#genpachiro otta
asknarashikari · 1 year
Kari, this should be an incentive for us to watch the George vs Olteca ttfc (wait, you will watch it for Hiromi, aren't you?) https://twitter.com/tokusatsu_fc/status/1639794300270833665?t=pBnJlK6pZqRSt5MVWeOfDQ&s=19
because Rinna is back!!!!
also did Gen and Rinna marry?
Yes, I'll watch it for Hiromi lol. And yeah I know about Rinna and Gen coming back :))
As for the last question... last I heard they were engaged, but no word on the actual marriage. That was back in the crossover with Ghost, which was quite a while ago. If Gen kept her waiting for this long...
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luckykittenpirate · 2 years
Kamen Rider Revice The Mystery @takkynoko
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cephalopistol · 1 year
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drive ending was wild dude
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writingpaperghost · 2 years
Blur the Line (Chapter 2)
Chapter 2: Where is the Smile?
Chase fights the Roidmudes and encounters a curious new opponent.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42588966/chapters/107078970
It’s been ten years since the Global Freeze, since Kiriko was saved by Proto Drive, who she now knew as Chase. Chase worked with Krim Steinbelt – the very belt that let him turn into Drive – to fight the Roidmudes – those monsters that attacked during the Global Freeze. She, along with Chase and several others, were apart of Special Investigations Unit, tasked with stopping the Roidmudes. Not that the SIU had a whole lot of luck with that, but Chase did, at least.
Her fellow members of the SIU were Jun Honganji, the captain, a bit of a silly man, but he was good enough at his job, despite the obsession with horoscopes. Then there was Rinna Sawagami, a scientist who was trying to help them find ways to counter the slowdown. Kyu Saijo also helped them, primarily with research. Koichi Kanno was the newest member, a serious looking police officer, who she thinks was only really recruited because Chase had based his human appearance on him, and so they were attempting to limit confusion. Genpachiro Otta was their liaison with the police department. There was Kiriko herself, of course, and Chase, though he wasn’t officially apart of the SIU.
The only ones who really knew Chase and about Krim and the Drive Pit under the driving school their office was in were Kanno, Captain Honganji, Rinna, and herself. They did their best to help Chase with the Roidmudes, and Rinna helped with the technology, having apparently started helping Krim with upgrading the Drive system and working with the Shift Cars, which had been in a very early stage during the Global Freeze.
Their recent investigation into a supposedly haunted art gallery had been going well enough, but Kiriko wanted to check again for herself. Something about it felt too familiar. And the artist’s apprentice claimed to know something about it, so as strange as she was, she was going to go meet him to see if she could find something out.
There she realized he was a Roidmude and was captured, but when she finds herself free again, she can figure out that Chase had defeated the Roidmude. Though some of those paintings of missing people were still there… what did that mean? She doesn’t spend long to think on it, hurrying out to see Chase.
Just in time for someone new to appear, riding up on a motorcycle. The motorcycle was black with red highlights, while the person atop it appeared to be a Roidmude of some kind – he must have been an evolved one, given the seeming armor he wore. Black with red highlights, reminding her of the appearance of Proto Drive. He pulled some sort of gun and pointed it at Chase.
“I am the Grim Reaper, Shin” He said, his voice sounding the slightest hint of familiar, but Kiriko couldn’t determine why through the mechanical buzz. “It’s my duty to keep Roidmudes and line, and now… to stop anyone from interfering with our plans.”
Quickly, this Roidmude, Shin, rushes towards Chase, firing his gun. Chase blocks the attacks, but it’s clear that he’s keeping the location of Kiriko and the painting with the captured woman in mind. Surprisingly, Shin didn’t ever turn his attention to trying to attack her, just Chase. Maybe he thought that Drive was the only one interfering with the Roidmudes’ plans.
Still, Shin was succeeding in overpowering Chase, so eventually they make an escape in the Tridoron. Even in relative safety, Kiriko still found herself wondering about that Roidmude. Unlike other Roidmudes, he made no effort to attack anyone other than Chase. That alone was strange. And his armor too, it was… eerily familiar.
“Shin’s armor,” Kiriko began, “It looked like Drive’s.”
“Indeed…” Krim considered, “Though it’s more likely to be based upon Proto Drives, it’s still strange that an evolved Roidmude took that appearance.”
Kiriko felt lighter, with Roidmude 010 defeated. Her nightmares from so long ago, finally overcame and gone for good. Unlike during the Global Freeze, Drive actually had the power to destroy a Roidmude’s core. That meant that none of the Roidmudes whose cores were destroyed would be able to be given a new body.
And now, she could go meet up with her friend in peace. Just coffee, this time, probably not for too long. Ever since the Roidmudes began to appear more, she’s had left time, and she had of course warned her friend. He didn’t seem bothered – he said his family had gotten busier recently too, and that he was doing his best to help him.
He was already there when she arrives, smiling and waving at her. Masanori and her had met periodically for years now. They first ran into each other and became friends when they were both about thirteen or fourteen. For both of them, it was nice to have a friend.
Masanori always wore a lot of the same things, though it changed periodically, mostly when he outgrew what he wore before (and he outgrew his old clothes, when they first met and he finally hit his growth spurt, shooting up to being the tallest person she knew, and easily still was). Now, he often wore a long black coat that buttoned over the side of his chest. From the collar of his jacket, his red button up underneath was visible, and he always wore nice black pants. His hair was black, kept rather short.
“Kiriko, you look… really happy today. Did something good happen?” He asked her with a smile as she sat down.
“Oh, we just… made some good progress at work, yesterday. I guess that’s made me feel pretty good.”
Taking a drink of his juice, he smiled, “I’m glad. It’s nice seeing you smile.”
She ducks her head down, taking a drink of her water, “Smile?”
“Yeah, smile. It’s really beautiful.”
“Masanori!” Her head comes back up, “You can’t just say things like that!”
He holds his hands up startled, “Why not? My mom says it to me all the time…”
“That’s different, she’s your mother,” Kiriko shakes your head, “You really don’t get out much, huh?”
Scratching the back of his neck, he answer, “Ah, well, family stuff keeps me busy.”
“And how about you, then? How are things going for you and your family?”
At that question, Masanori hesitates. She thinks he’s just trying to find the words to explain it all. He never really made clear what it was with his family that kept him so busy. After a bit of thought, he answers, “Well, I’d say things are going… pretty well. There’s been some stuff, but I think it’ll all still go fine.” He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a box of milk candies and tossing one in his mouth. After a few more moments, he adds, “Have you heard about that Kamen Rider?”
“Drive?” He’s the only Kamen Rider that Kiriko knows of, but maybe ones been hiding from her sight or something. She wants to make sure she and Masanori are on the same page. “The one who fights the Roidmudes.”
He nods, “Yeah, him.” There’s something… thoughtful about how he said those words. More quietly, he adds, “I wonder why…”
Still, Kiriko heard him, “Why he fights the Roidmudes?” She thought that such a thing would be rather clear.
Startled, Masanori looked at her, like he hadn’t expected her to hear what he said. For a moment, he only stares at her, before looking away and standing up. “I’m sorry, I should be going.”
She frowns, “Hold, Masanori-“ but he’s already hurrying off.
That was… strange, to say the least. She decides she’ll have to ask Masanori about it, the next time they meet. Whenever that would be.
On their way to another Roidmude attack, they’re stopped by Shin once more. Chase steps out of the Tridoron with Krim in hand, quickly transforming. Max Flare drives along to try to come to help, but is snatched straight out of the air and off it’s track by Shin. He examines it carefully, as it wiggled in his grasp.
“So this is one of your Shift Cars,” Shin said, “I think I could make use of this.”
“Make use?” Though Chase’s tone was still audibly flat, there was an undeniable trace of confusion in his voice.
Activating the Shift car, Shin inserts it into his gun, then seems to use Max Flare’s power against Chase. Chase hurries toward Shin, slashing at him with the Steering Sword, only for the attack to be blocked with Shin’s weapon. The two fight for a while, more evenly matched now that Chase had the Steering Sword than before.
Finally, Chase manages to free Max Flare from Shin, who took that as his cue to back away. “Well, my work here is done.”
His work… was he only intending to stall them?
“Well done, Shin,” Heart approached Shin, after his fight with Drive. He had returned to his human form, with short black hair, dressed in a black leather jacket with red accents, and dark pants. Almost relaxed, he leans against the railing of the building rooftop they stand upon.
Smiling, Shin looks over to Heart, “Thank you, not that keeping Drive stalled was hard.”
“Perhaps so, but still,” Heart produces something from his pocket, holding out three silver Viral Cores, “These are for you.”
Shin takes them curiously, “For me?”
“Yes,” Heart smiled, “Consider them a gift from me and Brain.”
“Right,” A smile bloomed across Shin’s face, “I’ll be sure to use them well.”
Heart laughed lightly at his enthusiasm, “I’m sure you will, Shin,” He turns to leave, but not before pausing and glancing back at Shin. “Oh, a be sure to be careful.”
“I will.”
The next they see Shin, it’s as the Crush Roidmude they’d found was fleeing, right after Chase defeated one of the Roidmudes aiding him. Shin had arrived just in time to see the core of 060 exploded, watching it. “Oh,” Shin said, “Of course, that’s what you do. I knew that.”
Chase takes a step towards him, “Cease interfering or we will use force,” He was giving Shin the option not to fight.
Not that Shin took that option, holding up what appeared to be a silver version of the Roidmudes’ Viral Cores. “I can’t do that.” He quickly activated it and connected it with his weapon. “That was a member of my family you just killed.”
Chase countered this attack with a powerful attack of his own, but they were ultimately evenly matched, instead causing an explosion, and then whatever it was the Crush Roidmude had to explode as well.
The next time Chase is attempting to stop the Roidmude, he once again is stopped on the way by Shin. As Chase steps out of the Tridoron, Shin, who was not wearing armor this time, instead in his human form, asked, “Why fight so hard to protect humans?” He slides off his bike, holding his weapon in hand. “I mean, you’re not one of them. You’re the Prototype they told me about – Proto Zero. You were thrown aside once you were no longer useful, and Krim Steinbelt only came to you later when he absolutely had to. When you were useful again.”
“It is in my programming to protect humans,” Chase said, reaching for the Type Speed Shift Car.
“But you’re a Roidmude, just like the rest, you can go against you’re programming,” Shin urged, “It would be easy, too, it’s not like he can stop you.”
Shin doesn’t even seem bothered when Krim speaks, “Chase won’t go against his programming, you Roidmudes have already had your fundamental programing changed.”
Quietly, Shin echoed, “Us Roidmudes…? I see.” Quickly, he transformed, donning his black and red armor again. “Still, we’re nothing to you.”
“So long as you threaten humans,” Chase said, grabbing the Type Wild Shift Car, “I shall stop you.” Quickly, he transformed into Type Wild, attacking Shin.
“Oh, threaten humans?” Shin hissed, “I’m not doing that now – I can’t really threaten a belt, after all, and he’s the closest thing to a human here.”
Blocking Shin’s attack, Chase informed, “You aid the Roidmudes who threaten humans.”
“And you’re-“ Shin barely blocks Chase’s attack with his weapon, “-a traitor!”
Despite his best attempts, Chase is able to overpower Shin, knocking him to the ground as his armor disappeared. After that, Chase doesn’t pay Shin any further mind, getting back into the Tridoron to speed off to his destination.
Just before Chase can destroy the Scooper Roidmude, he’s stopped by Shin once more. He uses the silver Viral Core he had before, as well as a new one, this one scorpion themed. In interfering as he has, he’s allowed both the Scooper Roidmude and his accomplice Kusaka to escape. It was unfortunate, but now that they knew Kusaka was connected, it would make him easier to track down.
The fight between Chase and Shin was intense, Shin was very clearly not pulling any punches. Like he was deadest on defeated Chase then and there. He knocks Chase to the ground and out of his transformation, taking out one last new Viral Core, bat themed. He aimed his attack at Chase.
Kiriko knew that Chase’s body could be restored, so long as his core wasn’t damaged. Still, that would put them out of a Rider, and without Drive they had no way to fight the Roidmudes.
Small things, she thinks they look a little like cars, rescue her, knocking away the monster that was the source of her terror. Following their arrival was the arrival of a man in armor, black with purple highlights that she can barely make out in the dark or against the bright light that comes from the eyes of his helmet. Upon seeing him, the monster sends one last attack her way, to which he pulls her out of the way. After that, the monster leaves, and the man in armor gives a moment to check that she was okay – a moment that’s quicker for her than for him, surely – then leaves.
Ten years ago, during the Global Freeze, Chase had saved her from 010. Kiriko was determined to repay that. Before she even realized what she was doing, she sprinted over, placing herself between Chase and Shin.
And Shin’s attack missed, landed past her and Chase. She’s… surprised. That he’d go out of his way not to hit her. Both she and Chase stare, surprised.
“Kiriko!” Krim is just as surprised, but probably also upset that she put herself in the way like that.
Shin stares at them with this strange intensity, even though they can’t see his eyes. Or rather, he’s staring at her. “Why did you do that?” he asked slowly, “Why would you risk your life for his?”
She takes a deep breath, answering, “I won’t let you kill Chase.”
“He isn’t human,” Shin said, absolute incomprehension in his voice, “You- you’d stupidly risk your life for him even though he’s not human?”
“I would, it doesn’t matter whether or not he’s human.”
As Shin turned away, his armor disappeared. “You don’t really believe that,” He said, voice dripping in sorrow. Quickly, he left.
Shin sat in the Roidmude hideout, staring at the ceiling, his mind a slog. It happened, sometimes, where he just… couldn’t get going. He closed his eyes, intent to nap and hope that his mind was clearer when he awoke.
“Shin…” Heart spoke, his voice sounding more concerned than anything. “Something is bothering you.”
Slowly, Shin opened his eyes, greeted with Heart’s face above him. Heart straightens, Shin sighing as he sits up and stretches. “When I was fighting Drive, earlier… I nearly defeated him.”
“You did,” Heart agreed.
“But Kiriko put herself in the way…” Shin frowned even harder as he recounted, “Why would she protect him?”
Heart regarded him for a moment, a fond smile on his face, before it fell with a sigh into a frown, “I think you may be too fond of her, Shin. She is a human, after all.”
Shin sighed heavily, “I don’t want to hurt anyone I don’t have to.”
“You don’t have to fight, we’d rather you not, and if it’s too much…”
“No,” Shin said firmly, “I want to help you.”
When Kiriko meets with Masanori again, there’s this sort of cloud over his face. Even when he sees her, he doesn’t quite smile. “Is something wrong, Masanori?”
He shrugged, “I guess I’ve just… had some stuff happening.”
“Oh, what sort of things?”
Masanori hesitates for a moment, “Well…” He seemed unsure what to say. Eventually, he blurts, “Would you protect me if I was attacked by something? Like a Roidmude?”
Startled at the question, Kiriko blinked. The question seemed like it came out of nowhere. Still, she supposed she should answer the question. “I… Of course I would, Masanori.”
His shoulders sag, perhaps with relief. “Really…?” Then his eyes cast downward and he sighs. “I… I see.”
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trixiegalaxy · 2 years
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mat2modblog · 2 years
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First Ex-Aid, then Zero-One and now Revice. Are murder mystery side stories just going to be a reoccurring thing now?
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skinnifertilly94 · 4 years
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Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3 (2015)
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dresspheres · 4 years
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530 icons for Genpachiro Otta from Kamen Rider Drive. These icons are free to download but may be removed if the person who commissioned them asks. Credit is mandatory, whether you edit them or not, credit me if you’re going to be using these icons. Icons will be removed from public use if I find people aren’t crediting me.
download link under the cut.
download here
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cardamomoworld · 5 years
me the first 10ish ep of drive : yeah the cast is kinda ok, the other cop isn't really that funny.
me afer ep 18-19: Genpachiro Otta is an outstanding police officer and a wonderful human being and I WILL DIE FOR HIM  and if something happen to him i will burn this world to the ground with me own hands and will ruler the ashes.
ok maybe not but will very sad
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asknarashikari · 1 year
Otta formally introducing Hiromi to Rinna.
[also Kiriko teasing Rinna for the whole thing]
Hiromi, being Hiromi, instantly wins over Rinna when his dorky side comes out, and Rinna sees why her fiance likes him so much too. He's just so nice and awkward and a bit of a disaster... How can anyone hate Hiromi? And she's convinced he has no machinations on Gen when he starts gushing about his Dai-chan XD
She takes the teasing from Kiriko in stride though she pouts when Shinnosuke gives her pointed looks :P
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narashikari · 2 years
Fourze, Gaim, Drive, and Zi-O. are the only Rider seasons not represented in Girls Remix... Although W and Drive and 555 were represented The Mystery (555 has a returning monster, I think)
I was just thinking about this, and it's honestly been a wild couple of years. We've had role reprisals/cast returns from every series since 2009 just in 2021-2022. I mean, it's probably part of the 50th anniversary thing... but still.
Decade - Tsukasa and Onodera Yuusuke for the Zi-O/Decade V Cinemas last year
W - Ryu for Revice the Mystery, Akiko for Girls Remix
OOO - whole cast returned for OOO 10th anniv movie, and Kougami also appeared in Superhero Senki
Fourze - had the entire cast return (save for Kengo and Yuki) last year in a celebration special for the 10th anniversary, including Shun's actor who already retired from the entertainment industry. Shun, Miu, Tomoko and JK's actors all collaborated on a special version of Giant Step.
Wizard - Rinko for Girls Remix
Gaim - represented in The Mystery via Oren and Jounuichi (who also had a V Cinema released recently)
Drive - represented by Otta Genpachiro in Revice the Mystery
Ghost - Takeru, Makoto and Javert for the Saber crossovers and Kanon for Blades x Spectre and Girls Remix
Ex-Aid - Poppy for Girls Remix
Build - Sawa for Girls Remix
Zi-O - whole cast returned for the two V Cinemas (crossovers with Decade) released last year, and Sougo also returned for Superhero Senki
Zero-One - Aruto for Superhero Senki and Yua (albeit voice only) and Izu for Girls Remix
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go-sentai-rider · 3 years
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// 24/09/2021 // [ Happy Birthday ] - Shohei Yokkaichi [ Oh Green ] // Chōriki Sentai Ohranger [ 53 ] - Genpachiro Otta // Kamen Rider Drive [ 46 ] https://www.instagram.com/p/CUNBGWchwjx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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toku-explained · 3 years
The Shinigami Daiouika
Ultraman Chronicle D: Marluru has gotten himself a home. Deban turns up, wanting to stay with him until GUTS-Select next recruits members, Marluru allows it to join in on Deban Channel. Devanagari first explains about the New Generation Heroes facing Tregear's kaiju army and Tregear, then Z facing Genegarg, followed by Trigger facing Golba and Carmeara. This makes Deban think of another Ultra who fought on Mars, starting with Asuka in a GUTS Wing facing the Spheres, then joining Super GUTS, battling Darambia, and becoming Dyna for the first time, continuing as it becomes Neo Darambia. To Marluru's concern, Deban is still talking.
Revice: Live enters the fray to fight the Giftarian before Kadota can change. Rex and Vice go to separate Olteca, he avoids the worst by knocking Vice down, but Giff may have a reaction still. George and the chairman are excited the akuma in the Demons Driver is awakening. Tabuchi begs Kadota to save Chigusa. Vice can smell an Akuma when Daiji and Ikki ask Kadota to give up the Demons Driver for now. Chigusa asks Olteca his true goal, he explains the Deadmans founder was the first to recognise his genius, and he seeks to evolve humanity beyond the current state. Aguilera is not appreciative of Tamaki's efforts to have her saved, still fanatical about Giff, he goes to Sakura to save her. The Fenix doctor advises Ikki that Kadta will probably die if he henshins again. Kadota confronts George, and is left uncertain what to do, but remembers words from Wakabayashi, then Ikki tells him to fight if he wants to. The siblings discuss Tamaki's request, while Kadota calls out Chigusa and Olteca. Chigusa tells Kadota she can't believe in Fenix's ideas after learning the truth, but doesn't explain it before Olteca, unexpected to her, uses the Giff Stamp on her, Kadota changes into Demons. Daiji and George monitor this and notify Ikki and Sakura, who are with Tamaki and Aguilera. Olteca watching the battle summons Giff Juniors and changes as well, Ikki and Sakura arrive so Demons can focus on the Giftarian. Revice use all their forms and Olteca goes to leave, but is confronted by Tamaki and Aguilera, who tights him as Queen Bee, joined by Revi and Vice using Barid Rex, Olteca drops the Giff Stamp, which Tamaki and Aguilera retrieve, leaving. Demons puts everything into saving Chigusa's soul, defeating the Giftarian, as Revi Volcano Rex and Vice Barid Rex summon a Fire and Ice Rex Remix, Olteca goes to leave but Demons holds him, instructing them to Rider Kick them. They separate Olteca from the akuma, while the blast knocks Kadota away from the Demons Driver. Giff receives the energy from Olteca and pulses, Vice experiencing pain as Fenix takes Olteca in, smirking. Kadota is alive, the driver deliberately kicked away. Kadota and Tabuchi together visit Wakabayashi and Chigusa's grave, as the family including Vice eat a meal. Kadota explain the Demons Driver is an akuma.
The Mystery: Demons defeats a red enemy, but his body is falling apart, seemingly dying he tells Ikki to take care if things. Vice takes us back to the start. Regice were chasing an orangutan Deadman in Phase Two, when Demons interrupts, holding the Deadman enough that the pair can separate it, but the contractor grabs the ViStamp and keeps running. Separated from Kadota, Ikki cases them to a lodge in the forest, Pension Nijitenka. Inside he meets the owner, Saionji Suzu, maid Himuro Misa, and caretaker Shinzou. There's a hint of attraction between Ikki and Suzu. Before anything can be asked Kadota arrives in a state, also attracted to Suzu. Suzu has no information to give as they're informed of the torrential rain. Guests are Samejima Yashiro, a restaurant worker, Gondawara Taro, a freelance writer, Kamiya Naoto, Suzu's guitar teacher. One other guest didn't come to the gathering, but late one Derective Otta Genpachiro accuses Ikki of being the culprit. He's here to investigate a Roidmude sighting, something that should really be impossible by this point. Samejima and Gondawara both have records. Shinzou reports the only bridge away from the lodge is out, cutting everyone off, but the phone signal is bad cutting off Ikki's call to George in Futo. A noise from upstairs leads them to discover Gondawara's body. Vice plans to solve the case. In Futo's café Shirogane, George meets with Terui Ryu of the Futo PD.
Zenkaiger: Stacey enjoys a treat at Colourful, Yatsude telling Kaito, Gaon and Zyuran he seems happier now. Magine and Vroon are among the victims of Omikuji World's bad fortunes. Boccowaus seems happy with Ijirude's latest scheme, and also praises Gege getting the pirates out of the way by having SDtopia sent out, Gege seems unsure if he did that. Stacey awakens in a karaoke bar, having only vague memories of his activities the last couple of episodes. Barashitara spots Gege reconfiguring the Parallel World Gate, wondering what he's up to. Kaito, Gaon and Zyuran go to fight Omikuji World, where he first gives his Kudakks good luck, then curses the team to bad luck every time they open something. Stacey finds himself outside Colourful, and then gets repossessed, and starts grabbing Kikainoids and throwing them through the Parallel World Gate. An attempt to use Kyuranger to get good luc fails, and then the Zenryoku Zenkai Cannon summons Kiranger II, Battle Cossack I, and Yellow Four I, who relive their tragic fates. Magine tries fortune telling and predicts super bad luck, but argues that just means the opposite and fights hard despite all evidence, the team convinced to help and defeat Omikuji World through sheer effort. Dai Omikuji World appears, and with Magine exhausted Kaito, Zyuran and Gaon go, Super ZenkaiOh Zyuran tries to fight but the bad luck makes things hard. Stacey sees how the battle is going and is able to pull all elements of Omikujitopia out of the world and into a talisman in his hand, which he destroys, to Magine and Vroon's shock. The Kudaitest is defeated by Super Zenkaiser and ZenkaiOh ZyuraGaon. Told about what Stacey did, Stacey claims he created all the worlds, and is like a god for them.
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trixiegalaxy · 2 years
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skinnifertilly94 · 4 years
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All done with Kamen Rider Drive (2014). Nice drive, everybody. Favorite character: Rinna-san! 
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tokusocks · 6 years
I have a head cannon/ personal fan theory that Keiichiro Asaka (Patoren 1gou) is related to Genpachiro Otta from Kamen Rider Drive.  Or at least that Gen-San was the one who trained Keiichiro.
I know the chances of it are slim but I so want a Patoranger/ Kamen Rider Drive crossover.
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