#gerber snacks
agere-pngs · 6 months
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Gerber Baby Puff Snacks
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maple-writes · 20 days
Now that my cousins are at that stage in their lives where most of them are starting to have kids, it means that I get introduced to baby snacks and some of them are really good
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sunfl0werlatte · 1 year
I AM SddIctEd To gErBer bABy pUfFs
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cheezyratz · 1 year
17 ! :3
Uh not a lot. I guess collect plushies/watch kids cartoons ^^
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◜ 🍯𓂃 Little Snacks! ‧ 🧃◞
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People regress to all ages from infancy to young teen years, check out these snacks ideas and if there are any you'd like to try!
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⧼ 1 ⧽ Infancy/baby [0-2]
Yogurt melts teething waifers puff cereal [apple cinnamon ones are my favorite from gerber] puff cheetos dry cereal [as long as its not too sugary!] baby food pouches/apple sause/yogurt pouches finely cut fruit!
⧼ 2 ⧽ Toddlers [2-4]
Soft granola bars apple Sause/yogurt pouches Cheese sticks [string cheese] Crackers/goldfish dry cereal pretzels mini bagels yogurt tubes Graham Crackers Mini ravioli from Gerber
⧼ 3 ⧽ Kiddos [5-9]
Teddy grahams/Scooby snacks Fruit snacks Single serving chip bags Frosted animal cookies trail mix Simple/easy sammiches Fruit slices[apples, oranges]/Whole fruit [berries] Fruit cups veggies and dip Anything you may have eaten during this age!
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18+ Blogs|| AB!DL|| DD!LG|| Over age 26 (27+) || Do not interact
Fact OTD: Sharks do not have bones! They are a special type of fish known as "elasmobranchs", which translates into fish made of cartilaginous tissues
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itsybitsie · 5 months
Agere shopping list!
All ages! drinks, snacks, & meals!
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Gerber puffs
Fruit gummies
Frosted animal cookies
Snack packs/pudding
Jello cups
Apple sauce
Fig newtons
Dried fruit trail mix
Granola bars
Veggie straws
Baby cucumbers
Snack crackers
Celery/baby carrots with dip/peanut butter
Juice boxes
Chocolate milk/strawberry milk
(breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Pizza bites
Kraft mac n cheese
Burger sliders
Chicken nuggets
Scrambled eggs
Buttered noodles
Grilled cheese
Mac attack pizza
Chilli & cornbread
Spaghetti & Meatballs
Let me know if you all have any ideas for the list!!! i hope this helped you figure out what to snack on or eat for dinner while regressed 🩷💜💗remember to prepare your food only when u are big so u dont hurt urself!
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babybluebex · 2 months
happy sad confused | joseph quinn blurb
this is a sequel to off menu that i wrote nearly two years ago to the day (wow time flies jfc i wrote that in my mom's hotel room as i was moving lmao), so if you haven't read that yet, pop on over to that link, it'll take like 3 minutes, it's very short :)
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"Do you have strong food tastes?" Josh asked, and you rolled your eyes with a smile.
As opposed to the last podcast about food that Joe was on, you were present for the recording of this one. You remembered that day two years ago, right as everything was changing for you and your beau, when he had texted you asking if you listened to the Off Menu Podcast, and you had had to break James Acaster and Ed Gambles' hearts. Later, you had bumped into James at the BRIT Awards and were able to apologize for such a betrayal, and he had forgiven you, with the caveat that you did a shot with him (which you unfortunately had to decline, seeing as you were about 35 weeks into the standard pregnancy 40, and James accepted an alternate apology in the form of a hug).
Joe cast you a look from his place on the couch, a mortified smile playing at his lips. You knew he was thinking something like "Not this again", and you scoffed out a laugh. He was so funny sometimes that it made you sick, and you watched as Josh added, "Are you like, cilantro must be burned at the stake?"
Joe laughed. "Of all the herbs to bring up," he giggled. "Just, umm, a few weeks ago, my family was in Italy, all of us, my mum and stepdad and sister, the wife and boy, the whole lot, and, y'know, coriander is big over there— or cilantro, whatever you'd like to call it— and we were trying to convince our son, who's just turned a year old, to try something with coriander on it..." Joe paused, ruminating on the meal, and he looked at you, more distinctly and blatantly than before. "Babe? What were we trying to feed him when he wasn't havin' it?"
Your eyes widened, and you gulped as the entire room's attention shifted to you. Where your husband was a natural in front of people and cameras, it didn't come quite as painlessly to you. Especially since Anthony was born, you've been hyper-aware of the way people perceive you. You hoped, for your sake, that the focus was on your words and not you, and that people's eyes instead landed on the little tot standing with you. Little Anthony Quinn was holding both your hands, standing up but balanced on top of your feet, swinging and fidgeting about, waiting for Daddy to be done with work to come for a cuddle. "Just your garden-variety spaghetti," you said. "Not even with meat sauce or anything. The tomato sauce had cilantro, and he was not into it."
"Does he say it tastes like soap?" Josh asked. "'Cause that's some people's complaint."
"Well, he isn't really saying much of anything yet," Joe chuckled. "He's just one, remember. We've got 'Mama' in our arsenal, and 'juice', sometimes 'bankie' when he wants his blanket, but bankie can also mean his pacifier, so his 'binkie'— we haven't quite worked out the difference between bankie and binkie yet, but we're getting there."
"Regardless," Josh laughed. "Not a fan of the herb."
"He is the rest of the time," Joe said. "We do a roast every Sunday, and my wife taps me to do the chicken because she doesn't like handling meat, which I understand and, because I'm a good husband, I handle that for her so she can do the rest of the meal— but I put cilantro on the roast chicken and he eats it every week."
"No complaints?" Josh asked.
"None!" Joe exclaimed. "Eats it, eats the potatos, does the whole bit, and he always wants more! My kid doesn't like cilantro in spaghetti, but will eat a whole chicken by himself— make it make sense!"
"Well, with a baby around, I'm sure there's different food around than before," Josh asked. "My niece is into those, like, Gerber cheese snacks that are essentially Cheetos but not really—"
"Oh, we're familiar with the Lil' Crunchies," Joe nodded smoothly. "The mild cheddar flavor. What my son does is, he'll eat 'em by the fistful, yeah? And he decides to be nice and to share with us, which is very good of him, but he'll hand us a wet cheese puff that's half-disintegrated from the force of his little fist, and me and his mummy have gotta pretend like 'oh, yummy, thank you, Ant'."
“You brought up your girlfriend last time food was discussed,” Josh said, and Anthony stamped his little feet as he clearly wanted to run out to Daddy. “On the Off-Menu Podcast with James and Ed, who are just loads of fun. Is she still the same way, no mushrooms or anything?”
“Well, she’s my old lady now,” Joe chuckled. “We got married a few months after that podcast, just tired of not being married to each other yet, y’know? Plus, we found out that the boy was on his way, so it felt like as good a time as any. She's still picky, but there was a small time during her third trimester where she was eating everything in sight. For a few days there, she was doing popcorn with this, I don't know, novelty salt she bought at some shop in America? Anyway, it was pickle-flavored salt, and my girl... I love her, but pickle-salt popcorn... I have to draw a line somewhere."
"And that's the line," Josh chuckled. "Does she do pickles usually?"
"Um, yeah," Joe replied, and he bit his bottom lip as he smiled. "I guess I oughta get off my high horse, I don't like pickles. I'll eat 'em if they come on a sandwich or whatever, but I don't like it. But she'll take them off my hands and eat them for me; at the deli or whatever and I get one of those spears with my sandwich, and she's eating it for me before we're even out the door."
"Joseph Quinn, you hypocrite!" Josh exclaimed and Joe chortled. "Making fun of picky eaters but not eating pickles! For shame, sir!"
"It's my one flaw!" Joe cried. "Otherwise I'm perfect!"
You couldn't help your snort, and Joe turned to you in a flash. "Oh, do you have something to say, Mrs. Quinn?" he asked. "Something to add?"
"You thinking not eating pickles is your one flaw is very funny," you told him, smoothing your hand down Anthony's hair. "I could talk about the sock situation in our laundry room at the moment, or how your windowsill herb garden has spilled out onto our balcony, or how you always rile up the dog and Ant before bedtime, or—"
"Alright!" Joe whined playfully, and Anthony squealed out a laugh, recognizing Daddy's play-voice. "I get it! Stop the attack, woman, jeez."
"She's got a list," Josh smiled. "Are there any foods that are, like, special to you? Make you think of home or anything like that?"
"Um, yeah," Joe said thoughtfully. "Obviously a roast chicken. Umm, oddly, we have these little biscuits in the U.K., like it's a layer of sponge, then orange jam, then chocolate, but they're small, we have 'em with tea— they're called Jaffa cakes, and I don't have strong opinions on them, but my wife calls me Jaffa Cake when she's being sweet to me."
"Why Jaffa Cake?" Josh wheezed. "Are you just particularly sweet like one of those cookies?"
"Well, my initials," Joe began. "They're J.A.F, and one time a while ago, when we first started dating, we went out and she got very drunk. I ended up bringing her back to my flat because I didn't want her having to get an Uber alone back to her's, and she raided the pantry while I was showering, and she was eating out a packet of Jaffa cakes that my roommate had when I got back, and... I don't know, she was hammered and started laughing and calling me that, and she's never stopped."
You were glad he cut the story off there, because the detail Joe neglected to mention was that he had given you his bed to sleep in, and when you woke up the next morning, you had gotten ill in his bathroom. He had held your hair back and wiped your mouth with a washcloth when you were done, and he had kissed you for the very first time, even after you warned him that he probably didn't want to do that. While it was a very sweet story, you still burned with embarrassment at the memory of how drunk you had gotten that night.
"But yeah," Joe said. "Whenever I'm away from home and missing her, I track down a package of Jaffa cakes, and just even the smell of 'em make me think of my girl."
"Along with a roast chicken," Josh added, and Joe sputtered through his lips.
"Chicken and biscuits, the perfect way to think of my wife," Joe said. "You should come over next time you're in London. I'll roast you a chicken."
"That was... A lot of eye contact just then," Josh laughed. "I'm almost nervous now."
"Nah, don't be," Joe smiled. "I'll roast you a chicken, my son will show you his LEGO collection, we'll have a grand time."
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bratdotcom · 2 months
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( Mark Grayson x reader || taking care of his little brother with you, SPOILERS for Invincible s2, mentions/alluding to character death)
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"Tell me why we're doing this again?" Mark asks as he watches you prepare some sort of setup. Filled with colorful eggs, Gerber baby puffs, and various bowls. He holds Oliver in his arms, trying his best to keep his little brother from grabbing at the eggs in front of them. "It's an exercise." you reply, filling the plastic eggs with small handfuls of baby puffs. The sight of the puffs makes Oliver squeal in delight, making grabby hands in your direction.
"An exercise?" he repeats, looking down at the counter top. You notice him glancing down and smiling a bit. "Not for you, Mark." you chuckle softly. Mark glances back up at you, slightly embarrassed that you noticed him looking down. "I knew that." he says back, adjusting his hold on Oliver once again. 
The baby was squirming in excitement, looking at the Gerber puff-filled eggs with wide eyes. "Down, down!" he exclaims, swatting at Mark's hand. He puts the boy down, letting him stumble in his socks towards the table, unable to grab at the snacks due to his height. 
The both of you watch Oliver attempt to grab the baby snacks. You with a smile, and Mark with confusion. "You invited me over for.." He gestures with the back of his hand towards the small station you put together. "This?" he says, trying to make sense of exactly why you invited him over.
"Yes, I did." you reply curtly, hoping he could make sense of things himself. You knew Mark was clueless sometimes, but he wasn't that clueless. 
You wait for him to say something, ask anything, but he doesn't. He stares at the counter in confusion plastered all over his face. His lower lip jutted to the side as he stared blankly at the eggs. "You really don't know why I invited you and Oliver over, do you?" you ask with a chuckle, gesturing for him to come near the table.
He follows after you, glancing over to the side to check on his little brother. Oliver was playing with the toys his mom packed for him before they left, clinking toy cars together and making explosion sounds with his mouth. 
"He has a big imagination, huh?" you comment, an endearing tone in your voice.There was some sort of gentleness behind it, like you cared for Oliver the same way he did. "Yeah. My mom says he gets it from me." Mark replies, the corners of his cheeks lifting up into a small smile. Mark saw Oliver as his own brother, despite the circumstances it took to bring him back to Earth. Seeing how much you cared for him would've made Andressa proud.
He glances back at you, your elbows propped against the edge of the table. Now that you have his attention again, you pick up one of the eggs. "My parents used to do this with me when I was little," you say, showing him the egg. You shake it with a flick of your wrist, catching Oliver's attention from the living room. "It's an exercise that's supposed to help with motor skills and stuff." you explain, Mark didn't know exactly what you meant by "stuff" but he nods along anyway.
"Does Oliver know how to count yet?" you ask, looking at him. The question catches him off guard slightly, but he nods again. "Yeah, my mom loves singing this one song in Korean to him. I forgot the lyrics but she does this little hand thing-" 
Mark gestures with his hands, holding up his pointer fingers and swaying them to a nonexistent beat. He smiles awkwardly, hoping you'd get what he was trying to explain. You smile at him, the corners of your eyes folding along as well. "Good! This helps with counting, too. It's more hands-on." 
Out of curiosity, Oliver pads over in his bear-themed socks, lifting his arms up to signal that he wants to be carried. "Up!" he shouts at Mark, making him bow his head down to look at his little brother. "Looks like somebody wants to start now." he comments in amusement, scooping Oliver into his arms.
"Let's start then." you smile as you slide over a stepping stool for Oliver to stand on. Finally, he was able to grab at the colorful eggs you had set up for him. The gears were already turning in his head as he grabbed a pink egg, unlike his older brother who had to have the process explained to him word-for-word. 
You both watch as Oliver toys around with the eggs, watching as he grabs another one from the carton, smashing the two eggs together. This makes his eyes go wide in joy as puffs explode from their inner contents. "We're just...gonna watch him?" Mark asks you, tilting his head slightly. "We help when we need to, but other than that, yes." 
You carefully grab the Gerber puff bottle out of Oliver's field of vision, not wanting his attention to pull away from his way of playing. That being, smashing the eggs together in glee as puffs explode from their shells. Impressively to Mark, you open the bottle with one hand, using your elbow to hold the bottle in place. "Hold out your hand." you ask him, which Mark does silently, wondering to himself exactly what you'd do. "Here. As a thanks for your cooperation." you try not to laugh as you pour him a handful of baby puffs, before pouring one out for yourself. 
He smiles to himself, picking up one of the puffs in between his index finger and his thumb. "These things are flower shaped? Cute." he says, popping the snack into his mouth. 
"They're supposed to help with pincer grasps." you say, sounding like you had the fact readied just for this exact conversation. He nods along as stuffs the handful of puffs you gave him into his mouth. "Huh." Mark says in reply, his words muffled.
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satindollette · 1 year
foods to get next time you go shopping ┆ ⤿ 💌 ⌗
˗ˏˋ ꒰ Fruits ꒱ ˎˊ˗
— watermelon
— strawberries
— raspberries
— peaches
˗ˏˋ ꒰ Baby Foods ꒱ ˎˊ˗
— gerber puffs
— yogurt melts
— gerber grain bars
˗ˏˋ ꒰ Vegetables ꒱ ˎˊ˗
— cucumber
— spinach
— broccoli
— celery
— carrots
— tomatoes
˗ˏˋ ꒰ Health Snacks ꒱ ˎˊ˗
— greek yogurt
— rice cakes
— cottage cheese
— tasty pastry
˗ˏˋ ꒰ Snacks ꒱ ˎˊ˗
— boom chicka pop
— skinny pop
˗ˏˋ ꒰ Others ꒱ ˎˊ˗
— original cheerios
— chia seeds
— flax seeds
— coffee
— laxatives
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tr0ubledberry · 2 years
Hi friends. I’m 21F and have been struggling with my body image since 2009 which led me to develop anorexia around 2014. I’ve been struggling ever since and have tried every trick and diet out there but have finally settled on my own so I thought I’d share it. First of all, recovery is a lie. There was a point in my life where I fully recovered but made me fat… it was nice not to worry about calories and all that but the pros outweigh the cons of an ED if done correctly. So think of your ED as a lifelong friend. In order to have an ED successfully for a long period of time you must go about it healthily. I know this is somewhat contradictory. I’m gonna include just some general tips, advice, and food alternatives. In a separate post I’ll be listing my favorite low kcal recipes so stay tuned.
•Drink water before, during, and after meals. This is absolutely crucial.
•During this period it’s important to spend extra time and effort on maintaining your vaginal health, immune system, fertility, and skincare !! Really important not to neglect these things especially vaginal care >.<
•Calories matter but make sure to eat nutritious foods. Must have a good judgment on when to splurge on kcals or when to go for an alternative. For ex: splurging on healthy foods that are a lot of kcals vs unhealthy processed foods that are low kcal.
•It’s good to strive for 1200 kcals or less. If it’s a cheat day or you’re feeling lenient then aim for around 1600 kcals. Never ever go over 2000 kcals.
•if you’re a foodie like me then you *have* to find creative and unique ways to curb your cravings. Otherwise your mental health will plummet. If you’re not satisfied then you’re either gonna keep eating or be miserable
•Remember your brain needs at least 330 kcals to function properly so if you’re feeling slow or disoriented then definitely have a snack or meal.
•Best drinks to have are water, sparkling water, tea, and coffee.
•If you eat over your calorie limit don’t fret, it’s not the end of the world. Just either work out or purge. Keep purging to a limit and don’t do it more than once a day. Ideally less purging is better so keep it for emergencies.
•Using apps such as my fitness pal are great for seeing what nutrients you’re deficient in or going overboard in. However I’ve found I lose more weight when I’m not using the app because I’m thinking about food less. However everybody is different and I would recommend at least checking out the application if you haven’t already.
•Vitamins are your bestie too!! I take a couple supplements to make sure I’m getting the vitamins I need for longevity.
•Cut down on silly calories like sauces and drinks by using alternatives. Also you can pretty much find a low kcal version of anything these days if you look hard enough.
•If you love flavor then these simple things will help like ~ seasoning, low kcal hot sauce such as Tabasco or sriracha, soy sauce, etc.
•Juice or sugary drinks ~ low sugar Gatorade, fruit flavored teas iced with extra tea bags to give it extra flavor
•Soda ~ flavored sparkling water with powder or liquid drink mix such as crystal light strawberry lemonade drink mix
•Starbucks ~ just making my own mixed coffee drinks and sweet tea drinks saves so many calories
•Dessert ~ Gerber biscuits arrowroot (taste like shortbread), Gerber lil biscuits, cottage cheese, chocolate covered fruit or nuts
•Chips ~ Gerber’s Lil Crunchies Mild Chedder (basically cheese/ cheeto puffs), quest chips, or half a serving size of normal chips
•Ice cream ~ strawberry halo top
•Chocolate ~ alter eco or dark chocolate coconut fudge
•Mayo ~ miracle whip or vegan mayo
•Rice ~ cauliflower or broccoli rice
•Pasta ~ Chickpea pasta
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chokedonaturtle · 2 months
my humanized cars headcanons
Cereal Choice Edition
Strip: he ain’t allowed to eat cereal it makes him hyper. Lynda makes him oatmeal instead and he throws a tantrum every time.
Cal: he ain’t allowed to eat cereal, eats POPS in moderation when supervised (he will eat the entire box)
Lynda: Oatmeal. she don’t really care for cereal.
Tex: Great Value Apple Fritters Cereal (it’s discontinued and he pays $60 on ebay each time he needs another box.) Usually just has Blanton Gold Label for breakfast (it’s whiskey).
Lightning: Cocoa puffs, Reese’s Pieces Cereal, anything incredibly sweet and borderline life threatening. The occasional Cheerio.
Mater: anything you put in front of him. whether or not it’s edible is not important.
Bobby: actually doesn’t like cereal. mostly just doesn’t like milk and won’t eat it dry.
Brick: Frosted Flakes but ONLY the ones that are travel sized. He said they don’t taste the same as the big box. Also says that if they’re bought in the store, they taste different than the ones from the hotel breakfast line.
Sally: Honey Smacks, Choco Chimps. thinks the chimp is cute. drinks a glass of orange juice with her cereal and it drives Lightning insane.
Doc: He’s a doctor and only eats Raisin Bran and Cheerios because sugary cereal is bad for you…………
Cocoa Krispies. he likes when they go *pop pop pop*
Sheriff: he’s a simple man and doesn’t ask for much.
German cereal Vitalis Schoko Müsli Klassisch, Kelloggs ICEE cereal and Peeps cereal. makes Doc cry. who tf introduced him to those.
Sarge: MRE Future Essentials Corn Flakes Cereal #10 Can. man has not shit in six years.
Fillmore: organic gluten free sugar free preservative free strange crunchy objects. no milk.
Flo: prefers granola, mixed with cream and some fruit. makes a bomb parfait.
Ramone: eats whatever Flo is eating. if Flo is not eating he WILL starve.
Red: Honey Nut Cheerios, Apple Jacks….. Gerber snacks for baby. they’re fire and he won’t tell you otherwise.
Lizzie: has literally never heard of cereal, is shocked every time she sees someone eating it. it’s been 40 years of this.
Luigi: Swissli, but hasn’t found a good enough alternative in the US. Cheerios will do.
Guido: Doesn’t care for cereal, makes a real breakfast instead.
lmk if i forgot anyone i wasn’t looking :p
ta ta !!!
bonus !!
thomasville eats cereal too
Smokey: puts straight granola in milk. adds chocolate chips and maybe some fruit.
River: Honey Bunches of Oats, Honey Nut Cheerios, anything honey flavored
Louise: There’s a discontinued brand of strawberry yogurt Cheerios that she used to love. She swears on her life it existed and the boys like to mess with her and swear otherwise.
Junior: also fucks with Gerber snacks for baby. Prefers apple sauce from the squeeze tube--
is this man an actual child ???
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bottlehawk · 2 years
dave strider using the alchimeter while trying to make apple juice and discovering other "kiddy" cul de sac lifestyle mommy blog snacks like string cheese. fruit bars. those gerbers cereal puffs. gogurt. applesauce pouches. annie's crackers. veggie chips. dried plantains. literally just baby carrots in a little baggie. rose turns up her nose at them after being forced to eat heirloom pumpkin seeds and probiotic yogurt drinks instead of doritos and red bull her whole life. but dave goes wild for that shit. once they start being able to alchemize Actual food as well he starts hoarding ten different types of hummus in the fridge and makes smoothies with bananas and acai and agave nectar and greek yogurt. he forces everyone to eat "fruit pizza" when it's his turn to cook and it's some horrendous shit with like strawberries and blueberries and cucumbers on top of a tortilla with cream cheese. he keeps edamame captchalogued in his sylladex and gives them to people to calm them down. which he needs after rose comes down for dinner with a hangover and is faced with a "lettuce wrap" with spinach, turkey bacon, avocado, bell peppers, and walnuts. for the fifth time in a row.
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babyydollie · 5 months
snacks i <3 when im lil
☆ dried fruits like strawberries and mangos
☆ dry cereal like cheerios
☆ gummy fruit snacks
☆ apple slices
☆ gerber baby puffs
☆ cucumber slices
☆ goldfish
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banjopolishh · 4 days
fiddauthor age regression hc’s ^_^!!!
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• fidds has a paci that has the iron giant on it
• stanford is sooooo understanding of fiddleford’s trauma
• stanford pats fidds gently on the butt so he can fall asleep faster
• fidds NEEDS skin to skin contact
• cuddles so much on ford’s bare chest
• watches lost media videos with his paci in
• stanford loves tiny fidds so much and has a baby plate for him
• so. much. spooning.
• fidds enjoys baby snacks when he’s regressed!
• cheeto puffs, the gerber baby snacks, rice husks, goldfish, mac and cheese..!!!
• ford makes up bed time stories for tiny fidds
• fidds is SOOOOO clingy
• he wraps around fords arm and ford calls him his little koala
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
yes a lot of these r based off reality what about it.
besides the iron giant paci.. need that in my life
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boyprincessarchives · 2 months
i was born in the right generation.. i love reading edward nashton fanfics while drinking raspberry iced tea and eating gerber puff cereal snacks
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ilovesloppy · 5 months
Gerber puffs are the PERFECT low cxl snack. Like i know it’s bAbY FoOd but damn they’re so delicious, don’t sleep on them. a whole container of them is 150 cxls!!!!
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