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Chaggie Snow Day💖❄️☃️ Made eachother snowman!☃️❄️☃️
What do u think? Who’s snowman do u like the most? I’d love to know💖
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helluvaartcritique · 2 months
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What do u think of my Niffty redesign? Anything you like, feedback? In my take, she’s a Mukade. Japanese centipede.
(TW: bug mention, pictures of bugs, centipedes in general)
So clever! I especially love how you had her hair reference the Mudake Centipede's legs. I thought that was a fun detail.
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The more spindly limbs that you gave Nifty also work really well, and I find it super cute.
(I also don't know if it's intentional but having her bow resemble the centipede's antenna is neat)
You did amazing here! Nice work!
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pinetreevillain · 2 years
I LOVE your version of Timothy! Especially his relationship with Donnie. What r the biggest changes u made?
The biggest change is Timothy is not the most annoying most insufferable character to every exist in a show that the audience is forced to he subjected to on more than one occasion. To my shock, Timothy has been extremely well received!
The other big change is Timothy doesn’t get mutated
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purgatory-hotel · 21 days
Would your Charlie ask about the gangs mortal pasts?
*really coolly and nonchalantly vibrates with joy because someone sent me an ask about my story* yeah ok I'll answer this. I'm super casual
she would! a lot of the sessions are like group therapy. everyone sits around and talks about themselves; mainly about how they lived when on Earth and how they live now in Hell. at some point they'll have to talk about how they died as well, which I think Charlie will struggle to relate to since she's Hell-born and probably end up saying something daft on accident
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floq · 10 months
what do u think of DP Spectra❓
she’s actually one of my favorite ghosts in the show, oddly enough i think i’ve never drawn her…regardless, i love reading fics where she’s a mayor character, the kind psychological horror and abuse she can bring to a story is sublime
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duchi-nesten · 1 year
What headcanons u have of Valerie?
she is really good at spider solitaire, she can solve that shit in MINUTES. Expert level. All four colors. Just like that.
Her favourite ice cream flavour is cookie dough but only when it's THE RIGHT KIND. and her grandparents used to have a dog which she grew up hanging around with and Cujo sometimes reminds her of that dog, so when she finally had him cornered and was about to shoot him she looked at him and was like ''nah man i cant do it'' and that kinda started her ''okay maybe i dont actually hate this dog'' arc.
she also likes sewing as a hobby sometimes, it calms her down. she tried crocheting too once but it went to shit
sorry i only have weirdly specific headcanons hfdyuihsd
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dailudannos · 2 years
How would u redesign Tucker?
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We do a lil design tweaking
I kinda just wanted to change his look, but other than that, I can imagine him wearing baggy clothes and the combat boots as a fashion choice, but the beret MUST STAY
I also thought a cool colored palette would suit him best, brought on by the warm colors in his outfit
That's all I have to say but I hope you enjoy :)
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ectoberhaunt · 1 year
Hey! It’s me DnPAnimationstudioclone. First off thank you so much for reblogging my art I’m happy to be in Ectobermonth, also I notice you tag the blog names with the art and you forgot to for my Day 3 art White Crow with Ghost Writer. It’s no issue for me, just wanted to let you know. Seriously I’m just happy to have my work out there!!!!!💖💖💖💖💖💖
Hello!! Thank you for participating! And thanks for letting us know: we included the tag now (nice catch!)
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chintadraws · 1 year
I LOVE your fashions for the Dp characters. Will u be doing Valerie next?
Thank you! I had a lot of fun coming up with the outfit ideas for each of the characters. I did have WIPS of Valerie lined up alongside Kwan and Dash, but it's been years since I've done anything about it. We'll see how things go though!
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What do u think will be of Slarb's development/fate?
Ooh, that's a good question! I'm curious to see if the show will follow what happens in the books with Slarb. (In one of the livestreams, it was mentioned that they opted not to use the Black Carriage poem because it might've been too scary for younger viewers—but I think we can still count on certain Big Sad Things happening later on, so I'm not certain what they intend to do in those areas here in Season 1.)
Like in the books, the show's Slarb is not held in very high regard by the other Fangs. When you're a bad guy, and your fellow bad guys are laughing at how the good guys did little things to trounce you? Ouch. Slarb is pretty mad about that.
He may not be very powerful, or have the authority to do much—but he's almost scarier for it, because no one lets him forget that fact and he hates it. He's willing to do whatever he can to make the other Fangs regret the way they talk about him, and we're not sure how long his orders not to harm the Igibys will hold him back. I think that's actually an awesome way to develop a more minor antagonist! It's always unnerving when you're not sure just how far an impulsive, bitter character will go in a situation.
I think he makes a great (if very troublesome) antagonist, and I look forward to seeing what happens with his part of the plot in the show!
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wsoupofpain · 2 years
Now that I finished my Danny design, what do u think of the main character redesigns as well as Paulina’s?
YES everyone go look at these right now (Danny / Sam / Tucker / Jazz / Valerie / Paulina)
The short answer is that I love them, you put in a lot of heart, style, and personality while keeping the characters recognizable in a very elegant way. I know you've talked a lot about the thought that went into your design choices already, so I'm just going to go over a few of my favorites
Danny - the little pins on his jacket! the goggles! the platforming on his boots that resemble astronaut tread! the kind of dorky kind of cool kind of both factor of both his short sleeved hoodie and his vest!
Sam - the DRAMA of Sam's outfit! the specific little detail that her boot tread is spikier! the variation in tones of purple so the design flows well without becoming cluttered! the pops of green not just in the skirt but also in the necklace and hairties! the little mole!
Tucker - I like that his color pallet has a lot of his original browns, greens, and yellows, for soothing neutral/earth tones, and that you've switched out the red for a calmer blue; his color pallet has always been my least favorite to work with, and this is much nicer, and lends itself well to the sense of Tucker as the person who most in their trio would be happy with things more mellow and as they were. But he's got his own sense of excited, interests, and quirks too, highlighted in a fun way by his gloves, earring, and hat pins
Jazz - the smart young professional vibes of her tied back hair, collared shirt, clearly attended to nails, and wristwatch are TOP tier. I also like how you swapped her plain BLACK sweater and shoes for a dark teal with some lighter patterning, it keeps her 'visually distinct' canon element while toning down the ways it was a little too striking and drew focus
Valerie - I am captivated by the decision to canonize the curl waves in her hair as actual gray streaks! the CLEAR care and attention of the little details, fashion and status symbols of her outfit! the mix of practicality, access, and fashion! the WARM, sunny look balanced with the very down to earth touches like her sneakers and sweater! the little pops of purple with her nails and lipstick! tight race between Valerie and Jazz as my favorite of your designs tbh
Paulina - the glitter! the little butterfly! the DETAILS of her jewellery! the mole, showing some synchronicity with Sam! i know i said it already but the GLITTER! it's such a lovely look that's a great balance of fashion and EXCESS, while still absolutely looking like something a fourteen year old with a mind for style would put together
Also I mentioned in the previous ask you sent me that I think it's very funny the trio's canon designs are not like. for the same season of the year. so i just wanted to highlight that in your version they are in fact all wearing a long sleeved layer, if a very different one each- they're more in sync but still unique, and likewise Paulina and Valerie are both in short sleeves, and are also both mostly monochrome, coming from the same group; and Jazz, who is in neither of those groups, has three-quarter length sleeves, her own thing.
Also, wanted to say I like that you give Tucker, Valerie, and Paulina brown eyes. Brown eyes rock
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Val Training Outfit!🏃🏿‍♀️
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In the show, Val had her own training clothes. We only saw them once but I LOVED them. Especially since it was using red, since she’s training for her job as the Red Huntress. I made my own training threads for my own Val too!🏃🏿‍♀️🏃🏿‍♀️🏃🏿‍♀️
Kept a lot of the color scheme but added more grays and blacks into the mix.
Replaced the white sports top with a red and black sports bra. Which on the top, the line’s like a V!
Replaced her red shorts with longer black training pants with a red v line. V for Val and I see a lot of exercise pants like that!
Gave her a sweet training jacket! Also added lines to match with the bandana. The symbol was inspired from Adidas. I wanted to make it look a V a bit.
Added gray lines on her red bandana.
Put her hair in a red scrunchie so it doesn’t get in the way of her training.
Made her socks gray than white.
Not training exclusive but her lipstick is now red. Def for her new life as Red huntress she changes from magenta to the classic red! I can imagine she also doesn’t paint her nails as much, maybe when she has the free time or for a more formal occasion❤️💄
Removed her earrings as to not have them in the way of her training or get possibly damaged. If she was to have earrings they’s either be studs or small hoops, nothing that’s dangly.
Made her shoes more detailed👟 Was inspired by NIKES shoes. I can imagine she has a lot of sports shoes.
Gave her wristbands! Added line to match with the bandana and jacket.
In all seriousness, I LOVE Val and her design and I wish we could’ve seen her in more fun looks! I even made more looks for her down below!  https://at.tumblr.com/dnpanimationstudioclone/fashion-for-valerie/qrlm7zk5c27p
What do u think? I’d love to know❤️ Val is a great character, and especially deserves a shoutout as a great Black character for Black History Month🖤🤎
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helluvaartcritique · 1 month
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What do u think of my Valentino redesign? Anything you like, feedback? In my take he’s a monarch butterfly(secretly a parasitic wasp in disguise🦋☠️🐝)
The parasitic wasp concept is actually pretty neat. The monarch wings being a cape is also really cool (I'm pretty sure it was like that in Valentino's original design, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)
Sorry if I don't have much to say, I don't want to repeat myself, haha!
Your designs are always really good, so no complaints here!
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thatfreak03 · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
(Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes)
Shows I like, movies I like, videos of cute animals, the satisfaction of finishing a story or drawing, and reading a good story.
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purgatory-hotel · 21 days
Do u imagine your Charlie has done some certain research like about the concept of redemption, morality, Human history etc?
she has! but she's not really gone about it in the right way. she knows a lot of human history, she's researched ways of redemption (primarily therapy) but she really overestimates the goodness of humanity. she thinks that everyone (aside from a few "bad apples") can change, however she doesn't realise that there are lots and lots of terrible, iredeemable people, or people who simply just don't want to change. though she'd never admit it, both her and Adam are very similar in that way; Adam believes that no one is worthy of redemption, whilst Charlie believes that everyone can and will change for the better
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tachvintlogic · 1 month
Wulf & Walker Friends AU-Overprotective
Because of Walker’s obsession with control as well as Wulf being one of the few he trusts, is quite overprotective of him. He feels it’s the safest for Wulf to stay in the Prison or atleast be accompanied by him, Bullet or the guards. Even then he prefers Wulf to stay in the Prison. This has caused a lot of issues between the two. Wulf feeling smothered and not listened to, especially because I headcanon his Core being freedom and Walker feels Wulf doesn’t understand how dangerous things could get, and how he’d be so lost without him.
Based on Helluva Boss Walker-Ugh, The Ghosts Beasts escaped the Zone again! This is going to be a long day.
Wulf- I can help, hunt them down.
Walker- Absolutely not, I forbid it. Not gonna happen. Sorry, Wulf. The Mortal World just ain’t no place for you. You know the kind of FREAKS up there who'd fanghoul all over you!
Everyone looks at the screen 
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Wulf-Will u atleast let me make u a portal to where they are?
Warden-No need. Remember earlier when u said u wanted to just get some fresh air in the Mortal woods?
Wulf-What does that-…Oh. I forgot to seal it didn’t I?
Wulf's priority would be to prove that yes, he can be trusted to go out there and help Walker. He will not escape, really! He's not buying his time until Walker slips up and he can make his escape. Why ever would you think that?
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