#gekko hayate
liss-art · 1 year
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Sometimes I draw VERY random characters.
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whotookmysenbon · 4 months
@selenophilephile My mom said you ordered a pot of her most caffeinated tea? We don’t normally do delivery, but we’ll make an exception because I’m off duty today. Were you planning to, er, you know, pay for that pot of tea?
Tea, pot, tip and all. We're running on fumes over here. Literal gods sent gift, you are.
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bh-52 · 1 month
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selenophilephile · 6 months
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*Hayate on hearing that Yugao was poisoned and chewed up in taijutsu as part of ANBU training*
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dante-heller · 1 year
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Oh... I guess I'll be watching her fight next time.
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mothervvoid · 1 year
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Yugao & Hayate
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secret-engima · 1 year
Any snippets or headcanon rambles for Calling for Rain? I’m sick and unable to sleep because of how stuffy my head is so I’d love to hear more about Yuriko and Iruka and Hayate’s genin days.
SO. Genin shenanigans with Team Iruka, or should I say *TEAM 7*. Because you just known I gotta distribute that cursed luck around a little. Besides that I feel like there's a very confusing and rapid cycle that the team numbers undergo, with numbers being available for reassignment either when a genin team graduates and separates or are wiped out, or if an intended team is failed by their sensei and sent back to Academy or into the corps. And so *really*, "Team 7" as a moniker by rights should be passed down at least once in between Kakashi's genin years and Naruto's. Probably more than once, considering the fanon that Team 7 has a Reputation™.
Their sensei is a civilian-born OC that I'm still working on the details of but so far I've decided that their sensei is a woman, who is small but mighty (and feral). Has sharp teeth that tends to be seen more often in those descended from the islands of Mist Country, but if you say that in her earshot you better be prepared for the consequences. I want her to have a special skillset but I'm still debating what kind. Anyway.
Like every Team 7, their first C-rank goes absolutely *pear shaped*, this may or may not have been the infamous Mission to Tea, but probably isn't? I cannot remember if I've state otherwise previously but my gut says that their first C-rank was likely something involving not so far afield. Like dealing with bandits bothering merchants in Land of Fire, or running supplies to some of the Konoha outpost towers dotted around the border. This is after the war mind you, so a supply running mission or a bandit dispersal should be a milk run.
I haven't hammered out exactly what happens, but I do know that things go hard south, be that an attack from rogue ninja or from bandits who are more skilled than a C-rank bargains for, and the genin get separated from their sensei in whatever chaos occurs, and during that, Hayate gets a lungful of something poisonous used by the attackers.
You might see where *that* is going down the line in his life.
Cue three kids, running around for at least a few *days*, possibly a week, separated from their sensei, green as grass and feral as wolf pups, trying to stay alive and also keep each other alive. Especially Hayate, who is not doing too hot. They end up running for the nearest village, hoping for a doctor, with Iruka and Yuriko trauma bonding very hard over keeping a wheezy, semi-conscious Hayate alive. The local village doctor *is* able to save Hayate's life, but not completely undo the damage that has been done, which is what leads to Hayate's chronic health/lung issues we see in the canon timeline. Despite his new wheezy condition, all three genin are able to rally and, using Yuriko's spiteful brain, Iruka's genius for traps, and Hayate's streak of common sense, they're able to essentially turn the entire village into a much more lethal version of Home Alone for the bad guys that come after them.
The leader of the bad guys who chased them probably gets through the traps and is Fully Ready for some mass villager and child soldier slaughter but that's about the second their sensei shows up, injured herself but having bested like- the entire rest of whatever group started this conflict, and mauls the guy. There's a lot of blood involved.
Taking Hayate *back* to Konoha to get looked at by medical shinobi is able to improve his condition somewhat, but by now only a healer on the level of Tsunade could fully cure him from the damage that's been done. For most genin, especially a sponsorless orphan genin like Hayate? That would be career ending. Very few jounin would want to deal with the added complications of a chronically ill genin, let alone sit back through the long recovery and rehab/adjustment period he needs to go through.
Hayate's sensei decks the first jounin that tells her to ditch the brat and either pick a new one out of Academy or throw the other two in the corps.
Hayate's team closes ranks around him, helping him through his adjustment period, and even helps getting him a sword master teacher, something he has always been interested in, but had thought impossible after his injury. His sword master, a fierce and elderly Uchiha woman, teaches him not only to master the blade, but to master his body and learn how to wring every drop of strength and lethality out of his new limits.
The team dynamic that formed in that hectic C-rank gets solidified and honed into something tight. Iruka is the trouble magnet, but also the trap master. Yuriko, who grew up in a wealthy merchant household, is the face of the group during anything that involve infiltration (the only time she bothers to use her etiquette lessons). Hayate, with his sword and health limits, is the backup (and often the braincell). Their sensei is basically there to haul their collective butts out of whatever fire Iruka set and forgot to arrange a way to put out. She also grills them on training, running them through team building exercises until they drop.
Some additional things now that I've done backstory building:
Iruka and Hayate have a very respectful and healthy fear of women thanks to their genin teammate and sensei. Arguably especially Yuriko, because they spent more than a few missions sharing a tent with her and know the power of her grudge holding abilities.
Iruka revenge pranks anyone who mocks Hayate for his health issues. *Anyone*. Anbu Hawk of that era had a very very very hard time explaining to his coworkers why his hair spontaneously turning fluorescent blue was totally his own life decision and not that he made the mistake of telling a genin with a cough to "know his limits" while in his chuunin identity and the genin's 14 year old teammate somehow stalked him to his apartment, dismantled his anbu grade security, and put an unremovable, scentless dye in his shampoo and now he has to wait for the dye'd hair to grow out enough to cut the colored part off.
Yuriko's parents were very :/ about her being put on a team with "mere orphans" instead of a clan kid because they already disapproved of her becoming a shinobi (but legally couldn't stop her), but at least if she was on a team with a clan boy there was a chance for marrying in. Yuriko took this as the sign to befriend her two orphan buddies and be the Most Ride Or Die Kunoichi Teammate to ever live. You might have noticed by this comment and the one in CfR about her becoming a genin corps member specifically to get disowned by them and realized she has Issues with her family. Like. Just in general. It's not just her parents. But that's a talk for another post probably.
Their chuunin exam took place in Kiri when Iruka was 16, not long after Iruka decided he wanted to become a chuunin teacher at Academy rather than a jounin (even though he had the potential to do so) which was basically fun trauma times for all. When their teacher told them they had basically been voluntold to go to the exams in Kiri rather than let any of the teams with important clan kids go, they all had a powwow about what they wanted out of this deathtrap of an assignment. Hayate wanted to be promoted to chuunin because he had his sights set on becoming a jounin sword master that would be eligible to take on an apprentice someday, Iruka wanted to be promoted so he could immediately sign up to be an Academy teacher.
Yuriko: I wanna wash out into the genin corps.
Iruka and Hayate, who know that of them Yuriko is actually the most terrifying when it comes to frontline combat: ... um.
Yuriko: my parents have been talking about arranging a marriage of suitable value once I make chuunin or jounin.
Her two friends: ...understandable, sounds like a plan.
You have no idea how many genin from other villages these three managed to terrify. No idea. And the confusion when Yuriko dropped out at the 3rd stage of 1 vs 1 matches was huge.
They were *probably* the only one of the three Konoha teams sent to survive? The other villages had similarly bad losses, one of them (Iwa or Suna maybe) potentially lost *all* the teams they sent. The three of them surviving an exam in Kiri should be far more of a warning flag of these three's skill in general than most people actually realize.
All three of them still hang out when they can, usually just hanging out in an apartment and chatting, but sometimes they spar and let loose, which is *hilarious* and chaotic when you consider their various specialties and that only Hayate officially has jounin rank.
Their sensei is still alive! And doing good all told. She may or may not have another group of brats following on her heels during the current part of CfR's timeline. She comes and checks in on her only Team 7 when she has time.
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favficbirthdays · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Hayate Gekko (2nd November)
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konohanohanare · 4 months
@selenophilephile “Okay, I have some free time, and I’m reasonably healthy. That doesn’t always happen at the same time! We can have a spar now. I just…don’t want Yugao to get uncomfortable, if we end up doing this a lot,” Hayate explains. He finds her pretty, and so he’s a little nervous about this.
Hanare smiles and finishes tuning her shamisen before setting it aside on the quilt spread on the grass.
“Hayate. Wonderful morning, isn’t it?”
He is nervous, she can tell, but she’s glad he approached her for this. She gets on her feet and rolls her shoulders, stepping away from her instrument and towards him, assuming her stance.
“I would love to. A bit of taijutsu first, as a warm up?”
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ruslanan · 28 days
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1/2 shinobi
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nightofhappylight · 6 months
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3 guesses on what they're seeing
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kankuroplease · 8 months
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Kenjutsu specialist break time~
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ladykissingfish · 3 months
*at the bar* 
Genma: Okay, I’ll ask: what’s up with Gai tonight?
Kakashi: What do you mean? 
Kurenai: He’s crying.
Asuma: He’s been crying for two hours.
Hayate: What did you do to him, anyway?
Kakashi: Nothing!  I just —
Gai, snot flying, through his tears: HE … KAKASHI SAID THAT I’M HIS HERO! *breaks into fresh sobs* I’m not worthy of such an honor!!
Kurenai, trying to soothe Gai: There there; you know it makes complete sense for him to say that, right?
Asuma: Exactly. You’ve built yourself up from nothing, and now you’re one of the strongest shinobi in Konoha.
Genma: I don’t think there’s a person alive that could stand against you, Gai. So you being Kakashi’s hero is perfectly normal, okay?
Hayate: Not to mention your kindness, your loyalty, and your dedication to your friends.
Kakashi, in his head: I just meant because he opened that jar for me earlier but …
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seoheesoo · 6 months
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selenophilephile · 6 months
//The silver lining: Hayate scored a really deep hit on Baki’s shoulder.
The cloud: Hayate’s last words were, “My sword’s stuck!”
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dante-heller · 2 years
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Dunno why Gekko's framed as an important character. From what I remember, which is very little, he didnt seem all that important.
Fuck I forgot half their names (But somehow remember Gekko)
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