#gertrud copplepot
pastxl-ghxst · 2 months
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Some gotham doodles from my sketchbook, bon appetit
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I refuse to believe that Oswald can’t speak, or at the very least understand, Hungarian. You’re telling me Gertrude, Gertrude Kapleput, didn’t teach her son her native language? There’s no way. She would teach him, if for no other reason than being able to talk shit about others in Hungarian
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
I have a lot of Oswald headcannons involving catholicism and he are some:
- He read the bible pretty young and he loved the old testament the most. He was fascinated with the tales of revenge and just retribution and really wanted god to send a bear or a plague against his bullers.
- He started to get disapointed with god at twelve after realizing god was not doing much to help his family even tho they were faithfull followers. He ploted his own revenge against his bullers (he pushed one of them down stairs and sucefully blamed the other) and promissed to not be tricked or subjegated by no one not even god. It was when his hate for all authorities except his mother started.
- He went to a catholic school and the opnion of the nuns on him were very divided some though he was a perfect little angel and others (specially the ones that saw he playing with animal corpses) though he was possed by the devil. Gertrude only heard the first ones.
- At first Gertrude wanted him to be a priest and considered his lack of romantic or sexual interest as a teenager as a sing of god that this was truly his path. A part of her still hopes he becames a priest one of this days but the other is glad she didn't lost him to the congregation.
- Sixteen year old Ozzy was very annoyed over the fact he had to knee in front of the bishop during his confirmation but he still did the ceremony because it would make his mother happy. He also growled at the bishop when he puted a hand in his shoulder to start the jurament.
- Deep down he is still afraid of his certain destiny in hell (If hell existis he is going there). He tries to bring up the subject with Edward but gives up because Ed would think his though funny and just say that hell isn't a thing.
- Since Falcone was not only raised catholic but was still religous even though he was a criminal Oswald though a lot about asking to him about hell but never felt confortable enough.
- He sometimes absent mind prays in hungarian when stressed.
- Depending on how young he started working for Fish I can imagine he asking her to be his goodmother for the confirmation since he doesn't really know people. (I can't decided if she accepted it or not)
- He always lied in his confessions because he was afraid the priest would tell the things he said to his mother. Except once they went to a church founded trip with school and since the priest was of a different congregation he felt free to confess. The priest was deeply disturbed and took sabatical days to reflect on life after it.
- He still has Gertrude cross and bibble and Mary statues preserved in a room in the masion. He actually made the room one day when he had forgotten she was dead and decided she would be happy if he made a prayer room to show he didn't gave up on religion even tho they weren't going to mass together anymore. When he realized she was dead and he just spend a hour doing a shrine for a god he doesn't really belive he was devastated.
- He used to lie to his mother about being the perfect catholic boy. He went to mass to her (not regurlaly - a thing she complained about) during important celebrations and was very polite with the passive agressive chuch ladies asking about his lack of mariage and the rumors of his criminal activities. (He did ruin their lifes later).
- He is afraid of elevators and part of it is because his fear of hell. The idea of it is enough to make him afraid of anything that goes down quickly.
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heddailler · 2 years
Gotham au where everything is the same except penguin is an actual penguin
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cryptid-t33th · 2 years
favorite part of Gotham is how you meet Oswald and he's like shaking with excitement at the prospect of beating someone with a bat and you're like "oh he's a little fucking freak weird" then you meet Gertrud and you're like "ooooooohhhhhhh ok yea"
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yaoiprotagonist · 2 years
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Every single year on Mothers day, international Womens day and Gertrud’s birthday, Oswald posts a picture of her with the caption ‘it’s her day’
This becomes a trend in gotham to mock him. he can’t decide if it’s good (because his mother is getting recognised) or bad (he is being made fun of.)
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jokersbabe27 · 4 years
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victoria-paint · 5 years
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“Te extraño!”
( Feliz día mamá, te quiere mucho Oswald) 
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"Finders keepers!”
“Welcome Back, Jim Gordon” (”Gotham”) Icons!
LIKE OR REBLOG IF YOU USE // credit is not required but appreciated
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seaboundcanine · 5 years
Gertrud Kapelput’s Gotham Goulash
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“You have welcomed Oswald into our family with open arms and open hearts.”
“And for that, I am truly blessed.”
Hey guys! I’m so happy that my Snufkin Soup post took off I decided to post another ‘fandom recipe’ that you guys might like! This time I’m not translating from a source specifically made for the media but instead combining some recipes and what I know of the character to try and make a specific (and cheap) dish Momma Gertrud would be proud of. :3 Hopefully you all will get a kick out of it or at least find a good base to make your own spin on a Kapelput Family recipe.
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First up, you gather your ingredients!
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4 or so tablespoons olive oil I just poured because my cast iron was a little scant on seasoning and needed to be reseasoned before I added the meat but I’d say around 3-4 would be good since it’s cooking on high heat. 2 1/2 lbs beef chuck I got mine precut because it was easier/cheaper but you HAVE to make sure it’s a beef chuck or similarly tough cut. You need tough, cheap meats for this recipe or all you’ll get is a weird meat goo. 2 sweet Vidalia onions, chopped 6 cloves garlic, finely chopped 3 1/2 tbsp Hungarian paprika. I used sweet because I can’t picture Gertrud being big on burn and it and the caraway are the central spice of the dish. It does HAVE to be Hungarian paprika though, this is a Kapelpot family recipe, not a Dorrance one! None of that Spanish stuff!  3 tsp caraway seeds, ground. I bought mine whole and ground them myself because it’s only 99 cents from the store near my work but preground is fine! With age comes the understanding that a mortar and pestle are a got’dang hassle after all.  1 1/2 teaspoons oregano I used dried but if you want to use fresh, go for it! Just maybe add a bit more, probably closer to 2 and a half. :3 1-2 1/2 teaspoons dark brown sugar 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 4 cups beef broth 4 bay leaves 1 small can tomato sauce (around 8 ounces) You can leave this out for accuracy but I find it adds a nice undertaste. 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper 
I used cast iron for this recipe as Gertrud was ‘taken care of’ but not exactly wealthy and cast iron is a great way to add iron to your dish. :) You can also make it in a dutch oven though! I also avoided using carrots or the like in the goulash itself, as Oswald served it with carrots and it seemed silly to do so if they were already in the dish.
1. Start by heating the oil on high heat, adding the meat only when the oil is hot and stirring it ‘til it browns, adding your salt and pepper. Remember, this is Gotham, so you can’t just throw away all that liquid that the meat releases, it’s wasteful. Let it evaporate on its own as you continue to cook.
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2. Once the meat is mostly browned, add the onions. Let them cook in the juices, adding the garlic after about one minute. Cook together for around 4-5 minutes or until the onions start to become translucent. The liquid from the meat should prevent the garlic from burning but if you’re concerned you can add the garlic closer to the three minute mark.
3. Add your spices and brown sugar! Stir quickly, turn heat down to medium and stir for around 30 seconds to one minute, depending on your cookware (cast iron maintains heat like a sonuvabitch so mine didn’t need long)
4. Add tomato sauce and stir for around 30 seconds before adding beef broth. Stir and add balsamic vinegar. Stir again and turn heat to medium-high until it’s brought to a healthy boil.
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5. Once the dish is boiling, turn the heat down to low and allow to simmer, covered, for between two to three hours depending on desired thickness. By the hour thirty mark the meat should be starting to pull apart easily with a fork. 
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5.5. This isn’t typically a dish you eat on its own so, while your meat simmers away I recommend starting on whatever it is you’d like to have with it! I followed Oswald’s lead and made mashed potatoes with roasted carrots and broccoli. Quick, cheap, easy. Like one of those hussy types Gertrud was always worried about~ 
6. Remove from heat once sauce reaches desired thickness and texture and add salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy over mashed potatoes or, if you’re feeling something less labor intensive, the pasta of your choice! If you want it more labor intensive you can serve it with the roasted joint of your wicked step siblings! 
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This recipe is ideal for hearty meal after a long day ruling the criminal underworld OR a cold night spent with your step mother or your nerdy boyfriend best friend!
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You truly cannot go wrong~
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stanmaddenbatey · 5 years
Oswald to Theo: This is for my mother.
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lynestvstoriesblr · 6 years
THE SAGA OF ELIJAH AND GERTRUD-PARELL LIVES Running out of steam! Need feedback!!! Chapter 7 Part A-A Whole Year
“We need to talk.”
Frederick Van Dahl looked up from his desk to see his son, Elijah, in the doorway. His arms were crossed and Elijah was frowning. Clearly, his son was in a bad mood, then again, so was he.
“Well, look who’s finally out of his room!”  Frederick announced. "I want you to know that you missed a lot last night. The party, your engagement.”
“You mean, that engagement that you tried to force on me” Elijah said, coming forward, “twice.”
Frederick waved his hand dismissively. “But did you really have to embarrass me? I mean, you saw the news van.”
“And who told you to invite them?” Elijah shot back.
Frederick let out a breath. “I thought you wanted to get married.”
Elijah scoffed. “Not to Constance, I don’t! Don’t even pretend I haven’t been crystal clear on that.”
“What is so wrong with Constance?”
“Among other things, I’m not in love with her.”
“Well, I can't leave these things up to you, can I? You’ve proven that your taste in women is sorely lacking.”
“My taste in women is just fine!” Snapped an enraged Elijah.
They were going in circles.  Frederick brought his forehead to his palm. “Enough! Is this what you wanted to talk about?”
“No.” Elijah slammed something on the desk. “First, here’s the master key. But I really came to talk to you about this.” He held up a folder.
“What is that?” Frederick asked.
“The employee folder of Gertrud Kapelput.”
Frederick shrugged. “So what? As I recall, I tried to show you that same file once before and you weren’t the least bit interested.”
“Yes, but I think it’s been updated since." Elijah opened the folder on the desk, flipped it to the very last page and pointed. "There's a check in here, addressed to Gertrud, for half     a million dollars. You can also see due to that big red stamp that the check was cancelled and never cashed.   Under that is lease for an apartment in the fanciest part of the city. This morning I called the landlord to that building and surprise, surprise, the young lady, a blonde no less, that he had been expecting 9 months ago for this exact unit never showed up.” Elijah slammed the folder closed. "You lied to me, Father!” he hissed. “You told me that Gertrud took money  from you when she left, she never took a dime from you.”  Elijah took a walk, turning his back to his father before Frederick could see the tears forming. Yet Elijah was far too angry to let him off the hook.  When he retained his compure Elijah turned back. “When I think of all those times when I pleaded with you and Mother, begged you to tell me where she was, you couldn’t because you have no idea where she is.”
“Admit it!”  he yelled.
Frederick grew annoyed. “Fine! I admit it. I don't know where she is, nor do I care. Neither should you.”
Elijah’s jaw dropped open. "Of course, I care. I miss her so much that sometimes I feel like I’m going mad! Besides, now that I’ve proven that Gertrud isn’t a gold digger, why do you object so much?”
“Ms. Kapelput simply doesn’t belong here.”
“Shouldn’t   that be my decision?"
“No.” Frederick   said shortly. “It shouldn't.”
Elijah sighed. “I don’t understand. You want  me to get married but you sent away the only woman I would marry.”
“Elijah, you need to grow up and accepted the fact that we don’t always get what we want. I, for one, always wanted a son.”
Elijah blinked. “Have you gone mad?! You have a son, me.”
“No, you are my male child, my heir, not my son and trust me, there’s a difference. My son would’ve been strong enough to go to school as child. My son wouldn’t be on bed rest all the time.          My son would know which women deserves respect.”
“All women deserve respect!”
Frederick chuckled cruelly. “Such an Elijah thing to say.”
“So, you resent me, because I have a heart condition and I’m not like you? Well, guess what, I’m proud I’m not like you! You're a mean, cruel old man with no regard for no one but himself!” Elijah turned and started to walk away.
“Where are you going?” Frederick demanded.
“Back to my room. This conversation has suddenly made me very, very ill.”
Gertrud held her earring up to the light. “Look Oswald, look at the diamond! Okay, so it’s   not a real diamond but it sparkles all the same. Like a star! Doesn't that make you want to smile?”  Gertrud was kneeling before her son, who lay on a blanket on the   floor as she studied him. His eyes seemed unnaturally focused on the light, Oswald’s small legs and arms were going everywhere, but Gertrud wasn't getting what she truly wanted. The baby wasn’t smiling.
“Come on Oswald, don’t you want to smile for Mama? Don’t   you? Don’t you?" She tickled his tummy, but his mouth still did nothing. It was a Saturday night in a mid-November. They were in the apartment next to theirs’, which belonged to Gertrud’s   best friend Sara, who was babysitting tonight because for the 1st time since Oswald’s birth Gertrud  had to   go out alone.
Then Sara appeared in the living room, having just put her twin daughters to bed. “Gertrud, you’re going to be late.”
“I know” the other woman whined “it’s just that... he won't smile."
“He’s still a little young.”
“He’s almost at 7 weeks. All the books say he should start smiling now.”
“You know all those books are just guidelines. All babies develop at their own pace.”
“I know” Gertrud   sighed, scooping up her baby and stood up “I just can't wait for him to smile at me.”
Sara held out her arms as Gertrud gently gave up the baby. “Okay Oswald, Mama has to go to work tonight. I don’t know, Sara, I miss him already."
“Then why did you agree to help your friend Sam cater tonight?” Asked Sara.
“For the same reason I’m    going back to my jobs full-time on Monday. We need the money.”
“Both jobs? Even Queenie's?"
Gertrud frowned. “Why? What’s wrong with Queenie?”
“I heard that she is having trouble with her business lately. Bricks being thrown in her store window and such.”
“Oh dear. I   guess I’ll learn all about it on Monday but for now, I got to go.” Gertrud push her baby’s hair out of his eyes and kissed his cheek. “Bye-bye Liebchen. I’ll miss you. I love you.”
It felt strange to Gertrud, being back at work and not being with Oswald. She was able to spend Sunday, her last full day of freedom with him but all too soon, it was Monday   and Gertrud had to pass Oswald off to a sitter once again. It was hard and stressful to go back to 2 full-time jobs by day and sleep beside a crying infant by night. Sara didn’t see her friend in over 2 weeks. Sara was   just dropping off a pot while she let herself in Gertrud’s apartment. She put the pot on the correct shelves and was just about to sneak out again when she heard crying- and it didn’t sound like the baby.  Sara tiptoed to the bedroom and opened the door to see Gertrud on her bed, sobbing softly.
Sara went to her friend. “Gertrud, are you alright? What’s wrong?”
Gertrud sniffed as she soothed back her hair and looked up. “Where did you come from?”
“I was just returning something and I heard you in here." Sara explained. “Are you okay? Why are you crying?”  Gertrud said nothing so Sara tried again. "Are you tired? Because after going back to both jobs full-time and with no one to help you with the baby at night, it would be perfectly understandable.”
“No, I’m fine.” Said  Gertrud,  but promptly broke down again.
Sara got up and sat on the bed  beside her friend, rubbing her back. “I don’t think so. Care to try again?”
“It’s-it's  Mrs. Roberts" Gertrud squeaked out.
“What?!” Sara  was shocked. Mrs. Roberts was a kindly senior best known for babysitting for most, if not all the  children in the building while their parents worked. Sara had even taken  her girls to her. Without leaving Gertrud, Sara looked toward the crib and craned her neck so she could see Oswald. The  baby  seemed fine, lost in sleep.
“Did she yell at  him? Shake him? Or” Sara gulped. “Do something even worse.
The seriousness of Sara’s question made Gertrud prop herself up on her elbow. “What?  Oh no,  nothing like that.”
“What then?”
“Oswald smiled at her! His first smile  and I missed it!”
Sara really did understand why her friend was upset, truly she did; but she expected Gertrud to say something so much worse that Sara felt so relieved that she began to laugh uncontrollable. In no time at all, Gertrud joined in.
Sara told Gertrud not to worry. That pretty soon Oswald would never stop smiling. Sure enough she was right, and Gertrud became his favorite person to smile at. Yet all the smiling in the world couldn’t ‘t helps the troubles   going on at Queenie’s. Unfortunately, Sara was right about the violent behavior going on at the salon. Only it was much, much worse than any Sara  or Gertrud could ever imanged.  Not only did bricks come soaring through the store window faster than Queenie could replace the glass, most of the bricks had notes attached. Gertrud was able to glance over a shoulder or  2, and read a few  notes. What she saw made  her blush. There were horrible words and slangs in there that Gertrud could never bring herself to write nor say out loud. O me day, a brick came   so close to Gertrud’s head that she could   practically hear the broken wind go pass her ear. Worst was yet to come. Queenie found that someone had spray-painted something awful on the side of her building. Then she came in one morning to find the whole place trashed. So, it  was sad but hardly surpring when not even a full month after Gertrud’s return,   Queenie announced that for everyone’s safety she decided to close the  salon. There were   tears in her eyes when she said  it. Gertrud’s heart went out to her.
Late one night, Gertrud yawned as her shift at the restaurant came to an end. Gertrud usually walked home, but tonight she was so tired, she decided to allow herself the small luxury of taking a taxi. Or at least, that was the plan. But as Gertrud grabbed her purse   and began to feel for her wallet. That’s odd, she normally left it right on top.  She began to feel for it more deeply, still nothing. She emptied the purse completely and turned it inside out, all to the same result, still no wallet.   Gertrud began to panic but then threw her head back when the memory suddenly returned. The last time   she had seen  her wallet was this afternoon when a client  of  the salon asked to see baby pictures of Oswald. It must still be there! Of course, today had to be her last shift at the salon. Gertrud checked her watch.   The cleaning crew could still  be there. Of course, there were no guantrees but Gertrud still had to try. So poor, exhausted Gertrud started the long, long walk  back downtown. Her heart sunk when she got to the salon and all the storefront was dark. Still,   Gertrud had come this far so she decided to try  the door and was overjoyed when it opened. She saw her wallet right on the front desk, as if it was just waiting for her.  as she picked it up, Gertrud heard soft sobbing. She looked up to see lights in the back. She tiptoed   to the back office where someone had her head down on the desk, sobbing like a lost child.
As soon as she heard the other woman’s voice,  Queenie  instantly stopped crying and  sat up  straight.
“Gertrud, what are you doing here so late?”
“I forgot  my wallet. What are you still doing here?”
Queenie could only burst into tears again, so Gertrud rushed in and knelt before her.
“What’s wrong? You can tell me.”
“I don’t know. Opening this place was my dream, now my whole life is a nightmare.” She started to sob for the 3rd time so Gertrud hugged her tightly.   “It’s alright. I’ m with you now.”
Queenie finally took a breath “thank you. This is the worst week of my life. Not only am I  forced to  close my salon   but my landlord threw me out a  week early. Now all I have is a non-fundable plane ticket to Vegas which is a week early and this all happen because" Queenie’s voice died.
“Because you weren’t born a woman.” Gertrud finished quietly.
Queenie’s eyes widened. “You  knew?”
“I suspected. You’re very tall.” Gertrud gave a small smile in her vain attempt at a joke.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
Gertrud studied the floor. “It didn’t seem to  be my place. Personally, I didn’t think it mattered. I mean, you’ve always been so nice to me.”
Queenie placed her hand on Gertrud’s. “I wish there were more  people like you in the world.”
Gertrud smiled once more at her friend before getting serious. “You said your landlord threw you out. Do  you  have someplace to go? Your cousin, Ruth, perhaps?”
Queenie shook her head. “Ruth’s ill at the moment and there’s no  else I can turn to. I don’t even have enough money for a motel.”
“Then you’ll just have to come home with me. I don’t have a couch for you to sleep on because I can’t afford one yet, but I do have one of the comfortable recliner in the world. It goes so far back you’ll swear you are lying down. Of course, I would  offer you my bed but  it’s 3  feet from a 11   week  old who can’t sleep more than  4  hours at a time.”
“Oh no, I couldn’t impose.”
“You’re not imposing, I offered.” Gertrud instated. “What you are doing  is making my  babysitter rich the longer we sit here, talking. So, grab your coat and  let’s go!"
Queenie did as she was told, and Gertrud helped her former boss with   the little luggage she had. On the walk home, Gertrud shared some good news. She had gotten the job as a sous chef her restaurant was offering. This meant a raise in pay and a move to the day shift so Gertrud could spend her nights at home with Oswald.
“Are you okay like this?”  Gertrud asked a half hour later when ahe had taken all the extra pillows and blankets out.
“Yes. Queenie nodded from the  recliner. “Very comfy.”
“Are you sure? I  could see if I  can  find something mattress –like so you could lay down proper.”
Queenie shook her head. “No,  Gertrud. I’m fine, really. Besides, if I really want to, I can just use the kitchen table.”
“O-okay. I guess that will work.”
“Then, it’s agreed. Go to bed,  Gertrud. You look tired.”
The blonde nodded. “All right. Good night.”
Gertrud slumped against her bedroom door as soon as  she closed it. Tonight’s events had unnerved her but she was unsure about what to do about it.  As soon as she heard him, she picked up Oswald.
“Liebchen, promise Mama something. Be good when you grow up, never judge people.”
The baby only cooed and she hugged him close. “Oh thank you."
Despite its unhappy origins, it turned  out to be a good week for all. Queenie proved herself to be an ideal housemate. Oswald took to her  right away so she  babysat while Gertrud finished up her night shifts. The week was so wonderful that Gertrud found herself wishing the week would never end. Yet, all too soon, Gertrud found herself hugged Queenie goodbye at the Gotham airport.
“I’ll write."  Queenie promised. "Again, thank you so much for recusing me when   I was my lowest point.”
Gertrud nodded. “Of course. After all, you did the same for me.”
With  tears in  both their eyes, the 2 women hugged again.
Christmas  Eve.
As Elijah stared up at   the star on the Van Groot’s insanely tall tree that he quietly reflexed how this was easily, the worst Christmas of his entire life.  He sighed as Elijah marlved  how slow time went. Was it only last Christmas that he gave Gertrud that simple gold ring? A silent symbol of their secret union? He wondered, did she wear  it still? No, he reasoned, why should she? How would she attract a new love with his ring  still on her finger? Elijah groaned and shook his head violently. It was his father’s new favorite form of torture to remind him, every damn day, that Gertrud was now free. Free to meet another man. In his father’s words, a stronger man and most definitely, better man. With another sigh, Elijah raised the champagne flute to his lips and took a sip. Of course, Elijah’s father had not given up his old torments either. Case in       point, dragging  him here to the Van Groot’s Christmas Eve bash. Elijah took another drink only to find his glass empty, again. He had been at the party for 2 hours and so far, he had been lucky, Constance hadn’t spotted him yet, but he had to keep moving. So Elijah headed out to the garden, stopping only to pick up a new glass.  2 hours and 3 glasses later, Elijah’s luck ran out. Constance found him in main hall.
“Elijah! There you are! Come dance with me.”
“But I don’t want to dance.” Elijah was slurring his words.
Nevertheless, Constance grabbed his hand and led him to the ballroom. Jingle Bell Rock was playing so they had to dance fast, Elijah didn’t care. It went on for a minute and then Jingle Bell Rock stopped and a new song started. Elijah was so shocked he turned and looked at the DJ. The song currently playing was Le Vie En Rose! Could  this be real? Elijah turned back to Constance and did a double take. Constance had gone; the woman before him now was Gertrud. Afraid she would disappear right before his eyes, he gently tucked a long loose blonde hair beyond her ear. “They’re playing our song.”
Gertrud said nothing, just bit down on her smile. Elijah took her in his arms and they danced together perfectly, just like every time before. It seemed like old  times. As the song died, he twirled her and then brought her  close. “I don’t want  to share you. Let’s  go somewhere we can be alone.” Gertrud smiled at him and before  he knew it, they were going upstairs. As  soon as they ducked  into a second story bedroom-Elijah assumed it was his-he began kissing her passionately. They stripped one another’s clothes off and kissed again. Elijah then carried   her to the bed. They rolled around, passionately kissing. Gertrud was on top as she mounted him as he smoothed down her hair. She then took his hand and    began to touch herself with it. She started at her neck and went down her body slowly, starting at her neck, her breasts, her stomach and down, down, down. When she got to the most intimate part of her, Elijah sat up and smashed his lips to hers.   Together, they fell backwards. He rolled   her over and entered her.
She moaned with pleasure. “Oh, Elijah!
“Gertrud. Gertrud!”
She stiffened and then roughly pushed him off of her. “Who the hell is Gertrud?!”
Elijah was shocked when Gertrud’s gold locks turned back and she transformed into Constance. “Constance? Is       that you?!”
“Of course it’s me!” She roared. “Who the hell  did you expect?!”
Elijah could only stare silently as Constance gathered the covers and stalked out of the room.
 Gertrud stirred the pot once more before she set the table. Then she peeked into the playpen, where  Oswald was  gumming his new toys. She smiled. “Are you enjoying your 1st Christmas, Lichen?”  Oswald tried to sit up on his own but he only managed to kick his feet wildly.  Gertrud was distracted  by a knock at the door.
“Merry Christmas!” Sarah and her girls  cheered.
Gertrud hugged them all in turn.  “Merry Christmas!”
It was a fun Christmas afternoon, enjoyed by kids   and adults alike. They exchanged gifts, Gertrud gave Sara a fluffy new robe and  the girls new dolls. In return, Sara gave Gertrud her favorite bubble bath and an    adorable tiny Santa outfit for Oswald. After the presents were opened and dinner was eaten, Oswald went down for a nap and the girls settled in for a movie, Gertrud and Sara finally got a chance to talk when they were doing the dishes.
“Are you okay?” Gertrud asked “You seem very far away.”
“I wasn’t even going to say anything,” Sara sighed. “but back in November, I heard there was an opening for night guard. I know the odds were against me, they almost never give these jobs to women but the pay and benefits were so great. And right before Christmas break, I was told I got the job.”
Gertrud was confused. “So, what’s the problem?”
Sara sighed again. “The more I thought about it, the worst I felt. I mean, the girls are in school all day and I would work all night meaning I would never see them. Plus, the babysitter informs me that she charges double for the night   shift so there goes most of my raise.”
“Well, I  could watch the girls for you.” Gertrud offered.
Sara  shook her head. “I can’t do that.  You work all day, plus the baby.”
“It’s really no problem.”  Gertrud insisted. “We’ll all be asleep most of the time anyway.”
“Fine. You can keep the girls at night and I’ll babysit Oswald during the day.”
Now it was Gertrud’s turn to sigh.  “That would not be wise. You’ll be tired and want to sleep and Oswald is getting more alert during the day as he gets older.”
“I can’t let you let me save money for babysitting while you don‘t. It’s not fair.”
The 2 women discussed the matter for some time before they reached a comprise.  Gertrud would take the girls at night and Sara, the baby during the day, if she felt up to it. If not, she would hand Oswald to the babysitter,      no shame attached. It wasn’t long after the decision was made that Sara and  her   girls left for the night.     Gertrud stood     in front of her lighted up Christmas, admired the   new baby’s 1st Christmas ball.
“Merry Christmas, Elijah.” She whispered.
  Elijah’s Christmas wish was, of  course, to see Gertrud. All he did get that Christmas morning was a hang over. From the moment he woke up,  Elijah  truly thought his pounding head would explode. Then he heard his door open and heavy footsteps, the next thing he knew Elijah was slapped out of bed. Suddenly,       Elijah was on the floor, looking up into the furious face of Henry Van Groot, Constance’s father. Frederick wasn’t far behind.
“Henry? Jackson said you just forced yourself in. What’s going on?”
Henry looked from the son to the father. “Your son slept with my daughter at the  party last night.”
“But that’s wonderful! Didn’t we always want them together?"
Henry frowned at Frederick. “Yes,” he said slowly. “But I don’t think that was his intention, since he moaned another woman’s name!”
Frederick’s eyes grew wide with shock. “What?! My son would never do that!”
“Oh no? Then   who’s Gertrud?” Henry demanded.
Frederick’s face instantly grew red. “Elijah, tell me you didn’t!”
Elijah said nothing as he climbed back onto his bed. Frederick managed to talk Henry into going downstairs before turning back to his son. “Elijah, what the hell were you thinking?!”
“I don’t know.” Elijah moaned as he laid down pitching his nose between his thumb and forefinger. “I was lonely and drunk. I thought she was Gertrud.”
Frederick was horrified. “Thought she was Gertrud?!”
“Yes. I would have touched her if I was in my right mind.”
Frederick reached down and yanked on the sheet Elijah was on, sending his son crashing to the floor once again.
 “Now, you listen to me, you little idiot” he hissed. “Fix this. Go downstairs and say you’re sorry    
“No!” Elijah snapped. “Am I ashamed and sorry about my behaviour? Very much so.  I didn’t set out to hurt anyone last night, but I am not remotely interested in Constance. If it takes this to finally convince her, well, so be it!”
His father got so mad his face turned beet red. “Then do not come down at all for the rest of the day!” Frederick slammed the door.
 “Merry Christmas to you too.” Elijah muttered as he climbed up on his bed again.
  “Come on. Come on!” Gertrud muttered for   the light to change so she could cross the street. It was mid March and Gertrud had a bad feeling. Sara was doing great at her new job and   their new babysitting arrangement was going good as well. Sara even had a partner now, named Rex. Gertrud met him only once, but once was enough to see how great a guy Rex was and how crazy he was about Sara and the kids. Gertrud once tried to broach the subject, but Sarah told her to drop it, so she did. Anyway, this weekend was Sarah’s 1st weekend off so she took the girls to go visit her mother. Gertrud, as usual, had to work. It was a normal day, or it should have been, but Gertrud just couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. This    morning it took forever to find a babysitter. Gertrud thought her son was too young for daycare, but since she had Sara, it was a moot point but this morning, of course, was different.  Her backup had the flu and her 2nd backup had class but offered up her younger sister, Erin.  Gertrud didn’t know the girl but had little choice. Gertrud’s bad feeling began almost as soon as she left the apartment. She tried to lose the feeling by throwing herself into work, but it wouldn’t go away.   She racked her brain trying to remember if she had forgotten something but there was nothing. The fact that she tried and failed to figure out what was wrong all morning drove Gertrud crazy. Finally, by noon, she couldn’t stand it any longer. She waited for the lunch rush to pass then told her boss she       must go home.  When he asked why and she said she wasn’t       sure, Gertrud was nearly laughed out of the restaurant. A kindly co-worker, who was also a mother, told Gertrud she would cover for her. Finally, after a quick thanks, Gertrud rushed home. After being stopped by a maddening slow traffic light, she at last climbed the steps to   her building. Inside, Gertrud heard babies crying and dogs barking, which wasn’t unusual. The hallways were always noisy.  However, Gertrud extremely worried when she realized that the loudest baby screaming came not only on her floor but behind her front door. She tried the knob but found it was locked. The she started knocking. “Erin, it’s me, Gertrud, are you and Oswald alright?” No answer.   “Erin? Open this door!” When there was still no response, Gertrud dug frantically in her bag for her keys and unlocked the door with a shocked grasp. There, on the second-hand sofa Gertrud had acquired just days before at a yard sale, were Erin and some boy making out while Oswald was still screaming but was nowhere in sight.
“Stop this at once!” Gertrud  ordered. It was only then that the 2 teenagers noticed her at all.
“Mrs. Kapelput, we weren’t expecting you this early.”
Gertrud simply wouldn’t have any of it. “Why is my baby screaming at the top  of his lungs?!” She demanded.
The boy wore a goofy  look. “Whoa. A  baby? I thought it was  a fire alarm.” He giggled.
Gertrud’s mouth fell  open. “Are you on drugs?”
“He is, but I’m not.” Erin said, as if it made a difference.
Gertrud would have none of it. She grabbed the knob and pulled the door open. “Get out!”
Both teens seem shamed as with heads  bowed, they stalked to  the door. Then Erin turned in the doorframe. “When do  I get paid?”
Gertrud was almost speechless,  almost. “For this? Never!” Then for the only time in her life she slammed      the door in someone’s face. Meanwhile, Oswald continued screaming.
“Oh, coming Liebchen!” Gertrud called and rushed into the bedroom and     gasped at what she saw. Oswald sat up in his crib, wearing the same jammies he was in when she left, only it was now dirty. His cheeks were ruby red and was stained with tears as he continued to scream    bloody murder. Gertrud could smell the stench from the doorframe.
“It’s okay now Oswald, Mama’s here.” Despite her  upbeat voice, Gertrud’s heart dropped as she reached  for   the baby, everything felt wet. She lifted her son and saw his diaper sagging  low. She kissed his brow and felt tears in her eyes. His hair was   wet and reeked of urine. Clearly, Oswald needed  a bath ASAP. She rushed to the changing table where she took off the onesie, got rid of the much too loaded diaper and wrapped him in a big, fluffy      towel while Oswald continued to cry and fuss. A bath almost always cheered him, but he remained cranky while Gertrud washed him and gave him a new diaper and clothed him. She rocked/bounced him  as she walked out of the bedroom.
“What’s wrong, Liebchen?” Gertrud had a feeling she knew but prayed she was wrong. Yet she was proved right as soon as she opened the fridge. Before work, she had prepared 6  bottles, and now she saw that all 6 were exactly where she left them. Gertrud could feel her blood  boil. Erin had neglected   Oswald all morning! Gertrud rushed to make sure her front door was locked before she unbuttoned her dress and let Oswald suckled greedily at her breast.
“My poor baby, you must be starving!”
As Gertrud feed her son, she called work and balancing the phone between her ear and shoulder , explained why she couldn’t come   back in today. The co-worker was covering for her answered and  said  it was a slow afternoon and it  was no problem. Gertrud felt very grateful. After she hung up, Gertrud casted a guiltily look to her bedroom. That dirty crib had to be changed. While Oswald still fed, Gertrud got up and went to the closet. She grabbed the correct linens and returned to the bedroom. Oswald cried out in protest when his mother sat him in his car seat which rested on the floor.
“Don’t worry Liebchen, I know you’re still hungry” she assured him as she buckled him  in “but Mama needs 2 hands to change your bed.”
In an effort to quiet him, Gertrud gently rocked the car seat with her foot. At the same time, she stripped the crib of all its sheets and blankets   and replaced them with fresh,  clean new ones. She put the dirty things in a laundry bag and brought it to the door. Then she picked up the baby, who was still fussy. She sat on the rocker to finish feeding and burping him. Yet, Oswald still seemed uncomfortable.
 Gertrud looked down at him. “I’ve changed you, bathe you, fed you and put you in fresh, new and warm clothes. What else could be wrong?” Then an idea struck. “Is it your teeth, Liebchen? Are they bothering you?”
 Oswald’s teeth had begun  to come in  last month. So far the pain had not been kind to him.  Knowing that had to be it, Gertrud went to the fridge and got out a cold teething ring. Oswald immediately stuck it in his mouth. Mother and son returned to the bedroom. Gertrud grabbed a baby blanket and loosely wrapped Oswald in it. Settling in back in the rocking chair, Gertrud noticed that the baby’s arms and legs were loosening.  Oswald was finally starting to relax.
 Gertrud held her son closer to her. “I’m so sorry Liebchen. I’ll never leave you with a sitter  I don’t know again, Mama promises.”
 Gertrud kissed him and pushed  off with her foot to start rocking at a steady pace. Soon, she was singing Oswald’s favourite lullaby:
The fire has gone  out, wet from snow above;
But nothing will warm me more than my, my mother’s love;
I light anther candle, dry the tears from my face;
Nothing can protect me more than my mother’s warm embrace;
The path ahead is dark, so dark I cannot see;
But I will not fear, cause my mother looks over me.
She sung the song twice. Yet, she must have fallen asleep during the 2nd round. For the next think she knew, her eyes were blinking open and her head was resting against the baseboard. Gertrud looked down to see that Oswald was also sound asleep. The teething ring had fallen out of Oswald’s mouth and into her lap. She took it and put it on the night stand before she stood up. Gently, as if not to wake him, she lowered the baby slowly in the crib removing her arms only at the very last moment. She smiled when her son stirred but did not awaken. Gertrud gave a moan of pleasure when she finally took off the shoes, she’d been wearing them all day. After unfolding the blanket, she always kept across her bed, she laid down and joined her son in     sleep. The kitchen window was left half open    so Gertrud could hear the children in the alley when school let out. It woke her up. Gertrud got up and made dinner. Where she checked on Oswald and found him awake, she placed him in his high chair and fed him.  After dinner, she         let him crawl around in front of while she sat on the couch with a calendar to fill inher work hours. Gertrud bit her lip and her eyes watered as she realised today’s date. Aside from the museum gala, it had been 1 whole year since she had seen Elijah. Scooping Oswald up, Gertrud held their son tightly to her.
 “What is it, boy?! Why are you   leering at me?!” Demanded an annoyed   Frederick.
Elijah looked up from his work. “Do you know what today is?”
Frederick shrugged. “Thursday?” he guessed   dismissively.
Elijah sighed. “Not quite. Today is the 1-year anniversary of the day you tore me and Gertrud apart.”
Frederick sighed. “We’re not going to talk about her again, are we?”
“Why? Are you ashamed of what you’ve done?”
“Why would I be ashamed?” Frederick chuckled cruelly. “I consider getting rid of that little tramp   one of the   finest things I’ve ever done. Besides, you’re better of without her.”
Elijah frowned. “You have been telling me that for an entire year! I’m   not better off, and I’m not over her. Sometimes, I think I’m dying without her!
“Don’t be so dramatic, Elijah, besides it’s your fault you’re miserable. Just let go of the memories.”
“I can’t let go of my memories! They all I have left! But how would you know? You’ll need a soul to understand!” Elijah then left and went up to his room, ignoring his father’s comments. “You’ll change your mind soon. It’s not liked your love is written in stone.”
Once he shut the door, he slid down the wall and sobbed in utter despair. He stayed in his room   for the rest of the day. After he got undressed and laid on the bed, reaching under the pillow for Gertrud’s picture.
 “Oh, my love. I swear if I knew where you are tonight, I would run out of this house and right into your arms.”
Elijah had a fitful night. He tossed and turned until he finally fell asleep. It was still night when Elijah awoke, but he was shockingly on   his feet. At some point, he had left his bed and went up the tower room, the site of Gertrud’s old bedroom. He shook his head and sighed. He was sleepwalking again. The room was cold, so Elijah reached down for the small rug next to the bed and wore it like a blanket around his shoulders. Then he laid on the bare mattress and fell into another restless sleep. Elijah awoke at dawn and while he watched the sunrise, he got an idea. Suddenly he rushed out of the house. He hurried out the gardens. Popping into the woodshed in search of a carving tool. He journeyed on to the old willow tree, under which he and Gertrud took their wedding vows, all those years ago. Elijah was about to start at the high top of the tree bark but then stopped. What if his father saw this? It was highly unlikely his father would take down this beautiful, centuries old tree just to spite him but Elijah was taking no chances. He had to make sure no one else saw this message. Paying no mind to the cold morning drew, Elijah soon lay on his stomach in the grass and was now face to face with the bottom of the trunk. The actual   carving was hard and took longer than he thought. Finally, after a hour and an half in the dim morning light, he  was finished. He stood back to admire his work. It read: ELIJAH + GERTRUD FOREVER within  a heart. Elijah smiled. His father was right; his love for Gertrud wasn’t written in stone but now, it was now embedded forever in wood.
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Gotham is, in a whole host of creative ways, a mess. That is a fact.
But I will go to my grave praising the decision to cast Paul Reubens and Carol Kane as Oswald’s parents.
The perfection of those two? *chef’s kiss*
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Is it cannon that Gertrude is catholic (and by consequence that Oswald was raised catholic) or people just assumed it because she is hungarian and I was tricked by headcannon?
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luxlestrange · 6 years
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She’d say „nothing‘s impossible, child“...
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“You’re just a little sinner like the rest of us.”
“Selina Kyle” (”Gotham”) Icons!
LIKE OR REBLOG IF YOU USE // credit is not required but appreciated
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