#genuinely why is it so unpopular on tumblr
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there's sm good timsteph fanart on twt likee i'm getting FED
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unpopular opinion, i miss nymphet. coquette is just hyper fem marie antoinette when nympet was dirty girls who struggle with poverty and trying to be like the "cool" girls. its mad strange how we gentrified nymphette.
"oh but it was problematic :( " you act like no aesthetic is. Yes obviously some made it sexual, but it truly was not that fucking bad as someone who was chronically on tumblr during that era. It wasnt hypersexual like yall think it was.
It was genuinely just poor girls who finally felt like they had a voice of being gross and living in shitty public housing not being able to take a shower most days and bathing in a creek. It was getting your big brothers hand-me-down shoes and painting them pink and adding ribbons. It was a reclamation of being a girl in a society that sexualizes you. You know. Like the title. Of that one book. That was about sexualizing a young girl. It was ownership of the word and tearing down masculinity to accommodate feminine desire.
But of course people misunderstood it and assumed nymphet was sexual in nature and therefore began to shit on it because they didnt bother to ask what the story behind it was.
Again YES there was SOME of it, but goth culture gets it was more than nymphette ever fucking did and yet you know why nymphette was shitted on? Because it revolved around women. It was made by girls for girls.
Coquette is just "preppy" now. Girls are buying 400 dollar Hilary Clinton outfits and just pairing it with shien sunglasses. Thats not coquette if you actually just want to rename nymphet. Go to good will, get jeans a size too big, get a ribbon or scarf to use as a belt, color in your shoe laces to be pink, get cheap shitty sunglasses from the gas station and use nail polish to make it cute.
NOT TO MENTION racism has gotten worse when it was rebranded to coquette. Like Yes it has happened before, but people now who are coquette are so bold to say black people cant be it EVEN THO they fit into it more than any rich white girl can.
TLDR: nymphet wasnt bad, it was the men and people who didnt like it that was bad and tore it down not understanding that low income girls needed a space too.
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If your astrology "observations" have any of the following.
You are not an astrology reader. You are bias,projecting,and are a snake oil salesman. You need to stop. Immediately.
Sexuality: sexuality and orientation has NOTHING to do with astrology. Stop lying and stop wasting time for people. Let people figure themselves out. We dont need a tumblr "guru" to fucking tell us if we feel "gay enough"
Weight. This one pisses me off. Fatphobia is not cool. It's actually gross. And you astro babes need to check yourself before you post some crap talking about someone's weight. Which again has NOTHING TO DO WITH WHATEVER THE FUCKING STARS SAY!!!! and fyi. Fat people exist,in all signs n placements. Get tf over yourselves! Fat phobia i wont tolerate in any field especially the spiritual. You should be ashamed astro girlies.
Racism. This one should be fucking obvious but apparently it's not. Ugh
Disorders and or mental or medical problems and issues. No. No no. NO! only said persons doctors and health professionals and providers. And a brain doctor. Should be telling them how to help handle their needs. Not some fucking tumblr person. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES EVER FUCKING PUT ANYTHING ABOUT SOMEONE'S MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS OR POTENTIAL DISABILITIES IN A FUCKING ASTRO POST! i immediately know you're full of crap when you do this. "Pisces are more likely to have x disorders" fuck off brenda. No they are not. Don't fucking do that. You could be harmful to someone by saying that. So leave it to their actually care professionals and providers. Thank you.
Anything to do with i*cest,r*pe,etc wtf is wrong with y'all? 1 tag your shit properly. And 2. Why do you feel this is nessicary for an astro post?! I get it some people use it to cope....but that should be kept to a personal post not a PUBLIC astrology reading! Plz dont do this. Make it private if you're gonna talk about that stuff.
And as much as i love astrology,people genuinely get into this and take it seriously(that is a debate for another time) so be fucking careful what you say. You could be doing more harm then good. And if you believe in astrology,then you know YOU KNOW,that in retrogrades and other times similar. It is wrong and hurtful to be spreading lies and acting impulsively.
But whenever i see backhanded stuff like this. It bothers me,and i need to speak up.
So yeah. I know unpopular opinions. Right? But this shit needs to stop. And we should have a proper circle of spiritual practices that actually helpful,insightful,healing,and inclusive.
My fellow witches and star children. Plz. Dont let your circle be dong.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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in the wake of LO ending, especially over the next three weeks as the FP updates become free, this is your public service reminder from a fellow anti that you should be following tumblr / fandom etiquette and keeping antiLO/critical LO posts to their respective tags (#antiloreolympus , #antilo, #locritical, #loreolympuscritical) as best as you can
yes, it's our own responsibility to curate our online experiences by following the accounts we like and blocking the accounts we don't, and using the general search bar on tumblr absolutely opens you up to the inevitable risk of seeing something you don't wanna see, but we as the critical side of the fandom should be doing what we can to make it easier for people to curate by labelling our criticisms / shitposts / etc. about LO with the correct tags ! this ensures that if someone doesn't want to see anti/critical stuff, they can do their part to block those tags and don't have to worry about it leaking into the general tags. I don't think it's that big of a reach to expect that general fandom tags will contain content from, y'know... people who are still genuine fans and not talking shit LOL
And yes, this is why you will not see me ever using the general loreolympus tags when posting my own critical essays or Rekindled. Obviously what you decide to tag your stuff with is on you, but I'm gonna ask y'all to please remember NOT to use general loreolympus tags when reblogging my stuff!! that's not to say my content is entirely off-limits to fans of the comic (we actually do have people in the Rekindled community who enjoy both!), but what I do here obviously isn't tailored specifically to general fans of the comic and the general LO tags are what those fans are using to find content from other fans, not hyper-driven maniacal anti's like myself ╭( ・ㅂ・)و
Just because it's no longer an unpopular opinion to rag on LO doesn't mean our slice of the fandom is now the whole pie. It's easy to think when you spend so much time in the critical part of the fandom that LO is somehow "dead" but like, there is still very much a dedicated fanbase to this comic and it still has some of the highest stats on the platform. We can't in good faith complain about fans coming into our spaces complaining about criticism existing if we're not gonna follow the rules of etiquette and label our stuff properly. And hey, at the very least if we properly tag things and they still find it from journeying into the anti/critical tags, then that's on them at that point. We don't have to take that "stop being such a meanie to two-time-Eisner-winning NYT bestselling creator Rachel Smythe" shtick from anyone, but we do gotta be willing to respect the lines that are drawn in the sand so that we don't tear each other apart over this dumbass webcomic LOL
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Wings of Fire needs a renaissance, both the fandom and the book series in general.
The fandom has been dead (or at least has felt dead even if it's not) for years. Tumblr is fairly well off (even if it feels lacking anyway) but youtube has been bland at best, MAP community can be unforgiving at times, it's generally hard to connect with people on the Roblox game, all the Wings of Fire Discords I am in are dead, Twitter is Twitter, I don't want to use Instagram anymore in the first place if they go through with the AI users thing, Fandom Wiki is riddled with ads and should really be moved to a different site like Mirahaze + heard it is fairly bad anyway, and I have heard horror stories about the Reddit. I haven't had genuine fun with this fandom for years at this point and I generally just wish it was better. There are a lot of amazing artists out there in this fandom but I have my own issues with a lot of them I won't get into. I have met some amazing people in this community, sure, but recently the fandom just has felt like a ghost town.
And we all know how arc 3 went. While I personally enjoy arc 3 to some extent I know the large majority of this fandom hates it and I can see why. And if arc 4 introduces a new tribe, new continent, or both, I think that may be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Pantala and multiple tribes (most notably mudwings) still need to be fleshed out more before the mere idea of a new tribe or continent is considered. Plus, 10 tribes already feels like too much. Having so many tribes feels overwhelming and hard to keep track of, especially since Wings of Fire is a kids series (it would not be published by Schoolastic if it was not), I feel like many kids would be overwhelmed by 10+ tribes, if they weren't already overwhelmed by the 20+ books in the series.
Honestly, I think the best thing in the whole scope of this right now is the graphic novels. Mike's art style just improves with each book and I think the new Escaping Peril graphic novel was amazing. This is likely an unpopular opinion though seeing as a surprising amount of the fandom doesn't like the graphic novels.
I am fully aware this may just be me growing older and losing my interest in Wings of Fire, but genuinely, this whole series and fandom needs a miracle to keep it alive. That's all I am saying.
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Take 2 haha
For the character break down, Segasaki from My Personal Weatherman :)
I deeply appreciate your patience on this one. I originally answered this one but then Tumblr ate the ask for some reason. I had a busy weekend, so here's our second attempt!
How I feel about this character
I actually really like this absolute mess of a man. I'm not in kink culture, but this was one of the shows I felt I benefited the most from reading @lutawolf reactions for. I found his devotion to Yoh really compelling, and I really enjoyed how completely Yoh often misunderstood him. I also had a blast with his flares of jealousy and deeply unhinged behavior around it. It's rare that we get characters with intensely sexual relationships that are this out of emotional alignment, and I really liked digging into why Segasaki liked Yoh, and how much heteronormativity fueled their mess.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Just Yoh. He would probably be mad if I thought he had eyes for anyone else.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I genuinely don't remember him having a friend or confidant to talk to in this show. Still, I enjoyed every scene he had with Manju.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don't know if it's unpopular or not, but I actually really hated the school flashback stuff. It felt a bit divergent from the character read we had earlier on his dynamic with Yoh, and I felt like I got confused.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I really wish they had gotten a second season or a movie, because I genuinely feel like they left this story unfinished. Segasaki and Yoh had finally started talking to each other, but I don't feel like we had resolved the issues with them.
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(character game) Boston from Only Friends
You're so kind to send him my way, anon.
How I feel about this character
I love him a lot. I like that he knows himself, and he's so honest even when that means saying things people don't want to hear. I like that he's a slut and he just wants to do what he likes with no commitment and he doesn't get why other people are so goddamn pressed about that. I like that he has a moral code that makes sense to him, and doesn't feel the need to force himself to live by anyone else's code. I like that he's bitchy in a very fun way. I like that he recognizes when people are not his true friends and thus feels no loyalty to them. I like that he also recognizes when someone does genuinely care about him and is willing to try something different to meet their needs. I love him for real and if I could I would rescue him from his show.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Anyone who knew me while Only Friends was airing knows I was suuuuuch a Boston/Nick girlie. They were THE ship for me in OF.
That said, I very much support Boston in his non-monogamous endeavors, so I also support him fucking anyone else he likes, or even doesn't really like but just wants to take for a spin.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Boston X NYC. I am happy for him that he's leaving his horrible "friends" behind to start over somewhere new where his particular brand of snark and bitchiness and sluttery will be deeply appreciated.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think my opinions of him are quite popular in the tumblr community, though the wider show fandom and the show writers themselves are a different story. I stand firm that he didn't deserve the ending he got and the story punishing him was wrong wrong wrong.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
Changing his ending is probably the way I would use my one wish to the Thai BL genie. I would have loved to see he and Nick get their temporary time to enjoy being together as a couple and honor that this relationship was meaningful to them before they parted on good terms when Boston left for NYC. It's the ending they deserved.
Give me a character ask game
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3, 12, 23
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on Tumblr

Bruh this is just so wild to me because it was posted a month after DaddyKinkGate when it became clear to literally everyone that 90% of the gay men in the audience relate to and adore Buck and Tommy.
12. The unpopular character you actually like and why people should like them
At one point in time I would have said Taylor Kelly and point out that her major downfall was having to date Buck even though I’m not sure either of them really wanted that. As a morally dubious investigative journalist and platonic friend to Buck, she had a niche that no one else could touch and the show fucking ruined it for a year and a half of a relationship that even the writers admitted was doomed to fail. I think Taylor could have been utilized so much better as a different point of view on the First Responder Show because reporters often are some of the first people on the scene besides EMTs/Police/Firemen/etc.
But now I think the most unpopular character I like is technically Tommy Kinard and my entire blog is an attestation as to why I think people should like him but the reckoning of a gay man that hid his gayness in exchange for condition acceptance in a macho environment and participated in toxic behaviors because he was trying to fit in is a genuinely fascinating character dynamic to explore so if we ever get a flashback episode I think it could end up being one of my favorites. Also I just think he’s adorable in the ways he’s swept Buck off his feet.
23. Ship you’ve unwittingly come around too
I used to dislike Lucy/Ravi believe it or not but now they are the bi4bi power couple we all need to see more of.
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i think, on being ‘over critical’ of tg - i do feel like a lot of people have confused ‘ability to criticise something in a few different ways’ with the overall product being objectively bad.
What I mean by this is that - I think TG lends itself to criticism in multiple ways. For example, a lot of characters have arcs - they have their own story in this bigger story. And not all of those stories are perfect, or delivered in ways that we’re all comfortable with. The criticism of this (ie, I’m quite critical of Shuu’s handling post Tsukiyama extermination, and of Kanae’s death and postmortem handling), is good and valid and definitely needs room within analysis.
But I think the issue is that people maybe view these arcs in a vacuum - without taking the overall story into mind. When we look at a very small part within a big story - or one character in a large ensemble - I think we might open ourselves to nitpicking - tg is objectively bad, and ishida Sui hates us all, because this specific arc, or this specific character, was handled in a way that can be criticised. There are lots of points like this where they do affect the greater story, so become narrative flaws more so than the smaller ones. I think lots of us are in agreement that TG really falters in the latter half of :re - but I think where things diverge is how I’ve seen the previous story be categorised because of that dip in quality.
Personally, I think a story can be good and have flaws, and maybe a pretty shite ending - read literally anything by Stephen King. But no one really is out here saying that IT is objectively a bad piece of media because of that one scene, or the ending - it’s a shit scene. It’s a shit ending. But is IT shit overall? That’s what I think is being ignored.
With TG, I don’t think it’s so much over-criticism that’s the problem as such. Because like I said, TG has so many characters and so many arcs - none of them are perfect, and we’re all looking at different characters, different arcs, with different eyes. So when you have this sort of community where everyone is criticising these different things - so of course it kind of doesn’t look good? Because no one’s looking at the overall product, the overall effect - I think a lot of us have been here a longer time, we maybe have become a bit jaded. We know what’s good, maybe even forgotten it, so now we’re analysing deeper and maybe things aren’t so perfect - but that doesn’t make it bad.
I don’t think people aren’t entitled to the opinion that TG is bad - using the IT example before, plenty of people think IT is bad. I don’t even like Stephen King books - so I’m hardly innocent in the old ‘popular thing bad’ camp. But what I thinkI’m maybe having trouble with, is how sort of widespread this belief is on here. I feel like the ‘TG bad lol’ take has sort of been accepted uncritically - because maybe the jokes are funny, or something. I do think sometimes that people just think it’s cool on tumblr to like flop media, to have these ‘unpopular’ opinions - because let’s face it, everyone on tumblr is a smidge up their own arses because they use tumblr - so tg maybe has been unfairly categorised as bad? maybe a hot take, but that’s how I feel - of course you guys are more than welcome to disagree.
I’ve mentioned this plenty in smaller posts where I was taking the piss, but I genuinely think a lot of us in the fandom can benefit from re-visiting tg. You know, we all know the anime isn’t a 10/10 - that’s not the TG bad take I am referring to, I mean specifically the manga - and I feel like I see a lot of people getting takes and ideas about the story and characters that maybe aren’t exact, because people use the anime or the wiki - instead of re-visiting the text? We all know the manga is very different, so why are we basing our opinions on the lesser of the media we supposedly love?
I think re-reads should be encouraged, personally. We could host like, re-read parties - TG book club, where we all read say, 10 chapters a week and discuss. It could be something really fun, and even community based. I think a lot of people don’t want to re-read the manga because it’s long, and a lot of us are neurodivergent (i have audhd girlies I literally get it!!!!), but like I said - reading 10 chapters a week, with friends.
I’m planning my own reread myself - normally I just reread the Shuu bits for his character analysis - and I’m so excited! Part of why I haven’t re-read the entire story in the past six months is because when I tried before, I had only just realised that my mother had been abusing me for quite a long time, and I had always sort of defended her from that title before. So I wasn’t mentally ready to relive that through Kaneki? But now I am, and I’m excited to seeing how the story will look for me - now that I’m older, and I have the knowledge of what I was put through, I’m sort of excited to see what new takeaways I’ll have from places I haven’t looked at, and what the story will make me feel. And of course, I’m excited to look at a certain beautiful autistic man for so many pages…
That’s another thing too though. A lot of people read TG when they were younger, or didn’t have certain experiences. So when you don’t reread, you’re remembering what you read when you were 14 and maybe a bit stupid - so of course, it might not look good if it’s been 5 years since. Age changes people, experience changes how something feels - if we’re engaging with this media critically, I think re-reading it becomes incredibly crucial. And yeah, maybe afterwards you still think TG is objectively bad - maybe that’s just how you feel, and that’s valid. But I do wonder if a lot of people would reconsider this POV if they were to re-experience it - the manga specifically.
Like I said, we can make it fun too! I’m strongly considering hosting this ‘tg reread’ in my discord server (ironic bc i did initially intend my discord server as a book club lmao) - lots of you guys have discord servers too, we have those tumblr communities, don’t we? Group chats? (Omg…WhatsApp group…) - so why not? Why not make it a thing? TG book club could be so fun!
I hope this kind of makes sense. I know I am quite critical of this fandom, and maybe a lot of people don’t like that. But I’ve said it before, I don’t really like echo chambers. I think we can question popular opinions or analysis, and it should be allowed. I’ve seen so many analysis lately, where people aren’t really analysing? I mean, they are, but it’s under this bombastic umbrella, where anyone that even respectfully tries to discuss is shut down. That’s not discussion. That’s creating an echo-chamber.
It’s important to reflect, to ask ourselves why we think certain ways. To look at a past take or analysis we’ve had and realise we no longer agree, or it’s just so so wrong - God knows I have had some beyond terrible Shuu takes. And God knows, I didn’t listen to criticism of them that well either - when I definitely should have! But that was before, and this is now. And now I think about these things differently, with more research and behind-the-scenes study, and I’ve been through more, and I’m just…not 17 anymore! And that’s okay.
I don’t know. I see issues, and I’m a cunt, so I like making my opinions heard. I don’t fucking like echo chambers, if I see something I maybe disagree with, why not try and articulate why? If I think I know enough, and if I think I can have a good discussion with someone I don’t agree with - why not? It’s good to be challenged. It doesn’t feel good to be wrong about something, but it’s better to fail and learn.
I just think lots of us are maybe jaded. Maybe we’ve forgotten things. And maybe we just need to look at these things again. I think we should all start questioning things more - especially ourselves.
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HELLO!!! It's me the anon that asked if you would ever consider doing fics for Tom Lee and Olly Wang, thank you so much for answering my ask AND IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR ITS NOT A DEFINITE NO!!! 😭😭😭🙏
In all honesty I asked because you have such incredibly good characterization of even the more unpopular but interesting characters, like the Logan fics are actually so so so wonderful, I was in so much genuine awe reading it, it felt so canon and true to the character, I found myself spacing off thinking about him more often now LOOLLLL. So that's why I was wondering how you would take chars like Tom and Olly, I think their characters are just so interesting in both their goods and flaws lmaoooo but unfortunately they’re a lil underrated. 🥹
I also majorly underestimated exactly how much your lookism fic list goes on for(in the best possible way), I’m not too used to tumblr layouts and I Just found out you have a wholeeeeee lot more fics than I previously knew and I’ve been having an absolute field day browsing through everything, it’s like discovering an even Bigger amount of gold in an already large treasure trove LMAOOOO. Thank you so much for everything 😭🙏💖 your dwindling insanity feeds the fandom big time LOOLLL!!!
Hi anon! Yeah it's definitely a never say never situation. But I do think fanon and my own HC has become my interpretation of the characters. I'm not toooo sure how well they hold up against canon tbh 🥴
Aw thank you for reading my Logan fics! My Logan phase was super short lived, then I fixated on Vin who is a little bit more fix-able, imo. Maybe I really should look into Hostel, including Olly and Tom Lee a bit more 🤔
Lmao my masterlist is here for anyone that is a bit lost. There's like 11 masterlists due to hitting link limits and trying to categorise them.
Not too sure how many I've published but for shits and giggles, here's my note app where I write shit and keep track of how many I've created (WIP and completed) and bitch is on 617 🫠

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Ik that ur probably getting a lot of requests because you're kinda carrying the iida side of Tumblr and I feel kinda bad for sending another request to add to that like but uh could you write a Tenya x gn!reader where the reader like opposite of iida?? Not bakugou level of opposite where like they're an active menace (no shade) but like being one of the bad more wreckless than bad students on the list and once they officially date they just become a MODEL student like perfect grades, perfect demeanor, just ✨👌 sorry if this is a really long this I just can't express proper stuff without going on a really long text block or rant
warnings: swearing
notes: i’m making them just genuinely not care because if i was a main character y/n that’s what i’d do. so they’re not reckless like “i’m gonna smash this wall because it looks fun” reckless but like the “i’m not going to finish any assignments even though i might fail this whole year or get expelled” reckless (also i think this is an awesome idea. love you for this)

most of the students in class 1-a did not like you at all
this was because you were basically just taking up space in a class that you weren’t even trying to pass
one person that did try to warm up to you was iida
you were completely aware that since he was the class president, that was technically his job
either way, he tried to talk to you all the time
“hello y/n. how is school here going so far?”
and you answered like “i don’t really like it here too much, sorry iida” and that was all
this was not the only attempt the boy made to talk to you
“what is up y/n. would you like to study with izuku, todoroki, and i tonight?”
“i don’t really study, sorry iida”
so after your carelessness, he tries a different approach
“y/n would you like to hang out at a skate park after school today?”
your eyes genuinely sparkled
and unpopular opinion, iida is actually really good at skateboarding
he uses his quirk as an advantage when he’s on the board so he goes really fast and hardly ever falls or looses his balance
you agreed despite knowing this information
when you guys hung out, he got to understand you better than the rest of the class did
he learned that you didn’t even want to be in the hero course and he was only there because your parents made you
he also learned that your goal was to get expelled in the first place so you could just go to your normal average high school
after that skate park trip, you did it more and more often
one day, you told him to go over your house after school with you
you told him that the two of you could ride your skateboards to your house or something
he agreed because he trusts you a lot more than he lets on
when you guys got to your house, your mother made the two of you dinner and let you guys go on your merry way
you ended up just going to a normal park
like the cute park with the playgrounds meant for children
your teenage beings made your way onto the tire swing together somehow
you guys stared into each others eyes that were lit by the moonlight
and then boom the two of you were dating
(don’t forget that this was all after a kiss and a huge discussion about lots of things.)
and after the weekend on monday, you showed up to school with months worth of missing work and even offered to train with a few fellow students
aizawa was so proud of you and iida
mostly iida because he is the reason his student with the lowest grade average is making their way back up
its hard to tell why you did it
it was mostly to please the likes of your (very pretty) boyfriend
it was also because when he talked to you it made you rethink your call on being a hero
#iida x reader#iida x you#iida x y/n#iida x delinquent reader#tenya iida#iida tenya#iida tenya hcs#headcanons#iida headcanons#tenya x you#tenya x reader#tenya iida hcs#bnha tenya#tenya iida x reader#iida#mha iida#mha x reader#mha x y/n#mha x you#my hero#my hero academia#star writes#starwrites#♠star writes#♠starwrites#♠mars#♠venus#😋
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Ok thinking about this again and I feel like this is considered sacrilege to say on tumblr specifically for some reason but, I’ll never not hate how much ppl try to make the argument Pentious needed to be super serious and evil. It always misses the point of his character to me. It’s really was never about Pentious being evil. It’s why it’s gotten out of the way so quickly in the beginning of Radio Killed the Video Star. You know with Alastor right here:
This is literally the first thing we get with Pentious and I think it set up quite well. Him being evil and then turning soft wasn’t what you were supposed to take away from his character, it’s his arc of learning to value himself and open up to others. Alastor whole thing is he likes to mess with other characters’ insecurities. That’s what he’s doing in this clip. Messing with Pentious’ biggest insecure, his fear of being forgotten. Just another face in the crowd that never meant anything despite his intelligence.
Pentious while doing evil things it’s not inherently evil. It’s a front he put on. Like Angel Dust he is putting on a mask to hide who he really is. Remove the corny villain persona and the war machines and this is who he really is.

A vulnerable man who’s finally allowed the space to wear his heart on his sleeve and let his emotions show. He never deep down wanted to be the villain, he was only that way cus of the environment he’s in made it where that was what he had to be. It’s eat or be eaten. He had to survive and fight to even try to get on top.
Unpopular opinion I don’t think we needed much to set this arc up. The Alastor stuff is fine enough in getting this point across. That even gave us a cute joke as pay off too. It gives you all you need.
Now in a perfect world I would have loved an episode of Pentious before the hotel to specifically explore his seemingly parasocial and toxic dynamic with the vees. Specifically Vox. As they are criminally little on it rn. However that’s me being more curious. I acknowledge it’s not technically needed. Maybe they’ll someday find a way to elaborate on it but, it’s fine I don’t mind I think they still said it all with that one part we did get.
Tho yeah Pentious as is? I think he’s far more interesting now than he’s ever been. Hell I’d argue he was always kind of implied to be this emotional and sensitive. Seen a lot of ppl say it’s a problem he’s so goofy but, news flash so was his villain persona.

Like the 3rd pic especially. You can see it right? He’s still trying to get attention, it’s silly but, also a sign that he just wants to be acknowledged. Remembered. Even if he’s kind of cringe about it.
I think he’s far more interesting this way and I hate this idea that “if a character is sillier or goofy means they by default are less interesting”. Heck his silliness and habit to blend into the background is neat cus it makes the reveal at the season finale way better. Pentious just being this silly man who fought for others cus they gave him the love he needed? That’s beautiful.
Also this criticism of him being too goofy is insane to me given the show itself. Like with how the tone of season 1 is I do ask how on earth making him more overly serious would make a lick of sense. Sure we are getting statements by crew we might get a more serious season 2 (which um I’m conflicted on) yet that’s season 2. The first season is more light hearted by nature. Besides episode 4 tho yeah that is understandable given the subject matter that episode is tackling I definitely would expect the show to be more serious tackling it and this show did as such so well.
By just adding angst onto a character who genuinely didn’t need as such it would mess up the tone and potentially even pacing cus that need more set up. Which is a bad idea given this season’s pacing is already on thin ice.
So yeah if he wants to babygirl the hell out and be himself then I say let him. I doubt this will change anyone’s mind I just get sad every time I see this here. Probably a me thing but, I’ll never subscribe to this idea his character was ruined. I wish ppl in this fandom would acknowledge that the softer characters are interesting too. See ppl be really dismissive of Charlie like this as well. Pentious is like Vaggie in a way. Two ppl who seem to have done something horrible yet actively try to be better ppl. Characters don’t need to fit an evil or nice box all the time. The point of hazbin is its main character are different shades of grey you know? Pentious is not an expectation and writing him like a typical redeemed villain wouldn’t work as well at least to me.
In conclusion this is Sir Pentious:

#sorry I made another one of these#I’m just so passionate about his character’s in canon#they’ll never make me hate you Sir Pentious#nerdys post tag#character analysis#hazbin hotel#sir pentious#sir pentious hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel sir pentious#hazbin sir pentious
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So I keep hearing buzz about the Jax hate going on on the internet that Gooseworx (the creator of The Amazing Digital Circus) and Michael Kovach (the VA for Jax himself) called us out on, with the former saying that only the strongest Jax fans will survive the show.
None of the theory farmers seem to give a single damn about my fav teef boi, despite there being other avid Caine defenders like myself out there trying (and ultimately failing) to reason with the Caine haters. Even Alex Rochon (Caine's VA) had to give his two cents on Twitter/X to try to quell the increasing hate on Caine. Some of the more outspoken Caine haters are even going out of their way to straight up bully him in the comments section of a fan animation of TADC on YouTube. Where did we go wrong, you guys!!??
You wouldn't cyberbully a real life person, so why is everyone cyberbullying a fictional character over an honest mistake that he was never even informed of due to a lack of communication!?
And an unpopular opinion of mine: I wasn't upset at all about Gummigoo's demise like the others were. In fact, I didn't even get attached to him in that episode. I just thought he was a neat character; nothing more, nothing less.
I'm not mad. Just disappointed. Extremely disappointed. I genuinely expected better from you guys. I really did.
So if Gooseworx says that only the strongest Jax fans will survive the show, then I would like to proudly declare that only the strongest Caine fans will survive the show.
Please don't harass any Caine ask blogs on Tumblr about Gummigoo's death/disappearance. I think it's safe to say he's more than already aware of what he's done, and you do NOT need to rub it in.
You know it doesn't take much to let me down on the Internet, but holy shit, have we been reaching new lows lately. And this was all because I commented on a freaking fan animation of TADC on YouTube.
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since you already talked about marcus, asking about sejanus :)
re: ask game
hi backpacks, thank you for the ask!!! <33 (and sorry for taking so long, I needed to freak out abt the olympics before 😭). but let's go:
My first impression: "huh? a district person on the capitol? that's new.... I think I've never seen this before in the saga.... that's so interesting what the hell. he seems like a sweet boy, but let's see why he's hanging out with coriolanus."
My impression now: defending sejanus on tumblr is not enough, I need a gun. he became my favorite character in tbosas and probably is on my top 3 of the hunger games franchise. he changed the chemistry of my brain and I love him very much.
Favorite thing about that character: I really like how suzanne collins made it so clear how sejanus was just a teenager. he's so young, and he's a genuine kind soul. he was just a sweet boy from highschool and not only I think it's adorable seeing how youthful he is, but it makes everything that happens to him hurt even more and be more impactful.
Least favorite thing: look. I know sejanus was in a very bad situation, and that in his place, coriolanus was probably the only thing near to being treated with dignity and he clinged to it. however it bothered me how sejanus was so genuinely hyping him up in D12. and yes, even though I agree that he didn't know 100% to which extent coriolanus was evil, he did hear some of his takes on the games on the academy, and he did hear coriolanus saying some very evil things and went "lalala I'm not hearing it-". it makes me crazy that he slanders his father while hanging out with someone so alike strabo
Favorite line/scene: "I don’t care what you say. You’ve no right to starve people, to punish them for no reason. No right to take away their life and freedom. Those are things everyone is born with, and they’re not yours for the taking."
Favorite interaction that character has with another: his scenes with maude ivory and his little interactions with the covey are everything to me and I hold these close to my heart.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: lucy gray!!! without thinking twice. I'm a platonic bairdplinth at heart, and I would've loved seeing more of them together without some blonde people around side eyes coriolanus
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: historia reiss from attack on titan
A headcanon about that character: sejanus, just like his father (even tho his father got it more), got hearing loss. strabo didn't make him use ear protection when he was a child learning to shoot. also, this is random, but I like to imagine he got a collection of plushies in his bedroom.
A song that reminds of that character: i know the end by phoebe bridgers
An unpopular opinion about that character: this doesn't apply just to him, it applies to the plinths in general, but I really think people take coriolanus' words (you know, coriolanus, very much bitter that a district family has so much more money than him, and that a lot of times refers to district people as animals and savages and etc) too much to heart regarding the privilege the plinths have in the capitol. I'm not saying they aren't privileged, but I see some people going to say that sejanus should've pulled a plutarch and went into politics, when I hardly think he would be able to survive a year in a political landscape in the capitol because the system simply wouldn't let him do it lol. the plinths already need an INSANE amount of money to be able to live like "equals" in the capitol, and that while always giving and giving and giving to the capitol to compensate their presence. tl:dr; I think coriolanus overestimates too much the privilege and power that money brings to sejanus, because in the end, sejanus is still district, and in the end, that's what prevails and sends sejanus to his death.
Favorite picture: I don't go for the movie cast for imagining the characters :') however, here I give you a little sejanus sketch just because:
#ask#ask game#tbosas#tbosas movie#sejanus plinth#fanart#my silly little posts#I was so happy when you sent me him for the ask game#I love him so much
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cracked pot (for the ask game)
yknow when someone asked gianni how he felt about gabv1 i think and he was jsit lkke "MEBEGEGEGEEGEGGMMMkissie kissie smoochie smoochHeehehehehee" or something to that effect. Yeag. i don't think i need to make it much clearer how much of my brain power ive dedicated to thinking about This Specific Guy and not much else, but! You could say i like hymn. A little bit. Maybe 🤏
phobos has always been my no1 but recently taken a liking to hank & tricky aswell, this has nothing to do with tumblr users slaughtrtime and aphiepilled I don't like those guys. I don't I don't I don't! there are very few people who can withstand being in a romantic relationship with hymn though, i fear. those three are all just kind of equally as horrible as hymn enough that it cancels out. i could write essays abt why i ship those three so hard if the people truly need to know but that's for a separate post
SHERIFF!!!! They are STRICTLY friends in my mind but god they are such good friends. i like thinking about them a LOT they make me so joyous!!! TTHeyve never interacted in the actual series but they're friends you have to trust me. they took their lunch breaks together when nexus was still a thing. merc & the fanatics form an alliance with eachother postgame you didn't see it happen but i was there Trust Me [grip]
WEll. Let's just say i feel like all my opinions about hymn are a little unpopular, but probably the strongest one i feel is that hy isn't that mean of a person, really. Like, the only times we ever see hymn ingame are either filter through jebs incredibly biased perspective (because everyone forgets that jeb is a deeply unreliable narrator), or when hys fucking HOME is being invaded and hys faction members are being KILLED!!! i genuinely don't think hys a very mean or hateful person, hy just is kind of a snarky dickhead arnd jeb bc hy doesn't like that guy!!!! hy has pink sparklies and stuff tho guys hy considered the fanatics hys children.... Hy has whimsy!!! joy in hys heart!!!!
oh i would've fucking LOVED. if hy actually got to interact with hys former coworkers onscreen after nexus fell. i feel like not letting hank & jeb take Flood Control was such a missed opportunity, especially if tricky would've been in w the group too- it would've been such an interesting reunion!!!! honestly it would've been cool in general if hy got to be a part of the party for a level or two like tricky did, even if you couldn't control hymn directly :O
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what's your favorite rare pair? Or just non canon in general. Mine are winlet and cressder
hi hello 👋 sorry it took me so long to answer this :)
1. my FAVORITE rarepair on non-canon-pairing is Cinder/Thorne 😭 I’m obsessive over them. absolutely feral. I love them so much it hurts. they suit each other so well and accept each other for who they are and are the original crime chaos duo 🥲
they have such a casual familiarity with one another and yet they’d give their lives for each other. do you understand? do you see what I’m seeing??
I’m always advocating for changing the ship name to Captlinh actually
I’ve also written three fanfics for them !! 🎉
paint me bruises in the shape of you
everything lost gets found
simple geometry, or something (unrequited)
2. my second fave non-canon-pairing is Jacin/Cress!! it’s just so good—their dynamic—you don’t—I can’t—I’m literally—it’s SO GOOD—I’m crying
I can’t even explain it. it’s like, both of them love someone else and want someone else but they have this unspoken connection they can’t escape. there’s a tinge of forbidden love to it that is so so delicious 👉👈
I have a friend with a wip where they develop feelings for one while she’s hiding on Luna. they follow through with it but Jacin chooses Winter in the end. Cress is left feeling dirty and ashamed and realizes love is so much more complicated than she ever could have imagined. I can’t articulate to you how much this concept HAUNTS me. I nEED her to finish writing it I can’t even I’m being so real right now.
also, there’s this potential for angst/tension because Jacin KNEW ABOUT CRESS and he did NOTHING and that’s so interesting and compelling. Cress could feel betrayal when she has no right to because they don’t know each other and Jacin owes her nothing but he COuLd have done something and didn’t. I actually wrote a fic exploring this concept:
it’s in the details
plus this one: simple geometry, or something (if you squint)
3. third place goes to SCARLET/THORNE!! because they hate each other and it’s so funny. like the idea that they get together and all their friends don’t get it but they can’t quit each other. like Scarlet HATES him but he, being woman-crazy is attracted to her instantly. he tries to get under her skin and HE DOES every time and she’s so quick to fall for it. it would be purely physical for Scarlet but since Thorne is so sentimental he falls HARD for her
I wrote this fic detailing this very thing:
the kind that leaves me wanting
and lastly you didn’t ask and prolly don’t care but mini rant incoming:
I wish the TLC fandom was less judgey about shipping things that aren’t canon because then more casual enjoyers of Cinwell (and other pairings) would be more comfortable to write fanfic and make fanart and talk about it in general. and that would be so fun! and interesting! I have TWO SEPARATE tumblr besties that love Cinwell and will talk about it all day long in private messages but are genuinely anxious about being public about their love for the ship because they don’t want to be judged or low-key bullied/canceled over it.
this fandom has a strange culture where one rando person will post an unpopular or unique take/opinion that gets like 3 notes and then popular TLC blogs will passive aggressively make a post dragging that account’s opinions. it’s high key wild. like why are you so insecure about your ship/views? that you feel the need to be validated by your anon following? and it comes across as so self righteous like they know the series better or love it better or have the Correct Opinion. makes me go insane. makes me feral
okay rant over.
anyway, thank you for asking! I love to hear that you have favorite rarepairs! that’s so cool, you’re literally so cool for that. like can I compliment you? on being cool?
#and I hope you don’t mind this WALL of text. I know it’s a lot for a simple ask#I’m so pro-rarepair it’s genuinely silly#but I could talk all day about it#because there’s so much POTENTIAL here#so many directions these relationships could take the characters#there are so many compelling dynamics#that canon didn’t have time or interest to explore#if you take anything away from my silly little post it’s to write some rarepair goodness and not let anyone police your fandom experience#the lunar chronicles#captain carswell thorne#linh cinder#jacin clay#cress darnel#scarlet benoit#cinwell#captlinh#the everything captlinh tag#thornelet#rarepair#jacress
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