reuniions · 4 years
what’s something you do to de-stress?
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“i listen to music and bake!” minnie smiles. “i’m not great, but i’ve made some passable pies and macarons, so i’d call that a win. i’m a total stress baker.” when her mom got sick, the kitchen was filled with cookies. most of them ended up at the police station with her father. lily didn’t have much of an appetite anymore.
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reuniions · 4 years
Do you think you have it in you to kill anyone (even for a good cause/reason)?
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“not unless it was necessary. i don’t even like those restaurants where you pick your own lobster to kill, so no, not unless it was absolutely necessary.”
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reuniions · 4 years
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reuniions · 4 years
minnie & gabriel, rojjaas.
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a yard sale wasn’t the reason as to why gabriel was out of the apartment ( in fact, he’d think that few people had it as their main reason ) but on his way home from the day care, his eyes had caught sight of it, and he figured that there wasn’t any reason as to why he couldn’t look through the items. he had a whole collection of vinyls back in england, stored somewhere in the attic of his childhood home, somewhere he would dare step into even if someone paid him copious amounts of money. his head instantly lifted at the sound of someone clearly speaking to him, eyebrows furrowed as he watched the woman all but barrel towards him, “oh, that’s okay, i was just looking,” gabe spoke, offering the woman a small smile, “impressive collection though.”
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minnie visibly relaxes at the man’s admission of browsing as if her whole body was letting out a sigh of relief before leaning back from the table and allowing him to keep looking. if he wasn’t going to try and barter with her, she could relax and just talk music with him. “god, i’m sorry for being a total spaz.” she tells him, resting her elbows on the card table next to the milk crate of records as she nods to him to continue looking. “i’ve just taken years to get some of these pressings, you know? and a few of them are--” technically stolen, she falters in a better explanation. “--souvenirs of old jobs i’ve had.” beaming, she rests her chin in her hands. “you think so? are you a big vinyl collector or just appreciative of the music?”
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reuniions · 4 years
minnie & freddie, saintfred.
[ 📱 text  ➨ special k ] uuuh last time i checked you weren’t?? weird. [ 📱 text  ➨ special k ] too late, i already asked your dad.  [ 📱 text  ➨ special k ] i’m gonna get him into headbanging before i get over the outrage you caused me!  
[ 📱 text  ➨ alfred ] dear god don’t take him [ 📱 text  ➨ alfred ] he’s going to have the opposite of your desired effect [ 📱 text  ➨ alfred ] people are going to ask you if you’re looking for the npr live recording of the who reunion tour [ 📱 text  ➨ alfred ] and if you get him headbanging, i’ll consider it to be revenge enough
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reuniions · 4 years
minnie & sawyer, sawyerhensley.
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“yes?” sawyer says, stopping his movements and focusing on the woman coming towards him. he had been on his way towards the clubhouse when the yard sale caught his attention. normally he wouldn’t stop, but seeing the items for sell, sawyer wanted to take a look around. browsing yards sells had always been something he loved to do with his dads. they would get the sawyer and his brothers up early on saturday mornings, take them to get some breakfast, and drive them around all day looking for another man treasures. it was his favorite memories. and seeing the yard sell going on, sawyer had decided to stop; hoping it would make him feel like he was home. “what? what?” sawyer’s holding one of the records in his hands. he had been going through them when the woman had suddenly came running towards him. he loved listening to music and had hoped to have some to keep him entertained in his hotel room. but it seemed like that wasn’t going to happen. “oh — well they were sitting here and i’ve been looking for music to listen to. but i get it.” he says smiling at the other. “if i had a collection like this, i wouldn’t want to give it up either.” sawyer puts the album in his hand back into the crate. “i love fleetwood mac, so i’ll take it. oh you have another collection? i’d love to see that too.” he didn’t care what kind of music it was. he would listen to all kinds, well except techno and country.
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“sorry, i’m totally not trying to be a dick.” minnie pulled a face, lips curled uncertainly. there was no way she was letting any of those records go, but she didn’t want to be a jerk about it. “my collection is just super important to me and like kind of essential for my job.” she reminded herself to chastise the neighbor lady who’d suggested they combine sales and helped her set up. there was no way her dad would’ve made a mistake like that, but the neighbor lady certainly would have. “i mean, that’s totally fine ! i can always make you a playlist or something.” it was exactly the kind of overstepping offer someone who returned to her hometown and had no real friendships anymore would make. she decided to reign it back a little. “i mean, that’s my job. i have a radio show on 79.5 WGPM. i don’t know if you’ve listened. it’s like ...  a lot of deep cuts and it’s pretty new, you know?” it took a second before she realized that the guy was wearing a prospect vest. she wondered if the guy knew this was the police captain’s house and hoped her dad wouldn’t come out. there was no doubt that some of charming’s more lascivious townsfolk probably knew the residences of charming’s finest, but that didn’t mean she wanted them to see such a private window into their lives. “thank you.” she told him, a bit more cautiously. “yeah, i can grab it for you and some of the others. they’re mostly doubles i’ve gotten from other collectors or the stations i’ve worked at. i used to save them for birthday gifts, but i’m really trying to downsize since i moved back home.”
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reuniions · 4 years
☎ minnie
NAME: Minnie K 🎧RINGTONE: She’s team vibrate, but if she wasn’t then she’d definitely pick One of a Kind by Placebo! PICTURE: 
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Hypothetically speaking.. If I got us tickets to that show I told you about, would you wanna go? 👀
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reuniions · 4 years
minnie & freddie, saintfred.
[ 📱 text  ➨ special k​ ] wow. okay first of all, there’s a good fifteen years between me and your father so thanks a lot, kid, you used to be my fave. [ 📱 text  ➨ special k​ ] second of all, honey; what kind of people did you hang ut with at college? are you for real right now? [ 📱 text  ➨ special k​ ] anyway it was queens of the stone age but now i ain’t taking you! haha!
[ 📱 text  ➨ alfred ] LISTEN, i’m still ur fave okay [ 📱 text  ➨ alfred ] and she was my freshman roommate !! i didn’t know, freddie ! i learned the hard way.  [ 📱 text  ➨ alfred ] i did NOT hang out with her ! she was a secret horse girl for crying out loud !! [ 📱 text  ➨ alfred ] they’re okay ! i’d go with you even though you’re trying to LIE and say you won’t take me with you.
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reuniions · 4 years
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Little Women (2019) dir. Greta Gerwig
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reuniions · 4 years
minnie & violet, violcntends.
open | @charmingstarter​ location & time: la luna, 9:12 pm The first eight hours of her day were dedicated to work. Filing reports, taking finger prints, answering bullshit calls and listening to the drunk tanks rendition of We’re Not Gonna Take It. The song still rang in her ears hours later. After her shift the rest of her evening had been dedicated to sorting through her dad’s old boxes of things until she finally got tired enough to drag herself to La Luna. Violet sat at the bar, her third empty drink clutched in one hand, the other resting under her chin.
“It was ridiculous.” She continues a story to the bartender who’s politely listening with an amused smile. “A brick wall, a tree, a bush. Fine. I can understand. But, like, sir you cannot pee on the dog.” Violet throws her hand out exasperated. “I can’t believe I had to explain that to someone. Can you believe I had to explain that to someone?” She turns to the person next to her, eyes wide, hand gestured out. 
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minnie hasn’t been back home long enough that she’s run into every person whose face seems vaguely like the ones she left behind in yearbooks and memories. never one for social media--her dad was never a big fan--she hardly kept in touch over facebook or twitter with old classmates. most of those bonds had been broken after her mother died. either because her friends didn’t know what to do or how to support her or, which was more likely, she pushed them away and lost contact entirely when her father sent her to live with auntie ziyi on the east coast. so when she took a seat at the bar of la luna, she didn’t immediately recognize violet dean.
it wasn’t until she heard her voice that she tried to place the familiarity and tried not to be too obvious about sneaking a peek while raising a hand to order some fries and a beer. as the object of minnie’s contemplation turned to her and asked her to participate, she let out a chuckle. “no--but i missed the first part of the story. was he drunk or really just that dubious about why that’s fucked up?” narrowing her eyes, she was sure they knew one another. “sorry, but ... do i know you? did you go to high school here?”
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reuniions · 4 years
minnie & poppy, poppywinterfield.
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there was nothing poppy loved more than a yard sale. well actually poppy loved a lot of this, fresh sheets, kittens, honey on her toast, the sound of children playing in a street fountain. she was a good old regular dreamer and the list of things that made her unhappy would be a short one, but she would definitely still say that yard sales were up there. herself, she had never been brave enough to have one, she’d barely let her parents put out a few bits of hers when they had been clearing out the garage. to her there was just something so personal about it all, laying out your belongings for the world to see, declaring they either had no more value, or they were things you wanted out of your life. either way they had once held a place in peoples lives. letting her fingers flicker through the records poppy was in her own world as she browsed for her dad, god knows he loved these things. “hi.” she sqeaked softly as the girl appeared in front of her. “oh no of course.” poppy chuckled softly as she looked back at her, she wasn’t about to argue with the poor girl over her own stuff. “i’d like that though, honestly take your time, i’ll browse over the other bits whilst you grab it.” 
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not one to shy away from conflict, minnie still didn’t enjoy it. a cop’s daughter had to learn how to argue and so she always had five arguments tucked away in her mind before she ever approached anyone. as she draped her arms over the milk crate, she was strategizing her next move--only to be pleasantly surprised by the other woman’s acceptance of her rude interruption of what was sure to have been intended to be a quiet browsing of records. with a sigh that showed relief throughout her body. “thank you so much. i was so worried i’d have to argue with someone about obligations, but i really appreciate you being cool.” scanning through the crate, she was grateful that it appeared all of her records remained intact. “i can’t tell you how awful i would feel if i lost some of these. they’re like my best friends.” wow. sad, but true. for a woman who’d moved more times in her short twenty-five years of life than some people did over generations--she didn’t have many lasting friendships. “the other ones are like a mix of newer releases and some classics from my old station, but i’m trying to pare it down since i don’t really use my collection at work and i’d rather keep the albums i’m less in love with digitally than take up too much space, you know?” hefting the crate onto her hip, minnie slipped off into the house briefly before returning with a couple of others and a smile. “do you want some lemonade or something? the yard sale’s almost done and--” dropping her voice, with a soft smile, she continued. “--so i don’t feel bad not offering some to ms. schneider.” she said nodding to her nosy neighbor from down the road who always seemed to make some excuse to interact and drain the energy from everyone around her.
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reuniions · 4 years
minnie & freddie, saintfred.
[ 📱 text  ➨ special k​ ] wow. and here i thought we were friends. [ 📱 text  ➨ special k​ ] daughtry. i can’t believe this. daughtry. me! unbelievable.
[ 📱 text  ➨ alfred ] listen !! i’ve been burned before. [ 📱 text  ➨ alfred ] i got dragged to a “rock concert” in college [ 📱 text  ➨ alfred ] it turned out to be MAROON FUCKING FIVE [ 📱 text  ➨ alfred ] plus you hang out with my dad and he listens to good music but idk !! [ 📱 text  ➨ alfred ] it’s charming. people still stan garth brooks here.
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reuniions · 4 years
☎ Minnie
rick says phones are for BUSINESS not FUN!! so his own daughter’s contact name is her actual full legal name, ‘Amelia Min Kelleher.’ dad of the year!
rick doesn’t really do much with ringtones besides setting generic ones up for different groups of people, but minnie’s the only one to have a custom ringtone of her own. it’s ‘Spirit in the Sky’ by Norman Greenbaum, which sounds morbid to other people but it’s because they used to listen to it together when she was young!! he paid 0.99 cents for it too!
rick isn’t much of a pictures person, but he did take this one snap of minnie fixing the lock at her college apartment when she locked herself out while rick was visiting, because dads always do shit like that. he sent it to her aunt like ‘look, she’s using power tools!!’ and they all laughed about it but minnie was secretly annoyed bc she’s been self-reliant for years. she looks cute either way.
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[ received at 16:04 ] i would but i already left the house, sorry dad[ received at 16:38 ] they called me in ![ received at 17:21 ] two things can be true
[ sent at 15:29 ] Hey, can you give Petula her medicine?[ sent at 16:32 ] I thought you didn’t have to work today? Haha[ sent at 16:45 ] Did they call you in, or you just don’t want to give her the medicine because you have to hide it in a big ball of peanut butter?
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reuniions · 4 years
minnie & noah, noahthompson.
   YARD SALES were something of a blessing and a curse in the eyes of Noah J. Thompson; the haphazardness of them did a real number on his disorder but there was little he wouldn’t do in pursuit of expanding his record collection. He had been standing in front of a crate full of potential treasures for the greater part of thirty minutes, stuck in a cycle of counting each vinyl only to get distracted by the titles and have to start again. It was frustrating but Noah had hope that his broken in, brown leather jacket would sell the role of an invested hipster. He ran his eyes over the particular record that had caught his attention this time only to have it pulled from his metaphorical fingertips before he could grab it. “  — damn your love, damn your lies.” Noah sighed, really locking down his place as guy that quotes Fleetwood Mac at unsuspecting girls. He grimaced at himself, chewing the inside of cheek thoughtfully while being offered a consolation prize. “Nah, I’ve already got that one. I was just kind of psyched to find Rumours at a decent price, record stores gouge for that one.” Nevermind that the album paired well with a broken heart.
“Don’t suppose you’ve got any Bowie in there?  — Let’s Dance, 1983. Kinda can’t get Modern Love out of my head.”
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leaning over the crate, minnie met his response with a pleading look that melted into relief as he didn’t try to push for the copy. “the chain is seriously one of the best tracks.” she agreed to his quote. “kinda sounds a little more topical to you though than missing out on a yard sale record purchase.” she wondered desperately if any of the others in the collection had been sold while she wasn’t paying attention, and shot up suddenly to let her fingers fly through them once again as he spoke. “yeah, no kidding. if you can believe it--” she said, gingerly holding the record out to him so he could look it over. “--it was a publicity copy i stole from the radio station i worked at in baltimore before i left. that’s probably bad karma or something, right? but they totally gave my time slot away to some asshole howard stern wannabe, so i figured it was poetic justice.” she admitted shrugging and, satisfied that her record collection remained intact, picked up the crate to swap it out. 
“yeah, bowie--i might have some i can spare.” she nodded, hefting the crate onto her hip. “i don’t know if i can part with let’s dance, though--if you just need to listen to it on vinyl again, you can borrow it.” the inflection made the sentence come off more as a question than a statement, but he seemed like he could use a win. “i might have a double of the man who sold the world.” she offered, before adding. “1970.” to playfully showcase that she was just as apprised of her collection as he was.
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reuniions · 4 years
minnie & caleb, calebduval.
LOCATION. rendezvous.
TIME. 23:45.
STATUS. open. ( @charmingstarter​ )
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HAVING JUST EMERGED FROM THE back exit of the club, caleb pressed his back up against the cool brick of the alley wall. with a cigarette dangling rather precariously between his lips, he spent a solid minute fishing in and out of his pockets, a curse muttered under his breath until he produced his zippo lighter. had it not been for the desolation of the area, his own perceptive nature would have easily discerned the set of eyes on him. “ word to the wise, ” he began, flicking the end of the cigarette and watching the flecks of ash fall to the damp ground at his feet. “ it’s best not to sneak up on me. ” taking another draw from the stick, caleb reclined his head slightly to blow the smoke into the crisp night air above him. “ you gonna spend all night lurking in the shadows? or are ya gonna come say hello? ” he inquired, an amused expression crossing his features as eyes sweep over the other, a lazy smirk sliding across his lips.
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“uh, me?” minnie asked, bemused. she’d come out to get some fresh air and look for becky pescadero, who had promised her a ride home, but disappeared almost immediately upon their arrival with some chode named jaxson. that suited her just fine, but after a few drinks and a lot of dancing she needed some peace and quiet as well as a few minutes in the refreshing cool, night air. “sorry--” she’d always been quiet on her feet. it had been requisite being a teenager in a house with a sick mother and a dad for a cop. she chuckled, gesturing to the adidas she was wearing. “--quiet shoes, you know? not really club approved, but i don’t think anybody really noticed since becky and i came in together and she looked like high fashion disco ball.” that wasn’t an insult. becky looked great, but the silver sequined cocktail dress she’d worn certainly reflected every light that hit it. 
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reuniions · 4 years
☎ minnie
NAME: Minnie Mouse
RINGTONE:  Body Electric by Lana Del Rey
PICTURE: See here
LAST TEXT RECEIVED: are you working? 
LAST TEXT SENT: come by! i’m making a bomb ass margarita that has your name written all over it! 
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reuniions · 4 years
minnie & freddie, saintfred.
[ 📱 text  ➨ special k​ ] how do you feel about alt rock? [ 📱 text  ➨ special k​ ] i got tickets to a concert but i need to go with someone who will believably lower my apparent age
[ 📱 text  ➨ alfred ] uhhh that really depends on what your definition of alt rock is [ 📱 text  ➨ alfred​ ] like are we talking daughtry and barenaked ladies [ 📱 text  ➨ alfred​ ] because i would rather get hit by a mack truck like on pet sematary tbh
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