#genshin diluc x jean
staryuee · 1 month
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꒰warnings꒱ not proofread, dainsleif/pantalone may be ooc (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
⠀꒲ ` synopsis . . . just cute habits, actions etc that they do, whether intentionally or not, after being struck with cupid’s arrow.
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . jean, diluc, zhongli, xiao, nilou, xianyun, dehya, wanderer, arlecchino, pantalone, dainsleif
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . scrolling through the genshin tag makes me wanna die sometimes…i’m trying to do investigative work and i have to quickly scroll past the same smutty language like it’s booktok torture + also i’ve been playing baldurs gate 3 for the past several days and i think i’ve developed a problem…
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G. JEAN — 琴
ʚ jean is very subtle in the way she loves someone, she doesn’t want to keep it secret per se, but her love is always almost adjacent to a puppy crush; something that seems fleeting but in the long run returns harder and hits oh so much worse.
ʚ she can’t necessarily abuse her powers, and she wouldn’t dare dream of messing up the order she so carefully has managed to maintain, so the way she tries to convey her feelings across isn’t too brash or loud.
ʚ simple things like letting her hands brush against yours when she passes you documents, allowing you to visit her office whenever you please even if it’s to just sprawl down at a nearby couch and read a book you found in the library while meandering, and even letting you join her on her daily walks across the courtyard.
ʚ during windblume festivals she won’t hesitate to strike up a seemingly harmless and friendly conversation, all the while sneaking a flower into your hair that resembles the feelings you stir up inside her fuzzy heart.
ʚ jean is overall quite an awkward person when it comes to anything related to romantic or plantoic ties, she’s a bit of a people pleaser in that way where she prefers to assume everyone’s a friend before an enemy… or in this case, “interested”.
ʚ with backup and sought guidance from her good friends lisa and kaeya, she’ll try a myriad of tactics to get you to notice her; a little shoulder massage there, a heartfelt sticky note placed on your workstation there, inviting you to classic candlelit dinners etc.
ʚ yes, believe me, she even tried the cartoonish “rose bit between teeth and uncomfortably arched side lean on a wall” approach before deciding it’s much better to listen to herself than the flamboyant duo.
R. DILUC — 迪卢克
ʚ diluc is the actual epitome of a gentleman. his love is so pure and genuine you can’t help but flower press every petal from the various bouquet he personally delivers to you on special occasions (anything from you completing a particularly hard or draining mission to doing something you thought you’d suck at).
ʚ his coat is also yours now. it’s like a six sense at this point to notice when you’re shivering out in the cold winds, and it’s become even more of a routine for him to simply shed that fluffy coat of his and drape it appropriately over your shoulders, trying to maintain a comfortable distance between you two as he adjusts it both to ease your tension and assure the pounding of his heart goes unheard.
ʚ diluc doesn’t enjoy using his riches to woo someone, it’s uncouth and just shows a desperation unbecoming of someone who dates to marry. if he wants to know you’re in it for the long haul, he’ll be much more sensitive and thoughtful when picking out gifts for you, each them have to hold some level of significance in your life.
ʚ the whole fiasco with his poor maids and some sneaky, perverse stalkers and diluc’s flaming great sword certainly applies to you as well; he’ll quietly ensure your safety in the night, helping you walk home with his arm hooked under yours, and in broad daylight he won’t hesitate to swing that polished wolf’s gravestone of his against any onlookers.
ʚ diluc is extremely closed off but deeply sentimental, he can so easily find himself rambling about his childhood stories to you; anything from how he used to collect seashells with kaeya to bring back to their dad, or how him and jean used to let baby barbara braid their hair together while babysitting…to things that are slightly more troublesome and heart wrenching to even mutter.
ʚ he may be less vocal than most in terms of feelings, but that doesn’t mean he won’t commit to it if he’s in love with someone. diluc isn’t the slightest bit dumb, he understand in order to get his feelings across he needs to do more than take random days off to spend time with you, he needs to at least hint it in a way that clearly gets his intentions across.
ʚ believe me, whenever you come by to dawn winery per notice, everyone raises a brow at you with curious smirks and gazes as diluc nearly stumbles on his words to get the phrase: “you look lovely tonight” out.
ʚ he has up to thousands years of romantic customs under his belt, he understands the vague signs and ways to further communicate how much he adores you.
ʚ … that would be the case in its full if not for the fact for the first thousand couple years of his life he wasn’t busy maiming other gods and shedding blood. safe to say, his memories of mortal “courting” is slightly, if not absolutely, a massive, weaving and overlapping trail of various centuries and cultures he’s been accustomed to; anything ranging from the days when khaenri’ah was still in its prime to nowadays with newfound slang.
ʚ he’ll recite the most beautifully heartfelt and awfully sincere poem all the while you’re fighting your life in a haunted house (he’s heard this activity is helpful to get couples closer to one another, and given the fact you’re clinging on for dear life at the edge of his coat, he assumes he’s on the right track!)
ʚ he wants to impress you while also maintaining an air of genuineness to his actions, and while that does sometimes end in awkward situations where he ends up wearing regal attire to what’s supposed to be a casual dinner at wangmin, his heart remains completely pure in its endeavours.
ʚ oh, let’s not forget this man is quite literally a dragon too!
ʚ sometimes he can forget you don’t have the same complexion as him and will proudly present you some sort of glimmering relic from his hoard, forgetting that certain materials that existed back in the day were deadly and or toxic for mortals to touch let alone possess.
ʚ with a little nudge in the right direction, he’ll quickly learn everything there is to know for how to properly handle your precious heart. whatever you’d like, you may have — if it’s within his reach, that is. but it doesn’t mean he’ll stop at what’s available, no, just how much he’s willing to risk for you.
XIAO — 魈
ʚ he’s already embarrassed and awkward enough with accepting the fact he likes you, so accepting the fact that he loves you had left him with a lengthy exorcism spree down in some forgotten areas in liyue (it didn’t help).
ʚ in all honestly, not much changes; both because he’s rather emotionally constipated but also because he’s more than sure he’s loved you for longer than he seems to currently acknowledge.
ʚ letters that came only on special occasions like your birthday or his became much more frequent and a lot less poetic, it felt more like he was writing about his thoughts at the time, a little akin to how you’ve made him feel less constricted and much more free; he can finally have the courage to step out of his comfort zone.
ʚ all those small acts of love he used to subtly express (i.e gifting you two crystaflies, personally inviting you to come hang out, etc) he manages to double, he can’t have you thinking his intentions are the same as before. no, they’re much stronger now.
ʚ his guard softens around you regardless, but when you randomly fall asleep on his shoulder on your weekly visits at wangshu inn, instead of taking you to one of the rooms, he’ll sit there and allow you to rest, and if he’s assured you’re not awake to ridicule him, maybe, just maybe…he’ll sneakily loop his arm around your waist.
ʚ even just the thought of you makes him spiral into daydreaming, sitting atop a tree and swinging his leg back and forth carelessly as he stares up at the night to await for a new light, knowing full well the only sun he wants to see is you…just imagining his hands holding your waist like they did so long ago makes him shiver (hopefully this time he’ll get to do it when you’re not falling, and instead are falling for him)
NILOU — 妮露
ʚ nilou is basically a disney princess, if you see her singing to random birds that come watch her performances, everyone in the grand bazaar already knows it’s because you’ll be in the crowd that night.
ʚ each step within her routines are done with the little more passion, if that even is possible given her character, all because she imagines that pride and hopeful heart eyes in your eyes as all the attention is on her.
ʚ sometimes this fixation can lead to dumb mistakes on stage which bring her to sulking away with a hand on her forehead dabbing away at the sweat, but even the mention of your name as you pass by several sumeru streets is enough for her to brighten, do a quick wardrobe switch and run off to tackle you within her embrace.
ʚ nilou is not loud, but definitely not subtle. the exact representation of how she feels when you come to encourage her at her lowest (though those days are few). you’re there for her in ways you don’t imagine, and that alone is enough for her to daze away into the night as she cuddles her pillow, legs wrapped around it and all, and begins thinking about the what ifs of your relationship.
ʚ sometimes it’s a little comedic the way she speaks about you, it almost sounds like she’s reminiscing about a fictional book character with how much she takes pride in whatever little thing you do. no one tires of seeing her footsteps lightly tap against the ground in circles as she gushes about how when you complimented her the other day, you touched her cheek seemingly subconsciously ∩^ω^∩
ʚ she’s a little embarrassed at just how obvious she can be sometimes, it doesn’t help the fact her own children keep using this love of hers to their advantage.
ʚ she keeps nagging them about not taking care of themselves (she’s all too keen about their health and whereabouts now that she dwells alongside liyuean people) and yet just the mention of your name has her slightly stuttering in a ditzy trance as she hooks her glasses back up her nose bridge.
ʚ without hesitance, she’ll show you a photo album she has of all those close to her; would you like to see the drawing little ganyu made when she just barely had her horns? or perhaps the polearm young shenhe broke when she miscalculated her own strength in training?
ʚ her family is her pride and joy, it’s only natural for her to want you to be part of it even if it’s something as silly as raking through photos of a chubby ganyu eating the stem of a flower or teeny shenhe napping on a tree.
ʚ a peaceful life mingling with mortals has left her with ample time to enjoy the trivialities of life, and yet she finds her mind all too quickly wandering to you; had you been taking care of yourself? were you feeling lonely? did you need her to make something for you?
ʚ a secretive worry wart that quickly becomes that ancient adetpus she used to pride herself as soon as your delicate hands accidentally brush against hers; suddenly she’s perked up, chest heaven up high with a confident hand on her shoulder: you wouldn’t even think that flurry of pink hues gushing across her cheeks was real if not for the light providing evidence.
DEHYA — 迪希雅
ʚ oh she’s absolutely ecstatic!!
ʚ there’s genuinely nothing better than love in her eyes, especially just having the ability to love and trust someone fully when you haven’t been able to do so for a plethora of years.
ʚ doesn’t try to hide it, like at all, if anything she makes it rather obvious with the way she constantly pulls you closer as if you were already an item, arms constantly clinging onto you and your sides or her hands messing up your hair as you greet her.
ʚ she’ll take you anywhere you ask, free of charge of course (just promise to smile…and maybe if you’re up for it give her a kiss on the cheek, that’s sure to be enough reimbursement).
ʚ she’s already quite a confident and outwardly friendly person (if the price is right that is) but when in your presence? what’s wrong with just a little bit of showing off…
ʚ dehya needs you to see the best side of her!! maybe then you’ll finally give in and realise that her constantly asking for you to come join her on her travels and commissions isn’t brought out of mere timed coincidence
ʚ i saw that a few people were upset and confused by wanderer’s sudden switch up into being more kind/friendly, but i think we all forget what kind of person he was before his betrayals.
ʚ he loves wholeheartedly, if he adores something it consumes him in a warm pit of mushy domesticity — he doesn’t hate love or being kind, he hates the way it makes him vulnerable and the way it reminds him of the way he used to be.
ʚ that also means he’ll completely ignore you, or, try his best to rather.
ʚ wanderer knows within his heart that he completely years for you, just the accidental slip of his gaze meeting yours makes his brain go haywire, sending volts of electricity down his spine — you make him feel so alive.
ʚ it’s terrifying to return to a person you once were especially now with the knowledge of how being the way you were lead to some sort of tragedy, he’s managed to build up these walls so high and here you were, sneaking in through cracks he didn’t even know he had.
ʚ and he both loves it and hates it; loves the fact he can still feel, but hates how he’s so easily susceptible.
ʚ loving you turns into self-loathing and brooding, his feet pacing up and down every street at night to clear his muddled head. small distractions like taking strolls in meadows or sleeping up in the vines of trees lead to just thoughts of you and you alone.
ʚ wanderer refuses to be overly friendly and buddy-buddy with you even if he’s aware that if you decided to just one day hold him sincerely he’d burst into tears, but he can compromise with being less cutthroat.
ʚ “shut the fuck up” turns into him just rolling his eyes at you as you ramble (he soaks up any piece of information he can and locks it away), items you gift him now are more apparent in their value as he yells at those who dare question the dumb aranara pin you bought him and placed sneakily on his hat…oh and he gives you hat privileges.
ʚ it’s raining? …get close to him so you don’t begin complaining about the way the rain feels on your skin.
ʚ she starts treating you less like an asset in her “contact if in need of assistance” roster and more like a friend — of course, she maintains that distance between you two, but she lets you wriggle around in her heart to see if you manage to fit.
ʚ chances are, you will — unknowingly she’d grown to love you in ways that may have even gone unnoticed by her given how natural they were; inviting you to random gatherings when the whim arises, pulling your chair out for you when out for brunch, or even tucking away strands of hair and twirling it around playfully.
ʚ arlecchino’s love isn’t something immediate or expected, she’s a woman who keeps every card close to her chest and her children even closer, you have to prove to her that you’re worth it, in a way that doesn’t necessarily mean spilling blood but more so answers the question: do you care, and are you willing to accept her blinding love?
ʚ it’s like a shepherd dog with a lost lamb, but that little sheep is just you, and she’s a wolf in need of a muse.
ʚ cute tea parties aren’t uncommon with the two of you, she’ll happily let you indulge yourself in treats as she leans back with scorching tea in her hands while memorising every curve of your lips as you chew and swallow, she loves watching the way your eyes crinkle when you smile and the little sway from side to side you occasionally do as an expression of joy.
ʚ once arlecchino notices that she’s began treating you as another authority figure in the house of hearth, she’ll reach and collar you gently, intertwining her dark, cursed hand into your flowery one.
ʚ one of the most attractive qualities a man can have is knowing when to shut the fuck up and to slide his card over during a dinner — both such things pantalone can do effortlessly, especially when it comes to you.
ʚ arlecchino claims that: “he allows his actions to be governed by the vengeance and hatred locked in the depths of his heart.” something that definitely translates into his love affairs in more than obsessive manners.
ʚ don’t be afraid of the massive hauls of clothing and sparkling jewellery galore that are being trudged in by multiple men, darling, it’s just a menial souvenir from his latest travels and newfound connections that he thought you might enjoy ^^
ʚ while his grandeur usually stems from his deep hearted desire to overthrow the imbalance between immortals and mortals, rest assured the luxury he provides you purely stems from his desire to make you his.
ʚ whether that entails you being his pet for him to seek comfort from on the occasion or a genuine connection where he can comfortably hold you at night purely depends on you.
ʚ oh, you’ll let him chew your ear off about his recent expedition and extravagant plan? consider your rent payed for the next few months and a few kisses on your cheek that certainly aren’t actually part of the snezhnayan custom (let him indulge in those little cravings or else he’ll undoubtedly be petty).
ʚ has a breakdown.
ʚ a little dramatic, but honestly if his entire life wasn’t a disgusting mess already, you’ve come to make it worse. fate is deliberately mean to brooding blondes it seems, given the fact he’s now stuck pacing around back and forth on a trail of dead abyss mages as he rereads a letter you’ve sent him weeks ago.
ʚ everything you give to him, everything you say, do, write, whatever, he remembers implicitly. each word you say is engraved into him as if they were important artefacts regardless of how pointless and mundane.
ʚ it can honestly get a little…scary at times? you’ll mention liking something once and all of a sudden you find it within your possession at least a few weeks later.
ʚ dainsleif doesn’t have enough time to wallow in the glory of mushy, all consuming love despite desperately wanting to imagine how your hand would feel caressing down past each of his scars, but what he can do is protect you, and to him that’s a greater blessing than intimacy he knows will end eventually.
ʚ a big tough man who would honestly fold the moment you call him any variation of a pet name, specifically with the word “mine/my” at the beginning — hey, it’s nice knowing you mean something to someone the point they view you as inseparable.
ʚ the timings at which he comes to aid you are all too convenient and believe me he’ll try his best to downplay it as coincidence, all the while he’s breathing heavily both from the face your eyes are scanning his so closely and the fact he used up so much energy to merely make a portal to sneak into your space.
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©STARYUEE do not copy, steal or repost ♡ ᴜsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ɪʜᴇᴀʀᴛɢᴀɴʏᴜ
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hunnieknight · 1 year
AU Sketch Ideas II
Series I, Series III Series IV
Sfw, gn!reader, mention of Crepus's death
Court (Ragbros + Jean)
The reader Kaeya's and Diluc's youngest sibling, Jean wants to propose but the reader misunderstands thinking Jean likes Diluc
Jean is a traditional woman, she believes she has to meet your guardians who else if not your brothers.
She asked for your brothers for a blessing, which caught them both off-guard. Of course, they give blessing.
The reader stays with Diluc in the Dawn Winery before and after Crepus's death. So Jean obviously often visits Dawn Winery just to see you.
But you are so oblivious you thought with Jean often dining with you and Diluc and sometimes Kaeya, she has a crush on your big brother.
Whenever she visits, you often hide away in your room or walk around the Dawn Winery, thinking you help her get close to your brother. On the other hand, Jean always slumped whenever you left.
It does infuriate the three of them, but who can be mad? Diluc is so protective he often shielded you from all this stuff. Kaeya always jabs Diluc for this. Jean always sees this naive side of you as a cute quirk.
It doesn't help that Kaeya often teasingly calls Jean "sister-in-law" in front of you. Diluc also called Jean that during dinner, when you are also at the table. It should be obvious but boy it makes you more sure she has a thing for your brothers.
Every time Jean greets you or gives you gift, you often passed it to your brothers, whilst Kaeya just smiling in defeat and Diluc just looking at you funny.
Barbara just prays to Venti Barbatos that her sister will have a smooth process in making you her spouse.
Also, Barbara will be the godmother for you both's future kids.
Well, it might take years for that to be a reality.
Until it happens, your brothers and this knight will keep trying to make you realize how bad Jean wants you to take her surname.
Adelinde can't wait to be a "grandma"
Little Dragon (Zhongli + Xiao)
There was a request i got before about Dad!Zhongli, i might do that in the future
Dad Zhongli and Big Bro Xiao!
oohhhhh every kid in the daycare somehow has a puppy crush on you.
Especially a certain ginger- It seems like Zhongli does not like you getting close to him.
Zhongli wants you to learn about his culture, so he often teaches you how to eat with chopsticks and with a chopstick helper. Obviously, you hate it, you just want to use your hand and eat your food. It doesn't help that Xiao really wants you to learn how to use chopsticks too.
Xiao adores you dearly and Zhongli loves you so much.
Despite spoiling you quite a lot, they also let you learn something by yourself but also watch closely for your safety. Like climbing stairs, peeling oranges, putting on socks, etc.
Dragon!Zhongli and Bird Xiao plushies!
Your outfit will consist of brown/yellow or earthy colours. Sometimes also purple and white so you and Xiao can have matching outfit.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 6 months
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Of All Things, I Became...
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You always imagined that if you woke up in the world of Genshin, the possibilities of being a Visionless wielder of elements and a slew of romantic shenanigans would lie in your wake. But when you instead find yourself in the body of a Genshin mob with romance likely out of the question, your only conclusion is that the gods of reincarnation isekai hate your guts.
cw. you lost the isekai 50/50 and became a genshin mob
pairing. genshin x reader
notes. i read [of all things, i became a crow] and decided to run with it. i apologize for nothing. i might add more species from genshin depending on my mood lol. this was originally only going to be about an aranara!reader but... i got inspired
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Of All Things, I Became...
... an Aranara
... an Oceanid
... a Geovishap
... a Thunder Manifestation
... an Anemo Slime
So you died and woke up as a Genshin mob. At least you got some cool powers out of it, I guess. Results may vary in trying to get a travel companion out of it though. Not all non-human races in Genshin are created equally, you come to learn.
My Body is Mine Once More
Aranara Edition
Oceanid Edition
Geovishap Edition
Thunder Manifestation Edition
Anemo Slime Edition
After ingesting an elemental crystal, you manage to get your body back! More or less. Not everything about you has returned to normal and if you ever get too emotional, you turn back into your mob form. At the very least, you still are able to use your sick ass powers, so that's a bonus!
Traveler Specific
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auroratumbles · 7 months
a flower crown for you !
green stems wind around each other as your quick fingers tie them together, small petals occasionally falling off and down to the ground. a myriad of colours starts to form as the crown takes shape. when you finish, you take a second to admire your own handiwork and place it onto your significant other's head. they raise a hand to feel it gently before putting the same hand onto yours. their lips curl up into a small smile.
"thank you, my love."
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- KAZUHA, heizou, NEUVILLETTE, wriothesley, navia, ZHONGLI, kaeya, DILUC, yun jin, yanfei, JEAN, ALBEDO, candace, THOMA
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pigeonpeach · 9 months
Their greatest weakness!
Aka genshin’s most eligible bachelors and bachelorettes greatest weakness or biggest turn ons. The easiest way to get them riled up and ready.
In general you just existing makes her feel more… greedy. But often are the children surrounding you with innocence and naïveté so she keeps her hands to herself most of the time. But sometimes she wishes she could just pick you up and carry you away. Oh seeing you being so motherly warms her heart.
But she has her needs and whenever you’re alone her hands are often all around you. The easiest way to seduce her is simply just showing a little neck. She lovesss to mark your neck, biting and smearing lipstick all over. You’ll have to wear a scarf or collared shirts after but its a small price to pay. In particular she’s fond of ribbons and lace. Especially around the chest. She likes the idea of being able to untie your clothes like unwrapping a present. She will do so slowly and gently of course, she would love to use the ribbon to bing your hands or block your eyesight.
She’s definitely the easiest to seduce. She’s oh so repressed. Even seeing you in a simple low cut dress showcasing even the littlest of cleavage will have her reeling. A great way to lure her to bed and to take a ‘rest is to simply wear a nightgown more low cut and sweetly ask when she’ll be coming to bed. She’ll be rushing through work as soon as she can. If possible she will just ditch the paper and go to you right away. Unable to focus now that she nows what she’s missing.
Anything. The sight if your thighs, your neck, your cleavage, your belly, your hips. Oh anything that is you. He cannot help himself when you show even the smallest of skin. Once when you went to the beach with him he quickly pulled you to a more isolated part to ravage you. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself, you weren’t even wearing that lewd of a swimsuit but so much skin just sent him into frenzy. If you wore lingerie he would lunge at you almost immediately.
He is much harder to seduce. Often he’s the one seducing you, his hands lightly tracing your skin to heighten your senses. He’s a big fan of blindfolds. So if you wear a sleeping mask he tends to get a bit mischievous. He won’t do anything if you’re unconscious unless you’ve given him permission to do so prior. Its not that he isn’t attracted to you, he simply has alot of self restraint
But to lure him from his office is difficult as he has a high self control. So subtle and innocent looks won’t work. He’ll know what you’re playing at. If you want to seduce him you have to commit and hard. Lingerie is a favorite of his. Especially if he catches sight of it under your clothes. The difficulty being that.. the get up you usually wear isn’t allowing of little peaks like that. So you have to be creative and direct. In general he likes begging. You will probably have to grovel too as you try to encourage him to come to bed with you. Then he will oblige.
Anything. If you’re with him he is likely obsessed with you. Like a drug any inch of you will drive him mad and wanting more. In his homeland however such revealing clothes are a liability. But oh how he lovessss your thighs. He often lays his head on them, bites them, squishes them, etc. thigh highs in particular will drive him insane. Stockings too. You could be wearing anything but if you’re wearing stockings or thighs highs it will drive him mad. You will not be walking straight.
Ohhhhh despite her stoicism and professionalism she is down bad for you. Anything drives her crazy. She is great at hiding this though. In public she will simply maintain her usual professionalism. But in private? Oh she won’t be holding back. She won’t stop herself from taking what she wants where she wants. She can tell when you’re doing it on purpose. She is quite fond of gloves, lacy and transparent ones in particular. She loves to hold your hands in hers while in the act. Its such a intimate feeling to her. She loves lace in general but your hands are just so delicate to her. She loves feeling them on her too.
Honestly touch is a big turn on to him. In particular light touches and body contact too. If you just pull his body close to yours, leaving no gaps in-between he’ll start to get flustered. If you sneak up behind him and start lightly touching him he’ll get all worked up and flustered. He’d be too embarrassed to do anything at work. That would take alot of seduction. He’d be pouting and trying so hard not to whimper as you easily would have him wrapped around your finger. He is easily aroused by the sight of your body. But if you start teasing him he’ll be following you like a dog on a collar
Another thigh guy. He fuckin loves thigh highs an stockings too. He loves just ripping them off and burying himself in between your thighs. The best part to him is seeing you have to walk away in torn tights clearly showing what exactly you had been doing in his office. He loves mesh clothing in general because he loves just ripping it off. Like tearing wrapping paper off a box. He cannot resist it.
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sumiire-creates · 8 months
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𝘎𝘌𝘕𝘙𝘌: fluff.
𝘍𝘛; amber, kaeya, lisa, jean, diluc, venti, albedo, rosaria, eula, mika.
‣ gn!reader [mentions of female anatomy] | slightly suggestive(?) [on kaeya, venti, and albedo] | a ton of kisses | a ton of fluff/a bit of comfort.
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- amber loves to kiss your face.
- amber is so sweet about it too
- like if she has the chance, she’s take your face in her hands and just smother you with kisses until you’re both all giggles
- she enjoys pecking your cheek or nose or forehead
- she ADORES goodnight forehead kisses. like, she gives you one EVERY. NIGHT.
- she’s so gentle with her lil smooches
- she’d kiss you any chance she got
- when you’re cuddling in bed? smooch
- pass by each other when you’re doing your own thing? quick kiss on the cheek
- training? hell yes.
- if you were a fellow knight, she’d spar with you and like get so close just to give you a kiss and hit you so hard you fall to the ground
- but like it's okay
- because if you tell her it isn't, she gets really disappointed and sad and pouts about it for the rest of the day
- you better make it up to her
- like later when y’all are going to sleep, trap her in a hug and return the favor! she’ll cheer right up
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- kaeya loves to kiss your lips.
- flirt.
- tease.
- he’s such an ass with it
- like he knows what he’s doing and he loves to just make you feel those annoying little butterflies that make you happy
- but then like
- he’ll also get super close, and you just wanna kiss him really badly
- and then he pulls away.
- like SIR??? >:(
- i'm not done come back here
- his kisses are soft and loving
- with gentle lips on yours, he’ll kiss you anytime he finds the moment to be perfect
- he’s the definition of romantic
- like your first kiss was probably on starsnatch cliff at sunset and looked so damn perfect
- gentle breeze and everything
- this mf couldn’t have timed it better
- he likes romantic kisses
- he also likes to just peck your lips
- but that's only if he can’t snatch you away and make out with you
- straying a little off topic but
- kaeya fucking LOVES cuddling you at night and making you face him so he can just smooch you right there whenever he wants
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- lisa loves to kiss your hands.
- such a gentlewomen <3
- she’s, like, so fucking sweet
- she’ll take your hands in hers and kiss your knuckles and it's just so soft and UGH
- when handing you books, she’ll snatch your hand and give it a quick kiss before waving you goodbye
- literally just
- i can’t stop saying this but,
- she’s SO SWEET.
- lisa would hold your hand tightly as you two walk down the street, occasionally bringing it up to her mouth as she’d kiss your knuckles and give her a smile
- she’ll never pass up a chance to kiss your pretty hands
- she’ll never pass up a chance to kiss you in general, honestly
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- jean loves to kiss your forehead.
- goodnight kisses on the forehead as she gets in bed beside you >>>
- she’s probably taller than you so its like the most easy to access place for her tbh
- jean is so sweettttt
- so gentle and loving with her partner
- she’d kiss you and give you a small reassuring affirmation afterwards
- “you’re doing great, love, keep it up.”
- “i love you so much, you know that, right?”
- “i’ll never leave your side, even in death.”
- “let me know if you need anything, okay?”
- it’s just
- so goddamn cute
- she’d only do it when she felt like its needed though
- taking her face in her hands as she pulls you in so she can kiss your forehead when you’re stressing out before embracing you and hugging you while gently rubbing you back-
- she even gives you the option to shove her away if you want, and she won’t get offended or upset or anything
- she’s just so comforting with her kisses <3
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- diluc loves to kiss your shoulder.
- first off, this man isn’t too big of a fan of PDA…
- so kissing in public is a no no unless nobody is looking
- then he often slips you a quick peck
- but he much prefers to kiss when he knows you’re alone
- his favorites are when he’s cuddling you in bed and just kinda kisses and sucks on your shoulder bc its soft and feels nice to him
- he’ll trail up your neck, to your lips, and then back down
- he’s super gentle about it AGAIN
- also i imagine that he’s just super duper warm
- he already wears that heavy ass coat
- but the pyro vision automatically makes him warmer to the touch
- he’s fine, i promise, just really warm
- so like imagine being held in his warm, strong arms while he gently gives you shoulder kisses
- its so cuteee
- diluc also likes it when he’s doing paperwork at his desk and you come to pester him. he likes it when you start whining and get in his lap to distract him
- because then he’ll just trap you in his arms
- “is this what you wanted?”
- and then, if nobody else is inside or if the maids have a day off, he’ll probably just kinda slide your shirt off a bit and smother your shoulders and neck in kisses
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- venti loves to kiss your neck.
- its so bad
- especially when he gets tipsy
- he’ll literally just kinda blend bodies with you and his lips never leave your neck
- also he knows where your soft spot/sweet spot is so just be warned, he’s gonna target it
- he’ll hold you from behind and find your favorite spot, sucking and kissing it before slowly trailing off… and then he comes right back to it, 2x the effort.
- he gets really handsy when kissing
- like he’ll probably grab at anything
- so yk
- be warned
- you can also bribe him to give you more kisses
- just promise him a drink and he’ll endlessly kiss you
- but like uphold your promise
- because you’re not getting anymore kisses until he gets that damn wine
- he’ll kiss you in any situation
- he prefers to kiss your neck from behind, but he can do it from the front too
- he also likes the back because he can just bury his face in your hair and it smells good so
- why wouldnt he want to ?
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- albedo loves to kiss your chest.
- “its for science”
- no its not.
- he just likes to kiss your chest.
- he’ll only go as far as your clothes allow
- tbh it's probably because they’re warm
- he isn’t particularly gentle or anything, actually
- he’s more rough with them tbh
- albedo likes to run his tongue along your skin before suckling on it
- then he’ll actually kiss it
- he’s a weirdo
- tbh he probably doesn’t kiss you that often
- it's more like
- spread out
- unless you ask specifically for him to kiss you more
- which he may or may not do
- he may just give you a look because he’s busy
- or he’ll indulge you
- who knows
- tbh i can’t tell with this man
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- rosaria loves to kiss your cheek.
- she definitely doesn’t kiss often
- or like
- at all
- but when she does, she kisses you like a ghost
- as in you almost can't feel it
- she much prefers to kiss your cheek, as its a soft and simple gesture that she can do at any time
- but again, she doesn’t kiss often
- so when you do find this blessing upon you, don’t hope for too much
- she won’t give you the proper kiss to the lips that you may want, because most of the time she’s busy and doesn’t have the time or feel very deserving of sharing such a nice moment with you
- so a peck on the cheek will do and then she’s off again
- tbh she hates the church and protecting mondstadt
- because she doesn’t have the time to kiss you like the wants
- but dw
- she’ll make it up to you
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- eula loves to kiss your knuckles.
- she was raised by aristocrats
- so like
- kissing is a thing
- she won’t do too often
- until you’re married
- because why waste her kisses on someone who’ll break up with her?
- no
- she’ll take her vengeance if you leave her
- so like
- don’t.
- anyways
- eula likes getting down on one knee and kissing your knuckles
- because it's romantic
- and she’s a knight
- isn’t that what the night typically does for his princess?
- as far as she knows, yes, yes it is
- so she’s gonna do it for you
- as a greeting
- and a farewell
- and just because she can
- of course in private she won’t make such a big deal about it
- she’ll just kinda snatch your hand (regardless of what you’re doing), and press her lips to your knuckles
- she really really enjoys doing it because it reminds her of those little stories about a princess and a knight
- you’re her prince/princess and she’s your loyal knight <3
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- mika loves to kiss your nose.
- shy.
- shy.
- shy.
- again, does not kiss you often
- but it's more often than like rosaria or albedo or eula.
- he’s just really really really nervous to kiss you
- like what if he messes up???
- he doesn’t wanna mess up!!
- so instead of kissing your lips
- he kisses your nose
- why?
- because he thinks your nose is cute
- but also because it helps him a little
- concentration wise
- this way he cant mess it up!
- right?
- right..?
- he’s telling himself that
- he just likes to kiss your nose
- mika thinks it's soft and cute but so is your whole face!!
- he’d pepper your face in kisses if he could
- but most attention kissing-wise is given to your nose
thank you for reading !
have a great day/night !
Requests: OPEN
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xxspringmelodyxx · 2 months
"𝐻𝑜𝓌 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝐼 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊?"
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┗━━━⊱ 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒊𝒍𝒖𝒄 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒛𝒆𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ⊰━━━┛
⊱ 𝑰𝒏𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒔: 𝑫𝒊𝒍𝒖𝒄 𝑹𝒂𝒈𝒏𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒓 ⊰
✩⁺₊✩☽⋆Warnings: Angst ⋆☾✩⁺₊✩
𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒐 @𝒔𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓9 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕! 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 <3333
The wind howled through Mondstadt, its chill matching the cold void in your heart. The grand clock tower struck midnight, marking the end of another wedding anniversary spent alone. Diluc's duties at the tavern and his clandestine affairs with Jean had eclipsed the sanctity of your marriage for the last time. The final thread of your patience snapped, and with a resolute heart, you made the decision that the marriage was over.
Gathering your belongings and your young daughter, Lian, you embarked on a journey back to your roots in Liyue. The journey was long, but your determination to start anew fueled your every step.
As the carriage made its way through the familiar yet distant landscape, you couldn't help but reflect on the early days of your marriage with Diluc. You had met him during a diplomatic visit to Mondstadt, where his stoic charm and unwavering sense of duty had drawn you in. His passion for protecting Mondstadt and his dedication to his family's legacy resonated with your own values, and it wasn’t long before love blossomed between the two of you.
In the beginning, your marriage was filled with joy and promise. You supported Diluc in his endeavors, and he, in turn, was your steadfast rock. However, as the responsibilities of running the Dawn Winery and his secret vigilante activities consumed more of his time, the distance between you grew. Jean's presence in his life, initially a source of mutual respect and friendship, gradually morphed into something more insidious.
Despite your attempts to communicate your feelings and the need for more quality time together, Diluc's focus remained elsewhere. Anniversaries came and went, each one a painful reminder of what you had lost. The final straw was this latest anniversary, spent entirely alone, with nothing but a perfunctory note from Diluc apologizing for his absence.
With a heavy heart, you made the decision to leave. You packed only the essentials, not wanting to linger any longer than necessary. As you walked through the halls of the Dawn Winery one last time, memories of happier times flashed before your eyes. Lian, sensing your distress, clung to your side, her innocent questions about her father breaking your heart even more.
"Mommy, why isn't Daddy coming with us?" she asked, her wide eyes filled with confusion.
You knelt down to her level, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Daddy has some important things to take care of, sweetheart. But we're going to see Grandma and Grandpa in Liyue. They'll be so happy to see you."
As you left Mondstadt, the weight of your decision settled heavily on your shoulders. You hoped that in Liyue, surrounded by the love and support of your family, you would find the strength to heal and rebuild your life.
Upon reaching the majestic gates of your family's mansion in Liyue, the familiar sight brought a flood of memories. The towering structure, with its intricate carvings and lush gardens, stood as a testament to the Lu Family's enduring legacy. The servants, upon recognizing you, bowed deeply and addressed you as 'Young Lady.' Their deference reminded you of your true standing, long obscured by the simplicity of life in Mondstadt.
"Mommy, why are they calling you 'Young Lady'?" Lian asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.
Taking her small hand in yours, you smiled softly and knelt to her level. "Because, Lian, we are from the Lu Family, the most prestigious family in Liyue. This is our home, and you are my precious daughter, the next in line to this legacy."
Your parents greeted you with open arms, their joy at seeing you and their granddaughter palpable. Your mother, with tears in her eyes, held you close. "We've missed you so much, my dear. Welcome home."
Your father, the patriarch of the Lu Family, stood tall and proud. His stern expression softened as he looked at you. "You've made the right choice coming back. This is where you belong."
Lian, overwhelmed by the attention and grandeur, clung to your side, her wide eyes taking in the opulent surroundings. You guided her through the mansion, showing her the rooms and gardens that had been your playground as a child. The familiarity of it all brought a sense of comfort and belonging that you hadn't felt in years.
Life at the Lu Family mansion was a stark contrast to the life you had known with Diluc. Surrounded by opulence and respect, you began to rediscover the strength and grace that had been dulled by years of neglect. You immersed yourself in family affairs, taking on responsibilities that had long been neglected in your absence.
Your parents, recognizing your need to reclaim your identity, involved you in the management of the family's businesses and social engagements. You attended meetings, hosted gatherings, and reconnected with old friends and allies. Each day, you felt a little more like the person you had been before Mondstadt, before Diluc, before the heartache.
Lian, too, thrived in this new environment. She made friends with the children of other noble families, and her laughter echoed through the halls of the mansion. Seeing her happiness, you knew you had made the right decision. This was the life you wanted for her, filled with love, support, and the security of family.
Meanwhile, Diluc remained ensnared in his affair with Jean, oblivious to the seismic shift that had occurred in your life. His days were consumed by the responsibilities of the Dawn Winery and his secretive vigilante activities, while his nights were filled with clandestine meetings with Jean. He had convinced himself that he was doing the right thing, that his actions were justified by his duty to protect Mondstadt.
But as days turned into weeks, the absence of your presence began to gnaw at him. The empty halls of the Dawn Winery, once filled with your laughter and warmth, now felt cold and lifeless. He found himself reaching for you in the night, only to be met with emptiness. Jean's company, once a source of comfort, now felt hollow and inadequate.
The turning point came when an ornate invitation arrived at the Dawn Winery. It was an invitation to the annual Lu Family banquet, a coveted event that drew the elite from across Teyvat. Curiosity piqued, Diluc decided to attend, unaware of the shock awaiting him.
The invitation was beautifully crafted, with golden script and intricate designs. It spoke of a grand celebration, honoring the Lu Family's legacy and welcoming the return of their beloved daughter. The significance of the event was not lost on Diluc, and despite his reservations, he knew he had to attend.
As the date of the banquet approached, Diluc found himself growing increasingly anxious. He couldn't shake the feeling that this event would be more than just a social gathering. He prepared meticulously, choosing his finest attire and ensuring that everything was in order at the Dawn Winery in his absence.
Jean, sensing his unease, tried to reassure him. "It's just a banquet, Diluc. You'll be fine."
But Diluc couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was more at stake. The thought of seeing you again, after all that had happened, filled him with a mix of dread and longing. He knew that he had made mistakes, that he had taken you for granted, and now he would have to face the consequences.
The grand hall of the Lu Family mansion was resplendent with golden chandeliers and elegant tapestries. The air buzzed with conversations and the clinking of fine china. As Diluc entered, he was struck by the opulence and grandeur of the setting. The hall was filled with dignitaries and nobles, all dressed in their finest attire.
As the banquet reached its peak, the hall fell silent as the patriarch of the Lu Family, your father, took the stage. With a commanding presence, he addressed the assembly. "Today, I am honored to announce the return of my beloved daughter and my only heir. Please welcome her and her daughter, my granddaughter, Lian."
The crowd parted as you stepped forward, Lian by your side. Diluc's breath caught in his throat as he saw you, the woman he had neglected, standing with the dignity and grace of true nobility. Realization struck him like a thunderbolt.
As your father finished his speech, Diluc's legs gave way beneath him. He fell to his knees, tears brimming in his eyes. The weight of his mistakes crushed his spirit, and in that moment of clarity, he knew he had lost something irreplaceable.
"Please," he begged, his voice breaking. "Forgive me. I will end things with Jean. I promise. Just give me another chance."
You looked down at him, your heart a tumult of emotions. The power was now in your hands, and the future lay before you, filled with possibilities you had never dared to dream.
You looked into Diluc's eyes, searching for sincerity. "You hurt me deeply, Diluc. You made me feel invisible and unimportant. Why should I believe that things will be different now?"
Diluc's voice trembled with desperation. "Because I realize now what I have lost. I took you for granted, and I see now how much I need you in my life. Please, give me the chance to make things right."
The depth of his anguish mirrored your own, yet it felt like too little, too late. Your voice quivered with the weight of pent-up emotions. "Do you have any idea what it feels like to be abandoned by the person you love? To watch as they slowly drift away, knowing you're not enough to hold their attention?" Tears welled in your eyes, and you fought to keep them from spilling over. "Every day, I watched you slip further into Jean's arms, and every night, I cried myself to sleep, wondering what I did wrong."
Diluc flinched as if struck, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I was a fool," he whispered, voice breaking. "I let my responsibilities consume me, and I let my fears drive a wedge between us. But I've seen the truth now. Without you, my life is empty."
You shook your head, pain and anger warring within you. "How can I trust you again? You made promises before, Diluc. You vowed to love and cherish me, but those words became hollow. How do I know this isn't just another empty promise?"
He reached out, but you stepped back, creating a chasm between you that mirrored the emotional distance you'd felt for so long. "I understand your doubt," he said, his voice thick with remorse. "But I swear to you, I've changed. I've ended things with Jean. I’ve realized that I can't live without you and Lian."
The mention of your daughter brought fresh tears to your eyes. "Do you know how many times she's asked why her daddy isn't around? How many times I've had to lie and say you were busy because I couldn't bear to tell her the truth?"
Diluc's face crumpled, and he sank further into the ground, a broken man before you. "I'm so sorry," he choked out. "I've failed you both. But please, give me a chance to prove that I can be the husband and father you both deserve. I’ll do anything."
For a long moment, you stood there, the enormity of the decision pressing down on you. The pain he caused was a deep wound, but you also saw the sincerity in his eyes, the desperation in his plea. This was a man shattered by his own mistakes, begging for redemption.
"I need time," you finally whispered. "Time to heal, and time to see if your actions match your words. I won’t let you hurt me or Lian again."
Diluc nodded, tears streaming down his face. "Take all the time you need. I’ll wait. I’ll wait forever if that’s what it takes."
As you turned away, a flicker of hope sparked within you. It was a faint glimmer, buried beneath layers of hurt and betrayal, but it was there. Perhaps, just perhaps, there was a chance to rebuild what had been broken. But it would take more than words; it would take time, patience, and a genuine commitment to change. Only time would tell if Diluc could truly make things right.
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luxthestrange · 5 months
G.I Incorrect Quotes#96 Cryptic Cuddler
Harpy Y/n au but now...present time
In Angel's share
Kaeya: Sometimes I feel something crawl over me at night…
Diluc: It’s the consequences of your actions
Jean: The guilt that comes with your choices
Rosaria: Past trauma
Harpy!Y/n*Sipping nonalcoholic drink and feathers ruffle looking innocently at Kaeya* Oops that was me, I sneak into your room to cuddle, when we were kids you always begged me to sleep with you cuz my feathers
Kaeya*Winces at...that memory, coughs into drink, and blushes...averting eye contact*...i-i dont remember that-
Diluc*Saw it...was time to finally poke fun at his brother*Really? I do you cry begging father to allow y/n to be with you
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part 2 of :
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miyakuya · 1 year
— who fell in love first and who fell harder (part 3)
featuring: genshin impact cast
part one | part two
© miyakuya 2023– plagiarism, reposts, or anything related or copying isn’t allowed.
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first; while it may not have been love at first sight, they couldn’t help but fall head over heels for you faster than anyone, even themselves, could expect. even if they didn’t admit it, you could tell as soon as it happened
— Amber, Jean, Lisa, Beidou, Hu Tao, Gorou, Thoma, Yoimiya, Dehya, Nilou
harder; they weren’t necessarily meaning to fall in love, the idea was something that didn’t seem like they really deserved it or that it wasn’t something they could really do anyways. the moment they realized they were in love though, however, it hit them hard and they were definitely not losing you now
— Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Ningguang, Shenhe, Zhongli, Scaramouche, Al Haitham, Cyno
both; they fell in love fast and hard. they didn’t mean for it to happen but they weren’t going to complain. the way they fell in love was like riding in the front seat of a roller coaster going down the first drop. they didn’t want to lose that feeling and they certainly didn’t want to lose you
— Venti, Childe, Ganyu, Heizou, Itto, Kazuha, Tighnari
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taglist: @astro-pioneer
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tangyangie · 9 months
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𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 °❆⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
desc. their favorite winter activities.
notes. i wanted to wait to post this when it was snowy outside for me but that never came because it never snows anymore sobbing !!!1!11!!1!
anyways this is like a modern-ish au... i guess??
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snowball pelters. as soon as you step outside, you're getting a load of freshly balled up snow—the powder having been turned into an extremely dense sphere—straight to your face. if that's not enough, you'll get some down your back, too. oh, how they just love to see your face cringe out of frigidity, squeezing your eyes shut and mouth so eager to speak, yet being unable to get a single word out. they'll laugh with no shame and taunt you, so your only choice is to take a snow shovel and bury them. see how confident they are then, being completely submerged in the white powder. they'll curse you under their breath (lovingly) and follow you around all day, refusing to not torment you by tossing messily made snowballs at you.
yelan, HU TAO, yae miko, WANDERER, heizou, cyno, TARTAGLIA, faruzan, eula, beidou, xinyan
snowman makers. they are the most adorable beings you'll ever see. so concentrated on getting the proportions of the snowmen right, even if they're not the best at it. they look at others' snowmen and get concerned that their own may be a little... unsteady. meaning, the head was too large for the body and was constantly falling over and destroying itself. with a frown, they'd be determined to get it back up on their own, (politely) refusing help. once they get the snowman to hold up long enough for them to go find some sticks, you'd fix it up for them. taking a little bit of snow off the top, adding it to the lower half, and reinforcing the bottom with some rocks covered in snow. once they come back with arms for the snowman, you innocently smile, sitting down in the snow as they eye you suspiciously, but smile and pat you on the head. do they know? ...you can't be sure.
XIAO, gorou, furina, kazuha, KOKOMI, albedo, collei, shenhe, ayaka, TIGHNARI, nilou, ganyu
hot chocolate drinkers. they cozily sit inside, watching their favorite re-runs as they sit on the couch. they watch the people freezing outside with a smug look, lazing around and doing absolutely nothing, wrapped in the largest blankets they could find. this is their... fourth? fifth cup of cocoa, and the bag of mini marshmallows they take from is quickly shrinking. honestly, they feel like a teddy bear with how warm they are. you've got no clue how they're not sweating and dying from the heat. their smirk makes you want to toss them out into the snow and watch them suffer, but they suffer enough when they accidentally spill burning hot cocoa on themselves.
lumine, LYNETTE, venti, kaveh, KIRARA, yoimiya, aether, ayato, MONA, xingqiu, lisa, yanfei
driveway shovelers. they are stuck outside all day, working on clearing the asphalt of snow. it's almost hopeless—the snow doesn't stop, so any of the driveway that gets cleared is covered again in only minutes (it's so tired...) and all that you're left with is someone who's extremely close to face-planting in the snow. honestly, they're probably hoping to get hypothermia—at least it'll put them out of their misery. but them, being the hard workers that they are, miraculously manage to finish shoveling, and join the hot chocolate drinkers after their time in hell, collapsing on the couch (and probably falling asleep).
DILUC, wriothseley, neuvillette, dehya, JEAN, keqing, CANDACE, zhongli, thoma, shinobu, noelle, mika
hill sledders. they'll bust through the door at the first speck of light, holding anything that they could safely use as a sled. honestly, they would sled on a shoveled pile of snow if there wasn't a hill, but they're determined to find a good place to sled. so, they'll drag you along, running around until you can spot some type of slope that'll get you faster than 1 inch per second. once you do, they're so excited they'd probably forget the sled on the way up. so, you're stranded at the top while they carefully slide back down to retrieve the sled. by the time they get back to the top, you're already unimpressed, but they manage to cheer you up. they sit you on the sled and push you down, hopping behind you and holding you tight. cause if they weren't, you probably would've been found sticking out of the nearby heaps of snow.
amber, NAVIA, lyney, fischl, ITTO, charlotte, xiangling, bennett (crashes into a tree), kaeya
sleepers. exactly what is sounds like. they will be BURIED in bed all day. not even a fire alarm will be loud enough to wake them up—they are completely knocked out. honestly, they wouldn't even realize it. they were just so cold when they woke up in the morning, so they didn't even bother to leave. they instantly fall back asleep, so the only way to wake them up is leaving them until they thaw in the snow.
ei, baizhu, chongyun, ROSARIA, alhaitham, ningguang, sucrose, LAYLA, freminet
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notes. ngl winter would be the best season if it wasn't so damn cold 🤗🤗 it's soooo pretty IF IT SNOWS
also listened to beabadoobee's cover of winter wonderland at least 30 times today so go do that please
and i have never gone sledding before actually so if it sounds like that "𝖘𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖟𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖑𝖊𝖌𝖘 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖍𝖞𝖙𝖍𝖒 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖘𝖊" thing i'm so so so sorry
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artsquirrelb · 1 year
(Battle couple is just my fav ship dynamic)
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c-kaeru · 6 months
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Jealuc brainrots with the Discord squad go brrr
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xcyphoz0a · 8 months
Hello there! I hope your day is going well, but if not I hope it gets better dude!!!🤗
I wanted to know if it’s alright to request an idea for sagau? Like I might make a post about this but I always thought it would be cool to have y/n retain some realistic features even though they isekai into tevat!
Like for example; the hair being more textured, shines in reflection , the way they would have different shades and saturation throughout the skin, they way how your touch feels ‘real’ or different, oh and ur eyes, oh how the characters could look how your pupils reflects, etc.
Idk I always thought if I were to make and character of mine or y/n still retaining little features they had back their own world seem kind of cool and interesting to think how people would react to it!
Even better is if they don’t know you’re the ‘creator’ of their reality and they were only able to hear your voice and how you express yourself!!
Anyways sorry for making this so long 🥲 I’m just kind of curious on how you or others would feel on this idea 💡
Unique differences
Gender neutral reader, ideas TW/CW: sagau Character(s): Some characters from Mondstadt Word count: 608 Proofread: n/a | The differences you hold is what makes you unique, so special, lovable. | A/N: hello! I hope this fits your tastes..? might have a part two if i manage to find some more ideas!
Taglist: @chaoffee
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When you arrive you probably don’t know why some random citizens look at you with such amazed, perplexed gazes, with you likely thinking there’s something on your face that you don’t know was there.
You’re also slightly confused why the hilichurls don’t attack when you’re an inch near them, and why the slimes seem to be more docile, why you barely manage to see abyss mages– everything’s odd.
If you arrive near Mondstadt, Amber is the first one to find you and lead you towards the headquarters of the knights of Favonius, but she definitely notices something different with you. You haven’t spoken yet, so she doesn’t know who you really are, perhaps, you’re like the traveller, she thinks.
But when you properly introduce yourself to Jean and the others the whole knights that are in the headquarters, such as Albedo, Sucrose, Kaeya, Lisa, perhaps Eula, gather around you, murmuring to themselves that you’re 99% the creator that they’ve only ever heard, and you’re just standing there. 
With your voice, the different, more dynamic and ‘lively’ look that you have seemed to make more sense–your eyes held the shine and reflection of their own appearance, your skin seemed to be much softer… and you assume that you’ve managed to retain some realer features you had in your original world.
Don’t worry, don’t fret, they love you with or without differences. Even if you weren’t the creator, Mondstadt welcomes you with open arms.
Best to say now the whole of Mondstadt finally knows their creator’s here in their region.
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While Albedo knows that you are the creator, he can’t help but wonder if he can try to run some tests–he doesn’t want to hurt you, he just has an infinite curiosity ridden area in his mind.
Same goes for Sucrose too, but she doesn’t want to come off as rude or disrespectful, so she only holds these curiosities within her, oftentimes writing this in her journal, it’s not creepy, I promise.
Jean finds your presence nice, but more than others, it feels as if you’re like a safe haven for her with only just your presence, and you can visibly see her tired eyes brighten up when you pat her head for her hard work.
For Lisa, she also holds some questions for you, though she’d rather stay where she is, watching and hearing you enthusiastically talk about the books and literature in your world in the library.
Diluc wishes he was the person to find you first and lead you to Mondstadt– his feelings towards the knights of Favonius may be neutral and slightly, very slightly bad, but he’s still grateful that you managed to arrive safely. If you manage to visit Angel’s Share often, he’s somehow always there, wiping a glass or two.
Kaeya’s teasing his brother. No hard feelings though! Just pure friendly sibling rivalry. But when you’re near, his charismatic face fades as he’s rendered to someone yearning for affection–it’s adorable.
Same goes for Eula. She’s not often seen in Mondstadt due to her… ‘status’, but when you welcome her with open arms and no judgemental gaze, she feels… so appreciated. She’s barely felt this before other than in the knights of Favonius, but this… feels more different, warm, loving.
Venti’s elated, often like him a majority of times, but for him, he feels the joy that he’s never felt before–it’s pure, unadulterated joy that stems from his chest, as his mind fills with endless pure and innocent praise and lyrics for you with his lyre. The weather in Mondstadt seems to be more light, a refreshing breeze whenever Venti’s with you for some reason…
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hydrasra · 1 year
some more shenanigans 'cause why not? if you couldn't tell by now, sumeru is my comfort lmfao. more outta the screen moments that I love to tell myself happened within the main story. as usual, gn!reader
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[name]: MOTHERFU–
lumine: [NAME]!
[name]: *turns to look at her* WHAT?!
lumine: *sighs* what's got you cussing like that?
[name]: ... I stubbed my toe against the wall.
lumine: *walks towards [name]* there's no need to cuss, you know?
[name]: be caref–
lumine: *stubs her toe against the table* ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!
[name]: there's no need to cuss, you know?
lumine: OH FUCK OFF!
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nahida: why is wanderer pouting and kicking rocks?
[name]: well... I accidentally called him scaramouche instead of the name I made traveler give him.
wanderer: *in the distance* I'M NOT POUTING!
lumine: *next to him* you totally are.
wanderer: *blushing, hides behind his hat* ... shut up.
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tighnari: what are they doing?
cyno: they ar–
[name]: *eyes slowly tearing up* whoever blinks first and lose has to go tell alhaitham that he's better than them.
kaveh: *tearing up with his eyes slowly closing* I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE!
tighnari: are you sure? 'cause your eyes are closing and [name] hasn't moved an inch.
kaveh: I'M S– *blinks*
[name]: I WON!!
kaveh: *sulking* do I... I don't... please no...
tighnari: *pats kaveh on the back*
cyno: *whispering to [name]* you couldn't have let him won?
[name]: *whispers back* and be the one to inflate alhaitham's ego? listen, as much as I adore kaveh... hell no.
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[name]: *running through mondstadt*
venti: *chasing them*
paimon: paimon guess that's wha– WOAH!
[name]: *runs past her* SORRY!
diluc: *frowns while watching [name] run*
venti: *runs past her as well, giggling* YOUR GRACE~!
[name]: FUCK OFF, VENTI!
lumine: *runs up to paimon and diluc, panting then leans on diluc*
diluc: *supports her* what's going on?
lumine: *takes deep breaths while panting* venti's been chasing [name] from windrise to mondstadt to give them a kiss.
paimon: that's all? well, paimon thinks that's not bad. a kiss on the cheek and it's all over.
lumine: *stares at diluc*
diluc: is it not a kiss on the cheek?
lumine: *shakes her head*
diluc: *sighs, facepalms*
[name]: *in the distance* COME ANY CLOSER AND I'M CHOPPING YOUR DICK OFF!!
lumine: *bursts out laughing*
diluc: *blushes and clears his throat*
paimon: *horrified*
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kazuha: make sure you don't fall off.
[name]: *looks at the ocean* it's very tempting to just jump off, you know?
kazuha: *chuckles* I understand but we are still sailing, I don't think captain beidou would want to stop and make a detour only to pick you up.
[name]: *staring at him* .... can you do that again?
kazuha: do what, your- I mean, [name]?
[name]: chuckle, laugh, smile... anything of the sort.
kazuha: *confused smile* why?
[name]: you got rizz and you just rizzed me up, that's why.
kazuha: *blinks in confusion and looks at lumine*
lumine: *grins* they meant that you're super attractive in everything you do. even breathing.
kazuha: .... oh. *completely red*
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ningguang: your grace, your people have come to you for your blessings.
impostor: *deep sigh* all right.
couple: *kneeling down* your grace, please help us!
impostor: with?
woman: my husband got scammed and we lost out home, please do something!
impostor: then leave your husband?
beidou: *whispers to ningguang* are they for real?
ningguang: *rubs her temples with a heavy sigh* I hope not.
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beidou: [name], don't get too clo–
[name]: *sighs next to a hilichurl*
hilichurl: olah unu!
[name]: I don't speak your language kind sir... ma'am... thing?
hilichurl: *gives [name] some sunsettias*
beidou: *staring from a distance in disbelief* they're not attacking?
lumine: *in the same state* why do they attack us when we get close then?
kazuha: I think... these hilichurl know who they are next to but don't quite care?
paimon: what if we get closer to them as well? *floats over to [name]*
lumine: wait, no! don't!
hilichurls: YA! *grabs their weapons and charges at paimon*
[name]: NO, NO, NO!! *stands up*
paimon: WAAAH! *hurriedly flies over to lumine*
beidou: do we attack?
lumine: they don't need to die, let's just pick up [name] and leave!
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[name]: liyue looks so pretty... when you're not being hunted by the millelith. *pulls at their hood that's covering nearly half of their face*
jean: *grabs their hand with a blush on her cheeks* don't stray away from me, yo– [name].
[name]: I won't, don't worry.
yunjin: thank you, xinyan.
xinyan: *puts a box full of ingredients down near the wharf* you're welcome. let me know when you need my help again. see ya! *walks off with a wave and a smile*
yunjin: now that's done and over with– *turns around to leave but bumps into someone* oh! I'm so sorry!
jean: [name]! are you all right?
[name]: *holding onto jean's arm* oh my– I'm fine, don't worry. *fixes the hood of their hoodie*
yunjin: *staring*
[name]: um... do you need anything?
yunjin: ah! no! apologies for staring!
[name]: *nods* it's fine, don't worry. *quickly walks off and pulls jean along*
yunjin: *watching them leave* are they perhaps famous?
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barbara: please, stop moving! I need to heal your wound.
[name]: but it tickles! *giggling*
lumine: *looks at jean* what happened?
jean: .... we ran into whopperflowers after escaping a potential threat.
[name]: jean's exaggeratin– *laughs*
lumine: *looks at [name]*
barbara: and done!
lumine: *folds her arms over her chest* I expect a proper explanation.
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[name]: say, noelle... did you make pancakes by any chance?
noelle: *smiles while nodding* I did! would you like some, your grace?
[name]: please call me by my name and yes, I would love some, please?
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
Aphrodisiac Mayhem!
Prompt: your lover has become far more worked up than they usually are. In some way they’ve gotten exposed to some aphrodisiacs of some kind so now you must help them!
Warnings: sex, fem reader (like mentions of womb) , girl cock, very nsfw, breeding kink, bottom reader, oral, overstimulation, not proofread, bit rushed
Characters: Childe, Diluc, Jean, Arlecchino
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“My love.” She whispered into your ear, her voice more gravely than it should be. “Lets go somewhere else. I cannot control myself for much longer.”
“Did.. something happen?” You were a bit worried. The kids were still getting ready for bed and roaming a but. Some peaking at what was happening. Her face nuzzled in your neck as her arms wrapped around your waist. You could feel her inhaling your scent. Her hand trailing lower to your buttocks, oh… that’s what. “Get to bed now.” You said shooing the last kid left out. The kid wasn’t even in the barracks room before Arlecchino swept you off your feet making you yelp.
“I love your sounds.. don’t hold back tonight. I need you more than ever.” She purred into your ear. You shivered with anticipation as she quickly rushed you into her room, throwing you onto her bed. She locked the door, her eyes glowing in the dark as you instinctively started to undress…
“Please…please..” you whined. Your hands on the headboard, bended over backwards as her thick cock pelted your insides. You looked down to see slick dripping down onto the sheets combined with her release. You could barely form a thought, mindless and pliant in her hands as she grabbed your waist to pull you back onto her cock with each thrust.
“Perfect. The perfect whore for me, I’ll never let anyone else have you. Noo..noo you are mine.” Arlecchino growled right into your ear making you clench in response. Her body pressing against yours as she stalled her hips, wiggling them instead letting you feel how deep she truly was. Then resuming her pace. “I’ll never let anyone have you. No.. nome of them will ever have you. I’ll kill them if they dare.” You knew something was wrong but you were weak to do anything to stop her. Her womb ached as she bruised your cervix. You could tell her thoughts were worsening.
“Yours..yours..” you weakly wined. Your hair used as a leash she tugged you by it.
“Perfect.. so perfect for me..” she purred bitting your neck. You felt her release inside as she stalled, grunting as you whimpered.
You panted and fell face first onto the bed, boneless in every regard, limp like a corpse but heaving and panting like a dog. Arlecchino let you recover as she pressed kisses along your back. Massaging the pelvic area in particular knowing your legs would be weak. “You did so well for me. So perfect.” She purred as she kissed every scar she left, letting you feel warm and loved.
“Ngh… what happen’d to you.. you’re not usually this excited.” You slurred your words slightly. She smiled.
“Columbina gifted me a bouquet today for my help with her, it had a aphrodisiac pollen to it.” She grumbled. “I’ll have it disposed of later. I don’t want anyone wlse getting effected by it.”
“Where did she get this plant? I can’t say I didn’t enjoy the uh… consequences of it.” You smiled dumbly at her. She seemed a bit surprised but pleasantly so.
“Hm. In that case I’ll let her know you enjoyed it.”
“Diluc… while I appreciate the uh.. kisses, don’t you think they’re getting a little excessive?” You whined. Diluc was practically lapping at your collar, your dress straps tugged down to expose your collar as he seemed mindless and out of control. Which was bad considering you two were on a picnic currently. Anyone could come by and see this. You could feel his hard on from his pants. He must’ve run into some plant or something that made him like this. You sighed as you forcibly pried him from your shoulder. “Hey! Whats gotten into yo-“ barely could you respond as he leapt, pushing you to the ground with him on-top. His mouth fixed on yours as you quickly were overpowered.
“Don’t.. stop… oh fuck!” You whined needlessly as he emptied what must’ve been his 5th load ride into your womb. “Oh sweet Barbados!” He grumbled as your legs were weakly strewn onto his shoulders. The clapping sounds of your bodies making you red with embarrassment. If anyone came even a mile nearby they’d probably hear you two. You failed to have knocked sense into him, instead apparently activating a breeding kink within him as he seemed to focus on hammering your cervix.
“Good.. good for me… ngh..” his voice low and growly as he moaned softly. His hands suddenly reached for the too of your dress, splitting it open as you gasped. You were too out of your mind then to care about how he had torn your favorite dress. Only on how wonderful you felt like this.
“D-diluc~!” You cried out
“Sorry.” He hung his head in shame as he carried you home.
“Look it isn’t that I didn’t enjoy it,its that this was my favorite sundress! I got it from Fontaine and now I’ll have to get it repaired..” you pouted. Covering your chest as the top of your dress had been torn down the middle by the very brute carrying you home. “It’ll be super embarrassing to ask too.. they’ll know immediately what happened.”
“Sorry.. I didn’t mean to ruin our date.” He said guilted.
“Ruin? What do you mean ruin that was probably the best picnic we’ve had! Just don’t tear my pretty clothes okay?” You said. He seemed to feel a bit better.
“HEY! Wait whats going on?” You weren’t sure why he just slung you over his shoulder. “Childe whats going on?” You were a bit alarmed. Unable to see his face as you were simply held like some firewood.
“You’re still supposed to be recovering! Why are you out of bed?” He left your question unanswered
“Don’t worry about that.” He said.
“Fuck..” you whined, your legs limp as you felt bloated. His seed spilled out as you had endured rounds of endless pounding. He still hadn’t answered any of your questions. You glanced at him as you panted. “Don’t you da-Ah!” He turned your onto your back, your dress torn and piling at your sides. The look in his eyes letting you know he wasn’t done. He lifted your legs to the sides of his face and he started to hungrily devour you. You gripped his hair as you struggled to maintain any sense.
No surprise but rough sex isn’t exactly good for bedrest patients. He was even more sore and tired afterwards as you looked at him scowling.
“Oh come on how can I resist you! You just looked so.. delectable.” He purred as you handed him his daily meds.
“You spent a month fighting in your abyssal form, you’re not supposed to be fucking like a rabbit in heat! I’m not a necrophilic you know? I don’t want to be fucking a corpse.” You scolded.
“Well it wasn’t actually my fault, it was the agent’s for mixing my meds with a aphrodisiacs.” He said.
“Doesn’t matter, you shouldn’t exert yourself until the doctor says its okay!”
“Its a small price to pay when it cums to yo- hey don’t whack me like that.” He pouted as you bonked him with a rolled up paper.
“Hey Jean, how do you like this sundress?” You showed off your newest purchase, worn with pride. Jean however clutched her desk as she sweated greatly. “Jean? Jean?” You asked concerned as she kept quiet. You walked over, leaning down to her level, unknowingly showing off your perfect little breasts. With that, she snapped.
Your face sandwiched between her thighs as she rode your face. You could barely breathe as Jean sat, grinding herself on your face. It had to have been hours now. It was dark outside, your cute dress bunched up as she occupied herself with your own cunt. Your whines and moans muffled with her thighs absolutely smothering you. Her fingers rubbed your clit with a fervor making you twitch and spaz. Your cries muffled as you squirted right into her mouth.
“You taste so good.. forgive me but… i need more.” She said. You barely understood what she meant until she got off of you. Letting you finally catch a breath only for her to lift your legs to her face.
“Ah! Wait! Not so soon… oh…” you whined. Your dress was a afterthought to her as she eagerly ate you our.
“Sorry..” Jean was flushed. “I uh… didn’t mean to get so carried away.”
“Oh… my legs hurt…” you whined. Jean tried to dust your dress off.
“It can be cleaned.. now.. what did you come here for?” She smiled awkwardly.
“I-i forgot. But what got into you? Its not like the dress is very revealing.” You asked.
“Well… I uh.. Klee decided to make tea and albedo didn’t check what flowers she used.. she meant it as a apology for her recent fish bombing incident. But uh… I’m pretty sure this flower is a aphrodisiac.” She said. “I’ll save them for uh… other uses.” You noticed a ever so slight mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Oh boy.”
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klayr-de-gall · 1 month
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Day 22 - Wedding Planer
Let them work, Lisa.
Imagine Diluc having to deal with a Braidzilla (not Lisa in particular) or a "Mother of the Bride"
I can see that viral video...
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