nay2the · 2 years
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Had an amazing time connecting with some local trans advocates Chauntey MoNique and Dena Rhonda Stanley while in Pittsburgh with Black Ladies In Public Health. We spoke with some students in the social work program at Penn State University(McKeesport) about the trans community We were also able to hear about some of the great work being done by these trans leaders in their city to assist with #housing #jobplacement #name and #gendermarker changes and #HIV prevention. We are here for the 2022 TransPride Pittsburgh Health and Wellness Conference thanks to a grant provided by Texas Pride Impact Funds. Thank you to Christopher Robinson DEd for the opportunity to help nfluence the next generation of leaders. #Advocacy #TransLivesMatter #TransPride #BLIPH (at Penn State Greater Allegheny) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjWWk4rrS9r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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barksbog · 2 years
in case anyone noticed how my shop is in a weird halfway rebranded state it´s because i´m currently still fighting the country of austria over changing my legal name to Bark  (:
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zokimaga · 1 year
What if i just spend all my saved up money on diagnosis and tests and hrt,,,, hrhrhgrgh
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queerism1969 · 2 years
Switzerland has silently brought a new law allowing trans people to change their name and gendermarker in 30 minutes, with no medical paperwork required.
Many people haven't even heard of this, and it somehow got silently pushed by in the back of everyone's political minds throughout covid.
From now on, instead of having to go through heavy loops, like having to literally sue the swiss government based on their infringements on human rights, which involved having to wait a long time and having to pay up to 1000$, while also often having to add medical documents and sometimes even having to worry about getting denied because "you don't seem to look like a typical [man/woman]", the process is now as easy as to simply make an appointment at one of the offices, say "please change this", and to then be able to walk over to the passport office a room further to immediately get a new passport.
I do have to add, it's incredibly unfortunate that this system doesn't allow for a neutral gendermarker yet, which is probably somewhat tied to the military laws and regulations (since they still have mandatory military service for men), but… this is an incredibly massive step forward that pretty much came out of nowhere. I don't think any other country in the world has a process this simple and hassle-free.
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transmasc-malleus · 3 months
got my new ID and i've got the correct gendermarker now
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siriwesen · 6 months
TLDR: This is just a collection of my thoughts on the Bayern verbietet Gendern-Stuff. Do not approach this from a POV of an only English speaking person. German is a very gendered language and we have discourseTM. Language mixed for chaos and suffering of all who choose to read. Y'know, the issue with the Gendersternchen/ Semicolon etc. not being screenreader friendly, shouldn't mean, we abandon the notion of gendering in german. It should mean "We incentivise developers to include the Gendersternchen, Semikolon and other German gender Variants into their programming".
In written context, I definitely understand the accessibility option. Ich mein, als jemand der in einem pädagogischen author-bezogenen Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung gearbeitet hat und immer noch gelegentlich arbeitet, ist die Zielgruppe oft das A und O wenn Texte geschrieben werden. Gendern KANN Sätze umständlich und kompliziert gestalten. Lustigerweise ist "Lehrer:innen" oder "Lehrer*innen" jedoch schneller visuell zu fassen als z. B. das binäre Gendern. Beispieltext: "Lehrerinnen und Lehrer müssen sich der neuen Verordnung anpassen. Wenn die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sich nicht anpassen, gibt es Diziplinarmaßnahmen von den zuständigen Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Viele Schülerinnen und Schüler verwenden womöglich bereits eine gegenderte Sprache. Wenn Jungen und Mädchen..." vs. "Lehrer:innen müssen sich der neuen Verordnung anpassen. Wenn die Lehrer:innen sich nicht anpassen, gibt es Disziplinarmaßnahmen von den zuständigen Kolleg:innen. Viele Schüler:innen verwenden womöglich bereits eine Gegenderte Sprache. Wenn Kinder..." Das ist jetzt nur ein Beispieltext den ich improvisiert verfasst habe, der natürlich nicht sehr sinnhaft ist oder perfekt ausformuliert. Aber in bestimmten E-Learning und Schreibkontexten muss man immer wieder die gleiche oder ähnliche Personengruppen erwähnen. Irgendwann ist man dann komplett genervt, weil man in einem Absatz drei mal "Beamtinnen und Beamten" oder "Verwaltungsmitarbeiterinnen und -Mitarbeiter" etc stehen hat. Vor allem wenn man als Author unter Zeitdruck steht und schlechte oder unzureichende Quellen zusammenfassen muss. Da gibt es dann viele Wiederholungen in bestimmten Begriffen und Phrasen, was auch eher eine Budget-/Zeitsache ist die da mit reinspielt. Wenn man gezwungen ist binär zu gendern im Text ist das anstrengend und ein Gender-Symbol ist tatsächlich weniger umständlich in diesen Kontexten. Alle Geschlechter sind mit eingebunden und der Text ist kürzer und griffiger. Das binäre gendern macht zwar Männer und Frauen sichtbar, aber es exkludiert auch ganz klar Intersex- und Transidentitäten. Ich selber gendere sehr häufig nicht, was eher aus Gewohnheit passiert. Ich verwende für mich selbst das generische Maskulinum, aber ich habe auch schon Personen getroffen, denen die weibliche Endung wichtig ist, oder denen das Gendersternchen wichtig ist. Von allen Arten gendergerecht zu schreiben ist das binäre Gendern von Personengruppen am längsten und zieht Texte am ehesten in die Länge.
Wir sind die Nation die zig Rechtschreibreformen innerhalb weniger Jahre durchgezogen hat. Ich habe zwei verschiedene Rechtschreibreformen mitgelernt in meiner Schulzeit. Wir haben Schulbücher innerhalb eines Jahres von DM auf Euro umgewandelt. Wir haben nach Jahren endlich offiziell ein großes scharfes ß in der Typographie eingeführt. Obwohl KEIN mir bekanntes deutsches Wort mit ß anfängt. Warum ist es so schwer zu sagen, wir führen ein Zeichen als Gendermarker ein, als Bestandteil unserer modernen Sprache, welches dann auch von Softwaredevelopern von z. B. Screenreadern wahrgenommen und umgesetzt werden muss? Zusätzlich, wenn man amtliche Dokumente in "leichter Sprache" beantragt, dann ist die Sprache und der Satzbau eh KOMPLETT anders, als man es von den üblichen Behördenschreiben gewohnt ist. Im Kontext mit leichter Sprache muss man vielleicht schauen, ob es einfacher ist "Menschen" oder "Personen" zu sagen anstelle von "Bürgerinnen und Bürger", "Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner" oder "Bürger:innen". Da kenne ich mich zu wenig aus, welche Worte da angebracht sind, ich weiß nur, dass lange Worte und Fremdworte vermieden werden müssen. Und dass Sätze kurz gehalten sein sollten. Aber es geht hier ja vorrangig nicht um leichte Sprache, sondern um das Beamtendeutsch. Und Beamtendeutsch war leider noch nie leicht. Behörden sind zwar angehalten Kommunikation so einfach wie möglich zu halten, aber dann ist die Verwendung Geschlechtergerechter Sprache (z.B. Personengruppen, Person, Studierende...) sinnvoller als überall "Studentinnen und Studenten" zu schreiben... like.
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orpheus-looks-forward · 8 months
I'm just so tired.
I'm so sick of being worried about everything all the time.
This week audio was released of a certain political party planning on ending trans health care for everyone. Florida is trying to make ids with updated gendermarkers count as fraud, criminalizing trans people for (checks notes) DRIVING. Dont even get me started on what the anti-abortion movement is doing.
And internationally there are, what, 6 genocides going on rn that we know about. And our president is funding one of them publicly with no intention to stop, and his opponent this next election would take a more extreme stance.
I'm just so tired of things getting worse constantly.
*** disclaimer*** this next paragraph is vent-y and I don't stand by any of it ideologically. Obviously rape, torture, and murder are bad. I shouldn't need to say this but there are enough actually evil people out there and bad actors that I feel the need to clarify.
***end disclaimer***
If I could press a button that would kill every politician that made these policies I wouldn't hesitate. I hope all transphobes die a long and painful death as their bodies are mutilated and they are forced to watch as people tell them they are mentally ill for complaining. I want them to feel at least a fraction of the suffering that they impart on other people. I want every person against abortion to gain the ability to be pregnant and be 5 months into a pregnancy from a rapist. I want them to know that they have a high risk pregnancy and that any care they need will be denied. I want genocidal maniacs to wake up to their family and friends being killed while everyone applaudes and sullies their names by calling them terrorists.
alternatively: i want people to be able to feel compassion without having to empathize in the most literal sense.
Alternatively: i want to kill myself.
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sadtrash-masculine · 2 years
my passport says boy for a reason y'all!!
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what is this behaviour?!?!
(went to all the trouble of getting my name and gendermarker changed and this is the thanks i get?)
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giofvcks · 5 years
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Emotions make you cry 😭 sometimes. It’s official! You see that M?! Yeah you see that M for Male. Thanks to @jocelynbenson a prime example of elections matter. This year has truly been remarkable for me. I dig deep and went MIA all year to heal, to live my truths, to be my true authentic self and as the year comes to an end I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished. I look 👀 forward to 2020 and omg 😱 I haven’t looked forward to the new year in years since my grandfather passed away. Onward and upward G-Boo as my papa would say. #transmasculine #transgender #transftm #transman #ftm #translivesmatter #transmanofcolor #michigan #electionsmatter #intersex #male #driverlicense #gendermarkerchange #gendermarker #giofvcks https://www.instagram.com/p/B6CZlE6D6JY/?igshid=42o3sxs6o6oi
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yaboirileyy · 5 years
Got home from work and my new birthday certificate had come in the mail!!! I'm so happy holy shit now I can change my name and gender on all my documents 😭💙
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thetravelingtotoros · 3 years
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Got it! The guardian found out he should be able to get the gender marker changed on his birth certificate too so 6 years later, still working on it! #transgender #totoro #paperwork #namechange #forms #gendermarker https://www.instagram.com/p/CNykexdBW4X/?igshid=3gnxtbfdehyk
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videodr0m3 · 7 years
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therainbowtimes · 5 years
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#Michigan you get it!! Thank you. • • • #lgbtq #lgbtq🌈 #therainbowtimes #rainbowtimesmagazine #transgender #namechange #idchange #transgenderlives #transtoday #independentmedia #gendermarker • • #Repost @thechrismosier ・・・ Effective immediately in the state of Michigan, people who would like to correct the sex designation on their driver's license or ID card will now only need to fill out a form, go to a Secretary of State branch to have their photo taken and pay the $9 correction fee for a driver's license, or $10 for a state ID. They will no longer need to provide a birth certificate, passport or court order, as was required under the old policy for changing a driver's license. . Having legal identification that shows the proper name and gender preference matters. In a 2015 survey, 33 percent of transgender Michigan residents surveyed said they have shown an ID with a name or gender that did not match their gender presentation and were verbally harassed, denied benefits or services, were asked to leave, or assaulted as a result. From traveling to using a credit card in everyday life, transgender people wishing to change their documents will experience less stress showing an ID. 👏👏👏 . Next up: adding a non-binary option (not yet but Michigan officials said they are working on it!). . #imagedescription a screenshot of a trans flag image above text that reads “New Michigan rules allow transgender people to easily change gender on drivers license. . #trans #transgender #michigan #frm #mtf #transition #transisbeautiful #wontbeerased https://www.instagram.com/p/B59gGZ-ARFD/?igshid=1itejlcmzbf7b
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lazaruscorpse · 3 years
person looking at my id: so were are you from
me: sweden
person looking at my id: really? your name seems french
me: i chose it myself ":)"
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adahlenan · 3 years
i wanna change my name to something more neutral but thats so much WORK because ive already changed it once and that sucked hard enough
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that-transguy-toby · 8 years
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Guess who got his new license with his correct gender marker! #transguy #gendermarker #newlicense #ftm #ftmpride #nogoingback
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