amiryllisthorn · 10 months
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working on some basic conversation animations, theres also a couple character details and tweaks.
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amiryllisthorn · 11 months
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made some minor changes to Sabathel, fits more into the character after some narrative changes
I think I might make a few changes to her habit/armor as well, and should probably do a full body design at some point(thats not sketched on paper) but for now im happy with it ^^
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amiryllisthorn · 11 months
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Palatine Sabathel Katalla Dawn
Order of The Cerulean Rose
Have a bit more I want to do with her design but this is a "good enough" sprite since I have other things to work on
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amiryllisthorn · 7 months
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wip from stream today! Ended up working on a larger scale for pixel art and am really happy with how it is so far!
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amiryllisthorn · 1 year
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working on some more sprite work, really with how the battle pose ended up coming out. I had a few more sprites done today but my sheet is a little chaotic so needs some cleaning up ;_;
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amiryllisthorn · 1 year
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some late night sprite redesigns for Ezarae from my lil side project. Meant to be closer to what her future design will be(the previous manga art) but im a lot happier with this than the original one. While it may be a bit more uniform with other chars, it fits her a lot better as she isnt someone who is 100% rebellious.
ill prob just go back to sprites for this, blender was fun but I am still a lot of ??? with it, whereas I can make sprites really fast! it may sound silly but one of my biggest hurdles with sprites is accepting that art looks bad when you are making it o I can get discouraged early on with animations or weird poses because of how messy everything looks, which is really dumb and frustrating! So im trying to be less hard on myself and steadfast with my art
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amiryllisthorn · 1 year
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Ezarae sprite for a specific screen transition
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amiryllisthorn · 1 year
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did some more art of Ezarae, wanted to try out some color and brushes and am pretty happy with the choices I think
wasnt really meant to be something super long, just trying to get into the swing of this scale again
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amiryllisthorn · 1 year
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many clothing folds later...
im not completely happy with my linework, I am still trying to work on just being cleaner with my lines but im pretty rusty and learning these specific styles is a bit of a challenge when I have spent so long just doing pixel art >_>
but! I did have a bunch of fun working on this and I want to do moreeeeee
but this is Ezarae Yr’dris, like Alfhyrth she is an Aventari that is a  part of House Irlvanstaulen. Unlike Alfhyrth however she wears more traditional robes and armor rather than a uniform mostly due to her rank and position.
Her main weapon(besides her magic) is a spear, and prefers thin and nimble swords for close quarters. She is also know to have an excessive amount of knives hidden on her person at any given time.
She is also infatuated with Alfhyrth for several reasons and they are in fact, exes .///.
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