#get optimus primed charles
protagonistscum · 1 month
lmao after watching the last stand yeah i see why they took the timeline out back and shot it
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itneedsmoregays · 1 month
Had a blast at TFNation, my very first Transformers convention!
Saw tonnes of awesome cosplayers, bought a nice haul of cool merch, checked out the Robosen toys (just as mind-blowing in person!), and attended the panels hosted by Colin Betts (he discussed how Transformers are marketed to retailers), Michael Charles Hall (he talked about how he wanted to be a director before getting into the writing industry, working behind the scenes with Wally Burr who seemed intimidating but was a very sweet guy, and writing The Return of Optimus Prime: Part 2) and Kathreen Khavari (apparently if Twitch went to a drive-thru, she'd need to keep her energy up and would order everything on the menu XD).
The biggest highlight was meeting Gregg Berger, David Kaye and Kathreen Khavari and them all signing my art I prepared for the con. All three of them were very humble and nice to talk to.
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Here's hoping Peter Cullen and/or Frank Welker attend next year! And here's to 40 more years of Transformers!
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Guilty Pleasures
Every sentient being has a secret hobby or interest. Autonomous robotic organisms not excluded.
The only one who knows about his little hobby is Soundwave, it's a good thing too, because Megatron would kill anyone else who uncovered his secret.
Despite his general distaste for humans, Megatron admires their creativity, more specifically their literature.
He may be a warrior first and foremost but he also has a love for any all all historical and poetic works.
He enjoys reading and having to decipher the hidden meanings behind the stories he collects.
It fascinates him to read about just how different and how similar Cybertronian societies are.
However he would never be caught dead reading a book written by a human. So he sends Soundwave to fetch him good books whenever there is nothing more important on the agenda.
He is greatly inspired by Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, J.R.R Tolkien, C.S Lewis, and Homer.
He has a whole secret closet in his berthroom filled with dataslates that contain the works of his favorite authors.
He will often read them before falling into recharge, and occasionally he will attempt a little writing of his own if he is feeling particularly inspired.
This has led him to create another secret stash in his berthroom filled with his own stories, ones that mostly illustrate his own life and views on how society should be structured.
(If Megatron's works make their way into the newly rebuilt Iacon hall of records in the future due to a certain Prime, then no bot comments on it)
He has a rather unique little hobby, one that like Megatron, he would never be caught dead engaging in.
His particular hobby stems from his base coding as an Archivist.
Since the war did not really grant him much opportunity to work with and organize the data he desired, he ended up developing a tendency to note and catalogue the relationships of bots around him.
In short, Optimus is a shipper.
It was not a purposeful thing, but as time passed and tensions heightened Optimus just started listening in on conversations more frequently and paying extra attention to body language and how other bots interacted with one another.
He found it fascinating and so began to write it all down on a dataslate, and from there it just escalated as he began noting how certain bots reacted around others.
It really began after he started listing known relationships and all the information he had on them (In surprising and almost creepy detail)
Then he started theorizing and creating a whole separate catalogue dedicated to organizing gossip and discerning what was correct and incorrect so that he could get his relationship files properly updated.
In the end he created the most intricate and well informed database filled with information regarding every known relationship, platonic, familial, and romantic that he caught wind of.
But of course that still wasn't enough for his Archivist coding, he needed and still needs a constant flow of fresh data, and so he started playing a role in the relationships around him.
A well placed rumor here, a slight change of orders there, and Optimus's notes gain new additions from either the success or fallout of the event, satisfying his urges and helping his troops sort out their feelings much quicker than they would have otherwise.
To the complete and utter shock of everyone when they eventually find out; it is not Smokescreen, Bumblebee, Jazz, or any other source that has all the tea. No, it's all Optimus, and he knows everything and will gladly play matchmaker for his favorite OTP.
Cats. Soundwave. Loves. CATS.
He thinks they are the best to thing to happen since Primus himself came into being and nothing will change his mind.
His berthroom is covered in posters, pictures, and art of cats.
He has a whole pile of cat plushies that he stole and he adores it, especially when he is having a mental breakdown.
Soundwave also has a whole drive reserved solely for any all and all cat related content on the internet.
He is obsessed, he wants a cat badly, and he is not shy about his desire to adopt one.
However as he knows it would not be safe for a feline to stay on board the nemesis, Soundwave has turned to alternative methods to satisfy his desire to be around the fluffy organics.
Soundwave's solution is to not keep cats on board the nemesis permanently, but to bring them on for a limited time before ground bridging them away.
When he has the chance he collects a few street cats that he has taken a liking to and will keep them with him in his office, taking every measure to ensure their health and happiness.
The cats love him and he loves them, everybody goes home happy in the end.
However on the off chance that someone wanders into Soundwave's office while he is with his court of cats they are met with hisses and a terrifying blank stare from the spymaster.
Everyone on board the nemesis chalks it up to Soundwave being strange as usual and refuses to speak of what they see, lest the spymaster make them disappear.
Despite his gruff personality Ratchet has a rather wholesome secret hobby, that being baking.
He picked up baking from his mentor before the war, the older mech had been fond of the activity due to its simplicity.
Ratchet was skeptical, but out of respect for his mentor agreed to participate.
He ended up developing a fondness not for the energon goodies themselves, but for the process by which they were made and the smiles of those who consumed them.
During the war he made energon goodies and secretly put them in among the rations to increase moral among the troops
For a while a rumor spread about how there was a ghost meandering about leaving goodies for bots who did well or were going through some things.
No one suspected the 'I NEEDED THAT!' Ratchet to be the one leaving the treats. (except Optimus or course, such data would never escape his notice, not with his files constantly needing updating)
Ratchet also got into the habit of making small batches of goodies for Bumblebee every now and then when he was small, mainly to keep him quiet but also because he genuinely has a soft spot for him.
The habit continued even when Bee got older, surprising the scout on occasion when a little baggie of goodies appeared in his rations.
Once on earth Ratchet also ends up becoming interested in the human version of baking and since then has found no end of frustrations with the whole process.
Despite how much it aggravates him, when he has time he tries hard to figure out the intricacies of human baking so that the children won't feel left out out when the energon goodies are passed around (not that he will admit that is his true purpose)
Currently his baking capabilities with human food are abysmal largely due to inappropriately sized equipment and lack of organically attuned taste buds.
But the children appreciate the burned cupcakes he produces anyway, after all, its the thought that counts.
In his own words, he is not only an Automobile but an Automobile enthusiast.
He goes street racing when he can but for a mech as interested in cars as he is, only being able to street race is not nearly enough.
And so Knockout collects things, more specifically model cars.
If he likes them as they are, he will liberate (steal) them from human stores and display them on a little shelf he has in his berthroom.
He even has some mood lighting around the shelf to really draw attention to his collection.
His favorite models also have their own little pedestals which spin and light up.
He is particularly proud of himself for setting it all up correctly.
But, oh boy, if any bot on the nemesis so much as looks at his collection funny he will end them.
Those are his models. No touching.
Usually the models he collects are well painted and well within acceptable standards but sometimes he just doesn't like the colorations of his models.
On such occasions he will spend hours, painstakingly using tiny tools to change the coloration of his collectable. Carefully using small brushes and glasses in order to make everything just right.
He always takes great care to not damage the fragile human product. Sometimes going so far as to watch online video's on model painting just so that he doesn't mess up.
Occasionally though, the mass produced models simply don't cut it for Knockout, and so he goes hunting for rare and custom made collectables.
He even set up an account online and liberated (stole) some cash to use to buy particular models from around the globe.
If a human were to see his collection they would be flabbergasted as he has one of the most pristine and extensive model collections known to man.
Bumblebee never really had a hobby on Cybertron, he was far too busy training for and fighting in a war to really get involved in anything else.
However upon coming to earth and getting roped into earth culture his status as a mech without an interest changed quickly.
Bumblebee swiftly got swept up in the melting pot that is the internet, and there he learned a great many things he wishes he could forget.
But it was also on the internet that he was introduced to video gaming.
He spent countless hours watching gameplays, livestreams, and walkthrough video's, yearning more and more with every video to be able to play as well.
Thankfully his wish was granted when Raf rolled round and helped him get his own gaming system set up, with controllers of the appropriate size of course.
What no one expected however was for Bumblebee to become and absolute boss in nearly every game he played.
Online matches are filled with anger towards Bumblebee's character, but being a veteran of the internet by the time he starts playing, he is unconcerned by the human profanity thrown at him as he leaves his competitors in the dust.
Bumblebee has even made it into the world of E-sports, operating under an alias when online and using a holoform when he is required to turn up for tournaments.
Agent Fowler had a fit when he found out, but since no one suspects Bumblebee's alias of anything other than hacking he left it be.
Little does anyone know that Bumblebee has no fragging clue as to what he is doing.
More often than not it is dumb luck, a lot of ignorance, a healthy dose of stupidity, and his spectacular servo to optic coordination that pull him through.
Everyone around base praises him for his skill when they watch him play, and Bumblebee thoroughly enjoying the praise, refuses to say anything regarding the truth of his gaming career.
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bearpillowmonster · 5 months
Transformers One Trailer
That new trailer and I have some thoughts? Surprisingly.
I don't normally watch trailers anymore and I've said why before but it basically boils down to they spoil too much too much of the time and what's the point if I'm sold anyway. Now Transformers One seems like a no-brainer, gives those fans a prequel origin sort of thing as well as an introduction for the newbies who only know the Bay and Rise and Bumblebee movies in animation no less so completely different. Then I saw the images of the designs and oh man0
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It looks generic. Like I never watched Transformers Prime, it has its fans but I just do not like that art style and this started making me think of that, like it wasn't finished. I much would've preferred a 2D movie but 3D can be done, look at the War for Cybertron trilogy (which I've already talked about)
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Nice and stylized, distinguished, scuffed metal, I wanna lick them. Anyways, that's a show though, it'd look good as a movie and heck, T-One looks good as a show but I don't know, is it just me? I also didn't finish the trilogy because the first one was good and I thought it'd only get better but reviews for the second one came out and they were bogus so I dropped it.
But then I watched the trailer-
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And it looks better! Notice anything? They're all close up shots! And you mean to tell me this is the same movie>
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Ugh. Visuals out of the way, cast. Why? We don't need all these celebrity voices and I'm someone who supports Peter Cullen just being Optimus all the time but I also understand that he's getting older just like Charles Martinet did with Mario leaving the character in a specific position but you didn't get Chris Pratt?? No I'm just kidding, we got Chris Hemsworth, and really, I can't even tell that it's him, I saw his name attached and I was like "Here we go again" and there are a few times where he had traces of that Cullen voice pattern and it's like an adolescent Optimus settling into his voice- wait am I complementing? Stop that.
Josh Cooley is directing and he's got a pretty decent track record with Pixar, we even see Keegan Michael Key again for whatever reason- oh, it's goofy, it's made for children
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"But he says bad ass!" mehmehmehmehmeh, so do the other movies twit, somehow, someway, they get away with anything. He's gotta go and announce everything that's happening "I have knives?!" "I have machine guns in my butt?!" Stupid even for a kid, especially menaging Megatron, what'd you do to my angry baby? He's just reading the script, I know, which also isn't great. So, instead of just being a race of transformers, they're a race of robots that gain the ability to transform to save Cybertron. There's the generic nature again! I also don't see it in the trailer but with the toys, they have this weird thing where they use energy to summon their weapons? Bumblebee is fine with the "KNIVES" but
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"I put my hand on a ba-all to see if I still bleeeeddd and nothing hurts anymore, I feel kinda freeeeee" What is that? Just give him an axe, he doesn't have to summon it and then attach it to a ball. But wait- the design is different here, what's going on? These toys don't match up with the movie. Like, look at Bumblebee before and after he transforms, he doesn't look like the toy does (I've used enough pictures, do some leg work) and Megatron...just looks like Megatron and I know these are movie toys, just look at Alpha Trion, so I don't know how much of it is an accurate conversion between the two and I normally wouldn't care but it's that ball that drives me bonkers.
BUT I will say that I support Scarjo playing- who is she playing? Because that's not Arcee. Elita One? Cool name, at least. Oh, she's an OG, we're good then. Lawrence is also a good one. Anyways, disappointed, we'll see.
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pod-together · 1 year
Pod-Together Day 2 Reveals 2023
Fashion is the Armor [text, audio] (Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types) written by wanderingjedihistorian, performed by kbirb Summary: It’s not that Fox would have reconsidered things with Bail and Breha if he had known about…this. It’s just that if someone had told him he needed to go shopping for a “proper prince consort wardrobe” and that said shopping trip would make him long for the days of babysitting Senators…well. He’d have figured out some way to avoid this part.
Through Thin Walls (9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020)) written by noxsoulmate, performed by Juulna Summary:“Hey, so please don’t freak out–”
In the next moment, Carlos could hear a thud, followed by a curse, and he was pretty sure the guy had just hit his head somehow. Carlos winced in sympathy.
“Sorry! Sorry, it’s just your neighbor here.”
“Dude,” came the reply, the voice sounding rough, probably from all the crying. “Way to give a person a heart attack. Also, creepy much?”
“My apologies. The walls here are basically paper with some paint slapped on. So uhm… noises are somewhat muffled but… not really, I guess.” ~*~ 3 times Carlos only heard his neighbor’s voice, 2 times TK lusted over a certain officer, +1 time it all melted together.
Captain Jack Books (Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies: The Broadway Musical! (2017)) written by TrebleMaker07 and Shakespeare_stole_my_url, performed by Shakespeare_stole_my_url Summary: Jack Kelly is the proud owner of Captain Jack Books; however, business is down and the Delancey brothers have expanded. How will he keep Captain Jack Books relevant? And who is the cute guy that keeps coming around?
Fashionable Lectures, composed and delivered with Tact and Titillation (Lilywhite Boys Series - K. J. Charles) written by vinia, performed by jennisaisquoi Summary: The Marchioness of Cirencester seeks advice from her best friend, the Countess of Moreton.
Sk8 Infinity: Winter Break (SK8 the Infinity (Anime)) created by Syr, Opalsong, and Cantarina Summary: EM: It’s another episode of Ambiguous Robot and Earnest Hero Watching Anime, the podcast all about anime, fandom, and what shows are worth spending your short hours on this earth watching, and the drama they create along the way. I: Today we’re talking about Sk8 Infinity: Winter Break, the prequel series to SK8 The Infinity. And no, don’t ask us why it’s called that. This is just the anime nonsense that we are here for.
Old Words, New Mission (Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)) written by poppetawoppet, performed by GhostCwtch Summary: In which 'Til the end of the line' resets all the other code words.
Nearly Enough (Hornblower - C. S. Forester) written by Sanguinity, performed by Luzula_podfic Summary: Over the course of two wild days and two wild nights in Kingston, Hornblower must choose which he wants more: command of the Retribution, or Lieutenant William Bush.
admiring flowers (Hannibal (TV)) written by Koschei_B, performed by Dr_Fumbles_McStupid Summary: Will's not a goddess, but he gets kidnapped by the Reaper all the same.
At the End of All Things [text, audio] (Transformers: Prime) written by autobotscoutriella, performed by Gilraina Summary: At the end of the war, Optimus goes in search of something still missing.
when all the roads you took came back to me (บทกวีของปีแสง | Be My Favorite (TV)) written by Kiranokira, performed by pieces0fstars Summary: In a timeline where Kawi and Pisaeng are both famous and secretly dating, a jetlagged Kawi sits on Pisaeng's lap during a livestream and accidentally outs them to the public.
It’s in the last fifteen seconds of the live while Pisaeng is promoting an upcoming appearance at a local music festival that a sleepy weight drops into his lap, changing the entire direction of not only his life but Kawi’s, too. Sweetly and adoringly, Kawi winds both arms around Pisaeng’s neck, puts his face on Pisaeng’s shoulder, and whines, “Pisaaaeeeng, you weren’t there when I woke up.”
Once More Into the Void (Teen Wolf (TV)) written by melly_diamond, performed by thilia Summary: Derek Hale has moved on with his life; he has a wife and child now, has rebuilt the Hale house, and is living contentedly in Beacon Hills. For a while. Until a long-buried evil rears its ugly head and chooses a new target to torment; Lorelei Hale, the nine year old daughter of Derek and Sasha Hale. And when no one, anywhere, can seem to rid the little girl of her interloper, a plea goes out into the supernatural world for their final option, a mysterious being - shaman, exorcist, magic-wielder - known only as M. to save her. Who is M.? And is he the answer to all their prayers or a whole other problem in itself?
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Let’s meet Charles Burn, the Chief of Police on Griffon Rock!
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Chief Charles Burns:He was born and raised on Griffon Rock, there he met his first friend Ezra Greene, someone who recently moved to Griffon Rock. When he was a young adult, he joined the military, though he always returned to his home. During one of his visits, Charlie met a young woman, she became his first love. They got together, and even had a young son named Kade. Unfortunately Charlie had to return to the military. During this time when his son was 5, his love abandoned their son at Ezra’s, and she disappeared from the island without any form of goodbye.
Once Charlie learned of this, he had to temporarily leave the military and return home to raise his son. During this time he met another woman, she was Chief of police at Griffon Rock, they fell in love and Charlie new this was the woman he was going to marry. So they got married, and before Charlie had to return to the Military, they had twins. Their son Graham, and their only daughter Dani. Named after his wife’s late aunt and uncle who passed when she was little. (They were siblings to her father, not married or anything like that)
Unfortunately he returned back to the military and even became a leader in a new unit. This unit was in charge of watching and keeping safe a bunch of robotic aliens that recently crashed on Earth. This unit was also the first humans to befriend the Autobots and fight against the Decepticons. During this time, Charlie became close to Optimus, and gained the respect of his and the Prime’s team, able to even take command when he needed to. He was also the first human to gain respect from the Decepticons themselves, he also helped one think about his choices in life and turn a new leaf, leaving the planet.
Charlie often returned back home when he was able to, watching as his children grew and spending time with his wife. He was even best man at Ezra’s wedding with his first wife. Eventually they both found out that their wives were pregnant, and the two women gave birth just a month apart from each other. Ezra’s daughter was born first, and she was named Frankie. The Charlie’s youngest son was born, and he was named Cody.
Eventually he had to return to the military once more, telling the Autobots of his wonderful news and learning that they gained a new bot, Bulkhead. For a while peace was kept in his life, and he watched as his twins graduated and became first responders themselves.
Unfortunately peace couldn’t last in his life, and he ended up getting a call from a very distraught Ezra. When the resident head scientist, Morocco’s, newest invention went out of control, it ended up ending the lives of his and Ezra’s first wives. Charlie quickly returned to his home island, once he saw the broken looks on his children’s faces, he made the decision to retire from the military. With support from the island’s residents, he became the new Chief of police on Griffon Rock.
His first act of Chief of police was to look into Morocco, and with the help of his twin’s, Charlie learned of the various illegal acts of the head scientist. So he and the old mayor at the time ran the scientist from Griffon Rock, and replaced him with Ezra Greene.
When he officially quite the military, the unit he ran ended up disbanding, after learning about what happened with the Chief’s family. The humans decided it was time to move onto new things and spend time with their family, especially since the Decepticons went quiet. So Charlie, as his last act of Military, assigned an old friend he met way back when to became liaison to the Autobots.
Now in present day, Charlie is a 58 year old man, He has four kids, Kade who is 26, his twin’s Graham and Dani who are both 23, and his youngest son Cody who 9. His goddaughter, Frankie is the same age as his youngest where she is also 9.
He is still Chief of police on Griffon Rock, with his goofy deputy Barney. He lives in the Firehouse and works with his children to keep the island safe. Recently he’s been contacted by an old friend, asking him if he could take four Rescuer’s under his wing. The Chief has agreed, though he hasn’t informed his family yet. Unaware of the impact those four would cause on his and his family’s lives.
So, this is my story for Chief Burns! I wanted to account his life, and incorporate the fact he was militarily. Something that was mentioned in the wiki for him. Also I thought it would make better sense for me personally if Kade had a different mother from the others, and if Graham and Dani were twins. I have yet to come up with a name for his wife and his first love, but they will be mentioned in my story.
Also I feel like Cody would take most after his father, especially since Charlie was around for most of his life unlike his siblings that were around their mother mostly.
There are a few more things that I will explain in different posts, like more about his children in their own post and his dynamics with them and their dynamics with each other. The Greenes will get their own post, and so will the rest of Griffon Rock.
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ivycorp · 2 years
Day 5: Role Reversal | AU
Continuity: Transformers Rescue Bots
Relationship: Charles 'Charlie' Burns/Chase
Warnings: major character death, mentions of violence, mentions of blood
The island of Griffin Rock was under the protection of the Burns family. Nothing happened around without them knowing about it, all who lived there knew of them, and were used to them taking care of whatever went awry. The community respected them, especially their elder, Charles 'Charlie' Burns, who took the safety of the people very seriously.
When the Rescue Bots found their way onto Earth, Optimus Prime decided to station them with their family, having known the man before - while the land itself did not offer much safety, the Burnses managed to keep things under control. They were well versed in dealing with emergencies and threats. Charlie was experienced in dealing with various personalities, and his kids were professionals; even the youngest, Cody, was growing into a very motivated and well-spoken individual.
What Optimus never got to discover was that their family was not just a rescue team composed of people from the same bloodline. Still, Charlie didn't really feel the need to disclose their 'other' side of life to the mech.
Mainly because there was very little to be said before the Autobot realized he was dealing with a particular type of a mafia and broke off their cooperation.
But! What Prime didn't know wouldn't hurt him - and thus, they got to meet the Rescue Bots.
Speaking to the newcomers, it was initially a bit tricky to figure out what made them tick - but, as always, Cody was invaluable. With his help, it was easy to get the picture muddled enough to make it appear that they were an emergency response team 'just like them!', while also planting in the seeds to protect their actual operation.
Partnering up with Chase was a risky move, but for Charlie, it was as if the universe had aligned and gave him a perfect gift.
The bot was a perfect combination of obedient and rule-oriented above morality - it made it easy to get the common ground. He, too, was a man to do things by the book.
Of course, he was the one to write and interpret the rule book - but that was beside the point.
"Usual patrol route, chief?" Chase asked when he got inside, buckling himself in.
"Actually, we need to pay a visit to the new addition in the community," the man said instead, smirking as the car started moving out of the driveway.
"Any particular reason or is it a social call?" came another question, which Charlie knew to be a hidden test - they were working, so there should be a cause for a diversion. He smiled at that, and replied:
"Any new people that come onto Griffin Rock need to get a safety briefing - you know how this island behaves, if they aren't prepared for it, it will not go well for them in the long run."
The affirmative hum came from the dashboard, and the rest of the drive went in a companionable silence. When they arrived at their destination, he got out, asking his partner to wait for a couple of minutes.
Chase watched as the chief knocked on the door, which opened a fresh face among the island's population.
"Hello there, can we talk for a moment?" Charlie greeted the man with a smile, as he leaned in and walked through the threshold. The man stepped away in surprise, and the door closed behind the chief with a soft thud.
After a few minutes a shout could be heard through the walls of the dwelling, and a moment later a tousled form of the oldest Burns emerged from the door, splattered in blood, knuckles red.
He got inside the car and sighed, right as Chase asked a panicked:
"Are you injured, chief? What happened?"
Charlie waved the concern away, already reaching for a towel from his bag to dry his hands, taking a replacement shirt out too.
"Self-defense, Chase, none of the blood is mine - some people do not like when you try to help them and decide to make things difficult," he admitted with sadness in his voice, before he added:
"Reach out to Dani, please - she needs to check if there is a need to transport him to the mainland hospital."
He started to unbutton his ruined shirt, when he noticed the call was not being made.
"Chase? Something's wrong?" Charlie asked, only to hear in return a "nothing, sir, on it!" in a squeaker tone than he was used to hearing from his rescue bot partner.
This was getting interesting.
Taking a bit more time than he would, he unbuttoned the shirt, took it off with a deeply satisfied groan, and put another back on, leaving the top few buttons open.
Chase was valiantly trying to cover the higher pitch of his voice while talking to Dani, but when Charlie got his arm up to fix his hair back, he actually glitched mid-word.
"Chase? What was that?" she queried on the other end of the call, and the bot rushed to cover this lapse with an excuse of worry about her father. When the connection terminated, Charlie put his hands on the wheel and ordered their normal patrol route to resume.
Chase chose to remain quiet until they returned home.
Blades approached him soon after he parted from the chief for the night.
"What happened today? The guy Dani had me fly for looked like he escaped from a gang fight!" the orange bot asked with worry in his optics.
"He attacked the chief during a morning meeting about safety in Griffin Rock, so most likely he could not get a hint and drop it before the chief had to defend himself properly," he offered in clarification, and they both heard Heatwave bark a laugh at that.
"Then he got what was coming to him - this island is a death trap so refusing to listen to the chief on the precautions to take is pure folly," the red mech surmised, and Chase turned back to Blades to ask:
"Did you end up taking him to the mainland?"
The other shook his helm, plating shifting anxiously.
"No, Dani told me he did not need more than a good night's rest and a few painkillers - she told me she offered to take him to a hospital, but he refused, so we left."
"Maybe he needed to get trounced to see sense - I wish I could do that to Kade sometimes," Heatwave mused, going to get ready for recharge.
"Was the chief alright after that?" Blades couldn't help but ask, as the image of the battered man was not inspiring confidence in what would happen with the older man.
Chase blushed, remembering what precisely occurred all those hours ago, and restarted his vocalizer.
"He got out of it with mostly scratches and bruises, but otherwise unharmed," he said quickly, excusing himself to rest.
He could only hope the recharge flux would not make him dream of anything inappropriate…
"Do you hold charity drives?" Boulder asked one time at the base, where the mail was being checked and multiple flyers came in asking for funds for mainland's organizations.
"We do not need to, luckily," said Graham, putting them on a pile, where he was working on the paperwork to regulate the taxation matters for their home.
Chase tilted his head, intrigued.
"Why so?" the blue bot questioned, running in his mind the possible costs their operations would require, the necessary funds, income streams of average charities reported.
Most of them relied on regular financial drives.
He hadn't seen one in Griffin Rock through their entire stay so far.
"The community all chips in, boys," explained Charlie, sipping on a cup of coffee as he watched his family have a quiet day in, on a rare occasion of there not being an apocalypse on their hands.
"All of them?" Heatwave exclaimed in surprise; that was a very unusual state of matters, but the chief reassured:
"The people who live here value our work - they know that without supporting us, things would be way more chaotic around here."
Chase nodded sagely, smiling at that.
That was all very, very true.
"I am very sorry, doctor, but your transgressions have become too great to justify your usefulness," stated Charlie, putting a silencer on his gun, as Thaddeus Morocco squirmed in his bounds, trying to escape.
"I thank you for the cooperation and release you from your service to the family," the man said, leveling the barrel of the weapon at the other's forehead.
He pulled the trigger.
The struggling ceased, as the now dead body laid on the chair put on top of the plastic sheets on the floor.
Charlie spun around, gun outstretched towards the direction of the voice.
Chase was standing in the door, looking at him and the corpse of their enemy with a hole through the head. He took in the room, the weapon, and locked sights with the man.
"It was self-defense again, wasn't it, sir?" the blue bot asked, stepping into the enclosed space. The head of Burns' family took a step away, but lowered his gun, instead reaching for the remote detonator for the bomb that resided in his partner's trunk, disguised as an emergency bag.
Just like all the other rescue Bots did.
His thumb found the button, but did not flip it yet. He owed Chase at least a last conversation.
"I don't think I'd call it that - you can't deny knowing that happened here," he countered, keeping note of all the tells and motions of the mech, looking for a sign that would show the other would try to restrain him.
Instead, the bot let out an ex-vent.
"No, I cannot - but I also know you would not have done this without a proper cause behind it, chief, so this must have been for the benefit of the Griffin Rock community," he figured, and, as Charlie nodded, shook his helm sadly.
"Then it was done in defense of all the citizens - and you are also a citizen. Ergo, technically, it could be seen as self-defense," Chase pointed out; the elder Burns clicked his tongue in a mix of annoyance and affection.
"I don't think you would employ this logic elsewhere, sweetie," he said, pet name slipping in, debating if he should just get this over with, so he could start to mourn his partner.
"I probably wouldn't, sir, but we are in Griffin Rock - and here it makes sense," replied Chase, going again slightly closer to the man, who stopped shuffling away.
"How long have you known?" Charlie asked tersely, the remote in his hand feeling heavy.
The rescue bot thought for a moment, and offered back:
"For a while, I think - when I started reading those novels, a lot of things seemed familiar," and gestured at his abdomen, adding "just as I know about the bomb, but I understand the need for precaution. You couldn't know my reaction and prepared accordingly.
The acceptance that filled Chase's voice made Charlie deactivate the remote, rendering it harmless once more.
He took a step towards the bot.
"The others...?"
The bot nodded slowly, lowering himself down on his knees so he could be closer to the man's eye level.
"We all figured it out separately, but we couldn't see why it would matter," he explained, watching Charlie's bloodied hands, briefly pausing at the sight of the dead Dr Morocco, before smiling at the chief.
"You are still protecting the people on this insane island; we still perform rescues; people are doing well. How you do it is less important than for the work to be done - and you follow the rules you want others to abide by too, which is admirable, if I can say so, sir," he carried on, blushing when the man took hold of his helm, tugging it lower.
He knew there would be red handprints on him and it made his engine stall for a moment.
"Oh darlin', you say the sweetest things," whispered Charlie, placing a kiss between his optics.
A roar made itself heard in the silence, and the vents clicked on loudly as Chase could feel his entire life realign.
"Will you stay with us then?" the chief asked, petting one cheek lovingly, smearing the blood over it. The bot nodded, dimming his optics.
Charlie found it adorable.
"And you, doll? Will you stay with me?" he queried further, loving the way the bot melted into his touch.
"As long as you will have me, sir," came a dreamy reply, and the man couldn't stop the smile from reaching his face.
He couldn't wait to see what their future would look like, but he knew it would be magnificent.
Fifth entry to @heartsandsparksshipweek
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rescue-dragons-au · 6 months
The Eggs
During a storm, a ship crashes onto the shore of Griffin Rock. It's investigated by Sir Charles Burns, first knight. The dragon Optimus Prime helps capture the black market pirates. They discover four eggs on board. The eggs are assigned to Charlie for protection. But when the secret gets out to his youngest son, Charlie realizes this assignment was never just for him. The responsibility belonged to the whole family.
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wander-wren · 8 months
my favorite thing in the WORLD is noun names that have normal-sounding real names. especially if you get real silly with it
penny -> aspen
mack -> mackerel
perry -> peregrine
andy -> coriander (i’m also partial to cori)
colt -> cobalt (bonus points for double noun)
mary -> meringue
charles -> charcoal
nick/y -> nectar
rhodie -> rhododendron
it’s great. it’s beautiful. it’s like that guy named tim but actually he’s optimus prime. it’s my favorite thing EVER
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joefesttoyandcomic · 8 months
Let's ROLL OUT the red carpet for the legendary Michael Charles Hill, creator of Cold Slither, Captain Claymore , and Special Mission Brazil, "The Coil" as well as the writer of the "Knowing Is Half The Battle" PSAs.
He is also the author of Sunbow & and D.I.C. Saturday morning cartoons of GI Joe and Transformers.
This being the 40th anniversary of the Transformers, come out and get his autograph on GI Joe and Transformers items. He wrote legendary episodes such as Starscream's Brigade, Ghost in the Machine, and the Return of Optimus Prime !!!
Want to learn more on season 3 of GI Joe, "The Coil?" Then you MUST attend his panel and learn secrets of the cartoons that have helped shape the toys! Follow him today at @coldslither01 on Instagram.
Mr. Hill is a very friendly as well delightful man who looks forward to meeting with JoeFest attendees June 21-23, 2024!!
For more information and JoeFest tickets, please visit our website at Joefestusa.com
#gijoecommunity #toygroup_alliance #comingsoon #gijoe #JoeFest #toyshow #toycollector #toys #gijoecollector #comiccon #augusta #transformers_4life #transformers #toysddict #toyinstagram #toydesigner #writer #sunbow #hasbro #cartoons #saturdaymorning
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comicaurora · 2 years
Are there any romance stories or romantic subplots that specifically worked really well for you? Maybe because they were "good friends being good friends" plots first and "romance" plots second?
it is very depressing to me that for a while I could only give a conditional "yes" to this one. There are romantic subplots I liked up to a point that the writers made decisions about them I thought were weird and dumb, or that I liked in hindsight but didn't really appreciate at the time. And despite having watched a not inconsiderable amount of live-action media, every single halfway good example I could conjure up was from a cartoon.
Catra and Adora have a fascinatingly tumultuous arc to me, but I spent the entire show genuinely believing we'd never get a payoff, and when we actually got the big kiss I was too busy being shocked to really process the ramifications. In my head I'd filed them right next to Charles Xavier/Magneto and Optimus Prime/Megatron, enemies so clearly soulmates with each other but in that special murdery way. I've been planning a full rewatch, so I might get to fully appreciate it this time!
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When I watched through Ben 10: Alien Force I remember being genuinely surprised at how much I liked the romantic subplot between Kevin and Gwen. I think because they were both kinda assholes about it, but in very synergistic ways. He's the platonic ideal of an Edgy Emotionally Repressed Lancer but he's kind of too blunt and straightforward to remember to be emotionally repressed all the time, and she's a smart snarky ass-kicker who figures out that they're clearly into each other immediately and bluntly asks him when he's gonna ask her out in like episode three, which completely throws him off his game. It was very cute, and Kevin got in a few good "take the bullet for the love interest to save her" moments that I'm always a fan of, but after the first couple seasons something shifted in the writer's room and Kevin got shunted back down the "actually a dickhead" route and the characters stopped acting like they cared about each other so much. It was a bummer, and since the characters stopped acting consistently in-character I kind of disengaged. But I did like how they handled it early on!
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I am, obviously, broadly a big fan of the romantic subplots in ReBoot, as I am with all other major parts of that show. The main one that got focused on was between protagonists Bob and Dot, which was kind of standard background will-they-won't-they fare for the first three seasons - some miscommunications and arguments and daring rescues - until they get in a big kiss in the finale. The problem, as ever, is in season four, when they start doing some really weird sitcom telenovela twists, including a second Bob popping out of a portal and claiming to be the real Bob, and everyone in the show spontaneously sheds 90% of their braincells to forget the fact that their Bob is the one who saved the day over and over again since getting fished out of the Web, so everyone ignores our best boy who actually did the heroics to play favorites with Other Bob. Obviously Other Bob turns out to be a bad guy in disguise, but this is revealed at his wedding to Dot, and it's just fuckin stupid that it would get to that point at all. This is a big part of why I mentally carve season 4 off the canon timeline and just let it end at the season 3 finale.
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The other romantic subplot is between Matrix and AndrAIa, who meet as children in season 2 and have a cute kind of mutual crush thing going on before they get lost in the games in the season 3 timeskip and, offscreen, grow up together and enter a fully-established and completely solid relationship. Aside from a brief "matrix gets jealous" subplot in the back half of season 3 that really just serves to reflect his fascinating cocktail of trauma-induced self-loathing issues, they're remarkably stable and play off each other well. I think the fact that we skipped all the romantic will-they-won't-they drama and went straight to "they did, they have, and they're totally good" did it a lot of favors - and despite Matrix being, by any metric, an asshole, it never feels like AndrAIa is settling or putting up with him or tasked with fixing him. It's more like they're each the only person the other truly feels safe and whole around, so Matrix is truly an asshole to everyone but AndrAIa (and later Bob and Dot, his other loved ones) and AndrAIa is not guarded or defensive around Matrix.
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Gargoyles also had two different romantic subplots I liked - one between heroes, one with villains. Goliath and Elisa have a great dynamic that's a little less will-they-won't-they and a little more of an unspoken agreement, "we're both really into each other but we also don't really think this can happen on account of being fully different species and we're too mature to get dramatic about it." Since they're basically on the same page about it, they don't have much in the way of drama or miscommunication, it's just all that good "rescuing each other from peril" content I like.
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On the villain side, David Xanatos and Fox had a surprisingly wholesome relationship considering they're full-blown villains for the first couple seasons. It's a case where their romantic subplot made them both better people in the long run as they developed priorities that weren't selfish. They ALSO skipped all the will-they-won't-they and went straight into a wholesome, committed, mutually supportive relationship.
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I do also recall being genuinely surprised how much I liked the romantic subplot between Trevor Belmont and Sypha. I think what made it work for me was the tendency for them to clearly and honestly communicate with each other - about more than just their romantic subplot. There's a great bit in season 4 where they just sit down and are like "everything's been happening a LOT lately, let's talk about how we feel about that", and I appreciated the moment I think is in season 3 where they're like "hey… maybe… leaving Alucard alone in his dead parents' castle ten minutes after helping him kill his dad… was bad for him?" It's a romantic subplot that doesn't feel like it eclipses the rest of their characterization and it doesn't mean they stop caring about anything other than each other. And it also skipped over the will-they-won't-they, so honestly no wonder I liked it.
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I know there's more, but I genuinely had to google lists of shows to remind myself of the one-in-a-million examples I actually liked, so let's leave it here for now.
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artsy-hobbitses · 3 years
The big bad: Megatron
First impression
BAD GUY! HE KILLED OPTIMUS PRIME! BOOOOOO! (Tiny Me watching Transformers: The Movie shhh)
Impression now
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Favorite moment
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Notably, my favorite moments of him aren't when he's being a fucking badass, it's usually when he's quiet, thoughtful, introspective or genuinely happy. This was one of my favorites because it's growth and a bittersweet/heartwarming callback to his original desire to be a medic, which he finally managed to fulfill. If fate didn't kick him down every chance it got, this was what he would have been for the very beginning. This was all he ever wanted to do with his life.
Idea for a story
Out of left field, Megatron and Megatronus. I want a story where Megs IS seen as the reincarnation of Megatronus (as opposed to the original where Starscream was claimed to be it), or at least the vessel for it, which was why they shared such similar names, and I want him to fight the old allure of power and the temptation of how he could use it to Make Things Right this time (Honest!) tooth and nail after his time with The Lost Light crew. Just the idea of Megatron completely fucking rejecting wholesale what 'fate' had in store for him, he doesn't need it, not with the Lost Light. I love the idea of Megatronus beseeching about how he can't fight what he's meant to be and him, can't fight him, and Megs just being like 'Watch me."
Unpopular opinion
Megatron was right 8V At least where IDW is concerned! -Boots Coptimus down a flight of stairs-
Favorite relationship
Charles and Erik MegOp, it's MegOP, it's always MegOp, you can pry it from my cold, dead hands. The tragedy, the heartbreak, the angst, the what-could-have-beens, the glimpses of hope that things can be the way they were, I fucking live for all these.
Favorite headcanon
My humanverse version of him has him as a pretty great fiddler, a skill he learned from his miner community and one he also took great pride in whenever they gathered and celebrated. It was one he had to abandoned when he was exiled to Messatine, and he never picked it up again because he didn't want to be hurt over memories of his old life, but he eventually does once more with Roddy's encouragement abroad the Lost Light.
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Every Baudelaire Guardian (So Far)
This list is a long overdue way for y’all to see past guardians before requesting and a way for me to keep track of who I’ve already made a guardian, so let’s get this train rollin’!
(All Guardians names from first to most recent under the cut, will be updated as more characters are requested)
Frankie Stein
Phoenix Wright
Harry Greenwood
Hiccup and Astrid Haddock
Reginald Hargreeves
The Sorting Hat
Jack Skellington
Reigen Arataka
Taako Taaco
John Mulaney
Dr. Doofenshmirtz
Chidi Anagonye
The Kratt Brothers
Ronald McDonald
Freddy Mercury
Darth Vader
Jefferson Davis
Marie Kondo
Jonathan Van Ness
Maes Hughes
Harold Hill
Dutch van der Linde
Carol Danvers
Molly Weasley
Grunkle Stan
Magnus Bane
Scott Howl
William Shakespeare
George Salazar
Luke Skywalker
Soldier 76
Emily the Corpse Bride
Neil Cicierega and Ming Doyle
Optimus Prime
Robert E.O. Speedwagon
Julian Devorak
Rex Dangervest
Meta Knight
Moominmamma and Moominpappa
Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert
A knife
A bigger knife
Tony Stark
MatPat, Safiya Nygaard and Rosanna Pansino
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Miss Honey
MatPat but with StephPat this time
Thomas Sanders
Magnus and Julia Burnsides
Ruff Ruffman
Willy Wonka
An even bigger knife
Amy Rose
Video Game Sonic the Hedgehog
Scott Lang
A Googly Eyed Slinky
@/sqenthusiast , formerly @/larry-your-gayter
A Dog
@/teeny-beany, formerly @/afarmforthree
The Crystal Gems
@/arisabunni, formerly @/hongmoondescendant
The Biggest Knife Ever in Bowie, Texas
Malina Weissman, Louis Hynes and Presley Smith
Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Linda and Laurence Flynn-Fletcher
Alice Liddell
Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz
Demi Lovato
Princess Peach
Dad Egbert
Phil Coulson
The Phantom of The Opera / Erik Destler
Original Design of Live Action Sonic
Greg Universe
Brian David Gilbert
Robert Manion
Yondu Udonta
Mary Poppins
The VFDiscord
Jay Gatsby
Kermit the Frog
Brandon Rogers
S. Theodora Markson
Chris McLean
Pepper Potts
@/oliviacalibans, formerly @/olivia-calibansnicket
Iris, Talia and Auriana
Final Pam
Miss Frizzle
Crowley and Aziraphale
La Muerte
Leo Valdez
Princess Tiana
Cats (2019)
Bubblegum and Marceline
Gary Goodspeed
Otto Wood
Ouran High School Host Club
Tulio, Miguel, and Chel
Quentin Coldwater
Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey
Fix-It Felix and Sergeant Tamora Calhoun
Barbara and Adam Maitland
Kit Snicket
Dan and Phil
Bill Nye
The Untitled Goose
Scooby Doo
Eleanor Shellstrop
Brennan Lee Mulligan
Final Design of Live Action Sonic
Dio Brando
The Bad Kids
Erika and Princess Annelise
Hat Kid
Princess Diana
Marshall Mallow
Giovanni Potage
Oliver and Lisa Douglas
Din Djarin
Percy King
Miss Acacia
Nico Di Angelo
Kobe Bryant
George Memeulous
Ozma of Oz
Gerard and Lindsey Way
Merle Highchurch
Commander Up
Oliver and Felicity Queen
Steve and Alex
Dale Cooper
Miss Alma Le Fay Peregrine
Queen Barb of the Rock Trolls
Shadow the Hedgehog
Dave Strider and Karkat Vantas
Jonathan Joestar
Mayor Damien
Fairy Mary
Gomez and Morticia Addams
Eijiro Kirishima
Blue the Dog
The Parr Family/ The Incredibles
Five Hargreeves
The Imagination Movers
Coraline Jones
Charles and Jerome Squalor
Clarisse La Rue
The Fellowship of the Ring
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck
Alucard Tepes, Trevor Belmont and Sypha Belnades
Minnie Le Guin
Barry Bluejeans and Lup Taako
Cyrus and Evelyn Laurie
Red Guy and Duck
Felix Unger and Oscar Madison 
Mr. Nicholas Benedict
Ted Spankoffski
Toko Fukawa and Komaru Naegi
Samuel Vimes
Rick O'Connell and Evie Carnahan
Leon Kennedy
Team Dark
Sasha Nein
Sam and Max
Drawfee Cast
Bruno Madrigal
The Amazing Karnak
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captainseamech · 2 years
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@evictedsouls shanted: “.... High Tide? Where are we?” - Chiefbot :)
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             It’s been quite a long time since High Tide, Chase, Optimus Prime and Chief Charles went to Cybertron to seek someone who was sending a distress signal according to Ratchet. High Tide was so hesitant to bring Charlie with them, but he insisted so much to be with them and... well, he can’t say no since Chase almost immediately approved it. High Tide made a promise to keep the cop safe, assuring that nothing bad would happen to him.
             Until everything went out of control. The Autobot couldn’t protect the human from Shockwave’s evil claws. It was all a plan, a bait that they successfully fell for. It was a harsh encounter, but it was all for... almost nothing. Whatever the scientist’s true intention was, he succeed in the first part. It was terrible to see it but... nothing more could be done aside from complete the rescue and run back to Earth so Ratchet could possibly help them.
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             At the current point in time, it’s been past a few weeks since that occurence. High Tide felt guilty all the time, Chase had to be confined because of how angry he acted when that happened and Optimus had to... try and deliver the news to the rest of Sigma 17 and Burns family. The captain couldn’t even stay at the firehouse or at Team Prime’s base in Nevada, not even daring himself to speak to no one else.
             What happened? Charlie was transferred into a whole new Cybertronian body, having to temporarily remain unconscious under Ratchet’s supervision while Chase must stay restrained until he could possibly calm down. And High Tide? He isolated himself in his ship in the middle of the ocean where no one could find him, sitting on the ship’s bow and staring at the faint distorted reflection in the water; feeling guilty and disgusted of himself for not being able to stop this from happening. It was an easy task... How couldn’t I take care of Charlie, of all humans? How could I be so irresponsible!?
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             Something... or someone broke captain’s line of thought, making him look up to the bot who was standing next to him. Oh... right. Charlie — or better saying, Chiefbot — was getting some rest in one of the available restrooms in the ship by Prime’s request, High Tide nearly forgot about that for a moment.
             “Oh... hey, sorry I didn’t hear ya at first.” He faintly cleared his vocoder. “We’re on Earth, specifically in my ship right in open waters.”
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takiki16 · 4 years
as someone still in tf fandom who wasn’t here for your first mc kirk phase is very funny to me that you never got into ratchet/optimus prime bc fr what i can tell both have same vibes
Transformers.  Ratchet/Optimus.  MCKIRK.  The dawn of the new decade is APPARENTLY marked by all of takiki’s fandom streams crossing at once!!!!!!
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I have seen approximately zero of any canon material (comics/shows/movies/etc) except for a few long-ago viewings of the unfortunate Bay movies and maybe Bumblebee, so my knowledge of our fave Cybertronians is limited to what tumblr and ao3 feed me (this is all astolat’s fault in the first place). But from what I CAN gather, I do definitely see your point about Ratchet/Optimus Prime being a McKirk analogue?  Ratchet is BASICALLY Cybertron!McCoy, and Optimus is...well Optimus Prime?
(self-indulgent shipping musings under the cut)
It still constantly surprises me that I ever dipped a toe into TF fandom at all, and on top of that it surprises me even MORE that I was into MegaOP?  I mean, I do tend to fall into whatever ship can provide me the most ao3 tag content,and MegaOp has an unfair advantage in that canon is obsessed with their relationship and it is BASICALLY Erik Lensherr/Charles Xavier in giant robot form.  Right down to the “enemies AND lovers;” “tragic backstory oppressed villain vs. status quo hero; Problematic Marginalized Metaphors (TM); ‘old friend,’” etc etc.  Alas for the Ratchet/Optimus takiki fixation that never was, but APPARENTLY Cherik never left my heart and I just keep going back!!!
And ngl I feel a little guilty saying I’m a McKirk shipper, because McKirk is one of those ships where it’s “my fave character + the person I think they have the most chemistry with,” my fave character being Bones.  And because Bones is my favorite character, I have of course an overwhelming desire to see him get whumped as much as possible :))))). So I started shipping McKirk honestly...through the mirrorverse fics I found more than through the usual Academy era fluff that seems to be the bulk of the fandom?  And to this day I still prefer fics where Bones is the focus, where there is more of a focus on his Tragic Backstory Angst (TM), and where Bones is the one tied up in pining anxious self-sacrificing knots over Jim instead of the other way round. 
Which makes it even more strange for TF fandom analogues, because MEGATRON is definitely my fave half of the MegaOp ship, and it still feels weird just typing those words out.  And my mostest favoritest Ratchet fic (of the few I have read) is one that ships Ratchet with MEGATRON in a weird roundabout way, WHICH STILL FEELS WEIRD TO ME TO TYPE OUT!!!!
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darkcybertron · 6 years
mtmte b99 au bc i said so
both series are avid supporters of dumbass rights so here we go
first there’s hot rod of nyon, otherwise known as his self given name “rodimus prime” that everyone refused to call him until it eventually caught on
came from a poor house in nyon’s slums and became a cop due to a scandal with corrupt government officials siphoning money from his town’s citizens and secretely murdering them...a couple of accidents later and both of his parents have been killed, he feels personally responsible and the rest is history
then comes minimus ambus, a detective working hard to become captain one day...he’s insanely organized and has plenty of binders and things that rodimus teases him relentlessly abt (secretly roddy is growing a crush on him but don’t tell)
there’s the precinct badass named cyclonus of tetrahex. nobody knows anything about him other than he has a mysterious bf who’s really sweet and when cyc is on the phone with him he melts...he will stab u if u say anything tho
drift of rodion is the loving husband & sergeant who actually has a criminal past and used to be addicted to drugs, more on that later. he’s married to a grumpy mech named ratchet who the rod squad sometimes sees out on the field as a paramedic
& once they had to investigate a case with a crazy medic named pharma who was actually killing his patients and almost killed ratchet, drift was so pissed and worried it was a nightmare
OF COURSE there’s nightbeat...he doesn’t strictly fit the role of charles but he’s one of rodimus’s most trusted friends, he’s smart and cunning and was accidentally sucked into a rogue fbi investigation and had illegal drugs tested on him that he became unwillingly dependent on. in a craze he trapped rodimus, cyclonus, and a few other detectives from the gorlam precinct (optimus and hardhead) and rodimus was the one who ended up saving him
sunstreaker is their receptionist, he and his brother sideswipe were childhood friends with roddy, roddy got him a job at the precinct. he’s crazy arrogant and he likes dancing, he never gets off his phone but has actually been through some shit as a kid (he ends up dating nightbeats hot cousin skids nd everyone is so in awe)
captain megatron is a man that has immediately feared as soon as he steps into the precinct. when he’s announced as the new captain rodimus immediately faints. he used to be the leader of an entire precinct of disguised dirty cops who secretely hated the way the justice system worked. he fought to change that but eventually his precinct became a hive of crime, murder, drugs, and police brutality
cybertron’s shitty court system chooses to reform him by placing him as the Lost Light Precinct’s captain through a loophole in the system (mayor starscream is at the testimony and hates megatron’s guts)
drift was also a part of the dirty cop precinct but he was poor and roped into it by drug use and saved from human trafficking & hate crimes by megatron...he was pardoned after some hard work on rodimus’s part and a thing called the regeneration act
megatron eventually grows on the squad and when deputy chief prowl tries his hardest to throw him in jail they all defend him, again and again
there’s a group trained by megatron called the DJD that’s honestly a terrifying case, megatron and roddy had to go into witness protection because of them
rodimus’s nemesis is this absolute dumb criminal named misfire who’s also part of a group called the scaVENGers, misfire betrays him every single time they work together
cyclonus’s nemesis is this really tall mech named whirl who’s missing an eye, he’s been arrested for like. eight bar fights and twenty counts of theft
rewind from public relations is the widow that minimus’ family still considers one of their own even after dominus’ death, when minimus’ coworker chromedome starts dating him he’s so shocked
also woohoo time for me 2 sprinkle some rodimags in here...
minimus starts dating this detective named tyrest, he’s weirdly obsessed with the law and does some questionable things but minimus doesn’t want to break up w him for fear of hurting his feelings
rodimus is dating hot shot defense attorney thunderclash, someone rodimus loves but their positions don’t work together. he knows they won’t last, they’re fire burns too bright for that and rodimus’s crush on minimus is starting to become a little more intense than he thought, they end up breaking up because of that
minimus and roddy get together and accidentally kill their temporary boss sentinel prime bc he finds them kissing in the closet and he short circuits (you’re not one of those, are you? a sentimental?)
THEN dirty cops getaway and atomizer find out they’re being “sneakily” investigated for secretely attacking cyclonus and tailgate in their home, they set up cyclonus to keep him quiet in jail but roddy happens to come along as well
thunderclash is getaway’s defense attorney and he cries as rodimus is sent out of the courtroom in handcuffs
they spend months in jail until the rest of the squad gets them out, getaway’s entire precinct is arrested and undercover agent first aid and his team are transferred back to the lost light along with clueless beat cop riptide
the precinct is being faced with a shutdown and that’s when nightbeat and roddy dig up one of their oldest cold cases: the disappearance of this church group
minimus: “what’s the church group called”
rodimus: “nightbeat, give me my sunglasses, they’re called the”
[rips off sunglasses]
“the knights of cybertron!”
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