#kamen rider sangou
hikaru-shirogane · 2 years
This was me with Sazer-Tawlon when he guest appeared in Justirisers.
Credit: Rai Harn https://twitter.com/RaihanH98/status/1574783442122076161
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omegahopper · 5 months
Forget V3, forget Sangou -- what Shin Kamen Rider 2 really needs is Kamen Rider Ruriko
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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“It’s not about winning or losing...What’s important is this moment! What will you do right now?!”
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ryonagasaki · 3 years
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仮面ライダー3号と黒井響一郎のコスプレです。 仮面ライダー3号のコスチュームを作ってた最初期の頃の写真で、なんかこう変身途中な感じを表現したかった一枚です。 ミッチーこと及川光博さんの演じる黒井響一郎は、客演した劇場版映画の評価とは裏腹に(?)好評を得ている印象です。私も平成仮面ライダーのキャラクターの中で、もしかすると一番好きなキャラかもしれません。
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skinnifertilly94 · 4 years
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Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3 (2015)
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bluedestiny01 · 7 years
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Who's that guy? Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/hopperborg2
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dusty-jester · 7 years
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now this is a team up I want to see
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dynamitesunshine · 8 years
Jon’s Toku Thoughts: Favorite Tokusatsu Shows I watched in 2016 not from 2016
7. Space Sheriff Gavan
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Space Sheriff Gavan I watched like half the series but then waited for the subs to finish. They finally did and I am pushing my way through the series. It’s a bit slow because I think they were trying to find their footing. It reminds me a lot of GARO’s episode structure honestly. Though I love Kenji Ohba since Battle Fever J and he is brilliant as Retsu. It’s really entertaining action and the episodes that aren’t filler are insanely brilliant. This will probably make it for this year too as I finish the last 10 or so episodes.
6. Mahou Sentai MagiRanger
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I don’t remember how many episodes I watched of MagiRanger last year but I got to MagiShine and enjoyed the hell out of what I’ve watched of it. Tsubasa continues to be my favorite.
5. Choujuu Sentai LiveMan
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I finished LiveMan and it was a fantastic series. The ending was a little weak but the overall show is great. Jo was my favorite. Also the villains were a big highlight here.
4. UltraMan Neos
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It’s a short series only 12 episodes but it was 12 episodes of UltraMan awesomeness. Kagura is a great main character and Neo is one of the most agile UltraMen out there. UltraSeven 21 was pretty awesome too.I loved the HEART team too. It has an amazing finale too..
3. Kamen Rider Amazon
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A-MA-ZON!!!! Amazon was a spectacular Showa Era show. Mainly because their was growth for Amazon each episode as he learned how to speak English and understand humans. His battles against Gedon and the other group too were tremendous. I understand why it got cancelled but I was totally fine with all the brutal and bloody fights there were. Also, the finale was something else where he had to stop a Helium Bomb was something else. This show was brilliant.
2. UltraMan
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I watched the Original UltraMan for the anniversary. It was a brilliant series and I totally understand how it continued for so long. Shin Hayata is a great host and the fight scenes were really good for back then too. The episodic nature really worked here because of it just being a monster of the week. The Science Team was great too and everyone was great.
1. Kamen Rider Fourze
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SPACE KITAAAA!!!!!!!! I Will Decide Your Fate! After much thinking about it all, there was no question that Fourze was the best series not from 2016 that I watched. Gentarou is simply one of the best riders freaking ever! His belief in friendship turned so many people from bad to being the best they could be. Ryuusei also was a kickass Rider who had great character development that I could relate to as well. Also, the Kamen Rider Club is so much fun too. I’m sure if this was a newer series I could have imagined all of the KRC becoming Riders some how. The school setting worked really well and the Horoscopes were amazing villains. Also, the mysteries laid out were really well done and I didn’t see some of those things coming. I also love the net movies for it and the Hyper Battle video got me to watch Amazon after this too. It is a very powerful series. 
Favorite Movie not from 2016: Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider Sangou
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I wanted to watch this movie for the longest time and said why not? It’s been a while since Drive ended and besides missing the Drive cast, I also love Faiz, Black, and Garren’s actors were in it too. So this movie has given me some brand new favorites in Kamen Rider Sangou, even though he deceived the Riders he had a change of heart and helped re-write the timeline, he basically gave up this life and this power to help save everyone. I also liked his personality of making sure he’s won too. His courage to do that is just amazing. My other favorite from this movie that I haven’t seen before but have played in a lot of the video games is Fairly Strong from the Start: Zeronos! I haven’t finished Den-O yet and I want to know more about him; he was just so freaking awesome in this movie. This was also one of Mach’s best appearances too and I am a huge Kamen Rider Mach fan. Mach vs Faiz was brilliant and very difficult for me because I love Faiz too. (I have said Takumi is my Spirit Animal before.) Shinnosuke was great too with solving the mystery and fighting against Shocker. I loved seeing Kotaro again and him being both Black and Black RX was definitely a nerdgasm moment here. The Blade cast were good too. This is arguably the best Super Hero Taisen movie. Though the Ninninger’s were good in their small appearance it should have probably had a little more of Sentai essence here. Everyone was on fire in this movie and it was so much fun to watch. 
Favorite Special: Kamen Rider Yongou:
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The fun doesn’t stop with the Sangou movie! It continues into the equally amazing Yongou Special. This was a brilliant showcase of Drive, Mach, Zeronos, and Faiz. It made me love Zeronos more, Mach and Drive were amazing like always, and Faiz stole the show here. Faiz from his baseball slide kick to his amazing story arc that made me super emotional at the end was amazing. Takumi is definitely a spirit animal of mine and we need more amazing specials like this. Though I want to know more about Yongou since he was a powerful Cyborg but we didn’t get to learn who the man behind the mask was. Still a fantastic special.
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Love your fics! Everyone's interactions are so cute. Will you be confortable writing a promot of Tsukasa from Lupat interacting with Tsukasa from Decade?
Thank you, sweetheart! I love writing them! And I appreciate this request on a spiritual level. You’ve also left the actual choice of prompt up to me, so,
C is for colors, and the color of the day is pink
Tsukasa gets a text from Keiichiro when she’s halfway to GSPO headquarters, and it reads, [Noel is here.]
[oh fantastic it’s been a while]
[Yeah. He brought some company.]
[shit company from Paris do I need to run back and get my dress uniform]
[No, you’re fine, it’s not that kind of company. But you might want to brace yourself.]
[keiichiro you asshole why am i bracing myself]
She gets to HQ, and, as expected, Noël is already there, bright and smiling and kissing her on both cheeks in greeting because he’s like that. If any other guy had tried to kiss her just to say hello, she’d probably have socked them, but because it’s Noël she doesn’t mind.
“Right, yes, and I brought guests, I’m sure Keiichiro told you, I saw him texting.” Noël beams at her and gestures back over his shoulder. “This is Dion--Daiki, that is, Kaitou Daiki.”
Tsukasa looks at Noël sidelong for a moment at the name-slip, which is very unlike him, and then looks over his guest. Kaitou Daiki has bleached hair, a cup of coffee in one hand, and a truly enormous, vividly blue gun strapped to one thigh. The ridiculous gun, and the look on Noël’s face, are enough for her to say, “You know, I was wondering when we’d finally meet one of your exes.”
Noël sighs wistfully, and his friend grins and puts down the coffee cup. “Oh, he wishes.”
“Shut up and don’t remind me of the greatest romantic failure of my life, Dion,” Noël says genially. “This is my dear friend Myoujin Tsukasa, who I was telling you about, she’s the brains of the operation here when I’m not around.” Keiichiro and Director Hilltop both make faint, half-hearted noises of protest in the background, but Noël ignores them. “PatRan Sangou, as I said.”
Tsukasa blinks. “Oh, we’re doing those titles?”
“You told me about her, you didn’t mention her name was Tsukasa.” Daiki looks amused for some reason that Tsukasa can’t quite determine as he shakes her hand. “I didn’t realize we were doing titles either, although I guess it makes sense. Kamen Rider Diend.”
“It’s nice to meet y--” Tsukasa trails off into a strangled noise. “Did you. Did you say Kamen Rider?”
“Oh, so she’s heard of them, but you haven’t? What’s up with that?”
“Noël didn’t grow up in Japan,” Tsukasa says, faintly.
“Huh. You know, I hadn’t considered that. Anyway, yeah, hi, I’m Diend, and this is my partner,” as the other man Tsukasa had barely noticed in all the fuss stands up from the table, “Kadoya Tsukasa.”
“So that’s why you thought my name was funny.” Tsukasa nods, starting to collect herself mentally as she looks up at this other Tsukasa. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She pauses and considers Daiki’s wording--partner could mean plenty of things. “Are you...also a Kamen Rider?”
“Just passing through, fortunately. Kamen Rider Decade.”
Tsukasa opens her mouth to respond, but all that comes out is a dry noise of shock.
Over at the table, Sakuya starts to say, “Wait, Tsukasa, isn’t that the one you--” and then cuts off, presumably because Keiichiro kicked him in the ankle before he could mention her fanfiction.
She reminds him of Natsumi, although she’s slightly shorter. Granted, she doesn’t exude threat the way Natsumi does, but she almost certainly can, and Tsukasa’s not too proud to admit that it may just be a him problem on the Natsumi front. He considers asking her if she knows any pressure point techniques, but what he says is, “I’m guessing you’re the scary one on your team.”
Behind her, Daiki’s French twink and her other two teammates nod emphatically. She just blinks. “What makes you say that?”
He taps his own jacket lapel. “Pink piping. Pink Sentai are always terrifying.”
“Really? Have you met many others?”
“A few.”
“Mm. I mean, I don’t think I’m especially frightening.” She frowns. She’s also sort of staring at him pop-eyed. Daiki introducing himself as Diend had definitely startled her, but this feels different. “You’re...I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, you’re really Kamen Rider Decade?”
He raises an eyebrow. “Were you expecting me to be taller?”
“No, I was pretty sure Kamen Riders were an urban legend.” There’s something she’s not saying, and it definitely has to do with that Keiichiro guy kicking their other teammate in the ankle. “I’m, uh. Actually a big fan of yours, I spent a couple of years in high school trying to track down pretty much every story about you I could.”
“She had a Kamen Rider scrapbook,” Keiichiro adds, with the kind of grin that can only come from embarrassing a dear friend tremendously. “She brought it to the academy with her. But she could only find two pictures of you.”
“It’s surprisingly tough to find pictures of him, considering how he hauls that camera everywhere,” Daiki says cheerfully. “Tsukasa, are you all right? You’ve gone sort of pale.”
Tsukasa thumps on his own chest, as the other Tsukasa and the rest of the PatRangers look at him in surprised concern, and manages to wheeze out, “I’m sorry, did you say high school?”
The other Tsukasa nods slowly, frowning. “Yyyes?”
“I need to sit down.” Which he does, heavily, in the chair he’d been occupying at the table, and buries his face in his hands. “Daiki, I’m old.”
He can feel the PatRangers staring at him as Daiki pats him on the shoulder and says, mercilessly unhelpful as always, “At least she didn’t say grade school.”
The other Tsukasa makes a worried noise and says, rather more helpfully, “Weren’t you nineteen or something when you became a Kamen Rider? I thought all the stories said you were really young.”
“Twenty. I think.” Tsukasa isn’t ready to look up at them yet. “When I figure out how old I am I’ll tell you.”
“And I was fifteen, you’re not old.” She sounds like she might laugh at him. It’s very reminiscent of Natsumi. “I was so excited to find out that there was a Kamen Rider who was all pink, it’s always been my favorite color.”
Daiki lets out a stifled noise of amusement. “It’s really more of a magenta, you know.”
“It’s fine,” Tsukasa says into his hands. “Sougo’s pink too. Pink people have to stick together.” He glances up at the other Tsukasa, who’s looking increasingly concerned. “You don’t happen to know any pressure point strikes, do you? You seem like the type who should.”
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fivzen · 4 years
I am of the mind that Kamen Rider Sangou remains one of the best suits to exist
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des-shinta · 6 years
Have you seen the trailer for Heisei Generations FOREVER? I have no desire to watch Zi-oh, but the trailer got me confused and since I have a poor understanding of Japanese I was wondering if you had some insight into what nonsense is going on in the trailer.
Basically the movie is yet another Meta-narrative movie (which Shinichiro Shirakura likes doing for some reason), where something that may or may not have happened in the REAL world is somehow an Influence and rewrites a FICTIONAL Reality which it has no place in to then include it, no matter how stupid it is to do so.For some examples of previous Meta-narratives kamen Rider’s had injected into it unnecessarily (read as almost all of them) Super Hero Taisen was based entirely off of one; the Meta-narrative was that Super sentai got Kamen Rider shoved from it’s place (I.E. it’s 1974 station and Timeslot) and resultantly Cancelled that caused a sudden inexplicable animosity between them in their fictional universe where timeslot and cultural impact should have no influence.  In reality, that was all one massive lie, Kamen Rider Changing broadcast networks from MBS to TBS in 1974 was set in stone when Kamen Rider Amazon was in Pre-production, so had nothing to do with the lagging reception to Stronger during it’s run when Goranger premiered alongside it or Goranger’s production in any way shape or form.  TBS at the time when you look at the records regularly had lower ratings than MBS did across the board back then, so there was literally no relation.In Kamen Rider Taisen, the meta-narrative critique was that bullcrap about showa riders not being influenced by the dead in their lives (they were) and Condemning the Heisei riders for actually feeling HUMAN Emotions…when I’ve long showcased the divide between the heroes and villains in this franchise is the ability to feel empathy towards other people; to actually give a damn about them.  Thus the lie being that Showa riders don’t, and would side with their villains over ones that do and would’ve stopped the entire event cold had the showa Riders not screwed everyone over for such petty character-assassinating reasons.SHT GP and Chou SHT both had the same Meta-Narrative to them, introducing discarded hero concepts (Sangou and the Goranger Edit: Gorider, apologies) as unjustly shunned creations of Shotaro Ishinomori finally getting their chance in the limelight…when the Former was something NEVER Touched by him and it was one of his assistants who did Created sangou after Ishinomori already announced V3, and the Latter was recycled in Full into Goranger because Ishinomori didn’t feel Kamen Riders should be a Superhero Team as their Solo hero or partner hero cred had been long established by that point so didn’t want to screw that up, but still wanted to make a hero team series like his Beloved Cyborg 009 series so made Goranger.  with SHT GP in turn just recycling heavily the previous Spring movie Let’s go kamen Rider with it inexplicably retconning everyone after the original riders to be influenced solely by what happened to them when the logic that should follow from such an event (I.e who shouldn’t exist anymore with them gone like V3 versus who’d be unaffected such as every Character who has ‘Mucking with Time’ immunity like Black/RX and Shadow Moon, Den-O and Gaim) doesn’t end up happening.But again, that’s part of why the super hero taisen Films eventually got cancelled, their premises were all literally built on Lies and idiot Plots.Heisei generations Forever’s Meta narrative in turn is ‘Stop Kuuga from occurring, and no other Kamen Rider series after would exist’.  Which while True in the Real world sense Goes back what Let’s go Kamen Rider And SHT did, causing massive reality warping without regard to all the stories that have NO CONNECTION Within the fictional world to what is being changed.  Stop Kuuga’s events from happening IN UNIVERSE by no-one ever unsealing Riku, Daguva or the Grongi, and the only changes are that The G3 Gears seen in kamen Rider Agito would never be created, and someone else other than Yuusuke Onodera would end up being Decades Buttmonkey.  That’s it.  IN UNIVERSE there would be no other impact, it wouldn’t wipe away every other Heisei Rider from existing or cause them to forget their own history in every Incarnation.  Because in universe their existence is independent of Kuuga’s story.  Kuuga’s story is important to the characters of Kuuga, and those who care about them.Which is consistently the problem with these movies, you can’t shove in something from the real world in that way to play that kind of reality-rewriting influence, it just doesn’t work as there is Literally no grounding for it to happen that way.  Yeah, Zi-O’s doing the dumb catch-all of the timejackers and Sougo screwing up history in ways that have no rules of explaining it work because their idiocy Broke time (this straight from Shirakura as his excuse against actually explaining the rules of how it works), but you can’t use Real-world Logic to justify what happens or is influencing a fictional narrative.Even when you see social commentary in a series, it’s addressing the issue within it’s internal context in a way where it could be part of that fictional universe, not by intruding something that happned in real life into a place where it has no purpose.  Case in Point, the whole ’monster parents’ social commentary episode I talked about when Reviewing Kyoryuger (IIRC Epsiode 19 of that series?).  that is something that happens in the real world, but is something that could easily also exist and translate into that fictional one, as how characters are depicted and act and have personal problems is supposed to be grounded in reality to forge a connection between them and the audience.  Bringing something in from the real world isn’t intrusive in that instance as it doesn’t break the setting to do so.But Television production backstory and behind-the-scenes details then used as the building block behind how an entire event is built and recontextualizing the series involved to conform to that is not social commentary, they’re rewriting the fictional reality to make that be so.  I.E. one of many reasons I’m still pissed off About neo-Saban power rangers Retconning RPM out of mainline continuity just because a Real-world producer didn’t like the Disney years.  A Behind-the-scenes Episode that works off of Breaking the fourth wall to bring the viewers backstage?  That is also different as they’re showing you everything up front that it’s divorced itself from the normal narrative flow.  What all the content I keep citing does is take that backstage stuff and bringing it into canon, no matter how much it is in conflict and makes no sense within canon to do so.
Of Course, this is all also forgetting the little white lie (Edit: or Rather more accurately, the elephant in the room) of…Well, Shinichiro Shirakura’s one of the people at Toei who objected to Kuuga even getting made, and is the one responsible for getting the Producer who did get it made fired; thus by proxy the reason why Yusuke godai’s Actor Jo Odagiri has not yet to date come back to cameo as him in any Live-action role.  I Think they’re trying to Tease the Idea they did get Odagiri back for this, but there is a ridiculously high likelihood it’s one gigantic fakeout, as Shirakura’s done that before.So if the Movie is all about celebrating The importance of kamen Rider Kuuga…There’s already a High likelihood they’ve Screwed it up by doing this Asinine meta-Narrative that screwed up their movies and events before.
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himitsusentaiblog · 6 years
Silly Personal Notes For a Friday Afternoon
1) I have had the Kamen Rider Black theme stuck in my head since this morning thanks to listening to the Brazilian version.
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2) You know you have been working on a Tokusatsu blog for a while when you go to Google Image search to find pictures for a post and the best matches refer back to your own blog.
3) I am totally psyched for Kamen Rider Zi-O.  I can’t even express how much I want this series right now.
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4) Is Toei just trying to give the Lupin Yellow/Patren Sangou shippers more fuel?
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5) I can’t wait to get home tonight to watch more Jikuu Senshi Spielban now that my laptop is working again and I can watch it!
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thetrashiestoftrash · 3 years
the suits arutos dad from a movie ah zero one spoilers i guess?
If this is about the image I tagged "who's that guy," it's Kamen Rider Sangou, who I like to tag as such due to this song (video contains flashing lights). It's also a cosplayer, but a pretty damn good one. I looked up the movie rider you mention, though, and I definitely see the resemblance.
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ryonagasaki · 3 years
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baharider · 7 years
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Sangou Superhero Taisen GP - Kamen Rider Drive (2014)
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nexus-schwarz · 8 years
Drive Saga: Heart/Mach Chapters
Nexus’ Master List of Kamen Rider
I’ve been so busy but man, these were really good! At first I thought Type Miracle (Heart’s KR form) was weird in design, but then when it was revealed that Heart could use Medic and Brain’s powers in a mix like Type Tridoron (which the suit took inspiration from) was awesome! The fact that the Roidmude was a combination bug of all of the Roidmudes that was taken down by their leaders was cool too. They got some good closure.
Now I wasn’t always a fan of Go/Mach, especially with Sangou/Yongou killing him constantly. But he really won me over in the end and here where both specials he was working on a way to revive his best friend Chase (;A;). The fact that the Roidmude of this one was a recurring villain that just won’t die? So fitting for the “immortal” Go.
I loved these specials!
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