#gerry durrell
golyadkin · 1 year
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Yeah you can borrow his camera but he's making sure it gets back in one piece
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grinchwrapsupreme · 1 year
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Big fan of the trope where there’s a big enough age gap between the oldest and the youngest sibling that the youngest sees their oldest sibling as a second parent. It’s a bonus if there’s a whole storyline where they’re all being raised by one parent due to a dead or absent partner so the oldest steps up to help a lot. I love when it shows a lot of angst but it’s brilliant when it’s used in comedy.
Please recommend any shows, movies, games or books with this trope if you can please!
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okay. here. my solemn and restrained top 12 list, to follow up yesterday's ... four polls. (i'm fine!)
disclaimer: i took louisa durrell off because i felt like no one watches the durrells and therefore no one would vote for her, and therefore i could include susie myerson my beloved, but i want you to know that louisa durrell is still essential to my happiness and a deep forever fave. it's the number of options you can have on a poll that is wrong.
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primadonalover · 22 days
Come away with me
Summary: When the Durrels decide to leave England for the wonders of Corfu, Larry immediately knows who he must bring along.
Requested by anonymous
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A few months earlier
The rain spat violently against the hardened glass of y/ns bedroom, just another typical day in dreary England, not even a glimer of sun in sight.
The girl sat cuddled amongst her beds blankets, silently reading Frankenstien. Enjoying the comfort of her own presence, although couldn't help feeling that someone was missing beside her.
The sudden sounds of a commotion from downstairs didn't give her any rise or fall in emotions. She was used to it. The shouting, the fighting, often directed at her. Only after a minute she noticed this wasn't the usual screaming match as this time, what followed after the shouts were what sounded to be a pair of feet running upstairs.
Before y/n even had any time to process what was going on, the door flew open, and Larry appeared with his typical grin plastered on his face.
"Why hello." He smiled shutting the door behind him, throwing his hat at the coat rack.
"Did you know that your parents don't like me very much?." He laughed, flopping down on the bed next to y/n, wrapping and arm around her waist, causing her to chuckle.
"Yea I kinda guessed that from when they first met you and you told them you wanted to quit your job to become a writer."
"Honesty is the only policy my dear" He spoke holding up a finger to her.
"Yea well there's honesty and then there's you Larry." She chuckled, going back to her reading.
Larry leaned over, his head resting on her should.
"I've read this a thousand times" He mumbled ad she tried to hold her concentration. They proved to be difficult as the boy on her shoulder kept talking over her reading, clearly restless.
Finally after alot of fidgeting Larry spoke up.
"Speaking of honesty...."
"What did you do?" Y/n smirked sitting up.
"Well , now don't get annoyed." He began standing up.
"Oh no this is bad, your doing a speech."
"Well you see.....the thing is....my mother has made a rather....major decision."
"And the decision was prompted by me, the first time she's actually taken my advice actually and-"
"Larry! Concentrate !"
"Right yes sorry uh where was I?"
"Big family decision."
"Right thank you. Yes the decision. The decision is you see ....that.... we're moving."
"Oh, moving where?"
"Yes well that's the thing, we're moving quite...far away."
"Well how far, Scotland?"
"No, further."
"Futher ?! How further Larry?!"
"Corfu." He said shoving his hands deep into his trouser pockets.
Y/n stood up, he eyes wide.
"Corfu?!" He nodded nervously as y/n walked up to him.
"As in Greece Corfu!? Another country?! In Europe!?"
"Your gonna leave me! Alone! With my parents!?"
"Now just listen-"
"Listen!? Larry you said we were going to get married! You said you loved me! You said I inspired your writing and-"
"I want you to come with me y/n." He interupted, clutching her by her arms.
Y/n couldn't help but smile with excitement.
"Yes! Your really the only one I can stand in my family, and I love you more than anything!"
"Your not so bad yourself ya know." She smiled putting her arms around his neck, the two gently swaying.
"As long as your family are happy with me going aswell."
"Well mother addords you and margo sees you practically as her sister, Leslie can tolerate you like everyone else and Gerry...."
"Gerry is...gerry?" Y/n laughed
"Yes gerry is gerry." Larry repeated chuckling.
"This is so exciting." Y/n spoke giving him a quick kiss. "You'll finally be able to quit that boring job and write!"
"See this is why I love you so much!" He smirked before going in for a deep and passionate kiss with y/n running her hands through his hair.
Larry pulled away gently to give them a breath but swiftly began to pepper light kisses across her jaw down to her neck.
"Larry my parents. " She squeaked laughing, trying to push him away, which resulted in him making his frowny face, giving her puppy eyes.
"Fine come here, but just be quiet mister."
"I make no promises ." He stated before quickly picking her up around his waist.
Present time
Tap tap tap tap tap tap
Y/n woke up to once again the sound of commotion about the house , though this time it was different. She felt the sun's heat cascade onto her skin as she lay across the bed gazing at her boyfriend who so busy tip taping on his typewriter, not even stopping for a breath.
"Sounds like you've got some good ideas going." She spoke in yawn, getting up and walking over him.
"Can't talk, busy writing." He mumbled taking another puf of his cigarette only to have y/n snatch it from his hand, putting it to her own lips, with Larry glancing up at her.
"Go, your distracting me." He mumbled as he felt himself being pulled away from his writing already.
"Aw poor baby." Y/n teased softy grabbing his jaw, bringing his lips to hers. After a few seconds of indulging in the kiss, Larry pulled away
"No goooo, I need to write."
"Fine fine." She giggled leaving with his dressing gown around her.
"Morning y/n." Mrs Durrell smiled as she arranged some flowers in the kitchen whilst Margo sat at the table reading some kind of fashion magazine.
"Morning all." She smiled taking a seat next to Margo "So what's today's top read Margo?"
"Today's Modern Women." She replied handing it to her.
"Sounds scandalously progressive." Y/n smirked whilst taking a read.
"I'm hoping it'll tell me how to find a man." Margo huffed palcing her head in her band.
"You don't a man Margo." Y/n laughed as she got up to help with the dishes.
"Well, that's easy for you to say. You have a one already."
"I do, although HE DOESNT SEEM TO WANT TO GIVE ME ANY ATTENTION THIS MORNING!" She shouted, making sure Larry could hear her over the sound of the typewriter.
"YOUR A BLOODY PAIN!" He shouted back at her causing the girls to laugh.
"Morning all." Leslsi walked in, gun in hand and a rabbit in another. "How'd everyone sleep."
"Didn't get much sleep if ya know what I mean." Y/n winked
"Stop! I do not want to hear about that. " He raised his voice before storming out.
"Do you hear that?" Margo stated, looking around the room.
"Hear what darling?" Mrs Durrel asked
"Yea I don't hear anything." Y/n agreed.
"Exactly, it's silent, no typing."
Before anyone could say anything else, the sound of Larry rushing down the stairs became evident to all in the household.
"It's finished! I've finished it!"
He ran in, clutching a bunch of papers.
"My first short story, I've finished it!"
Y/n coudnt help but smile at how excited Larry looked, she always loved seeing him passionate about the things he loved.
"I'm so proud of you darling." She rushed over to him, giving him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Good, and you should be because I've had to put up with a lot of distractions from you." He chuckled only to resieve a stern look.
"Ooo I know that stare to well." Mrs Durrel chuckled
"NOT that I didn't enjoy those distractions." Larry spoke hurriedly, trying to save himself.
"Darling, I'm just messing with you "
"Oh yes of course." He laughed nervously "Now back to me and my writing."
"Urggh tell it to someone who cares." Margo huffed, getting up.
"You think I want to read that filth." Leslie scoffed from the other room.
Larry turned to his mother only to find her gone and busy cleaning some other part of the house.
"Ah Gerry -"
"No larry he's to young." Y/n laughed pulling him back from trying to find his very his little brother.
Larry looked down, she could tell he was disappointed no one wanted to read it, but his family did often overlook his creative skills.
"Hey, larry ? Look at me? Laryy-"
"I'm going for a walk?" He muttered pushing past her, grabbing his hat and headed out.
Y/n just huffed, she tries to be as supportive of his writing as she could be but it wasn't a messy when the rest of his family seemed to barely care
"Oh what's the matter with him?" Mrs Durrel commented as she saw larry leaving.
"No one seemed to care about his writing! "
"Oh but we do care! We just struggle to understand what it is he's writing about."
"Well please try harder. I'm going to find him." Y/n stated heading out to find the saddened writer.
"Larry! " She called looking around
"I think he's sat down at the beach." Gerry called from up a tree startling y/n.
"Thanks ." She waved back before heading down to the cove, seeing her boyfriend sat on the sand looking grumpy.
"Hey." She said in a cheery way and placing herself next to him, stealing his hat for her own head. Larry just rolled his eyes, trying hide his smile.
"That hats to big for you ya know." He commented trying to sound serious
"I know, but I like it." She smiled back.
The pair sat in comfortable silence and y/n inched herself closer to Larry, there arms touching.
"And what are you up to missy." He questioned with a snicker.
"You know they care about you " She spoke and noticed how his smile dropped.
"They just struggle showing it."
"I know, I just wish they were interested and excited as I was." He sighed.
"But I am! I think your amazing Larry and so talented, one day you'll be a famous writer."
"You think?"
Y/n was used to thia by now. His family rarely saw this side of larry, self-consciousness, and doubtful. Though she always loved to encourage him.
"I don't think , I know." She smiled giving him a kiss.
"Call me an amazing writer again." Larry smirked
"No you've got enough of an ego as it is." Y/n chuckled going stand up only to have her arm grabbed and pulled back down onto Larry's lap, his arms firmly wrapping around her.
"Is this you holding me hostage." She giggled
"Call me an amazing writer again? Please?" He spoke pulling a pouty face.
"Fineee only if you'll let me go then?" She asked earning a nod from him.
"You Laurence Durrel are an amazing writer.:
"Thank you." He smiled and gently kissed her lips, still latching on tightly to her.
"Now let me go!" Y/n laughed as she tried to wriggle free.
"Uh no I don't think I want to." He smirked and y/n gasped sarcastically.
"The betrayal!"
"Oh, shut up." He laughed, falling back onto the sand with y/n lying on top of him.
"I could get used to this." She whispered gazing into his eyes ,linking her hand in his.
"Well, unless your parents turn up to ship you back home,we've got all the time in the world."
The pair smiled as they cuddled on the sand .
"Young love ." Mrs Durrel smiled looking on.
"Looks pretty gross to me.' Margo snickerd
"STOP! I DO NOT NEED TO SEE THAT!" Leslie yelled down at the two making them laugh.
"Just ignore him." Larry chuckled placing a soft kiss on her head.
"Always do." Y/n responded with a smile
Hello my darlings ♡♡♡
I hope you Durrels fans enjoyed this! Larry is such a great character and deserves a bigger fan base! So please make sure to request!
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Watching The Durrels. Never heard of it before. Aside from some reported subtitles, here are some summarising and random thoughts:
- fuck it all off and go to corfu is a great idea and i applaud Louisa's clearly drunken and immediately regretted decision to uproot their lives in favour of sun and freedom
- bribing a junior priest with fancy cigarettes so you can sunbathe on consecrated rocks: inspired
- Spiros is clearly arse over tit for Louisa
- filing patient notes by height: also inspired. I am really enjoying Margo
- can someone learn Greek? Maybe one person? Literally Leslie went to court for being an arrogant British twerp who ignored his neighbour for speaking Greek instead of English. In 1930s Corfu. Come on. I know it was acknowledged with Florence and some self-deprecating jibes but jesus, Lugaretzia has learned conversational English in 3 months and you can't do beyond greetings.
- I WILL LEARN TO MAKE GIFS I WILL I WILL LEARN BECAUSE THERE NEEDS TO BE A REACTION GIF FOR THE MOST PRECIOUS LITTLE BOY MAN HAVING A REALISATION, ABOUT TO START APPRECIATING HIS MUMMY.. . Leslie Durrel to the obvious 'BAD' UN' mean cons whom he's dossing with: "who peed in my shoes? These were very expensive. We went on a special trip to london to get them. I don't think we can be best friends any more" HONESTLY GOLD.
- Gerry is precious and I want Kosti to be his dad (where did he go?)
- And on that and the Greek thing, so many lovely people help them, all the time. When are the Durrels ever helping anyone else? I want to see Larry typing up English translations of instructions and menus for the guesthouse and bar. I want to see Margo helping a Greek girl cut her hair. I want to see Gerry collecting herbs for the doctor's medicines. Leslie should probably stick to hunting in the woods till he gets over his incel phase.
- "oh, that's Nancy stubbing her toe... ' Gerry, you know all about the copulating and I enjoy you winding up Leslie Vay Mach
- Larry insists on wearing a vest, pants, and silk robe all day and smoking in a hat - I'm here for it he's me
- Sven being gay was handled pretty damn well, and so I'm hoping he and Theo (the very cute, camp, single, kind biologist) shack up and become Gerry's guncles. Sinco Kosti clearly got executed or something. Not that the Durrels care.
- I did NOT like Louisa slashing Sven's accordian, it was a low, dirty, vindictive, needless thing to do. And I hates it waa laughed about by Sven. He said they're his children. I don't really like her now.
- Dennis brightens my day every time.
- But for real, can they try doing some things for others? To integrate? Period-typical social imperialism is what it is. Bah. Probably I'd be more annoyed if they were paratypical protoliberallefties.
- We stan Gerry's pet pelican.
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lifewithaview · 2 years
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The Durrells (2016-2019) Episode #1.1
In 1935 widow Louisa Durrell pulls her bullied youngest son Gerry out of his Bournemouth school and, along with his siblings, would-be writer Larry and rebellious teenagers Margo and Leslie, moves him to Corfu, where Larry's friend Donald lives. Thanks to enterprising local taxi driver they are installed in a - fairly dilapidated - house and whilst the other children annoy the natives Gerry finds a fellow nature enthusiast in doctor Theo. Efforts by her offspring to match-make Louisa with salty ex-sailor Captain Creech are a disaster . On the other hand, she finds Theo perfectly charming.
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sibrownphoto-tumbl · 2 years
On Purple prose
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To a possible reader…
A note to a possible reader. On prose, specifically mine, often the purple variety. 
I make no apology, I love words. I cherish them. I love their variety. I love that old words are refound and ofttimes repurposed, that new words are founded. I cherish the practical magics words create. 
Once I found passage through the wrecking reef shoals of ADHD and dyslexia, the wondrous richness of words became my refuge. When kept away from moorflank or riverbank, whether by school or by overbearing mother, I took sanctuary in books, into a wordworld of the imagination. The library, with the aid of an understanding father and a librarian who turned a knowing eye, and with that eye an occasional suggestion, that library became my portal; Narnia’s wardrobe in Portland stone and oak and brass and compassion. 
And so I grew up in company with, amongst others; Durrell, first Gerry later Larry; with Rebufatt and Whymper; Eyre and the Brontes; Pope and Dryden and Montaigne. Modern times they’re joined, again amongst others, by Macfarlane, Shepherd, Baker, Deakin, Calvino Harris, Pratchett and Gaiman. 
Now, I do consider plain language has it’s value, in court reports, medical records, instruction books and suchlike. 
However, when recalling worlds to mind, or growing worlds in the mind of another. No, not here. When writing the experience of long fell days, for the flickering silvered nacre braids of a dipper bobbed stream: then the wondrous richness of words is where I play. 
There you are dear reader, if you like occasionally florid nature and mountain writing, for to my mind the two are inseparable...
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
Kisses to the anon who suggested an intellectual Ada - what a great headcanon. I know have all many of thoughts. I hope the anon doesn't mind...
Whenever Ollie returns home for the holidays he spends the first day (or two) of his holiday in the family library telling Ada all he has learnt that term; he would rather be out playing but Ollie knows better than to mess with his sister. Ada then devours all of the books he has been studying and tries to make sense of the notes he has taken throughout the year.
She would love to go to school but, as we all know, an education like that was not available for women in that time 😤. Her lessons at home consist of basic arithmetic, grammar and language, dance, music and other "ladylike" pursuits which she has no little to no interest in. And although she adores her family and they would do anything for her, none of them can quite understand her hunger for knowledge. Even Elias, who would happily give his daughter the moon and stars if she asked, cannot comprehend why she wants an education like the one her brother and male cousins receive.
It is only her Uncle Anthony who understands. He is the one who gifts her leather bound books full of formulas and equations, who purchases her subscriptions to science and medical journals, and who takes her to every new exhibit or lecture in London. I like the idea of Anthony nurturing his niece's thirst for knowledge. I like the idea of Anthony being Ada's favourite.
Also a little headcanon I have for Edmund is that he has a particular affinity to animals. Ever since he was little he could be found playing with the dogs, watching lambs jump in the meadow and taking care of any sick animal he found. Their country home has, at one time of another, had donkeys, owls, goats and even a swan hidden away in one of the rooms with Edmund, all big eyed and innocent, insisting that they just followed him. He would essentially be a Doctor Dolittle or (even better!) a Regency Gerry Durrell. Edmund just finds animals fascinating and animals can sense his gentle nature and are instantly attracted to him.
His favourite animal however is a big grey cat named Petal. No-one understands why Edmund named the cat Petal as she's hardly delicate. In fact she was half feral when Edmund found her. She was covered in fleas, had one eye missing, a septic head from a fox bite and a bent tail. She hissed and scratched and bit when Edmund brought her in from the rain, but within a week she was sitting on Edmund's lap and following him everywhere. She has become tolerant of the other family members through the years and will even purr for them on occasion, but it is Edmund she loves. As said she goes everywhere with him.
Omg omg I love it when we all have different takes on hc ideas! ❤
Awww Ollie would be telling her everything he learned back at school! And Ada would be so interested in it! ❤
Oh Anthony supporting that and getting her the education opportunities she wants! ❤ Ada would adore him, and they would be having these conversations about the latest scientific developments for hours! ❤
That Edmund hc is so sweeeeeeeet! 😍 And you're absolutely right, he would love animals! He would be getting so many strays and they would have farm animals INSIDE the house ❤ Just the thought of tiny Edmund feeding a lamb in a room❤
I'm like that meme with "I had Petal for half a day and if anything happened to her..." 😂 She will follow him everywhere! 😍
I love this aaaaaaaaa, thank you so much for this darling! ❤❤❤
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emetophobiahelp · 2 months
The Durrells of Corfu Season 1
S1E2 25:45 when gerry says he has to take the puppy back and swap it, Larry visual and audio and 27:10 some dribbles out of Larry’s mouth after they bring him into the doctor’s house
S1E3 1:51 Louisa is mopping the floor talking to the doctors wife and they pan to show something on the floor, unclear what it is. Shortly after she says “is this bile?”
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grinchwrapsupreme · 1 year
I adore the characterization of Leslie Durrell that he starts off as this angry gun-obsessed 18 year old whose own mother called him a sociopath and in the course of a couple of years you learn that hes this kid whose father died when he was too young and now he will never stop being scared and angry at the world, will never stop trying to defend his family, will learn whole languages just to love more people, and yes hes a spoiled prick with a gun but the second hes offered a better alternative (a way to preserve memories no less) he drops the violence almost completely because at his core hes just scared of losing the people he loves and he wants to keep people around as long as possible
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I’ve been watching The Durrells the show based on Gerald Durrells life in Corfu that he wrote about and I love it!!
I love how despite how much the siblings all argue and make fun of each other it’s clear how much they love each other
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 2 months
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No hay primer mundo | Gerald Durrell
No hay primer mundo | Gerald Durrell
No hay primer mundo y tercer mundo. Solo hay un mundo para todos nosotros para vivir y disfrutar Gerald Durrell [Jamshedpur (Raj Británico, hoy India), 7 de enero de 1925 – Saint Helier (Jersey, Dependencia de la Corona Británica), 30 de enero de 1995] Escritor, naturalista y zoólogo No hay primer mundo | Gerald Durrell Gerald (Gerry) Malcolm Durrell fue un naturalista, conservacionista,…
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trekkiewatt · 9 months
Ancestors of James McCutchan who may have been a close relative of historical persons.
James McCutchan's great grandfather, William McCutchan Sr. William was born in Ireland. William's sister was Elizabeth McJohnstone, also known as Elizabeth McCutchan, their parents were Andrew McCutchan and Margaret Johnstone. She married John Hilliard, and was known in the United States as Elizabeth Hilliard. When she was a little girl, she attended church with her parents. They were friends of the Wesleyan minister,the Reverend John Wesley.
While they were at church one Sunday, Elizabeth wore a bow on her bonnet. Mr Wesley inquired “Is it a bow upon Betty?”, which was taken , Arad McCutchan reflected, as a reproof for undue gaiety in dress.
A note here on another line, the White family appears as an ancestor. We are also related to John Henry William White b 1602 , known as Elder John White. My 10th great grandfather. We thought we were also related to the Reverend John White b 1596- 1684, who was related to the Wesley family by marriage, but no definite connection has been made yet.
On the Ross side of the family, James Rounds was a private in the Massachusetts Continental Army. My 5th great grandfather. His brothers, Mark and Lemuel also served in the Revolutionary War. Lemuel was also reportedly a body guard for General George Washington. It was also reported that there was dissolving of the guards and reinstatement due to a plot which was discovered to kill General George Washington.
A newspaper article which quoted the Court Records of Massachusetts, Vol. 34, page 588, which lists all the men who served together was printed in the Biddeford Weekly Journal published March 17,1916 Biddeford, York County, Maine. (Maine was part of Massachusetts at one time).
The uncle of the Rounds brothers, Theodore Rounds was also listed.
Another relative, John Angus McDonald,b 1727 in Scotland. 1st cousin 8 times removed. The grandson of Lieutenant Joseph Young, had served in the Jacobite Rebellion From 1745 to 1746 and fled to America,then served from 1746- 1776 in the French and Indian War for Great Britain and later in the Revolutionary War.
A relative from the Clay family, Richard Clay Jr. My 6th great grandfather served as a private in Captain John Elden’s Company which marched on April 24, 1775 to Biddeford.
His father, Richard Clay b 1718 (per wikitree) Served in Captain Joseph Woodman's of Narragansett #1 from August 29,1757 to 31 October 1757, 9 weeks and 1 day. Narragansett is now Buxton, Maine.
A relative from the Pennell family. Joseph Pennell Sr. b 1747, grandson of Thomas Pennell and Sarah Durrell, Joseph is my 1st cousin 7 times removed, he served in the Revolutionary War.
A relative of the Lobingier family, Christopher Lobingier Jr. b 1741, My 6th great grandfather, was a delegate to the constitutional convention of Pennsylvania. See Josiah Van Kirk Thompson Journal #25 page 507, dated 1913.
An ancestor of Richard Clay Jr.’ wife, Rachelle Pennell, Sarah Pease was related to the husband of the Sara Pease who was accused of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts.
Sara’s husband was Robert Pease his father was Robert Pease, the same father as his half-sister Sarah Pease,
Sarah Pease was married to John Sampson.
Sara Pease, accused of witchcraft, is the wife of my 9th great uncle.
This next person is a relative of my ancestor William Ross.
Lieutenant Hardy Pierce b 1756 served in Revolutionary War killed at Fort Lee , New Jersey.
See the Biography of Henry Agustus Pierce.
He is related through Thomas Moore, these persons are not in my database.
The next person is from the Garey/Gerry family, James Gerry b 1737 also known as James Garey. He is my 6th great grand uncle. His parents were John Garey and Abigail Thompson. He is the brother of Abigail Sarah Gary who was married to Joseph Rounds.
James served in the Revolutionary War. He Enlisted July 10, 1779.
The next relative is Thomas Abbott or Ensign Thomas Abbott b 1643 was a blacksmith and served in a militia.
There were two others but they were extended so far I could not list the generations.
Benjamin Elwell b 1733
Served in the Revolutionary War under Captain Lane.
His Son John Elwell b 1746
Served as a drummer in the 6th Massachusetts in the Revolutionary War.
As I search for these lines back into Europe I may find more historical figures in Europe.
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missbookiverse · 1 year
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Urlaubslektüre aus den Fünfzigern
Meine Familie und andere Tiere von Gerald Durrell
Erstmals 1956 unter dem Titel My Family & other Animals erschienen. Ins Deutsche übersetzt von Andree Hesse, erschienen bei Piper.
Wie ich auf dieses wahllose Buch aus den Fünfziger Jahren komme? Piper hat es dieses Jahr mit einem so ansprechenden Cover neu herausgebracht, dass ich es im Buchladen entdeckt und spontan zu meiner Urlaubslektüre auserkoren habe. Beste literarische Entscheidung des Sommers!
Episodenhaft schildert der zehnjährige Erzähler wie seine schrullige Familie, bestehend aus verwitweter Mutter und drei älteren Geschwistern, 1935 von England nach Korfu auswandert. Dort entdeckt Protagonist und Erzähler Gerry das Paradies auf Erden, nämlich die kreuchende und fleuchende Flora und Fauna der griechischen Insel. Mit Leidenschaft und Enthusiasmus macht er sich an die Erkundung, Beobachtung und auch das Einfangen von Skorpionen, Käfern, Tauben, Eidechsen, Schildkröten und eigentlich allem, was ihm in die Finger kommt. Immer an seiner Seite: sein treuer Hundebegleiter Roger.
Das Erzählte offenbart sich einerseits in wunderschönen Landschaftsbeschreibungen und ulkigen Verhaltensdokumentationen der Tiere und andererseits im exzentrischen Verhalten von Gerrys Familie. Sein schießwütiger Bruder Leslie, seine modebesessene Schwester Margo, sein anderer Bruder Larry, der versucht Literatur zu Papier zu bringen und die Mutter der Vier, die ständig am Kochen ist und versucht, den Haussegen waagerecht zu halten. Diese skurrile Familie ist für sich allein schon Comedygold, aber wenn sie dann noch mit ihren britischen Ansichten auf die Welt der Korfiot*innen trifft, ist Chaos und Komik vorprogrammiert. Der Entstehungszeit geschuldet, das will ich hier nicht verschweigen, kommt es dabei auch zu rassistischen Äußerungen.
Davon abgesehen ist es aber ein Heidenspaß Gerry, seiner Feldforschung und seiner Familie zu folgen. Ich musste so oft laut lachen beim Lesen und meinem Partner witzige Stellen laut vorlesen. Da gibt es einen Kampf zwischen einem waghalsigen Gecko und einer Gottesanbeterin, freche Elstern (namens “die Eltern”), die mit verstellter Stimme Familienmitglieder beim Namen zurückrufen, wenn diese gerade das Haus verlassen haben; eine Taube, die sich zu fliegen weigert und Taxifahrer Spiro, der alles für die Familie besorgen kann, auch Goldfische, die es auf Korfu gar nicht gibt.
Der Autor Gerald Durrell, 1995 verstorben und seiner Zeit tatsächlich engagierter Naturforscher, schöpft in diesem (im Deutschen als Roman betitelten) Werk aus eigenen Erfahrungen. Er hat einen Großteil seiner Kindheit tatsächlich wie beschrieben auf Korfu verbracht und die Namen seiner Familienmitglieder stimmen überein, auch wenn viele der Erlebnisse sicherlich überspitzt dargestellt und narrativ ausgeschmückt worden sind. Es gibt übrigens noch zwei weitere Bände, über ihre Zeit in Korfu, bisher leider nicht auf Deutsch. Für die einwandfreie Übersetzung dieses Titels ist Andree Hesse verantwortlich. Die Sprache fließt so elegant dahin und Witz und Charme sprühen so mühelos von den Seiten, dass ich diese Leistung ganz besonders hervorheben möchte.
Wenn ihr zu den Glücklichen gehört, die ihren Sommerurlaub noch vor sich haben oder einfach mal wieder richtig gut unterhalten werden wollt, reist unbedingt mit den Durrells nach Korfu!
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