#george lovelace quotes
malecftmaxrafe · 2 years
Julie, Idris born and bred, made a face. "What is Brangelina? It sounds like a demon."
"It does not!" George protested. "I believe in their love."
"They are not like Brangelina," Simon said. "What would you even call them? Algnus? That sounds like a foot disease."
"Obviously you would call them Malec," said Beatriz. "Are you stupid, Simon?"
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booksandwords · 2 years
Ada Lovelace by Mª Isabel Sánchez Vegara. Illustrated by Zafouko Yamamoto
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Age Recommendation: Early Primary Art Style: Largely blue/gray palette watercolours Topic/ Theme: Perseverance, Biographic Setting: 19th Century England Series: Little People, Big Dreams
Rating: 4/5
I quite like the end pages for Ada Lovelace mathematical equations in coloured chalk. It's relatively simplistic but colourful and so fitting for the woman. Just as the illustration feel like they suit the time period. They feel a little grim I guess. The significant/impactful people of Ada's life as expected so do the books and markers of her mathematics and creativity. The other brightening element is Ada's loyal white cat and lifelong companion Mrs Puff. Ada is a remarkably consistent appearance throughout, the only real time her outfit changes it is consistent in style and in a fitting colour. I appreciate the illustrations they are cute. The consistency in appearance is unusual but I like it as something different.
Ada Lovelace is known as the creator of computing after she invented the first computer language. She has only fairly recently been acknowledged for that important contribution to the world at least widely. Think of the Virginia Woolf quote "I would venture to guess that Anon,; who wrote so many poems without signing them,; was often a woman." (often miswritten as "for most of history anonymous was a woman"). I'm not sure how accurately this depicts her life, her upbringing. Sadly she is one of those incredibly historically important women I've never looked into much. What it does do a brilliant job of identifying and providing an opening for a parent, guardian or teacher to explain is the ability to be more than one thing at a time. Like artistic/ innovative and scientifically/ mathematically minded. The ability to blend your skills to excel. It does include her family title, something that people forget. Randomly Ada was only 36 when she died of uterine cancer, which I guess is about average for a woman of the time. I didn't know that.
Not exactly child relevant but... she was the daughter of the 6th The Lord Byron, George Gordon Byron. For those who know the story of the origins of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein he was the Lord Byron of that little party. Claire Clairmont, Mary Shelly's stepsister is the mother of Ada's half-sister, Allegra Byron. Basically combined with her marriage to William King-Noel, 1st Earl of Lovelace Ada and her family were very connected.
Well this was a fairly bad review but you know I follow my instincts on these things.
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demonhunter1234 · 3 years
“You can’t win every time. Eventually you lose.”
[…] “Shadowhunters die. They just… die for no reason.”
“It’s a dangerous job,” said Jace.
“George wasn’t doing anything dangerous,” Simon ground out. “He didn’t die in a noble act of sacrifice; he didn’t die because a demon got the better of him. He died because sometimes Shadowhunters die, and it isn’t for anything. It just is. That was the lesson.”
[…] “How do you do it?” he said, looked around at them helplessly. “How do you risk yourself and everyone you love, over and over again?”
Isabelle went to Simon and put her hands on his shoulders. He looked up into her eyes, searching for something there. […] she put her arms around Simon and hugged him tightly.
“I don’t know,” she whispered. “I don’t know. It doesn’t always make sense, my love. Sometimes it makes no sense at all.”
The Lost Book of the White quotes (68)
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thegreatlibrary · 7 years
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by theherongold
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George: So, how you gonna do this?
Simon: Idk honestly, I'll just be myself.
George: But you don't know who's that
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Lazlo Balogh: What is the worst crime Shadowhunters can do?
Catarina Loss: *murmurs* Provide the future generation of Shadowhunters murky brown soup for the rest of their training period.
The students of the Shadowhunter Academy: Agreed.
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maybeacrowdedmind · 3 years
Tales From The Shadowhunter Academy Incorrect Quote
George: That's one of my biggest fears.
George: If I ever, like, woke up as a donut...
Simon: You would eat yourself.
George: I wouldn't even question it.
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cordeliasblackthorn · 4 years
George: *wanting to raise a baby with Simon in a drawer*
Simon: just keep your socks on so it’s no homo
George: no homo? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Simon: fine. yes homo
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hotdog-frenchfries · 4 years
George *sits up in bed*: The birds...they want me to tap dance. I don't want to tap dance.
Simon *half-asleep*: You tell those birds, George.
George: Yeah, I'll t-tell them. I'll tell them.
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chaoticthotsstuff · 4 years
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So I did something
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ludy-blackthorn · 5 years
Simon at the beginning / without memory
Simon: [about Isabelle] She's definitely out of my league.
Simon: Actually, we're not even playing the same sport.
Simon: It's kind of like she's in the NBA and I work in a muffler store next to the stadium.
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titsthedamnseason · 5 years
one of my fav tftsa moments remains simon saying that george is better looking then jace and then yelling “there i said it! and im not taking it back!” aksjdfhghdsj i love two (2) idiots 
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themortaltextposts · 5 years
You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off!
-Delaney Scarsbury to his students at some point, probably
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haaam-guuuurl · 5 years
[after a fight]
George: Are we friends again?
Simon: No... we're brothers.
George: That was terrifying, don't pause like that!
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zucharts · 5 years
Jake: Nobody likes a sullen si.
Jake: Nobody is here for a Moody Mildred.
Jake: No one fancies-
Jane: I have gathered the general tenor of your discourse, Jake, I object strongly to being referred to as a Moody Mildred.
Jane: Especially as I really feel like I’m a mildly good-humored Mildred right now.
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Simon: I don't bruise as much anymore.
Jem: That's excellent. It means you're finding your feet and deflecting more blows!
Simon: Really? I thought it was because I was dead inside.
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