#genshin impact rex lapis x you
haileyywrites · 2 years
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Young Morax was foolish enough to fall in love with a mortal woman whom would fall pregnant and give birth to his only ever child. Sadly as an Archon he could not be apart of your life, nor could your true nature be revealed to the world. Your mother especially wishing to keep you safe to the point you are isolated from the rest of the world...
-> Zhongli / Morax x reader! Platonic!
-> Reader is gender neutral with they/them pronouns! Pretty heavy themes! Essentially an absentee father and a single mother slowly losing herself to paranoia due to your father's identity and wanting to keep you safe! Reader is isolated and incredibly lonely! Death - mother dies of old age! This is just fanfiction so it might not be loore accurate! Also this is not proofread as it's long and I'm lazy...
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To many children their parents are the equivalent of God, they're there usually from the moment of the child's creation and are always there to guide them through life. They pass on their knowledge to their children to help them survive the world they live in.
But what if a god were to have a child or children? Would their child be a god as well, should they be treated different from others due to this? In Teyvat most of the Seven have lived hundreds upon thousands of years, but not once had any of the acting Archon's had children - at least as far as the mortals knew. Lovers perhaps weren't so uncommon, but it was still incredibly rare due to their exalted status and long lives. Yet things happened, and foolishly the young Morax fell in love with a mortal woman who would come to bear him a single child - his only child.
Their relationship had crumbled before the news and these news did not help their situation. It was bad enough that he allowed himself to be so careless, but your mother was adamant she'd keep you, with or without his support. He had no choice but to agree, he only asked your true nature be kept a secret they would take to their grave. Informing the world of your existance would put in danger not only you but also your mother, so she agreed and the contract was sealed.
You were born a happy and healthy baby some time after and though it took everything from your mother, she pushed through with the help of the best doctors in Teyvat. Morax had arranged everything to support you and your mother. He kept his involvement subtle to stop anyone from connecting the dots, but due to this he wasn't there for your birth. He bought your mother an accommodating house for the two of you, it was modest to not draw any suspicion but fit the needs of the two of you perfectly. You were his flesh and blood, he would make sure you were both taken care of to the point your mother no longer needed to work.
Things were fine at first, your mother had everything she needed and you were both looked after. But the more you grew the more worried and paranoid she grew... She kept thinking and believing someone would recognize or figure out your identity. If anyone stared at you for even a moment longer than she wanted them to, she would immediately think you were in mortal peril. She would freak and lash out accusing them of wishing to harm you - no matter who they were or their age was...
It wasn't surprising you grew up as an outcast due to her behavior, no parent would allow their child near you or wished to approach you themselves in fear of being the target of her latest outburst. If you were to ever venture outside - even without your mother people would avert their eyes and move to the other side of the street, avoiding you like a plague... At the age when you couldn't understand why this was it hurt, but it was even worse when you did because you couldn't blame them for it.
The only one she trusted even a little was the one she now depended on, your father. She was always hesitant and outright avoided the subject when or if you brought it up. It was for your own good - or so she would tell you. For as longs as you knew your father existed you had tried everything to gain the tiniest sliver of knowledge from her, but she refused to pudge. However, she wasn't as smart or careful as she thought herself to be.
Sometimes, in the middle of the night when you were sure to be deep asleep - the front door would open and your mother would faintly whisper a hello to whoever was at the door... Heavy but soft footsteps walked inside your home as the person entered and sat at the dinner table. He would greet your mother rather warmly with his deep but comforting voice. Strange as it was, it didn't consern you as your mother clearly knew them and you were about to fall back asleep. But then he would ask something that caught your attention.
“It's been some time, how have things been? Have they grown a lot?” He casually asked, something they had clearly talked about before.
“Everything's been fine and they're fine too. I have some pictures we recently took, I know you can't keep them but maybe you'd like to at least see them?” She sounded so calm when with him...
“That sounds wonderful, thank you.” He softly answered.
Your mother moved around the kitchen looking for the pictures and some papers by the sound of it. You couldn't help yourself any longer as you crawled out of bed and slowly drew back your door to peer out of the crack. A tall man with long brown hair and strange clothing sat next to your mother as they went through the polaroid pictures of you - after which your mother handed your latest drawings to him. They chuckled and talked together quietly as they went through each one.
“I've been hearing some concerning things about you.” The man said to your mother, as the air suddenly became tense.
“Like what?” She curtly asked.
“About your outbursts.” He carefully said, but your mother only scoffed in response. “I'm worried about you.”
“I already told you - we're fine. I think its getting late, you should get going.” She glared at him and he didn't fight back.
The man stood up, but then slowly turned towards your door where you could have sworn your eyes met his through the crack you were peering from. You quickly but quietly scrambled back into bed and under the covers while trying your best to apear asleep while trying to muffle your breathing to hear anything said. After a moment the door creaked open as the man slowly stepped inside.
He stopped at the doorway and looked around your room before turning to your mother, "I will say my goodbyes and be on my way."
“Just don't wake them up.” She sighed.
The man sat on the edge of your bed and brushed your hair away from your face gently, he was clearly aware you weren't asleep but he didn't say anything. He stopped after a moment to whisper a small goodnight before standing up and heading for the door.
He stopped there once again before whispering something to you, “Take care of your mother.”
You didn't respond and he didn't expect you to. At the time you didn't understand what those words had meant, how could you take care of your mother? You were just a child and she was a mother - your mother. But you wouldn't remain a child forever and she only had you in her life, he couldn't be there for her even if he wanted to and he did. He truly cared about you and your mother, but that was even more reason to keep his distance and keep contact minimal.
It was never in their intentions to let you know your father's or your true identity, but after that night things would never be the same. Even at your young age it wasn't that difficult to figure out his identity, he had features unique to only him and when comparing him to any statue it was quite obvious. Your father was none other than the Geo Archon of Liyue, the land of contracts.
Even after you grew older and your mother passed away peacefully, it was never brought up. She knew you knew the truth, but she would take the truth to her grave without ever explicitly telling even you. Even as she was dying she remained stubborn and untrusting... Her death impacted your whole life, as she was the only person you had ever formed a connection with. Your whole life revolved around her and her paranoia towards everyone, you had lived your whole life in this small house you called home with her alone.
Taking your first steps back into the real world and into society was incredibly terrifying, it was like relearning how to walk or talk. You had to learn social cues and how to connect with other people, but you managed. Never did anyone suspect your true identity or wish to harm you the way your mother so feared. It was horrible how she lost herself to that paranoia and fear when none of it ever came true or payed off...
But what about your father? Rex Lapis was dead and that is what you believed when the news hit you. It was sad that you had now lost both parents, but you never really knew him so you couldn't mourn him the way you mourned your mother. But he wasn't dead after all, or perhaps Rex Lapis and Morax was - but the man who once used them wasn't. It wasn't intentional, but you did find out.
You had walked through town with your groceries, you turned your head towards the Third-Round Knockout where Iron Tongue Tian was telling one of his regular stories. You weren't in a hurry, thus you decided to sit and listen for a while. Most of the tables were filled except for one where a lone man sat. You approached with a sheepish smile and gained his attention with a cough.
“Would you mind if I sit with you to listen?” You asked politely.
“Not at all.” He smiled warmly and motioned for you to sit down.
“Thank you, sir.” You sat down and listened to the story being told, but you couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity.
His voice was distinct, yet sounded so incredibly familiar... You didn't wish to be rude and stare, but you couldn't help yourself from glancing at him every once in a while. It didn't take long for him to notice and turn to face you - that is when it all hit you. Those eyes, that hair and that voice. He was no doubt your father, the Geo Archon and the one who was now supposedly dead. Yet there he sat, right before you as you stared at him wide-eyed.
“I suspect we have much to talk about.” He weakly chuckled.
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A/N: You guys don't know how bad I wanted to end this with ZhongChi and having him introduce you to Childe😭
Anyways I hope you liked reading this! If you did feel free to like and or reblog <3
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lishens · 1 month
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ʚɞ ⁺ ˖ ⸝⸝ ꒰⠀ NOT A GENTLEMAN ⠀꒱
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Zhongli lets her break away from the embrace, despite how the dragon in him wants to pull her back until she is a part of his very being — until she is a part of his soul that no one will be able to tell where she begins and where he ends.
alternate universe — canon divergence. established relationship. fem!reader is a virgin. slight mean dom!zhongli. bits and pieces of dragon!zhongli. cunnilingus. penetration. marking. possessiveness. dubious consent at some parts. breeding. mating press. praise. dacryphilia.
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“Are you going home early?”
The question makes her head turn, looking at Xiangling who is now just opening Wanmin Restaurant for dinner.
“Mhm,” her head nods, giving Guoba a wave from where he is standing before the stove. “I have plans to meet someone—” She can barely finish speaking before Xiangling leans in close to her face, way too close that she is beginning to get cross-eyed.
“Is this your lover? The one you’ve been meeting for months now?!” Her friend exclaims, far too loudly, that they draw amused looks from the passing strangers. Her hands reach to cover Xiangling’s mouth, making shushing noises while willing the flush in her cheeks to go away. Still, she manages to nod. It seems that her shame is enough of a deterrent that her friend only manages to squeal — as quietly as someone like Xiangling can. “Don’t let me keep you here! Go! Shoo! Meet your sweetheart!”
Sweetheart, huh? That seems far too simple for what is going on between herself and Zhongli.
For someone who works at a funeral parlour, he is such a sweet gentleman. Arguably, the standard of what a man should be. Though, she may be a bit biased in that regard, seeing him through rose-coloured lenses and all. The man may be absent minded at times, often forgetting his wallet and all, but he never fails to treat everyone with kindness and respect — even when they are unworthy of it.
Oh, she just loves him.
“Mora for your thoughts?” A question comes from behind her, spine freezing in surprise before it relaxes once she recognises the voice. She turns to wrap her arms around his midsection, giving Zhongli an embrace.
Ah, this is where she belongs, right in his arms.
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“My thoughts were just filled with you.”
Unbeknownst to his darling, amber-coloured irises darken to a deep set of honey upon hearing her words. The Geo Archon wraps his arms around the delicate set of shoulders to pull her closer to his embrace, burying his nose to the crown of her head.
The sigh of satisfaction is actually a pleased rumble from the depths of his throat, his inner dragon delighted at the fact that his sweetheart knows where belongs.
With him.
His breath meets the lobe of her ear and draconic pupils immediately narrow in on the dangling earring in his colours. It had been his gift for Qixi, during the courting stage of their relationship. Zhongli wanted something subtle but obvious to those who know where to look. The gemstone is a cor lapis, probably one of the finest ones that he had to bribe Cloud Retainer to bring him; the silk threads that make up the ribbon are from Mountain Shaper’s territory, requested with an exchange of several tea gatherings.
The adepti who walk through the city all look at him with an expression torn between judgement and amusement upon catching sight of the jewellery on his sweetheart, knowing immediately who the gift-giver is.
In order to avoid theft, those that belong to him should be marked as such. It is only the way of things, the way of the world — the way of the gods.
Zhongli lets her break away from the embrace, despite how the dragon in him wants to pull her back until she is a part of his very being — until she is a part of his soul that no one will be able to tell where she begins and where he ends.
He lets her chatter all the way back home, entertaining all the questions she has about the most random of things. 
All the while, his smile is ever-present just for her.
It only falters when she pauses before the corner that separates his home from hers. Zhongli lives on the road just ahead, while she lives right inside the alley. His brows furrow, reaching a gloved hand to cup her cheek. “Are you not feeling well?”
He watches as her eyes widen with a hint of amusement, endeared when she shakes her head furiously.
“I just,” she trails off, biting on her bottom lip in a fit of anxiousness. The plush brim pulled taut by her teeth, and that will not just do. His tongue clicks sharply against the roof of his mouth, reaching with a thumb to press firmly on her chin in a wordless demand to relax. She does, like the obedient little darling that she is, and his hand falls away. “I don’t want to go home just yet.” The words come as a whisper, but to his ears, it sounds as loud as a scream.
Abruptly, his hand darts to hold her by the jaw. Thumb and index finger pressing firmly on the sides to tilt her upwards and force her eyes to meet his darkened ones.
“Darling,” he coos, sounding far too sinister for the gentleman persona he put up for her sake but Zhongli cannot help it. “If you say something like that, then a man might interpret it as you wanting to sleep with him.” He wants her to say yes, to nod, or to even avert her gaze bashfully.
She does none of those things, looking at him instead with pupils blown wide in surprise.
Zhongli has to swallow down the disappointment, replacing it with a charming smile that makes his eyes curl into crescents. A facade to not let her see the swirling darkness underneath. “I jest, my love. You know that all I want is to take good care of you.”
After all, they have been dating for so long, and there will be many more opportunities that will rise in the future.
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Laying in his bed, she stares at the wooden panels of the ceiling and barely muffles a sigh. He really did not do anything, not even an “accidental” touch. In fact, Zhongli treated her very politely. Very politely that even someone as inexperienced as her felt very frustrated.
It should be a crime for someone to be that much of a gentleman, she thinks while turning to look at him sleeping soundly beside her.
A moment of impulsiveness makes her reach for his hand, holding it between her shaking fingers. She hesitates, not wanting to do this without his full consent. But— it is not like he will reject her, right? Zhongli loves her, she knows and feels that much. Maybe even too much sometimes, a part of her whispers. Hesitantly, she brings his hand between her thighs and rolls her hips against his palm. It feels weird, but a good kind of weird, one that makes her shiver all over and let out all of these breathless noises with eyes closed to further savour the sensation.
“What are you doing with my hand?” A question echoes in her ear out of nowhere, eyes snapping wide open only to meet his gaze.
Her breath gets caught in her throat, “I thought you were asleep.” It is a weak argument, she knows that much.
“Silly girl, I was awake. How could I sleep when you’re right beside me?” Zhongli smiles, soft and sweet as always, but she feels unnerved. How can he smile so sweetly after what she did? There is an odd look in his eyes, something dark and predatory. It makes her feel like she is prey. He leans in and presses a kiss to her lips, his tongue following soon after in the depths of her mouth.
“I was planning on being kind to you,” he murmurs, lips drifting past her lips and down the line of her jaw until Zhongli grants a particularly harsh suck on the column of her neck. “Take care of you, love you like those leads in the operas you listen to. But no, you just had to test me.” With those words, his palm slips inside the waistband of her underwear to rub her clit in tight circles.
“How can I ever say no to willing prey that is already dripping wet?”
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Dexterous fingers grip the fabric of her underwear, giving it a sharp yank until the sound of cloth tearing echoes in the silence of his bedroom. There is heat in his spine, mortal teeth elongating to sharp fangs in his maw at the scent that wafts through the air.
Sweet, and so utterly decadent. The finest meal in all of Teyvat.
“Hush, little dove,” he croons to her collarbone. “It made no sense for you to keep wearing that thing when you are already soaking through it, hm?”
The shame that floods her cheeks, the eyes that widen in surprise at his words, all of it are like pieces of her that Zhongli greedily takes in. Truly, she is the jewel of his hoard. Her protests are cut off by his hands, turning and twisting her figure until she is nearly folded in half. Like this, the pretty sight of her pussy is in full view of his narrowed gaze. “I am going to give this pretty girl a lot of love, okay?” The whisper comes breathless on her stiff nub, tongue darting out to give it a mean flick.
Not even Celestia can take his head away from between her thighs.
The wet muscle traces the outline of her slit, taking great delight at how more of her arousal comes dripping out in response despite her protests. How adorable, as if she was not rutting her cunt on his palm earlier. His eyes dart to peer at her panting figure, her chest heaving with soft sobs that sound like music to his ears.
Her eyes are tightly shut— and that will not just do.
A sharp click of the tongue, talons sinking into the supple flesh of her thigh. Zhongli no longer cares if his adeptal form is in full view. “Look at me,” he growls, the pointed ends of his teeth nibbling on her clit just to see her squirm.
“Look at me.”
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Teary-eyed and breathless, her lashes flutter to peer at Zhongli. But what she sees is Rex Lapis instead, the realisation makes her folds spasm around nothing, clenching tight and dripping another thick glob of arousal down the silken sheets.
It should scare her, the knowledge that her lover is the Archon of Liyue, but it only arouses her further.
And Zhongli seems to reach the same conclusion, lips curving to form a wicked grin at her reaction. “Dirty girl,” he coos right to her pussy, draconic tongue darting out to flatten against the entire slit until her thighs shake from the pressure. “You like this.” The accusation falls and she finds herself unable to deny it, not when the god himself can see how much wetter it has made her.
“Y-You’re Rex Lapis,” she states the obvious in a shaky voice, hiccuping with every pass of his tongue on her sensitive flesh. Her hips nearly fly off the bed when the wet muscle slides inside, exploring every crevice of the tight passage, if not for his iron-clad grip on her frame.
The only response she receives is a loud slurp that makes her cheeks burn with shame, and a wicked laugh as the Archon himself rises to his full height. “Stating the obvious now, pretty girl?” Rex Lapis asks, pressing on the underside of her thighs until her legs are nearly flat above her chest. A mating press, she thinks, vaguely remembering the position from one of the spring books she used to giggle over under the bridge. The position is termed as such due to how many adepti seem fond of using it when mating with their soul-hearts, it is said to increase the chances of conceiving — not that fertility is an issue. Adeptal creatures are a hundred times more fertile than regular humans, it only takes one mating dance before their soul-heart conceives after all. Her eyes widen, limbs tensing as if to push Rex Lapis off once she remembers Yanfei’s drunken ramble on the night she met Zhongli for the first time.
Rex Lapis is not Rex Lapis if he is slower than a mortal. In a flash, she finds herself folded in half with an ebony hand holding her by the neck. The threat of his claws seem to pale in comparison to the threat of his snarl.
“You will not deny me.”
With those words, her entire worldview shatters at the brutal plunge his monstrous length makes inside her core. It burns, it hurts — it feels good.
Time feels both too slow and too fast like this, intimately connected to Rex Lapis as she is. Every thrust scrapes her raw, makes her feel every nerve ending come alive. At the same time, it all feels like a blur.
She never thought that her Zhongli can be so mean.
But this is Rex Lapis, the Archon of Geo, the God of Liyue. This is the dragon who rained mountains on the world just to win the Archon Wars. This is the monster who reigns supreme above all other monsters. This is the Prime of the Adepti for a reason.
Distantly, she can hear herself weeping. It pales in comparison to the sound of his delighted exhalations, the whispered praises. “Little love, my sunshine … You take me so good, so warm— s-so tight for me … You are perfect … The only one for me, my one and only.” She comes back to herself slowly, only to feel herself blanking out. The sound of their combined fluids squelching in the air is enough to make her stomach tighten, walls spasming around the thick cock that seems to twitch with every deep press that Rex Lapis makes and stirs her insides.
Lungs desperate for air, she can only whimper when Rex Lapis parts her thighs to gaze at where the two of them are connected with greed in his gaze.
“We have all day, my darling,” he murmurs with a sharp jerk of his hips that makes her squeal. “We have all of today, tomorrow, and the many days after to make sure you are full of me.”
“Only me.”
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© lishens ( 2024 ): do not claim, modify, copy or repost my works without permission. minors do not interact.
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angelltheninth · 4 months
An Archon's Fated One
Pairing: Zhongli x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, failed arranged marriage, running away, love confession, loss of virginity, kissing, mating bite, protectiveness, creampie, tail shenanigans, Rex Lapis!Zhongli
Word count: 1.5k
A/N: Come get your dragonfucking smut!
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You knew from the start that the arranged marriage wouldn't work out. Your so called husband was an abusive, entitled asshole, besides your heart already belonged to someone else. It has for a very long time. He was the only one you loved, the man you ran to for safety and comfort, Rex Lapis, Morax, or as you knew him, Zhongli.
The door to his home opened as soon as you approached, he senses you, moreover he sensed your distress. "Ah, I didn't mean to frighten you. When I felt you approach I... your... your wrists... your neck... what?" His eyes widened in horror as he took you in. You must have looked pretty pathetic to him, crying and cowering by his side as he ushered you inside, placing his hooded coat over you, unmindful of his own half-nakedness.
He didn't push you for answers, he ordered for a bath to be ready for you, and any change of clothes you wished. When you walked beside him you could feel his thick tail caressing your lower back and your legs. No hands. Not until you told him it was okay to do so.
Would he think you even weaker if he knew? You were human so you already paled in comparison to a god. You knew that even if he shared your feelings your relationship would never last. Zhongli opened the door for you to show you into the bedroom you normally stayed at when you spent the nights at his place. He never crossed the line of sleeping with you, he never even kissed you, the most you got out of him were late night cuddles and breakfast.
No wonder your husband was jealous. You spent more time with here then with him. Doesn't change the fact that you never wanted to marry him in the first place. Or what he did to you.
"Wait." You called out, hands touching Zhongli's tail, "Please don't go. I'm... scared of being alone tonight."
Zhongli turned to face you and let his hands hover over your shoulders, still waiting for your signal. After you gave him a nod you felt his warmth, his arms pull you into a hug, against his chest, felt exactly where his arm markings stopped, and when you hugged him back felt where his dragon trail began as your hands rested on the small of his back.
The bed was just as soft as always, like what you imagined sleeping on a cloud might feel like. The only sturdiness was Zhongli himself. "He did this, am I correct?" Your tremble of fear was confirmation enough. Zhongli snarled, his eyes flashing bring yellow for a moment before he took a deep breath of your scent to calm down. "I should have sensed it. I should have been there. I am so sorry darling."
You snuggled deeper into his arms, taking in his comforting words and petname, "I told him I wanted a divorce, that... there was someone else." His arms slackened slightly, but you kept going, "I told him I loved an Archon and he laughed at first. Then I told him... that it was you. He... accused me of cheating on him."
His silence invited you to keep talking, as did his tail, now coiling around you.
"Because I was here so often he thought we were sleeping together. Didn't believe me when I said we were only friends. He got angry, really angry." Your body shook remembering his hands around your neck, the names he called you, the insults.
"So you ran here. To me." Zhongli's voice sounded lower then usual. It sent a very different kind of chill down your body, one that finished between your legs. It was shameful. How something so simple had an effect on you. It wasn't anything new for you, when you were in here you always had your hand between your legs at least once a night, not daring to call his name out.
"Because I knew you'd keep me safe Zhongli. I trust you."
"You love me." He announced, shifting his body until he was on top of you, looking down at you, his face still stoic but his hands conveying his love as they cupped your face. "If you so wish, if you would allow me, I could make you my woman. My mate."
Your heart wanted it, your cunt did too, pulsing and empty, "I don't need you to pity me. I know I'm just a human. I have nothing to offer you."
"That is not true. For years now you've been coming here, keeping me company, talking to me, keeping me from going insane. Also," He bent down and nosed your neck, "don't think I don't know what you've been doing in here. This is my domain, I hear and see everything and everyone."
It was probably you who spread your legs for him, made it easy for his hips to push between them, for him to press his rock hard bulge against your core. There was so much heat between you two, but not enough friction. He could fix that, you could see he ached to fix that if only you said the words.
"Zhongli, please make me yours." Every other time you uttered those words it was in the thorns of passion and without him there to do so. Now he was here, on top of you, pealing off your clothes layer by layer until you lay naked beneath him. His pants followed, revealing that hard cock that's been the subject of your dreams for so many nights.
"Has he..." Zhongli trailed off, his body shaking as he aligned himself up with your entrance, gathered some wetness at the tip and waited.
You shook your head, "He wanted me to submit on my own, but how could I when I only wanted you." You reached back, undoing the tie in his hair with one hand and scratching at the base of his strong horn with the other, feeling the scales there. And with your heels you felt the beginning of his tail as you pulled him closer, "I want you to be the only one for me from now on."
"And I shall be." Zhongli handled you with gentleness, but also possessiveness, his hands running to your hips, his eyes following the bounce of your breasts when he entered you, the gulp you made that tapered off into a moan. It was very much to his liking. "My bite, I will hurt. However if you're to be my mate, my bride, it's necessary."
The pain of it scared you a little, but the pleasure you currently felt, his big, thick, throbbing cock rolling in and out of you with every movement of his hips was enough to distract you. You leaned up to kiss him first, "I do." You whispered against his lips, which made him tilt his head, "It's how humans seal a wedding."
"Ah. Then... I do." Zhongli's lips felt much hotter than your own, every part of him felt hotter. You wondered how his cum would feel. Your pussy clenched around him at the thought. His cock responded by twitching.
You leaned your head backwards, exposing your neck to him. His claws dug into the sheets and bedding beside your hips, clawing and tearing at them, he was trying to hold back from finishing. "I wanted you for so long. So long, my darling. The amount of seed I wasted when I should have been planting it inside your womb instead... it angers me."
Sharp teeth ticked your skin, feeling you gulp before they settled between your neck and your shoulder, "Please. I want to be yours Zhongli. In every sense of the word."
That firm tail now wrapped around your leg like a snake, pulling it to the side so that he could have even more room. You were right, the bite hurt, but the pain was pale when compared to the pleasure that flowed both in and out of you moments later. You were hot all over, hot as your body arched against his, hot on the inside as you would be impregnated by his seed tonight, the sheer amount spilling from you, making your thighs sticky.
Despite giving it your best shot you couldn't leave marks on his back, but you knew he felt that you tried, a pleasant rumble emanating from his lips as they pulled away from your neck. Zhongli rolled you both to the side, his tail trading being coiled around your leg to being coiled around your hips.
One of his hand pressed down against your stomach, his voice low, "I love you." It was almost too quiet to be a whisper. "I will keep you safe, I promise you. Nothing and no one will ever bring you harm again."
If you had enough strength you would have cried again at that very moment. There will be time for tears, both happy and sad in the future. For now you wanted to rest, to sleep your first night with him soundly. With him, Rex Lapis, Morax, Zhongli, your new husband.
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rosescarlette · 4 months
Chonkli being.. chonkli.
-> Chonkli is a very cute fluffy dragon who likes to just.. rest. That's it. He's just a silly dragon who just wants to rest :(
-> Even if you both have separate rooms or not. That doesn't matter cause chonkli is going to always rest on your side of the bed or in your bedroom.
-> Even if you're going to remove him from your bed or your side of the bed.. forget doing anything more. You're going to be occupied by placing chonkli away from your side of the bed or from your bedroom.
-> The dragon however was confused. Why wouldn't you let him rest on your bed in your bedroom. That was the most comfortable place for you. So why can't he be there?
-> Chonkli would always try to be near you as much as possible. Always.
-> wherever you go.. chonkli is always going to be near you. He would always sit on your lap. He would do that because he wants to get your attention and affection.
-> However if you refuse.. he's going to do everything and all just to get your attention. Everything.
-> If you move chonkli away from your lap.. congratulations!! There's a chubby dragon sitting on your head the next moment.
-> Keep putting him down.. he's always going to sit next in your lap or on top of your head. There's no escape from his cute wrath.
-> Don't be mean to him :(( He's just a chubby cute lil dragon seeking your attention.. if you do scold him for something.. he's going to curl up into a ball and face away from you and be sad..
-> And to make something your punishment.. he's not going to let you hug him, kiss or even let you hold him.
-> Don't worry!!! Just apologize and don't do it again. DO. NOT. And then he'll forgive you!! :DD
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moraxsthrone · 2 years
ft. diluc, itto, kaeya, thoma, zhongli (x f!reader)
warnings: nsfw. mdni. somnophilia (itto, zhongli). mention: piss (thoma).
⋆。°✩ DILUC —
rouses you with sweet, loving kisses on your shoulder. your eyes are still closed when a sleepy smile spreads across your face. you stretch, looping your arm around the back of diluc's neck, his soft, crimson hair tickling your sensitive skin. he traces his fingers down along the inside of your arm towards your chest, making you giggle with his titillating touch. you can hear his smirk when he hums next to your ear, his voice deep and heavy with the weight of sleep. "good morning, beautiful," he drawls. "mm~good morning, my love," you reply. his wandering hand reaches your breast, earning himself one of your sighs when your nipple is carded between his calloused fingers, gently squeezing your soft flesh. he moves to roll you onto your back as he lowers himself between your legs, taking your other nipple inside his scorching mouth before leaving a trail of kisses along your naked belly. you relax, your eyes sliding closed and your pretty fingers finding purchase in his messy hair as he blazes a path all the way down to your core. he kisses his way around your dewy lips before teasing your clit with kitten licks. your fingers curl in his wild mane when his dainty tongue strokes quicken, flicking with increasing fury as he begins to drag his leaking cock against the sheets beneath him, staining them with his precum.
⋆。°✩ ITTO —
you awake to the unmistakable poke of your beloved oni's morning wood against your naked thigh. your head is on his barrel of a chest, your leg propped over his. he doesn't even know though bc he's still out cold. some of his cum is still leaking out of you from a few hours ago, but with the way he turns you out, you're ready for more. he's a hard sleeper though. you know the traditional methods of trying to wake someone up are not going to work with him, but you go through the motions anyway just so you can say you did. dragging your fingers up and down his huge arm, running your fingers through his thick, white hair, kissing his sexy neck, squeezing his horns, whispering sugary sweet and naughty things in his ear...nothing works. it's time to get creative. you know how much he loves it when you sit on his face so you get to your knees and position your thighs on either side of his head. you dip your finger inside your wet pussy and smear your slick on his lips. finally he grunts and you have to fight back the laughter when he starts sniffing the air. "itto?" he hums, but doesn't open his eyes. "itto, baby..." you coo, "i brought you breakfast in bed." after a dramatic yawn, he takes a deep breath through his nose again, smiles, and in his deep morning voice he says, "mmm...smells delicious, babe." he wraps his big hands around your thighs and pulls them further apart for him. "i'm fucking famished," he growls, latching onto your clit. soon his hands are cupping your ass cheeks, guiding you back and forth, making you ride his face, his tongue deep inside your cunt as his nose nudges your tight bundle of nerves, wearing you down like a feed bag. he's a sloppy eater but you're not complaining. the way he opens his mouth wide and sucks your whole pussy while dipping his tongue into your semen-flavored hole has your eyes crossing.
⋆。°✩ KAEYA —
our cryo casanova is a goddamn superfreak. you're both still hazy with sleep when he gets on his knees behind you. he hooks his hands around your hips and pulls your ass up in the air until you're presenting for him. your arms are still hugging the pillow that your head rests on as he leans over your body, his arms caging you in from above when you feel his hard cock slap your clit a few times. "keep your ass in the air for me, lover." his sultry voice has an edge to it that you'll only hear right after he's risen, and it goes straight to your needy core. "i wanna taste you before i ruin you for the day." you shiver as his cool lips travel down your spine. he massages your soft ass cheeks, squeezing and kneading them, forcing them apart to expose your winking pussy. "kaeya...baby..." you're pushing your ass higher into the air, back arching, hips rocking, practically begging to feel his tongue, his lips, his anything. finally, you feel the tickle of his hair on your skin, then the merciful drag of his tongue over your dripping slit. you moan loudly into your pillow, gritting your teeth as kaeya flicks his silver tongue over your pink bud a few times before sucking it in hard, pulsing his tongue against it like he's trying to drink you down to the last drop. but he settles for just a taste before he's back on his knees, straddling the backs of your thighs to sink his purple, weeping tip inside you.
⋆。°✩ THOMA —
THIS SWEET BOI IS A PLEASURE DOM FIGHT ME. you basically wake up making out with this boy. one of your hands is playing with his dark pink nipple while the other is wrapped around his pretty cock, stroking him slowly against your precum-coated thigh. he hasn't even taken his morning piss yet when you start to lower yourself to taste the sticky, salty essence of his cock. but this pyro-wielding waifu stops you, kisses you, his hand framing your ear before gently pushing you back down on the bed. "let me take care of you first, milady..." you're so weak for this precious pussy-pleasing boy you go along with every word he says. "your pussy always tastes so good in the morning..." the word pussy sounds naughtier when it rides on thoma's sweet, innocent morning voice. his fingers drag their way along the column of your neck, down between your cleavage, all the way to your pretty kitty where he spreads your pink petals apart. his soft lips ghost over your hard pearl, your back arching off the bed when you grab a fistful of his blond hair, feeling his hot breath when he whimpers quietly against your clit.
⋆。°✩ ZHONGLI —
almost always wakes before you. this morning is no exception. his erection is full, tenting his silk pajama pants as he pulls up behind you. he doesn't want to disturb your slumber; he knows how tired you've been lately what with planning the wedding and all. by the same token, however, he can smell your sex. you must be ovulating, he correctly deduces. your earthy scent is so full-bodied he can taste it on the back of his tongue and my me, he thinks, is it delectable. before he's even decided what to do, his hand moves on its own. he slips his golden hand beneath the thin waistband of your undergarments, dipping his graceful middle finger between your moist folds. you shift a little, but he removes his hand, bringing it to his mouth to taste you. he wraps his lips around his finger and sucks, tongue swirling around his digit to collect as much of your flavor as he can. warm precum leaks from his cock as he moans lowly around his own finger. it nearly drives him to madness and he can't help himself. well, he could, but he's willing to suffer the consequences in exchange for devouring the delicacy that's hiding between your legs. your eyes flutter open to find yourself on your back, your legs spread, zhongli's hair tickling your inner thighs and his long, radiant fingers curling inside you, glowing and fucking your gushy walls as amber eyes burn into yours through his long bangs. his flattened tongue drags over your swollen clit in quick pulses while he basks in your sobs of just how good he feels to you. "fuck, zhongli~~hmnn~~yeah, eat my pussy just like that..." girl, when the geo daddy moans with a mouthful of your pussy, the vibration of his deep voice on your clit hits the richter scale and you come crumbling into his hot mouth.
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i hope you found this as "inspirational" to read as i did to write. i give kitheth to 18+ rebloggers and commenters and followers and likers and readers who otherwise enjoy my naughty musings. mwah!
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violet-eng · 1 year
Zongli fantasies about fem!reader while at work -NSFW
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Zhongli x reader
Summary: Zhongli's at work and thinks about how he'd fuck you.
Warnings: Mid smut. Fingering. I think that's all.
Minors DNI
@DonaldAkron on X 🎨
Zhongli knows he shouldn't think of you that way, so he avoids looking you directly in the eyes, crossing your path, or even mentioning your name.
He is sitting behind his desk, with his hands on leather notebooks with information about the funeral home.
Physically he is there, in that wide upholstered chair, and mentally he is actually very far away.
He imagines you bent over his desk, legs spread and your skirt gathered up to your waist, you stir beneath him when you feel him slide your panties down your thighs, clicking his tongue at the sight of your wet, exposed pussy for him.
“Mr. Zhongli, they could see us,” you whisper between whimpers, the feeling of his cock clad in against your center.
"Let them see," he says, voice hoarse and dark, overshadowed by the desire and lust you provoke in him with that dripping little pussy. "Let them see how I fuck you on this desk."
You shake your head and clarify that this is shameful, that his intentions are indecent.
"Indecent is strutting around with those pretty legs exposed and that provocative cleavage," he says, the words coming out hoarse and bathed in desire.
Zhongli brings his fingers closer to your mouth, parting your lips and touching your tongue. You surround his digits with your saliva in an instinctive act, you are as lustful as he is in that moment.
He removes his fingers from your mouth and brings them closer to your womanhood, teasing your already very wet entrance.
"I haven't even touched you and you're already soaked" he whispers.
He slides his mid finger between your folds, slow and precise, feeling every part of your soft walls as they clench around his finger. He smiles at your reaction, and he slides the second finger inside you, going deeper this time, curling inside you. He moves his fingers like he's searching for something, and when you gasp he lets out a smile.
"Found your point" he says, it's only been a couple of seconds but he's sure he knows where to touch. He has done this for centuries, he knows how to please a woman, and he knows that his experience will rain down on you right now.
The movement of his fingers quickens, continuing to rest that sweet spot on your wall near your cervix. His other hand supports your back, your chest on his desk. His fingers abuse your insides, Zongli keeps pace, drawing loud moans from you. You feel him change the rhythm, moving in and out with both fingers, long and skillful.
"Mr. Zhongli.." you whimper as the sound of his fingers filled with your fluids fills your ears. Before you continue speaking you hear him, you hear his belt untie and the zipper of his pants go down. You turn your head over your shoulder and can see Zhongli and his erect cock near your entrance.
"I hope you're stretched enough," he says as he removes his fingers from inside you and lubricates his length with your juices. You notice that it is solid, thick and long, precum drops at the tip.
Zongli looks at you and grabs the base of it, settling near your entrance, approaching you. He parts your folds with his head, and can feel his length rolling inside you as you're so lubricated. He's entering, he feels your warm feminine wetness and then...
"Zhongli" HuTao's voice brings him back to reality, taking him out of the recurring fantasy of him "They are looking for you outside, they need to consult something related to traditional fruits."
And without further ado, Zhongli gets up to continue his work, hoping one day to fulfill his fantasies with you.
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mini-ism · 1 year
courtship— 07 KINKTOBER ‘23
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words: 815
synopsis: zhongli accepts your proposal, your innocence for a chance to be his spouse.
warnings: mdni!! virginity (reader), taking of virginity, monsterfucking, dragon form, courting, porn with some plot, mentions of marriage, gender neutral reader
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zhongli loomed over you menacingly. his shoulders squared and broad, his eyes focused, glowing with sheer strength. you could hear his tail smack the floor a couple times.
your proposal was hard to deny, especially when you were in front of him, your most tender form of all— stripped bare and belly exposed. it was difficult not to think of you as prey, ready and eager to be consumed.
you begged and you pleaded for this chance, you knew the man would soon be courted once more, perhaps by a person lovelier than yourself. you merrily offered zhongli your innocence for a chance to become his spouse, nodding your head along joyfully, willfully dismissing his warnings.
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yet there he stood, his gaze focused on you, your legs brought up to your chest, knees bent. you anticipated the answer of his body, the response to your bare form. it tingled and brewed within you, every second heightening your senses, the feeling of eagerness lingering in the air.
with a quick, experienced movement, zhongli pushed himself against you, his thick, large cock pressing against your entrance. awkwardly, you craned your neck to look at his body. his cock was unlike anything you could have imagined. it was big and lengthy, with a knot at the base, and his tip was an inhuman blackish color.
you watched as he tentatively moved his hips to yours, his cock poking and prodding at your hole, eliciting a whine from your lips.
you could feel the round, yet pointed, tip gain entry within you, stretching your hole ever so slightly to allow zhongli inside of you. a loud, breathy mewl left you, the stretching of your entrance and now your walls causing you to whine in pain.
“i warned you.” he said, your mind blurring while he moved in and out of you slowly, losing more of his length inside of you. he put his hands on your hips, thrusting inwards sharply, then pulling out almost all the way, only to fuck into you harder again. he continued this until most of his cock was in you, which took longer than we would have liked.
moans spilled from your mouth, feeling the girth of his dick stretch you out to your limits. the pain slowly ebbed into deep pleasure. you reached for his horns, which he allowed you to hold onto. zhongli kept his slow, yet agonizing pace, his cock dragging in and out of your tight hole. he knew he was in control.
tightening your grip, zhongli drew in a sharp inhale, your thumbs riding on the ridges of the sharp dragon horns atop his head, nestled in his dark brown hair. zhongli’s pace quickened drastically without warning, his hands still planted on your hips. his determined eyes were squinted, he seemed to be enjoying himself.
“do you like it? do you like this?” you asked.
“do not ask me such… dumb questions,” he replied, remaining silent for a while, “…yes, i enjoy this.”
you half giggled and half moaned in response. pleasure was building within both of you, and moans were slipping from both of you. mostly you, really. zhongli’s darkened hands moved from your hips to the underside of your thighs. your body was continuously and relentlessly bullied by zhongli’s fat cock, your tight hole straining from his size.
heat pooled in your gut, the sense of trust relaxing your muscles as he carefully, yet ruthlessly, fucked you. zhongli’s tail continued to swish and smack against the floor, nearly wagging uncontrollably as he chased his own high.
“are you close?” he panted.
you nodded, tears stinging your eyes, you could hear skin against skin, and the smell of sex hung in the air. he looked so handsome on top of you, drilling you full of his cock, his hair messier than usual, and his clothes slightly undone. you hoped he’d pick you after this, how he’d pick you to fuck again. to marry. to make you submit to him.
the intensity of his thrusts jumped, your hands grabbing at his horns tightly, your hole clenching with his every movement. his grip tightened on your plush, warm thighs, ramming into you as fast as he fucking could.
“ah, ah, i’ll come soon. mmh,” zhongli could only muster as much of a warning as that before you came. your body tightened and you moaned loudly, your hips bucking wildly, hole tight as a vice around his cock. a sense of heavy relief and intense pleasure washed over you, your brain foggy and thoughts awry.
“zhongli, i- mmgh! oh, oh, fuck… fuuuuck…”
you watched as zhongli fucked into you one last time, pulling out as seed spilled onto your tummy, thick white globs leaking from his pointed tip. he looked at you determinedly, ready to pursue you deeper than this fuck.
and when the day came, the dragon approached you.
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dragon-ascent · 10 months
Rex, incognito; and you, frustrated.
When your god goes incognito, his only giveaway is his amber eyes. And you’ve been running into amber-eyed folk a lot lately…
When you go fetch the morning paper, the man delivering them tells you not to believe the front-page news about Qiaoying’s monster crisis and that the matter has already been dealt with swiftly. You frown at him, confused, and that’s when you see his amber-hued gaze as he trudges away.
The bookstore has a new highly-anticipated book in stock! Demand is sky-high, and just when you’re about to snag the last copy…some guy takes it for himself, smiling apologetically at you. One look at his eyes and it’s made known that Rex Lapis just swiped the book you’d been looking forward to reading.
A black cat runs over to you one day, nuzzling the everloving crap out of you. How cute, you think, and pick him up, and as he licks you eagerly you notice his damn amber eyes. (You still cuddle him for a bit, though. You’re not going to hold a grudge against your archon for some book.)
Taking a stroll along the foot of Mt. Aocang, you find a painter expertly decorating his canvas in a vivid array of colours. When you approach him and ask what he’s painting, he says without even looking up, “It’s a scene from a book I have been entranced by recently. The scene takes place at the foot of this mountain here, and I was inspired to try my hand at recreating the scene. Here, you may have a look.”
And when you do look…it’s a spoiler from the book you’d wanted to read but failed to snag. The book Rex Lapis literally yoinked from under your nose.
You look up hastily, intending to erase whatever you’d seen in that moment from your mind, and you meet the curious painter’s amber eyes.
Rex Lapis the painter tilts his head. “Is something the matter?”
You’re eating your lunch by the pond you frequent, minding your business when someone quietly sits near you, opening his lunchbox. His eyes meet yours and oh boy, they’re amber.
Your eyes widen. Maybe it’s time for a confrontation. “I know you’re Rex Lapis.”
The man looks away, a deep blush blooming on his rather lovely face. “Rex Lapis…I’m afraid I have never heard of him.” And then he goes back to eating his home-cooked, traditional Liyuen meal.
You sigh as you stir your tea, venting to the tea seller about all your encounters. And yes, you checked to make sure: this man’s eyes are grey. Thank archons.
“Perhaps He simply wishes to get to know you better,” offers the man earnestly. “When Rex goes incognito, He attempts to understand us on a deeper level, yes?”
“I suppose so.” You sip your tea in contemplation. “By the way, this tea is exquisite.”
He beams like it’s the greatest compliment he’s ever gotten. “Thank you.”
You down the rest of your cup and are about to ask for another one when something small falls onto the table. You pick it up, frowning. A…grey contact lens..?
The tea seller blinks at you, equally taken aback as you register how his face has now changed; one eye grey, one eye teasingly golden. The man fidgets, shielding his eyes from you but it’s too late.
Sighing, you gather your things, leave a tip for Rex Lapis the tea seller, and head straight home.
★彡Sort of a sequel-but-not-really to this post hehe
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watatsumiis · 1 year
On The Topic of Dragon Hoards...
Zhongli, no matter how convincingly he may wear his human disguise, is and always has been a dragon at heart.
And he, like most dragons, has a tendency to hoard things.
It's easy not to notice right away, since he tends to keep his belongings tucked away, but once you take note, it's hard to stop seeing them.
Primarily, it's sentimental items, things that have been made for him or gifted to him by those he loves, but once you two have been together a while, you notice that he is definitely giving your gifts preferential treatment.
If you were to look carefully, you'd notice that he's carefully preserved everything you've given him, from letters to meaningless little trinkets, even a scrap piece of paper you drew a diagram on to help get a point across over lunch.
A dragon will hoard things that they deem to be precious and valuable - in this case, the items are all extraordinarily memorable to Zhongli, tied in with the stories of those he cares about. Over time, he adds more and more items relating to you, it's a little sweet, really.
However, if you were to ask Zhongli what the most valuable item in his hoard is, he'll give you a warm, fanged smile and say something along the lines of "Why, it's you, of course, my dear."
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naomeii · 10 months
Morax coming from a battle to the nest he built for his mate where fox adeptus!reader and little Xiao are. Just family fluff :)
Prob tomorrow I'll ask some angst-
Familial Bliss.
—Pairings: Morax x Adeptus!Reader
Content: Pure family fluff
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The air was thick with the scent of victory and the earthy tang of blood as Morax, descended upon the nest he had meticulously built for his mate. The grandiose structure, crafted from sturdy branches and adorned with delicate flowers, stood as a testament to the dedication to his family. His steps were deliberate, heavy with the weight of the battles he had fought, yet there was a softness to his gaze as he approached the entrance.
As he pushed aside the woven vines that served as a makeshift door, the warm glow of the interior revealed a scene of domestic tranquility. Y/n, clad in elegant robes that mirrored the colours of autumn leaves, sat by the hearth, engrossed in a book of ancient tales. Beside her, little Xiao, their child, played with a set of carefully carved wooden figures.
The rustle of Morax's robes caught their attention, and both turned to greet him with smiles that mirrored the flickering flames in the hearth. Y/n set aside her book, and Xiao abandoned his toys to rush into Morax's outstretched arms.
"Papa! You're back!" Xiao exclaimed, his voice a blend of excitement and relief. Morax chuckled, a deep sound that resonated through the nest.
"Yes, my little one. I've returned," Morax replied, lifting Xiao into his arms effortlessly. He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of Xiao's head before turning his attention to his mate.
Y/n approached, grace personified in every step. "Welcome home, my love," she said, her eyes reflecting both concern and relief. "Are you hurt?"
Morax shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "I am unscathed, thanks to the protection of the Geo. But I have missed you both dearly."
With a tender embrace, Morax reunited with his family. Xiao, snug in his father's arms, nuzzled against Morax's neck, while Y/n revelled in the familiar warmth of their shared embrace. The scent of the flowers that adorned the nest mingled with the earthy aroma of Morax's presence, creating a sensory haven that spoke of love and safety.
The family settled by the hearth, Morax recounting tales of the battles he had faced, while Y/n and Xiao listened with rapt attention. The flames danced in response to their shared laughter, casting a golden glow upon the scene of familial bliss.
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uhzuku · 1 year
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╰─▸ ❝ 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝. ❞ ──── 𝐟𝐭. 𝐳𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢.
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: “Yes, this tight cunt’s mine to fuck — mine to breed, isn’t it?”
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: genshin impact | 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: zhongli/reader | 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: nsfw ; minors dni | 𝐰/𝐜: 1.03k.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: age gap, breeding kink, jealousy, zhongli’s given name pre-morax is lapis, voyeurism, previously established relationship, mentions of kidnapping, star goddess reader, first descender zhongli, yandere zhongli, darling reader, hinted neuvillette/reader.
𝐚 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐜𝐚𝐬: y’all chose yan zhongli so eat up bitches HDBXHRBHC
— 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 !!
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“I — I — O-Oh, Lapis!” The shrill cry echoes through the hills below as the mighty dragon claims his prize. 
Ever since the nonhuman male had first descended from the stars with the goddess gripped tightly in one arm, the world of Teyvat ( though messy and unmolded by anything ) had changed forever. Ruled by dragons of all kinds, Lapis fit well amongst the beastly kings and queens that reigned unchecked, his wicked nature festering like an infected wound amongst the cruelty of this new world. 
You, the woman he’d dragged along with him ( his woman as he preferred to refer to you in the company of peers ) weren’t so fond of the current world order. The Dragon Lords were cruel and unjust aside from the Water Lord of the Great Lake north of the desert, and Lapis rarely allowed you to visit him in frequent fits of jealousy; he knew how much affection the Water Lord harbored for you, and he knew you returned these feelings. He’d have killed the other male long ago if that were any sort of option, but he had no means of controlling the many storms the Water Lord reigned over, nor would any of the minor drakes within the Water Lord’s territory appreciate the new order he’d instate — so for now, the Water Lord would live. 
“Let’s see him smile at you so blatantly next season’s meeting when you’re fat with my clutch, yes?” the Stone Lord growls into your ear possessively, pounding into your sopping hole from behind as you wail and clutch at the stone beneath your fingers. The meeting earlier this week had run long and had been torturous, and Lapis had forced back endless growls and snarls at the sight of you and the Water lord being so keen on each other as if he couldn’t see you. 
Once the meeting was over, he’d not even bothered allowing you to make it to the bed before wrenching off your clothes and pressing himself inside of you, his run-thin patience snapping like too thin ice on a lake on the first day of winter. That was how you’d found yourself here, with copious loads of cum that he’d already pumped your abused cunt full of leaking down your legs and forming a puddle on the floor between them. The part of you that could still think wondered if he’d make you lap it up later; it wouldn’t be the first time. 
 “L-Lapis, please-“ you moan weakly, letting out cries as he thrusts even harder into your hungry hole as your voice reaches his ears. 
“Yes, beloved?” he purrs, pressing his front against your back as his hips piston against you. His heavy balls slap against your sensitive skin, and you whimper from the feeling as the overstimulation of it slowly begins to overwhelm you. “You’re wanting more? Don’t worry, dear one, you’ll get it.”
“No-o, can’t,” you whine, fingers clawing slowly at the floor as he fucks you harder into it. A sharp cry of pain falls from your lips as he bites hard onto your shoulder and locks on, his fanged teeth burying themselves in your flesh and marking you up as he likes. “L-Lapis!”
Releasing you, he growls, “You are mine!” as his claws dig into you, and your eyes roll back in your head slightly as the sharp tools of death dig thick lines through your soft skin. Blood runs down in slow streams as he picks up the pace, each thrust getting messier than before as he approaches his climax, and you let out a long, low wail. You don’t notice, but the Water Lord rushes up in worry to check on you, having heard you screaming; Lapis, however, senses him instantly, and is more than pleased to show off his claim. 
“You’re my pretty little whore of a goddess, aren’t you?” he asks mockingly, his voice soft yet cruel. You only respond with a dumbed out ‘Uh-huh’, drooling slightly and pushing back on his thick length. Large even when disguised as a human, you were lucky tonight that he’d not decided to fuck you with the twin lengths he possessed due to his lineage of being a dragon. “Yes, this tight cunt’s mine to fuck — mine to breed, isn’t it?”
“Y-Yes!” you moan, eyes slightly rolled back. “Yes, yes — Breed me, Lapis, I’want it!” A choked noise from the shadowy thicket not far away reaches Lapis’ ears, and he grins into the soft skin of your throat; maybe the bastard would finally get the message that your pretty face was something to be admired from a distance. “Fill me up, fuck me full — wanna have your babies, Lapis, please!”
“I will, sweet girl, you don’t have to beg!” Lapis promises you gently, his hips still snapping into yours. Gods above, fighting off the urge to fill you so far’s been hell. “It’s all for you, and only you: my beautiful embodiment of the night sky, my goddess of the stars.”
A shrill wail leaves your mouth as you clench tightly around him. A roar falls from his lips as the feeling of you cumming around him send him over the edge as well, and his claws dig into you all over again as he fills you up once again another countless time. Lapis allows himself to relax into the feeling, content with the presence of the Water Lord having disappeared; maybe the bastard had finally learned his place. 
The two of you lay like that, his cum filling you up and a cloudy feeling in your head as you bask in the feelings your captor had bestowed upon you. There was no doubt in his mind ( just as there’d be no doubt in yours once you fully came to ) that his seed would take tonight, not with how much he’d bred your hole over the last few hours. You’d soon be forced to grow round and fat with his damned spawn, carry his children and raise them with love, and there was nothing you could do about it. 
And after tonight, when he’d witnessed the way you’d begged for your kidnappers cum, you didn’t even have Neuvillette to lean on for support anymore. 
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © { 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 } 𝐛𝐲 𝟒𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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haileyywrites · 2 years
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-> After thousands of years, Zhongli is faced with a face he very much recognizes - yet a face that he should never have been able to see again...
-> No pronouns mentioned for reader! Reader dies - death not described or defined. Rebirth? Soulmates? Fluffy then angsty!
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The life of a god was a long and often a lonely one. Living thousands of years and seeing those around him die one way or another - people he cared about. But each loss he would endure and in the end move on, but never would he forget the names of those he held close. One in particular he held closer than others.
You were just a simple mortal human with nothing that eye catching upon a first glance, to a god mortals often tended to blend into each other unless paid special attention.
At times he would take on a human form and walk among his people, it was during such a trip that you had somehow caught his eye from amongst the crowds, and he was simply enchanted. As if a spell had been laid upon him the moment your shining eyes met his.
He reached for his chest where his heart beat rapidly against his ribcage. Never had the mighty Morax felt such a thing, and never again would he feel it for another...
You stood across from him with the same feeling washing over you. Even as you stood feet apart - it felt as if your souls had just crashed together as the world stood still around you.
Zhonli the ever knowledgeable was not entirely versed in courting between humans that wasn't political, but he put his whole heart out when asking for your approval to "pursue a romantic relationship with you" - as he had put it. He said it with inexperience which made it rather endearing. Of course you accepted.
Over time, he learned to be very romantic the way he knew you liked. He treated you with respect, adoration and care no matter what you were doing. Any way you would show your love for him in return would be cherished by him eternally.
He valued your opinion and loved hearing you talk of anything and everything. Your values, morals, outlook on the world and your opinion on the gods. Whatever they may be he held respect for them and was anything but offended by your honesty. He also saw this as you trusting him - which he appreciated.
Eventually he would have to come clean and lay his cards out for you to see. He was a god, the Geo Archon - Morax. If you wished time to process he was more than happy to give it to you, as such a reveal was unexpected at the very least.
In the end, you came back to him. You were the same as you had been, but a hint of worry or sadness could be noticed behind your gaze. When he asked you did not answer, so he didn't pry. It was something you were not ready to discuss with him and he was fine waiting for you to be.
The sadness was due to the knowledge that he was infact immortal, and you were not. You would not be able to settle down somewhere beautiful and grow old together like other couples... You would die long before him and he would be alone once again.
Though you overcame many fears and worries together, your story didn't end beautifully. Your life was ended too soon, for you were still so young... Zhongli was never one to respond with rage, but during the war on Khaenri'ah his enemies were faced his wrath.
His anger was for no one but himself, yet he couldn't express it in any other way during that time. Thinking of his past actions would send shivers down his spine, he was ashamed not only for his actions but also of what you would think of him now. A god as old and wise as him acting out of anger like a human child.
Though the world moved on and mostly forgot about those times, he never did. He never forgot about you, you were his first and only love, the one he lost and would never see again.
Yet, against everything he knew - there you stood before him, like a ghost from his past. You were smiling as brightly as the day he lost you... There was no mistaking you for simply reminding him of you - that was you standing before him.
Though you smiled at him sweetly, he couldn't see any signs of you recognizing him. What a shame... He simply smiled back as he felt déjà vu hit him like a pile of rocks. Once again the world stopped moving as his soul reached out for yours.
But you simply turned away and continued your shopping... He reached to touch his chest like back then, but now he felt his heart shatter into pieces. He thought the universe gave him a second chance with you, but it seems like the universe just wanted to play a cruel joke on him.
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This is so long...
I love writing angst about the Archons loosing their lovers it seems... I'm a succer for immortal beings having a mortal spulmate :')
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komorim · 3 months
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borrowed time
-> zhongli x gn!reader
[ synopsis. ] it wasn’t the first time morax has experienced the lost of a dear one. but you were different. you were a mortal, not an adeptus, and he was prepared for your departure from him since the beginning. but along with your relatively short lifespan, there was something else…
‣ when the earth bleeds ⋮ find the masterlist here !!
[ content warnings. ] character death. angst. reincarnation. there’s not a lot to say; it’s not dark content.
[ word count. ] 3.8k
[ author’s note. ] yayy! the second one shot of my pair of one shot collections! i had this almost finished for so long but never got the chance to actually write the last few paragraphs. (i did not mean for the second one shot to come out like a year later…at least im not dead!) this also ended up being a lot more longer than i intended it to be…(this is 3.8k????????????) but oh well, enjoy!
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you don’t remember how long it has been after you died. after all, you continued to live your life normally. it was only natural that the exact time passed has become blurry to you.
though you remembered everything that happened after you had died. you remember the voice in your head and explaining the whole circumstance to you, and you remember seeing zhongli around liyue as you continued to “live.”
the whole ordeal wasn’t that complicated actually. simply put, you had such a strong love and longing for your immortal fiancé that it was dangerous to let you just pass on. if you couldn’t resolve the knot of regret that sprouted the moment you died, you would likely turn into a disruptive spirit, and the best way to solve the issue was for you to let go of the things that still tied you down to the world of the living.
the solution was for you to let go of zhongli.
it seemed impossible, and you almost laughed when you heard about the mysterious voice telling you that you had to fulfill your regrets. but your regret was not being able to accompany zhongli for the rest of his long, never ending life.
how were you supposed to resolve that regret?
your first thought was to follow zhongli throughout his daily life, thinking that if you saw that he could live on happily, or better yet, if he could find someone to accompany him like you once did, that you could soothe the agony in your heart. even though the thought of him finding someone to replace you tugged on your heart and made it ache, you found it to be better than to see him live in solitary after your passing.
however, what you saw as you followed him was only the ways that he would force a smile on and push through tiredly through each day. you could tell that he still hadn’t completely digested the reality of your death, and he wasn’t having an easy time too.
you originally thought it risky to follow him around so much, as the geo archon was always someone of high observational skills, but he was rather busy with mourning to notice the silent eyes that watched him day and night.
and even though your original plan was simply to follow him and see how he was doing, you soon became greedy and wanted to be next to his side again. you knew that it would not only cause complications if he found out who you were, but it also would only make the feeling of regret grow larger. and yet you couldn’t help it. no matter how long it truly has been after your death, you knew it was far too long to be away from him.
you missed him. you missed being in his arms, missed taking walks with him, missed the feel of his hand in yours, missed the soft and gentle voice he used when he called out your name. you missed it all.
you tried convincing yourself that because you’re only alive temporarily, the mysterious force had changed your appearance to avoid raising suspicion and he wouldn’t be able to recognize you. you wanted to give yourself every single excuse to justify that it was okay for you to approach him once more.
as long as you left before he found out and you got too attached, you’re sure that it would be fine. you’ll even use a different name to avoid him catching on.
though what were you thinking? you were facing zhongli, a previous archon who had many years of experience and knowledge.
and the knowledge that he had on you was probably the greatest.
you have introduced yourself to the wangsheng funeral parlor consultant as someone who has heard many things about him, and wished to seek information about morax’s past. being as respectful and responsible as he is, he offered to meet after he got off “work,” suggesting for you to see him at third-round knockout. you agree eagerly, happy with any opportunity to be with him.
you arrive early, too excited to do anything else but wait in anticipation, and when you finally see him heading your way, you wave.
“mister zhongli!”
he gives you a curt nod as he takes the seat opposite of you. “hello, did i keep you waiting too long?”
you shake your head and hands, “no, not at all. i just arrived not too long ago.”
you exchange the normal formalities and after a short while of asking about how morax was like and the accomplishments he’s achieved, you ask what you were really wondering. how would he feel at the mention of you? will he brush it off and pretend not to know you, or will he reminisce the time he spent with you while you were on the earth?
“is something wrong?” zhongli asks, expressing his concern for your sudden silence.
“it might just be a rumor…but i’ve heard that morax once had a partner before. do you know anything about their relationship?”
zhongli’s hand stiffens in midair as he was about to take another sip of his tea. he sets the teacup down shortly and looks away, seeming to feel awkward upon your question.
“a partner…? ah, i see. yes, i believe they were quite a harmonious couple. i don’t know much about this as it wasn’t widely recorded.”
it was your turn to freeze as your mind runs wild, thinking about all the possibilities for why he wouldn’t disclose anything. was he ashamed of you? did he not think you were worthy enough to mention? with all these questions consuming your mind, the rest of your conversation with zhongli was short and lackluster.
when you were about to take your leave, you convey your thanks for zhongli’s information and turn away, yet he grabs your wrist gently before you could take another step.
“you…will i see you again? you remind me of a dear companion of mine. i’d like to be in your company once more sometime.”
you smile warmly and nod, “of course, mister zhongli. it would be a pleasure to meet with you again.”
he seems to look relieved as his facial expressions relax. he returns your smile and lets go of your wrist somewhat unwillingly as you finally part ways with him.
though unbeknownst to you, his eyes followed your shape as you walk further and further away.
the next few days were spent with you next to zhongli’s side—so much that other acquaintances of his suspected the possibility of the two of you dating. and when you both walked by yet another small shop immersed in a light-hearted conversation, you hear a man’s voice call out to zhongli.
“mister zhongli!” he approaches the him as you both stop in your tracks. “i see you’re with miss y/n again,” he smiles in your direction, a smile knowing and akin to that of an elder. he nudges zhongli with his elbow and leans closer to him to say something you couldn’t quite make out, but by seeing zhongli’s widened eyes you assumed he was caught off guard.
“oh, no, no. i was simply enjoying an afternoon walk with miss yue.” to his response, the man nodded slowly, expression giving the impression that he was not quite convinced by this answer. though he didn’t pursue the topic any further and quickly left you two alone.
you glance at zhongli a few times as your stroll continued and before you could repress your curiosity properly, you were already asking the question.
“so, what did he say to you?”
zhongli’s eyes stray to meet yours for a short second before he chuckles softly. “i believe he was curious if our relationship has progressed beyond simply acquaintances that can share a topic or two.”
even if you thought you were prepared for it, your light hearted smile still dropped at the idea of zhongli having another partner besides you. even if this body was currently inhabited by you, you knew that it was impossible for zhongli to know that. and thus, in technicality, he would be romantically affiliated with another person.
zhongli, being as perceptive as he always was, noticed the slight change in your mood as he stopped with you. your dull eyes that were spacing out in thought slowly meet his golden ones and you catch the worry behind them.
“is something wrong?”
you laugh a bit nervously, your throat suddenly feeling dry as you swallow, trying to come up with something that can fool him. “yes, i…i just wasn’t expecting that.”
his eyebrows furrow slightly and you can tell that he doesn’t buy it. the air between you two is quiet for a long moment and the next time he opens his mouth, his voice sounds a bit less neutral than it usually is. “does the thought of going on a date with me…bother you?”
you wave your hands in distress, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. “archons, no! of course not! i greatly enjoy your company, mister zhongli. it’s just i was caught off guard.”
he stares intensely at you, and under the pressure that he unconsciously put on you, you finally speak your mind.
“it’s just…i was thinking about how you’re so knowledgeable about morax, yet you know nothing about his relationships. the sudden lack of consistency made me think that maybe you weren’t interested in any form of romance, so i was worried that you-”
“yue, my feelings for you most definitely extends beyond mere friendship,” he says, interrupting your ramble before you got carried away.
his sentence made your heart utterly drop. you had a bitter taste in your mouth and couldn’t think whether to be happy or not. should you celebrate that he could fall in love with you again—even in another body? or should you grieve that he has now completely forgotten your original self and has no more space in his heart for you now that he’s handing it to another? you suddenly felt like your whole world was turned upside down. no matter how much you initially wanted to believe that seeing zhongli happy with someone else would assure you, you know realize that deep down, it truly was you who couldn’t let go of the past.
“i…i’m sorry, mister zhongli, but i must go now.” you hurriedly bow as a form of apology and leave him immediately. as you turned on your heel to almost run away, your eyes stung and the tears you unknowingly kept at bay started to roll down your cheeks.
the moment you settled down by a tree to finally stop and think about the situation, you started to brainwash yourself into believing that you should be happy for zhongli. you should be glad he’s not held back by the memory of you. you should take this chance to let go of him, to finish resolving that knot like you came here to do. though the other part of you pleaded to not just surrender like this, and the internal conflict only grew as you struggled to unify your mind.
so until you could determine a final solution, you decided to just simply detach yourself from zhongli. the frequent meetings were no more as you couldn’t possibly face him like usual anymore; it would only make the mess that is your mind even worse.
though zhongli’s patience wore thin. even if he’s rarely one to be impatient, his attitude always seemed to be different when it came to you.
so after a whole week of you avoiding him like the flu, he finally hunted you down.
when you turned the corner of third-round knockout, you were met with a familiar face and before you could run far, he caught you by the arm.
“y/n. i know it’s you.”
you almost jumped at hearing your real name. you knew that zhongli was smart and hard to fool, but the fact that he actually uncovered your identity is unbelievable.
you turn to face him, and when you saw his distressed eyes and sad frown, you knew you couldn’t lie to him anymore. the moment he recognized your surrender, he pulled you into a hug, arms wrapping around your waist and head leaning into the crook of your neck—an embrace so familiar you would never dream of forgetting it.
“i missed you so much, y/n. please, you can’t even begin to understand how deeply devastated i was when you started distancing yourself from me. my heart sunk at the thought of losing you once more.”
you could feel tears approaching as you returned the hug. “how did you know it was me?”
zhongli pulled away from the hug to hold you at arm’s length, looking at you lovingly. “i could recognize you even if you became a pile of ashes. though it didn’t seem like you had any intention of reuniting with me, so i played along and pretended not to know you as well. but, it appears that it wasn’t the wisest choice on my end,” he sighs, “i should’ve kept you by my side no matter what.”
you smiled. “it’s relieving to know you haven’t forgotten me.”
zhongli’s eyes fill with disbelief, almost appearing offended at the notion. a sad frown is painted on his face as he looks at you softly. “i could never forget you, y/n. you’re the only one i’ve ever held this close to my heart. although you may underestimate your impact towards my life, i assure you that without meeting you, i would’ve turned out to be a less than pleasing person.”
you look away from him, quietly speaking, almost as if talking to yourself instead of him, “i thought you felt differently from the way you denied having knowledge of morax’s partner.”
with how much attention zhongli gives you however, he definitely caught onto what you said. “i was only avoiding the topic since i didn’t want to remind you of the sad times. not being able to give you a proper wedding before you passed was always the biggest regret i had.”
the air is silent for a moment before he cups your face and brings your gaze back to him. he smiles endearingly at you, an idea coming to him suddenly. “how about i give you that promised wedding?”
in the back of your mind, you knew that this body was only temporary, that even if you did go along with the idea, you wouldn’t be able to live with zhongli as a married couple forever. though the offer was too tempting to turn down, so you nodded your head in a silent agreement as you mirrored his smile.
“can we keep it small though? i don’t want such a big audience.” since you knew this wouldn’t last long. you didn’t want zhongli to have to deal with prying questions of where you went whenever your time was up.
“of course, my dear. it will be as you wish.”
so the next few days were spent planning the wedding until the moment came when you heard the celebratory music as you walked down the short aisle. only a few familiar faces were present in accordance to your request of zhongli; you recognized xiao and xianyun and many other friends from your past life and you smiled in their direction. it was evident that they were all happy for you and zhongli, the well known couple of the time.
when you finally stopped to meet zhongli at the end of the aisle, you noticed how he wore the same soft expression that was met with you every time he was in your presence. a few minutes pass as the introductory was given and anything and everything that followed seemed to have past in a blur or sound and colors. your attention was solely on the love of your life in front of you, and nothing was received by your brain until after the classic question was asked and zhongli began speaking his vows.
“in a long time past, we shared our hearts with each other. you accompanied the most important and joyous moments of my long life, only to be separated from me in a cruel joke of fate. i could not do anything as i watched you fall into sickness, and i may have resented the powers that took you away from me. your absence left a void in my soul, and i could only regret that i could not fulfill my promise to you. but blessed as we are, fate has bestowed me with a chance to make those vows a reality in this life as we are once again reunited. with this ring, i pledge to cherish you as i did before, if not more so and longer. i vow to stand by your side no matter the obstacles that we may face, honoring my never ending love for you. today, let us continue the journey that we had started so long ago, and let our fates and hearts remain interconnected throughout this life and beyond.”
your eyes never left zhongli’s as you struggled to match his loving gaze with one of your own. his vow to you composed of too many promises you knew he would be forced to break due to the nature of your stay in the human world. this would not last. you can’t tell if the watery view you had was due to hearing his profound and unwavering love for you or if it was out of sorrow for the knowledge that this was all temporary and won’t be anything beyond that.
though you couldn’t break his heart like that all over again, so you hid the truth inside your heart, even if you knew doing so would hurt the both of you more. you pressed your lips into a small smile and declared your own vows, mimicking zhongli’s in the way that it was filled with empty promises yet very much honest words of how you deeply loved him as well.
your head struggled to remain clear in the short time span that you recited your vows, and by the end of it, you found that you have come to accept the fact that this was all temporary. you knew that it was from the start, so there shouldn’t be so much of a reaction when you’re only just being reminded of the fact.
your rings were then exchanged before your officiant declared the marriage. you smiled at zhongli, genuinely this time, as you finally found peace with the situation you were in. when the officiant finally announced that you and zhongli were now permitted to kiss, you took a small step forward as zhongli’s hands reached out to cup your face. he tilts your face upwards gently, staring into your eyes softly before finally kissing you as your hands rested gently at his sides.
common to loving couples, your wedding kiss lasted rather long. you smiled into the kiss in relief that at the end of this all, at least you were able to officially marry zhongli in this life. yet when you finished thinking about this, you heard that familiar voice in your head.
<it seems that you have let go of that obsession of yours. congratulations.>
the voice didn’t have to spell it out for you. you knew that this means that your borrowed time in the human world was finally coming to an end. you admit, you do feel satisfied now knowing that your broken promise from your last life of marrying zhongli was finally fulfilled. though it didn’t help soothe the ache that came with knowing you had to leave much.
you and zhongli pulled away from each other and you felt your body growing lighter each minute that passes as you turn to face your audience—your friends. you smile at them and walk down the aisle with zhongli as you both thank them for joining the event. though as the reception starts, you pull zhongli aside as you smile at him once again, this time not as worry-free.
“what’s wrong?” his face expressing a curious worry, though it doesn’t override the joy he felt from finally being your husband.
you bring up your hands to cup his face as you try to engrave his features into your soul so that you can recognize him when you officially reincarnate. it was then that zhongli finally noticed you blending into the dark night and his eyes filled with a type of sad understanding.
“you…you’re leaving. is that right?”
you nod softly. “it’s okay. i’m happy that at least i was able to be wed to you once. that’s honestly more than i could ask for,” you laugh gently, “i thought that i would’ve had to leave after seeing you move on. but zhongli, i truly do wish that maybe, with time, you can find another that treasures you as much as i do. although it isn’t ideal for me that you’ve found someone else, i don’t wish for you to spend eternity alone. i…i don’t know how long it’ll take for me to reincarnate or if i will for that matter. so,” you caress his face as he leans into your palm, “please don’t spend too long trying to wait for me. if an opportunity for your happiness presents itself before that, i hope you can take it without feeling burdened.”
zhongli chuckles bitterly, “you’re asking something impossible of me. i don’t believe there is anyone other than you that will be able to make me happy.”
“you never know.”
“i do know,” he insists, closing his eyes as he holds the hand you had on his face with his own, “perhaps i will just spend the rest of my life anticipating your return.”
you shake your head with a small smile, not knowing how to deal with his stubbornness in things he’s set his mind on. though both of you knew that your silence meant you had accepted zhongli’s way of handling this.
your body dissipates to almost nothing, though it seems that the powers above have granted you just enough time to finish your farewell with your new husband.
“i don’t mind if it takes eternity for it to happen, but please return to my side one day.” he pauses for a short moment before speaking softly, “i’m sure that we’ll get our happy ending.”
he looks into your eyes as he sees through the borrowed appearance you wore; he sees through all the disguise that they tried to cover you with and he sees the true you. he smiles with eyes that treat you as the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid his eyes on. it was the last thing that you saw before being blown away with the wind.
zhongli’s eyes linger in the direction that you disappeared in as his eyes turn watery at the realization that he lost you once again. he can only wish that you heard his last few words.
“i’ll be waiting.”
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do not copy or repost my works. likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated.
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lemon-boy-stan · 11 months
Helloooo. Do we leave requests here? I don’t know. I’m just a potato.
anyway, what about Genshin tall men waking up in the middle of the night and thoughts come tumbling in? Could be safe, nsfw, comedy, whatever you like. (But please make Zhongli’s disgustingly sweet because I am so in love with him). Thank you for listening to my ramblings
if this is the wrong method… I’m sorry >.<
Hii!! This is the right way to request!! I'm sure you're not a potato 😭😭 anyway here's your request!! Also I hope you dont mind but I turned it into a full one-shot with zhongli!!! Ummmm yes he has two cocks in this teehee
HERBAL TEA - Rex Lapis x Reader
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SUMMARY: Zhongli can't sleep as it's mating season. It's been centuries with him as your husband, but there are still many secrets he has kept hidden from you, many insecurities. GENRE: Fluff, SMUT. Kinda ooc. MINORS DNI. WARNINGS: monsterfucking, breeding, use of the word "pet", "mate", penetration, p in v, unprotected sex, some blood, messy cum, zhongli has a forked tongue, zhongli has two cocks. It's also mentioned that zhongli makes the reader immortal with his icor (that's the ooc stuff). Really filthy smut 😭😭. Also, reader is female!
It was late at night; early morning. You'd woken up suddenly, hearing a loud thud. You looked to the left side of the bed, reaching out for your husband.
Zhongli's side of the bed was cold, and empty. You turned on the bedside lamp, bare chest cold, you scavenged from r the nearest piece of clothing you could find, one of your husband's massive button-down shirts, drowning in it like a dress. You got up, the moonlight shining on your skin.
"Zhongli," you called softly for him. You hugged yourself, walking out of the master bedroom. Zhongli stood at the kitchen table, making a pot of herbal tea. You smiled softly, walking over. He was in his half-dragon form, arms black and shimmering golden. He was growing more comfortable like this, every century since you'd been immortal.
"Morax," you bowed, walking over. He put the teapot down, smiling softly, "my dear, what are you doing awake?" He took your hand and kissed it before twirling you so he could wrap you in his arms. Last night had been one of the best of your life. Zhongli was possessive, but evidently, dragons did not share their treasure, as you had learnt from flirting with a man in the court of Fontaine.
"Your side of the bed was cold," you complained, "I missed you." Zhongli was a light sleeper. As if reading your mind, he hugged you tight, kissing the side of your neck, the texture of his forked tongue making you arch your back in pleasure.
Morax chuckled, "I couldn't sleep, so I wanted to make tea. Then I was reading, but I got distracted... I finished my tea, and I'm making another one... Then I was thinking... My love," he whispered softly, "I need to mate soon." Was that shame in his voice? Why was he ashamed? He bowed his head, "I am getting restless. And now that you are ready, now that I've fed you my ichor for centuries, I must reveal all of myself to you. I can't control it."
Ah. So this at least, explained his sudden change in behaviour. Yes, many years ago, before getting married to him, before becoming immortal, Zhongli had asked, if you were able to withstand so many years of being alive. Yes, you'd told him, he was the man you loved, and you'd gladly be by his side forever.
But he still had so many secrets, he'd said, secrets he wasn't ready to share yet. He was a god, after all. He was a god, yes, but he was also the love of your life. You'd told him this, that eternity with him would be a paradise.
"In order to fulfil the mating process," he explained softly, "I must go through a series of changes. My human form, is quie different to my half-god form, which is why I always make love to you in my human disguise. When I am like this, my body is different. You will notice my tongue is forked. I apologise for hiding it from you for so long, my dear. In order to complete the process... I must... I'm afraid I must... Mate you with both... Both of my cocks."
You gasped, shocked. He looked at you, fear in his golden eyes, which were bright and on the verge of tears. "I am sorry for hiding it for so long," he choked, shame in his voice. "I tried to conceal it, but my body... It's why I was so different last night. Your scent, even after all these years... I needed to mate with you. I understand if you don't want to. I am not sure what will happen. I have never done this before, with a human. I-" you kissed him.
He groaned into the kiss, tightening his grip around your body. You looked up into his big, yellow eyes. "Rex Lapis," you spoke, making his ichor run through him, "you do not understand, do you?" And he cocked his head as you smiled, "I am yours. You asked me all those years ago. I was so in love with you. I am so in love with you. I want nothing more than this. I want nothing more than you, always and forever, to be your wife, to be your mate."
And Zhongli growled. He picked you up, carrying you to the bedroom, throwing you softly onto the bed. "Are you sure you want this?" You nodded, looking up at him, "yes, Rex Lapis, please." And all he did was laugh, "my love, you won't be able to take them."
Zhongli crawled on you, growling and snorting animalistically, the sound of his belt being unbuckled and clattering echoing in the room. "I am not stopping until this cunt is full of my offspring. Do you consent, pet?" You nodded meekly. He was so powerful, even after centuries of drinking his ichor you still felt beneath him.
"I need to hear it, my love. Do you consent?" He kissed your neck, licking his forked tongue up and down your body, making your toes curl. "I consent," you breathed lustfully, "I consent." He let out a hot breath of air, "good." And with that, Zhongli thrust both of his cocks inside of you, no warning and no preparation.
You screamed loudly, pain washing over you at the foreign feeling of his second cock. Had they grown larger? They felt bigger than usual. You sobbed loudly, gripping onto the headboard behind you. Zhongli was only spurred on by the tears. It hurt, but felt so good. This was why he had been training you, you realised, to take both his cock and a crystal toy at the same time. But nothing prepared you for this.
You could feel all of him. All of his rage, his jealousy, his obsession, his greed, his love, his sadness, his happiness, flowing through you, golden waves surrounding both of your bodies in the bed. You moaned loudly, feeling all of his emotions, all of his strength, his power. It was so much. "Feel what I feel," he snarled, "understand what it's like to be in your prescence."
Nothing but his name left your lips, "Zhongli, Zhongli, Zhongli," feeling far too good to think, to even notice the gold blood leaking from your cunt as Morax dragged both of his cocks along your walls. "Do you know how much I've had to restrain my true form?" He roared, ignoring your sobs, thrusting harder each time. "Do you know how fucking insatiable you are? Do you know how weak you make me? You? A mere human? The only human I've ever fed my ichor, the only human I've given my offspring, the only human I've ever loved before?" Do you know how obsessed I am with you?!"
You shook your head, "more, Rex Lapis, more!" Babbling the words through tears, smelling his thoughts and emotions, too overwhelmed with power. Too fucked by both of his cocks. He snorted, slamming them back inside you. You screamed, a painful orgasm crashing down on you. "Yes," he hissed, "yes. Cum all over me, pet. Yes... Cum all around my cocks, just like that. Yes, yes, yes..." Zhongli's groans filled the room, the gold waves growing bigger and bigger.
You were shaking of an orgasm, panting for breath. Zhongli roared loudly, and you could sense it coming, tears streaming down his face, the black and gold of his arms engulfing his entire body as he came, roaring wordlessly through the night, the entire house shaking, drowned in a gold light, smelling of sex. His cum dripped down your legs, there was just so much.
Rex Lapis was still for a while, and you were afraid he was injured. Then he smiled fondly at you, the black and gold evaporating from his body, his half-dragon form morphing back into his human form, although you noticed some things were still in tact. He pulled out and looked at you, uncertainty in his eyes.
"Was I okay?" He was still hovering above you, cleaning your legs and the sheets. You pulled him close to you, kissing him. The tears fell from his face and you realised he was scared. Terrified. You smiled at him softly, "you were beautiful, Rex Lapis, beautiful." And for the first time in his life, the god let out a soft giggle.
Thank you so much for requesting, I hope you liked it!
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rosescarlette · 1 month
-> Joke taken a bit too seriously.
"Hey so [Name] why haven't you dated anyone yet?? I mean we all have gotten a boyfriend at least once in our life but.. you are still single?"
You friends have grown curious, no guy has ever really met your standards. Eh, no guy has ever asked you out. So..
"Hah! It's because I am so expensive that only the God of money can take me."
You exclaimed proudly. Well you still would like to get a partner.. Of course who understands you very well. No one has ever really confessed their love to you, if you were really loveable that is.
That was until.. the God of mora heard you. Though it might have been a silly joke, he in the end has won you over.
You had thought it was a joke or someone had told him it was a dare for him. But his love for you was genuine.
You both have been together for a long time since then.
"Say Zhongli are you rich?"
The man was a bit taken by surprise on the sudden question after a comfortable silence.
"Well, One would suppose so. Why do you ask?"
"Hm.. nothing really. The time before you even met me I made a joke saying that only the God of money could afford me-"
That let out a hearty chuckle from the man beside you.
"Hm.. perhaps rex lapis did indeed hear your joke and maybe sent me."
Unknown to you.. The man was rex lapis himself. The god of money was in fact the only one who ever took you.
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You requested this, so....
Adept!Reader and Rex Lapis on their wedding night.
gn!adepti!reader, COULD BE OOC!!!
You're an adepti..but you're married to the one who you called your god.
And it was your wedding night, and you've never ever done something like this before...But lucky for you, your husband here is happy to lead you.
"There, there, dear. There's no need to be ashamed."
He cooed, and kiss your left temple— wrapping his muscular arms around your waist and nuzzling himself into the nape of your neck. Despite being ashamed of your own body, Zhongli or Morax here— wants you to reveal your body to him. It's not like he gives a fuck whether you have scars, stretch marks, or anything.
"There's no need to be afraid, dear. You're beautiful no matter what.."
Zhongli soon undo the ties of your outfit— carefully and gently taking it off of you. He was taking care of you like you were fragile glass. He murmured sweet nothings into your ear, telling you of how lucky and how beautiful you are.
And once you were naked and bare in front of him— and he couldn't help but feel his erection and lust growing. You were just ravishing. His hands immediately caresses your waist, feeling the soft skin under his rough hands.
"You're so beautiful..So soft.."
He spoke like he was in awe of you, and apparently he was. He was treating you with such gentleness, it was surprising that he didn't go feral at the sight of you bare and just fuck you right there and now.
But simple actions like him caressing your hips, your hair, your face, or even fondling with your chest turns into something even more intimate and heated.
Now you found yourself in all fours, getting pounded from behind by the one you call your husband.
"Ohh fuck~ You're so tight and warm..You want me to fill you up with my needs, don't you?~"
You were sobbing onto the pillow, gripping onto it tightly and holding on for dear life while he hammered his cock into your sopping hole that was enveloping him.
"You're so good to me... You'll look so good with a swollen belly..~"
Hot and sticky ropes of cum shoots inside of you— but he didn't stop, instead— he continues to pump his cock into you despite how overstimulated you were. Morax wanted you to be knocked up, filled with his seeds. He wanted you to bear his children and doesn't give a fuck whether you're a man— he'll make sure you're bearing his children.
Morax or rather yet Zhongli, doesn't seem to stop. He continues to fuck you senselessly— watching how your ass jiggles with every thrust he makes. Damn right he was gonna make sure you're pregnant after this.
His grip on your hips was starting to sting, but that only sends pleasure rushing to you— making you cum all over his cock once again. He was looking at you with such desire, almost like he wanted to eat you all up...
"Don't cry, dear~ You're taking me so so well.. Your cries and moans are so so adorable..~"
Don't expect him to stop after this round. He'll make sure to mark you as his, to show that you're his one and only, to make sure you're all filled with his seeds until stopping. Either way, just appreciate that your dear husband will take care of you afterwards <33
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