulda shrugged there but he’s getting himself all settled and ya don’t wanna be disturbing that none. You’re all kinds of good with him staying there for a while, the weigh of him’s nice against ya. “Ya can stay for a bit then, I won’t make ya move ‘fore you’re ready to.”
"Don't tempt me Gam, I'm a sniper, I can sleep standing or in any position you know?" Truth actually. You could sleep there if you really wanted to but no. That's asking for people to see you like... like that. Weakness is for Gamzee at this moment. You make sure you fin's brush his face softly as you stand back properly. "There are better places to rest around, I hope you know that. And to kiss around but that is besides the point"
“Skill for for ya ta show me later, then,” you make a soft little thrilling-chirp at the ticklish feelin of fins brushing against ya skin and let him stand himself back to his feet. “I could say I do, or I could ask ya show me, which would ya be preferring?”
"Well, since you initiated how about you get to pick this time, not every time of course that would just be unnecessary."  You make sure to at least accommodate all clothes or hairs that might have gotten crooked by that, real quick. There we go polish once more. "Take the lead." Just once.
"If ya gonna be kind enough ta let me motherfuckin choose," which you're pretty sure it's unlikely to happen often but that's more than motherfuckin fine, choices can be all kinds a difficult a times. "Then we could go somewhere else so ya can get some rest on, yeah? Ya seem like ya could use it." Maybe also kiss him a bit more, maybe yeah.
"You are very much welcome deary." Yes you have started with the awful pet names. You won't be stopped now, and if someone tries to stop you they have over the office of 'i dont care'. "Well lets go then" Fuck it, you catch his hand as many times before and give him a nudge.  Lets go, slinky.
Oh, oh pet names, oh, oh now there's purple on your skin, most of it's not visible but there's visible colour on your neck. A weakness. You need a moment before your words come back to you, by then he's got your hand, hand holding is a good thing, you're here for that, and you're being nudged along. Yes good let's be going, time to go get him his restin on.
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emeraldwaves · 7 years
38 and 52 mikorei please? (preferably mikoto lives, you're the writer tho so it's really your choice) Also I hope you're doing well :)
So this is number 38 (52 is here) from the Sensory Prompt list! 38. A person’s weight as they lie on top of you. This is also my last day of Mikorei Week, Day 7! I thought this prompt was perfect for some fluff on the last day. Thank you for the request anon! This is also for Munakata’s Birthday
“Suoh” Munakata grunts, feeling the weight of the man’s back pressed up against his chest. “What are you doing?” he chokes out, coughing.
“Trying’ to stop ya’” Suoh says, pressing his nose up against the back of Munakata’s neck. His breath is hot, and his kisses are lazy, but it’s so inherently Suoh, Munakata can’t help but smirk.
“Oya? Stop me from what?” he chuckles, attempting to push himself up, but Suoh’s far heavier than Munakata realizes, especially from this awkward angle.
“Gettin’ up and rushin’ to work,” Suoh mumbles, and Munakata feels his fingers glide through the bottom of his blue hair, a finger wrapping around a piece at the base of his neck.
“And why do you wish for me to stay in bed?” It’s a silly question. Suoh always wants to be in bed. Actually, he’s surprisingly awake, given what time it is. Usually Munakata is out the door early, leaving Suoh in bed, half naked, still asleep.
Suoh rolls off of him, and smirks, brushing their lips together as they lay in their comfortable bed. “I have somethin’ for you.” Munakata almost misses the gentle pressure of Suoh pressed against his back, their bodies so close. Then again, breathing is nice too. “I made ya’ tea and breakfast. That’s why I had to be sure you didn’t leave.”
Munakata raises an eyebrow incredulously. “You made breakfast? Tea?”
Suoh nods once. “Kusanagi helped,” he snorts, as though he’s made a frustrating confession. “But you should still give me the reward when you realize how good it is.” Munakata knows that playful twinkle in Suoh’s golden eyes well.
“Oya,” Munakata teases, “the truth comes out." When Suoh tries to keep him in bed like this, it leads to other things, which makes Munakata either arrive to work on time a disheveled mess, or show up late due to his need for a shower. “And what, may I ask, is the occasion?” he questions. When Suoh wants sex, he stays in bed and kisses Munakata enough to convince him to as well. He never makes breakfast.
Groaning, Suoh rolls out of bed, and stretches up. Munakata’s eyes follow the curve of his hip bone as it disappears into his pajama shorts. “Don’t tell me you forgot?” Suoh storms to the kitchen, leaving Munakata behind in his confusion.
He pushes himself up finally, stretching with a yawn. He reaches over and unfolds his glasses seeing clearly once again. Still, he doesn’t recall anything special about today. What could he have forgotten? Their anniversary was months ago…so what could it be? Glancing to the clock, his eyes suddenly widen.
“Did ya' figure it out yet?” Suoh asks, returning with the large tray full of tea options. He places it down on the bed next to Munakata. Leaning across him, Suoh presses his lips on Munakata’s chin, neck and lips, wanting to taste all of him before his mouth is preoccupied by the tea.
“I think I have an inkling of an idea,” he replies, brushing Suoh’s messy red bangs out of his face. He loves the idiot, especially when he does shockingly thoughtful things like this.
Suoh presses their lips together once more, only pulling back an inch, keeping their mouths close. “Happy Birthday, Reisi,” he whispers.
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lol binch if I did it you do too, 1-100
lmaoooo spiteful, but whatevs, also mine are gonna be more boring sorry.
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life? Nope! 
2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
Yes in the sense that they’re in my life and I love them but I guess not fully in the sense that I’ll still feel upset sometimes. 
3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
I think of cats. Like what
4: What’s something you really want right now?
To be comfy with my body so I don’t have to stress about it over the summer
5: Are you afraid of falling in love?
No, I’m more afraid of not falling in love (sorry for how fake deep that sounds but for real)
6: Do you like the beach?
Very much, it will be my main habitat over the summer hopefully
7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
Yes, at like sleepovers, with their feet in my face. Romantic haha
8: What’s the background on your cell?
Amber, it makes me homesick but I like it anyways
9: Name the last four beds you were sat on?
Mine in college, mine at home, Tu’s, and emme’s
10: Do you like your phone?
I’m very indifferent about it
11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
No not really, I’m very okay with it but sometimes I feel like more is expected from me and it stresses me out. 
12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
My chemistry lab partner sophie’s
13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?
Neither are my fav breed but I knew a really friendly cute rottweiler when i was a kid so that probably
14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
As someone who is overly emotional I’d say emotional pain but I’ve never been through a physical pain that has lasted beyond a dull ache.
15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
I’ve never been to an art museum so I’d love to go to one for the experience but a zoo is a guaranteed good time
 16: Are you tired?
Mentally yes, but I can’t physically fall asleep haha
17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
Alex Raydan, I’ve known him since 1st grade
18: Are they a relative?
19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
I don’t think it would be necessary, but if you could guarantee they were the person I’d want to be with all my life, then yeah I suppose 
22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Maybe in the right context
23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
I have one hair tie on each wrist for balance, does that count
24: Is there a certain quote you live by?
“Don’t get mad. Don’t get even. Do better. Much better. Become so engulfed in your own success you forget it ever happened.” lmao literally just a quote I found on tumblr but I like it a lot and it makes me feel stronger so 
25: What’s on your mind?
u kno I’m plannin my summer aesthetic 24/7
26: Do you have any tattoos?
No, hoping to get some soon
27: What is your favorite color?
Deep green
28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
I have no idea haha, hopefully over the summer but no guarantees lmao
29: Who are you texting?
No one at the moment
30: Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
32: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
yes, i feel pretty comfy talking to michael, darious and zany. Gettin more comfy with vincent and tu now as well
33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
Not particularly
34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Yes, it’s always very appreciated
35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
I’d be pretty weirded out and wish they would stop lmao
36: Were you single on Valentines Day?
37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
Yes, i am
38: What do your friends call you?
Binch, dude, bb, bbygirl, aside from the typical just Nikki
39: Has anyone upset you in the last week?
Yes, but my bar for getting upset is pretty low oops
40: Have you ever cried over a text?
Yeah haha I have most of my serious conversations over text cuz I’m a lil bitch
41: Where’s your last bruise located?
Right in the center of my chest
42: What is it from?
Bra was too tight and pressed into my chest
43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
Physics lecture last Tuesday when I was running on 3 hrs of sleep
44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
My mom
45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
Yep, white sneakers
46: Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
No I look considerably worse in hats
47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
Probably not I like my hair a lot
48: Do you make supper for your family?
No but my mom deserves it lol so I should try
49: Does your bedroom have a door?
Yes haha
50: Top 3 web-pages?
tumblr, netflix, hulu
51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
my mom and dad both hate it
52: Does anything on your body hurt?
Yeah I worked out yesterday so my thighs and stomach hurt
53: Are goodbyes hard for you?
Extremely, I always build them up in my head so I’m always a little underwhelmed and unsatisfied when I leave
54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
55: How is your hair?
It’s okay, I really need to get it cut, it’s lacking any style lmao
56: What do you usually do first in the morning?
Brushing my teeth is always first
57: Do you think two people can last forever?
Yeah I think so, but I think it involves a lot of compromise and effort
58: Think back to January 2007, were you single? hahaha yes
59: Green or purple grapes? purple for sure, the darker the better
60: When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?
Probably june 15th when I say goodbye to my roommates for the summer 
61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Yes, I wish I were home
62: When will be the next time you text someone?
Probably tomorrow afternoon
63: Where will you be 5 hours from now?
64: What were you doing at 8 this morning.
65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
Tommy melts my heart he’s precious, same with Charlotte
67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
no kissing, and I’m pretty sure no hugging either
68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
lmao “why is no one responding to me”
69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
Yes maybe once or twice, but usually I’ve gotten what I’ve wanted out of situations so go me
70: How many windows are open on your computer?
71: How many fingers do you have?
all of them thankfully
72: What is your ringtone?
the default
73: How old will you be in 5 months?
Still 19 haha
74: Where is your Mum right now?
In vista CA no one try to find her and kill her pls
75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
Just wasn’t right I guess
76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
No I have not
77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
Brody Barnhill
79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?
Pipe down Mike
80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
81: How many people have you liked in the past three months?
I have very fleeting interests in college, but people I’ve liked for more than a few days would be zero haha
82: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
Emme and tracy are constantly seeing me in my underwear
83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
84: You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
Kelsey and Amber probably and both of them are telling me to fucking stop
85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?
Yeah, if it was habitual use
86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
I almost wasn’t allowed to see Baywatch because I didn’t think it was rated R and apparently I do not look 17 and my college ID wasn’t proof enough that I was at least 18 lmao
87: Who was your last received call from?
Me mum
88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
89: What is something you wish you had more of?
Money and motivation lmao
90: Have you ever trusted someone too much?
Perhaps, but it’s never been to much of an issue, just embarrassing for me sometimes
91: Do you sleep with your window open?
Yes it gets very hot in this room
92: Do you get along with girls?
Pretty much 100% of the time
93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
94: Does sex mean love?
95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
Nah, maybe a little boring after a while but that’s all
96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
No, I don’t know how I’d feel about it, I feel like I’d be afraid of pulling it somehow
97: Did you sleep alone this week?
All the time haha
98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
Yes, I do haha
99: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not particularly, it sounds nice tho
100: Who was the last person that you pinky promise?
I think emme, she likes that kind of stuff 
Hope this made you feel better Michael lmao
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