#genuinely though idk if this is an acceptable thing to do or if it'd be seen as Bad or smth so 🧍❓
dandyshucks · 20 days
is this a safe space for me to gripe about other people's interpretations of my favourite guy. in a very "this doesnt actually matter and I'm just complaining for fun" way.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 5 months
Okay I finished the BOOK
God I need fanfics of Molly living with Giovanni now like T-T
Everything I ever WANTED
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My verdict on Lorelai:
I'm glad that whatever growth she may go through, Molly won't be suffering when she inevitably backtracks along the way. It'd be nice to see the two mend their relationship but it is definitely for the better that they've been separated.
I wanna see Lorelai struggle and grow but she shouldn't get anymore opportunities to hurt Molly, much less for the sake of her learning a lesson. So it's better this way imo
And now that Molly isn't there, Lorelai's gonna have to run the shop and learn her lesson through CUSTOMER SERVICE joining zuko and others in the redemption arc trend of becoming redeemed by dealing with bitchy people
I very much don't mind rotating Lorelai in my brain a lil more cuz I don't hate her. I want to bunt her across the room when she hurts Molly ofc, I will not retract my statements, but I hate HER FATHER more than her
Cuz her father has no excuse to be the way he is. I'll get back to Lorelai in a moment cause she is definitely NOT faultless, but HIM?? He enabled all of this. He never checked in with his daughters and was always so inconsiderate of them. AND HES A GROWN MAN! It's telling that Giovanni goes off on him more than he does Lorelai cause in the end, he did nothing.
Back to Lorelai, she feels like a very intentionally immature character. Immature and selfish in a way that contrasts with Molly when Molly is the actual kid. I mean, Lorelai is 17 and all but by that age you can fairly expect someone to grasp not leaving your 12 yr old sibling to suffer under responsibilities your supposed to share.
And Lorelai being immature I think is added to by her fear that she's the reason her mother died. And the grief in all that. I think it's a good enough reason to feel sympathetic for how she's spiraled into this unhealthy coping mechanism and separates her from her father when it comes to being a rotten person.
By the end of the book it still felt like she hadn't grasped WHY what she did was bad to me and I'm kinda hoping that was an intentional writing decision. The book shows how she doesn't grasp some things like what makes someone a genuinely horrible person and so for her to still not quite see how what she did was bad, feels fitting.
By the end of seemed to me like, she KNEW what she did wasnt okay because Giovanni told her off and she was confronted with the truth that, she wasn't the good guy. Yet knowing that didn't make her understand what her actions specifically caused. Despite. Molly telling her.
I want to look up shenanigans between Molly and Giovanni in fics but I also kinda want to see Naven and Lorelai's relationship with the steps she'll make to become a better person
So def a ways away from growing significantly but I like that Naven has stuck around offering his help should she accept it. I mean Giovanni did that too but Naven's role in her story hits HARD
[EDIT: God I'm embarrassed Naven only pointed out Giovanni's card he left behind, ONLY GIOVANNI reached out if she wanted to work on herself to be better BUT I STILL LIKE TO THINK SHE AND NAVEN KEPT IN CONTACT SHUSH he could like give her some tough love]
Speaking of relationships, idk about Giovanni x Lorelai
I mean I still think it could be cute, Lorelai's crushing scenes are hilarious as much as they are sad and envoke feelings of "I just want good things for Lorelai". I def don't think she deserves him rn but I do think that, since Giovanni hasn't shut down her becoming his minion in THE FUTUREE, when she learns to be good at being bad, she has a shot.
Though, it's still a little lost on me if Giovanni has figured out she has been crushing on him HARD. Like, he picked up on her cheating and bullying but did he pick up on any of the signs for her affection?? Makes me think she's gonna have a hard time in the friendzone if she became a minion. Not sure what Giovanni with a crush would look like either tho so.
I have a bit of a hard time seeing Giovanni crushing on her but I still think their dynamic is cute enough! Just dragged down by how awful she's been to everyone and HIS NUMBER 1 MINIONNN
but the more I think about it, I think it'd be great to see them as just friends. Like, getting on the level of best buds and Lorelai loses her crush on him. Both still maintaining the dynamic they had in that last fight with all the bantering cuz they are pretty similar
If they ever became romantic though. Like. Molly and Lorelai's relationship NEEDS to be healed and I think healed for a WHILE. I just can't see it working out otherwise. This would probably need to ring true if they were to become best friends too but EVEN MORE SO if they got mushy (as in the failed baking trials that would compromise 40% of the time they would hang out. Love language quality time)
Ngl I already got my own angsty ideas for Lorelai because self hatred + not wanting to be the bad guy is such a delicious combination of traits that contradict each other yet still exist never the less
I wonder how Lorelai reacted the morning she realized Molly was gone and gone for good. I'm betting she at first believed she'd be hanging out with her friends and would be back. Then a day passes. Then another. And another. She asks her father if he's seen Molly and is reminded he doesn't care. I wonder if she confronted Naven about where Molly was, if she'd at first lash out when he doesn't tell her, and that reminds her why this happened.
She probably couldn't wallow in self pity for very long since she'd be working now, but still vry interesting how it'll play out
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bettertwin1 · 5 months
Hi, old follower here from before you had 100 followers. I've got a semi serious question for you.
When I first followed you, I got the impression that you were a RP blog, in the case where you would RP with your "brother" (bettertwin9000), so I followed the rules as such. But later on it seems that this blog is your persona? In terms of everything said to this blog is a personal question to you? It's a weird situation where people asking those intrusive questions make sense for a RP blog, but in a normal blog situation it makes it intrusive.
Tldr, I think many are confused if this is an RP blog or you having Leo as your persona, so can you confirm what this blog actually is?
And, for the sake of things making a little bit of sense, as much as sense as we can manage, keep in mind that we have OSDD, we're a system-
At the start of the blog <- in which we were advertising it as a roleplay blog, it was being run by our host and partially by me though I had no clue what I was doing at the time and bettertwin9000 was being run by our partner <- (which btw, made for some strange asks)
We continued advertising it as a roleplay even when we began suspecting and having full breakdowns over the idea of being a system due to some little things and some big things and lots of research and therapy and blah blah BUT we kept going back on it cause tbh DID is a hard thing to accept and we didn't want it <- still don't
SO now I was trying to run the blog more all the while trying to keep us grounded, IGNORING the possibility of DID and thinking, nah, this is just a really bad cause of delusions and we NEED to get reality checked NOW.
But I ALREADY KNEW i'm not REALLY Leo from rottmnt, but I am him, I was formed from that guy, created? Idk. He made me in his own image type reference audio. WOW IM NOT EXPLAINING ANYTHING 😭😭 did I mention we have a tendency to overexplain <- but specifically for me in the case of explaining things that are hard to explain, ANYWHIZZLE.
We kept going back and forth, confirming and denying the conclusion "we have osdd" cause that's terrifying and while this was happening I was still trying to force us to post and interact and involve ourself in arcs for the sake of distraction from EVERYTHING happening irl and the blog kind of made it worse but in a light hearted way cause suddenly the asks became really gross, and I felt really gross.
Sure, maybe someone who was roleplaying Leonardo would have no trouble answering asks about dead relatives or near death experiences or villains that have physically harmed you and your 'siblings' or about my crippling inability to speak about feelings and whatever else people diagnosed me with on here but I was having trouble answering it, I was getting uncomfortable and I was feeling genuinely overwhelmed because everything that definitely would be great material for a roleplay account was making me just feel, bad. <- which wasn't great considering at the time, feeling bad was not something i could have been affording to do
SO at some point, I started putting boundaries, didn't explain why, just continued under the guise of hey, roleplay guy here, the intruvsive invasive asks about my family and my mental health and my anatomy is making me want to die so please stop andbonly ask fun stuff like idk, if i put salt in donnie's coffee sometimes and everyone was like, yes leonardo in unison.
Then I slowly started getting more adamant on pushing the narrative that I am LITERALLY Leo from the show cause pushing that seemed to really help with the questions, and then the roleplay blog became more like. A personal blog for some dude who happened to be a ninja turtle alter and it'd unfortunately gotten so out of hand that explaining this now kind of made us even more exhausted cause oh man, we might get fake claimed huh <- we had worse things to deal with, internet drama didn't need to be added to this.
Anyway, if you read through all that junk, i'm sorry 😭, but i think it helps explain why the impression of the blog is so confusing cause it was being run by two ppl, a host and an alter who were constantly trying NOT to be those things until pretty recently when we started accepting the fact that we have Osdd
The blog starts off as an rp blog by our host and I unbeknownst to us both
The blog is fun and we start gaining traction
We also start gaining more mental health problems and have a full breakdown multiple times on many different social medias
We push through to cope
We talk to the other blog runners who are systems <- (Mikey, Raph and at the time when their account was apart of this, April) and they kindly answer and guide us through some things
We start adding boundaries for my sake
We talk to other systems on other social media and they help us with more stuff
We talk to our therapist
We do a ton of research on top of old research we'd apparently already done before <- suddenly we have a long document with so much information
We tell no one about the discovery when we start accepting the possibility
More funny stuff ensue and personal life things happen <- #ONLYTHEREALONESKNOW!
The only announcement I ever make that i'm an alter are one off comments in tags or answers that I never address again until I make an intro post that says I'm an alter in a system
The blog is what now?
The blog is still a roleplay account. Sometimes, canceled arcs that we would have done would have been considered roleplay <- a canceled christmas arc. But usually, this is just a blog. Like, this is just a blog I use to entertain people and to get some of my thoughts out like a singlet would. It's both i guess, it's whatever I want it to be and whatever you guys consider it to be.
The blog is just, my blog, I don't know how else to explain it 😅😅
Also, Bettertwin9000 was pretty much going through the same thing at the time and fun fact, he is actually my "brother" cause he's a Donnie alter <- (yay!)
Shoutout to the host who has their own blogs that they never really post on! couldn't have done it without you! <- and the many kind individuals who gave us their research material and links and answered our questions and stuck w/ us through the most confusing part of OUR LIFE
Srry again if this didn't answer your question like at all by the way, i THINK it at least explained some things but you know 😭 SORRY IDK
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stuffyflowers · 2 months
as the CEO of the ketsukane's what do you think of some takes of Kanako if she got to grow up normally/deltarune yellow kanako's? I find it a bit lame that a lot of people just turn her into bigger dorkier Ceroba, I think it'd be fun if more people did stuff with her interests in games and just generally her taking more after Chujin since her taking so much after Chujin (being so self sacrificial) is partially what caused her end in UTY. Idk on the deltarune yellow takes I just find it weird to turn her into some sort of shrine maiden when her wanting to be a superhero is right there. And they'd really think she'd wouldn't grow up with a love for tinkering?
tbh I don’t rly see enough grown up kanako centric fanworks to have any comment on the ‘bigger dorkier ceroba’ aspect ngl???+ in general im a lot more interested in how she’d grow up in the canon uty timeline as an amalgamate, and I am not a fan of how ppl erase the opportunity to explore her being one just to make things more ‘feel good’. but okay, hypothetical of her growing up without the incident taking place/deltarune yellow esque au…,
i do agree she’d take more after chujin obviously, tho I think saying her being self sacrificial is taken solely from chujin is a bit inaccurate, id argue both her parents are self sacrificial (ceroba throws her morality and wellbeing out the window just for a chance to make a difference! its not just chujin). The part id say that comes solely from chujin rather than both of her parents is more her interests and skillset, as u mentioned a bit with the video game he made for her. (and cerobas description of her also leaning towards her being more like chujin ofc)
on that note, i quite like the idea of her getting into robotics! i feel she would find much more success in it than chujin did... not to say there wasn't any passion behind the axis project, but at that point chujins priority had shifted more towards his overambitious goal of protecting the underground from a seemingly imminent threat. the fact that he was clearly less inclined to this line of work than his peers did not and could not stop him. meanwhile i feel like kanako would have a more genuine pull towards robotics, the opportunity to create life out of metal and magic would fascinate her. two of her greatest strengths seem to be her creativity and her intellect, which would mix perfectly in this role.
she would love the opportunity to create something that could help others, especially. another defining trait of hers is how driven she is by a desire to make things right and help others: willingly taking part in chujins experiments shows her love not only for her family, but for all of monsterkind (+getting very tunnel-visioned w the idea of being their 'hero,' title soaked in blood etc etc), and the lengths she is willing to go to show this. obviously making helper bots would be a much healthier outlet for this trait than letting herself get injected with a dangerous serum, lol!
as for the kind of robots she would make, i could see her starting off pretty simple with a bot to help her family out w/ everyday duties, maybe a gardener bot to tend to chujin's garden? as she gets more confident in her abilities, she grows more ambitious, creating bots w much higher capabilities. Though her favourite part always remains giving them their own distinct personalities and forming bonds with them, treating them like family (just as I like to believe she would have done with axis if given the opportunity… kanako and axis friendship is real 2 ME!!!! I could go (and I have b4 lol) on a whole other rant abt how ceroba treats the steamworks robots and how chujin abandons axis once he’s ‘dangerous’, and how this contrasts to kanakos drawing of axis, depicting him exactly as she would in a drawing of a friend to hang on her wall. She would love all robots unconditionallyyyyyy okay)
uh fuck how do I conclude this.. um accept robotics nerd kanako into yuor hearts. that is all👍
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aihoshiino · 10 months
do you think b komachi (specifically the 4 founding members) were ever friends at one point? i think 45510 implied it with how ai refers to them being friends before and nino saying that ai didn’t ‘cling to her friends’
personally, ive assumed that they were never close due to that rift between her and the rest of them therefore leading ai to want to make friends with them but knowing that they mightve been close in the past (even if it was brief) before distancing themselves away and growing to resent and envy her is just
Idk it hurts
The Spica novel implies they never really connected at all and that there was some pretty nasty bullying of Ai basically immediately but uh, the Spica novel also has a lot of weird contradictions with the main series so I kind of just have been taking everything from it with a grain of salt... it'd be one thing if it was actually written by Akasaka and he was retconning but I genuinely think this Tanaka guy just did not know anything about oshi no ko when he wrote it lMDKMSLSKS
It's hard to pin things down exactly because we've never gotten a proper snapshot of that part of Ai's life. The closest we come to having anyone from that time period talk about it is in 45510 and Nino is sooooo biased that it's hard to know how seriously we can take her words.
I tend to believe that Nino is mostly telling the truth about how things went there from a purely narratively utilitarian standpoint of "this is our only source for this particular information so she cannot be a wholly unreliable narrator", even if her obvious emotional bias means you can't just uncritically accept what she says. Kyun kind of accidentally corroborates this in Viewpoint B where she describes Ai as being a little distant and seeming to have her walls up, which matches Nino describing her as 'aloof'.
I don't think this was something Ai was doing intentionally, though! This isn't something anyone in B-Komachi would've had context for but immediately worth noting is that, given that we know Ai can't be any older than 11 or 12 when she debuts in B-Komachi, this is two years at the very most out from her being separated from her mother. As Ayumi herself admits, her abuse of Ai escalated and peaked when Ai was eight or nine years old and Ai was put into the children's home and abandoned by her not long after. Given how fresh the wounds of abuse and abandonment would've been, it's really not a shock to me that Ai might have been kind of wary and defensive in a way that would've read as aloofness to kids who don't know what's up with her.
And also, like... Ai is autistic lol! She literally has a type of neurodivergence that affects her ability to socialize on top of her being implied to have been pretty poorly socialized up to that point as well. Chances are good that during this important period of making first impressions in B-Komachi that she probably wasn't great at masking, so that combined with her already having her guard up a bit likely would have made her seem really standoffish.
With all that laid out, I think my read of what initially happened with the founding members and Ai is that they were all reaching out to each other but ended up missing the final step they would've needed to really connect. The other founding members eventually gave up but Ai never stopped trying to reach them even long past the point where even she admits that they probably hate her. She never gave up on the idea that they could be friends.
It's definitely sad! I think the way the founding members fell apart is a really good depiction of like... an emotionally messy situation where it's hard for me to really blame anyone. In the aftermath of ch132, I've seen a lot of people really ragging on Nino and blaming her entirely for Ai's isolation within B-Komachi but like... isn't Ichigo also to blame for letting things get that bad? Isn't it the manager's job to make sure toxicity like that doesn't fester? Hell, a big part of why the girls in B-Komachi resented Ai is BECAUSE of Ichigo - because the group's management spotlighted and promoted her to the extent that all the other girls felt like they were just there to be Ai's backup dancers.
Thank God that could never happen with the present day generation of B-Komachi, right? Ha... hahahahhaa...............
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oh the ones I wanted to send are taken already UHM.. Wrightdot and/or Franmaya? (the latter isn't my cup of tea but I'm interested to hear your thoughts on it!)
HELLO, GRACE, MY DARLING FRIEND GRACE 💖💕💕💞♥️💝❤️💗❤️💖💖💕💝💞♥️💗💞 Thank you for the ask; I am honoured you actually wanted to hear me talk about multiple ships whsjdhj 💖💘💗
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Grace, trying to answer this gave me some sort of quarter-life existential crisis, and I am a bit hysterical rn. Through the laughter and the screaming, I have to admit that... I kind of............ get it??????? I WOULDNT SAY I SHIP IT, BUT, LIKE. THEY'RE SO FUNNY BUT ALSO REALLY SAD AND IM????? IDK WHAT I THINK SJWVSHDHFKDH
Ultimately, though, ULTIMATELY. I can't quite get past the whole 'that is Mia's ex who is still very much in love with her, and her protege' thing. She's played too much of a role in both their lives for them to see very far past her influence on one another, and I don't think it'd be very healthy for them to try pursuing a romantic relationship; because I feel like they'd inevitably end up trying to fill the space Mia left in their lives through the other person which just wouldn't work. I definitely think they should have some sort of a relationship, though! I think Diego cryptically mentoring Phoenix and being very unhelpful most days, but always really solid help deep down, is very fun and kind of important for them post-BttT. I think they should get to truly know one another, beyond the masks and the projection, and Diego has a lot more experience being a lawyer than Phoenix, so he'd definitely be able to help with all the moral quandaries that are bound to come up later on. Plus he'd Get the whole 7-yg Phoenix attitude thing because... he's been there. I think he could've been helpful, and it's a shame we don't get to see them be, if not friends, respected acquaintances.
Alternatively, though, the idea of Phoenix having a casual conversation with Diego only for the fleeting thought of "Wow, he's really attractive" to stop him dead in his tracks and make him question his whole life and go to therapy and Leave the Country™ is so funny to me. Alternatively-alternatively, I get the romance of it. It's the whole pulling back the mask, having someone who really understands you, being accepted in spite of your worst flaws, moving on from grief and loss with another hand in yours and NOPE. I CANT TALK ABOUT THIS. I DONT SHIP IT BUT IDK! IDK!!!! IM THROWING THEM BOTH OFF A CLIFF, AND THEN IM THROWING MYSELF OFF A CLIFF. I AM DONE. GOODBYE.
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Okay, after standing in the shower and staring at a wall for 3 hours, I can talk normally again, which is good because I have to explain this.
I know the people who ship them don't do it in this way, but? Honestly? Franmaya is one of those wlw ships that strike me as two female characters being shoved together because they're left hanging once the main male couple whom everyone actually cares about (nrmts in this case) gets together, and because no one can find anything interesting to say about them as individuals, so now they're lesbians. Yay! (And also because people maybe don't want to be seen as only shipping mlm ships for fear of being told they're fetishising them.) And I know that that's not true and that most Franmaya shippers love both of them individually (as we all should), but something about them always makes me hear the feminine AI TikTok voice going, "Diversity Win 😊👍🎉!" in my head and conjures up images of Western corporate advertisements during the month of June (hence the love is love coca-cola).
And I know this isn't the case, but ???? I think it's mainly because I genuinely do not understand this ship. I don't usually need ships to be supported by canon for me to ship them, but what we've been given by canon doesn't help me see these two as ever being friends, let alone girlfriends. I understand the reasoning of "they both have self-worth issues so they'd understand each other", and that's a perfectly good reason to ship people, but like. I kind of want more? I kind of want them to be able to connect on a level that goes beyond them having similar issues? And probably the folks who do ship Franmaya do have reasons that go beyond that, like maybe Maya teaches Franziska how to lighten up and not take herself so seriously, and Franziska shows Maya that she doesn't always have to be the easiest version of herself to be loved. And that's all lovely! But I... don't want them to fix each other--
See, the versions of Franmaya I've seen floating around either boil them down to a wlw version of nrmts OR they make them out to be this saccharine, perfect, happy lesbian couple who are so, so wonderful and sweet to each other. Which is. Great! I love seeing women happy! But -- I'm sorry -- it's so BORING to me. It always seems to fix them a little (even if it's just around each other), and I like their flaws. I like that Franziska's a bit of an uppity, violent snob, and I like that Maya is a bit of a naive, insecure girl. I don't want them to fix each other, but I've tried twisting them the other way round, too! I've tried giving them the Krisnix treatment where they just amplify each other's worst traits, because they share similar insecurities and would know where to prod to make it hurt, but! I find that even less appealing and workable, tbh. Maya at her worst might let someone walk all over her for momentary wisps of affection disguised as acceptance of her flaws? But she has good and smart friends! Nick would never let her be in a toxic relationship like that, and he'd stay with her until she realises it's bad for her! And Franziska, regardless of how she may feel about being in Edgeworth's shadow, would never let anyone else even suggest that to her. The moment she gets a hint of that kind of disrespect, she is gone. She doesn't need you, make no mistake of that.
And it all really comes back to the fact that I can't see them connecting as friends. With Emaziska, I could see how they could be genuinely good friends and then more, but with Franmaya it's just... Not there for me. I can't see them progressing beyond the "oh, that's my little-older brother's friend's sister" stage the way you might be "friends" with your parents' friend's kids, you know? Like, yeah, you guess you're friends with them, but it's nothing serious or real. That's how I view their relationship. I'm not averse to being persuaded to ship them (in fact, I'd like to have them explained to me; they have cute art!) but I have tried and ehhh?? Doesnt do much for me, sorry, Franmaya 😔
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Why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
Multimuse questions || Accepting!
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With Vox I don't fully remember at this point, but I think it was probably watching the Valentino animatic and a few of the Paranoid DJ comic dubs/listening to Eyes on Me. The whole on-again off-again relationship with Val that gets depicted in fanon was intriguing to me, but I also just really enjoyed Vox's confidence and showmanship.
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For Chaz--idk man I just love playing over-the-top fuckboys lmao. I respect the show's decision to introduce a character like him that fans got endeared to really quickly (even if it's a "love to hate him" thing) and then just killing him off unceremoniously by the end of the episode. But I just thought it'd be fun to play around with him a little bit, since we're probably not getting that much of him in the show anymore outside of flashbacks.
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With Husk, I just really enjoy characters who are mean and crotchety and Unpleasant but secretly are actually total softies. He's a fun contrast to Vox and Chaz tbh, and I'm really looking forward to doing more with him.
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With Ramsey, he's honestly just... my favorite character in Epithet Erased in general lol. He's witty and creative and clever, while also being just a bit of a coward, and that's fun to me.
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With Giovanni I think it might've honestly been listening to the audiobook?? I always really loved him though. It's interesting to have a character that presents himself as a Card-Carrying Supervillain, but is also easily the kindest person in the cast. His "evilness" comes from a place of wanting to stick it to unjust power structures, and ultimately is couched in genuine empathy.
I also just really love his monologue to Lorelai about how villains always have the coolest songs, the coolest outfits, the best lines, but in exchange they tend to fail so the hero can succeed, and how "when you're a really great Bad Guy, everybody has more fun." That's just a fun way of looking at writing villain characters, and even if I don't RP Giovanni as much on this blog, it's something I try to keep in mind when I write more overtly villainous characters, like Vox, in a collaborative setting.
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And with Flug! I think Episode 6 of season 1 really sold me on him? But I always really liked him. He's kind of in the same boat as Ramsey to an extent where he's creative and clever, can think his way out of a situation more effectively than he can fight his way out, but he's also much more of a coward lol.
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dracwife · 2 years
8. 12. and 14 with tim the rascal (@ssozo )
8. in which ways did your F/O(s)/selfshipping help you this year?
man. copium. i use selfship as a way to vent and sometimes when im in a rough patch or something it genuinely helps me cope lmao. ive projected a lot of my own personal traumas onto mickey and honestly the support ive gotten from everyone and just how easy it is for me to write mickey/tim has helped a lot with healing and accepting things. stupid cheesy very cringe i know but like. idk !
12. if you have spotify wrapped, were there any songs related to your F/O(s)/selfships in your top 100? if you don't, were there any songs you listened to a lot this year because they remind you of your F/O(s)?
considering that i f/o'd tim in october, it'd be a little crazy if one of my tim-specific songs got onto my wrapped, but i do associate him w/ dance monkey because im making a little mickey and the team amv in my mind whenever i hear it and that made it onto my wrapped at #96, which is wild because i only really went hard on it in the past few months. i just listen to it that much i guess.
i do have a tim playlist though, as well as a mickey playlist, a mickey vibes playlist (i listen to this one daily), and a mickey cover band playlist LOL
14. did you find out anything new and surprising about yourself through selfshipping this year?
well. like i said i went into ncis for the old men and abby. came out with like the one character i really genuinely did not care about when going in. which is so fucking crazy to me. i never made it to his introduction when i started watching originally (hal showed me like, maybe the first 3 episodes only), but in the few more recent episodes i'd seen i literally could not have cared less about tim i thought he was like. supposed to be a boring token "normal" character if you get me. like nothing noteworthy kind of guy. but man. boy. look at me now. what the fuck.
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elvesofnoldor · 1 year
like anne rice could be such good writer if she just wrote with compassion and empathy for her characters. There was this "baby Jenks" character from the beginning of the queen of the damned and her story was so afforded so much genuine love and compassion it was literally my favourite part of the first part of the book. Baby Jenks' story reminded me of some of the best Sandman one-off characters' story tbh, it was that good. Wish Anne Rice always write with so much love and compassion though. Anyways, It's no wonder, tbh, that Baby Jenks character is actually Claudia (lestat wept for that girl because he was weeping for Claudia from his life, pretty sure at this point Anne Rice consciously projects her own motherhood onto him). maybe at that point in anne rice's life, she has heard enough about things like re-incarnation and all the better places one can go to after death that all that stuff is allowing her to started to make peace with the tragic death of her late daughter?? but i wonder if she ever got to walk out of her grief? cause idk? she kept writing vampire books??? to the end of her life???
like it's honestly such a mess that she wrote IWTV in response to the very tragic death of her daughter. I have to be honest, i cannot begin to imagine just how painful it is to go through something that traumatic, but i also felt like writing a psychosexual gothic horror vampire story is not exactly therapeutic either. It's kind of funny that it takes getting into the vampire chronicles for me to truly understand what vampires really are. But i do, finally. Vampires are not weird fantastical creatures, they are not Death itself, and they are certainly not Life Everlasting. Vampires, like ghosts, are simply a spiritual embodiment of the very rejection of Death. They are very effective device to examine the human condition, because we as human beings all fundamentally reject the inevitability of death and obliteration of the self we currently possess. We inherently fear change, fear loss, the changefulness of life, and the annihilation of self. Vampires embody a certain state of mind that's frankly universal in humans. But I don't think Anne Rice always wrote her vampire chronicles knowing vampires are??? if she ever knew??? Definitely not at the beginning though, when Louis was definitely just her self-insert and he brought Claudia to live with a theatre of vampires and they live happily ever after. I mean, midnight mass really got the Point when it says "the only way to achieve True Immortality is to accept and embrace death, and because vampirism is inherently about rejecting death, it will NEVER be life everlasting". Honestly the only reason that motivated me to read more Vampire chronicles is....well...i wanna know if Lestat can just? idk, be happy? be free? But this dude kept trying to get together with his abuser and i honestly don't even know what to say. Really i do not understand why Anne Rice kept making it happen. I have seen zero evidence that Louis changed to become better person and someone actually deserving Lestat's love. And more importantly, idk man, im not a psychologist but can you stop being a p*dophile??? so um. humm. i don't fucking know about this, lol. Like, im gonna be fucking real here, fuck all that "lestat was a bad person" " lestat was manipulative" shit, please grow a brain!!! Lestat was a good and loving person!! Period! all his bullshit has to do with the fact that he died a horrific and traumatic death and was never able to free himself from the pain and despair that trapped him in his vampiric state. But to let go of his pain and truly be the good person that he always was again, it'd require him to...well, embrace true death. But since Lestat will never end im guessing he will just have to stop being a bonafide vampire and become some sort of dark fantasy faery creature lmao. I'm starting to suspect the reason people think prince lestat trilogy is cringey because her vampires just...aren't even vampires by the end of it lol. Im suspecting that Anne Rice literally had to come up with some fantastical mumbo jumbo to justify her vampire characters finding happiness because these bitches kept walking into the sun and they kept not dying from it. I mean, lestat croaking for reales is kind of depressing so MAYBE i will take this shit. maybe i will still read the prince lestat trilogy lol. I heard there is bloodborne lore in there.
#mae overshares#i dont wanna say it but i think i finally decided to get into vampire media cause i was just fucking depressed#ok my life sort of fell apart mid 20s couple of years ago and i hadn't talk about it and i never will#and it was why i went back to tolkien. i had to escape into tales of elves (immortals) to numb my own pain#but for the longest time i was crying all the time just thinking abt the possibility that my loved ones will die#i was so scared that i will never see my grandpa before he passes. im still mortified tbh#i can't face the changefulness of life. and i longed for everything to stay the same. for lack of loss#im afraid of aging. im afraid to turning old. you know. regular depression shit#and im raised buddhist!!! and a key buddhist teaching is that you have to let go of the self to be free#the only way to life Everlasting to stop being obessed with the current consciousness you possess#you have to accept that the person you are now WILL disappear. but you will never end#i know exactly what Life Everlasting is supposed to be and i still! wish for fairy tale immortality!#faith is nothing in comparison to pain. pain overwhelms everything. faith. reason. knowledge#i think maybe tumblrinas are just crying for help when they casually joke abt getting immortality from vampires#cause for the first time in my life i got the morbid humour? i was like 'haha yeah if a vampire came and kill me i will say thank you <3'#i was like 'the thought of becoming some sort of horrid creature is kind of cool as long as i stay young forever <3'#'esp if said horrid creature wants to fuck me <3'#honestly. it's really hard to let go of pain. and my pain was nothing compare to the shit a lot of people had to go through#it's so EASY to become trapped in your own pain and grief
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waywardstation · 2 years
Pingo adopts pokemon protags tidbits ig? Idk it's still a new concept but I'm gonna share anyway :D we already went over Red so I'll just discuss the kids
Crystal: the oldest of the kids, with about half of her memories but they're mostly little things. Most of them are fuzzy, and have to do with her getting some raven-haired guy around her age out of trouble. Evan? Easton? She doesn't remember. She's the frazzled older sister of the group and does her best to help Ingo keep everyone in line. They really like to mess with her, though--maybe if she didn't have as huge reactions as she does, they wouldn't find it as fun. She has an interest in pokeball crafting and catching pokemon!
Bren: Actually named Brendan, but has absolutely no idea. The worst amnesia of the group, pretty much everything's just Gone. He's genuinely really sweet, if a little airheaded. He likes making things, especially clothes, and when he's not with the rest of the group he's most likely with Anthe in her shop... Or wandering around, lost! He's the most likely to accept a dare just to see if he can, whether it's trying to sneak through a dangerous area or eating something random off the ground.
Akari would count as the Sinnoh protag, but you could definitely throw Barry here if you wanted!!
Hilda: About 80% amnesia, she remembers bits and pieces, but most of it's really recent. She very vaguely remembers Ingo, and barely recalls enough to confirm that his mysterious man in white does indeed exist. Her big interest is exploring, usually with Bren and Nate. She's particularly interested in finding a Zorua, because the tales of them being malicious just... Don't sound right to her, for some reason. She probably has a Zoroark mask too! And she's closest with Nate for some reason she can't quite put her finger on(they're cousins but neither remembers that). Oh, and it's probably unreasonable but I think it'd be hilarious if she was the only person with a pokemon but it was straight-up just Reshiram and she vaguely remembers being able to talk to it but can't anymore(amnesia messed with the bond between Hero and Dragon. Or something, idk)
Nate: Near total amnesia and is pretty quiet. Ingo and Hilda are vaguely familiar to him. He's almost always with one of them and is easily the braincell of the "wander off and see what we find" trio of himself, Hilda, and Bren. He really likes to battle, particularly in 2v2s(multi battles), and also seems to have a knack for basic medical stuff. I think he'd also get along with Iscan and Basculegion, and I want to give him a Hisuian Basculin so I guess he has one of those now
I think I'll stop here for now djdjfj, I might send in more rambles about my ideas for the other protags at some point but I gotta eat lmao, hope you enjoy and sorry it was so long shdhdnd
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YES OP!! LOVE THESE!! (And absolutely throw Barry in here!!)
Crystal being one of the oldest to help out is a great idea; but because she’s still a kid herself I could see all the other kids messing with her a lot as you said haha
Also love the idea of Hilda, one of the BW protags, being very close to Nate, one of the BW2 protags as a cousin! Very nice!!
And Elio and Gloria hanging together despite being from different regions, because they’re both gremlins haha I love that.
GREAT THOUGHTS OP!! Love how much you fleshed out all of the characters, they feel very rounded out and distinct!! I’d absolutely love to hear more from you!! These are great!!! :D please send more if you have more!!
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slurp-imagines · 3 years
Oh my goodness, can I ask for a headcanon where the admirals is their S/O's boyfriend THEY are inviting home to meet their parents. How would the admirals be towards the parents and how would they try to make a good impression.
thanks for sending anon, hope you enjoy these!
Meeting their s/o’s parents: Kuzan, Sakazuki, & Borsalino
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Kuzan (Aokiji)
↳ Ugh Kuzan is just a dream. He’s reasonably nice, he’s good at what he does, he’s not the type to act out or anything. He leaves a good first impression on people in general, too– self-assured but not arrogant, decently friendly (or at least personable) but not overbearing.
↳ So he probably doesn’t have to do too much extra to impress his s/o's parents, unless they've got super high standards. Or unless he's literally on his post-resignation pirate-affiliated journey but idk where these headcanons fall on the timeline lmao
↳ He doesn't really go super out of his way to try to impress them, either? I could see him being a little more cordial than usual though. Like he'll dish out a couple extra compliments on their house, or the food if the parents had prepared it for them. I feel like Kuzan would be vaguely concerned that they'd find him intimidating, mostly due to his rank/status but also because he's literally almost 10 feet tall. Lol. He doesn't normally get self-conscious but he just might if his s/o and their family are all in the range of average height
↳ Although... imagining Kuzan awkwardly sitting at a way-too-small-for-him table with his small s/o and small parents... and deciding to be polite so he doesn't say anything and just accepts it... kind of hilarious in a very charming way
↳ But aside from that: he makes sure to be quite open with any questions his s/o's parents ask him, so long as they don't get too invasive about his marine duties (assuming some things are like... confidential or whatever). And while he's not over-the-top with it just by nature, he doesn't hide how he feels about his s/o. So I think their parents would be able to sense that Kuzan is a genuine guy and trust that he has good intentions.
↳ He can probably become surprisingly close with his s/o's parents, depending on how well they vibe at the first meeting. I could see his s/o quickly dropping by their parent's house and Kuzan is just sat with their mom in the living room listening to her talk about her new meatloaf recipe. S/o is just like ??? since when were y'all this tight
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Sakazuki (Akainu)
↳ His s/o is probably at least a little nervous lol. Sakazuki is a man who’s easy to introduce to your parents for the most part– he’s a high-ranking marine (fancy coat and everything!), he’s well groomed, he’s got good manners... The only thing is that he sucks at small talk. Not even just a little; he’s genuinely so awful at it. He refuses to be embarrassed about it too, it’s still up for debate whether that makes a dead silent dinner table more or less uncomfortable
↳ So the s/o probably has to pull some extra social weight trying to mediate between Sakazuki and their parents. It sort of depends what their parents are like though? If they're super bubbly and (in his opinion) overly-friendly, the s/o might have to do a little extra work– Sakazuki would probably be more withdrawn in that case.
↳ (The bubbly type isn't his favorite to be around, but he also wouldn't want to risk saying anything that would burn bridges with them. They're his future in-laws, and that'd be more trouble than it's worth. He doesn't want to have a particularly close relationship with his s/o's parents, but he doesn't want to be warring with them either. It'd be irritating for him but would likely affect his and his s/o's relationship, which he doesn't want)
↳ If they're more laid back, or even stern/mean, I could actually see him getting along with them better. His secret social skills start to blossom a little bit in that case lol. Birds of a feather, right? Sakazuki does better when the other people are straight-forward and more critical-minded, because he has a better time understanding what their thought process is like.
↳ Also, he claims that he’s not going to put on a whole show and dance for their parents. But his s/o definitely notices that he’s a little more spruced up than usual lmfao. Like he puts a little gel in the hair, he uses his special, expensive cologne. Maybe he even irons his shirt. Sakazuki wants to impress but doesn't want to come off too much like he's trying to. It's so nuanced in his head
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Borsalino (Kizaru)
↳ Out of the three of them, Borsalino probably does the most trying to impress his s/o's parents. It's not exactly that he particularly values their opinion of him in & of itself, he just really doesn't want to deal with a messy relationship with in-laws. This man does not have the energy for it
↳ He would not show up empty handed. Not in a million years lmao, he’s definitely coming through with the fancy fruit basket, the decorative flowers, the box of assorted macarons. He’s a man of high taste and good manners (mostly) and his s/o’s parents will know that right away
↳ Borsalino runs the risk of appearing too showy or shallow, but that impression most likely waters down a lot the longer he talks to them. He knows that people are usually pretty formal with him due to his rank, and he's good at breaking down those walls and making people feel more comfortable around him. He tells his fair share of jokes to help break the ice, and it definitely works– but s/o's probably sweating the whole time hoping he doesn't go too raunchy with it lol. He behaves though!
↳ To be fully honest though I feel like the amount of effort that Borsalino puts in with his s/o's parents just declines over time. It's slow enough that it's acceptable– probably feels more like he's becoming more genuine rather than showboating or anything like that. I think he'd still show up with a nice little gift when they see each other (probably not often since he's so busy with work), but more and more of his goofy side shows through over time.
↳ There's something charming about this man that just worms his way into their hearts though. It's weird lol. He's another one who lowkey gets close to their parents while their s/o barely has any idea. He just knows all the hot goss in their family life somehow??? So mysterious
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nitroish · 3 years
red, blue and green can see the minish, while vio can't. if co-fronting with one of the others, he can, but if they shrink as a whole, he'll be kept from the front/consciousness [basically he'll just pass out], and he can't when he's the main one fronting. he doesn't know if he couldn't from the moment they drew the sword and split, or if he lost the ability somewhere along the way, but whatever it was he can't see them now. it makes him sad, yeah, but at least he can see them sometimes, with the others. green knows his time is limited, he knows he won't stay a child forever, he knows someday something's going to push that innocence over the edge and not even the magical connection they have with the minish will be able to stop it, and he'll look to the grass and an entire world will be lost to him, and that thought terrifies him. it hasn't really donned on blue. he doesn't consider himself to be childish or innocent anyway, if he was gonna lose the ability he would've already. maybe he's just special, and he'll just continue to have the ability for life! they are heroes to the minish, after all! it'd make sense! he teases vio about not being able to see them sometimes. it doesnt seem to bother him too much- for the most part. red is...purposefully ignoring that thought. for now he's going to just enjoy whatever time he has! no use fretting over something that hasn't happened yet! they've got plenty of time, and blue's right, they are kinda special after all! worrying about something that might not even happen won't do any good!
anonymous asked: oh a note i felt was necessary to add to one of my previous asks [the one about the minish] because i thought of this and it was bothering me, i realize that "he teases vio about not being able to see them sometimes. it doesnt seem to bother him too much- for the most part." could come off as blue being an asshole and purposefully making fun of stuff people are sensitive about, and that's not really what i was going for. it's more meant to be "blue tends to make fun of people as a way of joking around, but isn't aiming to upset anyone genuinely and will try to avoid doing so if he thinks it'll hurt anyone [though he sometimes doesn't realize something will be hurtful until it's too late, and when that happens, has a habit of being defensive rather than apologetic because it's sort of human instinct to make ourselves look good, and he tends to deflect anger outwards to avoid feeling guilty]", if that makes sense. he's not trying to make jokes at other people's expense.
hope u dont mind i put these two together like this!! im gonna answer under a readmore so it doesnt take up a ton of room and i dont annoy ppl KJFGJHFD
I TOTALLY GOT WHAT U MEANT THO i understand blue isnt rly Just A Fucking Dick kind of character! i totally get what u mean. op all these thoughts make me so so fuckin happy i . love these. i love four swords so fucking much.
im glad vio still gets to see the minish sometimes when hes co-con !! at least he has that, thts nice? "hes sad but at least he can see them when the others are fronting" Exactly is my thought on it sjghfdg hed just be kinda glad he was able to see them sometimes at all? its better than never kinda thing, ykno??
blue is straight up vibin and sometimes to take a hit you need to joke a bit ohh that rhymed KJFSHGKJDHFG. green has so many thoughts about everything i hope he takes a break soon jdsghdkjfhgd hes so busy in his head and i love him for it but i can hear the gears turning.
god i love blue. i 100% get blue and hes really valid and youre RIGHT. blue is just? hes not a straight up dick and people that depict him as such are ~ wrong ~. thats not what hes trying to go for? when hes talking and joking to people some of his jokes just land wrong/hit too hard or close to home but it isnt like he. purposely did it knowing it would hurt op. he doesnt plan on the other persons downfall when he says shit. and u r so right?? defensiveness comes from the fact its hard to just accept that it was hurtful when he had good intentions and meant for it to be a joke? "it was just a joke" but its genuine and not "i knew what i was saying was gonna hurt u and im gonna say it was just a joke to fuck w u"? KJFHGKJHFD IDK IF THAT MADE SENSE BUT I HOPE SO. he did not mean to and <3 guilt is a gross emotion (is angry instead)
the colours my beloveds. i fucking love them. four swords is one of my favourites,,,,
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watatsumi-island · 3 years
Hey so idk too much about the aro and ace spectrum. So can you educate me some more about aro/aceflux? I think it'd be cool to learn about it, especially bc media doesn't teach us shit and there's so many identities under Ace/Aro 💖
Oh, sure! I'd be happy to :)
So first I'm going to start with Ace, since I am Asexual.
Some people just simply say that Asexuality/Being Asexual means that you you lack complete sexual attraction. Because of that definition, some people get confused when they hear about demisexuality, gray-asexuality and such, which is where we start talking about the Asexual spectrum.
For example, I'm Aceflux. Which means that sometimes my attraction fluctuates, but how I feel never leaves the spectrum. My sexuality doesn't change per say, it's just fluid.
So. Flat out Asexuality is never feeling sexual attraction towards anyone of any gender identity. Demisexuality is when you have to form a bond/friendship with someone before you begin to feel sexual attraction.
Lithosexuality is feeling sexual attraction, but not wanting it to be reciprocated. Placiosexuality is similar. But it's wanting to do sexual things with someone, and being okay if it's not reciprocated. (Tldr it's more about the action than a feeling) Aegosexuality is feeling a disconnect towards yourself and your sexual attraction, along with it's target. Etc, etc.
Those are many identities (and there are many more) and even among those, there are sex positive Aces (people who will have sex and are happy to and/or like to read about it), sex neutral Aces (does what it says on the can), and Sex repulsed Aces (They don't want sex at all/probably don't like reading about it either) Keep in mind that these are basic definitions, and different identities can mean different things for everyone. An Ace person might not want to ever have sex, but they like reading about it for whatever reason they have, etc.
Asexuality is again, a spectrum. But many people don't care. You'd think that "Hey I don't want to have sex with anyone" would make you the least controversial sexuality in the room, right? But no. There really are some people out there that would rather accept p*doph*les into the community than even one Asexual or any sort of A-spec. (true story, it happened to me) All the problems we face are ignored and treated lesser-than, heteromantic Asexuals are treated as if they're not even there, and popular media repeatedly bash us. Calling us "sick" and "attention whores" when we're just trying to live our lives peacefully and it hurts, tbh :/
Aromanticism by definition is the lack of romantic attraction. And just like Asexuality, there are a lot of identities under it. Asexual and Aromantic are...you could say umbrella terms, and then you have everyone under it. Something like that. Recently I've been questioning as to whether or not I'm on the Aro spectrum or not, and I'm leaning more towards that I might be. So I may be able to give you some perspective? But if you're not satisifed you can always ask someone who's completely sure that they are Arospec.
Demiromantism is when you need to have a bond with someone to feel romantic attraction. Gray-Aromanticism is when you feel it sometimes (but it tends to be rare), it sort of follows the same pattern as Asexuality in terms of the names of the identities, just replace the sexual with romantic and then you have your definition. (Though that's not always the case)
A lot of people think that Asexual and Aromantic are synonyms for each other, when in a way, they're the complete opposite. You can be Asexual and not Aromantic, you can be Aromantic and not Asexual, and you can also be both!
As an Asexual, I can sadly, but confidently say that Aromantics are potrayed even worse because. Well. They're not even there. Genuinely- I've never heard of an Aro character in a tv show, movie or book. At least one that I can think of now. At least, when Asexuals get represented, even when it's bad, at least people will know that we're there and might do research on it for themselves. But Aromantics? It's like they don't exist. I'm definetly not going to start a dumb oppression olympics with this, since both have it very bad. But in terms of rep, Aros tend to have it a bit worse.
When Aros are discussed, people protray them as these heartless monsters. Especially when a person is Aromantic and not Asexual, people might say that they "Just want sex and don't care about the feelings of others" which is not true at all. All the aromantic people I know are some of the most considerate people I've met, far from heartless monsters. And though I can't speak on behalf of every Ace or Aro person, I can say that we are all humans. And our sexuality has not and will not change that.
The over all point is that Asexuality and Aromanticism, and just- sexuality in general is complicated. And if more people were like you and cared enough to learn more, then Asexuality wouldn't be so terribly represented. So, thanks for asking. And if there was something that I missed, you can always ask again. My askbox is always opened. <33
Also, side note. You can always follow @aro-culture-is and @ace-culture-is if you want to see some of the experiences of A-spec people, and you're welcome to do your own research if there's something I can't/haven't answered. 💖
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thedispatched · 3 years
Idk why on the laptop there’s a character limit but not the phone 😒 it’s so much easier on the laptop but I will make this work.
But I’m on Twitter and this popped up from someone I followed about the fanbar closing and what was wrong with it. I don't read Chinese unfortunately because I was terrible at studying lol so I cannot say that the translation is 100% correct but I feel like the gist of it is understood.
https:// twitter. com/miki19100263/status/1432177919275589634
I put some spaces between the link cause Idk how Tumblr accepts them. Again if ppl really want the truth and for this shit to make sense I feel like they can look at ALL information including this and just not the really loud blogs or posts that seem to have labeled guilty because from what I see those are the ones getting the most attention and traction. And again if people are so quick to believe everything that is said maybe you can believe this too.
I read from somewhere a long while ten would get some comments but not to the amount lucas gets. My brain is fried. But I liked that ten and yy got to be on yuri’s cooking show. I know she’s from the same company but the interactions were cute and you could see how shy and starstruck they were lol like hey they can interact with ppl outside the nct circle. a part of me also feels like because they aren’t Korean it might be idk a bit harder for booking them on more Korean programming. You can correct me! Off the top of my head I can think of yuqi who is Chinese doing this series in korea last year/this year but she was also casted on KR so idk if that played a role.
I echo the choosing sides without knowing everything. the hardest part is that if someone doubts any parts of the victim you are immediately labeled an asshole and called out for the reasons victims don’t come forward because no one believes them. Everyone just keeps repeating victims are important and that they rather believe a victim instead of accidentally defend a potential sa/r-pist because it’s damaging to the victim and their mental health. But do these people ever think too about what if he really didn’t do this yet everyone is calling him to be removed and condemning him for sa. That shit is dangerous on someone’s life! And then it’s yeah of course you don’t believe the victim because of this person that’s being accused. No, just stop. Do people understand how terrible it is to be accused of something and found guilty without all the facts? I’m not just picking whoever is guilty or not. I just want all the information! I’m not defending him and I’m not saying who is guilty or innocent but what the mass of people on social media becoming a terrifying mob is going about this is stupid and all wrong because I’m seeing too much excitement and laughter from some people which is disturbing.
I went off . that first sentence you typed set me off
if anyone wants to read the tweet anon linked
first, if i came off as someone who believes he's guilty, i apologize as that wasn't my intention. the original post i made wasn't reflecting my opinion, just stuff i found talking about how c-ent works, what's going on on weibo, and all that.
i, personally, just want information before blindly "choosing" a side and am open to whatever information anyone can provide. i have seen lots of my faves get their lives ruin by false rumors and i hate for it to happen to more people.
but like i said before, based on all the info i've seen on how c-ent works, it'd be hard for him to come back even if he is innocent. (also genuinely curious as to how you can even prove you’re innocent in situations like these as it'd be pretty tough).
sm does need to say something though as leaving this open ended will not do them any favors, staying silent is escalating the situation, and people remember things for a long time.
second, thank you for the information regarding lucas bar. i'm going to say that if this is true (as we don't know if any proof/info is true), i wouldn't be entirely surprised as i've seen similar things happen before. i feel really sorry for lucas if his cbar was that way and i hope if a new cbar comes out their intentions are for him and not themselves. (i'll make an edit and link the tweet in my post)
third, honestly i never understood how some kpop stans can say 'support the victim' but the moment it's about their faves they think the victims are lying. kpop stans can be so hypocritical it's sickening.
and yes, i do worry about this could be affecting him. people need to be more careful on what they say and do as we don't know what's true and what isn't. (some people also need to be respectful to each other. the shit i see on twt is....)
a large portion on stan twitter in general is mob mentality/jumping on bandwagon hate and it's one of the reasons why i hate it there. especially those who know nothing about the situation but insist on opening their mouths 😐
fourth, ten and yy on yuri's cooking show was so cute 🥺i really wanna see them (wayv) on more stuff and interact with people outside of nct. i'm excited to see that on we became a family.
i, personally do think because they aren't korean it would be harder to get them booked on k-shows. i feel like foreigners mostly get on when it fits the concept or if the company pushes it. i say that based on all the variety shows i watched.
the person i got the lucas getting casted on keep running from said yuqi too so i assume she was recommended by sk producers as well but i'm not familiar with her so i can't say for sure.
i hope i addressed everything~
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almightyhamslice · 3 years
What if the Queen tries to arrange a marriage for Max with another kingdom
Idk if that's plausible actually, it seems like the only 2 cities are just. Krud City and Flowered City. That being said she DEF wouldn't even need to do that bc if she wanted to do it she'd probably see Max & Alex together & be like "Yes, this is perfect! The Verigreens will surrender to the Kruds without even realizing it!!" because she'd either assume her son was just faking it for the good of the kingdom (she does tend to overestimate his capability to do bad things, lol) OR she'd accept that it is genuine, but try to manipulate Max into following her plan anyways... Lots of potential with that idea I think.
I guess it'd kinda be like in The DiplomatiK Bridge where the Kruds and Verigreens work together for what ends up being a bad cause. Though, I guess it'd be more tragic or higher stakes cuz Alex & Max's relationship would be on the line. Like Alex would feel betrayed, even though it wasn't Max's idea & he was oblivious to Queen Bakrakra's plan.
Other than that, I guess the idea of other kingdoms existing in the InseKtors world is interesting, but honestly I'm pretty content focusing on just the two we have. Or one I guess, since the Flowered City isn't a kingdom since Pyro isn't a king.
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
They'll Hold Him Down
Draco Malfoy
Redemption Arc
Random Idea/Imagine/IDK
Warnings: Mentions of Abuse.
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Arthur and Molly Weasley were very perceptive people. Not a lot goes unnoticed by the pair - how can it when you're raising such children as Fred and George? So, unsurprisingly, it wouldn't take long for them to notice the subtle notes of mistreatment that Draco were being subjected to.
They know it's not their place to question the parenting tactics of other adults but there's a line which you don't cross when it comes to raising a child. The line between a firm guiding hand and abuse. One which they were sure had been crossed long ago by Lucius and Narsissa Malfoy.
There's little they can do to help in such a case, sadly. But not nothing.
It were something that the two Redhaired parents took as an all-hands-on-deck situation. Everyone were to help where they could; showing him the kindness he weren't receiving at home.
It starts off smally; passing comments and kind or thoughtful guestures from the family to Draco. Ones which are always met with digust and confusion by said boy. The Weasleys are "less than them" after all.
Arthur would speak to him in passing at work when Lucius had dragged his son along before he started school or on their Summer Holidays. Giving mere offhand reassurance, whispered to him when his Father wasn't near.
Draco never failed to hear the light-hearted comments. Words which unexpectedly weighed so heavily on such young shoulders. Statements as simple as "You're a good kid." and "You know what's right." would one day come to mean more to him than his young mind could fathom.
It were a kind of conditioning he never realised he were being subjected to. But not in a bad way, the Weasleys became that little voice in his head that reminded him of right and wrong. Like a conscience - one like which he'd never had growing up in the Malfoy house. He'd been taught to obey. Follow orders. Do as they do. Anything else was wrong and unacceptable. Worthy of dishonour. And honour was a very important trait in the noble and proud house of Malfoy.
Molly were adamant with her children about being kind to Draco no matter his actions. To never retaliate and show kindness when they can. Which of course is met with their own level of digust and confusion - and a little anger, but they listen. They always do. The note of desperation and seriousness in their parents voices is enough for them not to question the matter further - in front of their parents anyway, but many nights you could find the Weasley children along with Harry and Hermione huddled together wracking their brains for some explanation why they had to take the high road with someone as vile and cruel as Draco Malfoy.
In their curiosity to understand why it were so imperative they be kind to the greasy haired blonde boy, the Weasleys children began to take more notice of him. Watching him around school. Paying close attention to the things he says and the company he keeps. The relationships he holds and how he interacts with certain individuals. It didn't take long before everything clicked and they realised why this was needed of them.
They understood and so they never questioned it again.
Over time it becomes second nature to them. Every nasty comment rolls off their shoulders like it were never there in the first place.
Seeing as how his actions were having no effect causes Malfoy to reconsider some of his actions - why was he so determined to make them hurt? They'd never actually done anything to him. Not to mention, he hadn't failed to notice the way they'd begun to act so nicely towards him. Not out of their way nice but the little things slowly became evident over the years.
The trio would offer a hand when he were struggling in a class - though not always had it been accepted so warmly. Usually plenty curses and hateful words leaving his mouth; reacting the way he'd been taught to when someone stepped out of place.
The Twins had probably the largest effect on him. They'd shut people down for bullying/attacking him for being well... him with a simple yet menacing "lay off", daggers held in their words and behind their eyes. It were nearly...brotherly in a way which made Draco feel safe and protected even if only a little. A guesture he quietly appreciated - even if from a Weasley.
It weren't until those such instances he'd fully come to realise the level of power Weasleys actually held in this school. People respected them and listened when they spoke, aside from the obvious bigoted Slytherins such as He, Crabbe and Goyle who were subjected to their families views and brainwashing, and they'd managed it all without any anger, malice or unnecessary demonstrations of power. They were quietly powerful; kind, humble and warm - but not to be trifled with, and people knew that.
The effect they began to have on him caused a pain in his mind. Like an itch he couldn't scratch. Why were they looking out for him?
In reality it were more than that which had Draco so perplexed. They were changing him - a fact he refused to acknowledge or admit to of course.
He'd tried fighting the way his mind began to second guess his words and actions. To try and 'act like a Malfoy' but there were no denying how he became more accepting of them. But why? Why did he feel so...sympathetic? Or softened toward them? They. Were. Lesser.
Not worthy of pureblood.
Soon enough his own incessant bullying of their family and the hateful remarks to other students stopped. He never spoke ill of them anymore - not that he ever went out if his way to defend them or be kind in return but it were a quiet guesture which spoke unknown volumes.
Not only that but he'd become kinder to other students as well. Muggleborns in particular.
He no longer hung around prejudiced and toxic Slytherins like he always had, when he could help it - choosing rather to surround himself with positive and kind individuals of varying Houses and Bloodstatus.
He was truly growing. In so many ways he'd matured from that bratty rude child everyone despised so much.
He even seemed happier. More at ease within crowds of people. Okay with blending in and not making a spectacle of himself as a means to appear superior. He was content in just being rather than being seen. That alone seemed to take a load off his shoulders - no longer having to constantly peacock throughout any and all spaces. He could just relax and enjoy being young.
In his growth Draco had failed to notice how the Weasleys had noticed his new found hesitancy, how he would fall quiet as people dragged their name through mud rather than joking along with them, and the small acts of kindness he offered others. They saw him changing. It weren't a lot but it were something, at least, that made them feel, through all their suffering of obscenities and unnecessary abuse, that it'd been worth it. Even if only a little bit.
Draco'd be lying if he didn't say he'd toyed with the idea this were some prank or ruse to corrupt or embarrass him. To lull him into a false sense of security to gain information on his family to later use against them, a reason which subsequently kept him at a distance from the family. But Fred and George could never be that cruel, he knew that. And what was there to gain from such a long lasting game? And how could they ever have conned their parents into the charade? The simple answer; they couldn't. Because it were genuine. A genuine kindness that, not so deep down, he knew he were undeserving of.
Of course he never dared tell Lucius or Narsissa of the conflicting thoughts in his head; of the niceties he received as he secretly found comfort in their reassurances and would often hold onto them during especially dark days. Kept to himself initially as he hadn't found their behaviour particularly note worthy but now all out of fear of as to how his parents would react.
Not just what they may do or say to him, finding that he'd grown tolerant of the Weasleys but also what they may say or do to them.
Knowing Lucius he'd storm Arthur at work or the family at their home and give them a mouthful about 'knowing their place' and staying away from his son.
The last thing Draco wanted was them being assaulted by his father or worse and cause them to once again look at him with the contempt they once had. So in a complete uncharacteristically Draco way; His Father wouldn't be hearing about this.
Lucky for him Lucius remained oblivious to his new found silence and kind ways. The way his Son no longer laughed or sneered along side his father at the insults he'd bark about Bloodtraitor families and Muggles/Muggleborns.
Running into the Weasleys at the world cup he'd stood solemnly behind his father avoiding any eye contact.
When Umbridge rolled around, though he'd never admit to it, he had shielded them in ways. Saving them a fair share of punishment by pointing her wrath in an opposite direction. But why? He couldn't understand it.
Not until one fateful day the following year while Robe shopping when Narsissa and Draco bumped shoulders with Molly and Harry. Narsissa were relentless in her abuse towards Harry and the Weasleys mother. Draco remained silent. Avoiding their eye as he always had, though at one moment of accidental eye contact, Harry could have sworn he saw an apologetic smile shown on Dracos features. But he were looking away just as soon as it'd rose upon his face, like realisation had dawned, then appeared a terribly conflicted and almost painful expression to replace it.
As Narsissa made to leave Draco stepped slowly behind her with head bowed paying no mind to the pair as he made to exit the shop when he were suddenly halted by a hand bracing his arm; Molly. She stepped towards him slightly, whispering urgently "If you ever need saftey, talk to my children and come to us. we'll be there - we can help you."
His eyes met hers in shock, a little fear maybe, but there were no mistaking the confusion in his expression.
They were trying to help. Offer him protection. But how could they have known?
'This is wrong' he thought.
Draco pulled forcibly from her grip. A sharp glance thrown to Harry before storming from the shop.
Though he'd buried it the best he could there were no stopping Molly's words from ringing in his ears especially during what was to come; being branded with the Dark Mark and ordered to kill Dumbledore.
As time went by he couldnt help the guilt that weighed on his shoulders. He felt he had let them down. More than that really - he knew he had.
The World seemed to get darker. Colder. Smaller. Like it were closing him in until finally he broke.
He didn't know where else to turn so he went the only place he could think of - to Molly and Arthur Weasley.
He turned up on their doorstep late one night with tears in his eyes and panicked breath in his lungs.
It's Molly who answers the door, her and Arthur had been sitting at the dining room table as the kids were upstairs readying for bed. She didn't ask any questions, neither did Arthur, she simply wrapped him in a tight hug. Not the typical bone crushing Molly Weasley hug, there was a hesitancy behind it, but still tight enough to reassure him everything would be okay.
Draco froze at first unsure of how to respond before his arms wrapped tightly around the Woman who'd silently been looking out for him for all these years and finally let himself feel the hurt.
He had no memory of ever being hugged like this, as though by a Mother. The full weight of everything he had endured seemed to fall upon him as Mrs Weasley held him close to her.
She held him a little tighter while he cried - as if trying to squeeze the broken pieces of his soul back together, if even for a moment.
Draco loved his Mother, truly he did, but the embrace from Molly felt different. Warmer. More intimate than any moment had with Narsissa.
Yes, she loved her son dearly but Narsissa Malfoy were never an affectionate woman. Her proud and proper appearance which she worked so hard to maintain often cast a cold shadow - typical to that of a Malfoy, he hadn't realised just how much it had affected him until this moment.
When his breathing became a little less radical and the sobs started to quiet Arthur ushered the pair from the doorway.
Molly held a firm hand to his back as she directed him to the table and with a flick of her wand conjured the kettle to a boil.
He sat at the table drawing long slow breaths as they spoke and he explained why he arrived on their door unannounced at such a time.
The new voice in the house had carried upstairs luring the other occupants from their place.
Bill, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Harry and Hermione now all stood off from the kitchen gawking at the scene in front of them. A Malfoy at the Burrow. And crying for that matter.
They couldn't help the daggers pointed from behind their eyes, after all; they may have been kind to him and understood why they needed to be, but even in his growth they still didn't trust him, and to say they cared for him would be a stretch seeing the level of abuse they were forced to endure with no retaliation or even an apology for that matter. Really all it were from the children was pitty and the ability to put up with him. In time, however, they would grow to trust him and consider him a friend.
Molly prepared a room where he then stayed the night and through till the next.
When Lucius found out where he was he'd appeared ropeable. There were nothing anyone could do to calm him as his wrath met a peak which could have rivalled that of the Dark Lord. Not only had Draco abandoned his family in the dead of the night but he'd run directly into the arms of those who he despised most ardently.
He stormed the Burrow that night, Narsissa and Bellatrix in tow.
The residents within the Burrow had just finished dinner and were casually chatting, engaging in light shared laughter - even Draco wore a smile, never knowing that a meal between family could be so pleasant. As the unmistakable crack of apparation sounded from outside, all heads shifted to gaze out the kitchen window wondering who it could be. They'd all assumed a member of the Order - how wrong they were.
Lucius strode confidently toward the house before stopping short. He stood tall and proud in the path, rage evident through his posture alone.
Narsissa were beside him, but still a step behind - she seemed more secure in her emotions, still proud but calmer; though surely meant in good standing it gave one the impression of a predator lulling its prey into a false sense of security before striking.
Bellatrix meanwhile stood on his otherside comically striding and prancing about as she pleased taking great joy in what were about to unfold.
Some at the table turned their attention worriedly to Draco who swallowed thickly at his Families sudden presence. Others stared fixedly at the blonde man within the garden amazed they'd ever show their face here.
Molly took a hand to Dracos arm reassuringly as Arthur stood from the table and walked from the door, Molly would soon follow.
Tentatively Arthur spoke the angered man's name who merely sneered and shouted for his son to come to him.
Lucius refused to step a foot across their threshold, not that Molly or Arthur or any member of the family ever would have let him had he tried.
Draco stood now with his back pressed against the farthest wall of the Burrows kitchen panicking, watching as Fred, George and Bill left to be with their parents. Draco knew he'd have to face him sooner or later, he'd just hoped, or rather prayed, it'd be later.
Harry and Ron were the next to join the scene unfolding in the front yard as Hermione sheilded Ginny in the kitchen.
When Draco finally and cautiously stepped out to face his Father everyone had their wands drawn in statement.
Molly and Arthur came to stand in front of him with their free hands splayed across infront of him; as if in a car seconds before it's crash and they were bracing for the impact.
Lucius threw demands at his son in the same threatening tone he'd learned long ago to obey.
"You don't have to do what he says he can't hurt you. You are not like him" Arthur says over his shoulder. Draco found himself involuntarily taking small steps back from his Father and towards the house. When Lucius drew his wand further the Weasleys; Bill, Fred, George, Harry and Ron stood defensively before him with their wands drawn high further shielding Draco from his view.
Dracos breath were rapid as he watched on, wand gripped in his hand but no real idea what he'd do were he to react. Who'd he fire against. His instincts were telling him one thing while his heart and mind screamed for another.
"He is my Son" Lucius growled.
"Who we've been trying to protecting from you." Snapped Fred "and that's not the way families are meant to be. They shouldn't need to be protected from." Followed George, pulling Dracos eyes to the pair, who straightened themselves to stand taller at the words, and along with them pulled his knowing of what were right.
Lucius continues to threaten the family, over the sound of Bellatrix's cackling laughter, until a voice carries over the scene. Narsissa speaking two simple words in a soft tone; "Draco. Come".
Everyone's attention is on the pair as they watch Draco take hesitant steps past the Weasleys, who gawk at him, his head is bowed ashamedly. But he stops short.
Casting his eyes up to unfortunately meet his Fathers, whose face holds a vastly different expression to his Mothers soft and confident one. One of poorly veiled anger and disgust. That one he knows all too well.
Draco swallows thickly head turning to gaze at the Redheaded family in his peripheral - a decision being made.
He straightens himself, uttering a single word; "Leave."
The man in front of him scoffs before warning him. He gives a final opportunity to change his mind but his loyalty doesn't falter.
What happens next is faster than lightning. Lucius flicks his wand to curse his Son but Dracos disarmed it before he can finish the action. Three jets of red light fly from behind the boy, two knock Lucius square in the chest as another finds Bellatrix: Fred, George and Harry had sent stunning spells at those whom were armed.
Lucius struggled to stand but managed with an effort from his wife, a final threatening glare and warning yelled to the boy; "You choose them. Then you will die like them as well - painful and bloody." he disowns his Son and then leaves in a swirl of black smoke with his wife, whose face shows nothing but shock and fallen tears, close behind.
Bellatrix remains for a moment glaring at the boy who is now surrounded by people staring just as menacingly back at her. She leaves by apparation.
After that night, everything had changed.
When the Battle finally came Dracos allegiance had been made clear.
There were only one side he'd cared about. One side he'd fought with. One family he fought for. And it were not the dishonourable and ashamed house of Malfoy.
On the night Lucius and the others arrived at the Burrow, Molly had been the first to approach Draco. He wasn't crying or angry but confused. Confused at the numbness that over took him. At the sense of relief that flooded his body as he watched his Father disappear into the night.
Molly had spoken assuredly to him that everything would be okay and that they would care for him.
Returning to the home the family retired to the lounge room, by the fire with mugs of tea or hot chocolate or glasses of their preferred beverage between their palms, it were relatively quiet amongst the group in the wake of all that had occurred. Until George spoke.
"So, Mum has officially adopted you." Various agreeable murmers and head nods filled the room, "guess that leaves only one thing left to do..." "what?" Draco asks confused and a little concernedly.
"Fix that mop of hair of yours" Fred piped. "I'll get the red hair dye." He calmly set his glass down standing from his place as Dracos eyes go wide and he frantically scanned the room.
"I'll hold him down!" Ginny, Ron and Harry jumped up at once.
It were all good fun until Molly put an end to it sending a rolled up newspaper round the room with a flick of her wand speaking "You'll. Do. No. Such. Thing!"
"Blimey Woman, relax. It was just a joke!" George defended. "Not really" Fred whispers to Draco throwing a wink his way as he polishes off the last of his Whiskey.
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