#gemini x aries x aquarius
calixcasual · 2 years
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Aquarius ☀️ Taurus 🌙 [ENFP 2w1]
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Aries ☀️ Scorpio 🌙 [ENTP 8w9]
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Gemini ☀️ Scorpio 🌙 [ENFJ 8w7]
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hymn-to-mercury · 8 months
✨🪐Astrology observations🪐✨
These observations are all based off my own personal experience and are mostly generic - don't take it to heart if you disagree <3
🪐 No one seems to fully understand how Aquarius Moons work, including Aquarius Moons themselves.
🪐 I love how heavy Mars influence shows up in people's physical appearance! I’ve always noticed that people with a lot of mars dominance in their chart have a big forehead and/or a widows peak, as well as rosy cheeks or a naturally reddish/pinkish undertone to their skin.
🪐 Undeveloped Virgo and Sagittarius placements absolutely do not give a fuck about your feelings. They can be extremely self centred I've noticed to almost a dangerous detriment.
🪐 A lot of people give Scorpio women the Mean Girl rep, but honestly I think that title should be lent to Virgo women too 😭 They tend to have this hangup about perfection, and I think when undeveloped it shows more as an aversion to anything 'weird' or against the status quo.
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🪐 Cardinal Mars signs (that's Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) reallyyyyy can't hide their dislike for things 😅 people, food, celebrities, whatever. If they don't announce it verbally then you can at least tell by their face lmao.
(I once had to put on my ~emergency socks~ when I was wearing heels on a night out, and every time someone came up to me to tell me how nice my outfit looked I would say thanks and then just not stop yapping about how the socks were not originally apart of the outfit 😭 I couldn't let people think I approved of socks and sandals alksjdgfsjdh)
🪐 Scorpio placements can dish it but can't take it. Cancer placements will sneakily dish it under the guise of a joke and then start crying if you try to dish it back.
🪐 People with Leo Moon tend to 'perform' their activism a lot. That's not to say that they don't practice what they preach, but I think when they do speak up their image has something to do with it
🪐 If you were born under a Mercury Retrograde it might feel like you were destined to be misunderstood no matter how well articulated you are 🙃 I don't think it's a problem with yourself as much as it is with the people you encounter through your life though. Your biggest 'ops' might be people who are very particular and specific about word choice - think Gemini and Virgo Placements (if you are a Gemini/Virgo yourself, this may manifest for you as harbouring some self-hatred or significant self-consciousness).
🪐 Pisces want very badly to be carefree, but a lot of the time they severely struggle getting over their need for outside validation. Being carefree is also a trait they might find attractive in other people.
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astro-tag-9 · 4 months
Mars signs and what sun sign draws them in
Aries mars is drawn to Pisces Suns
Taurus mars is drawn to Cancer Suns
Gemini mars is drawn to Capricorn Suns
Cancer mars is drawn to Libra Suns
Leo mars is drawn to Sagittarius Suns
Virgo mars is drawn to Virgo Suns
Libra mars is drawn to Taurus Suns
Scorpio mars is drawn to Scorpio Suns
Sagittarius mars is drawn to Aries Suns
Capricorn mars is drawn to Leo suns
Aquarius mars is drawn to Aquarius suns
Pisces mars is drawn to Gemini suns
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thedarkoneswithin · 2 years
The Zodiac signs reply to "I don't like you"
Aries: I don't like you either.
Taurus: Ok?????
Gemini: Awesome! I hate you too!
Cancer: I understand! I don't like my own personality.
Leo: Your in denial? That's cute.
Virgo: I never I said I like you to begin with, so... ok???
Libra: Why don't you like me? I'm the nicest person here!
Scorpio: Haha... Your a fool to think I would give a fuck about someone like you. Also, get in the bin brother- Your so ugly, mate!
Sagittarius: Your rude.
Capricorn: How does this affect me?
Aquarius: What?
Pisces: Oh, ok..haha...haha..haha ( depressed inside. )
if you like my content, don't forget to follow me!
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deepmochi · 2 years
Drawing Boundaries: A Briefly Guide for the Venus Signs in Love
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Love is a feeling that keep us blind and unwilling to acknowledge pain. Usually, we talk about Venus as the planet of love, but Venus is part of our self-esteem too, our values and how much you love. This post would try to help to see when you should draw boundaries. Sometimes, we let ourselves down at times, especially when we love others in romantic or platonic relationships.
If you feel doubts about someone in a platonical or romantic relationship, this may help to clarify your feelings. I hope so.
In this post, I will focus only on the Venus sign, but it applies to the sun if you have sun-venus aspects. If you are Venus dominant, you can also read this with that in mind.
Venus in the signs
Aries: You would do everything for them right? Jumping from a cliff or more, but what are their actions saying?! You know they are not present. Before jumping from that plane, ask them if they will do it for you. Are you 100% that they will give all for you? If you can't say yes, go and see why. The chase can't continue forever, you can find passion in other ways.
Taurus: Oh you love the essence of love?! The idea of "I love you"in someone's body. However, when that time is gone, where are they? The intimacy is more than s3x. Ask them and yourself, do you see them in your future? Will they be in your "bad or sick days"? Is this stable or just momentarily? Because as a Venusian, you crave love and intimacy in a pure way (not only sensual), Don't lie to yourself.
Gemini: People don't communicate with you? they let you do all the work? You can't read minds, but you wish, though. Let them know, you love to communicate with them. If they ignore you, just let them go. You need someone who shares your beliefs, or at least someone who can debate with you (mental stimulation doesn't equals toxicity) you build connections through sharing experiences by talking.
Cancer: A homebody who loves to pretend as a extrovert. Have you invited them to your home? Have they ignore your vulnerability? Let your sensitive side come and see them. If they hug you instead of judge you, it's there. If you still have questions, answer this: do you feel safe and nurture with them in all situations?
Leo: Well, you know what you want right Mr./Ms confident. So, be clear and don't let them worry you. If they show you how much they love you, it's there. Don't try to catch someone attention. Are they in or not. Remember, the stage is yours if they try to dim your light, it's over. A Queen needs a King, not a peasant.
Virgo: You can't fix everything and everyone; people will change only if they want to. Stop, trying to justify their lack of empathy or respect towards your needs. They don't want to be better. You need lower expectations not lower standards. They will change if they what to, have they put the work? Read that again.
Libra: You love love! If that makes sense, maybe not. Contrary to Virgo, you are fan of love, but you need to add boundaries. How? Simple, make your mind, if you are overthinking, well just remember words and actions go together. Also, you need to put your actions in balance, are you and them giving and receiving the same? He/she looks good, but are you equals or just accessories?
Scorpio: Your cue is quite difficult to say, but don't play in the shadows. Sex and transformation are your themes, yet love is not for dark places, I mean, don't hide your fears. If you are constantly running away, well it's time to ask yourself, Can I share my skeletons, will this person? Will they accept me and my dark materials?
Sagittarius: Love is commitment, but you can chose how to handle that. If you can't commitment to someone, they are not the one. Also, love is a playground for you,but this doesn't mean emotional manipulation. Don't hurt yourself or others if you don't feel happy, just admit your lose.
Capricorn: ooh boundaries, you know them well enough. However, money, social standards or materials don't equal love. If you can show or understand what love is, the feeling though, not the concept; you need to draw boundaries with your actions and other's ethics. Burnout in relationships is a thing.
Aquarius: you don't like boundaries or categories. Nonetheless, you should know what you want and how you want it. On and off situationships will never be good. Settle your intentions with your partner without social labels, yet with emotional intelligence and respect. Can you do that?
Pisces: Ooh Pisces, you are so Romantic that hurts you. Is like you are going too fast, it's time to stop and draw boundaries. It seems like you are driving without lights in the dark. The drunk in love idea is literally about you.Love needs to feel safe, do you feel safe with them? or are you ignoring the multiple red lights? It's time to leave cloud 9 and comeback to the earth.
Only take what resonates. Take care, loves 💚☺
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© deepmochi 2021 – all rights reserved.
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type1dragonwolf · 5 months
Tsams/Laes Magic AU: Chapter 7!!
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bloodofasteria · 2 years
opposition synastry is funny bc it’s just this video summed up 🤐
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kryptoniteastrology · 4 months
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"I wrote something for you, are you scared to read it?"
Leo Sun, Libra Moon, Aquarius Rising, Virgo Mercury, Cancer Venus, Virgo Mars x Sagittarius Sun, Libra Moon, Gemini Rising, Capricorn Mercury, Capricorn Venus, Aries Mars
Requested by @hoziers-slut
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xtallin · 1 year
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Sun: Sagittarius (I know she technically capricorn in the books, but she gives more a late December sag feel)- brave, adventurous, literally an archer. Can also be lowkey thick thick-headed.
Moon: Aquarius- not good at expressing emotions/detached, scrappy, can think quickly when she's in a corner. Emotionally responds to people who are also stand-offish.
Rising: Gemini- honest, I really only think this cause she is hard to read for other people. Also would trine with moon, which I Def think fits. Her sun being in the 7th house would also fit considering her taste in men and how men see her and what type she attracts. Her lovelife gives such sun in 7th vibes
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Sun: Taurus- the High Lord of Spring def has a spring sun sign haha. He is conventionally handsome, strong, and has a natural beauty about him
Moon: Capricorn- practical, calculating, loyal, and very business oriented especially in ACOMAF. His sun trining his moon is something I'd feel just cause he gives off very earth element vibes. His emotions are very in line with his life goals and purpose.
Rising: Leo- I feel this because his most noticeable features is his long golden hair (like a lions mane ahem) also this would make this square his sun, which I think fits him. Also moon 6th house fits.
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Lucien (chose this pic cause finding someone with red hair and no eye is hard.)
Sun: Sagittarius- he's Autumn Court and he honestly vibes with Feyre the most out of everyone in the book imo. Need I also mention red hair?
Moon: Libra- he's got a sharp tongue and a soft heart. A secret romantic. Works more in the shadows than in the presence of others
Rising: Aries- I feel like his emotional side is always clashing with his emotional side. Also I feel like he looks for a sensitive, feminine partner (moon in 7th). Sun trine rising also fits. (Double red hair whammy)
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Sun: Scorpio- the platonic energy is so so heavy here. Perfect fit.
Moon: Virgo- he has extreme level emotional control. Constantly able to adjust to any situation he's in and has a secretive caring nature
Rising: Scorpio- okok.. I was thinking capricorn originally because bone structure. But he is the epitome of darkness, dreams and he gives sun 1st/12th house energy. I honestly think his sun conjuncts his ascendant. Also leo would be in the 10th house. Fitting.
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Sun: Leo- def evil Leo vibes. Has to be the center of attention, unnaturally beautiful, powerful, and again. How many characters gotta have red hair?? Forreal.
Moon: Aquarius- honestly her sun and moon being opposite is accurate. Especially the competitive, ambitious nature she has. I think the reason Feyre is able to keep up with her is because she is also a aqua moon. Both refuses to quit.
Rising: Scorpio- definitely drawn highly to Tamlin (sun falls in her 7th house) but gives off night court aesthetic (plutonic) I feel like Rhysand's sun would fall in her 12th (hidden enemies). Feyre's rising in the 7th would also fit because they're open enemies (it'd be at the end of the 7th house but still).
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roleplay-searcher · 7 months
27 years old - TMZ UTC/GMT-3 - only 20+ y/o rp partners - Please DNI, if you're younger than that.
- 3rd person, with a preference for multiple paragraphs replies. It's not novella style, but I won't do one-liners. - I'm looking for long-term partners, I love plotting out extensive threads and AUs or verses. - I want our RPs to be pretty chill, I'm not a particularly fast-replier. So, my partner shouldn't rush into replies. - Open for SFW and NSFW rps. Triggers and further boundaries will be discussed via DMs. - With all due respect, I don't interact/RP with Self-inserts or kins. - No OCs or crossovers, sorry! - You don't need to know every little detail about the source material. I'll be more than glad to try help you out refresh your memory, or even discuss things. I'm cool with canon divergences.
I'm looking for Saint Seiya/Knights of the zodiac/cavaleiros do zodíaco RPs on Discord!
I have watched the classic series, as well as the Soul of Gold OVA. Manga-wise, I've read episodes Zero and G. I'm currently keeping up with the Re-rise of Poseidon. I may be hesitant to write with muses from more recent spin-offs and movies, bc I still haven't watched them.
Characters I'm offering: Cancer Deathmask, Virgo Shaka, Taurus Aldebaran, Scorpio Milo , Gemini Kanon and Saggitarius Aiolos.
Characters I'm looking to write with: Gold saints (Happy to interact with any, but ESPECIALLY looking for: Aries Mu, Pisces Aphrodite, Aquarius Camus, Gemini Saga) > Bronze saints > Marinas generals (Chrysaor Krishna) > Silver saints > Hades spectres.
Romantic Ships: Mu/Aldebaran, Aphrodite/Deathmask, Camus/Milo, Krishna/Shaka and Saga/Shaka
These are my most wanted ships rn. I don't have any NOTPs, so I'm open to any combinations! Further elaboration in DMs!
Familial connections: Saga & Kanon and Aiolos & Aiolia
Considering how a good chunk of this serie's fans are Brazilians, I'm willing to RP in Portuguese as well!
Like this post and I will reach you out!
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starrysunbeam · 2 months
~your ic & creature comforts~
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the imum coeli (aka 4th house) in your natal chart speaks to how you were raised, family dynamics, and domestic life.
i also think it tells us about our comfort zone, what feels like a safe space & soothes our soul.
below are my interpretations of each ic sign’s “creature comforts”. take what resonates.
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aries ic ~
reality or competition tv, sports games, car rides, coffee and energy drinks, fast food
taurus ic ~
leftovers, snacks, cooking, body care (lotions, bath bombs, etc), naps, gardening, pets or farm animals, candles
gemini ic ~
podcasts, museum/zoo trips, intimate gatherings, journaling, gossiping with friends
cancer ic ~
plushies, milk or tea, ice cream, blankets, record player, cuddling with a loved one
leo ic ~
movies, cartoons, haircare, board games, making art
virgo ic ~
books, pets, puzzles, podcasts, knitting, indoor plants
libra ic ~
romcoms, perfumes, sleepovers, baking, redecorating, yoga, beauty regimens
scorpio ic ~
tarot, s*x toys, horror movies, blogging or writing in a diary, pinterest, chocolate
sagittarius ic ~
camping, vacations, hosting dinner parties, fishing or hunting, souvenirs, collectibles
capricorn ic ~
wine & dine, watching the news, chess or other strategic games, crystals, coffee
aquarius ic ~
video games, anime, online shopping, facetime, blogging
pisces ic ~
meditating, incense, listening to their playlists, swimming or going to the beach, time with grandmother or older family members, painting, adult coloring books
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astro-tag-9 · 4 months
What sign the signs need in their life
(All placements in the signs)
Aries: needs a Pisces and/or Gemini.
Taurus: needs a Leo and/or Cancer.
Gemini: needs an Aries and/or Pisces.
Cancer: needs a Virgo and/or Taurus.
Leo: needs a Taurus and/or Sagittarius.
Virgo: needs a Scorpio and/or Cancer.
Libra: needs a Capricorn and/or Libra.
Scorpio: needs a Virgo and/or Scorpio
Sagittarius: needs a Leo and/or Aquarius
Capricorn: needs an Aquarius and/or Libra.
Aquarius: needs a Sagittarius and/or Capricorn
Pisces: needs a Gemini and/or Aquarius
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thedarkoneswithin · 2 years
The Zodiac Signs during a tornado
Aries: Takes vertical photos of the tornado and goes live on tiktok to film it.
Taurus: Sees warning on the news and is the first one to hide in the basement. May come upstairs to take canned food for survival but eats all of it as the tornado passes by.
Gemini: Chases the tornado in their car and goes inside of it but somehow survives...
Leo: They're the news guy that's freaking out on live tv.
Virgo: Decides to drive around the neighbourhood and warns everybody who doesn't know their is a tornado.
Libra: Never knew but survived anyways.
Scorpio: Saves everybody else but doesn't make it to the basement in time and gets yeeted 500m in the air by the tornado.
Sagittarius: I won't stop driving this stolen Lamborghini till I make to Russia!
Aquarius: Is the tornado.
Pisces & Cancer : Nobody knows where they are but they somehow survived. Gemini concludes that it was the survival bunker they made a few years ago in case this would happen.
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imagineastrology · 4 months
🩷 When the signs like you 🩷
Aries Moon: Becomes playful, bold, and you won’t miss their advances, shows off.
Taurus Moon: They will want to be more physical with you, buys you things, and stares at you.
Gemini Moon: Becomes inquisitive about you, sends you random texts (or memes) throughout the day, becomes a hurricane of fun facts and trivia.
Cancer Moon: Asks you deep questions, checks in with you, and wants to experience things that can heighten your emotions, such as watching films together. 
Leo Moon: Actually asks for reassurance, loud, and loads of compliments.
Virgo Moon: Reminds you of the little things, dreamily thoughtful, and will become talkative and will want to gossip.
Libra Moon: Wants to do everything with you, wants to share what they have, and likes to engage in intellectual discussions with you. 
Scorpio Moon: You feel them opening up, and becoming philosophical, softer and playful, likes to take charge of your life, and will ask thought-provoking questions about you and your soul.
Sagittarius Moon: Acts like they don’t need you, but their actions want to involve you in fun, exploring or trying new activities together, wants to excite you.
Capricorn Moon: Praises and celebrates you, builds you up, will offer to pay for things to show you that they can provide, may take you out to events as a partner. 
Aquarius Moon: Becomes a protector, and you feel you can be your truest, and nonsensical self, may playfully want to be devil’s advocate with you. 
Pisces Moon: Becomes even more sensitive than what you thought was possible, sends you songs with hope that you’ll pick up their hidden message, copies you (but it’s cute okay) and may even pick up your mannerisms.
~ Imogen :) x 🩵
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astuteology · 6 months
Warning: DO NOT read if you're sensitive to SA/BULLYING
Astrological observations:
Sun in the 4th/7th/8th/10th/12th: might have been very badly bullied from the young age. The 1st bully could've been their siblings or cousins. They used to beat you for no reason. They lacked empathy and sympathy for you.
Pluto in the 1st/8th: might have experienced some kind of a sexual trauma when they were child (between the age of 5 and 13) or in their teenage. Random guys might have sneakingly touched you, and acted like they did nothing. No one helped you.
Lilith in the 1st/8th: we all know guys become disgustingly obsessed with people having this placement that even if the person rejects them, they threaten to beat them, k*ll them, r*pe them, or destroy everything they have like post fake n*des.
Scorpio, aries, cancer mars/moon: might have been sexually abused by a male figure in their family or relatives.
Scorpio in the 7th/ pluto in the 7th/ Lilith in the 7th/ mars in the 7th: guys might have only approached you with the intention of getting into your pants. They were desperate to have s*x with you. Made you uncomfortable whether alone or in a group, and no one believed you.
Neptune square ascendant, mars, pluto, sun/ ascendant square/conjunct Lilith: majority of people might have sl*tshamed you. Spread s*xual rumours about you for no reason. Portrayed you as a wh*ore.
Libra, aries, Capricorn, aquarius, gemini, scorpio placements: might have been very badly treated in friendships, relationships, at home, in group settings, by peers, by teachers, by literally anyone. Few people might have tried to trade you into something you don't wanna do. Forced you. Crossed your boundaries without your permission. Forcefully kissed you, grabbed you, touched your private parts, made you s*ck their c*ck.
All these said placements might be suffering from hopelessness, no will to live, suicidal tendencies, unexplainable anger, numbness, irritability, random emotional outbursts, severe depression, severe anxiety, GPPPD, vaginismus, sexual trauma, heavy trust issues that cant seem to heal. And im not stating that its astrological flaw that you suffered all that, but these placements are very prominent in those who suffered. You are not alone, and youre stronger than that and I promise you, they're gona get their karma.
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harmoonix · 9 months
Short solar return observations
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H a r m o o n i x
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*This chart has nothing to do with your natal chart, Solar return charts happen every year *only* after your birthday. Not before, so make sure to make your solar return chart only after your birthday has passed* 🪽☀️
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Saturn in the 7th house = Relationships can be a struggle or hard to understand for you this year. You may spend some time alone thinking of your past relationships and healing yourself (for those who may have been broken up)
Sun in the 1st house = You got a lot of focus upon yourself this year. You may shine this year and everything looks nice for you
Pluto in the 4th house = Maybe moving from your home/house somewhere else? Intensity and changing in your family members lives
Venus in your 10th house = You can experience a good glowup this year. Maybe at your job or workplace (if you work) maybe you met a lover this year at your job
Mars/Lilith/Saturn or Pluto in the 11th house = May bring fake friends or arguing with your friends a lot this year, be careful to not get betrayed by friends
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Sun in the 6th house = You have to focus a lot on yourself this year, maybe on your needs and on your health is very needed. You may also look for a job to work for or you may adopt a pet
Moon in the 8th house = You can find yourself being very intense and moody this year, you may be surrounded by people who have been hurt by others this year and you can help them
Uranus in the 7th house = You can met unexpected people this year, or even having relationship with them. It may be any kind of relationship. You can end up with an unexpected circle of people
Aries/Leo Moon = You can gain a lot of confidence this year, trusting yourself more everyday and get stronger day by day
Gemini Rising/Mercury/Moon = You can find yourself being more communicative and more social this year, you can end up with having good conversations with others and gain a good social life
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Sagittarius Mercury in your Solar Return chart can indicate learning a new language or having a passion towards learning a new language in that year
Having your solar return chart with the same placements as you natal chart can indicate that the specific year may be an easy year for you
Pisces Moon/Venus in your solar return chart can indicate a lot of love towards your passions, whatever passion you have make sure to follow it and to complete it
Leo Rising in your solar return chart can indicate a big glow up about the way you view yourself in that specific year, you can change a lot of things about yourself
Aquarius Venus or Aquarius in the 7th house can indicate meeting a lover online or having an online relationship that year, maybe even making friends in online
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Cancer Moon/Cancer Rising can indicate spending more time with your mother in that year, like having a good bound between a mom - child relationship
Jupiter in the 9th house in your solar return chart can indicate good grades in your school. Having luck at your school/highschool/university etc but also traveling a lot in that year
Venus - Chiron aspects in your solar return chat indicate healing yourself and the traumatic episodes that may happened in the past.
Saturn in the 1st house = Can indicate a fear about their appearance or maybe an insecurity about the way they look, you'll improve yourself a lot when you have this placement in your solar return chart
Virgo Moon/Virgo Rising can indicate that you may tend to focus on work and on your health, but also you can be quite criticizing that year, you can blame yourself a lot when you have this placement
Aries/Mars in the 4th house = Intensity around their family, you may have arguments often in your house but there can also be that you spend less time with your family that year
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Sun/Venus in the 11th house= Attracting a lot of friends or you just tend to be more into friends relationships in that specific year. Good relationships
If you work or have a job and you have Venus in you 2nd house in your SR chart you can make good money that year, you can actually be blessed financially
Jupiter in the 11th house can indicate a desire that may come true year. 11th house is also the house of desires/wishes and Jupiter will expand that way more
Pluto/Neptune in the 12th house in your SR return chart can indicate you can experience weird dreams that year, some of them can be signs from your spirits
Sagittarius Moon in your SR can mean that you may start a journal/album that year, the subject can be about whatever happens in your life in that current year
Lilith in the 1st house in your SR chart can attract a lot of envy from people that year, you may look very attractive in this specific year and that can create envy around you
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Jupiter in the 2nd house in your solar return chart can indicate having luck with money and your finances.
Hekate (100) in the 12th house in your solar return chart can indicate you can have a very powerful intuition that year or you can be more aware of your spirituality
Pluto/Lilith in the 6th house can cause questions about your health in that year so if you have these placements in your SR chart make sure to call a doctor for a body check
I have seen people worrying about having Jupiter in the 1st in their SR return charts saying they can gain weight, which at some circumstances it can be right but it can show a good development of your personality that year
Moon - Saturn harsh aspects in your SR return chart can indicate being a bit anxious that year about some specific thing happening in your life or a fear that you have to let out
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Mars - Moon aspects in your SR return chart can mean that you may develop string emotions like anger and frustration that year. You may need to calm down a bit when it's happening in that year
Mercury in the 5th house = Can be a good year to make a good impression about yourself in case you had bad impressions in the past
Sun in the 7th house in that year can prioritize relationship a lot, you may met someone who you may prioritize or be obsessed with that year
Mars/Saturn in the 1st > If you decide to do gym in this specific year, it can help you to gain some muscles easier, also a lot of personality development
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✦ ✧ - Good day to everyone, have you ever checked your solar return? Your solar return will predict what happens in that specific year for you, and here I made some observations of some placements I met through some people charts, there are not quite a lot but I will make more parts of this in the future 🔜✨
✨ Have a blessed day and a very very very warming mood to be around you during this wonderful day ✨
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